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Community Partners
To promote services that enhance the stability, health, wellness and safety of individuals and families in need in Georgia. www.weinspirit.org. * Eli Flournoy eliflournoy69@gmail.com
An interfaith ministry supported by
Midtown congregations and businesses that provides emergency assistance to the working poor to prevent homelessness

Habitat partners with working families, sponsors and community to build affordable, green, quality homes and provide support services that promotes successful home purchase and ownership.

* Carol Maxwell | 678-393-1367
maxwell91705@bellsouth.net and hunger during periods of crisis. Our mission is to eradicate homelessness * Richard Mauney 404-775-3359 by empowering women and their richardemauney@gmail.com children to overcome life?s challenges, realizing their potential, define their own destiny, and become vital factors in the revitalization and sustainability of their community. We provide supportive housing services for approximately 350 To break the chains of homelessness by women and children annually. providing quality early childhood Solomon Smallwood 404-559-3276 education and comprehensive support ssmallwood@tsgfm.com services to families experiencing * Carol Swisher cswisher@me.com homelessness. * Carol Maxwell * Jeanne Merritt | 404-314-6408 Maxwell91705@bellsouth.net jpmerr27@gmail.com * Redeemer Member
To bring an awareness to the congregation of the crimes of sex trafficking of children in metro Atlanta and the state of GA; to work as legislative advocates; to recruit volunteers to assist in a variety of ways in service to the victims, ages 12-17, at Wellspring living

* Sharon Jeffries | 770-314-6820 sajquilt@gmail.com

To help domestic sex trafficking victims and the vulnerable develop the courage to move forward and the confidence to succeed. Wellspringliving.org * Amy Carpenter | 404-550-3314 amy.carpenter@comcast.net
Provides support for the Health, Education, and Welfare of children and families in profoundly needy areas of Nicaragua * Leith Fitch | 404-281-0995 leithalpa@aol.com * Carol Swisher | 404-578-8884 cswisher@me.com
GJP represents and supports individuals in the criminal justice system, reducing barriers to their re-entry into society and reducing recidivism. GJP provides direct legal representation, education, policy advocacy and coalition building, while caring for and encouraging family wholeness. Douglas Ammar | 404-827-0027 x. 228 dougeGJP.org
We exist to Marshall human, financial, and other resources to assist Veterans in their plight to lead a productive life. Contact: Rev. Eldson McGhee 770-985-3260. eldsonmccghee@gmail.com, * rbonner@redeemer.org