Sun Times Magazine Nov-Dec 2012

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Sun Times =I<<

November- December 2012 Always free. Always positive.












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CONTRIBUTORS tony judge art director Tony lives in Brooklyn where he also designs for several in-flight magazines

margie smith holt balance + features Formerly of St. John, Margie now lives and writes in Manhattan

hayley andrews calendar editor + features

Hermit Crabs


March of life…OR…nightmare material? (Video still: Steve Simonsen)

CONTENTS Come fly with me

Calendar editor + features Hayley lives in St. Thomas and owns, all about the STT resto scene.


Hermit crabs


william stelzer photos + design Bill, a St. Johnian, splits his time between film and print, here and in Haiti.

kelley hunter astrology St. John’s Star Lady leads star gazing nights and gives private consultations.

colleen kennedy-brooker green Colleen lives in St. John and owns Passiflora Designs, a garden design consultancy.

Ziplining in St. Thomas

In more than a nutshell

As modern as tomorrow


The history of the legendary, glamorous Virgin Isle Hotel

IN EVERY ISSUE 4 5 6 8 9 17 20 23 24 26 27

Coconut Wireless Balance Buzzhive Green Astro Calendar Restaurant Directory Cheap Sheet Stay Here Next Sun Times Interview Ferry Schedule

ON THE COVER: Circa around 1958, the imagery is taken from one of the early postcards printed for the Virgin Isle Hotel. In subsequent years, the postcard was updated using this same pool scene but with different bathing beauties. Graphic design: Bill Stelzer advertising/contact Want to advertise with us? Find our media kit online at, (340) 201-8700,

Red Sunset Publishing, LLC publishes the Sun Times five times a year. All rights reserved.

eloise anderson, publisher

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Welcome to our first issue of The Season! The islands have been sprucing up, readying themselves for our annual influx of visitors; the roadside overgrowth has been cut back, merchants have their shipments of new merchandise, and businesses of all sorts have painted, varnished and brightened up. All of us worker bees have had our fill of summer vacation and we are ready anew to hunker down for the rush. And the party season starts now! Check out our super-overstuffed Calendar section—Hayley, our editor for that section, has done an excellent job of finding exciting events and music for you to try. Our cover story, a two-parter actually, is a story I have wanted to tell for a long time. We’ve been gathering research for nearly a year. The Virgin Isle Hotel, in its day, was like nothing the area had ever seen before and the influx of celebrities and other dignitaries was a heady experience for sleepy little St. Thomas. Margie Smith Holt brings this story to life so vividly, starting on page 14. Enormous gratitude goes out to the Kimelman family for their memories, their photos, and their time. My summer was actually spent starting a new company! Everyone here has more than one job right? I was feeling left out. I was in Mexico for a total of about five weeks and it was amazing. I also spent about three weeks in Charleston with my family. Traveling always opens your eyes so undoubtedly you’ll see some of my insights and discoveries in these pages throughout the season. Again, welcome or welcome back, and let’s get this party started y’all! May the magic of the islands be with you always, Clockwise from above: Mexican pottery, Eloise at The Plaza, the Tulum beachfront, my friend Christine at the Coba ruins, niece Anabel and nephew James Arthur, business license paperwork for VIBEtrek and (center) a sleep spot in south Tulum.

Eloise Anderson Publisher/Editor


Sun Times Magazine


Please pass the midshipman’s butter (And other ways to sneak superfoods into your diet)


haven’t had my morning coffee yet (and make no mistake, I will have it, caffeine and all) but I’m dutifully peeling and smashing up an avocado to spread on my toast. Seems like a lot of work at this hour, but my editor assures me that, in addition to the nutrition benefits of this superfood (heart-healthy, a good source of fiber, and packed with vitamins), it will make my skin glow. “I have been eating smashed avocado on toast in the mornings and I swear my skin has gotten nicer,” she writes, perhaps in part to entice me to write this column. Since Find More Balance seems to permanently occupy a top spot on my TO DO list, I figure taking on this assignment is a good start. I’m not an expert in health, fitness, or nutrition, but I am good at research. What I don’t know, I know how to find out. One of the first things I find out is that my first column runs just in time for the holidays—also known as the season of really great things to eat. Not being a fan of the “less-is-more” philosophy (Skip the stuffing? Forgo the champagne toast at midnight? I think not), I thought we’d test out “more is more” and look at some of the ways to get more of the good stuff into the mix, any time of year. Thus the avocado. ELLA’S SUPERCHARGE-YOURMORNING AVOCADO TOAST Ingredients: ½ avocado, 2 pieces bread Optional: butter, goat cheese, salt Preparation: Toast the bread. Spread on butter or goat cheese if desired. Top with smashed avocado. Sprinkle with salt. To super-charge your skin, apply the other half of the avocado directly to your face. (It’s a great moisturizer.) Sailors, by the way, have been enjoying avocado on their bread ever since the Spaniards discovered them in New World. They called it “midshipman’s butter.” Breakfast is an excellent time to go green, and we’re not just talking spinach omelettes. Head out to Coral Bay, buy a big bag of Josephine’s Greens, and sauté them up in a little olive oil before scrambling in the eggs. Options for eating healthy in the islands are getting better all the time. Denise Wright, who sets tourists up in villas through her business, Online Vacations, reports finding all of the following on a recent grocery run to St. John Market: kale, bok choy, broccoli, celery, ginger, and TOFU!

(Emphasis original). “All this together is fabulous with some tamari or soy sauce,” she says. “The key to tofu staying firm, rather than becoming a mushy mess, is to dry it in paper towels. Slice it again and dry it again. You will then have that crispy, toasted outside surface that we love.” Locals can stock up on superfoods at Cost-U-Less. Look for walnuts, almonds, and sardines. DENISE’S SIMPLE SUPERFOOD SNACK Ingredients: Sardines (Brunswick) in water, Crackers Optional: cocktail sauce Preparation: Drain sardines, take off skin, take out bones. Serve on your favorite cracker with cocktail sauce. Moms are famously expert at sneaking superfoods into meals, chopping up vegetables and hiding them in the mac and cheese, for example. Grownups can take a cue from this sleight of hand and learn to boost the healthy food intake, one flax seed at a time. Think of superfoods as sprinkles for your salads or cereal. Blend them into your yogurt or smoothie, or bake them into breads. Throw them in the juicer. Mix them into your oatmeal, or even the pancake batter. What to add? Flax seed (high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids), chia seeds (ditto), cinnamon (lowers blood sugar and cholesterol), pumpkin seeds (good source of zinc), ginger (contains anti-inflammatory compounds), sunflower seeds (high in protein and vitamin E), or that ultimate topping, dark chocolate (loaded with antioxidants). Can’t find what you want on island? Try They ship to St. Thomas and St. John. Sometimes simply remembering to include the healthy option is all you need to do. At my niece’s first birthday party, her mother rocked with this recipe for success: THE LET-THEM-EAT SUPERFOODS PARTY TRICK Ingredients: Blueberries Preparation: Place in bowls on dessert table next to cookies, cupcakes, etc. The kids ate them up, along with all their immunityboosting, antioxidant goodness. Not feeling flush enough to spring for the $8-a-pint fresh ones here in paradise? No worries. Nutrition experts at Johns Hopkins say the frozen ones are just as good. Got suggestions? Let us know. I’m off to make the coffee. Dusted with cinnamon.

_Margie Smith Holt




It makes me

get up en and it can’t My ass has fall t healthy and lost 12 pounds.

I go So in the la st year rear end. It’s t so much for my no l, el W ? ht Yay, rig Brazilian Butt at th be d yeah, may an e or ym an 25 t no help, Lif t video might me in ho s wa I but when th on m st la on st le Char ’s I tried on my mom this Spanx. Hello! So tor ea cr x an is why Sp e th is y el ak Bl Sara world’s youngest aire self-made billion t ge I s). ye B, (with a ’re ey th w— it no comfy, they ’re not hot, and they smooth things , over. Prices vary but you can get them locally at SixFifteen Couture (and a mind bending array of other “helpers”).


uchy, buddy My house is in an area that te nds to have mold, so our grout is gr oss, and the commerci al for Grout Bu lly is so awesome— a white shinin g light for my dim, da nk bathroom . The Husband gave me the eye-ro ll when I bought this (he is used to me falling for all manne r of infomerci als). Anyway, you know what? H ate to be negative, bu t this product is fraudulent . It doesn’t “clean ” at all! It paints over ! I think you m ight be better off wit h white shoe po lish or white acrylic paint. To be pe rfectly honest , the gr out look s pa ss ably better it you don’t look ve ry closely. If your grout is only slightly gross, pa ss on this an d just bleach it!!

Your ow n on a teen pics y kini Custo

mization is a huge consumer trend the s e d ay s . So why do esn’t it su rprise me that s omeone le ts you put your o wn photo collage on a bikin i. It nonethele delights me ss. The pri ce is a bit steep ($99 for a complete bikini) bu t the possi bilities are endle ss! I playe d around with this image of Tr unk Bay and “a lways posi tive”…. Kinimatic .com is th e website .

and nda farts ? Basting pa g fairy dust l ately ay w in e iz th l t e u m b a o ud c ar not what yo isn’t

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By Eloise Anderson

More co ol

tech This isn’t all that ne w, but I ju it and it ’s s t us e d pretty coo l wh e n y o traveling. ua Yelp’s mo bile app in re Monocle, cludes tech that lets you a smartpho im your ne camera down a str it will ove e et a nd rlay all th e (clickab of restaura le) review nts, bars a s nd service that stree s on t. Very co o l. It ’s free a available nd for iPhone and Andro id.

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Smells like angel tears I am a body oil fanatic, dry oil especially—I have been since I was 15 or so. Neutrogena Rainbath was my go-to for 20 years but lately I have strayed. I love the Kiehl’s argan oil because it’s such a multi-tasker (hair, body, face, dog fur gleamifyer) but the smell is what you might call an acquired taste. Then I sampled Caudalie Divine Oil on my last trip stateside on the advice of a sales clerk, and I must have looked like a crazy person for the rest of the day because I kept smelling the back of my hand. How to put it…it smells crisp and clean and sexy and feminine all at once. It is awfully expensive ($48 for 100 ml), but the holidays are upon us (wish list!) AND with every bottle sold, the company plants a tree in the Amazon—to the tune of 150,000 by the end of 2012. Angel tears, I tell ya.

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The love of aloe A multi-tasker in the plant world


y first memory of aloe goes back to when I was about six years old in Vermont. I had a close encounter with the wood stove and burned my arm. A family friend was staying with me; she calmly examined my arm and then disappeared into the bathroom. She emerged with a bright green leaf which she peeled open to reveal smelly clear gel. She smeared this onto my minor burn and the relief was immediate. “That is aloe” she explained. This plant had earned my respect.


