Redeemer Record Vol 24 Issue 2 - December 2007

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Record Volume 24



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Number 2

December 2007


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• Redeemer Fair • UK / Paris Trip • Class of 1987 and 1997 Reunions ABN 40 618 603 690


redeemer record

True Blue. I think these words apply to Redeemer. Not only does this term echo our school colours, all three shades of them, but it also alludes to a certain integrity, a strong set of Christian and Australian values, which we espouse. These include honesty, industriousness, resilience, commitment, compassion and fairness. To be genuine Christians, such actions and attitudes will be real evidence of the faith we have in our God. To be true blue Australians, such notions are vehemently embraced and espoused across the nation. They are the type of values, which if pursued seriously, can make a school great. If compromised, they will begin to corrode its moral fibre and eventually its effectiveness and viability. As Christians we know that we can never achieve them perfectly, but at Redeemer we constantly aspire to these values. In a year in which our integrity as a Christian school which cares for its students and conducts its life in an honest and caring manner has been questioned, it is fitting that we reiterate these values with even greater enthusiasm and commitment. Despite some adverse media coverage early in Term 3, we have enjoyed a wonderful end of year. The

Re d e e me r Fair

Saturday 27 October 2007

whole college community has rallied and we have had a wonderful crop of Year 12 graduates who finished the year with distinction. We find ourselves in the midst of physical change, a refurbished administration block, C Block converted into a commodious staff room, H Block teachers just about to enjoy an upgrade to their home base, a major overhaul of Home Economics facilities, the Tuckshop precinct enlarged and improved and F block converted to a headquarters for Information and Communication Technology staff. And that is not to mention the new facilities that are planned to be built over the next twelve months. Stages 1 and 2 of the Junior School, delayed because of a slow passage through Brisbane City Council, are now looking more possible. We are erecting another two classrooms for Years 6 and 7 in the Middle School. And we are also adding an industrial kitchen and a functions centre able to seat up to 120 diners to the Home Economics area. Two new soccer pitches for the Stolz Sportsfields will soon be underway as well. Takes your breath away. A good time to make a donation to the building fund. True blue!


WEDNESDAY 24 October 2007

Mr Richard Hauser Head of College

C HAP L A I N ’S COLUM N Redeemer is a Christian school. From the outset its spiritual life has been a central focus. However, as a school its primary task is education in the broad sense. Redeemer does this well, and the Christian faith has been the framework that has embodied it. Although that is written in to our official documentation, and although its presence is clearly seen in the school every day, it is not a situation that can be taken for granted. It needs to be foremost in the minds of people. In a culture which prides itself on tolerance, the Christian faith offers something singular and exclusive. Although we take seriously the importance of inclusiveness in all kinds of ways, and although we value the uniqueness and giftedness of all of our students, there is also a sense in which we are not inclusive. On the one hand we are respectful of different opinions, yet on the other hand we affirm the words of the apostle Paul: “The Jews look for signs, and the Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified.” (1 Cor.1:22). We preach that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life; not just one possible alternative, but the way. We do not understand this to be compatible with other 2

Redeemer Record 2007

worldviews. As a school pastor, it is my particular responsibility to uphold this, and every day I must strike a balance between holding singularly to the faith I have vowed to live by and promote, and yet respecting that others hold different views which may be conflicting with my own. This I must respect. The Redeemer community has changed considerably this year with the addition of the Junior School. Whilst there have been frustrations with its development, it is nevertheless a vibrant little community, and it adds a rich dimension to school life. Every single student was new to the Junior School this year, and it’s been wonderful to see the relationships grow. As a parent of children in the Junior School I make trips across to the Junior School every day, and in some ways it feels like crossing over to a different world. And yet in other ways it doesn’t. There is something very familiar going on. It is still a place of sound education within the framework of Christian values. Many people comment on how Redeemer is changing. They’re right – it is. Yet in other ways it is still the same Redeemer. In the many changes that Redeemer has experienced we can continue to make the Christian faith a central part of our life together.

2 0 0 7 UK / PA RI S T OUR

20 september - 4 October 2007

Pastor Paul Thiele Chaplain Redeemer Record 2007


Jun i o r S ch ool

P re p 2 0 0 7 Our Graduating Class of 2019

2007 has been a year of new teachers, new students, new families, new experiences and new adventures for the Junior School.

