Careers with STEM: Engineering 2017

Page 1

Careers with STEM Term 3 2017

Careers with

Engineering Game-changing jobs of tomorrow

Riding the next wave of surf tech p19

Countdown to first Aussie woman in space p29

create a better future

How to build a bionic body p21 Get ahead as a graduate intern p12

[ C yb er se c u r it y ] [ Sp or t s te c h ] [ Hea lt h h ac k s ] [ D efence jobs ] [ Rob ot ic s ]

{Careers with Engineering}



issue 2 2017


issue 1 2017

Careers with

Careers with

Game-changing jobs of tomorrow

of tomor row Game -changing jobs

Find your ultimate career personality p6 Why future jobs need science skills

Leadership opportunities from industry



Creating cool customer experiences



d e it im l n u f o d l r wo Possibilities


pectations of it a rapid pace, and our ex echnology is moving at d work. How we shaping how we live an being available 24/7 are ensuring we have ure will rely heavily on face problems in the fut s increasingly d talents to perform in thi people with the skills an y it’s so important environment. That’s wh n ive -dr gy olo hn tec d, fast-pace nurture careers in erations to explore and gen ure fut for d an a ali for Austr out one company related fields. It’s not ab EM ST er oth d an , ing engineer jobs are changing. other – it’s the fact that an er ov ts en tal se the phones. Work needing have laptops and mobile all n’t did we ago ars ye 7 internet access. Twenty s have computers and 24/ ice off all y, da To . ail em wasn’t all with the right change, we need people of ce pa s thi th wi e olv nk is changing As jobs ev y the Commonwealth Ba wh at’s Th d. cee suc to es capabiliti t most importantly, to le and deliver quicker. Bu agi re mo be To rk. wo how we , loving what they le working in small teams op pe of re ltu cu ht rig have the for customers. ering the best outcomes do and passionately deliv supporting our in e ys a huge rol pla nk Ba h alt we on mm The Co , we have invested on. As part of this focus ati uc ed gh ou thr y nit ed at boosting commu with UNSW Sydney, aim hip ers rtn pa ear e-y fiv a $1.6m in fessionals. security engineering pro ty ali qu of e erv res n’s the natio d implementing new constantly identifying an are we n, tio isa an org As an the future. We are our people to look toward e uir req d an ng rki wo ways of disciplines across duates from engineering gra re mo ing hir d an engaging are engineering to from computer and softw , ore bef er ev n tha ess our busin engineering. chatronic and petroleum biomedical, chemical, me d new roles currently an ay, es out there tod rol ing cit ex of lot a ’s There engineering is that . The great thing about on riz ho the on t jus of ited possibilities. unheard l set of skills, with unlim rsa ive un a to u yo se po it will ex David Whiteing, Australia Commonwealth Bank of Group Executive & CIO,

>> O rder copies from $1 .95 >> Access free teacher notes >> B rowse 100s careers + more

Careerswith STEM

amazing jobs you never knew used numbers p6

amazing career ideas!

Sports skills in action in the AFL p20


] designer] [Business guru chef] [Fighter pilot] [Game [Human rights defender] [Master





[Food technology]

Subscriptions for just $19.80* Discover a world of cutting-edge careers and real-life stories. Careers with STEM Term 3 2017

Careers with

Engineering Game-changing jobs of tomorrow



Game -changing jobs of tomor row

Riding the next wave of surf tech

Meet one of the engineers of Google Maps


Countdown to first Aussie woman in space p29

create a better future


issue 3 october 2016


discover maths everywhere

Code your career path Create futuristic fashion

How to build a bionic body p21


Get ahead as a graduate intern p12

[ C yb er se c u r it y ] [ Sp or t s te c h ] [ Hea lt h h ac k s ] [ D efence jobs ] [ Rob ot ic s ]


[Creativity] [Cybersecurity ] [Design] [Health] [Smart Agriculture] [Sustainabil ity]

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, s a e id w e n r e v Disco s n io t p o y d u t s d n careers a neering?gs on the hottest jobs in science, technology, with Engi Careers ree What is pa STEM series – ma and dreamers. rt of the Ca rs with s, designers, builders

ts, inventor This guide is Engineers are scientis ). EM (ST g to world around us. rin ee gin en maths and make a real dif ference to ing nk thi altic cri d ce an create a medical They use maths, scien ration of smartphone, ne ge xt ne the lop ve ght de on both earthquakeAs an engineer you mi st comm is o sign a building that is de m or er, e nc th ca h wi res rs cu T t ree job device tha read on, as Ca t sounds exciting, then neering ring, i g g careers rin n ee gin e en ing and tsunami-proof. If tha az am st nee e-stop shop to the mo ivil engi the total Engineering is your on c re. the u yo t to ge of and the study options with 11% uates

Contents Why engineers rule

6 Six reasons why engin eering is the best degree you can ch oose New tech transforming careers


Monotonous tasks are soon likely to be a thing of the past

Cyber systems

Love puzzles? Pit you r brain against hack attacks


Twin paths

12 Identical twins Adam and John Taranto reveal how an engineering degree led them to car eers at CBA 7 amazing careers in engineering


A background in engin eering can take you to all corners of the world

Ahead of the game

Sport s engineers are helping athletes do everything better


Making waves (on the co ve


If you think doctors are the only people makin g a difference to global health, you’re dead wr ong

Surgeons armed with tec h


Ar tificial body parts can help us see, hear and move almost like new


r) How a love of sur fing resulted in a unique coastal wave monitori ng system

The bionic body

Rocket league

The sky is no longer the limit due to the latest defence tec h


Getting robots to do our di


course directory


rty work Coming to a sewer ne ar you – machines cleaning our urban pip elines Check out these institu tions where you can study enginee ring

Build it yourself

Want to get started in engineering? Then try some of these fun activities!

“A larger proportion of engineering graduates had an income higher than $10 4,000 compared to their STE M and Non-STEM colleagues ”

d ring gra enginee is group. in th


Women made up 12.4 of the engineering la % force in Australia in 2bour 016

Stats from The Engineering Profession – A statistical overview, 13th edition 2017 and Australia's STEM Workforce

{Careers with Engineering}



10 8

engineering+ the future

engineering+ technology

The opportunities for creativity are limitless in a world where brand-new jobs are being invented.

The dark side of the digital revolution needs dedicated teams to tackle criminals.


engineering +health

engineering +sports

Engineering solutions for damaged bodies help doctors, as well as patients, do better.

When victory is measured in milliseconds, innovative and 'smart' designs really matter.



engineering+ mechatRonics

engineering +defence Nowhere is leading-edge engineering more on display than in today’s astonishing array of military and space technology.


Half of all female and one-third of all male engineering graduates are aged under 35


Once they were science fiction, but robotics and other tech combining electronics and mechanical engineering are now part of our present.

{Careers with Engineering}

e l u r s r e e n why engi

se st degree you can choo be e th is g in er ne gi en Six reasons why


Save the planet

Work on the world’s most pressing problems Environmental engineers are coming up with solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing humans. Like Joel Stewart, whose work takes him from Sydney’s Northern Beaches to the Indus River in Pakistan. “The problems I’m trying to solve are large-scale water resources issues – the question of how much water and when – and the quality of that water,” Joel says. Environmental engineering is about more than just the environment: it’s also about society and communities as well as people and politics. Touch base with the Sustainable Engineering Society:


#3 Exciting choices

There are at least 14 different types of engineers Engineering careers come in all shapes and sizes. There is hardly a single aspect of our lives that hasn’t been improved by the expertise of those in this field. Maybe you see yourself writing killer code as a software engineer or helping to design skyscrapers and build bridges as a structural engineer. You could help the sick and injured as a biomedical engineer, reduce the problem of pollution as an environmental engineer or develop a new, superlight but strong compound as a materials engineer. More career inspo:

{Careers with Engineering}


#2 Sizzling salaries

Engineering graduates have some of the highest gradua te salaries Engineering is not only a dream job, it can als o deliver a sweet salary . Electrical engineers earn an average of about $160 ,000 per year in Austr alia, while engineers in the mining industry can ma ke around $147,000. Even the lowest average engineering salary – in construction – is still about $100,000. Starting sal aries for engineers are around $60,000; the fift h-highest in STEM. Show me the money!


