Sun Times (Virgin Islands) magazine, May/Jun 2012

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Sun Times FREE

St. John + St. Thomas


May-June 2012 Always free. Always positive.



Da r k H o r s e sport







Handmade Swimwear “If you’re wearing a bikini you’re having a good time.”


15 16 18

Souvenirs that aren’t stupid Yeah, that’s right, we’re goin upscale

Our dark horse sport Horse racing in the Virgin Islands

Know your bride well and plan accordingly Gentlemen, be aware: the bar has just been raised

IN EVERY ISSUE 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 20 22 25 26 29 30 31

Contributors Coconut Wireless Event photos Buzzhive Green Balance Arts Astro Calendar Restaurant Directory Cheap Sheet Stay Here Next Always Positive Sun Times Interview Ferry Schedule

COVER: For this month’s cover, we were going to run a beach shot, just because we haven’t done that in a while. But then, researching the piece on horse racing we stumbled upon images by Hezikiah Maddox. He was generous enough to send the awesome shot you see on the cover and the others within the feature on pages 16 and 17. Next issue is our Fashion Issue, so no worries, the beach will be back front and center! Photo: Hezikiah Maddox

Art Director: Chiara Bajardi


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chiara bajardi art director

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jon eichner graphic designer

Brooklyn-based, Chiara spends her free time at concerts, in classrooms, on planes, and playing competitive skee-ball.

Jon lives on St. John and is a freelance designer for print and websites.

eloise anderson publisher

donna matthias bookkeeper

colleen kennedy-brooker green column

St John’s Star Lady is off to speak in Belgrade. She’ll be back in April to show the sky to star-struck star gazers.

Colleen owns Passiflora Designs, a company specializing in garden restoration and organic solutions.

jeff rocha accountant



jeff sultan legal

yelena rogers contributing photographer





kathryn depree legal


(340) 201-8700


kelley hunter astrology column





Hayley lives in St. Thomas and owns, a website about the St. Thomas restaurant scene.

mailing address red sunset publishing, LLC PMB 123, 5000 estate enighed st john, vi 00830

hayley andrews arts + balance columns



Want to advertise with us? Find our media kit online at subscriptions: $19 for 5 issues send checks to Red Sunset Publishing


Sunset with friends on Off Cay

 wireless 


funnest mani - just the ring finger different!

You know, as I’m writing this, I’m feeling pretty good. By all accounts, this is shaping up to be a very good Season and that makes for upbeat small talk all around town. I am about to go on vacation with my husband for the first time in over a year and this saves my sanity. My dogs, as always, are amazing. All of this makes me feel pretty blessed. Let’s talk more about the dogs though, as it is WAGAPALOOZA time! For anyone reading this column for the first time, both of my dogs were rescued as tiny baby puppies from the Animal Care Center in St. John. With no exaggeration, they are the most loving dogs I have ever had the privilege to take care of. They are also the healthiest. Bay, our three-year-old (in June!), is insanely smart and breathtakingly beautiful. Francis, our puppy (a.k.a. Frannie, Franko, Muffin, Booter), is as clever as they come, handsome, and a great snuggler. Yes, they are a handful sometimes, but what they give back to me in my life is something so deeply satisfying I can hardly put it into words. At bedtime when one of them curls up around my head, my hip, or behind my knees, I go to sleep with a smile on my face, knowing I am loved and needed (my husband sort of makes me feel like that, but in a more complicated way!). If you think you don’t like pits, I urge you to go to Waga and witness all the wellbehaved, wonderful “graduates.” There are a lot of amazing dogs and cats in St. John and St. Thomas who need good homes and don’t

be afraid of where they have been—rescue dogs are remarkably resilient. If you are a visitor, no problem! The ACC has a fantastic offisland adoption program. Adopt one and they will make your life better! We are bringing Frannie with us this year, so come say hi! You know how sometimes a small, kind gesture can change EVERYTHING? Well, I want to mention Tom at Bajo el Sol gallery. He made my day (week!) a couple weeks ago when, after I completely disrupted his gallery with my photography shenanigans and monopolized his time, covertly tucked a glass starfish into my tote. One that I had admired earlier. When I wrote him a thank-you email later that afternoon he simply said, “Sometimes it’s nice to do nice things for nice people.” Oh the warm fuzzies that brought on. Like I said: feeling blessed lately. Be a Tom, people---and pass that good stuff on!

all my lovers

In this issue we have so many fun and interesting features from horse racing to brunch to souvenirs to surprise weddings, so just sit down and spend a few hours absorbing our happy vibe. May the magic of the islands be with you always,

spring arrives on Bordeaux

t t p p o o d d A A me! me!




my new starfish


M AY- J UNE 2 0 12


St. Patrick’s Day Parade, St. John

A little more


One of our biggest little parades yet, we had the dogs from the ACC, a contingent representing Coral Bay, the Middle Aged Majorettes and lots of people and cars just celebrating being Irish or liking Irish whiskey.

Mongoose Junction • Cruz Bay • St. John, USVI 00803 1.888.527.4473 • Yelena Rogers

St. Patrick’s Day at Parrot ‘Pub’

The Parrot Club went Irish for the night and green went sexy! The biggest party on the island allowed the good folks o’ St. John to party late into the night.







Grande Bay ResoRt & Residence club S T. J O h N


(340) 693-4668 •


Sun Times Magazine Yelena Rogers

Yelena Rogers

International Rolex Regatta


March 23 - 25

The St. Thomas Yacht Club hosted the 39th annual event and the party afterwards. Featuring IRC, CSA handicap racing as well as one-design racing, the event, as ever, did not disappoint. High winds kept the sailors on their toes and made for some very competitive racing.

Rolex/Ingrid Abery

Rolex/Ingrid Abery

Yelena Rogers

Rolex/Ingrid Abery

Rolex/Ingrid Abery Yelena Rogers

Yelena Rogers

Rolex/Ingrid Abery

Rolex/Ingrid Abery

Winners pictured: Alexandre Tabary-Devisme, Director, Rolex Caribbean – C.America, P. Cunningham (POWERPLAY), A. Scarabelli (BUDGET MARINE/GILL), P. Mendez (ORION) and J.Lipuscek (DARK STAR) Yelena Rogers

Yelena Rogers

M AY- J UNE 2 0 12



D o y o u so m e ti m e s not buy kale because it se ems so limp in o u r g ro ce ry st o re s? I figured ou t a really ch e a p, e a sy way to remedy that. Take the kale home, rin se it, then put it back in the plastic bag it comes in , THEN add about an inch of water to a corner. Tha t’s it! Knot the top, stic k it back in the fridge, an d in a few hou rs your kale is


Ingenious! A cooler that folds flat, is fully recyclable and has performance on par with Styrofoam. At boutique. $14.99

Caribbean Travel picked up the April pleasant surprise. + Life and found a s” Foxy, but this Ever yone “know rapher captured particular photog of him I have ever the nicest photos cle is rela xed! The ar ti so s ok lo e H . seen photos. king good travel actually about ta m you If you go to magaz Lots of e issue for free. th d oa nl w do n ca mags actually!



Sun Times Magazine

I got Debbie Duplisea and her family members to test drive this thing, the WondaWedge. They raved that it didn’t get hot in the sun, sand didn’t stick to it, it was easy to blow up, and with three positions, it was easy to find one comfortable for you. Online for $24 but we wish someone here would carry them. Hint!

Check out this site, it’s addictive. So simple, so funny. Create one and you’ll crack yourself up, if no one else! Or maybe that’s just me. Favorites include Condescending Wonka, Sexually Oblivious Rhino, Success Kid, First World Dog Problems, Business Cat. Hey, it won’t make sense until you go there.

this p e nt o n s e v a h g I rted usin ch time a t u s m I , y w o n fun say h a me d to nth. It ’s I am ash d a pp this mo pp, in iPa e nt a iPhone / onsignm mething I c a , k r sold so Po s h m a tI t until I u b , y old a shir r s a I n e Janu h T , so I had plussed. g for $65 o find was non in r a e w een ying t hadn’t b e nuts tr pend my m a c e b I gs to s a bank. right thin . Caveat: this t c a x e the ked was hoo oesn’t always d $65 on! I it n. The ew a n d crazy fu app is n is it s e nd ht, BUT hat they t work rig is t r a il— pp” p via ema e g “killer a a t s o ping p fice, and you ship e Post Of does! h t h it w g r no dealin ay for it, the buye one p s ’t n m e to you do 0 of my it r! 1 ld o s ly kiss he I recent anted to w I . n o s per

This pr od D e ca nte u c t , t h e I c e r, s o lve s Tu b e a ha ve h e r e —warm p r ob le m we wine. An only wh d ite wine n e e d s c h not bubba s. il ling , This sim incorpor ates a gla p l e d e s i g n ss tube in ce nt e r o f the de ca the n ter. We t it , and it e ste d ’s not pe r fect--yo to remov u ha e wine -- bu the tube to pou ve rt ts over ice c till, a n improve he m e nt ubes in y ou $22 at Am a r wine gla ss. eBay star purchase of the month – this little fella, I just love him. At Office Max, this was selling for $15. On eBay, chaching! $1.79. Total! It came from Hong Kong so I had to wait six weeks, but whatever. I would prefer to buy American, but that kind of markup is just too much.

So we’re a ll at Kmar t at least a month, r onc ight? I tho ught it wo e be cool to uld share wha t I found t in the las here t month. Wh Kmart—h a! This sha at’s kool at mpoo, L’Or E v e rC r e m e al e , is hone s tl d ru g s t o r e-t ype pro y the best duc t I h a ever foun ve d. shampoo a No hyperbole. It’s a nd condit ioner in o and it is s ne, ulfate fre e—the stu that dries ff out your h air. It real is a break ly through p roduct an fo r a b o u d t $11 it’s a bargain Ne x t up : . Listerine Whitening My dentist . said the to othpaste I didn’t hav was using e enough fluoride s chose this o he told m one, not r e to use a eally expe work. Dam rinse. I cting the ned if it do “whitenin es! Bonus! g ” part to About $8.

M AY- J UNE 2 0 12



Magic of a Mother

clos ed tues d ays

Madre de cacao... a tree that nurtures Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

John E.Purpura,D.D.S. Sharon DuPree,R.D.H.

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ne of my favorite trees on island is the madre de cacao or gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium), found by the Coral Bay Ball field. This is not a particularly beautiful tree—it bears no edible fruit, nor is it a valuable hardwood, and it can appear quite straggly at times. The gliricidia’s beauty lies beneath the surface and it’s quite valuable in myriad, unusual ways. In botany, the Latin name or nomenclature is imperative, for this is recognized universally. I have found though, that common names of trees and plants can help reveal cultural practices. This is the case with the gliricidia; it has many names, which suggests the importance of this species throughout the tropics. In Central America this tree is known as “madre de cacao” or mother of cocoa. It is extensively planted as a shade tree for the cocoa and coffee trees. It is also used as a wind break and to help improve the soil quality.


Sun Times Magazine

tial tropical rains. These trees, like the other nitrogen fixers, have a beneficial bacteria in the roots which allows them to fix nitrogen for the other neighboring plants to utilize. This has been practiced by indigenous cultures for many centuries. Some other favorite NFTs are calliandra, inga, and moringa. Gliricidia is originally from tropical America yet has naturalized throughout the tropics from South East Asia, Hawai’i, and Africa. Visually, it is a soft wooded, smooth barked, medium sized tree. The leaves are a bright green and pinnate and drop just before flowering. The flowers are lovely pinkish pea-type blossoms (perhaps why another name for it is “Mexican lilac”) and they are in full flower around Valentine’s Day. The flowers are excellent bee forage. This tree is in the legume family, like many of our local trees, and is adapted to the wet and dry seasons; therefore, it needs no irrigation.

In Jamaica, the gliricidia is called “quick stick.” This name refers to the propagation method. One only needs to stick about a meter length branch into the ground and it will grow. This tree is drought tolerant, wind tolerant, and can be helpful in preventing erosion on steep slopes. In Trinidad it is used as a living fence post. The sticks are used for fencing and they eventually grow into trees. The most important role however is providing fertilization.

The gliricidia is also prized as a mulch source. The trees can be pruned heavily and even coppiced. The smaller branches and leaves can be cut up and used as mulch beneath fruit trees. Traditionally a cutlass (machete) is used. I use Felco pruners and a good folding hand saw. The leaves can also be made into a “green manure” tea to be applied to plants with a sprayer. My only warning is that it stinks!! The plants do love it though. Larger branches from prunings can be propagated. You can also grow this tree from seed, the seed just needs to be dry when planted.

