Volume 28 Number 2 December 2011
Inside this Issue 03 Redeemer Chapel Welcome Hub 04 Celebrating Our Partnership 09 Outdoor Education: Camp Tuckekoi 11 College News 15 Alumni News & Reunions 2011 Annual Report Insert Print Post Approved PP490927/56
from the principal
A Thriving Community With the year drawing to a close, I thank staff, students and parents for another wonderful year. Redeemer is more than a place, it is a thriving community and it thrives because of the diverse contributions of many. Within the pages of this edition of Redeemer Record, we give thanks and celebrate the various activities which have not only occurred throughout Semester 2, but also throughout 2011. In August we celebrated together with the Our Saviour congregation upon the completion and official opening and dedication of the Redeemer Chapel ‘Welcome Hub’. We give thanks to God for our partnership and for this new facility which has been fully funded by the Our Saviour community. With the arrival of Springboard in the calendar, Redeemer automatically knows that the Fair is only several sleeps away, and an atmosphere of expectation is the result. This year’s Springboard was larger than ever and the showcasing of Design Technology, Fashion, Art, Hospitality and Music at Springboard is very special and quite unique. The extent to which Springboard
has become a special event in the life of the college is evident in the attendance, not only of students and parents, but also former scholars, Grandparents and friends of Redeemer. Redeemer Fair was again a tremendous success with record crowds attending the event. Our Fair Committee deserves widespread community praise and thanks for yet again organising an outstanding community event. I also applaud the many volunteers whose desire to serve others, results each year in this wonderful event. Without volunteers and individuals who, out of a spirit of servanthood, go over and above what is asked of them, Redeemer Fair could not proceed. The efforts, attitudes and friendships of many people have assured me that Redeemer is a very special community. I thank parents for entrusting their students to the staff of the college and I thank staff and students for what simply has been a wonderful year. I wish all Redeemer families a relaxing and blessed Christmas and look forward to 2012 and serving the Redeemer community for another year. Mr David Radke Principal
The Path to Life At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives a pretty serious warning that following him will not be easy. The way of life that he commits his followers to is by no means easy. This is what he says, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:13–14) It is no surprise that he gives this warning. A brief glance at the chapters that precede it tells us that Jesus teaches his disciples to love their enemies, give to the poor without recognition, refrain from casting judgment on others (no matter how they hurt you), forgive without measure, don’t worry about material security, and let your every word be totally trustworthy. It is not an easy way of life. But it does lead to life. The opposite is of course much easier. It is pretty much the ‘way of the world’ as we know it, and fits neatly into societal expectations. Our society encourages us look out for number one,
get what you can, build up your own security and always make sure that you get ‘justice’ on those who hurt you. So that way is easy, obvious and popular. It is pretty much our default setting as human beings. But Jesus warns that it leads to destruction. So how do we walk the narrow way? How do we do the things that lead to life? The answer is in the starting point. Take the right gate and you can walk the right way. Jesus holds himself out to us as the gate. If we come to him, he can set us on the way of life. By ourselves we would struggle to even begin this commitment, but with Jesus’ grace-giving, life-changing presence it becomes possible. The narrow way is always open to us. It does not matter how long we have walked the broad, easy, obvious and popular way to destruction, it is always possible to turn and discover that Jesus, the gate to life, is right there beside us. We can at any moment start to walk a different path. It is a harder path. It takes discipline and effort. But it is a path that leads to life. Pastor Matt Thomas Chaplain
Redeemer Lutheran College | Our Hope is in Christ 745 Rochedale Road Rochedale Queensland 4123 | PO Box 6090 Upper Mount Gravatt Queensland 4122 Telephone 07 3340 8888 | Facsimile 07 3340 8800 | mail@redeemer.com.au | www.redeemer.com.au www.facebook.com/RedeemerLutheranCollege | www.twitter.com/RedeemerCollege A school of the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District ARBN 051 602 996 | CRICOS Provider Code 00668M | ABN 40 618 603 690 Redeemer Record is a publication of Redeemer Lutheran College © 2011 | Editor: Mr Julian Schubert | Contributions: record@redeemer.com.au
On the Cover: Sydney Cock (2012 College Captain), Kristy Anna Hampel (2012 College Vice Captain) at the 2011 Closing Service. Photograph by: Michael Kirby, Studio Kirby Photography
Redeemer and Our Saviour
Celebrating our Partnership By Pastor Robin Stelzer, Senior Pastor, Our Saviour Lutheran Church “Of course I remember you!” It was another phone call request for a reference. Another former Redeemer student was stepping into the adventure of life as a missionary. You’ll find them in youth work, in training work, in overseas action, in local churches, in teaching, in the music world, in hidden humble roles, and in bold leadership. It is thrilling to see past students, and families, finding their place to make a difference in the world - and loving it!
In addition to a wide range of church life activities including Youth Worship and camps, Kids ministry, Marriage, Baptism, Confirmation, Family counselling (Kerry is a qualified Counsellor), Discipleship groups, and on campus Prep Bible reading and Senior School lunch time friendship visits, here are some of our program opportunities available to College families:
These stories are like tapestries woven by many threads of partnership: with home and family, teachers, and for many of the 4,000 graduates it may also involve Our Saviour church which is based on Redeemer campus. The Our Saviour congregation was formed by Redeemer families in the early years to thread wider Christian experiences into student lives, and to encourage other churches into teamwork among youth and families. Most of this “weaving” is about relationships, friendships, support and growing faith. The church is not limited to the years of schooling but reaches down to babies and up to all adult stages. With over a hundred families committed to both the College and the church we are able to connect with hundreds more families, from baby stage to university students, marriages, families and grandparents. To support the ministry of relationships we have also helped to build the campus itself. Redeemer Chapel, built in 2000, was a shared project designed for contemporary youth ministry, community and worship life, as well as College events. This year the Welcome Hub was fully provided by Our Saviour. It is weaving even more threads of community life, welcome, shelter and friendship space. As with all our ministries the Hub is an invitation to enjoy Redeemer as a Christian community, not just a College. The Hub is a challenge to new possibilities, like “Café Church” now happening monthly. Perhaps in the future we will see a future coffee shop for parents before and after school.
The Welcome Hub The newly completed Redeemer Chapel “Welcome Hub” with its expansive kitchen, new amenities and large covered spaces is more than merely a facility, rather it represents a partnership between Redeemer Lutheran College and Our Saviour Lutheran Church. This partnership continues to involve each institution developing a wide range of resources that are shared between both institutions but which also service the wider community. The Chapel Hub represents a close relationship of support in which our two communities benefit from the aims, goals and actions of each other, supporting each other where we can, within the means or capacities of each institution. To this end the dedication of the Chapel Hub is indeed a special celebration and I look forward to the manner in which this facility enriches both communities throughout the years ahead. Mr David Radke Principal
Junior School Play Group Christian Dance Redeemer Junior School offers a very popular Christian Dance co-curricular program. It is now in its fifth year and attracts over 100 students. The teaching is provided by Our Saviour volunteers: Lis Stelzer (past parent) and Alison Glover (past student and past teacher). They work with Redeemer staff including Mrs Kathy Stock, another member of both Church and College. Students are extended by the dance experience and learn to focus their attention as worshippers. Dances are finally shared with the whole Junior School and at Sunday Worship four times a year. Contact: Redeemer Junior School on 3340 8810 for further information
This year, Our Saviour’s playgroup moved from the Prayer Chapel to the MultiPurpose Centre Auditorium, and the bigger venue has been wonderful for the expanding group. Tuesday mornings from 8.30am see mothers and children play, read, sing, and share morning tea. The playgroup has seen about 30 families attending on a regular basis, including several Redeemer Junior School families, and our fabulous “playgroup Grandmas”, who have lent a helping hand and wise advice whenever asked. For a couple of families, their contact with the playgroup began when their children noticed the toys set up in the MPC and asked to come along! The playgroup has benefited from the support and cooperation of the Junior School staff, Mrs Kelli McKeiver (Head of Junior School) and Mr David Radke (Principal). A number of former Redeemer staff are also involved as parents and helpers, and the children are already benefiting from the positive relationship between the college and the congregation.
