Bad body language
Can’t dance
Petrified of public speaking
Low Self-esteem
CV lacks qualifications
Live in a boring small city
Ouch. Okay, the good news is that they are all taken care of. So what did I do?
Evolution Of A PUA: Part 1 – The Ugly Shy Introvert As you might know, I was not a natural with women. I wasn’t even a natural with friends. I had bad social skills, was generally shy and introverted, and basically avoided social situations like the plague. Because i’ve gone from having nothing to being successful with women and good socially in a short space of time, I thought it might be valuable to document the steps I took and my influences along the way. Back in 2003, I got out a notebook and wrote down my problems and what steps i’d take to address them. Back then, I hadn’t heard of game, so it was just focused on my perceived weaknesses: Here’s what it said: •
Shit fashion
• Shy •
Bad social skills
Not funny
Quite voice
Can’t hold eye contact
1. I signed up to a TEFL course in Seville so that i’d be in a foreign country and be forced to speak in front of a group of people (the students), interact with a bunch of strangers (the other trainees), and also get a useful qualification and get to visit a cool city. I committed the money and time and it paid off. I was shaking and nervous in the first class. 6 hours of teaching time later and I was almost smooth! 2. I started slowly building a wardrobe of nice clothes and throwing out all the ill-fitting sporty rubbish that i’d worn for the past 5 years. I found the best brands for me, learnt about fit, materials, quality etc. Over 2 years I filled my wardrobe with great clothes (mostly at discount prices) that i’d be able to wear for years. I avoided obvious labels like Burberry and got classic stuff like Zegna and Ralph Lauren Purple Label. I now have a wardrobe that will last me a long long time and rarely buy clothes. Having done these two I already felt more confident. But there was still a lot to learn.
3. For my general self-esteem, happiness, and mental state, I read a lot of very useful books. I read everything out there on, by, or about Milton Erickson. I read all the old Bandler NLP books. I read buddhist stuff. I read Robert Anton Wilson, Tony Robbins, and Alan Watts. I stopped watching TV so much, stopped reading and watching the news, and spoke less to negative people. This made me happier through toning down my
(picture, Cambridge, 2001)
competitive side, reducing my need for material possesions, curing me of envy, and generally made me more content and happy. I came to understand that I was in control of my mood and happiness. Nowadays my mental state is solid and I am calm and not easy to affect emotionally.
Evolution Of A PUA - Part 2 - From Ugly To Model And More So I was making progress, and that made me happy. I was able to talk to people without going
(picture, Cambridge, 2002)
red, I got admiring looks for my clothes, and I felt good inside. I still had a lot to work on though. 4. Next came my physical looks. I was called ugly at school and college. So what steps did I take to fix my looks? I’ve already mentioned the fashion. Next came: eyebrows, I had hair in the middle a monobrow, so I had them shaped. Hair: I asked the best hairdresser I could find (www. neilcurryhairdressing.com - thank you Neil!) if I could have hair like Tom Cruise in The Last Samura. He said “Yes” and 18 months later that’s pretty much what I have.
(picture, Cambridge, 2006)
I modeled actors and now I can resemble Colin
We happened to be sitting next to what I would
Farrell, Tom Cruise, or Orlando Bloom. Women will
later find out to be an RSD bootcamp. Tyler was
say I look like these poeple when i’m doing it. I
there, and about 7 students. I was listening in
worked hard on body language to look more cool.
trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
From being called ugly by average girls, I now get asked every week “Are you a model?”.
My best guess was speed-dating.
5. One thing that held back my confidence was
I asked Tyler (who was kind of overseeing things)
my lack of qualifications. I was born in London
and he broke it all down to me. Told me to buy
but lived in Cambridge, place that prizes academic
The Game, etc. At the time, it was interesting, but
achievement. I signed up for lots of courses and
I couldn’t imagine any of these guys being good
bulked up my CV with some impressive stuff like
with women.
being a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Not at all related to PU but it gave me confidence.
Fast forward a couple of weeks, i’ve read the game and now have the idea that there are these super-
6. By studying NLP, psychology, and hypnosis, I
hero PUA dudes that can have any woman they
became more artful in my use of language and
want. With this as my new end-goal, I decide to
used the techniques of influence to make people
gobble up, packman-style, all the information I
like me. I was good on job interviews and started
can find on the subject.
to make connections and have some success socially.
Right after reading the game and a few other things I take a trip to Singapore. On the trip I get
By this point, I was still useless with women, we
my first one night stand. She basically PU’d me
are in mid-2005 now. I’d only slept with one girl!
60%, but at least I didn’t make the mistakes of old.
I started approaching sometimes in bars, very rarely got numbers, and never progressed things
She was hot-ish, I was attracted to her. I was
to a physical level.
very proud of myself. I came back to England and carried on with the theory. I used to watch DVD
Then in September 2005, I met Tyler Durden
programs on the PC whilst watching the stock
in Starbucks, Leicester Sq, London, and it all
market and making the occasional trade (my job
at the time). I kept a notebook of all the cool ideas. I’d listen to
Evolution Of A PUA: Part 3 – Game Time
audio products before sleeping, when cooking and eating, cleaning, travelling, playing playstation,
So I was sitting in Starbucks, Leicester Sq, London
etc. Between November 2005 and March 2006,
one day in September 2005. I lived in Cambridge at
I must have gone through a thousand hours or
the time but used to come down to London every
more of products.
10 days or so to hang out with my cousin.
Some of my favourite ones at the time were David
them go with a goodbye. This counted as my first
Deangelo’s audio series - Interviews with Dating
real approach. Before that, i’d talked to a girl on
Gurus, his DVDs including Double Your Dating,
the train and n-closed but it was not really a cold
the Mystery Method ebook (but not so much the
approach because she came and sat next to me.
DVDs), Swinggcat’s Real World Seduction audio, and RSD/Tyler’s Surviving the Game of Dating.
I’d n-closed a couple of girls in bars over the
During this time, I didn’t do much in terms of PU.
previous two years (literally less than 5!). It made me grow in confidence.Around this time I had
I came to London to visit my cousin and did the
the dream of being the best PUA in London and
occasional approach. The problem was that all
training people, and even having a Project London.
this theory was difficult to structure, I basically
I talked about this with my cousin. I made the
had a collection of cool lines and fun things to say.
plan to move to London in March 2006.
I had no idea how to link them all together. On 24th March 2006, I moved into my place in I remember a turning point for me. I was in
Leicester Sq, London. My goals: to become great
Starbucks, mixed 3-set, I sprung into action using
with women, to meet cool people and develop a
a situational opener - “Can I look at your tube
social circle, to have a blast!Cambridge allowed
map, I need to get to errrrr… Kentish Town!” They
me to find myself, study hard, improve, now it was
helped me out, I transition into what they are
time to put it into action.
doing in London etc. I ask boring questions, but then something happened, they said they were learning English.
Evolution Of A PUA: Part 4 – Make Or Break
I talked about how I trained to be an English teacher, how I did it in Seville, and how people
I wanted to move to London for years. I was never
come to learn English and then they live with
happy living in Cambridge. Ithought it was too
people from their own country. I was talking for
small, I thought the people were unfriendly and
30 seconds, they were listening with interest, and
boring, and I didn’t have the kind of social life that
laughing a bit, I felt a buzz.
I wanted.
I’d never had 3 people watching me and listening
Why did I wait so long? I found out the real
to me talk with interest before. I went red and
answer, and thismight be the same thing that
was sweating but it was a great result.Small talk
holds you back in many areas of your life, it was
continued, then they said some tiny objection like
a HUGE realisation: I was afraid that if I moved
“we are meeting our friend soon”, so I made an
to London and it was a failure, i’d be back in
excuse to leave (I was looking for one I guess!).
Cambridge AND I would no longer have thedream of something better to hold onto.
Sat back down, they seemed to linger around suggesting “please n-close us, please!” but I let
So at it’s core, it was fear of failure. Look at any
I had a regular night out in Covent Garden with
bigsteps that you have avoided taking and maybe
my wing Conor where I started to get some good
it is the same reason. But I finally did do it..
results. We’d run some good wing game with each of us isolating a chick and i’d try to connect and
I basically didn’t know anyone when I moved
get a number close.
down. My flatmates were cool, and we got on, but they had no social cirlce so I didn’t get to meet
When you are winging, it is pretty easy not to get
people that way. What happened was thatI found
blown out, because when those moments where
some London PUAs (from The London Seduction
the conversation dips happen, the girl looks at her
Society/LSS) and hooked up with them.
friend, she is in set and happy so she re-engages. Holding on your own requires a lot more skill.
I went out on some group “sarges” and met them and gave them the kind of respect i’d give Mystery
I was able to get a few number closes. They didn’t
himself. We went to some bars, but I quickly
convert and I had no idea to kino-escalate to a
foundout that most of these guys could talk a
k-close in the club.I have to say that by now I was
good talk, look alpha, have an alpha-handshake
pretty confident. The girls I was approaching were
and a cool walk, but they didn’t seem to be able to
often hot and they did compliment me on my
open, hold, and close a set.
looks. It was new and it was good.
I hadto ratchet down my expectations a little bit.
The next big realisation happened about 3 weeks into my London adventure. I was in a Sohu club
Over the next few weeks, I met some more of
with Conor and the person I took over my room
theseguys. Most of them I didn’t really want
from and Conor approached a Swedish 2-set.
to hang out with, but I did meet two - Eugene andConor, who were “cool guys” and I tried to go
I didn’t go and wing straight away because I was
out with these guys to clubs as much as possible.
having a go at an Australian chick. It didn’t go too far, so I decided to go and wing him. It was an 18
I was going out 4 nights a week. At this point,
year old Swedish chick. Pretty cute. I was there for
i’d been to a club less than 30 times, and was
AN HOUR talking to her, then I told her to move
completely uncomfortable in the environment. So
up and sat down next to her, carried on talking.
these nights would normally entail us opening 20 or so sets, not many would hold.
I was getting no touching from her, and didn’t know what the hell to do. My one night stand in
I was overcoming my AA, and a couple of times I
Singapore only happened because she touched
did get into sets that hooked and was ableto have
my leg first and I just matched her kino-escalation
a nice conversation using my pre-existing skills in
and then lead with the kiss.Anyhow, I said to
one-on-one conversations that comefrom having
myself “fuck it” and put my arm around her and
the introvert qualities of being a good listener and
went for the kiss.
being empathetic.
Lo-and-behold it worked, she was into it. Now
haven’t used this stuff since ust because it hasn’t
I know I probably could have done it after
been necessary).
30 seconds, but the point was that it shifted something in my mind - you don’t need to ask if it
I tried some light kino - touching her leg and arm
is okay to kiss.
and she reciprocated. I went for the kiss after about 5 minutes. She was tall, blonde, thin,blue
Conor left early because his chick didn’t pan out.
eyes. Now she’d be average, but at the time, she
When they left, looking back, it would have been
was very hot.
an easy f-close with my girl (other one was happy to leave her in my care!) and even a pretty simple
I lead her around the club -”lets go get a drink, lets
dance, let’s sit down”. We got quite hot and heavy and then I just got up and said “let’s go”, she
But I didn’t because I was probably buzzing from
started walking with me but asked “where” and I
the k-close and didn’t imagine it was possible.I
said “somewhere else” and walked her out of the
was now happy in London, I had friends and I felt
club to my house. Got the wine out and smoothly
like I was in control of things a little more. I had a
escalated with no resistance.
lot of confidence and was on a high because I now was able to attract and seduce women.
I’ll leave out the details! Met her for a date another day and the attraction had vanished, I didn’t like that she smoked, I didn’t like her
Evolution Of A PUA: Part 5 – Loser To PUA To Natural
accent, I didn’t like her shoes or the way she
I learnt the basic structure of a pickup from
I felt like Jerry Seinfeld for dumping the girl for
6 months of theory and a few weeks in field.
silly reasons but I didn’t call her again.
Admittedly I spent way too long geeking out on
Over the next month I got plenty of k-closes and a
the material. I learnt way more from going out
couple more f-closes. I did about 4 salsa classes. I
and doing stuff. I spent the next month going
didn’t PU any girls in the class because they were
out and refining my approach. We used a lot of
generally not up to standard but Idid devise my
canned material - should I die my hair blonde,
“salsa escalation” where I go and ask the girl if she
best friends test, palmistry etc. It worked to hook
can salsa and then salsa my way into a k-close.
the sets.
I got a Serbian chick in 1-minute with this and she
was a virgin, 7 hours of LMR before she slept with My first fclose came one night in a Covent Garden
me and then she was my GF for about a month.6
club. My friend identified an HB, I sat next to her,
foot tall, toned & tanned body, blonde, blue eyes.
just chatted, in terms of lines used, maybe some C&F and I did bust out one of my own speed
During that time I think I only k-closed one other
seduction patterns when I had her isolated (I
girl and that was when I trained with Brent (from various Double Your Dating video series’ and as
seen on Cliff’s List). He came over in May and I
In July I went on holiday for 2 months with
decided that either i’d learn loads or i’d realise
Steve and we went out 40 out of 44 nights in 11
that I could do it too. I paid $1000 + expenses for
countries. During this holiday my kino, non-verbal
an evening from 7pm to 2am.
pickup, dance-floor game, etc all got a huge boost.
He was good looking, confident and cool. The
Steve is a legend and few people have seen his
training wasn’t very good because:He didn’t demo
skills when he is at the top of his game. I saw him
anything cool.He couldn’t hold the rest of a 3 set
do things a couple fo times on holiday that gave
when I engaged one of the girls (they dragged
me the shivers! Next level game.
her away).He only said I should talk louder and escalate faster. That was his only advice.
Fast forward to today. I am going to parties with celebrities to learn how to game in
Very nice guy though and maybe my level was
those environments, i’m working with the
already just damn high. Anyhow, I pulled a
guys here to further refine the system, i’m
nice HB that night. This was the first time I was
travelling to different countries to test my game
disappointed with the skills of a well-known guru.
There were many more to come in the next few months! My attitude now when I meet famous
How do I pick up chicks now? I have an
PUAs is “Hey, if they are great i’ll learn something
unbreakable routine stack that can get me
and if they aren’t, it makes me more confident”.
laid every day of the week, one that uses an
Win Win!
unbreakable opener, NLP, calculated responses, built in emotional spikes, push-pull, DHVs, my SS
Over the next few months I improved my game,
patterns. BUT I DON’T USE IT! I want to be able to
gained more confidence, had more hot girls,
game naturally.
and met various influential charatcers, most importantly - Steve Jabba AKA Vertex and Anthony
I don’t wantto know what i’m going to say next.
P. We went out a lot and gamed together.
I like to test my intelligence and exercise my mentalmuscles. I want to make a better self
In June I had started Puatraining.com and had
instead of making a character that I can step into
been doing 1-on-1s. I was a skilled teacher, could
and act out.
clearly communicate things, and was able to analyse the person’s strengths and weaknesses
My indirect game usually involves a situational
very quicly and give them practical advice.
opener, cocky funny, rapport and deep rapport, kino-escalation, close. Pretty simple right?My
Through teaching, I learned by stuff way more
Direct game is: force IOI, kino opener, afc fluff
tightly and was forced to game. I learnt how to
with sexual undertones, quick close. Of course,
control my state instead of only being able to
I might use routines again at some point in the
game when I felt like it.
