LIVINGHOPE “You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.” Job 11:18 1 REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
2021 yearbook is an eBook
At Redeemer Lutheran College we are conscious of a need to improve our carbon footprint where possible. One such improvement is to provide as much of our reading material in a digital format as we can. We thank our community for supporting us in our efforts to reduce our use of paper and the reduction of our transportation footprint for this yearbook.
Copyright © 2021 by Redeemer Lutheran College. All rights reserved. No part of this yearbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical – without permission from the College.
Contents STAFF
From the Principal
Careers & VET
Head of Creative Arts
Deputy Principal
Christian Studies
Creative Arts Captain
College Pastor
Creative Arts: Drama
Cultural & Traditions Captain
Director of Teaching & Learning P-12
Community Service Captain
Staff 2021
Creative Arts: Film, Television & New Media Creative Arts: Visual Art - Years 7-9
Earth Care Captains
Creative Arts: Visual Art - Years 10-12
Faith & Service Captain
Creative & Cultural Cocurricular
Enterprise: Business & Digital Solutions
Garden Club
Health & Physical Education
Helping Hands
Humanities: GeoGraphics, Geography & Big Issues
Redeemer Robotics
Head of Library Services
Senior Resource Centre Gallery
CLASS OF 2021 College Captains Class of 2021
10 12
Year 12 Class Photos
Year 12 Formal
Year 12 Gallery
Humanities: History & Modern History
Humanities: Social Science & Legal Studies 88 Industrial Technologies: Construction
Head of Music
Head of Performance Music
Head of Senior School
Industrial Technologies: Design
Academic Captains
Year 11
Industrial Technologies: Engineering & STEM
Music Captains
Year 10
Languages: Chinese & Japanese
Music Cocurricular
Year 9
Learning Enhancement
Year 8
Lifestyle Technologies: Fashion & Textiles Design
Year 7 Pastoral Care Leader
Year 7
192 193 194
Lifestyle Technologies: Food & Nutrition + Food Technology
Sport Captain
Lifestyle Technologies: Hospitality
Sport Cocurricular
98 99
Lavarack Head of House
Music Extension (Year 12)
Lavarack House Captains
Lavarack Gallery
Mansfield Head of House
Mansfield House Captain
Head of Junior School
Mansfield Gallery
Teaching & Learning Coordinator P-6
Ramsay Head of House
Pastoral Care Coordinator P-6
Ramsay House Captains
Junior School Captains
Ramsay Gallery
Wilson Head of House
Junior School Student Leaders & Ambassadors
Wilson House Captain
Year 6
Wilson Gallery
Year 5
Year 4
Year 3
SPORT Head of Sport
CREDITS Volume 40 Redeemer Reflections is a publication of Redeemer Lutheran College. ©2021
Year 2
Remote Learning
Year 1
Musical: Little Women
Crazy Sock Day
Junior Athletics Carnival
Pavement Art
Book Week
Junior Cross Country
R U OK Day
Junior Resource Centre
Senior Athletics Carnival
Under 8’s Day
Senior Cross Country
Year 6 Visual Art
Senior Swimming Carnival
Outside School Hours Care
World Week
Write a Book in a Day
745 Rochedale Road, Rochedale Queensland 4123 Editors: Mrs Nikki McKenzie Miss Bec Pennisi Magazine Team: Mrs Christina Bianchi (Junior School) Mrs Nikki McKenzie (Proofreading) Miss Bec Pennisi (Compilation) Mrs Kate Wilkinson (Senior School) Design & Layout: Look Education Cover Photography: Sandi White Photography On the Cover: Alexander Garratt, Abbey Endres, Yuki Genest, Isaac Georghiou, Jasper Walkenhorst
From the
College Principal
As I stood with my family watching one of the few fireworks displays in Queensland for the start of the New Year, I was reminded that, for many people, that deep certainty that the new year would bring back the world of the past, had been replaced with a feeling of uneasiness and uncertainty. This has only proven to be the reality of 2021. If the buzz term for 2020 was “unprecedented times”, then 2021 has been marked by the “new normal” - a time of digging deep, perseverance, the re-evaluation of what is truly important in our lives, accompanied by intentionality around our relationships. For many members of our community at Redeemer, the need for school as family has never been more important, when for many, our biological families have been separated by the current pandemic. For our staff, this year has been a time of ongoing innovation, building on the remote learning periods of last year, whilst understanding the deep learning and connectedness that face-to-face teaching brings. As I write this article, for the first time in my thirty plus years of teaching I, along with my colleagues and senior students, attend school each day with a mask covering our faces. It has only reinforced how much of our communication with others is conveyed through our facial expressions. 2021 has also stretched us all to deeply connect in new ways.
I asked at the start of the year ”how do we move forward in uncertain times”? The answer was clear; God asks us to live in hope. “You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.” Job 11:18 As educators, it is ever more important for us to look forward to see where the world is going. It’s difficult for adults and children to look at the times around us and be optimistic about our future. But it is a lot easier to be hopeful. What is the difference between optimism and hope? The difference is subtle but powerful. “Optimism and hope are not the same. Optimism is the belief that the world is changing for the better; hope is the belief that, together, we can make the world better” Jonathan Sacks. Optimism can be seen as a positive emotion. A feeling of confidence that something you want will happen, such as, we will be safe if we just close our borders. But optimism can be a fickle friend. When things do not turn out, it can quickly flip into helplessness, as COVID cases rise. Adopting hope, on the other hand, can help you through even the most challenging experiences. Hope is more steadfast than optimism. It is born out of faith
in God and the inherent good of others. Choosing to be hopeful gives you strength, regardless of what is happening in your life and prevents you from not giving up. Having hope is more powerful than being optimistic. Optimism and hope are vastly different attitudes. Henri Nouwen explains it like this: “Optimism is the expectation that things will get better. Hope is the trust that God will fulfil God’s promises to us in a way that leads us to true freedom. The optimist speaks about concrete changes in the future. The person of hope lives in the moment with the knowledge and trust that all of life is in good hands.” If we think we are the only people who are living in uncertain times, then we would be mistaken. The birth of Jesus came at a time of great uncertainty. Born into a country under foreign occupation, a national census forced his very pregnant mother to travel a significant distance, only to give birth in the least ideal place, and without family around. Shortly after, the young parents and child had to flee the country in fear of their lives and to experience life as refugees for over three years. Once Jesus began his ministry, the disciples were full of optimism that Jesus had come to save the country and would be triumphant as king. In fact, Jesus arrived into Jerusalem with great fanfare. Within days he had been convicted of false crimes, was crucified and buried. It was in these dark times that the disciples came to understand that it is faith and hope that sustains, not optimism. The resurrection brought for all of us, a living hope. As we continue to live our lives in ongoing uncertainty, I am discovering that Jesus’ followers are called to be people of hope and build Christian communities that are alive with a palpable, vibrant hope. Hope is the essence of the spiritual life, not optimism.
Christian hope is wonderful, it is mystical. My growing experience of hope means I fear less and dance more. Hope gives me the freedom to carry on with my life, wherever it may take me. At Redeemer, we model and live out that hope. Through our academic programs, we assist students to realise that, collectively, they are capable of responding to the challenges that this life brings us. Through Chapel services, Christian Studies and our Outdoor Education program, we connect students with a greater purpose and the opportunity to explore their relationship with God in the here and now. In our co-curricular activities, we assist our students to explore their God-given gifts and talents, and show them how to persevere to develop these on a personal and a collective level. Through daily learning they come to understand that they are each God’s marvellous creations and collectively, together, they can be the hands and feet of God, in the world, reaching out to others with a message of hope. Being optimistic is a good thing. It is great to be confident in something, but hope goes deeper and withstands even the most challenging circumstances. Hope brings inner peace. It motivates us to keep going and lights our way when things go dark. Hope is the most powerful gift God has given us, and hope is contagious. The world wants to be hopeful. People want to believe in a brighter future. When you speak with hope, people will listen. The more you place your trust in God, the more hope you have, the more hope you will inspire in others. TRULY 2021 IS THE YEAR OF LIVING HOPE. MRS TANYA CROOKS COLLEGE PRINCIPAL
From the
Deputy Principal “I have held many things in my hands, and I lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.” (Martin Luther 1530)
If anyone would have suggested to me that in 2021, I would move states and work at a school named Redeemer Lutheran College, I would have not believed them. What a journey my first year at Redeemer has been. I was firstly overwhelmed by the welcome that students, staff, and parents gave me when I arrived. The most memorable thing for me in those early days was when I wished the students (Xīn Nián Kuài Lè! – Happy Lunar New Year) and the Junior School students greeted me back at the Lunar New Year celebration assembly. It has been wonderful to be able to share important cultural events with the students over the course of the year. God has brought me to Redeemer, and I have thoroughly enjoyed learning and working in this community of wonderful people. The College reminds me of the words of a former Principal I had, who used to refer to the school we worked at as “teachers’ heaven”.
We are developing programs for our staff as well, to extend our professional practice to ensure that Redeemer becomes the employer of choice in Southern Brisbane and Logan. The Deep Learning framework also applies to the staff and their professional growth as they work towards improved and integrated pedagogical practice, learning partnerships, learning environments, and leveraging the digital world.
Over the course of the year, we have experienced the highs and lows of life. We have been very fortunate to live in South East Queensland and only experienced minor inconveniences due to COVID19 lockdowns and remote learning, unlike our southern cousins. While our patience has been tested, I am proud to be part of a resilient community which takes on all challenges and soldiers on.
As the second cohort of students completes the ‘new’ Queensland Certificate of Education, we are thankful for these pioneers who have set a very high standard for successive cohorts to reach. Likewise, the Year 12 cohort has been very resilient, and I wish all our Year 12 students the very best for the future outside the College gates. Remember that your QCE results, while important currently, do not define you and your future ability and achievement. You are the sole determinant of your future, so strive to achieve your best in all that you do.
As we come to the end of 2021 and look towards 2022, the College can be compared to a chrysalis. A chrysalis is the pupa of a butterfly. After spending its life as a caterpillar munching on leaves and becoming plump, the larva stops eating and covers itself in a silky cocoon. It is during this time that a dramatic transformation takes place; the chrysalis becomes a beautiful butterfly. In a similar way, the College is currently working on several improvements that will ensure that we prepare our students for a future full of hope.
Finally, I would like to thank Mrs Crooks and the Chairs of the College Council, Mrs Dixon and Mr Walkenhorst for giving me the opportunity to work with you in this incredible mission of the education of the youth of our community. It is a privilege and a pleasure to be your Deputy Principal and I look forward to many happy years here at Redeemer Lutheran College. May God, who is beyond all human understanding, be your strength and stay. As we look to the future at Redeemer Lutheran College, may we see the face of Christ as He leads us forward.
Our current Strategic Plan sees us work towards enhancing personalised and collaborative learning
among our students and staff. Using the lens of Michael Fullan’s Deep Learning (2018) we are ensuring that our students are Curious, Courageous and Christled by teaching them the six global competencies of character, citizenship, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. In the long term, each of these six competencies will be interwoven into our curriculum from Prep to Year 12.
From the
College Pastor WHERE IS GOD HIDING? “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” And they took offense at him. Matthew 13:55-57
WHAT A YEAR Well, what a year 2021 has been. Australia has experienced a range of scenarios around the ongoing COVID19 pandemic journey. For a time, as 2021 began, with the rollout of COVID vaccines, life appeared to be returning to some form of “normality” with school sport, cultural and extra-curricular activities up and running. We were able to present our Musical, “Little Women” to full theatre audiences. We were able to hold Junior School and Senior School Chapel and Assemblies with students and staff, and we were strategising ways to return to including parents at these gatherings.
“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us?
Then we were introduced to a new term – the “Delta Variant”. This highly contagious strain of the COVID19 virus has seen life around the globe impacted by soaring numbers of those contracting the virus. Australia was also impacted significantly by the “Delta Variant” resulting in lockdowns, restrictions, mask wearing, online learning and quarantines. Different approaches around managing the outbreaks applied by different State Premiers also brought additional challenges.
GOD WITH US 2021 at Redeemer saw a number of special celebrations giving thanks for our wonderful multicultural community here at the College. One of these highlights involved the celebration of the Lunar New Year in which the gifts and talents of many of our students were shared through a morning of celebration. The celebration concluded with a traditional Lion Dance which delighted so many, especially our Junior School children.
WHERE IS GOD? Where is God in all of this? Isn’t God supposed to be in control?
Another highlight saw the celebration of World Week. This involved a week of learning about the cultural uniqueness of others and sampling some traditional cultural cuisine including Thai and Indian food. World Week concluded with a whole College celebration of the gifts and talents God gives through dance, singing and musicianship. We were all deeply moved to see so many of our students dressed in traditional costume each reading a verse of a Psalm in their own languages.
Sometimes it can appear as though God is hiding away somewhere while we are left to deal with the realities of life. This is not a new perception. Martin Luther, who lived during a time when life was impacted by diseases like the plague along with other challenges, reflected on situations in which God appears to be hidden away somewhere. He uses the term “Deus absconditus”, which is a Latin term meaning “God hidden”. In reflecting on this, Luther referred to the many subtle ways God, despite the way things may appear, is always present and continuing to care for people, bringing to life the grace and love which is God’s very nature. Often, God is present in places, people and circumstances where people do expect God to be.
Even Jesus did not meet the expectations many had with regard to encountering and experiencing the presence of God, a presence that can be more readily perceived through the eyes of Faith. God’s Word, again and again, confirms God’s promise of being present with us, despite the way things may often appear. The often “still, small voice” is God with us.
And so, we give thanks to God for another year of learning and growing through the challenges and blessings that are a part of life in a Lutheran School. BRENTON ALTMANN COLLEGE PASTOR
From the Acting
Director of Teaching & Learning P-12 “Living Hope - Today’s students for tomorrow’s world.” In 2021, students and staff at Redeemer Lutheran College embraced learning and encouraged all students to develop a range of knowledge and skills to a depth that will eventually enable them to navigate a most complex world. While it has always been the case, schools such as Redeemer hold the future within their classrooms. Throughout 2021, the education delivered was required to set the foundations for young people to thrive in future study, life and work. In an era of acceleration and increasing uncertainty, we can no longer predict areas of employment or what employers will want in the future, but we can describe the kind of graduate we want to emerge from Redeemer and “hope” they are well prepared to exist in the exciting world they enter. In 2021, we can describe our students as individuals who are critical and reflective, open to a lifetime of learning and relearning, comfortable with change, have empathy and a global outlook. 2021 has been a time to live our purpose of empowering curious, courageous, Christ-led learners who co-create and serve God’s world. Our Senior students studied ATAR subjects for the second year. Several students elected to complete Vocational Education subjects of Hospitality, Fitness and Construction whilst others studied VET options at TAFE. University subjects were the option taken by some students whilst others combine learning and earning with School based traineeships. Individual pathways increasingly became the theme with students in Year 10 beginning their Unit 1 Senior Subject’s studies in Term 4. In the Middle Years and Junior Years, Years 3-9, students participated in a range of project-based learning (PBL) activities in all subjects across the curriculum, with the focus on developing their problemsolving skills and ability to work collaboratively and as part of a team. Students also participated in external exams such as NAPLAN, ICAS and the Australian Math’s Competition with excellent results achieved.
6, 7 and 8 students with a focus on girls in coding and students achieving excellence in Math and Science. The programs involved guest speakers, visits to universities and entries into competitions. The aim is to increase opportunities offered in these areas as Redeemer prepares for the opening of the Innovation Hub in 2023. From Prep to Year 12, the curriculum at Redeemer is being redesigned with a focus on inquiry-based and problem-based learning. The aim is to build a framework on which students can build deep understanding and to encourage students to apply their knowledge creatively and effectively, to become strong and critical thinkers. Our “hope” is that an education at Redeemer will provide young people with the knowledge, skills, and understandings they need to approach the future with a dynamic and forwardthinking mindset. A theme emerging in how Redeemer prepares students of today for tomorrow’s world is that some of the key skills and attributes of the future are not necessarily the ones that we directly measure in our major assessments. Whilst students benefit from excellent NAPLAN results, being on the Academic Honours list and achieving a high ATAR score, Redeemer prepares them to be creative, able to persevere and able to think about the long-term when considering solutions to challenging problems. We hope that our Redeemer graduates of 2021 achieve success in their core content and future studies and or employment. We also hope they will have broader skills and attributes, such as resilience, understanding of the concept of the growth mindset, and the capacity to persevere. Most importantly we desire that beyond Redeemer they have the legacy of living hope. God’s truth and His Word endures throughout time. The prophet Isaiah wrote: “The grass withers, and the flower fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 Blessings,
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) is an area where there is great demand from business for educated and skilled employees. Universities have responded with a range of courses and in 2021, Redeemer offered specific STEM programs to Years
Staff 2021 EXECUTIVE Mrs Tanya Crooks (Principal) Mr Anthony Vassallo (Business Manager) Mr Denis Mercier-Lee (Deputy Principal) Pastor Brenton Altmann (College Pastor) Mr Adam Ayling (Acting Teaching & Learning Coord P-6) Mr Aaron Hardke (Director of Teaching & Learning P-12) Mrs Jenny Ludwig (Teaching & Learning Coord Middle Years 7-9) Mrs Nikki McKenzie (Head of Admissions & Marketing) Ms Lisa Robinson (Head of Junior School) Mrs Anastasia Strong (Head of Senior School) Mrs Nicole Wolf (Deputy Business Manager)
BUSINESS OFFICE Mrs Sharon Johnston (Accounts Officer) Mrs Cassie Lui Toeava (Accounts Officer) Mrs Judy Newby (Human Relations / Finance Officer) Miss Bec Pennisi (Admissions & Marketing Officer) Mrs Kathryn Pincott (Accounts Officer) Mrs Deb Turner (Compliance & Operations Officer) Mrs Lydia Wang (Enrolments Assistant)
COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION /RECEPTION Mrs Laurelle Bailey-McBryde (PA to Dir. Teaching & Learning P-12) Miss Elizabeth Barredo (Junior School Reception) Mrs Catherine Carnarvon (PA to Head of Junior School) Mrs Larissa Handcock (PA to Head of Senior School) Mrs Laura Moran (Senior School Reception) Mrs Paula White (PA to Principal & Deputy Principal)
HEAD OF DEPARTMENTS Mrs Tina Ellis (Learning Enhancement 7-12) Mr David Law (Performance Music) Mrs Julie Logan (HPE 7-12) Mr Darryl MacDonald (Japanese P-12) Ms Stephanie Mackie (Head of Careers & VET) Ms Steffany Mylonas (Enterprise 7-12) Mr Bruce Nicholls (Industrial Technology 7-12)
Ms Mihalia Pappas (Science 7-12) Mrs Claire Preston (Music P-12) Mrs Kelly Redhead-Adelt (Creative Arts 6-12) Mrs Gaye Ruthenberg (Christian Studies P-12) Mr Stephen Sisson (Maths 7-12) Mr Julian Wenke (Humanities 7-12) Mrs Kate Wilkinson (Lifestyle Tech 7-12) Miss Tamara Zingelmann (English 7-12)
IT SERVICES Mr Andrew Kemp (IT Manager) Mr Maulik Kashiyani Mr Lachlan Stock
LEARNING ENHANCEMENT Ms Helen Cadwallader (Learning Enhancement Coordinator - Junior School) Mrs Ruth Evans Mrs Nicole Humphrey Mrs Manisha Arora Mrs Katherine Baber Mrs Jacqui Baxter Mrs Julie Gore Mrs Sonja Ravallese Mrs Sarah Say
MAINTENANCE SERVICES Mr Ross Groch (Caretaker) Mr Austin Mingham (Grounds) Mr Douglas Rutledge (Grounds)
OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE Mrs Geena Barnes (OSHC Director) Miss Holly Barnes (OSHC Assistant Director + Educational Leader) Miss Clare Terry (Group Leader) Miss Charlotte Albietz Miss Isabelle Bunker Mrs Claire Chen Miss Bridie Clarke Miss Georgia Dunster Mr Yohan Fernando Miss Shae Godfrey Mr Michael Heard Mrs Feifei Huang Miss Zoe King Miss Ellie Knijnenburg Mr Jeremy Lie Mrs Kaitlyn Lie Miss Mariah Marchitto Miss Georgia Matthews Mr Pacey Mazzer Miss Juliet Newby Miss Keyra Saunders Mr Daniel Stainer Miss Nicole Taddeo Mr Andreas Theodorou
Miss Zoe Trimble Miss Talula Van Keimpema Miss Alexandra (Sasha) Weir Mr Nathan Wolf Mr Nathan Wren
PASTORAL CARE AND HEADS OF HOUSE Mr Anthony Jeffes (Lavarack) Mrs Mellissa Hughes (Wilson) Mr Andrew Marshall (Junior School) Mrs Julie Robinson (Year 7) Mr Grant Symons (Ramsay) Mrs Kylie Wright (Mansfield)
RESOURCES CENTRES Ms Sue Warren (Head of Library Services) Ms Theresa Cumming (Teacher Librarian P-6) Miss Amelia Burkitt Ms Cheryl Kung Miss Gemma Leibinger
SPORT Mr Luke Curran (Head of Sport) Mr Geoff Logan (Junior School Sports Coordinator) Ms Mikhaela Donnelly (Deputy Head of Sport) Miss Mikaela DiSavia Mrs Danielle Hinton Mrs Angie Lindsay Mr Philip Tonkin
TEACHING STAFF Miss Brooke Anderson Mr Christopher Anderson Mrs Heidi Barnes Mrs Christina Bianchi Ms Rebeka Blackwell Mrs Renee Brattan Mrs Rebecca Coppo Mrs Leah Cox Mrs Jodie Dart Ms Hanka Dearling Mrs Amanda Deighton Miss Emily Dixon Mr Bradley Duffy Mrs Fiona Elliott Mrs Ann Etchells Mrs Christie Fleming Ms Josephine Grigg Mrs Jillian Hunt Mrs Amanda Johansen Miss Maddie Jones Mrs Julie Lavin Miss Lydia Leong Mr Jeff Li Mrs Lu Liu Ms Amanda Losurdo Mr Tim MacLean Mr Michael McClune Miss Hannah Nixon
Ms Dianne O’Brien Mrs Kylee O’Neill Mr Jono Pukallus Mr Anton Rayner Mr Stefan Richards Mrs Tamara Rogers Mr Brendan Roome Ms Marita Ropelin Mrs Jemma Rowney Ms Jamie Rudd Mr Jason Smith Ms Paige Stiller Miss Emma Tamai Mrs Stephanie Taylor Ms Christene Wall Ms Linda Tonkin Ms Sonya Van der Walt Mr Nathan Weil Miss Kapa Wu Mr David Yu
TEACHER ASSISTANTS Mrs Beverley Atkinson (Junior School) Mrs Sharon Davey (Visual Art) Mrs Jacqueline Ginnivan (Creative Art) Mrs Anchalee Grice (Junior School) Mrs Kirstine Harper (Music & Admin. Assistant) Mrs Kym Head (Junior School) Mrs Susan Hose (Lifestyle Technologies) Ms Loretta Lee (Junior School) Mrs Christine Montgomery (Junior School) Mr Russell Phillips (Industrial Technologies) Miss Cheryl Tsan (Laboratory Attendant) Mrs Jennifer Wong (Junior School)
TUCKSHOP Mrs Teri Grandin (Tuckshop Manager) Mr Ming Chen Miss Tracey Houghton Ms Julia McKeogh
WELLBEING Ms Debbie Green (Student Counsellor) Mrs Amy Masson (College Nurse) Mrs Rachael Stelzer (Lay Chaplain)
College Captains “Culture Through Connection: The Redeemer Community”
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.” Colossians 3:15 At the start of the year we stepped into our roles with nervous anticipation, hoping to uphold the great legacy left by our previous leaders. We began our journey by going on Enthuse, a leadership camp that connected us with other Lutheran school leaders. We left the camp feeling inspired, with plenty of ideas to bring into our captaincy journey! When reflecting on our ‘why’, we decided on our theme: ‘Culture through Connection’. In conjunction with our school’s theme of ‘Living Hope’, we aimed to grow in community, by making valuable connections within the wider school environment. Even then, we knew that we would not see this goal reach its full potential in just one year. However, it is our hope that the Redeemer community will continue to come together, especially in these times of disconnection and unpredictability. Our belief in unity’s strength has only been reinforced throughout a year of many different circumstances and adventures. Throughout our limited time at Redeemer, we strived to create a legacy, not promoting our names, but rather a culture of positivity and a willingness to engage in student life. By establishing personal relationships, we gave our best efforts towards
fostering a safe and welcoming environment and to form genuine, caring friendships. We wanted our actions to speak louder than our words, as we strived to achieve these goals. Through Enthuse, we learnt that to create engaging Assemblies and devotions, it was important to pair messages and advice with fun activities, while still being real. So, we took a bit of a risk and experimented with some new ideas - we introduced games to Assembly, playing Guess Who (with the help of baby photos from the teachers and student leaders), Family Feud and Scissors Paper Rock with the whole Senior School. We also took a leap in vulnerability, introducing the ‘Captain’s Corner’ series, where each week one of us would deliver a message that personally resonated with us. This risk proved to be a great success that we hope continues to get passed on. We wanted to talk to people in the everyday moments and make lasting relationships, across both Junior and Senior Schools and across all year levels. Whether it was in the form of musical or sporting events, or even just chance interactions around the campus, the experiences we have had throughout the Redeemer community created a lasting glow in our lives. In the Senior School, we spread random acts of kindness and in the Junior School, we continued the long-held tradition of visiting the Junior students during break
times. It’s safe to say that the Senior students loved it just as much as the Junior students did! We were also given the opportunity to tour Parliament House where we connected with other school leaders and had the pleasure of meeting and talking to parliamentary leaders, Minister Mick de Brenni, Deputy Premier Dr Steven Miles, Minister Grace Grace and Minister Meaghan Scanlon. Through our captaincy, we don’t think any of us could have anticipated all that lay ahead of us. But now, looking back through the hard times and the good times, we wouldn’t trade any of them for a different journey. Even though our jokes haven’t always landed, and we have had a few stresses, the past year has been one to remember. We started the year afraid to be ourselves, hiding behind appearances, but throughout the year we have grown individually, and as a team.