Nitogen fixing trees or NFTs are a crucial part of a tropical agroforestry system. Brock Dolman refers to these trees as “the rock stars” in the forest. In tropical agriculture 80-85% of the organic matter is held in the vegetation. Nutrients are quickly cycled out of the soil from the relentless sun and the torren-

This is just an excellent tree for your home garden and is extremely useful. If you manage these trees through regular pruning for mulching they can even become quite attractive. Just one tree in your yard could help your garden immensely. This tree, like a mother, is both giving and protective.

_Colleen Kennedy Brooker





skin scREEning Exam


Oil + high heat = toxic Why fried food is bad for you

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ohnnycakes, pates, rotl, fungi, fritters-Virgin Islands specialties are delicious, there is no denying it! As you drive past local food trucks and fast food restaurants your nose is often blessed with the sweet sweet smell of treats that you just want to put in your mouth ASAP. Even as a veggie, driving past Chester Fried Chicken my nose tells me Get some wings, girl! What makes them taste so good? Lots of things—the skill of the chef and the spice combos mainly--but the unfortunate truth is that they are all fried. Of course, we all know that fried foods are bad for us. But do you know exactly why?

Polyunsaturated oils like soy, canola, sunflower, and corn oil degrade easily to toxic compounds when heated. Prolonged consumption can lead to inflammatory joint diseases, gout, breast and prostate cancer, and the development of birth defects in offspring. So the oils suitable for lower-temperature frying (below 190C/374F) include grape seed, canola, olive oil and lard.

Here is the key reason why: oils change chemically when they are heated, so even oils that are healthy at room temperature can become unhealthy when heated above certain temperatures. You thought olive oil was your safe goto for everything? Not so much. When selecting oil for cooking, it is important to match the oil’s heat tolerance with the cooking method. This is a new-ish idea for most people, but very much worth noting and understanding.

We do need some fat in our diets though—not enough is potentially as worse as too much. Your body needs fats to absorb certain vitamins (A, E, D, and K) and we need fat for energy, strong bones, and protected organs. The American Heart Association recommends that our average intake of fat should be 30% of our total caloric intake. A simple rule of thumb: fats that are liquid at room temperature should be the majority of the fats you consume. More visual: think about how bacon grease is in your sink, then think about your arteries.

Oils with high smoke points, like avocado, corn, peanut, rice bran, sesame, soybean, sunflower and palm oil are suitable for high-temperature frying (above 230C/446F). Because palm oil contains more saturated fats than the others and can therefore withstand the highest heat of deep-frying, it is the very best to use. It also contains high level of antioxidants, blessedly. Dr. Oz (the doctor Oprah made famous) recommends rice bran oil. As a member of the vitamin E family it’s a powerful natural antioxidant, it is cholesterol free, can actually reduce plasma cholesterol and since foods absorb 20% less of it than other oils, it is more economic too. It’s still hard to find though, so nut oils (palm and coconut) remain the better alternatives specifically for frying. If you find yourself giving in to a particularly satisflying-sounding deep fried dish on a restaurant menu, why not ask the server what kind of oil it’s being fried in?

The nail in the coffin may be that frying food not only adds the wrong kind of fat to your diet, it also destroys any good nutrients the food being fried once contained—the heat pretty much kills it.



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Outside of banning deep fried foods from our diets entirely let’s at least take baby steps toward better choices. Choose your oils and cooking methods wisely and enjoy! The recipes below are Sun Times-tested, smoke point appropriate, high in fiber and nutrients, and low in fat calories. Fake Fried Chicken Strips (adapted from > 6 oz. boneless chicken breast (raw) cut into five strips > 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal > 1/4 cup Egg Beaters, Original > 1/4 tsp. garlic salt > pepper (to taste) > Olive/canola oil and/or PAM spray cont’d on pg 28

M AY- J UNE 2 0 12



Rani Keohone Handmade swimwear


rowing up on a cut flower farm in Washington state with her artist parents, Rani Keohane learned to solve problems visually from an early age. “Like, my dad would call us all in and say, ‘Now why isn’t this portrait working? What do I need to do?’ And we’d say something like, ‘Her cheek needs to go up more.’ Or something like that. We weren’t very schooled in left-brained things.” Fitting then, no pun intended, that she solves visual problems in her line of work, making custom bikinis in Coral Bay--the visual “problem” being the things women don’t like about their own bodies. “Women are so warped about their bodies,” she says as I’ve just told her I don’t like my thighs. “Girls come in and they don’t feel sexy—my job is to raise people’s mojo. It’s like therapy.” Confidence is the gasoline in the Ranifly world. As an analogy she offers, “It’s like, I always keep a skinny mirror in my house because when I leave the house I want to go out thinking that’s how I look! You know? Who cares how you really look, it’s how you feel! And it’s basically the same thing, my bikinis are like a good mirror that makes them feel good about themselves.” The process of having a Ranifly bikini made for you is a fun one, very creative and collaborative, if a little overwhelming. In the sunny Ranifly studio Rani hands you tops and bottoms to try on,


Sun Times Magazine

and you narrow down what you like. A top like this, but with wider straps? Cool, no problem. Maybe it’s the front of one top, and the back of another. You say you don’t like X and Rani makes suggestions for a fix—she has an authoritative way of speaking and you believe her. Then you pick your fabric from a hundred or so really soft and stretchy samples. There’s no rush; it feels like play time. This is part of the craft—making you feel comfortable. Then the patterns come out, they’re cut and sewn, and after a few last zips with the sewing machine, Rani does a final fitting—tugging here and there, double-checking that you like the way you look. At the end of the process you have all your good spots showing so well for themselves you forget about your bad spots. The suit we created was reversible and the top could be worn about six different ways, all flattering. Rani says, “The people who get my suits, they won’t wear anything else. I have a really loyal customer base.” Rani makes it look easy now but there’s been some trial and error. Three Virgins was a company she started with two other women in 2005 and it was her first time selling to people other than friends. They drove around St. John in a 1960s VW bus selling bikinis. Fun, but it didn’t last long. “After Three Virgins ended, I did wonder if I could really make a go of it anymore. But in the interim [between Three Virgins and Ranifly] I did a lot of things that were

Yelena Rogers

sooooo confidence-building. My boyfriend and I ran a boat in uncharted territory, in the Mentawai Islands, near Sumatra, for two years.” And, she didn’t mention it in this interview, but I know from speaking with her previously that she also got, and survived cancer in this period. When she returned to St. John in 2009 she started selling bikinis again, to a few island stores. Making the jump to her own store was still unnerving. “When this shop opportunity came around I always knew I could make great bikinis, I just didn’t know if people would buy them because I don’t know marketing, those kinds of things. I wondered Can I do it? Can I make rent? Then in the first week we opened I made my rent over three times.” When pressed about where that confidence comes from, she looks into the distance and muses, “People underestimate you all the time, as far as what your abilities are. They think it can’t be very hard to make bikinis. I never underestimate myself, I think I can do all kinds of things I can’t do. That’s why I end up doing them!” So what now, what does she think her next career move is? “Well, what I like is this,” she says gesturing to the store. “I enjoy making things start to finish, I like the process of creating, cutting, I like to see what people pick out; but, to really get somewhere in the clothing industry you need to mass produce. I’m good at selling my craft to people

cont’d on pg 28


Venus in the heart of the sun The goddess sends her love


enus has been the glorious evening star all winter. In May it turns back toward the Sun, soon lost to view in the sunset. June 6 is a special and rare day, as Venus crosses the face of the Sun. This last happened on June 4, 2004, again this year, and then not again for over one hundred years. Occurring during our night, the goddess of love will send dreams our way. What does this mean to your Sun sign? And we can all tune into Gemini, where Venus will be taking her Sun bath.

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TAURUS [21 April - 21 May] Venus is your planet. While in Gemini, a sign that likes variety, she may urge you to change it up a bit, be spontaneous. Follow a whim and see where it takes you.

GEMINI [22 May - 22 June] Venus in your sign gives you an extra glow and aura that attracts good things to you, the way the bees make honey. Enjoy the beauty around you and choose nothing less than the best for yourself.

CANCER [23 June - 23 July] Allow new perspectives to increase your income or to point out resources you have not been noticing. You have special personal connections as well as talents that can open opportunities.

LEO [24 July - 23 August] You are ruled by the Sun and feel the love that is beaming through Venus. Let it be generously open-hearted and True Self-centered, rather than egotistical, and you’ll be ever happier with yourself and others.

VIRGO [24 August - 23 September] Venus throws you a bit of a curve ball, with a new perspective or piece of information that gives you just the answer you have been looking for as you move into a new project.

LIBRA [24 September - 23 October] Venus is your planet, and aren’t you delighted with the conversations, the harmony and understanding in the air? Special social connections on all levels are being created.


SCORPIO [24 October - 22 November] Lighten up and allow the underlying good will of Venus to inform your natural insights. You can choose the pathway with most heart and will be able to follow with full focus in October.

SAGITTARIUS [23 November - 22 December] Lift up your love vibration. Special people come into your life, friends and lovers, as well as smiles all around as old friends come around. You are intent on your path, but do enjoy sidetrips on the journey.

CAPRICORN [23 December - 19 January] In spite of your serious work ethic and need to take charge, some things are not working according to plan. Take a break, look around and see what options are on offer. Change up the daily “grind” to enjoy life more.

AQUARIUS [20 January - 19 February] You are in the dance of Venus, appreciating the social milieu and great connections with all kinds of people, particularly any children in your life. Your creative energy is at a high point. Use it.

PISCES [20 February - 20 March] A huge wave of energy is surging in your life. Venus fills your schedule to make you a busy bee. Keep track of your need for down time to recharge and sort out your priorities —and make the honey. Enjoy the sweetness.

ARIES [21 March - 20 April] Excitement is your middle name. Aries is always ready to try anything once. How many new adventures and paths can you explore in the next two months?

_Kelley Hunter Ph.D.

M AY- J UNE 2 0 12


ISLAND EVENTS The ACCs 11th Annual Wagapalooza dog show VINP Park, St. John, May 19, 5-9pm

Wagapalooza is the St. John Animal Care Center’s major fundraiser and has been fundamental in keeping the AAC going for the last 10 years. This year Wagapalooza has relocated to VINP in Cruz Bay. The new setting is perfect; it’s larger and more accessible for dog devotees from St. John and St. Thomas alike. This year, a Gambler’s Choice category has been added to the zany dog show awards. Other long-standing categories include Best Costume, Best Old Timer, Best Puppy Love, Best Rescue Dog, Best Junior Handler, Best Adult Handler, Best Lookalike (owner and his/her dog) and the Babe Award for the most improved rescue dog. Online preregistration is advised by May 15 and those who do so will have a chance to win a free bag of dog food from Canines, Cats and Critters. On the day, canine checkin begins at 4:30pm with the main event commencing at 5pm. With free admission for all plus a big raffle, food from Driftwood Dave’s, drinks from High Tide and some local musical entertainment, it’s an annual event not to be missed!

St. John Festival 2012 Cruz Bay, St. John May 26 - July 4

The 58th Annual St. John Festival is back with your favorite events including the Pan-o-rama (May 26), the Bike Race (June 16), the Food Fair (June 24), the Beach Jam (July 1) and of course Jouvert and the fantastic Festival Parade (July 4) which are pure delight for the ears and eyes. Since its beginning, the parade has grown to include over 50 troupes whose costumes dazzle and dances amaze. The parade also includes the St. John Festival Queen and Princess pageants, whose winners are crowned on June 24 after having been selected in the June 23 and June 17 pageants, respectively. The St. John Festival has a well-earned reputation for having one of the best musical line-ups of all the surrounding Carnivals. This year’s lineup is yet to be confirmed but if last year’s, featuring Sherwanye Winchester, Kes and the Band, Triple K, and local bands Spectrum and Cool Sessions Brass is anything to go by, this year should rock too! For more information call: (340) 690-3692/ (340) 690-1725

Art in the Garden, Arts and Crafts Festival Tillet Gardens, St. Thomas May 12, 10am - 5pm Admission is free to The Arts Alive Annual Spring Art in the Garden event, which returns to Tillett Gardens for it’s 32nd year. It’s sure to be a fun-filled day combining art, music, food and even last minute Mother’s Day shopping. Local artists set up booths showcasing their work and there’s a Children’s Art Table on the porch of Water Candy that gives the younger visitors a chance to create artwork themselves. The live entertainment and music is provided by local artists and begins at noon and continues until 4pm. Prizes are aplenty too with a raffle running all day with hourly winners announced. The winners of the Arts Alive Diner’s Delight restaurant raffle will also be announced at 2pm, for which over 25 restaurants have donated gift certificates for a package valued at over $1200. Raffle tickets are on sale now at the Arts Alive office in Tillett Gardens, one for $5 or five for $20. The third annual Arts Alive Bake-Off/Cookie Challenge is another part of the event. The winning cookie is announced at 11am and its baker is awarded a cash prize of $100. After the announcement, all cookies will be on sale for festival-goers, artists and musicians alike to enjoy.

