RedHanded Scotland Media Pack

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A DVE RT I S E ME NTRA T E S Pr i cesquot edar eperi nser t i onandpl usVAT .Thesamer at esappl yf orbot hourWal esandScot l and publ i cat i ons. St andar dDi spl ay Apower f ul adv er t i si ngopt i on, l owercostt hanourpr emi um opt i onandusual l yl ocat edi nt hesecondhal fof t hemagaz i ne. x 1i ssue x 2i ssues x 3i ssues x 4i ssues St andar d, Doubl ePageSpr ead £1, 570 £1, 470 £1, 410 £1, 335 St andar d, Ful l Page £890 £845 £800 £755 St andar d, Hal fPage £500 £475 £450 £425 St andar d, Quar t er Page £625 £595 £565 £535 Pr emi um Di spl ay Posi t i onedi nt hef i r st60%oft hemagaz i neandof f er i ngenhanceddi gi t al mar ket i ngopt i onssuchasv i deo ov er l ay sandl i nkst oy ourwebsi t e, soci al medi aorl andi ngpages.Pr emi um Di spl aybr i ngsy our adv e r t t ol i f ei n t hedi gi t al wor l d.Reader swi l l beabl et oseeandheart hatcarengi ne, wal kt hr ought hehot el l obby , l i st ent o y ourbr andst or yorhav eagui dedt ouroft hepr oper t ydev el opment .

I nsi deFr ontCov er , Doubl ePageSpr ead I nsi deFr ontCov er , Ful l Page Opposi t eCont ent s, Ful l Page Out si deBackCov erFul l Page

x 1i ssue £2, 295 £1, 255 £1, 255 £1, 255

x 2i ssues £2, 195 £1, 195 £1, 195 £1, 195

x 3i ssues £2, 085 £1, 135 £1, 135 £1, 135

x 4i ssues £1, 975 £1, 075 £1, 075 £1, 075

Pr emi um, Doubl ePageSpr ead Pr emi um, Ful l Page Pr emi um, Hal fPage

£1, 895 £1, 045 £625

£1, 795 £995 £595

£1, 705 £945 £565

£1, 615 £895 £535



Anumberofopt i onsar eav ai l abl e–pl ease cal l f ordet ai l sandpr i ces.Wef eat ur et our i sm ar t i cl es, t r av el ar t i cl es, f eat ur ei nt er v i ewsand spor t i ngf eat ur est hatar eav ai l abl et osponsor .

Pr oductr ev i ewsandf eat ur escanbei ncl uded aspar tofanadv er t i smentori ft hepr oduct hasbeensuppl i ed.Thi si ncl udest ech, r est aur antr ev i ews, f ashi onet casal l our r ev i ewsmustbegenui nei nor dert ogai nt he conf i denceofourr eader s.



Publ i shedquar t er l y , wi t hcont entt osuppor ta l ongershel fl i f e.

Reader sl ov et oengagewi t hbr andsof f er i ng compet i t i onsandwehav er ev ol t i oni sedhow bot hpr i ntanddi gi t al compet i t i onsengage wi t heachot her .

Wi nt er( Nov-Feb) Spr i ng( Feb-May ) Summer( May-Aug) Aut umn( Sept-Nov ) Wehav eacompr ehensi v epl anoft hey ear ahead, sospeakt ousaboutt hef eat ur es bei ngcov er edandoppor t uni t i esf ory our busi ness.

Ourpr i ntmagaz i neanddi gi t al subscr i pt i oni s l i nkedt oget herwi t hsoci al medi at oof f era uni queex per i encef ormax i um engagement . Just£625peri ssue.

Fory ourdesi gner s

COP YRE QUI RME NT S Adv er t sshoul dbesuppl i edi nt hef ol l owi ngf or mat si nor derof pr ef er ence: •Hi r esPDF( 2400dpi )wi t hf ont sembedded, andt r i m /r egi st r at i on mar ks •Phot oshopPSDorJPEG •MacQuar kXpr essf i l ewi t hf ont sandgr aphi cs Pl easeensur et hat : •Al l i mager yi swi t hi ncmy kcol ourspace •I mager esol ut i oni satl east300dpi •Tot al i nkcov er agedoesnotex ceed300% •Composi t ef i l enotsepar at ed Pl easenot et hat : •Ov er pr i ntandknockouti st her esponsi bi l i t yoft heor i gi nat or •Av i sual pr oofshoul daccompanyal l f i l esf orcont entcompar i son •Wecannotacceptr esponsi bi l i t yf orcol ourwi t houtacont actpr oof Met hodofsuppl y : Youcansendf i l esv i aDr opbox , Googl eDr i v e, Dr opSendet ct o i nf o@r edhandedonl i ne. co. uk

A DVE RT I S E ME NTS I Z E S Tr i m si z e Bl eed Doubl epagespr ead Hal fpagehor i z ont al Hal fpagev er t i cal Quar t erpagev er t i cal

297mm x210mm 303mm x216mm 303mm x426mm 128mm x190mm 265mm x90mm 128mm x90mm

P A Y ME NTT E RMS Ani nv oi cei sr ai sedatt i meofbooki ngandi sduepr i ort o publ i cat i on.

RE DHA NDE DS COT L A ND RedHandedMagaz i nei nScot l andi spubl i shedby I ndpendentPubl i shi ngScot l andLt d, Sui t e2, 10Her mand Ter r ace, Edi nbur gh, EH111QZ. Tel : 01316775644 Emai l i nf o@r edhandedonl i ne. co. uk Websi t e: r edhandedonl i ne. co. uk

Al l mat er i al t obesuppl i edbycopydeadl i ne, f or matasabov e. Adv er t i sement sr equi r i ngpr epar at i onormodi f i cat i onwi l l be char gedt ot headv er t i seratapr i cenot i f i edbef or epubl i cat i on.

RE DHA NDE DS COT L A ND, DI GI T A L Ourdi gi t al of f er i ngwi l l beanenhancedv er si onoft hemagaz i necombi nedwi t hscoi al medi aandwebsi t e onl yar t i cl es, dr i v i ngv al uabl et r af f i ct oourdi gi t al subscr i ber s.Thi sal soensur esouronl i neof f er i ngi s cont entr i chandcani ncl udeaddi t i onal medi asuchasphot ogr aphsandv i deo.Wewi l l i ncl ude soci al medi acov er agef oral l ofouradv er t i ser satnoaddi t i onal costaswebel i ev ei nof f er i ngacompl et e packaget oeachoneofourcl i ent s.Tal kt ousabouty ourst or yandl etusbr oadcasti tt oat t r actnew cust omer s.

01 .

03 .

S OCI A LME DI A Adv er t i ser swi l l al sobenef i tf r om soci al medi apost s, soci al shar eseachmont h dur i ngt hepubl i cat i onper i od.

VI DE O OurPr emi um Di spl ayadv er t i ser swi l l hav et heopt i onofbr i ngi ngt hei rads t ol i f ewi t hv i deoov er l ay .Al so av ai l abl eonsomeedi t or i al ar t i cl es.

02 .

04 .

WE BS I T E Wei ncl udemanyofouradv er t i ser si n onl i nef eat ur est ocompl i menty our mar ket i ngst r at egyandpr ov i de SEObenef i t t i ngl i nkbackst oy our websi t e.

ONL I NEP UBL I CA T I ON Aswel l aspr i ntcopi es, wepr ov i dean onl i needi t i on, f r ee, f orsubscr i ber s. I deal f ort abl et sandagr eatt ool f or t our i st seagert opl ant hei rv i si t .

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