Redeemer Record Vol 28 Issue 1 - July 2011

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Volume 28 Number 1 July 2011

Inside this Issue 04 Official Opening of MPC 05 Grandparents & Special Friends 06 Outdoor Education 07 Cambodia Tour 2010 10 Bugsy Malone 16 Staff Tributes 19 Alumni News & Reunions Print Post Approved PP490927/56

From the Principal Change with Confidence A quick trip through Redeemer’s three decades of history reveals that the college has had three principals, seven Chairs of College Council and has evolved from a high school down through a Middle and Junior school to become the well-respected Prep to Year 12 College that it is today. Over the past twelve years in particular, Redeemer has changed and grown significantly. Apart from the obvious facilities and programs that this heritage has handed down, the greatest legacy from our past is a firm adherence to our values and mission. It is indeed Redeemer’s values and mission that have provided the basis on which change has been managed and built and this continues in the present and will do so into the foreseeable future of the College. Redeemer’s past therefore has gifted to the College today a foundation of hope and confidence for embracing future challenges, both those that are known and those yet to be discovered. Redeemer’s steady growth over the past five years, stemming from the establishment of the Junior School, continues unabated and is a situation for which we should feel truly blest. The challenges of managing this growth have been added to by State and Federal Government initiatives such as ‘Year Seven into High School’ and ‘Australian Curriculum,’ to name but only two. Such changes necessitate a review of how Redeemer operates its sub-schools, both academically and in terms of pastoral care structures and programs. Such a review will not alter Redeemer’s commitment to maintaining at least three sub-schools, and programs that best serve the changing family and social needs of the Redeemer community. In order to assist with managing these changes, 2011 is a strategic planning year at Redeemer and I expect that while this process will commence in earnest very shortly, it may flow over into 2012 before the plan in its entirety can be polished to the satisfaction of College Executive and Redeemer College Council.

such as these, highlight the stability of the past and throw out a challenge to continue to provide excellence of teaching and stability for the future. This year’s significant change in leadership personnel, and after sixteen years the change of Outdoor Education provider from Concordia Lutheran College (camp Ballon) to Higher Ground (camp Tuchekoi) are examples of how Redeemer is identifying and embracing its community’s needs in planning for change. In these decisions Redeemer continues to commit itself to its goals of providing opportunities for students to be well equipped for life-long learning, have the foundation that they need to responsibly and creatively serve their work and wider community, while also growing a desire to serve their family, fellow human beings and their God. We continue to deliberately build on the strengths of the past, while recognising that as events and needs around us change we need to find ways to grow so that Redeemer remains relevant to those whom it serves. Redeemer is blest by the fact that its College Council for over three decades has made leadership and policy decisions that are focused on actioning the values and mission of the College. Such a focus is beyond individuals, it provides great confidence on which managed growth can be planned. Mr David Radke Principal

Over the past twelve years in particular, Redeemer has changed and grown significantly.

At the end of last year and again at the end of this first Semester, Redeemer has farewelled some very long serving staff in Sandra and Bruce Vickers and Mr Paul Constantine. The Vickers and Mr Constantine have each served Redeemer in excess of twenty years and have done so with distinction, clearly seen in their professionalism, loyalty to the College and genuine care for students and their colleagues. Staff retirements

Redeemer Lutheran College | Our Hope is in Christ 745 Rochedale Road Rochedale Queensland 4123 | PO Box 6090 Upper Mount Gravatt Queensland 4122 Telephone 07 3340 8888 | Facsimile 07 3340 8800 | | | A school of the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District ARBN 051 602 996 | CRICOS Provider Code 00668M | ABN 40 618 603 690 Redeemer Record is a publication of Redeemer Lutheran College © 2011 | Editor: Mr Julian Schubert | Contributions:


Cover photo: Cast members from the 2011 production of Bugsy Malone The Musical: Luke Borgert, Year 11 (Dandy Dan); Savina Simatovic, Year 11 (Blousey Brown); Jessica Collins, Year 12 (Tallulah); Cameron Walker, Year 12 (Bugsy Malone); Kate Lawson, Year 10 (Fat Sam)

Chaplain’s Column Symbols of Redeemer Earlier this year, the long-awaited opening and dedication of our exciting and new Multi-Purpose Centre took place. This bold, eyecatching, and wonderfullynuanced new facility, our largest building at the college, makes a clear and visible statement. As you drive along the frontage of the college along Rochedale Road, there are two buildings that clearly stand out to you – the CHAPEL and the MULTI-PURPOSE CENTRE. What this states very symbolically is that Redeemer Lutheran College is a place of CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. And that’s a specific kind of a thing. This school has a clearlystated philosophy of life and of education, and so attempts to make an identity that is distinct, and which informs and guides what is done here and how it is done. This is about the values of the school. We are not relativistic here. We are clear about what we stand for. But values are not held primarily by schools – they are held by people! The identity of Redeemer is not defined by nice landscaping and good facilities, important though these might be. It is defined by its people. And a school like Redeemer may have a clearly-stated philosophy and value-system that to some extent reflects the predominant values of its wider cultural context, yet to some extent may not.

Redeemer’s Mission Statement says the following: It is Redeemer’s goal that, on completing their schooling, students: »» Will be well equipped to continue their education and training; »» Will have the foundation they need to play their part responsibly and creatively in family, church, work and community, and »» Will have the desire to serve God and their fellow human beings in all that they do. This expresses the real purpose of Lutheran education. There are three main points in our Mission Statement. Firstly, the purpose of Redeemer’s existence is to provide education of the highest quality. Secondly, Redeemer is more than gaining the right qualifications for future careers; we want our students, God-willing, will learn to be responsible and caring people. And finally, that ‘other’ ingredient that distinguishes Christian education – an education that raises awareness of the importance of the spiritual dimension for life and living. God’s redeeming act in Jesus Christ is the focus of that spiritual dimension. We want to see this lived out in every facility at the college; not just the chapel, but in every facility. And now we add the Multi-Purpose Centre to that list. May it be a place where the very best values of Christian education are practised and imbibed, for the blessing of all who come here. Pastor Paul Thiele Senior Chaplain

Our Top Seven

Overall Position



1 - 15

Class of 2010 Results





On Wednesday 16 February, we celebrated the success of seven of our graduating students from the Class of 2010 who all achieved an OP1. The students were treated to lunch in the College Board Room and were then recognised and congratulated at Senior School assembly.