Right now, I just want to round-out my game some more and learn from guys that have
Gambler’s Philosophy Of Happiness: Part 1
something unique to offer. Now I have confidence and an energy that projects from that confidence.
In the past, before mass communication and globalisation, a person’s frame of reference was
I used routines when I first started and many
his peer group and the people he came into
high-level guys still use them. It’s a personal
personal contact with. Today, our peer group is
choice. For a newbie, routines are the fastest way
still our primary frame of reference, but now there
to get improvement and that’s why we teach both
are also people we know of and know about, like
on our courses: routines, canned openers.
celebrities. We come to know about these people and they can exert just as strong an influence
A structure for any pickup.The skills that you
on us as our peer group does. First the world is
need to be a natural.My ex-students all game
brought into our lives through the internet and
differently, they are not robotic, and some have
TV: amounting to 1385 messages a day. Because
gone the natural route and some the routine
our peer group is subjected to the same onslaught,
route. All of them seem to improve markedly for
we would are ‘infected’ through them, even if we
months afterwards.
could avoid it all.
Success?Email me for my HB pics! I meet a girl
Global travel means people from different cultures
of high quality once every 3 weeks. Can k-close
live in one place. In the 1900s example, the man
any time I go out. Can f-close multiple times a
in the village who had a full-time manual labour
week. The only things that hold me back are:Busy
job, had a healthy family, and was married to a
with the business.Not enough hot girls in London
woman who he thought could be a good carer for
clubs!Sex drive is not so high that I need 7 girls a
him and their family had everything he thought
week.I get more out of a loving relationship than
life had to offer. He didn’t expect that he could
lots of casual sex.
ever be the factory owner, because that man was educated and had inherited wealth, unlike himself. He didn’t expect that he could be married to a beautiful or upper class woman, because he was working class and not so financially secure. He didn’t expect that he could live in a mansion, because there was no frame of reference of a normal working class person who had achieved that. In modern times, 90% of people are educated up to a point where they consider themselves
(Picture, London, 2007)
literate. Class lines have been blurred and wealth and class no longer correlate to the same extent.
Because our basic needs of health, food, clothing,
complicated with games and what you should/not
and shelter are almost guaranteed, we take them
do dictating events.Casual sex is promoted and
for granted and they are not enough to make us
means people in settled relationships cheat more
happy because our frame of reference does not
and are not as easily satisfied with what they
include contact with people who don’t have these
basic needs taken care of. Wealth and success are no longer confined to inherited wealth, genius, or
When you buy something is a big motivating
super hard work. Every person knows of a story of
factor the expected response you will get from
someone getting rich very quickly and easily by a
other people? Do you imagine what they will
method that seems in reach of the average person.
say when they see your new suit, electronics, jewellery? Was the need to buy this item driven
We are presented with an infinite amount of
internally or was it by external influence?
choice, which is some ways is good, and in others, isn’t. When people were born, took on the trade of their parents, and stayed in that profession until they died, and considered themselves to
Gambler’s Philosophy Of Happiness: Part 2
have had a good life if their children were married and healthy, the lack of choice meant constant
Your peers are your peers because they legitimise
contentment. People today would find it difficult
your lifestyle, the same is true for drug addicts or
to be content with a life like that, because they
criminals. Whatever you do and think, you can
are aware of all the choices that now are possible.
always find similar people to legitimise it. It is
Choices make people unsure, they are unhappy
common to say “but person X is even worse”. This
with their job because they know that there are
mindset does not serve you, because it is a way of
other jobs that might be better for them. If you
avoiding progressive change. Most people are not
live in the city, you know that you could live in the
surrounded by positive influences. We generally
countryside and vice versa.
do not have the grounding of a close extended family. This means that the people we use for
Media. Advertising. Politics – people focussing on
support do not always genuinely wish us well.
wealth and other distractions suits politicians. Cheap media set the agenda. Getting rich with
Maybe if we do something they are scared to do,
no talent is a new phenomenon. Media mainly
like make a big change, they will discourage us
shows positive side of shallow materialism
because it would make them feel bad if you could
instead of chastising it and promoting intelligence
do it. Sure, they will support you, but probably
and wisdom. There has been a degeneration of
only until you start doing better than them, and
language and values. Easy money is only available
only while you continue to legitimise their life
to the top percentile but the whole population
style. Try going from a party animal, recreational
aspires to it. There has been a role reversal in the
drug user, with no hobbies; to a serious, hard
gender stakes with the feminisation of men and
working, interesting person and still keep the
masculinisation of women. Relationships are over
same friends.
When we do not have the peer group that is
I am ugly.
positive about what we want to do, and can show us better ways to live through example, we
I am fat.
need to make changes. It is possible to surround yourself with models for success through books,
I am single.
audio courses, and media. Knowing the stories of Edison, Da Vinci, Tesla, etc will be inspirational.
I am lonely.
This inspiration is what will allow you to break out past your perceived limits. Once you know
I am poor.
what is possible, you will want more for yourself. Generally people stagnate and don’t progress as
Notice how you feel when you write these
their peer groups will too. Try to surround yourself
statements, you are now at a low ebb, just as
with models for success. After you spend an hour
you might be any day when you “are having a
with someone, ask “do I feel more positive for
bad day”. Now do the opposite and write all the
spending that hour with that person”, in 75% of
positive things on a different sheet of paper.
cases, the answer will be no. I am a good mother
Gambler’s Philosophy Of Happiness: Part 3
I am funny. I am intelligent.
I have an even keel philosophy, I believe that the ebbs and flows of mood are not a necessity. You
I am outgoing and friendly.
can be happy one day, and then the next day, with nothing new happening, you can be unhappy.
I am popular, and people like to be around me.
Most people believe that it is like a sine wave, and that they are held hostage to their emotions. “Oh
People will have more trouble with the second list
I am having a bad day”. There are two steps that
in general, because our culture does not promote
will allow you to conquer 90% of these negative
bragging. Try to find as many things as you can
emotions that are thought of as ebbs and flows.
though. Every person will be able to list at least
The first is to become aware of the base cause,
10 positive things about themselves. Read the
and the second is to be able to disassociate from
positive list again. Notice how you immediately
the emotion and understand and control it.
feel better, as if you are at a high ebb, and feel like you would if you were “having a good day”. How
To ‘become’, you can perform the following
you feel from day to day is simply a matter of this
simple task that you will find very powerful. Take
changing focus. On a negative day, your focus is
a sheet of paper and write down all the things
on the things in the negative list, on a positive day,
you are unhappy with about yourself (not your
your focus is on the things on the positive list.
possessions, your self) in pencil:
Your next goal is to restrict the things that you are
I want to learn about and improve my body
unhappy about to things that you cannot change.
On my personal list, the things that I cannot change all relate to physical appearance. Every
I want to improve my posture.
person has issues with their physical appearance, no matter how attractive you might think they
Rules: do not use negative contructions, i.e. do not
are. With physical appearance, it is possible
say – I am not stupid, say I am clever.
to make incremental improvements. Fix your fashion sense, whiten your teeth, get a tan, get in
The next step is to make a plan of how you can
better shape, lose weight, have a great haircut. All
achieve each of these aims. For me, the answers
these will make incremental improvements that
were: read book - comedy writing secrets,
will make you happier. You will NEVER be 100%
watch and listen to a lot of comedy; read NLP
satisfied with your appearance so you need to
& psychology books, sign up for courses; Do
accept yourself.
TEFL course in Seville for 5 weeks, teaching and working with strangers forcing social interaction and public speaking each day – additional
Gambler’s Philosophy Of Happiness: Part 4
achievement – improved English grammar skills; start with book – Emotional Intelligence, and study the area; read book – Set your voice free,
Let’s start a new list that reframes any negative
and sign up to voice workshop; study high status
things in a positive way – instead of saying “I’m
and cool role models on film & television and try
stupid and don’t know anything” say “I want to
to see what they do and copy it in the mirror!
learn interesting things and be more educated”.
Read books and watch videos on body language;
Also include other things that didn’t make you
Take a lesson in Alexander technique.
unhappy but that you would like to do. Write down your goals in this way. I did this for the first
Normally when people talk about what they want,
time 3 years ago and have done it every 18 months
they start with I want to have, not I want to do.
since then. The list included things like: It’s moot to say “that’s just the way I am” I want to be funnier. I want to learn psychology.
Gambler’s Philosophy Of Happiness: Part 5
I want to be more outgoing and comfortable in social settings.
Most people use distractions from themselves- TV, drinking, socialising, internet, talking on phone. If
I want to understand relationships better.
everyone was in a darkened room with no sound and thought about themselves and their life, how
I want to have a better voice.
many would be happy?
Most people say I want to have, not I want to do.
that nothing particularly fatal is likely to happen
Collecting material goods so you have them in the
over a period of several moments and that the
“bank”, at least I have my stamps. Externalised
brain can use that time to put its feet up and
showings of confidence include clothes, cars,
generate a response to a chunk of moments rather
lifestyle. These are very weak compared to
than create each moment from first principles.
internal displays of confidence that can be
Being in the moment, in each and every moment,
steadfast in any situation without the need for
is therefore something like an act of will where
flashy clothes and a Ferrari.
the will persuades the brain that each moment is actually fatal; this requires me to be intensely
Take two people in the same situation except one
interested in what is going on outside my head,
that is happy will have a different focus to one
and to live each moment as if it were my last.
that is not. Once you understand what is going on inside, you can disassociate and take control. It is
Top players often report on how they see game
the fist step. We are not slaves to our emotions:
situations open up as if they were in the matrix;
we are in control of them. We do not need to be
sports players talk about how time stands still
“feeling down today” and “feeling great” the next
and suddenly they see the playing area as a
with no changes. Negative messages – advertising,
space without time. These players are able to see
bad people- can always be found and those
being in the moment as an act of will, attention
who are successful are always at risk of being
as something we really do pay (for), and being
undermined by jealous rivals. Complete arrogance
interested in the world outside our head as a
inside leads to much better results. To balance
simple discipline which can be developed and
all the negativity, surround yourself with positive
strengthened. Many of the techniques of pick-up
role models that become like friends, affirmations,
purport to teach a man how to be interesting –
subliminal stuff, music, film. Strive to seek out the
telling stories and jokes, performing magic tricks,
having exciting hobbies, but the argument which follows here is that we are never more interesting than when we are interested in the other person.
Anthony P: Being in the moment – why it is so difficult
Steve: What are girls all about?
Being in the moment is in many respects the
Consider girls. What are girls all about?
opposite process to the normal functioning of the brain, which appears to be the chunking together
Hot girls are human beings. Same as me and you.
of moments into familiar scenes and patterns to
They eat food and they shit it out. They urinate.
be matched with familiar responses and solutions.
They get bad breath.
This saves the brain a lot of work, so its natural mechanism is to pull me out of the moment
They have insecurites, same as me and you.
and back into my head. Being in my head – or
Maybe worse…We live in a society that BREEDS
thinking – relies on the reasonable assumption
them. Hev you ever opened a really hot girl
and been AMAZED at how she reacts to you?
Look at her face when she is talking, look at her
Friendly, open, even a little insecure? maybe a LOT
body. Do you want her? Then just try and imagine,
convincingly that YOU CAN HAVE HER. You can. You can have her, girls want to be taken. They long
When you’re dealing with girls, no matter what
for a man that will take her and ravish her.
you’re level, what kind of girl you are used to, bear all of the above in mind. Remember it.
Keep that one simple truth in mind and all other stuff becomes irrelevant…Just be strong in
When they shit test you, or when they go quiet,
yourself, like a rock and nothing else matters…
or when they look at you in a particlar way, remember that they are living inside their own
Forget everything else.
head. If they are quiet, DONT think does she like me, is she offended, why is she quiet, why is she smiling? Is she laughing at me?
Reflex’s fast escalation bar-game
Sit still, quiet your revving mind. Don’t think
about what she is thinking….Often you will be
Here is one basic method I use to go very quickly
wrong. I promise you. And worse : if you imagine
from meeting an HB in a high-energy bar to going
these things you will MAKE HER THINK THEM.
straight to kino, rapport and quite often a k-close
She will sense it, girls are AMAZINGLY perceptive
at super-fast speed. I don’t always use routines for
about this kind of stuff. So Don’t worry about what
bar game – opinion openers, ‘wanted or needed’,
she is thinking, don’t allow yourself to indulge
‘how soon is too soon’ etc. Don’t get me wrong,
in negative and debilitating thought loops. Don’t
they are powerful, I’ve seen them work and they
imagine or consider that she is thinking badly of
are good for students because they give you a set
you..Really really try to just live in the moment.
speech to make, thereby removing the anxiety of
Take in the environment, notice what is going
‘not knowing what to say’. But if you’re feeling
on around you. Smile at her. If she is nervous or
confident try this 4-step approach.
skittish, think to yourself, I AM A MAN goddamit, I WILL NOT let myself think badly of myself. She is
1. Force the IOI. An HB walks past you at the bar:
a girl, and she is faced with her own pressures.
force an IOI. A cheeky grin, a point, Beckster’s classic hide-behind-the-hand manoeuvre,
Really try not to put her on a pedastal.. I tell you
with full truth that even the hottest girls have all sorts of funny shit flying around in their head.
2. Get kino. If she smiles or in any way gives an IOI from step 1 then simply raise your class to clink,
So many people are putting on an act. Don’t do
or put your hand up for the high five. Do with a
this. Be yourself, your best self. Ask the question
BIG SMILE! If she clinks your glass or returns the
of yourself - do I like this girl? Why do I like her?
high five then IT’S ON. Move quickly to no 3.
3. Introduction. This is the crucial part. Offer a
You could use your own bit of humour, just make
one up. It doesn’t have to be
and say “Hi, I’m !!” I sometimes don’t go for small
absolutely hilarious, but needs to relax the
talk, asking opinions etc, I just introduce myself.
situation. “Thanks for offering, but I’ll get my own
You see, if you’ve got an IOI and a glass clink that
drink”, or whatever you want.
means she is ‘open’ and so introducing yourself will not feel ‘odd’ to her. The critical thing with
So that’s it. IOI-kino-introduction-humour. Those
step 3 is CONFIDENDCE. You must speak loudly,
4 steps. Where you go from there is up to you,
confidently and act as if you will not tolerate
but I’ve closed very quickly from this. The point
is you’re compressing many of the elements of a pick-up into less than 10 seconds. You’ve broken
Offering a handshake with a big arm movement
the ice, got her name, had some kino and shown
is almost impossible to ignore. Try it with people
you’re confident and humourous. Obviously with
you meet in other environments – the office,
most girls you’ll need to go into rapport at some
or wherever. It puts enormous pressure on the
stage but a lot of the work has already been done.
person to offer their hand in return because
The good thing is you can tell from her reaction to
ignoring it will leave the person feeling as if
step 1 (the forced IOI) whether she is open. If she
they’ve been terribly rude! It’s a very British
is, then it’s on. Have fun with this one!
thing that’s ingrained into all of us. Salesmen in shopping centres or the street use this technique to get members of the public to interact with
Reflex’s situational openers : Queues
them, and I see them do it all the time. For queues, in any environment. It could be for a But confidence is the key. If you meekly offer a
bar, cloakroom, cash machine, cafe or checkout at
limp handshake while stammering your name,
Tescos. If there is an HB in the queue in front of
it is easy for her to shrug you off and walk on. If
you as you join here are a few options:
you stand tall (no side approaches this time, be direct and dominant) and loudly and confidently
1. “Is this the queue for the good looking people??!
offer your name and hand she will return the
D’you mind if I join it?!!!”
shake and tell you her name back. It works. No matter what else, she will be impressed by your
I use this one all the time and it NEVER fails to
get a smirk, smile, laugh or verbal response from a woman, no matter how grumpy, sour-faced or
4. Humour. After she’s taken your hand and said
closed they might look. It’s hard not to smile when
her name say “Nice to meet you . I was worried,
someone says it. It’s also very good for when
for a minute I thought you were the bouncer”. This
there’s a group of girls, it makes them feel good
should get a laugh, it relieves some of the tension
(isn’t that what everyone wants?) It’s also paying
and will relax her (and you).
them a subtle compliment. But the key here is HOW you say it. It’s hard to describe in writing but
you should say it playfully, with a slight smirk,
Contrast that with a nightclub when every chump
and a glint in your eye.
is hitting on the girls. Plus HBs won’t be expecting an approach on their journey home!