Class of 2021
We’d like to thank you for your support, encouragement, engagement in Assemblies and willingness to grow in community. After the uncertainties of last year, it’s been great to bounce back and grow together. We know our actions are only the very beginning of a legacy - we’ve already been talking to next year’s Captains and we know that you are in such great hands. FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS, THANK YOU, REDEEMER! ANDREW KENNY, LUCY SERAFINI, SHANICE TIMOTIUS AND JAYDEN WOOD 2021 COLLEGE CAPTAINS
Class of 2021 Alastair Cho
Jessica Aitke
Charmaine C
Amelia Coo
Isaac Clarke
Claudia Birre
Yanni Chan
Maximus Cu
Jackson Cla
Robert Blake
Isabella Dal
Nathan Chan
Jordan Clem
Lachlan Blig
Annabelle C
Prashil Dam
Simone Coet
12 CLASS OF 2021
Class of 2021 Grace Farmer
Yasmine De
Samuel Het
Cooper Karp
Ryan Feroz
Hannah Dre
Ella Hughes
Megan Kelly
Tavish Geary
Calum Jones
Sam Eivers
Olivia Kemp
Shae Godfrey
Bailey Karp
Dayna Ekun
Andrew Ken
Annabelle H
Class of 2021 Emelie Ly
Olivia Kerri
Joshua Park es
Ajay Lai
Ashley McD
Keira Knijnen
Beatrice Lau
Mikaela Pfef
Tim Myatt
y Bronty Lace
Joshua Laure
Viahn Puliko
Rashaad Om
Saraya Lagan
Connor Reid
Jenny Lu
Ella O’Neill
14 CLASS OF 2021
Class of 2021 Kush Solanki
Ainsley Rud
Shanice Tim
Tiffany Wel
Erika Soren
Hamish Saye
Sienna Vard
Katherine W
Nicholas Stro
Ava Walker
Lucy Serafin
Jayden Woo
Caitlan Tayl
Sarah Ward
Alex Smith
Jin Wu
Ryan Taylor
Year 12
12.1 Back Row L-R: Jordan Clement, Ryan Taylor, Tim Myatt, Cooper Karppinen, Maximus Cuthbert, Tavish Geary, Lachlan Bligh Centre Row L-R: Alastair Chow, Dayna Ekundayo, Ava Walker, Andrew Kenny, Yasmine De Vere, Katherine Williams, Nathan Chang, Mr Darryl MacDonald (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Beatrice Lau, Erika Sorensen, Mikaela Pfeffer, Samuel Hetherington, Bronty Lacey, Jessica Aitken, Emelie Ly
16 CLASS OF 2021
Back Row L-R: Shae Godfrey, Simone Coetzee, Rashaad Omar, Isaac Clarke, Nicholas Strong, Joshua Laurenceson, Anthony So, Jayden Wood, Megan Kelly Centre Row L-R: Saraya Lagana, Charmaine Chan, Calum Jones, Claudia Birrer, Joshua Parkes, Isabella Daley, Viahn Pulikottil, annah Dreghorn, Mr Stephen Sisson (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Lucy Serafini, Ashley McDonald, Ainsley Rudwick, Olivia Kerridge, Grace Farmer, Shanice Timotius, Sarah Ward, Jin Wu
Class of 2021
12.3 Back Row L-R: Hamish Sayers, Bailey Karppinen, Alex Smith, Ajay Lai, Robert Blakeley, Kush Solanki, Jackson Clarke, Ryan Feroz Centre Row L-R: Sam Eivers, Amelia Cooling, Sienna Vardy, Caitlan Taylor, Ella O’Neill, Tiffany Wells, Connor Reid, Ms Steffany Mylonas (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Keira Knijnenburg, Annabelle Cheon, Jenny Lu, Prashil Damodar, Yanni Chan, Ella Hughes, Annabelle Henderson Absent: Olivia Kemp Howlett
Year 12 Formal
18 CLASS OF 2021
Year 12 Formal
Class of 2021
20 CLASS OF 2021
Class of 2021
Senior School
Years 7 - 11
From the School Senior
Head Classesof Senior School “Students who are high in hope have greater academic success, stronger friendships, and demonstrate more creativity and better problem-solving. They also have lower levels of depression and anxiety”. (
As a community of hope, we invite students to trust in the Lord and His provision and to face life’s experiences and challenges with Hope. Redeemer’s motto Our Hope is in Christ reminds us of His ongoing presence in our daily lives. We embraced the theme of ‘Living Hope’ at Redeemer as we began the 2021 school year. Hope sustained us as we endured more lockdowns and restrictions, including the Queensland Government direction for students and staff to wear masks at all times. We were much more adept at changing plans, postponing events and facing unpredictable circumstances in 2021, as 2020 prepared us well. Our students and staff pivoted seamlessly to online learning and grasped the opportunity to watch the Olympic Games in the afternoons. The pages of this magazine celebrate our students striving to do their best in all aspects of College life. We celebrate the joys, the achievements and the memories that made 2021 a special year.
Thank you to the Senior School staff for their commitment, professionalism and care for our students. We are truly blessed to work with such dedicated staff. 2021 has given us the opportunity to re-evaluate and consider the importance of our faith, our families and our community. I pray that our current students and graduating class of 2021 continue to live in hope in their adult years and remember always that Our Hope is in Christ. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 PETER 1:3 MRS ANASTASIA STRONG HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL
Senior School Academic Captains Classes After the rollercoaster that was 2020, we were all hoping that 2021 would be a smooth ride. Covid had other plans and we were forced to adapt as we went through the year, but met the challenges with determination and courage as a school community.
None of this would have been possible without the efforts of our teachers. A great school is made by great teachers and Redeemer is blessed in this area. More than getting us through what seems like an impossible amount of content, each teacher leaves a positive impact on their students. Many of us may not realise these impacts at the time, but we will come to as we mature and reflect on our time at school. This year’s College Captains aimed to create ‘Culture Through Connection’ and it was an honour to be a part of this mission. Sharing study skills and organisation tips with our own cohort, and with other cohorts through House Assembly time, was a great way to connect with students across the Senior School. We also worked with Mr Hardke and Mrs Ludwig to create a dialogue between students and staff. The Academic Honours Assemblies provided a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together and acknowledge the efforts of students who had achieved academic excellence. We were also able to speak to other students about the importance of balance and perspective. In the midst of High School, particularly in the Senior years, it can be easy to allow schoolwork to take over
your life and equate your grades with your value. As Academic Captains, and also as Seniors, we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the importance of academic success. We both agreed that striving for academic excellence develops important skills like organisation, perseverance and dedication. However, chasing a goal should never come at the cost of your wellbeing and having a narrow definition of success is not productive. Academic success can be as simple as enjoying your learning journey and taking pride in your efforts. We hope that we were able to convey these messages over the year. It’s been an honour to serve as Academic Captains in what has been a year full of highs and lows. Throughout it all, it has been a joy to watch the community support each other as students strive to take pleasure in learning new skills and achieving their goals. GRACE FARMER AND CALUM JONES ACADEMIC CAPTAINS 2021
Year 11
11.1 Back Row L-R: Mitchell Laurens, Jack Sendall, Rhys Thurstun, Charlie Harris, Patrick Mienert, Ryan Brown, George Wang, Isaac Georghiou Centre Row L-R: Abbey Endres, Nicholas Boon, Jordana Wenke, Daniel Yuan, Rebecca Reid, Jamieson Zillmann, Ashton Froes, Ms Mellissa Hughes (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Emersyn Morris, Ann Kim, Josephine Chiang, Mykaelah Ludcke, Iris Liao, Emma Routledge, Francyse Hsu, Anjlee Suri Absent: Simarleen Kaur, Faith Solok
Back Row L-R: Leila Koppens, Griffin Howlett, Yuyao Shan, Cade Linde, Liam Green, Jonathon Foo, Alfred Tan, Kane Broderick, Angel Wang Centre Row L-R: Jeremy Khin Zaw, Amy Yoon, Jasmine Cox, Sophie Garbutt, Simon Rao, Michaela Meyer, Mia White, Jake Stower Front Row L-R: Katrina Lee, Josie Bartlett, Taylor Drake, Madison Andress, Lucy Dunster, Muji Choy, Hannah Rowland, Catherine Ju Absent: Mr Julian Wenke (Teacher)
Year 11
11.3 Back Row L-R: Zander Shepherd, Ranveer Gill, Jude Kolomilskov, Jackson Leadbetter, Grace Gannon, Cam Suter, Jonah Horichi, Thomas Ryland Centre Row L-R: Elizabeth Ducke, Timothy Hughes, Mackenzie Cuthbert, Rylee Richardson, Maddy Vela, Johanna Kaye, Erin Bradshaw, Clare Neill, Sonal Chand Front Row L-R: Yaqi Zheng, Jasmine Mohisani, Ava Connors, Jessica Lin, Emma Ward, Ellena Ericksson, Neo Yang, Namreetha Arul Prakash Absent: Piper Mackay, Ms Mihalia Pappas (Teacher)
Year 11 Camp
Year 11
Year 10
10.1 Back Row L-R: Charlotte Taylor, William Serafini, Dennis Zhang, Billy Wearne, Brayden Kong, Charlotte Gross, Albert Huang, Alva Zhou Centre Row L-R: Emily Ness Wilson, Scarlet Lacey, Sabrina Lee, Angus York, Bowen Xu, Holly Laurenceson, Hannah Rowland, Ellie Leung, Mr Philip Sharwood Biedermann (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Sohan Bhoola, Joellah Wan, Evelyn Hu, Amy Foo, Matthew Rostron, Anastasia Spyropoulos, Jane Shen, Angelo Szetu Absent: Katerina Evlachkov
Back Row L-R: Ashton Le, Jaiveer Thiara, Austin Hancock, Ethan Nagel, Andrew Pollard, Brandon Kiehle, Daniel Ng, Alex Black, Tim Howard Centre Row L-R: Mik Miranda, Joshua Li, Karxi Qu, Ruilin Yan, Ben Thallon, Rebecca Maynard, Bill Childs, Sanjai Hewton, Lilly Parkes, Ally Liu Front Row L-R: Trisha Khatri, Teagan Dalton, Ava Killian, Victoria Evans, Lili Olson, Faith Thie, Sarah Were, Megan Rudwick, Esther Kotzur Absent: Emma Chow, Ms Ann Etchells (Teacher) REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
Year 10
10.3 Back Row L-R: Kostya Reznik, Dominic Trevatt, Dominic Duval, Andrew Tek, Ethan Speldewinde, Timothy Bell, Danny Ly, Mark Taylor Centre Row L-R: Ashley Meakins, Bridget Farmer, Wilson Liu, Jensen Button, Lillian Karppinen, Lucas Chen, Christian Saunders, Jemma Wernick, Mr Bruce Nicholls (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Cindy Lee, Claire Perriman, Jeffrey Yan, Kevin Pan, Jordan Dai, Jared Thomas, Tyra Arthur, Gloria Shen Absent: James Paschali, Aaron Wu
Year 10
Year 10 Mt Binga
Year 9
9.1 Back Row L-R: Sharon Jin, Jaime O’Neill, Krish Solanki, Omar Houadchia, Emma Allan, Riley Bradshaw, Jocelyn Chou Centre Row L-R: Luke Beeley, Luke Endres, Sarah Gannon, Andrew Chung, Henry Lee, Hannah McLean, Zac Chan, Kaiser Li Front Row L-R: Alice Chang, Brooklynne Froes, Angelique Rochet, Jennifer Kwok, Eza Jom, Katie Routledge, Kaitlin Cheung Absent: Mrs Hanka Dearling (Teacher)
9.2 Back Row L-R: Dean Thurstun, Jared Chng, Leni Connors, Will McNeil, Oziah Pukallus, Jacob Richardson, Austin Mazzer, Rhys Wood Centre Row L-R: Sarah Shanal, Kerrie Neilsen, Dhilan Mohanlal, Helena Jaggers, Ella Cowley, Joline Teng, Tristan Johnson, Lilian Zhuang, Mrs Amanda Johansen (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Emily Zhao, Sean Kwok, Lillian Chiang, Heidi Peeters, Sunah Chi, Mabel Ting, Jarred Zillmann, Emily Ye
Year 9
9.3 Back Row L-R: Zoe Reid, Max Scothern, Hayden McKenzie, James Boon, Archie Wilson, Matisse Conlon, Sherlock Chan, Zhenghong Shen Centre Row L-R: Bailey Darnell, Jeremy White, Riley McDonald, Oliver Smith, Ellie Koppens, William Khor, Andy Lee, Jack Raven, Mr Grant Symons (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Gilly Gill, Anokhee Sundaram, Peyton Morris, Ruby Hunt, Abbey Korner, Kiara White, Priya Pai, Swathi Bukkapatnam Absent: Amali Kordis
9.4 Back Row L-R: Daniel Gu, Mustafa Adnan, Siddhant Sachdeva, Sam Epitropakis, Caleb Xie, Keegan Ashcroft, Brian Lee Centre Row L-R: Joshua Peng, Shalise De Vere, Ethan Leadbetter, Keeghan Perry, Vince Lopez, Justin Wu, Lilly Holden, Jamie Cameron, Mr Jordan Dorbeaux (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Charlotte Smith, Ella White, Sean Teoh, Abby Bartlett, Emily Henderson, Eli Hadwen, Lilly Wu, Tara Nadlin
Year 9
Year 9 Mt Binga
Year 8
8.1 Back Row L-R: Matt Ma, Michael Ganderton, Lewis Yip, Jeevan Plaha, Nicholas Chan, Alex Glimberg, Alice Malone, Nathan Lok, Harry Saunders Centre Row L-R: Christine Kim, Millie Garey, Daniel Vragalis, Sienna Magee, Jin Nishio, Elijah Watter, Alyssa Wei, Anandini Dutt, Kavin Sriram, Dilyn Hu Front Row L-R: Zibin Wang, Eric Neumann, Emma Tran, Alexandra Ducke, Emma Garbutt, Abbey Garbutt, Kielan Barnes, Sahil Kumar Absent: Sarah Pashen, Ms Josephine Grigg (Teacher)
Back Row L-R: Matthew Blest, Jacob Nagel, Luke Rostron, Finn Thallon, Jensen Vongsaly, Rory Ryan-Southward, Josiah Thomas, Jasreet Thiara Centre Row L-R: Ashley Zhou, Jackson Deighton, Tanya Lee, Oscar Zhang, Siddarth Sriram, Keanan Montgomery, Ansh Sharma, Kyla Raine Front Row L-R: Patrick Laboo, Ariel Wu, Chris Shang, Candy Zhu, Grace Zhang, Saha Dhanashekar, Isabel Ju, Daniel Watkins Absent: Mrs Tanya Usmany (Teacher) REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
Year 8
8.3 Back Row L-R: Sammy York, Jason Guo, Hayden Finger, Luca Vela, Kristian Kiehle, Rafa Moratalla, Markus Chan, Abi Thie Centre Row L-R: Andy Dai, Susan Wylie, Liam Kaye, Ruby Oxford, Erika Tek, Derek Lin, Henry Teng, Archer Browne, Ms Emily Dixon (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Gabrio Hsu, Dawn Wylie, Shayna Ah-Koon, Emma Harrison, Harriet Grounds, Tessa Howlett, Emily Gong, Dominic Arthur Absent: Samuel Kim, Oscar Musgrove
Year 8
Year 8 Camp
From the
Year 7 Pastoral Care Leader “All that is gold does not glitter; Not all who wander are lost. The old that is strong does not wither. Deep roots are not reached by the frost.” J. R. R. Tolkien The transition years are a time for exploration discovering others, ourselves and our place in the world. Some commence the journey with friends from their primary years, for others they enter this new world looking to find new friends with whom to share their journey. The year commenced with a three-day orientation program as we settled into routines and expectations. Not a star, spangled glittery start but essential in providing golden wisdom about how to navigate the waters of timetables, class expectations and study routines. Then the excitement of camp, as we journeyed to Luther Heights, to spend time with each other encouraging our fellow team members and challenging ourselves to step out. As we stood at the bottom of the tower to the flying fox waiting with trepidation to ascend the ladder, or looking up at the high ropes littered with seemingly impossible obstacles, or on a surfboard that had a mind of its own, many of us wanted to return to the safety of our beds. With a little help from our new-found friends as they cheered us on, we attempted the seemingly impossible, we conquered our fears, we stepped up and out, the moment was golden, smiles abounded and we were ready to do it again. The Middle Years are a time to try new things and test the waters before determining our future paths. We selected our electives, sometimes changed our minds, swapping subjects. We joined sporting teams and music programs to give it a go and then thought we
might try something different next. We moved in and out of friendship groups. We drew up study schedules, gave them a go and discarded them to try another approach. To the significant adults in our lives it may have looked like we were wandering, lost in a sea of new choices and experiences but we weren’t; we were doing as the year intended discovering ourselves and our passions. Our understanding of faith and traditions grew as we participated in the daily life of Senior School. Weekly devotions and Christian Studies lessons gave us the confidence to participate and share our faith. We developed an understanding of service to others as some of us participated in Helping Hands; being tour guides for families visiting our College; helping stock the food pantry for Our Saviour Lutheran Church; and supporting refugee children through Brisbane Care Projects. House activities and competitions provided opportunities to demonstrate our team spirit and prowess, enhancing our sense of connection with our Year 12 buddies and to those who will become our Home Group family as we journey forth. A strong sense of culture bounded by community and faith ensures that we shall continue to grow strong together to help make a difference within our world. Year 7 has provided opportunities in our Learning Mentor Time to further develop our growth mindset and emotional intelligence, encouraging greater resilience. We’ve practised new study skills, set academic and personal goals to achieve. We know that we are still learning and discovering how to make full use of these skills. Our roots may not yet be deep but as we continue our journey through the Middle Years they will become deeper and together we will be able to withstand the frost. MRS JULIE ROBINSON PASTORAL CARE LEADER YEAR 7
Year 7
7.1 Back Row L-R: Roop Kaur, Allegra Conlon, Cameron Cai, Newman Cui, Yudi Christensen, Charlie Hunt, Jackson Lin, Amelia Geffert Centre Row L-R: Ed Rodgers, Nick Long, Austin Li, Maddie Bennie, Hugo Sigley, Mirabelle Zhang, Fio Huang, Mr Jonathan Pukallus (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Reya Ashokkumar, Aidan Holley, Dayton Li, Amelia Denman, Emily Evans, Marval Leung, Luke Francis, Emily Wu
7.2 Back Row L-R: Marco Chan, Bradley Glover, Brianna Cumming, Tim Foo, Ethan Artes, Mitchell White Centre Row L-R: Lara Mills, Chloe Le, Savannah Gilland, Rachel Yang, Matthew Thurstun, Eve Farmer, Jonas Tiang, Mrs Christie Fleming (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Ethan Chung, Nate Harris, Essie Heo, Caitlin Lee, Helena Huang, Victor Lee, Alex Liu Absent: Sanjeev Jeeva, Harrison Trevatt
Year 7
7.3 Back Row L-R: Bethany Kotzur, Zachary Mason, Terry Lin, Linden Stelzer, Jak Killian, Amari Zeneldin, Ellen Ma Centre Row L-R: Aidan Soo, Shania Karim, Vivi Xu, Praneel Mohanlal, Hana Oh, Katie Li, Cooper Allen, Ms Tamara Rogers (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Rachel He, Jonathan Stotschek, Mary Stadhams, Leona Li, Lucy Jung, Lazlo Chan, Cassia Stokes Absent: Christian Meakins
7.4 Back Row L-R: Alina Zhou, Ainsley Chou, Layla Routledge, Richard Zhang, Arjan Plaha, Jacob Kemp Howlett, Gabbie Russ Centre Row L-R: Colin Lau, Yvette Stokes, Mitchell Ness Wilson, Max Wearne, Samuel Wong, Elizabeth Kwan, Zachary Richardson, Miss Brooke Anderson (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Joel Varela, Ranjane Murralis, Makenzy Morris, Riya Patil, Liadain Weil, Irene Wu, Justin Tai
Year 7
Year 7 Camp
Lavarack Mansfleld Ramsay Wilson
From the
Lavarack Head of House In 2021 Lavarack House has focused on learning about the history of the House and who the House was named after. It was discovered that Lavarack House is in fact named after Lieutenant General Sir John Lavarack, affectionately known by his mates as ‘Joe’.
John Lavarack was a decorated Australian Army officer who served in both world wars earning a number of accolades such as the distinguished service order. Based on the life of our patron, Lavarack House developed three key values that students in Lavarack or ‘Lavarackians’ strive to live out through their everyday actions. The three key values developed were: • Courage - Step out of your comfort zone • Service - Look for opportunities to serve others • Effort - Perfect effort in everything you do These values are now known as the ‘Lavarack Legacies’ and will remain the foundations of Lavarack House into the future. Each year Lavarack will also have a theme and a Bible verse attached to it. In 2021 the theme was ‘Boomerang’ symbolising the fact that you only get back what you put in. The associated Bible verse was Luke 6:38 – “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” The focus for students in 2021 was to give their best effort in all that they do, you only get back what you put in. It was great to see students in Lavarack House living out the ‘Lavarack Legacies’ and yearly theme through their actions and participation in many House events this year. 2021 also saw the introduction of the ‘Interhouse Spirit Competition’ where in addition to overall points at Carnivals, Houses also earn ‘Spirit Points’. The Spirit point criteria included attendance, House shirts, cheers and visual presentation. This initiative was received extremely well across all Houses and ‘House Spirit’ has been well and truly on display throughout 2021. Lavarack House is off to a solid start in the Spirit competition with one Second and two Third overall placings across the three Carnivals. The highlight was our 92% attendance at the Cross-Country Carnival which blew the other Houses out of the water! A new war cry was also introduced,
which is based on the famous or perhaps infamous (depending on if you are Aussie or English) English Cricket Barmy Army chant. ‘The Lavarack Army’ could be heard in full voice across Stolz and Scurr Ovals in 2021! Despite being the second smallest House in terms of student numbers, Lavarack also achieved well in the overall points sections of the Carnival, with a Second place finish at the Swimming Carnival being the highlight. Providing opportunities for all students to contribute to the House community is a big focus of the Interhouse program at Redeemer. It was great to see many students with artistic talents step up and produce some phenomenal artwork for the Pavement Art competition. Both our Junior and Senior teams created some thought-provoking pavement murals and finished Second and Third respectively in their divisions. The long awaited return of RecyKle after a hiatus in 2020 provided another opportunity for Lavarack students to contribute to their House. A strong team led by the experienced Mr Puk, rode their way into a close Third place, while raising money for the Leprosy Mission. A number of competitions between Home Groups were also completed with one of the highlights being the quiz race where Home Groups had to complete a quiz in order to receive a clue to a final riddle. The riddle revealed the location on campus where Heads of House and House Captains were located. This turned into a very competitive event! The competition was made even better because it was created and implemented by our student leaders, the House Captains. Well done, team! In closing, I would like to thank all Lavarack students who contributed to the House community in 2021 and lived out the ‘Lavarack Legacies’ through their everyday actions. In particular, the House Captains Issy Daley and Sam Eivers who went above and beyond in their duties as student leaders. You have both left a legacy in Lavarack House that you can be proud of! MR ANTHONY JEFFES LAVARACK HEAD OF HOUSE
Lavarack House Captains In 2021, we have had the pleasure of being the Lavarack House Captains. We have been blessed that our year has been more normal than the last and we got to hold all three Carnivals. While we didn’t win any of the Carnivals, we are incredibly proud of our House. This year we have been focusing on courage, service and effort. We are so proud of all our fellow “Lavarackians” for embodying these values throughout all our House events, and especially our Carnivals.
At the beginning of the year, we chose a theme for ourselves that we would aim to structure our year around in 2021. This theme was “Boomerang”. Like a boomerang, our goal was to send a positive message out to the community, whether this was with our words or actions. This was encouraged no matter how small the scale, as doing something like asking a fellow student how their day was, or carrying their books for them between classes, can make a big difference. In Term 1 we had the Swimming Carnival and the theme was “Under the Sea”. The Year 12s in Lavarack were all dressed as crabs with headbands. Unfortunately, with no cheering allowed at the time due to restrictions, there wasn’t as much House Spirit heard verbally, but our cheer squad of non-swimmers were dancing to ‘Under the Sea’ from the Little Mermaid to earn us Spirit points. Term 2 was packed with events. We had the Cross Country Carnival in the first week back at Stolz Oval. Many students really embraced the theme of Mario Kart by creating cars to wear. We both worked together to create a car each which took many hours on the weekends leading up to the Carnival. In addition, each Home Group made a poster to be
used on the day to cheer our House on. Our favourite posters were power-ups inspired by the Mario Kart theme. During Home Group time, we ran a scavenger hunt where each Home Group had to solve a riddle to find the location to get the quiz questions. We were also fortunate enough to be able to have Day 1 of the Athletics Carnival before wet weather hit. A highlight of the Athletics Carnival involved the creation of a Superman phone box to help with the visual side of the Spirit award and it looked amazing. In Term 3 the RecyKle event was held. We had an amazing team consisting of Year 11 and 12 students who all gave it their best shot. Due to Ramsay and Wilson tying for First place, Lavarack came Second, trailing not too far behind the other Houses. For the last couple of weeks of the term, Home Groups worked on photo challenge posters to put up in their classroom to create some House Spirit and visual culture. Lastly, we would like to thank the Lavarack House for the many memories over our 13 years of being “Lavarackians”, but we would especially like to thank the group that we proudly lead in 2021. We would also like to thank Mr Jeffes for his support and guidance throughout this year as we definitely wouldn’t have been able to do it without him. ISABELLA DALEY AND SAMUEL EIVERS LAVARACK HOUSE CAPTAINS 2021
From the
Mansfield Head of House Mighty Mansfield Green. The Green Machine. Mansfieldians. Mansfield. These are a few of the names used to represent the community that is Mansfield House, and this idea of community has been our focus for the year - forming community and building our culture to create our legacy. To do this, we started with what we can control. While we may not all be the best athletes, we can be the best competitors. We can encourage and support each other. We can bring the House Spirit. And we brought it.