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The history of aloe vera goes back to the ancient Egyptians. It was highly regarded as an important medicinal plant by the Greeks and Romans as well and is used both externally and internally. The scientific name for the aloe vera is Aloe barbadenis. Aloe vera is the common name and means “true aloe.” It originated from Africa where there are almost 500 different species. Many of these species are in need of conservation. I learned that there is even an Institute of Aloe Studies in California dedicated to research and conservation of rare aloe species. Aloe barbadensis is an ingredient in many lotions, shampoos, commercial soaps and baby wipes. There are now bottled aloe drinks available. Many of us are familiar with the pure aloe gel in a bottle for sun burn relief. Even if the aloe in a bottle is 100% pure, it is not nearly as potent as the aloe you can grow yourself. The aloe that is processed is heated at high temperatures to ensure a decent shelf life--the bottled gel will help, but the freshest is still the best, so why not grow your own? Here in the Virgin Islands, aloe grows easily with very little care or water. It can grow on steep slopes and is excellent for erosion control. I have


Sun Times Magazine

found that it actually prefers light shade to full sun. Aloe can be planted in poor rocky soil, where it is tough for much else to grow. It is salt tolerant and quite drought tolerant. The aloe will gradually spread and will need to be thinned out eventually. The flowers of the Aloe vera are beautiful and attract hummingbirds. There are nice examples of the plants by the Coral Bay fire station and by Aqua Bistro. To harvest the aloe, cut the leaves closest to the bottom or the outer edge of the plant. The leaf won’t grow back but it will heal over. The gel inside can be cut out. It does contain a yellow substance that is closest to the skin. This can be cut away. This gel can be used for any type of skin irritation and it is excellent for burns and sunburn. It can also be used for rashes, acne, eczema, and wounds. I have read it works like a conditioner in hair too. Careful though—it can stain your clothes! You can cover the leaf with a piece of foil and keep it in the refrigerator for a few days. Aloe is also used medicinally throughout the West Indies. It is highly valued in Trinidad for helping to prevent illness. But, aloe has an unmistakably bitter taste. Our dog once bit a leaf I was holding and his reaction was comical…pure disgust! Many people have that same reaction to the taste of aloe; you can get used to it though. Some people choose to add a little to their juice to mask the bitterness. Experiment! I highly recommend at least one aloe plant in your garden, and if you don’t have a garden it will grow in a pot or planter. _Colleen Kennedy-Brooker


It’s the end of the year But not the end of the world (yay!)


s we head toward the popularized date of December 21, Winter Solstice 2012, we first pass through two eclipses. November 13 gives us a powerful total eclipse of the Sun, only visible in the South Pacific; a lesser eclipse on November 28 will dim part of the Moon in many skies, but not in the Caribbean. Eclipses are like doors that close, then new ones open. Mercury turns retrograde right on election day (suggesting recounts and possible fraud), and stays in backward motion through November 26. It’s a time to take a second look at where we’ve been and where we are heading, as we move further into the global change process. More considerations for your sign:

SCORPIO [24 October - 22 November]

TAURUS [21 April - 21 May]

You may feel a deep need to consolidate, maybe even pull back and reconsider your strategies. Likely you realize that the current circumstances are untenable in the long run. Your motivation is strong to develop a new situation.

Watch your level of attachment to situations that are ready to change. Can you consider letting go? Practicing this as an exercise may serve you so well that you end up finding good reasons to do so.

SAGITTARIUS [23 November - 22 December]

Your current tendency to be easily distracted can be counter-productive. Take a breather, slow down, and regain your sense of direction. With season gearing up, you can’t afford to drop too many balls.

There is a stirring deep inside that has you asking questions of yourself and your life. This is not a rational process. Things become clearer in midDecember when a bunch of planets enter your sign and inspire your intuition.

CAPRICORN [23 December - 19 January]

Planets of major change are zeroing in on your life, as many of you well know by now. Things break free in the spring, though you can’t sit back and wait. Considered action is timely. Locate friendly support.

AQUARIUS [20 January - 19 February]

Things may slow down this month, giving you an opportunity to review your plans, even if you don’t think you need to. Review your career plans, as new responsibilities may require reevaluation.

PISCES [20 February - 20 March]

This month has a watery feel that may be pleasing, but be aware of the strong undercurrents that move you in new directions. Don’t ignore strong feelings and intuitions. Give extra time to listen to the guidance offered.

ARIES [21 March - 20 April]

More impatient than usual, you can’t push the river, especially now. By mid-December things may start to move forward and offer some of the excitement you crave. Keep your ears and eyes out for good ideas that grab you.




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GEMINI [22 May - 22 June]

CANCER [23 June - 23 July]

You may be feeing a push and pull that results in taking things too personally. Some quiet time may be in order to reflect and sort out what is stirring inside you, so you can more clearly understand others.

LEO [24 July - 23 August]

A lot of drama is going on under the surface, which can make you uncomfortable. Check in with yourself before you express yourself too strongly. Your best self sets a good and loving example to others. Making art or dancing can creatively channel powerful feelings.

VIRGO [24 August - 23 September]

Look around. You may see things rearranging themselves before your eyes. You are the one who may, as usual, attend to the nitty-gritty as some things are unraveling a bit. Still, your horizons are opening, and new goals emerge.

LIBRA [24 September - 23 October]

You are at your charming best for November, but don’t luxuriate and overspend, as you will regret it next month. A reality-check in your financial sector is called for. Attend to it and you will reap long-term rewards.

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e m h t i w y fl e m Co _Tyler Trash


ver thought of flying through the treetops? Leaning back and gliding past the forest canopy? Well, now you can! Ziplining has arrived in the Virgin Islands with the new Tree Limin’ Extreme on St. Thomas. On the north side of the island, just above St. Peter’s Great House lies an adventure just waiting to zip you into screams of joy and laughter. With a total of six zip lines there’s plenty of opportunity to feel the wind in your hair (well, actually across your face, helmets are required--safety first!) and to have your heart racing as you’re soaring 30+ feet above the ground. The beautiful


Sun Times Magazine

views of Magens Bay, the neighboring cays, and the British Virgin Islands from high atop St. Peter Mountain are stunning eye candy. At the start of your tour you’ll be gearing up with a harness and a trolley (that’s the slidey thing that goes on the line) followed by a quick six-wheel drive journey in a Pinzgauer traversing the switchbacks to the first zip line platform. Thank heavens for the Pinzgauer, my ’95 Saturn would have never made it to the top. Upon your arrival at “base camp” there’s a short safety briefing and then you’re on your way. I’ve ziplined twice before, but never felt this secure. Our guides, Sean and Brandon, were very experienced, having worked zip lines at several other courses between M A R C H /A P R I L 2 0 1 2


Eloise Anderson

T’ree Limin’ Extreme brings ziplining to St. Thomas

them. They were very personable and professional—real good since they have to have their hands all over you to check your safety harness before each “jump.” And personally, I enjoy an unexpected morning grope every now and then; but, maybe that’s just me.

Eloise Anderson

The first zip sends you racing 400 feet to the next platform where the views abound and make for a great photo op, but don’t worry if you miss this one; the entire course is full of photo ops. Once you’ve gotten the first zip under your belt you’re ready to continue on to longer and faster lines, finishing with the only “yo yo” in the Caribbean (and you can let yourself go upside down on this one!). The yo yo line was a first for me. For this one you have to lean forward and leave the platform kind of face first. Not the most natural feeling, unless you’re an Olympic diver. Having what I like to call a healthy fear of heights, I couldn’t quite do it on my first attempt even though I had watched eleven people go before me, listening to their exultant shrieks of happiness as they flew down and then back up again on the other side, then “yo yo-ing” back and forth until they reached the movable stairs in the middle. It was awesome, definitely my favorite part of the tour. Requirements for zip lining are easy: just bring closed toed shoes, weigh between 60 and 275 pounds and be no taller that 6’6”. If you’re looking for something extreme and scary, this probably is NOT it—it’s good clean family fun, not balls out dangerous like say, that zipline I did in Thailand where I slammed into a tree (traumatized by the memory of that experience, I downed two screwdrivers at breakfast—hey, I wasn’t driving!). This tour honestly would be great for anyone between eight and eighty-eight (no age restrictions) and the physical demands are minimal: as long as you can stand on your

own, you’re ready to go. Which brings me to my one critique, our group was a party of about twelve and we did a lot of standing around and waiting. Everyone’s harness has to be checked each time you leave the platform. For safety reasons I completely understand and appreciate that they take it so seriously, they definitely get an A+ for that, but smaller groups might keep the action moving and the level of excitement higher. Bringing along a bottle of water and maybe a snack is also a good idea.

Where the mermaids swim During September, we were lucky enough to get a private tour on the Discovery glass bottom boat with our gracious guide Janaka and Captain Tony. Discovery explores the reefs around the island, hovering six feet over the ocean floor and showcasing the awesome underwater life without the worry of urchins, sharks or fear of drowning. Not only can you explore the underwater delights of the island, you can opt to sit on the spacious deck and enjoy the coastal views. Depending on visibility and other factors, the captain will cruise around Gallows Point, Steven’s Cay, or out to Lovango Cay and then back to Cruz Bay. If weather is especially good the boat will travel to St. James and Lindquist as well. You can’t jump off the boat or snorkel though, take this trip when you just want to C-H-I-L-L. The lowest level of the boat has two rows of glass viewing panels, AC and comfy cushions to sit on while you swoosh by the marine life. A word to the wise: if you get seasick at all, think twice about this tour. If you don’t—no problem! A tiki bar on the upper level provides adult fun and TVs on both “floors” broadcast videos about reef protection.

Overall, it was a great time and I would especially recommend it for families looking for something different to do in the Virgin Islands. You’ll have plenty of time to laugh, bond and tell dad how cool he doesn’t look in his helmet, but remember you’re wearing one too. Like that famous shoe company says, “Just do it!” Tree Limin’ Extreme has at least two tours a day and costs $99. Local specials are available with a local ID. Contact info: 340777-ZIPS

The trips last approximately three hours, leaving Cruz Bay (or Red Hook if you choose) twice a day. Discovery also offers a sunset tour, which includes a reef stop and complimentary champagne and hors d’oeuvres. There are also educational tours available with special rates for students and teachers. This boat tour is the least expensive available on the island so be sure to check it out this season! Tickets are $58 for adults and $35 for kids. For more information and tour times, visit their website at _Allie Neal




_Hayley Andrews

In More Than A Nutshell My shoelace came undone, I bent down to tie it and there at my feet were two hermit crabs. One in a shell and one, surprisingly, out. I watched the episode of Planet Earth unfold in front of me. While the one with the shell walked away from the center of the trail, the naked one slowly but precisely turned a nearby shell around and crawled back in rear end first. With its home back in place, it crept off on the other one’s trail.

This experience sparked a new interest in this quiet and unassuming creature! I had to learn more! You may, like me, see them marching up and down the hillsides in their purloined shells and pay little them regard, but also known as soldier crabs, land crabs, tree crabs or the purple pincher hermit, our little native hermit crabs are actually vital components of the ecosystem. They live in wet inland areas, often hiding in tree roots and caves. They scavenge, and eating leaves, fruit, rotting organic matter and iguana poop they keep the ecosystem clean, and recycle nutrients. Even their burrows are important because they aerate the sediment of wetlands, preventing anaerobic conditions. Hermit crabs have soft and therefore vulnerable abdomens. For protection from predators these fascinating crustaceans seek empty seashells into which their entire body can retract. In fact, this habit of living in a secondhand shell is what originally gave rise to the term “hermit crab,” -- well, that and the association with a “hermit” who by definition lives alone. They may live in their shells alone, but despite their moniker, they are absolutely social creatures, sometimes found in colonies of one hundred or more. And by more I mean thousands or millions, but we will come back to that! Evolution has enabled the crabs’ abdomens to clasp seashells, wood and even stone strongly enough to protect themselves from the outside world. I have witnessed people trying to coax them out of their shells before…waste of time!


Sun Times Magazine

M A R C H /A P R I L 2 0 1 2


Still from the Steve Simonsen video:


ne of my favorite island activities is hiking. As often as possible I hop on a ferry to St. John to tackle a trail or two. There are actually only three left that I haven’t done! A little while ago on Brown Bay trail I was astonished at the number of hermit crabs. Obviously I have seen them before and am often careful to step over not ON them. Not meaning to take them for granted, I haven’t really given them much thought. That was until I witnessed something quite by accident.

A well-fitting shell is vital because in a shell that is too small, a hermit crab cannot grow and is more likely to be eaten if it cannot retract completely into it’s home. Therefore, as they grow, they have to ditch their former abodes and upsize. Much like we do! Several hermit crab species use “vacancy chains” to find new shells, which means that when a new, bigger shell becomes available, hermit crabs gather around it and line up from largest to smallest. Once the largest crab has climbed into the new shell, the second biggest crab moves into the newly evacuated shell, thus vacating its shell for the next crab, and so on. This I would love to see! However, since suitable intact shells are sometimes a limited resource, there can be fierce competition among crabs for shells. If there aren’t enough to go around, it is not uncommon for crabs to fight for lifepreserving homes, sometimes even to the death. All part of the cycle.

