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Faith Formation for Laity
Sunday’s in October2020
October 4, 11, 21, 28 - 2020
3:00-4:30pm EDT / 2:00-3:30pm CDT
via Zoom
October 4 - Worship 101: Why We Do What We Do October 11 - Say Her Name: Naming the Witness of Nameless Women in the Bible October 18 - With Glad and Generous Hearts: a Look at Stewardship of Self, Congregation, and Church October 25 - Telling the Story of Jesus: Evangelism in the 21st Century
More information and registration h�ps://www.elca-ses.org/
October 4: “Worship 101: Why we do what we do!” Led by: Deacon John Weit and Deacon Jennifer Baker-Trinity
“Christian worship is the communal encounter with the grace of God incarnate in Jesus Christ, and it involves the encounter with those concrete, flesh-and-blood things that connect us to the flesh of Jesus and so engage us in that grace. Welcoming others must involve welcoming them into this real community.” (Gordon Lathrop)
Have you ever wondered why we do what we do in worship and why it matters? How is your community “welcoming others into this real community”? Join this conversation and find out and ways you can engage your congregation. A helpful resource you may want to purchase is: “Worship Matters: An Introduction to Worship Participant Book” ($6.99/ea) from Augsburg Fortress. October 11: "Say Her Name: Naming the Witness of Nameless Women in the Bible" Led by: Pastor Mary W. Anderson
In this study, we will examine the witness of several women in the Bible whose names were never spoken, but whose faith continues to inspire our own. We will consider together the stories of a few women who are well-known in the Christian community and some whose stories are nearly forgotten.
October 18: “With glad and generous hearts: a look at stewardship of self, congregation and church.” Led by: Pastor Mike Ward
Where the disciples saw scarcity and thought people should depart before mealtime, Jesus recognized abundance and fed more than 5,000 people. Living life and leading congregations from an abundance perspective takes thoughtfulness and intentionality, especially during a pandemic. Join us for discussion to see how it is that generosity leads to our hearts being more connected with God and how generosity is all around us even in this pandemic. Ideas for your stewardship drive will be included in this discussion.