Reel West Magazine Spring 2015

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30th anniversary – special issue spring 2015


Film, TV, online and Digital Production IN Western Canada

That’s A Wrap!

dianne neufeld

Your guide to Western Canada’s 2014 productions

BC’s former Commish on How the West was Won

Canadian Mail Publication Sales Agreement  Number: 40006834

30 Films & 30 TV Shows that Changed the Biz... and sometimes the world

30 years of reel west covering the people, places a n d e v e n t s t h at s h a p e D o u r i n d u s t r y

Co nte n ts

30th Anniversary – Special Issue

6 6

3 0 tv shows that re-tuned the west

Hitchhiking on the Kinky Road from Jump Street to The X-Files


30 movies that Kept the West ReeliNG

Bambi Meets Godzilla at Twilight in the Land of the Headhunters


The Birth of Hollywood North

ianne Neufeld looks back at the birth of Hollywood North D - By John Lekich


That’s a wrap!

Western Canada’s 2014 Production Wrap-up - By Nathan Caddell

4 angle on Mark Leiren-Young 25 Indie Scene Paul Armstrong 29 Western Tv, Eh? Diane Wild 31 LEgal Briefs Kyle Fogden 35 Digitally Yours Erica Hargreave 38 The Window Mark Leiren-young

@reelwestmag coVer: Dianne Neufeld; Photo by Phillip Chin. contents: The cast of Beachcombers; photo submitted. Reel West Magazine is a wholly owned enterprise of Reel West Productions Inc. It exists and is managed to provide publicity and advertising that supports the growth of the Western Canadian Motion Picture Industry. Executive publisher: Sandy P. Flanagan. Editor: Mark Leiren-Young. Publisher: Ron Harvey. Sales: Randy Holmes, Adam Caddell creative Director: Andrew von Rosen. art director: Lindsey Ataya. Photo Editor: Phillip Chin. Contributors: Paul Armstrong, Nathan Caddell, Katja De Bock, Erica

Hargreave, Tom Hawthorn, John

Lekich, Kyle

Fogden, diane wild.

Copy Editor: Caroline


Reel West


is published Four

times per year.

Subscriptions Canada/US $35.00 per year (plus $10.00 postage to USA). Reel West Digest, The Directory for Western Canada’s Film, Video and Television Industry, is published annually. Subscription $35.00 per year (plus $10.00 postage to USA). Both Publications $60.00 (plus $10.00 postage to USA) Prices include GST. Copyright 2014 Reel West Productions Inc. Second Class Mail. Registration No. 0584002. ISSN 0831-5388. G.S.T. # R104445218. Reel West Productions Inc. 2221 Hartley Ave., Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada, V3K 6W9. Phone: 604-553-1335 Toll Free: 1-888-291-7335 Fax: 604-451-7305 Email: URL: Volume 30, Issue 1. Printed In Canada. To subscribe call 604-553-1335 or visit our website at Reel West welcomes feedback from our readers, via email at All correspondence must include your name, address, and Phone number.

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue


A ng le o n

Thirty Years of Keeping it Reel w rit t e n By Mark Le ire n-Yo u ng


urning thirty is always traumatic. It’s official - Reel West isn’t

couver Sun. She was also the star of Sandy Wilson’s Canadian classic, My

a kid anymore.

American Cousin.

My first thought was to celebrate our big birthday by com-

As Constable Constable Jackson Davies was one of the original stars of

ing up with thirty people who made a difference in the west-

BC’s best-known series, The Beachcombers - and as co-author (with series co-

ern Canadian film and TV biz. And the first reaction everyone

creator Marc Strange) of The Beachcombers at 40, Bruno and the Beach, he’s the

had was, “are you insane?” Once I started bandying contenders around it became clear we’d need a

dozen categories. How do you weigh the value of a leading lady against a showrunner, a producer, a cinematographer or a VFX wizard?

keeper of the flame. He’s also vice-president of the Union of BC Performers, a member of the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame and an Honorary Sergeant in the RCMP. The panel also included: John Lekich, who covered the western Canadian

It would be tough enough narrowing the contenders in each category

film scene for the Globe and Mail, the Hollywood Reporter and The Los Angeles

down to lists of thirty - nevermind trying to rank all the players who bring

Times; Glen Schaefer, entertainment guru for The Province for over fifteen

our TV shows and movies to life.

years; Mary Henricksen, who worked behind the scenes on the BC scene

But before bringing me to my senses, everyone I talked to agreed there

- kicking off her career in the office on shows like The Outer Limits and The

was one person who made a difference, one person who would be at the top

X-Files. She’s gone on to become a force at the places that fund Canadian

of almost everyone’s list - the Commish, Dianne Neufeld. And I knew who

productions with stints at Telefilm, the CMF and the CBC. We also drafted

had to interview her.

Donna Wong-Juliani, who may be thanked in more credits and theatre pro-

John Lekich responded to the request like he was a kid and I’d just offered him the keys to the candy shop.

grams than almost anyone else in western Canada. A former Telefilm executive in the early days of the organization, a longtime agent and advocate

He’d written about Dianne back in the day before they coined the phrase

for western Canadian writers and directors, a film and theatre producer, a

“back in the day” and was delighted to have the chance to catch up with her.

chair of the Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Foundation of BC and one of

Then we came up with a new plan — instead of looking at the players,

the people behind the scenes working on and for organizations like the Leo

we’d look at the products. We’d choose thirty movies and thirty TV shows that helped win the west and we’d invite you - our readers - to help choose our contenders.

Awards, Wong-Juliani is a true unsung hero of the industry. Our unofficial advisors included actors Jerry Wasserman and Jay Brazeau, who have probably appeared in half the productions on both the film and

We weren’t looking for “the best” movies and TV shows - although a lot

TV lists; Canadian sc-fi expert Frank Garcia; and Curtis Woloschuk, the Pro-

of our honorees are genuine classics with the Oscars, Genies, Geminis and

gram Logistics Coordinator and Canadian Images Shorts Programmer for

Leos to prove it.

the Vancouver International Film Festival, who shared his passion for our

We wanted to celebrate the productions that made a difference.

cinematic history.

While most of these productions rank among the best in the west, the

To make sure we didn’t forget the world east of the Rockies we also con-

criteria was impact, not quality. In some cases that impact wasn’t on the

sulted with people only born-Vancouverites can call “easterners” - includ-

industry, but the world. We were looking for the contenders that made the

ing editor of Edmonton’s Avenue Magazine, Steven Sandor and University of

biggest waves and some of these productions made tidal waves.

Regina film professor Brett Bell.

And to keep the debates from taking up a year of our time we decided to avoid ranking them. Some productions saved - or created - studios, others saved lives and one of our movies almost started a war. What they all have in common is that they had an impact on the western Canadian scene and that someone made a compelling case for them.

We discussed and debated all the nominees and none of us ended up with all of our favourites on either list. And if deadlines didn’t beckon, we’d still be discussing the merits of our contenders until it was time for our fortieth anniversary. But while there are dozens of movies and TV shows we could add to both lists, there aren’t any winners that we didn’t feel good about including here.

To make sure our list had a historical perspective - and didn’t ignore

If your favourite didn’t make the list, make a case for another contender

productions that pre-dated the world of Wikipedia – we assembled a panel

and we’ll share it in our newsletter (which I hope you’ve subscribed to al-

of industry advisors to help review your suggestions and make their own.

ready) or via the magic of social media.

We chose a pair of judges who had a hand in a couple of classics that were among the few shoe-ins. Writer Margaret Langrick is the former entertainment editor of The Van-


And thank you for supporting Reel West for the last thirty years and giving Reel West the chance to support and celebrate everything you do on-screen and behind the scenes in this amazing industry. n

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

30 t h anni ve rsary f e atu re

Tuning In to TV History 30 Shows that Showed What the West Could Do


W r it t e n By mark le ire n-yo u ng

hen it comes to TV shows that launched the west-

We also fought to make sure the shows represented western Canada, not

ern Canadian scene, our contenders didn’t run the

just the west coast.

gamut from A to Z, but from Beachcombers to The XFiles via 21 Jump Street. We didn’t rank the shows, but these three topped

almost everyone’s lists.

The Beachcombers is arguably Canadian TV’s most iconic series. Actually,

we’ll argue that here. The sweet-hearted family drama about rival log sal-

We wanted nominees with a motive that would satisfy Dominic Da Vinci and our readers in the prairie Heartland. In most cases the deciding factor came down to whether someone made a super(natural) case for why a show mattered. We were looking for shows that had an impact on the industry, not just the audience. And there were dozens of contenders we agonized over.

vagers isn’t a relic, it’s a national treasure that ran almost twenty years

Sparks flew over The Vancouver Show, Vancouver’s first major foray into

and helped invent the image of BC (and Canada) around the world. Bruno

the world of talk TV. John Lekich declared, “The Vancouver Show was unargu-

Gerussi, Robert Clothier, Pat John, Rae Brown and Jackson Davies weren’t

ably the bravest experiment in local TV ever. Period… when things were go-

just recognized in Canada, but worldwide. And if you ever visit Gibsons, you

ing well, it was mind-blowingly good. It was also Daryl Duke’s homecoming

know you’re stopping in for a meal at Molly’s Reach (try the fish and chips)

after years of success in Hollywood… The thing is, it never really worked

and be sure to pose with The Persephone.

consistently. Daryl - by his own admission - hung on much longer than he

21 Jump Street cemented producer Stephen J. Cannell’s love affair with Vancouver and helped launch the city’s claim to the title of “Hollywood

should have. I remember him telling me: ‘Everybody says they loved the idea, but nobody watched.’ I’m paraphrasing here”.

North.” Cannell built a studio and a billion dollar a year industry. He gave

All of us had a soft spot for iconic journalist, Jack Webster - and even

local directors, actors and crews their first shot at playing in the American

though he was best known for his radio days, his TV interviews were leg-

leagues. Without Jump Street, David Duchovny never would have had the


chance to wear out his raincoat. And it’s possible Fox Mulder never imagined he’d need to buy an um-

I joked on Facebook about including Leo and Me, which shot in Vancouver but, joking aside… launching Michael J. Fox is pretty darn impressive.

brella. I remember meeting with one of the senior executives on the show

Little Mosque on the Prairie looked like a lock - until we discovered the show

just before it launched and being told that FOX was betting big on their

spent more time in Toronto than on the Prairie. But our Saskatchewan ex-

new show to conquer the airwaves. The new show was called Brisco County

perts wonder if those few weeks helped producers open up to the idea of

Jr. and starred Bruce Campbell. No one was expecting The X-Files to survive

bigger shoots on the Prairies.

the season.

We had an especially challenging time judging shows that are currently

The X-Files marked BC as the spot for sci-fi production. From the moment

in production. We’re all fans of Simon Barry’s made-in-Vancouver sci-fi se-

Chris Carter’s groundbreaking series about two FBI agents announced the

ries Continuum - and The CW superhero hits Arrow and Flash may run longer,

truth was out there, the world was right here.

stronger and faster than Superboy - but we’d need a time travel device, or a

Mary Henricksen, who was the co-executive producer’s assistant on the

Stargate to determine whether today’s shows will make bigger ripples in the

show says, “the story to tell about The X-Files was when it was presented

industry, world, or space time continuum than Smallville, Cariboo Country,

at the upfronts for Fox. Remember, Fox was very young, and they were

KinK or Battlestar Galactica. That’s the same challenge we ran into when we

independent affiliates for the most part. When the president of Fox started

found ourselves fighting over the phenomenal Fargo.

talking about FBI agents, aliens and conspiracy theory, about half of the af-

That’s why this list is just the beginning and we’re hoping you’ll add to

filiates got up and stormed out going “what the f*ck is this!” and were utterly

it. Share your thoughts, your faves, your war stories. Most of all, share your

furious. The X-Files made it cool to stay home on Friday nights and watch

passion and tell us which other western Canadian shows we should be cel-

the 10 o’clock slot before going out.“

ebrating and why.

The other 27 shows on our list came from a mix of reader nominations

Now all aboard the Persephone. The engine still needs work, but we’re

and passionate arguments over which programs mattered most and why.

sure MacGyver can fix it after Hobo arrives with some fuel from Dog River.


Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

P: Reel west archives

P: c/o BC Film CommisSion P: DEAN BUSCHER

B attlestar Galactica

B lackstone

Cariboo Country

P: Reel west archives

Corner Gas

Unreserved Enthusiasm for Daring Drama

Saddling Up for TV’s First Reel West Stories

(2011-) The Winnipeg-based Ab-

combing, producer Phil Keatley

Brett Butt Fueled the Funny and Saved the Sitcom

(2004-2009) A leading contender

original Peoples Television Network

brought Paul St. Pierre’s Cariboo

(2004-2009) “Canadian sitcom” used

for best sci-fi show of all time, the

(APTN) scored critical gold (and lots

characters to life in this ground-

to be TV’s least amusing oxymoron,

most shocking thing about the crew

of awards and nominations) with

breaking series set in BC’s not-

until Brett Butt and friends created

of the Galactica wasn’t just that it

their gritty made-in-Edmonton

so-wild west. Keatley went on to

Dog River, Saskatchewan and some

included a pair of Oscar nominees,

production about dodgy First

produce the hit series Cold Squad

of Canada’s quirkiest and most be-

but that most of the regular cast

Nation’s band politics. APTN’S

with daughter Julia Keatley, who

loved on-screen characters. Filmed

members were local actors whose

flagship series features a first class

also produced Godiva’s. Shot

entirely in Saskatchewan, the hit

careers took off like Colonial Vipers.

First Nations creative team led by

documentary style in black and

CTV show wasn’t just watched, but

Western Canadian Battlestar stars

creator, showrunner, writer-director

white, Cariboo Country introduced

beloved enough that the province

who are still regularly seen on the

Ron E. Scott - a Métis who grew up

the world to Chief Dan George and

has celebrated “Corner Gas Day”

small screen include Tricia Helfer,

in Alberta, and kicked off his career

was the first TV series to regularly

every April 13 since 2009 and the

Michael Hogan, Alessandro Juliani,

at the Vancouver Film School. The

feature First Nations actors in all

series spun off into Corner Gas: The

Tahmoh Penikett and Grace Park.

show’s buzzword - “authenticity.”

the First Nations roles.

Movie in 2014.

Cylons are Golden in Relaunched Sci-Fi Classic

(1960-1967) Before he was beach-


BC’s Can Do Spirit Showcased in Iconic Drama (1985-1992) MacGyver wasn’t just a TV series, it was and still is a pop culture phenomenon. People who’ve never seen the series know the word “MacGyver” as a synonynym for jury-rigging a brilliant solution. The series, which launched in LA,but shot mainly in Vancouver, featured Richard Dean Anderson as Angus MacGyver, a crime fighter who never carried a gun. There’s currently a competition to encourage women in engineering named www. And sometime in the ‘90s I wrote a piece for TV Guide about people whose lives were saved because they ended up in a tight spot and asked themselves “what would MacGyver do.” Yes, you read that correctly - channeling their inner MacGyver saved their lives.

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue


Photo submitted

21 Jump Street


The short lived series that Jump Started Hollywood North

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changed everything - Stephen J. Cannell. And this was

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the show — 21 Jump Street. The series about undercover cops pretending to be high school kids introduced the world to Johnny Depp and introduced LA TV producers

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and US networks to Vancouver. Cannell was one of TV’s most prolific producers and

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opened the studio door and the studio - partnering

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with Paul Bronfman to build North Shore Studios. Pre-Vancouver credits for Cannell included smash

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hits like The Rockford Files, The A Team and Baretta. Most of his post Jump Street shows weren’t as iconic, but they kept the cameras rolling. Cannell’s made-in-Vancouver

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productions included Cobra, Profit and The Commish.