Still from the Steve Simonsen video:

Also part of the cycle, of course, is reproduction. This is, I believe, what I witnessed that one particular hiking expedition. Well, actually what I had observed was the aftermath of the mating process. Immediate research there on the trail taught me (thank you trusty iPhone!) that to reproduce, males seduce females out of their shells by rocking and tapping them. Then they line up reproductive parts and the male deposits a sperm packet on the female, which is used to fertilize eggs. The female will then carry the eggs for around a month, while they are maturing. That is why the female was returning gracefully back into her shell. It makes sense that around a month after my experience, an incredible video was brought to my attention. Filmed by local photographer/videographer Steve Simonsen, the film has gone viral since it’s launch on Vimeo. It has now been viewed by nearly 450,000 people, liked by nearly 1000 and has even been featured on ABC and CBS and countless websites. Filming at Nanny Point near Concordia in August, Simonsen caught millions of hermit crabs on camera performing their mass annual migration. Simonsen said, “You never know how long things in nature are going to go on for. As soon as I got the call, it only took me 10 minutes to load my gear in the car and get down there. Arriving at the beach and seeing the spectacle took me back. I knew I had a fantastic opportunity in front of me

and I knew I would blow it if I didn’t calm down. I actually feel like I didn’t breathe the whole time I was filming!” In his video you can barely see the sand for the shells or hear the ocean for the scuttling when the crustaceans leave their woods for the shore. They leave their shells to march naked together into the water to lay thousands of fertilized eggs (there may be 800-50,000 eggs depending on the size of the female). Upon contact with the salt water, the eggs burst releasing larvae. The ladies then return back to the shore, climb into a shell that suits them and then head back to the hills. Job done! Simonsen has been amazed with the response. He explained: “It was crazy! I wanted it to be popular and when I originally shared it on Facebook I did tell people to ‘share share share,’ but I had no idea it was going to be so big. One day I was on the phone to Discovery Channel and ABC was waiting for me on the other line!” If you haven’t seen the video yet it really is worth a look. Now that it has gained so much attention all you need to do is Google “Steve Simonsen hermit crab migration” and it pops up on various sites. Prepare to be astonished. Astonishing too is that some hermit crabs can live to be 20+ years old. Those who might think it would be cool to snag one as a pet from the Reef Bay Trail should note information from former park ranger and hermit crab expert Jessica Hornbeck. She reminds us, “Hermit crabs are just one of our native creatures that are protected from harm of any kind by law. The extraction of natural resources and hunting is prohibited within the national park. Period.” With more knowledge under my belt about these cute little crustaceans I definitely have a new respect for them and will continue to tread carefully on hiking trails and I will definitely not be taking home a pet crab just because it’s a pretty shell. Those shells are just decoration to me, but vital protection for vulnerable crabs!


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Part One: “Modern as Tomorrow” and THE place to be _Margie Smith Holt

On a site carved out of a mountaintop, the Virgin Isle is a symbol of new world hospitality. An architectural tribute to the verdant grandeur of the Virgin Islands, its majestic gardens and its commanding vistas qualify The Virgin Isle to reign as Queen of the Caribbean. Modern as tomorrow, the Virgin Isle offers every luxury and comfort known to man. --Inscription on the back of one of the first Virgin Isle Hotel postcards


t. Thomas before tourism. It’s hard to imagine the Virgin Islands without their billiondollar economy, but that was the Charlotte Amalie into which President Harry Truman sailed in February 1948. The occasion was the 100th anniversary of the freeing of the slaves. For his visit to the US territory, Truman arrived by presidential yacht— the Navy gunboat USS Williamsburg. The trip from Puerto Rico had been rough with heavy ground swells, but the official government report notes that “no one succumbed to seasickness” and in the President’s optimistic view, travel conditions in post-war America were improving. In a speech at Emancipation Park, Truman expressed his hope that “more and more continental Americans will discover and come to enjoy the beauty of the Virgin Islands” and, while they were at it, help boost the economy and improve living conditions for the locals. Just a couple of problems. One: The islands had no money to promote tourism. Two: There was no modern hotel. That, however, was about to change. Virgin Islands Striving for Place in Vacation Sun read the headline in one newspaper a year later. “This American island possession is pulling itself


Sun Times Magazine

into the tourist big time by its own bootstraps.” The catalyst? A luxury resort—the first of its kind—on St. Thomas. The Virgin Isle would have 120 rooms, a formal dining room, a huge swimming pool, tennis courts, and a dancing terrace under the stars—all situated on a landscaped hill overlooking the blue Caribbean and what was then described as “the sleepy free port town” of Charlotte Amalie. Behind the development was Sidney Kessler, a businessman the papers described as a “wealthy New York distiller” and the locals remember as a rumrunner. Or, in the words of one relative, “We like to say my grandfather was in the rum business before, during, and after Prohibition.” But, he adds, Kessler’s rum distilleries on St. Thomas and Puerto Rico were legitimate businesses—and profitable. With every distillery in the continental U.S. producing only industrial alcohol during WWII, Americans developed a taste for Caribbean rum and, in the process, made the distillers very rich men. Kessler spent a lot of time on St. Thomas, overseeing his businesses. He would stay at Bluebeard’s Castle, always complaining about the small hotel’s bad service and lack of hot water, and threatening to build his own hotel “so M A R C H /A P R I L 2 0 1 2


Courtesy of the Kimelman family

The Virgin Isle Hotel

he could at least get a hot bath.” When a local official challenged him to do just that, Kessler took the bait. “We’ll be another Bermuda, just wait and see,” the boosters predicted. Others shook their heads, pronouncing it crazy to open a tourist resort on an island the tourists had not yet discovered. Construction was fraught with problems and cost overruns, forcing Kessler to call in support troops. He enlisted his sons-in-law Henry Kimelman and Elliot Fishman to help. Kimelman recruited the so-called “night club doctor” Jac Lessman, famous for planning and designing projects like the Desert Inn and the Stardust Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas; the Essex House and St. Regis in Manhattan; and the Casino Internacional at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba in Havana. The price tag on the project soared from an estimated $400,000 to $2.4 million--$20,000 per room—but the hotel got built. In late 1950, Sammy Kaye and his Orchestra topped the Billboard charts with “Harbor Lights,” and that, along with the silvery sea in the song, is exactly the view the first guests enjoyed when the Virgin Isle Hotel opened its doors on December 15. One can imagine the balmy tradewinds blowing across the Starlight Terrace as couples danced beneath the moon, or sipped martinis in the Foolish Virgin Lounge.

Courtesy of the Kimelman family

Business started off slow. Many Americans had no idea where the Virgin Islands even were. Henry Kimelman, who was named general manager after moving to St. Thomas with his wife and two small children, had no hotel experience. “I think it was the last place they expected to end up living,” says Kimelman’s son, Donald. But Henry turned out to be perfect for the job. “My father was very dynamic and had a good personality and was a natural extrovert so it worked for him,” says Kimelman. Plus, his instincts were good. Kimelman came up with a brilliant marketing plan: He guaranteed good weather. Literally. Every guest received an insurance policy from Lloyd’s of London. If the mean temperature dropped below 70 degrees, the room was free. Number of times the hotel had to honor the pledge? Zero.

At a tourism meeting in New York in July of 1951, Virgin Islands tourism officials reported that the new Virgin Isle Hotel was drawing “surprisingly heavy summer business.” By the end of 1951, tourism revenue had grown to $5 million, up from $1 million the year before. Air travel was on the rise, helping to fill the hotel’s guests rooms. It wasn’t long before, as one island librarian says, “Almost everything was taking place up there.” “It was THE place to be,” says WSTA radio newsman Lee Carle who, in addition to broadcast duties at the station, served as entertainment director of the hotel. Carle hosted dance band remotes and broadcast live radio programs from the hotel. His list of celebrity interviews includes Sidney Poitier (who was shooting the movie Our Virgin Island in the BVIs), Art Linkletter, Count Basie, Cyd Charisse, and Tennessee Williams who, according to Carle, solicited his help in learning to dance the merengue. “In the old days a lot of big stars came there. It was very avant garde at the time,” says Carle. “It was exciting for a young guy in my age bracket because I could meet some very attractive young ladies.” (And he did. Carle met his wife at the VI Hotel. Both were dancers.) He wasn’t paid much, but so what? He had meals, a place to stay, and lived a life “hobnobbing and rubbing shoulders” with the rich and famous. The Virgin Isle became the center of social life in the Virgin Islands. “Anything in the way of a special event wound up at the VI hotel,” says Carle. There were steel drum bands, limbo dancing, and calypso music with famous acts like the Mighty Sparrow, Lord Melody, and the Mighty Zebra (until one night when the boss walked in and

Top to bottom: Virgin Isle Hotel GM Henry Kimelman with the actor William Holden. Virgin Isle Hotel Owner Sidney Kessler with his wife, Frances, JFK and Jackie, future VI Governor Ralph Paiewonsky. Turtle races with guests including Chief Justice Earl Warren. Kimelman with the actor Jeff Chandler, who was on St. Thomas making a movie.

enough, that’s what they do!”




Lloyd says hotel guests weren’t the only ones anteing up. St. Thomas locals would catch the races on the radio and make their own wagers. (Lloyd would give the odds.) After the turtle races, the Cyril Diaz Orchestra played.

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heard the Mighty Zebra playing a song called “The Big Bamboo,” which Henry Kimelman had banned because of its thinly veiled sexual references. Says Don Kimelman, “That was the end of the Mighty Zebra.”). Senator John Kennedy visited. So did Richard Nixon, and Chief Justice Earl Warren. And there were the stars. John Wayne. William Holden. Hank Aaron. There were black tie dinners in the Frangipani Dining Room, fashion shows (Carle remembers one model wearing a particularly exquisite gold lamé sari), beauty contests (Carnival Queen, Miss Virgin Islands), and always the dancing—the merengue, the cha-cha—under the Caribbean sky. “On a full moon night, you could tell why it was called the Starlight Terrace,” says Carle. “It was very beautiful.” At one point there was talk of having a casino at the hotel, but gambling was never legalized. Plan B? Turtle races. A dozen or so turtles with numbers painted on their backs were set loose at one end of the hotel pool. Attracted by the lights at the other end of the pool, the turtles would swim for the finish line while the guests placed their bets. (Carle says to get around the gambling prohibition, the hotel donated a percentage of the take to charity.)

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“I would actually do the commentary as if I was doing a horse race,” says Carle. “It got to be very popular.” Indeed. Jay Lloyd, another on-air personality for WSTA, recalls arriving on St. Thomas just before 1960 and learning he had inherited the job. He remembers walking into the radio station in Frenchtown to find a goat wandering around the office, a chicken on the desk, and then, the kicker: “One of the things the GM tells me is the station covers turtle races and broadcasts them live at the VI Hotel. And I said, The what? And he said, The turtle races. And I said, Please explain!” The general manager filled him in: Parimutuel betting. Numbers on turtles. Turtles in the pool. Eight races a night. “So I go up there,” Lloyd says, “and sure

“It was beautiful when they had a moon,” says Lloyd, who had his own luck with the ladies around the hotel pool. Turns out one turtle was blind and, according to Lloyd, could be counted on to win the handicap race when only the pool’s side lights were turned on, confusing the rest of the turtles. “I’d find a nice-looking lady at poolside and make her an offer she couldn’t refuse: I’ll tell you who I think is going to win. If you win, you buy me a drink! “It was really exciting,” Lloyd adds, chuckling. “Exciting nights under the stars… Racing turtles!” In 1960, the hotel was leased to Hilton Hotels. Though its heyday was the ‘50s, the Virgin Isle would welcome guests for nearly three more decades. In 1978, it was purchased by Mark Fleischman (who would later buy Studio 54 after the famous disco’s founders went to jail). Hotel highlights in the ‘70s included the Miss World America Pageant and a visit from the stars of the hit TV show Charlie’s Angels. (An episode features the Angels on a car chase through downtown Charlotte Amalie.) In 1989, the Virgin Isle Hotel was severely damaged by Hurricane Hugo. It never reopened. It became a hangout for vandals and vagrants and, after Hurricane Marilyn, was eventually torn down for good. “We all missed the VI Hotel when it finally went,” says Carle. Her memory, however, lingers on the hillside. Overheard recently on a taxi ride to the airport: An elderly couple asks the driver what ever happened to the Virgin Isle Hotel? “Did you stay there?” they were asked. “Oh yes,” the wife replied, face lighting up with a beatific smile. “It was THE place to be when we visited here for the first time in 1956,” her husband added. And though the Virgin Isle Hotel is no more, its legacy survives. More on that, and the man behind the hotel’s success, in our next issue.

