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Returning to Worship Congregational Care

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1) We will return to worship with ONE service at 11:00 a.m. We will be able to accommodate 50 people under Phase II conditions, increasing to 100 people when conditions have improved enough to move to Phase III; both numbers must also include the worship leaders. 2) You will be sent a separate link to make a reservation and fill out a health questionnaire and agree to these conditions for attending live, which will allow us to accommodate social distance and worship safely. 3) The nursery will NOT be open at this point. 4) Before leaving home the morning of your confirmed worship reservation, please take the temperatures of all family members attending worship. If you have a fever, are ill, have been exposed to COVID 19, or are at risk, we ask you to stay home and continue to worship with us via livestream. For the safety of Redeemer staff and congregants, we will NOT be taking temperatures at the door. 5) Worshipers will be required to wear masks/face coverings and maintain six feet social distance in the parking lot, atrium, narthex, and sanctuary. Please bring your face coverings from home, but we will provide masks to those who forget. No one will be able to enter Redeemer without

a mask or other face covering.

6) You will be guided as to where to park when you arrive. Only those needing assistance may be dropped off at the library entrance and will be guided to a waiting point until all family members arrive from parking. In the event of rain, any attendee may be dropped off by the library. 7) Entry to Redeemer will be through the doors by the library ONLY. Entry doors will be propped open to avoid use of door handles. Exit will be through the parlor (red awning) door ONLY. 8) While onsite, avoid touching all surfaces whenever possible. Drinking fountains will be closed, and bathrooms will be limited to one person at a time and will be cleaned between users. 9) Areas of the church other than the route to the sanctuary and designated restrooms and entrance/exit doors will not be available. In addition, no food or beverage services will be available. 10) Stations with offering plates and hand sanitizer will be located as you enter and leave the sanctuary. If you bring a paper or monetary offering, please place it in the plate and use hand sanitizer before being seated or as you leave. Online giving options will continue to be available. 11) Seats will be assigned based on reservations and physical distancing of household groupings, and you will be guided to your appropriate seat. 12) Pews will not have hymnals, Bibles, or red sign-in pads. All information needed will be printed in the bulletin, which you must take with you when you leave. You may bring your personal hymnal or Bible. 13) We will have a children’s sermon, but children will not come forward. 14) We will not yet have communion, but we will continue sharing the peace without physical contact. 15) While we will have music, it will NOT include congregational singing. The congregation may pray or read the words of our hymns, but please do not sing or hum. According to the CDC, singing has a greater risk of dispersing droplets and will not be allowed at the current time. 16) To reduce risk, please avoid congregating or socializing in the atrium. 17) For those who are ill, at risk, or uncomfortable with/unable to follow these guidelines for inperson worship, we will continue to offer services via the livestream online.

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