Integrated Marketing Strategy - C:ORE Concept Store

Page 1

Integrated Market Strategy 1

1 1 Introduction

2 Social Media 2.1 Facebook 2.2 Instagram 2.3 Twitter 2.4 Snapchat

3 Website Content 3.1 Newsletter Sign Up 3.2 Designer Profile 3.3 Behind the scenes 3.4 Memberships 3.5 Stories




39 9 19 27 35

9 9 Conclusion


10 10 Image References




39 40 42 44 45 46

4 Marketing 49 4.1 Newsletters 50 4.2 Advertisements 55 4.2.1 Fashion Film 58 4.2.2 Targeted Bloggers 61 4.3 Ascetic Luxurian 65 4.4 6th Continent Luxurian 69 4.5 Aspirational Influencer 73 4.6 Designers and Artists 77

8 8 launch Party


8.2 Entertainment 8.3 Staff and Insurance 8.4 Gift Bags 8 .5 Floorplan & Costings 8.6 Post Launch 8.6.1 Snapchat 8.6.2 In-store Events

153 159 165 166 171 173 177

8.1.1 Pre-launch Promo 1 148 8.1.2 Launch Information 149 8.1.3 Pre-launch Snapchat 150 152 8.1.4 Pre-launch Promo 2

5 Marketing Strategy 5.1 Outline 5.2 Introduction 5.3 Flyer 5.4 Social Media 5.5 Traditional Marketing 5.6 Digital Marketing 5.7 Live Streaming 5.8 Selection Process 5.9 Announcing the Winners

5 81 45 85 87 88 89 91 93 94 97

7 7 Press Day 7.0 Chronology 7.1 Press Release 7.2 Pre-Launch invitations 7.3 Press Day Information 7.4 Guestlist 7.5 Food & Drinks 7.6 Flowers 7.7 Entertainment 7.8 Gift Bags 7.9 Floorplan

119 120 122 124 125 127 129 131 133 143 144

6 6 Public Relations 99 6.1 Introduction 101 6.2 Store Design 103 6.2.1 Architectural store 103 6.2.2 Open white space 105 6.2.3 Transparency 107 6.3 In-store Services 109 6.3.1 Styling 111 6.3.2 Tailoring 113 6.3.3 Same-day Delivery 115 3


IntroIntegrated Market

The aim of this pack is to identify how and why we will use particular marketing methods as a way to engage with our target demographic. Our service is unique in the way that it is a company that supports designers, but also sells products to consumers. This means that we need to appeal two different markets, providing two different services. Throughout we will examine different aspects of our marketing platforms and highlight our main marketing strategies. By the end of the pack you should have an understanding of how we will engage the customer at different points and the expected outcome.



Social Media Social Media


"When people CONNECT, powerful things happen and lives are changed.� -Facebook Newsroom, 2016


Social MediaConsumer Facebook



Consumer Facebook

This Facebook will be the public platform, used to communicate with potential consumers. It will post news about designers that are stocked both in-store and online, as well as events and updates. We will also share more social news, such as behind the scenes content. The majority of information will link back to the main website, and encourage online users to come into the store. The strategy is to get users to experience content via our main website, engagement with our brand and improve in-store traffick.


Post Examples

This is an example of the Types of posts that will be uploaded onto Facebook.




Social MediaWorkspace Facebook Workspace Facebook

This Facebook will be the private platform. It will be used to create a community amongst the designers stocked by our company. Similarly news about the designers will be shared via this page, allowing them to see what their peers are working on. Other designers with less experience, or designers that want to be involved in something similar can communicate and connect easily to potentially collaborate. We think that this would work as an integral part of developing their creativity and building their professional networks.


Post Example

This is an example of the kinds of posts that will be uploaded onto Facebook.




Social MediaInstagram


This is my visualisation of how the instagram should look. 20


Logo: The reason we have used this logo is because the black and white logo is easily recognised from the thumbnail. Name: Instagram, unlike other social media accounts is used as a platform to express personality through quality visuals. The less of a retail store it appears to be and the more personality is projected, the more likely it is to be followed. Images: The images need create a strong overall visual, and each one has to be strong on their own. Images posted will be of housed designers, strong editorials, and interesting product shots or artistic displays.