This was clear from our very first event of the year, the ‘Under the Sea’ themed Swimming Carnival, where we focused on showing up and filling races, encouraging and supporting each other and making as much (Covidpermitted) noise as possible. This day was so much fun, and thanks to our amazing costumes, enthusiastic participation and dancing prowess, Mansfield was the first recipient of the newly introduced ‘House Spirit Award’! Our energy and positive attitude continued at Cross Country: Mario Kart Edition. A number of Mansfield volunteers prepared for the event by developing carts during lunch breaks and on the day many green Mario carts raced around the field. With our focus on increasing attendance and participation, the students of Mansfield continued to show their competitive spirit on the day. In Term 2, Mansfield students were invited to dig deeper and consider who we are, and who we are committed to being, as a House community. With the inclusion of everyone’s ideas, the ‘Mansfield Mantras’ (also known as the five Ps) were introduced: Positivity, Participation, Pride, Perseverance and Persistence. Positivity reflects our attitude and support for one another. We are encouraging, caring, respectful, genuine and empathetic. Participation focuses on enthusiastically giving everything a go, showing team work, attending all events, showing initiative and having the courage to go beyond your perceived capabilities. Pride means that we are community minded and recognising that everyone is a valued member of our Mansfield family. It also stands for showing support and pride in the Mansfield green and contributing with our gifts and talents. Finally, we decided on Perseverance and Persistence. For Mansfield, this means always giving our best and aiming to win while pushing through challenges, one step at a time. With our ‘Mansfield Mantras’ as our focus, in Terms 2 and 3, students participated in the superhero-themed Athletics Carnival. Everyone in Mansfield should be incredibly proud of their efforts and commitment which, for the second time in 2021, resulted in winning the ‘House Spirit Award’. Not only did we have the highest attendance rate, but everyone wore their green shirts,
contributed to the theme and cheered all throughout the day. Each Home Group contributed something unique to develop the theme: superhero face masks, superhero costumes, banners, posters, tie-dyed Batman and Riddler shirts and a giant “Go Mansfield!” shirt collaboration. Our other two major House events included Pavement Art and RecyKle. The creativity, originality and skills shown by all students at Pavement Art was phenomenal in response to the theme ‘Untold History’, and the Mansfield teams should be incredibly proud of their efforts. Similarly, our RecyKle team of ‘Mansfieldians’ led by Ms Dixon, raced to raise awareness and money for the Leprosy Mission. Congratulations on the electric spirit and support you gave each other on the day. This year we have been filled with gratitude. After a year of cancelled carnivals and uncertainties, we were ready to make the most of college life, and are so thankful we could. Thank you to all of the incredible home group teachers of Mansfield House – Mrs Redhead-Adelt, Mr Anderson, Mrs Ruthenberg, Mrs Etchells, Mrs Preston, Ms Dixon and Mr Kelly. We are a competitive team whose efforts contribute to creating the positive and energetic culture of Mansfield House. Thank you to each of the Mansfield Year 12 students who have repeatedly stepped up to encourage others, participate and build our House Spirit. We wish you all the best in the future – remember, success is a journey, not a destination. ‘Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.’ 1 Corinthians 12:12 This verse teaches us about the importance of community. We are all part of God’s church, and we are an integral part of His community. Like our own body, which has many parts, we are all valuable and loved by God, given our own gifts and talents. Thank you to each valued and integral student in Mansfield for being a part of our community. MRS KYLIE WRIGHT MANSFIELD HEAD OF HOUSE
Mansfield House Captain It has been an absolute privilege being the Mansfield House Captain for 2021. 2021 saw the introduction of new aspects of House life through weekly House Assemblies, the House Spirit Award and the introduction of the new Head of Mansfield, Mrs Kylie Wright.
Term 1 saw a Covid-safe Swimming Carnival with the iconic theme of ‘Under the Sea’. As Covid-safe restrictions were in place, this meant there was minimal cheering on the day; however, Mansfield took the opportunity to encourage our awesome swimmers with the introduction of the Mansfield Clap. The original clap was made by the fans of the Canberra Raiders and is a way to build encouragement and atmosphere on the day. Thanks to Mansfield’s ingenious tactics, we ended up winning the inaugural House Spirit Award! Next was the Cross-Country Carnival which saw the revival of Mario Kart as the theme. It was wonderful to see everyone being involved on this day. There was plenty of hype and build up leading to this event with Home Groups being involved and making carts for people to wear on the day! Mansfield had an amazing atmosphere on the day, thanks to everyone who was there! Later in Term 2 saw the Athletics Carnival with Superheroes being the theme. Day 1 was amazing, full of atmosphere and participation in all the field events that took place. Day 2 of the Athletics Carnival wasn’t seen until Term 3 as the original day was rained out. However, with the build up to the day there was an ecstatic atmosphere on the day with all Home Groups getting involved, from t-shirts, costumes, masks, posters, banners and everyone bringing in a high spirit on the day. Pavement Art was next up where Mansfield ‘fielded’ teams in all year levels. The standard of creativity and work was phenomenal - excellent job to everyone involved! The final event of the year was RecyKle. An amazing and motivated team of Mansfield students with Ms Dixon completed the challenging event, and everyone brought a positive attitude and encouragement. Even though Mansfield did not win the event, it was a difficult yet enjoyable day as everyone had fun.
Not only were the Carnivals a success, but Home Group competitions were also a huge hit. In Term 2, the Scavenger Hunt was introduced, involving all Home Groups from all the Houses to complete a riddle and race to the location uncovered to receive a quiz, which once completed, allowed a piece of a bigger riddle to be provided. This took place over three weeks, with the final day involving Home Groups combining the pieces of the riddle together to uncover a final location, which provided the winners with a prize. Another activity that we completed was the Photo Board Challenge. The activity involved Home Groups taking pictures of themselves in several different ways, which could then be printed and placed onto their Home Group boards, allowing it to be decorated whichever way they liked. The photo board was used to allow students within their Home Group to get to know each other better, particularly people in different grades, who may not talk too often. The photo board is to last a long time, allowing new students to see who used to be in their Home Group and allowing them to make their own memories and experiences, connecting to the true essence of Mansfield. As the Mansfield House Captain for 2021, this year I initiated a Gifts of Grace service project. I wanted to leave a lasting impact on something other than our Redeemer community, so, I decided to partner with ALWS and put together a service learning project. I pitched the idea to all of Mansfield and decided to raise funds for a veggie garden and a water pump for a village in a developing country. As the 2021 House Captain of Mansfield, I would like to say thank you to everyone, and what an honour it has been to lead Mansfield. Best of luck to the future of Redeemer Lutheran College, and the future Mansfield House Captains. I know you will be incredible! RYAN TAYLOR MANSFIELD HOUSE CAPTAIN 2021
From the
Ramsay Head of House Thank you to the Home Group teachers of Ramsay House for the care, support and guidance they have provided to students throughout 2021. I would also like to thank the Captains of 2021, Shae Godfrey and Dayna Ekundayo, for their outstanding support, dedication and initiative provided during Carnivals, House Assemblies and Home Group activities. I am very proud of the cohesive way in which the Captains worked together and the level of dedication they applied to making the year fun and exciting for Ramsay students and staff.
In Ecclesiastes, King Solomon wrote: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Ramsay staff and students demonstrated wonderful unity and support of one another throughout 2021. During Term 1, Home Group teachers and students were involved in a range of activities that enabled participants to get to know one another, creating a culture of support and encouragement. Students and staff had a wonderful time preparing for, and competing at, the Swimming Carnival. Students and staff created a range of props and signs to reflect the ‘Under the Sea’ theme, producing an amazing atmosphere, while singing and chanting our war cries. Ramsay’s effort and unity were rewarded with overall First place in swimming events and Second place in House Spirit. Term 2 was action packed with the Cross Country Carnival, Pavement Art, Athletics Carnival and an Inter-Home Group Trivia Competition. The theme for the Cross Country Carnival was Mario Cart. Ramsay students and staff created a car that included a real steering wheel and customised, laser cut number plates. Signs were made, along with a yellow super star for every student in Ramsay to wave while singing war cries. Ramsay’s efforts were rewarded with overall First place in Cross Country races and House Spirit.
Ramsay students worked wonderfully together to create beautiful artwork for Pavement Art. The theme in 2021 was “Untold History” and Ramsay students produced some very powerful pieces that explored topics such as the stolen generation and the creation of State and Territory borders. Ramsay came Third overall, but a special mention must go to our Year 12 team who won best overall artwork. Our ‘Superheroes’ themed Athletics Carnival saw Ramsay staff and students create a motorbike, signs and a yellow mask for every student in the House. Students and staff demonstrated wonderful unity and enthusiasm to begin the day by marching down Simpfendorfer Drive and onto the oval, while singing our war cries. Students gave their best effort in all REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
events and had a lot of fun while supporting and encouraging one another. Ramsay came First overall for Carnival events and Second for House Spirit. Term 3 commenced with teams of twelve students and one staff member from each House competing in the RecyKle competition. Teams worked together to ride for as many kilometres as they could on a stationary fitness bike in a thirty-minute period. All money raised from the event went to Leprosy Mission Australia. I was extremely proud of the Ramsay team who rode for 41.2km and tied in First place with Wilson House. The Home Group challenge for Term 3 was for each Home Group to create a photo board that could be displayed in their Home Group room. Students were given a variety of photo challenges that required the inclusion of as many students as possible in a variety of locations around the Senior School. It was wonderful to see students out of their classrooms and genuinely enjoying each other’s company. Term 4 saw the transition of Year 7 students into Home Groups. It was wonderful to see Home Groups plan a range of activities that allowed the Year 7 students to feel welcomed and comfortable in their new class. Furthermore, it was heart-warming to see Senior Students act as mentors for the Year 7 students and be their support person first thing in the morning, and at various times throughout the day. The InterHouse Challenge for Term 4 was Handball. This was a wonderful event that fostered the transition of Year 7 students and enabled all students to get out of their classrooms and do some physical activity first thing in the morning. In conclusion, 2021 was a year of enormous growth and character building for the staff and students of Ramsay House. Our hard work, unity and dedication was rewarded with winning the House Shield. I would like to give my heartfelt appreciation to the staff and students of Ramsay House for helping to create wonderful memories that we can all cherish. I wish the departing Year 12 students all the best with their future endeavours. Please know that you will always be a part of the Ramsay family. God bless, MR GRANT SYMONS RAMSAY HEAD OF HOUSE
Ramsay House Captains 2021 has been a memorable year for Ramsay House. We feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to serve and lead a champion House. Winning all the Carnivals made this year very special. Even with the rollercoaster of cancellations, missed Carnivals and postponed events, Ramsay pushed through and maintained wonderful House Spirit throughout. We couldn’t be prouder!
This year we had House Assemblies weekly which allowed us to connect as a House more than in some previous years. We would like to thank Mr Symons for all his hard work and effort in preparing devotions and Assemblies every week for the staff and students of Ramsay House. To start off the year we had the Swimming Carnival, with the theme of ‘Under the Sea’. It was the first time the Carnival was held at Chandler Swimming Pool. The nonswimmers waved sea creatures, cheering ‘the Ramsay Ducks’ on and played games with Mr Symon’s sharkeating red, green and purple coloured fish. Streamers, balloons and posters made Ramsay’s section of the grandstand look fantastic and helped the day to be a lot of fun. Each Home Group created sea creatures which made students collaborate and get involved during extended Home Groups. We thoroughly enjoyed coming up with many different ideas for costumes, themes, and war cries. With Mr Symons expertise in construction, we were able to get extra creative. The shark costume was followed up with a car made of cardboard, with a real steering wheel and yellow stars for Cross Country, and a motorbike for the Athletics Carnival. Cross Country was a fantastic day! It was the first year that it was run at Stolz Oval. It was great to see so many Ramsay students participating in preparing posters and decorations for each Carnival, practicing war cries, and painting the car. This contributed to Ramsay House having exceptional House Spirit and added to the great atmosphere.
Athletics Day was held on 24 June and 18 July (due to wet weather) and the theme was “Superheroes”. Ramsay House Spirit was clearly evident as Mr Symons dressed up as Wolverine. Home Groups created Superhero posters which included doctors and nurses for all their help with Covid. Students also worked in their lunch breaks to create a Superhero motorbike. On the morning of the Athletics Carnival, Ramsay staff and students marched down Simpfendorfer Drive screaming war cries in order to make our presence felt. We were able to finish all field events, but track events were rained out. We came First overall and Second in House Spirit, which is a wonderful achievement. Other House events we competed in this year included RecyKle and Pavement Art. Ramsay did extremely well in both placing First in RecyKle riding 41.2km as a team, and Third in Pavement Art with the Year 12 team winning best artwork overall. Throughout the year we have implemented many fun games for extended Home Group time. This included a Trivia Scavenger Hunt in Term 2 and creating a Home Group poster in Term 3. These experiences brought Home Groups together and students had a great time. A big thank you goes to the Ramsay Home Group teachers for their hard work, dedication and care towards all students, making each morning special and for joining in with House Spirit. We would like to thank all the Ramsay members who have worn their yellow uniform with pride whilst competing and supporting the House. As Ramsay House Captains in 2021, we thank all of you for your effort and we had a lot of fun leading this amazing House. We wish you all the best for 2022 and beyond. We look forward to hearing about Ramsay’s success in the very near future. DAYNA EKUNDAYO AND SHAE GODFREY RAMSAY HOUSE CAPTAINS 2021
From the
Wilson Head of House As the clock struck midnight and we all tried to say ‘Goodnight’ to 2020, I naively breathed a sigh of relief. 2020, the year of unprecedented times, was O.V.E.R. We cheered, laughed and twirled our sparklers when my cousin thought it would be funny to put two sparklers together. And just like that, a fire began. And just like that, 2021 lead us into lockdown. Masks, 5km radius and new variants, OH MY! In a year of continued Covid trials, students, teachers, parents and our Redeemer community, alongside the rest of the world, have had to persevere through continuous change and be ready to adapt and…adapt we have.
To start the year, we needed a clear direction and so the ‘Wilson Ways’ were born. Based on 1 Corinthians 13:4, the ‘Wilson Ways’ are mantras that we live by as a House. “Wilsonites” focus on being patient, kind, selfless and truthful. We know that at the end of the day, love is what matters and love is embedded in all of these ways. To reinforce these values, we have been lucky to have our House Captain, Max (who has done a great job!) as well as our Year 12 Wilson leaders who have given of their time, talent and treasure throughout the year. Forming our welcome committee, encouraging Home Group devotions, and writing a new Harry Styles-esque war cry. Additionally, we introduced two Assembly regulars: The Inspiration Stations and J.E.M sessions. The Inspiration Station is a segment where a student speaks to the House about something that has motivated them or made them feel inspired throughout the week. Our students drew inspiration from acts of kindness, notes of encouragement, famous quotes, personal experiences, to the wise words of world leaders. Our J.E.M sessions involved students presenting a ‘joke, excellent song or meme’ of the week. This segment, run by Taylor and Emma (Year 11), brought laughter and fun to our House Assemblies. Who would have thought that you could soothe a crying baby by throwing slices of cheese? Home Groups have been a flurry with regular devotions and activities, paired with inter-Home Group and House Challenges. Students have engaged in scavenger hunts, quizzes, minute-to-win-it games, photo challenges, upcycled-pet making and the infamous ‘name that tune’. The House Captains as a
group, across all Houses, have devoted themselves to building community and their initiative and legacy are deeply appreciated. Our Carnivals, both sporting and cultural have been a great adventure. The ‘Under the Sea’ theme for the Swimming Carnival underscored our mania for dance and allowed us to create spirit with our original choreo and of course, hype up the fun with the macarena. Later in the year, we had our first Cross Country at Stolz Oval which made the course even better than previous years. Athletics was rained out but we had a fabulous time on the field and almost every event was filled with energetic “Wilsonites”. For Wilson, our time to shine dawned at the ‘Pavement Art’ competition. The theme of ‘Untold History’ was beautifully and skilfully represented by our three student groups (Middle Years, mixed and Senior Years). We placed across all three categories and took the major win. Then, we cycled our way to the top for RecyKle, riding a whopping 42.7 km in 40 minutes. What a team! In the tail end of the year, we celebrated ‘R U OK’ day and of course, the annual World’s Greatest Shave and Sister Snips. So, the sparklers caught on fire at the advent of 2021, but, there’s nothing wrong with a little fire in the belly. In a year of continued change, we focused on pastorally caring for one another, staying connected, reaching out for help when needed and most importantly, being hopeful about our futures. Wilson indeed stayed ‘in this together’. MRS MELLISSA HUGHES WILSON HEAD OF HOUSE
Wilson House Captain 2021 was a year of many changes and some complications, but these challenges helped to build a sense of community in Wilson.
The year started with the Swimming Carnival, which was a great starting point to begin building the community, showing the strength of Wilson House. The second opportunity of the year was the Cross Country Carnival. This Carnival allowed for me and other helpers to build Spirit across all of the events throughout the day. While we may not have won the overall competition at the two carnivals, “Wilsonites” never give up on themselves and their fellow peers. Wilson never has a problem filling up events and races to win as many points as possible. “Wilsonites”step up to the plate! At the Athletics Carnival, even though we didn’t get the chance to participate in the track events due to wet weather, Wilson still gave the other Houses a fair competition by filling all available spots in events. In the Cultural competitions, Wilson brought it home! Like every other year, our competition in Pavement Art was met with huge success, placing in all categories. Again, Wilson submitted a team for RecyKle and the team pushed together: chanting and pushing each
other to the limit to win in a first-time-ever tie for First place with Ramsay. These two events proved to show that Wilson is, once again, a force to be reckoned with! As a solo captain I have been faced with many challenges. I have realised, as time has gone by, that this makes it even more of a privilege to be the Captain of the best House available! I’ve been lucky to work with my peers, both at and in preparation for Carnivals, and it has been an honour to lead with their support, bringing this amazing House further and further forward. I would like to thank Mrs Hughes for her help and guidance. She has shown me how to better myself as a student and a Captain and is always pushing me to achieve my best at any Carnivals or events. I wish the Captains of 2022, and the entire Wilson House, the best of luck in the coming years. May you continue the legacy of one of the best Houses. GO WILSON!!! MAXIMUS CUTHBERT WILSON HOUSE CAPTAIN 2021
Remote Learning
College Musical
Little Women
College Musical
Little Women
Crazy Sock Day
Pavement Art
R U OK Day
Senior Athletics Carnival
Senior Cross Country
Senior Swimming Carnival
World Week
Write a Book in a Day
Senior School Work
Careers & VET It’s been a big year for the Careers and Vocational Education and Training (VET) Department. Although these areas within a secondary school setting relate so closely with each other, it is the first time at Redeemer that the two specialty areas have been merged. This is particularly important as we focus, as a College, on developing more individualised learning pathways for students. As a team, we identified and created opportunities for students to connect with experts and organisations from other industries and experience university life and highly specialised fields of study with day visits to various campuses. This year we ran lunchtime Career Insight sessions where we focused on a particular occupation or range of related occupations in an industry. It was great to see students across different year levels attend to learn more about a possible career path of choice. Our Senior Information and Career Pathways Expo allowed students to listen to and speak with Redeemer Alumni who each presented their career stories with students and parents. This was a great evening to learn more about the choices students have in Years 11 and 12, and to explore opportunities that lay beyond graduation via the Expo.
There were many students who had a head start in their career journey by committing to study through the TAFE at School program or another private registered training organisation. Some commenced apprenticeships and traineeships. These students generally studied Certificate II, III and IV level programs which all contribute to their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). I commend these students for their organisation, dedication and eagerness to build their employability skills and qualifications. Quite a number of Year 11 and 12 students successfully completed their first university course. For these students, such studies helped them affirm what it is they would like to study at university. They also received credit towards their QCE. The Career Counselling Team have thoroughly enjoyed working with students to assist them with academic choices, VET program suitability, career pathway planning and SET Planning. It has been particularly exciting to see the number of students in the lower year levels of the Senior School come to talk to one of the Career Counsellors to learn about different opportunities. MRS STEPHANIE MACKIE HEAD OF CAREERS & VET
Here at Redeemer, we see Christian Studies as one of the many contributors to the whole education of the whole person, providing opportunity for the student’s spiritual development. We hope that through the Christian Studies experience, students engage on a journey in the search for personal meaning; a meaning which will include the on-going process of knowing God and being known by God.
Christian Studies
I have learnt that God’s creation… …is more than just creating the world, but creating every individual’s personality, and feelings. …is what we need to live life. He is the reason we are able to live freely today.
It is important to learn about different religions because… …it broadens our understanding of people and questions about faith. …it helps us view life from other people’s perspectives. …it increases cultural awareness and understanding of global complexities. …it enables us to have a greater understanding of what people believe which will limit any prejudices or assumptions that may be made in ignorance. Peace is difficult to achieve because… …people’s attitudes and beliefs can differ based on religion and social status. …people are not satisfied with what they own. They wish to have more.
My story is important because… …I know I am a child of God. God created me and put me in this world for a reason. ...I need a sense of belonging. To live life happily. Being a child of God is special to me. …I can help the world and I know that God loves me unconditionally and he will forgive me. It is important to know who lives in my community because… …we can support each other. …it can help us to feel more empathy and accepting towards other people. The topic of social justice taught me… …to respect others and to not take everything for granted. …about the struggles of others and issues present in society. …that there is so much happening in the world that we don’t know much about.
People find meaning and purpose through… …recognising their own gifts, talents and strengths and how they can use them to achieve personal goals, embrace their own beliefs and values and to find and pursue their own passions. …God or their beliefs on the world. Sometimes they can find meaning and purpose through their own experiences.
Creative Arts
Creative Arts
Film, Television & New Media This year, Media Arts and Film, Television and New Media have had a number of highlights. At the beginning of the Year, students in Years 10, 11 and 12 participated in a full day masterclass with Academy Award winning cinematographer, Greg Huglin, from Noosa Film Academy. In this session on Dramatic Filmmaking, the students worked with Greg to develop a short film in one central location. Throughout the workshop, students were provided with insights into the dynamic art of filming and editing to create a cohesive story with effective pacing, dialogue and titles. During the Year 8/9 Media Art’s Genre and Hollywood Unit, students participated in a handson special effect makeup workshop run by Kath McBride-Hellewell from Laughing Goat Productions. The class were introduced to how to create bruises, scars and bullet holes for filmmaking before creating and experimenting with these effects themselves. This year, the Year 8/9 class also undertook an exciting cross-curricular Project Based Learning Unit, collaborating with students from Drama and Music. In this project, students were challenged to create an original short film that explored an experience of contemporary teenagers. After a kick-off workshop run by filmmaker Kyle Head, groups considered story structures, filming for screen and concept
development. Using scripts developed by the Drama students, students in Media Arts developed a shot list, chose locations and developed their style by filming and editing the production. The music for each film was then developed by the Music students in their group and ready for an official screening! In Term 3, the College once again offered the Short Film Project co-curricular program. A group of Media Arts students worked with filmmaker Kyle Head to design, film and edit two short production pieces performed by students in Drama. This practical cocurricular experience offers students the opportunity to expand their skills in an authentic filmmaking environment through mentoring and practical experience. Finally, the Senior FTVNM class expanded their practice this year, developing two major production pieces: a documentary film and stylistic identity narrative. The final production allowed students to express their personal and artistic identity using a range of mixed media techniques such as cel animation, rotoscoping, digital illustration, masking, keyframing and experimental editing. Congratulations to these students for creating original, creative and engaging work! MRS KYLIE WRIGHT FILM, TELEVISION AND NEW MEDIA TEACHER
Creative Arts
Visual Art Years 7-9
Creative Arts
Visual Art Years 10-12
English The Mice, the Squirrels, and the Crows By Kostya Reznik, Year 10 Not even halfway through the Winter, the food began to run out. Although a definite improvement from last year, the crows’ supposedly genius plan didn’t seem to be working out for the mice. They didn’t eat more than they had to and kept good track of the food supply, but there just wasn’t enough.
“What you are offering is more than enough to last us a while,” the mice responded. “Thank you for your kindness.”
“We’ve gone through most of our food!” one mouse announced alarmedly.
Even what the squirrels considered a small amount of food was still a major boon for the mice. They scurried off to their home with their treasure, each mouse holding all it could carry. For the next few weeks, the mice were happy again; their troubles long gone and forgotten.
“Well, what are we going to do?” “Let’s go and ask the other animals for food; whatever they can spare. I believe the squirrels may have some.” With no other options and almost no food, the mice set off to where the squirrels lived. Entering their territory, it was clear they were better off, with more food at that point than the mice had at Autumn’s end. Realising their opportunity, one of the mice approached the squirrels. “Sorry to trouble you, but we have run out of food,” the mouse pleaded. “Would you be able to spare any?” “What you see is all we have. We are willing to give you some, but I doubt it will be enough to last all of you,” one squirrel explained apologetically. At this, a wave of excitement and joy swept over the mice. It was more than they could have ever expected. “If you run out again, the crows might have more. They are the ones who suggested this idea to us, after all.”
“We wish we could do more for you,” one squirrel told them. “Hopefully one year, everybody will have more than enough food.”
But once again, their bounties were short-lived. Their supply began to dwindle as they realised that the squirrel’s warning was correct. Of course, basic courtesy meant that bothering the squirrels for more food would be obnoxious and unwelcome.
“No,” the crow appeared annoyed, “we won’t be giving you anything.” “But why? Do you not believe us? Surely the mountains of food you have are enough to last both you and us for the Winter.” “You not having any food isn’t our fault. It’s yours. You should’ve worked harder and gathered more.” More crows flocked over as he spoke, sneering and glaring at the mice as if they were a nuisance to be rid of. “But we did! We took all that was left in the forest,” the mice pleaded. “Almost everything else was already gone by the time we got there.” “We don’t owe you anything,” a crow with ruffled feathers declared in a gravelly tone. “If it weren’t for us and our plan, you would have already starved. Leave at once.”
Wanting to preserve their relationship with the kind group, the mice decided that their final hope lay with the crows. Arriving at their lair deep in the snowy woods, their eyes widened and the hairs on their backs stood straight up; they had never seen anything like this. Piles upon piles of the best food the forest had to offer. Berries, nuts, fruit, mushrooms – there was no end to it.
The stark difference between the squirrels and the crows was shocking to the mice. Optimism turned to despair as the mice headed back to their homes, slouching and dragging their feet. What the crows told them did not seem fair, but they were helpless to change their fate. With little food and many weeks of Winter left, worry filled the homes of both the mice and squirrels.
Filled with hope from their encounter with the squirrels, the mice approached one of the crows.
Spring eventually came, with flowers pushing through the snow and trees beginning to grow back their leaves. An uncharacteristic silence shrouded the forest, only interrupted by the deafening caw of the crows.
“Sorry to trouble you, but we have run out of food,” the mouse pleaded for the second time. “Would you be able to spare any?”
Business & Digital Solutions
“I’m studying Business so that I can further my understanding of management to study it in university using the skills I’ve acquired from Business, such as identifying PESTLE factors and being able to write either an investigative or a feasibility report. My favourite topics that are taught are the four functions and the business environment” – Mykaelah Ludcke, Year 11
“I started Business almost 2 years ago now to see if I would like it. After the first Unit of Accounting, I knew this is something I was passionate about. Without hesitation I began looking at university courses within the area of Business. With my chosen future degree of Bachelor of Business majoring in Accountancy, I can’t wait for what is to come.” – Rebecca Reid, Year 11
Business & Digital Solutions
“I chose to study Business because it was a new area for me to venture into. I never knew there were so many aspects for Business, such as how companies interact with consumers via marketing, and how innovative workplaces can shape the future. Each lesson is fun and interactive, and I look forward to every one (especially Business bingo). Business has become my favourite subject, and I can’t wait to further my studies and learn so much more in the senior years” – Ella Cowley, Year 9
“My favourite topics that were taught in Business were the Business Life Cycle and learning about intrapreneurship and leadership (Unit 3, Topic 1). Business to me is an interesting subject because I learnt about things that I never thought would be a part of Business as a whole. Things like the SWOT table, Porter’s Five Forces, Power Interest Grid, Horizontal Growth, Strategies of HR, Operation Objectives and the list goes on.” – Annabelle Cheon, Year 12
Health & Physical Education
GeoGraphics, Geography & Big Issues
History & Modern History
Social Science & Legal Studies Quotes from Year 8 students about the Philosophical Inquiry Unit in Social Science:
Extracts from Year 12 Legal Studies students’ analysis & evaluation of legal issues:
“I found it extremely interesting as I like to think deeply a lot. In a way, it helps me calm down because I otherwise overthink all the time. Some of the questions were difficult to answer and required some time and thought, but it was also interesting to see my classmates’ perspectives.”