Contact: Rachael Stelzer on 3848 6605 for further information
OSSY (Our Saviour Senior Youth) OSSY is an action packed, always fun activity-based youth group held at the Redeemer Chapel each Friday night of term. This year over one hundred Years 9-12 Redeemer students have attended OSSY events, with highlights including ice skating outings and trips to the movies, pool parties, team challenges, a visit from 96.5 Family radio station and other outdoor activities and games. OSSY is organised by a team of 16 young adults from Our Saviour Lutheran Church who make sure every week is different, exciting and relevant to high school students. Every fortnight the youth leaders run small group nights with challenging speakers, worship music and bible study time. A core group of about 30 students have been part of OSSY small groups this year. The OSSY leadership team endeavours to create a welcoming and friendly environment for all students who come along and new-comers are always welcome. Contact: Carrie Traynor, Youth Worker www.facebook.com/ oursavioursenioryouth
Celebrating our Partnership
Lazer (Junior Youth) This is our second year of Friday afternoon Lazer and it is only getting better. Lazer, our Junior Youth Group for students in Years 6, 7 and 8 meets straight after school in Redeemer Chapel during school terms. Lazer is 90 minutes of games, skits, quizzes, and music videos, then 30 minutes of small group time where we share our highs and lows from the week and discuss topics that are relevant to our age group. This year we looked at the Lord’s Prayer in depth and also explored the hot topics of relationships in ‘sex and love’ and ‘war and peace’. Each term we have fun events like “Lazer X Factor” and outings such as ice skating and ten pin bowling. This year we also held two chapel sleepovers where kids stayed up late watching DVDs and playing games. Not all of the kids are from Redeemer; they also come from Rochedale State School and Moreton Bay College. The Lazer Leader team is well trained; it is made up of older Redeemer students from Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 as well as five Our Saviour Senior Youth leaders, with Our Saviour staff member Kerry Groch as the leadership trainer and coordinator. We are all looking forward to Lazer in 2012 and thank the College for the generous use of the Chapel. Contact: Kerry Groch (Counsellor and Child & Family Ministry) on 3219 0055
‘Unlimited’ Student Leadership Program In 2011, the Unlimited leadership program was run for a selected group of Year 9 students. Together, Redeemer and Our Saviour applied for a grant from the Lutheran Church to fund the program. It aimed to develop the self-esteem, values and leadership skills of young people, through values integrated through activity based learning. Participants faced various challenges, such as the ‘toxic swamp’, ‘death grid’, and ‘the human coffee table’. We discussed deeper issues of character and had fun playing ‘ninja’. The highlight was the huge flying fox experience at the final day at Luther Heights Youth Camp. We enjoyed the presence of the youth worker and intern from Our Saviour and the teachers from Redeemer. Participants grew in understanding themselves, teamwork and leadership, and had a lot of fun doing it. Contact: Pastor Matt Thomas (Chaplain) on 3340 8891
What’s on Sunday? Our Saviour Lutheran Church worships every Sunday morning at 8.30am in Redeemer Chapel. For further information telephone 3219 0055 or www.facebook.com/OurSaviour Sunday Night Live is held at Redeemer Chapel on the first and third Sunday night of each month. For further information, visit www.sundaynightlive.org.au or www.facebook.com.oslc.snl Our Saviour Chinese congregation meets on Sundays at 11.00am in the Kleinschmidt Centre. For more information, contact Pastor Elwin Lai on 3162 6008. Our Saviour Lutheran Church is an outreach activity in partnership with Redeemer Lutheran College
junior school news
Community During enrolment interviews I am often asked the question “What sets Redeemer apart from other schools?” I could answer that we are a Christian School that doesn’t just pay ‘lip service’ to our Christian values, but that our Christian philosophy and ethos can be found in all that we do. I could answer that we have a high academic curriculum where teachers work hard to engage students in their learning with hands-on, exciting activities. I could discuss with future enrolment families that Redeemer has an excellent music program, fantastic sporting facilities and so on. For me personally, the answer to my question is simple. I believe our “sense of community” is what sets us apart from other schools.
In the Junior School the sense of community is alive and present and can be seen and felt every day. There are parents who join us regularly to hear the message of Jesus at our Chapel services. There are parents who volunteer in the tuckshop and work quietly behind the scenes. There are parents who see other parents in need during drop off and pick up times and lend support of just a listening ear or shoulder to lean on. Then there are the many parents who assist in the classrooms. No matter how our parents are involved in the Junior School, the very fact that they are present and willing to work alongside the classroom teacher for the betterment of their child, creates and fosters a sense of community. I feel privileged to work in such an environment and truly believe our Community is what sets us apart from the rest! Mrs Kelli McKeiver Head of Junior School
middle school news
Strategies for Success It’s not The Block or 60 Minute Makeover, but anyone who has visited the Middle School library in the past few weeks would have noticed that it has been rejuvenated. The new lime and aubergine colour scheme looks fresh and inviting and the 30 new cushions in the Reading Pit invite readers to relax with a good book. There are plenty of good books and other materials to choose from, with 15,841 new Middle School resources having been processed in the past 12 months. Modern bay-ends on the shelf units provide great spaces for display and the new cut-out metal signage makes it easy to locate resources. The new art works on the library walls are in fact graphic representations of the key words of Habits of Mind – an attractive and effective way to remind our students of these strategies for success. Throughout the year in the library, in class rooms, in assignments and in report comments, these strategic habits have been embedded in the daily learning and experiences of students. Key words such as persisting, thinking flexibly and controlling
Year 6 & 8 German - Weihnachtsmarkt 2011 Christmas Market
impulsivity have become familiar vocabulary for our students as they explore how the concepts behind the words can impact on their lives. The Middle School Concert, held as a final activity on the last day of term, saw the staff and students come together to celebrate Christmas. A specially formed band under Miss Krenske’s leadership, led us in singing well-loved carols. Students from each year level, under the guidance of Ms Rogers, presented drama skits that reminded us, sometimes humorously, of the real meaning of Christmas. The concert program was announced by two excellent Year 8 MCs. In addition to the songs and skits, the Student Council representatives from Year 6 and Year 7 presented to the Year 8 students their certificates, marking their transition from Middle School to Senior School. This celebration concluded with the singing of The Christmas Blessing to all our departing students. The 2011 school year has been busy. It’s been hard work. It’s been fun. Now it’s time to relax and enjoy the holidays. Mrs Judy Powell Head of Middle School
Year 8 German - Schultuten 2011 Schultuten are special cones filled with stationery and lollies which German children traditionally get given on their first day of school.
senior school news
Personal Development and Leadership The Tuchekoi experience has provided the Year 9 students with a challenging four week experience in lush surrounds. Students engaged in activities such as mountain bike riding, high ropes, rock climbing and hikes. These activities provided opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills and to encourage their peers in their quest for success. The blog site was a highlight for the school community as each day we were kept up to date with a Tuchekoi report from students. At the end of the year, a special morning was organised for Year 9 students to reflect on the Tuchekoi experience. This experience allowed the 9.2 and 9.5 Tuchekoi groups to reconnect with their friends and share their experiences.
The Year 11 students participated in Leadership Day in Term 4 which aimed at developing their leadership skills and preparing them for their role as Senior School students in 2012. The students were motivated by guest speaker, Jack Sinclair, who has achieved amazing things in his short life and has helped many charity organisations in the process. In February 2012, the Year 11 students will attend a leadership camp at Luther Heights, Coolum. The camp will run for three days/two nights and students will be engaged in activities aimed at enhancing personal development, relationship building and leadership skills. We continue to build on the leadership opportunities offered to students in the Senior School and look forward to the leadership of the Year 12 students of 2012. Mrs Anastasia Strong Head of Senior School
2012 College Captains and Student Leaders College Captains Girls’ College Captain
Sydney Cock
Boys’ College Captain
Tom MacElroy
Girls’ Deputy Captain
Kristy Anna Hampel
Boys’ Deputy Captain
Peter Conomo
House Captains Lavarack House
Phoebe Griffin & Adam Rigby
Mansfield House
Charlotte Kiemann & Matthew Lawson
Ramsay House
Louise Trotter & Shivneil Deo
Wilson House
Tahlia Clarke & Stuart Rech
Student Leaders Music Captains
Elizabeth Jessop & Michael Boulus
Sports Captains
Jacqui Wood & Matthew Alexander
senior school news
Camp Tuchekoi Redeemer’s Year 9.3 students marked a significant turning point in Redeemer’s history as our first group of students to visit Camp Tuchekoi part of our Year 9 Outdoor Education program. Camp Tuchekoi is located in a rural setting on the edge of the Mary River Valley and Noosa Hinterland, just near Gympie. The picturesque location is just one of the many benefits the program. As in the past, the Outdoor Education Program promotes a “back to basics” type lifestyle, where students are responsible for helping with chores and tasks around Camp Tuchekoi. These include looking after animals, cooking for the group on a rostered basis, and doing their own (hand) washing. Throughout the four week program, students have the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom and experience a lifestyle which may be quite different from what they are used to. It is hoped that through the program, students will gain a better understanding of themselves, as well as growing their appreciation for friends and family. Students are involved in a wide range of activities while at Tuchekoi, which include morning fitness, mountain bike riding, abseiling, rock climbing, navigation skills, canoeing and hiking. Follow the Tuchekoi journey of our Year 9 students with the Tuchekoi Blog. redeemerlutherancollege.wordpress.com
“Camp Tuchekoi was great because it was an amazing experience. All the instructors were awesome - they were nice, helpful, and just good to talk to. They teach you a lot of new things that you would not know, like mountain biking, rock climbing, abseiling, canoeing and hiking. You learn to cook your own food and put up your own tents. When you do your two day or four day hikes, the instructors teach you how to be a leader and how to navigate. My time at Camp Tuchekoi was unreal. There is no word to describe how great it was!” Ryan Hull (9.3) “Tuchekoi, where do I start? Hiking, canoeing, camping, rock climbing, mountain bike riding? I don’t know. But what I do know is everything was spectacular: the landscapes, the activities, the leaders, everything, it was absolutely spectacular. Personally, I learnt heaps about teamwork, friendship, pushing through hard things and something about laziness (I think I forgot about that one). But I’ll tell you something I didn’t forget, something I can never forget, the experience. I’ve had the time of my life, and I think I can speak for everyone else in saying that. Everyone had their strengths and their weaknesses, but I will never forget that feeling I had when I came out at the end. Tuchekoi has been the best thing for me, and I think, it was brilliant!” Josh Moore (9.3)
senior school news
Shibakashi Day 2011
ReCykle 2011
Shibakashi Day 2011 was held on Friday 17 June. Over 300 students and staff from our Sister School Shibakashi came to spend the day with Redeemer Senior School students, as part of their five day annual study tour. The Senior School Japanese students acted as leaders for the 36 groups of Japanese, providing them with support throughout the time they were here.
