Careers with STEM: Engineering 2019

Page 1

TERM 3, 2019


engineering l Chemicaer engine

Mechatronics engineer


engineering myths busted p8

Skills you can bank on p18


All about ATARs (and alternatives!) p7






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create change Engineers can make the world better for ever yone

jason carter head of engineering

The skills th make a good engineat are valued in a wideer range of careers”

eer’? Is it you hear the word ‘engin hat comes to mind when huge piece a of nt fro in ing hat stand someone wearing a hard be thinking, o the case, you might als of infrastructure? If that’s s, so site ion and noisy construct “I’m not into big bridges engineering isn’t for me.” ch more than that? The ineering was about so mu , more liveable place. But what if I told you eng to make our world a better ms ble pro ve y sol ers ine s that drive on them), the reality is that eng s and roads (and the car dge bri ign app des g p kin hel ban ers Yes, engine y also help build the internet working. But the with keep the lights on and the t lets you make payments tha re ctu derlying infrastru ale, un osc the nan and the ne to n pho r dow you ht on They even work rig ). rld wo my at’s (th een a swipe of your scr save lives. t go under our skin and engineering devices tha other professions are. ognised in the same way rec ays alw the gradual n’t are s eer Engin , we don’t often celebrate coveries make headlines dis ific these ent for sci nk tha new ile we Wh Who can s to our day-to-day lives. but frequent improvement s. t improvements? Engineer l jobs either. The skills tha pathways lead to technica eer t up. car tha ng k eri bac ine ts sta eng all the Not careers and valued in a wide range of are ng er eri ine ine eng eng d all goo of a f ke hal ma , almost from Engineers Australia According to a 2017 report ineering. eng of e sid out ns sio in profes graduates are employed ahead of it, like closing ges ineering has challen eng ds, fiel g EM ST er oth Like ion. If we’re to keep buildin ving diversity and inclus pro im and ter bet gap t der tha e gen orc the d a workf better for all of us, we nee our world and making it ority for us here at the pri big a It’s ity. ers rful div ref lects our world ’s wonde resent a cross-section of rep 16 million customers r Ou . nk Ba th eal onw Comm ing and building apps and portant when we’re design im it’s students so ns, alia str Au all he Careers with STEM magazines help ets their needs. Each year, we e. big futur the and of ts rs ves caree the software that it really me ver llow disco -ye So you’re not into bright the STEM That’s where you come in. problems and make deliver four magazines across each of fig uring out how to solve if t Bu e. fin eering and at’s ure Engin Th y, fut r y? nolog ner you Tech machi ndation for disciplines (Science, ne sounds like a good fou rsecurity Cybe as such ns s editio thi ial e spec the world better for everyo Maths), plus pathway for you. I hop ng eri ine eng an be require l will re’l ks like. career, then the and Economics. While 75% of future jobs y to find out what that loo rne jou r you are rt uates sta grad ol ps scho hel magazine STEM skills, just 16% of highthe of Many ralia. Aust in gy, ees enrolling in STEM degr ital Technolo Engineering and QA Dig with skills STEM ine comb will a ge ali emer Jason Carter – Head of careers that of Austr e Commonwealth Bank Engineering + Enterprise Services, Th other areas. We call it STEM + X. Like


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What’s inside? to P7 Everything You Need

Know About ATARs P8 Top 6 Engineering Myths – Busted! P10 Engineering for Everyone #Diversity t: Meet P12 Generation Firsrs the Family Trailblaze k P14 How Engineers Thin


EM + Xin=g (STEM) STE gineer Combine en with your passion (X)!

ENGINEERING + … P20 The Human Body n P24 The Waste Revolutio e P25 Artificial Intelligenc

P10 P14


and Robotics P28 Defence P32 Smart Cities

Engineering isn’t just maths, science and problem-solving. It’s problem-solving for people. Everything that engineers work on, whether it’s roads, cars or dams, are ultimately for the whole of society. I think if that message was out there, more people would want to be engineers!” Kelsie Clarke p9

Get even more Careers with STEM online! CAREERSwithSTEM.COM Find quizzes, news, STEM profiles and heaps more. Plus, you can sign up to receive Careers with STEM emails every week! Follow us on social! @careerswithstem @careers.with.stem




All about ATARs ) ! s e v i t a n r e t l a r (and you

e increasingly common ar s ay thw pa e tiv na er alt d y’re not everything, an ir ATA R – but the ATARs are important – but the how scaling might affect the People often stress about ose subjects

What’s an ATAR again?is used to enrol in further education.