“While some might argue that giving control of a Bill of Rights to the parliament is placing it above the law, as long as its decisions regarding the Bill of Rights are public it will still be subject to the will of the people through elections. Leaving power with the legislature ensures that power stays with elected representatives.”
“The Philosophical Inquiry Unit has changed the way I think and I really enjoyed everyone in a circle building on others’ ideas/opinions.”
“Philosophical Inquiry opened my mind to so many types of thinking and made me think about my own thinking and consider all sides of an argument.”
“It was a good experience to have a subject that we had never tried or learned before. Philosophy let us think deeper about concepts and allowed us to get to know others’ opinions, not just ours.”
“I enjoyed the Unit and found it interesting. I liked that it was run differently to other subjects. The assessment portion of Philosophy was interesting and challenging, but in a different way to how other assignments may challenge you.”
“Philosophical Inquiry is a subject in which you cannot think and make decisions in just a few moments, but instead you have to venture into the topic, thinking deeply, and open up your mind to other possibilities and the opinions of others.”
“I enjoyed how we could share opinions without getting shamed and how we could also discuss mature and important topics in a civil manner.”
“It is recommended that the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth) be amended to require a minimum staff ratio and skill mix for aged care facilities across Australia. Section 54.1 of the Act, which outlines the responsibilities of approved providers, will need to be amended to include staffing requirements. Political support will be needed to pass a bill through parliament. Currently, there is bipartisan support for aged care reforms, so this would be possible. Another implication would be that more funding would be needed for staffing in aged care homes. This was partially addressed in the most recent federal budget. It would also be important to make sure there were appropriate reporting and accountability mechanisms to identify and penalise noncomplying facilities, to ensure just and equitable outcomes for residents.”
“By placing restrictions on items such as alcohol, which is still available to the wider community, many believe that these specific communities can no longer be considered ‘equals’ as they are unable to drink autonomously like those outside of their communities. The case of Maloney v The Queen [2013] HCA 28 functions as an example of this situation. In the case, Maloney was convicted of possessing more alcohol than allowed in Palm Island, Queensland, due to the community alcohol restrictions in place there. Maloney argued that the restrictions were inconsistent with the RDA, discriminatory against her race, and were not ‘special measures.’ The case was dismissed as the Court unanimously agreed that the restrictions were, in fact, consistent with the RDA as the ‘special measures’ in place were to protect Palm Island’s residents from the effects of alcohol abuse.”
Industrial Technologies
Industrial Technologies
Industrial Technologies
Engineering & STEM
Chinese & Japanese
Learning Senior Enhancement School Work
The Learning Enhancement Department is committed to providing students with learning support based on their individual needs. This year, the Department supported students who accessed the Academic Assistance Program (AAP), students with English as an Additional Language (EAL), students within subject classes and assisted teachers to identify, plan and support learning in the classroom.
A range of topics have been covered in 2021, for example, analysing persuasion in media texts, persuasive speaking, analysing digital texts, exploring different perspectives, examining representations of Australia’s peoples, histories, and cultures. Students have also enhanced their language skills through online interactive activities such as Quizlet Live and Quizzes. Spelling and vocabulary building has also been a focus of the cohort.
Students who enrolled in EAL are required to study a Unit of work in each term, ending the Unit with an assessment task. At the end of each semester, students are awarded a bandscale score (1-8) based on their language proficiency across the four microskills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. There is a total of 8 bandscales, where 1 is a beginner user of English and 8 is a competent user of English. The bandscale scores are then shown in the students’ report cards each semester.
Together, our Learning Enhancement Department strives to support the diverse learners of Redeemer Lutheran College. MRS TINA ELLIS HEAD OF LEARNING ENHANCEMENT
Lifestyle Technologies
Fashion & Textiles Design
Lifestyle Technologies
Food & Nutrition + Food Technology
Lifestyle Technologies
Mathematics Many of our students have put their skills in Mathematics to the test by taking part in a range of competitions this year. Nearly 30 of our Years 7-10 students participated in the Australian Maths Challenge. This is a very demanding competition which requires students to demonstrate high-level problem-solving skills. Congratulations to Zhenghong Shen (Year 9), who was awarded a High Distinction, and Tyra Arthur (Year 10), Swathi Bukkapatnam (Year 9), Irene Wu (Year 7) and Candy Zhu (Year 8), who were awarded Distinctions. Despite our plans for the Australian Mathematics Competition being interrupted due to a COVID-19 lockdown, 42 of our talented Years 7-12 students sat the test. Additionally, ten teams were entered in the Have Sum Fun Online competition, which provided students with the opportunity to develop their collaborative problem-solving skills. At the time of writing, we look forward to receiving news of our students’ achievements in the AMC and HSFOL competitions. Apart from our involvement in these nationally accredited activities, students have benefitted from a number of in-house initiatives.
Fifteen of our exceptionally talented students took part in the Accelerated Mathematics program, where they were vertically timetabled into a higher year level of Mathematics. Students entering this program complete their compulsory studies in Mathematics by the end of Year 11. A new initiative this year has been Year 7 Maths Project-Based Learning. This has challenged students to apply their knowledge and understanding of Mathematics to a real-world scenario. Taking into consideration supply and demand, budgets and expenses were determined, to ensure their group would be able to generate at least a 60% profit margin for their wholesale food businesses. As a culminating activity, students had the opportunity to create and sell their meals to their customers, and once they deducted their expenses, were delighted to be able to donate $280 to Helping Hands. Congratulations to Mrs Johansen and her Year 7 Maths team who made this large-scale enterprise a resounding success. MR STEPHEN SISSON HEAD OF MATHEMATICS
Music “This year in Years 8/9 Music we made a short film with the Media and Drama classes. The ProjectBased Learning (PBL) task was to create a short film that reflects the life of teenagers in Australia. My group’s film was called “Anxiety”, something that many teenagers deal with in their daily life. My job, as a Music student was to create a soundscape for the film, and I think my group did a good job.” - Harriet Grounds
“I am a Music student in Year 8 and I was a part of the Arts PBL this year. The PBL task involved group work and creativity. I enjoyed this task as I could discover a part of my musical education that I hadn’t yet touched base on. This PBL Unit taught us to use a music software editing program called Ableton Live 11. I had some hard times operating the program but it was mainly enjoyable once I learnt to use it. The film the Drama and Media students gave us was called ‘The Bullying Game”, and we inserted different music tracks which we thought suited what was happening on the screen. Overall this was an enjoyable experience and I would love to do it again in the future.” – Nicholas Chan
“As a Music student, I was a part of the Arts PBL task this year. This was a new and interesting experience for me. It allowed me to have more respect for the other aspects of Creative Arts and the work needed to create a film. It was a fun group task though sometimes challenging to work with new technology. In the end, the hard work of the Media, Drama and Music students paid off, and we were able to produce a meaningful film to spread awareness about bullying.” – Emily Gong
Music Extension (Year 12)
Junior School
Junior School
Prep - Year 6
From the
Head of Junior School
What is reflection? A simple Google search brings up the following definitions: 1. Your reflection is what you see in a mirror. 2. When you pause for reflection — serious thinking, that is — your thoughts are bending inward. As the end of 2021 draws to an end we pause to reflect. To take some time to bend our thoughts inward, to reflect on all that has happened in the Junior School throughout the year, and the impact of these experiences. As a community, we have been abundantly blessed to continue to have strong partnerships between students, parents, carers and staff. The Redeemer family, continues to grow and maintain a strong relationship working together to help the students in our care flourish. The year has brought many highlights and successes through student engagement and voice. The ultimate goal being to have students who are curious, courageous and Christ-led as they engage in their educational journey. There are so many examples of how students looked for ways to engage in their own learning as well as serve those within the community. A group of Year 3 students decided that they wanted to take some action in making the school grounds a place where the natural wildlife could come and safely enjoy living, without any pollution being left by the humans who inhabit it. They worked with a teacher to bring their idea to fruition and created The Tidiers. A small but passionate group of students whose goal was to educate Junior School students on the importance of putting litter in the bin, raising awareness for the wellbeing of the animals, whilst also role modelling how to keep our College grounds clean and tidy. There were meetings held, budgets created, wish lists made and schedules formed. This is just one example of Junior School children serving our community and making a difference throughout the year.
Remote learning was another adventure that our students in the Junior School approached with a growth mindset. For many, it was an experience they had previously encountered in 2020. For Prep students and those new to Redeemer it was their first time, and they did an exceptional job. I reflect on remote learning with pride. Pride for the resilience and flexibility shown by students. Pride in the staff who went above and beyond to provide educational experiences that focused on the academic, social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our students. Pride in the parents and carers of Junior School students who juggled the challenges of working from home, being in lockdown and making every effort to support their children during remote learning. Redeemer really is an incredible community and I feel blessed to be a part of it. There have also been challenges that the Junior School community faced this year. Due to Covid restrictions, our Year 6 students were unable to participate in their much-anticipated Canberra Tour. We spent far longer than any of us wished, having to adhere to regulations that did not allow for parents to be onsite and sport matches and music concerts were postponed or cancelled due to lockdowns or restrictions. All of these challenges were disappointing and took their toll on our community. In speaking with students about these challenges and the subsequent disappointment they felt, what became apparent was their capacity to look to God and their faith in gaining perspective. To think of others who were not as lucky as themselves and to make the most of the opportunities that they did have. An authentic example of the living hope that comes from a Christian community where God’s love is central to all that we do. Listening to students talk about God’s plan for each of us and how things would be okay, we just had to have faith, is a reflection that I will hold as my most precious for 2021. “You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.” Job 11:18 MS LISA ROBINSON HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
From the Acting
Teaching & Learning Coordinator P-6 One of my favourite quotes comes from Dr Seuss’s wonderful and thought-provoking book, ‘The Lorax’: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not!” I think this is a wonderful reminder of the role that each individual plays in impacting our world through the talents, skills and passions that God has created them with.
At Redeemer Lutheran College our purpose is to empower curious, courageous, Christ-led learners who co-create and serve God’s world. There is a lot in this statement but, at its core, it encompasses our desire that our students don’t just know things but that they ‘care a whole awful lot’ about important issues AND have the curiosity, courage and drive to take action to solve those issues. In a constantly changing world, the abilities of our students to find innovative solutions to problems, think creatively and work collaboratively with others are fundamental to future success – as individuals and as a society. This is what drives us to continue improving in our teaching and learning practices in the Junior School and to constantly seek out research-based best practices that foster deep learning and student agency. As John Spencer states, “Our job is not to prepare students for something; Our job is to help students prepare themselves for anything.” With this in mind, in the Junior School we strive to create opportunities for students to be challenged while also having an active voice in the learning process. Not only that, but our teachers seek opportunities to connect students with the broader world around them. This is achieved through a range of methods, including the influence of Reggio Emelia principles in Prep and Year 1, a journey we are only just beginning but which fits beautifully with the purposes set out above. Along with this, teachers in Years 2-6 continue to develop highly engaging projects which provide opportunities for students to be empowered as active citizens and agents of change in their class, school and wider community. So, what has this looked like this year? It has looked like Prep students exploring habitats in the environment to identify the basic needs of living things. They were then able to respond to this learning through writing, imaginative play and craft activities. Year 1 students ran their own ‘Redeemer Eats’ program where they generated a menu and prepared pizzas and drinks for staff at the College. Then in Year 2, students participated in a range of projects, including a project in which they became experts in the Olympic Games, organising a torch relay with a model torch moving from class to class throughout the term. Our Year 3 students
connected with members of our local Aboriginal community, creating an amazing book, showcasing indigenous artworks they created alongside each student’s understanding relating to the traditional custodians of the land we are on. In Year 4, students had the opportunity to connect with experts from our local community and Brisbane City Council to propose and discuss ideas for improving sustainability in our local area. Year 5 students took on the role of scientists, investigating a specific animal and what can be put in place to assist that animal in adapting to a new environment. Finally, this approach looks like our Year 6 students doing their bit to promote tourism in Queensland by running a travel expo with visitors from across the school being inspired to visit the wonderful destinations in our state. These are just some examples of the ways that our students have been able to be co-creators through engaging with others and the wider community. As teachers in the Junior School, we are continuing to explore how we can enable students to be active participants in the learning process and to provide them with opportunities to develop the range of skills required to be effective, empowered co-creators, able to make a positive impact locally and globally. 2021 has been a year of challenges, successes, struggles and, most of all, opportunities to work together to make the most of every situation. I have been constantly blessed and amazed by our wonderful Redeemer community and I look forward to seeing our students continue to grow into active, informed and empowered citizens. As teachers, we are very proud of them and we seek to provide them every opportunity to prepare themselves for the future they are growing into. John F Kennedy famously stated, “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” If this statement is correct, I believe we are in for a bright future thanks to the amazing young citizens we are blessed to have in our community at Redeemer Lutheran College. MR ADAM AYLING ACTING TEACHING & LEARNING COORDINATOR P-6
From the
Pastoral Care Coordinator P-6 “Living Hope through the Lord and each other” “Hope is one of the Theological virtues. This means that a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. It does not mean that we are to leave the present world as it is. If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.” C.S. Lewis
In 2021, our theme was Living Hope and in the Junior School we looked to the Lord for guidance. We know that he has plans for us for good, to give us a future and a hope for better things, either in this life or the next. He helps us to renew our strength. He heals our wounds, physical, emotional and spiritual. He tells us to not let our hearts be troubled, and to not be afraid. He will meet our needs, both in sickness, and in healing. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 LIVING HOPE THROUGH PASTORAL CARE Pastoral Care at Redeemer Lutheran College encompasses all in our community. We focus on positively shaping the future of our students and the way they think and perceive themselves, others, and the world around them. Our hope is for our students to initiate ideas that meet and challenge the modern complexities of their future. As a school, we are both proactive and reactive, strengthening character and strategically building skills to manage life’s trials because we want our students to have hope regardless of the challenges they face, now and into the future. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 LIVING HOPE THROUGH OUR SUCCESSES In 2021, the students from Prep to Year 6 had a hope of becoming the best they can be. This includes in the classroom, on the stage, in the pool and on the sporting fields. However, this hope has exceeded all expectations, with students showing a passion
for learning and their relationships with family and friends. They have displayed a compassion in their personal and school-wide projections, as well as in their consideration of others. The students in the Junior School have shared their successes through lunchtime Social Skills groups, Student Council meetings, Year 6 Captains discussions, Assemblies, an assortment of lunchtime activities and most importantly, Devotions and Chapel Services. Through these successes, we have realised that it is hope that keeps us moving on when everything is wrong and it is the little voice whispering “maybe” when the entire world is shouting “no”. “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 LIVING HOPE FOR THE FUTURE As we look to the future, my prayer and hope is that we continue to be; curious learners with a thirst to understand all that begs to be understood, courageous community members who stand up for our convictions to do the right thing, and Christ-led servants who see Christ in all people and serve Him through caring for and serving others. “There is hope for the future, and when the world is ready for a new and better life, all these things will some day come to pass, – in God’s good time.” Jules Verne. MR ANDREW MARSHALL PASTORAL CARE COORDINATOR P-6
Junior School Captains WHAT IS YOUR HOPE FOR THE JUNIOR SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR THE FUTURE? “My hope is that the students have a voice in making decisions for their own learning. By letting students control their path of learning they will become much more engaged in their schoolwork and become more independent in themselves.” Eli Rowney “My hope is that everyone in the Junior School feels safe and secure and has a place to go to, where they are accepted. This place is our Junior School, for me and for many others.” Dorothy Grounds “My hope is for students to love coming to school. I don’t want any student to feel scared, worried or not excited about coming to school. I hope that every student will participate in at least one co-curricular activity while they are in the Junior School. I’d also like to think that students will continue to love one another and be kind.” Jasper Walkenhorst
WHAT ARE SOME SPECIAL MEMORIES YOU WILL TREASURE FROM YOUR TIME IN THE JUNIOR SCHOOL? “The best memories that I have of my time in the Junior School involve my friends, and us playing together at lunch time. I will treasure those memories. So much has changed in my time at Redeemer. I look at the Prep playground today and then think back six years ago, when I was in Prep. It’s so different and the playground is great for the kids now. When I first came to Prep, I was a bit worried about not making any friends. I had no courage. A kid my age came up to me and asked me if I wanted to be his friend. Of course, I said yes. The idea of playing and making new friends was very intriguing in my mind. I always asked my dad if we could get to school early. Since that first day I arrived here I have always loved coming to this school.” Jasper Walkenhorst
“I have many special memories from my time in Junior School and have had many amazing opportunities in music, sport and all areas of learning. A memory that stands out is from when I was in Year 4. It was the first year that I could represent the College through sport, and I eagerly joined the rugby team. None of us had played much before but we trained hard and started winning. Representing our College in such a supportive sporting environment really grew my confidence and helped build lifelong friendships.” Eli Rowney WHAT MAKES OUR JUNIOR SCHOOL SPECIAL? “What I like about the Junior School is that you know everyone and all the teachers are really friendly. I also like that you can play with anyone
and everyone. When I first moved to Australia, I was really nervous about starting at a new school, but as soon as I had my first week at Redeemer I was already fitting in.” Imogen Henderson “Junior School is special to me because everyone is a family. We all share our love of the school, we share our learning and our thoughts.” Dorothy Grounds.
Junior School Student Leaders and Ambassadors Music Captains Elijah Dragun Elisa Foo
Sport Captains Eric Glimberg Alexa Smith
Service Captains Isabella Cox Talitha Hamling Finn Lambe Samuel Seefeld
House Captains
Hannah Finger (L) Charlotte Remmelts (L) Leigh Kirchhubel (M) Jayden Strong (M) Nicole Beeley (R) Lindsie Wang (R) Geordi Harrison (W) Ishani Wahegaonkar (W)
Student Council (Semester 1) Cameron Blyth Charlotte Cai Finn Crane Ella Fleming Callista Halim Carter James Wallace Leong Leo Li Florence Malone Kady Myo-oo Evangeline Pukallus Rishik Rawla Alicia Tan Ryan To Ramon Zeneldin Mr Andrew Marshall
Student Council (Semester 2) Ivy Cai Elke Dragun Harrison Fleming Frederick Grounds Jessica Higgins Jerry Hu Madeleine Hutley Shane Lee Naomi MacDonald Hargunn Singh Ned Stiller Alvis Wang Janice Wang Dahlia Wilson Anna Yu Alicia Zeneldin Stella Zhang Fiona Zhou Ms Jamie Rudd
Year 6 6BD Back Row L-R: Kallu Boban, Malachi Evans, Pihu Dhingra, Georgia Sorbello, Geordi Harrison, Hannah Finger, Samuel Seefeld, Mia Cheung Centre Row L-R: Jasper Walkenhorst, Shirley Jim, Indigo Henzell, Eloise Ng, Alexa Smith, Ray Hu, Evangeline Pukallus, Andy Park, Eli Rowney, Mr Bradley Duffy (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Ryan Ting, Moe Nishio, Isabella Cox, Isaac Ross, Lukas Dearling, Dorothy Grounds, Chelsea Cao, Terry Lee Absent: Oliver Au, Charlie Fryer
6FE Back Row L-R: Imogen Henderson, Praj Saini, Nicole Beeley, Talitha Hamling, Louise Quinlan, Tiana Magee, Hannah Vongsaly, Tataya Shepherd, Philip Sangster Centre Row L-R: Charlotte Tolmie, Joshua Russ, Nick To, Chase Bennie, Ethan Cartwright, Summer Jones, Carter James, Daoson Wu, Alicia Zeneldin Front Row L-R: Josh Tran, Lindy Yang, Sonia Song, Roy Sun, Tao Chen, Calara Koroi-Rowsell, Olivia Xie, Avit Mathur Absent: Mrs Fiona Elliott (Teacher)
6LC Back Row L-R: Roy Gu, Elisa Foo, Emily Veerhuis, Lisa Jaggers, Olivia Mercer, Alycia Kong, Leigh Kirchhubel, Madeleine Chan, Charlotte Remmelts Centre Row L-R: Ethan Chiang, Lachlan Williams, Irene Oh, Riordan Forde, Sam Feng, Cait Farrell, Madeleine Hutley, Patrick Burns, Jason Cho, Ms Leah Cox (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Charlotte Cai, Eric Glimberg, Finn Lambe, Jayden Strong, Lindsie Wang, Elijah Dragun, Angus Parker, Oscar Browne, Ishani Wahegaonkar
Year 6
Year 6
Year 5 5DO Back Row L-R: Aleigh Barnes, Zahara Osgood, Charlee Wong, Thomas O’Neill, Apaar Brar, Louis Whitlock, Chloe Wang, Jayden Buttery, Eamonn Forde Centre Row L-R: Emmelia Herron, Jeffrey Kan, Daniel Yoon, Alvis Wang, Finn Weil, Lexin Chen, Oscar Anderson, Sophia Fung, Elaine Shang, Ms Dianne O’Brien (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Rishik Rawla, Ruby Miethke, Daniel Kurian, Alegra Apitz, Isaac Shahin, Raina Jang, Adam Wang, Ayanna Lin, Aayush Ganatra
5HB Back Row L-R: Jessica Huang, Nicholas Hayes, Ella Fleming, Hargunn Singh, Rohan Reddy Aiahla Reddy, Jackie Li, Chloe Liang, Vivian Yeh, Nina Chan Centre Row L-R: Alex Jordan, Chezter Chan, Sophie Lee, Chloe Serafini, Maia Richards, Misha Damodar, Louella Badrick, Noah George, Evan Li, Mrs Heidi Barnes (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Ayden Lu, Quinton Chen, Sumin Oh, Hyrum Evans, Ethan Kan, Archer Grounds, Naomi Glover, Jay Ton, Ethan Lee
5HN Back Row L-R: Nethra Arulprakash, Bella Zheng, Chloe Lee, Andrew Zhao, Jessica Higgins, Huon Stelzer, Aliraza Palasara, Florence Malone, Manveer Waraich Centre Row L-R: Oscar Chen, Alice Fan, Aysha Darnell, Arthur Tan, Yang Yi, Sam Deighton, Shaun Lee, Hazem Dawoodjee, Evie Kwan, Mr Adam Ayling (Teacher Term 1) Front Row L-R: Deborah Law, Aidan Ah-Koon, Olivia Chiang, Harland Lowe, Angus Liu, Eva Allen, Jason Shi, Caitlin Edmonds Absent: Sean Ryoo Miss Hannah Nixon (Teacher Terms 2-4 not pictured)
5DO 2021 Growing Future Entrepreneurs REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
5HB 2021
Growing Future Entrepreneurs REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
5HN 2021 Growing Future Entrepreneurs REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
Year 5
Year 5 Camp
Year 4 4AL Back Row L-R: Jasmine Ashcroft, Preston Soh, Tilly Epitropakis, Zachary Wang, Jack Quinlan, Joshua Lee, Swara Shah, Kavish Rabade, Carlson Chua Centre Row L-R: Aland Le, Jasmine Oh, Xavier Evans, Melody Wang, Aiden Lee, Ireen Lee, Chloe Guo, Anna Yu, Declan Thompson, Miss Amanda Losurdo (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Leo Li, Krystal Au, Christina Truss, Oliver Cavero, Hugo Genest, Rookaya Dawoodjee, Alina Dearling, Brooks Li
4JL Back Row L-R: Reve Lambe, Kelly Tedjosurya, Rachel Back, Tyler Searing, Alisha Hsu, Emily Tie, Amisha Sharma, Amit Sawant, Miss Kristy Anna Hampel (Teacher Semester 1) Centre Row L-R: Ryan To, Nicol Ong, Lawrence Zhang, Leanna Li, Lucas Ness Wilson, Hansan Leung, James Xu, Josephine Wong, Khloe Yu Front Row L-R: Isabella Wood, Janice Wang, Aidan Shen, Wilson Song, Michael Reznik, Jerry Wang, Ruby Badrick, Nadia Holley Mrs Julie Lavin (Teacher Semester 2 not pictured)
4NW Back Row L-R: Edward Denman, Keyaan Gray, Mikaela Pukallus, Lawrence Fan, Stone Ren, Cameron Blyth, Archie O’Brien-Spicer, Ivy Cai, Ivy Hu Centre Row L-R: Scarlett Tiang, Edward Gu, Charlotte Walkenhorst, Jordan Bianchi, Melanie Tie, Ryan Wollert, Charlotte Hutcheson, David Lee, Mr Nathan Weil (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Violette McNeil, Julian Ju, Amira Saini, Nathan Wang, Jayden Yoon, Verity Osgood, Nathan Chung, Celeste Grounds
Striving for a M Sustainable W ore orld!
