Redeemer Record Vol 29 Issue 2 - December 2012

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Volume 29 Number 2 Jan 2013

Inside this Issue 03 Past Staff Honoured 04 Official Opening of JG Block 12 Tuchekoi 2012 – The Best Bits 13 The Pajama Game is Coming! 16 Shibakashi Day 2012 18 Staff Retirements 20 Redeemer Alumni 2012 Reunions Insert: 2012 Annual Report Print Post Approved PP490927/00056



from the principal and chaplain


The Stars of 2012 2012 has been a good year! As I look back over the year, I am reminded of many highlights. I am also reminded of the many quiet achievements that sometimes go unseen by the majority. I am thankful to the students, parents and staff who have quietly gone about the tasks required of them, producing many wonderful outcomes for students and the Redeemer community as a whole. A highlight of the year was the opening of JG Block in the Junior School at the end of Term 3. This building has dramatically changed life in the Junior School providing custom built and technology equipped learning spaces. To celebrate JG Block as the first permanent Junior School building, it contains a wall of tiles, each tile having been created by a founding student of the Junior School in 2007. This is a very special part of JG Block! Another addition to the Junior School was the opening of the specialist Junior School playground. This space has been a great success with students enjoying the amazing playground equipment it contains.

As always, our students are the stars of 2012. Redeemer is blessed with great students who strive to do their best through the many opportunities given to them. Academic endeavours were a priority. Springboard was inspiring. Our choirs and ensembles were outstanding. Our sports program saw the best student participation for probably a decade with a good sprinkling of premierships in each trimester. Students supported the House cultural activities and many embraced leadership opportunities. We cannot celebrate our student achievements without acknowledging our wonderful parents and those who support them e.g. grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends. I am also thankful to the staff of Redeemer for their commitment and dedication to their roles and to serving our community. As I reflect on the year, there is so much to be thankful for. Most importantly, I give thanks to the one who sustains life and is behind every human success, for our hope is indeed in Christ. I wish everyone in the Redeemer community a blessed Christmas and a refreshing holiday break. Mr David Radke Principal

Foundations for Performance The ‘Wexner Center for the Performing Arts’ was designed to challenge the idea that a building must have purpose and meaning. There are pillars that serve no purpose, stairways that lead nowhere, and corridors that randomly change direction. The building is a great artistic performance, but it is not great for performing art. Ten years after it was built, it needed a $10 million upgrade to make it usable. Ravi Zacharias also noted that the foundations were built the traditional way. You can mess with some things, but to mess with the foundations is dangerous. That is why we are so grateful for JG Block. JG Block does indeed have good foundations. The building is strong and designed to last. It is also designed to be functional. JG Block is designed to enhance learning and to provide a wide variety of ways that space can be used. It has been fitted out with all sorts of innovation that give flexibility and new opportunities for creative learning. And on top of all that, it looks good and is pleasing to the eye.

another foundation. The Christian character of Redeemer is even more important than having nice buildings. The key to building an environment where good learning takes place is building a place where everyone feels safe and valued. When we know what God did for us in Jesus, and follow his lead in life, we have that. Following Jesus is no restriction. It is freedom. Like those poor performers in the Wexner building we need a foundation that will stand the test of time. We also, like them, need a life that is not just interesting but also liveable. Jesus teaches us with the values that make life both interesting and liveable. When we follow him, we live in a context in which there is room for our natural creativity to flow. Even better, Jesus offers not just his teaching but himself as our foundation. He gives us the full safety and value of a relationship with God based on his grace and not on our effort. With that as the foundation and structure of our lives we are truly free to give a creative performance. Pastor Matt Thomas Junior School Chaplain

Just like a performing arts centre, however, the important thing about JG Block is what goes on inside it. For that we need

Redeemer Lutheran College | Our Hope is in Christ 745 Rochedale Road Rochedale Queensland 4123 | PO Box 6090 Upper Mount Gravatt Queensland 4122 Telephone 07 3340 8888 | Facsimile 07 3340 8800 | | | A school of the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District ARBN 051 602 996 | CRICOS Provider Code 00668M | ABN 40 618 603 690 Redeemer Record is a publication of Redeemer Lutheran College © 2012 | Print Post Approved PP490927/00056 Editor: Mr Julian Schubert, Community Relations Officer | Contributions: | Design and Print: Openbook Howden, Adelaide

On the Cover: Junior School students enjoying the new playground adjoining JG Block.


college news

Past Staff Honoured Naming of College Landmarks

“Glover Fields”

In the past months, an opportunity has presented itself to publicly and permanently recognise three past Redeemer staff members for their outstanding contributions to Redeemer Lutheran College. The following announcement was made at the 2012 Redeemer Lutheran College Closing on Tuesday 4 December, 2012.

Darryl and Linda Glover Darryl and Linda Glover, past servants of Redeemer Lutheran College, sadly, passed away, Linda in 2006 and Darryl in 2007.

We honour Pastor Eric Simpfendorfer, who was the much loved founding Chaplain of Redeemer Lutheran College. Sadly, Pastor Eric passed away in 1997, soon after his retirement. Pastor Eric is fondly remembered by staff and students. As a lasting legacy to Redeemer, Pastor Eric authored the College Hymn, “In the Name of Our Redeemer”. He was also an outstanding contributor to Lutheran Education in general through his authorship of the Theological Orientation Program for Staff professional development program for Lutheran educators.