You can combine it with a subtle finger-point and head-tilt, as if you’re sharing a conspiracy
2nd guideline: ignore other passengers.
theory with someone. If you’re feeling bold you
Sometimes when I’m gaming I get a little
can continue the joke by asking them if they could
audience listening in over the tops of their
please keep all those people over there away from
newspapers. Blank them out and keep going. If
our queue, it’s just for us you know!
you show your nervousness you will communicate that to the girl. Conversely if you show you’re
2. For a very very long queue you’ve just joined,
comfortable with the situation then the girl will
one that will take ages –ask the girl if they’re
share your confidence. Remember, people get on
providing deck chairs for us while we wait?!
and off tubes all the time and your eavesdroppers will always get bored lose interest – after all, they
3. For long queues: “I don’t know what’s going on
have their lives to get on with, and other things to
here, but it looks like it must be interesting so I
thought I’d join”. 3rd guideline: don’t linger and let a girl see you 4. Simply say “Who’s playing?” Say with faux
checking her out before you approach. Always try
seriousness. A girl with a sense of humour will get
and make it look SPONTANEOUS. Especially on
the joke!
platforms. Through trial and error I’ve found that’s the key. That’s the value of the ‘3-second’ rule. As soon as she sees you, you MUST talk.
Reflex: Gaming on the tube - part 1 4th guideline: if you want to game on the 2 million people a day use the tube. That’s a lot
platform, check on the electronic board to see
of HBs, whichever way you look at it. I’ve started
when the next tube is due. If it’s less than 2 or 3
gaming on the tube in earnest in the last few
minutes you might want to wait until you both get
months and have started getting numbers and
on the tube itself. The reason, I’ve found, is this.
dates. I’ve put together some guidelines that I’ve
If you chat for 30 seconds and then a train comes
found useful; I say ‘guidelines’ rather than ‘rules’
roaring in to the station and there’s lots of hustle
because you need to be flexible when you do pick-
and bustle as everyone gets on and off, then in
the confusion the girl’s ‘state’ will be broken, you lose what little rapport you’ve established
1st guideline: ignore what everyone says about
and it’s hard to restart again on the train. Also,
the underground – that everyone’s miserable, that
after such a brief conversation she may not be
you must never talk or make eye contact with
comfortable with you sitting next to/opposite her.
anyone, etc. Bollocks! If no other guy does that,
If by contrast the next train is due in 5 minutes
well, great, that means less competition for you!
or more, then ok – that should be enough time to
establish some rapport on the platform, maybe
I find this works well at initiating chat. You
share a joke etc. Then when the train comes and
may get a one-word answer – yes or no – so the
there’s a break in the conversation she’ll feel
important thing is to plow with talk about trains:
comfortable continuing your chat and comfortable
how awful they are, how you have to get to such-
sitting near you. You can more easily pick up
and-such etc
where you left off. Get it? Other platform openers: “Don’t jump, it’s not Ok, that’s the guidelines done. Now what do
worth it!” (If she’s close to the platform edge) “Oh
you actually say?! Sorry to keep you in suspense
my God, did you see that mouse?! I saw it just
but…tune in next week for part 2 of my post for
the answers!
obviously. But this ALWAYS gets a response, girls
(You don’t have to actually see one,
find it impossible to ignore, so it’s very solid.)
Reflex’s Tube Game - part 2
“Did you hear that busker?! He’s pretty good. I used to be one myself.” Really?!
Game is game. It doesn’t really matter where you
“No. But thanks
for believing me.” This usually gets a laugh.
do it, on the tube or anywhere else. In part 1 I discussed timing and attitude. The guidelines are
“I think we’re standing in the best/worst place to
the same: you really do have to do virtually all of
get a seat”. This is good because when the train
the talking for the first 30 seconds or so; make
comes the two of you can put your prediction to
your approach look spontaneous (don’t linger);
the test and therefore have something natural to
speak with confidence; hold eye contact; plow
talk about, even if she hasn’t said much about it
through if she is unresponsive; feed off any verbal
on the platform.
hooks you get. If there is a seat next to her, and she’s noticed So let’s get into what to say. Here are some
you’re walking towards it :“Oh, were you saving
this seat for me?!”If you get a laugh, start talking. By the way, this works for seats anywhere.
“Is this the train for Hammersmith?”Yes/no/etc “Are you sure?!! I hope so. Cos when I was a kid
If she has an ipod: “Hey, cool ipod, I bet you pirate
and people used to ask me that I’d deliberately
your music, right? Me too, what do you pirate?”
tell them the wrong thing to screw them up. I was
This has to be spontaneous. Don’t worry, they
basically a little shit. You’re not like that are you?!”
ALWAYS take their earphones out if they can’t hear you!
‘Do you know how long the train takes to reach x?’ Eye-Coding: This is a good one for packed tubes Better than ‘have you been waiting long’ which
(or trains or buses). If something happens, like
has pick-up written all over it…
someone won’t move down, or is annoying other passengers by talking too loudly on their phone
or causing a problem by having too many bags
Introduction to Dirty Cardenas
– then you can sort of look at her, and raise your eyes to heaven as if to say : “For God’s sake! Some
Hi I am Dirty Cardenas and I am an evil PUA, I will
people!” If you get a reciprocal eye-code back from
bum your mother.
her, as if she’s saying “Yeah, I know!” then you’re good to go. Start talking. If she has funky clothes,
I am a natural and have pretty much always been
bag, or apparel:
good with girls. I came into the community a year ago with the intention of meeting some absolute
“You look like you like shopping!” Plow with
heroes and going out and having threesomes with
chat about shopping: “I bet you’re one of these
super models every week. Unfortunately I found
girls who pushes people out of the way in
that the community in London is comprised
sales!” Making assumptions is one of the keys to
mostly of key board jockeys who spend the
getting over awkward silences and keeping the
majority of the time bickering on internet forums
conversation going.
and theorising as to the best way to get a woman as opposed to going out and actually f*cking some
I have gamed girls successfully by looking for
situational stuff to open with - I’ve asked girls if they want to swap papers (or even books!) that
By the grace of God I some how managed to meet
they’re reading; told them not to use that vending
Vertex (Steve Jabba) and Beckster. Later on Vertex
machine because it will take their money; asked if
introduced me to Gambler and so here I am. I am
they have something with just celebrity photos in
one of the bootcamp instructors and specialise in
it for me to read because I’m sick of reading books
Inner Game, Dominance, Sexual Confidence and
with words…the key with all these is delivery with
Female Ejaculation.
cheekiness and a grin. I hope the stories I share help you achieve And don’t forget forcing IOIs like we show you
whatever it is you hope to achieve as a PUA.
on the bootcamps! If you’re eagle-eyed you will see girls checking you out! Finally : don’t be embarrassed to ask for a number or a date - if you
Cardenas: Owning the frame
are nervous you can wait until you are just about to get off anyway, or wait till you both get off. And
Last Sunday I went on a date with a girl that I’d
ignore the other passengers who may eavesdrop
actually dropped a while back. She is pretty hot
on you. They will get off soon anyway!
and a model. But about 2 months ago she annoyed me so I dumped her. Last week guess what - she sent me a text out of the blue saying hi, it’s been a long time, how are you? I could tell what she was angling for so I thought I’d meet her.
On the date I didn’t make any ‘move’ on her
dumped her. She went pretty hysterical when I
early on. I just kept my distance and talked
gave her the news but I refused to buckle or relent.
politely. I didn’t say “Oh it’s so nice to see you
Quite a few months of no contact went by and
again” or any such thing. After all, I’d dumped her
I moved on - then she got back in touch, asking
because she had shown a jealous streak and had
to see me again, saying she’d missed me etc. I’d
annoyed me. She said I was different and that
moved on from being besotted and no longer felt
I was hard to work out. We eventually went on
that way, but was ok with seeing her again. Now
to a nightclub and I finally k-closed her etc. But
it’s me that is in control. I decide when to see her,
I didn’t try and get her back to mine, I told her I
where, and for how long. Same principle: always
was going and left early. She’s not used to being
own the frame.
dumped, I think, and after dropping her I made sure I didn’t contact her for a few months at all,
There are lessons in all of this:
so she had to get in touch with me if she wanted to. I had moved on and she had faded from my
1. Don’t go chasing like a desperado. Know when
mind. Now she’s bought into my frame and I have
to draw the line. Make her wait if necessary.
more control. I’m still considering what sort of
Always have things you can fall back on - career,
relationship, if any, I want from her.
interests, hobbies, mates, whatever.
Another story: This weekend I’m going away for
2. If you know for sure that a girl is simply using
a few days with another girl. She used to be my
you and playing you: tell her point blank that you
girlfriend way back last year, but I ended it for
won’t stand for it. If she continues, BREAK IT OFF.
similar reasons to the girl above. Until I’d dumped
This is vital. Never be talked out of it. Otherwise
her she had been in complete control of me
you will end up like so many suckers out there,
- she’d left me dangling as if I were on a piece of
trapped in a relationship you feel is controlled
string, constantly changing her mind about me,
by a woman who knows you will always come
blowing hot and cold, telling me when I could
crawling back . And that, my friend, is a very very
see her and deciding when I could visit her. She
bad place to be. All your self-respect will dribble
was not averse to flirting with other men either
away pitifully. The more attractive the girl, the You
(she is tall, blonde and very attractive). It left me
must know some men who have fallen into that,
in the supplicating role in the relationship and
as do I. I’m not suggesting you just dump a girl at
demoralised me completely, as I had totally fallen
the slightest thing that annoys you or that you
for her.
don’t try to work things out; just don’t let yourself be taken for a ride (no, not THAT sort of ride!)
Then I discovered ‘Game’, the PU community, and
Remember, if the girl wants and values you SHE
entered the world that you too have now entered.
will re-initiate things. If she doesn’t then she’s
I knew I’d allowed her to set the frame and
not worth your precious time. Find someone else.
dominate me. So when she continued to mess me
Don’t worry, you will. That way you will keep your
around I gave her an ultimatum to start treating
self-respect. And if she does come back, YOU and
me properly - and when she didn’t change I
not her, are in control.
Beckster: Game Science Formula
have to drive over and collect them, she laughed and said “I know, I let you because I like your eyes”
These are new techniques which a small team of
(she said this in a jokey way). I said “yeah, and I
us have been developing and using over the past 2
catch you checking out my ass all the time!” and
walk out without a good bye.
Went out with Lord o Lust or LOL for short, just for
Lord o Lust says his goodbyes and I head to
a few drinks to chat to him about DeepGame, LOL
Chelsea, not much live but I see one bar and in the
told me some great stories which we will develop
window a lone girl so I enter and as I walk in I give
into spiked stories. We decide to go to a salsa
her a wink then up to the bar order a drink, she is
place, I open a 2 set HB7.5Slovak and HB7Polish,
still watching me. I walk over and -
can speak a few sentence in both languages make them laugh, I anchor it in case I want to talk to
Me:Do you know what……. oh sorry are you with
them again, but not really my type. Beckon over a
you boyfriend as I point to the pint glass near her
well suited girl HB8suit with my finger, she walks
(you all know what I doing in that one sentence
over and imitates me with a finger motion.
right? Interest and analysing the situation.
I ask her if she is a secret agent, because of her
HB8Scandi: NO No that’s my flat mates.
suit and that she was surveying the area. Turns out that I lived in her country for a while Turns out she is the manager’s top hired gun, this
and I saw in this bar watching her country place
should be fun. Run some stuff on her, neg her,
on TV so I thought I would incorporate this in to
etc. Some people come in so we move to the cash
a mind reading trick. So I said give me your hand
register so she can charge them admission. I ask
blah blah blah.
her if she lets in boys that she fancies for free, she said its happened once or twice, I say to her “great
HB8Scandi: Wow that’s amazing
I’m in free all the time then”, she smiles and nods. Me: That’s not all, sometimes like 1 in a thousand I run my famous fish routine on her as it’s in her
I can have this instantaneous connection with
palm more customers come in but she doesn’t put
someone and something strange will happen.
it down she admits them, taking cash and giving hand stamps with one hand, still holding up my
HB8Scandi: Really what?
fish as if it were real. I neg her about it then tell her fortune, told her I’m going to a better club in
Me: Well I now can speak in your language.
Chelsea and she’ll be lucky to see me again. Left it at that as its better not to pull her as she can
HB8Scandi: No way!
be more useful letting me in for free. I told her as I let that I’ve been stealing glasses from her bar for 5 years and that if she wants them back she’ll
Me: Yes way.
Talk to her in her language for 10mins about her
like when seducing them, then do the other when
remote town (which I have been to) tell her about
she’s free. Then do it to each of them again, but
the shops and station there, she laps it up.
in front of each other so it seems to the other HB that it’s the first time your turning on the charm
Her male house mate comes back he is Russian
with her mate and how easy you do it will attract
and doesn’t like me being there, try’s to AMOG
her then again, do the other one too.
me, he doesn’t even break the ice, every time he try’s I speak to her in her language he get pissed
The attraction will be high also the competition
of asks us to stop it. I play good cop bad cop with
between women will also be strong, now you can
him and he chills out a bit. Plus he knows he’s
say something like this:
beat as she keeps saying “he’s just jealous of you
(Use this old one first)
because he’s in love with me” and “you must go to the gym a lot you have big muscles” while she
Me: “Who kisses better, men or women?”
squeezed them. No I wrestle bears like your flat mate probably does right Ivon?
HB’s: “Women blah blah blah”
He laughs.
Me: “So you have kissed a women before?”
I use some new GSF stuff on her then she agrees
HB’s: (Always seem to say) “Yes, blah blah blah”
to come home with me, but I tell her another time (as I have an early date Thursday and need some
Me: “There’s this test to find out which are better
rest as I’ve been on it for a week solid. kissers, but you wouldn’t be interested as your Not once did they ask why I was by myself think
friends, even though everyone at my Uni parties
hard why that is…
use to test the theory and it worked soooo well? …… Are you both open minded?”
I will arrange to meet her at a later date when I’m free…
HB’s: “Yes” (Now you have just got them to say “Yes” to doing the game, but it way you have asked them, they have said yes to everything you
Beckster: 3 Way Kissing Technique
ask in the sentence) now to confirm it before they realise, quickly say before they speak again.
First you must build up the comfort with wit and humour- be cocky too- but in a way that makes
Me: “I knew you two would be cool and open
everyone happy.
minded, some people can be soo boring and miss out on fun and great opportunities, you both grab
Kino both HB’s a lot and build it up, give them both intimate time with you when one goes to the toilet/bar/use phone, start being a bit more serious
on for life right?”
