Milford Living Events Calendar (Spring 2010)

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M i l f o r d L i v i n g

Always There. Though the winds of change have taken their toll, the horizon has begun to brighten. The Milford Bank, your community bank, was you as the seas begin to calm.

Sail on in to one of our offices, call 203.783.5700,

L i v i n g

help your small business grow, we can help.

f o r

mortgage for your dream home, or a loan to

i s

From your child’s first savings account to the

M i l f o r d

there for you then and remains committed to

or visit us online at: The Milford Bank. Always There.

S p ri ng

Equal Housing Lender

Member FDIC

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Calendar of Events 50 Milford Living • Spring


Meet the Author!

for the gourmet gadget you’ve been


Milford Public Library Children’s

looking for and stop at Lazy Lobster


to try the lobster bisque. Head a few

11:00 a.m. Free. Grades PK - 2.

doors down to Collected Stories and

Milford Public Library

Carol Weis plays calliope music,

find a good book. Stop into the SoBobo

Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

performs a lively reading of her

Art Gallery where “Unique Meets

For ages 2 and under in the Children’s

picture book When the Cows Got

Sublime!” Finish the stroll with dessert

Department. Let’s sing, share finger-

Loose, and concludes with a rousing

at the Walnut Beach Creamery! For

plays and read stories in a relaxed and

and moo-ving singalong. For more

more information call 203-301-9935

friendly environment. Free. For more

information contact the Children's

information contact Suzanne Thomas,

Department at 203-783-3312 or visit

children's librarian at 203-783-3312.

Preschool Storytime

April 13

Toddler Time

April 16

Jazz Series: Marty Isenberg Trio Center for the Arts 8:00 p.m.

Guess I’ll Go Eat Worms . . .

Tickets $15. For more information call

Monday & Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.

Learn to feed and care for the Coastal

203-878-647 or visit

For children ages 3 and up. Please

Center’s animals while meeting turtles,

join us for books, friends and fun!

snakes, fish, and even a bearded dragon.

Free. For more information contact

For more information call 203-878-7440

Suzanne Thomas, children's librar-

or visit

Milford Public Library

ian at 203-783-3312.

April 1

April 14

April 17

Earth Day Beach Clean-up & Celebration Audubon Coastal Center 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Free. Participate in an Earth Day beach

Father Goose Tales

clean-up to aid nesting shorebirds.

Birding for Beginners

Milford Public Library

Bring work gloves and hand clippers;

Aududon Coastal Center

11:00 a.m. Free.

garden carts would also be helpful.

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Father Goose Tales with Nappy's

Stay for our Earth Day celebration.

Our introductory hands-on course

Puppets. For more information contact

Trash bags and gloves provided. For

gives students the basics for iden-

the Children's Department at 203-783-

more information call 203-878-7440 or

tifying birds. No experience nec-

3312 or visit


April 15

April 18

information call 203-878-7440 or

Firehouse Art Gallery

Milford Yacht Club


Opening Reception, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00

11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

p.m. Free.

$30.00 per person

The CT Coastal Center is teaming up

Presented by the Literacy Center of

Negs Guest Guitar Series: Juan Jose Saenz

with the Firehouse Gallery to show-

Milford, featuring John Elefteriades,

Milford Center for the Arts

case the wonderful bird art of area

M.D., Chief of Cardiology at Yale New

8:00 p.m.

artists. Proceeds from artwork sales

Haven Hospital, Lisa Sanders, M.D.,

Tickets $15.00. For more information call

will benefit both organizations. Exhibit

medical advisor to the TV series House,

203-878-647 or visit

runs through May 13. Gallery hours,

and author; Lauren Willig, Yale profes-

Thursday – Sunday 12:00 p.m. -5:00

sor, and author. For information please

p.m. For more information call 203-

call Phyllis Gwatkin at 203-795-4549.

essary. Bring the “Peterson Field Guide to Eastern Birds.” Please register before March 30. For more

April 10

April 12

Improving Your Soil - Lecture and Soil Sample Drop Off Milford Library Program Room

Avian Art Show

306-0016 or visit

April 15

The 2nd Annual Book and Author Brunch

April 19

Creating a Garden of Color

Walnut Beach Art Stroll

Milford Library Program Room

It’s all about the soil, so what’s in yours?

Starting at the Firehouse Gallery

7:00 p.m. Free.

Bring a sample of your garden soil in

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Filanowski Farm presents “How to

a gallon baggie for drop off and the Ag

Enjoy the evening as you stroll across

Use Spring and Summer Annuals

Station will analyze it for you. For more

to Urban Antique Radio and Vintage

and Perennials to Add Pizzazz to Your

information, call 203-783-3307.

Hi-Fi where sounds of the past can be

Garden.” For more information, please

heard. Go down to visit A Fine Affair

call 203-783-3307.