CALENDAR NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Mondays EVENTS n Kayak, Hike & Snorkel Eco Tour of VI National Park Reservations required. Call Virgin Islands EcoTour at (340) 779-2155 Caneel Bay dock, St. John, 2pm-5pm. n November 26-December 7 Shakespeare Festival @ Pistarckle The theater is offering two free Shakespeare workshops to interested local schools. Call for more information (340) 775-7877 Pistarckle Theater, St. Thomas n December 31 New Year’s Eve @ Foxy’s The Caribbean’s most famous Old Year’s Night bash! Be there! Foxy’s, Jost Van Dyke, BVI New Year’s Eve Celebration @ High Tide Live music and food and drink specials High Tide, Cruz Bay New Year’s Eve Bash @ Motu Bringing NYC to STJ with a live Dropping of the Apple! For info, dawnburgess. Motu Bar, Cruz Bay New Year’s Eve Gala @ Beach Bar Band and details TBD Beach Bar, Cruz Bay NYE Bash @Havana Blue and SandBar For more info call (340) 715-2583 Morning Star Beach Resort, STT NYE Bash @ Coco Blue For more info call (340) 774-7253. Coco Blue, Red Hook, St. Thomas NYE on the Beach DJ, drink specials and fire dancers at midnight! Cruzan Beach Club, Secret Harbor. STT n Sky Watch on STJ Spend an evening under the stars with the expert NPS Rangers.

Meet at the Amphitheater Cinnamon Campground, 7:30-9pm. n Snorkel Trunk Bay Snorkeling with an NPS Ranger. Not for beginners, meet at Cinnamon Bay Beach Warehouse. $4 for anyone 16 or older. Cinnamon Bay, STJ, 9:30am. n Reef Bay Hike Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays With an NPS Ranger, $30 (340) 779-8700 to book Leaving from National Park Visitor’s Center, 9:15- 3:30pm. Friends of the Park Store, Cruz Bay MUSIC n Barefoot Cowboy Lounge T-Bird Cruz Bay, 7-9pm n Concordia Ben Marr - Open Mic Coral Bay, 3:30-5:30pm n High Tide Erin Hart, others TBD Erin, 2nd and 4th Mondays Cruz Bay, 8-11pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Hot Tunes with Becca Darling Bolongo Hotel, St. Thomas, 8-11pm n Maho Bay Music Band Night with Bo and Lauren Maho Bay Campground, 8pm n The New Latitude 18 Barefoot Davies with full band St. Thomas, 7:30-10:30pm n The Looney Bien Open Mic Night Frenchtown, STT, 7-10pm

Tuesdays EVENTS n Starting November 13 Friends of VI National Park Volunteer Days! Tuesdays and Thursdays, details (340) 779-4940 Cruz Bay, St. John n December 4-5 Carlos Aguilar Match Race: Registration and Practice (340) 775-6320 for info

St. Thomas Yacht Club, STT n December 25 Caribbean Christmas Celebration Of course you have a place to go on Christmas! High Tide, Cruz Bay, starts at 4pm n Animal Care Center (ACC) Adoption Clinic The Marketplace, Cruz Bay, 11am-1pm n Cinnamon Bay Natural History Walk With an NPS Ranger Meet at Cinnamon Beach Warehouse Cinnamon Bay, STJ, 9:30am n Free Films Check local posters for details St. John School of the Arts, 7:30pm n Maho Bay Glass Studio Glass Blowing Demo Tuesday through Friday Maho Campground, 6:30-9:30pm n Tai Chi Free session, open to all near Louis Vuitton store Yacht Haven Grande, STT, 6pm n Tipsy Tuesday Team Trivia Jack’s Bight Team-based trivia and music Point Pleasant Resort, STT, 7pm MUSIC n July 3 and 31, Aug. 28 Slick Fiction Sugar Bay, St. Thomas 7-10pm n High Tide Erin Hart Cruz Bay, 6-9pm n Barefoot Cowboy Lounge Mark Wallace and Friends Cruz Bay, 7-9pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill FlipSwitch St. Thomas, 8pm n Island Blues Karaoke and Open Mic Coral Bay, 8-11pm n La Tapa Sambacombo Cruz Bay, 6:30-9:30pm n Marriott’s Frenchman’s Cove Tim West

St. Thomas, 5-7pm n Morgan’s Mango Greg Kinslow Cruz Bay, 6-9:30pm n Ocean Grill Rascio on Steel Pan Cruz Bay, 6:30-9pm n Shipwreck Landing Live Music Tuesdays (340) 693-5640 for lineup Coral Bay, 7-10pm n Spyglass T Bird Cruz Bay, 5-8pm n The New Latitude 18 Jason Jones St. Thomas, 7:30-10:30pm

Wednesdays EVENTS n November 14, 28 + Dec. 5 Movie Screening @ Antilles Moonrise Kingdom and others TBD $10 a ticket, or $5 for students Prior-Jollek Hall, Antilles, St. Thomas, 7pm n December 5-9 Carlos Aguilar Match Race (340) 775-6320 for info St. Thomas Yacht Club, STT n Cruzan Rum Carnival Extravaganza Buffet at 6pm, music at 7pm, show starts at 8pm Iggie’s Beach Bar, St. Thomas n Chicks Rule Wednesday Duffy’s Love Shack Red Hook, 9pm-close n Humane Society No-Flea Boutique Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, Nadir Location, St. Thomas, 11am-3pm n Tai Chi Free session, open to all near Louis Vuitton Yacht Haven Grande, STT, 6pm n Kelley Hunter Star Walk At Little Maho Beach (weather permitting) Meet at Mayo Dining Pavilion Maho Campground, 7:30pm n Starfish Market Free Wine and Cheese Tasting Cruz Bay, 4-6pm n Water’s Edge Walk With an NPS Ranger

Meet at Leinster Bay Trail Head Leinster Bay, STJ, 9:30am n Wine Down Wednesdays All you can drink sangria and wine for $20, hors d’oeuvres included. Motu Bar, Cruz Bay 5:30-7:30pm MUSIC n Aqua Bistro Rascio-Steel Band Coral Bay, 6-8pm. n Coconut Coast Studio Rich Greengold Frank Bay, 5:30-7pm n Cruz Bay Prime Sambacombo, Latin Jazz Cruz Bay, 7-10pm n High Tide Steel pan happy hour 4-7pm Chris Carsel First and third Wednesdays Cruz Bay, 8-11pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Sammy Watts St. Thomas, 8pm-11pm n High Tide Mikey P Second and fourth Wednesdays Cruz Bay, 8-11pm n Latitude 18 Ebony and Ivory JAZZ St. Thomas, 7:30-10:30pm n Sun Dog Cafe Lauren and Mark host Music Jam Cruz Bay, Dinner Served from 5:30pm Music 7:30-10:30pm n Tickles Dockside Pub Tim West, Open Mic and Karaoke With two for $22 dinners Crown Bay, St. Thomas, 7pm-10pm n High Tide Chris Carsel First and third Wednesdays Cruz Bay, 8-11pm n High Tide Mikey P Second and fourth Wednesdays Cruz Bay, 8-11pm n The New Latitude 18

Varies: either visiting stateside bands or Brian Dean or Jason Jones St. Thomas, 7:30-10:30pm

Thursdays EVENTS n November 1 3rd Annual Culturalypso Gifft Hill School’s Carnival for the community is a free event, and all members of the community are invited. Food and drinks will be available for purchase and activities such as dancers, drumming, music, story telling, bouncy house, face painting, island crafts, crab races, relay races and a basketball competition. Trayser Field on the Upper Campus, Gifft Hill School. For more information, please call 340-776-1730 or email n November 8 Othello The Forum Presents the Met Operas Live in HD with wine and tapas offered, starting at 6 pm $20 a ticket, or $10 for teachers and $5 for students Prior-Jollek Hall, Antilles, St. Thomas, 7pm n November 8 8th Annual A Taste of Two Islands WSTXs fundraiser for PBS in the VI is an opportunity for the food and beverage community to showcase its wares and expertise and features music from the legendary Spectrum band. Tickets for station members are $45 General tickets are $50 or $55 at the door. Mark Marin Center, Antilles School, St. Thomas, 5:30–9:30pm n November 15 Boeing Boeing Hilarious situational comedy Pay as you can night Pistarkle Theater, 8pm Call for more information (340) 775-7877



CALENDAR NOVEMBER/DECEMBER n November 22 Thanksgiving Celebration! Come one, come all! High Tide, Cruz Bay, all day n November 22 Thanksgiving Gourmet Buffet Featuring turkey, prime rib and all of the fixings. (340) 714-7874 to reserve. Sunset Grille, STT, 3-10pm. n November 22-24 Paradise Jam College Basketball Tournament Women’s Competition For more info: St. Thomas n December 13 La Clemenza di Tito The Forum Presents the Met Operas Live in HD Wine and tapas starting at 6pm $20, $10 for teachers, $5 students Prior-Jollek Hall, Antilles, St. Thomas, 7pm n Carnival Night Local Artists exhibit from 5-9pm Carnival at 8pm Sugar Bay Hotel, St. Thomas n Ladies Night Dog House Pub Havensight, STT, 10pm-1am MUSIC n November 15 Jack’s Bight Hot Tunes with Becca Darling Point Pleasant Resort, 7-10pm n November 29 Tickles Dockside Pub Hot Tunes with Becca Darling Crown Bay, 7-10pm n December 20 Tickles Dockside Pub Hot Tunes with Becca Darling Crown Bay, 7-10pm n Barefoot Cowboy Lounge Erin Hart 7-9pm n Banana Deck Lemuel Callwood, steel pan Cruz Bay, 6-9pm n Fatty’s Ines and Matt from Slick Fiction St. Thomas, 8-11pm n High Tide Inner Visions live reggae Every Thursday! Cruz Bay, 9pm-close n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Karaoke Night with Janet Reiter


(340) 513-9245 n November 23 Bajo El Sol’s Artist Opening Reception Caroline Rogers, photographer and marine biologist Mongoose Junction, Cruz Bay, 5-8pm n November 23 Thanksgiving Regatta Day one of the annual regatta Coral Bay Marina n November 23 Evening in the Courtyard This lively annual event kicks off the holidays! Mongoose Junction, Fridays St. John, 5-9pm EVENTS n November 2, 16 and 30 n December 7 Starfish Market Free Wine Caribbeanese Opening and Cheese Tasting Reception Featuring Wines from A fusion of Caribbean and West Indies Japanese art with guest Cruz Bay, 4-6pm ceramicist Helen Dunkerley. Come and express your n November 9 and 23 own “Caribbanese” Starfish Market Free interpretation for all to enjoy. Beer Tasting Kimberly Boulon Fine With St. John Brewers Art Gallery, 5-8pm. Cruz Bay, 4-6pm The Marketplace, St. John n November 16 Gifft Hill School Gives Back n December 7 Students perform service Holiday Gift Show projects in the community Featuring former Coral Bay throughout the day. Let resident Merryn MacDonald them know if you are a local and oil-on-canvas works organization who could by fire dancer Brenda use help. Email jillhale@ Sylvia. Music and reception with raffle prizes. Mango Tango Gallery, n November 16-19 St Thomas Paradise Jam College Basketball Tournament n December 7 Men’s Competition “Somewhere in Time Gala” For more info: (340) 692-2874 for more n November 16-December 9 information. Friends of the National Park St. George Village Botanical Garden, STT 4th Annual Online Auction Visit www.biddingforgood. n December 7 and 21 com/friendsofvinp Starfish Market Free Beer Tasting n November 16, 17, With St. John Brewers 23, 24, 29 and 30 Cruz Bay, 4-6pm Boeing Boeing Hilarious situational comedy n December 7 and 8 Pistarkle Theater, 8pm Boeing Boeing Call (340) 775-7877 Hilarious situational comedy Pistarkle Theater, 8pm n November 23 Call for more information “Race for the Rock” (340) 775-7877 Scavenger Hunt Win a loose diamond and n December 14 watch from Diamonds Miracle on Main Street International and benefit The big night to shop and play! the Family Resource Center All day arts and craft fair $50 per couple to enter, winners in Emancipation Park, revealed at the after party. entertainment along Main For info: Vernon Araujo Street from 5pm, and the St. Thomas, 8pm n The Looney Bien Tim West Karoke Frenchtown, 7-10pm n Miss Lucy’s Jazz with Rich and Gregg Coral Bay, 6-9pm n Morgan’s Mango Mark Wallace, guitar and vocals Cruz Bay, 6:30-9:30pm n The New Latitude 18 Flipswitch with Rita and Nathan St. Thomas, 7:30-10:30pm