Striving for a More
! d l r o W e l b a n i a t s u S 123 REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
Year 4
Year 4 Camp
Year 3 3JR Back Row L-R: Sophie Mackenzie, Ellie Whitlock, Gemma Korbatits, Ray Sun, Daniel White, Harrison Fleming, Yat Lau, Yu Ze Cha, Ramon Zeneldin Centre Row L-R: Nick Serafini, Caleb Yeong, Kermen Kohli, Zachary Strong, Ryan Chen, Jensen Xiong, Zerui Wu, Hayley Edmonds, Miss Jamie Rudd (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Summer Wong, Isaac Tai, Sofia Bianchi, Ava Thompson, Abigail Hage, Helen Li, Allan Li, Olivia Wei Absent: Sumano Liu
3MJ Back Row L-R: Wallace Leong, Aadi Ganatra, Stella Zhang, Sebastian Meadows, Steven Robins, Lachie Mills, Kieran Lee, Alicia Davie Centre Row L-R: Alysha Wong, Avalyn Rowney, Arthur Malone, Suzanna Mason, Jordan Kim, Benedict Hyun, Meckinzie James, Caitlin Liu, Miss Maddi Jones (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Suri Sachdeva, Anders Chan, Cara Dinh, Armaan Sidhu, Lucas Ou, Myckala Cavero, Andrew Cao, Laura Chang Absent: Jessica Wang
3RC Back Row L-R: Angela Liu, Kiran Glover, Rachel Lau, Enzo Chi, Travis Lee, Asher Brattan, Ashley Liu, Talitha George, Fletcher Burns Centre Row L-R: Ana Hsu, Lucas Higgins, Henry Zhao, Ewan Dragun, Cody Yeong, Nathan Lin, Kayley Lee, Connor Cai, Shane Lee, Mrs Rebecca Coppo (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Katherine Boon, Phoebe Lo, Maddie Ross, Ivan Chen, Jaydin Young, Katie Lee, Emily Zhou, Kady Myo-oo
Travelling through Year 3
Travelling through Year 3 3RC 3RC
Year 3
Year 3 Camp
Year 2 2KO Back Row L-R: Cweyn Chua, Jordan Jayawardene, Angelique Wollert, Ace Cole, Finn Crane, Adam Feng, Archie Allen, Zayd Dawoodjee, Naomi MacDonald Centre Row L-R: Max Deighton, Ruby Fisher, Mischa Bonavia, Amelia Koppes, Tanishq Patel, Ethan Tsang, Ariana Contoleon, Cruziah Asanuma, Karen Yang, Mrs Kylee O’Neill (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Harper Caldwell, Samuel Zheng, Skye Burke, Charlotte Auld, Hayley Truss, Tayla Morris, Jayden Chen, Addyson Tran Absent: Tommy Evans
2MR Back Row L-R: Alicia Tan, Chris Kong, Aaron Ghotra, Joe MacDonald, Ned Stiller, Jack Girard, Levi Hayes, Olivia Chen, Emily Griffith Centre Row L-R: Charlotte Cartwright, Lawrence Hsu, Alexander Khoshaeen, Olivia Blyth, Avreen Bhullar, Zoey Liu, Raymond Zhang, Guy Anderson, Jonathan Kwan, Dake Liu, Mrs Marita Ropelin (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Michelle Ma, Amelia Jones, Tiffany Chang, Lyvia Yue, Mirabelle Abou Chahla, Lydia Xu, Amelie Gan, Eve Astill, Alice Hutcheson
2RB Back Row L-R: Claire Li, Isla Cartwright, Robin Lee, Fiona Zhou, Riva Bhushal, Colette Anderson, Marcus Ng, Xiaoke Liu Centre Row L-R: Kingsley Yin, Alexander Lee, Tanisha Nadlin, Lillian Dallinger, Mirella Ding, Callista Halim, Angela Pan, Ashlyn Kim, Ms Renee Brattan (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Namirah Alam, Ellis Lowe, Claire Yang, Daniel Feng, Johnny Ma, Jade Au, James Wang, Mindy Yeung
Year 2
Year 2
Year 1 1CW Back Row L-R: David Yoon, Aliya Alik, Joey Ma, Aadhya Pendem, Purav Seth, Zarek Wang, Evan Zhao, Mackenzie Gunton, Cianna Mok, Lucas Soo, Mrs Christene Wall (Teacher) Centre Row L-R: Mrs Christine Montgomery (Teacher Assistant), Wencey Li, Austin Yu, Allen Yang, Aiden Wong, William Osgood, Dacian Mihalache, Jayden Wong, Chloe Li, Claire Yu Front Row L-R: Mikayla Woo, Elke Dragun, James Liu, Ava Dou, Jaina Chen, Jasper Yi, Jazmine Burke, Catriona Wang
1JL Back Row L-R: Mrs Christine Montgomery (Teacher Assistant), Elsa Zhao, Chelsea Wu, Ryan Bhushal, Stephanie Searing, Jerry Hu, Lucy O’Neill, Kushal Miryala, Samuel Hayes, Jayson Huang, Miss Hannah Nixon (Teacher) Centre Row L-R: Emma Cao, Lucas Dai, Xavier Liang, Everly Lambe, Melody Huang, Aurora Chou, Chester Chiang, Oliver Hage, Harvey Dai, Mikayla Zhou Front Row L-R: Harrison Hsu, Evie Ham, Chloe Hu, Daniel Chen, Amelia Woo, Jerrell Hsu, Sophie Ng, Teanna Kariyawasam, Kumar Gunarathne Mr Jeff Li (Teacher not pictured)
1ST Back Row L-R: Jenny Teng, Alex Cui, Penny Runge, Ashton Apitz, Jayden Li, Nysa Lashand, Isla Gray, Abigail Thomas, Scarlett Wang Centre Row L-R: Miriam Glover, Joshua Shi, Derek Guo, Olivia Boyd, George Xiang, Jasper Ho, Milton Wong, Paige Meadows, Harry Teng, Mrs Stephanie Taylor (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Ethan Nolan, Constance Yang, Angie Gan, Lachlan Hutley, Lucy Gan, Patrick Osgood, Chloe Xiu, Alysha Chi, Frederick Grounds
Year 1
Year 1
Prep Prep AD Back Row L-R: William Shi, Justin Kim, Oliver Girard, Angeline Joseph, Ben Quinlan, Marvis Leong, Preston Jeffery, Nathan Fu, Octavian Mihalache Centre Row L-R: Mrs Kym Head (Teacher Assistant), Carlea Cai, Zee Kaye Chan, Ellie Chen, Zoe Wang, Jayden Chan, Charlotte Liu, Thomas Lo, Harper Liu, Mrs Amanda Deighton (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Scarlett Crabtree, Mia WaddingtonHarrison, Mia Li, Emma-Jane Nguyen, Elizabeth Shelden, Sophie Wu, Kelly Ma, Corina Lin
Prep CB Back Row L-R: Milton Han, Keanu Grigg Turner, Shaun Zhu, Alexander Garratt, Maxwell Yang, Vaughn Stelzer, Elsie Smith, Camellia Huang Centre Row L-R: Ms Loretta Lee (Teacher Assistant), Liam Xie, Mia Li, Louie Contoleon, Hannah Griffith, Zoe Feng, Nihal Wahegaonkar, Charlotte Hsu, Rose Fisher, Mrs Christina Bianchi (Teacher) Front Row L-R: Ivanka Liu, Eloise Mills, Rupert Grounds, Sienna Liang, Candice Yao, Luca Kim, Annabel Liew, Ellie Tsai Absent: Sera Li
Prep ET Back Row L-R: Mrs Bev Atkinson (Teacher Assistant), Timmy Lu, Candice Chan, Lucas Sun, Renae Li, Andrew Liu, Rick Fu, Cristian Fox, Izzy Stiller, Miss Emma Tamai (Teacher) Centre Row L-R: Ryan Yang, Yuchen Zhang, Audrey Lin, Ira Shin, Macy Crane, Hannah Li, Carter Lin, Jay Chen, Amelia Clegg Front Row L-R: Anabella Wood, Summer Dong, Justin Lin, Zach Chang, Linus Lin, Mia Zhang, Sophia Halim, Yuki Genest
The sky is the limit in...
Prep AD
The sky is the limit in...
Prep CB
The sky is the limit in...
Prep ET
Junior Athletics Carnival
Book Week
Junior Cross Country
Junior Resource Centre
Library Assistants Junior School Charlotte Cai Mia Cheung Isabella Cox Pihu Dhingra Cait Farrell Ella Fleming Talitha Hamling Lisa Jaggers Alex Jordan Evie Kwan Deborah Law Florence Malone Eloise Ng Louise Quinlan Chloe Serafini Emily Veerhuis Ishani Wahegaonkar Bella Zheng Ms Theresa Cumming (Teacher Librarian P-6)
Under 8’s Day
Year 6 Visual Art
From the
Outside School Hours Care Director “A Year of Firsts” What a year! 2021 has been full of many exciting ‘firsts’ for our service and our families.
We entered the year with a new leadership team and welcomed our largest ever cohort of OSHC Preps. The end of Summer saw us swimming, rock climbing and programming robots, all before the start of school. Term 1 saw our staffing team grow from 15 to over 25 amazing, qualified educators! We focused heavily on professional development, and joined the Queensland Children’s Activity Network as part of their action research projects. Our focus was on reducing children’s reliance on adult input and structure, and increasing their independence and flexible thinking. Our biggest adventure to date came quite early in the year, as we increased our service to 200 places! This allowed us to enjoy April Vacation Care with over 300 separate families. We also partnered with Redeemer Sport to provide the first ever round of Vacation Care Sports Camps, enjoying two days of fun with 50+ attendees. Some of our smallest and youngest “OSHCies” took home the top prizes, proving that attitude is everything and keeping our educators on their toes. Even our fittest staff had a tough time keeping up with them! Term 2 started with the opportunity to open our doors to several other Lutheran services who joined us for a day to learn about our program and facilities. We watched our Preps gain confidence at both school and OSHC, and also had our Year 6 cohort run an entire After School Care program for the first time. Our children baked for the Helping Hands van, run by Our Saviour Lutheran Church in conjunction with Redeemer Lutheran College, and our staff joined in on several of the Friday night runs.
Winter Vacation Care brought another first, as we opened our fourth Vacation Care class with the Brisbane Chinese Language School. This program now takes 100 children every day throughout the holidays, with our partnership going from strength to strength as we approach our sixth year of working together. Art classes were introduced for the first time, and showed just how talented our children are. Our first class focused on the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who created portraits made up entirely of smaller paintings of objects such as fruits, vegetables or flowers. The children embraced his ideas wholeheartedly and drew some incredible self-portraits. The start of Term 3 meant the start of yet another new adventure – our very own STEM classes! We partnered with Engineering for Kids to offer coding and engineering classes, and had a plethora of brilliant, future engineers appear in our midst. September Vacation Care was filled with exciting Incursions, with more families joining our service than ever before. Sports Camps, art classes and Brisbane Chinese Language School lessons continued and we even had a visit from our friends at St Andrew’s Lutheran College OSHC (Tallebudgera). Now as we end 2021 with a service of 30 educators and over 500 enrolled children, we recognise the immense privilege of being a part of the lives of so many families. Each child is the reason we do what we do, and we are so blessed by the incredible humans that come through our doors every day. We hope that 2022 will be another year of growth and joy for our service and our families, and cannot wait to see where we can go together! MRS GEENA BARNES OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE (OSHC) DIRECTOR
Creative & Cultural REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
From the
Head of Creative Arts
The Creative Arts Department have enjoyed creating, experimenting and having fun in and out of the classroom throughout 2021. As Albert Eistein once stated, “Creativity is intelligence having fun”. The year took off with a bang with preparations for the musical theatre production Little Women, a major focus for our Department! From directing actors, choreographing dancers and skaters to organising costumes, set designs, props, venue, transport and much more, everyone had a part to play in bringing this classic text to the stage. In the classroom, the Media Arts and Film, Television and New Media students were excited to participate in a full day masterclass with Academy Award winning cinematographer, Greg Huglin, from Noosa Film Academy. Throughout the workshop, students were provided with insights into the dynamic art of filming and editing to create a cohesive story with effective pacing, dialogue and titles. The Year 8/9 Media Arts students loved the hands-on special effect makeup workshop run by Kath McBride-Hellewell from Laughing Goat Productions. For the first time this year, the Year 8/9 Drama, Media and Music classes collaborated on a cross-curricular Project Based Learning Unit. In this project, students were challenged to create an original short film that explored an experience of contemporary teenagers. Drama students developed scripts and learnt about acting for screen, while Media students took responsibility for selecting shots, directing and editing the film before handing it over to Music students who added the finishing touches through their sound scape.
Highlights in Visual Arts include opportunities to enter artworks in State and National competitions. Year 12 student, Lucy Serafini was a shortlisted finalist in the National Art competition, from over 4000 entries. Year 9 student, Sharon Jin was also acknowledged for her artwork, being awarded a highly commended in the Queensland Art Teachers Association design competition. Visual Art students were, again, fortunate to have guest artists join them in the classroom. These included, Sophie Munns - a key artist in the ATAR Creative Inquiry textbook, Kim Green - a ceramic sculpture artist, Rachel Favelle - an Australian Pop Surreal artist who works in oils, and Dr Jacqueline Scotcher (via Teams) who is a key artist in our ATAR Creative Inquiry text. Dr Scotcher spoke on her own creative practice and research/teaching experience. Drama students were excited to see live performances from Shake ‘n’ Stir, Queensland Theatre Company, La Boite and Shock Therapy Theatre Companies. They enjoyed workshops with several guest artists including Lucas Stibbard and Thomas Larkin. All Creative Arts student work from Years 7 - 12 was showcased at the two Creative Arts In the Spotlight evenings. Many students embraced being a part of the Creative Arts co-curricular program including One Act Play, Spontaneous Human Combustion and the Short Film Project. A group of Media Arts students worked with filmmaker Kyle Head to design, film and edit two short production pieces performed by Drama students. These authentic learning experiences give budding actors, directors, and film makers, the opportunity to work with industry professionals and teaching staff in real-life context. MRS KELLY REDHEAD-ADELT HEAD OF CREATIVE ARTS
Creative Arts Captain It was a busy start to 2021 with the Creative Arts Department showcasing classroom work from Drama, Visual Art and Film, TV & New Media, for an appreciative audience of friends and family. Creative Arts In The Spotlight – Act 1 featured Drama student performances from Years 7-12, a wide range of Film and Television short films and Visual Art pieces exhibited in the foyer.
Concurrently, the staff and students were producing and staging the College musical Little Women, which was performed in May and featured many of the Senior Drama students in key roles. The production was a huge success, bringing together students from across the Senior School and utilising their talents in acting, singing, dancing, playing instruments, set construction, costume design and scenic art. This was certainly the highlight for many Senior students who thoroughly enjoyed their last opportunity to perform in a musical and at a professional venue, Redland Performing Arts Centre. There is no doubt that the younger students have been inspired to continue their study in the Performing Arts, with the goal of joining the cast and crew of future productions. The second Creative Arts In the Spotlight evening showcased the amazing work of all students studying Drama, Film & Television and Visual Art, with the addition of a professional sound and lighting crew creating a performance space in the Kleinschmidt Centre Auditorium. The performance of Spontaneous Human Combustion featured a group of Drama students from Years 8-12, and was a comedy play delivering a strong message. Two short films were created by the Media students, in collaboration with the Drama students and guest Director, Kyle Head. Following the success of Little Women, the dance troupe continued developing skills in singing
and dancing by selecting two items from Broadway musicals: Hairspray and Jersey Boys. Additionally, the specialist dancers performed a lyrical dance choreographed by Chelsea Diehm. It has been a full and rewarding year for all in the Creative Arts Department and I look forward to returning to the College to support the upcoming Redeemer Creative Arts students at future performances and events. HAMISH SAYERS CREATIVE ARTS CAPTAIN 2021
Cultural & Traditions Captain The Cultural and Traditions Committee’s goal for 2021 was simple: to bring back Redeemer’s iconic events that were cancelled last year as a result of Covid restrictions.
Whilst we were all trying to settle into the new year, time quickly got away from us and before we realised, Valentine’s Day was a week out. It was a bit of a mad rush, but within a week we got our gift card and chocolate stall up and running. It was so rewarding for the committee to see the joy these simple gifts brought people and we were determined to continue to create joyous occasions. Valentine’s Day was followed by the introduction of what I hope becomes a new tradition, St Patrick’s Day. Originating as a feast day in the early church, it was decided that a doughnut eating competition was in order. Doughnuts were hung from the roof of the tuckshop undercover area and students competed against each other to eat their doughnut as quickly as possible, without using their hands. The luck of the Irish seemed to evade many participants as they struggled to stabilise their doughnuts, providing great entertainment for all. The winner of each round was awarded chocolate coins as it wouldn’t be St Patrick’s Day without the prospect of a pot of gold. Another highlight, and certainly the most logistically challenging event, was World Week. We sold bubble tea on Monday and souvlaki on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the Senior School flocked to Café 745 to enjoy a variety of Indian curries and pappadams. On Thursday, we returned to Café 745 where the Korean fried chicken sold out within 10 minutes. We topped off the afternoon with Korean soft drinks and K-pop. Finally came everyone’s favourite comfort foods, lasagne and garlic bread on Friday. We also held a special worship service on Friday where everyone was allowed to dress up in attire matching their family’s cultural identity. It was certainly a challenging week, but the excitement amongst the students (and food!) made it all worth it.
Miss Anderson for all the behind-the-scenes organisational work and for listening to our ideas and running with them. I really hope we were able to reignite Redeemer’s spirit. CALUM JONES CULTURAL AND TRADITIONS CAPTAIN 2021
Cultural & Traditions Committee Cooper Allen Tyra Arthur Charmaine Chan Yanni Chan Simone Coetzee Hannah Dreghorn Bradley Glover Francyse Hsu Calum Jones Jacob Kemp Howlett Colin Lau Leona Li Jenny Lu Emelie Ly
Mitchell Ness Wilson Lili Olson Ainsley Rudwick Mary Stadhams Anjlee Suri Shanice Timotius Joel Varela Max Wearne Katherine Williams Emily Wu Jin Wu Neo Yang Miss Brooke Anderson
Thank you so much to all the students who supported our events, helping us to spread joy in the community. Thank you to all the committee members, Mrs Wright and Ms Liu for all the hard work you put into making these days a success. Finally, a huge thank you to
Community Service Captain The year 2021 has reopened many opportunities for the Community Service Committee, including the highly anticipated return of many traditional Redeemer events.
The Community Service Committee aims to share joy and comfort in times of uncertainty by giving back to our community. In early April, we began collecting chocolate Easter eggs that were donated by students and families in both Senior and Junior School. Through the hands of many students and staff, hundreds of bags and cards were wrapped and delivered to members of our community, from the less fortunate friends and families to the Retirement Villages nearby. As Community Service Captain, I have experienced this particular type of wonder – a wonder that involves a collaboration of students across Years 7-12 who wish to serve with kindness and fun, a wonder where each meeting is a time and place for building community. This has allowed our team to prepare and host successful events such as Daffodil Day (on RUOK Day) and RecyKle, a traditional House competition at Redeemer. RecyKle was absolutely phenomenal this year. Students competed against each other in a race to gain the most distance on stationary bikes, while a sausage sizzle and soft drink stall operated on the side to raise money for the Leprosy Mission. The atmosphere was like a football stadium; it was loud, fun and exciting! Although all the participants were exhausted from the cycling, a total of $280 was raised to help those who are suffering from leprosy around the world. Even a small act of kindness or donation, such as a simple purchase of sausage and bread for $2, can make a significant difference in another’s life.
As the Captain, I want to thank every student and teacher who came along on this journey, and for all of your wonderful efforts that have changed the world (even slightly). Thank you to Mrs Dart, of course, for making the committee one-of-a-kind, and also a huge thank you to you, the Redeemer community, for your support throughout the year in assisting us to raise awareness and funds for many important causes. EMELIE LY COMMUNITY SERVICE CAPTAIN 2021
Community Service Committee Claudia Birrer Charmaine Chan Yanni Chan Sonal Chand Simone Coetzee Mackenzie Cuthbert Isabella Daley Hannah Dreghorn Elizabeth Ducke Eve Farmer Grace Farmer Tavish Geary Annabelle Henderson Francyse Hsu Calum Jones Andrew Kenny Beatrice Lau Jenny Lu
The Community Service Committee wanted to make a difference again, through the next project: Masking Up! Since the committee involves students from across all Senior School year levels, we were able to bring many talents and skills together to make reusable masks! Each reusable mask was crafted through the hands of all members, from cutting pieces of fabric to designing and attaching tags, organising the materials, and delivering them locally. The global pandemic has caused many unpredictable changes in our lives, but we have fought this battle and will continue to do so, as a community.
Mykaelah Ludcke Danny Ly Emelie Ly Ashley McDonald Lili Olson Mikaela Pfeffer Rebecca Reid Ainsley Rudwick Zander Shepherd Alex Smith Caitlan Taylor Rhys Thurstun Shanice Timotius Tiffany Wells Katherine Williams Neo Yang Mrs Jodie Dart
Earth Care Captains As Earth Care Captains for 2021, it is our greatest pleasure to have served the College in helping reduce our environmental impact on the Earth and helping transition Redeemer to a renewable future.
Through our journey and leadership process, the Earth Care Committee has achieved many things, including: Battery Bins Implementation and advertising of Battery Bins around the College at various locations allowing students and staff to conveniently recycle dead batteries. Mobile Muster Organisation of Mobile Muster that allows students and staff in the Senior School to recycle their phone’s valuable materials in a secure and ethical way and keep them from going into landfill. Solar Panels & Electric Car Charging Stations Supporting the College’s installation of solar panels and electric car charging stations in Redeemer’s brand new Car Park (Gate 4) on Priestdale Road. Go Green Day Whilst Go Green Day unfortunately had to be cancelled due to COVID-19, we continued with creating and presenting devotions for both the Junior and Senior School, reminding both students and staff to be mindful of their individual and collective impacts on the environment. We have also given friendly reminders to all students and staff that only recyclable items can go in the commingled recycling bins; no food scraps, plastic wrappers, or anything else to ensure the recycling bins are not contaminated.
Thank you to Ms Dixon and Mr Phillips for helping us serve Redeemer Lutheran College as Earth Care Captains in 2021. HANNAH DREGHORN AND JOSHUA LAURENCESON EARTH CARE CAPTAINS 2021
Earth Care Committee Charmaine Chan Yanni Chan Simone Coetzee Hannah Dreghorn Grace Farmer Helena Jaggers Joshua Laurenceson Emelie Ly Shanice Timotius Tiffany Wells Katherine Williams
Again in 2021, we have been particularly inspired by the Junior School’s efforts in caring for their own vegetable garden, installed at the end of last year. It is heartening to see our youngest members of the Redeemer community caring for the planet in their own way! Even though it has been a tough and challenging year with impacts of COVID-19 getting in the way, we have still persevered and have implemented new initiatives into the College environment.
Faith and Service Captain
I started the year with a clear goal in mind as Faith and Service Captain, formed during my time at Enthuse Leadership Camp, “Make an impact”. Deceivingly simple as a goal, it has guided my choices through the year and has pushed me to be a better leader to those around me. However, it has not all come from me. Faith and Service go hand in hand, and I have been honoured to serve this community with guidance from Pastor Brenton and Mrs Stelzer.
A key element of service within the wider Redeemer community is through the Helping Hands van. Making sandwiches, completing runs and listening to stories about how these interactions shine a light into people’s days, proved to me that one person can make an impact to others.
As Faith and Service Captain, my biggest achievement was introducing Youth Alpha to Redeemer. Alpha is a program that creates a small group space for anybody to learn more, ask questions and enjoy some good chats about God, life and purpose. Each week, we had about seven people come to watch the videos, discuss questions and, hopefully, grow more in their relationship with God. Throughout this time, I was not only lucky enough to witness other people learning about God, but I also learnt more myself. Sharing perspectives and understanding how other people see the world, helped open my eyes and view things in a new way.
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16
Participating in Junior School Chapel has been another highlight of my year. I was fortunate enough to work with class 2KO on their Chapel presentation in Term 2, and being able to participate in the excitement and joy of Junior School inspired me to take that same attitude into my days and share it with those around me.
I want to include a bible verse that was used as a prayer for my leadership that I hope can help or inspire others.