The annual ReCykle event held on Wednesday 10 August, organised by the Senior School Community Service Committee in conjunction with the School Spirit Committee was a huge success.
This important cultural occasion highlights the role language learning can play in our students’ lives. We look forward to welcoming Shibakashi again in 2012.
A total of $830 was raised from the drinks stall, sausage sizzle and the Krispy Kreme donut stall. All funds go towards the Leprosy Mission. Thank you to all staff and students for supporting the event. Congratulations to Lavarack House for being the winning team in 2011!
Year 11 Manufacturing
Interhouse Pavement Art Competition The theme for the 2011 Redeemer Lutheran College Interhouse Chalk Art Competition required a design with at least one wheel. Each of the four Houses entered three teams of four students. The event reflected the vertical house ethos as teams were made up of a mixture of students from Years 9 to 12. The chalk art designs could be devised in several ways: Students could use a famous artwork as a starting point and change or “appropriate” the composition to suit this challenge. Or, they could use their own art work but ensure their composition contained a wheel/wheels.
On Thursday 3 November, Year 11 Manufacturing students undertook their largest construction project to date. The project saw students prepare, pour and finish a concrete slab that will be used as an outdoor construction area for Design Technology students. The concrete slab is 72m2 in size and provided students with learning experiences such as constructing formwork, preparing steel reinforcement, obtaining levels using a laser level and moving and finishing concrete. The students applied themselves very well to the task on what turned out to be a very hot day. A big thank you must go to Colin Harper Concreting for their expert help and assistance on the day.
annual report |
Principal’s Report While the performing arts at Redeemer have numerous opportunities to shine in their individual disciplines, the biennial musical continues to capture the enthusiasm of the whole Redeemer community, and this year’s performance of Bugsy Malone was no different, performing to capacity audiences. As usual, the standard of the production overall and that of the major performers was excellent and gained the widespread appreciation that was deserved. In contrast to recent years the age of participants was considerably younger on average than has been the norm, yet the standard was in keeping with what the Redeemer community has come to expect; a truly excellent achievement by both students and staff.
From the Principal’s desk, 2011 has been one of those years that has taken more of its own course, in contrast to conforming with carefully planned outcomes; and for the most part the outcome overall has been most pleasing indeed, with much to be thankful for. Redeemer has witnessed many spectacular achievements in 2011, some of which I will refer to later, and a settled Staff Executive has provided excellent and clear leadership to students, staff and parents of the College. As referred to variously throughout publications and at P & F meetings this year, 2011 has seen Redeemer Lutheran College Council commence reviewing its strategic plan, part of a normal five year cycle. As the updated strategic plan is finalised, there will be nothing normal about the next five years of education in Queensland, with Australian Curriculum now well on its way to implementation, and Year 7 moving into the secondary years. It is therefore essential that Redeemer plans carefully to ensure that it continues to provide relevant and dynamic P-12 education through the next decade. Inclusive of the redevelopment in the years ahead is a firm commitment to maintaining three subschools as the most effective structure to best serve our students; although it is important to note that sub-school groupings and both specific academic and pastoral care programs within each sub-school may undergo significant changes over the next several years. Academically Redeemer commenced 2011 with the celebration of 2010 OP 1 results, which again were very strong with seven OP 1s, from an OP cohort of 133. Redeemer’s 2010 graduates also attained 86 VET qualifications with a number of students gaining multiple qualifications. The very high quality of these achievements is seen each year in both the tertiary academic courses secured by Redeemer students through their QTAC applications and also the Springboard showcase products as well as the securing of traineeships and apprenticeships for our Vocational graduates. In looking to the future Redeemer commenced a phased implementation of Australian Curriculum this year with Maths and English programming developed for years P-9. Next year will see Australian Curriculum implementation expand to include P-10 Science and trials of History units in a number of year levels.
The music department (curricular and co-curricular) again impressed the Redeemer and wider community. Music performance across the College has achieved quite exceptional standards this year, best noted by the Redlands Eisteddfod results in which each instrumental ensemble achieved first place, with all choral entries finishing above third place. This is a tremendous outcome and speaks for itself. The Drama Department performances across the year also produced excellent results. While I personally enjoyed the few performances that I could attend, it was the comments of admiring surprise that were made to me by parents, or which I overheard about their own student’s performance, that I found particularly encouraging, for it is in engaging students and drawing out of them unexpected achievements that sees sincere and deep learning occur. The visual arts were not outdone in the presentation of outstanding work this year. Visual Art students were acclaimed throughout the year starting with the Year 12 exhibition and continuing with achievements in art showings outside of the college. Arys Wu’s Silkcut Lino Print resulted in her being a Silkcut national finalist, with her work displayed in Melbourne in September. Alana Bosgra, Year 12, 2011 also had an impressive year, having her work achieve a highly commended classification in the State Creative Generation Awards for Visual Art. With the arrival of Springboard in the calendar, Redeemer automatically knows that the Fair is only several sleeps hence, and an atmosphere of expectation is the result. This year’s Springboard was larger than ever and the showcasing of Design Technology, Fashion, Art, Hospitality and Music at Springboard is very special and quite unique. The extent to which Springboard has become a special event in the life of the College is evident in the attendance, not only of students and parents, but also former scholars, Grandparents and friends of Redeemer. Twenty Eleven has also been a memorable year for Pastoral Care activities. The decision by Redeemer Lutheran College Council to engage another Outdoor Education provider, thus moving our Year 9 Program from Ballon to Tuchekoi, was not a decision made without careful consideration of the needs of Redeemer Lutheran College. The outcome of this decision has resulted in a re-invigorated program that has this year produced many outstanding examples of transformational personal growth for our Year 9 students. It is only natural therefore that College Executive began to consider other Pastoral Care needs of the College. The challenge presented by the outcomes of Tuchekoi is to continue to provide more relevant opportunities for student
leadership development and personal growth across the College. Next year will see new initiatives in each of the sub-schools with this very aim. For the past two years, Redeemer has struggled to meet its commitments to TAS Blue Division sports, consequently in 2012 we move to Red Division. While many people hold the need to win in sport as precious, Redeemer seeks from its sporting endeavours an attitude of excellence as its central goal. The attitude of excellence that the Redeemer community needs to return to, is the attitude of giving one’s best, firstly in terms of participation and secondly in terms of aiming higher with skill development in both the individual and team context. Next year will see renewed and heightened efforts to engage student, parent and staff commitment to sport. Collectively achieving an attitude of excellence to this aspect of Redeemer’s school life is very achievable, and in time, an attitude of excellence will result in ‘excellence of outcome’ more often than not. The 2010 – 2011 Christmas break saw the redevelopments for Prep and Year 8 which have been significant blessings this year, as too has the ever increasing patronage by all three sub-schools of the Multi-Purpose Centre. The College Council remains committed to continuing construction of permanent facilities at the Junior School at the earliest opportunity, and as reported recently in other publications the commencement of construction of JG Block (six classrooms, amenities and playground) is expected over the Christmas break, as too the delivery of a new purpose built Junior School Administration facility. The holiday break will also see two modular classrooms provided for a Year 6 and Year 7 class to be located adjacent to the Kleinschmidt Centre, as well as a classroom space for ‘Front of House’ purposes for Hospitality. The Senior Science Block will also undergo a minor facelift in order to provide a better learning environment, as well as an improved working environment for staff. Over many years Redeemer has been blessed with an excellent relationship with Our Saviour Lutheran Church, and this has continued this year. Our Saviour’s decision to better cater to their own community needs by improving (at their cost) the kitchen, amenities and external under-cover facilities of the Chapel has likewise resulted in significant benefits for Redeemer. Students and parents and staff have gained significantly from utilising the large, welcoming covered area and the kitchen. Next year these benefits will be extended to the Senior School students when they gain access to the Chapel toilets for daily use. On behalf of the College I sincerely thank Our Saviour Lutheran Church for their investment in this facility and in their commitment to their relationship with Redeemer Lutheran College. Twenty Eleven has been a watershed year for the P & F, for it marks both an outstanding year in terms of achievements, and a significant break with the past. The P & F gave generously to the ‘fitting out’ of the Multi-Purpose Centre as well as funding air-conditioning projects in both the Junior and Middle schools with the result that all standard classrooms from P-8 are now air-conditioned. The Redeemer Fair was again a tremendous success with turnover exceeding $70,000 for the first time. Sadly for the P & F, changes to the Work Place Health and Safety