Get the #4 job faster Each year, there are more than 18,000 engineering jobs needing to be filled in Australia alone Of all the fields in STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – engineering graduates have the best chance of finding a job as soon as they graduate: three in four engineering students get a job straight out of university. Where can I find work?

#6 See the world

Your degree can take you anywhere in the world Engineering skills transcend boundaries of geography and language. Once you’re an engineer, you can work anywhere in the world: take your software skills to Silicon Valley, your electronic skills to Tokyo, your mechanical skills to Germany, your construction skills to Dubai, your biomedical skills to Melbourne or your environmental skills to Oslo. – Bianca Nogrady Connect with engineers around the world:

Level the #5 playing field

engineers is While about one in 10 of female a woman, the number g steadily engineers is increasin great things in Women are achieving Professor Veena engineering. UNSW’s to turn old mobile Sahajwalla is working s into a treasure phones and computer ials. “It’s trove of valuable mater ,” Veena says. "if you reimagining the future ve the licence to do want to do that, you ha n may see this as it as an engineer. Wome life, because you an exciting approach to g the future.” can play a role in shapin paid to study: Calling all girls! Get


{Careers with Engineering}



New tech transforming careers Hard labour and monotonous tasks are soon likely to be a thing of the past



hether it’s dropping off packages from Amazon or creating awesome aerial shots, drones are making waves as tools for recreation, photography, survey and delivery. People are finding new ways to use the technology and engineers are at the forefront of the revolution. Monique Quirk (inset) uses the remotecontrol flying machines to monitor the integrity of bridges. As a Bachelor of Civil Engineering student at Griffith University, Monique did a placement with GHD, a global engineering, architecture and construction company. “I did structural inspections, capturing data with laser scanners, and created 3D models to assess the condition of the structure.” Monique is now a graduate tunnel engineer with GHD, working on coal mines, dams, weirs and tunnels. “What I love most is the variety of work,” she says. As well as design, you can be involved in business development, market leadership and project management – the opportunities are limitless. Drones aren’t the only tech to benefit engineers. The race to develop driverless cars is creating many jobs as companies such as GM, Ford and Uber invest millions in the industry. “It’s a great time for anyone who’s focused on engineering, especially for those involved in innovative projects, such as automated driving,” says Zane Humphrey, a project manager at Bosch, which worked on Australia’s first self-driving car in 2016. The prototype has radar sensors, GPS and a stereo video camera that allow it to safely drive itself without input from a driver. While the project involved mechanical and electrical engineers, most of the work was in software engineering. As machines become increasingly automated, the need for people who can adapt these systems will grow, bringing to life a technology we can only imagine today. – Cherese Sonkkila

{Careers with Engineering}


ENGINEERING+ the future follow...

YouTube: Google self-d riv Twitter @elonmusk Facebook : Facebook

ing car

engineering NYC


dies), g/Arts (International Stu Bachelor of Engineerin ney Syd y University of Technolog University ntal Engineering, RMIT Bachelor of Environme al), TA FE NSW g – Technical (Mechanic Diploma of Engineerin

intern... GHD | Google | Bosch

hot jobs

ineer: *$54,765 Graduate sof tware eng 04,467 Project manager, IT: *$1 Principal electrical eng

ineer: *$151, 294

t at *median sal ary correc 29/06/2017 via paysca

UNSw sydney

k a e r b y k c u l ie l e e h W ance encounter with a brainwave-driven A ch Nisha Pradhan’s life wheelchair changed

ha to be a hairdresser, Nis lthough she had plans t en tal r he er recognised Pradhan’s maths teach g rin ee gin to a Women in En and pushed Nisha to go e-toty, where she came fac rsi event at a local unive ry technology. face with a revolutiona move t let s paralysed people tha “I saw a wheelchair dying stu is o wh s,” says Nisha, by using their brainwave d an g rin ee of Electrical Engin a combined Bachelor that , me “To ey. e at UNSW Sydn Bachelor of Commerc ld cou rs ee gin ldn’t believe en was a turning point. I cou le op pe y wa the g ssion to changin bring creativit y and pa .” ole wh a ls, but societ y as live – not just individua rt of her ctrical engineering pa ele Having finished the ring ee gin en h rted working wit degree, Nisha has sta ing fill ful as and it’s every bit consultants AECOM – ent cli the h wit that I get to sit as she’d hoped. “I love vit y, ati cre my ng y want, then bri and work out what the le,” she says. my own ideas, to the tab g sidering an engineerin con e yon Her advice to an es. de the stereotyp degree is to think outsi s n’t think engineering wa did I “Being a woman nt rta diversity is impo for me, but now I know oley Do il for innovation.” – Ph EM visit UNSW Uncover ST For more information, 7 m1 ste eu /cw .to (USTEM) at unsw


Where will UNSW Engineering take you?

Helping India’s poorest communities inspired UNSW graduate Monique Alfris to co-found Pollinate Energy. Her team now brings light to these communities enabling them to work and study at night.

{Careers with Engineering} 9 Find out more at UNSW’s Open Day, Saturday 2 September 2017


Cyber systems Love puzzles? You could pit your brain against cyber hack attacks in this fast-growing career area



hen you’re doing a maths problem one small data point error can screw up your whole solution. So what if someone was opening your workbook at random, and changing the numbers – without you knowing a thing about it? This creeping attack style is just one of the ways in which cyber criminals are hacking systems. And if these data points relate to someone’s health records, or a country’s defence system, then you get an idea of how devastating cyber attacks can be. Earlier this year, a massive global heist attacked 230,000 computers in more than 150 countries. Drives were encrypted and made inaccessible, leaving people with a ransom note. The heist, caused by the ransomware called WannaCry, left victims unable to access their own data without a decryption key. The criminals behind the program then demanded people pay a ransom in the crypto-currency Bitcoin before they could get access to the code that would unlock their data. Attempts to hack companies in Australia have risen from 23.7% to 60% from 2015 to 2016, according to annual surveys by communications company Telstra. Scientia Professor of the computer science and engineering school at UNSW Sydney, Gernot Heiser, told the ABC recently that his cybersecurity graduates were in high demand from tech companies such as Google. Mark Staples heads CSIRO’s Data61 software systems teams in Sydney, Brisbane and Hobart, and says they often recruit software engineering graduates accredited with Engineers Australia. He adds that graduates at Data61 also get plenty of experience on team-based projects. “Communication skills and team skills are really important: you must be able to work with other people,” he says.

{Careers with Engineering}

engineering+ technology follow...

YouTube: Cryptocurrency TED talk – David


Twitter: @altcointoday Facebook: InfoSec 101 Website: y


Bachelor of Sof tware

Engineering (Hons), AN U Bachelor of Engineerin g (Computer and Sof tware Systems), QU T Bachelor of Engineerin g (Hons) (Software), University of Adelaide Security Engineering – Applied Cyber Securi ty, UNSW Sydney Open Lea rning Course

intern... KPMG | BDO | IBM | ACS Foundation

hot jobs

Technology / IT risk ana Network engineer *$7 Security architect *$1



*median sal ary correc t at 29/06/2017 via paysca le.c


lyst *$80,665


Globally, careers in cybersecurity are in huge demand and entry-level security analysts can expect to earn around $75,000. Engineering studies at university are a key pathway into this in-demand area and other careers that combine engineering with tech skills. With the Australian government noting in its National Innovation and Science Agenda that one in four IT graduates and fewer than one in 10 engineering graduates are women, there’s a strong demand for female candidates. Aadeeba Mou taught herself coding and took part in the federal government’s Cybersecurity Challenge Australia, a hackathon to develop cybersecurity skills. She now works as a cybersecurity consultant at PwC. “It’s great for people who are really passionate about cybersecurity or looking to learn more about it. I had fantastic fun with my team and it opened a lot of doors for me. I would highly recommend taking part. “If anyone out there wants to learn about cybersecurity, tech or computer science, I’d recommend starting as early as you can. There are heaps of helpful resources, websites and competitions out there, so never be afraid to ask for help.” – Heather Catchpole

communication skills and team skills are really important. you must be able to work with other people”



preventing cyber attacks W

hen my teachers introduced me to coding in Year 8, I fell in love with the problemsolving aspect of it. Having a rational explanation behind the methodologies and processes is what inspired me to pursue an engineering degree. After graduating from Monash University last year with a Bachelor of Commerce (Management) and Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours), I joined Telstra as a technical graduate working in cybersecurity in the Chief Technology Office. Cybersecurity is growing in importance with the popularity of the Internet of Things and digitalisation. As more data becomes available, Big Data will also become important. When you first start out, be confident in your

abilities. No one is an expert at first. Be prepared to fail as long as you learn as a result of it. You don’t have to be the smartest person at the table to make a meaningful contribution! The world needs more innovators. There is a real need for diversity of ideas, for both products and processes.

Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering



Bachelor of Commerce (Management)

Oindrila Das

Technical Graduate, Telstra

{Careers with Engineering}


Twin paths Identical twins and engineering grads Adam and John Taranto work in tech support and direct-to-market sections of the Commonwealth Bank as part of the bank’s graduate program


cool apps livery section of the ohn works in the IT de (CBA), developing Commonwealth Bank and ate internal processes applications that autom r. sie ea inside the bank make the lives of others sign get the freedom to de we “It’s quite creative; hn Jo h,” utions from scratc cool apps and other sol for d build a program says. He recently helpe from t gathers information upper management tha m. for sents it in graph dif ferent teams and pre ing technologies,” John erg “You work with em get problem-solving and you says. “There’s a lot of .” are tw enterprise-level sof the chance to work on am Ad d A, both John an Prior to working at CB placement internships rkapplied for several wo y worked for gaming firm while at university; the r plied for a CBA summe Aristocrat, and then ap e wid ’s nk racted by the ba internship program, att technologies. range of systems and was for the intern program The selection process ns, tio lica pleting online app rigorous and after com ital interview, both were assessments and a dig s on the same day. invited to group interview afternoon session, the “When I came in for the funny, saying, 'Why did staff were looking at me I realised they thought you come back?' Then alls. I was Adam,” John rec



{Careers with Engineering}



wealth upfront nk’s graduate program he Commonwealth Ba training that introduces involves 18 months of . areas across the bank recent graduates to key and m, the graduate progra “You learn a lot during ty rsi lls you learned at unive you’re applying the ski jects,” says Adam. into big, real-world pro IT where he builds Adam works in Wealth ns – those used by ‘front-facing’ applicatio stralia and the world communities around Au their finances. to help people manage ’re e-sensitive issues, you “You’re dealing with tim at wh ney, and regardless of dealing with people’s mo ,” ers consider your custom your role is, you have to tting high standards here, ge Adam says. “We have thand is invaluable.” to experience that firs ins apart, not just It’s hard to tell the tw paper – both got the physically, but also on entrance score) for same ATAR (university trance exams taken their HSC – the NSW en They also both at the end of Year 12. gree in Electrical de le completed a doub ysics and Computer Engineering and in Ph ty of Sydney, and Science at the Universi s Honours. both earned first-clas vantage of ad l ful e The twins tak pretended ve ha e “W . their similarity time to time, to be each other from ool and so on,” April Fool’s day at sch lloy Adam laughs. – Fran Mo


BachelorS of Electrical Engineering (Honours)/ BachelorS of SCIENCE (Physics and Computer Science), University of SydneY



Graduate Software EngineerS, CBA

{Careers with Engineering}

7 amazing careers in engineering

corners of the world, l al to u yo ke ta n ca s Engineering career deep in the earth from high in the sky to

#1 Stay grounded GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS Median salary: $77,209 Earthquake-proof buildings and safe roads require geotechnical engineers to study soil types and rock structures to design the best solution. They can be found building wharves on coastlines or urban high-rises. “I have never had any two projects that are the same,” says David Lacey (pictured left), senior geotechnical engineer at Foundation Specialists Group.

sign #2 inDefr astructure CIVIL ENGINEERS


Median salar y: $72,0 97 Civil engineers collab orate with a range of people to plan and bu ild the world we live in. “I work with clients fro m the Dubbo Regional Council to California’s High-Speed Rail Authority,” says Jillian Kilby of JL Kilby Engineering and Mana gement. “A grounding in civil engineering can be combined with severa l other areas, including being a business owne r.”

#3 Dig deep PETROLEUM ENGINEERS Median salary: $87,840 The world’s energy needs still rely heavily on extracting fossil fuels from deep within the Earth. Petroleum engineers work closely with geologists to find oil and gas and design machinery to extract and process them. “The best part of being an engineer is playing the problem-solving game,” says Bich Thuy Ngo-Hoang, an engineer at Santos.

#4 Fly high

AEROSPACE ENGINEERS Median salary: $74,842 These engineers (see p26) make flying possible by designing and building everything from helicopters to spacecraft. Philip Brown (pictured right) turned a passion for flying into an in aviation career at Padstow TAFE and is now a field service technician at Bankstown Airport, Sydney.

{Careers with Engineering}



Five engineering superstars

1 Make it and break it

#5 Get techie COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERS Median salary: $67,759 They don’t just design and build laptops and desktops. These engineers can also be found developing the latest supercomputers, navigation devices for cars, and gaming systems. Elena Wei Shao works at Nvidia in Silicon Valley. “We make graphics chips for PC gaming and high-performance computing,” she says. “Every day, I look forward to solving challenging problems.”

Dylan Sanusi-Goh didn’t let the fact he was still in high school stop him from building his very own working drone


n a world where unmanned aerial vehicles may soon come to a front door near you, I decided to build my own. My drone, ThermaQuad, is a remote-control quadcopter that carries thermal imaging equipment. It costs a fraction of the price of store-bought ones, can fly for longer, and is made from lighter and stronger materials. At first, I thought engineering was only for trained professionals. It seemed daunting and difficult, but there are endless possibilities for you to create and assemble your own engineering projects to tackle all sorts of big problems! Everyone’s engineering journey has its successes and failures. I’ve broken things, connected things the wrong way, but remember to try, and then try again. Come back, approach the problem from a different perspective and you will probably surprise yourself with a creative solution. I definitely encourage anyone interested in learning more about computer science, tech or engineering. They are really important to jobs of the future, jobs that might not even exist yet! You can use these skills to tackle the greatest problems the world faces.

#6 Clean it up ENVIRONMENTAL EN GINEERS Median salar y: $70,3 84 When it comes to a cle aner world, these engineers make it happ en by focusing on the impact engineering act ivities have on the natur al world. Kathy Thomas, Civil Project Engineer at UGL, has a passion for sustainable wastewater treatment. “I’ve had the chance to be involved in the construction of wa stewater treatment pla nts , dams, fish ladders and ventilation shafts.”


2 Wealth expert

loves ikolina Cvetanovic just es lov a challenge – and she to solve problems. At the (CBA), this Commonwealth Bank and economics chemical engineering both. Her role in graduate is involved in vices is constantly corporate financial ser t. plenty of client contac changing and involves program, ate du gra A’s CB the Nikolina recently joined g reviews, w transactions, lendin and is involved with ne it’s her risk management. But client interaction and one of the detail that has proved engineer’s attention to ssure to as there’s a constant pre most useful attributes, d. nte als are properly docume make sure all these de g, inin tra m involves really good “The graduate progra as are t en to rotate through dif fer giving me the chance . ses thu en she set s,” and test dif ferent skill Corporate



Build healthy lives BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERS Median salary: $62,335 Whether it’s designing wheelchairs or artificial hearts, biomedical engineers combine medicine with engineering to help people lead healthier lives. “The spinal cord stimulator I’m working on is probably my most satisfying project,” says Matt Williams, research engineer at Saluda Medical. “Just seeing how much the technology has helped patients is really heartening.”

l Bachelor of Chemica ), Engineering (Honours ide University of Adela mics, Bachelor of EconoWA University of


Merchandiser, Nestle

Financial Services Gr aduate, CBA

{Careers with Engineering}

Five engineering superstars

3 Risk taker

Taj Pabari’s engineering a new educational tablet and passing on his entrepreneurship skills to his fellow students


studies at john paul college, brisbane



lthough I’m still in high school I have a huge interest in the world of business, which has led to my engineering and technological endeavours. I also love creating and challenging things. If there’s a problem, I enjoy finding creative and new ways of solving it. STEAM [STEM including Arts] skills are the future, and the future of opportunities in engineering is endless. My Fiftysix Creations is a build-it-yourself tablet and creativity kit for kids. It’s as easy as a puzzle, as fun as a computer game. I also run computer science, creativity and entrepreneurship workshops and my goal is to educate a million students by 2020. After all, the biggest risk in life is not taking one. Have a go, make mistakes and take the risk! Sometimes you have to follow your passions and let them take you wherever they lead.