Our highlights this year include: •

The first Chapel service - so many new, eager and excited faces.

Establishing the Junior School has been an exciting journey, sometimes challenging, but on the whole, rewarding.

Having our play fort installed, providing the students with opportunities to move, climb, slide and swing.

‘Thank you’ to the Junior School staff for your dedication, enthusiasm and flexibility throughout the year.

The entertaining performances at Redeemer Fair.

Our Book Week activity celebrations.

Our Friday Assemblies where we gather to worship and affirm one another.

The inaugural Sports Day which was well organised and run. Fun was had by all.

And of course, the upgrades to the Junior School facilities, such as our new office demountable and concrete paths.

‘Thank you’ to the parents for your patience, interest, vision, belief in the Redeemer community and volunteer work in the classroom. ‘Thank you’ to the students for your eagerness, compliance and smiling faces. ‘Thank you’ to the extended Redeemer Community for your support, guidance and prayers.

Mrs Kelli McKeiver Head of Junior School

On the 31st of January

loved her first day at school. With our first busy year off and running

started to learn how to use the laptops.

We had a visit from a police sergeant and

tried on a police uniform.

loved writing in shaving cream. held a fire hose when the fire-fighters visited. Painting was one of

redeemer record

welcomed her class for 2007.

favourite things to do.

We went to the Qld Art Gallery and made The ‘Bug Lady’ visited and

a great foam face.

held an insect.

loved reading on our comfy cushions. helped plant out our vegetable garden with carrots, lettuces and tomatoes. had a great dance at our school disco. We loved going to Letterland.

learnt all his letters there.

made a great pizza. Book Day was very exciting.

dressed up as Steve Irwin.

We also learnt about looking after our bodies. At the end of the year 4

Redeemer Record 2007

used a stethoscope to listen to his heart.

hoped all their wonderful students enjoyed Prep. Look out Year 1, Here we come! Redeemer Record 2007


Mi dd l e S ch ool Redeemer Middle Schoolers have taken their learning outside the classroom throughout second semester. The German students enjoyed the food and culture at Oktoberfest and the Year 7 students enjoyed culture of a different kind when they visited the Queensland Art Gallery, the Gallery of Modern Art, the State Library and Brisbane City Hall. The Lady Mayoress spoke with our group at City Hall and for some of the students, a highlight was the opportunity to sit in a ceremonial chair made especially for Queen Elizabeth and used by her on a visit to Brisbane. Year 8 students spent a day on a mystery tour for SOSE and found themselves in such diverse places as the Port of Brisbane, Cleveland Cemetery, the Maritime Museum, Ipswich Rail Museum and Bethania Lutheran Church.

redeemer record

Some of our Years 6 and 7 students represented Redeemer at the Let’s Solve It Maths Competition and were a real credit to our school. This year’s Middle School Speech Contest featured a record 26 entrants and the adjudicator, Mrs Robyn Solomon,

Se nior SchooL commented upon the high standard of many speakers. Musical talent and dedication to practice were evident in the wonderful performances at the Middle School Music Concert. Our Year 6 classes fiercely contested the Golden Tin Competition and Class 6VF are the proud holders (for one year) of the Golden Tin trophy. Sport is a school highlight for many students, who participated throughout Semester 2 in the TAS and Junior TAS sports competitions. Almost half our Years 6 and 7 students were involved in the TAS Junior Ball Games Carnival at which Redeemer hosted ten competing schools. As I look at the list of co-curricular activities in which our Middle Schoolers have been involved, I am pleased to see that many of them are grasping the myriad of opportunities that come their way, and are using these opportunities to develop themselves physically, socially, academically and spiritually. I pray that they will always have the enthusiasm and energy to embrace life to the fullest. Mrs Judy Powell (formerly Wintour) Head of Middle School

This past year has been an exciting one for all of us who spend our days in the Senior School at Redeemer. Students and staff have witnessed significant physical changes to our environment with what has seemed like non-stop building and renovating. We have all benefited from the redevelopment of the old P & F building into a modern self-serve Tuckshop, watched 20 year old staffrooms be transformed into efficient work stations and the Home Economics building begin its metamorphosis into a modern industrial kitchen. More changes will occur over these Christmas holidays. Other less obvious changes have also occurred. We successfully ran our first inter-house music competition and saw the introduction of new subjects such as Extension English, Prevocational Maths, Manufacturing Technology and Information Technology Systems. Our current Year 9 students have chosen subjects for 2008 from a list of new offerings including elective Science and SOSE units. 2007 also saw the start of the Junior School, providing Year 12 students with the opportunity to show leadership through assisting at the P-5 swimming and athletics carnivals and a combined whole school Redeemer Fair.