Darryl and Linda Glover are fondly remembered by those with whom they served, not only at Redeemer, but also in the wider Lutheran education community, and through Our Saviour Lutheran Church. Darryl and Linda were very dedicated teachers who were true servants of the Lord, serving the College well beyond the classroom from the early eighties for many years. Students and staff remember with appreciation their caring natures and their strong Christian witness. They were a couple who helped foster and knit the very healthy relationship between Redeemer Lutheran College and Our Saviour Lutheran Church. It is also worth noting that Darryl served as Chair of Redeemer Lutheran College Council in 1982 during the College’s early development. We honour Darryl and Linda Glover, past servants of Redeemer Lutheran College who sadly, have now both passed away, Linda in 2006 and Darryl in 2007.

The College Council is honouring him by naming the College’s internal service road “Simpfendorfer Drive”.

The College Council is honouring them by naming the College’s western block of land fronting Priestdale Road “Glover Fields”.

“Simpfendorfer Drive” Pastor Eric Simpfendorfer

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JG is Go!! Official opening and dedication of JG Block There was a great amount of anticipation and excitement leading up to the Official Opening and Dedication of JG Block on Thursday 20 September. Rev James Haak, 2nd Vice President, Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District dedicated the building and Queensland Premier Campbell Newman officially opened the building and unveiled the plaque. It was wonderful to see our foundation Junior School students return to the Junior School to acknowledge this special occasion in the life of the college. JG Block is a two storey classroom building with three classrooms on each level for Years 3, 4, and 5. Each classroom has a wet area / breakout work area adjacent to the main classroom space, and each room is also expandable with some rooms having the capacity to expand into the upper verandah space. This flexibility of usage provides teachers with a relatively wide range of pedagogical choices in the delivery of their lessons. In keeping with present practice the classrooms are IT rich with interactive white boards and wireless connectivity, and in keeping with Redeemer College Council policy, as a new building all rooms are air-conditioned. Attached to the Eastern end (Rochedale Road side) of JG Block is a new purpose built Junior School toilet block. Between JG Block and the MPC a brand new Junior School Playground has also been constructed. Visit the Redeemer facebook page to view a selection of photos from the occasion: RedeemerLutheranCollege/photos




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junior school news


Junior School News “The need for people to belong is as old as humanity itself, and the pride in belonging to a school is the origin of school spirit. School spirit allows people to express themselves while building relationships, benefiting everyone involved”. Lauralee Moss This year we saw the induction of our inaugural House Captains in the Junior School. As well as being leaders, part of their role was to continue to build on House spirit. Research suggests that House spirit strengthens communities and can improve a student’s commitment to education. By belonging to a particular House, students have a sense of belonging and more readily participate in activities. House spirit also creates a positive learning environment for both students and teachers and helps to develop and foster relationships among people.

As well as House Captains, we introduced a House Trophy this year. Students came together in different year groups to work towards a common goal. They participated in Cross Country, Athletics Carnival, Swimming Carnival and for the first time, Pavement Art. Points were given at the end of each activity or carnival and calculated over the year. It is with great excitement that I announce the House with the most points for 2012 and winner of the inaugural Junior School House Trophy…Ramsay! In 2013 we have intentions of adding further activities to continue building on our House spirit. Perhaps it might be a public speaking competition, a war cry competition or a “dance-off”. Stay tuned for what’s in store for 2013! Mrs Kelli McKeiver Head of Junior School




JUNIOR school news

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MIDDLE school news


Middle School News The trophies and pennants housed in the Middle School Library and the Kleinschmidt Centre tell only part of the story. They bear witness to the success of our sporting teams and music ensembles in their competitions against other schools. They bear witness to the effort and enthusiasm of our students in practising and preparing for these hard-fought contests. But there are no trophies to recognise the progress of a student who started the season as a beginner and ended as a strongly contributing member of the team or ensemble. Some students have achieved Personal Bests, although these may not qualify for the record books. Some have conquered their fears and participated in activities that previously scared them. Students have experienced the value of teamwork and co-operative effort and they have seen evidence of the power of synergy. These are life skills that are being taught, learned, challenged, nurtured and practised. Through the co-curricular program, through classroom engagement and through playground interactions, our Middle Schoolers are developing myriad skills that they will need to use throughout their lives. Middle School has a strong focus on supporting young people in their personal development. Inside and outside the classroom, they are beginning to see life through different eyes as they enter the world of adolescence. No longer are they friends with everyone – and it can be a painful experience when students realise that their old friends no longer share their values and interests. Breaking, forming and growing friendships are fundamental to adolescent life, and the supportive guidance of empathetic parents and staff is critical in helping young people to negotiate this process. Strong relationships are crucial. The year 2012 has seen a focus on the development of leadership skills among Middle School students. Although all students were offered the opportunity to become involved, it has been the Year 7 students who have most enthusiastically embraced the leadership

Many Opportunites

Supporting ALWS

Individual Personalities

Co-operating in Co-Curricular

Doing Interesting Stuff

Having Fun

Developing New Talents

Organising Activities

Learning Leadership Skills

Offering Assistance

Exploring Canberra


training and activities that have been offered. I pray that as the Year 8 students of 2013 these young people will be positive leaders in the Middle School community. Our student leaders are recognised by their “Student Council” badges and they are keen to hear and consider for action all the questions and suggestions that come from the Middle School student body. Redeemer’s Middle School has been my passion since planning for it began in 1996. While there have been many changes over the years, our prime purpose has remained unchanged – the academic and personal growth of our students within an actively Christian environment. As I hand over my Head of Middle School responsibilities and move into retirement, I hope that this focus will remain unchanged. I wish the Year 8 students of 2012 success as they move into the Senior School in 2013 and I pray that in years to come Redeemer’s Middle School and each Middle School student and staff member will grow to their full potential in every aspect of their development. May God bless you. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 Mrs Judy Powell Head of Middle School