Some of the subjects studied by these students included Music, Physical Education, German and Art, which has enabled the students to enter the following courses:

These fantastic results follow on from the class of 2008’s outstanding performance – further evidence of the college’s commitment to a range of educational pathways tailored to suit the individual and the support structures in place that guide each student during their time at Redeemer.

»» Cameron Fletcher: Engineering/IT at UQ »» Zoe Grantham: Physio at UQ »» Lindsay Kiemann: Arts/Law at UQ »» Kate McCall : Medicine at UQ »» Kathleen Poon: Medicine at UQ »» Jordan Shyu: Bio Medics at Griffith »» Rachel Wilkinson: Bio Medics at Griffith Not only did we achieve a high number of OP1 scores, but excellent results were attained across the entire year group. It is safe to say that the class of 2010 did this, deservedly producing some of the best exit results the college has ever seen.

Above (L-R): Cameron Fletcher, Rachel Wilkinson, Lindsay Kiemann, Zoe Grantham, Kathleen Poon, Jordan Shyu. Inset: Kate McCall


College News Official Opening and Dedication Multi-Purpose Centre Redeemer’s recently completed Multi-Purpose Centre (MPC), was officially opened and dedicated in the first week of Term 2 on Wednesday 13 April, 2011. The dedication was conducted by Redeemer’s Senior Chaplain, Pastor Paul Thiele, and the Official Opening was conducted by The Hon Ross Vasta MP, Federal Member for Bonner (representing The Hon Chris Evans, Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs and Workplace Relations).


This facility is located between the Middle and Junior Schools, and is the largest facility that the college has ever built. The Multi-Purpose Centre provides a multipurpose stage; basketball court; amenities; a canteen; and five Junior School classroom spaces (known as JB Block), two of which are for Outside School Hours Care (OSHC).

College News Grandparents Day 2011 On Wednesday 20 May (Junior School) and Thursday 21 May (Middle/Senior School), Redeemer celebrated Grandparents Day again for another year! This year, close to 740 Grandparents and special friends attended over the two days, to spend some time with their grand friends! It proved to be a great opportunity to showcase our newly opened Multi-Purpose Centre, together with our many students who were involved in performances and our Years 11 and 12 Hospitality students who catered for the two days.

Special thanks also to the volunteer team of parents who came along to assist with the serving of hundreds of cuppas over the two days! Grandparents Day for 2012 is tentatively scheduled for Thursday 26 April (Junior School) and Friday 27 April (Middle/ Senior School).


College News Outdoor Education: Tribute to Ballon Ballon Outdoor Education Centre has featured large in the thirty-plus year history of Redeemer, providing a new direction in the mid 1990s in outdoor education for Redeemer. The Ballon program took Redeemer students from the relatively brief (approximately a week) outdoor education experience that had been the norm at that time, to a month long program for the first time.

The Redeemer Lutheran College Council and Staff Executive are sincerely thankful for the opportunity that Redeemer students have had to attend Ballon in the past, and for the dedicated work of all Ballon staff over the many years in serving Redeemer students.

Ballon 1994 - 2010

After 16 years, Redeemer has decided to bring to a close its relationship with Ballon Outdoor Education Centre as the provider of our Outdoor Education program. From this year onwards, our Year 9 classes will undertake their Outdoor Education program through a different provider at a different location. The new provider is Higher Ground Group Pty Ltd which is an organisation specialising in Christian Outdoor Education. They run a number of outdoor education centres including Tuchekoi Outdoor Centre (also referred to as Tuchekoi Camp) which will be the new location for Redeemer’s Outdoor Education program. Tuchekoi Camp, located just south of Gympie between the Mary River and the Bruce Highway, provides many new benefits for students and the College alike, and we are excited about the possibilities this change brings. We would like to highlight, however, that while the location of our Outdoor Education program is changing, the major elements of our program - the aims, values and major activities – remain unchanged. The primary difference for our students will be the physical change in camp site. It is only appropriate at this time of change that Redeemer celebrates through reflection more than a decade and a half of Ballon experiences. Ballon will live forever in the memories of those who experienced it and also through Redeemer’s historical record.

Tuckekoi 2011


Our first ‘Ballon’ students in 1994

College News Cambodia Tour 2010 On 1 December 2010, a team of nine students and three teachers from Redeemer Lutheran College boarded a plane at the Brisbane International Airport that would take them to the airport in Bangkok, where they could then fly to the tiny country of Cambodia. Those 17 days spent in that tiny country, thousands of kilometers from home, were the most exciting, daunting, depressing, inspiring, memorable ones I have ever experienced! The aim of the trip was not so much to build a school or teach English or preach the gospel, but rather to learn about the country and what the people need help with, so that now we’re home, we can help these beautiful people with what they truly need, and also tell others here what we have learned. Most of the trip was spent in the cities – Phnom Penh (the capital) and Siem Reap. In those few days, we visited museums, orphanages, ancient ruins, the Royal Palace, the Russian Markets, and S-21 and the killing fields. The latter two places especially were incredibly eye opening. It helped us to understand a little of what the Cambodian people have been through, and how the country got the way it is today.

For the last part of the trip, we stayed in the villages that Lutheran World Federation (LWF) were working with. LWF was the organization that organized the trip for the school. Our time in the villages was spent going around to the different areas and being shown by the village leaders what had been done in the community in the last year or so since LWF had come in. The joy and pride these people had in sharing their stories and showing us their farms, businesses, and how they’d improved their property was just so inspiring, words cannot express. We don’t realize how many things we take for granted back here in Australia – a stable government, health care, an education, a house, a bathroom, air-conditioning! Literally everything we do in our lives here is a luxury – even exercise! I believe God has blessed us with all these resources for a reason, and now I have a better understanding of how I can use what I have to help those that really need it. Altogether, I think I speak for the entire team when I say the trip was an amazing experience – one that has changed our lives forever. Lizzie Henderson Year 12


College News ANZAC Day Memorial

2011 Student Leaders

New ANZAC memorial on the Chapel Green, presented by the Springwood Tri-services RSL sub-branch, April 2011.

