The Complete Reference Cables Guide (16 february 2011)

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for musical instruments





AN IN-HOUSE RESEARCH TEAM, which has worked for years, studying and analysing signal line variables.

AN INNOVATIVE DESIGN, as a result of specialisation and passion coupled with the intuition and style of the Reference Laboratory’s founder and President

A PRODUCTI LINE GUARANTEED BY “ITALIAN” EXPERIENCE OF THE EXTRUSION PROCESS, considered by the Reference Laboratory to be an art in its own right

A RIGOUROUS METHOD OF ASSEMBLY, AND TESTING We test every single finished product, entirely manufactured at the Reference Laboratory Osimo (An - Italy)




Osimo (Ancona) ITALY

Main Office Ref. Lab.

Motorway A14, exit Ancona Sud Station FS Ancona, Marche Airport, Ancona

S. Ciriaco Cathedral, Ancona.




To demonstrate the quality of single cables, six DVDs have been produced with A/B comparisons between the cable in question, and an ‘ordinary’ one, focusing on their usage and highlighting their specific differences. This has been done to show and highlight the importance of cables in the audio chain. Choosing the appropriate cable is as important as choosing the right instrument; cables should be listened to and tested before being purchased. In order to facilitate the process of choosing an appropriate product, an audio/video support is available, as part of this guide, to listen to cables, certifying the project which inspired it. For Example: 1) We have produced the RIC01A model, for those wanting to create a “fuller” sound with an acoustic guitar (or double bass). In DVD #1 #3 and #4 (for acoustic guitars) and DVD #2, you can listen comparing the differences between a generic cable and a specifically designed cable. Without the combination of different modes of communication, we could have talked at length about it or produced the best catalogues in the world, however we would never have been able to demonstrate the pure sound of an acoustic instrument. 2) The same goes for a rock guitar cable. What does a musician need? We thought about a strong, distorted, mid range sound, which can be obtained by the instrument itself (this is why guitars with high performance pick-ups are chosen), as well as amplifiers which have a strong pre-amp and an innate distortion, and finally a distortion pedal that supplies what the latter cannot otherwise achieve. We asked ourselves, what if the conductor itself could do better, with accentuated frequencies on 800Hz and a stronger signal: in response, we designed the RICS01R. Please refer to DVD #1 to listen to it. These two examples demonstrate, firstly, the ideal cable combination with an acoustic instrument, and, secondly, to a musical style. Reference Laboratory’s research aims to create cables to better transfer either the physical features of an instrument, or the acoustic features for a musical style. However, had we not found and tested this out, it would have remained a mere description in the catalogue. During the last fifteen years, I have met customers, musicians, technicians and sound engineers worldwide, proudly presenting them with our products’ technical features. At the end of the presentation, the same inevitable question would arise: “Can you show me why this cable sounds better than any other?”. They were right to ask the question, which is why we committed to proving our intentions for each musical instrument on an audio level, by comparing our cable to a generic one. Here in this exclusive guide and with this innovative approach, you will find the answer to that question. Conclusion: If a musician’s set up requires the use of three instruments equally necessary for his repertoire, why not have three cables, different amongst them, targeted to specific technical/musical applications? Thank you for your attention,

Angelo Tordini


Founder and President







The signal path used for the above DVDs recording, starting from the Reference cable is the following:

● Studio cabling (carried out in an expert professional manner), Neutrik XLR female connector panel ● The signal enters the Audient ASP8024 analogue console, apart from for the DVD #4, on a Tascam Dm4800 digital console. No other preamp or processor was used on Insert when recording, precisely to avoid altering the signal in either direction

● The analogue signal is then fed to the studio’s Neutrik Bantam patchbay, connected to Digidesign Protools HD converters on 96kHz 24-bit sessions, apart from for the DVD #4, using Tascam converters)


It is advisable to carry on listening tests using headphones listed on

ARTISTS that are using Reference Laboratory cables in the world

During rehearsals for his Umbria Jazz Festival concert, James Taylor tested a new set of cable for his acoustic guitars and relative effects setup. This interesting test was carried out on stage, where the artist heard the sound directly in his monitor and the FOH sound engineer in the main PA. A live A/B test that convinced him to immediately change over to the set of Reference Lab RIC01A cables for guitar and effects and RMC16TP for the balanced signal fed to the stage box.

“I did used the RICO1A cables live with hi-fi speakers and also my amp. I was very impressed by these cables sturdiness, their excellent signal reproduction, their quietness and the high quality materials used to build them. The sound engineers that I've been working with recently, had also very favorable comments. My compliments for the superior level of your cables and for your creative approach.”



“The Reference RIC01 and RICS01R cables connected to my wireless system immediately improved my sound!”

“The blue cable RIC01 is working well, it sounds great and it’s very durable.”


“Reference Laboratory cables are what I use in my studio recording players like Steve Tavaglione on woodwind for my movie scores. RL cables and accessories are of the highest quality. Thanks Reference Laboratory!”

JAMES RAYMOND “I must say that since we collaborated with Angelo, I’ve realized the absolute quality of his cables. Sitting behind the set in Alatri, for example, I immediately heard the sound of the drums, particularly the toms equipped with the D2, coming out the PA with true acoustic precision. I didn’t think that the difference between even good cables and Reference cables could be heard by just listening, but it’s true!”


“I discovered the Reference cable for acoustic guitar through my good friend and musical collaborator Roberto Dalla Vecchia. When plugging in my guitar I need a reliable connection and a smooth signal in the monitor and out to the house. The Reference cable RIC01A is excellent for the touring professional as well as the hobbyist. A very good product!”

MARK COSGROVE “The cables are important. You can hear the difference when you use high quality. I use Reference Labs cables and they are fantastic. The best sound that I have heard, and very well made.”


MARCO MINNEMANN “Sound is very important to me and I trust cables made by REFERENCE Laboratory” Harmonically Yours,


“We all, at Tambi Studios, were amazed at the difference a microphone cable by REFERENCE Laboratory (RMC-S01) could make to the quality of sound. The sound was fuller, warmer and clearer and I recommend that every professional studio explore and take advantage of the benefits of Reference Microphone Cables.”


“The blue cable RIC01 is amazing! I use to play in several music styles and the cable bring to the music my REAL sound. Thanks for have created and developed it because it improve my feeling. When I go to the studio now I have my cable RIC-S01. This cable give the best balanced sound I ever had in studio recording.”

THIAGO ESPIRITO SANTO “I’ve been always comfortable at Umbria Jazz Festival thanks to the technical support of REFERENCE Laboratory whose cable technology I appreciated both for my voice (RMC01 cable) and for my guitar (RIC01A): REFERENCE Labs... To music, to hope and to joy!”


“I really like the Reference UJAZZ cable. It’s able to reproduce accurately the natural sound of my instrument in a way I was aware before, because I’ve been using the same cable for probably 30 years. Now I travel with the Reference one and I use it wherever I play. I can’t imagine playing without it. It’s very brilliant!”