Whilst all these changes are indicative of our desire to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving educational setting, it is also calming to know that some things in the Senior School continue to remain unchanged. All students are important and cared for by teachers attached to our House-based pastoral care system, achieving to their potential across all areas of curricular and co-curricular life is highly valued, and the good news of God’s unconditional love and saving grace forms the centre point of all that we do here at Redeemer Lutheran College. Mr Dennis Mulherin Head of Senior School Senior School Highlights of 2007 •

Major fundraising ventures – Recycle, Shave for a Cure (student initiated and run).

House competitions – especially the Pavement Art and inaugural Cultural Competition.

Wilson co-winning the House shield with Ramsay after years of struggle.

Mitchell Smith creating a monthly newsletter for students by students.

The Chapel Band’s influence on devotional life in the college.

Ballon Ou td oor Ed u cat ion Tucked in among the Barakula State Forest which is approximately 200km from Toowoomba is the home of the experience we know as Ballon. This small community is a part of Redeemer that allows our students to grow in independence through mind, body and soul. For four weeks during the second semester of Year 9, our students go without radio, television, mobile phones and computers and survive without soft drink and sweets. Through this, students can develop an appreciation for nature and the basic necessities of life. Learning to live in group environments and taking on leadership roles in the activities they undertake, allow them to grow and mature at such a crucial stage of their personal development. Ballon is considered by many as a highlight of their time here at Redeemer and as such, take this experience and the life skills learnt into their senior years of schooling. Ms Amy McSwan Ballon Coordinator


Redeemer Record 2007

Redeemer Record 2007




University of Qld School of Economics Student Economics Competition

Education Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Art

All students in the Year 11 Economics class participated in the University of Queensland School of Economics Student Economics Competition for 2007. Congratulations to all members of this class as they ALL received an award. This is an excellent achievement. Three High Distinctions, three Distinctions and three Credits.

Year 12 •

Nikoletta Comino, Certificate of Recognition

Belinda Li, Certificate of Recognition and Teacher Selection Panel Commendation Certificate

Sheridan Meyers, Certificate of Recognition

High Distinction Certificates

Andrew PRATT, Certificate of Recognition




Chemistry Australian National Chemistry Quiz

redeemer record

84 Year 11 and 12 Redeemer students participated in the Australian National Chemistry Quiz. The quiz is a test of chemical knowledge as well as problem solving ability.

Artwaves 2007 Certificate of Thanks

Redlands Eisteddfod


Year 11

Senior Singers – Third Place

Jessica HUTTON

Chorale – Second Place


College Choristers – Second Place

Hanna CHO

Junior Choir – Third Place


Chamber Strings – Encouragement Award


Senior Concert Band – Encouragement Award




Year 12 Kira DONOHUE

Stephanie JOENSUU

Belinda LI

High Distinction

Sheridan MEYERS

Mitchell SMITH

Year 11

Senior Concert Band – Gold Award

Borcsa VASS

Chamber Strings – Gold Award

Matthew ARTHY

Chorale – Silver Award


The Sandra Pigott Award for Library Services

Senior Singers – Gold Award

Alexandra COLE

Stage Band – Gold Award and Trophy for Best Trumpet Section







Lachlan WALKER


The Nicky Bricknell Award for Drama Performance


Karin LAM



Benjamin WORRALL


Brenda LAI

Australian Defence Force 2007 Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award

Year 12

Year 10



Year 11 • Tess MURRAY


Vincent HUANG


This is a great way to finish the year. Well done to all the students who performed in these groups. Your commitment and enthusiasm is outstanding.