7:00 p.m. Free.

April 24

April 29

May 6

May 10

Walnut Beach

Center for the Arts

Democrats Award Dinner

Golden Hill Care Center

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Free

Opening Reception, 7:00 p.m. Free.

Costa Azzurra Restaurant

7:00 p.m.

Bring your kite and a picnic lunch! The

On view through May 14

7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Kindly bring cookies or snacks to share;

ConnectiKiters will be there once again

For more information call 203-878-6647

Honorees include CT Attorney

coffee will be served. Call Wendy Safyre

with their extraordinary kites. Watch

or visit

General Richard Blumenthal, & local

at 203-876-7644.

Milford Living 3 Annual Kite Fly rd

these remarkable kites or fly your own! These experts are always happy

Student’s Art Show

April 30

2nd Annual Milford

residents: Bob Hardiman, Mary Ann Nilan and Justin Rosen. To purchase

Performance Coffeehouse: Parker’s Tangent

tickets please call: 203-772-1676 or

successful flight. Rain date: April 25. For

8:00 p.m.


more information call 203-283-5290.

Center for the Arts

to share their helpful hints to ensure a

April 24

Farmer's Market Agro Parking Lot, Milford Center Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Outdoor farmer’s market featuring fruits, vegetables, breads, dairy

Tickets $10.00. For more information call 203-878-6647 or visit

May May 1

May 8 & 9

Women Redefining Retirement Meeting

May 20

Save the Planet Exhibit And Art Stroll Firehouse Art Gallery Opening reception: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Exhibit runs through June 17.

The 48th Annual Meet the Artists and

Gallery hours: Thursday – Sunday


12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Milford Green

For more information call 203-306-

10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Free.

0016 or visit

Mother’s Day will be all the more special as the Green will be graced by fine

May 21

Smooth Jazz for Scholars Concert

artists. Again awarded the best 100

from Connecticut farmers.

Parson’s Complex

Fine Art Shows in the U.S.! The food

Center for the Arts

For more information visit

Tickets: $40.00

court is on the Green. For more

8:00 p.m. Tickets are $15.00. For more

Featuring: Jay Rowe, Mindi Abair, Ken

information contact Denise Morris

information call 203-878-6647 or visit

Navarro, Chieli Minucci, Nick Colionne

Curt 203-874-5672 or visit

and Shilts. Purchase tickets by send-

products, and other fine produce

April 25

Running of the Brides

ing a check or money order payable to

Village Vogue Boutique

Smooth Jazz For Scholars, Inc. to P.O.

12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Box 3723 Milford, CT, 06460.

More than 70 brand new wedding

May 9

Jazz Series: Darren Litzie Trio

May 22

Ship Ahoy! Light Up the Harbor for Beth-

14th Annual Live Well

El Center

5K Run/Walk Mother’s Day Race

Milford Yacht Club

gowns in sizes 8-24, valued at $500

Negs Guitarist Series: Juilliard School

Milford Hospital

7:00 – 11:00 p.m.

- $1000 and up will be available to

Center for the Arts

9:00 a.m.

A second annual fundraiser to benefit

try on and purchase for unbeliev-

8:00 p.m. Tickets are $15.00. For more

This annual 5K Walk/Run will be held

the Beth-El Center. The evening will

able prices! Buy the wedding gown

information call 203-878-6647 or

rain or shine, starting and finishing

include a cocktail hour, hors d’oeuvres,

of your dreams for only $50, $75, or

at Milford Hospital. Proceeds are used

buffet dinner, dessert, silent and live

to fund Milford Hospital’s ongoing

auction, and great entertainment.

education/prevention programs,

For ticket availability, call Beth-El at

$100! All proceeds will go to The Get in Touch Foundation. For more infor-

May 2

Milford Harbor Duck Race

educational materials, and cancer and

876-0747 or event coordinator Joanne or

Downtown Milford – Fowler Pavillion

prevention screenings. Pre-register

Byrne at 799-7726.

10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

at For more

Food, fun, entertainment, giveaways,

information call 203-876-4004.

mation call 203.283.9400 or go to

April 28

and thousands of adorable rubber

Charles Island Exploration

ducks! Includes a Family Fun Run at

5:15-6:45 p.m.

11:00 a.m., Corporate Duck Race at

Wear comfortable pants and sneak-

May 10

May 23

The 7th Annual Bob Cooke Memorial Trek Against Skin Cancer.

Beyond Herbs: Creating an Amazing Herb

Lisman Landing Marina

noon, and signature Milford Harbor

Garden with Medicinal and Culinary Herbs

2:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.

ers or boots that can get wet, as we

Duck Race at 1:00 p.m.. You can also

Milford Public Library Program Room

Competitive 5k run, family fun walk,

hike the three-quarter mile tombolo

adopt race ducks for your chance

7:00 p.m. Free.