_Hayley Andrews 14

Sun Times Magazine

SOUVENIRS that don’t suck

The sea life on these sandstone coasters will remind you of your tropical vacay

This fella used to be atop Peace Hill in St. John, as a statue, before Marilyn felled him.

Use this map to get you back to St. Thomas!

Charming pendants with the longitude/latitude of St. John remind you where you’d like to be

Coasters | $58, Portico, Mongoose Junction

Christ of the Caribbean gold charms/pendants | $145-350 Best of Both Worlds Gallery Mongoose Junction

Chart Metal Works pendant | $120 Barefoot Buddha, Havensight

Karen Calandra | $48 Full Moon Cafe and Gallery, Coral Bay

Remember that wild Ladies Night you spent at that funky parking lot bar. Every morning!

Every time you write a donkey check you’ll be thinking, “Gotta save for my next trip to STJ.”

“Positive is how I live” is the Virgin Islands motto. Spread the word!

CDs of island music will take you back to Sputnik, Beach Bar, Skinny’s, High Tide...

Mugs | $8-25 Duffy’s Love Shack, Red Hook | $30 Full Moon Cafe, Jolly Dog in STJ and Fish Face in STT

Band | from $2.95 Natural Liberty and Urban Threadz, St. Thomas

CDs | $20 each Bamboula, Mongoose Junction

Sit this cheerful guy in your window sill while you wash dishes.

Heck, just buy up a bunch of these and put them all around your house. They brighten every corner!

Put this on your car and if people know what it means - you’ve made a new friend

Take home a healthy smile with Bush Tea. It’s packed with phytonutrients from the leaves!

Handmade sugarbird | $39 Sugarbirds, Mongoose Junction

Recycled glass from Maho Glass Studio | $25-110 Baho El Sol Gallery, Mongoose Junction

Sticker | $3 Sugarbirds, Mongoose Junction

Bush Tea | $8 Barefoot Buddha | St. Thomas

We know, Magen’s Bay keychains and Trunk Bay magnets have made a lot of visitors happy and a lot of merchants rich. But, here’s our hats off to the artists and store owners who add a little more vitality and subtlety to the souvenir trade. M AY- J UNE 2 0 12



Da r k H o r s e sport A primer on horse racing in the VI


he St. Thomas Carnival horse races in April marked the 30th anniversary of races at Clinton E. Phipps race track. Did you even know that St. Thomas had horse racing? The first races held there were the Carnival races in 1982 and they remain the biggest, most highly attended races in the six-to-seven race season.

stateside; horses have to be shoed every four-six weeks, which costs $80; jockeys charge $100-$500 to ride the horse in the race and for someone to exercise a horse, add $10; to transport a horse here from the States is approximately $3000. Due to these expenses, the purses of the races have to be worthwhile.

Before the current racetrack was built, the Sugar Estate Racetrack was where races took place as early as 1930. Clinton E. Phipps was a local jockey who rode there from the 1950s to the early 1970s. In 1980, the racetrack had to move in order to make room for a hospital. Although Phipps wasn’t the best jockey at the time, he wasn’t the worst; he was well respected and popular enough that the legislature decided to name the new racetrack after him.

In the early days at Sugar Estate Racetrack, the minimum purse (60% to the winner, 25% for second place, 15% for third) was $1800. Now the minimum purse is $3200 and the maximum purse is $20,000 for the Carnival races, sponsored and financed by the government.

Arturo Watlington, now secretary of Millennium Racing Inc. was the President of Nadir Horse Racing Inc., the group responsible for the Clinton E. Phipps track. In his 58 years of involvement with horse racing in St. Thomas he has witnessed only two years with no Carnival races. He elaborated, “First in 1981, because the new racetrack wasn’t completed, and 1983 because there was an eighteen-hour rainstorm that caused damage to the track a week before the race was scheduled. The rain caused damages to houses, roads and so on, so we had to concentrate on houses not horses.” And so, the Carnival races of 1982 marked the rebirth of horseracing in St. Thomas. The new track breathed new life into the sport. Watlington is one of only 19 horse owners on St. Thomas, compared to 47 in St. Croix. This discrepancy is largely due to our small population of native horses. Ninety percent of the horses that run in St. Thomas are imported, either from Puerto Rico or the United States. Our mountainous terrain and the lack of pasture they require is the limiter. St. Croix—flatter land, lots of pasture-- has a higher population. Another reason lots of people don’t own horses, is the expense, particularly in the Virgin Islands. To wit: One bag of horse feed costs $25 here, 80% more than in the States; an imported hay bale is over $20 compared to $7

Since July 2011, Millennium Racing Inc. has been awarded a subsidy of $125,000 per year from the legislature, all of which goes towards the purses. On average, the group requests $20-$30,000 of the subsidy per race day to keep the purses at a level that makes it attractive for owners to run their horses. Another expense is training, for no great racehorse is born a great racehorse; they are trained. In St. Thomas, all of our trainers are locals and are respected nationally. In the early 1980s four horses from the prestigious Calumet Farm (hailed as America’s Leading Breeder a record thirteen times.) were bred for and sent to St. Thomas to be trained by Raymond Isaac. This was another milestone in the sport’s evolution on St. Thomas. Another well-known, long-standing name in the horseracing arena is Karen Petersen, a.k.a. K.Shine. She is the only female trainer in the Virgin Islands and has worked training horses for almost 50 years. She has trained at both St. Thomas tracks as well as at the Randall “Doc” James Racetrack on St. Croix. K.Shine grew up around horses because her father was a horse owner. At age six she took an active interest in them, and by 12 she was riding and exercising them. Her father wanted her to be a jockey but at that time, in the 1960s, ladies weren’t allowed to ride so instead she got into training. Fast forward to 1979 and she was nominated the best trainer in the Virgin Islands. She still loves and continues to work with racehorses in St. Thomas to this day. Typically, horses stay in stables on racetrack grounds and most days, early in the morning, their trainers will take them in trailers to Vessup Bay to swim them for exercise. “Sometimes dolphins come and swim with them. It’s great,” K.Shine said, “Sometimes you can see them from the ferry to St. John.” As wonderful a sight as it would be to see, you’ll have to be an early riser to catch them; swim times range from 4:30am to 10am. So what can you expect if you attend the races? In addition to racing there is entertainment, music, dancing, betting, food stands and people watching! It’s a great local event with some people rocking flip-flops and many dressed up as if it were the Kentucky Derby. At the Carnival races there is even an awards ceremony for things like “Best Dressed Lady” and “Best Hat.” About betting, Watlington explained, “Gambling is a game of chance where the horse takes money. Pari-mutuel betting is actually a service that enables the losers to give the winners money minus a small service charge for the system. Volume

is what really makes it work.” The betting machines are at the racetracks themselves now, replacing the betting windows of yesteryear, but of course betting takes place trackside as well. Since February of 2011 pari-mutuel betting on these races is also conducted at MRI’s Pony Parlor in Frenchtown, as well as at Crown Bay Gaming and Sports Lounge. In these locations it is also possible to bet on daily nationwide races. Another highlight of race day is the caller. If you attend the races, you will be all ears, desperate to hear that your horse is winning. Two years ago, Rashidi Clenance, radio host and former sports reporter for the Daily News and TV2, was approached by Hank Armstrong who was retiring after calling in St. Croix for years. Armstrong wanted to tutor Clenance to take his spot. At first, Clenance found it hard and almost quit. He said, “When I was covering races for TV2 and the audio was poor, I had to [re-record] and re-enact it myself. That was easier than real time.” Now with two years of experience under his belt, it is easier and more enjoyable for him. He travels between St. Thomas and St. Croix working for both tracks. Promoters of the sport are also trying new things to promote excitement. Prior to this year’s Carnival races, a new event, the Triple Crown, took place. It is the brainchild of the Horse Owners’ Association and conceived to be similar to the US National Triple Crown. Sponsored by Johnnie Walker, Bellows distribution company put up $5000 to

give a bonus to the winner of each race and Millennium Racing Inc. matched that. Three races, three islands. Tortola was first and it was very well attended, St. Croix was massive and in St. Thomas the turnout was not as high because it didn’t have the full participation from the other islands (likely because of the cost to attend). Although Clenance referred to horse racing’s popularity in the Virgin Islands as being on the incline, it does seem to have a few hurdles to jump in order to reach the finish line. For instance, St. Croix had another race in-between their Triple Crown second leg and the third leg in St. Thomas. Attendance was 90% less than the Triple Crown race. St. Croix has a whopping 16 races per year. Experts say this is too many—for the horses, and the people. The islands’ populations are simply too small to carry the races on a regular basis. In St. Croix the races are too frequent for the number of horses and for the population to remain willing to pay the money to go. And even with the subsidies, the races are still running at a loss of $1000-$1500 per race day. It seems horse racing may be struggling. It’s a shame. Horse racing is enjoyed worldwide and our local organizations like Millennium Racing Inc. and the Horse Owners Association work tirelessly to keep the tradition alive. The race days are advertised on television and radio but sometimes do go missed. So if the world of horse racing seems interesting to you, stay on top of things! The next race is in July, and will be either the Sunday before or after the 4th. At 2pm, get your hats and heels (or flip-flops) ready and go support our local trainers and horse owners. Whether you win or not, race days are fantastic local fun. Any win is just a bonus! Hezikiah Maddox Photography

_Hayley Andrews

M AY- J UNE 2 0 12


Know your bride and plan accordingly 3 of 7,552 COMPOSE Inbox Important Chats Starred Important Sent Mail Drafts Spam Trash

From: Jeffrey Verhalen Date: February 21, 2012 10:17:57 AM Subject: WE ARE MARRIED!!!!!!!! Well we did it!!!! We got married this past Saturday down here in St.John!!! Now let me back up a little bit and give you all a bit of backstory. As you all probably know Amy and I were planning on getting married in Mexico on April 21st of this year. Unfortunately after 4 weeks in Mexico planning an amazing 3-day event things just didn’t seam to want to work out in our favor. Sooo Mexico was out. Then we played around with the idea of doing it in Dallas at my dad’s house. Guess what??? That didn’t work out either!!! Then it was the East End of Long Island, then Napa. Then it was: Jeff is tired of this crap!!! So without Amy’s knowledge and with the help of some amazing friends I formulated a plan!!! A surprise wedding...where the bride has no clue she is going to get married!!! Now I know a lot of you might think I was insane by not letting Amy in on my secret but y’all don’t know my wife as well as I do!!! The planning of this wedding was going to kill us both and I wasn’t going to let that happen. So I came up with a plan. I got all of the players in place and crossed my fingers nothing would go wrong. It started out with me telling Amy that we had been invited on a sunset cruise with some friends on their 75’ catamaran to take some pictures for the yacht’s website. Sounds like a fun evening if you ask me!! What Amy didn’t know was that I had snuck her mom and dad and two best girlfriends on island without her knowing. I also managed to get her mom to bring her wedding dress down as well. While I lied to Amy for a few days I put my plan into action. On Saturday before the sail I snuck her wedding dress onboard along with a ton of champagne and food!!! We all met at the National Park dock at 4pm looking snazzy like we were going for a cocktail party sunset cruise! What Amy didn’t know was that I had her surprise visitors on another boat just around the corner. After we dropped anchor in Maho Bay and everybody was nice and relaxed I put everything into play. I had our dear friends Meridith and Allyson take Amy downstairs under the guise that they had a cool something-or-other that they wanted to show her in the master suite. That something just happened to be her wedding dress!!! As she was trying to wrap her head around what was going on I snuck her mom and dad and her best girlfriend from college onboard, along with a hair and makeup girl and the gentleman who was to marry us!!! That’s when the waterworks began and the smiles on everybody’s faces were HUGE!!!! Amy embraced my little ploy with open arms and everything went off perfectly!!!!!! We had the most amazing sunset ceremony on the bow of the boat and lucky for me, Amy said YES!!!!!!! After the cruise we all went out for an amazing dinner on the beach followed by too much drinking and dancing!!!! Bright and early the next morning we all loaded up into a really nice powerboat and I took everybody to Virgin Gorda to spend a little time at The Baths. Then we all boogied over to Jost Van Dyke for an afternoon lunch. Yet again we were blessed with a perfect day on the water!!! I want to apologize to everybody that had initially been invited to our wedding and to all of you who were going to spend a ton of money to come play with us in Mexico! SAVE YOUR MONEY! WE ARE MARRIED!!!!! For me this was all about Amy! I didn’t even invite my family down...and if you know me you know I am tight with my family!!! I am truly the happiest guy in the world!!!! I hope you enjoy some of the pictures!!! I love you all, Jeff

In 20 minutes you can be on another island having a blast. We tell you where to hang.