MIDDLE school news

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Senior School News

Year 8 Orientation Day

“This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” (Taylor Swift) Meeting the Year 9 students of 2013 at the Senior School Orientation day is always an exciting experience. New faces etched with excitement, nervousness and curiosity appear and the anticipation of a new journey about to begin fills the air. One of the highlights of being a teacher in the Senior School, would have to be seeing the students when they start in Year 9 and watching them grow, mature and develop into young adults when they graduate. Four years seems like a long time, but the Year 12 students will tell you that time flies. Of course in the context of a P-12 school, watching the Preps finish Year 12 will be an amazing experience for all. In their final year, students cherish the opportunity to be involved in their last swimming, athletics and cross country carnival. Even more precious, is the final Chapel devotion where Year 12 students stand and sing loud and with conviction. As the end of the year draws near, the Year 12 students sport a new confidence; they have completed their exams and QCS test, dressed in their finest attire for the formal and begin to reflect on their school experience. For some, the experience is full of many fond memories, for others, it is a chapter they are eager to close. As we celebrate the end of 2012 we reflect on all the experiences, achievements and blessings that have touched us and are filled with hope and anticipation for the New Year. In the words of Taylor Swift, “...things will change”, but whatever your journey holds for 2013, may the Lord be by your side. Mrs Anastasia Strong Head of Senior School



2013 College Captains and Student Leaders Girls’ College Captain Boys’ College Captain Girls’ Deputy Captain Boys’ Deputy Captain

Annalise Pennisi Luke Borgert Kristen Bertschy Dan Ryan

Lavarack House Captains

Lucy Griffin Taso Sotiropoulos

Mansfield House Captains

Amber Mostert Alexander Groves

Ramsay House Captains

Sophie Hawkins Joel Ng

Wilson House Captains

Tiana Miles Pabby Thind

Music Captains

Becky Leung James Phillips

Sports Captains

Georgia West Joel Woodward

2013 College Captains and Student Leaders.

Farewell Class of 2012 Valedictory Service, Thursday 15 November 2012



2012 Year 12 Gift As is customary at Redeemer, the Year 12 students of each graduating year present a gift from the cohort back to the college as a lasting legacy and appreciation of their time at the College. In 2012, the Year 12 students presented to the College a new Redeemer Flag. This flag will provide a lasting reminder of the Class of 2012 each day that it flies at the entrance to our College.

Sydney Cock and Tom MacElroy (2012 College Captains) present a new Redeemer Flag to Mr David Radke on behalf of the graduating students of 2012.

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college news



Tuchekoi 2012 – The Best Bits! “Tuchekoi has been the best camp of my life, and it’s only day two!” Simon H, 9.1 (W01) “We are all so lucky to have such an opportunity like this.” Olivia, 9.1 (L03) “Overall, our first expedition was a great experience and I am looking forward to our four night expedition.” Maddy L, 9.1 (W01) “We are looking forward to seeing everybody back at school and to tell them about the amazing experiences we have had throughout our time at Tuchekoi!” Holly C, 9.1 (MO6) “I can’t thank Tuchekoi enough for giving me this amazing opportunity.” Ally L, 9.1 (R07) “We have made heaps of memories and we are planning to make more. We are excited about going home but we all know that we will miss Tuchekoi like we miss our family and friends now.” Julie M, 9.3 (L08)

“I’ve also learned a lot about myself and people I don’t usually get to talk to. As we’ve had so many great experiences just in this first day, I can’t wait for what is ahead!” Christelle B, 9.1 (M08) “So far, my Tuchekoi experience is a blast and can’t wait for days to come. Tuchekoi is a life changing experience.” Chris N, 9.3 (M05) “There are so many stars here at Tuchekoi and they were the most beautiful things I have seen so far at Tuchekoi.” Kelly F, 9.3 (L01) “Tuchekoi has been absolutely amazing!” Stephanie R, 9.3 (R06) “Tuchekoi is one of the most beautiful places with its nice instructors and peaceful environment. Also the scenery when abseiling was fantastic, those who are going in Group 3 are going to love it!” Joyce L, 9.2 (R07) “We are all having a great time up here and we have less than 2 weeks left of this amazing experience.“ Rochelle W, 9.5 (M03)

“We’ve done so much at Tuchekoi already, but we still have so much more to go!” Conor R, 9.2 (W03) “Tuchekoi is definitely an experience I’ll never forget and I have learnt so much being here that will stick with me forever.” Casey C, 9.1 (W02) “Tuchekoi has been a great experience so far and I can’t wait to see what’s to come”. Lewis V, 9.4 (L06) “Though exhausted I was happy. I had gone further than I could have imagined, achieved my goals and learnt many new things. Today was fabulous!” Vanessa P, 9.5 (W08) “Overall, Tuchekoi has been a great experience so far with challenges, rewards and great food.” Nathan K, 9.4 (L04) The wise words of Mr Lawrence echoed in our minds... “When you boys come back to school, you will not come back as boys but you will come back as young men”. Lewis M, 9.5 (W08)