legislation means that the Uniform Shop and Tuckshop will pass to the management of the College in 2012. The College Council has taken steps to ensure that the P & F’s employees are directly re-employed by the College and that for the long term the P & F Executive will have direct input into the expenditure of profits from these two business enterprises. It is therefore hoped that parents, staff and students notice little change, if any in the provision of food and uniform services. I sincerely thank the P & F for their very hard work this year and their willingness to work with the College Council through these changes. Twenty Eleven has continued to see the College grow, as it has been doing for the past five years. This trend will continue in the years ahead, providing Redeemer with a sound future that will not only involve growing in numbers, but also growth in programs and ever improving quality. This success is directly attributable to an excellent College Council and highly skilled, committed and caring staff. I thank the Junior School teachers for their professionalism in serving the families of the College. The teachers in the Middle and Senior Schools are also to be thanked for their excellent work, witnessed most obviously through student outcomes, but also too through their genuine care and support of students. Looking across the College I see overwhelming evidence of hard working, committed and loyal staff in the non-teachings area as well. The beautiful grounds of the College continue to impress community members and visitors alike and are evidence of a dedicated and creative grounds and maintenance staff. The cleanliness of our facilities equally reflects a cleaning crew who are professional and proud of what they do. Elsewhere the academic support staff of the College directly serve the needs of parents and visitors through the various receptions or in their roles of assisting teachers. In all cases the compliments that flow from the community to the College about the work of our staff are always appreciated. The close of the year sadly involves saying farewell to some much loved Redeemer staff members. We will certainly miss Nikki Bouris (Junior School Teacher Assistant), Luke Lester (Maths/ITS), Robert Pattearson (Curriculum Leader Maths 1012), Daniel Weller (Maths/PE) and David Wilkinson (Work Experience Coordinator). We also farewell the following staff who completed contracts during this last semester: Joan Chia, Ian Luxford, Natalie Parks (Senior School), and Sharon Terris (Student Counsellor). We wish all departing staff the very best for the future. The College Council’s membership is also well supported by parents, and all are volunteers. At the governance level of the College it has been a challenging year at times and I thank College Council for their dedication, guidance and support of the Staff Executive and of me personally. This year has indeed been another year of blessings for Redeemer. I congratulate and thank all students and staff for their efforts and achievements throughout the year and for extending care and grace to each other, for in serving others we serve God. Thank you. Mr David Radke Principal
College Council Report Another year is rapidly drawing to a close and I am taking time to reflect on the year for College Council. A simple description is that the College Council has seen a lot of change this year. Change in that, all the approvals are in place and now we can move to building the next permanent stage of the Junior School – a six classroom building. Change in that, over the summer holidays a new building will be placed at the front of the Junior School. This will become the Junior School administration centre and will be bigger than the current building. Change in that, the Junior School sandpit and associated playground area has been completed. Change in that, over the summer holidays two new demountable classrooms will be located near the Kleinschmidt Centre, one to accommodate an additional Year 7 class and the other the third Year 6 class. Change in that, the Outdoor Education program is now provided at Camp Tuchekoi. From all the comments I have heard, the program and venue has received positive reports. Change in that, Redeemer Fair was bigger this year. The Parents and Friends Association, again, put on a wonderful event which helps give a connection to the community around us. Change in that, a new cohort of students started at the beginning of this year. This in itself, I am sure, brought about changes for these students. Change in that, our Year 12 students once again leave the college this year. As part of this process, I had the pleasure of attending the recent Valedictory Service for the 2011 Year 12s. On that night, all of the speakers spoke of the changes that had happened to them as the students progressed through the college. All acknowledged that while some experiences had not been positive events in themselves, they believed that
together they had brought about many positive changes in their lives. One thing that strikes me at these services is the camaraderie that is clearly evident between all the students. My hope and prayer is that they will be able to draw on this camaraderie as the future unfolds. We have all heard it before, that there will always be change. However, sitting down and reviewing what has happened in the past year helps to bring into focus the changes that have happened. While this year, the past few years and the next few years will see many physical changes at the college, there will be other changes as well. At the moment, we can see that the Australian Curriculum is being developed and that “Year 7 into High School” will be happening. Technology is also changing and this can change what is the best way to deliver the subject matter to the students and certainly opens up new possibilities for learning. In amongst all this change are the college staff who are at the ‘coal face’. I admire their tenacity to adapt (change) to the requirements of the individual students. From what I can see, they have earned the students’ respect and help the students to adapt to the changes that are occurring in their lives. I want to thank the college staff for being so student focused. I also want to thank the members of College Council, the College Executive and the college staff for helping the college to chart the course which helps to bring about some of these changes and which supports each other as we adapt to other changes that are thrust upon us. As all of this change takes place, I draw comfort because the college is built on the firm foundation of God’s Word, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. “Our Hope is in Christ” Mr Ross Warbrooke Chairman
Parents and Friends Association As we look back over the year and reflect on what the P & F Association has achieved in 2011, one recalls the faces of many parents and the many friendships that have grown as we work together building the community of Redeemer. History may judge this year as a ‘watershed’ year in the life of the association. This was the year that we decided to hand over the P & F businesses to the college. This was the year when a small group of parents organised the biggest and best Redeemer Fair yet! It was also the year of many smaller achievements which cumulate into the rounding off of an era for the association and lays the ground work for the birthing of a Parents and Friends Association that will be relevant and purposeful in the life of the college in the years to come. Establishing and running the Tuckshop and Uniform Shop has been an outstanding achievement for the P & F Association. It firstly represents the recognition of a need to provide these services and then the capacity and will of volunteers to operate them. Both these businesses have grown to a point where they have outgrown the previous operating model and the changes in legislation have made this move both necessary and prudent. The P & F Association will continue to have input into the distribution of the profits, thanks to the generous recognition of the College Council of the part we have played in creating these businesses. We can have tremendous pride in what we and past parents have achieved as we hand over to the college two well established businesses staffed by exceptional people whose heart is to service our community. A short summary of some of our main contributions to the college are these. We continue to purchase the bibles for the year 12 students and make a sizable donation to the printing and postage of Redeemer Record, an important marketing tool for our college. Supporters groups continue to grow with Music, Rugby and Redeemer Mums being the most active, and this year saw the addition of the Netball group. We have given $100,000 for air conditioning and refurbishment of the Junior and Middle Schools, bought a piano for the Multi-Purpose Centre and helped to fit out the new building with funds of approximately $100,000. Many smaller, yet equally valuable donations for things like trolleys, books, track lighting and a fridge. Where possible and when there is a need, we have tried to respond to that need with the financial support required.
