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Next Steps
This plan will be submitted to the church council for review and approval. Once approved, the strategic plan will be delivered to the congregation through a series of congregation-wide conversations. Based on the feedback we receive in that process, we may complete a final edit.
After the council approves the plan, it will assign the plan to ministry teams and committee to serve as a guide for their planning over the five years. Council will determine their intent to ask ministry teams and committees to create action plans to be aggregated into a new document, a “tactical implementation plan.” This overarching plan will be useful in guiding the day-to-day work of each team and the wider staff.
This strategic plan is offered as the initial version of a document that will evolve over time, as project planning information and specifics are developed through the work of various committees in conjunction with their associated staff.
Committee members include:
Wren Carlson Lew Engle Billy Fuller Cindy Holler Donna Jennings Pastor Mark Larson Nathan Miller Jay Puckhaber Sharita Robinson Sally Rosser Rob Tanzola Jana Thomas Bob Boyd