“I wanted to thank you for letting me use your cables for our show. They were fantastic - very well built, and I liked the extra emphasis on the high-end that the cables gave my guitar tone.”



Professor at at Berklee College of Music – Boston, USA “Thank you for the cable you gave me in Perugia (Umbria Jazz Festival 2010). I use Reference cable RIC01A all the time now and really hear a difference. Now that I am back in NYC and playing gigs with my own amps and other amps at clubs here that I know, I can hear that my sound is clearer and rounder and smoother with your cable. If this sounds like an endorsement, it not even meant that way but just to tell you that your cable is improving my sound!!”


Guitar player with Nikki Yanofski “A high quality amplifier and Reference Laboratory cable RIC01A allow our guitars to maintain their natural voice.”

HOWARD R. PAUL President & Ceo Benedetto Guitars

“There were variations among some of the various high-end cables, but none sounded more accurate than the REFERENCE cable (RMC01). We just could not find any sonic difference between the REFERENCE Laboratory cable and no cable. We have no doubt that your othercables meet the same standards and we congratulate you on creating such a great product. With respect,”

“I started using Reference cables three years ago (at Umbria Jazz festival 2008) and they still work very well with my Carvin 5-strings bass. You know, most of time cables break up, and the sound breaks up too, when you least expect it… but with Reference Labs’ cables I never had a problem in so many live performances.They seem to last forever (just like Sonny Rollins)!...These cables are great!!”



Bass player with Sonny Rollins

“Yes, I really like your RIC01 cable. A very clean sound, no hum and excellent response across the complete range of frequencies. I’m also very interested in using your other RIC-S01 and RMC-S01 cables in my studio.”

“As a guitar player, tone to me is everything. I spent my career using many different products to sustain my sound. The Reference cords, RIC01A and RIC-S01R, are ones of the best tools I have in keeping a true and exact sound from my acoustic and electric guitars.”



“I just finished A/B ing your cords and my high quality ones and I am are very impressed with the out come of your cable. I noticed that, going through my pedal board, I didn't lose the high and midrange sound of my guitar, but I lost it in the other hi-Q cable. Also I A/Bed your RMC-S01 solid copper Mic XLR cable and I really excited that we didn't hear all of the midrange garbage from my other cable.”

“Thanks very much for making wonderful cables, this blue cable is terrific! It sounds wonderful...!!! AMEN…”


GREG “G-MOE” MOORE “Using Reference cables, gives me the impression that my guitar and amp are "one" instrument. There is no loss of tone, the sound is clear and balanced.”


“Your cables add such a brilliant and smooth tone to my sounds. It is unparalleled to other supposed “High-end” cables. I’ve used many, many brands in the past, but they were certainly no comparable with REFERENCE cables RIC01 and RIC-S01R.”

THE ALI BROTHERS “I've been using nice cables for a long time but since I've changed for the REFERENCE cables my guitar sound really changed a lot. When I use just my guitar and amp I prefer to use just the Ujazz cable, because it really helps me to have a brighter sound with lots of harmonics, but when I'm using pedals I use both the UJAZZ and the RIC01.Well, I would advise everybody to try the REFERENCE cables and feel how your own sound can be improved!”

“During Sonny Rollins tour 2010, we have been recording every show, unfortunately for me we met in July after already recording several shows in the US using regular microphone cables. The dynamic range and clarity of signal is significant enough that I may have a problem trying to use earlier recordings and match them with the newer ones (using Reference Labs’ RMC-S01 cables that you gave me to try in Perugia, Italy). I never thought a cable could make that much of a difference. How was I wrong!”



“We did an A/B comparison of cables from Reference Lab and the cables I regularly use on the field for my location recording. I was amazed with the huge difference I heard with the Reference Labs cable. It was clearer, better and unexplainable in human terms the difference I heard. The sound just seemed to be amazingly warmer and better - Just Perfect!”

“Your cable is fantastic and built very strong! I have used Reference cables for many years with no problem! Bravo Reference cables!!!”

BAYLON FONSECA Sound Designer-Editor Film/TV

FOH recording engineer with Sonny Rollins

KIM PREVOST Vocalist “Your Reference guitar cables produce a very clear sound with no noise. Reference cables are extremely durable and last a very long time with no problem. I love them!! I wont use anything else!!!”


“I recorded a voiceover with REFERENCE cables RMC13PUR & RMC-S01 and compared to the cable which I was using before. Your cables have more dynamic range, tight lowend and richer sound. Specially the RMC-S01 sounded great!!! I was so impressed. Now, the RMCS01 has replaced the cable I was using previously in the main vocal booth.”

“I ran comparison tests between the cables I already had in the studio with the REFERENCE RMC01 and RMLC03 for microphones and the RIC01 and RIC-S01R for instruments. I really noticed that there are considerable differences, for the better. There seems to be more high frequencies and the sound is more well-defined and “pure”. Moreover the cables are easy to handle and attractive.”

KEIKO TAKEDA Sound Designer/Engineer


“The cable is the most important link in the audio chain and the most overlooked. Now, thanks to REFERENCE Laboratory I will always consider what cables I use first to obtain the best performance: cables RMC01 or RMC-S01.”

“The Reference Labs’ cable RMC-S01 is the most incredible cable ever. I’m shocked and amazed at the transparency and life it brings to my acoustic source! Why did I not find these cables earlier…?! I think I need to rewire my whole facility!”

KEITH RICE FOH Earth Wind And Fire

SHANTANU HUDLIKAR Senior Engineer at YRF Studios Mumbai - India




For more than twenty years we have been collaborating with Umbria Jazz. This experience provided us with a natural sensibility to the sounds and melodies of its key musical style: Jazz. Almost spontaneously, the idea to develop a new cable specifically for Jazz musicians and their sound grew at the Reference Lab. Today that project has been completed and the UJAZZ cable is its expression. UJAZZ joins the line of the previous seven models already produced by the Reference Laboratory. Each model has its unique identity and specific applications, since the first model was created in 1992, the RIC01, which represents to this day a sonic landmark for the market. Reference Lab states: “When taking into account the sound coming from a semi-acoustic/ electro-acoustic guitar, one must consider the absolute importance of allowing both its souls to be heard, in constant balance. We believe this is the secret to obtaining a unique and unmistakable sound mix." This is why we created the UJazz cable. Angelo Tordini Founder and Designer Reference Laboratory

Where we consider it necessary we use a PVC ● semi conductor, as it reduces over 95% of noise generated by cable movement. We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as requested, ● cables to specific lengths Available as an option: ● Switchcraft jack 90° 226L model Silent Plug Neutrik

PLEASE REMEMBER If you use a RUJAZZ cable make sure to also use it to connect all the effects (pedal or rack), it will improve your sound!


Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a secure and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures



Single bodied stem-tip to allow for the maximum conductibility possible and to prevent the tip from becoming unscrewed, as a result of usage, typical of tips attached to the stem; to avoid oxidation issues and subsequent reduction in conductibility, we use gold plated plugs

❷ ❹

Diecast metal Shell housing in Satin Finish

Metal backshell with ergonomic grip

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor

Red Copper 42x015 AWG18


Foam PE diameter 3,0mm

Shield N.1

PVC Semiconductor diameter 3.6mm

Shield N.2

Braid -Tinned Copper <90%


PVC Superflex diameter 8 mm

Available Colours


Working Temperature °C

-30 +70°C

Minimum Bending Radius

6xOverall diameter

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Yellow Black Red

= = = =

4,5 metres 6 metres 10 metres 15 metres plus

The packaging of the Umbria Jazz Cable is taken from the official Umbria Jazz 09 poster by kind and exclusive permission of the Umbria Jazz Association




RECOMMENDED FOR musicians using guitars with active (Humbacker) pick-ups, specifically for Rock music. This cable is designed especially for pick up acoustic impedance. The perfect pick up-cable coupling impedance, makes the signal reflections irrelevant, and produces a more linear bandwidth. The result is a louder, “more powerful sound, particularly midrangey”. “The harmonic frequencies found in a distorted sound are certainly more than those found in a “clean” sound. It is therefore essential to have a cable which will not soften or, worse “strip away” fundamental harmonics, something which can very well occur with an “ordinary” cable. The RIC-S01R ensures that the power and tone of your Rock guitar are transferred to the amplifier in all its sonic range.The sheath is made of a special mix to ensure maximum flexibility without compromising the electrical features. As for all the Reference Laboratory guitar cable series, the RIC-S01 R also has a double screen in copper besides a PVC semiconductor. This PVC solution is ideal for avoiding the creation of noise caused by sharp and sudden movements during a concert, typical of live performances (particularly Rock performances). The RIC-01 rock electric guitar sound check can be found on DVD#1. The rock electric bass guitar sound check can be listened to on DVD#2 Watch and listen to our DVDs on our website or ask M.I. shops selling Reference cables to play you the DVD.

This is the cable I'm talking about (RIC-S01 R). It's the only thing I use in the studio because it gives me the sound... that I MUST HAVE! Rudy Sarzo Watch the Rudy Sarzo interview on

Where we consider it necessary we use a PVC ● semi conductor, as it reduces over 95% of noise generated by cable movement. We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as requested, ● cables to specific lengths



Guitars and Bass guitars which have pick ups which guarantee a better performance for rock music


If you use a RIC-S01 R cable make sure to also use it to connect all the effects (pedal or rack), this will improve your sound! You can check out the difference on DVD#1 or check the foot pedal on page 35


Single bodied stem-tip to allow for the maximum conductibility possible and to prevent the tip from becoming unscrewed, as a result of usage, typical of tips attached to the stem; to avoid oxidation issues and subsequent reduction in conductibility, we use gold plated plugs

❷ ❸

Diecast metal shell in satin finish with ergonomic grip

Backshell in thermoplastic and the Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a secure and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures



Available as an option Amphenol Mod. TM2P-AU-RL jack Silent Plug Neutrik

❺ ❻ ❼

Ample Solder area - compact body Diecast metal shell in nickel-plated finish Single bodied stem-tip to allow for the maximum conductibility possible and to prevent the tip from becoming unscrewed, as a result of usage, typical of tips attached to the stem. Standard telephone tip, to obtain a secure contact with every female jack and also allow for a wider contact area in comparison to other traditional tips.

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor

Solid Red Copper 0,5mmq AWG20


Foam PE diameter 2,6mm

Shield N.1

PVC Semiconductor diameter 3mm

Shield N.2

Lap - Tinned Copper - total coverage 100%


Compound PVC diameter 7.0mm

Available Colours

Glossy Red

Working Temperature °C

-40 +80°C

Minimum Bending Radius

8xOverall diameter

It is VERY IMPORTANT in a cabling sequence instrument+effects+amplifier, that the connecting cables have the same electrical capacity parameters to obtain - LOSS+SIGNAL TRANSPARENCY

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Red Black Yellow

= = = =

4,5 metres 6 and 20 metres 10 metres 15 metres




RECOMMENDED FOR musicians that use guitars with active and /or passive pick up, who do not want to loose any of the frequencies generated by their instrument. This cable has been designed to obtain the best acoustic signal in a live context. Many guitar, bass and keyboard players, prefer this cable for its remarkable output, especially on the low frequencies. Designed and produced in 1992, this cable was the first to be conceived by the Reference Laboratory, to meet musicians’ needs. Today it still remains an electrical and mechanical landmark. Developed and made for its flexibility, its internal conductor is made with capillary wires, so as not to take anything away from the electric/acoustic output, and especially devoid of memory, it retains all the fundamental benefits for a perfect live usage. As with all the Reference Laboratory cable series for guitars, the RIC01 has a double copper shield as well as the PVC semiconductor which gives it its flexibility. This PVC solution is ideal for avoiding the creation of noise caused by sharp and sudden movements during a concert, typical at a live performance (in particular Rock). The RIC01 sound check on guitar and electrical bass can be found on DVD#1 e DVD #2. Watch and listen to our DVDs on our website or ask M.I. shops selling Reference cables to play you the DVD.

Where we consider it necessary we use a PVC ● semi conductor, as it reduces over 95% of noise generated by cable movement. We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as requested, ● cables to specific lengths Available as an option: ● Switchcraft jack 90° mod.226 Silent Plug Neutrik

PLEASE REMEMBER If you use a RIC 01 cable make sure to also use it to connect all the effects (pedal or rack), this will improve your sound!


Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a safe and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures



Single bodied stem-tip to allow for the maximum conductibility possible and to prevent the tip from becoming unscrewed, as a result of usage, typical of tips attached to the stem; to avoid oxidation issues and subsequent reduction in conductibility, we use gold plated plugs.

Diecast metal shell housing in Matt black finish with ergonomic grip

Backshell part in thermoplastic and the Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor

Red Copper 42x015- 0,75mmq AWG18


Foam PE diameter 3,0mm

Shield N.1

PVC Semiconductor diameter 3.6mm

Shield N.2

Braid - red copper


Compound PVC diameter 7.6mm

Available Colours

Black – Blue

Working Temperature °C

-30 +70°C

Minimum Bending Radius

8xOverall diameter

It is VERY IMPORTANT in a cabling sequence instrument+effects+amplifier, that the connecting cables have the same electrical capacity parameters to obtain - LOSS+SIGNAL TRANSPARENCY

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Red Black Yellow

= = = =

4,5 metres 6 and 20 metres 10 metres 15 metres




RECOMMENDED FOR recording studio sessions, as it guarantees a better performance signal, due to its internal solid copper conductor. This specific feature allows to reduce the cable resistance in comparison to an ordinary conductor, providing the RIC-S01 with a better impedance, resulting in a more linear and better feedback on high frequencies. The end result is a more transparent sound. However its ideal application is in a recording studio environment, without the exclusion of applications in live orchestra performances. As with all the Reference Laboratory cable series for guitars, the RICS01 has a double copper shield as well as the PVC semiconductor. This PVC solution is ideal for avoiding the creation of noise caused by sharp and sudden movements during a concert, typical of a live performance. The RIC-S01 sound check on guitar and electrical bass can be found on DVD#1 and DVD#2 Watch and listen to our DVDs on our website or ask M.I. shops selling Reference cables to play you the DVD.