The Redeemer Fair and Springboard have become showcase events in the life of the college. Our Fair Convenor, Natalie Pashen and her team have grown the fair into a truly anticipated event not only within our college but also in the wider community. People see our families helping each other, enjoying each other as they mooch around the various stalls and rides. People see the showcase of our talented arts and technology students and recognise the work they and their teachers have put into this fantastic yearly presentation. People see our music department present group after group of disciplined, well trained musicians sing and play music of the highest standard. People see our beautiful grounds and college shown off to great effect. People see the partnerships that exist in our college community. The Junior School not only contributes to the array of stalls on offer, each class presents a polished performance to the delight of their parents, family and friends. These performances display the effort our teachers are willing to make for the students to be part of the fair. Students and teachers from Middle and Senior Schools organise and man stalls all day. This demonstrates the strong sense of community within our college. People also see Our Saviours congregation being an integral part of the whole picture that is Redeemer. The Fair is much more then a fund raising event. It is truly a community event and again, one that the P & F Association can be very proud. While it is with some disappointment that we could not effect a new constitution this year to take the association forward into this new era, given the commitment of parents and college administration, we can be sure that the association will continue to be the hub around which supporters groups exist, projects are achieved and events take shape. Next year we may look a little different and have a lot less to worry about, while we allow the process of reinventing our association to evolve. We can be sure that the Redeemer P & F Association will always be at the centre of our Redeemer community. Mrs Caroline Ryan President
2011 Awards 2011 Valedictory Awards
2011 Awards (presented throughout the year)
Jono Wilkinson
The Anne Schmidt Perpetual Award for Meritorious Effort in Accounting
Jacquelyn Bruyeres
The Hickey Trophy for Girls’ Athletics
Rachel Kennedy
The Parents & Friends Award for Excellence in Ancient History
Kelsey Britton
The Judy Kuo Award for Biological Science
Michael Devitt Zachary Dunfee-Scott Peter Nicholls
Raymond Chiu
The Dr Myra Seeto Award for Business and Commerce
Emily Charles
The Kanowski Trophy for Girls’ Basketball
Jessica Collins
The Peter Wu Award for Chemistry
Matthew Lawson
Jessica Collins
The Glover Award for Excellence in Christian Studies
The BG “Sno” Lindsay Memorial Trophy for Cricket
Hannah Martin
Rikky So
Excellence and Service in Drama Award
The Nicky Bricknell Award for Drama Performance
Rainbow Lai
The Sean Frieberg Memorial Prize for Economics
Tyler Baker
The Anderson Trophy for Best and Fairest – Open A Soccer
Kelsey Britton
The Noël Chan Award for English
Kelsey Britton
The Ted Balfe Memorial Prize for English Extension
Madison Blom Brittany Lally
The Logan Trophy for Service to Hockey
Adam Leitch
Nicole Kelaidis
Award for Excellence in Film and Television
The Sandra Piggott Award for Library Service
Daniel Grant
The Parents and Friends Award for Excellence in Geography
Emily Charles
The Redeemer Trophy for Netball
Jordan Roberts
The Rowley Trophy for Rugby – First XV Best and Fairest
Dominic Bilton-Philp
The Paice Trophy for Boys’ Swimming
The Farlow Trophy for Boys’ Basketball
Jessica Collins
The Parups Waring Architects Award for Graphics
Brittany Dever
The Home Economics Award
Jono Wilkinson
Award for Excellence and Service in Hospitality Practices
Savina Simatovic
The Donna Zernike Trophy for Girls’ Swimming
Adam Chalmers
The Information Processing and Technology Award
Hannah Baumann
The Girls’ Tennis Award
Jacquelyn Bruyeres
Jessica Collins
Award for Excellence in Languages – German
The Harris Perpetual Shield for Girls’ Touch
Raymond Chiu
Award for Excellence in Languages – Japanese
Timothy Roiko
Kelsey Britton
The Award for Legal Studies
The Mark Garton Trophy for Boys’ Volleyball
Zachary Schofield
The Manufacturing Technology Encouragement Award
Emily Charles
The Tanya Reedman Shield for Girls’ Volleyball
Kent Ko
The Jerry Krauel Award for Meritorious Effort in Mathematics
Kelsey Britton
The Parents and Friends Award for Excellence in Modern History
Rebecca Jeffries
Excellence in Senior Music Award
Rebecca Jeffries
The Judy Kuo Award for Music Extension
Michael Devitt
The Award for Excellence in Physical Education
Adam Chalmers
The H & K Chan Award for Physics
Samantha Chong
The Dr Nicole Seeto Award for Science
Vivien Lee
The Technology Studies Award
Alana Bosgra & Madeleine Nicol
The Visual Art Award
Adam Leitch
The Simpfendorfer Memorial Award for Vocational Education
Emmeline Wu
The University of Queensland Award
2011 Awards 2011 Closing Service - Academic Awards
2011 Closing Service - Service Awards
Year 6
Proxime Accessit
Daphne Han
Year 4
Mineka Vedamuttu
Eesha Bajra
Year 5
Mikaela Logan
Proxime Accessit
Marissa Jong
Year 6
James Wissler
Travis Dunkley
Year 7
Morgan Vardy
Proxime Accessit
Jessica Bertschy
Year 8
Jessica Bertschy
Year 7
Year 8
Thomas Ryan
Maddie Howe Year 9
Year 10 Year 11
James Cooper
Christanny Schmidt
Proxime Accessit
Maryse Warbrooke
Benjamin Kleinschmidt
Benjamin Kleinschmidt
Sean Power
Proxime Accessit
Emma Healy
Eliza Coop
Proxime Accessit
Charlotte Kiemann Kelly Ko
Year 12
Year 9
Rachel Long Yan Cheng
Proxime Accessit
Kelsey Britton
The Lumsden Trophy for Dux of the School
Jessica Collins
Year 10
Luke Borgert Lucy Griffin Kate Lawson
Year 11
Sydney Cock Kristy Anna Hampel Charlotte Kiemann Savina Simatovic
Leadership Award – College Captains
Jessica Collins Cameron Walker
The Caltex Best All Rounder Award
Hannah Baumann
The Ron Masterton Trophy for Music
Calvin Leung
The Principal’s Awards
Jacquelyn Bruyeres Daniel Grant
School Service Awards
Meera Chandra Rachel Kennedy Huldah Kwong
Year 12 Dux of the School, Jessica Collins
McKenzie Trophy for Loyalty, Service and Leadership
Jessica Collins
The Foundation Trophy
Jono Wilkinson
2011 Closing Service - Staff Service Awards Award
Staff Member
Lutheran Education Queensland (LEQ) 10 Year Service Award
Zoe Hutton (Support Staff) Jodie Dart, Aaron Hardke, Janelle Hughes, Susan Lee, Geoffrey Logan, Julie Logan, Jane Thiele, Paul Thiele, Daniel Weller, Kate Wilkinson (Academic Staff)
Lutheran Education Queensland (LEQ) 20 Year Service Award
Judy Newby (Support Staff) Ruth Evans, Kathy Stock (Academic Staff)
Lutheran Education Queensland (LEQ) 30 Year Service Award
Carol Appleton (Support Staff)
Lutheran Education Australia (LEA) Service Award
Paul Constantine (25 ½ years on retirement) Karen Rowlands (in memoriam) - (21 years) which was accepted by Michael Rowlands
Redeemer Mums The school year began with a “Tea and Tissues” morning tea for new and existing Junior School parents. Approximately 80 people attended and happily there were more smiles than tears. Our next event was a fundraising morning tea for those affected by the January floods. We thank everyone, for so generously supporting this appeal – especially as so many had already donated heavily during the holidays. $1,200 was raised, with 100% of the proceeds being directly distributed to the Lockyer Valley, through Lutheran Education Queensland. Thank you to Julian Schubert (Community Relations Officer) for assisting us so much with co-ordinating this appeal, and helping us raise this money for such a worthy cause. It was heartening to see so many staff members support this cause through their encouraging words, donations, and purchase of morning teas. We have deduced from the plates purchased that Redeemer staff are definitely a bunch of “sweet tooths”.
fine eateries along “Gallery Walk”. Fortunately no one strayed and we were able to return 26 mothers safely back to their families. On Friday 18 November, Redeemer Mums hosted an end of year dinner at “Chin Chin” Chinese restaurant in Springwood. Theresa, and her husband (Redeemer parents), went out of their way to ensure everyone had a wonderful evening – and they did! It is so uplifting to hear the positive affirmations about Redeemer, and feel the buzz of all the “happy energy” in the room. The next day we hosted a welcome morning tea for approximately 140 new Prep parents. People had an opportunity to meet and talk to other Prep parents, and begin friendships that may last the 13 year journey and beyond. God Bless, and keep safe and well during the festive season and always. Kindest Regards
In June, 26 ladies embarked on an adventure to Tamborine Mountain. A sumptuous morning tea was had at the “Fox and Hound”; an old English pub nestled amongst the foot hills of the mountain. It was then on to browse the many shops, galleries and
Mrs Dee Norris, Mrs Sandra Treeby and Mrs Simone Goldsbrough Coordinators
Mt Tamborine Bus Trip
End of Year Dinner
Music Supporters
Rugby Supporters
2011 has been a busy year, full of many musical events and successes. This year our group increased in size with a couple of new members, all of whom were warmly welcomed.
A great big thank you to all the parents, teachers and students who all worked together this year to make sure that Redeemer Rugby had another great year. Our Saturday morning barbecues were once again very successful in helping to raise much needed funds to assist in the purchase of Rugby equipment. Redeemer Rugby this year also hosted two very successful fundraising barbecues at the Underwood Bunnings store – another very big thankyou to all the parents and teachers involved.
We met regularly with the Music department staff to decide on the directions that needed to be taken. These dedicated staff are inspiring to our children and their leadership is appreciated, as is their hard work. Our year started with a concert and finished with a musical feast. In between were many events. In Semester 1, the college musical “Bugsy Malone” required us to provide afternoon tea for the students and staff on a weekly basis. This was an amazing experience for those of us who had not experienced this well oiled machine before. The musical is such a wonderful opportunity for the students! Semester 2 included a number of evenings showcasing different musical ages and groups. To see the growth in musical talent from the beginners to those in the music extension program is an amazing thing and something we are surely blessed to experience. Once again, we baked ourselves silly prior to the Redeemer Fair in readiness for “The Biscuit Barrel”. On behalf of the Music Supporters Group, I would like to thank Karen and Andrew Walker for the use of their facilities, organisation and personal time in preparation for this evening of baking. Without their guidance and support, we would not have been as successful in our fundraising event. Redeemer’s Music Supporters Group has continued to support the Music department with the purchase of plaques for the honour boards that were purchased by the 2009 Music Supporters Group. We also purchased a Baritone Saxophone which was greatly needed for the band program. These types of purchases would not be possible without the support of all the families and friends of the Music students. The small entrance fee charged for musical events goes back into supporting the Music program in the college.