Instagram has 400 million monthly active users and is growing almost 10x faster than Facebook and Twitter.. (DIY Genius, 2016) 21

Post Example

These pages are to illustrate how a post will be translated from a phone to the website page. 22


#CoreStore #CoreSpace #MindYourCore #CoventGardenCollective #CoreCollectiveLondon



These are some of our unique hashtags that we will use to develop a community on instagram. By using main hashtags in every post means that users can engage and make it easier to connect with fellow supporters of the company and values.

Tweets with 1-2 hashtags enjoy a 21 percent higher engagement rate than those with none. (, 2016) 25


Social MediaTwitter




Twitter is currently having major issues, citing declining users; currently floating at 320m users (About Twitter, 2015). This means there is less engagement from users on here, therefore it will be more beneficial to focus more on sales for this platform. Twitter will focus mainly on new product launches, events and competitions.

Twitter’s advertising fundamentals are strong but its monthly active users are declining despite months of new tricks to attract users.(The Guardian,2016) 29

Post Example

This is an example of the theme of posts that will feature on our twitter page.




Competition Post Example

Competitions will be a good way to fuel brand engagement and communication between our social media pages and the public. Referring competition posts back to facebook offers the opportunity to develop a social media personality and facebook is the preferred platform for competitions.

Competitions will always be a powerful tool to encourage engagement. Running a contest on Facebook presents a great opportunity to increase your reach and grow your social media following. (Flying Saucer Creative, 2016) 33


Social MediaSnapchat


Geo tag



Creating a cool, fun and creative Snapchat geofilter that can only be found in and around the store will encourage more, regular footfall In-store It will be our initial way of connecting our brand to snapchat. The cost to advertise geo fillter is roughly ÂŁ140 for a month. So implementing this a month before major press events would connect the online and offline.



WebsiteContent Website Content


WebsiteNewsletter Sign Up

The newsletter drop-down box will be featured in the top-left corner of every web page to encourage users to submit their email. Email will be integrated into all digital and traditional marketing strategies to try to and get the customers details at every opportunity. With this data we can track click data, targeted marketing analyse behaviours that improve and further personalise our marketing strategies. 40

“Email is the centerpiece of any good cross-channel program� -, 2016


Designer Profile


Even though the stores main focus is the workspace and multi-channel retailing platform, we understand that content is equally as important. Therefore introducing blog-style features from onto the company website will encourage customers to spend more time exploring the site. By learning more about the designers, and delving into the stories of designers will connect emotionally with the consumers. Putting a face and personality to a brand is an important part of building a loyalty with customers. Features include: •Interviews •Membership •Fashion Films •Behind-the-scenes visuals •Collections and Lookbooks •Designer profiles (Shown opposite) Examples of some of these pages to follow.

With a survey of 1500 respondents, when asked which ‘Digital marketing activities with the greatest commercial impact in 2016?’, 22% (the largest percentage) is content market (Smart Insights, 2016) 43

Behind The Scenes

Behind the scenes content will be on the main website through strong visuals. 44


Membership is given to relevant industry professionals, top customers and designers we work with. Allowing access to benefits within the company. Benefits include 5% Discount, Private events and Pre-release invites/tickets. 45


Stories behind shoots, collections and latest inspirations for designers will be featured on a series of content called “know the story�. 46

Brands need to inject the magic of storytelling into their marketing to tap into people’s emotions. -Marketing Week ,2016




Targeted Marketing Targeted Marketing




By using targeted marketing, we can analyse what products users are looking at and making accurate suggestions and recommendations about other products they may like. This way we can increase sales and personalise our communication with our customers.

Including an optional survey prior to purchase allows us to analyse our demographic of actual customers in more detail and how to target them better (Leadpages, 2016). 51



This newsletter is aimed at delivering content directly to users emails. By doing this less customers are irritated by our emails, and we aren’t forcing products upon our users. It also encourages more brand engagement and allows us to get feedback as to what content our consumers would prefer to receive.