Staff vs Students: Volleyball Friday 1 April, Multi-Purpose Centre Auditorium

College Captains College Captains

Cameron Walker Jessica Collins

Vice Captains

Jono Wilkinson Huldah Kwong

House Captains Lavarack

Christopher Papadimitriou Rachel Wilson


Benjamin Atkins Kelsey Britton


Timothy Lie Madeleine Nicol


Daniel Grant Hannah Baumann

Music and Sport Music Captains

Calvin Leung Nicole Kelaidis

Sports Captains

Jordan Roberts Emily Charles

Committee Chairs


Christian Life

Hannah Baumann

Community Service

Rikky So

Cultural Committee

Meera Chandra Bree Stewart

School Spirit

Rachel Kennedy

Sporting Committee

Tenneal Bourke Jacquelyn Bruyeres

Student Council

Nicholas Hoopmann

College News Parents and Friends News

Follow Redeemer

The Parents and Friends Association do so much more for the college community than any article could do justice to. As a college, we thank the P & F executive team for their many efforts and leadership throughout 2010, including outgoing P & F members: Mrs Helga Vorona-Jessop (as P & F Secretary in 2010), and to the following outgoing Parents Council members, Tania Laurenceson, Glen Baillie, Josephine Caldwell (also Tuckshop Rep in 2010), Rebecca McLeod, Brendan O’Brien, Jennifer West and Christine Bradford.

2011 P & F Executive President

Mrs Caroline Ryan

Vice President

Mr Peter Grant


Mrs Natalie O’Brien


Mrs Skye Naismith

Fair Convenor

Mrs Natalie Pashen

Parent Liaison

Mrs Georgina Lynch

Facebook Have you checked out the official page for Redeemer Lutheran College on Facebook?

Middle School Air-Conditioning P & F support for the college was also in evidence at the recent AGM with $100,000 being given in support to the college to air-condition the Middle School (Years 6-8 classrooms) this year. This will ensure that all classrooms from P-8 will be fully airconditioned, (in addition to 50% of the Senior School teaching spaces that are already air-conditioned).

Redeemer Mums Flood Appeal Morning Tea Special thanks to our ‘Redeemer Mums’ group for organising the fundraising morning in Term 1 to support Queensland families who were effected by the recent floods and cyclones across the state. A grand total of $1,210 was raised throughout the morning. All funds raised were directed towards the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District Disaster and Relief Fund, which was distributed by Lutheran Education Queensland (LEQ) for families in need from our sister schools. Such support included fee relief, counselling support and any other hardship assistance as determined by LEQ and its schools.

Redeemer Fair 2011 This year’s Redeemer Fair will be held on Saturday 22 October from 12.00pm until 8.00pm.

»» Events: Check out the Events section… details of upcoming Reunions and Redeemer events »» Photos: Check out the photographs from past reunions (since 2007), recent college events, and view photos of our college facilities »» Discussions: Interact with other past students from your year level within the discussions tab where a discussion group has been set up for each graduating group

Twitter Follow Redeemer Lutheran College on Twitter.

Show Your Support! If you love Redeemer and want to show your support of our school, why not grab one of our new Redeemer stickers for your car! Redeemer stickers are available at no cost from College Reception, or contact us on 07 3340 8888 or mail@redeemer. and we’ll post some out for each of your family cars!

Volunteers and new ideas are welcome! If you have any suggestions or would like to volunteer for something, please call Natalie Pashen on 0418 875 395 or email Opportunities are available to all members of the wider Redeemer community, including current parents, as well as past students and parents!


Bugsy Malone The Musical Travel to a time gone by and step into the spectacular world of Bugsy Malone. New York, 1929 - Dandy Dan (Ned Bowden, Year 10) and his terrifying hoodlums, roam the dark, cobblestone alleyways. Armed with new and unrivalled weapons, splurge guns, they seek to eliminate the undesirables, Fat Sam Stacetto (Kate Lawson, Year 10) and his unlikely gang. Fearing the implications of Dandy Dan’s state of the art weaponry, Fat Sam anxiously returns to the Grand Slam Speakeasy, the liveliest joint in town. He knows that only one man can restore the peace in this troubled city. Bugsy Malone (Cameron Walker, Year 12). This street wise city slicker’s mind, however, is more occupied in charming the dreamy Blousey Brown (Savina Simatovich, Year 11), an aspiring singer. Can Bugsy Malone step up and bring the gangster warfare to an end before it’s too late?

Almost 100 talented actors, singers and dancers, took part in the Redeemer Lutheran College musical production of Bugsy Malone at the Logan Entertainment Centre on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 May. Following the auditions which took place late last year, students have attended countless rehearsals to produce a breathtaking musical. The very gifted Ms Mel Chard and Ms Tamara Rogers, together with other staff from the drama department, provided the cast members with very insightful direction. Staff from the music department contributed their much appreciated time to teach the cast many amazing songs. Dazzling dance numbers, choreographed by past students Rebecca Pennisi and Rebekah Groves (2010), were accompanied by a first-rate musical score performed by the brilliant orchestra. A stylish 1920’s flare was expressed through the imaginative costumes created by Emma Grimes (2009) and Rachel Wilkinson (2010), also past students of the college. The very creative staff from the art and design technology departments also worked hard to craft appropriate props and settings for the production. It is the great contribution of the cast, staff, parents and other students which made this musical production, so incredible! Kristen Bertschy Year 10


Bugsy Malone The Musical


Junior School News Some people think education is all about what grades are achieved, how many co-curricular activities are offered or a child may be involved in or what OP score a child will receive in the future. Education is about these factors, but at the heart of education are relationships. Supportive, honest relationships help students achieve in a more positive way. In the Junior School we work hard to develop relationships amongst different year and age groups. One of the ways we develop positive relationships is by our Preps and Year 5 students have a buddy program. They meet together fortnightly for activities. The buddy program serves to give our Prep students a mentor, someone they can look to as a positive role model in their lives.