It has been an honour to serve in this role, and I wish future Captains the best of luck. ANNABELLE HENDERSON FAITH AND SERVICE CAPTAIN 2021
The Faith and Service Captain role at Redeemer brings life to the values that are interwoven through the fabric of a Lutheran philosophy of learning and life. As we learn of and experience the love of God in and through our community, we are empowered and inspired to love others in ways of service which reflect the ways in which Jesus brought love to life through service to others. One of Annabelle’s main goals for 2021 was to introduce a “Youth Alpha” course, exploring the message of the Bible in a contemporary, meaningful and studentfriendly way. Annabelle researched the course and acquired the resources which she presented in a series of lunchtime sessions throughout the year. These were combined with food, drink and a comfortable and relaxed environment.” Pastor Brenton Altmann
Art Club - Group 1 Aliya Alik Olivia Blyth Mischa Bonavia Charlotte Cartwright Isla Cartwright Daniel Chen Jayden Chen Olivia Chen Alysha Chi Aurora Chou Ace Cole Ariana Contoleon Harvey Dai Lillian Dallinger Ava Dou Elke Dragun Daniel Feng Ruby Fisher Angie Gan Isla Gray Mackenzie Gunton Derek Guo Oliver Hage Evie Ham Harrison Hsu Lawrence Hsu Chloe Hu Melody Huang Jayden Li Dake Liu James Liu Xiaoke Liu Zoey Liu Naomi MacDonald Paige Meadows Cianna Mok Tayla Morris Sophie Ng Lucy O’Neill
Angela Pan Addyson Tran Hayley Truss Ethan Tsang Catriona Wang Scarlett Wang Angelique Wollert Aiden Wong Jayden Wong Amelia Woo Mikayla Woo Chelsea Wu Claire Yang Constance Yang Elsa Zhao Evan Zhao Mikayla Zhou Ms Renee Brattan
Art Club - Group 2 Eve Astill Olivia Boyd Emma Cao Tiffany Chang Jaina Chen Lucas Dai Mirella Ding Amelie Gan Jack Girard Emily Griffith Levi Hayes Jasper Ho Jerrell Hsu Jayson Huang Alice Hutcheson Jordan Jayawardene Teanna Kariyawasam Everly Lambe Nysa Lashand Alexander Lee
Creative & Cultural Cocurricular
Chloe Li Wencey Li Xavier Liang Joey Ma Johnny Ma Joe MacDonald Dacian Mihalache Marcus Ng Aadhya Pendem Penny Runge Alicia Tan Milton Wong Lydia Xu Mindy Yeung Kingsley Yin David Yoon Lyvia Yue Fiona Zhou Mrs Stephanie Taylor
Chapel AudioVisual
Kielan Barnes Andrew Chung Helena Jaggers Hayden McKenzie Ruby Oxford Oziah Pukallus Jacob Richardson Zachary Richardson Dean Thurstun Pastor Brenton Altmann
Creative & Cultural Cocurricular
Creative & Cultural Cocurricular
Creative & Cultural Cocurricular Christian Dance Term 1 Sofia Bianchi Talitha George Celeste Grounds Nadia Holley Ivy Hu Charlotte Hutcheson Rachel Lau Kayley Lee Phoebe Lo Suzanna Mason Violette McNeil Maddie Ross Suri Sachdeva Wilson Song Kelly Tedjosurya Christina Truss Charlotte Walkenhorst Janice Wang Jerry Wang Jessica Wang Alysha Wong Josephine Wong Isabella Wood Anna Yu Khloe Yu Lawrence Zhang Henry Zhao Ms Leah Cox Miss Bec Pennisi
Christian Dance Term 2 Nethra Arulprakash Aleigh Barnes Isabella Cox Talitha Hamling Emmelia Herron Lisa Jaggers Calara Koroi-Rowsell Evie Kwan Eloise Ng Evangeline Pukallus Emily Veerhuis Ishani Wahegaonkar Ms Leah Cox Miss Bec Pennisi
Christian Dance Term 3 Candice Chan Jay Chen Louie Contoleon Scarlett Crabtree Summer Dong Rose Fisher Hannah Griffith
Keanu Grigg Turner Sophia Halim Mia Li Annabel Liew Audrey Lin Andrew Liu Harper Liu Timmy Lu Octavian Mihalache Eloise Mills Elizabeth Shelden Izzy Stiller Lucas Sun Ellie Tsai Anabella Wood Liam Xie Ms Leah Cox Miss Bec Pennisi
Year 7 Creative Textiles Club Cooper Allen Amelia Denman Essie Heo Lucy Jung Roop Kaur Victor Lee Katie Li Leona Li Mary Stadhams Linden Stelzer Max Wearne Emily Wu Mrs Jemma Rowney Mrs Kate Wilkinson
Duke of Edinburgh Award Tyra Arthur Timothy Bell Dominic Duval Victoria Evans Shae Godfrey Sanjai Hewton Brandon Kiehle Emily Ness Wilson Lili Olson Zander Shepherd Angelo Szetu Dean Thurstun Shanice Timotius Billy Wearne Sarah Were
Dance Performance Group Charlotte Cai
Matisse Conlon Isabella Cox Ellena Ericksson Dorothy Grounds Harriet Grounds Ainsley Rudwick Megan Rudwick Anokhee Sundaram Ishani Wahegaonkar Sarah Were Mrs Kelly Redhead-Adelt
Dance Troupe
Timothy Bell Charlotte Cai Matisse Conlon Isabella Cox Abbey Endres Ellena Ericksson Isaac Georghiou Emily Gong Dorothy Grounds Harriet Grounds Sanjai Hewton Amali Kordis Zachary Richardson Ed Rodgers Ainsley Rudwick Megan Rudwick Hamish Sayers Dominic Trevatt Emily Veerhuis Ishani Wahegaonkar Daniel Watkins Jordana Wenke Sarah Were Ella White Kiara White Mrs Kelly Redhead-Adelt
Drama Club Senior School
Allegra Conlon Matisse Conlon Eve Farmer Amelia Geffert Ruby Hunt Amali Kordis Mary Stadhams Emily Wu Mrs Kelly Redhead-Adelt
Scarlet Lacey Alice Malone Mrs Jemma Rowney
Formal Committee Jessica Aitken Isabella Daley Dayna Ekundayo Samuel Hetherington Ella Hughes Megan Kelly Andrew Kenny Keira Knijnenburg Bronty Lacey Saraya Lagana Beatrice Lau Lucy Serafini Erika Sorensen Sarah Ward Mrs Mellissa Hughes Mrs Kylie Wright
Creative & Cultural Cocurricular Library Assistants Senior School Marco Chan Ethan Chung Tim Foo Harriet Grounds Jackson Lin Kyla Raine Charlotte Smith Yvette Stokes Jasreet Thiara Irene Wu Ms Sue Warren
Library Interest Groups Senior School Kielan Barnes Emily Evans Eve Farmer Savannah Gilland Harriet Grounds Essie Heo Tessa Howlett Helena Jaggers Caitlin Lee Oziah Pukallus Kyla Raine Charlotte Smith Yvette Stokes Jasreet Thiara Ms Sue Warren
Musical Cast and Crew
Abby Bartlett Josie Bartlett Timothy Bell Robert Blakeley Erin Bradshaw Emma Chow Jasmine Cox Hannah Dreghorn Alexandra Ducke Elizabeth Ducke Dayna Ekundayo Abbey Endres Luke Endres Ellena Ericksson Emily Evans Victoria Evans Bridget Farmer Eve Farmer Isaac Georghiou Bradley Glover Emily Gong Harriet Grounds Emily Henderson Andrew Kenny Brandon Kiehle Ava Killian Keira Knijnenburg Ellie Koppens Leila Koppens Amali Kordis Bethany Kotzur Piper Mackay Lili Olson Ruby Oxford Kevin Pan
Sarah Pashen Kyla Raine Zachary Richardson Ed Rodgers Ainsley Rudwick Megan Rudwick Hamish Sayers Zander Shepherd Erika Sorensen Cassia Stokes Anokhee Sundaram Abi Thie Faith Thie Dominic Trevatt Maddy Vela Daniel Watkins Jordana Wenke Sarah Were Ella White Kiara White Mia White Lilly Wu Amy Yoon
Musical Orchestra Zac Chan Dominic Duval Eza Jom Catherine Ju Christine Kim Esther Kotzur
Katrina Lee Marval Leung Ally Liu Wilson Liu Eric Neumann Daniel Ng Jin Nishio Ella O’Neill James Paschali Andrew Pollard Gloria Shen Ryan Taylor Andrew Tek Jemma Wernick Katherine Williams Neo Yang
One Act Play
Abby Bartlett Josie Bartlett Timothy Bell Abbey Endres Emily Henderson Christine Kim Ashley Meakins Kyla Raine Hamish Sayers Jordana Wenke Mrs Kelly Redhead-Adelt
Creative & Cultural Cocurricular Short Film Project
Abby Bartlett Josie Bartlett Timothy Bell Jared Chng Emily Gong Christine Kim Joshua Peng Daniel Watkins Archie Wilson Mrs Kelly Redhead-Adelt
Student Council Claudia Birrer Jordan Dai Grace Farmer Mrs Anastasia Strong
Worship Band Senior School
Kielan Barnes Isabella Daley Abbey Endres Ryan Feroz Olivia Kemp Howlett Brandon Kiehle Siddhant Sachdeva Ryan Taylor George Wang Jayden Wood Rhys Wood Caleb Xie Mrs Rachael Stelzer
Worship Band Junior School
Eva Allen Nethra Arulprakash Aleigh Barnes Charlotte Cai Isabella Cox Misha Damodar Caitlin Edmonds Hyrum Evans Cait Farrell Ella Fleming Naomi Glover Archer Grounds Nicholas Hayes Imogen Henderson Emmelia Herron Jessica Higgins Jessica Huang Lisa Jaggers Chloe Lee Tiana Magee Florence Malone Sumin Oh Zahara Osgood Charlotte Remmelts Maia Richards Emily Veerhuis Ishani Wahegaonkar Chloe Wang Charlee Wong Olivia Xie Vivian Yeh Alicia Zeneldin Mrs Heidi Barnes
Young Writers’ Club - Semester 1 Louella Badrick Ruby Badrick Connor Cai Myckala Cavero Lexin Chen Rookaya Dawoodjee Alina Dearling Lawrence Fan Talitha George Keyaan Gray Edward Gu Chloe Guo Charlotte Hutcheson Daniel Kurian Aiden Lee Wallace Leong Evan Li Chloe Liang Angus Liu Caitlin Liu Archie O’Brien-Spicer Nicol Ong Rishik Rawla Isaac Shahin Armaan Sidhu Wilson Song Emily Tie Melanie Tie Christina Truss Ryan Wollert Emily Zhou Mrs Dianne O’Brien
Young Writers’ Club - Semester 2 Charlotte Cai Lexin Chen Ethan Chiang Olivia Chiang Isabella Cox Alicia Davie Hyrum Evans Elisa Foo Sophia Fung Talitha George Dorothy Grounds Imogen Henderson Jeffrey Kan Rachel Lau Katie Lee Kayley Lee Tiana Magee Olivia Mercer Kady Myo-oo Thomas O’Neill Charlotte Remmelts Elaine Shang Alexa Smith Ishani Wahegaonkar Adam Wang Alvis Wang Louis Whitlock Emily Zhou Mrs Dianne O’Brien
Garden Club
Have you seen our garden grubs hard at work? Every Thursday at First Break, students from Years 2 to 6 are invited to join in some gardening fun at Nott’s Cottage, situated in our Junior campus. Students learn a variety of skills during our sessions including, weeding, potting and harvesting a variety of seasonal plants. Over the course of 2021, we have watched many plants grow from seeds to full harvest. Some of our favourite plants we have grown include lettuce, cabbage, mint, snow peas, broccoli, eggplants and flowers. We truly love our herbs and vegetables in the Garden Club and hope we can grow our ‘green thumbs’ to successfully grow fruits in 2022. MISS MADDI JONES GARDEN CLUB COORDINATOR
Helping Hands “Culture Through Connection: The Redeemer Community”
This year I have taken on the coordination of the Helping Hands ministry for the College. A broad range of Year 10, 11 and 12 students have volunteered their Friday evenings to travel out with the little yellow van, bringing groceries, snacks, hot and cold drinks, conversation and fun to people in our community. They have done this without judgement, with a listening ear, and with warm smiles. They show such courage and community spirit in these interactions. This is the heart of our program. I am immensely grateful to the staff who also volunteer their time to care and share with the students, and who live out their principles and their faith. The example they set and the discussions that come out of the experience are so valued. A big shout out to the staff of OSHC, who not only bake for the van with their students, but have also taken turns to join us on Friday nights, and bring their own sense of fun and generosity. Students who have participated have discussed with us afterwards issues like affordable housing, domestic and family violence, and indigenous health. They meet people who are dealing with these issues every day, and they are learning about their human impacts. This is the “head” element of their experience, where the rubber quite literally hits the road.
The young people who attend hand out drinks, sandwiches and homemade baked goods to the people we visit. They come as guest, chatting with people about the topics that interest them, playing with children and being the hands and feet of Jesus in our local area. A number of younger students also serve the Helping Hands ministry by making sandwiches for Friday nights during break time at school. These students serve for no other reason than they want to. The students teach me far more than I impart to them. I admire them tremendously, and I am grateful to be a part of this ministry. MRS RACHAEL STELZER JUNIOR SCHOOL CHAPLAIN “Helping hands for me is a place to learn about the experiences other people have had and learn from them. It is also a place that I know I can just make a person’s day by talking to them or just laughing at their jokes.” – Student volunteer
“Seeing how each community works together and knows each other, and being able to give back to them is an inspiring and rewarding part of Helping Hands.” – Student volunteer
Helping Hands “Although I have only attended twice, I have been absolutely inspired by how amazing a totally different but close side of our community is. Seeing others that are less fortunate than me has been lifechanging. Even if it’s just making them a coffee and having a chat, they are so full of life and emotion. I think I will always remember the community and friends that I have made and am making. Helping Hands should be something that everyone should experience at least once. It’s really something special.” – Student volunteer
“It is an honour and privilege to engage weekly with and serve members of our local community. Over the last 7 years of the Helping Hands van operation, we have built wonderful relationships between Redeemer Lutheran College staff and students and our Helping Hands friends whom we visit.” – Staff volunteer
Helping Hands Volunteers Namreetha Arul Prakash Claudia Birrer Alex Black Charmaine Chan Sonal Chand Emma Chow Mackenzie Cuthbert Elizabeth Ducke Bridget Farmer Grace Farmer
Shae Godfrey Annabelle Henderson Emily Henderson Timothy Hughes Calum Jones Lillian Karppinen Brandon Kiehle Ava Killian Ellie Koppens Abbey Korner
Mitchell Laurens Cindy Lee Cade Linde Mykaelah Ludcke Emelie Ly Ashley Meakins Lili Olson Lilly Parkes Claire Perriman Rebecca Reid
Hannah Rowland Christian Saunders Zander Shepherd Anastasia Spyropoulos Rhys Thurstun Shanice Timotius Maddy Vela Billy Wearne Lilly Wu Mrs Rachael Stelzer
Redeemer Robotics 2021... Our biggest year of Robotics yet! Redeemer Robotics continues to surprise us each year with the amount of new and returning students participating in co-curricular clubs from Years 3 to 12.
With the number of students wishing to participate in FIRST LEGO League Explore, we ran two dedicated Year 3 and Year 4 co-curricular clubs to support the growth and learning of our youngest Robotics students. Year 3 students developed their creativity and confidence building complex designs with LEGO WeDo 2.0 and programming them using block coding. Year 4 students connected and extended their knowledge of WeDo 2.0 systems using a new interactive Scratch-based programming environment. They were able to create interactive and virtual pianos, paintballs, and seesaws using LEGO and Scratch. Our Years 5 to 8 students have ‘taken flight’ with this year’s competition season. This year we had four teams (our biggest number yet). Students developed their understanding of programming EV3 and Spike Prime systems to solve challenges for ‘Cargo Connect’ the FIRST LEGO League Challenge theme for the year.
Robotics First Lego League (Junior School)
Kielan Barnes (Year 7) Lexin Chen Cait Farrell Sam Feng Jessica Huang Alex Jordan Bethany Kotzur (Year 7) Daniel Kurian Shaun Lee Terry Lee Chloe Liang Thomas O’Neill Louise Quinlan Rishik Rawla Eli Rowney Praj Saini Samuel Seefeld Matthew Thurstun (Year 7) Jay Ton Jasper Walkenhorst Daoson Wu Lindy Yang Mr Bradley Duffy Miss Maddi Jones
Robotics First Lego League (Senior School) Dominic Arthur Kielan Barnes Nate Harris Fio Huang Bethany Kotzur Zachary Richardson Matthew Thurstun Mirabelle Zhang Mrs Joey Grigg
Robotics First Lego League Explore (Semester 1) Krystal Au Rachel Back Ivy Cai Keyaan Gray Edward Gu Aland Le Aiden Lee David Lee Nicol Ong Jack Quinlan Michael Reznik Kelly Tedjosurya Emily Tie Melanie Tie Ryan To
Our most senior Robotics teams do not use LEGO robotics kits, but build larger scale robots using components, some of which they create themselves on a 3D printer! The First Tech Challenge this year, Freight Frenzy, required students to build a robot to transport essential goods in a race against time and other robots. Many thanks to the staff and students who have helped with Robotics this year, especially Miss Jamie Rudd, Mr Bradley Duffy and Mr Anthony Vassallo. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday and looking forward to 2022. MISS MADDI JONES YEARS 3 TO 8 ROBOTICS COORDINATOR
Janice Wang Jerry Wang Zachary Wang Anna Yu Khloe Yu Lawrence Zhang Miss Maddi Jones
Robotics First Lego League Explore (Semester 2) Katherine Boon Yu Ze Cha Anders Chan Hayley Edmonds Talitha George Abigail Hage Meckinzie James Kermen Kohli Yat Lau Wallace Leong Sophie Mackenzie Sebastian Meadows Avalyn Rowney Zachary Strong Jessica Wang Alysha Wong Summer Wong Zerui Wu Ramon Zeneldin Stella Zhang
Emily Zhou Miss Maddi Jones
Robotics First Tech Challenge Alex Black Nicholas Boon Sherlock Chan Sonal Chand Alice Chang Lucas Chen Lillian Chiang Alastair Chow Ella Cowley Mackenzie Cuthbert Katerina Evlachkov Austin Hancock Timothy Howard Eza Jom Brian Lee Mykaelah Ludcke Kevin Pan Kostya Reznik Siddhant Sachdeva Max Scothern Rhys Thurstun Jin Wu Ruilin Yan Daniel Yuan Yaqi Zheng Mr Anthony Vassallo
From the
Head of Library Services Again, it has been a year of changes and challenges for the Redeemer Library Services. Firstly, we welcomed Ms Theresa Cumming as our Junior School Teacher-Librarian, and her enthusiasm, creativity and experience has been such a welcome addition to our team. In addition, our valued support team, Miss Burkitt, Mrs Kung and Miss Leibinger, commenced greater cross-campus participatory roles in both Library spaces. This has been a wonderful initiative, not only in increasing skills and connections, but has allowed for the students to engage with a variety of staff. Both Libraries have continued to provide quality services and experiences for our College community.
SECONDARY RESOURCE CENTRE This year saw our established groups of ChocLit and Potterheads grow and flourish, with new members and frequent, fun get-togethers. We also introduced our Lego Engineers group, and have a dedicated core group of builders who have put together some very impressive pieces. Our newest venture is launching a Dungeons & Dragons group which we hope will grow over time. The success of TechFree Thursdays, introduced last year, was so obvious that we have also begun TechFree Tuesdays! The focus of these days is to encourage more social interaction, particularly via table-top games, with a range of great new games on offer – some of these very much in demand! To satisfy the thirst for some digital gaming, we kicked off Minecraft Mondays which has been a runaway success, particularly with our younger cohorts. We continued to celebrate and mark special occasions via displays or in-house events, such as: Sorry Day/ Reconciliation Week, Battle of the Books: Dystopian Edition [with The Hunger Games the clear winner!], 75th Anniversary CBCA Book Week, visiting author Dee White, Write a Book in a Day, and the real stand-out – Harry Potter Night, which blended Junior and Senior students together for a wonderful magical happening. Two programs were completely new initiatives for the Senior Resource Centre (SRC). The first is our 4R Program for Year 7, which is designed to equip our incoming students with the basic skills and knowledge they will employ in Senior School. Secondly, was the establishment of a transitional program for Year 6 students, with classes taken by myself, and also
introducing them to the Senior School Library. Both have been well received and clearly successful. JUNIOR RESOURCE CENTRE Ms Cumming has brought a lot of excitement and many new ideas to the Junior Resource Centre (JRC), including the introduction of ‘Celebrity Visits’ where guest staff members conduct read-aloud sessions, Writers Club, Years 5/6 Book Club and Minecraft Mondays, following the success of these in the Senior Resource Centre, in addition to the ever-popular crafts and games. Special events included National Simultaneous Storytime, Premier’s Reading Challenge, Readers Cup, Book Fair and CBCA Book Week during which authors, Natalie Jane Prior, Richard Newsome, and Pat Flynn provided inspiration for students’ writing adventures. All of these were received with great enthusiasm. Aside from Library lessons across all the year levels, the Junior Resource Centre continued to be a popular place to spend break times and enjoy a variety of activities. It continues to be a vibrant and dynamic part of the Junior School, and a place where staff and students are always warmly welcomed. To conclude, many thanks go again to my wonderful Library team for your support and hard work this year as well as our amazing College leaders who recognise the importance of the Library as an integral hub of the College and strongly support our endeavours. On behalf of the Library team, may you all enjoy a safe, blessed, and happy festive season. MS SUE WARREN HEAD OF LIBRARY SERVICES
Senior Resource Centre
From the
Head of Music Music For Everyone
OFFERING PERSONALISED AND COLLABORATIVE LEARNING Music at Redeemer is for EVERYONE and we pride ourselves on offering personalised and collaborative learning opportunities for ALL students. Our vision is to constantly strive for excellence whilst celebrating inclusivity. The Music program is continually developing a high-quality program where EVERYONE is encouraged to participate. December 2020 saw the last Junior Music lesson taught in the Multi-Purpose Centre, and during January, builders gutted the keyboard lab and we farewelled the old desktop computers. We began designing a bright, fresh, colourful new space in KC12 and students let out a squeal of delight when they first entered the classroom in February. Staff and students love having our lessons in the beautiful and light, purpose-built Junior Music Classroom. To further enrich our Year 8 and 9 Music elective curriculum, we joined forces with Film and Drama to design a Project Based Learning task. Film students scripted and filmed their own story about contemporary teenage life in Australia and then the Music students created a soundtrack using Ableton Live. Students enjoyed working with visiting clinicians, film producer Kyle Head and composer Matt Bettinson and being inspired by industry experts in masterclasses and workshops. EXTENDING PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE To further enrich our Junior Class Curriculum, we invited Paula Melville-Clark, a Dalcroze Eurythmics expert who inspired us through her masterful teaching and led us in a workshop to deepen our professional practice and support our desire to incorporate more movement in our program. STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY As one Year 11 student said: “I’ve grown up in the Redeemer music community from Year 5 to Year 12 and I’m proud of all my accomplishments along the way. I was mentored by the older students when I was in Year 5 and now that I’m going into Year 12, I want to be that person who cares for the younger students.” This message speaks to our purpose, which is to continue strengthening our music community through our buddy system and role models, through more connection between Junior and Senior students and through our friendly and welcoming smiles. WHAT’S YOUR STORY? A highlight from our positive weekly reflections, is Mrs Jillian Hunt’s intergenerational story of the life cycle of Year 5 Band.
Alumnus, Bronte Kelly began flute lessons in Year 5 Band in 2011 and from Year 6 studied with the Redeemer flute teachers, Joanne Sorenson and Emily Smith. Bronte is currently studying Music Performance at the University of Queensland and teaches privately in her home studio. She began giving Rishik Rawla (Year 5) flute lessons and he is also now learning from Mrs Jillian Hunt in the same Year 5 Band Program, where Bronte’s journey began. THE BAND THAT BRISBANE BUILT This is an initiative hosted by 97.3 FM which Ryan Feroz (Year 12) and Abbey Endres (Year 11) participated in. Abbey’s tribute song for her Grandfather rose to the top of the Spotify charts within days of its release and Ryan ‘rockstar’ Feroz won the solo guitar section. Each of these original student compositions received a perfect assessment score, in addition to the great accolades from industry experts. We are proud of these fine achievements both in our Redeemer classroom and in the wider Brisbane community. We are delighted that the success of our students has spread from our Redeemer walls to the Brisbane music industry and beyond. DEEPENING FAITH IDENTITY It is indeed a privilege to work with a team of such talented, humble and passionate music educators and to begin everyday with the joyful smiles and enthusiastic greetings of students, filling the halls of the Kleinschmidt Centre! The rich musical collaborations with accompanists, conductors and colleagues in our work family sustains and uplifts each of us and is something I know we are all most grateful for. John Schaar, Professor Emeritus at the University of California, was raised on a farm in a Lutheran family and says, “The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.” We feel fortunate that on two occasions this year, our combined choirs from Years 3-12 have joined to perform an energetic rendition of Sahayta. Sahayta is a song about unity, peace, and community in ten different languages and uses words and phrases from Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, Sanskrit, Spanish, English, Filipino and Swahili. This message is an expression of who we are and what we want to be known for: a welcoming and compassionate multi-cultural community with the love of Christ at its heart. MS CLAIRE PRESTON HEAD OF MUSIC
From the
Head of Performance Music ON RESILIENCE “She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.” - Elizabeth Edwards COVID-19 has presented the Performance Music world with new and seemingly endless obstacles to overcome. Despite this, Music continues to be for Everyone, and working out what this means for co-curricular music education has certainly been a thought-provoking experience, focusing on how we can best ‘pivot’ to serve our music students. Hiding amongst the 2021 lockdowns were rescheduled concerts, cancelled workshops and competitions, online music tuition with all of its technical and musical challenges, masked rehearsals, outdoor rehearsals, rescheduled rehearsals, split rehearsals, online rehearsals, pre-recorded rehearsals, no rehearsals, and, of course, all of the corresponding emotional frustrations. Nonetheless, our dedicated Music students remain genuinely hungry for the joy of music; always thrilled to be working together, taking care of one another, and striving for excellence. Despite the global challenges, we were able to mount a series of very fine concerts including, Jubilant Sounds in March, Kaleidoscope in June, a sensational Senior School Finale Concert in September, and a memorable Carols in the Cathedral in November. Music is for Everyone at Redeemer, and our students prove this each and every day. ON COMMUNICATION “Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.” – Leonard Bernstein At the very core of music-making, at all levels of the young musician’s journey, lies communication. Sometimes it’s overt, as in the programmatic music we share when we play or sing. At other times it can be more covert, communicating hours (even years) of hard work and preparation that results in beautifully formed harmonies or intoxicating musical drama. Music-making teaches communication, and good communicators become leaders. For a brief moment of time, Queensland enjoyed a COVID-free window in which we were able to miraculously present a sumptuous production of the 2005 Broadway Musical, Little Women, with our student-only orchestra, as is now tradition, performing the full original Broadway score. A monumentous achievement for schoolaged instrumentalists. It is our hope, as educators, that our students look back on their achievements with deep pride and an understanding of the hard work required to reach unimaginable heights, such as mounting a first-class, expressive piece of theatre. It IS possible, and it can be “astonishing”.
ON INTEGRITY “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.” - Mary Anne Radmacher Our musicians continue to care for each other. A great way that they show this care is in their punctual attendance at rehearsals and concerts, and the diligent work they do between rehearsals and lessons for each other. Redeemer musicians know that home practice and preparation is a weekly gift they give their ensemble peers. It goes without saying that, if you improve and grow as an individual musician, the whole group lifts. Whilst this commitment can be seen more overtly in the College’s premier ensembles, it is no less prevalent in the developing ensembles, too. Once again in 2021, our Piccolo Strings, Junior Voices and Year 5 Band beginner programs have introduced our younger musicians to the endless rewards of meaningful and joyful music-making. We can’t wait for these students to move through the Music Tuition program at Redeemer, where they will be nurtured and encouraged by our team of extraordinary Music Tutors. We all sincerely thank each of these music specialists for their service again in 2021, especially given the complicated nature of the musical world and the unprecedented impact COVID-19 is having on their lives and performing careers. ON OPTIMISM “On the other side of a storm is the strength that comes from having navigated through it. Raise your sail and begin.” Gregory S. Williams When I was a young musician, I used to love playing the piano for my grandparents. I remember being excited by letting them choose what I’d play, even though I knew that this could result in a less-than-perfect performance of a piece that wasn’t fully prepared. Of course, there were inevitable mistakes and stumbles and, sometimes, this meant that I needed to stop playing and pick it up again from the nearest bar-line. It was at this point that my grandmother would say, “no, no, no … a great musician never stops … a great musician just keeps going!” I had no idea that this advice would be so salient for those of us facing ongoing, unexpected challenges in the music-making world. But, let’s not “just keep going” … let’s keep growing. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 MR DAVID LAW HEAD OF PERFORMANCE MUSIC
Music Captains Redeemer’s captaincy team for 2021 adopted the theme ‘Culture Through Connection’ for the year. We believe that, as Music Captains, we have helped other students to connect and understand this better so that it may continue through the years to come. There are many students from across the College that volunteer their time to help younger string, choral and band ensembles. This creates a strong connection in the music community and makes others feel, as Claudia Birrer in Year 12 says; ‘welcomed and supported.’
2021 has been a year of great musical enjoyment, challenge, and growth. From the youngest string player in Piccolo Strings to the most experienced instrumentalist in Wind Orchestra, this year’s musical journey has been of the highest calibre. As the Music Captains for 2021, it has been an incredible experience to witness the musical development of all ensembles across the program. Perhaps a greater joy has been experiencing the spirit of excellence and collaboration in all music-making at Redeemer, living through every student and staff member. Despite an interrupted performance calendar, this year has shed light on the concept of excellence from a new lens. With fewer concerts, excellence became less concerned with public performance and rather, individual pursuit of personal excellence. Rehearsals maintained a high standard, as always, and our new goal was to create and share magnificent musical stories with our fellow musicians. In that way, we strengthened the bonds of community that Redeemer prides itself on. Despite the Covid challenges, the encouraging spirit of the Music Department only increased. There were many people who commented on this, including Year 11 student Catherine Ju, who said ‘the spirit of music still lives in all the musicians despite the challenges this year.’ When we make music as soloists, we contribute our own thoughts and emotions. When we make music as a community, and allow ourselves to be vulnerable, the story of each individual emerges in our collective narrative. The spirit of collaboration infuses a special quality into music making that is difficult to quantify or describe, but is pervasively felt. Being able to collaborate in person after some disruptions, allows us to fully appreciate the blessing that is, making music together.
