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Amazon Smiles Justice and Inclusion
Amazon Smile and Redeemer It seems like today is March 183 rd or maybe we are living in Groundhog Day (Bill Murray’s movie of 1993). During this pandemic, as we protect our loved ones and ourselves, online shopping is a big part of our new reality. Did you know you can shop online and support Redeemer? Because of COVID-19, Amazon is probably bookmarked in your favorites. Remember, you can shop online and support Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. It is super easy! Lutheran Church of the Redeemer has an Amazon Smile account! When you shop online at smile.amazon.com/ch/58-0593421, AmazonSmile donates to Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer? This is a simple, easy, automatic way to continue supporting Redeemer. You start your Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com and select Lutheran Church of the Redeemer as your beneficiary or click on https://smile.amazon.com/ch/58-0593421. You shop as you normally would on the site, at no extra cost to you, and you don't need to make a separate account. You'll be able to tell you're shopping from the correct page if you see the AmazonSmile logo in the corner of the page and "Supporting Evangelical Church of the Redeemer" below the search bar. When you hover over the name of the charity, you can see additional information about it and track the donation amount you've generated through your purchases. Select Lutheran Church of the Redeemer at smile.amazon.com.