4 Start-up smarts Solange Cunin sent student science experiments to the International Space Station


areer opportunities in the aerospace and defence industry can reach right into space. In December, Australia’s first satellite safely delivered science experiments to the International Space Station. Solange Cunin (pictured left in the orange dress) started her company Cuberider, a kind of ride-sharing service for satellites, before she had graduated from university. The satellites carry science experiments that have been designed by high school students across Australia. “Working on Australia’s first space mission was so exciting!” she says. “It’s like being an explorer. The industry is fast-paced and evolving. You get to write part of Australia’s history and have fun while doing it.” – Anna Koefer

{Careers with Engineering}



t n a ip ic t r a P p u c o b 5 Ro seem like an might Soccer and softwarebut that’s just what , unlikely combination lps bring together he s rik nd Kirsten He

d I are ng robots. My team an has been soccer-playi s. ter pu which , com ue ag by d Le ard Platform been fascinate competing in the Stand rom a young age I have o ! wh ue ily ag Le fam Soccer Domain the person in my is part of the RoboCup I ver y quickly became t sn’ olarship wa I sch d, nt sai me at eer develop technical issues. Th UNSW Sydney has a car would be asked to fix rship, til ola un sch n tio my m. As part of ing as a career op called the Co-op progra introduced to programm t to ork go tw I Ne ere ing wh , er at Atlassian d a Girls’ Programm I worked as a protot yp Year 11, when I attende ls, est gir lat by the ed ch op test and resear is a program devel work with designers to workshop. The network ivities. act ce en s products. sci ny’ ter pa pu designs for the com for girls, with fun com owed w world for ne ole wh a one in sof tware that all up be ed en uld op My dream job wo That one workshop ment. on vir ce en ien the Sc r on sitive impact National Compute me to make a direct, po me. I signed up for the to help ys ing wa go in nts gy de olo y program for stu nt to apply techn -da wa d 10 a an e ol, tur ho na Sc e er lov I mm Su leaders in I could use women wanting to be ddenly, it clicked that nurture it. My advice to into Years 11 and 12. Su y vit ok for role ati Lo cre n. me my h wo nect with other skills together wit con ce to en is sci d ing an eer ths gin en ma my times. Having mire during the tougher a career in sof tware. ad for s can int you po ls g de rtin mo sta as g at make all the dif ference! r of sof tware engineerin support from others can I’m now in my fourth yea on d rke wo I’ve ts the coolest projec UNSW Sydney. One of


Attended a Girls’ Programming Network workshop in Year 11

Studying a Bachelor of Engineering (Software) at UNSW Sydney on a Co-op Scholarship

Took part in the National Computer Science Summer School


Worked as a software engineering intern at Atlassian

{Careers with Engineering}



Ahead of the game

ENGineering +sports

Sports engineers are helping athletes run faster, jump higher and kick more goals



Facebook: theASTN

hile athletes train hard for the next event, sports engineers work behind the scenes to develop technologies that can power up performance or reduce the risk of injury. When Australia’s ORICAGreenEDGE cycling team competed in the 2016 Tour de France, they wore a helmet that could boost their riding speed (above). The brain behind the aerodynamic Scott Cadence Plus helmet is Richard Kelso, Associate Professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Adelaide. Joining with Scott Sports in Switzerland, Richard and his students set out to develop a helmet that could help riders to higher speeds without them overheating. “Our goal was to produce a helmet design with the lowest drag possible, but also to ensure the rider’s head is well cooled – and, above all, well protected,” Richard says. Sports engineers can make sporting equipment smarter. Franz Fuss, sports engineer at RMIT University, is working with Kookaburra and Cricket Australia to develop a cricket ball that can help bowlers improve their skills. The ‘smart’ ball looks and weighs the same as a normal ball, but can measure spin rate, torque and change of direction when thrown. When sports engineers aren’t working out how to boost an athlete’s performance, they are helping design sportswear aimed at preventing pain and injury. Robert Leen, who is undertaking a Masters in Mechanical Engineering at Deakin University, combined his passion for snowboarding and engineering to create a 3D-printed snowboard binding. “Because snowboarding technology hasn’t changed much in 20 or 30 years, we were able to create something that wasn’t possible in the past,” Robert says. “There is a strong need to improve people's understanding of the capabilities of new technologies and the types of products that can be developed.” – Gemma Conroy

{Careers with Engineering}


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ineer YouTube: Catapult Sp ort s Insta: @nikelab


al g (Honours), Mechanic Bachelor of Engineerin ide ela of Ad and Sports, University (Honours) Electrical g Bachelor of Engineerin g, Vic toria University and Sports Engineerin g Science in Sports Bachelor of Engineerin iversity Technology, Deakin Un al), Engineering (Mechanic Advanced Diploma of TA FE NSW rodynamics MOOC, Sports and Building Ae of Technology Eindhoven University

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making waves

ines his ess, Surf Sense, comb Nathan Adler’s busin with a love for sport engineering knowhow

ing things. I also I was interested in build rom a ver y young age s you to be active outdoors. Surfing allow t really like sport and the ative and thinking abou environment. Being cre the h wit ct . ne ble con d ssi an as much as po is something I tr y to do how the world works most exciting ones the of e ol projects. On I’ve worked on a few co part of Vivid Sydney in otic Pacman game as rob nt gia a ing ild bu s wa y fun and rewarding challenging, but also ver y ibl red inc s . wa It . 15 20 eractive art installation d engineering in an int an ng mi ga e , bin me l-ti com to ’s first rea nse is to bring the world The idea behind Surf Se tion system to ca tifi no d an ng infrastructure ori nit mo ve wa al ast co recreation locations. beaches and other ocean tform for measuring nse is our Data Buoy pla At the core of Surf Se centimetre-level d sur face waves with an ell sw of es tur fea the es, headlands and at be placed around beach can oys bu e Th cy. ura acc mobile data networks. connecting via 3G/4G s, on titi pe com g fin sur re is so much lef t to ure. Literally. And the Engineers build the fut g problems by the e even more challengin fac l wil rld wo e Th . ild bu of creative thinkers ed the next generation ne we d an e, cad de xt ne m. and builders to solve the


Engineers build the future. Literally. And there’s so much left to build”

Participated in Robocup Junior for 7 years (2001–2007)

Studied a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics)/ Commerce, UNSW Sydney


c0-founder/president of CREATE unsw (2013-2015)