The result of excellence and collaboration is enjoyment, and this year has been full of it. Exploring diverse ranges of repertoire across choral and instrumental settings, has proved to be challenging but immensely rewarding and satisfying. Music has been a source of inspiration and joy that has sustained us all through a challenging year. We hope that the spirit of communal music making may continue to thrive at Redeemer for years and years to come. In our role as Music Captains for 2021, we believe that it has been the community, the privilege of service and friendships that has made the music program so special. The Music Department, like no other, creates an atmosphere of teamwork, family and community. It is a place where we get to meet and mingle with peers from various year levels and encourage each other in our journey to become better musicians. This year, the Music Department has brought an even greater sense of community which has fostered meaningful, long-lasting relationships between students and the incredible team of Music teachers. We would like to thank all students and families involved with music at Redeemer. Your commitment, dedication, and persistence this year has allowed us to make fantastic music together and keep the spirit alive. We would also like to extend a massive thank you to the instrumental and vocal tutors, teachers, conductors and administration staff for their ongoing encouragement and support. It has been truly an honour to lead, serve and represent a Department full of such talented and gifted people. We think that Sanchita Pandey sums up the music community best by saying that ‘music, in all its subtlety has immense power to unite people and spread love to the world’. ROBERT BLAKELY AND ELLA O’NEILL MUSIC CAPTAINS 2021
Music Chamber Strings Chelsea Cao Kaitlin Cheung Victoria Evans Eza Jom Catherine Ju Christine Kim Samuel Kim Katrina Lee Marval Leung Ally Liu Wilson Liu Eric Neumann Henryk Neumann Daniel Ng Jin Nishio Moe Nishio Irene Oh Ella O’Neill James Paschali Joanna Shen Andrew Tek Shanice Timotius Jemma Wernick Neo Yang
Clarinet Ensemble Claudia Birrer Yanni Chan Andy Dai Bridget Farmer Ryan Feroz Isabel Ju Chloe Le Austin Li Rebecca Maynard Angelique Rochet
Ryan Taylor Sarah Were Emily Wu Rachel Yang Daniel Yuan
College Choristers Nethra Arulprakash Louella Badrick Aleigh Barnes Charlotte Cai Madeleine Chan Lexin Chen Mia Cheung Ethan Chiang Olivia Chiang Isabella Cox Pihu Dhingra Caitlin Edmonds Malachi Evans Bridget Farmer Eve Farmer Cait Farrell Sam Feng Ella Fleming Elisa Foo Eamonn Forde Noah George Naomi Glover Archer Grounds Dorothy Grounds Talitha Hamling Nicholas Hayes Imogen Henderson Emmelia Herron Jessica Higgins Madeleine Hutley
Carter James Ethan Kan Jeffrey Kan Daniel Kurian Evie Kwan Finn Lambe Deborah Law Ethan Lee Sophie Lee Jackie Li Ayanna Lin Angus Liu Eloise Ng Moe Nishio Thomas O’Neill Andy Park Evangeline Pukallus Charlotte Remmelts Isaac Ross Praj Saini Samuel Seefeld Elaine Shang Alexa Smith Sonia Song Roy Sun Ryan Ting Emily Veerhuis Ishani Wahegaonkar Adam Wang Chloe Wang Charlee Wong Vivian Yeh Yang Yi Bella Zheng
Flute Choir
Robert Blakeley Erin Bradshaw Kaitlin Cheung Hannah Dreghorn Emily Evans Gloria Shen Jayden Wood Irene Wu Neo Yang
Frieberg Quartet Victoria Evans Marval Leung Jin Nishio James Paschali
Jazz Ensemble
Tyra Arthur Kielan Barnes Nicole Beeley Alex Black Nicholas Chan Jared Chng Mackenzie Cuthbert Elijah Dragun Eve Farmer Harriet Grounds Ava Killian Bethany Kotzur Chloe Le Terry Lee Austin Li Leona Li Zachary Mason Keanan Montgomery Jacob Nagel
Music Hannah Rowland Chris Shang Mary Stadhams Justin Tai Matthew Thurstun Rhys Thurstun Nick To Joel Varela Luca Vela Jensen Vongsaly Daniel Vragalis George Wang Bowen Xu Angus York
Junior Concert Band Eva Allen Oscar Anderson Nethra Arulprakash Louella Badrick Aleigh Barnes Kielan Barnes Apaar Brar Chezter Chan Nina Chan Lexin Chen Quinton Chen Olivia Chiang Aysha Darnell Sam Deighton Caitlin Edmonds Hyrum Evans Alice Fan Ella Fleming Sophia Fung Noah George
Naomi Glover Archer Grounds Harriet Grounds Emmelia Herron Jessica Higgins Raina Jang Alex Jordan Ethan Kan Jeffrey Kan Daniel Kurian Evie Kwan Deborah Law Chloe Lee Ethan Lee Shaun Lee Sophie Lee Evan Li Jackie Li Ayanna Lin Angus Liu Ayden Lu Henryk Neumann Sumin Oh Thomas O’Neill Andrew Pollard Rishik Rawla Maia Richards Chloe Serafini Elaine Shang Jason Shi Huon Stelzer Arthur Tan Jay Ton Adam Wang Alvis Wang Chloe Wang Manveer Waraich
Charlee Wong Vivian Yeh Daniel Yoon Andrew Zhao Bella Zheng
Junior Strings
Jasmine Ashcroft Katherine Boon Fletcher Burns Andrew Cao Anders Chan Ivan Chen Ryan Chen Alicia Davie Mirella Ding Cara Dinh Ewan Dragun Hayley Edmonds Alice Fan Daniel Feng Noah George Talitha George Charlotte Hutcheson Meckinzie James Ethan Lee Joshua Lee Katie Lee Kayley Lee Kieran Lee Shane Lee Sophie Lee Travis Lee Claire Li Nathan Lin
Ally Liu Angela Liu Caitlin Liu Suzanna Mason Sebastian Meadows Kady Myo-oo Lucas Ou Amira Saini Nick Serafini Preston Soh Ray Sun Isaac Tai Ava Thompson Declan Thompson Emily Tie Melanie Tie Olivia Wei Alysha Wong Josephine Wong Summer Wong Isabella Wood Zerui Wu James Xu Jayden Yoon Stella Zhang Henry Zhao
Music Junior Voices
Rachel Back Ruby Badrick Sofia Bianchi Cameron Blyth Katherine Boon Connor Cai Ivy Cai Myckala Cavero Anders Chan Ivan Chen Nathan Chung Alicia Davie Alina Dearling Cara Dinh Ewan Dragun Hayley Edmonds Victoria Evans Xavier Evans Lawrence Fan Harrison Fleming Talitha George Kiran Glover Celeste Grounds Chloe Guo Abigail Hage Ivy Hu Charlotte Hutcheson Meckinzie James Jordan Kim Kermen Kohli Reve Lambe Rachel Lau Joshua Lee Katie Lee Kayley Lee Shane Lee
Wallace Leong Allan Li Helen Li Leo Li Angela Liu Caitlin Liu Phoebe Lo Suzanna Mason Violette McNeil Kady Myo-oo Nicol Ong Verity Osgood Mikaela Pukallus Stone Ren Maddie Ross Avalyn Rowney Suri Sachdeva Amira Saini Amit Sawant Wilson Song Isaac Tai Ava Thompson Declan Thompson Emily Tie Melanie Tie Christina Truss Charlotte Walkenhorst Janice Wang Jessica Wang Nathan Wang Olivia Wei Ryan Wollert Alysha Wong Josephine Wong Summer Wong Isabella Wood James Xu
Jaydin Young Anna Yu Khloe Yu Stella Zhang Henry Zhao Emily Zhou
Kleinschmidt Quartet Catherine Ju Ally Liu Wilson Liu Eric Neumann
Piccolo Strings
Namirah Alam Charlotte Auld Riva Bhushal Olivia Blyth Charlotte Cartwright Isla Cartwright Ariana Contoleon Finn Crane Lillian Dallinger Mirella Ding Tommy Evans Adam Feng Daniel Feng Ruby Fisher Amelie Gan Jack Girard Callista Halim Levi Hayes Catherine Ju Chris Kong Amelia Koppes Jonathan Kwan
Alexander Lee Claire Li Ally Liu Zoey Liu Ellis Lowe Johnny Ma Angela Pan Tanishq Patel Alicia Tan Addyson Tran Ethan Tsang Lydia Xu Karen Yang Neo Yang Raymond Zhang
Redeemer Chorale Tyra Arthur Namreetha Arul Prakash Timothy Bell Claudia Birrer Robert Blakeley Lachlan Bligh Nicholas Boon Erin Bradshaw Swathi Bukkapatnam Charmaine Chan Yanni Chan Lillian Chiang Emma Chow Muji Choy Matisse Conlon Jasmine Cox Mackenzie Cuthbert Maximus Cuthbert Isabella Daley Teagan Dalton
Music Hannah Dreghorn Elizabeth Ducke Dayna Ekundayo Abbey Endres Luke Endres Victoria Evans Bridget Farmer Grace Farmer Amy Foo Isaac Georghiou Liam Green Annabelle Henderson Emily Henderson Sanjai Hewton Lilly Holden Jonah Horichi Francyse Hsu Ella Hughes Ruby Hunt Helena Jaggers Calum Jones Catherine Ju Olivia Kemp Howlett Andrew Kenny Ellie Koppens Leila Koppens Amali Kordis Esther Kotzur Katrina Lee Ally Liu Jenny Lu Mykaelah Ludcke Rebecca Maynard Ashley McDonald Mik Miranda Lili Olson Ella O’Neill
Jaime O’Neill Priya Pai James Paschali Claire Perriman Oziah Pukallus Rebecca Reid Hannah Rowland Ainsley Rudwick Megan Rudwick Hamish Sayers Gloria Shen Jane Shen Zander Shepherd Charlotte Smith Faith Solok Anastasia Spyropoulos Anokhee Sundaram Ryan Taylor Faith Thie Shanice Timotius Mabel Ting Dominic Trevatt Maddy Vela George Wang Jordana Wenke Sarah Were Ella White Kiara White Mia White Jayden Wood Jin Wu Lilly Wu Caleb Xie Neo Yang Emily Ye Amy Yoon Emily Zhao
Redeemer Voiceworx
Marina Chen Allegra Conlon Amelia Denman Alexandra Ducke Emily Evans Eve Farmer Amelia Geffert Savannah Gilland Emily Gong Harriet Grounds Emma Harrison Essie Heo Tessa Howlett Helena Huang Lucy Jung Shania Karim Christine Kim Bethany Kotzur Elizabeth Kwan Chloe Le Caitlin Lee Katie Li Leona Li Ellen Ma Lara Mills Makenzy Morris Ruby Oxford Kyla Raine Gabbie Russ Mary Stadhams Cassia Stokes Yvette Stokes Abi Thie Liadain Weil
Emily Wu Irene Wu Vivi Xu Mirabelle Zhang
Senior Singers
Robert Blakeley Lachlan Bligh Nicholas Boon Erin Bradshaw Yanni Chan Maximus Cuthbert Isabella Daley Hannah Dreghorn Abbey Endres Victoria Evans Grace Farmer Isaac Georghiou Liam Green Annabelle Henderson Jonah Horichi Calum Jones Catherine Ju Andrew Kenny Ally Liu Mik Miranda Lili Olson Ella O’Neill James Paschali Ainsley Rudwick continued...
Music Senior Singers (cont) Megan Rudwick Hamish Sayers Zander Shepherd Ryan Taylor Faith Thie Shanice Timotius Maddy Vela George Wang Jordana Wenke Mia White Jayden Wood Neo Yang Amy Yoon
Stage Band
James Boon Nicholas Boon Marco Chan Zac Chan Maximus Cuthbert Dominic Duval Ryan Feroz Michael Ganderton Liam Green Catherine Ju Andrew Kenny Esther Kotzur Mik Miranda Jin Nishio Kevin Pan Andrew Pollard Zander Shepherd Ryan Taylor Aaron Wu
String Ensemble Rachel Back Cameron Blyth Ethan Cartwright Quinton Chen Alicia Davie Ewan Dragun Chloe Guo Charlotte Hutcheson Ethan Kan Jeffrey Kan Daniel Kurian Evie Kwan Deborah Law Aland Le Chloe Lee Joshua Lee Kieran Lee Shane Lee Shaun Lee Sophie Lee Hansan Leung
Chloe Liang Ayanna Lin Sebastian Meadows Kady Myo-oo Henryk Neumann Jasmine Oh Thomas O’Neill Nicol Ong Stone Ren Chloe Serafini Aidan Shen Jason Shi Kelly Tedjosurya Jay Ton Chloe Wang Jerry Wang Olivia Wei Josephine Wong Isabella Wood Zerui Wu Vivian Yeh Daniel Yoon Jayden Yoon Lawrence Zhang
String Orchestra Reya Ashokkumar Swathi Bukkapatnam Charlotte Cai Chelsea Cao Ethan Cartwright Madeleine Chan Markus Chan Kaitlin Cheung Lukas Dearling Amelia Denman Elijah Dragun Anandini Dutt Elisa Foo Emily Gong Imogen Henderson Fio Huang Ethan Kan Jeffrey Kan Samuel Kim Elizabeth Kwan Deborah Law Victor Lee Marval Leung Katie Li Alex Liu Wilson Liu Keanan Montgomery Ranjane Murralis Eloise Ng Moe Nishio Irene Oh Jasmine Oh
Nicol Ong Angelique Rochet Joshua Russ Praj Saini Joanna Shen Mary Stadhams Roy Sun Jasreet Thiara Abi Thie Jay Ton Joel Varela Ishani Wahegaonkar Jerry Wang Lindsie Wang Daniel Watkins Ariel Wu Emily Wu Lindy Yang Rachel Yang Grace Zhang Emily Zhao Alina Zhou
Symphonic Band Nicole Beeley Nicholas Boon Charlotte Cai Ethan Cartwright Madeleine Chan Lexin Chen Tao Chen Mia Cheung Ethan Chiang Jared Chng Jason Cho Isabella Cox Lukas Dearling Elijah Dragun Malachi Evans Sam Feng Hannah Finger Ella Fleming Elisa Foo Riordan Forde Eric Glimberg Dorothy Grounds Talitha Hamling Geordi Harrison Ray Hu Lisa Jaggers Carter James Leigh Kirchhubel Calara Koroi-Rowsell Finn Lambe Terry Lee Evan Li Avit Mathur Olivia Mercer
Moe Nishio Andy Park Evangeline Pukallus Charlotte Remmelts Isaac Ross Eli Rowney Joshua Russ Praj Saini Samuel Seefeld Alexa Smith Sonia Song Jayden Strong Roy Sun Ryan Ting Nick To Josh Tran Emily Veerhuis Hannah Vongsaly Ishani Wahegaonkar Jasper Walkenhorst Lindsie Wang Lachlan Williams Daoson Wu Olivia Xie Alicia Zeneldin
The Fellas
Kielan Barnes Timothy Bell Sohan Bhoola Alex Black Robert Blakeley Lachlan Bligh James Boon Nicholas Boon Ryan Brown Marco Chan Nicholas Chan Zac Chan Jared Chng Ethan Chung Andy Dai Dominic Duval Sam Eivers Luke Endres Ryan Feroz Isaac Georghiou Bradley Glover Liam Green Sanjai Hewton Jonah Horichi Timothy Howard Timothy Hughes Charlie Hunt Calum Jones Andrew Kenny Henry Lee Joshua Li continued...
Music The Fellas (cont) Jackson Lin Danny Ly Zachary Mason Praneel Mohanlal Tim Myatt Jacob Nagel Mitchell Ness Wilson Jin Nishio Jaime O’Neill Kevin Pan James Paschali Oziah Pukallus Zachary Richardson Ed Rodgers Siddhant Sachdeva Hamish Sayers Zander Shepherd Siddarth Sriram Justin Tai Ryan Taylor Matthew Thurstun Rhys Thurstun Dominic Trevatt Joel Varela Luca Vela Jensen Vongsaly Daniel Vragalis George Wang Daniel Watkins Elijah Watter Jayden Wood Aaron Wu Caleb Xie Bowen Xu Angus York Oscar Zhang
Wind Ensemble Cooper Allen Kielan Barnes Nicole Beeley Jamie Cameron Madeleine Chan Nicholas Chan Ethan Chiang Ethan Chung Allegra Conlon Newman Cui Andy Dai Amelia Denman Elijah Dragun Emily Evans Sam Feng Hannah Finger Ella Fleming Elisa Foo Tim Foo
Michael Ganderton Millie Garey Dorothy Grounds Harriet Grounds Rachel He Essie Heo Tessa Howlett Tristan Johnson Shania Karim Leigh Kirchhubel Calara Koroi-Rowsell Bethany Kotzur Elizabeth Kwan Colin Lau Henry Lee Terry Lee Victor Lee Austin Li Katie Li Leona Li Derek Lin Jackson Lin Alex Liu Nick Long Zachary Mason Hayden McKenzie Moe Nishio Ruby Oxford Oziah Pukallus Charlotte Remmelts Gabbie Russ Joshua Russ Samuel Seefeld Mary Stadhams Jonathan Stotschek Justin Tai Dean Thurstun Matthew Thurstun Nick To Joel Varela Luca Vela Ishani Wahegaonkar Jasper Walkenhorst Emily Wu Dawn Wylie Susan Wylie Vivi Xu Rachel Yang Sammy York Mirabelle Zhang Richard Zhang
Wind Orchestra Tyra Arthur Claudia Birrer Alex Black Robert Blakeley James Boon Nicholas Boon Erin Bradshaw
Riley Bradshaw Ryan Brown Marco Chan Yanni Chan Zac Chan Jared Chng Jasmine Cox Maximus Cuthbert Hannah Dreghorn Elizabeth Ducke Dominic Duval Bridget Farmer Eve Farmer Ryan Feroz Michael Ganderton Isaac Georghiou Liam Green Calum Jones Catherine Ju Isabel Ju Andrew Kenny Esther Kotzur Beatrice Lau Ashton Le Chloe Le Cindy Lee Austin Li Joshua Li Rebecca Maynard Mik Miranda Keanan Montgomery Jacob Nagel Daniel Ng Jin Nishio Kevin Pan Andrew Pollard Angelique Rochet Megan Rudwick Hamish Sayers Gloria Shen Zander Shepherd Ryan Taylor Andrew Tek Abi Thie Faith Thie Shanice Timotius Dominic Trevatt Angel Wang Jordana Wenke Sarah Were Jemma Wernick Katherine Williams Jayden Wood Rhys Wood Aaron Wu Lilly Wu Caleb Xie Neo Yang Angus York Daniel Yuan
Wind Symphony Dominic Arthur Kielan Barnes Alex Black Riley Bradshaw Jensen Button Marco Chan Nicholas Chan Lucas Chen Kaitlin Cheung Newman Cui Mackenzie Cuthbert Andy Dai Emily Evans Sam Feng Amy Foo Sarah Gannon Emily Gong Charlotte Gross Tessa Howlett Gabrio Hsu Isabel Ju Ava Killian Chloe Le Henry Lee Austin Li Joshua Li Katie Li Keanan Montgomery Tara Nadlin Jacob Nagel Jin Nishio Lili Olson Ruby Oxford Keeghan Perry Andrew Pollard Angelique Rochet Hannah Rowland Megan Rudwick Gabbie Russ Anokhee Sundaram Justin Tai Andrew Tek Abi Thie Rhys Thurstun Luca Vela Jensen Vongsaly Daniel Vragalis Alyssa Wei Jemma Wernick Emily Wu Irene Wu Lilly Wu Caleb Xie Bowen Xu Neo Yang Rachel Yang Angus York
From the
Head of Sport After Covid-19 disrupted Redeemer’s school year in 2020, the beginning of 2021 looked brighter and more promising. The College’s Sport Department saw a number of changes taking place at both a program level and also staffing level. We farewelled Maddy Willey (Sport Co-ordinator) and Michael Conlon (Head of Sport), and welcomed back Mikhaela Donnelly (Deputy Head of Sport) from maternity leave, while also introducing a new Head of Sport to the Redeemer community!
Australian Rules football (aka Aussie Rules or AFL) was introduced as a Greater Brisbane Conference (GBC) school sport in both primary and secondary school competitions, Indoor Cricket was introduced to our primary students as a GBC sport and our Senior School cricketers transitioned from playing outdoor cricket to indoor cricket. Term 1 saw our Junior School sport program transition from the previous JTAS competition to join our Senior School students in the GBC competition, and we started the year with our GBC Primary (AFL and Indoor Cricket) and GBC Senior Sport (Boys AFL and Volleyball, and Girls AFL and Basketball). Our Senior School students in the Junior Girls AFL competition achieved immediate success, going through their season undefeated and claimed the first ever GBC AFL premiership! Term 2 kicked off with Phil Tonkin, joining our existing College Sport Co-ordinators. We saw a large number of Junior School students sign up for GBC Netball and Touch Football, while our Senior School students were out in force for GBC Girls Football and Netball, and Boys Indoor Cricket and Touch Football. Congratulations to our Senior GBC Boys Junior, Intermediate and Senior Indoor Cricket teams who won all three finals to make it a premiership clean sweep! Our Inter-House Carnivals for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics were enthusiastically attended, with the weather unfortunately conspiring against us and forcing the cancellation of the track events for the Senior School Athletics Carnival not once, but twice! During these carnivals we witnessed Yasmine De Vere (Year 12) break three Redeemer swimming records! Matisse Conlon (Year 9), Scarlet Lacey (Year 10) and our 2021 Sport Captain, Ava Walker (Year 12) all broke records in their respective Shot-Put events at the Senior School Athletics Carnival, plus Ava also broke the Discuss record by just under 5 metres! As a result of some great individual student performances at the College’s sporting carnivals, we had a strong contingent of students from both the Junior and Senior School, represent the College at Southern Lutheran Association of Primary School (SLAPS, 9-12 year olds), the Logan District School Sport and Met East Regional School Sport (10-19 year olds), and finally, the GBC Sport Carnivals (Years 3-12 students). A special mention and congratulations to footballer (soccer) Alexa Smith (Year 6), cricketer Nicholas Strong (Year 12), and swimmers Aidan Shen (Year 4), Luke Beeley (Year 9), Siddhant
Sachdeva (Year 9), Jackson Clarke (Year 12) and Yasmine De Vere (Year 12) for participating strongly at Queensland School Sport State Championships this year. Our SELECT Sport programs have also grown in 2021 with a number of students trialling for, and being selected in Football (soccer), Netball and Volleyball squads. SELECT Sport programs run 12 months of the year focusing on developing the student’s sporting skills, athletic ability and game knowledge. Our netballers have participated in the Underwood Park Netball Association for the first time as a Redeemer team and we continue to look for external highlevel sporting competitions for our SELECT Sport squads to compete in. GBC Sport in Term 3 started very positively with high numbers of student nominations in both Junior and Senior School, resulting in 15 Junior School teams across Basketball and Football (Soccer) and just under 20 Senior School teams covering Girls Volleyball and Touch Football, and Boys Football (Soccer) and Basketball. Unfortunately, our second Covid-19 lockdown and subsequent sporting restrictions brought our season to a halt along with forcing the cancellation of the Logan District, Met East and Queensland State Athletics Carnivals for 2021. I would like to take this opportunity to formally and heartedly thank everyone at Redeemer for welcoming me into the College community. Thanks to the fantastic support and efforts of our sport staff and coaches, I would hope that we have been able to provide the students with a positive and enjoyable Sport program throughout the year. Finally, my sincere thanks and gratitude to Danielle Hinton, Mikaela DiSavia, Maddy Willey, Phil Tonkin (Sport Co-ordinators), Angie Lindsay (Sport Administration Officer) and Mikhaela Donnelly (Deputy Head of Sport) who make up the Redeemer Sport Department, along with Geoff Logan (Junior School HPE) and Julie Logan (Head of Senior HPE) who have openly shared their knowledge and experiences with me this year. I thoroughly believe Sport at Redeemer is in good hands, with some exciting things in store for our Junior and Senior School students in the near future. MR LUKE CURRAN HEAD OF SPORT
Sport Captain Sport at Redeemer this year has been exciting, challenging and rewarding. It was a great opportunity to be able to compete in so many different sports and competitions, as last year Covid made this difficult for students. No one could have ever predicted that the whole world would have been hit with such unfortunate circumstances. Rather than focusing on the negatives, focusing on the positives and using sport to work through the hard times, was very important.