which In a nutshell, it’s a ranking y Admission an ATA R (Australian Ter tiar eive rec tes dua High-school gra r marks sit in relation king to indicate where you Rank) or an equivalent ran mple, an ATA R of tralia in a given year. For exa to other students across Aus r group. yea r ked in the top 30% of you 70% means that you are ran -of fs which var y cut R ATA rses (degrees) use University admissions to cou er needs to achieve icate the score a school leav each year. The cut-of fs ind r at the uni. in order to receive an offe

what’s ‘scaling’? How is it calculated, andrdised’ across different subjects. This

‘standa First up, student results are marks will be the same rage marks and spread of ave the all ans essentially me in each subject. 50% mark is a middle result across each subject – so a jects as foreign sub nk of marks in different Nex t up comes scaling. Thi to be compared. ling sca d Aussie dollars: they nee currencies, and an ATAR as ver ted into con and rks ma the sum of scaled ATA Rs are calculated from school with. high at e wer you ed to the students a percentile ranking, compar

r Minimum ATAR fo to guaranteed entr y in ing* er a Bachelor of Engine *Accurate as of Ma

can cho take out that factor, so you whole point of scaling is to s. ion irat asp eer hs and car based on your own strengt

each uni? Why does ATAR vary forgraphic that ATAR cut-offs vary

our info You can see for yourself in due to the high different unis! This is usually at s rse cou for ly ant signific ticular uni par t t par ticular course at tha student demand to study tha s or graduate tion nda me factor, student recom – whether it’s the prestige r, it doesn’t eve How ! list to many other factors outcomes… and way too lower standard. a of are ons issi h lower entry adm mean that the courses wit

stone? Is an ATAR cut-off set inon requirements, while others will

R admissi Some unis have fixed ATA es. Unis also often ending on demand for plac dep f -of cut R ATA adjust their you can still gain R for guaranteed entry, but advertise the ‘minimum’ ATA ere to apply, keep wh g you get closer to choosin entry with a lower ATA R. As ate info. to-d upuni’s admission criteria for an eye on each individual

‹Charles Sturt University› ‹University of Newcastle›


‹Monash› ‹UWA› ‹University of Adelaide› ‹RMIT› ‹UQ› ‹University of South Australia›

y 2019

50s 90s


y ‹Un iversit a› r r e b of Ca n

60s ‹CQ Un iversity (Syd ney)›

‹UTS› ‹QUT› ‹University of Tasmania›

‹University of Sydney› ‹UNSW› ‹ANU› ‹Curtin University›

‹Southern Cross University› ‹James Cook University› ‹University of Southern Queensland›




What happens if you don’t get the minimum ATAR for the course you want to enrol in? Alternative pathways to uni courses that don’t depend on your ATAR are becoming increasingly common. In fact, only one-in-four students now use their ATAR for their actual uni admission! You can opt to transfer between Bachelor courses once you’re in, or aspiring engineers can also enrol in a one-year Diploma or two-year Advanced Diploma of Engineering. A diploma qualifies you to work as an engineering technician. From there you can use your qualification as an entry into a Bachelor of Engineering. TAFE and VET courses can also be used to gain uni entry, so don’t lose hope! – Larissa Fedunik

For more info on TAFE and other alternate courses, Google TAFE in your state 7




engineering ! d e t s u b s h t y m

t? Read on and make ou ab all is g rin ee gin en at Think you know wh winked by these illusions sure you haven’t been hood


ngineering is one of those careers that’s full of myths and misinformation. “People have a view about what engineers do that isn’t really accurate until you get into the industry,” says Kelsie Clarke, a system engineer at petroleum company Woodside Energy. Now, with Kelsie’s help, we can safely say that the following myths have been officially busted...



all sorts of FACT: Engineers work onplaces projects, in all sorts of


MYTH: ENGIN DOESN’T RE EERING QUIRE CREA TIVITY FACT: Creativity is crucial for problem-solving

Creativity is a quality that often gets overlooked in engineers, but you can’t add ress an engineering problem without it. “You nee d creativity to solve problems,” says Kelsie. And she would know, having solved some pretty out-the re challenges, such as designing tech to improve life for tuk tuk drivers in Cambodia. Sounds pretty innovative to us. drivers Kelsie worked with tuk tuk ia to on a study tour to Cambod in learn how to develop tech a different cultural context

nning ign team who’ll carry out pla Most projects require a des ir the t ce, but they might also spli and development in the offi onsite. time bet ween the office and hard hats and steel-capped r wea “Engineers don’t all in the eers can be out in the field, boots!” says Kelsie. “Engin ” SA! NA for even working office, in research labs, or ce of e range of projects. Any pie hug a on k wor Engineers had has al teri ma ade n-m e or ma technology, device, machin of s ect asp in lved invo y’re also input from engineers. The ce. , operation and maintenan ting tes n, ctio stru con , design