Advertisements Advertisements




As this is a start up company our marketing tools will be quite limited. We will not pay for placements as it would be a significant cost. However In this section we will outline our target short and long lead media, as well as blogs that we feel would reach our key demographic and target consumers.


Fashion Film


This is a screenshot from the omni-platform fashion film. The 15 section pre-roll version will appear on youtube and instagram. It will have a click-through feature, taking it directly to the full version on the main webstire 58

We are strong believers in using film to advertise new collections. They can create and convey a story around the designers and their visions, resonating emotionally with the audience. This will feature on social media as well as the main website. And circulated via our official youtube account. The power of strong visuals will encourage shares and engagement, with both the designers and the brand.

Fashion Film on the rise, with Miu Miu’s New app. (Berlin Fashion Film Festival,2016) 59

This is an example of how the blog post will look. 60

Targeted Bloggers

The blogs that we feel compliment the company well, are companies that appeal to both fashion/ Accessories as well as design, culture and lifestyle. We feel that the most appropriate blogs are those with intellectual content for the more “aware� consumer.

61% of online consumers admit to having made a purchase based on a blog’s recommendations. (Referral Candy, 2016)




“We don’t compromise so neither should you.”

Know the story behind our designers.

c:ore The home of ground-breaking emerging talent


Available at c:ore store 38 Floral St, London, WC2E 9TB

v Ascetic Luxurian

This is the ad is aimed at the Ascetic Luxurian, who are familiar with both up and coming designers as well as more established ones. The image signifies the awareness of the transition into gender neutral trends within fashion. The quote without the person saying it is used to provoke a thought, and influence readers to feel intrigue.






“Be the person you know you are.�

Know the story behind our designers.

Available at c:ore store

c:ore w

38 Floral St, London, WC2E 9TB @CoreStore


6th Continent Luxurian

This is an example of the ad is aimed at the 6th Continent Luxurian, the more affluent consumer that travels regularly. They are familiar with super brands, and prefer something more exclusive and one-off. They appreciate quality and see themselves as the aspirational shopper. The image is used to signify simplicity and self assurance with a strong sense of fashion, therefore we have used a quote that appeals to that individual.






“Focus on what’s important.”

Know the story behind our designers.

Available at c:ore store


The home of ground-breaking emerging talent


38 Floral St, London, WC2E 9TB @CoreStore

Aspirational Influencer

This is an example of a more creative ad aimed at individuals with a more quirky and trend influencing style and strong Art & Design background. This image is to visually appeal to that sort of person through mixed media. It is quite a stand out image with a light hearted tag line that still sounds important.






Don’t just break the mould, make it into something beautiful.

Share your story. Join the collective.

c:ore Workspace

The home of ground-breaking emerging talent


Available at c:ore store 38 Floral St, London, WC2E 9TB @CoreStore

Designers and Artists

This example is the more general ad that will be used to promote the store. The main focus for this is to make designers and other creatives aware of the store and that it supports emerging talent. The workspace logo has been used in this particular ad instead of the diamond logo as highlighted in the branding pack.








Marketing Strategy Marketing Strategy



Start Brand Engagement

Announcement of GFW X c:ore collaboration

Promotional Campaign of GFW

Live streaming through Snapchat

2 months before the event

1 month before the event with weekly reminders

During the event

Post-Launch Engagement

Day after GFW

Announcement of Winners

2 weeks after GFW

End This outline illustrates the chronology of the strategy. 82



Marketing StrategyIntroduction Intro

The store will open in may, initially stocking brands that are in their early stages but have pieces that they’d like to sell instore and online. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of GFW, it is a great opportunity to collaborate with the scheme to propose a competition to select the 5 designers that will be offered a place in the workspace. By collaborating with GFW raises the profile of the company and legitimises us as a genuine supporter of emerging talent as well as engaging our customers.




