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Baptism at Redeemer
Greetings! We are so glad you are interested in Baptism at Redeemer. Please read the following carefully, and don't hesitate to reach out with questions. I am happy to talk you through the options, get to know your family better, and provide you with the form when you are ready to schedule a baptism.
With guidance from the Redeemer Covid Task Force, we can only offer 'private' baptisms for the time being. This means:
One family at a time (which means one per week). the child getting baptized, siblings, the parents, the sponsors (godparents), and 2 representatives of the congregation would be the only ones physically present.
The baptism service will start at 12:30 on a Sunday, and will include just the baptismal liturgy.
Protocols will still be followed as much as possible (masks except for infants, 6 feet apart, etc.).
One of the parents will hold the child the whole time, including the sprinkling (instead of handing him/her over to the pastor).
The baptism service will be streamed live, and you will receive a copy of the recording afterward.
There cannot be any fellowship/reception held at the church, and we strongly encourage that any personal gatherings follow CDC guidance.
You will choose the date, and as long as it does not conflict with another baptism, any Sunday is available.
This type of baptism can be scheduled now (while we are in Phase 1), and will continue through the beginning of Phase 2* (whenever we are able to start it). When we have done a few in-person services following the Phase 2* guidelines, we will discuss incorporating baptism and let you know the new options.
Now, the important stuff:
We want so badly to celebrate this special milestone with your family, and it's one of the many losses caused by this pandemic that we cannot offer the celebration we normally would. Our apologies.
If you are feeling urgency to get this done, we are more than happy to schedule a baptism as described above. Even if you can't all be together, it may be very meaningful for your child's 'village' to celebrate her/him and just have a hopeful and joyful event to focus on.
However, there is no deadline for getting your child baptized. Not set by Redeemer or by God. God knows and loves your child already, and offers daily grace. The Redeemer community is already walking alongside your child in a journey of faith. We look forward to the day when we can publicly acknowledge that and wrap them up in these beautiful traditions, but if you want to wait, that's fine too. God is patient.
Whatever decision you make will be 100% the best one for your family; we do not expect everyone to make the same decision.
In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck Director of Children and Family Ministries mhouck@redeemer.org 770-778-7085 *Phase 2 will be services with about 10 worship leaders and 40 participants, for a total of no more than 50. Strict protocols will still be in effect and there will be no congregational singing. Any contact less than 6 feet apart will be as minimal as possible.