2 minute read
Hangzhou: A photographer's story

/ FEATURES // 广告 • 特辑

My name is Gabriel, and I am a professional photographer and a video maker from Spain. In the last six years, Hangzhou is the place I have called home, and through the help of my pictures I would like to share with you some of the stories and experiences I have had since coming to this great city.
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广告 • 特辑 // FEATURES /
A few years ago, my country was going through difficult times: the economy was in a bad way, a lot of companies were closing and many people had lost their jobs. Then, one day I got the opportunity to come to China to work. I escaped the rain, and I went to China in search of my ‘sunshine’ - and I found it! This was the beginning of an incredible adventure in the East.
I was born and bred in Mallorca, a beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea, famous for its breath-taking landscapes, crystal clear water and vibrant wildlife. Growing up there gave me lifelong love, appreciation and respect for nature. You can see a lot in my photography the element of nature,
sometimes in how it juxtaposes the rapid development that we see so often in China.
Mallorca is a very small place; the rhythm of life is slow, and people are very open and friendly even with complete strangers. The way people get along with each other is very natural and that is something I always look for and appreciate, no matter where I go. While China is a vast country with a fast pace of life (something I enjoy about living here), it surprised me how warm and friendly Chinese people are. This hospitality combined with the spectacularly diverse landscapes, wildlife and nature across the country has profoundly influenced my work over the last few years.
So far, I have enjoyed my experiences in China very much and hope they continue! Photography has been my job and passion for more than 12 years and it is the way I express myself and share how I see the world. I always try to remain innovative and push creative boundaries in my work and hope that is something that can always be seen in my pictures.
As the poem says, “It is half sunny and half rainy”. Even when it’s rainy, there is always a sunny side - we just need to find it. Next time you see dark clouds, don’t let them influence you, but think of the sunshine that is waiting to appear. Make sure you are ready for it!
Gabriel Morell currently teaches photography at the AliExpress University, where he is the first and only foreign coach. He is also Chief Designer of Taro, a new tracking device for cameras and smartphones that will start selling in 2019 (for more information visit www.taro.ai). If you would like to know more about Gabriel’s work, you can contact him at xiaoxi.gabriel@qq.com