St. John Sun Times

boat parade at 6pm along the waterfront. For more information: (340) 776-0100. n December 14 and 28 Starfish Market Free Wine and Cheese Tasting Featuring Wines from West Indies Cruz Bay, 4-6pm n December 28 Jimbo’s Birthday Bash High Tide Cruz Bay, start time TDB n America’s Best Idea: National Parks Documentary and Prime Rib Night Maho Bay Camps, 5:30pm for dinner, movie 8pm. n Bird Walk With an NPS Ranger Meet at Francis Bay Trail Francis Bay, 7:30am n Cinnamon Bay Amphitheatre Cultural Evening in the Park Weekly changing showcase of cultural dance and music under the supervision of Dr. Eddie Bruce, 7:30pm n Gourmet Gallery Cheese and wine tasting St. Thomas, 5:30-8pm n Late Night Friday Motu Bar Late night drinks and dancing Open until 2am! Motu Bar, Cruz Bay n St. George Village Botanical Garden Plant Sale Orchids, houseplants, shrubs, vines, trees, groundcovers and more. St. Thomas, 9-11 am

Shipwreck Landing The Holy Mackerels Coral Bay, 7-10pm n Barefoot Cowboy Lounge Michael Beason Cruz Bay, 7-9pm n Aqua Bistro Steve Sloan Coral Bay, 5:30-8:30pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Hot Tunes with Becca Darling St. Thomas, 8-11pm n Hull Bay Hideaway West Lindy St. Thomas, 6-10pm n Johnny’s Bar in Barbel Plaza Tim West Karaoke St. Thomas, 8-11pm n Marriott’s Frenchman’s Cove Tim West With happy hour from 4-6pm St. Thomas, 5-7pm n Morgan’s Mango Lauren Jones Cruz Bay, 6-9:30pm n Ocean Grill T Bird, guitar and vocals Cruz Bay, 6:30-9pm n Rhumb Lines Erin Hart Cruz Bay, 7-10pm n Sapphire Grill Danny Silber and friends St. Thomas, 7-10pm n Spyglass James Milne, guitar and vocals Cruz Bay, 5-8pm n Tamarind Inn Steel pan and island music Cruz Bay, 6-9pm n The New Latitude 18 Knee Deep St. Thomas, 7pm

MUSIC n November 9 Beach Bar Treehouse Cruz Bay, 7-9pm n November 9 Happy Holidays Classical Concert Featuring the talents of local vocalists and musicians. This is a fundraiser for the newly established Youth Scholarship Fund. Prior-Jolleck Hall at Antilles School, 8pm n December 7 and 14

EVENTS n November 3-4 St. Thomas-St. John Agricultural and Food Fair This years theme is “Agriculture: Key to Improving Our Economy.” $3 for 12 years and older, $1 for younger children. Reichhold Center Grounds, 9am-4pm (340) 693-1559 n November 3 “Somewhere in Time” Classic movie screening at Government House, hosted


by First Lady Cecile deJongh. in conjunction with St. George Village Botanical Gardens’ December 7 “Somewhere in Time Gala”. (340) 692-2874 for more information. n November 10 St. George Village Botanical Garden Plant Sale Orchids, houseplants, shrubs, vines, trees, groundcovers and more. St. Thomas, 9-11 am n November 10 Latin Dinner Dance Fundraiser Hosted by SRMC MCM Center, Antilles School, St. Thomas, n November 10 AGA-BOOM Reichhold Center, St. Thomas 7pm Call (340) 693-1559 for tickets and information n November 24 Thanksgiving Regatta Day two of the annual regatta Coral Bay Marina n November 24 Flavors of St. John St John Rotary’s annual fundraiser $90 tix available at Connections, Chelsea Drugstores, 
St. John Hardware. The Westin Resort and Villas, 6pm n November 24-25 Arts Alive, Annual Arts and Craft Festival Arts, crafts, holiday shopping, entertainment and raffle Tillet Gardens, St. Thomas, 10am-5pm n November 17 Family Resource Center Food Drive Donate some groceries to the cause. Cost-U-Less, St. Thomas, 8am-5pm n November 17 Annual St. John Iron Bartender Live judging, VIP sections, DJ/MC and tons of fun! Contact dawnburgess. Motu Bar, Cruz Bay 11am til late n November 17 Wahoo Wind-Up $10,000 to the person who catches the largest wahoo.

(340) 775-9144 or visit American Yacht Harbor, St. Thomas n December 1 Holiday Festival @ Antilles Music, holiday movies, vendors, Santa, elves and a light show. $5 for adults; $3 for kids. Antilles School, 7-9pm (340) 776-1600 x1801 n December 8 Montessori School’s Annual Las Vegas Night Annual Vegas-style fundraiser Frenchman’s Reef, St. Thomas, 7pm n December 8 End of Year Blowout Party Featuring St. John local artists Beach Bar, Cruz Bay, 7-9pm n December 15 All Island Holiday Party or “Prom” The not to be missed event for locals and visitors alike! Visit www.sundogcafe. com for details. n Dec 22 Brunch with Santa Hosted by his elves at Sun Dog Cafe Mongoose Junction, 9-11am n Karl’s Kitchen Open only on Saturdays and Sundays Serving traditional Cajun and Creole specialties Mandahl Market, St. Thomas, 11am-4pm

n Morgan’s Mango Luba Cruz Bay, 6pm-9:30pm n Ocean Grill Rascio on Steel Pan Cruz Bay, 6:30-9.30pm n Rhumb Lines Lauren, guitar and vocals Cruz Bay, 7-10pm n Sapphire Grill Jason Jones and Friends St. Thomas, 7pm n SandBar Jonathan Gazi Morningstar Beach Resort, St. Thomas, 2-5pm n The New Latitude 18 Slick Fiction or Local DJ party St. Thomas, 7:30-10:30pm


EVENTS n Kayak, Hike & Snorkel Eco Tour of VI National Park Reservations required. Call Virgin Islands Eco-Tour at (340) 779-2155 Caneel Bay dock, St. John, 2pm-5pm. n November 4 St. John Farmer’s Market The Lumberyard Cruz Bay, 10am-2pm n November 4 and 18 Yacht Haven Grande Farmer’s Market St. Thomas, 10am-2pm n November 11 MUSIC Veterans Day n November 17 n November 11-13 Tito Puente Jr. & Orchestra St Thomas Fall Charter Yacht Show The son of legendary mambo Yacht Haven Grande, St. Thomas, king Tito Puente. Reichhold Center, St. Thomas 7pm 9am-12pm & 1pm–5pm. For more info visit n November 17 n November 18 Jazz Haven Reef Fest/Reef Rap Completion 4:30pm student musical Coral World is FREE for the Reef performance Fest marine outreach day! 6-9pm jazz artists (340) 775-1555 x246 for Yacht Haven Grande, St. Thomas more information n December 8 n November 24-25 UVI Music Department Presents Arts Alive, Annual Arts and A Golden Jubilee Christmas Craft Festival UVI Concert Band, Steel Pan Arts, crafts, holiday shopping, Orchestra and Choir Reichhold Center, St. Thomas 7pm entertainment and raffle Tillet Gardens, St. (340) 693-1559 for tickets Thomas, 10am-5pm. n Amigos Dockside Cantina call (340) 776-8566 or email Tim West, karaoke with Antonio St. Thomas, 9pm-12am n November 25, Dec. 30 n High Tide We Grow Food Inc. College football Farmer’s Market Cruz Bay, all-day happy hour Bordeaux Estate, 10am-2pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill n December 2 and 16 Unity Reggae Band Yacht Haven Grande St. Thomas, 8pm-11pm Farmer’s Market n Magens Point Resort St. Thomas, 10am-2pm Jazz Quartet n Karl’s Kitchen St. Thomas, 8-11pm Open only on Saturdays n Molly Malone’s and Sundays Tim West Red Hook, St. Thomas, 7:30-10:30pm Serving tradition Cajun

and Creole specialties Mandahl Market, St. Thomas, 11am-4pm MUSIC n November 11 Beach Bar Treehouse Cruz Bay, 7pm-9pm n November 4, 11 and 18 Jack’s Bight Party on the Deck with Brian Dean St. Thomas, 6-8pm n Through November Shipwreck Landing Live Music Sundays Coral Bay, 7-10pm Call (340) 693-5640 for lineup n From December 2 Shipwreck Landing The Hot Club Coral Bay, 7-10pm n Aqua Bistro Lauren Jones Coral Bay, 3:30-6:30pm n Caribbean Fish Market Sunday brunch Danny Silber Trio St. Thomas, 11am-2pm n Cruz Bay Prime Mark Wallace, Guitar Cruz Bay, 7-10pm n High Tide Live music Cruz Bay, 3-6pm n Iggies Beach Bar and Grill Slick Fiction St. Thomas, 8pm-11pm n Miss Lucy’s jazz brunch Sambacombo 10am-2pm. Call first! (340) 693-5244 n Ocean Grill David Laabs, classical guitar Cruz Bay, 6:30-9pm n Rhumb Lines T Bird, guitar Cruz Bay, 7-10pm n Sapphire Grill Danny Silber and Pipe Dream St. Thomas 6-9pm n Sun Dog brunch Dave Laabs, classical guitar Cruz Bay, 11am-2pm n The New Latitude 18 Inner Visions Reggae St. Thomas, 7:30-10:30pm

Do you have an event?

Let us know by the 10th of every month to be included in the NEXT month’s events.

n This color denotes a paid listing. Call us if you would like to be listed here!