A Trip Down Memory Lane


college news

2013 College Musical: The Pajama Game

This term, year 2AL has been learning about local history and the history of Redeemer Lutheran College. On Thursday 8 November, Mr Mark Rasi (Deputy Principal – Curriculum and past student), visited the Year 2AL classroom and spoke to the students about what life was like for him as a student at Redeemer from 1983-1987. Students had many interesting questions for Mr Rasi and learned about the land, building, students and uniforms and found out how Redeemer has grown and changed over the years. “I learned that when Redeemer first opened there was only one building in the whole school!” Isabella Smart 2AL “I learned that Redeemer students had to walk all the way to Rochedale State School for swimming carnivals and lessons because Redeemer didn’t have a pool.” Mia White 2AL “I learned that there were only 52 students when Redeemer first opened.” Sion Kim 2AL

Christmas Shoe Box Appeal The Community Service Committee would like to thank the students and their families for contributing to our annual shoe box appeal, run by the Samaritan’s Purse. This year we delivered over 80 boxes. They will be distributed to children in Papua New Guinea and Vietnam. Thanks for making a child’s Christmas a little brighter!

Things at the ‘Sleep-Tite’ Pajama Factory are anything but peaceful when factory superintendent Sid Sorokin starts his new job. The factory workers have decided to strike and demand a seven and a half cent pay rise. Sid then has to manage Prez, the union leader, fighting for the rights of the workers; Vernon Hines, the factory time keeper (who throws knives for fun); and Myron Hasler, his boss who is hiding a secret. Things change again when Sid encounters Babe Williams, a union member, who he falls in love with. Can their stormy workplace romance last when they are on opposite sides of the battle? We’ll find out in the 2013 College Musical, ‘The Pajama Game’. The combination of Stage Band and Chamber Strings will bring to life the energetic and jazzy score, which is brimming with fantastic songs and dances. ‘The Pajama Game’ is a bright and brassy, fast-paced musical theatre favourite. With over 120 auditions so far, the 2013 Musical is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. The 2013 production of ‘The Pajama Game’ will be held on 3-4 May 2013 at the Logan Entertainment Centre. Stay tuned for more details in 2013!

Soccer Holiday Program Viva Soccer will be hosting a Holiday Program at Redeemer Lutheran College for children aged 5-12 years old. This program will allow children to learn the game of soccer in a fun, safe positive learning environment. Where

Redeemer Lutheran College


Monday 21 – Friday 25 January


9.00am – 12.00pm


$150 for the full 5 days

Booking To book your place on this camp please visit the Viva Soccer website at (and click ‘Holiday Programs’), or call the Viva Soccer head office on 1300 870 970.








Redeemer Fair 2012 Saturday 27 October 2012

Springboard 2012 24-27 October 2012




‘Pigs Did Fly!’ Lavarack House Kite Flying Competition Lavarack House members competed in their inaugural intrahouse kite flying competition on Thursday 30 August. They made their kites from meagre rations: a plastic bag, some tape, string and dowel - but the results were outstanding: • L03 won the most creative prize (and the highest flight): yes, a very cute pink pig! • L01 achieved the longest flight (an impressive 9.1 seconds). • L03 (with an angel) and L08 (a fish) shared the best decorated prize. This was a fun way to build Home Group teamwork and an avenue for students to demonstrate their diversity of talents. Its success will cement it as a permanent activity. Mrs Marie Hughes Lavarack House Leader

Turning Heads 2012 Redeemer Art department started Term 3 with the wonderful experience of having ceramic sculpture artist, Ruth Park, as guest artist in residence for the week, 16-20 July. Ruth Park, from the Northern Rivers District of NSW, near Lismore, is a renowned artist both nationally and internationally. The Year 11 Visual Art class experienced a full day workshop on the Wednesday, with the construction of a life-size human bust, paying attention to accurate human proportions and features. Ruth worked with the Year 9 Visual Art class to produce large, freestanding Gremlin heads, in a whole day workshop on the Thursday. In addition to taking practical classes throughout each day, Ruth also worked on her own art piece over the week. This year Ruth constructed a large wheel-thrown pot and demonstrated many finishing effects, as well as how to make simple silicon moulds. On the Student Free Day the Art staff were challenged with a sculpture PD workshop for the day.

International Women’s Day Fun Run/Walk

The 22nd anniversary of the International Women’s Day Fun Run/Walk will take place on Sunday 10 March 2013 at the Cultural Forecourt, The Parklands, South Bank. A bus will leave Redeemer at 6.15am and return to Redeemer by 10.00am. Enter online now at

Both Art staff and Art students appreciated Ruth’s talented expertise and her bright and cheerful delivery. The workshops proved to be truly fruitful, fun and enriching for all involved, with students creating more imaginative and quality work than ever before.

2014 Scholarships Redeemer Lutheran College is offering up to ten scholarships for Year 8 students in 2014 and up to ten scholarships for Year 11 in 2014. Year 8 scholarships are tenable for 3 years with Year 11 scholarships tenable for 2 years. For further information, visit scholarships, or contact the Enrolments Officer, Mrs Cathy Mostert on (07) 3340 8807.