Younger children especially enjoy the one-to-one attention they receive from their older buddy. They make comments such as, “He makes me feel special”, “she says nice things to me!” and “We do lots of fun things together. She`s my friend.” We find that the Prep and Year 5 buddy program enhances children`s cooperative learning behaviours such as taking turns, listening, sharing knowledge, praising another`s effort, helping one another, and completing a task. The younger children bond with the older buddy and friendships flourish as the year progresses. In some cases, the students sit with their buddy during lunch or have time together on the playground. Some of our Prep students make posters and cheer for their older buddies who are on sports teams. This is just one of the ways we strive to build relationships amongst different years levels within the school and is proving very successful. Mrs Kelli McKeiver Head of Junior School

Middle School News Middle School looks different this year, with the Year 8 students moving into their newly-refurbished building known as MD Block. The provision of picnic tables and shade umbrellas has been welcomed and the students are enjoying their own “Year 8 Space” around this building and on the terrace in front of the tuckshop. Of course, the Year 8s may also use the Fred Davey Oval and the area that they call “the basin” or “the dish”, so they have more space than they have ever had before. Middle School students (and teachers) are excited by the news that all Year 6/7/8 classrooms are to be air-conditioned. We send a huge “Thank You” to the Redeemer Parents and Friends Association for their generosity in funding this initiative.

While we are enjoying glorious winter weather at the moment, our hot and sticky summer will no doubt creep up on us very quickly.

We send a huge “Thank You” to the Redeemer Parents and Friends Association for their generosity in funding this initiative.

An important aspect of Redeemer’s holistic education is to help our students to understand the situation of people in developing countries and to foster in our students a passion to help those people. To this end, classes in the Middle School are planning and running a variety of fundraising activities, with the money raised being sent to support the work of Australian Lutheran World Service. An inter-class quiz, Koala Bocce, a Bikkie and Lolly stall and a Crazy Hair day have been some of this year’s fundraising ventures. Mrs Judy Powell Head of Middle School


Senior School News “The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of life is to serve. The secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend. The beauty of life is to give.” – William Arthur Ward One of the biggest challenges for us as educators is to instil in students the positive attributes that Ward describes above. We have much competition: the media often promotes conflicting values; social networking sites encourage students to communicate in a cyberworld that often distracts them from the real world of personal relationships and service to their fellow man; iPhones allow no time for solitude and reflection on their blessings. Facebook and MySpace can never replace the warmth of human contact. Text messages will always be inferior substitutes for face to face conversations and interactions. The importance of manners and courtesy cannot be implicitly learnt through YouTube. Kindness and concern for others are explicitly taught through interactions with adults each day. In partnership with parents, teachers at Redeemer seek to nurture positive values and relationships in our students so that they grow into caring and responsible citizens. Our students are fortunate to experience an education where servant leadership is modelled through Christ’s teachings and by observing our teachers in their vocation. Jesus exemplified the heart and action of a true servant in John 13 when he washed the disciples’ feet. Instead of thinking of himself at this critical time, he was thinking of others. Through this example, we learn that being a servant is a way of life. Only through education, experience and example can students’ awareness for the plight of others be heightened. Redeemer students have demonstrated their awareness by giving generously of their time and funds. Some students have shown their commitment to helping others through fundraising for charities and participating in events like Shave for A Cure, Butterfly Week and ReCykle. Others have contributed to our school community through service as levites in Chapel, leading devotions, mentoring younger students, assisting in the library and coaching sporting teams. Servant leadership and acts of kindness are incredibly powerful and necessary to the human spirit. I hope that the graduating class of 2011 have learnt that “the beauty of life is to give”. I thank the Senior School teachers and support staff for serving our students and the school community. It is often through their positive example that students are inspired to help others.


Interhouse Athletics Carnival

Ramsay - Athletics Carnival winners
















Interhouse Swimming Carnival

Lavarack - Swimming Carnival winners

The 14th Annual Senior School Swimming Carnival was held at Aqualogan Aquatic Centre on Friday 28 January 2011. Congratulations to all of the students in the winning house, Lavarack for your efforts and participation in winning the carnival for the 12th year running!

Servanthood cannot be measured like academic performance and will never be featured in a comparative newspaper lift-out, but it continues to be a thriving element in our Senior School culture.







Mrs Anastasia Strong Head of Senior School










Senior School News Versace 2011

Shave for a Cure

Shave for a Cure was held on Wednesday 16 March at lunch time in the Senior School. It is not often that students and staff have the opportunity to live and work in a 5 star hotel, but this did occur recently for all of those involved in Year 12 Hospitality. Students stayed overnight at the Hotel Palazzo Versace on the Gold Coast. The days were spent mirroring Hotel Versace staff working in areas such as food and beverage, room service and housekeeping. The students dressed in the specific hotel uniforms and completed work as if they were an employee of the very exclusive hotel. They came to understand the true meaning of customer service and the level of commitment and hard work required to have a successful career within the Hospitality industry. The excursion to Versace is also provided to inspire students to aspire to develop positive work ethics and understand the value of team work. The students spent their free time enjoying the facilities of Hotel Palazzo Versace and also enjoyed a tour of Seaworld Nara Resort and the magnificent view from Q1 Tower. Highlights of the excursion for all included selecting a pillow from the pillow menu and dining in Ill Barco Restaurant for a seafood buffet dinner and a buffet breakfast the following morning. The dessert bar left most feeling confused at what to sample first and then dismayed that they could just not eat all they wished to try which was on display. The students were very fortunate to be able to enjoy the entertainment provided for a conference taking place at the hotel. With amazement we watched as lighted gymnasts in clear balls spun and floated across the pool, whilst entertainers on stilts wandered amongst the guests. The highlight of the evening was an opera singer on an exclusive yacht moored at the nearby Marina Mirage. The excursion was a highlight for those who study and teach Hospitality. The students are to be congratulated on the mature manner in which they conducted themselves in all of the activities they were involved in.

The Community Service Committee is pleased to announce that Redeemer raised over $5,000 for the Leukemia Foundation. A big thanks and congratulations to all the students and staff involved as well as the support from Logan TAFE hairdressing and Beauty. A special mention goes to Jacob Vidulich (Year 12) who was the highest fund raiser with $485. We also thank Ms Stiller for giving up her locks when we reached our target of $5,000.