We congratulate Jordan Roberts from the Rugby First XV team who was selected in the Queensland Under 17 team (not school boys.) – Well done Jordan! This year the Rugby coaches / teachers/ Rugby committee have been working on building the involvement and skills of the younger year levels of Rugby, getting them ready for the future years. I think we will all see the benefit of this continuing hard work in the many years to follow. The college is also working on future Rugby tours for the boys, more news on this will follow in 2012! This year saw the change/storage sheds at Stolz Sportsfields receive a massive clean-up, repair and paint work – congratulations and thank you to all involved. More of the Rugby Supporters shirts/jerseys were purchased by parents new to our game. If you have missed out on one of these – please contact anyone from Rugby Supporters next year. Seeing all the parents at the games in Redeemer Rugby Supporters shirts really adds to the presentation and atmosphere for the boys on the paddock. On a personal note, I would like to thank all the parents and teachers that worked with me this year – I could not have done it without you. You have all made this year a thoroughly enjoyable one and I will miss the friendships very much. All the best to everyone involved in the future of Redeemer Rugby. Mr Ray Perry President
I would like to invite interested parents (especially those with students in the Junior and Middle School) who would like to support their child’s musical development, to join our group in 2012. What better way to show your child how much you value their education and how important it is to participate in college life, than to volunteer and support them in their growth. We thank the students and their families for their commitment to the program and pray that it will continue to grow and succeed in the future. Mrs Lesley Boshammer Secretary
Redeemer Veterans This presidential term began with the AGM/Ordinary meeting which was held in the P & F meeting room on Sunday afternoon, 17 April 2011. The new executive of the group until April 2012 is as follows: Margaret Fletcher (Treasurer), Pat Skytte (Secretary) and Noela Kleinschmidt (President). Members enjoyed a City Cat river outing on Sunday 28 August, journeying up the river from Bulimba terminal, stopping for a two-hour luncheon and walk around South Bank, then reboarding the city cat for its journey to the University of Queensland, then back to the Bulimba terminal for a quick coffee and cake (paid for out of funds) in Oxford Street. July saw the mailing of over 80 letters to the parents of the 2010 school leavers welcoming and informing them about how they may wish to keep in touch with the college as past parents and future grandparents or as past staff and college councillors. To date there has been little response. Some of our members also turned up at Redeemer Fair on Saturday 22 October to work as volunteers during the afternoon, either as members of the Our Saviour Lutheran congregation who ran two coffee and food stalls or as grandparents brought in to help.
meals (each person chose one and so a variety of meals was shared at each table). This was followed by a short ordinary meeting. Deputy Principal, Rosilyn Frieberg, was our guest and she responded with a very interesting and fairly comprehensive report about college affairs. It was decided at this meeting to try organising our annual reunion in the form of a cocktail evening to be held on Friday 2 March 2012 in the Multi-Purpose Centre at the college and to be catered for by Our Saviour Hub Appeal committee as one of their 2012 fundraisers. Noela attended the College Council end of year dinner on 10 November as the representative of this group. Monthly coffee evenings at the Coffee Club, Springwood continue to be well attended. Finally, we try to be good ambassadors for the college. It is true that our members have all worked hard for the college over the years, and we have lots of laughs and memories because we have so much in common as life-long friends and supporters of the college. Mrs Noela Kleinschmidt President
Our end of year function was held on Sunday 13 November at the Rasa Malaysia Chinese Restaurant, Logan Road, Underwood. Thirty eight members enjoyed the subsidised banquet style
Redeemer Veterans 01 Gay Small and Rosilyn Frieberg (Deputy Principal) 02 Lis Stelzer, Pay Skytte and Pastor Robin Stelzer (Our Saviour Lutheran Church) 03 Don Gowanlock, Sandra and Bruce Vickers and Margaret Fletcher 06 Robin bailey and Kay Gowanlock 04 Patsy Sailer-Gray, Rosilyn Frieberg (Deputy Principal), Pat Skytte and Lis Stelzer 05 Some of the group at Oxford Street 08 Some of the group at the South Bank luncheon 07 South Bank outing: Eric Skytte (Viking tour leader), Noela Kleinschmidt and Rita Hickey
Redeemer Alumni At the end of 2011, Redeemer has seen 4,689 students pass through its classrooms, with 3,529Â of those graduating at Year 12. Our Alumni continues to grow and it is pleasing to see many former students return to Redeemer to enrol their children within our Junior School. Redeemer now enrols 75 students from 47 parents who are past students of the college. This has certainly been a real growth area since the introduction of the Junior School in 2007. In addition, Redeemer also employs 24 former students on staff within either the Academic or Support Staff areas of the college. Three reunions were held in 2011: a 10 year, a 20 year, and our second ever 25 year reunion. The highlight of our reunions this year was the 10 year reunion for the class of 2001, held on Saturday 6 August. This was our largest 10 year reunion in recent years with 70 past students attending on the night! The 20 year reunion of the class of 1991, held on Saturday 3 September, was a great night of renewing friendships and catching up. In contrast to the 10 year reunion, this was one of our smallest 20 year reunions with 30 past students attending.
25 year reunions; however, despite the small numbers, the 23 past students who attended had a memorable night in rekindling friendships from their time at Redeemer. Special thanks to Robyn Stiller from our College Archives who comes along to each of our reunions and brings a selection of Redeemer yearbooks and photo albums for everyone to browse. This is certainly appreciated by those who attend on the night. Redeemer Alumni continues to grow each year with 27 graduating groups now spanning from 1984 to 2011. We also continue to look for the most effective ways to keep in touch with our past students. One dream is to reform an Alumni Association to have past Redeemer students more involved in planning reunions and get-togethers. Please contact the college if you are interested in being involved within this area. We look forward to a bright year ahead as we plan for the future growth of our Redeemer Alumni. Mr Julian Schubert Community Relations Officer
Our second ever 25 year reunion was held on the first Saturday of October for the graduating class of 1986. We have struggled over the past couple of years to track down past students for our
25 Year Reunion
Reflections of Redeemer |
2011 in Review
Redeemer Lutheran College | Our Hope is in Christ 745 Rochedale Road Rochedale Queensland 4123 | PO Box 6090 Upper Mount Gravatt Queensland 4122 Telephone 07 3340 8888 | Facsimile 07 3340 8800 | mail@redeemer.com.au | www.redeemer.com.au A school of the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District | CRICOS Provider Code 00668M | ABN 40 618 603 690
college news
Redeemer Fair 2011
Springboard 2011
Saturday 22 October 2011
Student work from the subject areas of Technology Studies, Technology & Manufacturing Studies, Design Technology, Manufacturing, Graphics, Visual Art, Creative Art, Hospitality, Home Economics, Food & Textile Technology, Information and Technology & Information Technology Systems were once again on display as part of our Springboard student exhibition. The official opening took place on Wednesday 19 September in the Multi-Purpose Centre Auditorium and remained open for Redeemer Fair. We congratulate all staff and students from our Art Technology subjects on an outstanding exhibition of work!
Talk to a Champ A group of Redeemer students from Years 8-12 went to an Australian Olympic Committee Education Event called ‘Talk to a Champ’ on 11 August. Talk to a champ is a live studio audience discussion, featuring two outstanding Australian Olympic Gold Medalists, Susie O’Neil and Nikki Hudson talking about the highs and lows of their sporting careers while stressing the positive impact sport has had on their lives. The discussion centres on the a.s.p.i.r.e values and included a question and answer time.
college news
Music Gold Congratulations to Redeemer Music for achieving our best ever results at the Redlands Eisteddfods held early in Term 3. By the end of a very busy fortnight, Redeemer had collected 7 first places, 3 seconds, 1 third and a highly-commended. This is our greatest result at the Redlands Eisteddfod, particularly as all Instrumental Music groups won their sections. Music Results Result
First Place
Chorale Stage Band Senior Band
Redeemer Students Interview John Howard: ABC Student Press Call Six Redeemer students from Years 5 to 12 had a once in a lifetime opportunity to interview former Prime Minister John Howard on Monday 5 September as part of the 612 ABC Student Press Call segment. Questions ranged from: “Outside of politics, who is your hero?” to… “What do you think is the biggest challenge facing world leaders today?” Listen to a copy of the interview on our website: www.redeemer.com.au/newsletter/news/john-howard
Intermediate Band Year 6 Band Chamber Strings Intermediate Strings Second Place
Senior Singers Voiceworx Junior Choir
Third Place
College Choristers
Highly Commended
The Fellas
Congratulations to all of our talented staff, students and families for their ongoing commitment to Redeemer Music.
Back row: Mrs Kelli McKeiver, Mrs Marie Hughes, Mr Julian Schubert, (RLC Staff), Mr John Howard, Jessica Collins (Year 12), Jessica Bertschy (Year 8), Cameron Walker (Year 12), Madonna King (612 ABC). Front Row: Dylan Wolf (Year 7), Bronte Kelly (Year 5), Kate Lawson (Year 10).
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Collection
A Cool Place! Redeemer is very appreciative to the Parents and Friends Association for their support of the college with the generous contribution of $100,000 towards air-conditioning of the Middle School. This contribution now ensures that all classrooms from P-8 are fully air-conditioned. 50% of Senior School teaching spaces are currently air-conditioned, with further classrooms to be rolled out in the future with the college’s ongoing refurbishment program. Again we thank the P & F for their support and for this significant contribution.
The Community Service Committee once again coordinated the annual appeal for the Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box appeal. This is a project organised by Samaritan’s Purse where everyone in the Home Group is encouraged to bring in small gifts for a girl or a boy. This year we packaged over 75 boxes to be distributed to children in Papua New Guinea and Vietnam. This will no doubt make their Christmas a little brighter! Thank you to the Redeemer Community Service Committee for organising this annual appeal.
college news
Year 7 Canberra Tour
Redeemer’s Got Talent
On Saturday 16 July 2011, 64 Year 7 students and five Redeemer staff departed Redeemer for the annual Year 7 Canberra Tour. Highlights of the tour included visiting places such as the Australian Institute of Sport, CSIRO Discovery Centre, National Gallery of Australia, National Museum of Australia, Black Mountain’s Telstra Tower, Parliament House, the War Memorial, the National Dinosaur Museum, Canberra Deep Space and Communications Centre and of course not to forget hitting the snow slopes at Jindabyne!
