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Curtis Reeser 1/5/2009 Argumentative Essay Throughout history, people have been persecuted or slaughtered for simply disagreeing with an idea. Being bitter towards an idea to separate oneself from another is a result of the disagreement. From disagreement comes dissension; therefore, the great problem of America today can be found by looking at history, and one would find that a disagreement has caused some major problems. In one aspect, dissent can cause trouble as people who feel lonely can, but disagreement is the origin of the problem. As a student would spread a virus around a school, disagreeing ideas facilitate in lonely groups. The United States Civil War, for example, was not based on merely one side of the country feeling left out. The idea of slavery brought on a power struggle in Washington, D.C. that split the country apart. One always feels more powerful and more confident in a group, and as these two groups disagreed, fighting began over those conflicting ideas. It was not the fact that the South felt apart from the group. In fact, it was quite the opposite. It was because they felt that they were the majority and righteous in their quest for slavery that they seceded from the Union in the first place. Similarly, the controversial topic of the War on Terrorism has brought disagreement to the forefront of people’s minds. With these thoughts has come the lowest approval rating for a president…ever. The problems float to the surface as disagreement with certain decisions manage to become public. The idea of feeling more powerful in a group comes up again. As more people promote their opposing views, the group will grow stronger until the problems turn to unthinkable acts. One who dissents is classified as part of a minority. Minorities may start minor trouble, but it is the majorities, or groups that think they are the majority, that cause the great problems facing this nation. By using Boorstin’s thoughts on those who disagree being in a majority, disagreements are the problems that trouble America.

To start an argument that one thinks one would not win is the most ignorant thing a person could do. A dissenting person, being part of a minority, can cause trouble, but it is like that idea of ignorance. Majorities have the power to challenge ideas with more force. With a simple disagreement, problems could arise and be exponentially greater than one who causes problems by feeling lonely. The idea of an African American president has brought on disagreement. Will these disagreements cause major problems in the future?

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