Stingray was set to be shot in Toronto - but there were no available crews, so it moved to Calgary for seven episodes, before heading further west to Vancouver. It arrived just before Cannell received the green light for Jump Street. Cannell didn’t just keep shooting in Van-

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couver, he was one of the city’s biggest boosters until his death in 2010.

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

P: C/o Paperny Ent.

D a Vinci’s Inquest

P: Reel west archives P: Reel west archives

D r. Peter Diaries

Heartland Alberta’s Heartland Keeps Beating on CBC


sodes under its Stetson, Heartland is

Beheading the Competition for Over 100 Episodes

Canada’s longest running hour-long

(1992-1998) According to Highlander

scripted drama series - trampling

lore, there can be only one - but

launched with the first of over 100

Street Legal’s record - and it’s still

there were 119 episodes of this

Vancouver coroner Larry Camp-

installments on Vancouver’s CBC Early

riding high with fans in over 100

spinoff from the movie franchise

bell. The series was an HBO style

Evening News in 1990, AIDS was the

countries. Set in the mythical town

about dueling immortals. Featuring

drama before Tony Soprano was

planet’s nightmare. Dr. Peter Jepson-

of Hudson, the hit family drama

Adrian Paul as Duncan MacLeod

a glint in HBO’s eye. Glen Schaef-

Young gave the disease a face and

is shot in High River, just south of

of the Clan MacLeod and BC-based

fer’s take: “Starring the downtown

became one of the reasons Vancouver

Calgary. The Heartland team showed

bluesman, Jim Byrnes - a fixture in

eastside and the missing women.

is a global leader in the fight to cure

their hearts when they donated

several shows on our list - High-

The city’s dark side gets a socially

AIDS/HIV and, of course, home to

$80,000 to High River after the river

lander showcased BC’s terrain

aware global showcase from Chris

the Dr. Peter Centre. Producer David

overflowed and flooded the town in

and talent. The series (originated

Haddock.” It also followed Larry

Paperny re-edited the videos into a

2013. As the issue goes to press CBC

by France’s Gaumont Television)

Campbell’s rise to Mayor with

short documentary, The Broadcast

just announced the show won’t be

helped introduce the concept of in-

Da Vinci’s City Hall and begat the

Tapes of Dr. Peter, that was nominated

riding into the sunset for at least

ternational coproductions and was

always intelligent Intelligence.

for a 1994 Academy Award.

another season.

shot in Vancouver and Paris.

The Case for a Can Con Classic sading coroner, starring Nicholas

Pioneering TV that Pioneered AIDS research

Campbell as Dominic Da Vinci -

(1990-1992) When the Dr. Peter Diaries

a character based on real life

(1998-2006) A drama about a cru-

(2007-present) With over 130 epi-



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Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue


P: C/o CBC

The BEachCombers

Logging a Canadian Classic

(1972-1990) An LA producer in 2012: “Okay let me get this straight, it was a series about this guy on a boat who collects logs for a living - and it ran how long?” A record nineteen year run on the CBC, and now 42 years later the series continues to air all over the world. It was not only a TV series, but the training ground for a generation of actors, writers, directors, and crew who helped turn BC into Hollywood North. Over the years there has not been a series or movie shot in BC that doesn’t have one degree of separation from the Beachcombers. It was not only a TV series, but a window on BC for millions of viewers around the world, making Molly’s Reach the most recognized BC building in the world. The beauty of playing Gibsons for Gibsons is that every year there are thousands of fans from all over the world who make the pilgrimage to visit Gibsons, showing that the stories and the beauty that are BC travel without borders. And to think that CBC actually thought of moving the production to Ontario - kidding, kind of kidding. Bruno Gerussi and Robert Clothier proved that it was perfectly all right to stay in Canada and become a star. So for generations of Canadian viewers, Sunday night at 7 pm was the three B’s - Beachcombers, bath and bed. L.S. and Marc Strange created this unlikely but loveable series and the legendary BC producer Phil Keatley got it on the air, and kept it there. Phil’s theory was “if you go to where the stories come from and let the stories create themselves, you get something special”. The Beachcombers was that something special. So special in fact, that there are two new Beachcomber series in development. – Jackson Davies


Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

P: C/o Paperny Ent.

The Hitchhiker Early Cable Hit Picks up Audiences for Almost a Decade

K inK

The L Word

T he Littlest Hobo

The L Word Became The H Word - Hit

(1983-1991) Before crafting his

Fifty Shades of Sexuality Before Christian Grey

masterpiece as Da Vinci, Nicho-

(2001-2006) Just because the

ning primetime soap - and the sis-

Look out Lassie, Hobo Already Rescued Timmy from the Well

las Campbell was The Hitchhiker.

Canadian government had no

ter series to Queer as Folk (starring

(1963-1965) Canada’s answer to

The anthology series was shot in

business in the bedrooms of the

big names like Jennifer Beals, Pam

Lassie featured a stray German

Toronto, Vancouver and France

nation, didn’t mean Canadian TV

Grier and Mia Kirshner) inspired

Shepherd who kept meeting new

and showcased Canadian casts

cameras had no business there.

the reality spinoff The Real L Word

people and saving them. Based on a

and crew on America’s airwaves.

When KinK launched no one quite

and won a GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian

1958 movie, this was one of the earli-

Says one of the many local ac-

knew what category it fell into. It

Alliance Against Defamation Me-

est series shot in BC. It was aired in

tors the series showcased, Jerry

was a documentary-style show

dia) Award as outstanding drama.

syndication around the world. CTV

Wasserman, “Hitchhiker was very

about real Canadians and sexual

Says former Sun Entertainment

relaunched it over a decade later (in

important. It was, I believe, the first

preferences that went far beyond

editor, Maggie Langrick, “I think it

Ontario), and the little dog that could

cable show to shoot in Vancouver

making love in canoes. Paperny’s

was an important LGBT show, and

chased stories again from 1979-1985.

at the very beginning of the cable

kinky and captivating reality series

the fact that it was shot in such a

The original poster featured a quote

era. That meant they could use

gave Showcase it’s early edginess

strong LGBT city is meaningful.” In

from Walter Winchell declaring, “The

obscenities and show tits — which

and helped launch Canadian TV

2014 Showtime re-broadcast both

star, a German Shepherd named

they did big time.”

into the era of reality TV.

series to celebrate gay pride month.

London, will amaze you.”


Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

(2004-2009) Showtime’s long-run-


The X-FIles

The Truth is Right Here

(1993-2002) The X-Files changed Vancouver, TV, social media and global culture. Chris Carter’s revamp of The Night Stalker - featuring two FBI agents chasing supernatural and extraterrestrial phenomenon - created a new template for TV team-ups that’s alternately emulated and parodied. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny), the agent who wanted to believe, partnered with skeptic, Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and the chemistry was out of this world. The X-Files featured BC as almost every state in the USA and transformed Vancouver’s rainy grey days into a staple of moody, broody sci-fi - even if Duchovny blamed the rain for his exit and the show’s in season six. Aside from launching several made-in-Vancouver shows by X-Files team members (like Millennium and The Lone Gunmen), the series was bootcamp for future show-running superstars like Howard Gordon (24 and Homeland), David Greenwalt (Angel), Rob Bowman (Castle), David Nutter (Arrow) and Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad). The X-Files was the first TV show as social media phenomenon and didn’t just own the internet, but did more to create it than Al Gore, by inventing net fan culture. The series also created cultural ripples as conspiracy theories became mainstream. It’s tough to imagine that ground zero for “truthers” of all types isn’t the X-Files motto, “the truth is out there.” The X-Files solidified Vancouver - and Vancouver’s crews - as fixtures on the international sci-fi scene. And it looks like the series return is returning home to the wet coast.


Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

Photo submitted

Neon Rider

P: Carole Segal


Photo submitted


P: ©2011 ABC inc.

O nce Upon a Time

Why’d we do it? Stay tuned…

The Virtues of Winston Rekert’s Modern Western

High School Hits Graduate a Generation of Actors

(2013-) A made in Vancouver

(1989-1995) The series about

(1991-1993) For about a decade it

cop show that’s set in Vancouver

teens getting their lives together

wasn’t just the high school kids at

(2011-) Yes, fairy tales can come

(even though it airs on CTV and

on a BC dude ranch featured two

Degrassi ruling Canada’s airwaves.

true. Almost every hit series

ABC), Motive’s twist is focusing

stars — actor Winston Rekert as

Our panel debated whether

launched in western Canada - in-

on why people kill. The critically

Michael Terry, a therapist who

Northwood, Madison or Edgemont

cluding The X-Files - always seems

acclaimed whydunit - created by

takes troubled teens out of the big

launched more careers and cre-

to be qualified with the word “cult.”

Daniel Cerone - showcases BC’s

city, and Danny Virtue’s 200 acre

ated more ripples. Now you can

Over the last two decades Van-

top talent and established Louise

ranch. Along with Bordertown, the

debate that too. We finally went

couver has frequently been home

Clark’s Lark productions as a force

series established BC as a go-to

with Nick Orchard’s CBC series

to the hottest shows on America’s

in western Canada. Next up for

location for cowboy style action.

Northwood because it was the start

smallest networks. But this modern

Lark - The Council, a new series set

And the show led Rekert (who

of the west coast wave of high

day twist on classic (and modern

in the Canadian Arctic, created by

died in 2012) to become involved

school dramas. Former Northwood

Disneyfied) fairytales is a smash

Emmy Award winning showrunner

with a variety of youth groups

“kids” include Sarah Sawatsky,

mainstream series on ABC that

- longtime Law and Order fixture -

and serve as the national spokes-

Lochlyn Munro, Darrell Dennis

shows off local casts, crews and

René Balcer.

man for Youth at Risk.

and Deanna Milligan.

VFX teams.

Series Helps BC Crews Live Happily Ever After

Congratulations to Reel West Magazine on a stellar 30-year history showcasing Western Canada’s screen based industries.

in Western Canada. Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue


NEWS HOUR The Newscast that Changed Newscasting (1968-) Not only did this newscast own the province’s airwaves for decades, but BCTV’s iconic anchorman Tony Parsons used to have a book on his desk that told the story of CNN sending a team to Vancouver to study his station’s open format newsroom. The open newsroom concept occurred to BCTV president Ray Peters when he was watching a broadcast and decided it looked “really phony.” His reaction: “Why don’t we put cameras in the news department? Of course, engineers will tell you that there are a hundred reasons why you don’t do that.” And, of course, he ignored them and changed the way the world Photo submitted

watched the news.

P: c/o BC Film CommisSion

Outer Limits There is Nothing Wrong With Your Television Set…

P: Reel west archives

R eBoot



Nothing Sketchy about Canadian Comedy Classic, eh

Clark Kent Turns Vancouver into Metropolis

(1976-1981) “This production,

(2001-2011) The series featuring

funded by the Allard family, had its

a young Clark Kent as Superboy

(1995-2002) The revamped sci-fi

Pre-Pixar Pixels Change the Face of Toon Town

classic opened the gates for

(1994-2002) For a generation raised

formative years in Edmonton,” says

minus the cape and costume proved

Stargate and Poltergeist. Says Mary

on Pixar productions it might be

writer Steven Sandor. “So many

superhero shows could fly in the

Henricksen, “Outer Limits was my

tough to imagine that ReBoot didn’t

local technicians and crew were

21st century - especially if you

first show, and it was Trilogy’s first

just boot up the western Canadian

part of a production that was seen

ditched the capes and masks and

show in Vancouver. They played

animation scene, it rebooted the

on both national Canadian and

shot them in BC. And it featured

the tax credit game - 6/10 but

look of Toon Town, launching the

American television. And while the

Vancouver’s Kristin Kreuk as lead-

could still get the dough. But they

world of CGI. Mainframe’s cartoon

show was set in the fictional town

ing lady, Lana Lang. Glen Schaefer

also allowed, in a way lots of other

about a hero trying to save the

of Melonville, it was Edmonton that

adds, “Smallville also launched a tra-

shows from the States didn’t, for

world known as Mainframe, was

provided the backdrop. To think

dition of hiring Canadian directors

Canadian key creatives to expand

full of in-jokes and Vancouver ref-

that a lot of that iconic TV — and

(Kevin Fair, Mike Rohl) and other lo-

- especially folks like Brad Wright,

erences - including a parody of The

many of those characters are well-

cal key creatives.” The show’s legacy

John Gajdecki and some local

X-Files featuring Gillian Anderson

remembered and loved in 2015 —

includes two CW hits featuring

directors who got their kick start

as Data Nully. And yes the series is

was created in writing sessions at a

Superman’s Justice League pals -

with it.”

being rebooted.

Chinese restaurant in Edmonton.”

Flash and Green Arrow.


Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

P: Reel west archives

P: Reel west archives

P: Michael Desjardins

S portspage Series Brought Viewers More than the Score

P: C/o Fiona Forbes


Urban Rush

Wiseguy Cop Series Complicated Prime Time Drama

Horror Series Leaves BC Touched by Angels

Fiona and Michael Spotlight the Best of the West

(1997-2005) Before there was TSN

(2005-) Vancouver is Hell. Super-

(2001-2014) Fiona Forbes and

an undercover FBI agent (Ken

there was Sportspage - the twice

natural crime-fighting brothers

Michael Eckford did the impossible

Wahl) solidified Cannell’s base in

daily Vancouver TV sports show

Sam and Dean Winchester (Jared

- they got people tuning into cable

Vancouver, but it also changed the

that launched Canadian sports

Padalecki and Jensen Ackles) have

TV and showcased BC celebrities

way TV was made. When people

fixtures Dave Randorf, Don Taylor,

kept the world safe from monsters,

while becoming BC’s best loved

talk about the brilliance of Joss

John Shorthouse and the late Paul

ghosts, demons and wayward

hosts. Says John Lekich, “along with

Whedon as a TV creator, they usu-

Carson. The show outlasted the

angels for eleven seasons and

Fanny Kiefer, it’s arguably the first

ally mention the way seasons of his

grizzly Grizzlies, roared louder than

counting. The mainstay of The

show that paid off on the promise

shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer

the Lions and when the Canucks

CW Network - and horror fan fave

of local cable. It gave local people

and Angel are built around a single

were a joke, the Sportspage crew

- was created by Eric Kripke and

a place to go to sell themselves.

villain known as “the Big Bad.” But

kept the city laughing with them.

early seasons were crafted with

Including me.” Both hosts now have

where did Whedon get the idea of

The always entertaining Sportspage

the help of X-Files alum like Kim

their own solo shows - Fiona’s still

the Big Bad? Wiseguy. And Wiseguy’s

team is one of the reasons “we are

Manners, David Nutter and John

on Shaw and Michael’s on radio

Big Bads included Stanley Tucci,

all Canucks.”


station CKNW.

Tim Curry and Kevin Spacey.

(1987-1990) The gritty drama about


Series Launched Millions of Universes - and Spinoffs (1997-2007) “It’s not just that Stargate SG1’s impact lasted for ten years, supplying gainful employment for cast and crew, the series has a loyal worldwide audience,” says sci-fi guru Frank Garcia. “Stargate conventions have been held all over the world. If there’s any one person responsible for launching a mini-industry in Vancouver from a period between 1997 and 2011, it’s producer/writer Brad Wright. He, along with his producer compatriots Michael Greenburg, Paul Mullie, Joseph Mallozzi, Jonathan Glassner and Robert C. Cooper, launched the Stargate franchise that included two TV spinoffs — Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate Universe. Collectively, these three series are the equivalent of 17 seasons worth P: ©SYFY

of television space opera.”

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue


30 t h anni ve rsary f e atu re

Lights, Camera, Action and Reaction 30 Movies that Made the West Reel


W r it t e n By mark le ire n-yo u ng

lockbusters or beautiful little films?

• Decoy (1995). The first major “service” production for Saskatchewan crew.