MYTH: SPECIFIC TYPES OF ENGINEERS ALL WORK ON ONE THING FACT: The digital revolut of engineering evolve anion saw the definition d branch out

Civil engineering equals brid ges, mechanical engineering means engines and electrical engineering adds up to poles and wires… righ t? Wrong! These misconception s are seriously outdated. The se days you’ll see civil engineers like Kel sie, who has suppor ted wat er sup ply and sanitation projects; mecha nical engineers making sur e building ser vices, such as lifts, are optimal; and electrical engineers ma naging the supply of renewable energy to match demand. There are more engineering specialisations now than eve r before. The digital revolution saw the definition of engineering seriously branch out, with contemporary infr astructure (think sof tware, hardware, data and business processes ) ofte n managed by engineers.


Kelsie also worked with locals to improve water sanitat ion in Cambodia and Vietnam



d l r o w r e t t e b a g in Engineer

The best way to combat stereotypes about engineers is to meet people who are leading fascinating and fulfilling careers, just like Kelsie Clarke

is ld to know that engineering elsie Clarke wants the wor and nce isn’t just maths, scie for everyone. “Engineering ple. s problem-solving for peo “It’ s. problem-solving,” she say s or dams, car ds, roa work on, whether it’s Everything that engineers was out ge ssa me t tha if k of society. I thin is ultimately for the whole rs!” inee want to be eng there, more people would t combination ring because it’s the per fec inee eng l civi se Kelsie cho ’s since taken the built environment. She of maths, architecture and ineering. geotechnical to marine eng on a variety of roles, from rd Bound ewa to take par t in Hom Last year, Kelsie was invited led to ch whi Women in STEMM – – a leadership program for the es crib des Antarctica. Kelsie a three-week expedition to e a group wer e “W . nce lifetime experie opportunity as a once-in-athe pristine in d ate isol tely ple ether and com of 80 women working tog king to make Bachelor of Engineeri ’re all overwhelmingly see ng (Civil), Antarctic environment. We University of Newca Non-Executive Direct stle .” Engineers Without or, a positive change for the planet ineers h non-profit organisation Eng wit lved Borders invo n bee has sie Kel ’s System Engineer, She . uni of r (EW B) since her first yea Woodside Energy Without Borders Australia ked wor s, ject pro water infrastructure been to Cambodia to explore tnam Vie in ed bas m tea ) ion and hygiene with a WA SH (water, sanitat and ips rsh tne par B board to foster and now works on the EW people, using is to build a bet ter life for sion mis e “Th collaboration. Fedunik a bet ter world.” – Larissa engineering skills to build



TO BE MATHS WIZARDS MYTH: ENGINEERS NEED FACT: The level of maths involved varies between careers We won’t lie: the first year of an engineering course is pretty heavy on maths. But once you’re in the workforce, it’s more about applying those skills, rather than performing complicated calculus. Most engineers frequently use physics/chemistry, geometry, trigonometry and algebra. Some engineering roles are technical, while others are more projectmanagement based, so the level of maths involved totally varies.


MYTH: ENGINEERS ARE ALL EMPLOYED AS... WELL... ENGINEERS are FACT: Engineering skills highly transferable


a 2017 report by Engineers It’s a fair assumption, but y 57% of Australians with Australia revealed that onl work in jobs that are engineering qualifications ustry. primarily related to the ind ir in-demand skills, such the ly app ny ma Instead, ral-thinking, to roles in as problem-solving and late development, business scientific research, policy vices, communications management, financial ser not, there’s at least one n tha and sales. More often every tech startup, too. engineer at the forefront of

MYTH: ENGINEERS LACK SOCIAL AND PERSONAL SKILLS FACT: Communication is vital in engineering

Like any profession, enginee rs are a diverse mix of individuals: from intr overts to extroverts and everyone in bet ween. But people skills are seriously valuable for any career as an engineer. “Engineering is ver y much about communication,” says Kelsie. And the stats back her up! According to a 201 7 report by Deloitte, two-thirds of all jobs will be ‘soft-skill intensive’ by 2030. – Larissa Fedunik