It’s a sunny weekend morning on St. Thomas, it’s 10, maybe 11am and the East End is bustling with brunch-goers.

Our restaurants don’t widely publicize the one-day-a-week affair so it’s often hard to know who’s doing what. Herewith, a few favorites.

Straight off the ferry dock in Red Hook, Fish Tails boasts an extensive brunch menu with everything from traditional American to the Virgin Islands favorite, salt fish breakfast. With an open air dockside setting it’s great.

For most creative brunch we’re going to declare a tie between La Plancha del Mar and Fatty Crab. La Plancha, serving brunch between 10 and 2 on Saturday and Sunday has both the savory and the sweet in spades. The specials are usually the way to go—fried chicken and waffles was a recent selection. Fatty Crab does everything a little bit differently! Even the brunch timing—12-5pm—is “not like the others.” Sunday features BBQ specials like smoked chicken wings, pulled pork and brisket. The sweet/savory combo to go for is the flapjacks with crème fraiche batter, smoked maple syrup and chili-maple bacon. Entrees are $12 on average and drinks (watermelon mimosas!) are 2 for $10 with entrees.

Close by is Molly Malone’s Irish Pub whose American/Irish fusion menu and “bottomless” cocktails are an obvious lure for customers. It may be opposite a parking lot but what Molly’s doesn’t have in view, it makes up for in atmosphere. Lots of entrees under $10! Pesce is a local favorite, particularly on Sundays from 11-2. The $10 bottomless bloody mary/mimosa bar is the only one on St. Thomas and it has every ingredient necessary for making your own signature version of the nation’s beloved hangover cures. The menu is full of American classics like omelettes and eggs benedict and the food is great. The quality and the prices are spot-on reasonable ($9-14). Pesce just does it right! Elsewhere on the island, Sangria’s (at the Elysian), and Cruzan Beach Club (at Secret Harbour) are now open for breakfast from 7.30-11. It’s not the traditional “‘til 2” brunch but early birds and weekend boaters can enjoy a good American breakfast. In addition to the usual suspects, Sangria’s has “lite-and-fit” and “south of the border” (Mexican) options. Prices are not extortionate and dining right on the water in both places makes them desirable dining locations.

Mongoose Junction hosts the fabulously popular and lively Sun Dog Café brunch (Sunday only, 10-4). Again, we usually choose a special, but they have all the traditional brunch options too like several versions of eggs benedict, stuffed french toast, omelettes, quiche and $5 mimosas and bloodys. Entrees average $12. Tyler is usually bartending and you will hear his laugh from the parking lot. Over in Coral Bay it’s the Donkey Diner you’re going to want to check out (daily 8am-1pm). It will be packed; it will be good. Sean and Sue serve up down home style fare that hits the spot on a groggy Sunday morning. They feature beef hash, something I haven’t seen anywhere else, a bazillion omelettes and vegetarian-friendly entrees. I like to have mole sauce on top of scrambled tofu soft tacos. My husband loves the bloody marys. Choose the back deck and watch the wildlife! Entrees average $10.

Also new, Caribbean Fish Market at the Elysian is open from 8-2 for Sunday brunch and it’s as creative as their dinner menu. Their “volcano pancakes” are their signature brunch item—a cross between French toast and pancakes. They also have chicken and waffles and a smoked salmon BLT. Pricey ($8-18) but good! Honorable mentions: Jack’s Bight at Point Pleasant resort now boasts a Sunday brunch 11-2 with “the best view”—you are pretty literally, right on the water—and the unassuming pool bar at Bluebeard’s Castle serves up traditional American breakfasts all day long! The huevos rancheros is delicious. Check out the full menus for all these restaurants and more at, a website that Hayley writes.

Best brunch view in Cruz Bay has to go to Spyglass. Overlooking Cruz Bay harbor, you get 2 for 1 bloodys/ mimosas, all the traditional brunch items, plus a raw bar and more lunch items than anywhere else. Most entrees $13-15. A close second would be Miss Lucy’s Jazz Brunch from 10am-2pm on the water in Friis Bay (Coral Bay). The jazz mixes with the sound of the waves rushing over the rocks. Contact info for all can be found at : _Ella Anderson

_Hayley Andrews M AY- J UNE 2 0 12


CALENDAR MAY/JUNE Mondays Events n Kayak, Hike & Snorkel Eco Tour of VI National Park 2pm-5pm. Caneel Bay dock. Reservations required. Call Virgin Islands Eco-Tour at (340) 779-2155. n May 28 Memorial Day n May 28 Virgin Islands Game Fishing Club Memorial Day Tournament St. Thomas n The Reef Bay Hike Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays From National Park Visitor’s Center, 9:15am Returning at 3:30pm by boat. Reservations and $30 transportation vouchers from Friends of the Park Store or call (340) 779-8700 MUSIC n Island Blues Karaoke and Open Mic Coral Bay, 8pm-11pm n Cabana Bar Karaoke Night St. Thomas, 8pm-11pm n Concordia Ben Marr - Open Mic Coral Bay, 3:30pm-5:30pm n High Tide Erin Hart Second and fourth Mondays Cruz Bay, 8pm-11pm n La Tapa Sambacombo Cruz Bay, 6:30pm-9:30pm n Ocean Grill Chris Carsel Cruz Bay, 6:30pm-9pm

Tuesdays EVENTS n May 1 St. John School of the Arts St. John Film Society presents Queen of the Sun a documentary focusing on what bees are telling us. Free. Cruz Bay, 7.30pm n May 1 High Tide Bar & Seafood Grill Jimbo and Kelli’s One-Year Owners Anniversary With music from “The FAM Band” Cruz Bay, 7-10pm n May 1-14 Mayo Bay Glass Studio Visiting Artist: John Chiles St. John n June 5 St. John School of the Arts Bag It! A documentary about our dependency on plastic bags. Free. Cruz Bay, 7:30pm n Animal Care Center (ACC) Adoption Clinic The Marketplace, Cruz Bay, 11am-1pm n Maho Bay Glass Studio Glass Blowing Demo Every Tuesday and Saturday St. John, 6:30pm-9:30pm MUSIC n High Tide Erin Hart Cruz Bay, 6pm-9pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Donald Herbert, steel pan St. Thomas, 8pm n Island Blues Karaoke and Open Mic Coral Bay, 8pm-11pm n Marriott’s Frenchman’s Cove Tim West St. Thomas, 5-7pm n Morgan’s Mango Greg Kinslow Cruz Bay, 6pm-9:30pm

n Scotiabank International Optimist Regatta June 22-24 Renowned as one of the first and largest regattas in the Caribbean to promote youth sailing, shoreside activities include an opening Parade of Nations and a Caribbean-themed night with fire dancers. For info, call the STT Yacht Club (340) 775-6320.

n Ocean Grill Rascio on Steel Pan Cruz Bay, 6:30-9pm. n Shipwreck Landing Chris Carsel Coral Bay, 6:30pm-9:30pm. n Spyglass T Bird Cruz Bay, 5pm-8pm

Wednesdays Events n June 6-8 Summer Theater Camp: The Art of Audition for ages 8-19. The Pistarckle Theater, 4pm-5.30pm For more information call 340-775-7877 n Humane Society No-Flea Boutique This resale shop has new opening hours Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, Nadir Location, St. Thomas, 11am-3pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Cruzan Rum Carnival Extravaganza Buffet at 6:00pm, Music from 7:00pm Show starts at 8:00pm, 340775-1800 ext.2523 n Ocean Grill Wine Tasting Last Wednesday of each month. Taste 4-5 wines paired with appetizers. Tickets can be purchased at the bar. $30 + $6 gratuity. Mongoose Junction. MUSIC n June 6 Jazz at Shipwreck Landing Steve Simon & The Jazz Islanders. For more info call (340) 693-5640 Coral Bay, 7pm-10pm n June 13 Beach Bar John Sutton Band Cruz Bay, 9pm n Aqua Bistro Rascio-Steel Band Coral Bay, 6-8pm. n Cruz Bay Prime Sambacombo, Latin Jazz Cruz Bay, 7pm-10pm n Duffy’s Love Shack Chicks Rule Wednesday Ladies Drink Free Red Hook, 9pm-Close n Havensight Café Tim West St. Thomas, 3-5pm n High Tide Chris Carsel Cruz Bay, 6pm-9pm n Spyglass Chris Carsel Second and fourth Wednesday each month Cruz Bay, 5pm-8pm n Sun Dog Cafe Lauren and Mark host Music Jam Cruz Bay, 7:30-10:30pm n Tickles Dockside Pub Tim West, Open Mic and Karaoke Crown Bay, St. Thomas, 7pm-10pm

n This color denotes a paid listing. Call us if you would like to be listed here!

(340) 201-8700

Thursdays Events n Kayak, Hike & Snorkel Eco Tour of VI National Park 2pm-5pm. Caneel Bay dock. Reservations required. Call Virgin Islands Eco-Tour at (340) 779-2155. n May 3, 17 and 31, June 7 and 21 Starfish Market Wine and Cheese Tasting With Bellows International Cruz Bay, 4-6pm n May 10 and 24, June 14 and 28 Starfish Market Wine and Cheese Tasting With Premier Wines Cruz Bay, 4-6pm n June 14 Flag Day n Dog House Pub Ladies Night Havensight, 10pm-1am

n Island Blues Ike, guitar and vocals Coral Bay, 7pm-10pm n Jack’s Bight Stoli Trippin’ Thursdays Various Artists St. Thomas, 7pm n Miss Lucy’s Jazz with Rich and Gregg Coral Bay, 6pm-9pm n Morgan’s Mango Mark Wallace, guitar and vocals Cruz Bay, 6.30pm-9.30pm n Ocean Grill Chris Carsel, guitar and vocals Cruz Bay, 6pm-9pm n Molly Malone’s Tim West Red Hook, St. Thomas, 7.30-10.30 n Skinny Legs Lauren, guitar and vocals Coral Bay, 6pm-9pm

n Derby Day/Commodore’s Cup May 5-6 This year’s Commodore’s Cup coincides with the Skinny Legs Derby Day party on Saturday. Sounds good to us! See listings for details. n World Dance Class by Ananda Nilayam Jackson Complex of Antilles School 6pm-7:30pm, Call Jennie on (340) 643-7758 MUSIC n June 7 Daytime Music at the Mountaintop For more info call (340) 774-2400 St. Thomas, 10am-1pm n Banana Deck Lemuel Callwood, steel pan Cruz Bay, 6pm-9pm n Fatty’s Ines and Matt from Slick Fiction St. Thomas, 8pm-11pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Open Mic Night with Jason Johns St. Thomas, 8pm n High Tide Inner Visions, Reggae Cruz Bay, 8pm-11pm