Do we choose movies that generated millions of dollars and

• Eli’s Lesson (1992). The first major dramatic production for Minds Eye

hundreds of jobs and reached a global audience or little la-

Pictures, which helped lead to… On My Mind (1995) - now a little-remem-

bours of love that may have barely jumped beyond the festival

bered series, this likely demonstrated the viability of Minds Eye to be able to


produce quality children’s and youth programming, which led to the part-

Can we ignore Academy Award winners? I hope so, because we did.

nership of Virginia Thompson and Rob de Lint with Minds Eye to produce

We also skipped movies beloved by Canadian awards juries and critics

the series Incredible Story Studio and with the relocation of Vérité Films to

— including our advisors. If we were just listing our favourite western Ca-

Regina for this project, laid the producing groundwork for Corner Gas.

nadian films all of us could have put together a list of thirty contenders. As

Other unexpected contenders included a movie shot in Africa. Former

a sci-fi geek I’d love to add the next Star Trek movie to the list just because

Province film writer Glen Schaefer made a fantastic pitch for District 9 and

the idea of the Enterprise landing in BC is out of this world.

how it helped put BC’s VFX crews on the map – “Filmed in Johannesburg,

But we were looking for impact, influence and legacy so blockbusters

but Vancouver-based writer-director Neill Blomkamp hired a lot of his key

blocked Brokeback Mountain and films that launched careers or changed

creatives out of Vancouver, and the Vancouver-made postproduction and

lives trampled Godzilla.

VFX were among the film’s several Oscar nominations. The DP went on to

We were also looking to spread the love around between four provinces.

Captain America: the Winter Solider, Oscar-nominated editor Julian Clarke

Here are a few of the cooler contenders that didn’t quite make the final cut.

went on to a string of big Hollywood flicks, and if you didn’t know Vancou-

Curtis Woloschuk, the Canadian Images Shorts Programmer for the Van-

ver was a hotbed of VFX before this, the Oscar nomination for the four-man

couver International Film Festival made the case for some gold nuggets from our cinematic history. Here were a few of his contenders that didn’t quite make the final 30. • Billy Bitzer’s documentary shorts (1899). Before hooking up with D.W. Griffith, the cinematographer rode the rails of the Canadian Pacific, shoot-

team from Image Engine made it clear.” Frank Garcia reminded us of a few fan favourites that may not have changed the cinematic landscape, but are a reminder that B.C was a sci-fi hotbed before The X-Files. Garcia’s forgotten faves included the movie that saved Dr. Who. Sort of.

ing short documentaries. Amongst the first official films shot in BC, they

“The UK’s famed timey-wimey space adventurer Doctor Who got revived

also served as the first glimpses many outsiders had of the striking land-

after an extended break right here in Vancouver. In 1996, Fox TV filmed a

scapes offered by our province.

movie of the week starring Paul McGann as The Doctor with Vancouver

• Quota Quickies (1933-1938). The B-movies churned out of Willows Park

landscapes standing in for San Francisco. Doctor Who, in its long history,

Studio in the 1930s established Victoria as the first Hollywood North and

had never filmed outside of the UK. It was an effort to bring the title to an

also served notice that not all work produced here would have the purest

American audience who might not have been familiar with The Doctor. If

of artistic intentions.

the film had been more successful, I wonder where they would have filmed

• Allan King’s Skid Row (1956) helped set the standard for Canadian docu-

the series? Would they have gone back to the UK? Hmm.”

mentary work. As well, it offered a more clear-eyed account of life in Van-

BC also played host to several superhero series including Marvel’s mu-

couver than the tourism-friendly portraits that had been shot here previ-

tant superhero team The X-Men – who relocated the Danger Room to BC in

ously (see: Vancouver Honeymoon). Saskatchewan filmmaker and film prof Brett Bell walked us through some of the bigger contenders on the Prairies. Among his faves: • The Heart of Christmas (1989). It doesn’t have a listing in IMDB, but it was

2003 with X-Men 2: X-Men United. Since The X-Men features Canada’s most famous comic book character - Wolverine - it’s only right that the series keeps ending up in Canada. The mutant superheroes stuck around BC for the third sequel, X-Men Last Stand (2006).

the first major professional credit for writer/producer/director Will Dixon. It

Among the other contenders our panelists were still debating until dead-

was produced as a Christmas special for STN (a grouping of Baton-owned

line day — Double Jeopardy, Fido, FUBAR, Juno, The Sweet and the Bitter, Way-

Sask. CTV stations). Without this credit, Dixon may not have had the creden-

downtown and the early documentaries of Larry Kent.

tials to direct Home on the Range and The Garden (both produced by Stephen

So many movies, so little space.

Onda), laying the foundations for Heartland Productions and Guitarman.

Now let’s see what you think of the 30 films that did make our list.


Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

65 red roses Final Film Chronicles Filmmaker’s Final Battle (2009) Vancouver International Film Festival Canadian Images Programmer Terry McEvoy could have listed off at least 30 contenders, but asked to choose one, he settled on a heartbreaking documentary. “One film that truly impacted me is Philip Lyall and Nimisha Mukerji’s 65 Red Roses. This human and touching film takes an unflinching look into the lives of Eva Markvoort and two online friends who are all battling cystic fibrosis (CF) – a fatal genetic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system. Unable to meet in person because of the fear of infection, the girls become lifelines for each other through the Internet. Eva’s wait for a potentially life-saving operation develops a taut suspense. The film increased awareness of the challenges of CF and was successful in motivating many organ donors.”

Image submitted

Annie O

B ambi Meets Godzilla

© National film board of Canada

Movie of the Week Equals Launch of No Equal

Short Short With a Huge Footprint

(1997) A Showtime TV movie

shortest film on our list. “At just over

Scrabble Film Scores Big Bingos for NFB

inspired by legendary sharpshooter

a minute and a half, Marv Newland’s

(1985) The Oscar-nominated NFB

(1988) There were a lot of movies

Annie Oakley, this was the shot

Bambi Meets Godzilla – where an

short about a Scrabble squabble is

shot in BC in the 1980s - but not a

that launched producer Larry

innocent Bambi gets unexpectedly

a genuine Can Con classic. Recalls

lot of great ones. Featuring Jodie

Sugar and BC’s always busy, No

squished under the clawed foot of To-

actor Jay Brazeau, “There was a

Foster as a woman raped by a lot

Equal. The MOW was the first of a

kyo’s famous monster – has become a

time that some of the best anima-

of BC’s best-known actors, The Ac-

series of nine family films Sugar

genuine cinematic classic. Interna-

tion in the world was coming out

cused was one of the first Academy

did for Showtime called “Contem-

tional acclaim for the 1969 animated

of the NFB in Winnipeg. The Big

Award contenders shot in BC. Rob

porary Classics.” Sugar wrote and/

short has included being the subject

Snit, Getting Started, Playroom, Get a

Young - the film’s sound editor

or co-wrote four of them and pro-

of a question on Jeopardy. Thanks to

Job, The Cat Came Back. I remember

(and a BC local) - was nominated

duced them all. His company, No

Newland’s sly genius, the unlikely

going in to audition for Get a Job,

for an Oscar for his work on the

Equal, went on to produce all sorts

pairing of deer and destroyer are for-

and before I left the audition I was

film, helping to make the case that

of series including The Collector and

ever linked. Like Astaire and Rogers or

acting in it, composing songs for it

Vancouver’s crews could compete

JPod and they’re currently howling

peanut butter and jam, they combine

and helping to write the script. It

with Hollywood’s.

with the hit werewolf drama Bitten.

to form their own unique destiny.”

was an amazing time.”

The Accused Jodie Foster Fosters Vancouver Scene

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

(1969) John Lekich weighs in on the

The Big SNit


P: Nancy Bleck P: Nettie Wild

P: Reel west archives

Bird on a wire Mel and Goldie Fly High in BC

P: c/0 Anne Wheeler


Bye bye blues

Where the Wild Films Are

Wheeler Rolls Musical Masterpiece

The Corporation

(1993) Doc maker Nettie Wild is

(1989) Alberta raised and BC-based

(1990) Victoria’s eFilmCritic Jason

famous for exploring epic turf wars

writer-director Anne Wheeler

Doc Dissects the Dangers of Corporate Culture

Whyte weighed in on this made-

and almost any of her films could

crafted the script Bye Bye Blues — a

(2004) Since the US Courts declared

in-BC comedy. “John Badham’s

make the list. Her 1998 film A Place

look at a musician trying to raise

that corporations are people too,

action comedy starring Mel Gibson

Called Chiapas - about an armed

her kids after her husband goes

Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott’s

and Goldie Hawn had sequences

uprising in Mexico won a Genie

missing - based on her mother’s

documentary made the case that

shot in Greater Victoria locations

Award for Best Feature Length

wartime adventures. With 13 Genie

if corporations are people, they’re

standing in for the United States,

Documentary. She scored a second

noms and three wins - best actress

psychopaths. The BC-based doc

including Fan Tan Alley in the

best doc Genie for her exploration

for Rebecca Jenkins, best support-

featuring Michael Moore, Noam

historic Chinatown district, as well

of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside

ing actress for Robyn Stevan and

Chomsky and Naomi Klein wasn’t

as a notable sequence on a BC Fer-

in Fix: The Story of an Addicted City

best original song for Bill Hender-

just a box office hit and a critical

ries ship. Gibson and Hawn were

(2002). But Blockade chronicles BC’s

son — Bye Bye Blues was beloved

smash, but established one of the

the talk of Victoria when they were

War in the Woods and shares a

by critics and audiences. And it’s

screenwriters, UBC law professor,

filming here.”

story that still defines the province

finally been remastered and made

Joel Bakan, as one of Canada’s

- First Nations title.

available for modern audiences.

most important provocateurs.


We Did Believe a Man Could Fly (1978) Today every other Hollywood movie features a superhero, but when Superman debuted in 1978 it wasn’t just special, it was magical. Superman was created by Canadians - Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster - who modeled The Daily Planet after the Toronto Star. The movie starred Canada’s Margot Kidder as Lois Lane, the late Christopher Reeve as the Man of Steel and Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor. And unlike the campy TV take on Batman, director Richard Donner took comic book superheroes seriously - or at least seriously enough to cast Marlon Brando as super-dad Jor-El. Aside from launching superhero movies, Superman also gave birth to insane Hollywood salaries. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Brando received 1.25 million US for his cameo appearance - and that’s not counting the percentage of the profits that accountants were unable to hide that brought his super-take to over three million dollars. Alberta only gets about 20 minutes of screen time as Smallville, Superman’s boyhood home - with the province standing in for Kansas - but that’s enough Canadian content for us. According to producer David Michael Petrou’s book, The Making of Superman The Movie, Pa Kent bit the dust in Drumheller, Luthor’s missiles flew from Kananaskis and the Fortress of Solitude was situated in BC’s icefields. Superman chills in BC? How cool is that? Along with Jaws (1975) and Star Wars (1977) Superman was one of the movies that changed movies - but try not to hold that against it. It may be tough to imagine for viewers watching it today on TV, but in 1978 those special effects were truly special.


Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

P: ŠWarner Brothers/courtesy Everett Collection

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue


P: Reel west ArcHives P: c/o BC Film CommisSion

Double Happiness

First Blood

Game Over

P: c/o BC Film CommisSion

Game Over meant Game On for Kirk Shaw

Grey Fox

(1994) A semi-autobiographical

Stallone’s Original Rambo Wins the War in Hope

exploration of a Chinese-Canadian

(1982) The all-American film fea-

as Maximum Surge - was a small

Borsos Robbery Stole Audiences’ Hearts

kid fighting family expectations and

turing Hope, BC as Hope, Wash-

movie that made big ripples on

(1982) Written by John Hunter and

launching life as an artist, Mina

ington introduced the world to

the BC scene launching Kirk Shaw

directed by Phillip Borsos, John

Shum’s debut feature, Double Hap-

Sylvester Stallone’s John Rambo,

- one of Canada’s most prolific

Lekich recalls the glory days of this

piness was a story audiences - and

one of the most iconic characters

producers. “The movie was instru-

Canadian classic. “It’s always struck

critics - were hungry for. Launching

in movie history. Like Stallone’s

mental for Kirk getting into mov-

me as one of the two most influen-

actress Sandra Oh, the movie pre-

other signature character Rocky,

ies,” says Kirk’s brother Keith, who

tial locally shot movies - along with

miered at Sundance and made waves

Rambo eventually devolved into

cowrote the movie. “At the time it

My American Cousin, especially since

everywhere. Born in Hong Kong but

a cartoony action hero, but the

was made, there were no pre-sales

it launched the career of Richard

raised in Vancouver, Shum risked

first appearance of the damaged

and Kirk didn’t know whether it

Farnsworth who was a stunt man

the wrath of her parents when she

Vietnam vet who goes to war with

would ever sell or be broadcast.

in the movies for years. I remember

studied theatre and film. Looks like

a small town police force drew

But he knew he wanted to start

his pal Wilford Brimley — another

that worked out for her… In addition

decent reviews - and huge crowds

making movies.” For several years

stunt man who crossed into acting

to launching Oh, producer Stephen

- and was directed by Canada’s

in the first part of the 21st century

— say that he lost all faith in the

Hegyes kept happiness in BC rolling

Ted Kotcheff (The Apprenticeship of

Shaw’s company, Insight, was the

Oscars when his buddy Farnsworth

by co-founding Brightlight Pictures.

Duddy Kravitz).

busiest in Canada.

wasn’t nominated for Grey Fox.”

Shum’s Happy Debut


(2000) Game Over - originally known

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

P: C/O Entertainment One Canada/ Summit Entertainment

Twilight The breaking dawn of star-stalker journalism in Vancouver (2008) When the Twilight franchise came to Vancouver, it completely changed the way local media approached film productions. Up until that time, filmmaking was treated as just another cultural activity, covered by periodic roundups, news features and profiles. But Twilight and its rabid online fan base sent local media into a tailspin, trying to catch up and keep up with the constant demand for news about the production and its stars. At the time, I was entertainment editor at the Vancouver Sun, where Twilight was a daily concern not just of my team but of our senior editors too. Twilight was a massive generator of web traffic, which had recently become extremely important to our digital-first newsroom. For months at a stretch, Twilight was high on the agenda at every morning news meeting. Had Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart been spotted out and about, and, if so, did we have pictures? We sent our photographers to stake out rumoured shooting locations, and even, on occasion, paid paparazzi for photos of the stars out on the town. As an editor responsible for delivering broad arts coverage to my community, I found it wasteful. As a former actor myself, I found it distasteful. By publicizing their shooting locations to hordes of hysterical and disruptive fans, I knew that we were making life more difficult for the cast and crew who were just trying to get their shot list in the can every day. But although I felt badly about it, there was no way we were about to stop. The web hits were just too good. – Maggie Langrick

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue


P: c/o Milestone Film & Video

IN the land of the headhunters

Photo submitted

The Interview

(1914) The first feature made in

The Comedy that Declared War on North Korea

BC, maybe in Canada, turned a

(2014) Some movies spark Oscar

century old last year. Ethnologist and photographer Edward

First Feature Featuring First Nations

Photo submitted


Last Wedding

Cold Corpses Make for Hot Arthouse Hit

Sweeney’s Screen Nuptuals a Celebration of Talent

battles, this one almost sparked an

(1986) Necrophilia has never been

(2001) Glen Schaefer explains:

actual war. Produced by Brightlight

sexier. When film critic Katherine

“Infidelities and insecurities pile up

S. Curtis explored the culture of

Pictures - and made in BC - the

Monk titled her book on Canadian

among a group of literary academ-

lthe Kwakwaka’wakw (formerly

cheezy Seth Rogen, James Franco

films, Weird Sex & Snowshoes this

ics and their architect friends, mir-

Kwakiutl) in this mix of docu-

bromantic comedy about assas-

could have been the cover image.

roring the cracks in their physical

mentary and drama to share First

sinating North Korean leader Kim

The movie was nominated for

environment as Vancouver deals

Nations traditions on film for the

Jong-un changed the world of

Genies for almost everything, and

with a leaky condo crisis. Writer-di-

first time - including scenes of the

studios and cyber-security in the

picked up a win for Molly Parker’s

rector Bruce Sweeney’s third movie

traditional potlatch, back when

online era after hackers started

performance. Glen Schaefer’s

made his best use of an ongoing

it was banned by the Canadian

leaking information from Sony Pic-

description: “All-Canadian morbid

ensemble that included Ben Ratner,

government. The silent film is

tures. The movie was pulled from

arthouse hit from a Barbara Gowdy

the late Babz Chula, Vincent Gale,

set before the arrival of white

theatres (before being released on-

story launched Molly Parker’s

Tom Scholte, Jay Brazeau, Frida

settlers in North America and

line) and even US President Barack

career, and established Lynne Stop-

Betrani and Molly Parker, all doing

features costumes crafted by the

Obama weighed in to give censor-

kewich as a behind-the-camera

their best work in this smart, ribald

Kwakwaka’wakw people.

ship two thumbs down.