Shibakashi Day 2012 On Friday 22 June, Redeemer held its 8th annual Shibakashi Day. This year we hosted approximately 300 students and 17 teachers from our Japanese sister school Shibakashi. As always, this was a valuable opportunity for Redeemer students and staff to meet and socialize with people from a very different culture in a relaxed atmosphere. A barbecue lunch provided a great opportunity for staff and students of both cultures to talk and get to know each other. As always, the day finished with a short concert featuring student performances from both schools. This was a memorable day for our College as it both highlights and celebrates the differences and similarities between both schools. Our students and staff are fortunate indeed to have this opportunity to promote intercultural understanding.




Golden Tin Cup Throughout June, Year 6 students had been leaping in sacks, skipping rope, smashing handball winners and drawing furiously against the clock, all for the glory of the Cup. The Golden Tin Cup was once a regular feature of Middle School life, and has been revived on the initiative of students in the Senior School Cultural Committee and with the support of staff in the Middle and Senior Schools. Events have included a relay of sackracing, egg-and-spooning and tray-balancing; endurance events involving jumping rope and extended handball games; and the final event of Undercover Art, in which students from 6DL, 6LK and 6VF had to design an artwork that they felt reflected the culture of the Middle School. Points given for each event recognised not only athletic and artistic abilities, but also the communal support and team spirit exhibited by students. Convenor Mr Philip Sharwood Biedermann observed that this was a strong stipulation by the Cultural Committee. “Senior students felt that this competition was about building friendships and a sense of identity and loyalty with one another, rather than a contest in which a few talented individuals won glory for everyone else,” he said. Artworks in the final event were diverse and wide-ranging, focussing on themes and issues that students felt summed up the Middle School. These ranged from a Christian identity and understanding of the world, supportive friendships, House competitions, scholastic achievement and the natural environment.

The final winners of the Cup trophy were 6DL. However, as Mr Sharwood Biedermann observed, only a handful of points separated the groups, with the lead regularly changing over the weeks of competition. The Cultural Committee wish to thank all staff and students who gave freely of their time, energy and imagination to make this such a great success.

Media Snippets … Redeemer in the news Taste of the Big League an inspiration for Clay The Southern Star (Quest), Wednesday 23 May 2012

Cameron Clay (2011) recently played the MCG and then toured Europe with the AIS-AFL Academy Squad

University has incentives for top students The Southern Star (Quest), Wednesday 6 June 2012

Adam Chalmers (2011) and Jessica Collins (2011) both received $25,000 QUT scholarships

First Place

Albert & Logan News (Quest), Wednesday 5 September 2012 Jonathan Chan (2012) won first place in the UQ School of Economics Competition

Work Begins

The Southern Star (Quest), Wednesday 26 September 2012 Work begins on a new Junior School playground

Premier joins the party

Albert & Logan News (Quest), Wednesday 3 October 2012 Redeemer Lutheran College students show Premier Campbell Newman their new building

Premier visits school

The Southern Star (Quest News),Wednesday 10 October 2012 (Premier visits school)

Tops at Irish dancing

The Albert & Logan News (Quest), Wednesday 17 October 2012 Amy von Gneisenau (2012) won her consecutive national title and maiden four-hand title at the 2012 Australian Irish Dancing Championships

QUT Law Graduate awarded Rhodes Scholarship The Courier-Mail, Wednesday 31 October 2012 (Page 15) Andrew Trotter (2004) who has just been awarded the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship from QUT for 2013








Staff Retirements Carol Appleton – 32 ½ years’ service After 32½ years of service to Redeemer, Carol Appleton has retired from her position of Book Shop Coordinator. Carol has had a long association with book shop operations at Redeemer, commencing as a volunteer in the college’s first year when books were sold from St John’s hall at Eight Mile Plains by a group of mothers led by Carol. When she retired in August 2012, she was still the Bookroom Coordinator for the College. Carol’s long association with the College has been one of commitment, dedication and servanthood. As a parent, she volunteered to be involved in numerous functions but this has continued even when she no longer had children at the College. She worked tirelessly in the Tuckshop and continued to do so until her retirement. Carol has epitomised the ethos and mission of Redeemer Lutheran College with respect to service. She desired to serve her Lord and her fellow human beings in everything that she did. Thank you for your contribution to Redeemer Carol, we will certainly miss you! Carol’s story is captured in the book “Rivers of Hope” (Reminiscences of the first years of Redeemer Lutheran College) written by Robin Kleinschmidt (page 86). Available from the Redeemer Shop for $10. Phone (07) 3340 8855.

LEQ Service Awards Lutheran Education Queensland recognises staff and volunteers by offering awards for service over a significant period of time. At the 2012 Closing Service & Presentation of Awards on Tuesday 4 December, we recognised two Redeemer staff who have served Lutheran Education Queensland for ten years.

