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Fall Small Groups
Small Groups this Fall Choose a book and choose a group
In Living into Community explores four specific Christian practices -- gratitude, promisekeeping, truthtelling, and hospitality -- that can counteract those destructive forces and help churches and individuals build and sustain vibrant communities. Drawing on a wealth of personal and professional experience and interacting with the biblical, historical, and moral traditions, Pohl thoughtfully discusses each practice, including its possible complications and deformations, and points to how these essential practices can be better cultivated within communities and families. 6 week study

In an era where we seem to be increasingly divided along racial lines, many are hesitant to step into the gap, fearful of saying or doing the wrong thing. But change begins with an honest conversation among a group of Christians willing to give a voice to unspoken hurts, hidden fears, and mounting tensions. These ongoing dialogues have formed the foundation of a global movement called Be the BridgeLatasha Morrison shows how you can participate in this incredible work. With conviction and grace, she examines the historical complexities of racism. She expertly applies biblical principles, such as lamentation, confession, and forgiveness, to lay the framework for restoration. Along with prayers, discussion questions, and other resources to enhance group engagement, Be the Bridge presents a compelling vision of what it means for every follower of Jesus. 5
week study.
Here are the details: Zoom –All Small Group gatherings are on Zoom this Fall. Dates –Groups will start after Labor Day and be 5 or 6 weeks depending on the book you choose and when you would like to start. Sign-up - starts Aug. 16 with Fall Kick-Off and ends Sept 6. Sign up in Realm or email Karen Medford to sign up Kmedford@redeemer.org Book –Each person purchases their own book. Small Groups—will be led by Redeemer members, and we can still add groups. The groups will be up to 12 people. Neighbors and friends are also welcome! Even people that live far away.