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The Art of Raw Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

P: c/o BC Film CommisSion P: c/o The Cinematheque

P: Reel west ArcHives

M Ccabe & Mrs. Miller

l ook who’s talking

Madeleine is...

Made-in BC Rom Com Charms the World

Sylvia Spring’s Landmark Look at Vangroovy

(1989) Actor Jerry Wasserman, one

(1971) “The fact it’s the first Ca-

of Kirstie Alley’s bad dates in the

nadian narrative feature directed

1989 rom com, recalls working on

by a woman makes it a landmark

the made-in-BC Hollywood hit.

achievement,” says VIFF’s Curtis

“The coolest things for me were

Woloschuk. The director was Syl-

1) being one of KA’s bad dates (my

via Spring, who co-wrote the film

character name was Mr. Anal) and

with Kenneth Specht. Nicola Lip-

in Vancouver because he needed the rain. The damp

being able to tell people that I was

man stars as a woman who moves

seems like another character, soaking Altman’s mel-

responsible for her ending up with

from Quebec to Vancouver and, as

John Travolta; 2) EVERYONE has

she finds herself, hooks up with a

seen that movie. When I tell some-

variety of counter culture charac-

through the derby Warren Beatty wears as McCabe.

one that I’m an actor and they ask

ters including a radical political

After a while, the weather looms over the proceedings

“oh, what have you been in?” I can

activist played by radical theatre-

say Look Who’s Talking.”

maker John Juliani.

The Launch of a Love Affair With the Vancouver Rain (1971) Robert Altman shot 1971’s McCabe & Mrs. Miller

ancholy western until you can almost feel it seeping

like some brooding ghost - part of the reason the late Roger Ebert calls the movie both “perfect” and “one of the saddest films I’ve ever seen.” Beatty plays a gambler who starts up a brothel in a mining town that’s so new we literally see it rising up in the mist. McCabe’s business partner is Mrs. Miller (Julie Christie), a savvy madam who knows that their inevitable success will bring the kind of trouble McCabe can’t handle. The supporting cast is peppered with actors from Altman’s regular stock company. But it’s also one of the first visiting movies to employ a wide array of local actors – including Antony Holland and Janet Wright - with truly wonderful results. You can sense the freedom Altman feels at being safely out of reach from the string pullers in LA. He takes a liberating delight in tweaking the conventions of the traditional western, packing the film with overlapping dialogue, improvised scenes and quirky camera angles. Altman’s camera embraces the local surroundings with that same sense of openness. It’s as if Vancouver has given him a new way to tell his story simply by revealing its heart through his lens.

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

– John Lekich

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604.553.1335 23

P: Reel west ArcHives

M Others & Daughters


R umble in the Bronx

(2008) “Prolific indie director Carl

Romance Makes Everyone Fall for Nelson

Bessai, based in Vancouver since

(1987) Almost thirty year’s later the

(1995) Jackie Chan took on New

Selleck-mania Brings the Future to BC

2001’s Lola, conceived of Mothers &

modern update of Cyrano de Bergerac

York tough guys in Vancouver in a

(1984) John Lekich recalls visiting

Daughters after winning a $12,000

is still a phenom in the small BC

movie that was huge for the local

the set of Runaway. “Set sometime

festival prize,” says Glen Schaefer.

town where a very nosey Steve

service industry and sent the Hong

in the near future, 1984’s Runaway

“He gathered six actors – Babz

Martin wooed Daryl Hannah

Kong action star flying into movie

was a locally shot movie star-

Chula, Tantoo Cardinal and Gabri-

“I think Roxanne was an important

theatres around the world. In his

ring Tom Selleck as a cop battling

elle Rose (the mothers), and Camille

Hollywood production because it

autobiography, Jackie Chan talked

dysfunctional robots. When I asked

Sullivan, Tinsel Korey and Tiffany

showcased Nelson so beautifully,”

about one of the more charming

writer-director Michael Chrichton

Lyndall-Knight (the daughters) — to

says John Lekich. “Steve Martin

challenges of filming in Vancou-

why he chose to film in Vancouver,

collaborate on three stories filmed

tells a story about being in Nelson

ver - defacing the buildings with

he smiled and said: “We wanted the

on the fly with a minimal crew,

filming Roxanne with the famous ski

fake graffiti. Shot primarily on New

future to look nice.” Filmed at the

improvising dialogue as they went.

slope nose he wore for the movie.

Westminster’s Front Street, the best

height of Selleck-mania, Runaway

Bessai’s digital camera kept rolling

He encountered a bunch of bikers in

moment for BC viewers is when

had to deal with crowds of fans

as they redid each scene again and

a bar and one of them looked at his

a hovercraft lands on Kits Beach

eager to get a glimpse of its star. The

again. Not something anyone could

nose and said: “Why the long face?”

and New York’s famous mountains

result was a kind of controlled cha-

do, but these players had the chops.”

It cracked him up.”

make a surprise appearance.

os, deftly handled by local crews.”

Drama on the Fly

Vancouver Plays New York


P: Reel west ArcHives P: Reel west ArcHives

T ales from Gimli Hospital

P: Reel west ArcHives



ho Has Seen W The Wind

(1992) Clint Eastwood revisited

Comic Classic Captures Snyder for Vancouver

(1988) While Guy Maddin is best

and reimagined his gunslinger

(2009) U.S. Director Zack Snyder’s

Great Canadian Novel to Great Canadian Film

known for his Sundance hit, The Sad-

persona in one of the all-time great

task of transferring The Watchmen

(1977) “It cannot be overstated

dest Music in the World, his full-length

westerns - and one of only three

to the big screen was impossible.

how influential this project was in

directing debut- Tales from Gimli

to win the Oscar for Best Picture.

Arguably the greatest comic book

the early development of the film

Hospital - established the Manitoba

The movie was a labour of love for

of all time, Alan Moore and Dave

industry,” says filmmaker Brett Bell.

director as one of the most unique

Eastwood - who optioned the script

Gibbon’s Watchmen - an elaborate

“Several of the local crew - many of

voices in Canadian filmmaking. Shot

and sat on it for a decade until he

dissection of superhero psyches

whom were students in the newly-

in black and white on 16 mm film

was old enough to play gunslinger

- is a fan fave among some of the

developed film program at the Uni-

on a budget of less than $30,000,

William Munny. With Alberta

world’s most fanatical fans. After

versity of Regina - went on to not

the movie became a quirky cult

standing in for Wyoming and a

Snyder brought Dr. Manhattan to

only establish the Saskatchewan

classic and earned a Genie nomina-

posse of Canadian actors (like

Vancouver, he stuck around.

Filmpool Cooperative, but many of

tion for Best Original Screenplay - a

Beverley Elliott, Liisa Repo-Martell

Glen Schaefer says, “This was the

the key early Regina and Saskatoon

screenplay that, according to Darren

and Lochlyn Munro) in support-

first and best of a string of mega-

production companies (Birdsong,

Wershler’s book Guy Maddin’s My

ing roles, The Man with No Name

budget movies Snyder made in

Camera West etc.) as well as push

Winnipeg, “consists of five Post-It

helped establish Alberta’s name in

Vancouver. He stuck around for

toward the development of SMPIA


Hollywood history.

Sucker Punch and Man of Steel.”

in 1985.”

Maddin’s Manitoba A RX for for Success


Eastwood Lassos Oscars for Alberta

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

I ndie S ce ne

A Short History of Western Canadian Shorts By Pau l Ar mstr on g


o mark the thirty year an-

technology shifted – and film schools

Alibi Room screenings. Ninety-one

luloid Social Club. The first film, The

niversary of Reel West, a

began springing up, like the Vancou-

films later the Crazy8s Gala now at-

Bar, was directed by Mike Jackson.

survey of the local short

ver Film School (VFS) in 1987 - short

tracts over 1,700 audience members.

In 2014 the contest’s fifth film,

One of the first Crazy8s films was

Anxious Oswald Greene by Marshall Axani, won a record 13 Leo Awards.

film culture and some of the lead-

films became more ubiquitous.

ing shorts of the past thirty years

By the early nineties the indie

The Rememberer by Coreen Mayrs,

is in order. These films have been

film scene exploded, spurred by

which won Best Short at the Leo

Axani also won the first MPPIA

the product of the wider milieu,

Sundance and a do-it-yourself at-

Awards, another event that started

Short Film Award in 2007 for The

marking cultural and technological

titude culminating in the twin in-

in the late ‘90s, bringing more atten-

Light of Family Burnam and, most re-

change through a series of eras.

spirations of Quentin Tarantino,

tion to western Canadian shorts.

cently, he premiered Mina.Minerva.

In the mid ‘80s most short films

and Kevin Smith – who dropped out

After 2000, the dot com crash and

In 2008, Centigrade by Colin Cun-

were made through the National

of VFS to make his game-changing

9-11, films became more serious as

ningham won Best Short Leo and

Film Board or film co-ops like Cine-

movie, Clerks.

we entered an era which also saw

became the first Canadian short on

works and Video Inn (VIVO). When

Future BC filmmaking stars start-

the start of digital replacing film. Still

iTunes, ushering in the era of online

filmmaking tools were expensive

ed to make shorts including Bruce

shot on film in 2001 was Mon amour

digital as more films find homes on-

this was often the only access most

Sweeney with Betty and Vera Go Lawn

mon parapulie, directed by Giada Do-

line, utilize social media and online

people had to pro-level equipment

Bowling (1990) – made at the Univer-

brenzska, written by and starring


and the NFB was virtually the only

Ana Valine won the 2010 Best Di-

source of funds. Still influenced by

rection in a Short Leo for How Eunice

By the mid-nineties short films became irreverently ironic.

the ‘60s counter-culture, most of the films were either experimental, political or both. Many filmmakers from that era are active today, including Peggy Thompson and Peg Campbell. In 1985, Campbell directed the NFB short Street Kids. Next year Camp-

Got Her Baby, which she made at the Canadian Film Centre. Another fine emerging filmmaker is Kevan Funk whose credits include A Fine Young Man and Destroyer. The last few years have seen improved production values, partly based on the proliferation of higher-

bell and Thompson filmed the Ge-

sity of British Columbia, which was

Tara Hungerford. While Mon amour

end HD cameras. Recent films that

nie nominated It’s a Party.

becoming a hotbed of indie film-

was shortlisted for the Cannes Film

have raised the bar are Mackenzie

Thompson says “the eighties film

making. In 1993, UBC alum Mina

Festival, one western film that did

Gray’s Crazy8s contender Under the

scene was small, but lively. Two

Shum, filmed Me, Mom and Mona,

screen at Cannes, in the Directors’

Bridge of Fear, Bedbugs: A Musical Love

feature films couldn’t shoot at the

which won Best Short at TIFF.

Fortnight, was Bruce Marchfelder’s

Story written by and starring Shau-

The Artist’s Circle in 2000.

na Johannesen and directed by Mat-

same time as there wasn’t enough

By the mid-nineties short films

crew. It’s A Party was a Cineworks

became irreverently ironic. The toast

Other notable shorts include Jesse

crew training program.” Avenues for

of the short scene was Ken Hegan

McKeown’s The Big Charade – which

screenings also blossomed. “VIFF

with films such as William Shatner

won a Leo for Best Director in 2004,

It seems we have entered the gold-

had just started, becoming a hub for

Lent Me His Hairpiece. Hegan began

Dylan Akio Smith’s Crazy8s Man Feel

en age of short filmmaking and I have

shorts, and theatres like The Ridge

hosting Vancouver’s Indie Film Night

Pain won Best Short at TIFF in 2005,

no doubt it will last well into the next

showed local shorts before features”.

and, in 1997, Vancouver’s Celluloid

Zach Lipovsky’s one shot take Crazy

thirty years, as will Reel West. n

In the late eighties Emily Carr stu-

Social Club, which is still running,

Late, and Jamie Travis’s The Saddest

over 500 shorts later.

Boy in the World from 2007.

dent Ann Marie Fleming filmed You Take Care Now, winning best BC and Canadian student awards.

As the

In 1999 the DGC-BC created Cra-

In 2007, The Hot Shot Shorts Con-

zy8s, with 30 people attending the

test was launched through the Cel-

thew Kowalchuk and One Last Ride by Caitlin Byrnes.

Paul Armstrong is a film producer who also produces The Celluloid Social Club and the Crazy8s Film Event.

@reelwestmag Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue


Photo by Phil Chin


Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

Cove r Fe atu re

Catching up with the Commish Dianne Neufeld on How the West was Won


Writ t e n By JO h n Le k ich ianne Neufeld greets me warmly at the door of her home.

“learning to solve problems in an urgent way.” American dealmakers who

It’s a neat, postwar A-Frame with the kind of Art Deco

wanted to shoot here could sometimes squeeze especially hard, using im-

touches that wouldn’t look out of place on a period film

possibly tight deadlines to negotiate for the results they wanted.

set. The head of the BC Film Commission from 1982 to

“Hollywood is not a Girl Scout trip,” she says, when asked about the most

1995, she’s recently retired from her position as the Coor-

challenging aspect of her job back then. “People are empowered to deal in

dinator of the Motion Picture Arts Program at Capilano University. As Film Commissioner, Dianne was the gardener for a blossoming indus-

the moment, which is fine if they follow a certain protocol. But, every once in awhile, someone would hold the film office hostage.”

try - helping to clear the path to allow dozens of projects to bloom. “Being

Before being officially hired as head of the Film Commission, Dianne vol-

in at the beginning of anything is always the most fun,” she says. She has

unteered her services. She brought years of professional experience as a TV

spent her entire career “in that moment where you’re trying to help some-

producer and location scout with her.

one who really wants to make something. I found it very energizing.” Now in her mid-sixties, she’s barely changed from nearly thirty years ago, when she skipped lunch to have her picture taken for an article I was writing on the local film industry. At that particular moment, she was a beaming woman in a crisp business suit flanked by two hairy extras from Clan of the Cave Bear. She describes herself as “someone who’s always been very curious about things.” She laughs, adding: “I have lots of opinions and I like to talk. I’m always the last one talking at the party after everyone else has left.”

”I just started to answer the phone and type things,” she says. “That’s the way we rolled in those days. People would show up whenever they were needed. There was this genuine sense of passionate engagement.” Our conversation is laced with the familiar names of film people Dianne calls “the pioneers.” Warren Carr. Fiona Jackson. Fitch Cady. Justis Greene. The first head of the BC Film Commission, Greene encouraged her to apply for the job when he left to become a producer. “In those early days, the film community consisted of about three hun-

She’s also a bit of a pack rat. “I was cleaning out my files,” she says. “And

dred people and we all knew each other,” she explains. “If there was a prob-

look what I found.” She shows me the debut copy of Reel West Digest, han-

lem, Justis could get the entire industry into a theatre and say: ‘Nobody

dling it with deliberate tenderness, as if it’s a rare treasure from some ar-

leaves until this is resolved.’ It was a very town hall kind of scenario.”

cheological dig.