Community Service Committee: Easter Baskets

Thank you to all the families who kindly donated Easter eggs for this year’s Easter gifts. The Community Service Committee was able to wrap and distribute over 600 gifts to the residents of local aged care homes and Meals on Wheels. This year we also donated Easter gifts to some of the families affected by the January floods. Thank you once again for the wonderful support.


Staff News Mark Rasi

Staff Tribute

Deputy Principal – Curriculum

In Memory of Karen Rowlands

Born and bred in Brisbane my whole life, but I have tried to expand my horizons with overseas travel. Visiting my sister in Cambodia was a highlight a few years ago. School was good to me. Mt Petrie Primary School had only about 100 students when I went there and there were no Year 12 students when I entered Redeemer in the 80’s. When I grew up I wanted to be a fireman like all boys and then when I was in high school it was architecture. Finally when it was time to make up my mind I chose PE teaching. Two teachers who I looked up to were Mr John Proeve and Mr Fred Davey. My private life isn’t that private. Living, shopping, exercising and worshiping locally means that I see a lot of students and parents on the weekends. I enjoy the contact, while my girls (Rachel 13, Naomi 12 and Sarah 9) wonder why anyone would want to talk to me; “Dad you are not cool!” My wife Alix and I celebrated our 40th birthdays and 15 year wedding anniversary last year by travelling to Scotland, England, Italy and Switzerland. Lifelong learning is not a 21st Century buzz word. Consider the scriptures.

Anastasia Strong Head of Senior School I was born in London and migrated to Australia with my parents when I was 10 years old. After living in Melbourne for 6 years, my parents moved to Brisbane. After graduating from high school, I began my teaching degree at QUT Kelvin Grove. I was employed by Education Queensland in my first year and then, in 1994, accepted a job at Redeemer teaching English and Film and Television. In 1999, I left Redeemer and after a holiday in Europe with my husband, Mark, fell pregnant with our first child, Maria. Maria was diagnosed profoundly deaf when she was a few days old. Having a child with special needs is a life changing experience and it has helped me better understand students with special circumstances and the hopes and challenges shared by their parents. My second child, Nicholas was born a couple of years later. Both Maria and Nicholas are students in the Junior School. My sister, Christina Bianchi is a Prep teacher in the Junior School. My return to Redeemer in 2005 was like a homecoming. My passion for pastoral care lead me to the role of Lavarack House Leader and more recently, Head of Senior School. I enjoy working with teenagers. I wake up every morning feeling that this is my vocation. Of course some days are challenging, but witnessing students grow in the academic, social and spiritual realm and sharing in that journey is richly rewarding.


Karen Vivian Rowlands was a born teacher. She was a teacher for most of her adult life and for 20 of those years in Lutheran schooling. She taught English, German and Social Sciences and served as a House Leader and then as the Head of Senior School at Luther College in Melbourne. Seeking a sea change, she and husband Mike moved to sunny Queensland where they made an immediate impact on the Redeemer community through their expertise as teachers and, more importantly, through their unfailing care to those around them. I knew Karen as a colleague and friend and I worked with her closely for seven years. She was disciplined, energetic and fun. She was always ready to help. She had a natural eye for those who were struggling and without hesitation would take time to talk to them and show them a way through the difficulty. Karen managed this level of care for both students and staff; for those she knew well and for those whom she knew only a little. One grew accustomed to walking past her desk and seeing a colleague in deep conversation with Karen at any time of the day. It is said of sports champions that they seem to have more time to play the game. This was true of Karen, too: she seemed to have more time for life in its complexity and in its simplicity. Karen embodied the idea that laughter was good for you; Karen’s smiling face matched her youthful readiness for each day. A few years ago I was fortunate enough to watch Karen teach a lesson with a Year 11 English class. There was an English exam looming (stressful for students and teachers) but there was also an allocated time in each lesson for an informal non-assessed ‘book chat’. Each student was to talk for a few minutes about a book that they had read and were to share that book with their class. Given that another seemingly more pressing task was at hand, many teachers would have skipped the informal, more fun book chat. But the students had complete trust in Karen’s leadership of the lesson; they did not complain or question the wisdom of the activity and entered into the spirit of the lesson with full enthusiasm. Karen’s students completely trusted her. Karen demonstrated servant-leadership. For 2007 we needed somebody to take a middle management position as the Curriculum Leader for English Years 6-9. Karen had been an ‘English Co-ordinator’ at a previous school and had always laughed off any suggestion about returning to a role like that. But we needed her to step in with her wisdom and experience and if she had any misgivings about accepting the role she did not ever convey them. Similarly, when we needed to find somebody to fill an ‘acting’ position as Head of Learning and Teaching P-9, Karen was there.

Staff News But perhaps, as ever, it’s the smaller things we remember more clearly. At the end of a particularly stressful school year, I asked her if she was going to extend her stay at the staff party. Once again, she laughed and said that no, she was going home to ‘enjoy a glass of Riesling’. It seemed very wise and, now, I hope that in heaven, St Peter has arranged a tall glass for her. Chances are she’s listening to somebody tell their story. Tim Kelly On behalf of the Redeemer Staff

Staff Farewells Bruce and Sandra Vickers Redeemer Lutheran College bid farewell to Mr Bruce Vickers and Mrs Sandra Vickers at the end of 2010 following many years of service. Sandra Vickers began teaching at Redeemer in 1988 and in the intervening years she has balanced her teaching career with her role as a mother raising three children. In recent years she has been a full time Science teacher and has contributed to the college’s co-curricular program, especially in Tennis. Bruce Vickers has served the college in a number of different roles since 1986. In that time he has been a Science teacher, Director of Studies, Ballon Co-ordinator, Lavarack House Leader, and finally, Curriculum Leader Science (6-12). Always involved in cocurricular activities, Bruce had a particular interest in Swimming.

Bruce and Sandra Vickers

Paul Constantine

The college community thanks Bruce and Sandra for their dedication and commitment to their students and to the college over a long period. We wish them a happy and adventurous retirement.