Founded his own company, Surf Sense


Watch Nathan’s story at videos

{Careers with Engineering}

Surgeons armed with tech the only If you think doctors are nce to global people making a differe ng health, you’re dead wro



aniel Moon looks at the clock on the wall of the operating theatre. His patient, a young girl named Anna, has a kidney tumour that needs to be removed. Unless he performs the surgery quickly, Anna’s kidney will lose blood flow for too long. He’s under pressure and needs to move fast. Ten years ago it would have been just Daniel and his instruments, racing the clock. Today, he has the upper hand: instead of making all the incisions himself, Daniel controls a newly engineered robotic arm that can cut, sew and repair tissue with incredible precision. Using a 3D display, Daniel has Anna sewn up and back to her parents in record time. It’s a medical miracle – just one of many happening globally, thanks to outstanding engineers. Daniel is a surgeon at Melbourne’s Epworth Hospital, one of the first in Australia to introduce a robotics program in surgery. It’s having a great impact on training, as surgeons and trainees can practise surgery using the robotic arms and 3D-printed body parts. While they can’t feel the tissue they’re working on, Daniel says a 3D visual is all they need. “I could swear I can feel it. That’s the power of 3D.” It’s one thing to engineer surgical tools, but another to engineer the body. We’ve already 3D-printed cells, blood vessels, bladders and bone. We can spray on skin, edit genes, filter blood and hear with bionic ears. Engineers are working on developing artificial hearts and kidneys, mind-controlled robotic limbs and eyes for the blind. Zara Barger is a second-year biomedical engineering student at the University of Technology Sydney. She’s been fascinated by the creation of body parts ever since she did her Year 6 project on Dr Victor Chang, who saved countless lives with his artificial heart valve. “That got me interested in medical machines and prosthetics,” Zara says. She wants to follow in Dr Chang’s footsteps, but her challenge is to figure out which areas to pursue. “If I want to create prosthetics, I’ll move into mechanical and electrical engineering. If I work on artificial organs, that might involve more chemical and materials engineering.” – Elise Roberts

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g, UNSW Sydney Biomedical Engineerin opment) g (Research and Devel Bachelor of Engineerin Systems), ANU (Honours) (Biomedical s), (Bioengineering System Bachlor of Biomedicine e University of Melbourn

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The Bionic Body

ear People with hearing impairment can hear with the help of a cochlear implant. A microphone under the skin is wired to the cochlea in the inner ear. It converts sound into nerve impulses that are sent to the auditory nerve.

can help us Artificial body parts most like new! see, hear and move al

eye Retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration are some of the leading causes of blindness. Vision in sufferers is restored by a chip placed at the back of the eye using a camera mounted on a pair of glasses. Its image is turned into electrical signals that are sent to the brain.

arm Amputees can slip on a robotic limb and use their remaining muscles to bend it. It works with electrodes that sit against the skin and pick up movement. Sensors transmit the signals to a computer that instructs the arm to move.

Heart People at risk of heart failure can be fitted with a battery-powered pump inserted into the base of the heart. It takes the hard work out of pushing blood through the lungs and around the body until a donor heart suitable for transplant becomes available – which can take several years.

Hand A blend of engineering and artificial intelligence allows amputees to type or use a smartphone. A new prosthetic hand can recognise up to 500 objects so it can move into a suitable grasp mode.

leg Bionic legs can restore precious mobility to amputees. With the help of sensors, some limbs can be controlled by muscle movements in the upper leg or processes in the spinal cord. Other legs are robotic, enabling the paralysed to move and walk.



Hip As we get older our hip joints can wear out, causing pain and making it hard to walk or move. Prosthetic hip joints made from plastic and metal can replace the damaged joint, enabling people to walk, swim or play tennis pain-free. Hip joints can last for up to 20 years. – Gemma Conroy

{Careers with Engineering}

<HIGHLIGHT: THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE> Left: Sarah Fink (far left) with AsiaPacific Student Entrepreneurship Society president Maggie Sun. Below: presenting her team’s sensorenabled nasogastric tube at the University of Melbourne’s 2016 Endeavour Exhibition. Bottom left: winning the 2016 MedTech’s Got Talent competition.

Healthy dose of competition

nistration (MBA Master of Business Admi er, bly ba pro se no ur yo students worked togeth up ing ck and engineer A aving a tube stu MB e Th al nic cli for of fun, but perts to identify doesn’t sound like a lot meeting with medical ex it lly ora d fee address this gap. to le ab un du patients who are and develop a pro ct to s ed ne ty rsi ing I would have d for Unive could be a lifesaver. An be honest, it's not someth “To l) ica ed rse,” Sarah says. Engineering (Biom ht of doing before this cou ug tho of Melbourne Master of ble this course could provide a via o appreciates the freedom als e Sh graduate Sarah Fink, it ed interested her, r teammates develop to choose a project that r he e gav income after she and he r he ed a particular problem astric tube as part of rather than being assign a sensor-enabled nasog ject. tions do. to solve, as many institu BioDesign Innovation sub nity rtu po op ,000 in federal job a to led s rec ha Already it ject has since eived $20 pro e Th ich wh p, y conducting at a medical device startu and the team is currentl g din fun ve ha t possibility of Sarah believes would no y tests and looking at the ilit sib fea nt company come about without the with a product developme ng rki wo ies nit tube to market. networking opportu to bring the nasogastric ough d the Asia-Pacific d afforded to her team thr was also invite to atten rah Sa n. sig it at Stanford showcasing her de neurship Society Summ pre tre En ct, bje as one of 35 of the As part of the su ty, California, last year rsi ive Un t tha m urs. – Penny Pryor Sarah formed a tea ’s best young entreprene rld wo d an ing included engineer


ering r of Science (Bioengine equivalent >> Bachelo er oth or ) ms TO GET THERE: VCE or ste ineering Sy of Biomedicine (Bioeng of r ste Ma >> Systems) or Bachelor ts ence subjec nt mathematics and sci eva rel h ny wit pa e com gre e de r vic de Bachelo at medical l) >> Design Engineer Engineering (Biomedica

{Careers with Engineering}



device, Sarah Fink al ic ed m e tiv va no in an Challenged to conceive m a cashed-up reality ea dr r ei th g in ak m of e cusp and her team are on th ) students.

nsland the university of quee

An ear for opportunity A last-minute detour took Anastasia Miros down a career path helping the hearing-impaired



t school, Anastasia wanted to become a vet, but her Year 12 work experience changed her mind. She found working on a farm physically demanding and a career as a vet didn’t really appeal to her. So at the last minute she opted to do the Bachelors of Science/Laws at The University of Queensland. In her first year she did physics, which meant she hung out with first-year engineers. They inspired her to switch to a Bachelor of Engineering. Anastasia realised she wasn’t on the right path in mechanical engineering, then discovered biomedical engineering. She also discovered Cochlear, maker of the famous hearing implant. In the second-last year of her course, Anastasia won a summer internship at Cochlear, which was her ticket to a coveted graduate placement at the end of her course. A year later, Anastasia is thrilled to be collaborating on real-world problems for the company. “I'm always working on something different,” she enthuses. – Rebecca Blackburn

Bachelors of Science/Laws, The University of queensland


Bachelor of Engineering (honours) Electrical/ Biomedical, UQ

New Product Introduction Engineer, Cochlear

{Careers with Engineering}


Rocket league


The sky is no longer the limit


he pilot glances over her shoulder just in time to see the ground vanish rapidly beneath her. She’s strapped into the cockpit of an F-35 plane, but while wearing the jet’s integrated helmet that’s easy to forget. Looking ahead, vast blue skies open up in front of her. Just as everything from toasters to TVs are becoming ‘smart’, so too are ships, planes and their various parts. The F-35 fighter helmet uses cameras and laser-mapping to project a full 360-degree view of the outside world into the visor of the helmet. Flicking a switch, the pilot can see display panels that change as she moves her eyes. The world’s first 3D-printed jet engine was developed by researchers at Monash University and the CSIRO in 2015. Key parts of the Airbus A380 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner are being made in Australia – yet the aerospace and defence industry is about so much more than simply maintenance and manufacturing. With more tech comes more exciting career opportunities. We are no longer talking about singular machines, but incredibly complex systems. “The F-35 is one of the most complex systems on the planet,” says RAAF Squadron Leader Nathan Draper (pictured below, second from right), who recently returned from managing Australia’s first two F-35s at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona in the US. These smart systems in aerospace and defence create exciting opportunities for engineers in data analytics, robotics, virtual reality and nanotech! And just as the areas of innovation are diverse, so are the pathways. Nathan joined the RAAF as an aircraft technician before studying aeronautical and systems engineering, but you can also join the defence force after finishing your studies – or take your pick from one of the many other possible employers in Australia. – Anna Koefer