“I never considered myself as someone working for the government,” she

After a lifetime of working on behalf of the film industry in one way or

continues. “I always felt that I was really working for the grips and the design-

another, she’s looking forward to doing “whatever I want.” But old habits are

ers. Everyone was starting to believe that they could feed their families doing

hard to break. It’s not long before she informs me that the TV series Motive

something they really cared about. I found that to be a very motivating thing.

is filming just down the block.

I had no idea that we were essentially dealing with the toe of an elephant,”

“I think it’s kind of nice,” she says, as if a reliable neighbour has just

she says. “Absolutely no idea how big things would get. I remember Justis say-

moved in next door. And then she grins at me through the weight of the past

ing that we could eventually become a hundred million dollar industry. And I

and says. “Isn’t it great that you and I got to do exactly what we wanted?

said: “We may tickle that number, but that’s an awful lot of money.’”

How many people get to do that?” I first met Dianne around 1982, shortly after I became the west coast film

She laughs, adding: “Now, of course, it’s a billion dollar business. But, if you use those early days as a starting point, that kind of figure seems crazy.”

correspondent for the Globe and Mail. I would spend the rest of the eighties

As head of the Film Commission, she made the wise choice to focus on

covering film sets, which meant we would have regular phone conversa-

the fundamentals. “It was all about coordinating the different pieces of in-

tions that began something like this:

frastructure. I had this sense that if the whole package could come together

“Hey, Dianne, have you got a couple of minutes?” “For you, I always have a couple of minutes.”

– the suppliers of service, the unions, the talent – we’d have real potential.” “It was understood that the film office had to be a no-bullshit zone,” she

I soon learned that this meant she had precisely one hundred and twenty

says. “You had to give people the truth. If there was something you couldn’t

seconds, which, in those whirlwind days, was a generous slice of her time.

do, you had to say so. Because, even though a prospective producer might

Phoning the Film Commission was like getting through to the Batcave. Di-

pass on coming here this time, they’d always remember getting the straight

anne remembers tending to the constant barrage of calls as a form of “ad-

goods. So you were planting a seed by being open and honest.”

ministrative triage.”

Virtually every story Dianne tells is about cutting to the chase in order to

“We had three phones with six buttons on each phone,” she recalls. “They

keep things moving. At its most intense her job was about troubleshooting

were bright red, big, plastic things. Each one had a hold button and they

on behalf of crews whose progress was being halted by red tape. But there

were constantly ringing. I mean they never stopped.”

are funny stories too.

She describes one of her most vital skills at the Film Commission as

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

She recalls meeting the late Michael Chrichton, who was in Vancouver to



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story, you have to understand that

6’ 9” while Dianne describes herself

the early eighties were the red-hot

as “you know, short.” She ended up

height of Selleck-mania. When I

talking to Chrichton while standing

visited the set, women were liter-

on a chair. “I didn’t think twice,” she

ally hanging out the third story win-

says. “I just wanted to be in a position

dows of an adjacent office building

to have a real conversation.”

just to wave at him.

“I like solving problems - almost

Most of Runaway was shot at the

to a fault,” she observes. “People

site that would eventually become

who I love and who love me often

Bridge Studios. At the time, it was

say: ‘I’m going to tell you this now.

basically just the crude shell of a

But, for Godssake, please don’t give

building. You’d typically walk in

me any suggestions.’ Because I au-

to find a set and a cluster of mo-

tomatically default to: ‘What can

torhomes inside.

we do about this? How can I help?’”

Recalls Dianne: “We’d been lob-

For all the crucial groundwork she

bying to get the place transformed.

laid on behalf of today’s industry she

Suddenly, with no real warning,

holds a special place in her heart for

there were a bunch of government

those early times. “We had to create

officials who wanted to tour the fa-

protocols,” she says. “But, before we

cilities.” The unspoken message was

had any, we’d just wing it.” She looks

clear. They wanted to get up close

at me, her eyes getting big, before

and personal with Magnum PI.

adding: “That was just so interesting.”

The problem? “I had no time to

She offers a typical example of

set up things with Mr. Selleck. When


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visiting producer to scout a remote

ran ahead of the group and blurted

location. Say you needed that heli-

out who I was. I remember saying

copter for tomorrow afternoon.

something like: ‘Please, we’re trying

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direct 1984’s Runaway. Chrichton was

“Government bureaucracy just

to fix this building!’”

can’t deal with a situation like

“He said: ‘Got it.’” Then he winked

that,” she explains. “So I’d find

at me and went out there and just

someone in the area with a heli-

charmed everyone. It was one of

copter who was out there count-

those moments when I thought,

ing sheep or something. And they’d

we’re really all in this together.”

agree to take the producer along

Things are a little different now.

for the ride. The sheep counter

The Film Commission, as Dianne

would be thrilled because it was

knew it, has been compartmental-

such an unusual experience.”

ized under a more general umbrella

“The best part of that job was

of the arts bureaucracy. Technology

meeting all kinds of different peo-

has killed the big red phone with all

ple,” she says. “Seeing their value,

those blinking buttons.

earning their trust. If people know

Still, Dianne Neufeld wouldn’t

you value them, they can be ex-

trade places with anybody. “I’ve

traordinarily generous.”

always felt privileged to be part of

Talk turns to Runaway again. Di-

that moment in time,” she says.

anne shares a story about Tom Sell-

“Looking back, it feels like the most

eck, the film’s star. To appreciate the

extraordinary gift.” n

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

W e ste rn tv, e h ?

The Best of the West By D ia n e Wild


hoosing the best TV show to

of convoluted conspiracy, but the

And then there’s the right choice:

radio station using a tape recorder

come out of Western Cana-



SCTV. I can hear you now – does

and our best attempt to capture

da in the last 30 years is al-

sons remain a favourite today. Ex-

that really qualify as a Western Ca-

some of the SCTV spirit. Those

most as hard as figuring out wheth-

cept Home. I don’t need those kind

nadian show, when most seasons

tapes didn’t survive for long, but I

er Nick or Relic was my favourite

of nightmares again.

were produced in Ontario? As a

don’t think the SCTV writers would

APTN’s Blackstone would be my

born and bred Edmontonian, where

have been quaking in their boots at

socially conscious choice. It’s The

you can take an SCTV shooting loca-

the competition.

And that is the obvious nostal-

Wire of Canada, equally relegated to

tion walking tour, I can definitively

It made household names out

gia winner if I’m going to make a

a cult audience – which in Canada

say yes. Just as Gretzky will always

of people who are still household

choice. I spent more time with The

means a cult of a cult audience --

be ours, so too will SCTV. Argue with

names 30 years later. Eugene Levy

Beachcombers as a kid than I did with

and equally willing to delve into

me and I’ll send Dave Semenko af-

and Catherine O’Hara are still

most of my extended family. Though

complex socio-political issues sur-

ter you.

enough of a draw that CBC’s Schitt’s

it was not the Canada I knew as a

rounding a community. It’s not as

The series helped define Canada’s

Creek premiered to 1.4 million view-

land-locked Edmontonian, I recog-

ponderous as that sentence made it

sketch comedy identity in ways that

ers – a reflection of their star power

nized how unusual it was to see my

sound, but it’s not light viewing ei-

are obvious even today. Kids in the

that the series itself couldn’t hold

beachcomber. I loved them for such different and opposing reasons.

own country represented onscreen in something other than a Hinterland Who’s Who segment. The Beachcombers aired for about 567 years, give or take, but I haven’t seen it in decades, meaning it might not hold up as truly the best choice. There’s the “everyone else loved it” choice in Corner Gas. Hugely popular, hugely influential, it just wasn’t my cup of joe. Canadian net-

on to.

I spent more time with The Beachcombers as a kid than I did with most of my extended family.

works are still trying to replicate its

Andrea Martin came back to host the Canadian Screen Awards broadcast ceremony, forever Canadian to Canadians, though she’s actually American by birth and citizenship. Martin Short, John Candy, Dave Thomas, Rick Moranis, Harold Ramis, Joe Flaherty – whether they were born here or not, this cast will always be our people. And so many of the cast of this

success. A movie was enthusiasti-

ther and I find myself needing to be

Hall, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Rick

low-budget Canadian show became

cally crowdfunded and attracted a

in the right frame of mind to settle

Mercer, even this season’s Sunnyside

prominent figures in US entertain-

huge audience. The show is worthy

in with a season. So picking it as the

– does anyone working in sketch

ment – always a favoured trajectory

to be someone’s choice for best of

best of the lot would also be the pre-

comedy not owe a debt to the she-

for us approval-seeking Canucks. So

the west – just not mine. Call me a

tentious, hypocritical choice.

nanigans of the SCTV gang? How

when naming a best show of Western

A modern family-friendly choice

can I, someone who runs a website

Canada – a fool’s errand – what bet-


would be the long-running Sunday

on Canadian content called “TV,

ter than a show that unites east and

choice would be The X-Files, The

stalwart Heartland, but while it re-

eh?” not owe a debt to a series that

west, north and south, and irrever-

Vancouver Years. I ignored the first

minds me of my younger days of

gave us Bob and Doug and “eh?” and

ently tells us all to take off, eh? n

couple of seasons thinking it was a

obsessing over Anne of Green Gables

the ultimate mockery of Canadian

reality show (seriously), then binge-

and slightly less young days of look-


watched it before binge-watching

ing in on Road to Avonlea for the Lucy

It helped define a sense of hu-

founder of the TV, eh? website (www.

was cool - and had the nightmares

Maud Montgomery completism, I’m

mour for at least a generation. My, covering news, reviews and

to show for it. I bailed when the lat-

not family-friendly enough as an

brother and I – not having a video

interviews about Canadian television

er seasons disintegrated into a pile

adult to really enjoy it.

recorder – would create our own


jackass if you will, Oscar. My



Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

Diane Wild is the Vancouver-based


Who Owns the Graffiti? By Kyle Fo gd e n


f a work of art is created illegal-

even if the creation of some street

ly, is it still protected by copy-

art is illegal under criminal law, that

right? When filming urban loca-

criminality has no impact on the

tions, are producers required to get

art’s status under copyright law. It is

a release for every piece of graffiti

not safe to assume that all street art

that makes it into the frame? These

is illegal in any event, since many

questions have been raised by a

pieces of street art are commis-

number of my clients recently, part-

sioned by building owners, or are

ly due to the emergence of street art

officially (or unofficially) authorized

as a mainstream art form, and part-

or recognized by public authorities

ly due to the fact that street artists

(examples include the Argentinian

are increasingly willing to take legal

mural allegedly copied for Zero Theo-

action to stop the unauthorized use

rem, and the murals in San Francis-

of their works. In 2014 a number

co’s Mission district which were al-

of copyright infringement actions

legedly copied for Roberto Cavalli’s

were commenced in Canada and

clothing and accessories collection).

the United States for the unauthor-

A number of factors should be

ized use or copying of street murals

considered for depictions of street

and graffiti. In this article I will sur-

art in film and television produc-

vey some of this litigation and its

tions. These factors include the type

implications for film and television

of production (scripted, unscripted


or documentary), the nature of

In Quebec, a street artist recently

the graffiti (a basic ‘tag’ exhibiting

sued Radio Canada and the pro-

little or negligible creativity, versus

ducer of the 30 Vies television series

a large and distinctive mural), and

for alleged use of the artist’s “30

the context in which the street art

Vies” ‘tag’ in the opening sequence

appears (a brief, incidental appear-

and advertisements for the series.

ance in the distant background,

The artist’s claim is for $45,000 in

versus a prominent or important

damages for copyright infringe-

visual element). If street art is part

ment and infringement of his moral

of the creative vision for a project,

rights (the artist’s rights to maintain

then producers would be advised to

the integrity of the work). Also last

either have their art departments

year, three Argentinian street artists

create original street art pieces suit-

commenced litigation against Terry

able for the production, or to obtain

Gilliam and the producers of Zero

written permission in advance from

Theorem, alleging that an expansive

the creators and copyright owners

mural they painted in Buenos Aires

of the works to be used. If street art

was copied and used for the wall of

is inadvertently filmed as part of a

a key location in that film. Lawsuits

scene, production counsel may re-

have been commenced against re-

quire that it be blurred or painted

cording artists Sara Bareilles and

out in post-production to ensure

Elle Varner, who were alleged to

that there is no risk of a meritorious

have used works painted by Maya

copyright claim against the produc-

Hayuk as backdrops in their promo-

tion. Due to the number of factors

tional materials and music videos;

that determine whether the inclu-

Coach, American Eagle and the de-

sion of street art is permissible un-

signer Roberto Cavall for the promi-

der copyright law, it is always rec-

nent use of street art in ad cam-

ommended that producers consult

paigns and on clothing and fashion

with production counsel in deter-

accessories; and Fiat for the use of a

mining how to proceed.

mural in a car commercial.



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Many people believe that since

Kyle Fogden is an entertainment lawyer

• 4K/2K raw recording option

graffiti is often created illegally, it is

with Chandler Fogden Law Corporation.

• Vast exposure latitude

not entitled to copyright protection.

Kyle advises television and film produc-

While this issue has not been de-

ers on development, financing, produc-

• High speed shooting at up to 240fps in 2K

finitively ruled upon by the courts,

tion, distribution and intellectual prop-

the generally accepted view is that

erty matters. n

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue


106 - 8678 Greenall Ave • Burnaby, BC • 604.436.4492 Offices in Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon

L e ga l B r ie f s


2014 pro du c t io n wrap-u p

That’s a wrap! W rit t e n By N ath an Cadde ll


he two biggest films shot in British Columbia this year were

that showcase its vast landscapes. A year after Interstellar brought the world

Project M and The Adventures of Max and Banks. Never heard of

– quite literally – to the province, popular series like Fargo, Hell on Wheels and

them? That’s because they were actually the Paramount big-

Blackstone all shot in the province and generated considerable action, while

budget action film Monster Trucks and the long-awaited erotic

Alberta stalwart Heartland shot its eighth season. The Revenant, a big-budget

thriller Fifty Shades of Grey. Ever since the shooting location

film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Alejandro Gonzalez-Inarri-

of the original Johnny Depp-led 21 Jump Street was published and led to

tu fresh off his Birdman success, also generated a massive buzz around the

hordes of fans flocking to the site (some say this sparked Depp’s notorious

province and specifically Calgary.

reclusiveness), major BC productions have featured strange pseudonyms. If there was ever a sign of a healthy industry, it’s the return of fake titles.

BC Cements Status as Production Centre

All these projects brought major infrastructure into the province and helped establish an already buzzing industry. There are also smaller projects that reflect the growing nature of film and television in Calgary. Haunting Melissa 2, for instance, shot in the province last year and is a follow-up

Due to its natural beauty and experienced professional crews, BC always reels

to the ground-breaking movie app that launched in 2013. “It’s excellent

in a fair share of major big-budget productions, and that continued to be the

content delivered through an app,” says Alberta Film Commissioner Jeff

case in 2014 – with the industry once again generating over a billion dollars.

