Daily Mass Readings and Reflections with a note on the Saint of the Day and Prayers

Edited by
Dr. Fr. George Puthenpura, C.Ss.R., S.T.D. - India
Dr. Fr. Assisi Saldanha, C.Ss.R., Ph.D. (S.T.D.)
Fr. Juventius Andrade, C.Ss.R., L.S.S. - India

(A unit of Holy Redeemer Foundation)
Redemptorist Fathers, Liguori Bhavan, 8/1 John Armstrong Road, St. Thomas Town, Bengaluru: 560084
Email: redemptoristpublicationsindia@gmail.com
Phone: +91 7625088502

This edition of the Redemptorist Mass Companion 2025: Breaking the Word does not follow the usual format of participation aids published in the United States of America and does not include the readings text approved for use in the dioceses of the United States.
Parishes, missions, and other institutions in the United States must follow the liturgical books and liturgical law approved for the Dioceses of the United States of America. Any deviations found in this volume should not be viewed as permitted deviations from these texts and norms.