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Atomic theorknyowledge t for Open minds and a thirsmake a huge rs ee helped two engin ear science contribution to nucl

eers, is important for engin iversifying your skills d sciences researcher an according to material leh: “Engineering is a PhD student Michael Sa He ve to be multifaceted.” good degree, but you ha an ali str Au e (th O ST for AN conducts experiments ), on ati nis ga Or gy hnolo Nuclear Science and Tec ences ers, presents at confer rtn pa ry ust ind liaises with cians. ce personnel and politi and engages with defen ga in 2009 after completin Michael joined ANSTO ing eiv Engineering at RMIT, rec Bachelor of Aerospace . 15 20 in ung Researcher Award ANSTO’s inaugural Yo at ials ver y olves impacting mater His current research inv results are then ing the response. The high speeds and record the researchers puter models that allow incorporated into com narios, respond in different sce to test how the materials , such as doing can’t be tested in reality particularly those that to come from lot of those results had blast testing in soil. “A rted on the er force that’s being exe models because the she el says. them in real life,” Micha sensors would destroy ideas skills to turn some of his Michael is also using his y, all ion dit y focused solutions. Ad into more commerciall SW, UN at ge PhD on radiation dama he’s doing a part-time ge of led ow kn my “I’m again leveraging supported by ANSTO. of ls de e up with some new mo modelling to try and com eering scale.” to assess it at an engin radiation damage, how duate in the 2017 ANSTO gra Ciara Collins is working str Au alia’s top working with some of development program, olves rotations eers. “The program inv researchers and engin t I get to isions, which means tha throughout ANSTO’s div ctor, which rea O and its multi-purpose learn a lot about ANST rseas.” ove d erience in Australia an is definitely a unique exp of r aging during her Maste She studied medical im e of the uses of g and learnt about som Biomedical Engineerin O is a key Molybdenum-99. ANST radioisotopes, including alia. str s radioisotope within Au part of the supply of thi program, ate s hiring for the gradu “When I saw ANSTO wa nd tha firs way to be able to see it seemed like a good part of an be to le ab be d an ens how that process happ many utes to the health of so organisation that contrib al dic son that I chose biome people – which is the rea ss ne Bo h,” Ciara says. – Laura engineering to begin wit


Michael Saleh

Ciara Collins


it seemed a good way to be part of an organisation that contributes to the health of so many people”


{Careers with Engineering}


Wing it! aged to turn his Philip Brown has man pay packet passion into a healthy


iation for as long as I have had a passion for av books were airplane can remember. My first oks are still about books – in fact, all my bo was fly and that’s planes. All I wanted to do ekends at my local club, what I did. I fly most we er for nine years. I enjoy where I’ve been a memb ines in my spare time. tinkering with my mach obatic flying, as it I also have a love for aer ion to get the maximum requires skill and precis one day to compete out of the aircraft. I hope s. in aerobatic competition r-year apprenticeship, fou a ted ple com I’ve just 4 in Aeroskills, at Padstow including a Certificate y, I am a Field Service TAFE in NSW. Currentl licopter Engines based Technician at Safran He I complete repairs to at Bankstown Airport. nkstown and also turboshaft engines at Ba w Zealand. around Australia and Ne ecially women, We need more people, esp . It’s important to in aviation engineering at the end of the tunnel. remember there is light ing or completing When studying engineer years may seem like an apprenticeship, four ry quickly. Gain as much forever, but it passes ve m anyone that offers knowledge as you can fro ask questions. it and never be afraid to e a big and complicated Aviation might seem lik s t once you learn the basic industry at the start, bu of it the rest is easy.

{Careers with Engineering}

Technician, Safran helicopter engines



kills, Certificate 4, Aeros padstow tafe

We need more people, especially women, in aviation engineering”

charles sturt university

Solving society’s issues, for real


lthough only in its second year, the Charles Sturt University (CSU) Engineering program has already been hailed as one of the most exciting developments in engineering education in Australia. Foundation Professor of Engineering Euan Lindsay (pictured right) says the innovative program is partly a product of being in the business faculty – which meant the importance of creating a unique offering was well understood. And with four engineering education PhD academics on staff, it is also a result of coming up with the best way to teach students practical skills. The CSU program offers a Masters qualification after five and a half years. An initial 18 months of study at the CSU’s state-of-the-art facility in Bathurst, NSW, is followed by four year-long paid placements as cadet engineers. During their placements, students compile and present portfolios of the work they have done and the real-world engineering problems they have solved. The program, which focuses on producing engineers as entrepreneurs and ‘change agents’, was one of four in the world chosen by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for a benchmarking study as it revises its engineering offerings. “If you want to be the kind of engineer who defines society’s problems and contributes to society, then this degree is for you,” Euan says. – Penny Pryor

TO GET THERE: HSC or equivalent >> Bachelor of Technology/Masters of Engineering >> Engineer entrepreneur in civil, geotechnical, structural or water resources engineering



four years paid work placement

workshops rather than lectures

a groundbreaking curriculum

undergraduate entry to a Masters-level qualification

a dynamic and diverse student community. Charles Sturt University is among a small group of universities recognised as a world leader in engineering education. Ian A Waitz


Dean of Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | 1800 334 733

© Charles Sturt University, 2017. F5359

CSU’s Bachelor of Technology / Master of Engineering (Civil Systems) offers you:

{Careers with Engineering}

the university of adelaide

s r a t s e h t r o f h c a e R in South Australia!

can start Your career with NASA


hink you have to be an experienced engineer in the US to work with NASA? Think again. A group of University of Adelaide engineering students built a CubeSat – a miniaturised satellite, also known as a nanosatellite. Launched by NASA, the CubeSat will explore the upper reaches of the Earth’s atmosphere. “Our student projects look at the design, build and launch of CubeSats,” says Professor Anthony Zander, Head of School, Mechanical Engineering. With a long tradition of inspiring alumni, the University of Adelaide made its mark in space with Australian-born astronaut Andy Thomas, who completed undergraduate and PhD studies in engineering at the university; and more recently with International Space Station Flight Operations Engineer Andrea Boyd, who works in Cologne, Germany. Andrea says, “Working in mission control with all the international partners – the space sector is above politics and borders – we all speak the same engineering language.” The University of Adelaide’s expertise in aerospace and related disciplines means there is strong demand for graduates. But if aerospace isn’t your thing, the university offers over 60 engineering, computer and mathematical sciences courses with topics including biomedical, environmental, sustainable energy, sports, computer systems and much more. – Penny Pryor

TO GET THERE: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Aerospace), University of Adelaide

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To boldly go! How several trips on the ‘vomit comet’ made Karen Willcox more determined to be the best aerospace engineer ver y last term to engineering until my didn’t get switched on bination of maths, d engineering is a com of high school. I realise ive impact on the blems that has a posit science and solving pro ralls and carry don’t have to wear ove world. I also realised you eer. a toolbox to be an engin puter model of jects developed a com pro ch One of my resear meet astronauts in zero gravity. I got to how astronauts move ‘vomit comet’). o-gravity aircraft (the and fly on the NASA zer most fun I’ve ever had! Those flights were the ronaut selection, al rounds of NASA ast Twice I made it to the fin e an astronaut has wever, my goal to becom but was not chosen. Ho t I love. and teaching career tha led me to an engineering t just one kind of job. no is ing e that engineer My advice is to recognis and important roles ent types of engineers rt There are so many differ ce. They are a critical pa g the world a better pla h alt he ty, ver engineers play in makin change, po llenges such as climate of addressing global cha n say they want a career me wo ng heard many you re and so many more. I’ve The impact may be mo y want to help people. rs. cto do as in medicine because the just as much absolutely help people indirect, but engineers Bachelor of Engineering, University of Auckland

Engineers absolutely help people just as much as doctors”

Worked on the Blended Wing Body aircraft design team at Boeing

Masters and PhD in Aerospace Engineering, MIT

Returned to MIT as Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics



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I am very happy that I made the choice to come and work for ASIO and complete the Technical Intelligence Graduate Program. I look forward to many exciting opportunities as I continue my career.” {Careers with Engineering}


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Find out more information about the varied and exciting roles we offer in the field of technology at

