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Youth Ministry @ Redeemer *ALL EVENTS VIRTUAL THROUGH OCTOBER 2020*
Faith Formation
Confirmation | 6-8 Grades | Sundays 9:30am-Begins 9/13 with Parent/Youth Information Meeting High School Sunday School | 9-12 Grades | Sundays 9:30am-Begins 9/13 Parent Classes | Middle School Parents/High School & College Parents
Youth Group | Middle School/High School/Combined-Connect with peers through faith-filled activities, lock-ins, retreats and more. • 2020-2021 Youth Ministry Calendar • 2020-2021 Youth Form (*Please complete for each student for the new school year.) ELCA Events | Southeastern Synod Events-Connect with the larger community of Lutheran Youth through National and Synod Gatherings.
Worship Assistant | Acolyte/Crucifer/Greeter-Serve our congregation by playing an integral part during worship. We utilize Signup Genius for scheduling purposes. Link available when in-person worship resumes. Mission Projects | Mission Trips-Serve our Core Spiritual Partners and others through our Fall, Winter and Spring Mission Projects as well as other opportunities to serve locally and farther reaching during our Mission Trips.
Join Us
Faith | Fun | Fellowship-Join us as we grow our faith together and serve others in Christ! Website | https://www.redeemer.org/connect/youth/ Facebook Group | www.facebook.com/groups/1130340993740556/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/atlyouthredeemer/
Hillary Nelson | Youth Director | hnelson@redeemer.org |