Fridays EVENTS n May 4 Bajo El Sol’s Artist Opening Reception: Painter Patty Tacquard, photos by William Stelzer, glass art pieces by Mariel Bass and Greg Lee Mongoose Junction, Cruz Bay, 5pm-8pm n May 11 Kimberly Boulon Fine Art Gallery Grand Opening The Marketplace, 2nd floor Cruz Bay, 5-8pm n May 25 Bajo El Sol Gallery Featuring artwork by Lisa Etre’s Eudora Kean students with a special book signing by Fatty Goodlander Cruz Bay, 5pm-8pm


n June 1 Mango Tango Gallery First Annual “For Art Lovers on a Budget: Great Art in Print Exhibition.” Free shuttle to the Red Hook ferry for St. John gallery-goers at 8.30pm. 5.30-8.30pm n June 29 St. John Carnival Opening of Carnival Village Cruz Bay Parking Lot, 7pm n Documentary and Prime Rib Night Maho Bay Camps 5:30pm for food, movie at 8pm n Cinnamon Bay Amphitheatre Cultural Evening in the Park Weekly changing showcase of cultural dance and music under the supervision of Dr. Eddie Bruce 7:30pm n Donoe Bypass Italian Farmer’s Market Convergence of Skyline, Donoe Road and Donoe Bypass Road St. Thomas, 6pm n Gourmet Gallery Cheese and wine tasting St. Thomas, 5:30-8pm MUSIC n June 15 Beach Bar John Sutton Band Cruz Bay, 9pm n Amigos Dockside Cantina Tim West, karaoke St. Thomas 9pm-12am n Aqua Bistro Steve Sloan Coral Bay, 5:30-8:30pm n Cinnamon Bay Eddie Bruce, open drum circle 6.30pm-8pm n Cruz Bay Prime James Cobb, guitar Cruz Bay, 7-10pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Slick Fiction St. Thomas 8pm-11pm n Morgan’s Mango Lauren Jones Cruz Bay, 6-9:30pm n Ocean Grill T Bird, guitar and vocals Cruz Bay, 6:30-9pm n Rhumb Lines Erin Hart Cruz Bay, 7-10pm n Skinny Legs Chris Carsel, guitar and vocals Cruz Bay, 6-9pm

n Student Art Opening + Fatty Goodlander May 25, 5pm-8pm At Bajo El Sol Gallery, artwork by Lisa Etre’s Eudora Kean students and Fatty Goodlander will be doing a special book signing.

n Dance Theatre of Harlem Reichhold Center, May 19, 8pm The first black classical ballet company in the USA. Tickets at Reichhold Center Box Office (340) 693-1559, or purchase online n Spyglass James Milne, guitar and vocals Cruz Bay, 5-8pm n Tamarind Inn Steel pan and island music Cruz Bay, 6-9pm


EVENTS n May 4-5 Coral Bay Marina The Commodore’s Cup a regatta to raise money for junior sailors, the Kids and the Sea program. Call Steve Hendren for registration info (340) 513-4955 Coral Bay, roughly 10:30-2pm n May 4 Skinny Legs Derby Day party. Don’t think of watching the race anywhere else! Dress in your wackiest Derby Day attire. Race start, 2pm n May 5 Cinco de Mayo Head to your local Mexican restaurant! n May 5 High Tide Bar & Seafood Grill Cinco de Mayo Bash Featuring “The FAM Band” Cruz Bay, 7pm-10pm n May 12 Annual Spring Art in the Garden Tillet Gardens, St. Thomas 10am-5pm n May 19 Wagapalooza dog show. The Animal Care Center’s major fundraiser. Enter your dogs in wacky ribbon-award show categories. National Park Ball Field. Cruz Bay, 5pm-9pm n May 19 Reichhold Center Dance Theatre of Harlem St. Thomas, 8pm

n May 26 St. John Carnival Pan-o-Rama at Winston Wells Ball Field Cruz Bay, 4pm n June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 The Westin Resort Beach Cafe Steel Pan Music, Moko Jumbies, Fire Eaters and Limbo Dancing Cruz Bay, 7pm-9pm n June 9 The Pistarckle Theater Summer Theater Camp Hairspray The Musical Auditions 10-2pm for ages 8-19. Camp runs from June 11-July 15. For more information call 340-775-7877 n June 16 St. John Carnival Festival Bike Race Cruz Bay, 8am n Frenchtown Fish Market Gustave Quetel Fish House St. Thomas, 5-8am n Maho Bay Glass Studio Glass Blowing Demo Every Tuesday and Saturday 6:30pm-9:30pm n Saturday Farmer’s Market Western End of Main Street St. Thomas, 4-7:30am 8pm, Call (340) 693-1559 MUSIC n Cruz Bay Prime James Cobb, guitar 7pm-10pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Barefoot Davies St. Thomas, 8pm n Morgan’s Mango Luba Cruz Bay, 6-9:30pm n Ocean Grill Rascio on Steel Pan Cruz Bay, 6:30pm-9.30pm n Rhumb Lines, Lauren, guitar and vocals Cruz Bay, 7-10pm

EVENTS n Kayak, Hike & Snorkel Eco Tour of VI National Park 2pm-5pm. Caneel Bay dock. Reservations required. Call Virgin Islands EcoTour at (340) 779-2155. n May 6 The Lumberyard St. John Farmer’s Market Cruz Bay,10am-2pm n May 6 Coral Bay Marina Commodores Cup, 2nd day finals and party The Ish band is playing. Sailing starts about 10:30 After party and awards starts at 5pm. n May 13 Mother’s Day If you have one, be grateful and remember the good times n May 13 Concordia Eco Resort Sailing in my Sarong author Linda Frylink Anderson speaks about her book Coral Bay, 5pm n May 27 9th Annual Friends Beachto-Beach Power Swim Starting at Maho Bay, with an awards ceremony and beach party afterwards at Oppenheimer Beach. Info at n May 6 and 20 Yacht Haven Grande Farmer’s Market St. Thomas, 10am-2pm n May 27 Bordeaux Estate We Grow Food Inc. Farmer’s Market 10am-2pm n June 3 and 17 Yacht Haven Grande Farmer’s Market St. Thomas, 10am-2pm n June 3 The Lumberyard St. John Farmer’s Market Cruz Bay, 10am-2pm. n June 3, 10, 17 Sapphire Beach Party Enjoy live bands for this beachside dance party St. Thomas, 1-5pm n June 3, 23 Beach Bar’s Jazz Jam! Enjoy the music of Steve Simon and The Jazz Islanders and special surprise guests. Cruz Bay, 3-6:30pm

n June 3, 10, 17 Coral World Carnival Party Live entertainment by local bands, crab races, and food and drink Open till 8pm. Admission is $20. St. Thomas 5-9pm n June 24 Bordeaux Estate We Grow Food Inc. Farmer’s Market 10am-2pm n June 24 Franklin Powell Park Carnival Food Fair and Coronation Cruz Bay, 1pm MUSIC n June 13 Beach Bar John Sutton Band Cruz Bay, 9pm n Aqua Bistro Lauren Jones Coral Bay, 3:30pm-6:30pm n Beach Bar Various artists Cruz Bay, 4pm n Concordia Café Brunch Bo on guitar Coral Bay, 10am-1pm n Cruz Bay Prime Mark Wallace, Guitar Cruz Bay, 7-10pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Jason Jones and the SunKings St. Thomas, 8pm n Jack’s Bight Party on the Deck with Barefoot Davies St. Thomas, 5pm n Miss Lucy’s jazz brunch Sambacomo 10am-2pm. Call first! (340) 693-5244 n Ocean Grill David Laabs, classical guitar Cruz Bay, 6:30pm-9pm n Rhumb Lines T Bird, guitar 7-10pm n Sun Dog brunch, Dave Laabs, classical guitar Cruz Bay, 11am-2pm n Westin Beach Cool Jazz with Rich Greengold 6.30-9.30pm

Do you have an event? Let us know by the 10th of every month to be included in the NEXT month’s events.

n Festival Village opens Jun. 29, 7pm Yay! After The Village opens locals know they are in for non-stop Carnival activity. Go early!

ST. JOHN Restaurant American Continental Aqua Bistro Mediterranean and Italian cuisine with a bar overlooking Coral Bay harbor. Brunch & dinner. Try the wings! Cocoloba Complex. Coral Bay (340) 776-5336 $$ Banana Deck American and tropical cuisine in a casual atmosphere overlooking Cruz Bay. Lunch & dinner. Cruz Bay (340) 693-5055 $$-$$$ The Beach Bar Harbor-side bar menu with salads, sandwiches, burgers and seafood specialties. Lunch & dinner, 11am-11pm. Wharfside Village. Cruz Bay (340) 777-4220 $$ Cafe Livin Open air dining and take out. Breakfast & lunch. Daily. Cruz Bay (340) 228-1977 $ Castaway’s NFL Sunday Ticket, 6 flat screens, bar menu, live music. Great Happy Hour 3-6. Dinner. Cruz Bay (340) 774-9960 $$ Deli Grotto A wide range of breakfast items, sandwiches, soups, salads and pastries. Breakfast & lunch. Opens M-F 7am. Sat & Sun 8am. Cash or check only. Mongoose Junction. Cruz Bay (340) 777-3061 $ Driftwood David’s American and Caribbean cuisine with a wine bar and live music nightly. Lunch & Dinner. The Lumberyard, Cruz Bay (340)777-4015 $$ The Fish Trap American seafood bistro in a casual patio setting and air conditioned bar. Closed Mondays. Dinner. Raintree Court. Cruz Bay (340) 693-9994 $$$$$$$ High Tide Bar & Seafood Grill American cuisine with sandwiches, salads and nightly entrees. Lunch & dinner. Daily. Opens 11am. Wharfside Village. Cruz Bay (340) 714-6169 $$-$$$


Maho Bay Pavilion Daily changing specials with salad bar at dinner. Breakfast & dinner. Daily 7:309:30am & 5:30-7pm. Maho Bay Campground (340) 776-6226 $$ Mango Deli Sandwiches, Uno’s pizza and Starbucks coffee at the Westin. Breakfast, Lunch & dinner. Westin Resort (340) 693-8000 ext. 1850 $$ Sam and Jack’s Deli Gourmet comfort food, fresh pasta, homemade ice cream. Lunch & dinner take-out 10am7pm. The Marketplace. Cruz Bay (340) 714-3354 $-$$ Skinny Legs Famous charcoal grilled burgers, hot dogs, salads and sandwiches. Lunch & dinner. Coral Bay (340) 779-4982. $$ The Tap Room Pizzas, pretzels and beer in St. John’s only brew pub. Casual atmosphere. Air conditioning, too! Lunch & Dinner. Cruz Bay (340) 715-7775 $ Tree Lizards Restaurant Diverse menu with sandwiches, salads, burgers and nightly meat and seafood entrees. Breakfast, lunch & dinner. Cinnamon Bay Campground (340) 776-6330. $$-$$$ The Tourist Trap Homemade tacos and sandwiches in a gorgeous lowkey setting. 11am-sundownish. Closed Sun & Mon. Salt Pond. Coral Bay (340) 774-0912 $$ Woody’s Seafood Saloon Bar-style seafood, burgers and a famous happy hour. Lunch, dinner & late night (after 10pm). Cruz Bay (340) 779-4625. $$

Contemporary & International Café Concordia Variety of entrees including seafood, steaks, local organic greens and vegetables. Incredible views! Concordia Eco-resort above Salt Pond Bay. 4:308:30pm Happy Hour & Dinner. Coral Bay (340) 693-5855 $$.

Sun Times Magazine

Cruz Bay Prime Inventive contemporary steak house cuisine in upscale open-air atmosphere. Dinner only, WedSun. Reservations rec. The Westin (340) 693-8000 $$$$$$$

Shipwreck Landing Eclectic cuisine with a focus on seafood specialties, overlooking Coral Bay. Lunch & dinner. Coral Bay (340) 693-5640 $$$

Spyglass Family style restaurant with open The Equator Restaurant air seating overlooking cruz bay Caribbean fusion cuisine housed with spectacular sunset views. in a restored Sugar Mill. Dinner only. Brunch, lunch, dinner & late night. Caneel Bay Resort Wharfside Village. (340) 776-6111 $$$$ Cruz Bay (340) 776-1100 $$-$$$$

Inn at Tamarind Court Breakfast and different specialty nights like Greek and Mexican throughout the week. M-F. Bar only weekends. Cruz Bay (340) 776-6378 $$-$$$

Sun Dog Café Courtyard dining with an eclectic menu of seafood, salads, TexMex, and more. Lunch Daily 11-4:30pm. Dinner M-F 5:30-9pm. Mongoose Junction Cruz Bay (340)693-8340 $-$$

La Plancha Del Mar Mediterranean cuisine in an intimate setting. Wine list and full bar. A/C. Dinner only, 5:30-9:30pm, movie nights on Saturdays. Closed Weds. Mongoose Junction. Cruz Bay (340) 777-7333 $$$-$$$$

Terrace Restaurant Hot and cold buffet with eclectic offerings on Caneel Beach. Lunch & dinner. Caneel Bay Resort (340) 776-6111 $$$$

La Tapa Mediterranean and Spanish inspired cuisine, top-notch service and a nightly changing menu. Dinner only. Cruz Bay (340) 693-7755 $$$-$$$$ The Lime Inn Fresh seafood and grilled items. Oyster Nite is Thurs. 3pm till they’re gone! 1/2 price happy hour 3-5:30. Lunch Mon-Fri, dinner Mon-Sat. Closed Sundays. Cruz Bay (340) 776-6425 $$$-$$$$

