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Rejoicing Spirits

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Rejoicing Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth! —Psalm 98:4 Spirits Join us for Worship!

Rejoicing Spirits celebrates and values every person’s talents and gifts, offering people of all abilities an opportunity to lead and serve their faith community. Sunday at 3:30 pm on Zoom

The service is followed by fellowship time, also on Zoom. Once a Month February 9 June 14 September 13 March 8 July 12 October 18 April 19 August 9 November 15 May 17 December 13 www.redeemer.org/rs

About Rejoicing Spirits


Rejoicing Spirits is a worship service for people of all ages and abilities. It is worship that encourages all to share their gifts in a comfortable, shush-free setting where difference is celebrated and ‘can’t’ is thrown out the window.

We are all beloved children of God and everyone needs a place to worship joyfully and a community to worship with them. Caregivers are a valued part of our worshiping community as well. Or maybe you are just listening to God ' s call to help us surround our ' rejoicers' with a loving community. Everyone is welcome to worship with us! Currently, Rejoicing Spirits is meeting on Zoom, and we will continue to offer online access to our services. We understand that many individuals with special needs are at high risk from Covid-19, and are making plans to provide access even when our other services are meeting in person again. We typically worship on the second Sunday of the month at 3:30 pm. When there is a conflict (like a major holiday) we worship on the third Sunday of the month. See the 2020 schedule opposite.

Click here to join our mailing list.

Contact Deacon Mary Houck for more information at mhouck@redeemer.org

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