Paul Constantine

At the end of Semester 1, 2011, we farewelled Mr Paul Constantine (Curriculum Leader Maths 10-12). Mr Constantine is leaving Redeemer after 25 ½ years of exceptional service to the College.

Redeemer’s Principals: Richard Hauser (Head of College: 2002-2008), Robin Kleinschmidt (Foundation Headmaster: 1980-2001) and David Radke (Current Principal)

We thank you Paul for this outstanding contribution that you have made to our college, and the many students lives that you have impacted over these past 25 years. God’s blessings as you begin a new chapter of your life.

Right: Current and past Redeemer staff at the farewell functions for Bruce and Sandra Vickers and Paul Constantine

Anne Constantine, Lynn O’Connor, Anne Schmidt and Rosilyn Frieberg Anne Green and Ian Hauser

Don and Kay Gowanlock

Robyn Solomon and Wendy Bastow


Redeemer Alumni Redeemer Veterans Incorporating Past parents, Past and Present Grandparents, Past College Council Members, and Past Employees


Who are the Redeemer Veterans? The Redeemer Veterans is all about maintaining the friendships made over the past years, keeping in touch with what’s happening at the college, and enjoying very low key social activities that do not involve any fundraising.

11th Annual Dinner The Redeemer Veterans 11th Annual Dinner was held at Fitzy’s Loganholme on Friday 5 March 2011. Welcomed guests included present and past staff, and past parents from over the years. It was especially pleasing to the committee to welcome recent past parents.



AGM We held our AGM and General meeting at the college in the Parents and Friends meeting room on Sunday 17 April. After refreshments we were taken on a guided tour of the college by our Deputy Principal, Rosilyn Frieberg.

Committee for 2011 - 2012



Noela Kleinschmidt

Phone: 3341 6838


Robin Bailey

Phone: 3208 6650


Margaret Fletcher

Phone: 3423 1554

Membership If you have not joined the association and would like to do so, the cost is $5.00 per person and can be paid at the next meeting, or phone anyone on the committee. Membership entitles you to receive the Association’s newsletter and invitations to events held in private homes.

Monthly Coffee Evenings



Coffee Evenings at The Coffee Club Springwood continue to be held on the second Sunday of each month (except for December and January). A great way to end the weekend – no cooking! Relax with a glass of wine or a cup of coffee! These monthly social get-togethers are open to all past members of our College family.


1. Naomi Radke, Robin Stiller and Helen Heidenreich 2. MC – Bruce Vickers 3. Lester and Judy Bock with Noela Kleinschmidt (President RLC Veterans) 4. Ross and Margaret Brown and Pauline and Wayne Bloomer 5. Greg and Margaret Fletcher 6. Eric and Pat Skytte 7. Rosilyn Frieberg, Bruce and Sandra Vickers


Redeemer Alumni Reunion News Class of 2001 – 10 Year Reunion When Saturday 6 August 2011, 7.00pm Where The Heritage Room, The Glen Hotel, Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains RSVP With payment by Monday 1 August 2011 (invitations have been posted)

Class of 1990 - 20 Year Reunion

Class of 1991 – 20 Year Reunion When Saturday 3 September 2011, 7.00pm Where The Heritage Room, The Glen Hotel, Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains RSVP With payment by Monday 29 August 2011 (invitations will be posted early August) Class of 1986 – 25 Year Reunion When Saturday 1 October 2011, 7.00pm Where The Heritage Room, The Glen Hotel, Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains RSVP With payment by 26 September 2011 (invitations will be posted late August)

2012 Reunions Contact the college now to ensure that your details are up to date! Class of 2002 – 10 Year Reunion Tentative Date Saturday 4 August 2012 Class of 1992 – 20 Year Reunion Tentative Date Saturday 1 September 2012 Class of 1987 – 25 Year Reunion (Open to all students who graduated from 1984-1987) Tentative Date Saturday 6 October 2012

Class of 2000 - 10 Year Reunion Class of 84/85 - 25 Year Reunion


Redeemer Alumni Where are they now? Certificate III in Legal Studies course at TAFE. Whilst she was undertaking this course, she took up the teaching position whilst completing a Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training. To maintain currency, she was also working part time in a legal firm at Kangaroo Point. Julie completed a Bachelor of Education (Primary) degree at Griffith University last year (and studied full time with two past Redeemer students, but they were only one year old when Julie finished high school!) Stuart (90) and Melanie (Cooper 94) Bell

Stuart Bell (90) and Melanie Cooper (94) are both police officers and met in 2002 when they were both working at the Mount Gravatt Police Station. They never actually knew each other at school! Melanie is currently a Detective Sergeant lecturing out at the Police Academy and Stuart is also a Detective Sergeant currently completing duties at the South Brisbane Tactical Crime Squad. They got married in 2005 by Pastor Athol Pukulous (Puk) and there were several past students in the bridal party – Belinda Fowler (Hill 94), Belinda Ross (Brauer 94), Nicole Vanderloos (Watts 94), Mark McClure (90), and Matthew Gibson (90). In 2008 Stuart and Melanie had a son named Cooper Angus Bell (now 3) and in December 2010 they had a girl named Charlotte Rose Bell.

Byron Davey (00) and Tim Bosgra (86)

Byron Davey (00) and Tim Bosgra (86) recently graduated as Police Officers at the Queensland Police Service Induction Parade which was held on 27 May 2011. Byron has been posted to the South Easter Region and Tim to the Metropolitan South Region.

Ruthanne Burch (00) attended and graduated from Samford University with a Bachelor of Arts in Human Development and Family Studies in 2005. After graduation she went on staff at Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham Ruthanne Burch (00) Alabama in their Youth Ministry. In 2008 Ruthanne moved to Atlanta Georgia and is now a missionary with Mission to the World (MTW) working in their Global Youth and Family Ministry with the Missionary Kids of MTW. Follow Ruthanne’s blog at Julie (Gough 90) is married to Thor Carlson and celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary this September. They have three children, Torrin (14) who is in Year 9 at Trinity College, Stephanie (11) is in Year 7 at Yugumbir State School and their youngest, Makayla is in Year 1, also at Yugumbir. Following Redeemer, Julie worked as a legal secretary for a small legal firm in Acacia Ridge, following which she started a


Julie’s brother, Michael Gough (92) is an electrician in Cairns and is married to Linda Horosko, a high school PE teacher. Sister, Allison Gough (95) completed her degree three years ago and now runs her own counselling service. She has four children, Brittany (14), Zac (11), Mia (6 in December) and Abby (4). Julie is also in constant contact with her sister-in-law, Renata Carlson (90) who is an amazing nurse at the PA Hospital.