Year 12 •

Music Fest

Brenda LAI






Mitchell SMITH (Leader)


Hanna CHO

Alexandra COLE


Griffith Connect

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award


Valued Partners Program Scholarship and Early Admission Scheme

Congratulations to the following Year 11 students who have achieved their Bronze Level of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Natham LAM

Jenna LEE



Callum APELT


Thomas WEBB

Benjamin WORRALL


Ashley FAY


Natham LAM


Benjamin WORRALL

Congratulations to: Borsca Vass who has received an Early Admission offer to the Bachelor of Laws/ Bachelor of International Business Program. Congratulations to: Jessica Hardgrave who has received the Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarship and also been offered Early Admission into Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts through the Griffith Connect – Valued Partners Program Scholarship and Early Admission Scheme. Redeemer Record 2007



Mu sic A chie ve me nts

Year 12 Dux •

Bianca Zou, Year 12 Proxime Accessit

Alyce Atkinson, The Lumsden Trophy for Dux of the School

Redeemer Record 2007


sp o rts re p ort Michael Jordan, whilst at school back in the USA, was told by his high school Maths teacher that he was being cut from the Basketball team in order to achieve higher grades. His quote was “You will not get anywhere with basketball”. As we all know, Michael Jordan became arguably the world’s best player, earning multi millions and to this day his high school Maths teacher is still doing his job.

redeemer record

Sport has a way of allowing athletes to excel by giving opportunities and creating pathways to dreams and ambitions. Here at Redeemer, I have tried to fuel ambitions and create a pathway for students to excel. Often sport can be perceived as an interesting “add-on” activity in life. It is important that we support the ambitions of our young sports men and women, those who dare to dream, those who strive towards a goal often succeed with support. We only have to look at the number of athletes, 23 students in total, who have made Regional, State and National representation in 2007, to know this is true. At the TAS level, Redeemer was, for the first time in history, after a successful 2006 campaign, placed in Blue Division in Trimester 2 and 3 as well as Athletics, Swimming, and Inter-school sport. This was due, not only to the hard work of the students themselves, but also to our coaches and staff who put in many hours behind the scenes in order for our students to compete at this level. Unfortunately, our younger aged teams found the standard very high and wins hard to come by. As a result, with the system that TAS has in place, Redeemer finds itself in Red Division for all three Trimesters in 2008. Nevertheless there was some significant achievement from teams. In Trimester 1, our girls’ Tennis teams continued to excel and develop in all years, particularly Open A and B teams. During Trimester 2, our First XV Rugby team, Open B and Year 9A Tennis teams, First XI and Year 8 Hockey teams, and the Open A, B, C, and Year 9B Netball teams were all premiers. Trimester 3 saw our First XI and Second XI Soccer teams finish in the top three for the first time in Redeemer’s history since the inception of Red and Blue divisions. Our Open B Softball team was also premiers. 2007 was also a year of firsts in the way of the inaugural UK/Paris sporting tour. This involved sending 26 students (12 Netball and 14 Soccer players) and four staff to tour both the UK and Paris for two weeks, pitting themselves against four other schools. This was certainly an eye opening experience with the group learning first-hand the pros and cons of living on the other side of the world. 10

Redeemer Record 2007

SP ORT IN G A CH IEVEMEN T S The students were fantastic and were a credit not only to the school but also their families. Congratulations should also go to the following teachers for their contribution and effort, giving up their own holidays and finances. Mr Norman Russell (the reserve goal keeper and trainspotter), Mrs Sharon Gerbich (the First Aid nurse and tour guide), and Mrs Robin Kanowski (the Netball Coach, problem solver, tour operator and night watchwoman).



The Hickey Trophy for Girls Athletics

Achievement Awards

In 2007 the trophy is awarded to Rebecca Williams. Rebecca has been an excellent role model to the members of the Athletics Team, both on and off the Track. As captain, Rebecca led by example. She motivated and encouraged members of her team to achieve their best. She has nurtured the younger athletes allowing them to develop. Rebecca has the potential to develop into a top class athlete.