10 Years’ Service - Academic Staff

Mrs Kelli Hardke

Mrs Donna Wenke

Judy Powell – 23 years’ service As the 2012 school year draws to a close, Redeemer will farewell another very dedicated, long-standing and loved member of our college community, Mrs Judy Powell. Judy has decided to take up retirement after faithfully serving the college for 23 years in various teaching and administrative roles across the Senior and Middle School campuses. In 1990, Judy commenced service at Redeemer as a full time teacher of English. It soon became evident that Judy was not only passionate about English, but also highly skilled in this subject area. In 1996 Judy became the Acting Head of the English Department and her leadership skills, strong Christian ethos and her competent, thorough approach to all duties became well known. From there Judy very capably served the college in several short term Administration roles such as Acting Assistant Head - Administration and Acting Deputy Principal of the College. However, from 1998 until the present, Mrs Judy Powell is most recognised and valued for her role as the inaugural Head of Middle School. Judy has been a strong advocate for Middle Schooling and was instrumental in the specific planning of the building, as well as planning and resourcing of the Redeemer Middle School. Her Middle School philosophy has demonstrated a strong sense of Christian care for our young students in their relationships, academic and cultural pursuits. Amongst some of these endeavours were the Year 8 Study Skills program, the Friday afternoon Activities program, the Year 7 Leadership Day and more recently the Leadership Development program. Judy has actively engaged in supporting and providing quality learning activities and experiences that aim to assist students in their transition from one sub-school to another. She has organised and attended the annual Year 8 camp and the Year 7 Canberra Tour and she has been a coach and strong supporter of the Middle School Debating co-curricular group. Judy is highly respected by members of the college and especially her Middle School staff. Her personal concern for them and her ability to encourage them to use their talents in the college setting is valued. Judy has also acknowledged and supported her staff as they consider new initiatives that promote and build positive relationships between staff and students. Judy has always made herself available at every opportunity, to listen and to provide guidance to staff as needed. Her dedicated unassuming and positive, caring style of leadership has created a strong bond of collegial support and trust amongst her Middle School staff. Judy is also appreciated for her discerning handling of sensitive concerns and her wise counsel to staff, students and parents. Her enthusiasm, realistic approach to issues, quick wit and sense of humour will indeed be missed by many. We give thanks to God for Judy Powell’s Christian witness at Redeemer Lutheran College and thank her for the high standard of commitment, service and leadership she has demonstrated in every aspect of her work and involvement in the college. We sincerely wish Judy every blessing as she journeys through this next phase of her life with her husband Steve, and trust that it will be a rewarding time of new opportunities and new ventures.




Steve Hollister – 17 years’ service Redeemer has farewelled one of its long-standing teachers as Mr Steve Hollister retires after 17 years of service to the college. Steve was attracted from cool Tasmania to sunny Queensland to take up the position as Head of Commerce from the beginning of 1996. In 2008 the title of his role was changed to Business Curriculum Leader. As a teacher of Business Education, Business Communication and Technology, Accounting and Legal Studies, Steve has worked with hundreds of Redeemer students who have appreciated his expertise, his approachable manner and his sense of humour. Students who were in Years 11 and 12 in 1998 will remember that Mr Hollister was one of the enthusiastic staff who accompanied the Outback Tour in the mid-year holidays and that his wife, Christine, was the Tour Nurse. As Mr Hollister hangs up his whiteboard marker and moves into the next chapter of his life, the Redeemer Community thanks him for his service to the college and wishes him every blessing. Now that he and Christine will have more time to spend sailing their boat, we wish them smooth sailing and memorable adventures.

Mrs Appleton

Steve Hollister Mr Steve Hollister retires after 17 years of service to the Redeemer Lutheran College.

Oliver Kuo Ted Wang Holli! Our Open A coach! Happy retirement Monique Dever A very grateful thank you from a parent! Both my children have a lot of respect for you and the way in which you made their legal and accounting classes interesting and enjoyable. Ted Wang Happy retirement Mr Hollister!!! Thanks for great coaching ... from your 1998 Open B Basketball team captain / MVP!! hahaha Hansheng Chiu Dear Mr Hollister, Thank you for the two years of accounting class (even though I am not an accountant) and the lovely time you spent with us in the 1998 Open B Basketball team!!! Thank you for your guidance throughout the years at Redeemer and I hope you have an exciting future planned in front of you after retirement. By the way, still going hard with Bball!! Alex Colefax I had the privilege of being taught by Mr Hollister back in his first year in 1996. Accounting was easily my favourite subject thanks to him and something I even pursued after graduating through university and now my work career as an authorised financial planner. In addition he was my Year 11 and Year 12 coordinator. His advice was always appreciated, he always had time to spare to listen and provide guidance where he could. He was someone I would always look up to. Thanks for everything Mr Hollister. Redeemer and its students will certainly miss you Samuel Yang Thank you Mr Hollister for being such an amazing Home Group teacher for M08 since day one ~ he not only acted as an caring and lovely teacher but also a fatherly figure! He was also was an successful Basketball coordinator for the 17 years in Redeemer ~ wish you all the very best for life after retirement from the Open A Basketball captain 2012!

Mrs Powell

Brenda Lai Thank you Mr Hollister for your commitment to your students, you were certainly one of our favourite teachers! You will be sorely missed. Samantha Coetzee Searle Jono and I had Mr Holli as our Year 11 & 12 Home Group teacher (1996/1997) and we still reminisce fondly about the funny times in his class. Congratulations on many wonderful years of service and we wish you all the best in your retirement. We know you will be missed. xx

Mr Hollister

Michael Smith My Year 10 IT teacher and Year 11 & 12 Home Group teacher. Happy retirement Stevo you legend!!




redeemer alumni



Class of 2002 - 10 Year Reunion Saturday 4 August, 2012, The Elaine Room, The Glen Hotel, Eight Mile Plains