GFW will announce the collaboration for the competition on their website. This will drive traffick to our online site, social media accounts and snapchat. It will reach the consumers within the fashion industry, as well as making students and institutions aware of the company and it’s values.




Marketing Strategy

Both Snapchat and Live streaming through apps such as periscope are an integral part of our target consumers daily lives. By incorporating this into our strategy will encourage more engagement and set us apart from other brands. We will use both online and offline methods to achieve this. What: This is the advert that we will use to educate the public about the collaboration, and direct them to our Snapchat stream. When: The marketing campaign will start a month before the event. It will be a surprise for the GFW anniversary. Where: The ad shown on the facing page is the flyer that will be handed out in East London, Mayfair and areas local to the store. Why: The reason the image was chosen is becaue it’s both simple and creative, the clothing is the focus and the textured materials compliment the stores branding.


Social Media Marketing

This is an example of the kinds of posts that willl appear on all of the social media accounts. It will be phrased in a way to highlight the importance of the cause to the consumer.

This is an example of the cover images that will be used. The advert has been reposition to show the main, most important information. This will be used in both facebook & twitter.


Outdoor Marketing

The advert has been resized into a poster that will fit into the promotional spaces on the tube underground. Many different consumers, as well as students travel on the underground daily. It is positioned in a place where they are stationary and will focus on the ads they pass.



Live Streaming GFW

Snapchat offers a feature to comment on posted videos, which means that we can get feedback on designers collections from potential consumers on specific individuals. It also allows customers to feel like they are a key part of the decision making for these designers fate. Handing that kind of control over to users should ensure that they make more informed decisions into their desicision-making and an insight into the general concensus.

Young folks really want this [Live streaming] raw, emotional and visceral way to share and connect with the people around them. (Mark Zuckerberg,2016) 93

Selection Process




Firstly we will quantify the feedback we receive through our social media and Snapchat about what designers they love. We will tally it as “Positive comments” and “negative” comments. From this we will select our top 15 designers.

Then we look to find out what the press is saying about them as well as other industry insiders. We will speak to the course leaders of the institutions to get more of an insight. This will also strengthen our educational relationships.



We carefully select our top 10 designers that we would love to meet and work with, and to see if our values align with theirs.

Based on the outcome of the interview, we will offer a position in the workspace to the top candidates and stockist to the designers that compliment the brand but were not front runners.



Announcing the Winners

The winners will be announced via the previously communicated methods, with a portait-inspired photoshoot of the designer and some of their pieces linking to the full-article on our website. This creates a story around the designers, appeals to the target consumer. The shoots can easily be done instore with a backdrop to minimise costs.







Our store is one of the key drivers behind creating a successful brand personality. we want to create an atmosphere in-store that will promote the creativity and integrity of the brand. It is split into two levels with the main products sold on the ground floor and the shoe department/ seating area / workspace on the lower ground floor. We believe that our store itself will fuel PR through its many features and capabilities.



PRStore Design Architectural Store

The main walls within the store are on a track that allows them to move forwards and backward. The 3 central walls (shown on the image opposite) can move both horizontally and vertically. This means we are able to change the layout of the store regularly. By doing this it encourages new customers to come in-store and regular customers to see the new changes.

See sourced company and full costing in ‘Business Pack’ 103


PRStore Design Open White Space

As the central walls are on a track that allows them to move both horizontally and vertically. They are also able to pivot, which means they can sit flush to create an open white space for: •Events •Installations •Exhibitions •Photoshoots •Launches This feature means that extra income can be generated and artists can showcase their works at a lower price point. Gaining exposure and reputation as a support of artists as a whole, not only emerging designers. The expense for the events will be primarily on the designers/artists at a reduced rate compared to traditional methods, mutually benefitting them and the company.

See store design in the ‘Store pack’ 105


PRSeperation Wall Transparency

Having the workspace located on the basement floor of the store gives an extra element to the USP of the brand. Customers have access to the basement, where seating and shoes are located. The wall separating the store from the workspace has a tinted thin window that allows customers to “peak� at the designers, to resonate with the emotional touch points of the customer. They are able to see people they are helping as a customer and allows designers access to customers for live feedback and to actively see how their target consumer is responding to their collection. This creates a community dynamic that c:ore wants to inspire. In effect increasing word of mouth recommendations and encouraging brand loyalty.