HB’s: “Yes” (they normally giggle or something,
she should say yes as she was kissing you more
remember you don’t have to say this word for
then the other HB.
word). Also you can get 3somes from this, I have and I Me: “OK, are you ready?”
haven’t even experiment much with it.
HB’s: “Yes” (Now I have made them say yes 3 times, the yes ladder is so powerful).
Conquering Approach Anxiety (AA): 2 Perspectives
Me: “Now this may seem weird to hear, but to feel how it works afterwards you will be amazed.
Do you like being amazed by new and exciting things?” (REMEMBER PAUSES).
1. Frame it differently. If you frame an approach as a do or die situation in which you are desperate
HB’s: “Yes” (one more yes for luck lol, you can
for a close, this is high pressure. Frame it like this:
make them say yes them all day if you like and
You are being the fun sociable guy who will talk
anchor it too).
to people and have fun, and if you happen to be in an interaction with an HB (Hot Babe) that is going
Me: “OK, all hold hands in a circle (you can be
well, the close will be natural.
sitting or standing), now we must connect our lips together much like a kiss and the currents in
2. Take baby steps: If you are going in to close, you
our bodies will be attracted to the most strongest
have a lot more to think about and you will have
current (you can add this bit to if you want but
more AA. Instead, in the early days, just aim to
don’t kill the moment “did you know each human
open as much as possible. Don’t over think, just
body gives off enough electricity to power a light
say hi to strangers or cheers them, or wave, or
ask a simple question then leave. When you are comfortable opening, you can work on progressing
Now girls shut your eyes and as we kiss on 3
things and actually start opening to close.
(seconds) hold it there for 5 seconds try to feel who is giving off more power, if it’s the same we
3. Reduce the pressure. Going up to a girl and
all our compatible.”
telling her “I want you, and nothing is going to stop me getting you” would be pretty cool if it
Go through the motions and turn it into a snog. If
worked but is going to give you huge approach
this doesn’t work either blame them for trying to
anxiety because there is too much pressure. Find
snog you or say, I wanna try that again.
simple reasons to start conversations to start with. Opinion openers are low-pressure and a
If you feel one was kissing you more, then you’ll be able to kiss her as soon as you alone with her, tell her you felt it more with her, did she with you,
much easier way to start a conversation.
4. Don’t be too fussy. If you only approach SHBs
The more you let that voice control you the more
(Super Hot Babes), it will take you years to get
it will, until it’s so powerful that pretty much
over your approach anxiety simply because there
nothing but hypnosis can cure it!!! If you fight it
aren’t many about. Lower your standards for
every day, hour, minute, do crazy things, wave at
starting interactions until you can find 20 sets a
people, stick your tongue out, wink and smile little
night to open. You don’t need to close them, only
things to start with until the voice dies out to a
open! You will still conquer your AA and then you
quiet murmur.
can raise your standards again. Beckster: Kino Is King Beckster: So we touch to feel someone or to make someone It’s called analysis paralysis, once you think about
feel us.
it longer then 3 seconds (hence the 3 second rule was invented) your inner voice takes over and you
We use it to push our point, to exaggerate or put
first have to have a debate with your inner voice
emphasis on our emotions.
to see if you will or will not approach. We when get (to) excited or sad. You may win or lose this battle in your head but even if you win your inner voice has spread doubt
We use kino to say things without using words, to
in your influenced mind, so you will be going in
express what we can’t say without words also.
not the full ticket! So it’s not just as easy as saying touch her here, You can battle this inner voice with your own
there and the other oooppss.
voice and also using an anchor, I like to squeeze my fist and say in my head or out loud (for
And it’s not the same as sling your arm around
special) occasions) “MAN UP”.
everyone and shouting hey buddy.
To me it means be the man, I’m a man, it’s a
But a blue print can be used to help you along
man’s right, lets get breeding. Its natural to breed,
your way and you know what, you will never get
it’s the most powerful instinct so why fight it? why
better or good at it unless you practice.
let that little voice that has been the bane of your life? Don’t let it mess with you anymore, because
So some quick tips:
you know in your heart that every time you have stood up to your (bad) inner voice you have felt
Touch gently with the back of your hands and do
powerful and great, so why won’t you stand up to
not linger, pull away slowly other times quickly.
him, if you stand up to him you can stand up to anyone.
Don’t look where you are touching her.
Use the back of your hands even better the finger
I will leave you with a little game to practice
which I call 3 touches in a minute.
Push away from her as you do this, it’s none
You must touch her 3 times on each side of her
threatening and it confuses her mind if you
body in a minute, but you must keep swapping
like her or not, sort of push pull but with body
each side with each touch. Hard to explain I have
a rough quickly knocked up u-tube video of it to help you get an idea..
Use your heels or toes to pivot away while you kino then pull yourself in again.
Up up and Kino’s away……… Kino is King
Use indirect kino Use misdirection kino, “ is that David Beckham
Megadirt: The Underestimated Benefits Of Going Out
over there” as you point in at some random person and put your arm around her or on the
Bit of background info to start you off. My
small of her back.
sudonym is Megadirt, or MD if you wish. I was the type of guy who would end up falling into lucky
Touch non sexual erogenous zone behind the ear
relationships with 7s or 8s and they would last
for example, please ROOT why you are doing this
a long time….I say long, 6 months at best. The
otherwise she will think you’re a perv. So think of
repercussions of the break-up however lasted
a routine to allow you, also let me know how you
a LONG time, sometimes 2 years of nothing, no
get on.
socialising even with people I already knew.
Touch her shoes not many people do that, root
I discovered the community when I was 16 (5
this with a routine to, you can really pull her
years ago) but when I was 16, as most 16 year olds
leg on to your lap and inspect them, this works
do, I did everything half-assed, I fell into another
wonders it also conveys a lot of balls doing this
relationship and just forgot about it. Earlier this
and how different you are to other people.
summer my AFC friend got dumped just before taking his CB4 girlfriend to NewYork.
Don’t be scared to take a HB’s hand just root again why you are doing so.
So I went with him instead, and at a Playboy
Leading is fine once enough kino has be installed,
book signing picked up a book by my, by then,
you will even be able to look her it the eyes and
second only to Douglas Adams, favourite author
stick your arm out for her to link on to then
Neil Strauss. It all came flooding back. I looked at
parade her around the place.
my friend and his CB4 ex-gf (who came anyway) and all the acronyms and sudonyms patterns,
If it’s a 2set touch one but look at the other. This is
everything I’d learned all of a sudden seemed to
a long and advanced one for another time. Along
make more sense. For fear of being chastised I left
with boob-kino, yes I said boob-kino.
the book down and vowed to get it once I got back
making them feel REALLY uncomfortable. I walked
to familiar bookshops.
up, alpha handshake, “hey man hows it going I really love your tie, whered you get it, its really
So I read it tried and tested a few wings and have
cool I had one just like it, where you guys out for
whittled it down to 3 very good eager to learn
tonight, just out drinknig on the pull? Thats really
guys. I went to see Gambler and by the end of
cool, youll go really far, youve a great sense of
the day I was approaching like a motherfucker.
tact…” basically I just kept talking as I walked him
First week back out I email close and F-closed a
and his friend over to the other side of the bar.
fortnight later, got a half assed relationship outve it. Not enough to make me leave the game.
I then opened the two set Id just saved, fired an opener at them, DHVd took a while, their shields
We went out once a week did one approach
where up a bit cos of the guys, but they invited us
maybe, but would spend the rest of the week
out the following day, one of the girls was really
watching DVDs, reading E-books, making up
shy and submissive, the other quite dominant and
scenarios. There got to a point where I realised
playful. TBH, closing shouldve been no problem,
that I could get past any womans LMR, AMOG the
but I just didnt, thats the next stage I have to get
drunkest of guys and we were all really pleased
to, thats for next week.
with ourselves…..but we couldn’t approach anyone. Every week was the same, maybe open
Another set I opened later that day had someone
one or two sets, and then laugh it up when they
in it I already recognised, but she didnt recognise
went wrong, high five if they went right then my
me, so I opened them and told her what her name
relationship ended, I watched the loverboy tribute
was and she got a bit scared, I guessed her friends
to sarging video. It ended on a Thursday. I went
birthday to “proove” I was psychic.
out that night, and everynight until tonight. 9 Days. 9 Nights out.
Then isolated her friend, teased her, c&f all was going well, pushed for the number close she
I figured out since last week Ive approached
“couldnt remember her number”. The interaction
about 150 people. Early in the week the sets
went quite well, but I dont think I displayed
wouldnt hook that easily, or would go dry but we
enough personality and it was quite near the end
opened loads of them, got rid of the AA which
of the night but thats another step up, besides Ill
was the point. Middle of the week wed hold sets
see her again, if not, 7 billion people in the world
for ages, theyd get slightly bitchy after a while
ive still most of them to meet.
but the interactions where fun. We have had to incorporate negs, C&F, false takeaways..all those
Ive been at the game for 3 months, and I
little decorations for the stages and as of last
find that Ive had to extreme progress points,
night AMOGing.
Gamblers workshop, and the past 9 days. The commonalities? Approach everything. High five
These two really drunk guys where diving right
people without drinks, clink glasses, say cheers or
into the seduction stage hanging off girls and
happy christmas, work the room. Ive internalised
more in the past week than I have in the apst 3
shes probably just putting all this on anyway” Ill
months just because of this, most of which was
give you guys a better idea by being more specific.
yesterday and the previous day. Game the world, old lady serving you in a shop wearing an odd
Today me and WING went out to a bar called Stiff
Kitten, it’s one of our regular establishments. We went in said hey to the bouncers and headed
Talk about it. Girl walks into you in the street?
on down the steps and approached the bar, as
Bust her on it. Guy wearing your favourite bands
I ordered my Vodka and red bull, I took a quick
t-shirt? Talk to him about them. Just talk to
peripheral look around, guy sets and couples all
everyone, if you tease a guy working in a pizza
the way. I started talking to WING, I noticed a
shop, or a girl working in a bookstore, they
two set a tall brunette HB7, and leading her down
probably aren’t going to accuse you of gaming
the steps, a half-Italian HB8.5 long legs, eyes you
could lose yourself in, a hypnotic walk and most importantly a life with a me-shaped hole in it. I looked around, there was a set near them… a guy
Megadirt: Fear of success
set, I briefly considered pawning them but just grew some balls and went in to the two set with
I’ve had many sticking points in my three and
no idea of what I was gonna say.
a half months of gaming. Approach anxiety because I was new to the game. Being able to talk
”Hey guys, where’s there thats good to go on a
in sets because I was so nervous. Keeping high
Saturday… that isn’t here or the Limelight?” ”
energy because I was thinking negative thoughts.
Erm…..There’s the beach club…but they’ve got a
Creating attraction because I didnt understand
really strict dress code, sometimes they wont let
about kino etc. Building comfort because I talked
you in….” I cut her off here and looked offended
about myself a bit too much and didnt really care
“What are you trying to say?” in a cocky funny
about them. These are all pretty generic, nothing
way, while indicating how well I was dressed. She
to be ashamed of, they all make sense, easy to
laughed and continued “No no no, I mean if you
get past. But recently Ive hit an odd one. I hope
go in wearing a mini-skirt sometimes they….”
other people get this and I’m not just mental. I
“Wow wow wow, what about my personality
cant number close. Not because she isn’t giving
makes you think I’m gonna try and go in there
me enough IOI’s or is being bitchy, but because its
in a mini skirt?” She laughed and lightly Kino’d
going so well. I look at the girl who is hotter than
me, I let her finish waht she was trying to say,
anyone Ive ever spoken to before, she is feeling
thanked her Kino’d the obstacle lightly and went
me up, rubbing against me, holding my hand from
back to WING. He asked me if there was anywhere
time to time and shes looking at me with those
around for food that wasn’t takeaway crap. So I
DDB eyes, this is the point when my that evil little
asked the set, “Hey guys, you were so much help
man who lives in my head steps in and suggests
the last time Im gonna let you consult me on my
“Look at her shes so hot, if you ask for her
next problem, were can we get something to eat
number, her friend will think you’re weird, and
around here that isnt greasy and burger king-y.”
We fluffed for a bit, and then WING took care of
Im gonna have to get over that soon, Ill keep you
the obstacle. We started talking she started to
posted as I get better.
give me a bit of kino and she asked me what I did for work, we talked about her being half Itialian, and where abouts she was from, Sicily it turns out, and she asked how often I am in the Stiff Kitten.
Gambler: The Importance Of Morals When Dealing With Women
I wasn’t sure if the truth was a good idea but I said “About 4 times a week cos I love meeting new
So you want the skill of a PUA which basically
people, and it keeps work very seperate from my
means you can have choice with women? You can
social life.” I also pointed out I wasnt an alcoholic
have multiple long term relationships, you can
and didnt drink everytime I was there. Her next
have all the one-night stands you want, or you
question knocked me off guard “Have you read the
can find a good quality girl and stick with her.
game?” I replied with a cool, “yeah it’s cool” then she kept trying to make sure that I had constantly
The problem for me is when guys don’t consider
asking me questions about it, as if it was a DHV
the woman’s wants whatsoever. Maybe they hate
to have read it and she HAD to make sure. She
women for all the times they’ve been rejected and
then was really interested in my path from being
want to get their own back. This is messed up.
a nervos little boy to my current situation. “I
Luckily most of our customers are good quality
can’t imagine you being shy.” “Yeah this time 2
guys who love women and just want more control
weeks ago my hair was long frizzy and I probably
over their love lives.
wouldnt be tlaking to you, this time 3 months ago I definately wouldn’t have been talknig to you,
With great power comes great responsibility as
and this time 6 months ago I probably wouldnt
Spiderman says. It is possible (and not even too
even have been out at the bar.” “Have you a photo
difficult) to make sure you never break a girl’
of you with your hair longer, you look really sexy
now.” She was kinoing me so much at this point it was getting ridiculous, I was gonna have to
You just need to follow a few simple rules:
close her. We fluffed for a while, it came time for both of us to go to our next destinations, my head
-If you just want sex, you don’t need a
kept saying “We should hang out sometime…..
conversation to set these rules, you just need to
we should hang out sometime….we should hang
keep the intera
out sometime…” She invited me to go with her to the bar she was going to, I didnt go because I
-Now, by being honest and having morals, you
was so skint I couldnt afford it, we both left about
MIGHT sleep with less women, but that love for
the same time, I didnt close her, I couldve real
women and the desire not to hurt them will make
easily even when we left she looked back at us
you more attractive and will earn you trust when
twice I couldve called her over and done it there
you really want it.
but didn’t. I really don’t feel comfortable doing it,
-Keep the interaction light, not mislead her, and
Give compliments. But do it right! Do it when
not connect with her on a deep level. You know
you really feel it. Don’t be generic with the
what she wants in a boyfriend, don’t be it!
compliment, and don’t say it weakly. Deliver it deadpan. Compliments about character or
-When you are dating, be honest. If you tell
something that she has done with herself that she
her you are seeing other women or don’t want
wasn’t born with are always better.
something too serious, she won’t be investing emotion in something that isn’t real.