Class of 1992 - 20 Year Reunion Saturday 1 September, 2012, The Deck, The Glen Hotel, Eight Mile Plains



redeemer alumni

Class of 1987 - 25 Year Reunion Saturday 27 October 2012, Bleeding Heart Gallery, Brisbane City



redeemer alumni



Alumni News

Redeemer’s Rhodes Scholar

Kym Siddons (Huxham 92) is married to Jamie Siddons and they live in Wellington, New Zealand, where Jamie is a cricket coach. They have 2 children; Stella is 3 and Toby 20 months and – another baby due in February, 2013. They have been in New Zealand for a year and love the life but not the weather! Kym says nothing beats Brisbane sunshine. Prior to NZ, they were in Bangladesh for 3 years where Jamie coached the Bangladesh Cricket team. Kym is involved with “The Rock” Church in Wellington and has had much healing ministry there. She believes she has been healed of MS – Praise God! Carlo de Byl (95) is currently working as a civil engineer with Cardno Engineering, and worked on the Legacy Way tunnel with Transcity project in hydralics in 2011. Carlo and his wife were married in 2006 and are currently living on the Gold Coast. They have two children, Carrison born in 2009 and Darcey earlier this year. Congratulations to Sarah Murray (04) who has just achieved a distinction in her Masters of Archaeology from Durham University in England! Andrew Trotter (04) received the Tom Cain Mooting Trophy and the Tom Cain Trophy for Outstanding Achievement at the QUT Faculty of Law Prize Ceremony held in June 2012. Rebecca Murray (06) received a Certificate of Achievement for gaining highest result in Advanced Research Project at the QUT Faculty of Law Prize Ceremony held in June 2012.

Alana Bosgra (11)

Andrew Trotter (04) has been named the 2013 Queensland Rhodes Scholar, joining a select club to receive the world’s most sought-after scholarship. Andrew, who graduated with a distinction in a Bachelor of Arts and first-class honours in a Bachelor of Laws degree at QUT last year, will learn from the world’s best legal brains when he embarks on a his Rhodes Scholarship at the University of Oxford next year. He plans to use his Rhodes Scholarship to study a masters in theories of national and international criminal law, in a bid to influence positive change on a global scale. Queensland Governor Dr Penelope Wensley made the announcement at Government House on Tuesday 30 October, 2012. Andrew is the second recipient from a Lutheran School in the past five years to receive a Rhodes Scholarship! Source:

Rebecca Murray (06)

Alana Bosgra (11) has filled her spare time with art since finishing school. She has won a prize in an art competition through “Riot” the art store, first prize in “Breathing Space”, a competition through Mental Health Australia, and she won a high commendation at an annual “Brainart” exhibition in Sydney. While still at school Alana completed a Certificate III in Early Childhood which has led to casual employment through C & K and at Redeemer’s Outside School House Care. When not busy drawing, Alana managed to complete a Diploma in Social Science, but is taking a break from study in 2013 to pursue other ventures. Terry Austin (04) has just recently returned from his duty overseas.

Terry Austin (04)

Photo: Patrick Hamilton

Clay Signs with Suns Clay Cameron (11) has been signed by the Gold Coast SUNS as a Queensland zone selection at the 2012 NAB AFL Draft to be held on the Gold Coast.

Photo: Jono Searle (The Courier-Mail)

“I can’t wait to join the Gold Coast SUNS and start my AFL career, and what makes it even sweeter is being able to do it in Queensland. They are a fantastic club and are one of the most exciting teams in the competition, and having had the chance to train and play with the reserves I’m just looking forward to getting down there,” Cameron said.

One of the most promising young players in the country, Clay is a member of the AFL/AIS Academy. But Cameron’s dream wasn’t always AFL. His father represented Queensland secondary schools in Rugby League. That could have been the passion of the 191cm 83kg junior, while he was also a hot prospect in track and field. In 2004, Cameron was ranked No.1 in his age group in discus and No.8 in high jump. In 2005 he ranked No.2 in discuss in the Pacific. And in 2007 he ranked No.7 in shot put in Australia and No.8 in discus. Source:



redeemer alumni



Harry Kriewaldt (02) married Krista (Baikov) at Brisbane Forest Park on Saturday 11 August 2012. The civil ceremony was performed by Robyn Solomon (former Director of Development). Also at the wedding were Harry’s brothers Simon Kriewaldt (05) and Kit Kriewaldt (07), as well as Llewela Simmons (05), Emily Baker (Gilbert 02), Katherine O’Farrell (O’Connor 02) and Peter Austin (02). Former Redeemer staff members Lynn O’Connor and Bill Austin also attended.

Lizzie Henderson (10) announced her engagement to Andrew Parker on 24 November 2012. Lizzie and Andrew both met at Salisbury Baptist church at the beginning of 2011 when Lizzie started attending with some friends from her soccer team. Andy proposed at Kangaroo Point through the lens of his camera, asking me to focus on a fence in the distance which had written “will you marry me?” They are planning to be married in December 2013.

Jasmine Smyth (03) married Jonathon Butler at St John’s Lutheran Church, Eight Mile Plains on Saturday 22 September 2012. The Reception was held at the Summit Restaurant, Mount Coot-tha, and the couple spent their honeymoon in Hong Kong and Macau.

2013 Reunions Class of 2003 – 10 Year Reunion When Time Where Cost Tickets RSVP Contact

Saturday 10 August 2013 7.00pm – 11.00pm The Glen Hotel, Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains $40pp (partners/family welcome) Available from Monday 29 July 2012 Redeemer Lutheran College on 3340 8888 or

Class of 1993 – 20 Year Reunion When Time Where Cost Tickets RSVP Contact

Jasmine Smyth (03) and Jonathon Butler.

