2 minute read


Lutheran Church of the Redeemer’s mission concisely describes our central purpose. Our mission is first and foremost to create a community that aligns with the teachings of Christ and equips the community to do good work in God’s name.

For a number of years Redeemer’s slogan has been “Come Share Life.” Indeed, that is the purpose of our gathering around word and sacrament and in fellowship with God and one another. We embrace not only that invitation but also the commission to “go share life” in and with the world as well.

Based on the updated statements of our vision and mission, we offer an updated tagline:

Growing faithfully. Serving boldly.

Like its predecessor, this slogan articulates our core to tell everyone we are centered here as a community that benefits deeply from the nourishment of our faith and sharing it in service to others. The language is intentionally in present progressive tense: we are now and will be perpetually moving forward in our quest of growing faithfully and serving boldly.

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer is clear about our values:

●Love of God: We love a God of reformation who is constantly making all things new and whose free gift of grace makes us right with our Creator and with one another. It is this inclusive love of God that centers our congregation and allows us to embrace change as a sign of God’s continued presence.

●Love of neighbor:We love each person and value all as children of a loving God. We welcome all people to learn and serve with us as we strive to serve them through numerous outreach ministries. We value our community in Midtown, metropolitan Atlanta, the state of Georgia, our country and the world.

Love of each other: We love each other as Jesus loved us. This means treating everyone with respect and openness from a desire for understanding different perspectives. Diversity strengthens community. We value the support of and learning from one another in our Christian walk and thrive among people who show us grace.

Our theology is generous and grace filled. Our worship is centered on the invitation that Christ offers at the communion table: all are welcome in this place. That welcome flows through all we do and say. We affirm and value the lives of the marginalized. We open our arms to everyone who comes to share our love of God and all God’s people. To anyone who is marginalized by race, gender/gender identity, ability illness, sexual orientation, poverty or any other circumstance, our message must be clear: all are welcome here. 13

growing faithfully

serving boldly

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