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Faith Stepping Stones

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Faith Stepping Stones living the promises of baptism "to live with them among God's faithful people, bring them to the word of God and the holy supper, teach them the Lord's Prayer, the

Creed, and the Ten Commandments, place in their hands the holy scriptures, and nurture them in faith and prayer, so that they may learn to trust God, proclaim Christ through word and deed, care for others and the world God made, and work for justice and peace." During the Service of Holy Baptism in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, parents make these promises. In Faith Stepping Stones, the Redeemer community works together with parents to fulfill them. Each year your family is invited to participate in the FSS for your child's age/grade offered at some point in the Sunday School year. Each class is designed to dive deeply into an aspect of faith (at your child's developmental level) and is accompanied by a blessing in one of our worship services when our whole congregation celebrates their growth. We can't wait to go on this journey of faith with your family! NOTE: In 2020 we are starting the year with virtual classes and events through at least October, including FSS. Please watch for announcements starting in October about future plans. FSS classes will occur at the same time as Zoom Sunday School (10:15- 10:45), but will all include some at-home components for families to do offline. If you prefer to stay entirely offline, please speak to Dn. Mary for options. Two Year Olds Sunday September 13: Parents and kids meet together. School Note: SS ages are determined similar to school: children who have turned 2 by August 1 are welcome. We celebrate the beginning of learning in Sunday School, an important part of their faith journey.

Three Year Olds Worship October 18: Parents Only. October 25: Parents and kids meet together; Blessing Worship is essential for children and children are essential to our worship! Parents will discuss strategies for worship with kids; kids will learn about and practice worship skills. PreKindergarten and Up Lord's Not sure if this the right year for your child? Supper Saturday, March 13: Parents and kids together. Speak to Dn. Mary March 14: Blessing in Worship (if possible!) This hands-on 'retreat' takes families on a journey that explores the meaning of this ancient ritual and how it fits into our modern faith.

Kindergarten Baptized March 21 and 28: Kids and parents meet separately March 28: Blessing We explore how God is active in our baptism, and how we live in response every day.

First Grade Lord's Prayer Feb. 21, 28 March 7: Kids and parents meet separately March 7: Blessing Focusing on the Lord's prayer, we will explore when and how prayer connects us to God and each other. We will also practice ways to pray with our bodies, hearts, and minds.

Second Grade Creeds November 1, 8, and 15: Kids and parents meet separately November 15: Blessing We explore what it means to believe, how to handle doubts, and how creeds help us express our faith. We also work to respect and understand those with different beliefs.

Third Grade Bible Adventure October 6, 20, 27: Kids and parents meet together 9:30- 10:45 October 27: Blessing in 11:00 service The Bible is not only the word of God, but it shares stories of the people of God on their journey of faith.

Fourth Grade CommandJanuary 10, 17, 24: Kids and parents meet ments separately January 24: Blessing Focusing on the Ten Commandments, we explore laws, rules, and authority as part of our faith. We discuss how grace frees us and also compels us to be our best selves.

Called and Sent Fifth Grade Fifth Graders will have events throughout the year including our annual lock in on Friday, January 22. See Dn Mary for more details We explore service to our families, friends, faith community, and neighbors both local and global. We will identify the unique spiritual gifts we have been given as tools for service.

Questions? We love to hear from you! Deacon Mary Houck Info about Parent Classes: Director of Children and Karen Medford Family Ministries Parish Nurse; Adult Faith mhouck@redeemer.org Formation Director 770-778-7085 kmedford@redeemer.org

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