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Sunday School
Sunday School Sunday School is a great way to fulfill the promises you made in baptism and one of the ways our congregation fulfills the baptismal promises we make as a community. We look forward to this journey of faith with your children, and hope it is a time of spiritual growth for your whole family. We will be making adjustments as the year goes on to ensure health and safety. Thank you for your flexibility, and we look forward to your presence in our community whether it is on a screen or face to face!! First Day of Sunday School is September 13th!
How to Participate in Sunday School at Redeemer:
Because of the Pandemic, SS will start online. We will still do monthly Sing and Play days with music and fun as a large (virtual) group. Most weeks, however, we will divide into four 'classrooms' according to age group (which may be adjusted as the year goes on). Each semester is divided into two parts, and we will make decisions about each part according to the recommendations of the Redeemer Covid Task Force. This allows us to be fully prepared when the time comes when we can safely and joyfully resume classes in person. Please note that even when we do resume in person, we will also continue to offer a virtual option.
Complete a new registration for the current year for each student. For the 20-21 school year, advance registration is required for all participants whether we are meeting digitally or in person. All registration will be online. You can find the form at this link.
Virtual Sunday School is from 10:15-10:45 on Zoom. Please be present to provide your child the support needed for participation. Some kids will need a parent present the whole time, some can participate well on their own. You know your child's needs.
Our Sunday School teachers and assistants are volunteers who give their time and energy because they love kids and are devoted to helping them grow in faith. While parents of participants are not required to help in our classrooms, you are most welcome to do so. New volunteers usually start as teacher assistants, meaning someone else plans and leads the class, and you get to just show up, help as needed, and have fun with the kids! As we begin the year virtually, additional adults in the 'classroom' would be helpful! Speak to Deacon Mary for more information.
Children with Special Needs are warmly welcomed in our Sunday School classes. Please speak to Deacon Mary about how we can create the best possible experience for your child. Please don't hesitate to bring questions and ideas regarding Sunday School to your child’s teachers, a member of the Faith Formation Team, or Deacon Mary. We are looking forward to a great year as we join the whole congregation in exploring our fall theme: Cultivating Community. In Christ, Deacon Mary Houck Director of Children and Family Ministries mhouck@redeemer.org 770-778-7085 Michelle Spady Volunteer Sunday School Coordinator children@redeemer.org