Waterfront Bistro Upscale, French Caribbean themed dining with inventive twists. Lunch & dinner nightly from 5:30-10pm. Wharfside Village. Cruz Bay (340) 777-7755 $$$$

Asian/Fusion Asolare Pan Asian cuisine with a panoramic sunset view overlooking Caneel Hill. Dinner only. Cruz Bay (340) 779-4747 $$$$

Miss Lucy’s Waterfront. International and West Indian cuisine, with a great selection of seafood. Lunch 113pm & Dinner 6-9pm, Tues-Sat. Sun Brunch, with live jazz, 10-2pm. Coral Bay (340) 693-5244 $$$

Fatty Crab Southeast Asian fusion with local ingredients incorporated. Tues-Sat, 5-10pm. Smoke-out Sun noon-10pm. Happy hour 5-7. Cruz Bay (340) 775-9951 $$$

Morgan’s Mango South American and Caribbeaninspired cuisine, grilled steak and lobster nights. Dinner only. Daily 5:30pm. Next to Mongoose Junction. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8141 $$$-$$$$

Lucky Bamboo A wide selection of Chinese dishes and authentic Vietnamese Pho. Lunch and Dinner, 11am8pm. The Lumberyard Cruz Bay (340) 7 74-9900 $-$$

Ocean Grill Upscale California cuisine with island flavor, served in an openair courtyard. Serving Lunch & dinner. Mongoose Junction. Cruz Bay (340) 693-3304 $$$$

Rhumb Lines Pacific Rim cuisine in a casual chic outdoor atmosphere. Lunch & dinner, Sunday brunch. Closed Tuesday. Cruz Bay (340) 776-0303 $$$

Zen Sushi St. John’s only sushi restaurant! Rolls, sashimi, Asian-inspired entrees. In the Marketplace, full bar. Cash only for now. Dinner only Mon-Fri, 5-10pm. Cruz Bay (no phone at press time)

Barbeque Barefoot Cowboy Lounge Mesquite smoked pork and brisket barbeque. The Lumberyard. M-F 11am-10pm. Cruz Bay (340) 244-8888 $ Candi’s Barbeque Classic barbeque dishes and daily specials. Ask for the Jerk Sauce! Lunch & dinner. Cash only. Near the Marketplace Cruz Bay (340) 779-1452 $ Uncle Joe’s Bar-B-Q Barbeque chicken, ribs and a variety of side dishes. Lunch & dinner. Cash only. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8806 $$

Coffee, Breakfast & Bakery Baked in the Sun Bakery serving breakfast and lunch sandwiches, eggs, salads and pastries. Breakfast and lunch. Closed Sundays. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8786 $ C&D Bakery Bakery serving pastries, ice cream, milkshakes and rolls. Breakfast & lunch. Cash only. The Lumberyard. Cruz Bay (340) 776-6675 $ Donkey Diner Full breakfast/brunch daily, 8am1pm. Hand-thrown pizzas Sun, Wed, Fri noon-8pm. Coral Bay (340) 693-5240. $-$$ Every ‘Ting Coffee shop serving cappuccinos, lattes, pastries, bagels and island souvenirs. Full menu until 2pm, open ‘til 8pm. Gallows Point. Cruz Bay (340) 693-7730. $ Full Moon Cafe & Shop Swing into Coccoloba’s newest spot for espresso, mate, fresh juices, sandwiches and pastries. Coral Bay (340)774-9033 $

Directory Jake’s Look down on Cruz Bay from this great spot for breakfast before noon, and sandwiches after. Open 7am-4am. The Lumberyard complex. Cruz Bay (340) 777-7115. $-$$ Papaya Cafe Coffee, beverages, pastries. The Marketplace. Cruz Bay (340) 779-2665 $

Italian & Pizza Café Roma Italian dining with wood-fired pizzas, pastas, salads and entrees. Dinner only. Daily 5pm. Cruz Bay (340) 776-6524 $$$

JJ’s Texas Toast Café Tex Mex fare, breakfast, burgers and sandwiches. Breakfast & lunch. Cruz Bay (340) 776-6908 $$ Lone Star Taqueria Fast take-out Mexican cuisine. Tacos, nachos and assorted plates. Breakfast & lunch. Cash only. The Marketplace. Cruz Bay (340) 714-Taco (8226). $ Margarita Phil’s Tex-Mex, seafood specialties and giant margaritas. Lunch & dinner. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8400. $$$

Local West Indian

Cruz Bay (340) 779-8900 $$$

Clean Plates @ Sputnicks Authentic Jamaican and local Caribbean flavors served along with fresh local fruit juices. Menu changes daily. Breakfast, lunch & dinner. Daily 8am-8pm. Coral Bay (340) 775-7373 $$

Joe’s Rum Hut Great American fare and pizza served seaside, daily specials & homemade soup. Lunch and Dinner. Daily 11am-10pm Wharfside. Cruz Bay (340) 775-5200 $

Forward to Your Roots Traditional, 100% vegetarian cuisine. Lunch. M-F. Base of Contant Point, past the basketball courts. Cruz Bay $

Ronnie’s Pizza Pizza parlor with New York-style pizza and sandwiches for lunch and dinner. M-F 129pm, Sat 4-9pm, closed Sun. Delivery after 6pm. Boulon Center. Cruz Bay (340) 693-7700 $

Hercules Pate Delight Traditional West Indian Pates, Open Daily 5am -until... Across from the Lumberyard, Cruz Bay (340) 344-2156 $

da Livio Authentic Italian cuisine in a modern setting. Dinner only. Nightly. Next to Conrad Sutton.

Roaryal Abeba Health Food & Lounge All natural vegan dishes and Italian food choices. Daily, 12-9pm. Cruz Bay (340) 677-0497 $-$$ Zozo’s Ristorante High-end Northern Italian menu with ocean views from the dining room and bar. Dinner only, closed Sundays. Gallows Point Resort. Cruz Bay (340) 693-9200 $$$$

Latin and Mexican Cactus on the Blue Mexican with seafood specials, and nearly waterfront dining. Dinner only. Bar open ‘til 11pm. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8515. $$-$$$

$ under $10 $$ $10 or more $$$ $20 or more $$$$ $30 or more

P&P Specializing in West Indian roti, this secluded restaurant also has a view of the water. Very reasonable prices. Lunch. Dinner by reservation only. Frank Bay $-$$ Sogo’s West Indian and American cuisines. Lunch and dinner. Mon-Sat. Cruz Bay (340) 779-4404 $$ Sweet Plantains West Indian, East Indian and Caribbean cuisine in a funky bistro atmosphere. Dinner only. Tues-Sat. Coral Bay (340) 777-4653 $$$$$$$ Vie’s Snack Shack Small West Indian menu: conch fritters, garlic fried chicken and beach access. Lunch only. TuesSat, 10-5pm. Cash only. Hansen Bay. East End (340) 693-5033 $$

Eat, drink...then take a taxi. Windy Level West Indian menu, by chef Carryn Powell, located just outside of Cruz bay. Mon-Sat 6:30 am to 10:30 p.m. Cash only. Route 10 (340) 715-2000 $-$$

Ice Cream & Smoothies Columbo’s Cafe A great selection of blended smoothies as well as hot dogs and beer. At the intersection of Centerline and North Shore Road. (340) 715-5227 $

Cool Desires Great ice cream and fresh made smoothies! Daily noon-10pm. Cash only. Near Mongoose. Cruz Bay (340) 643-5874 $ i scream! Ice cream parlor serving soft serve ice cream, shakes, sundaes, smoothies. Cruz Bay (340) 998-1217 $ Our Market Smoothie and ice cream stands across from the National Park Ferry dock. Cash only. Cruz Bay (340) 776-0111 $

Grocery & Specialty Markets 1st Stop Market Good selection of grocery items as well as rain ponchos, disposable cameras, and other non-food items. Open 7am-11pm. Raintree Court, Cruz Bay (340) 777-7867 Bayside Mini Market Small market well-stocked with grocery items. Often offering a selection of fresh local fruit. Open 7am-11pm Cruz Bay (340) 779-4011 Dolphin Market Supermarket. Open until 11pm. Cruz Bay (340) 776-5322. The Fish Trap Seafood Market A wide variety of fresh seafood and pre-made seafood specialties. Open 12-6pm. Cruz Bay (340) 693-9994. Lily’s Market Market selling fresh produce, specialty items, deli counter, ATM. Cocoloba Complex. Coral Bay (340) 777-3335. Love City Mini-Mart Supermarket selling fresh produce, grocery items. Cruz Bay and Coral Bay (340) 693-5790 Pine Peace Mini Mart Local produce, selection of wine and alcohol, as well as household needs and grocery items. South Shore Rd. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8725 St. John Spice Spice shop selling teas, hot sauces, spice mixes and souvenirs. Next to ferry dock. Cruz Bay (340) 693-7046 St. John Market Supermarket with good selection of ethnic, gourmet, and organic ingredients. 8am-10:30pm, daily. Greenleaf Commons, across from the Westin. Cruz Bay (340) 779-1808 Starfish Market & Gourmet Supermarket selling sandwiches, cold salads, hot food. Next door is the Gourmet market. Open ‘til 9pm. The Marketplace. Cruz Bay (340) 779-4949 M AY/J U N E



Oceanfront with spectacular sunset views

Come enjoy our Sunset Happy Hour, and then have dinner with us. We would love to have you as our guests for the evening!

ST. T H OM AS Restaurant DI Bistro Epernay Wine and Champagne Bar A tiny, cozy grown-up bar that serves excellent food too! MonSat., open late. (340) 774-5348. $-$$ XO Bistro A casual bistro and wine bar, chill atmosphere, great lunch. Lunch served Mon– Sat., dinner MonSun. Red Hook (340) 779-2069 $-$$

Spyglass is a family friendly restaurant offering a creative American / Caribbean menu, a vegetarian menu and a Spykids menu. Lunch is 11am-3pm, Happy Hour is 3-6pm with a bar menu, Dinner is 5 until ? Late Night Happy Hour 9pm-12:06am, Brunch every Saturday and Sunday

Wharfside Village, 2nd floor above the casino

(340) 776-1100

Northside Bistro Expansive ocean view, an onsite brewery, many veg entrees and live music nightly.dinner: MonSat. Northside (340) 775-5098. $$

Continental/ American Blue Orchid On the grounds of the St. Peter Greathouse, with a stunning mountaintop view. Classic American. Surprisingly reasonable! Northside (340) 774-4999 $$$ Sunset Grille NEW The newest offering from well-known STT resto group Blue Shore Grill, this one is seaside at Secret Harbour and serves creative American classics. Breakfast 7am-11am, Dinner 5:30-10pm East End. $-$$$ Old Stone Farmhouse Special Night Out Central and #1 for St. Thomas on Tripadvisor. Fine dining, exotic meats (kangaroo?) steakhouse and seafood dinner only, closed Tuesdays. Mahogany Run Golf Course (340) 777-6277. $$$ The Cellar A boisterous, friendly spot we’d describe as an upscale American gastropub featuring seafood and steaks, and great small plates. dinner nightly, Red Hook (340) 715-1442. $$$$$

Jack’s Bight NEW Famous for their wings, Jack’s has relocated from Tillett to Point Pleasant. Waterfront. Always open! Sunday brunch. East End. (340) 776.9464 $

Havana Blue A hip restaurant specializing in Latin-tinged seafood with an oceanfront setting at The Marriott Frenchman’s Reef (340) 715-2583 $$$

Mafolie Sitting high above Charlotte Amalie harbor, it’s a solid resto but people go for the fantastic sunset daily. Downtown $$

Thirteen Small and out of the way but recognized for creativity, excellence and a great wine list. call for hours Northside (340) 774-6800. $$

Oceana Watch the seaplanes land as you dine in the former Russian Embassy. Lovely! Eclectic continental, Open for Dinner Tues-Sun. Waterfront in Frenchtown $$$


Room with a View High on the hill at Bluebeard’s Castle, everyone goes for the view and the sunset Happy Hour (5-7pm) at the bar with $5 apps and wine. Mon-Sat. 5pm-12am Charlotte Amalie 340-774-2377. $$ The Grille at Mahogany Run A sweet spot overlooking the golf course, you can dine inside or out. Lighter fare shines. TuesSun. 11am-9pm, (340) 777-6250 x1241 $-$$

Eclectic Craig and Sally’s

Menu changes daily. Sit at the dark tapas bar and order everything from mac & cheese to eggplant cheesecake Lunch: Wed-Fri. Dinner: Wed-Sun. Closed Mon. and Tues Frenchtown (340) 777-9949 $$

Grand Cru Yacht Haven Grande’s most upscale resto in a chic waterfront setting. Amazing wine selection and interesting multi-culti entrees and small plates. lunch and dinner daily Havensight (340) 0774 -7263. $-$$

Chez Le Caribe

NEW In the old Herve location, and still a lot like Herve, it seems (not a bad thing!). The warm spinach salad is still on the menu. Lunch, Mon-Fri., dinner, Mon-Sat. 340-775-2439 $$$

Italian/Pizza Virgilio’s Lavish, baroque surroundings, N. Italian cuisine, impeccable service and a tiramisu we hear is on par with tiramisu anywhere. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10:30pm; Sun 5-10:30pm. Downtown (340) 776-4920 $$$$$ Romano’s Trattoria and Art Gallery Authentic Northern Italian, large portions, reasonable prices. MonSat, dinner only. East End (340) 775-0045 $$-$$$

Eat, drink... then take a taxi.