Aurora Joy Barrie

Rachelle Reyne (04) became engaged to Joshua Barrie on 14 October 2007 as the sun rose over the point at Fingal and were married on 10 May 2008 at Sunnybank District Baptist Church. They honeymooned on the Great Barrier Reef on Long Island at The Whitsundays.

The bridal party included past students, Ainsley McCullough (03), Maid of Honour and Bridesmaids, Katelyn Reyne (06) and Jessica Reyne (08). On 14 October 2008, Joshua and Rachelle welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Aurora Joy Barrie, 6lb 15oz (3.134kg), into the world. She was born on the anniversary of their engagement. Her name means dawn.

Stay in Touch Remember to update your phone, email and mailing address with us: Email Phone 07 3340 8888 Post PO Box 6090 Upper Mount Gravatt, Queensland 4122

Online All of the details regarding upcoming reunions for Redeemer Lutheran College can be found on our website. Log onto

Facebook Find reunion news and past Student information on Redeemer’s official Facebook page:

Twitter Follow Redeemer Lutheran College on Twitter.

Redeemer Alumni Births

Taylah Jane Baker

Rowan and Emily Baker (Gilbert 02) would like to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Taylah Jane Baker, 8lb 6oz, born 26 March 2011 at 8.03pm.

Noémi Snelling

Miriam and Phil Snelling (97) welcomed into the world their second child, a girl named Noémi Snelling born on 4 July 2010. Phil and Miriam moved to Taiwan in November 2010 for the indefinite future. They are going as Gospel Workers with the mission agency OMF to serve the Taiwanese Working Class. Their focus will be to start new churches in partnership with the existing church in Taiwan.

Naomi Caitlin Glover

Naomi Caitlin Glover was born on 16 November 2010 to parents, Aaron Glover (98) and Alison Glover (Stelzer 98) and past Junior School teacher. Naomi’s brother Bradley is 2 years old.

Huon Timothy Stelzer

Tyson and Rachael (Pukallus 92) Stelzer welcomed the arrival of Huon Timothy Stelzer on 28 March 2011, weighing 9lb 7oz (4.3kg). A brother for Linden (aged 2). His baptism was held on 17 April at Sunday Night Live in Redeemer Chapel. Rachael loves being at home with Linden and Huon, but enjoys coming back to Redeemer every Tuesday for the Our Saviour playgroup which meets in the new MultiPurpose Centre.

Oliver Bond Jeisman

Andrea Jeisman (Krenske 97) and husband Brad welcomed their first baby Oliver Bond Jeisman on 16 May 2011. He is already a total joy for his parents!

Sophie Grace McCall

Dale and Rachael (Zingelmann 96) McCall are also proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Sophie Grace McCall on Friday 12 November, 2010 weighing 7lb 1/2oz (3200g).

Mikaela Faith Pukallus

Janice and Jono Pukallus (99) are proud to announce that Mikaela Faith Pukallus arrived on 31 May 2011 weighing 2.92kg (6lb7oz). A sister for Oziah (aged 4) and Evangeline (aged 2). Glen Simpfendorfer (87) and his wife Zdenka (nee Skabova) welcomed their first child Jessica Erica on 21 May 2011. Glen and his family live in Cairns where he works as a chef. Sarah (Ferguson 97) Dixon and Nat Dixon are delighted to announce the safe arrival of Grace Queenie Dixon on Friday 8 July at 7.37pm. 8 pound 4 ounces (3,750g), 52cm.

Grace Queenie Dixon

Sarah is also currently serving as the Secretary of Redeemer College Council.

In Memoriam Andrew Aranha: 13/12/94 – 05/10/10 (Year 11/2010, Class of 2011) Karen Vivian Rowlands: 10/09/54 – 07/01/11 (Teacher at Redeemer from 2003 to 2010) Paul Andrew Hickey: 29/04/73 – 05/06/11 (Class of 1990)


Redeemer Alumni Weddings Danielle Adams (Palmer 02) married Mark Adams at Logan Uniting Church followed by a reception at Vino’s on Eagle St Pier on the 19 September 2009. Julie-Anne Bouras (Watts 02) married Daniel Bouras on the beach at sunset on 14 September 2011 on the island of Aruba in the Caribbean. Julie-Anne and Daniel then spent a ten day honeymoon at Bucuti Beach Resort. Their wedding was midway through a ten month trip through South America so it was just us there, but we celebrated with friends and family in Brisbane and Melbourne upon returning home. Katy Shina (Haak 01) married Yuki Shina Shina on 8 October 2010. Katy moved to Japan after uni, and has now been living in Japan for the past 4 years. Katy and Shina will have a ceremony in Australia on their one year anniversary later this year.

Rowan Baker, Brent Adams, Nathan Adams, Reid Hazenkam, Mark Adams, Danielle Adams (Palmer 02), Candice Palmer, Emily Baker (Gilbert 02), Jackie Fredericksen (02)

Engagements Harry Kriewaldt (02) has recently become engaged to Estonian-born partner Krista Baikov. Brendan McPhail (98) has announced his engagement to Linnet Charles. Brendan has been living in New York. They plan to marry in Atlanta, USA.