(340) 201-8700 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2012


ST. JOHN Restaurant American Continental

Wharfside Village. Cruz Bay (340) 714-6169 $$-$$$

420 to Center Baseball park classics like hot dogs, nachos and BLT sammies. 11am-2am every day. Wharfside village. Cruz Bay (

Maho Bay Pavilion Daily changing specials with salad bar at dinner. Breakfast & dinner. Daily 7:309:30am & 5:30-7pm. Maho Bay Campground (340) 776-6226 $$

Aqua Bistro Mediterranean and Italian cuisine with a bar overlooking Coral Bay harbor. Brunch & dinner. Try the wings! Cocoloba Complex. Coral Bay (340) 776-5336 $$ Banana Deck American and tropical cuisine in a casual atmosphere overlooking Cruz Bay. Lunch & dinner. Cruz Bay (340) 693-5055 $$-$$$ The Beach Bar Harbor-side bar menu with salads, sandwiches, burgers and seafood specialties. Lunch & dinner, 11am-11pm. Wharfside Village. Cruz Bay (340) 777-4220 $$ Cafe Livin Open air dining and take out. Breakfast & lunch. Daily. Cruz Bay (340) 228-1977 $ Castaway’s NFL Sunday Ticket, 6 flat screens, bar menu, live music. Great Happy Hour 3-6. Dinner. Cruz Bay (340) 774-9960 $$ Deli Grotto A wide range of breakfast items, sandwiches, soups, salads and pastries. Breakfast & lunch. Opens M-F 7am. Sat & Sun 8am. Cash or check only. Mongoose Junction. Cruz Bay (340) 777-3061 $ Driftwood David’s American and Caribbean cuisine with a wine bar and live music nightly. Lunch & Dinner. The Lumberyard, Cruz Bay (340)777-4015 $$ The Fish Trap American seafood bistro in a casual patio setting and air conditioned bar. Closed Mondays. Dinner. Raintree Court. Cruz Bay (340) 693-9994 $$$$$$$ High Tide Bar & Seafood Grill American cuisine with sandwiches, salads and nightly entrees. Lunch & dinner. Daily. Opens 11am. 22

Mango Deli Sandwiches, Uno’s pizza and Starbucks coffee at the Westin. Breakfast, Lunch & dinner. Westin Resort (340) 693-8000 ext. 1850 $$ Sam and Jack’s Deli Gourmet comfort food, fresh pasta, homemade ice cream. Lunch & dinner take-out 10am7pm. The Marketplace. Cruz Bay (340) 714-3354 $-$$ Skinny Legs Famous charcoal grilled burgers, hot dogs, salads and sandwiches. Lunch & dinner. Coral Bay (340) 779-4982. $$ The Tap Room Pizzas, soft pretzels, daily specials and beer in St. John’s only brew pub. Casual atmosphere. Air conditioning, too! Lunch & Dinner. Cruz Bay (340) 715-7775 $ Tree Lizards Restaurant Diverse menu with sandwiches, salads, burgers and nightly meat and seafood entrees. Breakfast, lunch & dinner. Cinnamon Bay Campground (340) 776-6330. $$-$$$ The Tourist Trap Homemade tacos and sandwiches in a gorgeous lowkey setting. 11am-sundownish. Closed Sun & Mon. Salt Pond. Coral Bay (340) 774-0912 $$ Woody’s Seafood Saloon Bar-style seafood, burgers and a famous happy hour. Lunch, dinner & late night (after 10pm). Cruz Bay (340) 779-4625. $$

Contemporary & International Café Concordia Variety of entrees including seafood, steaks, local organic greens and vegetables. Incredible views! Concordia Eco-resort above Salt Pond Bay. 4:308:30pm Happy Hour & Dinner. Coral Bay (340) 693-5855 $$.

Sun Times Magazine

Caneel Beach Terrace Hot and cold buffet with eclectic offerings on Caneel Beach. Lunch & dinner. Caneel Bay Resort (340) 776-6111 $$$$ Cruz Bay Prime Inventive contemporary steak house cuisine in upscale open-air atmosphere. Dinner only, WedSun. Reservations rec. The Westin (340) 693-8000 $$$$$$$ The Equator Restaurant Caribbean fusion cuisine housed in a restored Sugar Mill. Dinner only. Caneel Bay Resort (340) 776-6111 $$$$ Inn at Tamarind Court Breakfast and different specialty nights like Greek and Mexican throughout the week. M-F. Bar only weekends. Cruz Bay (340) 776-6378 $$La Plancha Del Mar Mediterranean cuisine in an intimate setting. Wine list and full bar. A/C. Dinner only, 5:30-9:30pm, movie nights on Saturdays. Closed Weds. Mongoose Junction. Cruz Bay (340) 777-7333 $$$-$$$$ La Tapa Mediterranean and Spanish inspired cuisine, top-notch service and a nightly changing menu. Dinner only. Cruz Bay (340) 693-7755 $$$-$$$$ The Lime Inn Fresh seafood and grilled items. Oyster Nite is Thurs. 3pm till they’re gone! 1/2 price happy hour 3-5:30. Lunch Mon-Fri, dinner Mon-Sat. Closed Sundays. Cruz Bay (340) 776-6425 $$$-$$$$ Miss Lucy’s Waterfront. International and West Indian cuisine, with a great selection of seafood. Lunch 113pm & Dinner 6-9pm, Tues-Sat. Sun Brunch, with live jazz, 10-2pm. Coral Bay (340) 693-5244 $$$ Morgan’s Mango South American and Caribbeaninspired cuisine, grilled steak and lobster nights. Dinner only. Daily 5:30pm. Next to Mongoose Junction. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8141 $$$-$$$$ Nature’s Way Vegetarian and vegan fare, sandwiches great for lunch!

Marketplace, near Innovative. Cruz Bay (340) 693-3333 $

Ocean Grill Upscale California cuisine with island flavor, served in an openair courtyard. Serving Lunch & dinner. Mongoose Junction. Cruz Bay (340) 693-3304 $$$$ Shipwreck Landing Eclectic cuisine with a focus on seafood specialties, overlooking Coral Bay. Lunch & dinner. Coral Bay (340) 693-5640 $$$ Spyglass Family style restaurant with open air seating overlooking cruz bay with spectacular sunset views. Brunch, lunch, dinner & late night. Wharfside Village. Cruz Bay (340) 776-1100 $$-$$$$ Sun Dog Café

Courtyard dining with an eclectic menu of seafood, salads, TexMex, and more. Lunch Daily 11-4:30pm. Dinner M-F 5:30-9pm. Mongoose Junction Cruz Bay (340)693-8340 $-$$

The Terrace NEW French-influenced fine dining featuring seafood and steaks.Near the waterfront in Cruz Bay. Open Mon-Sat, bar 4:30, dinner 5:30-10. Cruz Bay (340)779-8550 $$$$

Rhumb Lines Pacific Rim cuisine in a casual chic outdoor atmosphere. Lunch & dinner, Sunday brunch. Closed Tuesday. Cruz Bay (340) 776-0303 $$$ Zero Sushi St. John’s only sushi restaurant! Rolls, sashimi, Asian-inspired entrees. In the Marketplace, full bar. Cash only. Dinner only MonFri, 5-10pm. Cruz Bay (340) 777-9376

Barbeque Barefoot Cowboy Lounge Mesquite smoked pork and brisket barbeque. The Lumberyard. M-F 11am-10pm. Cruz Bay (340) 244-8888 $ Candi’s Barbeque Classic barbeque dishes and daily specials. Ask for the Jerk Sauce! Lunch & dinner. Cash only. Near the Marketplace Cruz Bay (340) 779-1452 $ Uncle Joe’s Bar-B-Q Barbeque chicken, ribs and a variety of side dishes. Lunch & dinner. Cash only. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8806 $$

Coffee, Breakfast & Bakery

Waterfront Bistro Upscale, French Caribbean themed dining with inventive twists. Lunch & dinner nightly from 5:30-10pm. Wharfside Village. Cruz Bay (340) 777-7755 $$$$

Baked in the Sun Bakery serving breakfast and lunch sandwiches, eggs, salads and pastries. Breakfast and lunch. Closed Sundays. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8786 $


C&D Bakery Bakery serving pastries, ice cream, milkshakes and rolls. Breakfast & lunch. Cash only. The Lumberyard. Cruz Bay (340) 776-6675 $

Asolare Pan Asian cuisine with a panoramic sunset view overlooking Caneel Hill. Dinner only. Cruz Bay (340) 779-4747 $$$$ Fatty Crab Southeast Asian fusion with local ingredients incorporated. TuesSat, 5-10pm. Smoke-out Sun noon-10pm. Happy hour 5-7. Cruz Bay (340) 775-9951 $$$ Lucky Bamboo A wide selection of Chinese dishes and authentic Vietnamese Pho. Lunch and Dinner, 11am8pm. The Lumberyard Cruz Bay (340) 7 74-9900 $-$$


Donkey Diner NEW HOURS! Full breakfast all day, 7am-8pm. Pizza after 2pm. Nov: closed Mon. Dec: open 7 days. Coral Bay (340) 693-5240. $-$$ Every ‘Ting Coffee shop serving cappuccinos, lattes, pastries, bagels and island souvenirs. Full menu until 2pm, open ‘til 8pm. Gallows Point. Cruz Bay (340) 693-7730. $ Full Moon Cafe & Shop Swing into Coccoloba’s spot for

Directory espresso, mate, fresh juices, sandwiches and pastries. Coral Bay (340)774-9033 $

Jake’s Look down on Cruz Bay from this great spot for breakfast before noon, and sandwiches after. Open 7am-4am. The Lumberyard complex. Cruz Bay (340) 777-7115. $-$$ Papaya Cafe Coffee, beverages, pastries. The Marketplace. Cruz Bay (340) 779-2665 $

Italian & Pizza Café Roma Italian dining with wood-fired pizzas, pastas, salads and entrees. Dinner only. Daily 5pm. Cruz Bay (340) 776-6524 $$$ da Livio Authentic Italian cuisine in a modern setting. Dinner only. Nightly. Next to Conrad Sutton. Cruz Bay (340) 779-8900 $$$ Joe’s Rum Hut Great American fare and pizza served seaside, daily specials & homemade soup. Lunch and Dinner. Daily 11am-10pm Wharfside. Cruz Bay (340) 775-5200 $ Ronnie’s Pizza Pizza parlor with New York-style pizza and sandwiches for lunch and dinner. M-F 129pm, Sat 4-9pm, closed Sun. Delivery after 6pm. Boulon Center. Cruz Bay (340) 693-7700 $ Roaryal Abeba Health Food & Lounge All natural vegan dishes and Italian food choices. Daily, 12-9pm. Cruz Bay (340) 677-0497 $-$$ Zozo’s Ristorante High-end Northern Italian menu with ocean views from the dining room and bar. Dinner only, closed Sundays. Gallows Point Resort. Cruz Bay (340) 693-9200 $$$$

Latin and Mexican JJ’s Texas Toast Café Tex Mex fare, breakfast, burgers and sandwiches. Breakfast & lunch. Cruz Bay (340) 776-6908 $$

Lone Star Taqueria Fast take-out Mexican cuisine. Tacos, nachos and assorted plates. Breakfast & lunch. Cash only. The Marketplace. Cruz Bay (340) 714-Taco (8226). $ Margarita Phil’s Tex-Mex, seafood specialties and giant margaritas. Lunch & dinner. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8400. $$$

west indian Clean Plates @ Sputnicks Authentic Jamaican and local Caribbean flavors served along with fresh local fruit juices. Menu changes daily. Breakfast, lunch & dinner. Daily 8am-8pm. Coral Bay (340) 775-7373 $$ Forward to Your Roots Traditional, 100% vegetarian cuisine. Lunch. M-F. Base of Contant Point, past the basketball courts. Cruz Bay $ Hercules Pate Delight Traditional West Indian Pates, Open Daily 5am -until... Across from the Lumberyard, Cruz Bay (340) 344-2156 $ P&P Specializing in West Indian roti, this secluded restaurant also has a view of the water. Very reasonable prices. Lunch. Dinner by reservation only. Frank Bay $-$$

$ under $10 $$ $10 or more $$$ $20 or more $$$$ $30 or more

Sogo’s West Indian and American cuisines. Lunch and dinner. Mon-Sat. Cruz Bay (340) 779-4404 $$ Sweet Plantains West Indian, East Indian and Caribbean cuisine in a funky bistro atmosphere. Dinner only. Tues-Sat. Coral Bay (340) 777-4653 $$$$$$$ Vie’s Snack Shack Small West Indian menu: conch fritters, garlic fried chicken and beach access. Lunch only. TuesSat, 10-5pm. Cash only. Hansen Bay. East End (340) 693-5033 $$ Windy Level

West Indian menu, by chef Carryn Powell, located just outside of Cruz bay. Mon-Sat 6:30 am to 10:30 p.m. Cash only. Route 10 (340) 715-2000 $-$$

Eat, drink...then take a taxi. Grocery & Specialty Markets SMOOTHIES Columbo’s Cafe A great selection of blended smoothies as well as hot dogs and beer. At the intersection of Centerline and North Shore Road. (340) 715-5227 $ Cool Desires Great ice cream and fresh made smoothies! Daily noon-10pm. Cash only. Near Mongoose. Cruz Bay (340) 643-5874 $ Our Market Smoothie and ice cream stands across from the National Park Ferry dock. Cash only. Cruz Bay (340) 776-0111 $