Senior School

Inter-House Sports Carnivals

Achievement Awards

Once again the inter-house carnivals proved to be a smash hit! Every year the participation rate rises as does the atmosphere. Well done to the following houses on their achievements:

Senior School

Ramsay – winners for Athletics inter-house carnival Mansfield – winners for Cross Country inter-house carnival Lavarack

• •

Corinna JOHNSTON, Most Consistent – Under 15

Sarah WILLIAMS (Year 10), Most Committed Player – Open B

Brittany BARTLETT, Most Improved Player – Year 9

Middle School •

Eugenia BELLAS, Most Enthusiastic Player – Year 8

The Harris Perpetual Shield for Softball is awarded annually to a member of the Open A Softball Team who has demonstrated sportsmanship, performance, leadership and service to the sport overall.

Clay CAMERON, Most Consistent – Under 13

School Record Certificates Senior School •

In 2008, Redeemer will move its inter-house Swimming carnival to Springwood Aquatic Centre as the Senior School has become so large that we are forced to move to a larger venue.

Corinna JOHNSTON, Under 15 Long Jump 5.17m

Middle School

Mr Paul Beltrame Head of Sport

Joyce LIU (Year 11), Most Committed Player – Open A

The Harris Perpetual Shield for Softball

Jacinta BURKE, Under 15 Discus - 28.10m

Thank you,

Middle School

And finally, a very big thank you to Mrs Catherine Kowald (my assistant) who after four and a half years has decided to hang up her keyboard and head to the hills pursuing outdoor education. She will be sorely missed but we wish her all the very best for the future.

Samantha YIM (Year 11), Best and Fairest Player – Open A

Jordan SHYU, Most Consistent – Under 14

– winners for Swimming inter-house carnival

In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our sports coordinators and coaches for their constant effort. Thank you to Miss Rosilyn Frieberg, who I have the pleasure of working closely with, for her constant input, understanding and patience, and to the parents who I see on Saturday mornings at various venues, rain, hail, or shine.

Tyler BAKER, Under 12 800m - 2.49 minutes

Amy VON GNEISENAU, Under 12 200m - 32.07 seconds

Zea HOLMES, Under 12 800m - 3.01.72 minutes

2007 Metropolitan East Secondary Schools Track and Field Championships Best Field Performance Award – Trophy Congratulations to Corinna Johnston, who was judged as producing the best field performance in the 15 years age group at the 2007 Metropolitan East Secondary Schools Track and Field Championships.


The 2007 recipient of The Harris Perpetual Shield for Softball is Jessica Hutton. Jessie is to be congratulated on the manner with which she has contributed to the college’s softball program over the last 7 years. She has demonstrated commitment to the college’s sporting ethos, not only as a player but also as a coach of the Year 8 and Year 6/7 Softball Teams. Jessie encourages all players to give their best, and is always friendly when dealing with officials, players and coaches.

Volleyball Achievement Awards Senior School •

Borcsa VASS (Year 12), Best Attack Player – Open A

Shenae FLETCHER (Year 11), Most Consistent Player – Open B

Narelle BRAUNACK, Most Valuable Player – Year 10

Irene CALLIGEROS, Most Valuable Player – Year 9

Achievement Awards Senior School •

Nick NG (Year 12), Most Valuable Team Player – Open A

Mitchell FLETCHER (Year 11), Most Valuable Player – Open B

Lance ATKINSON, Most Improved Player – Year 10

Pierre KOVACEVIC, Best Team Player – Year 9

Middle School •

Brittany LALLY, Most Valuable Player – Year 8

Middle School •

Jordan ROBERTS, Most Valuable Player – Year 8

Redeemer Record 2007


Al um n i N e ws Where are they now?

alumni news cont. Engagements Andrea Krenske (’97) was proposed to by Brad Jeisman on 10 August 2007. They will be getting married on 15 March, 2008.

News from the Wandel family… Stephen Wandel (’90) Stephen completed his BE (Civil) in 1996. He worked at Weipa for a few months. He then worked with the Moree Shire council. In 2000 he moved to Sydney and until recently worked for a City Council. He is now working as an Engineer for an Asphalting company in Sydney. Stephen is interested in Car Rallies and rebuilding older model Subaru’s. He worships at the Sydney City Lutheran Church. Jason Wandel (’91)

redeemer record

Jason completed his BE (Micro-electronics) in 1995. He moved to Adelaide in 1998 and worked for Motorola. He completed BTh at ALC in 2005, and is currently working for a Computer programming company in Adelaide. Jason and Debbie worship at Ferryden Park Lutheran Church in Adelaide. Andrew Wandel (’94) Andrew completed his BE (Mech and Space) in 1997. In 2005 he spent 4 months teaching at a University in China. At the end of 2005 he was awarded his PhD. He spent 2006 doing post-doctorate research work at Cambridge University in the UK. At the end of June Andrew and new wife Weide moved to London where he is conducting more research work at Imperial College. They will be returning to Brisbane towards the end of 2008. Andrew and Weide worship at St Anne and St Agnes Lutheran Church in central London.