You only need to play hard to get if she is, if she is open to talking to you initially, don’t be
-You are a PUA, you can find another girl easily,
distant, engage with her before she thinks you are
she might be heat-broken for months if you split
interested in her ugly friend and decides to leave
up with her. Better to let the girl dump you. Just
the two of you together!
be needy and clingy and unattractive, you don’t
Take any rule with a pinch of salt. Find out what
need to start being a bastard. This isn’t about
works for you. I break other guys’ rules every time
status, it’s about not being nasty when you don’t
I go out and still get tons of quality girls.
need to.
Gambler’s PUA Method Gambler: Seduction Tips – The Pick-Up Rules
People think I’m a natural, but I’m not, I didn’t kiss a girl until 21! People call me good looking,
Don’t listen to the rules!
thanks, but I was called ugly until my early
You can’t buy drinks for girls. Don’t ask their
twenties too. I have worked on every aspect of my
name. Don’t give a compliment. Don’t pay
character, and I’ve done everything possible to
attention to the one you fancy!
engineer my looks. I didn’t know anything about this stuff until late 2005. At that time, I’d only slept
Ignore all that rubbish. These rules should not
with 2 girls!
be taken as law. If you are a millionaire, she is broke, and you are both thirsty from talking for
When I got into Game, one of the first things I
30 minutes, it’s fine to buy her a drink! Just avoid
decided was that I didn’t want to limit myself in
girls that ONLY want a drink, and don’t think of it
any way. I wanted to be able to do day game, night
as winning her over if you buy her a drink.
game, dance floor, basically anytime I saw a girl that I wanted to speak to, I wanted to be able to
Ask her name, its fine, getting a name is powerful,
approach her.
do it early. If you wait for her, chances are she will forget to ask, it’s an IOI if she asks, but most of the
Naturally I’m not high energy, I was a shy,
time they are caught up in the conversation and
introvert, who wasn’t very sociable. I’ve learnt
will forget!
how to turn on my extrovert skills, but usually I’d prefer to not be too high energy. I can do it
however, I can hold a 6 set on my own for 20
your mind that the girl will come over to you, then
minutes, and do crazy flashy things. I guess these
it will work.
are skills that naturals don’t have, so it is a mark of a PUA. Students like it, I have a rule on 1-on-
This style is good for fast escalation in clubs,
1s that I’ll open any set they tell me to, so I had
ONSs, etc. The girl doesn’t know you, so if you
to develop this skill. I’ve got a super high energy
just want something casual, do this. If you want
game, and it’s there when I need it. After doing
something more, you need to connect with her,
500+ hours of training, I have state control, I can
and that’s where I employ my second method.
switch it on and off anytime. In the second style, I’ll be semi-indirect to start. More likely, if I see a big set with a girl I want in it,
By semi-indirect I mean I’m not putting on a show
I’ll go directly to her, when Steve/Vertex says he’s
for the girl or using time-constraints etc, but I
never done a mixed set and things like this, he
am just coming across like a sociable person that
has, he just did it in this way.
wants to chat to them. I aim to hook by being more funny and interesting than what they were
I game in different ways when I’m training, so I’ll
doing and then get into rapport. I do this crazy
talk about how I game when I’m doing things for
deep connection stuff. I focus on digging out real
myself. I’ve got two types of styles:
emotions. Emotions are attached to memories,
1. Very direct and fast escalation.
passions, future dreams, etc. I elicit and connect on this. This is where the girls say “I trust you”,
2. Slow burning girlfriend close.
“I feel like I’ve known you for 3 months”, and it melts them pretty well. So I’ve got this connection,
In the first style, I’ll attract the girl’s attention
at some point I switch to a sexual character and
from a distance, force an IOI (verbally or non-
this brings in the sexual tension. She knows I
verbally), go in in a sexual state and escalate
know that I can kiss her, and the tension builds.
quickly. This is how I got a 20 minute street to
It’s up to me when I do it.
bed with a genuine HB9 (on the Vertex & Gambler scale, I only SAW three 9s in 2006), and it’s how I
I’ve had girls I’ve brought back to my house,
got 2 k-closes at Movida on Wednesday without
haven’t kissed them at all so far, and they still are
even talking to the girls first. I use a lot of non-
naked in bed within 10 minutes. When they know
verbal stuff, I can even have a little conversation
you can kiss them but wait, the tension builds,
non-verbally to warm the girls up.
and it’s not that awkward type because they know you are doing it on purpose rather than just being
This style of mine took a while to develop,
you need complete confidence and authority otherwise it just won’t work. The example is
So I use this to get my girlfriend close. The GF-
beckoning a girl to come over to you, if you do it
close is basically when they would move in with
with doubt, she won’t come. If there is no doubt in
me, commit to a relationship, whatever, just after a few hours. Another facet of this style is my
complete honesty, I will tell them my job, if I have
My morals also extend to demos for students,
any other girls, if I don’t like something about
and how I treat my girls. I’ve never broken a girl’s
them, etc. What this does is it makes my emotion
heart! I manage relationships very very well. I
for them and the compliments I give much more
don’t n-close a girl I wouldn’t call just to demo it. I
powerful because they are genuine.
don’t play with them or take things too far. I don’t use an unwitting pivot and then leave her to go off
I love women. I’m honest with them. I don’t try
with an HB. This isn’t Zan level stuff of spending
and control them. I don’t exploit them.
an hour with a fat girl just to make her feel better. I just will do what is in my power to not hurt girls.
Here’s my take on social proof game: I use it.
If I got blown out, I’d never do anything rude in
Sometimes. 2 times recently I’ve done “The
Takeover” where we will just take over a section of the club and create a bubble around us, any girl
On bootcamps, we teach the elements of social
in that bubble will be a warm approach. I’ll work
proof game, since they apply to making people
the room, be ultra high energy, dance around like
like you, making a good impression, etc.
a nutter, do all that stuff. Last bootcamp, on the Sunday night, there were more than 10 close-able girls, and when I left, some ran after me to make
Gambler: Strip Club Game
me take their number. I got solid closes from only a couple of minutes.
Not many guys that come to bootcamps have considered stripper game. A lot of people view
What I don’t do is talk to people who I don’t want
strippers as little better than prostitutes. The
to, when I don’t feel like it. Just like I can’t bring
thing is that in London, a stripper can earn £1000
myself to use a routine or canned lines in a PU,
a night in a top venue. Guys are not allowed to
I can’t be fake with people who I’m just trying
touch, the girls are well looked after, and the
to get something from. It works fine for me,
crowd is much better than you would find in an
I’ve spent no time schmoozing but still get film
average club.
premieres, VIP parties, etc. In my opinion, social circle game is much easier so it’s worth trying to
This means that a hot girl can make a lot more
get HBs in your social circle. The owner of a model
from stripping than she could for most other
agency needs no game. Can you say that game
things. She can work for a few months and save
is getting the girls whether it comes from a cold
up enough money to put towards a house or
approach, or whether it comes from you making
something else.
friends with her boss? So, the upshot is that the strip club is not full Sure you can, I just morally object to working
of skanky bitches, it’s filled with generally good
people like that.
quality girls. They could be students, they could have a dream of being a singer or model, or yes, they could be a skanky bitch. The point is, the girls
will be no worse than the average that you find in
considered the hardest to pick up. I don’t really
a night club in character, and will be a LOT better
know what to work on next, but I do know that if
in looks.
I can take another PU holiday in a place with hot women, I’ll come back with a whole bunch of new
Not all the girls are hot in a strip club, there are
refinements to my game and teaching method.
some fat ones, there are some with ugly faces. But the average standard is much higher, and chances
I think the next step could be further research
are that out of 70 girls, 2 or 3 will be HB8s (on our
on state control. I want to be able to generate
strict scale).
the state at will that women find irresistible. It is easy to get into this state if you’ve got a bunch of
The other misconception is that you are going to
k-closes around a club, but I’d like to be able to
need to buy loads of dances. You don’t. We spend
generate it any time.
very little money at the strip club (1 drink). We get in for free with vouchers, buy our drink, and sit
Something I need to do is bring back some
there for a few hours and game the girls.
balance. I work almost exclusively on PUA stuff, I have meant to do lots of classes and courses but
Favourite strip clubs in London for gaming the
just haven’t had the time. I’ve started going to the
girls are Stringfellows in Wardour St and Upper
gym for the first time in my life which is good for
St Martin’s Lane (next to my house!), Spearmint
my energy levels and fitness but haven’t done the
Rhino, and Secrets in Chancery Lane or Euston.
other things I’ve meant to. I want to do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for martial arts &
Gambler: Looking back and forward: Personal
fitness. I want to do some yoga/pilates classes because I am very inflexible. I want to learn Portuguese (for when I go to Brazil), and Russian. I
If I look back at what I’ve achieved in terms of
have loads of books I want to read.
increasing my skill with women, building the business, and working on my character, I’m very
On an even more personal note, I’ve met lots of
satisfied. If I had just learned game and never
good friends and girls through moving to London
thought about training, I would have quit learning
and dedicating my time to PUA. These are people
about 9 months ago. At that point, I could go out
that will always be part of my life now, and it’s
a few times a week and get numbers to line up
amazing to see what big events small decisions
dates for the rest of the week.
have lead to. People that have read my story might imagine that I’m not at all an introvert anymore,
I kept on trying to improve because I wanted to
but I still am. I still prefer small groups, 1on1
be the best that I could so that I would offer the
conversations, and need time to myself. I just
best service to customers. I wasn’t improving for
have the extravert skills when necessary.
myself, I went beyond that. So now I date fashion models and strippers, the kind of girls that are
Gambler: Eye Contact, Rapport & Conversational Flow
means that I only lose the attraction but not the
I was on a 1on1 the other day and had some
Another factor was that he nodded and moved
deeper realisations on eye contact. We were in
his head a lot when the girl was speaking.
set together, I was winging and observing my
Subconsciously, this told her that she should
student whilst he was in set. I noticed that I was
finish what she is saying quickly. We all know
able to get my girl comfortable and in rapport
what it is like when someone is nodding and
very quickly but his conversation seemed to be a
saying “aha, yeah, aha”, it’s annoying and it
bit stop-start. A lot of guys also tell me that they
communicates that they have something to say.
run out of things to say, etc. I used to have this
He wasn’t verbally doing this, but he was nodding
problem, but maybe I wasn’t completely conscious
and moving his head quickly which both makes
of all the elements I have now that make this not
it look like he wasn’t listening well and made her
happen anymore.
think he wanted to jump in with something to say.
He was breaking eye contact to think of what to
If you can keep eye contact and match their vocal
say next. When you break eye contact, the other
tone and be relaxed in your body language, you
person’s attention can wander. They will look
can create an environment where they forget
around the room, things will catch their eye, the
about the whole room and everything going on
eye wanders and then the mind wanders. It will
for a few minutes, it’s almost hypnotic. I think
break them out of the moment. It’s very difficult
this is what I do, and this is why my conversation
to do this if someone is holding eye contact with
flows. We are focused completely on each other,
you, you might look away but you will feel drawn
I’m not in my head wondering what to say, and
back in.
they aren’t looking around getting distracted. It is
powerful. I knew this already, but what I realised was the timing of the eye contact break. If you break it
Of course, eye contact is also essential for the
when there is a break in the conversation (end
seduction phase…
of subject, thinking of what to say next), then it increases the strength of the break and creates the stop-start kind of conversation. If you break
Gambler: 93% Of Gaming Is Non-Verbal
eye contact when they are in flow or you are in flow, they still have the words there to hold their
This is a recent realisation of mine. It goes against
attention so it is more acceptable and doesn’t
conventional thought, and it goes against all the
create that break. I advocate constant eye contact,
guys that constantly ask “what should I open
but I notice that I break it when I’m winging,
talking to guys, or generally talking to people that I don’t want to be attracted to me. But I break it when there is not a conversational break, this
In a night club, you can k-close without saying
Recently I’ve been gaming with a different style,
a word. Sexual tension is generated almost
this is similar to what Beckster has been doing for
completely through non-verbal communication.
Of course, day-game has a much larger verbal
I’ll go to a club and get 5 or more numbers of the
element, and it is kind of stupid that most of the
hottest girls. I might only be in set with them for a
pickup material is verbally heavy but focused on
short time. Normally all we have is attraction.
clubs. “Who lies more” doesn’t work in the street or supermarket. Clubs are noisy, the girls have
I’ll get the number and then I’ll send them the
lower attention spans, and in big cities there are
same series of text messages which is designed to
often a large number of foreign girls.
get them back to my house. From Wednesday I’ve
Assuming the basic rule that number closes are
got 3 dates arranged, and from Thursday another
for the day-time and physical closes are for the
2. The girls are hot, some models, all meet my
night game (because one is a sexually charged
criteria of looking good without make-up, bening
environment with alcohol and the other isn’t)
thin, and having other attractive qualities outside
most of how night game is taught should focus on
their looks. For my first time trying this style it
non-verbal communication. There is a shortage of
went well, but I think with some refinements I
day-game material. My non-verbal game includes
could line up dates for the whole week from just
forcing IOIs, sexual tension generation, sexual
one night out.
state projection, and conveying attractive qualities (sexual confidence, relaxed, indifferent, non-
Of course, one constraint on this is the quality
of the girls, and luckily now I’ve found the best places in London for hot girls so I can guarantee that I’m going to be attracted to quite a few of
Gambler: Fast Closes And Text Game, Gaming The Lazy Way
them vs none of them in the usual Leicester Square venues.
When I first started gaming, I opened 20 sets or so a night, partly to get lots of practice and partly because the sets weren’t lasting that long. Then I
Natural Game vs Routine-based, Gambler’s take
got good, and only opened girls that I wanted. I have never directly commented on this For the past 6 months, i’ve been going for solid
arguement - is it better to develop a script and go
closes with very targeted girls. I’d go to the club
out and use it to pull women, or is it better to try
and usually only open one girl, and they’d be the
and be natural?
ones that I stay with for the rest of the night. Because of the amount of time we are together,
On our bootcamps, we take the view that it is
it’s pretty much guaranteed that they’d want to
easier to get started and build confidence if you
see me again. I called this “the girlfriend close”.
have some material to fall back on, and that is
feel a connection with you because you ran all
why we teach some.
this emotional stuff on them and you are going to break a lot of hearts. Does someone who is
Personally I used canned material and routines to
great with women need to do this? Shouldn’t he
begin with and it took a few months to completely
be better and more moral than the average guy.
leave them behind.
Normally it is desperation that causes a guy to lie and use tricks (and even spike girls drinks), so
Assuming someone is a PUA or MPUA, why would
why do these so-called PUAs still do it?
they still use routines? Here are my problems with
6. Are you developing yourself and making
routine based game:
yourself into a more attractive man if you are working so much on your outer game, and
1. The woman is being attracted to a fake you, do
specifically the script you use? Doesn’t that make
you want someone to be attrracted, like, or love
you a weirdo?
you for who you are or not? Of course, this stuff all has it’s place and i’m glad 2. Men that have choice and skills with women do
I had some openers and stuff when I first started
not need to lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, or trick a
but the goal of us all should be to leave it all
woman into bed. Fake DHV stories, openers, kiss-
behind as soon as possible.
close techniques, etc are all fakery that substitute putting yourself on the line. 3. Do we really want a girl that would fall for all
Steve: Sexual Escalation - Gaming For Sex After Short Interactions
this shit? I know it works on a lot of girls, but it puts me off a girl when she falls for it!
I wanted to write this post after thinking about the 10 step guide to natural game.