Since completing the program 18 months ago, ASIO has continued to foster my career development through area-specific training, a leadership course and support for me to do post graduate study. Many of these training opportunities are unique to my role in ASIO. I have been given access to cutting edge technologies which allow me to get the job done. The problems I have worked on in my permanent role have been technically challenging and have required me to call upon all of my knowledge and experience gained in the graduate program. I have found assisting in answering these intelligence questions very rewarding.


o t s t o b o r g n Getti k r o w y t r i d r do ou

ng our urban pipelines ni ea cl s ne hi ac m – u ar yo Coming to a sewer ne



ot so long ago robots were science fiction. Today, they are rapidly becoming a part of our daily lives. From drones to surgical bots, they do the difficult and nasty things that humans can’t or would rather avoid. Forty-four per cent of jobs are under threat from automation, according to CSIRO. And it’s not just manufacturing, even jobs like accounting and law are at risk. But the news is not all bad. Just as fast as robots are replacing jobs, new careers are being created and many of them are in robotics. To get into robotics you need to study mechatronics, which is a combination of mechanical, electronic, computing and control engineering. “It is a versatile degree that’s going to become even more popular and relevant in the future,” says Associate Professor Sarath Kodagoda (inset), program coordinator for mechatronic engineering at the University of Technology Sydney. Mechatronics offers many interesting career paths. Add biology and you could create robots inspired by nature, such as the gecko drone created by Stanford University in the US. This drone was inspired by the warm-climate lizard, which can stick to any surface except Teflon. It’s the gecko’s hairy toes that enables it to climb walls. The drone mimics this effect, creating a robot that can land on any surface. And why would that be useful? One example is Amazon, which is considering using drones for home deliveries. And soon you may be able to get a pizza delivered to your door by a sticky-footed drone. Delivering pizza isn’t the worst job in the world, but inspecting sewerage pipes might be – so getting a robot to do that sort of dirty work has to be a good thing. Sarath is working with Sydney Water to develop a maintenance robot to check the status of the city’s network of pipes used to transport sewage. “We send robotic tools into the pipes to map the wall thickness, which gives an indication of the status of the pipe,” he says. “This system can be controlled remotely so people don’t have to go into the sewers. But we will still need someone to operate the robot and others to maintain it.” – Rebecca Blackburn

{Careers with Engineering}

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n experience in mechatronics visyeio 20au/jo2is 0 using his ars of s smarter and safer

chatronics finished his degree in me y the time Gabe Araujo had numerous robots and and robotics, he’d built hnology. kinds of automation tec experimented with all began his graduate engineer and He was then hired as a new tech to perty team, working on rotation in Telstra’s Pro struction and maintenance. Today, con automate repairs and of Telstra’s abseil down the outside repair expert s have to turally to check if they’re struc high-rise infrastructures ologies to now seeking new techn sound, but the team is tionwide network. help maintain their na remote technologies such as “We’re looking to use d we may and laser scanning, an cameras, 3D -mapping 360-degree hanges vir tually using even be able to visit exc says. remote cameras,” Gabe nes to shfire, Telstra sends dro bu big a s re’ the “Where tre me s tall of them more than 30 mobile towers – some ickly.” and get repairs done qu – to assess the damage t helped ays wanted a career tha Gabe says he had alw dicine. plated a degree in me people, and had contem n’s knee anging effect of his Gra Fascinated by the life-ch ing eer , then ted for biomedical engin replacement, Gabe op his thing. chatronics were more realised robotics and me ot that ty project he built a rob In Gabe’s final universi nt way ergy in the most efficie could harvest solar en esome tech king its tasks. This aw possible while underta ous, for designing autonom could have applications ry for farms. self-sufficient machine



wn Gabe Ar make our cities and to internship with Telstra and robotics to help s hired after landing an

Gabe wa ent sites to “I got to go out to dif fer while doing his degree: how lise rea ing, which made me see what they were do world.” l rea the i could be applied in what I had learnt at un a str Tel the helped him secure He says the internship ne do ce sin s ha following year. Gabe graduate position the ve ga ich wh h, alt first in Telstra He two more rotations – the . ine dic me for act on his sof t spot him the opportunit y to m-solving se you have that proble “In engineering, becau s. In ng thi t a lot of really dif feren mentality, you can do ndreds hu of ce change the experien Telstra Health, you can rs.” of thousands of docto ra is looking Analy tics team. “Telst He’s now in the Video ere’s all Th . erage their network at edge analy tics to lev of Things – et around IoT – the Intern kinds of opportunities says. be Ga ,” es on the network with billions more devic ar the ne h itc sor or network sw In edge analy tics, a sen the e for be some processing source of the data does tral database. cen a information is sent to se the edge processing becau for e “Video is a classic cas . ns huge,” Gabe explai volumes of data are so ir stores get a ‘heat map’ of the As a result, retailers can res sto cal ysi habit s. This helps ph that shows customer pping. compete with online sho lot of local opportunities to help a at “There are some gre it’s d an s, the large corporation businesses as well as y llo Mo n t,” Gabe says. – Fra exciting to be part of tha Property Team Intern, Telstr a

ng Bachelor of Engineeri cs (Mechatronics, Roboti SW Sydney and Automation), UN


Gr aduate Engineer, Telstr a

{Careers with Engineering} ee r a c t a s ee r eg d em browse 1000 st

Do engineering + ... Here are some of the Bachelor degrees in engineering. Search online for TAFE options ENGineering + WORK IN HEALTH

biomedical, pharmaceutical... Australian National University >>> Engineering (Biomedical) Flinders University >>> Engineering (Biomedical) La Trobe University >>> Engineering (Industrial) Monash University >>> Engineering and Pharmaceutical Science QUT >>> Engineering (Medical) RMIT University >>> Biomedical Engineering University of Adelaide >>> Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) Major Biomedical Engineering University of Melbourne >>> Biomedicine(Bioengineering Systems)/Master of Engineering (Biomedical) University of Queensland >>> Engineering/Biotechnology University of Sydney >>> Engineering (Chemical and Biomolecular) >>> Engineering (Biomedical) >>> Engineering/Science (Medical Science) >>> Advanced Computing/ Science (Health) University of Tasmania >>> Biotechnology University of Technology Sydney >>> Engineering/Medical Science University of Western Australia >>> Science/Engineering Science UNSW Sydney >>> Biomedical Engineering

ENG + BE A LEADER business, laws...

Charles Sturt University >>> Technology/Master of Engineering (Civil Systems) La Trobe University >>> Engineering Macquarie University >>> Engineering (Telecommunications Engineering)

{Careers with Engineering}

Monash University >>> Engineering and Commerce Specialist >>> Laws and Engineering Murdoch University >>> Engineering (Instrumentation and Control Engineering) QUT >>> Engineering (Electrical and Aerospace) RMIT University >>> Civil and Infrastructure Engineering University of Melbourne >>> Science (Civil Systems)/ Master of Engineering (Civil with Business) University of Newcastle >>> Engineering/Mathematics University of Queensland >>> Engineering/Business Management University of South Australia >>> Engineering (Mechanical and Advanced Manufacturing) University of Sydney >>> Engineering (Civil) >>> Engineering/Project Management University of Technology Sydney >>> Engineering/Arts (International Studies) UNSW Sydney >>> Civil Engineering >>> Engineering/Law >>> Engineering/Surveying >>> M echanical and Manufacturing Engineering >>> Petroleum Engineering >>> Telecommunications


architecture, design, media...

Australian National University >>> Engineering/Art CQUniversity Australia >>> Building Design Flinders University >>> Engineering (Maritime) La Trobe University >>> Engineering Monash University >>> Engineering and Architectural Design QUT >>> Computer and Software Systems Engineering

University of Adelaide >>> Engineering/Arts University of Melbourne >>> Design (Digital Technologies Major)/ Master of Engineering (Software) University of Queensland >>> Engineering/Arts University of Technology Sydney >>> Engineering/Creative Intelligence and Innovation University of Western Australia >>> Architecture UNSW Sydney >>> Engineering/Arts >>> Media Arts/Computer Science >>> Music/Engineering >>> Software Engineering Victoria University >>> Engineering (Architectural) Western Sydney University >>> Industrial Design

ENG + MAKE A SMARTER FUTURE aerospace, automation...