Brinton. “It’s kind of like gamification of a film, really, because it’s posted in

“2014 has been a good year. It’s been a very positive year in pretty much all aspects,” says President and CEO of Creative BC Richard Brownsey in

segments and is way more interactive and has a community around it, so that’s interesting.”

an interview in his Broadway office. Asked what has allowed BC to make a

Another sign of the industry blossoming was the agreement that will

comeback over the last two years, Brownsey points to what he deems the

result in the long-awaited arrival of the Calgary Film Centre, which will

most important aspect in this business: predictability.

house soundstages, warehouse space and offices for film officials. “That was

“A lot of jurisdictions get into the business and people try them out, but they’re not always what they purport to be and don’t necessarily have the

a huge year for us in getting that important piece of infrastructure in place,” says Brinton.

infrastructure and the crew and the talent and the reputation that British

So while the big announcements and flashy films will always own the

Columbia has,” says Brownsey. “If you shoot in BC or invest in BC, you get the

spotlight, Brinton stresses that these other productions serve as important

quality that you expect, you don’t tend to get surprises; if it’s budgeted at a

building blocks to cultivate an industry. “I think the real strength of Alberta

certain cost it comes in at a certain cost.”

is in our people, in our crews and our producers - whether they are involv-

Yes, highly anticipated projects that are slated to break the box office are

ing indigenous content, Canadian content, or if they’re service producing.

almost always found filming in BC, but the key to the industry these days is

We are a smaller jurisdiction and as a result of that, our crews and our en-

no longer in the hands of the big studios. “It’s wonderful to get big movies

tire production community are equally adept on blockbusters, on produc-

and we like to see them, but they’re a very intense short time frame spend,

tions worth tens of millions of dollars and on ones that are just one million.

so you have a business that would go up and down if it just relied on that,”

That diversity and scope and that ability to maximize the budget and have

says Brownsey. “Whereas television is perhaps a lower spend, but a consis-

that end up on screen is a big advantage…That’s the sign of a healthy in-

tent spend. So you can actually build an industry around that rather than

dustry - to be able to have a show like The Revenant with all of its bling and

film, which is more peaks and valleys. So we do a lot of television, which

flash and all of that Hollywood stuff, that’s fantastic. But for me, why that’s

is really important for us, and what that does is build that capacity in the

fantastic is because we’ll be able to crew up a show like Blackstone.”

industry so that we do have the infrastructure to handle big movies as well.” That television aspect has gotten all the more important with changes in

The Peg’ Leads Manitoba

the way television is distributed. With more programs from so many different

While at least one Winnipeg resident wasn’t completely on board with

distributors, the business keeps getting more competitive. “A lot of new play-

what Western Canada has been doing in the film industry (that would be

ers are coming into the business,” says Brownsey. “The Hulus, the Amazons,

MP Joy Smith who called for a Fifty Shades boycott), many other Winnipeg-

Netflix and all of that, there’s a lot more non-traditional producers entering

gers contributed to the cause. Most shooting in the province was done in

into the business looking at different ways of distribution. I think we’re go-

the city’s capital, with the city serving as a base for the vast terrain of the

ing to continue to see really intense competition around the world, it’s seen

rest of the province.

as a desirable business so that competition is going to be intense. It doesn’t

Winnipeg makes a natural destination for films like Hyena Road, where

frighten me. I think we have an awful lot to offer here in BC, so I think we

it stands in for the deserts of Afghanistan, and that hasn’t changed in the

can compete. You can never take away location; we are in a good spot. And

city’s history of making films. What is emerging, however, is a distinct voice

we aren’t aspiring to be a production centre, we are a production centre. So

from the province that showcases what the individuals making films there

though you can never take your eye off the competition, I think we’ll do fine.”

can do. The sketch comedy Sunnyside premiered on City at the start of 2015

Alberta Moves Industry Forward Alberta further cemented its reputation as a hotbed for films and TV shows


to rave reviews and Borealis, about a man who takes his estranged daughter to see the Northern Lights before she loses her sight, is a quintessentially Canadian production. n

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

British Columbia BC | Feature


The film based on the blockbuster erotic novel. When Ana, a journalist, interviews Christian Grey, a wealthy businessman, she falls for him, entering into a relationship with a man who has his own ideas on what shape their fling will take. EP: Marcus Viscidi Dir: Sam Taylor-Johnson PM: Barbara Kelly PC: Elaine Fleming LM: Kirk Johns ALM: Robert Millar Extras: Andrea Brown.

THE AGE OF ADALINE Age Film Productions Inc.

The story of Adaline, a woman who was born in the early 1900’s but experiences an accident which gives her immortality. As her children age and she loses numerous loved ones, the urge to live a real life consumes her. EP: Andre Lamal Prod: Gary Lucchesi, Mark Mikutowicz, David Kern Dir: Lee Krieger DOP: David Lanzenberg PD: Claude Pare (should have accent over the e) PM: Brad Van Arragon PC: Corine Buffel LM: Abraham Fraser ALM: Vince Dela Luna SPFX: Paul Benjamin

A bartender returns to his hometown after his parents pass away. He falls in love with a mysterious young woman and ends up on the wrong side of a violent criminal. Based on the novel by Tom Drury. EP: Margot Hand Prod: Aaron Gilbert, Keith Kjarval Dir: Zachary Sluser DOP: Daniel Voldheim CO-PROD: Tyler Jackson, Gary Schultz LP: Ron McLeod PD: Tony Devenyi PM: Ron McLeod PC: Jennifer Pitcher LM: Dan Carr ALM: John MacCulloch Casting Dir: Candice Elzinga Cast: Zooey Deschanel, Anton Yelchin, John Hawkes Extras: Lisa Ratke


Samantha, an underground DJ in Vancouver, makes music and looks for love in the technology-driven era we now live in. Prod: Alexander Cichon, Bernie Yao, Cindy Bruce Dir: Melanie Jones DOP: Shawn Seifert PM: Alexander Cichon LM: Alexander Cichon

FORMULA M (A.K.A. MONSTER TRUCKS) Formula M Productions Inc.

A big-budget action flick about the world of monster truck rallies that crosses between live action and animation. Prod: Noelle Green, Denis Stewart, Basil Grillo Dir: Chris Wedge PM: Brendan Ferguson PC: Nicole Oguchi LM: Rino Pace ALM: Jason Collier, Sean Finnan, Dan Kuzmenko Casting Dir: Clark & Page Casting Extras: Sandra-Ken Freeman

GO WITH ME Go With Me Productions Inc.

A thriller about a woman who returns home to the Pacific Northwest and is stalked by a former cop who has turned to a life of crime. An ex-logger comes to her defense. Prod: Rick Dugdale Dir: Daniel Alfredson LP: Mary Guilfoyle PM: Mary Guilfoyle LM: Shane Lennox

INLAND P: Chris Helcermanas-Benge

Hamilton-Mehta Productions Inc.


The true story of BC crime lord Bindy Johal and his gang, the Beeba Boys. Prod: David Hamilton Dir: Deepa Mehta DOP: Karim Hussain PD: Arv Grewal PM: Michael Williams PC: Jim McKeown LM: Neil Robertson ALM: Keli Moore Casting Dir: Judy Lee

Black Fly Production Inc.


Jake and Noel are estranged brothers who come together when the younger Jake flees his abusive uncle. Noel’s habitual drinking and explosive temper make for a dramatic family reunion. EP: Ken Frith Prod: Robyn Wiener Dir: Jason Bourque DOP: Mahlon Todd Williams PD: Paul McCulloch PM: Robyn Wiener PC: Stacey Harris LM: John Wittmayer ALM: Ken MacAlpine ALM: Chris Shearman PUB: Rosanna McNulty Casting Dir: Judy JK Lee

Bron Studios

Two women live in a remote forest in a dystopian future in which they learn that the world around them is about to end. EP: Margot Hand, Aaron L. Gilbert, Niv Fichman, Ellen Page Dir: Patricia Rozema DOP: Daniel Grant LP: Ron McLeod PD: Jeremy Stanbridge PM: Ron McLeod PC: Lisa Ragosin LM: Hans Dayal SPFX: Tim Storvick Casting Dir: Candice Elzinga Extras: Lisa Ratke


Life On The Line Productions

Confirmation Productions Inc.

A comedy about a down-on-hisluck father and son who are forced to spend the weekend with each other when the boy’s mother goes on a retreat with her new husband. EP: Shawn Williamson CO-EP: Jamie Goehring Prod: Todd Hoffman PM: Jim O’Grady LM: Amy Barager PC: Alison Stephen

THE DRIFTLESS AREA Driftless Area Productions Inc.

LIFE ON THE LINE Follows a group of linemen who do high-wire electric work. Their lives and those around them are thrown into disaster when a deadly storm hits. EP: Bryant Pike PM: Mandy Spencer Phillips PC: Scott Matthews LM: Danny McWilliams ALM: Mick Rochon Extras: Stephanie Boeke

LOST IN GASTOWN Greenfire Productions Can Inc.

The working name of the fantasy film ‘Warcraft’, based on the

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

popular video game series. EP: Brent O’Connor, Jillian Share, Stuart Fenegan Prod: Brent O’Connor Dir: Duncan Jones, Tom Struthers PM: Cecil O’Connor PC: Bliss McDonald LM: Jina Johnson ALM: Jitka Dermiskova Casting Dir: Michelle Allen Extras: Sandra Ken-Freeman


A dramedy about a man who joins a retreat designed to release the negative toxins. Things take a turn when more than just toxins are released. Prod: Aaron L. Gilbert Dir: Bobby Miller PM: Ian Smith LM: Amy Barager ALM: Robert Archibald PC: Jennifer Pitcher Casting Dir: Candice Elzinga Extras: Lisa Ratke

Lewis, Emily Holmes, Mackenzie Gray, Scott Lyster, Tammy Gillis Gillis, Manoj Sood, John Shaw, Nicole LaPlaca, Drea Whitburn, Frances Flanagan SPFX: Tom Sosnowski

RAMPAGE 2 Amok II Productions Inc.

A man takes over a TV station and holds hostages as a political platform to awaken humanity. EP: Uwe Boll Prod: Natalia Tudge Dir: Uwe Boll DOP: Mathias Neumann PD: Caitlin Byrnes PM: Natalia Tudge SPFX: Jak Osmond Cast: Brendan Fletcher

SUSPENSION Suspended Reality Productions Inc.

An escaped psychotic female killer goes after a group of high-school bullies. Prod: Jeffery Lando, Sage



TCF Vancouver Productions Ltd

Dir: Jeffery Lando DOP: Shawn Seifert

The third installment of the series in which a museum’s inhabitants comes to life. EP: Mary McLaglen, Josh McLaglen Prod: Kim Cooper Dir: Shawn Levy DOP: Guillermo Navarro PD: Martin Whist PM: Drew Locke PC: Adrienne Sol LM: Bruce Brownstein SPFX: Steve Hamilton Casting Dir: Coreen Mayrs, Heike Brandstatter Extras: Andrea Brown

PD: Kevin Mosley PM: Kate Kroll

THE NINTH LIFE OF LOUIS DRAX Drax (Canada) Productions Inc.

Supernatural thriller based on the novel by Liz Jensen. Revolves around the near-fatal fall a boy takes on his ninth birthday and the mysterious circumstances that led to it. EP: Rosanne Korenberg Prod: Shawn Williamson, Tim Bricknell, Alex Aja Dir: Alex Aja DOP: Maxime Alexandre PD: Rachel O’Toole PM: Daniel Clarke PC: Melissa Crich LM: Michael Roberts ALM: Myles Lennig

PHANTOM Big Phantom Films

A political thriller that starts in India with a young man, but unfolds over various countries across the world. LP: Raymond Massey PC: Stacey Harris LM: Monty Bannister ALM: Sean Meade

PC: Tiffany Brown Olsen LM: Sage

Brocklebank SPFX: John Sampson Casting Dir: Lisa Ovies Cast: Ellen

MacNevin, Owen Fielding, Connor Fielding, Barry Nerling

TOMORROWLAND Wheatfield Productions Ltd.

A science fiction mystery adventure in which Frank and Casey travel to Tomorrowland where their actions have unexpected consequences. EP: Damon Lindelof, Jeffrey Chernov Prod: Bernie Bellew, Tom Peitzman Dir: Brad Bird PM: Stewart Bethune PC: Eva Morgan LM: Ann Goobie


Jarred by his parents’ divorce and his subsequent move from a mansion in West Van to an East side condo - young Hunter’s life unravels. EP: Patrick Cronin Prod: David McLoughlin, Daniel Joseph SP: Mandip Sandhu Dir: David McLoughlin DOP: Amus Beast Osaurus PM: Nadia DiMofte LM: David McLoughlin ALM: Josh Zuckerman Cast: Austin Dean Ross, Elysha Jackson, Daniel Joseph, Stephanie La Porta, Andrea Pittman, Ben T., Kelsey Gillis Ricky Blair, Michael Dickson, Marlee Cultum, Charles Zuckerman


PREGGOLAND Fake A Baby Productions

Comedy about a woman who fakes a pregnancy to fit in with her friends. EP: Robert Mitchell Prod: Kevin Eastwood, Dylan Collingwood PM: Aaron Au PC: Derek Lowe LM: Mark Gamache

PINOCCHIO Tabula Dada Productions Inc.

A school shooting results in the deaths of a scientist’s daughter and the shooter. The scientist tries to use nano-robots to look into the shooter’s memories to find reasons for the incident. EP: Edward J. Douglas Prod: Anand Raghavan, Haydn Wazelle CO-PROD: Angela Konieczny Dir: Anand Raghavan DOP: Mike Kam PD: Jacqueline Miller PC: Bernie Yao Casting Dir: Kris Woznesensky, Kara Eide Cast: David

A crime thriller about a Western businessman in China who receives an emergency heart transplant, but begins to question whether the donor died due to foul play. Prod: Leon Lee Dir: Leon Lee DOP: Ambrose Chappel PD: Andy Amoroso PC: Tyler Deck LM: Ken MacAlpine SPFX: Reece Mack Casting Dir: Ann Forry Extras: Vivian Yu

CHRISTMAS TAIL Swimming Films Inc

Family movie about two single parents who fall in love fighting over a puppy. EP: Jack Nasser Dir: Terry Miles William Dear PM: Tara Cowell-Plain PC: Brenda Ilic

DAMAGED Damaged Productions Inc.

A new student moves in across the street from an English teacher and changes his life. EP: Shawn Williamson Prod: Jamie


Goehring Dir: Rick Bota PM: Jamie Goehring PC: Joey Setter LM: Rico Mielnicki ALM: Claudiu Pavel Casting Dir: Maureen Webb, Stephanie Boeke Extras: Stephanie Boeke

LOCKDOWN Lockdown Films Inc.

An officer returns to duty after being wounded on the job and discovers that corruption is rampant within the precinct. EP: Micheal Luisi Prod: Donald Munro Dir: Stephen Reynolds PM: Donald Munro, Thierry Tanguy PC: Cassidy Kennedy Casting Dir: Tiffany Mak


target is serving a life sentence. Dir: Jen Soska, Sylvia Soska PM: Donald Munro, Thierry Tanguy PC: Cassidy Kennedy


A young female is bequeathed a house and subsequently stumbles into a murder mystery. EP: Irene Litinsky Dir: Martin Wood PM: Jamie Goehring, Trevor McWhinney LM: Rico Mielnicki PC: Joey Setter Extras: Stephanie Boeke

K9 Cop Films Inc.


A family film about young Penelope who enters a cop’s life by creating a ‘Cops for Kids’ program in which she takes care of a police dog. Dir: Terry Ingram PM: Christian Bruyere PC: Craig Lane LM: Jack Veldhuis ALM: John Mio Cast: Jackie Lind Extras: Laurie Pavon Solis

Five college friends get trapped in a small Alaskan town with a horrific history. Prod: Natasha Baron, John Sereda Dir: Lauro Chartrand PM: Crystal Remmey PC: Asha Gill LM: Greg Astop

RUSSELL MADNESS Russell Mania Productions Inc.

A branch from the Air Bud tree, Russell Madness tells the story of a terrier who becomes a wrestling superstar with the help of Hunk, a monkey who serves as his coach. EP: Anna McRoberts Prod: Robert Vince, Anna McRoberts PM: Darcy Wild PC: Ron Pachkowski LM: Terry MacKay Casting Dir: Candice Elzinga Extras: Sara Brown

VENDETTA Vendetta Pictures Inc

A man seeks revenge on the man who murdered his wife, so he gets himself jailed in the same prison where his


Blackburn Productions Inc


Documents the story behind the popular late 80’s, early 90’s show. Prod: Harvey Kahn Dir: Jason Lapeyre PM: Allen Lewis PC: Yale Kussin LM: Michael Farias Extras: Sara Brown

BRIDAL WAVE Bridal Wave Productions

With her wedding day coming up, a bride has second thoughts and meets someone new at the resort. Prod: Harvey Kahn Dir: Michael M. Scott PM: Paul Rayman PC: Miles Gorovich ALM: Steve Kinghorn


Extras: Sara Brown

Ice Cap Pictures Inc.