Brendan McPhail and Linnet Charles


Daniel and Julie-Anne Bouras (Watts 02)

Hanna (Vario) and Jono Kyffin (02)

Hanna (Vario) and Jono Kyffin (02) and the wedding party

Redeemer Alumni Jono Kyffin (02) married Hanna Vario on 19 March 2011 in a beautiful Lutheran Church in Finland and had a renewal of their vows for family and friends upon their return to Australia. The bridal party included: Michelle Kyffin (06) and Peter Kyffin (04). Peter Kyffin (04) and Mary Londy (04) were married at the Creek Road Greek Church on 14 May 2011 and their reception was held at the Tivoli. The bridal party are all past and present Redeemer students, including: Carl Meyer (Year 5), Michael Kyffin (06), Harry Londy (05), Jono Kyffin (02), Peter Kyffin (04), Mary Kyffin (Londy 04), Elleni Dedes (06), Ebony Stiller (04), Irene Calligeros (10), Michelle Kyffin (06)

Peter Kyffin (04) and Mary Londy (04) together with past and present Redeemer students: Carl Meyer (Year 5), Michael Kyffin (06), Harry Londy (05), Jono Kyffin (02), Peter Kyffin (04), Mary Kyffin (Londy 04), Elleni Dedes (06), Ebony Stiller (04), Irene Calligeros (10), Michelle Kyffin (06)

Dale and Rachael (Zingelmann 96) McCall and were married on 24 October 2009 at St John’s Lutheran Church, Eight Mile Plains. Rachael’s sisters, Natalie Irvin (Zingelmann 93) and Tamara Zingelmann (04) were bridesmaids. Karly (Stock 04) married Eugene Farrell on 13 March 2011at Nazareth Lutheran Church, Woolloongabba. Redeemer Chaplain, Pastor Paul Thiele was the officiating Pastor. The wedding reception was held at Customs House, Brisbane. Linda (Vickers 99) married Scott Greedy at the Cedar Creek Winery Estate on Saturday 18 December 2010. They were married by Pastor Athol Pukallus. The children of Linda’s brothers Neil (93) and Scott (94) were part of the wedding party. Linda is the daughter of past Redeemer teachers Bruce and Sandra Vickers who retired from teaching at Redeemer in 2010.

Colin Clark, Sarah Murray (04), Nicole Jessop (04), Karly Stock (04), Eugene Farrell, John McGlen, Hannah Stock (09) and Christopher Stock (06)

Darren Whelan, Jason Lovett, Joel Fens, Dale McCall, Rachael McCall (Zingelmann 96), Natalie Irvin (Zingelmann 93), Tamara Zingelmann (04) and Anna Hodges

Dale McCall and Rachael McCall (Zingelmann 96)

Linda (Vickers 99) and Scott Greedy and the wedding party, including Neil Vickers (93) and Scott Vickers (94).


Redeemer Events Calendar JULY








Monday 11 Thursday 14 Saturday 16 Monday 18 Friday 22

Term 3 Commences Parent/Teacher/Student Partnership Meetings, 3.45pm-8.00pm Year 7 Canberra Trip departs, 5.00pm Redeemer Fair Meeting, 7.00pm (SA31, P & F Room) Year 7 Canberra Trip returns, 9.30am

Friday 5 SEPT 6 OCT Saturday Friday 12 Sunday 14 Wednesday 17 Monday 29

Principal’s Tour of the Junior School, 9.00am-10.30am V of 2001 DEC– 10 Year Reunion, 7.00pm (The Glen Hotel) Alumni Class NO Chamber by Candlelight, 7.30pm (Kleinschmidt Centre) Redeemer Concert Series #3 (Instrumental and Vocal Students Concert), 2.30pm (KCA) Exhibition Public Holiday Parents and Friends General Meeting, 7.00pm (SA31, P & F Room)

Friday 2 OCT 3 Saturday Monday 12 Tuesday 13 Friday 16

Principal’s Tour of the Middle School and Senior School, 9.00am-10.30am)

Saturday 1 Monday NOV 3 Monday 3 Thursday 6 Saturday 8 Thursday 19

C NOV AlumniDE Class of 1991 – 20 Year Reunion, 7.00pm (The Glen Hotel)

Redeemer Fair Meeting, 7.00pm (SA31, P & F Room) Redeemer Concert Series Number 4, 7.00pm (Kleinschmidt Centre) Term 3 Concludes


Alumni Class of 1986 – 25 Year Reunion, 7.00pm (The Glen Hotel) Term 4 Commences Redeemer Fair Meeting, 7.00pm (SA31, P & F Room) Redeemer Concert Series #5 -Years 9-12 Music Extension Recital, 7.00pm (Kleinschmidt Centre) Year 12 Formal – Citigate and Sebel, 6.00pm-11.30pm Twilight Tour of the College, 5.00pm-6.00pm

Wednesday 19

Springboard Exhibition 2011, 6.00pm-8.30pm (Multi-Purpose Centre Auditorium)

Saturday 22

Redeemer Fair 2011, 12 Noon-8.00pm

Thursday 27

Redeemer Concert Series Number 6, 7.00pm (Kleinschmidt Centre)

Friday 4 DEC 7 Monday Tuesday 8 Thursday 17 Tuesday 29 Tuesday 29

Principal’s Tour of the Junior School, 9.00am-10.30am Parents and Friends General Meeting, 7.00pm (SA31, P & F Room) Redeemer Concert Series #7 – Junior/Middle School Finale Concert, 7.00pm (Kleinschmidt Centre) Valedictory Service, 7.30pm (Redeemer Chapel) 2011 Junior School Closing Service, 1.45pm-2.30pm (Redeemer Chapel) 2011 Closing Service, 7.30pm (Redeemer Chapel) Term 4 Concludes


Friday 2 Saturday 24 Sunday 25

Principal’s Tour of the Middle/Senior School, 9.00am-10.30am Christmas Eve Service at Redeemer Chapel, 7.30pm Christmas Day Service at Redeemer Chapel, 8.30am


Tuesday 27 Term 1, 2012 for Years 6-9 and 12 R Commences FEB JUNE JULY AP2012 MAY MAR Term 1, Wednesday 28 Commences for Prep-Years 5, 10 and 11)


The full college calendar can be found online at:

2011 FAIR

Sat 22 October 12pm – 8pm More rides than ever before!

Heaps of food | Live entertainment | Games & prizes | Sporting events Adult refreshments | Coffee shop | Art gallery | Fireworks display

Redeemer Lutheran College 745 Rochedale Rd, Rochedale

OBH 14430


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