4. There is a chance I could end up in a relationship with a girl I use a routine stack on,
I’ve seen posts / spoken to guys about their view
could I live with myself knowing that I might not
on game and have noticed that there tends to be
have got her if I didn’t use it? Can I look at her
a ubiquitous view that the “process” should be
every day knowing she fell for “who lies more?”
followed, dogmatically, religiously, at all times.
Do I want a girl that any routine robot might have
Either MM, SS or whatever.
been able to get? Pulled a HB 8.5 and are attracting well? Better 5. This is the biggest of all. When you use a routine
lather some rapport on there sonny jim, otherwise
stack time and time again. you can’t calibrate
you in fo a whole heap o flaking.
to how much you like the girl. Whether you just want to sleep with her or whether you really
In a group situation? Better go in a take care of the
really like her, you use the same shit. So what
CB’s first, and fo sho don’t game the target direct,
happens? Girls that you don’t like too much
cos she’ll blow you out and kick you to the kerb,
(Fake gangster accent a la Robert De Niro, with
exaggerated hand gestures)
Ehhh, forget abaaaat it, so where you goin eh? Hot damn..HB 8.5 tall redhead (laughing): I’m
I’m speaking from my own personal experience
going to Swindon Me : Whatchou goin there for,
on this matter, so what I wanted to talk about
wassa matta withchu? Come with me to London..
was the notion of having to have all this rapport
(Puts hand under chin and gestures toward her,
/ comfort in order to ensure the HB will meet you
gangster style HB 8.5 tall redhead (laughing more)
again after the first encounter. In my view, it’s not
: Hey I’d love to but I’m tired from work, blah blah
necessary, at least not to the degree that a lot of
Me : Ah yeah, work eh. Hah I bet you’re tired,
guys seem to think. Attraction and fascination will
climing up that pole, stripper girl.
do just fine. Thus the convo was started NOTE : Obviously it’s preferable to have some kind of connection, however I am posting this because I
So we get on the train and talk more, I tell her I
think it’s helpful in situations where :
have been to see my accountant and she tells me she is a trainee account. At this point we’re sitting
(i) There isn’t enough fucking time for rapport
opposite each other, so I move across next to her
i.e train station, tube, etc etc.(ii) You’re in an
and show her my expenses on my laptop (I also
environment where there are lots of HB’s and you
show her pics of HB Spanish model who I’ve been
don’t want to spend hours with her talking shite.
shagging, I don’t know why but this came up)
(iii) You get the point.
So I have about 1 hour to game her, plenty.
Here is an example which illustrates the point,
keep busting on her about various things and then
with follow up:
go kino. Hardcore. Started off brushing a bit of hair off her face and told her I love readheads, she says
I met HB 8.5 tall redhead at Cheltenham train
I’m cheesy but is loving it. We’re chatting like this
station last Friday, I thought I would game her for
for a while and then some guy sits opposite so I
a laugh as I haven’t been doing too much recently.
open up my laptop and start typing messages for her on the screen.
Me : Hey how long does x take to get to London, it doesn’t say on the boardHB 8.5 tall redhead :
It revolves around star signs and sexuality, I tell
Er about 2 hours I thinkMe : Wow you’re really
her that she is a naughty girl and a typical red
expressive with your hand gestures, what are you
head, she accuses me of being a player, doing
a gangster or something? You Italian?
this all the time etc…I eventually say to her that I think we should go to the toilets and fuck, she
replies with something like (my heart says yes but
I felt we had something there and I want to
my head says no…I can’t do it,, I’m a good girl).
see where it takes us, it’s not very often I meet someone I really like..You felt it too babe didn’t
I am escalating kino all the time, I put my hand
you, I know you did..Speak soon.”
on her knee and tell her that perfect symmetry is rare in nature, she says one of her knees is bigger
The KEY points here are:
than the other as she had an accident once, etc etc. So I play about with this for a while and then
(i) She was obviously very attracted and that alone
move my hand further up, part her legs etc and
may have guaranteed a shag AT THAT TIME (e.g at
stroke thighs…Then lean in and nibble on her
her house), however due to the time lag she might
neck and earlobes…
have flaked, however because the attraction and fascination was so strong she made it easy for
After more of this and more sexy talk I end up
me to progress things by making comments like
getting off with her, not hugely passionate kissing
“you’re a player, don’t go shagging and leaving too
but proper, right on the train This is a crowded
many girls when you go out this weekend” etc etc.
train, there’s a guy opposite and to the other side are various other passengers. They can’t see my
She was making it clear that she thought I was
hand under the table though… As she gets off I
smack her on the arse (my speciality) and tell her
OF IT, all I had to say was that I felt something
I’ll be seeing her real soon…I have the number of
special with her.(ii)This is absolutely key with
quick seductions that of necessity have to lead to sex at another time – you HAVE to have MAJOR
So try to get her down at the weekend but she
attraction, escalate smoothly, confidently and in a
doesn’t make it although she has rung me twice
dominant way, and then later when she gives you
and will prob come down on Sunday.
a chance to make her feel a little special, you take it.
THE REAL KEY TO THIS POST : I’ve had 3 minute, hell 2 minute no closes from I could sense that she thought I was a player and
nightclubs, coffee shops etc that have led to
not really faithful to girls and she felt like one in a
prolonged contact and in some cases, sex. You
long queue, so I had to at least provide some sort
have to sense the energy of the interaction
of spurious reason for her to come down and shag
and leave on a high note when her interest is
me (ok she hasn’t yet but the fact that she has
high…don’t let it flag and don’t talk too fucking
called twice now indicates to me that it’s on. If she
much. (iii) Even though she probably knows it’s
does come down, I am 95% sure I will nail her).
bullshit, in her mind she is probably resolved of all responsibility as I am the one escalating etc.
So I sent her a txt, along the lines of “Hey in all seriousness, I know we got a bit carried away
She knows she wants to fuck but has to
there on the train but I did really quite like you..
rationalise it to herself in some way, so will most
definitely come down with the view “I’m not going
Now, what is going on here? Is it natural to do this
to shag him”, but will do it and then rationalise
are are you using a technique? A frame control
afterwards that it was all my fault…
technique? To me, anything that is not natural is WEAK. You will be found out eventually, IMHO.
I am typing this at work and my manager is
Also, if not done correctly it looks fucking stupid.
watching me like a fucking hawk, I will come
You look like a dork who is socially maladjusted,
back to it another time and reread to make
trying to be “alpha”.
sure it makes sense…anyway there have been other examples but I wanted to give a detailed
I’ve seen this out there, by the way, it;s
breakdown so you could see what I was talking
cringeworthy. It’s totally different from someone
about Summary
who GENUINELY can’t be arsed to listen to any bullshit and gives a congruent reaction. It looks
(i) Escalate physically, SMOOTHLY, CONFIDENTLY,
DOMINANT. She WILL be sucked into it if you do this, doesn’t matter that much where you are.
I’ve been thinking about game recently and a key part of having a natural style is living in the
(ii) Leave the interaction on a high note
moment. To me, this means just saying the first thing that comes into my head!! Listen to what
(iii) There’s NOTHING wrong with her thinking
your body is telling you, what pops into your mind
you’re a player, it’s a challenge to her, she is
when someone says something to you?
turned on by it and will give you a way in by dropping little hints so that you can make her feel
I think it depends on a bunch of factors : your
a little special
state, how tired you are, the environment, etc etc. What about if you could just say the first thing
(iv) When you see her again, escalate from where
that comes into your mind, and give your natural
you left off. First thing you do when you see her
response with no regards to the consequenecs?
– walk up to her, kiss her and grab her arse.
Because you really don’t care? London Hunk has been posting every Tuesday
Steve: A Powerful Natural Frame To Have
about responding when a HB hits you with THIS. I find this really cool, but I was thinking : my
I’ve seen a lot of talk on here about FRAME. Your
response would be totally different depending
frame in the interaction with HB’s.
on how I feel at any given time, what my body is telling me.
For eg, if the HB says something unnacceptable, or is shit testing you or whatever, you FRAME
Example :
CONTROL it away. HB : So why do I need you as a boyfriend? What “Yeah cool, so whatever”
will you do for me?
Me (happy relaxed and playful state) - Turn her
being insecure. SO this is stuff I HAVE LEARNED
over, smack her on the arse. “Shut up silly girl”.
MY SELF. To my mind, there is NO reason why
Smack her arse again.
someone else cannot learn it too.
Me (moody and pissed off state) - Wincing. Look
I think I am advocating something that is much
at her - “That’s a fucking stupid thing to say. Shut
more simple, organic and natural that learning
up. Don’t say stuff like that to me again”Me (Angry
techniques. I am advocating doing exactly what
state) Shut up you stupid cuntMe (horny state)
your body and mind say at that point in time.
FUCK THE ARSE OFF YOU. You wouldnt fucking believe it. Now shut up and grab my dick!
Have you ever noticed the nerdy guys who, when you get talking to them, occasionaly come out
Do you see where I am going with this? It’s
with hysterical comments that have everyone
amazingly powerful. You just wander through life,
rolling around the floor laughing? Would you ever
living in your own reality.
expect that? No. So, what about if these guys try giving themselves free reign to let this personality
Now, I am not advocating hitting people or being
come out. This is what I am saying. Let the real
criminal. You need to be socially adjusted and
person come out, past all the social programming.
have respect for peoples boundries. An obvious one is : never fuck around with peoples religions.
Other guys on here can probably advise more technical ways of doing this : I am offering
Be socially aware but live in YOUR reality.
another alternative.
Further info:
Have you ever seen that movie, Falling Down? The Micheal Douglas character is going insane, sure.
OK there are some valid points here and i’ll ignore
But what’s he up to? HE’S ACTING AS HE WANTS
the pointless diatribe against me…No need for it.
TO!! It is fucking annoying to him that they are
I am genuinely trying to help and am genuinely
digging up the street, so he blows it up with a
trying to break down how I game because I feel it’s
fucking rocket launcher!!!
valid : it’s not easy for me to do this. So, if a girl is giving you shit, and yuo’re pissed 1st point : Frame control IS something that can be
off, FUCKING TELL HER!!! Women want a guy who
learned. I was not a “natural” before I started : I
IS emotional, who IS truthful, they don’t want a
wasn’t walking up to girls on the street and taking
fucking invented personality!
them home. I had NEVER done a cold approach in my life : I used to wait for EC and then move in. Only in nightclubs. Usually it worked. My game was 1 dimensional. But I managed to talk my self out of SO SO many lays merely by
Steve: Club Game Escalation - Tactics And Techniques
If you want more Day 2’s then you need to TONE IT DOWN. Go for more rapport once you have attraction.
I see / hear a lot of guys asking about what openers are best to use in clubs, what method to
If you want to just roll around the club being wild,
use, c&f, direct etc.
getting off with good looking chicks left right and centre, then give it a try, it’s GREAT FUN!!
I see other guys discussing the merits of mini techniques, like grabbing her arm, spinning her
Clubs are full of good looking, alpha guys. Often
round etc etc.
with money, practically ALL horny, ALL wanting to get the girl. YOU HAVE TO STAND OUT!! I choose
Whilst this is all great I don’t see anyone talking
to do it by trying to portray the best looking, most
alpha, NON DRUNK, sexually powerful, dominant
SEXUAL VIBE at all times. Elements of this should
exist in ANY interaction with females, to one degree or another. However in club game, you can
NOTE: This does not work on all girls, you have
be EXTREMLY overt about it.
to calibrate. It does usually work on girls who are giving you IOIs. Otherwise you need to be able to
I shall put this in context. I am a 6ft tall bloke,
tell if a girl fancies you immediately when you
with a good body and good looks. When I am
open – look for the usual IOIs.
walking round the streets I often get very good looking women checking me out, giving me IOIs
NOTE 2: You have to get into the right state to do
I say this not to boast but to point out that the
NOTE 3: Please, no bleating about “is this field
stuff I describe here WORKS FOR ME, it may not
tested, does it work”, of course its fucking field
work for everyone. If you use this kind of stuff
tested, and it works for me.
though, it can get results like blow jobs on trains, stuff like that.
So, how to project a sexual vibe These are general things that you can do.
You will probably find that if you do stuff like this, you will get women calling you dangerous, sexy,
1. When you see a HB or SHB, imagine her naked.
horny, a predator etc. They will probably not trust
Imagine her sucking on your cock, imagine her
you but they WILL find it sexy. If you have good lay
bent over with her pink slit on display, imagine
logistics and can extract well, you may get lots on
sliding your cock into her.
ONS by doing this. 2. Feel the weight of your cock between your legs, feel your balls. Think of it as your big fat tool,
think of how you can slam it into the HBS and
You can escalate extremely fast by doing this.
make her wet. THINK SEXUAL.
Fluff about bullshit but be invading her space and overwhelm her with masculine presence.
3. Your body language should convey this sexual vibe. You should be standing tall, when you stand
6. When you first start to touch her, alternate.
still stand with your legs apart. TAKE UP SPACE.
Start off with extremely alpha stuff, after you have kissed her, SLAP her arse, I mean SLAP it, hard.
4. If you get the eye of a HB, look at her and decide
Grab one of her arse cheeks and pull her into
if you want to fuck her. If you do, think to yourself
you so her pussy is pressed up against your cock.
mmm, she is going to get some of my cock..
Grab her and pull her into you and let her feel
Swagger over to her (you have to do this right, it’s
your cock rubbing against her. Grab the back of
NOT like Liam Gallagher, its like you KNOW she
her head and pull her hair so that her head goes
wants you, the deal is already done, she wants to
back, kiss her neck. If you are doing this right, you
feel your cock in her mouth).
should be almost instantly hard and maybe have some precum coming out of your cock.
Say anything, use something like “what’s your story then?” Say it in the right way, get in close,
Then alternate it later (usually after prolonged
invade the fuck out of her body space. I’m serious,
kissing), put one hand under her chin and lean
do not be a joker, be sexually powerful. NO
back, study her whole face and look at her softly.
Put both hands on her face, one on each side. Lean
in softly, bump heads a little. Rub noses with her and laugh with her about it.
5. When you see her and are up close, use your eyes and whole body to capture her attention. You
At this point I am thinking – I am using my big
should almost instantly shut out the rest of the
brown eyes to show her my tender side. Usually
club for her. You have to swallow her with your
then you can hug her and stroke her back. Its
eyes, whole. Stare at her, extremely suggestively.
almost as if you are taming a wild horse, you have
You should almost be sneering, this is how sexual
to show it who’s boss to start, then you can show
you need to be.
your tender side later.
I cant describe it better than that, you need
7. When kissing, start off slowly, and gentle and
to have her in the state where nothing else in
then when you get more into it, make appreciative
the world exists in that moment except your
noises if you want, really get into it, pull back,
beautiful, fucking sexy face (this is honestly how
kiss her HARD, almost like you are going to bruise
you need to be thinking). Do something like put 2
her mouth, pull her hair and position her mouth
fingers under her chin and just look at her, STUDY
where YOU want it. Stick your tongue in as you
her for a while.
feel like it.