Weddings Peter Taylor and Michele McKay (‘86) were married on Easter Monday 9 April (also Michele’s birthday). The wedding was held at Corpus Christi where Michele is currently Music and House Coordinator. The bridal party consisted of Roy O’Hare, Erin Garbutt (’89) - Michele’s sister, Sophie Garbutt (Erin’s daughter) and Kane Taylor (Pete and Michele’s son). Their son, Kane, sang the solo at the signing of the register and was accompanied by past and present members of the Madrigal Choir and a past student on trumpet. Peter and Michele reside in Stretton.On 21 April 2007

Class of 1998: Ten Year Reunion

Class of 1988: Twenty Year Reunion

Emily (Gilbert ’02) and Rowan Baker were married on Sunday 28 October 2007 at Coolibah Downs Chapel at Nerang, with the reception being held at L’Esprit at Southport. Emily is working as a Registered Nurse at QEII Hospital and Rowan is studying to become a Physical Education teacher.

Alison Rutherford (’99) married Josh Boettcher on 15 September at the Baptist City Tabernacle.

(L-R): Mark Adams, Jackie Fredericksen (‘02), Rowan Baker, Emily Baker (Gilbert ‘02), Andrew Charles (‘02), Dannii Palmer (‘02), Stephen Francis (‘02) and Damita Oldmeadow (‘02).

Daniel Buchanan (’99) to April Lievesley (’01

Births Congratulations to Chris (’93) and Annette (Garbutt ’94) Rostron on the arrival of their second child. Rebecca Cook (Kummerow ‘97) and her husband John have just had their second child, Alexander, born 11 October 2007. Her first son Marcus was born in 2006.

Jason Wandel (‘91) married Deborah Gallasch at St Stephens Lutheran Church in central Adelaide.

Rachael Jantke (‘97) and her husband Jamie have just had their first daughter, Madelyn, in November. (L-R): Jean-Pierre Simonis, Anne-Maree Lievesley, Daniel Buchanan (‘99), April Lievesley (‘01), Felicity Buchanan (‘03), Matthew Lievesley (‘07)

Send us your news… engagements, marriages, births.

Upcoming Reunions

Rebecca Hale (‘00) was engaged to Anthony Flynn last year and will be married on 8 December, 2007.

Michael Spann (’06) has announced his engagement to Paula Trevor (’06).

Where are you now?

News snippets and photographs can be sent to:

Karen Rutherford (’96) married Grant Gaston on 21 April at the Baptist City Tabernacle.

Andrew Wandel (’94) married Weide Curnow in St Peters Lutheran College Chapel on 24 March 2007. Among his attendants was his brother Stephen Wandel (‘90) as best man (standing beside Andrew).

Marvin and Renee (Line ‘00) Brattan were married at Avica wedding resort, Merrimac on Sunday 30 September 2007. The bridal party included Tanika Line, Rebecca Hale (‘00), Kerry Johnston, Carl Duimpies, Luke Brattan, Zak Brattan, Holli-Mia Brattan and Jordan Line (current student).

Jordan Luke Eames was born on 12 May 2007 to Joel and Andrea (Wetzig ’00) Eames. He is a beautiful, well-behaved, happy little boy and is settling into life in the Eames household very well!

The 2008 Reunions will be held in October next year. Stay tuned for more information. If you are interested in helping to organise your year level reunion, please contact Julian Schubert at Redeemer on (07) 3340 8811 or email: 12

Redeemer Record 2007

Redeemer Record 2007


saturday 27 october 2007

class of 1 9 8 7 re u nion

saturday 3 november 2007

redeemer record

c l ass of 1 9 9 7 re uni o n


Redeemer Record 2007

Redeemer Record 2007


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