Where we consider it necessary we use a PVC ● semi conductor, as it reduces over 95% of noise generated by cable movement. We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as requested, ● cables to specific lengths Available as an option: ● Switchcraft jack 90° mod. 226 Silent Plug Neutrik

REMEMBER THAT If you use a RIC-S01 cable make sure to also use it to connect all the effects (pedal or rack), this will improve your sound!


Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a safe and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures



Single bodied stem-tip to allow for the maximum conductibility possible and to prevent the tip from becoming unscrewed, as a result of usage, typical of tips attached to the stem; to avoid oxidation issues and subsequent reduction in conductibility, we use gold plated plugs

Diecast metal shell housing in Matt black with ergonomic grip

Backshell part in thermoplastic and the Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor

Solid Red Copper 0,52mmq AWG20


FOAM PE diameter 2,6mm

Shield N.1

PVC Semiconductor diameter 3.7mm

Shield N.2

Lap - Tinend copper - total coverage 100%


Compound PVC diameter 7.6mm

Available Colours


Working Temperature °C

-40 +80°C

Minimum Bending Radius

8xOverall diameter

It is VERY IMPORTANT in a cabling sequence instrument+effects+amplifier, that the connecting cables have the same electrical capacity parameters to obtain - LOSS+SIGNAL TRANSPARENCY

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Red Black Yellow

= = = =

4,5 metres 6 and 20 metres 10 metres 15 metres



RECOMMENDED FOR all electricalacoustic instruments with piezo pick-up. The making of this cable is “innovative”, and to achieve this the Reference Laboratory leverages certain fundamental elements: experience, experimentation and competence spanning more than twenty years and “symmetrical” conductor technology. By symmetrical conductor, we mean when both conductors, mass and signal are identical. This technique eliminates any unbalance on the signal route, the results is a full range linear “rich” sound. Why choose this cable instead of a generic one? Why lose the original sound, produced by high quality acoustic instruments?

At Reference, we believe it is key to use a cable which is able to render the sound coming from your instrument, just as if it were li-stened to by ear. Is it therefore acceptable to have a low quality cable in the audio chain? The answer is surely not! A musician tests and compares an instrument or amplifier before making his/her choice, in our opinion this should also occur when choosing cables. The same musician would never choose an amplifier which has not been specifically designed for his acoustic guitar, he/she should also make an informed cable choice. Reference Laboratory, being aware of this, has created cables for acoustic instruments, or rather for instruments that use piezo pick-up. With reference to the above, we have tested the RIC01-A, on 8 different electric-acoustic guitars. All the tests can be listened to on DVD#1, DVD#3 and DVD#4. Watch and listen to our DVDs on our website or ask M.I. shops selling Reference cables to play you the DVD.

We use a PVC semiconductor, on all instrument ● cables, as it reduces over 95% of sound created by the movement of cables We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as requested, ● cables to specific lengths

REMEMBER THAT If you use a RIC01-A cable make sure to also use it to connect all the effects (pedal or rack), this will improve your sound!



Single bodied stem-tip to allow for the maximum conductibility possible and to prevent the tip from becoming unscrewed, as a result of usage, typical of tips attached to the stem; to avoid oxidation issues and subsequent reduction in conductibility, we use gold plated plugs

Diecast metal shell housing nickel satin finish with ergonomic grip

Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a safe and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures

Backshell part in thermoplastic and the Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

JACK 90°


Is also available as an option jack or Silent Plug Neutrik

mod. TM2P-AU-RL

❶ ❷

Ample solder area-compact body

Single bodied Stem-Tip, to achieve maximum conductibility and to avoid loosening of the point during usage, typical loosening of mounted tips (not single body tips). Standard telephone point, to obtain a secure contact on every female jack and also allow for a wider contact area in comparison to other traditional tips

Diecast metal shell in nickel-plated finish with ergonomic grip

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor 1

Silver Tinned Copper

Inner Conductor 2

Silver Tinned Copper


PVC double layer


Tinned Copper


Compound PVCdiameter 7mm

Available Colours

Black - Brown

Working Temperature °C

-40 +80°C

Minimum Bending Radius

8xOverall diameter

In option is possible have on all intrument cables the Silent Plug jack (right angle o straight).

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Red Black Yellow

= = = =

4,5 metres 6 and 20 metres 10 metres 15 metres



RECOMMENDED FOR musicians searching for a vintage look for their performance. Today we refer to “vintage” musical instruments which were fashionable during the sixties and seventies. In those days, it was common practice to use spiral cables with guitars of that period which are still very much appreciated and played, however those cables have practically disappeared. The Reference Laboratory in paying tribute to those historical sounds, decided to bring back to life the typical spiral cable, by using all its experience and present day technology. As with all the Reference Laboratory cable series for guitars, the RICS01 has a double copper shield as well as the PVC semiconductor. This PVC solution is ideal for avoiding the creation of noise caused by sharp and sudden movements during a concert, typical of a live performance. As comparison test please refer the RIC01 sound check for electric guitar on DVD#1 and electrical bass on DVD #2 Watch and listen to our DVDs on our website or ask M.I. shops selling Reference cables to play you the DVD.

Where we consider it necessary we use a PVC ● semi conductor, as it reduces over 95% of noise generated by cable movement. We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as requested, ● cables to specific lengths

PLEASE REMEMBER If you use a RIC 01 cable make sure to also use it to connect all the effects (pedal or rack), this will improve your sound!


Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a safe and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures



Single bodied stem-tip to allow for the maximum conductibility possible and to prevent the tip from becoming unscrewed, as a result of usage, typical of tips attached to the stem; to avoid oxidation issues and subsequent reduction in conductibility, we use gold plated plugs

Diecast metal shell housing matt black with ergonomic grip

Backshell part in thermoplastic and the Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor

Red Copper 42x015- 0,75mmq AWG18


FOAM PE diameter 3,0mm

Shield N.1

PVC Semiconductor diameter 3.6mm

Shield N.2

Braid red copper - total coverage 100%


Compound PVC diameter 7.6mm

Available Colours

Glossy Black


min 0.8 - max 3.5mt.