Cheap Sheet

by Sun Staff

$ - Entrees $10-19 $$ - $20-29 range $$$ - $30-39 range $$$$ - $40 and above

DIRECTORY Latin/Mexican Looney Bien

Eclectic Mexican with a $2 taco happy hour. Wed-Mon 11am-10pm Frenchtown 340-777-TACO. $

Senor Frog’s The chain restaurant has a raucous rep (and a pool) but the food is solidly satisfying and not just Mexican. open daily 10am-1am Havensight (340) 777-3764. $-$$ Taco Hell From a tiny roadside shack, they do tacos for $2 and $3, and drinks. Lunch and dinner, open till 3am. Red Hook (340) 690-8202.

Seafood Caribbean Fish Market NEW At the Elysian resort, serving fresh seafood (duh). Dinner nightly. East End $$ Mim’s Known for her lobster, it’s right on the water. Near Bolongo/East End, open daily for lunch and dinner. Bolongo/East End (340) 7752081. $$-$$$$

Fish Tails Our favorite “wait for the ferry/ barge spot,” it serves up fresh unpretentious seafood. Love the smoked fish spread! open daily 7am-10pm. Red Hook (340) 714-3188. $-$$ Pesce A new-ish upscale italian pasta and seafood place in red hook. Open for lunch and dinner, Red Hook (340)714-7874. $$-$$$

Sushi/Asian Enkai Sushi Amazingly creative sushi rolls on the waterfront. Lunch: Wed-Fri. Dinner Tues-Sat. Frenchtown. (340)-774-6254 (MAKI) $$ Great Bay Lounge/Ritz Carlton The sushi bar is a tiny part of the resort but worth seeking out for the exceptional quality. Ritz Carlton $$-$$$ Peking Tokyo Chinese, always fresh and tasty, and with humungous portions! Mon–Sat 11am - 10pm, Sun. 5-10pm Red Hook (340) 779-733 $ Chopstix NEW Thai/Vietnamese! The only one on either island, we think. Vitraco Park Mall, Open daily 11am-10pm. Havensight. (340) 777-CHOP $ Coco Blue

Creative island-inspired fare including sushi at American Yacht Harbor. dinner nightly. Red Hook (340) 774-7253. $-$$

This isn’t the most affordable rock in the sea, but there are some great deals around town and some really nice people behind them. The Sun Times is here to help you find them and to soothe your sticker shock. Restaurants


How do they do it all in that tiny shack? Cafe Livin is the a new breakfast and lunch spot in Cruz Bay offering “to go” style fare (but there are a few outdoor tables for dining). And talk about deals! For $10 you can get a Philly cheese steak pita wrap, a gyro pita wrap, or a Greek salad. Breakfast has a $5.50 BLT and a $5 breakfast sandwich (two fried eggs and cheese on a biscuit or English muffin). Oh, and those bloody Marys with the houseinfused vodka and the house-pickled asparagus are only six little ones! Wharfside Village (340) 228-1977.

THE HAPPIEST OF HAPPY HOURS Your $1 is not going to go much further than Woody's Seafood Saloon--join everybody else for a domestic beer or a well drink from 3-6p.m.

La Plancha is paradisimo From 5-6pm La Plancha has half priced appetizers Monday through Friday. The $3 sangrias wash the apps down in style. Mongoose Junction (340) 777-6363. WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD? Well to get to Candi's BBQ of course. A $10 bill gets you half a chicken and a plate of sides at this roadside diner just before the Marketplace. Check out the new jerk flavored sauce--it has a kick and it is certified yum. It is hard to beat Uncle Joe's rib sauce,but the chicken eaters favor Candi. Cruz Bay (340) 779-1452. SPEAKING OF JOE'S Uncle Joe's Bar-B-Q recently started full-service dining--like, a waiter comes over with a menu and waits on you. I know! Crazy! New reasonably-priced items on the menu too. It's sweet, check it out. Cruz Bay near the Post Office, (340) 6938806. Nothing to pupu Rhumb Lines’ pupu menu portions are big enough to make a meal out of. Spicy noodle bowls, rolls and finger food all for $6 or under. Cruz Bay (340) 776-0303 BARGAIN BANANA SPLITS New ice cream stand in the Sputnik complex next to Donkey Diner. A big banana split cost just five bucks. If you are living the twelve volt lifestyle out in the harbor, that is just about heaven! HERCULES IS BACK! For breakfast he has Johnny Cakes for $1. Pates of salt fish or beef for $3.50, and a small lunch plate is $7. Come on Thursday for lunch and get a large platter for only $6--a big deal! Across from The Lumberyard. Open daily 5am until. (340) 344-2156. NEW

Rib stickin’ XO Bistro in Red Hook Plaza has a home cooking night on Tuesdays and all entrees are $12. Red Hook, (340) 779-2069. NEW now that’s italian0! Pesce is good when you are…fishing for a bargain! Their happy hour food is humongo for $5. It’s also very good and very Italian. Red Hook, (340) 715-1442.

HOWEVER YOU FEEL ABOUT THE “GIRLS” Over at Hooters, the food is good and on Monday nights it’s all you can eat chicken wings for $9.99. Hooters, Havensight, St. Thomas. (340) 693-WING.

If the sun bothers you, the deal is pretty much the same over at Castaways. High Tide is at sea level and has $2 Banks beer and $4 rum punch from 3-7pm. The Lime Inn does 1/2 price drinks from 3-5:30 and you can get the bar menu (starting at $2!) till 5pm. It’s $3 Margaritas and Cruzan drinks, $2 assorted beers, $1 wings and 2 for $5 tacos, all with a gorgeous elevated view of Pillsbury Sound at Spyglass from 3-6pm. Driftwood David’s has happy hour ALL day on Tuesday and Wednesday through Saturday from 3-6 with $2 beers, $3wells, and $4 frozen concoctions, it’s beckoning us all. They have great food specials to boot, like: $6 8oz burgers, $5 loaded hot dogs and ½ rack of baby back ribs for $6. Finally, the Gecko Gazebo starts their 2-for-1 happy hour at 4:20 and it goes till 5:30 (weekdays). Over in St. Thomas in Red Hook, they are just as happy at Amigos Dockside Cantina. They have happy hour from 3-6pm daily with $2 tacos and $4 margaritas. Fatboys (Red Hook) is happy every day from 3-7pm with $2 wells and appetizer specials. Fish Tails Bar & Grill, also in Red Hook, has a 2 for 1 happy hour 3-6pm. NEW Taco Hell has $2 tacos all the time, like open until 3am all the time.

And it's always a good idea to eat while you drink, folks! Woody's (340) 779-4625, Castaways (340) 715-3361, Lime Inn (340) 776-6425, Spyglass (340) 776-1100, Driftwood David’s (340) 777-4015 Gecko (340) 693-8340. All are in Cruz Bay. Amigos Dockside Cantina (340) 775-1270, Fatboys (340) 777-4275, Fish Tails Bar & Grill 340-714-3188. Taco Hell (340) 690-8202. All are in Red Hook, St. Thomas.

PLACES TO GO FREE WIFI! National Park Playing Field - come watch the boats while you surf the web. Courtesy of Jason at Computer Express. Aqua Bistro - Convenient location in the hear t of Cocoloba shopping center. High Tide- Have a cocktail while you catch up on all your emails. Tap Room- It’s 45 minutes free in the A /C but after that it’s $4 an hour. But it’s a fa st connection!





Crystal SeaVIEW



la bella vita


Fifty feet above the turquoise waters of the Caribbean, Beit Hawa is a unique three-bedroom, twobath contemporary villa with a sweeping easterly view across Rendezvous Bay. Located just minutes from Cruz Bay in the exclusive Boatman Point enclave, Beit Hawa features two lovely loft bedrooms in addition to the luxurious master suite, as well as a glorious, light-filled two-story great room. With tropical landscaping, a two-tiered courtyard fountain, and perpetual cooling breezes, Beit Hawa provides an idyllic, secluded vacation setting. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641

Perched above Francis Bay on the north shore, this magnificent new 5-bedroom, 5.5-bath villa will utterly capture your heart. Francis Bay Estate is an easy 5-minute walk to the soft sand beaches of Francis Bay, one of the best sunset spots on St. John! On a day at home, catch some sun poolside, while you admire the view. Francis Bay Estate is beautifully decorated and landscaped, and every corner of this delightful retreat reflects the owners’ love and care. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641

Located in the exclusive Virgin Grand Estates, this luxurious villa overlooks Great Cruz Bay and offers breathtaking sunset views yearround. You’ll enjoy constant tradewinds from the expansive deck and you can gaze out over stepping stone islands from the pool. With four air-conditioned master suites, a gourmet kitchen designed by a professional chef, and a spacious great room with high-end media center, La Bella Vita promises the finest accommodations for your next St. John vacation. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641

Crystal Seaview is a beautifully renovated 4.5-bedroom, 5-bath villa with an awe-inspiring view out over Chocolate Hole. Crystal Seaview’s spacious, fully air-conditioned great room includes a complete gourmet kitchen. The bright, tropically inspired decor is found throughout the villa, filling each space with its vibrant Caribbean charm. After a relaxing day at the beach, come home and float in the pool, taking in the incredible splendor of the Caribbean night sky. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641

When you first enter the courtyard of this luxurious four-bedroom, five-and-half-bath villa, you’ll be struck by the incomparable views of Cinnamon Bay, and the British Virgin Islands beyond. After that first, breathtaking moment fades, the elegant details of the villa will catch your attention – the outdoor showers and private terraces in each of the bedrooms, the hand-cast fountains and Italian tiles in the courtyard, the free form heated pool and hot tub. Hakuna Matata is sure to give you the vacation of a lifetime. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641

This exclusive three-bedroom, three-and-a-half bath villa offers an incredibly elegant retreat, just moments from Cruz Bay and stunning National Park beaches. Take a short walk down to Klein Bay, a secluded pebble beach with excellent snorkeling, or enjoy a relaxing day at home, lounging by the pool or unwinding in the hot tub. Every beautifully decorated bedroom is air-conditioned and offers great views over Rendezvous Bay. The expansive decks provide great outdoor living spaces – perfect for an al fresco meal at sunset. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641

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Sea Forever…the name says it all. Amazing 270-degree views envelop this newly redesigned villa. Enjoy leisurely days around the pool surrounded by the sparkling blue waters of the Caribbean sea. Watch for the green flash from the setting sun as you enjoy the view from the decks wrapped around this lovely four-bedroom, four-bath villa. Take in the breathtaking night sky while you sip your favorite drink in the hot tub. Sea Forever will transform your vacation into the experience of a lifetime. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641


Located high above Caneel Bay, this threebedroom, three-bath villa boasts a stunning view that stretches from St. Thomas to the British Virgin Islands. Bordered by the National Park and just minutes from town, this secluded villa offers the ultimate in privacy and luxury. Relax by one of St. John’s largest pools and take in the incredible view from terrace. Prepare a delicious meal in the fully equipped kitchen. Spellbound has everything you need to make the most of your vacation. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641



Windspree Vacation Homes in peaceful Coral Bay, offers fully equipped 1-5 bedroom homes with breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea and British Virgin Islands, magnificent sunrises and starlit skies at night. Enjoy cool tropical breezes year round as you lounge in your own private pool or spa surrounded by tropical gardens. You’ll appreciate the affordable selection of villas and homes perfect for every budget. Windspree Vacation Homes | Coral Bay, St. John | 1-888-742-0357 (pictured: Seabiscuit)

“The perfect place to feel human again.” Many honeymooners, families and couples seek St. John for their romantic getaway and wedding destination. Hillcrest Guest House has five (5) vacation rental suites with ocean views, complimentary menu, beach equipment, a/c and free Wi-Fi. For hot discounts & details: or call, 340-776-6774 or cell 340-998-8388.