Edith Cowan University >>> Aviation >>> Engineering (Instrumentation, Control and Automation) >>> Engineering (Marine and Offshore Systems) James Cook University >>> Biotechnology Monash University >>> Engineering and Commerce QUT >>> Business/Engineering >>> Process Engineering RMIT University >>> Adv Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering Southern Cross University >>> Engineering in Mechanical Engineering University of Adelaide >>> Engineering (Mechanical and Aerospace) University of Melbourne >>> Science (Electrical Systems)/ Master of Engineering (Electrical) University of Sydney >>> Engineering (Aeronautical)


>>> Engineering (Mechatronic) >>> Engineering (Mechanical) University of Tasmania >>> Engineering (Renewable Energy) University of The Sunshine Coast >>> Engineering (Mechanical) University of Western Australia >>> Science (Computer Science) UNSW Sydney >>> Aerospace Engineering >>> Electrical Engineering >>> Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering >>> Mechatronic Engineering >>> Mining Engineering >>> Photovoltaics and Solar Energy Engineering

ENG + CREATE SOCIAL CHANGE civil, commerce, environmental...

Edith Cowan University >>> Engineering (Civil and Environmental) La Trobe University >>> Engineering (Civil)/ Engineering (Industrial) Murdoch University >>> Environmental Engineering QUT >>> Engineering/Science RMIT University >>> Environmental Engineering University of Adelaide >>> Engineering (Civil and Environmental) University of Melbourne >>> Science (Civil Systems)/ Science (Environmental Engineering Systems)/ Master of Engineering (Environmental) University of Queensland >>> Engineering/Commerce University of Sydney >>> Engineering (Humanitarian) >>> Engineering/Law University of Tasmania >>> Engineering (Civil and Environmental) University of Western Australia >>> Master of Professional Engineering (Environmental)

UNSW Sydney >>> Civil Engineering >>> Engineering/Commerce >>> Environmental Engineering >>> Food Science


robotics, IT, systems...

CQUniversity Australia >>> Engineering Technology Curtin University >>> Electronic and Communication Engineering/ Computer Science

Deakin University >>> Mechatronics Engineering Edith Cowan University >>> Engineering (Mechatronics)/ Technology (Motorsports) Flinders University >>> Engineering (Computer Network and Systems) James Cook University >>> Electronic Systems and Internet of Things Macquarie University >>> Engineering (Wireless Engineering) QUT >>> Engineering (IT) >>> Engineering (Mechatronics)

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of degree names at the time of publication. This is by no means an exhaustive list; there are plenty of other degrees available. Search 1000 degrees in science, tech, engineering and maths at Careers with Engineering 2017 is a publication of Refraction Media. Copyright © 2017 Refraction Media, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. If you would like to reproduce anything from this magazine, email: This issue went to press on July 18, 2017. Printed in Australia by BlueStar Web. Subscribe and order copies:

RMIT University >>> Computer and Network Engineering/Computer Science >>> Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Adelaide >>> Engineering (Software) University of Canberra >>> Engineering in Network and Software Engineering University of Melbourne >>> Science (Computing and Software Systems)/Master of Engineering (Software) University of Newcastle >>> Engineering (Software)

Cover image by: Tom Kubik Produced & published by Refraction Media CEO and Publisher: Karen Taylor-Brown Head of Content: Heather Catchpole Production Editor: John Roper Digital Editor: Elise Roberts National Integration Manager: Kym Gleeson Corporate Partnerships Manager: Tania Pettitt Publishing Co-ordinator: Valeria di Mauro Art Director: Katherine Power Sub-editor: John Hampshire Proofreader: Leanne Croker Intern: Anna Koefer

University of South Australia >>> Engineering (Electrical and Mechatronic) University of Sydney >>> Advanced Computing >>> Engineering (Software) >>> Engineering (Electrical) University of Tasmania >>> Engineering (Electrical and Communications) UNSW Sydney >>> Engineering/Computer Science >>> Mechatronic Engineering Western Sydney University >>> Engineering (Robotics and Mechatronics)

Writers: Rebecca Blackburn; Laura Boness; Gemma Conroy; Phil Dooley; Fran Molloy; Bianca Nogrady; Penny Pryor; Cherese Sonkkila. EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING OFFICES: 100 Harris Street, Pyrmont, Sydney, Australia Email: Advertising enquiries: contact Karen Taylor-Brown at or +612 9188 5459 Postal address: PO Box 38, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Sydney, Australia Web edition + more:

— Engineer your future Women in Engineering Scholarships Do you want a career that allows you to solve problems and innovate? Are you a female considering an engineering degree in 2018? RMIT University’s Women in Engineering Scholarships help support women who are interested in pursuing an engineering degree. The scholarship offers $20,000 ($5000 per year of full-time study) to eligible women for support throughout their studies. To be eligible you must be female and:  an Australian or New Zealand citizen, Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa holder  commencing a Bachelor of Engineering at RMIT in 2018

There are 30 scholarships available for 2018. Applications are automatically made when you apply for an RMIT engineering degree through VTAC.

 enrolled full-time for the duration of your studies  have completed year 12 (or equivalent) in Australia in 2017  have achieved an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 85 or higher (students undertaking a double degree program must achieve an ATAR of 90 or above). Full eligibility and terms and conditions can be found at


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{Careers with Engineering}

f l e s r u o y t i d l i Bu

d! get you starte to o d to n a c u yo some fun stuff is re e H ? g n ri e gine create new Considering en

s materiaeel rs make

make it from scratch

dig in

Geotechnical enginee rs understand how soil and rocks behave and ensure bu ilding foundations are secu re. Challenge: Use clay an d chocolate to get a roc k-solid grounding in engineerin g in these activities.

mechanise the future Mechatronics engineers work on automation or robotics. Challenge: Go to YouTube to learn more about this MechEng_yt or meet 5 amazing robots

s build aprsploo k at the

Structural enginee ing to check that construction of a build y upright and can the structure will sta tors, such as wind, withstand outside fac rthquakes. vibration and even ea blocks to try out ing ild Challenge: Use bu se factors – or try 3D shapes against the ction Simulator app out the Bridge Constru App Store. on Google Play or the

be cyber secure

get techY

ce go to sprsawo rk on

get code skil ls

Computer en gineers are es sential for any busine ss using com pu ters and soft ware. Hardware en gi ne ers design the co mponents fo r computers, w hile soft ware engineers de velop the prog rams to run on thos e computers . Challenge: Le arn to code fo r free via Code.Org or Madewithcod

{Careers with Engineering}

Materials engin terials sure the dif ferent ma the for es are the right on s all ial ter job. Building ma r de un tly behave dif feren d an , ain pressure and str midit y. temperatures and hu d cut an re asu Challenge: Me of res ua several 10cm sq cord the dif ferent materials. Re at and he , ure effect s of moist about ad Re h. pressure on eac terials ma ble na amazing sustai in this its tsu we used in making uit ets rw ee gin story:

Aerospace enginee ft. spacecraf t and aircra ve the dri Challenge: You can Lab rs robot rovers at The Ma own r you from the comfor t of ations cre computer. These cool of ty were built by Universi mic the Sydney engineers to mi d Re rovers exploring the g .or Planet! themarslab

ive Cyber safet y is a mass s tem growth area as sys people lp he engineers work to t tec pro and organisations re mo d against smarter an cks. dangerous system ha 0 ,00 Challenge: Join 20 d students who gaine line cybersecurity skills on SW's UN d through the CBA an : rse open learning cou y uff e st quizzes, videos & mor follow us 34

Melbourne School of Engineering


Gain the technical and professional skills for a successful engineering career, at Australia’s leading university »»» Graduate with a Master of Engineering »»» Access overseas career opportunities with an internationally recognised qualification »»» Work on cutting-edge design projects »»» Experience industry-based learning »»» Participate in Australia’s top entrepreneurship program »»» Learn from academics who are world leaders in their field 35

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{Careers with Engineering}

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