Working Temperature °C


Minimum Bending Radius

6xOverall diameter


RECOMMENDED FOR those taking their first steps in studying a musical instrument, who wish to appreciate all the innate tone qualities it possesses. The RIC09-T cable takes full advantage of the economical value of the instrument used, as well as a day to day apprenticeship. Created for frequent use it is also very flexible and solidly built. The RIC09-T has a double shield: an exclusive braid in red and tinned copper and a second in a PVC conductor, ideal for avoiding noises generated by energetic cable movements. Thanks to our collaborations with important music schools as Berklee College of Music (Boston USA) and Saint Louis College of Music (Roma), we were pleased to witness, the surprise and sheer joy expressed by teachers and students alike, in discovering the importance of “listening and choosing” a cable which best fits their instrument and musical taste. In order to encourage this remarkable

and understandable interest expressed by teachers and students, we made the decision not to produce a DVD for this cable. Unlike the others, even if we have carried out all our comparative tests, we strongly recommend a direct and autonomous method to test out our RIC09-T. 1) Select any cable (your usual one or another) and connect your instrument to the amplifier 2) Choose your most personal and distinctive sound, and perform a brief chord arpeggio 3) Play it a few times until you have the sound of the chord clear in your mind and ears 4) Substitute the cable with our RIC09-T, making sure that it is the same length as the first, and repeat the same chord, with the same dynamic and obviously without modifying the amplifier parameters. 5) Play it one more time, so that you also have this new sound clear in your mind and ears At this stage, it is already possible to single out the difference between an “ordinary cable” and RIC09T, however should you wish to identify the specifics more precisely, you can 6) Repeat all the above procedures, using the first cable and then the RIC09-T,

this time concentrate on the response from the entire acoustic spectrum The result will be: sound transparency, an extension from the low to the high frequencies, high harmonics definition. You will value these parameters according to your own personal sensibility. This is Reference Laboratory’s method: Listen to the cable! Choosing the correct cable, is the best way to start your didactic/technical experience, in discovering your own “sound” and developing a personal musical creativity.

Where we consider it necessary we use a PVC ● semi conductor, as it reduces over 95% of noise generated by cable movement. We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as requested, ● cables to specific lengths

REMEMBER THAT If you use a RIC09-T cable make sure to also use it to connect all the effects (pedal or rack), this will improve your sound!


Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a safe and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures



Single bodied stem-tip to allow for the maximum conductibility possible and to prevent the tip from becoming unscrewed, as a result of usage, typical of tips attached to the stem.

Zinc metal diecast shell in satin nickel or matt black with ergonomic grip

Backshell part in thermoplastic and the Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

As option is also available the jack Reference Right angle mod. RPP-SSM206

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor

Red Copper 30x010- 0,22mmq AWG23


PVC diameter 1,8 mm

Shield N.1

Semiconduttor PVC diameter 2.3mm

Shield N.2

Braid red copper and braid tinned copper - total coverage 100%


Compound PVC diameter 6.7mm

Available Colours


Working Temperature °C

-30 +70°C

Minimum Bending Radius

6xOverall diameter

It is VERY IMPORTANT in a cabling sequence instrument+effects+amplifier, that the connecting cables have the same electrical capacity parameters to obtain - LOSS+SIGNAL TRANSPARENCY

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue= 4,5 metres Red = 6 and 20 metres Black=10 metres Yellow=15 metres


RECOMMENDED FOR for connecting a keyboard to a mixer (or DI Box) thanks to its means of signal transportation in stereo. The set up consists of a telescope system, two adjacent cables for an immediate cabling, and a set up with two mono jacks at 1/4", respectively with silver and black body, to better identify the left and right channels. A stereo set up is ideal.

Developed to be very flexible and sturdy, without taking away anything from the electrical/acoustic output, and above all lacking memory, necessary benefit for live use. As with all the Reference Laboratory cable series for guitars, the RICT01 has a double copper shield as well as the PVC conductor. This is an ideal solution to avoid the creation of noises generated when moving the cable energetically, and to achieve total screening, including electromagnetic disturbances, without compromising flexibility An alternative for mono cable channels is the RIC01 (refer to pag. 10)

Where we consider it necessary we use a PVC ● semi conductor, as it reduces over 95% of noise generated by cable movement. We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as requested, ● cables to specific lengths Available as an option: ● Switchcraft jack 90° mod. 226

REMEMBER THAT If you want to use single cables, use the RIC 01 cable.


Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a safe and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures.



Single bodied stem-tip to allow for the maximum conductibility possible and to prevent the tip from becoming unscrewed, as a result of usage, typical of tips attached to the stem; to avoid oxidation issues and subsequent reduction in conductibility, we use gold plated plugs

Diecast metal shell housing with ergonomic grip

Backshell part in thermoplastic and the Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

An option is to have the jack Reference Right angle mod. RPP-SSM206

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor

Red copper 7x020 - 0,22mmq AWG23



Shield N.1

PVC semiconductor

Shield N.2

Lap - Red copper total coverage 100%


Compound PVC

Available Colours


Working Temperature °C

-30 +70°C

Minimum Bending Radius

10xOverall diameter

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Red Black Yellow

= = = =

4,5 metres 6 and 20 metres 10 metres 15 metres


RECOMMENDED FOR DJs that want to connect CDJ players, record players and any other musical recording device to their work stations, by using a superior cable. The set up consists of telescope system, two adjacent cables for immediate cabling and an assembly with two golden pin RCA jacks, one red, one black, in order to easily identify the Left and Right channels. An ideal stereo set-up.

This cable is designed and assembled with gold plated connectors in order to minimize signal loss. As with all the Reference Laboratory’s unbalanced cable series, the RICT01 also has a double screen: in copper and PVC conductor. The PVC conductor is a perfect solution for total screening, including electromagnetic disturbances, without compromising on flexibility. We strongly advise supplying the whole mixer/ source circuit with RICT01 or RIC01 for mono signal use (refer to pag. 10)

Where we consider it necessary we use a PVC ● semi conductor, as it reduces over 95% of noise generated by cable movement. We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as rquested, ● cables to specific lengths

REMEMBER THAT If you want to use single cables, use RIC 01



RCA golden for better connection conductivity

Zinc diecast shell housing available in: black, red, yellow finish

Flexible grommet cable protection

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor

Red copper 7x020 - 0,22mmq AWG23



Shield N.1

PVC semiconductor

Shield N.2

Lap - Red copper total coverage 100%


Compound PVC

Available Colours


Working Temperature °C

-30 +70°C

Minimum Bending Radius

10xOverall diameter

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Red Black Yellow

= = = =

4,5 metres 6 and 20 metres 10 metres 15 metres




RECOMMENDED FOR transporting, with condenser or dynamic microphones, "leader signals" such as: voice, piano, Bass Drum and snare. The RMC 01 cable is made up of two conductors of 0,50 mm each, as well as a double shield. These two features make for an ideal solution for a signal “transfer” of the highest quality. As a result will have the advantage of doing the sound check more accurately in less time. Other features include: flexibility, and “no memory”, thanks to the special compound that the external sheath is made up of, while the double spiral shield makes it immune to external interferences. The particular size of the conductors and the RMC 01 screen, make for a very versatile cable, ideal for minimizing natural signal loss on high frequencies, during live stage situations that require lengths over 10 metres. Please listen to DVD #5, you can evaluate the RMC01 performance on speaker and snare drum, on DVD#6 you can listen to Giovanni Tommaso’s ideal microphone setup. Watch and listen to our DVD on our website or ask M.I. shops selling Reference cables to play you the DVD.