Research has found that 60% of customers are willing to pay more for a better experience and happy customers are more likely to remain loyal. (Super Office, 2016) 107


In-store Services In-store Services



In-Store Services Styling

65% of consumers have cut ties with a brand over a single poor customer service experience.

-Thought Shift, 2016

The staff that are in-store will have a relevant understanding of body shapes and trends, with previous styling experience. This way they are able to give the best customer service and are able to style customers, with well considered options. Also for more influential clients, after-hours appointments could be arranged. 111



Personalisation can boost sales by up to 19% -K3 Retail

The in-store tailoring service will allow customers to choose the fit of their purchases according to their specification. 113

Services Same day delivery -- uber rush


Same-day Delivery - Shutl

It [Same day delivery] can potentially offer competitive advantage for businesses of all sizes. -Wired

Being able to facilitate deliveries on the same day will give us an advantage over the current market. we will be using the excellent competitive rates of Shutl hat allows us to compete with other brands. 115


Trading Hours

Due to our store being smaller than 280m square, we are able to trade outside the usual working hours of competitive retailers. This means that by staying open later, customers within the area will gravitate to this store more. - (Direct Gov, anon)



Press Day Press Day



3 weeks before Press day

Press Release

Send 5 weeks before Press day

Send out invites to press list

1 week later

Media Advisory for press day

1 week later

Release promo 1 for Launch party

1 week before press day

Follow-up Media Advisory

5 days before the launch party

Pre-Launch Promo 2 for Launch Party

Snapchat Teaser

Follow-up Media Advisory

3 days before Press day

Press Dayt

15th Setember

Send the release and photos to any press that didn’t attend

16th Setember

Snapchat Teaser

24 hours before the Launch party

Launch Party


24 hours before promo 1 release


Make your community EXCLUSIVE, as they feel that they are a part of something special -New Media Angels


Press Release

This is an example of the press release that we will send out to the media, letting them know about the event and it is imperative that it is engaging and informative, to secure attendance. 122

Why is the old press release losing importance so quickly? The answer is simple: The vast majority of its recipients can’t be bothered to read it. -(PR Daily, 2016)


PRE-Launch Invitations

This is an example of the packaging of that will be sent to the guest line. 124

Press Day information

Date: September 15th 2016 Time: 4pm - 10pm Location: In-store

Who? This will be a way to introduce the concept store and the recently announced designers to the press, and share their latest collections that they have available. By shining a spotlight on us around fashion week during initial launch will position the housed designers with other luxury brands. After the initial launch event, designers will be able to show their collections off-schedule. When? 4 months after actual store opening, but before the store launch that will be an event open to the public. Where? All invites will be sent directly to the recipients, by hand or delivery.



Kate Eastop, Senior Sponsorship Manager, British Fashion council

Marcos Eleftheriou, Head of projects, British Fashion council

Julia Sarr-Jamois, Celebrity Stylist

Scarlett Philps, Press, Graduate Fashion Week

Representative from KCL

Alex Longmore, Stylist

Jude Skipwith, Brand partnerships manager, Somerset House

Representative from UAL

Gavin SF, Stylist & Film Maker


Aside from the press and bloggers highlighted in the target media section, this is an additional list of the most important people that we would want to attend the event. Once initial invites have been sent out, we will notify the recipients via email. This will initiate a conversation about the events and stir up an anticipation and relationship with the recipients. Just before the event if we are still unsure if they will attend we will do a follow-up to confirm their attendance. This could potentially progress to sponsors & collaborations.



