Rede NAMI's Apresentation

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o c u o y e r A . ? I 01 M A N h t i w Nami is a network that uses the urban arts to promote gender equality. We are a platform for the exchange of ideas and feminist experiences for the promotion of women’s rights by means of intellectual and artistic actions that involve the body and the city. We are more than 150 women between visual artists, graffiti artists, photographers, designers, actresses, educators, researchers, journalists, psychologists, chemists, chefs... But first of all, we are citizens and seek positive changes in how the world looks at women.

? k r o w I M A N s e o d w o H . 02 Decisions LOVE At Nami Network, it is encouraged to do work with love and enthusiasm. Despite dealing with very serious issues, all activities are thought to be executed in a playful and relaxed manner. Within this theory, the art works as a production tool creating a space of love, productivity, and emancipation for the participants.

Nami is a democratic organization that has a board comprised of 5 directors who reflect and vote along with the general assembly on the group’s future projects that are coordinated by women who have decision-making autonomy in their areas.

s r o t c e r i D f O d r a o B . 3 0 Panmela Castro PRESIDENT 31 years old, graffiti activist, Panmela Castro is mentor and president of Nami. In 2012 she was named by Newsweek, along with Brazilian President Dilma Roussef and other personalities such as Michelle Bachelet, Hillary Clinton and Cristina Kirchner, as one of the 150 women who are are working to bring about positive change in the world. She graduated from UFRJ with a degree in fine painting and received a masters in arts from UERJ.

Ana Gualberto VICE PRESIDENT Ana comes from a family of women involved in social movements. Ana has been a feminist since she was born. Today at 28 years old, Ana has always enjoyed writing her name on city walls and being in traditionally male environments. She is a mechanical engineer by trade.

ARTHA PALOMA Finance Director 25 years old, graduate and post graduate in business logistics, she currently works with a prestigious cargo company. Artha utlizes her administrative experience to handle the logistical needs of the organization and manage its resources.

Sandra Pragana Consultant Director Sandra Pragana, also known as Oli, is a 59 year old graffiti artist. She has a degree in biological sciences and throughout her 16 years of teaching sought to add something positive to the lives of her students. Oli always seeks to participate in social work, such as with INCA where she has served as a volunteer for four years. Today, as a part of Rede Nami, it is no different, utilizing the art of graffiti to clarify and inform others about women’s rights, a position that requires hard work and much responsiblity.

Jandira Queiroz Consultant Director Jandira is a journalist and activist in the domestic and international LGBT, feminist, and sexual and reproductive rights movements since 2003. She has worked in various Brazilian and international human rights organizations, including the Observatório de Sexualidade e Política. She is a consultant to the Committee of the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia since 2010, and is a collaborator of the international organization All Out for the rights of lesbian, gay, bissexual, and transgender people.

e u l a V f O s l r i G . 4 0 EQUALITY AND RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY Women and men are equal in their rights. Rede Nami’s policies are built on this principle. Rede Nami fights to overcome gender inequalities while respecting cultural diversity, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, gender, and regional identity.

EQUITY Demand that all people have access to human rights, which must be guaranteed with shares of universal character, but also by specific actions and statements aimed at historically discriminated groups. WOMEN’S AUTONOMY Require the exercise of the right to decision of women about their lives and bodies, as well as the conditions to influence the events in your community, breaking with the historical legacy of oppression by gender, with the cycles and dependence, exploitation and subordination that constrain their lives in personal, economic, political and social.

SECULARISM The policies and actions of the network must be formulated and implemented independent of religious principles in order to effectively ensure the rights of women and girls. SOCIAL JUSTICE Recognition of the need for the redistribution of wealth and resources produced by society in the pursuit of overcoming social inequality, which affects women in meaningful ways. TRANSPARENCY Must ensure that the principles of legality, impersonality, morality, publicity, and efficiency, with effective transparency in the actions of Rede NAMI. PARTICIPATION AND CONTROL Guarantee debate and participation of women members in the formulation, implementation, evaluation, and control of policies and actions of Rede NAMI.

y n a M . 5 0 e s e h T r Fo

s e g n e l l a Ch s r e t Figh

Use art as a vehicle for positive cultural transformation and promotion of equality in search of an egalitarian culture, democratic and non-reproductive stereotypes of gender, race / ethnicity, class, sexual orientation and generation, reflecting the art and the relationship with society from a feminist perspective; Contribute to reducing gender inequality and to fight prejudice and discrimination based on gender, ethnicity-race, class, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity, through the training of artists and art educators in human rights and promoting educational policy with respect to diversity in all its forms, to ensure equal education; Think, promote, and create actions to demand permanent access to quality education for women;

the improvement of women’s life and health by ensuring rights, health promotion and prevention and sexual and reproductive rights; reducing the incidences of violence against women; the multi-racial, plural, and equal participation of women in power and decision-making; communication systems, actions against the dissemination of discriminatory content related to gender, race/ethnicity, class, sexual orientation and gender identity; in the revision of the Constitution and Brazilian legislation to ensure compliance with the international instruments for women’s rights.