Sport at Redeemer this year will serve as a constant reminder of the incredible perseverance of Redeemer’s students and staff, as well as their unwavering commitment to excellence on a daily basis. Some students found it very difficult to adjust to being in and out of lockdown and missing many events. Despite the fact that many activities were cancelled, students still found a way to participate and train during lockdowns. Although, as soon as the call was given that sport could resume, there was such a tenacious attitude displayed by all students, demonstrating how strong the Redeemer community is and how proud they should be to be a part of it. From the early morning trainings to the late afternoon sessions, students showed their dedication to their sport by always being on time and giving 110%. Redeemer Sport continues to experience many successes through the GBC competition, as well as external competitions such as district, state and regional representation. There are so many opportunities to join in various sporting programs and training that everybody, from a beginner to an experienced player, will find something to do. Redeemer’s coaching staff have always been encouraging, compassionate, and focused on helping their players achieve their goals. For the students that were successful in any of the sporting programs this year, we applaud you! We hope that next year students will embrace the community and energy from this year and carry it forward. A very special thank you to Mr Curran, Mrs Lindsay, Miss Donnelly, Ms DiSavia, Ms Hinton, Mr Tonkin and all of the sporting staff who have been so dedicated
to each student’s sporting experience, as well as upholding the culture of Redeemer Sport. Without all of your hard work behind the scenes, the students would not have had so many opportunities to achieve this year. All of this hard work has definitely not gone unnoticed. Without the amazing Sport Department, sport at Redeemer would just not be the same. A major highlight this year was seeing the willingness and sacrifice of so many students who helped mentor and coach, not only Junior School students, but also the Senior School teams. Hopefully our Junior School students will follow in the footsteps of these mentors. For me, sharing my passion of sport with the Redeemer community in 2021, has made my position so meaningful and has inspired me to continue working on the Redeemer values even as I leave this community. I am proud knowing that I have helped to develop culture and the Redeemer spirit throughout the College. I hope these same values continue to follow Redeemer students in the years to come. I am happy to say I believe Redeemer Sport will continue to achieve, as well as strive for excellence, in the future. This position has helped me grow in many ways and I hope the students that participated in sport were also able to grow from their experiences. I wish everyone the best of luck for next year and I am honoured to have been your Sport Captain for 2021. AVA WALKER SPORT CAPTAIN 2021
Sport AFL 9-12 Years
Cameron Blyth Oscar Browne Chelsea Cao Edward Denman Cait Farrell Geordi Harrison Nadia Holley Allan Li Leo Li Arthur Malone Florence Malone Lucas Ou Stone Ren Avalyn Rowney Sean Ryoo Amit Sawant Isaac Shahin Hargunn Singh Sonia Song Wilson Song Nathan Wang Lucas Ness Wilson James Xu Ramon Zeneldin Emily Zhou Miss Mikaela DiSavia
AFL Boys Junior 1st Dominic Arthur Archer Browne Fio Huang Charlie Hunt Jacob Nagel Ed Rodgers Luke Rostron Lewis Yip Miss Mikaela DiSavia
AFL Boys Senior 1st Timothy Bell Alex Black Griffin Howlett Mitchell Laurens Cade Linde Ethan Nagel Matthew Rostron Miss Mikaela DiSavia
AFL Girls Junior 1st Allegra Conlon Matisse Conlon Shalise De Vere Millie Garey Gilly Gill Tessa Howlett Ruby Hunt Zoe Reid
Ella White Kiara White Mirabelle Zhang Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Athletics Boys 9-12 Years
Oscar Anderson Ethan Chiang Xavier Evans Hugo Genest Noah George Eric Glimberg Carter James Daniel Kurian Reve Lambe Wallace Leong Brooks Li Harland Lowe Sebastian Meadows Lachie Mills Lucas Ness Wilson Archie O’Brien-Spicer Eli Rowney Philip Sangster Aidan Shen Huon Stelzer Nick To Josh Tran Jasper Walkenhorst Nathan Wang Lachlan Williams Mr Geoff Logan
Athletics Boys Years 7-12
Alex Black Bailey Darnell Luke Endres Sam Epitropakis Ranveer Gill Alex Glimberg Bradley Glover Daniel Gu Eli Hadwen Charlie Hunt Brandon Kiehle Kristian Kiehle Brayden Kong Mitchell Laurens Cade Linde Dhilan Mohanlal Luke Rostron Rory Ryan-Southward William Serafini Jonathan Stotschek Josiah Thomas Daniel Watkins
Jeremy White Caleb Xie Mr Luke Curran
Athletics Girls 9-12 Years
Alegra Apitz Jasmine Ashcroft Nicole Beeley Lexin Chen Olivia Chiang Alice Fan Cait Farrell Elisa Foo Chloe Guo Imogen Henderson Nadia Holley Ivy Hu Leigh Kirchhubel Deborah Law Chloe Lee Sophie Mackenzie Tiana Magee Irene Oh Mikaela Pukallus Avalyn Rowney Alexa Smith Georgia Sorbello Melanie Tie Charlotte Walkenhorst Isabella Wood Stella Zhang Bella Zheng Mr Geoff Logan
Athletics Girls Years 7-12 Maddie Bennie Allegra Conlon Matisse Conlon Brianna Cumming Shalise De Vere Elizabeth Ducke Millie Garey Ruby Hunt Leila Koppens Amali Kordis Sienna Magee Rebecca Reid Zoe Reid Layla Routledge Abi Thie Emma Tran Ava Walker Ella White Kiara White Mr Luke Curran
Basketball Boys Junior 1st
Yudi Christensen Nate Harris Colin Lau Rory Ryan-Southward Josiah Thomas Jensen Vongsaly Lewis Yip Richard Zhang Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Basketball Boys Junior 2nd
Fio Huang Victor Lee Chris Shang Justin Tai Samuel Wong Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Basketball Boys Intermediate 1st
Mustafa Adnan Eli Hadwen Ethan Leadbetter Brian Lee Vince Lopez Joshua Peng Keeghan Perry Oziah Pukallus Max Scothern Sean Teoh Archie Wilson Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Basketball Boys Senior 1st
Ryan Brown Jamie Cameron Sam Epitropakis Ranveer Gill Liam Green Jude Kolomilskov Jackson Leadbetter Caleb Xie Dennis Zhang Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Sport Basketball Girls Intermediate 1st
Sarah Gannon Roop Kaur Ellie Koppens Abbey Korner Scarlet Lacey Tara Nadlin Priya Pai. Mabel Ting Vivi Xu Emily Ye Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Basketball Girls Senior 1st
Mackenzie Cuthbert Isabella Daley Elizabeth Ducke Dayna Ekundayo Grace Gannon Olivia Kemp Howlett Mykaelah Ludcke Rylee Richardson Ava Walker Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Basketball Years 3-4
Ivy Cai Andrew Cao Ivan Chen Ewan Dragun Lawrence Fan Harrison Fleming Talitha George Keyaan Gray Charlotte Hutcheson Heidi Kahn Kieran Lee Nathan Lin Ashley Liu Phoebe Lo Archie O’Brien-Spicer Mikaela Pukallus Jack Quinlan Amira Saini Amit Sawant Wilson Song Adrian Sumano Liu Isaac Tai Ava Thompson Declan Thompson Christina Truss Charlotte Walkenhorst Jerry Wang Zachary Wang Jensen Xiong Jayden Yoon Emily Zhou Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Basketball Years 5-6
Nethra Arulprakash Aleigh Barnes Kallu Boban Chelsea Cao Oscar Chen Quinton Chen Pihu Dhingra Elijah Dragun Cait Farrell Sam Feng Noah George Roy Gu Emmelia Herron Madeleine Hutley Alycia Kong Shaun Lee Terry Lee Evan Li Olivia Mercer Sonia Song Jayden Strong Roy Sun Emily Veerhuis Louis Whitlock Charlee Wong Lindy Yang Daniel Yoon Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Bill Turner Cup/ Trophy Maddie Bennie Shalise De Vere Abbey Endres Brooklynne Froes Emma Garbutt Millie Garey Alex Glimberg Bradley Glover Jak Killian Amali Kordis Bethany Kotzur Sahil Kumar Andy Lee Hannah McLean Dhilan Mohanlal Peyton Morris Keeghan Perry Arjan Plaha Jeevan Plaha Zoe Reid Katie Routledge Ansh Sharma Siddarth Sriram Jonathan Stotschek Ella White Jeremy White
Kiara White Mia White Mitchell White Justin Wu Amy Yoon Amari Zeneldin Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Cross Country Boys 9-12 Years Oscar Anderson Jordan Bianchi Malachi Evans Aadi Ganatra Hugo Genest Eric Glimberg Finn Lambe Reve Lambe Wallace Leong Brooks Li Jackie Li Sebastian Meadows Lachie Mills Michael Reznik Eli Rowney Philip Sangster Nick Serafini Aidan Shen Jayden Strong Nick To Ryan To Jay Ton Josh Tran Jasper Walkenhorst Finn Weil Lucas Ness Wilson Ryan Wollert Mr Geoff Logan
Cross Country Boys Years 7-12 Cooper Allen Luke Beeley Lazlo Chan Sherlock Chan Andy Dai Bailey Darnell Alex Glimberg Bradley Glover Daniel Gu Eli Hadwen Charlie Harris Albert Huang Fio Huang Charlie Hunt Colin Lau
Christian Meakins Patrick Mienert Eric Neumann Kostya Reznik Luke Rostron William Serafini Ansh Sharma Aidan Soo Jonathan Stotschek Daniel Watkins Jeremy White Rhys Wood Justin Wu Amari Zeneldin Oscar Zhang Mr Luke Curran
Cross Country Girls 9-12 Years Alegra Apitz Aleigh Barnes Nicole Beeley Madeleine Chan Lexin Chen Olivia Chiang Rookaya Dawoodjee Alice Fan Cait Farrell Dorothy Grounds Imogen Henderson Jessica Higgins Nadia Holley Ivy Hu Charlotte Hutcheson Meckinzie James Kayley Lee Tiana Magee Florence Malone Avalyn Rowney Amira Saini Chloe Serafini Tataya Shepherd Alexa Smith Melanie Tie Charlotte Tolmie Christina Truss Charlotte Walkenhorst Isabella Wood Emily Zhou Mr Geoff Logan
Sport Cross Country Girls Years 7-12 Maddie Bennie Claudia Birrer Lillian Chiang Isabella Daley Shalise De Vere Alexandra Ducke Elizabeth Ducke Dayna Ekundayo Emily Evans Grace Gannon Abbey Garbutt Emma Garbutt Millie Garey Harriet Grounds Tessa Howlett Helena Huang Ruby Hunt Sharon Jin Lucy Jung Abbey Korner Bethany Kotzur Elizabeth Kwan Bronty Lacey Tara Nadlin Gabbie Russ Cassia Stokes Abi Thie Emma Tran Liadain Weil Kiara White Irene Wu Mr Luke Curran
Football (Soccer) Boys Junior 1st Dominic Arthur Matthew Blest Alex Glimberg Bradley Glover Aidan Holley Jak Killian Sahil Kumar Christian Meakins Jacob Nagel Mitchell Ness Wilson Ansh Sharma Siddarth Sriram Jonathan Stotschek Luca Vela Mitchell White Amari Zeneldin Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Football (Soccer) Boys Intermediate 1st Bailey Darnell Ashton Le Andy Lee Danny Ly Dhilan Mohanlal Ethan Nagel Kevin Pan Keeghan Perry Matthew Rostron William Serafini Mark Taylor Jeremy White Angus York Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Football (Soccer) Boys Senior 1st Kane Broderick Alastair Chow Isaac Clarke Jackson Clarke Maximus Cuthbert Prashil Damodar Dominic Duval Sam Eivers Bailey Karppinen Joshua Laurenceson Tim Myatt Joshua Parkes Connor Reid Kush Solanki Nicholas Strong Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Football (Soccer) Girls Junior 1st Maddie Bennie Allegra Conlon Abbey Garbutt Emma Garbutt Millie Garey Tessa Howlett Bethany Kotzur Makenzy Morris Jeevan Plaha Liadain Weil Irene Wu Mirabelle Zhang Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Football (Soccer) Girls Intermediate 1st Matisse Conlon Shalise De Vere
Gilly Gill Amali Kordis Hannah McLean Peyton Morris Zoe Reid Katie Routledge Ella White Kiara White Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Football (Soccer) Girls Senior 1st Mackenzie Cuthbert Taylor Drake Dayna Ekundayo Abbey Endres Sophie Garbutt Leila Koppens Saraya Lagana Rylee Richardson Emma Routledge Hannah Rowland Anjlee Suri Maddy Vela Mia White Amy Yoon Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Football (Soccer) Years 3-4 Cameron Blyth Fletcher Burns Edward Denman Xavier Evans Aadi Ganatra Kiran Glover Celeste Grounds Nadia Holley Meckinzie James Reve Lambe Aland Le Aiden Lee David Lee Hansan Leung Brooks Li Leo Li Suzanna Mason Sebastian Meadows Lachie Mills Lucas Ness Wilson Jack Quinlan Stone Ren Avalyn Rowney Suri Sachdeva Tyler Searing Nick Serafini Preston Soh Wilson Song
Zachary Strong Ryan To Janice Wang Nathan Wang Daniel White Ryan Wollert James Xu Jayden Yoon Dion Zeneldin Ramon Zeneldin Stella Zhang Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Football (Soccer) Years 5-6
Oscar Anderson Nicole Beeley Chase Bennie Apaar Brar Oscar Browne Patrick Burns Lexin Chen Mia Cheung Jason Cho Aysha Darnell Hazem Dawoodjee Sam Deighton Malachi Evans Alice Fan Hannah Finger Elisa Foo Charlie Fryer Aayush Ganatra Eric Glimberg Archer Grounds Dorothy Grounds Imogen Henderson Carter James Leigh Kirchhubel Evie Kwan Finn Lambe Ethan Lee Chloe Liang Angus Liu Avit Mathur Eli Rowney Joshua Russ Praj Saini Philip Sangster Isaac Shahin Hargunn Singh Alexa Smith Georgia Sorbello Jayden Strong Ryan Ting Nick To Charlotte Tolmie Jasper Walkenhorst Lindsie Wang Manveer Waraich Finn Weil continued...
Sport Football (Soccer) Years 5-6 (cont) Daoson Wu Olivia Xie Alicia Zeneldin Lyon Zeneldin Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Indoor Cricket 9-12 Years
Chase Bennie Apaar Brar Fletcher Burns Patrick Burns Lexin Chen Oscar Chen Enzo Chi Sam Deighton Malachi Evans Aadi Ganatra Aayush Ganatra Noah George Eric Glimberg Kiran Glover Keyaan Gray Lisa Jaggers Carter James Meckinzie James Kermen Kohli Daniel Kurian Evan Li Chloe Liang Harland Lowe Avit Mathur Sebastian Meadows Rishik Rawla Rohan Reddy Aiahla Reddy Eli Rowney Amira Saini Tyler Searing Samuel Seefeld Nick Serafini Armaan Sidhu Huon Stelzer Jayden Strong Zachary Strong Ray Sun Ava Thompson Declan Thompson Ryan Ting Jasper Walkenhorst Jessica Wang Finn Weil Daniel White Jensen Xiong Jayden Yoon Jaydin Young Stella Zhang Ms Danielle Hinton
Indoor Cricket Boys Junior 1st Kielan Barnes Matthew Blest Jackson Deighton Luke Francis Alex Glimberg Bradley Glover Patrick Laboo Nick Long Jacob Nagel Luke Rostron Sam Eivers Ranveer Gill Jackson Leadbetter Cade Linde Tim Myatt Joshua Parkes Connor Reid Nicholas Strong Ms Danielle Hinton
Indoor Cricket Boys Intermediate 1st Alex Black Jamie Cameron Hayden Finger Timothy Howard Ethan Nagel Keeghan Perry Matthew Rostron Bowen Xu Angus York Ms Danielle Hinton
ISSA Cup & Uhlsport Cup
Dominic Arthur Matthew Blest Alex Glimberg Bradley Glover Kristian Kiehle Jak Killian Sahil Kumar Christian Meakins Keeghan Perry Arjan Plaha Ansh Sharma Siddarth Sriram Jonathan Stotschek Mitchell White Amari Zeneldin Miss Mikaela DiSavia
Netball 9-12 Years Aleigh Barnes Fletcher Burns Patrick Burns Chelsea Cao Oscar Chen
Mia Cheung Aysha Darnell Cara Dinh Tilly Epitropakis Lawrence Fan Cait Farrell Ella Fleming Harrison Fleming Talitha George Emmelia Herron Charlotte Hutcheson Madeleine Hutley Raina Jang Kermen Kohli Alycia Kong Evie Kwan Allan Li Angela Liu Florence Malone Suzanna Mason Olivia Mercer Eloise Ng Kady Myo-oo Aliraza Palasara Maia Richards Amira Saini Isaac Tai Ava Thompson Declan Thompson Charlotte Tolmie Christina Truss Emily Veerhuis Charlotte Walkenhorst Manveer Waraich Alysha Wong Olivia Xie Jensen Xiong Alicia Zeneldin Stella Zhang Emily Zhou Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Netball Girls Junior 1st
Amelia Denman Alexandra Ducke Anandini Dutt Elizabeth Kwan Ellen Ma Sienna Magee Gabbie Russ Mary Stadhams Jasreet Thiara Vivi Xu Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Netball Girls Intermediate 1st
Abby Bartlett Anandini Dutt Lilly Holden Hannah McLean Ashley Meakins Tara Nadlin Priya Pai Jasreet Thiara Mabel Ting Emily Zhao Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Netball Girls Senior 1st
Isabella Daley Elizabeth Ducke Shae Godfrey Johanna Kaye Ellie Koppens Abbey Korner Scarlet Lacey Saraya Lagana Rebecca Reid Faith Solok Ava Walker Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
Qld All Schools Touch
Maddie Bennie Swathi Bukkapatnam Emma Chow Shalise De Vere Yasmine De Vere Anandini Dutt Abbey Endres Bridget Farmer Grace Gannon Sophie Garbutt Shae Godfrey Annabelle Henderson Emily Henderson Lilly Holden Tessa Howlett Abbey Korner Bronty Lacey Sienna Magee continued...
Sport Qld All Schools Touch (cont) Tara Nadlin Emily Ness Wilson Rylee Richardson Hannah Rowland Gloria Shen Emma Tran Ava Walker Amy Yoon Mr Anthony Jeffes
RLC Football SELECT Program Boys Dominic Arthur Alex Black Kane Broderick Alastair Chow Hayden Finger Alex Glimberg Bradley Glover Aidan Holley Kristian Kiehle Jak Killian Sahil Kumar Joshua Laurenceson Andy Lee Christian Meakins Dhilan Mohanlal Keeghan Perry Arjan Plaha Ansh Sharma Siddarth Sriram Jonathan Stotschek Jeremy White Mitchell White Justin Wu Amari Zeneldin Miss Mikaela DiSavia
RLC Football SELECT Program Girls Maddie Bennie Marina Chen Shalise De Vere Abbey Endres Amali Kordis Bethany Kotzur Makenzy Morris Peyton Morris Liadain Weil Ella White Kiara White Mia White Irene Wu
Amy Yoon Miss Mikaela DiSavia
RLC Futsal
Maddie Bennie Kane Broderick Alastair Chow Maximus Cuthbert Shalise De Vere Dominic Duval Dayna Ekundayo Abbey Endres Bradley Glover Bailey Karppinen Jak Killian Amali Kordis Bethany Kotzur Sahil Kumar Saraya Lagana Joshua Laurenceson Andy Lee Makenzy Morris Peyton Morris Arjan Plaha Ansh Sharma Siddarth Sriram Jonathan Stotschek Liadain Weil Ella White Jeremy White Kiara White Mia White Mitchell White Amy Yoon Amari Zeneldin Miss Mikaela DiSavia
RLC Netball SELECT Program
Amelia Denman Alexandra Ducke Lilly Holden Ellie Koppens Abbey Korner Sienna Magee Hannah McLean Tara Nadlin Ruby Oxford Gabbie Russ Mary Stadhams Emily Zhao Mrs Mikhaela Donnelly
RLC Volleyball SELECT Program Cooper Allen Maddie Bennie James Boon
Nicholas Chan Allegra Conlon Matisse Conlon Brianna Cumming Isabella Daley Sam Eivers Sam Epitropakis Abbey Garbutt Emma Garbutt Sophie Garbutt Millie Garey Bradley Glover Liam Green Daniel Gu Eli Hadwen Griffin Howlett Jak Killian Brayden Kong Ellie Koppens Leila Koppens Andy Lee Cindy Lee Dayton Li Katie Li Leona Li Austin Mazzer Daniel Ng Jin Nishio Sarah Pashen Keeghan Perry Jeevan Plaha Zoe Reid Erik Ropelin Luke Rostron Katie Routledge Layla Routledge Jack Sendall Hugo Sigley Rory Ryan-Southward Angelo Szetu Abi Thie Faith Thie Josiah Thomas Matthew Thurstun Luca Vela Maddy Vela Jensen Vongsaly Billy Wearne Jeremy White Mitchell White Emily Wu Justin Wu Lilly Wu Caleb Xie Jeffrey Yan Amy Yoon Ms Danielle Hinton
Swimming Boys Years 3-6 Oscar Anderson Ethan Cartwright Riordan Forde Nicholas Hayes Alex Jordan Finn Lambe Reve Lambe Aland Le Shaun Lee Wallace Leong Lucas Ness Wilson Thomas O’Neill Praj Saini Nick Serafini Aidan Shen Huon Stelzer Nick To Ryan To Jasper Walkenhorst Nathan Wang James Xu Jayden Yoon Mr Geoff Logan
Swimming Boys Years 7-12 Luke Beeley Marco Chan Jared Chng Isaac Clarke Jackson Clarke Hayden Finger Griffin Howlett Derek Lin Jaime O’Neill Siddhant Sachdeva Chris Shang Oscar Zhang Mr Luke Curran
Swimming Girls Years 3-6
Alegra Apitz Jasmine Ashcroft Rachel Back Aleigh Barnes Nicole Beeley Tilly Epitropakis Hannah Finger Ella Fleming Naomi Glover Nadia Holley Madeleine Hutley Shirley Jim Calara Koroi-Rowsell Kayley Lee continued...
Sport Swimming Girls Years 3-6 (cont) Eloise Ng Charlotte Remmelts Amira Saini Chloe Serafini Elaine Shang Emily Veerhuis Charlotte Walkenhorst Isabella Wood Mr Geoff Logan
Swimming Girls Years 7-12 Maddie Bennie Allegra Conlon Matisse Conlon Jasmine Cox Yasmine De Vere Amelia Denman Katerina Evlachkov Millie Garey Amelia Geffert Tessa Howlett Helena Huang Ellie Koppens Amali Kordis Bethany Kotzur Kyla Raine Zoe Reid Ella White Mirabelle Zhang Mr Luke Curran
Touch 9-12 Years Oscar Anderson Cameron Blyth Apaar Brar Oscar Browne Ethan Chiang Olivia Chiang Lukas Dearling Edward Denman Hannah Finger Elisa Foo Charlie Fryer Eric Glimberg Talitha Hamling Nicholas Hayes Imogen Henderson Carter James Meckinzie James Leigh Kirchhubel Evan Li Leo Li Chloe Liang Phoebe Lo Harland Lowe
Sebastian Meadows Lachie Mills Stone Ren Avalyn Rowney Eli Rowney Praj Saini Tyler Searing Chloe Serafini Nick Serafini Isaac Shahin Aidan Shen Hargunn Singh Sonia Song Wilson Song Jayden Strong Zachary Strong Ryan Ting Jasper Walkenhorst Adam Wang Nathan Wang Daniel White Lucas Ness Wilson Ryan Wollert James Xu Daniel Yoon Jayden Yoon Mr Luke Curran
Touch Boys Junior 1st
Cooper Allen Archer Browne Yudi Christensen Aidan Holley Jak Killian Colin Lau Victor Lee Christian Meakins Praneel Mohanlal Mitchell Ness Wilson Rory Ryan-Southward Jonathan Stotschek Matthew Thurstun Lewis Yip Lachlan Bligh Maximus Cuthbert Griffin Howlett Mitchell Laurens Cade Linde Mr Phil Tonkin
Touch Boys Intermediate 1st Bailey Darnell Eli Hadwen Jaime O’Neill William Serafini Jeremy White Mr Phil Tonkin
Touch Girls Junior 1st
Maddie Bennie Anandini Dutt Emily Evans Amelia Geffert Tessa Howlett Christine Kim Bethany Kotzur Sienna Magee Mary Stadhams Emma Tran Emily Wu Mr Phil Tonkin
Touch Girls Intermediate 1st Swathi Bukkapatnam Emma Chow Shalise De Vere Bridget Farmer Emily Henderson Lilly Holden Eza Jom Abbey Korner Esther Kotzur Scarlet Lacey Tara Nadlin Emily Ness Wilson Angelique Rochet Gloria Shen Mr Phil Tonkin
Touch Girls Senior 1st
Abbey Endres Sophie Garbutt Shae Godfrey Annabelle Henderson Rylee Richardson Hannah Rowland Lucy Serafini Ava Walker Amy Yoon Mr Phil Tonkin
Volleyball Boys Junior 1st
Nicholas Chan Jak Killian Dayton Li Rory Ryan-Southward Josiah Thomas Luca Vela Jensen Vongsaly Mitchell White Ms Danielle Hinton
Volleyball Boys Junior 2nd Cooper Allen Hayden Finger Bradley Glover Jacob Kemp Howlett Dayton Li Hugo Sigley Matthew Thurstun Ms Danielle Hinton
Volleyball Boys Intermediate 1st Sam Epitropakis Daniel Gu Eli Hadwen Brayden Kong Austin Mazzer Daniel Ng Jeremy White Ms Danielle Hinton
Volleyball Boys Intermediate 2nd James Boon Tristan Johnson Andy Lee Hayden McKenzie Angelo Szetu Billy Wearne Justin Wu Jeffrey Yan Ms Danielle Hinton
Volleyball Boys Senior 1st Lachlan Bligh Maximus Cuthbert Sam Eivers Liam Green Griffin Howlett Cooper Karppinen Jack Sendall Jake Stower Ms Danielle Hinton
Volleyball Girls Junior 1st Allegra Conlon Brianna Cumming Abbey Garbutt Emma Garbutt Millie Garey Jeevan Plaha Layla Routledge Abi Thie Ms Danielle Hinton
Sport Volleyball Girls Junior 2nd Maddie Bennie Amelia Denman Katie Li Leona Li Mary Stadhams Emily Wu Sammy York Ms Danielle Hinton
Volleyball Girls Intermediate 1st Abby Bartlett Brooklynne Froes Sarah Gannon Ellie Koppens Cindy Lee Zoe Reid Katie Routledge Faith Thie Lilly Wu Ms Danielle Hinton
Volleyball Girls Senior 1st Matisse Conlon Isabella Daley Dayna Ekundayo
Sophie Garbutt Ella Hughes Leila Koppens Maddy Vela Amy Yoon Ms Danielle Hinton
Volleyball Girls Senior 2nd Mackenzie Cuthbert Elizabeth Ducke Kiara Emeck Olivia Kemp Howlett Mykaelah Ludcke Rebecca Reid Emma Routledge Faith Solok Ms Danielle Hinton
Volleyball Schools Cup Intermediate James Boon Matisse Conlon Sam Epitropakis Brooklynne Froes Daniel Gu Eli Hadwen Ellie Koppens Cindy Lee
Daniel Ng Zoe Reid Katie Routledge Abi Thie Faith Thie Josiah Thomas Luca Vela Justin Wu Ms Danielle Hinton
Volleyball Schools Cup Seniors
Brayden Kong Leila Koppens Saraya Lagana Jackson Leadbetter Jack Sendall Maddy Vela Amy Yoon Ms Danielle Hinton
Lachlan Bligh Matisse Conlon Maximus Cuthbert Isabella Daley Sam Eivers Dayna Ekundayo Sophie Garbutt Ranveer Gill Liam Green Cooper Karppinen Olivia Kemp Howlett
God Bless the Class of 2021! REDEEMER REFLECTIONS 2021
A school of the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District ARBN 051 602 996 ABN 40 618 603 690 CRICOS Provider Code 03716F
T: 07 3340 8888 E: 745 Rochedale Road Rochedale Qld 4123 PO Box 6090 Upper Mount Gravatt Qld 4122