ViVa! villas

We offer elegant upscale villas and classic Caribbean style homes, all with spectacular ocean views and private pools. Airport and water taxi service, jeep rentals, dockside greeting, chef, housekeeping and child care services all available. Island Getaways has been creating unforgettable vacations since 1996. For more information call Kathy McLaughlin at 340-693-7676 or 888693-7676 toll free, fax: 340-693-8923, email:, web: (pictured: Allesandra)

VIVA! Villas, Inc. offering short-term vacation rentals on St. John, Virgin Islands. Our local team will help you find the perfect vacation rental to fit your taste, style and budget. We offer a large selection of private villas, affordable condos, cottages, and luxury homes across the island. Viva! Villas, Inc. Cruz Bay, St. John toll free:(888) 856-4601 email: website:



This villa is perfect private retreat for couples or large families. There are 4 A/C bedrooms on 2 floors with 2 kitchens and 2 sets of washer/ dryers! Each bedroom has their own Satellite TV. There is a comfortable sofa bed in the lower level Great room. The lower floor has room for the villas ping-pong table! Pool and hot tub! For more information, toll free, (888) 643-6002, or local, (340) 779-4070. Visit our website: (pictured: Soul Island)

We offer two to five bedroom homes/ villas most with pools/jacuzzis. All have commanding ocean views! In-season rates from $2200 - $8600 / wk. Off-season rates from $1450/wk - $6000/wk. Call toll free 888-625-2963 or 340-776-6805 or visit - write Seaviewhomes P.O.B. 644 St. John VI 00831 (pictured: Villa Sanctuary)

VILLA KINJA Kinja is a new 2BR air-conditioned villa with 2 king master suites with outdoor stone showers overlooking Cruz Bay, just 10 minutes from Trunk Bay and other great beaches. Enter through the large outdoor playa to this professionally decorated living area with marble countertops and tile floors. Enjoy the huge lanai with million dollar views and fabulous sunsets over the beautiful blue water and St. Thomas or relax in your own private pool.

PRIVATE HOMES FOR PRIVATE VACATIONS Private homes fully equipped for comfortable weekly vacations, available for rent when owners are not in residence. Summer rates in effect April 12 - Dec 12. Call or write for brochure and availability (340) 776-6876 or email Mary-Phyllis Nogueira, 7605 Mamey Peak, St. John USVI 00830

cont’d from pg 12


Oceanside Dining Lunch 11am-4pm / Dinner 6-9pm Happy Hour (7 days) 4-6pm

Coral Bay, St. John

(340) 693-5640 f r reservations



one on one, but I don’t want to be in sales.” (And the word sales passes her lips with the same horror as child molester.) “So what I am hoping to do is to continue to make things by hand here, then market my reversible line on a mass scale. I’m setting the wheels in motion for that so I won’t be a starving artist.” The line will be produced in Los Angeles in a wide range of sizes and styles.


On the breezeway outside of the store, Rani wants to talk more about her future plans but seems to struggle with the specifics—she eventually gives up, laughing, “I don’t have a five-year plan; I’m the five-minute plan kind of person. Life is always changing, and my brain just doesn’t work that way.” I suggest maybe she could train people to do what she does, to help her out, make more suits. She looks at me directly and smiles, “Well, then I’d have to manage them, right?” Our conversation drifts to Kristi Hansen, one of her swimsuit models who recently died. “When she died, I noticed that in a lot of the memorial pictures of the happy times, she was wearing Ranifly bikinis. My friend came up with the tagline Ranifly bikinis, for the best times of your life. Because if you’re wearing a bikini, you are having a good time.” For someone on the fiveminute plan this artisan has more than a couple things figured out.

It takes anywhere from two days to two weeks to have a bikini made. Bikinis range in price from $130 to $175. Ranifly is located in Cocoloba. Plaza in Coral Bay.

Designer Collars · Leads · Toys · Treats · Holistic Dog Food · and more

cont’d from pg 11 Preheat to 375F. Use blender to whir cereal to a breadcrumb-like consistency. Add salt and pepper. Place crumbs in one small dish and Egg Beaters in another. Coat raw chicken strips with “egg” and then with crumb mixture. Place strips on a pan greased with scant oil then spray a very light mist on top of strips and place in oven. Cook for 10 minutes, then turn strips over. Spray tops again and cook for 8-10 minutes until Fiber One looks crispy. Serves one. [Note: PAM is indeed fat, the serving size on the label is entirely misleading! Use your own oil in a fine mist sprayer if you’ve got one.]

Fake Fries

> 2 sweet potatoes, cut to strips or wedges > 1 t. coconut or sunflower oil > ½ t. garlic salt > ½ t. cumin > 1/8 t. ground red pepper (or chipotle)

(I like to add garam masala too, if you can find it)

Preheat to 425F, mix all ingredients, place on a baking sheet for about 25 minutes. Supereasy and you’ll be surprised how good they are. _Hayley Andrews

Note: Consult your doctor before making any major changes to your diet.


Sun Times Magazine

Always Positive “I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.” _Martha Washington


design group,llc licensed architect AIA member • NCARB certified

professional design and development services

mongoose junction, po box 1772 st. john, us virgin islands 00831 tel (340) 693-7665, fax (340) 693-8411




w e i v r e t n I s e m i T n u S The NANCY ANDERSON Interviewed January 18, 2012 at her St. Thomas home What are you doing today?

Name three things, besides family and friends, that you really love.

I’m fielding a ton of phone calls and answering a lot of emails. That is my usual thrill every day. I work seven days a week because I can never catch up if I don’t.

I love books. I have loved books since I learned to read when I was three-anda-half. I haven’t gotten the Kindle yet because I really love bound, paper books. I also like writing very much. I started doing it just because there was no one else to do it. When you start your own business you are pretty much the chief of everything and I just kind of fell into it. I also like doing reviews online because I am fairly opinionated! My other passion is this island. I have loved St. Thomas since I moved here in 1974. It just feels right to me. I’m still as enthusiastic and as happy as my first years.

What was the last thing that made you irritated? Nothing; as you get older you get a lot more patient. Having been in this business for almost 27 years, I’ve kind of seen it and done it so nothing really is unexpected. You just have to be ready for any strange thing to happen and then deal with it immediately so it doesn’t get out of control. So as a result, I just try to stay on an even keel with everything. If a guest complains, it’s stressful, of course, but on the other hand they are paying a lot of money and it is their vacation where every moment is precious. So I try to follow the Golden Rule and treat people the way I would want to be treated and have sympathy for their position.. What is your secret skill? I can juggle a lot of details at once. I used to be able to do it all in my head; now I have to write everything down. But the secret is just being OCD about everything! In a business like villas, every detail counts and if you ignore one small little thing it can domino into an out-of-control situation, the perfect storm, and I’ve learned that you must stop and correct that one thing immediately, because if you don’t you’re going to pay for it somewhere down the line.

What is one thing you know for sure? That it’s probably going to be sunny here again tomorrow! The history of the Virgin Islands is complex, what would you like to see in the territory’s future? Selfless leaders with a political will to make the changes necessary to make this a really good place to live and a good place to invest. That political will is so important. I’ve been on St. Thomas for thirty-seven years and I haven’t really seen much leadership. That needs to be developed, honored and valued. We need leaders who are proactive and who invest in future planning, people who concentrate on the common man, what the people of St. Thomas need now, and what the future generation needs.

When you spend money on yourself, on what do you splurge? I love to read, and before the economic downturn I really liked to travel. I like Eastern Europe tremendously.

Nancy Anderson founded McLaughlin Anderson Luxury Villas in 1985. The company represents over 100 homes in the USVI, the BVIs and Grenada,

What attribute do you aspire to? Patience and wisdom.


St. John Sun Times

SJST interview p30.indd 30

11/04/12 6:11 PM




Life on St. John is wonderful, and it can be even more so, if you understand one thing:

It all comes down to

St. Thomas Ferries leave every hour on the hour. From Cruz Bay to Red Hook Crossing takes 20 min. Allow for at least 60 min. via taxi to airport. Departing from Cruz Bay: hourly 6am-11pm Departing from Red Hook: 7:30am & then hourly from 8am-12am

From Cruz Bay to Charlotte Amalie Crossing is 45 minutes. Charlotte Amalie is 1 mile from the airport Departing from Cruz Bay: 8:45am, 11:15am, 3:45pm. Departing from Charlotte Amalie: 10am, 1pm, and 5:30pm.


Car barges go between Enighed Pond, Cruz Bay and Red Hook. From Cruz Bay Mon-Fri: A barge leaves every 30 minutes from 5:30am to 6pm. Exceptions: There is an extra boat at 6:15am, and there are no boats at 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm. Sat: A barge leaves every 30 minutes from 6am to 6pm. Exceptions: There are no boats at 6:30am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm. Sun: A barge leaves every 30 minutes from 7am to 6pm. Exceptions: There are no boats at 8am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm. N.B.: St. John rental cars are not allowed on the barges to St. Thomas. There is limited AM service on holidays. From Monday to Friday “Mister B” and “the General” are more expensive than the other boats. Buying a round-trip ticket may be less expensive but you must return on that same barge. You will have to back your own car onto the barge.


You will need a passport if you are traveling to the BVIs. To Tortola

Returning from Tortola

Departing from St.John: 8:30am, 11:30am, 3:30pm - Sat.-Thurs. 8:30am, 11:30am, 5pm - Friday

9:15am, 12:15pm, 4:15pm Sat.-Thurs. 9:15am, 12:15pm, 5:30pm - Friday

Jost Van Dyke (Fri., Sat. & Sun. only) Departing from St. John 8:30am, 2:20pm Returning from Jost Van Dyke 9:15am, 3:00pm

Virgin Gorda

Anegada (MWF only)

(Thursday and Sunday only) Departing from STJ: 8:30am Returning from VG: 3:00pm

From Road Town, Tortola: 7am & 3:30pm To Road Town, Tortola: 8:30am & 5pm

Ferry Company Contact Info Inter-Island Boat Services: (340) 776-6597 Transportation Services of St. John (340) 776-6282 Varlack Ventures: (340) 776-6412 Native Son: (340) 775-7292 Smith Ferry Services: (340) 775-7292 Global Marine: (340) 779-1739


Respect for others’ state of mind

If you remember one thing, remember this: start every interaction with “good morning,” “good afternoon,” or “good evening.” It is culturally very very important here to have a brief personal interchange before requesting anything else. Try it! It can be hard to remember at first, but you’ll get the hang of it! You may even grow to like it.


Respect for the body

The island can be rather conservative, and it’s just not acceptable to wear your bathing suit in public places, or if you are a man, to be shirtless in public. Save it for the beach!


Respect for others’ sensibilities Maybe it offends you, maybe it doesn’t, but cursing in public is not generally acceptable here.


Respect for the environment

Very important: conserve water! We depend heavily on rainwater and we don’t always get enough, so turn water off and on when brushing teeth, washing dishes, and even taking showers in the dry season. Also, you can recycle aluminum cans (please crush and rinse) at the various bright green recycling bins around the island!


Respect for culture

Life is slower here and while things do get done, they may take a little longer than you’re used to. For true: getting upset makes things much worse.

And some helpful hints... Driving – We drive on the left here! Shoulder to shoulder. There’s no reason to drive faster than 20mph, but if you are enjoying the views and moving slowly, please make good use of the turnouts along the roadside. HITCHHIKING - We hitchhike with our index finger here, not our thumb! Food – The little blond ants are cute, but you don’t want their company every day. Do not leave any food out, and when in doubt, put it in the refrigerator (you’d be surprised what ants can get into!). Stomachaches –­ Most residents use bottled water or filter their water before drinking it. Cistern water is sketchy. Bathroom – Related to water conservation: flush only when you need to. We will leave it at that. Also, as the SEPTIC systems can be very sensitive–only flush toilet paper. And DO NOT flush if there is a power outage; this can cause big problems that you really don’t want to deal with on your vacation! Zoning Out – Our visitors sometimes wander into the road, blissed out by the beauty of St. John…. Enjoy yourself, obviously, but please be cognizant of cars trying to pass. If there’s a sidewalk or a path, please use it; if there’s no path, please be careful!




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