8. Tell her what you want to do to her. Be graphic. Be extremely fucking sexual, I am going to fuck
A Powerful Frame To Have : What Does Your Body Say?
you so hard, I am going to make you scream, etc etc. If she objects with some feeble shit, tell her to
I’ve seen a lot of talk on here about FRAME. Your
shut the fuck up, come here (then kiss her again)
frame in the interaction with HB’s.For eg, if the HB says something unnacceptable, or is shit testing
9. In general just be extremely dominant. Be cool
you or whatever, you FRAME CONTROL it away.
with it, you don’t want to come across like a
“Yeah cool, so whatever”Now, what is going on
school teacher, more like an extremely confident,
here? Is it natural to do this are are you using a
sexually powerful guy who gets what he wants
technique? A frame control technique? To me,
from women. You should be thinking of the
anything that is not natural is WEAK.
women as little retarded girls who don’t know what they want and need a big guy to show them
You will be found out eventually, IMHO. Also, if not
what the fuck is going on.
done correctly it looks fucking stupid. You look like a dork who is socially maladjusted, trying to
10. Tell her what to do, almost in an offhand way.
be “alpha”. I’ve seen this out there, by the way, it;s
Come here, sit there, get me a beer, do this, do
that. Accompany it with little smacks etc. Even, at some points, a gentle slap in the face if she gives
It’s totally different from someone who
you any shit, but stare her down and do not back
GENUINELY can’t be arsed to listen to any bullshit
down after you have done it.
and gives a congruent reaction. It looks WEIRD.I’ve been thinking about game recently and a key part
11. Don’t be afraid to game her friends if there are
of having a natural style is living in the moment.
two or more of them. Put your arms round both of
To me, this means just saying the first thing that
them, feel their arses, have fun with them, they
comes into my head!!
are girls and they come out to meet and have fun with sexy guys. So don’t be afraid to have fun with
Listen to what your body is telling you, what pops
into your mind when someone says something to you? I think it depends on a bunch of factors :
I shall try and break this down into more specific
your state, how tired you are, the environment, etc
techniques in certain situations with examples if
etc.What about if you could just say the first thing
anyone is interested.
that comes into your mind, and give your natural response with no regards to the consequenecs?
I would say that its easier to show you guys but I
Because you really don’t care? London Hunk has
am still not used to gaming with other guys much
been posting every Tuesday about responding
and find it much harder, but hopefully when I
when a HB hits you with THIS. I find this really
wing some of you I can get into this state and do it
cool, but I was thinking : my response would be
naturally to demonstrate.
totally different depending on how I feel at any given time, what my body is telling me.Example :
HB : So why do I need you as a boyfriend? What
in the following example :PUA : Hey can you
will you do for me?Me (happy relaxed and playful
tell me where the nearest hairdressers is?Her :
state) - Turn her over, smack her on the arse. “Shut
Oh yeah, it’s just up there, turn left at the bank.
up silly girl”. Smack her arse again.Me (moody and
PUA : OK , just up there…PAUSE..Did you say
pissed off state) - Wincing. Look at her - “That’s
you wanted to watch me wank? I’ve only just
a fucking stupid thing to say. Shut up. Don’t say
met you, my god you are forward…This is a
stuff like that to me again”Me (Angry state) Shut
rather extreme, however it’s useful because it
up you stupid cuntMe (horny state) FUCK THE
illustrates the technique. Using this kind of sexual
ARSE OFF YOU. You wouldnt fucking believe it.
misinterpretation is great because :(i) You can
Now shut up and grab my dick!Do you see where
use it at ANY point in the conversation e.g after
I am going with this? It’s amazingly powerful. You
opening, rapport stage etc etc.(ii) It shows great
just wander through life, living in your own reality.
confidence, and if delivered correctly is very funny
Now, I am not advocating hitting people or being
– 2 ideal ingredients you want to demonstrate
criminal. I used to post stupid stuff like this, and
to a girl.(iii) It immediately cuts through the
guess what? It was because I was feeling like it at
bullshit and sets the tone of the conversation as
that time and it amused me. Anyway, of course
sexual. Remember, a degree of sexual tension
you can’t go around hitting people. You need to
is a MUST in interacting with girls. We all have
be socially adjusted and have respect for peoples
boring, anodyne conversations all day long : this
boundries. An obvious one is : never fuck around
is different and makes you stand out.(iv) It shows
with peoples religions. Be socially aware but live
you are sexually confident and direct. Again this
in YOUR reality.
is unusual and attractive. Ask as many attractive women as you can if they would appreciate being approached by an attractive guy who is direct and
Steve’s Guide To Creating Attraction…
humourous.This technique is a way of creating sexual tension and quickly changing the nature of
Here is my guide to creating attraction. There is
the interaction and getting you talking as a man
a bunch of other stuff that I do that I am trying
and woman who may be interested in sex. Use it
to quantify and break down, this is a good start
sparingly as overuse will reduce it’s effectiveness.
though. You’ll have to wait….
It’s difficult to put an exact figure on how many times you should do this but in a 3 minute
Creating attraction
number close in the daytime, once should be enough. Try and use it directly after the opener as
There are numerous ways in which you can create
it’s a great way of flipping the attraction switches.
attraction. The following are some of the best, most powerful ways :
Another conversational method is to use ANY hook to turn the conversation onto a sexual /
Method one – Conversational jujitsu.Using this
dating plane. You can use literally ANYTHING
method you pretend not to hear what she is
to do this, as with the example below :PUA : So
saying and misinterpret it in a sexual way, as
where you from?HB : I’m from LatviaPUA : Latvia
– oh yeah, cool. I heard about that place…I read
comment you make can become pregnant with
an article about it actually. Yeah, it said that the
sexual undertones.To practice this, try and focus
girls from Latvia are all super hot…(IRONICALLY)
on something that you find physically attractive
– I couldn’t comment , of course…PAUSE…And it
about her and gain pleasure from it and SHOW IT
also said they all seem to have a special interest
to the girl. Use the powerful statements in method
in (describe yourself) e.g 5”6 guys who wear brown
five to enhance the effect.
courdroy pants and pink socks and matching pink underwear. PAUSE…How strange. Are you aware
Method three – pregnant pauses and sexual
of this phenomenon?Your lucky day eh?Again, use
innuendo When you’re confident, showing
this sparingly as you do not want to appear to be a
prolonged eye contact and using sexual humour,
clown by using too much humour. This method is
you can also use pauses and sexual innuendo.
best used shortly after the opener.
These techniques can be applied at any point during the pickup.Here is an example, this is an
Method two – prolonged eye contact.This
actual transcript taken from a 2 minute number
technique is most useful throughout the pickup.
close, which lead to an f close on a day 2.PUA :
Generally you should aim to keep eye contact as
You look just like the cat that got the cream…
long as possible but NOT IN A THREATING WAY!
(PAUSE, looking at her in smiling way, but with
When in conversation with a girl, try and hold
sexual intent)…See any interesting guys in here
her eyes and smile at appropriate points. Don’t
(INNUENDO)HB : Not really, it’s a bad night..Except
stare! You know you’re staring if she starts to
you (attraction gained within 2 seconds)PUA :
say “what…” and appears to think something is
(Ironic smile) – I see..You’re very forward arne’t
wrong with her.When holding eye contact, you
you? (Get closer). A bit of a naughty girl infact
can create attraction spikes by thinking of her
(Sexual humour). Do you know what happens
in a sexual way and appreciating her beauty.
to naughty girls (Innuendo)HB : I couldn’t guess
However, be careful NOT to appear sleazy, as there
(fake innocence)PUA : (Grabbing her bum). They
is a world of difference between a sexual man
get their arses smacked, of course. But you’d like
and a sleazy one. A sexual man has an honest
that (sexual humour)PUA : Where you from??In
appreciation for beauty and gets pleasure from it,
the above example we have all of the techniques
whereas a sleazy guy has a running porno video
being used simultaneously, which allowed me
in his mind and views women as a sex object. To
to get a solid number close and arrange to meet
practice this skill, try to keep holding eye contact
her for a day 2. It was necessary to build up some
in every interaction with a woman. Don’t look
comfort on text in order to solidify a day 2 but
away and notice their reactions. If they appear
using these techniques you can get solid numbers
uncomfortable, keep practicing and try to smile
very quickly as very very few guys out there are
more, in a genuine and sexually interested way.
making this kind of impression so quickly.
As you practice this, you can let her in on the fact that you find her attractive and play with
Method four – Raise your standards.As a general
fake coyness, women can and WILL pick up on
principle, whenever you’re in conversation with
this and it becomes a sort of game, as every
a girl, you need to keep 1 principle in mind :
know your standards and stick to them. Write
the tamer ones and move up the ladder to the
them down if you have to! What do you want in
more powerful ones :
a girl? What qualities are an absolute MUST (try to be more specific than 32DD breasts!). When
(i) When was the last time you got really drunk?
you’re talking, is she displaying qualities that you
(Gets rapport and sets tone for day 2 meeting, gets
don’t like? Has she said something that on some
level pisses you off? Then SHOW IT!!This sounds obvious but it’s surprising how many guys will try
(ii) Those earrings (or X Y Z adornment) really say
to hide their distaste in the hopes of getting into
a lot about you (playful and slightly ironic)…What
a girls knickers. In truth the opposite is true : if
do they say?? Curious arnet you..They tell me
you show you’re a man with standards and will
that (go into cold read). (Gets personal, instant
call her on shoddy behaviour, then you’re much
DHV and shows you are paying attention, creates
more likely to gain attraction. Here is the key :
attraction, sets dating / sexual frame)
it’s how you show disdain that matters. DON’T get into a prolonged logical debate about her
(iii) There’s something about a girl like you
behaviour or what she has said. Use your body
that’s very sexy. I think it’s….the combination
and a quick word to convey distaste. Turn away
of x quality and y quality. We’d be good
from her a little if she genuinely pisses you off. It’s
together, imagine what our kids would look like
not necessary to tell her off, just say “I see” as you
(humourous) As long as they got my looks, it
backturn, or even “that’s a little weird”…Then fall
would be cool anyway (Immediatley sets tone for
silent. You’ll find that if she’s attracted, she’ll claw
dating frame, gets her thinking of you in a bf / gf
at you and try to explain her position or apologise.
way, funny)
This is a great opportunity to be won over (if you agree with what she’s saying) and gain control of
(iv) This is getting boring – when was the last time
the frame.
you got fucked properly? (WHAM!! Very powerful, can be used to create massive sexual tension, gets
Method five – tell her what you want / shock
her thinking of sex WITH YOU, in a very powerful
tactics.This technique is very powerful, and
direct way)
can literally transform the dynamic of an interaction with 1 clear sentence. It sends a very
You have to consider the effect that you want
direct signal to her that you are interested and
to achieve in order to evaluate the best time
that you want her ;delivered at the right time
to use these statements. In the above four
it’s a devastating technique and can instantly
examples, you might use (iii) immediately after
transform an interaction and set the tone to
receiving an IOI, whilst invading her personal
whatever you want.When in a conversation, you
space.You might use (iv) on a day 2, in a natural
can bust out these kind of powerful statements
pause in the conversation, after sexual tension
but they have to be used at the right time. Use the
has been created but before you have kissed.
conversational pauses, look directly at her and
Especially effective if you are talking about boring
then deliver the statements. You can start off with
subjects that neither of you are interested in,
as conversation fillers, especially if she is the
move straight in. Get closer to her. Kino lightly,
nervous type.You must use your judgement about
start off by putting your hand on her arm and
when to use these statements. You can practice
whisper in her ear. Immediately drop any cocky
by writing out some simple, declarative, powerful
techniques and get serious with her, by delivering
statements that you want to achieve a particular
a powerful statement about how you like her..“In
effect, then bringing them out at particular points
all seriousness, we’re messing around but…I gotta
in the interaction.
say I like you because of X Y Z quality (pick out a quality that’s unique to her – DON’T JUST SAY
Method six– Invasion of personal space.Traditional
NICE TITS. Try and think of something unique).
social dynamics literature will tell you that
Now you’re having a real interaction! Sexual
respecting another persons personal space is very
interest is there, it’s established, you’re on. Now
important to avoid conflict and create rapport.
it’s time to focus on building and escalating to an f
This is mostly true, however in pickup, flaunting
close, this will be covered in later chapters. Or, you
this “rule” can be extremely effective in creating
can get a number close and if you reach this point,
attraction. The main reasons why this works as
you can be 90% sure the number will not flake if
a technique are (i) You show that you have the
you use the techniques as directed.
sexual confidence to escalate. Most guys are afraid of screwing this up and losing the girl, and women can sense this. If you are different, in that you
More bar and club game techniques
invade their personal space in a dominant and congruent way, it shows that you are not like most
Although I believe game is game, I think this kind
men and have more sexual confidence. Displays
of stuff is more suited to bars / clubs…Daytime is
like this send a very clear signal to her that you
more about fast closes or longer insta dates (in my
are the kind of man that can take her to bed and
experince tho I am no day game specialist)
show her a good time, something that is lacking in most men. It shows you are an alpha male
See my blog for the club game and sexual
and that when you see something you like, you
escalation techniques….
go for it.(ii) It shows that you are investing in the interaction and are not afraid to put your balls on
the line. (i) What needs further explanation / clarification Again, you are not behaving in a wishy washy
(ii) Is it well explained?
way and are clearly telegraphing your interest to
(iii) How could it be improved for you?? e.g explain
the girl in a direct and powerful way. Ironically,
HOW TO in easy steps
you are less likely to receive a negative reaction if you act in this way than if you pussyfoot around and are scared to screw up or scare her away. So how do you do it?Firstly, when talking, use the techniques above. When you get one IOI,
Key principles
You demonstrate physical dominance using the techniques described here, sexual dominance, and
Indifference to outcome
finally mental dominance (breaking her and then the shift of mindset).
You must be coming from a place where you are not leeching off her, or TAKING SOMETHING
Putting your real personality on the line –
from her that she doesn’t want to give. Sexual
adopting frame of doing what your body says. If
attraction and tension should be its own free
you are acting in the moment, and NATURALLY
flowing entity that exists between TWO people,
i.e indifferent to outcome and knowning you have
it’s not something that you should be wanting
“broken” her, you cannot help but do this. You
to take from her. Therefore in the early stages,
should be living in your own reality but at the
until you have gained mutual respect and sexual
same time you are painfully honest with the HB
attraction is between both of you, you must try
and you give of yourself.
NOT TO CARE about the outcome. This mindset encompasses a number of sub elements
Step One : dominate and break her.
You shouldn’t be thinking of what she is thinking
This is the stage when you are clearly attracted to
of you.
each other, IOIs are flowing.
You shouldn’t be thinking in terms of what can I
First step is that you must make a quick strike and
do to impress this girl.
break her.
You must not be WANTING or NEEDING anything
Breaking the girl is more overt and obvious for
off her.
sexually agressive girls.. But it is a method that is employed on ALL girls in the early stages, though
You must not attach your emotional state to how
the technique is different.
she reacts to you. The idea of breaking the girl is that you have to Dominance
quickly establish who is in charge, so in addition to the “indifferent” frame that we are familiar
The aspect of dominance is vital because it
with that has been discussed elsewhere, you are
demonstrates that
demonstrating to her as a man that you are going to LEAD her, but in a confident, slightly risky way
You are a man who will take charge and LEAD
that will turn her on. You are overwhelming her
her in a way that is highly exciting to her : sexy,
in a short space of time and OWNING her in a
slightly risky, strong, forceful.
sexy risky way.
Sexually aggressive girls
: I am the man here, I am in charge, this girl will not tame me, I am going to break her.
You have to make an assessment of the level of sexual aggression of the girl, go a notch higher
For other types of girls..
and then break her with your aggression and dominance.