There were variations among some of the various high-end cables, but none sounded more accurate than the Reference Laboratory cable. We just could not find any sonic difference between Reference Laboratory cable and no cable (reference sound track.). We have no doubt that your other cables meet the same standards, and we congratulate you on creating such a great product. With respect, Tuck and Patti Andress Get their full test report on the cable from

We use SUPERFLEX PVC ● for an easier cable use We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as requested, ● cables to specific lengths Available as an option ● XLR Neutrik at 90°



“Leader” instruments that use both dynamic or condenser microphones to obtain a more accurate sound-check in less time


you can connect a right angled XLR to reduce the mechanical stress on the cable, when using them for microphones directly clipped onto the side of the drum kit


We only use connectors that have precision machined contacts, which compared to stamped contacts, are very precise to give a stable contact across a wider surface. Gold plated contacts are also an option

Zinc diecast metal shell housing in satin Nickel or black finish.

Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a secure and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures

Backshell in thermoplastic and Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

Reference Logo identifying the components’ choice and quality



FLMD pin contact (first to make contact, last one to exit contact). Gold plated contacts are also an option

Zinc diecast metal shell housing with Satin nickel or black finish.

Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a secure and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures

Backshell in thermoplastic and Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

Reference Logo identifying the components’ choice and quality

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor

Red copper 2x(28x015) - 0,50mmq AWG20


FOAM PE diameter 1,8mm




Double lap red copper - coverage >98%


Compound PVC diameter 6,5 mm

Available Colours


Impedance (Ohm)

90 Ohm

Working Temperature °C

-25 +70°C

Minimum Bending Radius

10xOverall diameter

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Red Black Yellow

= = = =

5 metres 6 and 20 metres 10 metres 15 metres

The new connector XLR Amphenol SERIES AX is also available as an option. The new AX series, with its new and professional design, introduces new features such as: clamp system, latching, one piece ground/latch spring. Finger friendly latch. Entirely designed by Amphenol Australia.




RECOMMENDED FOR extremely demanding studio work, where the high quality of microphones should be matched quality wise by the quality of the cables connected to the mixer. Just as in performing they should not lose a single fraction, decibel or any frequency of the sounds that are being recorded. At Reference Laboratory we know how important the cable is in the audio chain and it is unthinkable for us to compromise on a performance using expensive studio microphones or any other out-board, by using generic cables to transmit sound to the console. For this reason after intensive research studies, and consulting important international recording studios, we have developed a technology using solid wires on microphone cables. This has allowed us to lower the resistance of the conductor used (for example in relation to a ordinary conductor), because of the way it is assembled, with two conductors which have identical sections over all their length. The advantage is to have a cable with a better impedance and consequently a better signal and a more linear response. Moreover, the ideal applications for the RMCS-01 are in the recording studios but without excluding the excellent results which can be obtained from live orchestral performances. DVD #3 and #4 show To achieve an acceptable fleRMCS01 performances, taken xibility, despite the two from various acoustic guitar and solid internal conducvoice microphone recordings. tors, we have used an external sheath maWatch and Listen to our DVDs on our de with a special website mix of PVC. or ask M.I. shops selling Reference cables to play you the DVD.

We use SUPERFLEX PVC for ● an easier cable use We accurately test all our cables ● Upon request we assemble ● cables on specific lengths As an option the XLR Neutrik at 90° is available



Microphones either dynamic or condenser, on any out-board with balanced input and output and sound cards



We only use connectors that have precision machined contacts, which compared to stamped contacts, are very precise to give a stable contact across a wider surface. Gold plated contacts are also an option

Zinc diecast metal shell housing in satin Nickel or black finish.

Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a secure and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures

Backshell in thermoplastic and Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

Reference Logo identifying the components choice and quality



FLMD pin contact (first to make contact, last one to exit contact). Gold plated contacts are also an option

Zinc diecast metal shell housing in satin Nickel or black finish.

Even if the signal travels from external preamplifiers use the RMC-S01 cable to connect them to the mixer and your results will be better!

Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a secure and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures

Backshell in thermoplastic and Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

Reference Logo identifying the components’ choice and quality Golden contacts an option

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner conductor

Solid bare copper 2x(080) - 0,50mmq AWG20


FOAM PE diameter 2,30mm



Shield 1

Tinned copper braid

Shield 2

Semiconductor Tape


Superflex PVC diameter 6,8 mm

Available colours


Impedance (Ohm)

<85 Ohm

Working Temperature °C

-25 +70°C

Minimum Bending Radius

10xOverall diameter

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Red Black Yellow

= = = =

5 metres 6 and 20 metres 10 metres 15 metres

The new connector XLR Amphenol SERIES AX is also available as an option. The new AX series, with its new and professional design, introduces new features such as: clamp system, latching, one piece ground/latch spring. Finger friendly latch. Entirely designed by Amphenol Australia.



RECOMMENDED FOR drum microphone cabling and live activities and events that require long stretches of signal cables, and delay lines or microphone cables whose lengths are over 15 and up to 100 metres. The RMC16TP cable is very strong, specifically studied for usage in environments and situations that require long single stretch connections. The set up is different compared to other standard microphone cables for two important parameters: the lay length and the specific set up of the filler and screen. The Twist Pitch is 20 mm, almost half the length of a standard microphone cable, and is protected more from interferences that, as one knows, diminish as the Twist Pitch reduces. Another important aspect of a cable suitable for the above usage is its mechanical set up, and our RMC16TP has a cotton filling and a very tight braid which besides increasing power and holding together the conductors, offers a mechanical resistance for heavy duty applications.

We use SUPERFLEX PVC for ● an easier cable use We accurately test all our cables ● Upon request we assemble ● cables on specific lengths As an option the XLR Neutrik at 90° is available


REMEMBER THAT Its particular set up allows to minimize the signal loss during high frequencies and to maintain a remarkable flexibility coupled with strength and reliability. We believe these to be essential elements to manage lengths with or without cable drum

delay line cabling, mixer- power amp, mixer-speaker amplified acoustic and set up with 90° Angle XLR on microphones for drums



We only use connectors that have precision machined contacts, which compared to stamped contacts, are very precise to give a stable contact across a wider surface. Gold plated contacts are also an option

Zinc diecast metal shell housing in satin Nickel or black finish.

Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a secure and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures

Backshell in thermoplastic and Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

Reference Logo identifying the components’ choice and quality



FLMD pin contact (first to make contact, last one to exit contact). Gold plated contacts are also an option

Zinc diecast metal shell housing in satin Nickel or black finish.

Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a secure and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures

Backshell in thermoplastic and Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC

Reference Logo identifying the components’ choice and quality

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner conductor

Red copper da 2x 0,34mmq Twist Pitch 20mm


FOAM PE diameter 1,70mm


Cotton + Non Wovens Tape


Tinned copper coverage >98%


Compound PVC diameter6,8 mm

Available colours

Black - Blue - Azure

Impedance (Ohm)

<90 Ohm

Working Temperature °C

-25 +70°C

Minimum Bending Radius

10xOverall diameter

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Red Black Yellow

= = = =

5 metres 6 and 20 metres 10 metres 15 metres

The new connector XLR Amphenol SERIES AX is also available as an option. The new AX series, with its new and professional design, introduces new features such as: clamp system, latching, one piece ground/latch spring. Finger friendly latch. Entirely designed by Amphenol Australia.




