2 minute read
Are you familiar with the term, “Columbarium?”
By definition, a Columbarium is a room or building with niches for funeral urns to be stored. Our Columbarium is located in the peaceful Garden between the Atrium and the Sanctuary. Did you know we have had a Columbarium for almost a quarter of a century? On October 15, 1996 the Congregation Council approved a plan to establish a Columbarium Ministry at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (LCR). All members in good standing of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer and their immediate families are eligible. The Columbarium is open anytime the Church is open.
By nature, many of us are planners…but sadly we often fail to make our final arrangements. Do you a have an updated Will? Have you made your final arrangements? If you would like more information and click the Resources Tab and then click on Columbarium and Funerals. There is also a worksheetto assist you with planning.
If you have an interest in purchasing a niche or niches, please contact Bob Boyd at bboyd@redeemer.org. The cost for each niche is $1,100 and this includes a $250 tax deductible contribution.
When is one allowed to visit the Columbarium/Memorial Garden?
The area will be open at all times when the church is open to the public and on special occasions. No flowers, real or artificial, shall be allowed in the area except at the time of interment.
How does the cost compare to funeral and burial expenses?
Expenses for funerals with viewings and burial average about $4,000-$6,000. Upright stone monuments and outer burial containers can escalate the cost by several thousands more. The cost of cremation is about $600 -$1,000. A Columbarium niche or garden spot at Redeemer is $750. $250 of this amount is considered to be a tax deductible contribution to the church.
Can urns be used in the Columbarium niches?
No. The niches are designed to hold containers which are furnished with your purchase of a niche.
The six member Board of Trustees will be comprised of five members appointed by the Congregation Council plus the Congregation's Treasurer. Each Trustee will be appointed for a three year term.
How can a niche or plot be purchased?
Purchase of a Columbarium niche or Memorial Garden plot may be made by submitting a signed application and full payment to the Columbarium/Memorial Garden Fund. The right to select a particular niche will be given to purchasers in the order in which applications are received. Garden plot locations are assigned according to a specific plan.