10k bike ride. Raffle, silent auction,

out to the island. Water, a snack, hat,

to win one of the great prizes! Visit

Learn how to grow medicinal and

live music, face painting, gift bags,

and sunscreen are recommended.

culinary herbs organically both

t-shirts, dinner. For more information call

Pre-registration only. We meet at the

inside and outside from Carole Miller,

203-878-8648, visit

beach end of the board walk. For more

master gardener. For more informa-

information call 203-878-7440 or visit

tion, please call 203-783-3307.

2010 • Milford Living 51

May 29

June 4-20

Agro Parking Lot, Milford Center

Donald Margulies

Saturdays 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Center for the Arts

Outdoor farmer’s market featuring

Fridays & Saturdays 8:00 p.m.; Sundays

Captain Kidd Day

Kindly bring cookies or snacks to share;

fruits, vegetables, breads, dairy prod-

2:00 p.m. Tickets $15; $12.50 seniors/stu-


coffee will be served. Call Wendy

ucts, and other fine produce from

dents. For more information call

10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Free.

Safyre at 203-876-7644.

Connecticut farmers. For more informa-

203-878-6647 or

Shiver ye timbers it be Pirate Day in

Farmer's Market

Eastbound Theatre: Brooklyn Boy by


June June 4 & 5

June 6

June 14

then Golf. Email any questions to

Women Redefining Retirement Meeting

Golden Hill Care Center

June 12

7:00 p.m.

Milford! Good old fashioned fun for the young and the young at heart. For more

June 24

American Scene Exhibit

Opening Day

information and schedule of events visit

Firehouse Art Gallery

Milford Historical Society

Opening reception: Thursday, June

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Free.

Fair on the Green

Tour three historic homes, the lovely

10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

grounds, and shop in the General Store.

The 39th Annual Mary Taylor Church Fair on the Green will be held rain or

24, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

June 12

Exhibit runs through July 22

Connecticut Museum Open House Day

Gallery hours: Thursday – Sunday

Open weekends (excluding holidays)

Milford Historical Society

12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

through Columbus Day. For more

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Free.

For more information call 203-306-0016

shine. Over 140 fine artists and hand-

information call 203-874-2664 or visit

Come visit the Milford Historical

or visit

crafters displaying their work. For addi-

Society as Connecticut invites every-

tion information contact Steve French at 203-874-1982 or visit

June 7

one to spend the day at local museums. Tour three historic homes, lovely

June 24

Walnut Beach Art Stroll

14th Annual Red Cross Golf Classic at

grounds, and herb gardens. For more

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Orange Hills Country Club

information call 203-874-2664 or visit

Start at the Firehouse Gallery.

For detailed information go to

American Scene Exhibit. For more information call 203-301-9935. Click on Events

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52 Milford Living • Spring

Kathryn Lutfy (4)

3rd Annual Kite Fly April 24 ~ 1pm to 4pm


he 2nd annual Milford Living magazine kite fly

are welcome to participate. The ConnectiKiters

astonishing dips and twirls. See a wide variety of

will take place Saturday April 24, 2009 at Walnut

will be there once again with their remarkable,

kites from simple diamonds to incredible colorful

Beach from 1pm to 4pm (rain date April 25).

dazzling, kites. The ConnectiKiters are masters

creatures. Come one, come all to this sunny, fun,

Children of all ages (yes, that includes adults!)

of flying and they maneuver their kites into

family friendly event.

Help us celebrate Living in Milford! For more information call 203.283.5290


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Though the winds of change have taken their toll, the horizon has begun to brighten. The Milford Bank, your community bank, was you as the seas begin to calm.

Sail on in to one of our offices, call 203.783.5700,


help your small business grow, we can help.


mortgage for your dream home, or a loan to


From your child’s first savings account to the


there for you then and remains committed to


of Milford Living for only $14.80!

Subscribe Today!

or visit us online at: The Milford Bank. Always There.

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Milford Living is published 4 times a year. U.S. annual newsstand price $19.96. Checks may be made payable to Milford Living Magazine Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

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Milford Living Magazine P.O. Box 2387 Milford, CT 06460 (203)283-5290

M i l f o r d L i v i n g

Always There. Though the winds of change have taken their toll, the horizon has begun to brighten. The Milford Bank, your community bank, was you as the seas begin to calm.

Sail on in to one of our offices, call 203.783.5700,

L i v i n g

help your small business grow, we can help.

f o r

mortgage for your dream home, or a loan to

i s

From your child’s first savings account to the

M i l f o r d

there for you then and remains committed to

or visit us online at: The Milford Bank. Always There.

S p ri ng

Equal Housing Lender

Member FDIC

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