1st Stop Market Good selection of grocery items as well as rain ponchos, disposable cameras, and other non-food items. Open 7am-11pm. Raintree Court, Cruz Bay (340) 777-7867 Bayside Mini Market Small market well-stocked with grocery items. Often offering a selection of fresh local fruit. Open 7am-11pm Cruz Bay (340) 779-4011 Dolphin Market Supermarket. Open until 11pm. Cruz Bay (340) 776-5322. The Fish Trap Seafood Market A wide variety of fresh seafood and pre-made seafood specialties. Open 12-6pm. Cruz Bay (340) 693-9994. Lily’s Market Market selling fresh produce, specialty items, deli counter, ATM. Cocoloba Complex. Coral Bay (340) 777-3335. Love City Mini-Mart Supermarket selling fresh produce, grocery items. Cruz Bay and Coral Bay (340) 693-5790 Pine Peace Mini Mart Local produce, selection of wine and alcohol, as well as household needs and grocery items. South Shore Rd. Cruz Bay (340) 693-8725 St. John Spice Spice shop selling teas, hot sauces, spice mixes and souvenirs. Next to ferry dock. Cruz Bay (340) 693-7046 St. John Market Supermarket with good selection of ethnic, gourmet, and organic ingredients. 8am-10:30pm, daily. Greenleaf Commons, across from the Westin. Cruz Bay (340) 779-1808 Starfish Market & Gourmet Supermarket selling sandwiches, cold salads, hot food. Next door is the Gourmet market. Open ‘til 9pm. The Marketplace. Cruz Bay (340) 779-4949



S T. T H O M A S Restaurant DIR Bistro Epernay Wine and Champagne Bar A tiny, cozy grown-up bar that serves excellent food too! MonSat., open late. (340) 774-5348. $-$$

Start the Holiday Shopping Season in Style at the

Evening in the Courtyard November 23, 2012 5:30-9:00 p.m.

XO Bistro A casual bistro and wine bar, chill atmosphere, great lunch. Lunch served Mon– Sat., dinner MonSun. Red Hook (340) 779-2069 $-$$ Northside Bistro

Expansive ocean view, an onsite brewery, many veg entrees and live music nightly.dinner: MonSat. Northside (340) 775-5098. $$

• Live Performances • Fashion Show • Special Promotions • Raffle for a $1000 Shopping Spree.

St. John’s


Shopping & Dining Destination

Continental/ American Blue Orchid

On the grounds of the St. Peter Greathouse, with a stunning mountaintop view. Classic American. Surprisingly reasonable! Northside (340) 774-4999 $$$

Frenchtown Deli A long list of huge gourmet sandwiches is the draw at this quaint café/deli. Frenchtown Sunset Grille The newest offering from wellknown STT resto group Blue Shore Grill, this one is seaside at Secret Harbour and serves creative American classics. Breakfast 7am-11am, Dinner 5:30-10pm East End. $-$$$ Old Stone Farmhouse Special Night Out Central and #1 for St. Thomas on Tripadvisor. Fine dining, exotic meats (kangaroo?) steakhouse and seafood dinner only, closed Tuesdays. Mahogany Run Golf Course (340) 777-6277. $$$ The Cellar A boisterous, friendly spot we’d describe as an upscale American gastropub featuring seafood and steaks, and great small plates. dinner nightly, Red Hook (340) 715-1442. $$$$$

Jack’s Bight

Famous for their wings, Jack’s has relocated from Tillett to Point Pleasant. Waterfront.Always open! Sunday brunch. East End. (340) 776-9464 $

Mafolie Sitting high above Charlotte Amalie harbor, it’s a solid resto but people go for the fantastic sunset view. Open daily. Downtown $$ Oceana Watch the seaplanes land as you dine in the former Russian Embassy. Lovely! Eclectic continental, open for dinner Tues-Sun. Waterfront in Frenchtown $$$ Room with a View High on the hill at Bluebeard’s Castle, everyone goes for the view and the sunset Happy Hour (5-7pm) at the bar with $5 apps and wine. Mon-Sat. 5pm-12am Charlotte Amalie (340) 774-2377. $$ The Grille at Mahogany Run A sweet spot overlooking the golf course, you can dine inside or out. Lighter fare shines. TuesSun. 11am-9pm, (340) 777-6250 x1241 $-$$

Eclectic Grand Cru Yacht Haven Grande’s most upscale resto in a chic waterfront setting. Amazing wine selection and interesting multi-culti entrees and small plates. Lunch and dinner daily. Havensight (340) 0774 -7263. $-$$ Havana Blue

A hip restaurant specializing in Latin-tinged seafood with an oceanfront setting at The Marriott Frenchman’s Reef (340) 715-2583 $$$

Thirteen Small and out of the way but recognized for creativity, excellence and a great wine list. Call for hours. Northside (340) 774-6800. $$

Italian/Pizza Virgilio’s Lavish, baroque surroundings, N. Italian cuisine, impeccable service and a tiramisu we hear is on par with tiramisu anywhere. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10:30pm; Sun 5-10:30pm. Downtown (340) 776-4920 $$-$$$ Romano’s Trattoria Authentic Northern Italian, large portions, reasonable prices. MonSat, dinner only. East End (340) 775-0045 $$-$$$ Pie Whole A brick oven pizzeria that uses only fresh, natural ingredients and makes traditional Neopolitan pies. Lunch 11am-3pm Mon-Fri, dinner 5pm-11pm Mon- Sat. Frenchtown (340) 642-5074 $$

Eat, drink... then take a taxi.

IRECTORY Latin/Mexican Looney Bien Eclectic Mexican with a $2 taco happy hour. Wed-Mon 11am-10pm Frenchtown 340-777-TACO. $ Senor Frog’s The chain restaurant has a raucous rep (and a pool) but the food is solidly satisfying and not just Mexican. Open daily 10am1am. Havensight (340) 777-3764. $-$$ Taco Hell From a tiny roadside shack, they do tacos for $2 and $3, and drinks. Lunch and dinner, open till 3am. Red Hook (340) 690-8202.

Seafood Caribbean Fish Market At the Elysian resort, serving fresh seafood (duh). Dinner nightly. East End $$

Mim’s Known for her lobster, it’s right on the water. Near Bolongo/East End, open daily for lunch and dinner. Bolongo/East End (340) 7752081. $$-$$$$ Fish Tails Our favorite “wait for the ferry/ barge spot,” it serves up fresh unpretentious seafood. Love the smoked fish spread! Open daily 7am-10pm. Red Hook (340) 714-3188. $-$$ Pesce A new-ish upscale Italian pasta and seafood place in Red Hook. Open for lunch and dinner, Red Hook (340)714-7874. $$-$$$

$ - Entrees $10-19 $$ - $20-29 range $$$ - $30-39 range $$$$ - $40 and above

Sushi/Asian Beni Iguanas

Sushi rolls and they have one of those neat conveyor belts. Mon-Sat 10:30am-9:30pm. Havensight, Bld. 9. (340) 7778744 $$-$$$

Enkai Sushi

Amazingly creative sushi rolls on the waterfront. Lunch: Wed-Fri. Dinner Tues-Sat. Frenchtown. (340)-774-6254 (MAKI) $$

Great Bay Lounge/Ritz Carlton The sushi bar is a tiny part of the resort but worth seeking out for the exceptional quality. Ritz Carlton $$-$$$ Peking Tokyo

Chinese, always fresh and tasty, and with humungous portions! Mon–Sat 11am - 10pm, Sun. 5-10pm Red Hook (340) 779-.733 $

The Lumberyard, St. John (340) 776-6403

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Thai/Vietnamese! The only one on either island, we think. Vitraco Park Mall, open daily 11am-10pm. Havensight. (340) 777-CHOP $

Coco Blue Creative island-inspired fare including sushi at American Yacht Harbor. Dinner nightly. Red Hook (340) 774-7253. $-$$

WEST INDIAN Cuzzin’s Traditional West Indian, no fusion, no fuss. Lunch and dinner, closed Sunday. 340) 777-4711 $$-$$$.

Perfect for sales, last minute changes, events, personal announcements and more! Sun Times Advertising (340) 201-8700




Eat, drink... then take a taxi.

IRECTORY Latin/Mexican Looney Bien Eclectic Mexican with a $2 taco happy hour. Wed-Mon 11am-10pm Frenchtown 340-777-TACO. $ Senor Frog’s The chain restaurant has a raucous rep (and a pool) but the food is solidly satisfying and not just Mexican. Open daily 10am1am. Havensight (340) 777-3764. $-$$ Taco Hell From a tiny roadside shack, they do tacos for $2 and $3, and drinks. Lunch and dinner, open till 3am. Red Hook (340) 690-8202.

Seafood Caribbean Fish Market At the Elysian resort, serving fresh seafood (duh). Dinner nightly. East End $$

Mim’s Known for her lobster, it’s right on the water. Near Bolongo/East End, open daily for lunch and dinner. Bolongo/East End (340) 7752081. $$-$$$$ Fish Tails Our favorite “wait for the ferry/ barge spot,” it serves up fresh unpretentious seafood. Love the smoked fish spread! Open daily 7am-10pm. Red Hook (340) 714-3188. $-$$ Pesce A new-ish upscale Italian pasta and seafood place in Red Hook. Open for lunch and dinner, Red Hook (340)714-7874. $$-$$$

$ - Entrees $10-19 $$ - $20-29 range $$$ - $30-39 range $$$$ - $40 and above

Sushi/Asian Beni Iguanas

Sushi rolls and they have one of those neat conveyor belts. Mon-Sat 10:30am-9:30pm. Havensight, Bld. 9. (340) 7778744 $$-$$$

Enkai Sushi

Amazingly creative sushi rolls on the waterfront. Lunch: Wed-Fri. Dinner Tues-Sat. Frenchtown. (340)-774-6254 (MAKI) $$

Great Bay Lounge/Ritz Carlton The sushi bar is a tiny part of the resort but worth seeking out for the exceptional quality. Ritz Carlton $$-$$$ Peking Tokyo

Chinese, always fresh and tasty, and with humungous portions! Mon–Sat 11am - 10pm, Sun. 5-10pm Red Hook (340) 779-.733 $

The Lumberyard, St. John (340) 776-6403

Ask us about our social media program


Thai/Vietnamese! The only one on either island, we think. Vitraco Park Mall, open daily 11am-10pm. Havensight. (340) 777-CHOP $

Coco Blue Creative island-inspired fare including sushi at American Yacht Harbor. Dinner nightly. Red Hook (340) 774-7253. $-$$

WEST INDIAN Cuzzin’s Traditional West Indian, no fusion, no fuss. Lunch and dinner, closed Sunday. 340) 777-4711 $$-$$$.