RECOMMENDED FOR cabling all microphones for bands, who as part of their live performance or during rehearsals, are looking for a cable whose flexibility is of prime importance, without compromising on quality and maintaining unaltered its electrical and mechanical features. In fact, many bands, when performing live, have to do without the assistance, experience and equipment of professional service provider. They therefore need to rely on a cable which is quick to set up, and to pack up at the end of the concert. This is why, with the RMLC03, particular focus has been given to assembly, by using the same connectors which are typical of the Reference Laboratory’s production. This innovative project is also aimed at supplying this product with a superior reliability. The alternative is the RMLC02 model, which differs for its braid shield instead of a spiral one. Please listen to the differences on our DVDs relating to microphone cables. These DVDs contain demonstrations on specific applications and comparison tests between specific Reference cables and ordinary cables. Watch and listen to our DVDs on our website or ask M.I.shops selling Reference cables to play you the DVD.

We use SUPERFLEX PVC for ● an easier cable use We accurately test all our cables ● Upon request we assemble ● cables on specific lengths



ON STAGE microphone cabling for a music band whereby maximum reliability with set up and flexibility features is requested



We only use connectors that have precision machined contacts, which compared to stamped contacts, are very precise to give a stable contact across a wider surface

Zinc diecast metal shell housing in satin Nickel or black finish.

Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a secure and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures

❹ ❺

Reference Logo identifying the components’ choice and quality


FLMD pin contact (first to make contact, last one to exit contact)

Zinc diecast metal shell housing in satin Nickel or black finish.

Cable clamp Patented Amphenol JAW model - used as a secure and long-lasting anchorage even at high temperatures

Backshell in thermoplastic and Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC


a 22 mm section cable, manufactured in USA, Europe, Japan, etc., has an excellent capacity up to a specific length. We suggest, for use of cables over 10 meters, to look at a conductor with a 34/50 mm section. For example our RMC16TP or RMC01

Backshell in thermoplastic and Flexible grommet cable protection in soft PVC Reference Logo identifying the components’ choice and quality

● Ample solder area ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner conductor

Red copper 2x 0,22mmq AWG24


Polyolephine diameter 1,70mm


Cotton + Non Wovens Tape


Lap tinned copper - coverage 96%


Superflex PVC diameter 6,2 mm

Available colours


Impedance (Ohm)


Working Temperature °C

-20 +70°C

Minimum Bending Radius

10xOverall diameter

Strapper: Made in VELCRO®, an exclusive design with electro-welded loop to be assembled with the cable. Water resistant; high stability coupling (does not fear dust and mud). Available in different colours to identify the different cable lengths. Blue Red Black Yellow

= = = =

5 metres 6 and 20 metres 10 metres 15 metres

The new connector XLR Amphenol SERIES AX is also available as an option. The new AX series, with its new and professional design, introduces new features such as: clamp system, latching, one piece ground/latch spring. Finger friendly latch. Entirely designed by Amphenol Australia.



RECOMMENDED FOR connecting all guitar and bass amplifier models made up of amp head and speakers. This series was designed to maximise and provide the best signal transfer between the head and the speakers. For this application, we specifically designed two models, which differ in the size of the conductor’s sections, respectively 3,3 mmq and 5,22 mmq, appropriate for different power heads (heads up to 50 and over 500 watt are available, connecting to a cabinet that can have two or up to eight loud spea-kers). Generally speaking connecting cables supplied for head and speaker are generic cables; instead, for our power cables we have adopted an “esoteric”, multistrand set up for each conductor: 7 strands with red copper capillary twisted wires. A cable built in ‘multistrand’ has a minor signal loss compared to a generic cable, moreover, we have created the two models with parallel conductors to have a lower capacity. The cable sheath is in a transparent PVC Sunbust, which highlights the conductor threading. The increased 1/4 inch jack is necessary to support the different wattage of va-rious amplifiers. Please listen to our DVD #1 e #2 relating to the heads and speakers. These DVDs contain tests comparing Reference cables with generic power cables; please go to our website to listen: or ask your M.I.Shop selling Reference cables to play you the DVD.

We use a multistrand technology with 7 strands, ● with 0,10 wires, to give more flexibility at cable All our cables are accurately tested ● Upon request, we can assemble ● cables with specific lengths As option it is possible to have ● the Amphenol Jumbo Jack

REMEMBER THAT If you are using a specific Reference cable with your instrument to suit your musical taste, you will have better results!



We only use connectors specifically for this use, which have the stem-tip in a unique well-rounded body, to ensure maximum conductibility and to avoid tip loosening, typical loosening of mounted tips (not single body tips)

❷ ❸

Zinc diecast metal shell housing with Satin nickel Jack with increased body and spring, to use on cable speakers without any compromises

● Ample solder area ● Can hold section cables up to 7mmq ● Lead free solder, to achieve better conductibility while respecting the environment


Inner Conductor

Red Copper 2x(7x60x010) – 3,3 mmq AWG12


PVC transparent 1,5mm



Weight (Kgx100mt.)


Power Rating

23 Ampere

Available Colour

Trasparente Fumè

Working Temperature °C

-20 +70°C


Inner Conductor

Red Copper 2x(7x95x010) – 5,22mmq AWG10


PVC transparent 1,5mm



Weight (Kgx100mt.)


Power Rating

31 Ampere

Available Colour

Trasparente Fumè

Working Temperature °C

-20 +70°C

As option, a new connector is available J a c k 1 / 4 ” A m p h e n o l M O D. J U M B O -

accepts cables 7,5 to 10,5 mm diameter nickel or gold contacts available in mono or stereo version zinc diecast shell in satin nickel or matt black finish

Fully designed by Amphenol Australia.



TO CONNECT A BASS OR ELECTRIC GUITAR AMP TO ITS CABINET Recommended to link all amp models to the respective acoustic speakers mono amp or Bi amp

This series was designed to maximise and provide the best signal transfer between the power amp and its respective acoustic speaker. As this model is made up of 4 conductors, it can be used on systems that work both in mono amp or in bi Amp. Generally speaker cables supplied with head and speaker, are generic cables; instead for our cables we have adopted the RPCM09 model an “esoteric multistrand” set up for each conductor: 7 strands with red copper capillary twisted wires. A multistrand set up cable has a less signal loss compared to a generic cable (single Strand), furthermore we built this power cable with 4 conductors of 2,5 mmq each and we have assembled to this cable a speakon with 4 contacts. The jacket is in PVC-SUPERFLEX. In our DVD #2 you can evaluate the performance of the RPC09 power cable between head and cabinet: to listen to this go to the website: or ask M.I. shop selling Reference cables to play you the DVD.



all speaker / Head amps and combo which adopt the 4 Speakon plugs as connectors, to link the amp to the speakers

in an audio chain it is important to have all cables with the same electrical and usage characteristics. Your results will be just better!