Food and Drinks *Smoked salmon on rye with cream cheese and cucumber *Rolled goats cheese, fennel, mint, cucumber and olive *Duck pancakes with hoi sin sauce, cucumber and mango *Freshly baked scones with whipped raspberry cream *Mini blueberry and almond frangipan tarts with candied lemon

For food we will have a selection of luxury canapés as well as other handsized options. Hired staff will offer food accompanied by a glass of champagne for alcohol drinkers. Castillo de salobrena blanco as a non- alcoholic alternative. We have sourced the canapes from Canape Box. The drinks and glasses will be found locally. Hand-size portions reduce the need for plates and cutlery expenses.

See the ‘business pack’ for costings 129



White roses will be the flower of choice to brighten up the event. It is a classic simple beautiful flower that works well with the simplicity of the store. The flowers will be bought at Tesco for a reasonable price.



Guided Tours

Throughout the night small groups of press and guests will be able allowed to tour the store and workspace. This will be a way to discuss the plans for the designers and our long-term goals and vision. This will give the opportunity for guests to actually see how the designers will be supported and given access to facilities, and to see the workspace from the beginning stages. By doing this we hope to appeal to their emotional touch points as they see is develop.




As the majority of the press will have covered the designers via the ‘GFW X C:ORE’ collaboration, this will be a more informal presentation with the top pieces being shown. It provides an opportunity to see the and feel the products up close and understand the vision of the designers.



The photographer for the event, will be our in-house designer that we use to shoot our product shots. The photographer will be paid on an hourly rates, working for 8 hours over the event period.




We will have live art performances during the press day as entertainment. To source these artists we will collaborate with Bow Arts, a non profilt company based around supporting emerging artists. This will give artists the opportunity to show their talents. get it infront of people and benefit from the press. Also this aligns with our company goals. Also emerging talent are extremely creative but do not charge as much, so it is both cost effective and beneficial for both sides.




Within the fashion industry, nightlife and partying is an integral part of socialising. The most influential designers such as Olivier Rousteig of Balmain and Alexander Wange are seen in night clubs throughout London. This DJ Duo are up and coming clubkids that have a big reputation within the nightlife community but not so much as DJ’s. These will appeal to the fashion crowd greatly and bring a club vibe to the event. The cost will not be very high due little experience as Dj’s.

DJ Bumfun

Bumfun 141



Press Bag

£50 Off 142

Discount at Royal Opera House

Loookbook Gift Bags

The look book contains collections of various designers that we feel represent the brand the best. This will give an insight into who we stock the quality and creativity we encourage.

Royal Opera House Discount


These tickets will be complimentary from the Royal Opera House to show support of the Arts and young talent. The opera house is in the same location as the store, so they also have the opportunity to make a profit.

These T-shirts will be screen printed with solely the logo, without any branded text. This way it is more likely to be worn & photographed in a selfie.

Money-Off Gift Card

Press Bag

We offer a signifcant discount to encourage the press and invited guests to make a purchase. Although it is a large discount, the cost of the goods are high enough to generate a decent return.

This is a personalised version of the in-store bag, getting it into the hands of bloggers and press who may document the event and experience is imperative. As customers receiving the same bag they saw in an article makes them feel like part of the in-crowd.


Groundfloor Floorplan

Temporary Showcase/ Entertainment

DJ Set up


Window Display 144

Basement Floorplan

Seating area

Promotional space



Launch Party Launch Party


Pre-Launch Promotion 1


Launch Party information Date: September 20th 2016 Time: 12pm - 2am Location: In-store Due to this being a public event actual invitations will not be given, so a flyer featuring them would still add a more personal touch. Who? It is going to be the last day of fashion week. Industry insiders, Fashionista’s and tourists will flood London looking for cool events to wrap up LFW. This will take advantage of the buzz and encourage the right crowd to visit. When? 4 months after actual store opening, to establish a customer base and following. Where? All social media as well as store website & In-store ad at POS


PRE-Launch Snapchat posts



With Snapchat becoming one of the more valued apps that we will utilise as a brand, taking a more riskier approach is possible on here. Firstly a day before the invite is released on other social media (To make more dedicated followers feel more valued) and 24 hours before the event.

When: We will send this series out twice as it only lasts 24 hours.