Perfect for sales, last minute changes, events, personal announcements and more! Sun Times Advertising (340) 201-8700




STAY HERE NEXT Local Villa Rentals LATITUDE This exclusive three-bedroom, three-and-a-half bath villa offers an incredibly elegant retreat, just moments from Cruz Bay and stunning National Park beaches. Take a short walk down to Klein Bay, a secluded pebble beach with excellent snorkeling, or enjoy a relaxing day at home, lounging by the pool or unwinding in the hot tub. Every beautifully decorated bedroom is air-conditioned and offers great views over Rendezvous Bay. The expansive decks provide great outdoor living spaces – perfect for an al fresco meal at sunset. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641


LA BELLA VITA Located in the exclusive Virgin Grand Estates, this luxurious villa overlooks Great Cruz Bay and offers breathtaking sunset views yearround. You’ll enjoy constant tradewinds from the expansive deck and you can gaze out over stepping stone islands from the pool. With four air-conditioned master suites, a gourmet kitchen designed by a professional chef, and a spacious great room with high-end media center, La Bella Vita promises the finest accommodations for your next St. John vacation. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641


This charming three-bedroom, three-bath home is located in one of the few private enclaves within the National Park boundaries. Overlooking Hawksnest Bay, Kallaloo is the ideal villa for the discerning beachlover – a short walk will deliver you to the white sands and idyllic waves of Oppenheimer and Gibney beaches. The house features a charming West Indianstyle kitchen as well as an expansive covered deck to enjoy the view from. Kallaloo is everything you could ask for from a North Shore retreat. Catered To Vacation Homes 1-800-424-6641

AAn elegant island getaway, Villa Maria is set on a bluff above Great Cruz Bay and offers sweeping views of the Caribbean from each of its rooms and decks. Incorporating contemporary architecture, this beautiful home has three spacious airconditioned bedrooms, each with a large bath and a private deck for taking in the sunset views. Lounge on the spacious pool deck during daylight hours, and retire to the comfortable great room for dinner and drinks while the sun goes down. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641



When you first enter the courtyard of this luxurious four-bedroom, five-and-half-bath villa, you’ll be struck by the incomparable views of Cinnamon Bay, and the British Virgin Islands beyond. After that first, breathtaking moment fades, the elegant details of the villa will catch your attention – the outdoor showers and private terraces in each of the bedrooms, the hand-cast fountains and Italian tiles in the courtyard, the free form heated pool and hot tub. Hakuna Matata is sure to give you the vacation of a lifetime. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641

Crystal Seaview is a beautifully renovated 4.5-bedroom, 5-bath villa with an awe-inspiring view out over Chocolate Hole. Crystal Seaview’s spacious, fully air-conditioned great room includes a complete gourmet kitchen. The bright, tropically inspired decor is found throughout the villa, filling each space with its vibrant Caribbean charm. After a relaxing day at the beach, come home and float in the pool, taking in the incredible splendor of the Caribbean night sky. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641

Your Villa Rental Here Reach thousands of potential clients in the VI and Stateside. The Sun Times is distributed directly into the hands of guests by greeters and in over 80 locations in St John and St Thomas. See our full media kit at advertising or call (340)201-8700

AVALON Situated high above Chocolate Hole on St. John’s south shore, Avalon is a beautifully redecorated 5-bedroom, 5.5-bath villa. This lavishly furnished villa comes fully equipped – with a pool, hot tub, gourmet kitchen, and kid-friendly amenities –ready to give you and your friends and family the vacation of a lifetime. Looking down into the sea from the villa’s expansive decks, you’ll often be treated to the sight of sea turtles swimming in the crystal clear Caribbean waters. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641


Sea Forever…the name says it all. Amazing 270-degree views envelop this villa. Enjoy leisurely days around the pool surrounded by the sparkling blue waters of the Caribbean sea. Watch for the green flash from the setting sun as you enjoy the view from the decks wrapped around this lovely four-bedroom, four-bath villa. Take in the breathtaking night sky while you sip your favorite drink in the hot tub. Sea Forever will transform your vacation into the experience of a lifetime. Catered To Vacation Homes (800) 424-6641



Windspree Vacation Homes in peaceful Coral Bay, offers fully equipped 1-5 bedroom homes with breathtaking views of the Caribbean Sea and British Virgin Islands, magnificent sunrises and starlit skies at night. Enjoy cool tropical breezes year round as you lounge in your own private pool or spa surrounded by tropical gardens. You’ll appreciate the affordable selection of villas and homes perfect for every budget. Windspree Vacation Homes | Coral Bay, St. John | 1-888742-0357 (pictured: Maison Miele)

“The perfect place to feel human again.” Many honeymooners, families and couples seek St. John for their romantic getaway and wedding destination. Hillcrest Guest House has five (5) vacation rental suites with ocean views, complimentary menu, beach equipment, a/c and free Wi-Fi. For hot discounts & details: or call, 340-776-6774 or cell 340-998-8388.



We offer elegant upscale villas and classic Caribbean style homes, all with spectacular ocean views and private pools. Airport and water taxi service, jeep rentals, dockside greeting, chef, housekeeping and child care services all available. Island Getaways has been creating unforgettable vacations since 1996. For more information call Kathy McLaughlin at 340-693-7676 or 888693-7676 toll free, fax: 340-693-8923, email:, web: (pictured: Villa Tesori)

CAREFREE GETAWAYS This villa is perfect private retreat for couples or large families. There are 4 A/C bedrooms on 2 floors with 2 kitchens and 2 sets of washer/ dryers! Each bedroom has their own Satellite TV. There is a comfortable sofa bed in the lower level Great room. The lower floor has room for the villas ping-pong table! Pool and hot tub! For more information, toll free, (888) 643-6002, or local, (340) 779-4070. Visit our website: (pictured: Soul Island)

VIVA! VILLAS At Sea Stone, every room leads outdoors to covered porches and endless vistas along the length of the seafront and the Caribbean Sea. Inside this remarkable property, all rooms are air-conditioned and are decorated in hues borrowed from nature. Sea Stone flows seamlessly inside and out and embraces the natural and unique surroundings of Great Cruz Bay Estates. Let VIVA help make your first or next visit to St. John extraordinary! www. or call us Toll Free: (888) 856-4601

Private homes fully equipped for comfortable weekly vacations, available for rent when owners are not in residence. Summer rates in effect April 12 - Dec 12. Call or write for brochure and availability (340) 776-6876 or email Mary-Phyllis Nogueira, 7605 Mamey Peak, St. John USVI 00830

SEAVIEW VACATION HOMES This estate offers comfort and privacy in one of the most desirable locations in the entire Virgin Islands. Estate Rose is a luxury appointed and professionally maintained rental villa on more than 2 acres of lush grounds with extensive gardens. The estate features three bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms, a gourmet kitchen , entertainment room, pool and spa , and patios offering unforgettable views in all directions Seaview Homes Inc. 1-888-625-2963 or (pictured: Estate Rose)

Your Villa Rental HERE Reach thousands of potential clients in the VI and stateside. The Sun Times is distributed directly into the hands of villa guests by “greeters” from all major rental companies on island, and the Sun Times is in over 65 locations (and growing) in St. John AND St. Thomas. The cost is $100 per month with additional discounts for prepayment. See our full media kit at or call (340) 201-8700.

w e i v r e t n I s e m i T The Sun Dee Baecher-Brown President, Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands. September 28, 2012, downtown St. Thomas What are you doing today? I started my day with some writing. I do a lot of work on the computer. Then I went out to Tutu mall because the foundation has an early childhood resource center [there]. After that I met with a consultant who works for the Community Foundation as our college coach. Because the foundation is an umbrella for over 100 different funds that do a wide range of things, the days are very varied. In any one day I can be working on a number of different projects ranging from environmental issues, childhood development and even urban planning. What was the last thing that made you laugh? My 8-year-old grandson was visiting for the summer. He told me he had learned to speak West Indian and he told me he could say “wata.” It was adorable. What was the last thing that made you irritated? I have to admit getting a little irritated getting stuck in all that traffic in Tutu earlier today. This was obviously one of those cases where I should have been thankful that I was sitting in the traffic and not involved in whatever the cause was. When you spend money on yourself, on what do you splurge? I still buy books. Whenever I see a book I want I just buy it. I like technology toys too. Actually I am about to buy an iPad. I like wine, so I spend money on wine too. What attribute do you aspire to? I’d like to have more patience. What is your secret skill? I don’t think I really have one. Any skill I have I like to put right out there. People might not know how important swimming is to me. Whenever I want to escape from something I head down to Magens and swim. It’s fantastic. Name three things, besides family and friends, that you really love. Magens Bay, sailing and wine. What is one thing you know for sure? That I have been very fortunate. The history of the Virgin Islands is complex, what would you like to see in the territory’s future? I would like to see us become a kinder, gentler community. I think there are some wonderful wonderful people living here in the Virgin Islands but all of us could do with a little more kindness and gentleness. Name something that should never change in the Virgin Islands Magens Bay.


Sun Times Magazine




Life on St. John is wonderful, and it can be even more so, if you understand one thing:


St. Thomas Ferries leave every hour on the hour. FROM CRUZ BAY TO RED HOOK Crossing takes 20 min. Allow for at least 60 min. via taxi to airport. Departing from Cruz Bay: hourly 6am-11pm Departing from Red Hook: 7:30am & then hourly from 8am-12am

FROM CRUZ BAY TO CHARLOTTE AMALIE Crossing is 45 minutes. Charlotte Amalie is 1 mile from the airport Departing from Cruz Bay: 8:45am, 11:15am, 3:45pm. Departing from Charlotte Amalie: 10am, 1pm, and 5:30pm.


Car barges go between Enighed Pond, Cruz Bay and Red Hook. FROM CRUZ BAY Mon-Fri: A barge leaves every 30 minutes from 5:30am to 6pm. Exceptions: There is an extra boat at 6:15am, and there are no boats at 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm. Sat: A barge leaves every 30 minutes from 6am to 6pm. Exceptions: There are no boats at 6:30am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm. Sun: A barge leaves every 30 minutes from 7am to 6pm. Exceptions: There are no boats at 8am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm. N.B.: St. John rental cars are not allowed on the barges to St. Thomas. There is limited AM service on holidays. From Monday to Friday “Mister B” and “the General” are more expensive than the other boats. Buying a round-trip ticket may be less expensive but you must return on that same barge. You will have to back your own car onto the barge.


You will need a passport if you are traveling to the BVIs. TO TORTOLA


Departing from St.John: 8:30am, 11:30am, 3:30pm - Sat.-Thurs. 8:30am, 11:30am, 5pm - Friday

9:15am, 12:15pm, 4:15pm Sat.-Thurs. 9:15am, 12:15pm, 5:30pm - Friday

JOST VAN DYKE (Fri., Sat. & Sun. only) Departing from St. John 8:30am, 2:20pm Returning from Jost Van Dyke 9:15am, 3:00pm



(Thursday and Sunday only) Departing from STJ: 8:30am Returning from VG: 3:00pm

From Road Town, Tortola: 7am & 3:30pm To Road Town, Tortola: 8:30am & 5pm

FERRY COMPANY CONTACT INFO Inter-Island Boat Services: (340) 776-6597 Transportation Services of St. John (340) 776-6282 Varlack Ventures: (340) 776-6412 Native Son: (340) 775-7292 Smith Ferry Services: (340) 775-7292 Global Marine: (340) 779-1739



If you remember one thing, remember this: start every interaction with “good morning,” “good afternoon,” or “good evening.” It is culturally very very important here to have a brief personal interchange before requesting anything else. Try it! It can be hard to remember at first, but you’ll get the hang of it! You may even grow to like it.



The island can be rather conservative, and it’s just not acceptable to wear your bathing suit in public places, or if you are a man, to be shirtless in public. Save it for the beach!


RESPECT FOR OTHERS’ SENSIBILITIES Maybe it offends you, maybe it doesn’t, but cursing in public is not generally acceptable here.



Very important: conserve water! We depend heavily on rainwater and we don’t always get enough, so turn water off and on when brushing teeth, washing dishes, and even taking showers in the dry season. Also, you can recycle aluminum cans (please crush and rinse) at the various bright green recycling bins around the island!



Life is slower here and while things do get done, they may take a little longer than you’re used to. For true: getting upset makes things much worse.

AND SOME HELPFUL HINTS... DRIVING – We drive on the left here! Shoulder to shoulder. There’s no reason to drive faster than 20mph, but if you are enjoying the views and moving slowly, please make good use of the turnouts along the roadside. HITCHHIKING - We hitchhike with our index finger here, not our thumb! FOOD – The little blond ants are cute, but you don’t want their company every day. Do not leave any food out, and when in doubt, put it in the refrigerator (you’d be surprised what ants can get into!). STOMACHACHES – Most residents use bottled water or filter their water before drinking it. Cistern water is sketchy. BATHROOM – Related to water conservation: flush only when you need to. We will leave it at that. Also, as the SEPTIC systems can be very sensitive–only flush toilet paper. And DO NOT flush if there is a power outage; this can cause big problems that you really don’t want to deal with on your vacation! ZONING OUT – Our visitors sometimes wander into the road, blissed out by the beauty of St. John…. Enjoy yourself, obviously, but please be cognizant of cars trying to pass. If there’s a sidewalk or a path, please use it; if there’s no path, please be careful!

M A R C H /A P R I L



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