A meteorite threatens a small town. Prod: Lisa M. Hansen Dir: Jonathan Winfrey PM: John Prince PC: Ashley Fester LM: Karen Zajac ALM: Charmaine Tam Extras: LA Hilts

THE CHRISTMAS SHEPHERD Shepherd Road Productions

The story of a children’s author who loses her husband and is left alone with his German Sheppard. Prod: Harvey Kahn Dir: Terry Ingram PM: John Prince PC: Yale Kussin LM: Greg Astop, Michael Farias Extras: Sara Brown


Two teachers compete in a bake-off. EP: Oliver De Caigny PC: Matthew Santoro


Jennifer excels at finding rare treasures at garage sales that she then resells at her consignment store. When her friend is murdered, she puts her skills at finding what no one is looking for. Prod: Harvey Kahn Dir: Peter DeLuise PM: John Prince Casting Dir: Jackie Lind Extras: Sara Brown


Garage sale hunter Jennifer explores an old house with her real estate broker friend who’s trying to sell the place. The two discover a forgotten murder. Prod: Harvey Kahn Dir: Peter DeLuise PM: Jamie Lake LM: Steve Sach ALM: Stephen Sangster PC: Yale Kussin

Gourmet Det1 Productions (BC)

A culinary master uses his food knowledge to solve mysteries. Prod: Harvey Kahn Dir: Scott Smith PM: Allen Lewis LM: Paul Russell PC: Miles Gorovich Extras: Sara Brown


Centers around Grumpy Cat, a feline that lives in a mall store. EP: Shawn Williamson Prod: Jamie Goehring Dir: Timothy Hill PM: Jim O’Grady PC: Terri Garbutt LM: Terry MacKay Casting Dir: Maureen Webb Extras: Sandra Ken Freeman

HER INFIDELITY Drie Production Inc.

A woman has an affair with her son’s teacher, only to regret it when the teacher’s lust gets out of hand. EP: Oliver De Caigny PM: Navid Soofi LM: Danny McWilliams PC: Matthew Santoro

I DO, I DO, I DO I DO Productions Inc.

An architect heads down the aisle unsure of how she feels. She imagines the day numerous times in her mind before figuring out what she wants to do. Prod: Jamie Goehring Dir: Ron Oliver PM: Jamie Goehring PC: Alison Stephen LM: Rico Mielnicki Casting Dir: Colleen Bolton, Maureen Webb Extras: Stephanie Boeke

IF THERE BE THORNS Thorn Road Productions Ltd.

Based on the novel of the same name, centers around two boys who have siblings for parents. Prod: Harvey Kahn Dir: Nancy Savoca-Guay

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

PM: Allen Lewis PC: Nancy McKenzie LM: Michael LeGresley ALM: Renee

Bella Extras: Sara Brown

SURPRISED BY LOVE (aka PLUS ONE) Plus One Productions Ltd.

A young businesswoman tries to get her parents to accept her boyfriend, but ends up falling for an old flame. Prod: Harvey Kahn Dir: Robert Iscove PM: Jamie Lake LM: Amy Barager ALM: Mark Soderberg PC: Yale Kussin Casting: Jackie Lind Extras: Sara Brown

SEA OF FIRE Stage 49 Ltd.

Three small-town girls star in a pornographic film before disappearing. EP: Jenna Bans, David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman, Laurie Zaks LP: Tim Iacofano Dir: Allison Liddi-Brown PD: Maria Caso PM: Erin Smith PC: Jill McQueen LM: Deb Bose ALM: Derek Sutherland Casting Dir: Clark & Page Casting Extras: Andrea Brown

What’s up in Canadian television


MOM’S BLIND DATE MBD Productions Inc

A professional matchmaker’s relationship starts to fade so she sets up a blind date with her husband. EP: Shawn Williamson Prod: Jamie Goehring Dir: Kristoffer Tabori PM: Jamie Goehring PC: Joey Setter LM: Rico Mielnicki Mr. Miracle Productions Inc

An English teacher who’s actually a guardian angel aids a younger woman during Christmas time. EP: Ron French, Stephen Harmaty Prod: Connie Dolphin Dir: Carl Bessai PM: Bonnie Benwick PC: Anja Liimatainen LM: Tracey Renyard Casting Dir: Sean Cossey Extras: Sandra Ken Freeman

MY BOYFRIEND’S DOGS Boyfriend’s Dogs Films inc.

A runaway bride is left with three dogs and nowhere to go. EP: Howard Braunstein Prod: Christian Bruyere Dir: Terry Ingram DOP: Ron Stannett PD: Brian Davie PC: Terri Barbutt LM: Jack Veldhuis ALM: Steve Hearn Casting Dir: Candice Elzinga Cast: Erika Christensen Extras: Laurie Pavon Solis


P: C/o The CW

Oliver Queen Films Ltd.

Season three of the story of DC Comic’s Emerald archer. EP: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg Prod: JP Finn, Wendy Mericle Dir: John Behring, Nick Copus DOP: Glen Winter, Gord Verheul PD: Richard Hudolin PM: Todd Pittson PC: Fawn McDonald LM: Kirk Adamson, Robert Murdoch ALM: Selena Scheirer, Michael LeGresley, Fiona Crossley SPFX: Dave Gauthier PUB: Carol Marks-George Casting Dir: David Rapaport, Lyndsey Baldasare, Sean Cossey Cast: Stephen Amell, Susanna Thompson, Katie Cassidy, Willa Holland, Colton Haynes, Paul Blackthorne, David Ramsey, Emily Bett Rickards, Manu Bennett Extras: Sandra-Ken Freeman

Nine Lives Films Inc.


EP: Ted Bauman Dir: Mark Jean

Backstrom Productions Ltd.

PM: Lynne Bespflug PC: Melyssa

Season one about a brilliant detective with a bad attitude. EP: Hart Hanson, Kevin Hooks Prod: Josh Levy Dir: James Whitmore, Allison Brown PM: Vladimir Stefoff PC: Anita Meehan-Truelove LM: Trevor Metz Casting Dir: Heike Brandstatter, Coreen Mayrs Extras: Sandra KenFreeman

Rose Davies LM: Dan McWilliams ALM: Christopher Adams Casting Dir: Shana Landsburg, Jackie Lind Extras: Sara Brown

SARA’S CHOICE Pender Street Pictures 2 Inc.

An adopted teenager searches for her birth mother and finds her in prison for manslaughter. EP: Gilles LaPlante Dir: Monika Mitchell PM: Gilles LaPlante PC: Stephanie Brodsky LM: Costa Vassos Extras: L.A. Hilts

TV, eh? covers news, reviews and interviews about Canadian television shows, with the odd foray into the odd industry that produces them.


Join Reel West Magazine’s Digitally Yours columnist Erica Hargreave for her online course in cross-media strategy and storytelling at BCIT.

Photo: Liz KearsLey


/CanadianTV @tv_eh

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BC | TV PILOT IMPASTOR Impastor Productions Inc

A gambling addict steals the identity of a small-town pastor. EP: Eric Tannenbaum, Kim Tannenbaum, Wayne Carmona, Robert Greenberg Dir: Robert Greenberg PM: Warren Carr LM: Stephen Sangster PC: Jerry Pender

IZOMBIE A medical student becomes a zombie and finds her condition has perks which she uses to help the police. EP: Rob Thomas, Diane RuggieroWright, Danielle Stokdyk, Dan Etheridge Prod: Scott Graham Dir: Various DOP: John S. Bartley PD: Dustin Farrell PM: Yvonne Melville PC: Blair Hackman LM: Sheri Mayervich ALM: Mike Bogdanovic, Robert Amar Extras: Doreen Ferreira

BATES MOTEL GEP Productions Inc.

Season four of the horror series prequel to Psycho chronicling the early years of Norman Bates. EP: Carlton Cuse, Kerry Ehrin Prod: Tucker Gates, Justis Greene Dir: Tucker Gates PM: Heather Meehan PC: Jennifer Metcalfe LM: Kendrie Upton ALM: Jina Johnson

CONTINUUM Timely III Productions Inc.

Season three of the time-travel series about a cop from the future fighting to get out of present day Vancouver and save her home and her timeline. EP: Tom Rowe, Simon Barry, Pat

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

János Molnár Photography A motion-picture photography company

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Behind the scenes • Set Stills • Location Photography • Portraits


Invasion Productions Inc.

Season four of the sci-fi thriller about humans battling aliens. EP: David Eick, Greg Beeman Prod: Grace Gilroy Dir: Various DOP: Barry Donlevy, Nate Goodman PM: Yvonne Melville PC: Genevieve Bridges LM: Casey Nelson-Zutter, Ritch Renaud ALM: Kris Kadzielski, Nicole Chartrand SPFX: Dan Keeler Cast: Noah Wyle, Moon Bloodgood, Will Patton, Drew Roy, Maxim Knight, Gabriel Seychelle, Sarah Carter, Mpho Koaho, Colin Cunningham, Connor Jessup, Doug Jones Casting Dir: Sean Cossey Extras: Sandra Couldwell

THE FLASH Central City Films a Division of Hannah-Rachel Production Services LTD.

Season one of the action series based on the famous comic book character with super speed. EP: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, David Nutter,Sarah Schechter Prod: J.P Finn Dir: David Nutter PM: Charles Lyall PC: Lukia Czernin LM: Greg Jackson ALM: Trevor Brokop, Kirk Renard, Jason Traversy


A self-help author hides her separation from her husband as she tries to take her own advice about surviving as a single woman in her 40’s. EP: Marti Noxon, Meryl Poster, Vicki Iovine, Robbie McNeill Dir: Adam Brooks PM: Christina Toy PC: Almaz Tadege LM: Deb Bose Casting Dir: Heike Brandstatter, Coreen Mayrs Extras: Sandra Ken-Freeman

GRACEPOINT Gracepoint Productions Inc

A young boy is found dead in a small California town, sparking a statewide investigation and media frenzy. Dir: Various DOP: J Grillo LP: Arvi Liimatainen PD: David Wilson PM: Penny Gibbs PC: Brett Davies LM: Mark Voyce UM: Paul Rayman SPFX: Bill Mills Casting Dir: Clark & Page Casting Extras: Annie Klein

Season three of the made-inVancouver whydunnit. EP: Rob Merilees, Louise Clark Prod: Brad Van Arragon DOP: Mathias Herndl PD: Ross Dempster PM: Cecil O’Connor PC: Corine Buffel LM: John Alexander, Monty Bannister ALM: Jennifer Beckhuson Casting Colleen Bolton, Maureen Webb Extras: Sandra Ken Freeman

THE KILLING The Killing Productions Ltd.

Fourth season of the murder mystery set in Seattle. EP: Veena Sud Prod: Craig Forrest DOP: Greg Middleton PM: Chris Foss PC: Michele MacInnes


Toy Maker Productions Inc

Seasons one and two of the kids’ series about a boy who takes over a toy factory. EP: Tim Gamble, Dan Signer, Howard Nemetz Prod: Alex Raffe, S. Lily Hui SP: Jennica Harper Dir: Various DOP: Siobhan Devine PD: Andrew Deskin PM: Lucy MacLeod, Doug Brons PC: Jennifer Pitcher Casting Dir: Maureen Webb Extras: Sandra Ken-Freeman

Olympus Production Inc

Fantasy series about the Greek gods and Hero, a young man who transforms into a ruthless leader. EP: Nick Willing, Matthew O’Connor, Grant Rosenberg Prod: Michael O’Connor PM: Tia Buhl PC: Cathy Fullerton Extras: Sandra Ken Freeman

ONCE UPON A TIME ~ season 3/4 Stage 49 Ltd.

Fairy tales can come true – and that means trouble - in the fantasy hit. EP: Edward Kitsis, Steve Pearlman, Adam Horowitz, David Goodman Prod: Kathy Gilroy Dir: Ciaran Donnelly, Guy Ferland PD: Michael Joy PM: Dennis Swartman PC: Clark Candy LM: Scott Walden, Peter Pantages ALM: Andrew Marles, Jenna-Lee Perkins SPFX: Phil Jones Casting Dir: Corinne Clark, Jennifer Page Cast: Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Robert Carlyle, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Jared Gilmore, Emilie DeRavin, Colin O‘Donoghue, Michael RaymondJames Extras: Lisa Ratke

STRANGE EMPIRE Janestown Productions Inc.

Gritty Western drama where the women take over the town. EP: Tim Johnson, Laurie Finstad Prod: Oliver De Caigny, Gigi Boyd DOP: Bruce Worall PD: Sheila Haley PM: Michelle Samuels PC: Terri Garbutt LM: Will Fearn PUB: Crystal Braunwarth Casting Dir: Jackie Lind Cast: Cara Gee, Melissa Farman, Tattiawna Jones

Stage 49 Ltd.

Alice tells the story of the strange land inside the rabbit hole. EP: Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz, Steve Pearlman, Zack Estrin Prod: Kathy Gilroy, Joe Lazarov Dir: David Boyd, Billy Gierhart DOP: Attila Szalay PD: Michael Joy PM: Colleen Mitchell, Jennifer Carpenter PC: Susan Crawford UM: Jennifer Carpenter LM: Trevor Metz SPFX: Phil Jones Cast: Sophie Lowe, Michael Socha, Emma Rigby, Peter Gadiot, Naveen Andrews Casting Dir: Clark & Page Casting Extras: Lisa Ratke

Deal (II) Productions Inc

Season two of the comedy about three brothers and the woman who comes between them. EP: Andrew Orenstein Prod: Alexandra Raffe, S. Lily Hui Dir: Various PM: Doug Brons PC: Carol Schafer SPFX: John MacCospie Cast: Randal Edwards, Julia Voth, Harland Williams, Jay Malone, Jill Morrison Casting Dir: Maureen Webb Extras: Sandra Ken-Freeman


Unreal North Productions Inc.

Drama that follows the production of a reality dating program. EP: Marti Noxon, Robert Sertner Prod: S. Lily Hui Dir: Peter O’Fallon, David Solomon PM: George Horie PC: Carol Schafer LM: Heather Vedan ALM: Bob McQuarrie Casting Dir: Heike Brandstatter, Coreen Mayrs Extras: Sandra Freeman

WAYWARD PINES WWP Productions Inc.

Mystery series about a a Secret Service agent sent to find a pair of officers who’ve gone missing. EP: Chad Hodge, Donald De Line, M. Night Shyamalan, Ashwin Rajan Dir: Charlotte Sieling, Zal Batmanglij PM: Craig Forrest PC: Jennifer Aichholz UM: Alexia Droz LM: Dan Carr, David Tamkin ALM: John MacCulloch, James Thompson


Supernatural 5 Films Inc.

Propheads VI Productions, Ltd.