Amplify knowledge about the ideological dimension of racism, sexism and homophobia/ lesbophobia mainly demystifying and understanding feminism and human rights. Promote the economic and financial autonomy of urban artists, considering ethnic-racial and regional dimensions; promote the visibility of urban artists and the cultural contributions of women in society; spread the importance of women’s rights in transformative movements of this generation; promote women’s access to the means of cultural production and content for all communication and media; Discuss current issues about urban art, culture, and feminism in dialogue with thinkers and contemporary artists, pubic power and organized society, promoting cultural and intellectual exchanges between artists, thinkers, producers and intellectuals of urban culture;

Provide technical expertise on media, artistic materials, and art history; promote tools to foster the development of each artist’s personal work; Promote and produce quality exhibitions, paintings, videos, photographs and performances committed to socio-cultural reality of women; Produce records of this initiative in order to multiply our goals.

? s e u s s i r u o e r a t a h W . 6 0

Promotion of Gender Equality Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights End of Domestic Violence Ecofeminism New Information and Communication Technologies Arts, Culture, and Education

! ! w s o t c W e j . o 7 r 0 p y n ma How Graffiti For The End Of Domestic Violence Through thematic workshops and online campaigns, Rede NAMI visits communities and schools to promote the Maria da Penha Law, fight to end domestic violence and rethink the position of women in our society using graffiti. INTERNAMI Urban Arts Study Group Rede NAMI has an artistic and intellectual exchange program. Through the INTERNAMI Urban Arts Study Group women participate at least once a month in activities such as film societies, lectures, guided tours of exhibitions, grafitagens among others. Currently more than 150 women participate in the project. NAMI Graffiti Agency Graffiti Agency provides urban arts professionals with training in women’s rights to lead workshops on graffiti, create thematic murals, and deliver lectures.

Through the Agency, the NAMI main front of fighting feminist struggle today: violence against women. Women with independent financial source separate from partners/partners, become stronger to take the first step towards breaking the cycle of violence. Thus, inserting the artists in the labor market, Nami contributes to their lives and also to you. NAMI Feminist Training NAMI conducts frequent and diverse training in subjects that are part of the universe of feminism. Firstly, it is important to know that feminism is not the opposite of machismo, but a name to refer to various aspects that, in common, believe in fairness. We are backed by strong individuals such as the head of the civil police of the State of Rio de Janeiro Dr. Martha Rocha, Schuma Schumaher activist and author of the Dictionary of Women of Brazil, the lawyer and coordinator of the NGO CEPIA Leila Linhares, and Dr. human rights expert Ana Paula Sciammarella.

This is what differentiates Nami, training, technique, and art theory and the intellectual formation of our artists to choose how to position themselves in the world and be able to claim their rights. Nami Street Theater Troupe NAMI believes in interdisciplinary arts and uses theater as a teaching tool to raise awareness of social issues that underlie our activities. Presentations of NAMI Theater take place in our workshops and lectures, and through performances at public events. Our goal is to generate thematic debates from staged conflict situations. Following the debate, the facilitators propose the construction of new scenes with the issues raised for the public to resolve the conflicts. Nami Soccer Club NAMI will host a game at your event! We invite women who never played soccer to try this game that can become an adventure! We reverse the roles of female and male: sometimes discovering new talent, sometimes making the moment at least entertaining. After the game, all are champions and use soccer as an example in the discussion of gender constructs.

d n a s r e n t r Pa 08. Avon Institute Vital Voices Global Partnership Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation SEEDUC - Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Conselho Estadual de Direitos das Mulheres (CEDIM)

s r e d Fun

s d r a w A . 09 The Vital Voices Global Leadership Award presented by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington, DC in 2010. The DVF Awards in New York in 2012 – tribute made by fashion designer and creator of the award, Diane Von Furstenberg, and delivered by actress Jessica Alba to our President Panmela Castro

www. r ede n a m i . co m

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