On Wednesday 24 August, the Senior School Cultural Committee held its annual “Redeemer’s Got Talent”. The show features students demonstrating a variety of performance-based talents and abilities, in some cases for the first time before an audience of their peers. Now in its third year, RGT has become a significant part of the College calendar. This was reflected in a very full list of students performing before a capacity audience in the Kleinschmidt Auditorium. In their closing remarks, the judges noted the significant depth of talent evident in the College, and warmly congratulated each performer for their courage and ability. Michael Boulus was awarded the Judges’ Choice award for his stunning rendition of “Twenty Good Reasons”, while Paige Danby took a hotly contested Audience’s Choice and The Band, made up of Nic Hoopmann, Zach Schofield, Jeevan Soares and Cameron Walker, earned the Cultural Committee’s Choice. The Cultural Committee wishes to thank all students and staff for their contribution to another successful RGT. We look forward with interest to the 2012 season.
Have a Seat at Redeemer! Visitors to Redeemer Fair on 22 October would have noticed a shiny brand new grandstand which was set up outside of the new undercover Redeemer Chapel Hub area. We are thankful to a Redeemer family business that has generously donated six of these grandstands to the college. Two of these grandstands have been placed at Stolz Sportsfields, with the other four placed around the two ovals of our main college campus (Scurr Oval and Fred Davey Oval). As an opportunity for other parents to get involved, parents and friends of the college are able to purchase a seat for just $50 each. In recognition, a plaque will be placed on the seat with either your family name, or the name of your child and the years they are attending the college. For further information, contact the Business Office on 3340 8888 to book your seat!
Visiting Author: Tristan Bancks Popular author, Tristan Bancks visited Redeemer Lutheran College from 31 August until 2 September to work with our Years 6 – 8 students. Tristan has written several books for children and teens, including the brand new Galactic Adventures, First Kids in Space and My Life and Other Stuff I Made Up. He is also author of the Mac Slater books released in Australia and the US. Mac Slater Vs. The City was released in America April 2011. His illustrated series Nit Boy, is about everybody’s favourite mini-beasts. Nit Boy is currently being developed for television. Tristan’s Young Adult novel, it’s yr life was co-written via email between Byron Bay and L.A. with actress / author, Tempany Deckert.
college news
Year 12 Formal
Epic 2011 Ski Tour
Saturday 8 October 2011, Sebel and Citigate Hotel, King George Square, Brisbane.
After a long coach trip to Thredbo, 43 Year 11 students and 4 teachers hit the slopes of Thredbo in the July school holidays. The students’ excitement and enthusiasm could not be denied as they participated in their first ski or snowboard lesson of the week. Before long, the teachers were able to ski and snowboard with most students, bumping into them wherever we went on the mountain. Deep powder snow blanketed the slopes giving students their first experience skiing and riding powder, requiring them to adjust technique to cope with such awesome conditions. It was great to see the students venturing out and attempting to ski and board new slopes. Our students once again lived up to our great reputation that has been established amongst the Thredbo village. I have never encountered such an enthusiastic, polite and organised tour group. Ms Stephanie Mackie, Year 11 Ski Tour Coordinator
Year 9 Graphics: Institute of Sustainable Development and Architecture On Wednesday 26 October, Year 9 Graphics students visited Bond University’s Institute of Sustainable Development and Architecture. The purpose of the visit was to explore career pathways in Architecture and Urban Design and Planning. Students were provided with a presentation on Urban Design and Planning by Assistant Professor of Urban Planning Ned Wales. They were also addressed by students who are currently studying Architecture and provided with a student perspective of Bonds Architectural degree. Finally, they were provided with a tour of the Mirvac Sustainable Development Building by Clinical Associate Professor of Property Stuart McAuliffe. Students came away from the excursion with a greater understanding of experiences they can expect in careers of Architecture and Urban Design and Planning.
Book Week 2011: One World Many Stories Book Week was held from 27 to 31 August 2011. Students were involved in activities, competitions and storytelling relating to the 2011 theme of ‘One World, Many Stories’ to highlight the importance of reading. Our week culminated with a costume parade for all Junior School students.
Class of 2001 - 10 Year Reunion Saturday 6 August 2011, The Glen Hotel
redeemer alumni
redeemer alumni
Class of 1991 - 20 Year Reunion Saturday 3 September 2011, The Glen Hotel
Class of 1986 - 25 Year Reunion Saturday 1 October 2011, The Glen Hotel
redeemer alumni
Alumni News Kerrin Cridland (Annear-Walker 86) is married to Tony and has two children, Tenielle (17 years) and Daniel (14 years). Kerrin and Tony are the owners and managers of Diamondvale B&B Cottages at Stanthorpe. Tim Kotzur (86) was appointed to the role of Principal of St Andrews Lutheran College in 2010, a P-12 Lutheran College located in the Tallebudgera Valley on the Gold Coast. Naomi Levine (Simpfendorfer 86) is married to Martin, and has two children, Simeon (10 years) and Elijah (8 years). Naomi lives in Sydney where she is a Primary Teacher. Lynn Oei (Hayward 86) is married to David and has a 16 month old son, Jadon. Lynn was previously the Nurse Manager at St Andrew’s War memorial Hospital, and working in the Intensive Care Unit for 9 years. Lynn is now a full-time mum, but also works casually in the ICU. Claire Small (86) is currently living in London where she is the Clinical Director for Pure Sports Medicine. Claire completed a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Masters of Physiotheraphy and is also the author of “Managing the Injured Athlete”.
Stollznow family
Mark Stollznow (86) did a building apprenticeship upon leaving Redeemer and has worked in various places for different companies for about 20 years. Mark now lives at Biddaddaba near Canungra and works for the Scenic Rim Council. He is married to Linda and they have a daughter, Kimberley. Mark and Linda have a 200 acre property and run some cattle and own a few horses.
Katherine Cutugno (Dewitt 91) is married to Sebastian and they have two children, Siena (5 years) and Lucia (3 years). Katherine is a Registered Nurse in the Endoscopy Unit. Sarah Hare (91) is married to Karl Schottler and is currently a Consultant/social researcher (Quantitative/qualitative research and statistics). Sarah enjoys exercise/gym, birds (still likes them!), cycling, internet, movies, staying away from aeroplanes (travels a lot for work), computers (Apple particularly), reading and learning new things. Sarah has also established a business/consulting company, Schottler Consulting Pty Ltd.
Melissa Lackmann (Hegedus 91) is married to Jon and they have two children Oszkar (2 years) and Bruno (4 months). Melissa is a Manager for the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Sarah Martin (McLearie 91) is married to Rob and they have two children, Damien (7 years) and Isabella (3 years). Sarah has completed a Graduate Diploma in Business Admin and particularly enjoys socialising, dinner parties, cooking, women’s ministry and writing. Paul Kotzur (91) and his wife Joanne and two children (Oliver, 2 ½ and Marco, 12 months) are currently living in Hamburg, Germany where Paul is the Production Inspector on the Airbus, working for Qantas. He has been in this position for the past 3 years and hopes to be back in Australia at the end of the year. Susan Prince (Hudson 91) married Andrew in 1998 and have three children, Nathan (5 ½ years), Matthew and Joshua (4 years). Susan is currently a Child and Family Therapist for a private practice at Manly. Susan and Andrew both enjoy serving at City North Baptist Church at Kedron. Katey Elenitas (Shaw 01) is married to Andrew Elenitas and have twins (Jasper and Charlotte) born on 17 May 2010. Katey is currently the Senior Media Advisor for the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Sarah Handreck (Ware 01) is currently the Head of History at Redlands College. Sarah and her husband Stephen, both enjoy cycling regularly with their friends as well as hiking (mountains) and overseas trips. News from Emma Hanley (01) – “Since school, I’ve been fortunate that my work has taken me to some amazing cities: New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Nashville, Pittsburgh and Vegas. Here in the United States, I’ve been working as a performing artist, songwriter and film production assistant. Being a little less shy than in high school, I’ve had the opportunity to meet many celebrities and be part of promoting Australia to the States as a Student Ambassador and a representative for the American Australian Association. I’m currently working on a project highlighting the work of Paul McCartney and his band. Apart from work and my accent changing slightly, I still enjoy being an Aussie expat, going surfing, ordering flat whites and wearing thongs and uggs everywhere. It’s strange but recently I was telling a friend about our school’s ski tour and how every single person got sunburnt like lobsters and we have this photo of us all in mismatched/cross-dressing get up! And who could forget Ballon and the mud pit?! Thanks everyone for some cool memories!”. Lindsay Shaw (01) is currently living and working in the UK as a PostDoctoral Researcher in the field of Biological Science.
Sheridan Howell (Veltheim 91) is married to Darren and they have two children, Jamie (13 years) and Quinn (10 years). Sheridan is a teacher of the deaf.
Stephanie McPherson (Shepherd 01) is married to Garrath and enjoys Cross Country running. Stephanie is currently the Science Curriculum Assistant at JPC.
