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Adult Faith Formation

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Lutheranism 101

September 13, 20, 27, 0ctober 4, 2020

Have you ever wondered what it means to be 'Lutheran'?

Have you been a Lutheran your whole life and want know more about what we believe and why? Are you new and want to �nd out more? If so, Lutheranism

101 is the place for you!

Join Pastor Jonathan and Alan Boda for a 4 week study and discussion about all things Lutheran. While not required, 'Together by Grace, edited by Kathryn A Kleinhas, and available through Augsburg Fortress, will be a helpful resource for people who want to dig even deeper.

Adult Faith Stepping Stones

Even when you know where you are going it can be d���lt to follow the path. The Adult Faith Stepping Stone are steps in the faith journey that help adults discover meaning in our faith prac��� The classes are open to anyone, they corre

spond with classes ��� in the children’s Faith Stepping Stone program but with an adult prosp���� A great next step in your faith journey. These classes are taught by Michael Medford and Kris�n Guthrie

The Apostles’ Creed

What we believe. November 1, 8, and 15, 2020

The 10 Commandments

What they are and why they ����today. January 10, 17, 24, 2021


A look at the Lord’s Prayer, when we pray and how we pray together. February 21, 28, and March 7, 2021

Living Out Our Bap��

What bap�sm means to us now. March 21 , 28, 2021

All classes meet on Zoom at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings. Check the website

often. We are always adding new classes and updating the ongoing classes. Zoom links can be found on the website calendar.

������ Journey

Be Still and Journey

Facilitated by Pat Cornwell A class open to women of all ages. The intergener��onal conn���ns are so important and make for a richer experience. They discuss books, a��cles and do Bible studies. They will start �����fall with by discussion Be The Bridge, by Latasha Morrison. It will be a 5 week study beginning September 13, watch for update to see what is next.

Middle School Parents

A class for parents to meet and discuss what their children are learning in Con����on Class each week and the joys and challenges of being a parent of a middle schooler.

High School Parents

watch for informa�on coming soon.

Mysteries of Faith:

Applying Constructive Christian Theology To Modern Views of Classical Themes

All Redeemer members and guests are warmly invited to explore the rich, kaleidoscopic variety of Ch���an theological structures, genres, arguments, and insights. We seek to restore the deep insights of the classical tradi�on by bringing contemporary Chr���n theologians, writers, problems and experiences to bear on building a living theology for our ���We will discuss the w���gs of Dietrich Bonhoe�er, Je�rey Pugh, Reggie Williams, Garry Wills, and others. This discussion class, led by Peter Quist and Paul Hermann, encourages Redeemer pa��cipants: (a) to experience the deeper point of theological qu��ons; (b) to delve into the insights and con�icts that ��red in the development of trad��onal Chris�an doctrines, and (c) to sample the diverse theological voices that compete for a�en�on today. The enterprise of Ch���an theology today is both varied and exc��ng. In this class, Redeemer wants to invite you into this world and to p��cipate in the ����y of religious re��c�on along with a variety of theologians and religious scholars whose thought you will encounter. Our ��� class series commencing in September and going through October is “The Importance of Dietrich Bonho���in Cu��va�ng the Beloved Community.” Our distinguished guest lecturer, on Sept. 27 will be Dr. Reggie Williams, Associate Professor of Chri��an Ethics at McCormick Theological Seminary. Dr. Reggie Williams’s book Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus: Harlem Renaissance Theology and an Ethic of Resistance (Baylor University Press, 2014) was selected as a Choice Outstanding Title in 2015, in the �eld of religion. Please join us!

Other oppor���es for adults meet and learn throughout the week Tuesday Morning Bible Study 7:30 am Year-round study of the

books of the Old & New Testament are led by pastors and experienced lay teachers.

Early Bird Bible Study

Wednesday 4:00 pm

Join David �� in a discussion /studying as they walk through the book of Acts. St��ng back on September 9, 2020

Pastor’s Class Wednesdays at 6:00 pm

Join Pastor Mark as he leads a discussion on Chris�ne D. Pohl’s book Living into Community Cultivating Practices that Sustain Us. In Living into Community, Pohl explores four spec���hr���n prac�ces -- ���- tude, promise-keeping, truth-telling, and hospitality -- that can counteract those destruc�ve forces and help churches and individuals build and sustain vibrant commun��es.

Beyond Words Thursday at 7:00 pm

Watch for a new list of books, at this new �me with Peter Quist as the new leader. Everyone is welcome to the book discussion group.

ADLA Liberation Theology Book Club with Pastor Ron

10:00 am September 26, 2020:White Fragility by Robin Dangelo,

October 24,

2020:The Cross and the Lynching Tree James Cone, November 28, 2020:No Name in the Street by James Baldwin, December 2020:There will not be a session, January 23, 2021:Barracoon by Zora Neale Hurston, February 27, 2021: I’m ��ll Here by Au����anning Brown, March 27, 2021:The Search for Common Ground by Howard Thur


Tuesday Night Book Study with Pastor Jonathan

at 5:00 pm How to be a An� Racist by Ibram Kendi st��ng Sept. 1

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