“t is more important than ever for brands to form strong connections with their customers and create a loyal relationship.� PSFK, innovation insight (2016) 151

PRE-Launch promotion 2

C:ORE Store 38 Floral St, London, WC2E 9TB



These up and coming club-kid turned Dj Duo will also play for the launch event. They will give the store a quirky, young, creative flair that would appeal to the fun young crowd and as resident hosts for Mayfair night life, affluent customers may be familiar with them. These flyers will be advertised on social media, but also physical flyers will be given out. They will be handed out around East London for the creative crowd, Mayfair for affluent individuals that may know this duo from Mayfair night life. Also in Soho not far from the store and during the fashion week day around Somerset house, local to the store.

DJ Bumfun

Bumfun 153


Art Performance



Having performance art during the event will give the evening entertainment and culture. It will be engaging and impacting, aligning with the voice of the company. Again these artists will be from Bow Arts, the nonprofit organisation that supports emerging artists.

In the evening, the more adult oriented art that could be possibly deemed innapropriate for children will be showcased twice.




Afternoon Designers will be at the launch event, showcasing and discussing their newest range/ collections and the inspiration behind them. Customers will have the opportunity to talk directly to the designers, bridging the gap between the product and the person. This will help to develop the community environment we want to achieve.



Food and Drinks



During the day the launch event will provide visitors with similar food and drinks, however the canapes will be sourced at M&S to reduce costs. Prosecco will be give as a more cost effective alternative to champagne. For a nonalcoholic alternative we will provide water bottles. Guests will be limited to 2 drinks during the day,

In the evening there will be a bar, with a mixologists. Guests will be given a complimentary coctail with 1 free drinks coupon each. After that customers will be charged for drinks. Light finger foods such as canapes will be given in the early parts of the evening before transitioning into a nightlife atmosphere.



Security & Insurance

Due to the consumption of alcohol on the premises, there likelihood of some form of damage increases. Despite having both Public liability insurance, and Employer liability insurance; it is good to have a security guard as a precaution.




Over the 2 event temporary staff will be required to assist in handing out food, engaging with guests and potentially processing orders. For events, pays will be raised by ÂŁ1 per hour to ÂŁ9 p/h.




Launch Bag

£50 Off 164

1-on-1 styling

Loookbook Gift Bags

The look book contains collections of various designers that we feel represent the brand the best. This will give an insight into who we stock the quality and creativity we encourage.

1-on-1 Styling


The personal styling session encourages customers to return to the store when the products are fully displayed on another day. Also, only real potential customers will use the coupon. Improving the chances of generating sales.

These T-shirts will be screen printed with solely the logo, without any branded text. This way it is more likely to be worn & photographed in a selfie.

Money-Off Gift Card

Launch Bag

We offer a signifcant discount to encourage the customers to make a purchase. Although it is a large discount, the cost of the goods are high enough to generate a decent return.

The Launch bag is high quality, resembling the normal packaging to increase the awareness of the brand through consistency that can easily be recognised.


Temporary Showcase/ Entertainment

DJ Set up


Window Display


Seating area

Mobile Bar


Press Day/ Launch Costings


Social Media

Venue *

Artists Performances

Social media* ads





Bar Service

Campaign images







Grand Total £8501

(£5000 from our discount vouchers that may not be used)

* - Both the Venue and social media ads will be free, no additional cost as they are already paid on a monthly.

See Full Press day / Launch costings in “Business Pack” 168

“We spend an enormous amount of money and energy to stage an event that creates excitement TOO FAR IN ADVANCE of when the collection available to the consumer.”

– Tom Ford



Post-launch Post-launch



Snapchat Snapchat 173

Story Example


Following the execution of the market strategy and Snapchat activities, users will now be following our Snapchat platform. Now we can use this as an additional tool to engage customers. The Snapchat story will feature behind the scenes videos and pictures within both the store and the workspace. This will be used to add personality and establish a more meaningful emotional connection with users. It will contain candid videos, construction new displays and snippets of new ranges. As it only lasts for 24 hours, we can be a little more edgy than on other platforms and create off-the-cuff content.