Births Sarah Gilliham (Rendell 94) welcomed Phoebe into the world on 4 October 2012, weighing 4.77kgs (10lb 8oz!), Nathan has just turned 3 and Emma (Redeemer Prep in 2008) is 10 and has just finished Year 4 at Faith Lutheran College Redlands, where they live. Sarah is kept busy looking after them all! Sarah’s good friend Esther Ballantyne (Jacobsen 98) a former midwife, attended the births of Nathan and Phoebe. Steve and Janelle Hamling (Brookes 98) would like to announce the safe arrival of Joel Robert Hamling, 9lb 1oz (4150g), born on 16 November at 2.13pm. We are very blessed to have our little boy!

Saturday 1 September 2013 7.00pm – 11.00pm The Glen Hotel, Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains $40pp (partners/family welcome) Available from Monday 2 September 2012 Redeemer Lutheran College on 3340 8888 or

Class of 1988 – 25 Year Reunion Expressions of interest are sought for a proposed 25 year reunion for the Class of 1988. A reunion is proposed for Saturday 5 October 2013. If you are interested and would like to organise and coordinate this reunion, please email

Stay in Touch All of the details regarding upcoming reunions for Redeemer Lutheran College can be found on our website. Log onto

Facebook Find reunion news and past Student information on Redeemer’s official Facebook page: Sarah Gilliham (Rendell 94)

Janelle Hamling (Brookes 98)

Twitter Follow Redeemer Lutheran College on Twitter:


Redeemer Events Calendar Monday 7


Monday 28 Tuesday 29

OSHC Vacation Care Program recommences E PR 8.00am - 4.00pm JUN JULY MAYre-opens, MAR CollegeAAdministration




E School EPT OCT JUNMiddle JULY and Senior AUGSchool,S9.00am-10.30am APR Principal’s MAYTour of the



Wednesday 30





Friday 1


Tuesday 5 Thursday 7 Friday 8 Monday 18 Tuesday 26 Thursday 28 Friday 1


Monday 25

Junior School Opening Service, 8.45am (Redeemer Chapel)

Principal’s Tour of the Junior School, 9.00am-10.30am

T Annual Reunion JUNE & Friends JULY AUG Dinner SEP(TBC) MAY Past Parents





Senior School Interhouse Cross Country Carnival, 9.00am Middle School Interhouse Cross Country Carnival, 11.30am Special Easter Worship - Years 6-12 , 12.20pm (Redeemer Chapel) Junior School Interhouse Cross Country Carnival, 9.00am (Fred Davey Oval) Term 1 Concludes Good Friday Worship, 8.30am (Redeemer Chapel) Easter Sunday Worship, 6.00am and 8.30am (Redeemer Chapel)




Monday 1 Monday MAY 15 Tuesday 16 Thursday 25 Friday 26

Easter Monday LY Day AUG JUNE Student JUFree



Friday NE3

Principal’sG Tour of the Junior School, 9.00am-10.30am T C OV (Logan OCTGame”, N DEEntertainment JULY 2013 College AU Musical: SEP“The Pajama 7.30pm Centre)




Saturday 4


Monday 3 Monday JULY 10 Thursday 20 Friday 21


AUG 9 Tuesday


Junior School Parent Information Evening, 7.00pm-9.00pm (Redeemer Chapel) Senior School Interhouse Swimming Carnival (Aqualogan, Springwood) Middle School Interhouse Swimming Carnival (Redeemer Pool) Middle School Parents Welcome & Information Evening, 7.00pm-9.00pm (Chapel) Lavarack House Barbecue, 6.30pm (Tuckshop), Mansfield House Barbecue, 6.30pm (Chapel Hub) Ramsay House Barbecue, 6.30pm (Chapel Hub), Wilson House Barbecue, 6.30pm (Tuckshop)

Wednesday 27 Thursday 28 Friday 29 Sunday 31


Australia Day Public Holiday Term 1 commences for Years 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 Prep Orientation Day, 9.00am – 10.30am Term 1 commences for Prep to Years 5, 10 and 11 Middle School and Senior School Opening Service, 9.00am (Redeemer Chapel)



Term 2 Commences ANZAC Day Public Holiday Grandparents Day for Middle/Senior School students, 9.00am-11.15am (Chapel) Grandparents Day for Junior School students, 1.00pm-3.00pm (MPC)

2013 College Musical: “The Pajama Game”, 2.00pm and 7.30pm (Logan Entertainment Centre) Principal’s Tour of the Middle/Senior School, 9.00am-10.30am

PT Public OCT HolidayNOV AUG Queen’s SEBirthday


Middle School Interhouse Athletics Carnival (Scurr Oval) Shibakashi Day (Senior School) Senior School Interhouse Athletics Carnival (Scurr Oval) Term 2 Concludes

CT SEPT Term 3OCommences NOV


The full college calendar can be found online at:

Redeemer Lutheran College Presents

“THE PAJAMA GAME” Book by GEORGE ABBOTT and RICHARD BISSELL Music and Lyrics RICHARD ADLER and JERRY ROSS Based on Bissell’s Novel “7½ Cents” by arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd Exclusive agent for Music Theatre International (NY)

Friday 3 May 2012, 7.30pm Saturday 4 May 2012, 2.00pm and 7.30pm Logan Entertainment Centre 170 Wembley Road, Logan Central OBH 14430


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