Season nine and ten of the supernatural mystery series about a pair of star-crossed brothers EP: Robert Singer, Jeremy Carver, Phil Sgriccia, McG, Adam Glass CoExec: Nicole Snyder, Eric Charmelo, Andrew Dabb, Jim Michaels Prod: Robbie Thompson, Todd Aronauer Consulting Prod: Brad Buckner, Eugenie Ross -Leming Dir: Various DOP: Serge Ladouceur PD: Jerry Wanek PM: Craig Matheson PC: Jason Fischer PUB: Carol Marks George LM: Russ Hamilton, Janet McCairns ALM: Allan Ross, Keli Moore SPFX: Randy Shymkiw Cast: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins Casting Dir: Heike Brandstatter Extras: LA Hilts

The sixth and final season of the iconic reality show that revolves around Buffalo Airways in Yellowknife. EP: Michael Chechik, Gabriela Schonbach, David Gullason Prod: David Gullason Dir: Peter Waal, Michael Bodnarchuk, Matthew Shewchuk, Jereme Watt, Alex Khan DOP: Peter Waal, Sean Cable, Todd Craddock, Michael Rae, Paul Vance, Matthew Shewchuk PM: Cal Garingan Cast: Joe McBryan, Mikey McBryan

THE 100

Western drama centering around a civil war veteran suffering from PTSD who has to find his kidnapped wife. Prod: Lawrence Roeck LP: Linda Rogers-Ambury PM: Linda RogersAmbury PC: Kaari Autry Dir: Lawrence Roeck DOP: Dean Cundey

100 FILMS. a Division of Hannah Rachel Production Services Ltd.






Nine Productions 1 inc.

people with special powers. EP: Greg Berlanti, Julie Plec, Phil Klemmer, Danny Cannon Prod: Gordon Mark DOP: Dermott Downs, David Moxness PD: Doug Kraner PM: Charles Lyall PC: Lukia Czernin LM: Greg Jackson ALM: Trevor Brokop, John Cairns, Kirk Renard SPFX: Darren Marcoux Cast: Robbie Amell, Peyton List, Luke Mitchell, Mark Pellegrino, Aaron Yoo, Madeleine Mantock Casting Dir: Coreen Mayrs, Heike Brandstatter Extras: Lisa Ratke



INTRUDERS A secret society strives for immortality by inhabiting the bodies of others. EP: Glen Morgan, Rose Lam Dir: Daniel Stamm LP: Kim Steer PM: Kim Steer, Alysse Leite-Rogers PC: Deana Kittson LM: Phil Pacaud UM: Alysse Leite-Rogers ALM: Braden Jennings, Rob Amar, Darryl Griffiths Casting Dir: Corinne Clark, Jennifer Page Extras: Kit Hayward

Rob Bragin, Kyra Sedgwick, Tom Jacobson, Jill Littman, Alexander Graves Dir: Alexander Graves PM: Kim Steer LM: Phil Pacaud PC: Deana Kittson Extras: Kit Hayward

Motive Productions III Inc.

P: BeTTina Strauss



P: Kharen Hill

Williams Prod: Holly Redford Dir: Patrick Williams & Various DOP: Dave Pelletier PD: Chris August PM: Tia Buhl PC: Sarah Harris LM: Alan Bartolic, Monty Bannister ALM: Andrzej DecWilliams, Sean Meade SPFX: Mike Walls PUB: Julia Frittaion Casting Dir: Sean Cossey Cast: Rachel Nichols, Victor Webster, Erik Knudsen, Stephen Lobo, Roger Cross, Lexa Doig, Omari Newton, Luvia Petersen, Brian Markinson, Jennifer Spence Extras: Freeman Casting


Season one and two of the futuristic series in which civilization has died off and 100 people are sent back to earth to re-populate it. EP: Elizabeth Craft, Sarah Fain, Jason Rothenberg, Leslie Morgenstein SP: Dean White Dir: Various DOP: Philip Linzey LP: Jae Marchant PD: Matthew Budgeon PM: Scott Graham PC: Shalia Edl LM: Sheri Mayervich ALM: Mike Bogdanovic

The sequel to the first- ever horror movie app. PM: Darren Wilson PC: Kaari Autry Dir: Neal Edelstein DOP: Roger Vernon, csc



SPFX: Wayne Szybunka PUB: Paul

Sci-fi meets the military when a mercenary group working in Afghanistan wakes up in a mental asylum. PM: Darren Wilson PC: Michelle Gougeon Prod: Andrew Ferns DOP: Kamal Derkaoui, csc

Hewitt Cast: Eliza Taylor, Paige Turco, Thomas McDonell, Isaiah Washington, Marie Avgeropoulos, Eli Goree, Bob Morley, Christopher Larkin, Richard Harmon Casting Dir: Coreen Mayrs Extras: Doreen Ferreira

Proof Productions Inc


Supernatural medical drama centered on a stern female surgeon. EP:

Tomorrow People Films

Sci-fi drama about a group of young


THE REVENANT RPC - 2 Productions, Ltd.

Western thriller that will serve as Alejando Gonzalez Innarritu’s follow-

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

up to ‘Birdman.’ Adapted from the novel by Michael Punke, it is based on the life of frontiersman Hugh Glass. PC: Jill Christensen PM: Drew Locke LM: Robin MounseyCasting CAST DIR: Alejandro González Iñárritu Extras: Alex Brown

AB | MOW BIG SKY Hallmark

Thriller centering on a teen who, while traveling with her mother to a treatment center for her agoraphobia, is trapped in a life and death battle. EP: Brent Shield Prod: Andy Gottlieb, Chad Oakes, Mike Frislev PM: Leslie Cowan PC: Michelle Gougeon Dir: Jeff Blackner DOP: James Carter

THE DORM MTV / Nomadic Pictures

Horror film about a shy freshman who turns into something very different when she rooms with a popular girl. Prod: Michael Frislev / Chad Oakes Dir: Rachel Talalay PM: Ian Smith PC: Hudson Cooley


Season four of the politically-charged series about a First Nations reserve. PM: Karen Redford DOP: Jonathan Benny


Season one of the murder mystery based on the hit film by the Coen Brothers. PM: Leslie Cowan PC: Kim Goddard Rains Dir: Adam Bernstein LP: Kim Todd


Season eight of the drama about two sisters and their pledge to keep the family business of nursing horses alive after their parents pass away. Prod: Jamie Paul Rock PM: Lorenz Augustin PC: Hudson Cooley


Season four of the western drama about a former soldier tracking down the men who killed his wife. PM: Petros Danabassis PC: Joy Bond Prod: Chad Oakes / Mike Frislev DOP: Marvin Rush

TINY PLASTIC MEN Season three of the comedy about a toy-making company. EP: Camille Beaudoin, Jesse Lipscombe Dir: Francis Damberger DOP: Adam Suschitzky


A sitcom based on former Kid in the Hall Bruce McCulloch’s autobiographical play. EP: Tom Cox, Bruce McCulloch, Jordy Randall Prod: Susan Cavan Dir: Bruce McCulloch PM: Doug Steeden DOP: Gavin Smith

MANITOBA MB | Features BOREALIS Buffalo Gal Pictures

A gambler takes his daughter to see the Northern Lights before a vision disorder

takes away her sight completely. EP: James Fler, Mark Gingras, Phyllis Laing, Kevin Pollak Prod: Jonas Chernick Dir: Sean Garrity PM: Joe Laurin DOP: Samy Inayeh


D ig i tally Yo ur s

Revisiting Storyworlds from Your Childhood Self

Buffalo Gal Pictures

Military film about a narrow path in Afghanistan that soldiers must cross. EP: Frank Siracusa Prod: Phyllis Laing, Rhonda Baker, Paul Gross Dir: Paul Gross PM: Ellen Rutter

STEEL A successful TV journalist suddenly develops crippling panic attacks that lead him into depression. Prod: Jean du Toit Dir: Sven J. Matten PM: Helena Fleger DOP: Charles Lavack CastING: Stephanie Gorin, Jim Heber PD: Ricardo Alms

WAIT TILL HELEN COMES Horror film about a 12-year old who is haunted by the ghost of a little girl who may or may not be her seven-year-old stepsister. EP: Dominique Desrochers, Manuel Freedman Prod: Don Carmody, Valérie d’Auteuil, Ian Dimerman Dir: Dominic James PM: Danny Rossner


By E r ica Ha r gr eav e


here’s always a new buzz-

world involved our rooftop ‘Dairy

word when it comes to

Queen’ (which was a place of imagi-



native play and theatre - rather

ogy. Admittedly these usually make

than ice cream), another rooftop

me groan because as they gain in

Star Wars playzone (for creating our

popularity they bring with them the

own brand of fan fiction), magical

so-called gurus and prophets, who

beasts (as we watched the shoreline

spend more time talking than they

for the Cadborosaurus), mysteries

do creating.

to be solved (in the form of a coy


Part of my eye-rolling comes

pinching otter), our own Olympic

with the fact that by the time it’s a

Summer Games presided over by

buzzword, and people are dropping

my grandfather in top hat and tails

it left, right and centre in conversa-

(for our gaming component), the

tion, it is no longer cutting edge and

‘how-to’ project of the tree fort we

people start overusing it (if I never

were constantly rebuilding, and our

hear the word ‘selfie’ again, I will

own foodie adventures in creating

be one happy gal). Oh and please

homemade fruit leather.

stop using the term ‘new media.’ It stopped being ‘new’ eons ago.

I’ll bet you too can remember storyworlds that you were part of

Then there’s the infighting be-

as a child.


tween groups of media makers -

So what is that magical ingredient

The new female warden of a prison faces challenges when an inmate puts up a reward for anyone who can break out of the facility. Prod: Phyllis Laing / Rhonda Baker PM: Wanda Bretecher PC: Neal Baksh Dir: Mike Elliott DOP: Michael Marshall

using different terms for the same

that makes some people more suc-

thing, as they aren’t fans of some

cessful in creating storyworlds than

of the ‘so called prophets’ –

others, in this age of social and mo-


A girl trying to fit in falls to peer pressure and discovers getting high by asphyxiation. PM: Juliette Hagopian PC: Aaron Graham Dir: Lane Shefter Bishop Dir: of Photography Michael Marshall


The horror sequel to ‘The Haunting of Molly Hartley.’ The now adult Molly has fallen under the possession of an evil spirit. Prod: Mike Elliott PM: Ellen Rutter DOP: Jonathon Cliff

MB | TV SERIES PINKERTONS Buffalo Gal Pictures

A father and son team up with a female detective in the Wild West. EP: Kevin Abrams, Adam Moore Prod: Phyllis Laing PM: Leslie Oswald DOP: Thom Best

SUNNYSIDE Buffalo Gal Pictures

Sketch comedy about a neighbourhood called Sunnyside that isn’t what it seems. Prod: Phyllis Laing PM: Wanda Bretecher PC: Kim Mikoluff PD: Larry Spittle. n

Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue


“transmedia” and “convergent sto-

bile media? Building community!

rytelling” really all that different?

This means engaging, listening,

But mostly I cringe at these terms

empowering others to feel like a

because none of these new terms

part of the story, letting go of the

describe new concepts.

reigns and trying not to control

Think about it.

The only new

everything. As media makers, this

thing about storytelling is the plat-

means remembering that lesson we

form. People have been doing things

learned in kindergarten - it’s not all

like “transmedia” and “convergent

about us. You can’t micromanage





history. We’ve just become a little

While you can still broadcast - EN-

precious about spotlighting our-

GAGE - let your audience feel they

selves as trailblazers.

have a stake in your story and its suc-

One buzzword you may have

cess. And remember, we can’t do it all

heard if you’ve been attending

alone - just like I needed my cousins,

conferences like Storyworld Quest,

siblings, and adult family members

Merging Media, and Storyworld is

to help create that childhood story-

‘storyworlds’ or ‘storyworld cre-

world, you need to build community -

ation.’ This is one term that admit-

both within your audience and with

tedly I love, but again it’s not new.

other creatives - and allow them to

The concept of storyworlds is the

take a stake in your story.

idea of having stories that overlap

Give yourself permission to em-

with each other, that have different

brace the kid in you again and begin

platforms where people can expe-

building storyworlds around your

rience aspects of the story, engage

projects. Once you do, please tell us

within the story and take a personal

about it at @reelwestmag, and in-

stake in it.

vite us into your storyworld.


I suspect most of you created storyworlds as children. One that stands out for me from

Erica Hargreave gets her kicks out of weaving stories across platforms, and

childhood was created by my sib-


lings, cousins and myself at my

and digital media at BCIT and around



grandparents’ place. This story-

the world.


T h e W indow

Looking Back at Local Heroes Remembering some of the greats from caddell to canNELL


w rit t e n By Mark Le ire n-Yo u ng

he biggest challenge

est and most coveted awards in Ca-


nadian cinema.





Actress Babz Chula (who we lost

with a look back at

in 2010) was celebrated by two mov-

local film and TV

ies inspired by her spirit - Ben Rat-

history is that the one person who

ner’s Down River and Anne Wheel-

would have known exactly which

er’s documentary Chi. BC’s “Queen

productions belonged on our lists

of the indie films” is also immortal-

and why is no longer with us.

ized by the Babz Chula Lifeline for

Longtime Reel West editor Ian

Artists Society which raises funds

Caddell would have regaled us with

to help other artists in need.

the stories behind all of these pro-

The “Lorena Gale Woman of Dis-

ductions, all the other contenders

tinction Award” - named for the

and then easily ranked them. His

powerhouse BC actress, playwright

memory for movies was better than

and black activist who passed away

the IMDB. And his love for mov-

in 2009 - is presented annually by

ies was more impressive than his

the Union of BC Performers/AC-

memory. When we planned this issue I asked Ian’s son Nathan Caddell who wrote this year’s epic produc-

(Left) Longtime Reel West editor Ian Caddell, who passed away in 2012, was commemorated by the Vancouver Film Critics Circle when they renamed their annual award the “Ian Caddell Award for Achievement”. (Right) Veteran producer Stephen J. Cannell is credited by many for taking the film industry in BC to the next level. Photo by Wallis Photo -

tion wrap - if his dad ever men-

TRA for “work as a performer, and within the artistic community at large, embodying accomplishments that advance the status of women in society.”

tioned anyone who might qualify as

never found an audience, or at

In 1995, the Union of BC Per-

Director, actor, provocateur and

the industry’s MVP. The answer was

least never found an audience big

formers launched the “Sam Payne

my mentor and hero, John Juliani

Stephen J. Cannell - and Caddell

enough to stay on the air in the pre-

Lifetime Achievement Award” in

(who took his last bow in 2003) was

credited our cover model, Dianne

cable era. If Cannell was around to-

honour of the well-respected actor

also honoured by the UBCP/ACTRA.

Neufeld, with wooing the veteran

day he might well have shows filling

to celebrate “professional perform-

Juliani was a founding member of


every studio in BC.

ers displaying humanity, artistic in-

the UBCP, national president of the

tegrity and encouragement of new

Directors Guild of Canada and a


force of nature and his namesake

In a story looking back on the

Cannell is celebrated by the Leo

30th anniversary of the BC Film

Awards, which present an annual

Commission for BC Business, Caddell

Stephen J. Cannell “Friend of BC

wrote that it was Cannell who took

Award” to industry pros - so far all



achievement as a performing artist

BC “to the next level.”

from Hollywood South - who’ve

one of the province’s first and most

and distinguished contribution to

kept BC’s studios buzzing.

passionate film and TV writers,

the film and television industry.”

Unlike so many Hollywood visi-

The Rosies in Alberta annually David

award is presented annually, “for

tors, Cannell didn’t just use the lo-

Caddell was commemorated by

with an award that has been given

I could find enough names who

cal landscape, he used local talent -

the Vancouver Film Critics Circle

each year since 1987 to one of that

belong on a western Canadian in-

giving actors, directors and crews a

when they renamed their major an-

province’s local heroes.

dustry honour roll to fill another

chance to show what they could do.

nual award the “Ian Caddell Award

Not all of Cannell’s made-in-BC

for Achievement.”

The Whistler Film Festival cel-

magazine - and I’m sure all of you

ebrates the Best Canadian Feature

can think of friends, relatives and

shows were hits like 21 Jump Street,

Here are a few other industry pi-

at their fest with the Borsos Award,

heroes who deserve a place on that

Wiseguy and The Commish. Most of

oneers who’ve been honoured with

Named for Grey Fox director Phillip

list. I hope you’ll take a moment to

them were short-lived series that

awards in their name.

Borsos, the prize is one of the rich-

remember them now. n


Reel West Spring 2015 | 30th Anniversary issue

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