Snapchat is probably the best platform for live events and behind-the-scenes content. (Sempad, 2016) 175

The launch party is just the BEGINNING...In the days after the event, keep the MOMENTUM going about your event.


-Event Creative, 2016

In-store Events In-store Events


Designer, customer events


Designer Community Events

An event that would be beneficial to create a community dynamic with designers and their customers, is a d2c (Direct to customer) event. This will just be a simple event held an hour after closing that allows guests to meet the designers, explain their collection, let guests try on pieces and test fits on their ideal customers. This would be beneficial to both parties and build a more personal connection to a brand.

Feeling important and special is essential for every customer. Give your customers that opportunity, and they will stay with you. (Customer Think, 2016) 179


Showcasing Artwork

This image of my store design illustrates that emerging artists could potentially showcase their works with a small exhibition or rent the space at a reasonable rate to sell it. Underneath these works would feature a short bio about the artist and their background. If the work is to be sold it will also feature a price tag with “Ask for assistance at till point” to generate the sale. Ageism will not be taken into consideration, all ages will be welcome to share their work depending on their current status.

It is often mid-career artists in their late 20s and early 30s who have the least support – they’re too old or too experienced for many of the schemes that offer some support to emerging artists (The Guardian, 2016) 181


Exclusive Range Releases

As designers, funding for full collections and costs for shows can be an astronomical amount of money. At c:ore we allow designers to launch capsule collections, small ranges & even just one-off pieces to generate income from sales. This gives designers the opportunity to launch their ranges and collections outside of fashion week schedules. There is currently a trend within luxury design to show off-schedule so this can be used to designers advantage.

VETEMENTS and Tom Ford both revealed that they will follow untraditional runway show/ retail models in the seasons to come. (Dazed Digital, 2016) 183

OVERALL BENEFIT TO OUR COMPANY •Increased sales •Increased brand awareness •Increase brand engagement •Larger following and community •Increased footfall to the physical store •Increased subscription and memberships •More respected brand position within fashion and the arts •Relationships with other institutions, schemes and organisations •Lower customer acquisition costs •Higher return on investment OVERALL BENEFIT TO THE CONSUMER •Carefully curated High quality products •Events and Gifts •Brand engagement •Community engagement •Impeccable customer service •Engaging online and offline experience •More personal relationship to the brand •Appreciation for their custom OVERALL BENEFIT TO OUR DESIGNERS •Increased income •More visibility •More customers •Reduced overheads •Support and feedback •Media attention •Potential buyers •Larger following •More industry networks •More experience 184


The many opportunities discussed in this pack provide the opportunity for our company to significantly elevate brand awareness and position. To work with emerging talent that have yet to be discovered is a gap that needs to be filled with something productive and contributes to building the strength and reliability of the economy. As this is a start up company, finances are very tight and need to used in an effective way. Although the Press day and Launch are quite costly, it is necessary when starting a new company within the luxury market. Collaborating with Graduate Fashion Week and incorporating Snapchat into our marketing; is an innovative way to align our company with the industry standards of support schemes for designers. Whilst extending our values to the public, press and institutions opens the opportunities for collaborations in education and more. Through these ways we will see a return in the form of sales, reduced customer acquisition costs and more press coverage. We hope to continue on this path as our company grows.

c:ore 185


Image References


Image created by Reece Johnson editorial/mhogan

Image created by Reece Johnson


Image created by Reece Johnson

Images created by Reece Johnson


Image created by Reece Johnson

suddenyap.blogspot. com

Image created by Reece Johnson


Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson 191

Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson

Gavin SF

Image created by Reece Johnson


“We don’t The

olga-bubel.livejournal. com

Available at c:ore



‘Boxed in’ Baldwin





www.designretailonline. com

Image created by Reece Johnson


Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson


Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson



Image created by Reece Johnson



Image created by Reece Johnson



Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson


DJ Set


Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson

Image created by Reece Johnson




Image created by Reece Johnson


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