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Join us in the atrium between services to learn about all the great stuff going on at Redeemer this fall!

Sunday School Resumes-

Sing and Play Kick Off- Sunday, August 27

First Day in Classrooms- Sunday, September 10

Family Camping Trip- Friday, Sept. 15 - Saturday, Sept. 16

We are excited to resume this fun fall tradition of spending some time playing and worshipping together in God's creation Watch for more details soon in your CFM emails, or contact Deacon Mary.

Fall Family Camp Weekend at Lutheranch

A new opportunity is offered by our closest Lutheran camp for a weekend of family fun! Families can find more information and register directly through their website.

Monster Mash and Pipe Screams- Friday, October 27

Our annual party brings all the little monsters out to play! Carnival games, pizza dinner, the fan-favorite 'Pipe Screams' concert with spooky music on our organ, and more! You don't want to miss it.

Family Advent Celebration and Christmas Program- Sunday, December 3

Rehearsals for the children's program will be during Sunday School in November with one mandatory dress rehearsal on Saturday, December 2nd.


WehaveSOOOOOOmanyfunandfaith-filledprogramsandeventscomingupforRedeemerkidsand families.Weneedvolunteerstomakethemhappen.Wehavesomeamazingpeopleonourteam already,butwhateveryourgiftsandavailabilityarethereisawaytousethemtohelpourkidsgrowin faith-andwewantyoutogrowinfaithwithus!

Asafaithcommunity,wemadepromisestothesekidsandtheirparentsintheirbaptismtosupportthem astheygrowinfaithWhetheryouhavekidsofyourownornot,youcanbeameaningfulpartoftheir faithstory,evenfrombehindthescenes.Wepromisetomatchyouwitharolethatyouarecomfortable with.ContactDeaconMaryforaconversationaboutwhatourneedsareandhowyoucancontribute.

Aug 27

Youth End-of-Summer Soiree

Our Middle School and High School Youth are invited to come join us aswecelebratetheendofsummerwith some fun and bonding activities. More details coming soon!



Confirmation Retreat

Confirmation students are invited to attend our Fall Confirmation Retreat. We will have worship, team-building, fellowship, and more! You won't want to miss this fun-and-faith-filled weekend! The total cost is $100 for everyone, (a $25 non-refundable deposit must be turned in to secure your spot by Sunday, September 17). Scholarships are available. Please contact Hillary with any questions.

Coming Up for Redeemer Youth...

August6:MS Mission Trip Thank You Reception & HS Parents and Beyond Gathering

August12:RSVP due for Youth Activity: TreeTop Quest

August13:HS Mission Trip Thank You Reception & MS Parents Gathering

August19:TreeTop Quest Youth Activity

August20:Fall Kickoff

August27: Youth End-of-Summer Soiree

September10: HS Parents and Beyond Gathering, Confirmation & Parents Meeting, HS Sunday School, Youth Service Project

September17:MS Parents Gathering, Confirmation, HS Sunday School, & Youth Synod Events/Summer Opportunities Meeting; Confirmation Retreat Signup Due by

September22-24: Confirmation Retreat

September24:No Confirmation, HS Sunday School, & HS Youth Group

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