Inner conductor

Red copper 4x(7x20x015) – 2,5 mmq AWG13


PVC Superflex 1,5mm


Superflex PVC diameter 12mm

Weight (Kgx100mt.)


Available Colour


Working Temperature °C

-30 +70°C

We use multistrand PVC-SUPERFLEX ● technology to make the cable more easy to handle We accurately test all our cables ● We can assemble, as requested, ● cables to specific lengths We only use Speakon connectors ● from Neutrik (NL4)



IDEAL CABLING Example of a cabled pedal for a typical Rock set up

INPUT Pedal RIC-S01 R Mt.4,5

OUT PUT Pedal RIC-S01 R Mt. 4,5

We suggest cabling your foot pedal with similar cables used for your instrument, so that you can have a line with the same parameters and the result will be a reduction in signal degradation. Example of Reference cables with - Amphenol - Reference - Switchcraft jacks. Also available with straight jacks or combined (Right angle / straight).


RIC 01



Examples with jack Amphenol MOD. ACPM-RB-AU-RL

Examples with jack Reference MOD. 206

Examples with jack Switchcraft MOD. 226

92 19 nc




A vital element supporting the circulation of our Reference cables, is the active role played by specialized M.I.retailers who work with us, and who we, in turn refer to as ‘Ambassadors’. Reference Laboratory is active in engaging with our M.I.retailers team, updating them with our cables’ latest news, as we believe this product has not yet had the proper chance it deserves. From this perspective, to completely fulfil the vision and philosophy in producing the Reference cable series, the company founder’s inspiration since 1992, we are looking at a worldwide development plan: from New York to Paris, Moscow, Singapore, Peking, Doha, San Paulo, Mumbai, Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago) etc. This is why, we participate in International Trade Fairs, to present our METHOD in choosing cables, a perfect solution for all those interested, whether it be M.I.retailers, dealers or musicians. The METHOD is a format, rigorously applied by both M.I. retailers and dealers. We believe that to train a M.I. retailer, means to include him/her in the planning process of our cables, listening to and comparing other cables; all this so as to create a pool of knowledge, to pass on to clients, professional musicians and passionate amateurs. We have planned a so called cable corner for our Reference Ambassadors, formed by: a plasma monitor for the viewing and listening of our six DVDs comparing our main purpose-made cables, an updated display of our whole cable range, an amplifier for guitar and base used for immediate testing on any the chosen cable. We created this space based on its ideal prototype, which we then set PENGUIN 58x59x176cm, kg 26 up during all the International Trade Shows we attend. Visitors were always curious about pricing and business conditions, HOWEVER, once we explained that our intent was to listen to the difference between cables….they were so shocked that they attended the presentation until the end, to fully understand what our objectives and message were. After all, it is normal practice for musicians to be pleasantly surprised by our demos and explanations, as we are the first to deal with instrument cable products in such an innovative and clear way. Our slogan is "STOP and listen to the Reference cable", translated into many languages, it has always intrigued and captivated many future clients!

Another step, in spreading the culture of personal instrument set ups, are music schools, which for many are the first point of call before entering a musical instrument shop. We have seen how important and positive it is for a musician, at his/her first grips or perfecting his/her skills, to be able to evaluate if the sound listened to from the amplifier is indeed the original sound coming from the instrument, also based on the choice of a CABLE specifically studied for a type of instrument, style of music and live or studio usage. It is with this spirit that we fully support Berklee College of Music, during Umbria Jazz, and their guitar and bass teachers, and Saint Louis College of Music in Roma and their courses. The ideal link between the schools and the shop, are the touring clinics that Reference Laboratory with the Reference Ambassadors, set up at various selling points, teaching how to listen to the differences and how to apply the METHOD. Continuing on our journey, we asked ourselves: is it right to assume that in a recording studio there can be a better signal on microphone and instrument output, by adding to the existing wiring, a specific cable? We have done it.: to the amazement of both a sound engineer and owner of a couple of important studios. They listened to the difference between our RIC-S01(for instruments) and RMC-S01 (for microphone) and other similar cables already available in the studio. The result was astounding! Its true: and incredible to test out, five metres of cable can make a considerable difference in the quality of a signal to record. We can mention Mosh Studio in San Paolo (, its owner was one of the most important rock musicians in San Paolo, also Tambi Studio in Dubai (

Reference Point at Umbria Jazz 09

Arena S. Giuliana

Last but not least: the stage of a live concert. Reference Laboratory is fully convinced that in meeting with the direct beneficiaries of these spaces, even the most refined professionals subscribing to a philosophy of making the right cable choice, can be educated. And so here we are at Umbria Jazz or La Lunga Notte della Batteria or at other important gatherings of musicians and technicians. We feel obliged to thank all the International and National musicians, who with great regard expressed interest in what we were offering, listening to us and…. lending us their ear. We also thank the non professional musician, who following a cable clinic in Rome, bought a couple of models (RIC09T), tested them at home, and wrote to us the next day telling us how his amp and guitar (400 Euro total value) now “had a different sound, larger signal, and better frequency feedback”. We were greatly helped by live sound engineers, met across a seventeen year span; be it veterans on the Umbria Jazz stage, or younger engineers touring Italy; Using their ears to evaluate LIVE situations, and if there was indeed a sensitive perception in the difference of sound, because of the cable it is certainly thanks to them. They know very well, that if certain sound frequencies are lost along the cabling, and also considering the number of channels at stake, it is not possible to re-invent them from the mixer. We all know that if you do not have a real passion, you cannot survive playing or being a technician or producer. This is why we are making cables thinking about them with the same passion of a musician towards his/her music. Each moment spent during these last seventeen years, has provided elements and confirmation about positive and negative projects, our RIC01 for example has survived seventeen years with the same motivations since the first time we presented it.

Stage Giardini Carducci

B.B. King July 19 2009

Finally we would like to acknowledge all the magazines and all other media who believed and still believe in Reference’s philosophy and research, who have written about our projects/experiences with competence and objectivity, and who recently have accepted the invitation to touch by hand our cables and test their qualities, just like ZioMusic, who followed us on all the Umbria Jazz stages and Berklee clinics, and most of all, at the Reference Point, where with a free test for every interested person, we launched the new and innovative UJAZZ Cable. You will find the reportage in its entirety on the website: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: The entire report could be downloaded on: The full audio set up of Umbria Jazz open stage is on: The CABLE GUIDE is the history of the journey that Reference Laboratory has dedicated, step by step, to its research on cables and its concepts here exposed, also thanks to the support given by passionate amateurs, professionals, dealers and technicians. We feel extremely motivated to continue. Looking ahead, towards the Future!

UJAZZ cable and Palazzo dei Priori – Perugia

FOH P.zza IV Novembre

Stage P.zza IV Novembre ®

S.S. 16 Km 309,530 • 60027 OSIMO (AN) • ITALY Phone + 39 071 7202120 r.a. • Fax + 39 071 7108041 • Cable guide We reserve the right to alter the designs, specifications, colours or condition of supply of any items without notice.

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