For other types of girls your approach is less aggressive but you are still physically
Ways of spotting her sexual agressivity:
demonstrating that you are in charge. So when kissing her, withdraw and look at her, study
How hard does she kiss – is she a PASSIVE kisser
her…Then do a move that shows that as the man
(receiver), or does she push back with her tongue?
you are leading, you are in charge, and you will
Does she move your hands for you to where she
dominate her..
wants them to be? Put one hand under her chin, tilt her head back. Does she grab you with force with her hands?
Put your hand on the back of her head, arrange it so that its in a good position for kissing then move
Is she generally “feisty” i.e doing what she wants,
in and kiss her..Whilst doing so put your hand on
lots of energetic movements?
the side of her face and stroke it gently.
As a basic principle, you must always be in charge.
NOTE : The “move” is irrelevant really, this is just
If she starts to dominate YOU sexually, you
an example and one that I use, it’s the underlying
must stop that immediately and physically and
aggressively take charge: This move shows her physically that you are in If she kisses you back hard, increase the tension
charge, in a dominant but less sexually aggressive
by pulling back, grabbing her face, forcing her
way than with sexually aggressive HB’s.
mouth onto yours When you do this you should find that you get If she is moving your hands, GRAB her hands, pin
HUGE DDB eyes. You know that look that women
them and push her back.
get when their mouths are slightly open and they look a but dumb, and their eyes are HUGE and
If she keeps moving around, pin her down, stop
shining? This is what should happen…
her, get her doing what you want her to do. Phase two : The shift (now she is yours) You should find that she will submit to your physical will after a few push backs. If she
Once this has happened, sit back and look at her
doesn’t, KEEP GOING. YOU HAVE to take charge
in a complacent way. At this point you are now
and dominate her. In your mind you are thinking
going to reinforce what has just happened and assert your position further.
Now is the time to ARRANGE her…Move her about
her, you’re tender too, a strong man with a tender
a bit, say come here, in an offhand way, then
side…She loves it..And you’re interested in her as
smack her bum.
a person too, and you want to know more…
Your mindset :
Can you see how this rollercoaster ride can fascinate a woman??
This is my girl now, I’ve broken her and she’s submitted. There is NO QUESTION that she is
These three phases can happen very quickly
mine, all pretence is gone.
(literally within 3-5 minutes or even shorter), or may take up to 20. But you should aim to be in
Phase three : comfort
the comfort phase within 5 minutes.
Now that you are comfortable, and have broken
In comfort
her, she is yours and you are steering the interaction. In addition to the usual rapport /
Whatever your style for creating comfort is, when
comfort techniques, you will reinforce this with
you are in this phase you cannot backslide and
PHYSICAL actions
contradict the impression you have already made. You must adopt the usual principles but also be
Your touch should be more tender
indifferent to the outcome. Don’t wuss out now.
Your faces should be physically closer Rub noses with her
Generally throughout the entire PU your
Stroke her face
underlying mindset is
So within the space of a few minutes to half
This is one girl, there are millions more out there
and hour you are sending her emotions on a
and I can get them
rollercoaster ride…In her mind she is thinking: I am the man and I am in charge Yeah I’m the shit, I’m confident, etc etc.
Then you guy roll up and take charge, you appear
Put yourself on the line and don’t dick around…
to be all man… You have lead her and controlled
Tell her you like her and SHOW it..But the
her in a way that she likes and that turns her on.
underlying FRAME shouldn’t change, since you
Then all of a sudden you are leaning back, looking
are not coming from a place of NEEDINESS, you
at her like she’s a little girl…Whats going on? You
are coming from an authentic place as a man
suddenly appear to be treating her differently…
who has already DEMONSTRATED that you are
Some switch has flipped in your mind and she’s
in charge and you are aware that she is attracted
now certain that this is a man that she cannot
to you (the mental phase shift)…Now you are
tame, that she can never control..But wait, now
showing that you like her too. You can now
you’re acting soppy, and you’re getting to know
AFFORD to be 100% genuine and natural with her
and the PU will move along naturally towards it’s
logical outcome…. Before I will write something about strategy I would like to introduce myself. My name is Strat,
Gambler: Strip Club Game: How To Game Strippers, Get Their Numbers And Close Them
I have been living in Germany, France, the USA and Australia. During that time I got to know a lot of different women in partially totally different cultures. However interesting is that one thing
Okay so we’ve established that the strip club is a
always works with women all around the world:
good place to pick up. How do you do it? Well the
guys here all have a different approach. What is strategy? Of course there is the kind Anthony P is very sexually aggressive. He aims
of strategy that you need to compete against
to be more sexual than the girl. He is very direct,
competitors in the business environment, there is
he’ll grab them and mess with them. He’ll be very
the kind of strategy that leads small countries to
intense. These are tough girls so they respond well
victories against big countries in a time of war, but
to this.
there is also the kind of strategy that is involved in seducing, keeping and winning women back.
Steve/Vertex is more cocky/funny and uses his wit. He is very sexual and manly, and strippers
The last one is the kind of strategy that I have
are probably very happy to meet a man that looks
been studying since I got my first real kiss when I
like he can handle their sexuality because he has
was 14. This kind of strategy is about psychology.
more than them. What I am good in is the long term seduction. I go the rapport route and show difference from
Strategically thought through, well planned and
the usual customers. I give them something they
haven’t experienced before, and get to their real emotions and the real person under the façade.
What I will write about in my posts has not much to do with the actual process of picking up. I will
The key in all cases is to break the frame. It starts
leave that up to professionals like Gambler and
as you being the punter, and it changes into you
his team, Mystery and Ross. I will write about
being a potential boyfriend/date/sexual partner.
getting the women that you cannot get. The
This is the key in every case.
woman that has a boyfriend and who you cannot pick up in a bar, on the street or in a club. The
None of us use the Mystery Method or Archer
woman that you have been knowing forever but
Sloan stuff for strip clubs, we don’t think it is
that does not notice you because you are just not
her type, or the woman that you had been with, you still love and who is with another guy now.
Boyfriend Destroyer Strategy by Strat
I always found that girls that are in a relationship are actually easier to get then girls that are not.
First I want to say that I am sorry for not posting
The longer the relationship has been the easier it
anything in such a long time. I was long thinking
is. Most guys probably thing the opposite. Thus I
about publishing this post because it is somehow
will explain you why that is.
evil. It gives you an overview over the tools to attract a person that is in a relationship and to
A girl that has been in a relationship for let’s say
somehow manipulate her to be turned her away
two years is definitely missing something. If she is
from her boyfriend. I don’t know if you guys are
not then we need to demonstrate her that she is.
religious, but I think that you should at least not
Especially girls between 17 and 26 have a intuitive
mess with an instance that is way higher then
drive to experience something, some more some
you. Therefore I am writing this post because I
less, but everybody has this drive build in by
want you to see what other people might try to
mother nature. It is also a fact that most guys
destroy your relationship by getting your girl. This
don’t care about their girl after two years as much
post is therefore designed to make you realise that
anymore as at the beginning. They might argue a
especially a long relationship is not a guarantee
bit more, sex is almost a routine, kisses get shorter
for an everlasting relationship. I don’t want to
and less after a couple months and the attention
encourage you to actually use this strategy as I
they give her is not as high as it used to be.
said I it is evil in my eyes. I have done it and it worked over and over again but after a couple
But we all know that girls need attention. Guys
years I have realised that it is more important to
are kind of retiring after a couple years and think
know about this kind of strategy and to prevent it
that they have the girl for sure because she is
from happening once you have the girl that you
constantly bagging him for more kisses, love and
really love.
attention. Thus this is exactly our chance. This is where we attack. This is where we win her over!
This strategy is for boyfriends who don’t want their women to get slowly seduced by another
Once you got the girl to go out with you, to spend
guy out of their own arms. However I am writing
a day with you or something else the first step is
it as if you would be the guy how wants to seduce
another girl, because that is the position that I know best.
1. Study her boyfriend
If you for example already know the woman for a
What does he do? How old is he? How long has
while or you know that you would not be able to
their relationship been going on for? Ask her
pick her up in just one night and you know that
simple superficial questions first, later on try to
you want her as your girlfriend. If you just want
get her to tell you about their relationship. The
to have fun for a couple nights, then Gambler’s,
goal is to find out if there are any weaknesses. Do
Mystery’s and Ross’s Methods definitely work
they go out a lot? Is he taking her on vacations?
Is he just lying on the sofa when he gets home?
Are they doing a lot with their friends? Is he
Show her that there is a lot more to do in the
creative? Those questions need to come out
world then watching movies. She needs to have
naturally though, don’t bomb her with exactly
the feeling that she is missing out when she is
those questions; these are just the questions that
spending time with him and not with you. Make
you want to have answered for yourself. By asking
her realise that live can be so much more exiting,
her a couple questions she might even tell you her
funny and spontaneous and interesting with you.
complains and that is exactly where we want to have her.
3. Don’t talk about him unless she brings it up
2. Demonstrate value
After you have studied her boyfriend in the first part, don’t ever mention him again. You don’t
From now on his weaknesses needs to be your
want her to think about him, in fact you want her
strength. If she tells you that they are usually at
to forget him, to just enjoy her time. If she brings
home watching movies, then that is exactly what
him up, listen to her, but don’t let it turn into
you will not do! You will take her out, take her
a big discussion. Just listen and agree with her.
to a lake rent a canoe or take her to nice places
She will project all the things that he is not into
that you know. Just make sure that she hasn’t
you by complaining to you about him and by you
been there with him yet. Otherwise it will just
agreeing with her. Just say every once in awhile
remind her of good old times with her boyfriend.
things like: “Hmm, I can’t understand that”, “That
She will feel like betraying him by coming there
is wired”, “Why would he do that?”
with you and she will block. Hence it has to be a place where she hasn’t been. It also always looks
4. Spend time with her
good if you make it look like it is spontaneous, like you just had a great idea. Maybe don’t even
This is actually the most difficult and crucial part
tell her yet were you will go. If you think about
because here you have to take care that you don’t
it, in a long relationship everything is usually
turn into her best friend that she can do nice
planed, she knows how much time he has, she
things with and then she goes home and gets
knows the places that he knows and there are no
the sex from her boyfriend. The goal is to make
real surprises anymore. Therefore surprise her!
her as comfortable around you as possible and to
Make her laugh! Make her enjoy the day like no
make her fall in love with you. The trick is to do
other day! If he is more the quite guy, then be
that without her even recognising it. I mean, if
crazy! Be the opposite. Make her realise that she
you think about it, what is the difference between
is missing out. Be a gentleman, be all the things
a good friend a boyfriend? It pretty much just
that he has forgotten, fight for her! Her boyfriend
comes down to the physical part. Hence, touch her
is not fighting for her anymore, he is probably not
gently every once in a while. If you walk next to
opening every door for her, because he thinks he
her make your hand touch hers for half a second,
is on the save site.
when you sit in front of her, put her hair back, make her gentle compliments like: “Your hair is beautiful”, “I love you fingers.” You can learn a lot
of those things from the PUAs posting on this site.
Don’t be shocked if she doesn’t kiss you back. I
– make her attracted to you.
will write you in the next couple of posts what to do in this case or what do so that this doesn’t turn
This case is a bit different from a seduction
out into a onetime thing that she regrets.
in a bar though in a bar you need to win her attention here you already have it, you are already somewhat between a friend and a boyfriend hence compliments from you are like from some
Gambler: High-Rollers, lots of money, not so much game
random guy at a pub. Recently, I’ve started going to upmarket venues. When you drop her off tell her nice things like: “It
I’ve met lots of guys in there who will happily
was wonderful with you, as always”- big smile- If
spend £1000 on a night out, and one of the main
she tells you this then reply “Well it was you who
reasons they are spending that much is to get
made it wonderful, I was just the driver.” Or tell
women. They order champagne and invite women
her when she just got out of the car: “Hey! You can
to share it with them. The funny thing is, even in
call me … anytime you want.”
these cases, the guys often don’t get anywhere. They say “I’m an investment banker at Goldman
Again, this might sound a bit cheesy and some
Sachs” and they think that the women will get
PUAs might disagree with me here because you
wet over that. Fact is, most women would prefer
could say that you are running after her a bit, well
a mountain climber who plays the electric guitar
in this case you are not. You want to win her over
any day over just another guy with money.
by being at the right time in the right place.
Think about it, these women of high value have offers of dinners and champagne every day of
5. Wait for the right time
the week. These guys definitely lack what PUAs call game. Their game is to get the girls drunk,
Don’t make a move when she is happy with her
get drunk themselves, and see if she rejects the
boyfriend right now, wait for a day when she is
sleazy advances. Of course, if the guy is not too
annoyed by him, they had an argument or she
bad looking and the girl isn’t too fussy, it might
is just pissed because of something he did. This
work, but are these guys getting what they want?
will lower the chance to be rejected dramatically.
Do they feel satisfied with only the kind of girls
She will not run off with you when she just got
that will sleep with them as long as they get to
fifty roses from him that day. If you have done the
live a nice lifestyle. The usual problem with these
fourth step right she might even call you when
guys is not running out of things to say like it
she wants to talk to you or when she is annoyed
is with other guys, it’s talking too much about
by him. Try the ideas to get a kiss close from this
themselves, being boring, and not being sensitive
site to actually kiss her.
to what the woman wants. For us in these clubs, it’s pretty funny. We don’t spend money, and the girls really don’t care, they’re happy to meet guys that are attractive past the wallet, that know how
to treat them, how to talk to them, and how to
started out and each of them are relatively easy to
turn them on.
overcome given focused effort.
Gambler: The common sticking points
Gambler: Not Being Dumped: Keeping the girl
After meeting nearly 400 customers, it’s become possible to categorise guys into a number of
A friend of mine recently pulled a very hot girl.
sticking points. They will either have one or many,
She is the most attractive girl he’s even number
and luckily we have a method of getting over each
one. The common sticking points are: He met her in a club, saw her for a date, 1. Fear of the approach.
everything was cool. He had another date with
2. Run out of things to say and get stuck
her, and he thought he made some mistakes.
conversationally. 3. Get into a long conversation and don’t know how to close.
Then disaster struck, he called, she didn’t answer, she didn’t call back and hours had passed, he thought she’d gone off him and that was that.
4. Get numbers but they flake.
My thoughts were this: You meet the girl and close
5. Get dates and girls don’t want to see them
her, that means she likes certain things about you.
again after first one.
Maybe you were cocky and funny, maybe you were
6. Don’t know how to escalate physically.
sweet, whatever. The problem is that when a guy
7. Girls just want to be friends.
falls for a girl or puts too much pressure on the situation, he changes. He stops doing the things
And the answers to these are:
that made her fall for him initially, the attraction disappears and then he’s finished.
1. Desensitisation, giving content, confidence boosting, framing the situation differently,
So, the advice to anyone who finds this situation
motivation strategies.
familar is this: Think about what the girl liked
2. Impro exercises and giving content.
about you when you first met her and give her
3. Verbally leading into a number or kiss close.
more of this.
4. Solid number closing, text game, phone game. 5. Rapport, day-2 system, status.
Oh yeah, the end of the story? It’s all cool, she had
6. Sexual tension, verbal and non-verbal sexual
a legitimate excuse and is now chasing him.
escalation. 7. Sexual escalation, prizing.
Guys, do this stuff, but there is much more you can do to keep a girl interested, without being a
Of course, every individual is different and it’s bad to categorise guys like that, but that’s basically it. I know that I had each of the 7 problems when I