Jason Wandel (91) is married to Deborah, and both live in Adelaide SA where Jason is a electronics and software engineer. Jason enjoys gluten-free cooking and baking, electronics and software and is also a webmaster and developer. Jacinta King (91) is currently the Business Development Associate for the Magellan Financial Group and has travelled extensively. Jacinta has lived in Europe, Barcelona, Vienna and London. She has spent many years working in the arts as an agent and manager of artists and touring shows, but is now back working in corporate and still performing regularly as a singer with her band, Scenic Tour or as a jazz soloist with various musicians. Jacinta is married to Helge Schlosser.
Lindsay Shaw (01)
Aaron Lee (01) is currently working with Youth with a Mission (YWAM) and is living in England.
Chris Knoblauch (01) is a photographer and is also the managing director for two companies. Chris won the AIPP Queensland Wedding Photographer of the Year in 2010, the AIPP Queensland Professional Photographer of the Year in 2010 and the AIPP Master of Photography in 2011. Chris is married to Sonia.
redeemer alumni
Weddings Anthony Allan (95) married Dr Alex Markwell on 7 October 2011 at Hillstone, St Lucia. It was a joyous occasion for both families. Included in the wedding party were past students Michelle Allan (93), Matthew Krenske (95) and Hunter Walkenhorst (95).
Trent Kuskopf (03) married Donna Harvey on 30 October 2010. Tania Czarnuszewicz (01) married Luke McInnes on Saturday 25 June 2011 at Nazareth Lutheran Church, Woolloongabba. The reception was held at the urban Brisbane Hotel.
Anthony is a Managing Pharmacist and Partner in the Chemist Warehouse group and Alex is an Emergency Specialist working at the RBWH. Next year Alex will be President of the Australian Medical Association Queensland. Alyda McGraw (Watson 97) and her husband were the photographers.
Tania Czarnuszewicz (01) and Luke McInnes
Anthony Allan and Dr Alex Markwell’s wedding.
Fiona Matthews (01) married Matthew Hampel and is currently a Year 4 teacher at Redeemer Lutheran School at Nurioopta and living in the Barossa Valley, SA.
Brendan McPhail (98) and Linnet Charles were married on 27 August 2011 in Atlanta. The bridal party included Michael Warrington (98).
Fiona Matthews (01) and Matthew Hampel.
Jackie Fredericksen (02), Bryannah Murphy, Rosemary Geary, Belinda Fredericksen, Greg Fredericksen (00), Geoff Fredericksen (06), Alan Dwyer, John Harker.
Greg Fredericksen (00) married Belinda Mead on 29 May 2010 in Townsville’s Sacred Heart Cathedral. Greg and Belinda are both currently working on Palm Island, Greg as a Police Officer and Belinda as a Teacher Aide.
Greg Fredericksen (00) and Belinda Mead’s wedding.
Jackie Fredericksen (02) married Matthew Erskine on 2 July 2011 on Matt’s grandparent’s working farm out at Atkinson’s Dam. They were blessed with a beautiful day surrounded by family and friends. Jackie is currently working as a Year 7 teacher and Matt as an audio technician.
Chris Hermann, Ben Erskine, Dean Baron, Matt Erskine, Jackie Erskine (02), Danielle Adams (02), Tracey Western, Emily Baker (02).
redeemer alumni
2012 Reunions
Recently engaged and want to tell the world?! … email your news and a photo through to: alumni@redeemer.com.au to include the details in the next issue of Redeemer Record.
Class of 2002 – 10 Year Reunion
Births Steve and Amy (McSwan 97) Dyer welcomed a baby boy, Ted Alexander Dyer, born on 27 June 2011. A baby brother for Maggie.
When Saturday 4 August 2012 Where The Glen Hotel, Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains RSVP With payment by Monday 30 July 2012
Class of 1992 – 20 Year Reunion When Saturday 1 September 2012 Where The Glen Hotel, Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains RSVP With payment by Monday 27 August 2012
Class of 1987 – 25 Year Reunion Expressions of interest are sought for a proposed 25 year reunion for the Class of 1987. A reunion is proposed for Saturday 6 October if enough interest is received. Please email any feedback to alumni@redeemer.com.au by no later than 30 May 2012. For more information, invitations or RSVP forms, visit www.redeemer.com.au/community/alumni
Tennille and Terry Burkitt (01) welcomed a healthy baby boy, Harry Ross Burkitt, 7lb 8oz on Tuesday 9 August 2011.
Stay in Touch Remember to update your phone, email and mailing address with us: Email alumni@redeemer.com.au Phone 07 3340 8888 Post PO Box 6090 Upper Mount Gravatt, Queensland 4122
Online All of the details regarding upcoming reunions for Redeemer Lutheran College can be found on our website. Log onto www.redeemer.com.au/community/alumni
Facebook Christie Fleming (Francis 99) and Daniel Fleming are the very proud parents of Ella Joy born on 24 March 2011.
Find reunion news and past Student information on Redeemer’s official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/RedeemerLutheranCollege
Twitter Follow Redeemer Lutheran College on Twitter. www.twitter.com/RedeemerCollege
Saturday 24 Sunday 25 Saturday 21 Tuesday FEB 24
Christmas Eve Service at Redeemer Chapel, 7.30pm Christmas Day Service at Redeemer Chapel, 8.30am
Thursday 26 Friday 27 Tuesday 31
P & F Second Hand Uniform Sale, 8.00am-12.00pm (MPC11) AYYears 6,JU7,N8,E 9 and 12 PR Term 1ACommences JULY AUG SEPT Mfor Prep Orientation Day, 9.00am-10.30am Term 1 commences for Prep to Years 5, 10 and 11 Middle School and Senior School Opening Service, 9.00am, (Redeemer Chapel) Australia Day Public Holiday Junior School Opening Service, 8.45am (Redeemer Chapel) Junior School Parent Information Evening, 7.00pm (Redeemer Chapel)
Thursday 2 APR MAR3 Friday Monday 6 Monday 20 Tuesday 21 Wednesday 22
Senior School Interhouse Swimming Carnival (Aqualogan, Springwood) E PT UNMiddle OCT DEC JULY and Senior AUGSchool,SE MAYTour of Jthe NOV Principal’s School 9.00am-10.30am Middle School Interhouse Swimming Carnival (Redeemer Pool) Middle School Parents Welcome Evening, 7.00pm (Redeemer Chapel) Lavarack House Barbecue, 6.30pm (Chapel Hub), Mansfield House Barbecue, 6.30pm (Tuckshop) Ramsay House Barbecue, 6.30pm (Tuckshop), Wilson House Barbecue, 6.30pm (Chapel Hub)
Friday 2
Principal’s Tour of the Junior School, 9.00am-10.30am T G V LY Parents OCT Dinner JUNEVeterans Redeemer Reunion DEC Centre) JU(Past AUAssociation) SEPAnnual NO(Multi-Purpose Junior School Interhouse Cross Country, 9.00am-10.30am (Fred Davey Oval) Senior School Interhouse Cross Country, 9.00am-11.00am (Scurr Oval) Middle School Interhouse Cross Country, 1.40pm-3.15pm (Fred Davey Oval) Term 1 Concludes
Wednesday 25
Tuesday 27 Thursday 29 Friday 30
Friday 6 JUNE Sunday MAY 8 Monday 9 Monday 16 Wednesday 25 Thursday 26 Friday 27
Good Friday Service at Redeemer Chapel, 8.30am LY Service CT andN8.30am OV DEC EasterJU Sunday at Redeemer AUG SEPTChapel,O6.00am Easter Monday Public Holiday Term 2 Commences ANZAC Day Public Holiday Grandparents Day for Middle/Senior School students, 9.00am-11.15am (Redeemer Chapel) Grandparents Day for Junior School students , 8.30am-11.00am (Multi-Purpose Centre)
Friday JUNE4 Monday 7
Principal’s EPTJunior School, OCT 9.00am-10.30am AUGTour ofSthe NOV Labour Day Public Holiday
Friday 1 Monday JULY 11 Thursday 21 Friday 22
AU 17 Tuesday
Principal’s Tour of the Middle School and Senior School, 9.00am-10.30am
T V CT Public Jubilee Holiday O DEC AUG Queen’s SEPDiamond NO
Senior School Interhouse Athletics Carnival (Scurr Oval) Middle School Interhouse Athletics Carnival (Scurr Oval), Shibakashi Day (Senior School) Term 2 Concludes
C NOV Term 3OCommences
The full college calendar can be found online at: www.redeemer.com.au/events/calendar
Spend Christmas with Our Saviour Christmas Eve
Saturday 24 December, 7.30pm A joyful service of light in the darkness, with contemporary music for carols, dance and nativity.
Christmas Day Sunday 25 December, 8.30am Be at home with us as the joy of the morning fills our voices with praise and our hearts with faith and friendship, with worship, carols, dance and nativity.
Pastors: Robin Stelzer (07 3208 2657) Pastor Matt Thomas (07 3340 8891) Our Church Office is at: ‘Doorways’ 525 Underwood Rd, Rochedale QLD 4123 Open Tues - Fri 9am - 12 noon Tel 07 3219 0055 www.office@oslc.org.au
OBH 14430
Redeemer Events Calendar