Designing for diversity Building diversity in engineering creates a better world for us all


designing our ngineering is essentially Maclean, sca world, says Dr France alia. “If we str Au up a consultant at Ar ing workforce, eer gin en e ers don’t have a div be inclusive of diverse the world we shape won’t .” perspectives and needs ive teams ma ke smarter lus inc th wi Companies faster and deliver better decisions, solve problems igning win-win results. It also leads to des ple. For example, solutions for everyday peo in stations that are tra designing and building t th disabilities also benefi accessible for people wi . th children the elderly and people wi ively for one part of the lus inc ign “When we des lly provide inclusivity popu lation, we can act ua s Francesca. for a lot more people,” say

Francesca Maclean consultant

Building gender equality s are growing

job Alt hough STEM-skilled ter than any other job fas one-and-a-ha lf times in facing a skills shortage sector, Australia is still . ing eer gin l and civil en mechanica l, aeronautica of 4% a mere 12. With women ma king up e and on ly 17% of orc rkf wo ing the engineer s at university, a large engineering enrollment lack of gender equality. part of the problem is a in at school, where These hurdles often beg ght and promoted tau be STEM subjects may ards ma le students. in a curricu lum biased tow s are working hard But many engineering firm for their workers. For to level the playing field a 50/50 gender balance example, Ar up achieved , while AECOM is in its 2019 graduate intake rkforce by 2022. wo aiming for a 40% female is also boosting its firm The global engineering cu lturally diverse intake of graduates from plemented flexible backgrounds and has im to accommodate parents. working arrangements

Another international company making leaps in creating a culture of diversity is Aurecon. They have partnered with Pride in Diversity for LGBTI inclusion and are developing strong relationships with the Indigenous community, including a cadetship program for Māori students.

Finding inclusive employers

Regardless of whether you’re searching for the dream graduate job or an internship that’ll help develop your skills, Francesca advises students should start by talking to prospective companies to find out if their commitment to diversity and inclusion is genuine. Joining support networks, such as the Women in Engineering Group at Engineers Australia, and finding mentors in the industry can also go a long way in accessing career opportunities, overcoming challenges and meeting like-minded people. There are also job sites like Work180 that list and rank employers on their inclusivity policies. “We don’t always have to be the ones driving change – other people can take it up as well,” says Francesca. – Gemma Conroy

If we don’t have a diverse engineering workforce, the world we shape won’t be inclusive of diverse perspectives and needs”



Business Coach, Ma xMyProfit

Director, NWD Design and Build

Consultant, Arup


hen Maria Antwan was on the hunt for a career change, she thought construction would be an ideal in-between gig. Three years later, she’s running her own building and project management company, NWD Design & Build. And when she isn’t busy overseeing the construction of new homes and shop fit-outs, Maria is also a role model and ambassador for other women in construction. “I wanted to be a part of the change that’s happening and inspire more women to work in construction,” she says. In Australia, building and construction is the second largest industry, employing more than one million people. But women make up just 11% of the construction industry and 1% of the building trades workforce. “I think a lot of women don’t see construction as a career option because

society still considers it as ‘dir ty’ and ‘unsafe’ with a boys’ club culture,” says Maria. Thankfully, there are mento ring programs and associations opening the doo r to women who want to start a career in bui lding and construction. In Maria’s first year in the industry, she worked closely with a female mento r from global firm Laing O’Rourke. She also began building her professional net work by join ing organisations such as Master Builders Aus tralia and The National Association of Wo men in Construction. Maria says social media is a great tool for connecting with people in the industry. “We live in an age where everything is accessible online,” she says. “Don’t be afraid to rea ch out for help from people.” – Gemma Conroy

i wanted to be part of the change and inspire more women to work in construction”


Director, Evolution Laser

Building homes and smashing stereotypes is all in a day’s work for Maria Antwan

Bachelor of Arts, Pol itics and International Rel Philosophy, University ations, of Sydney

Bachelor of Engineering (HONS)/ BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (MECHANICS, materials systems and chemistry, ANU

phd (biomaterial engineering), ANU

s ie it n u t r o p p o building




Thinking about venturing out and becoming the first in your family to study engineering (or even go to uni)? This is for you!


u heard someone ow many times have yo in the family”, say “being a doctor runs because my dad or “I studied engineering ps there’s was an engineer”? Perha n family to follow a cer tai pressure from your own A? DN e sam the you have career pat h just because on from family can be ati pir ins eer car Getting mon, too. In 2016, data great – and it’s pretty com ked at 5.6 million crunchers at Facebook loo glish speaking En parent-child pairs from to find out how much rld wo countries around the affected their children’s. a parent’s career choice ar family matters: In career choices it’s cle er is 3.6 times more a fat her scientist’s daught as a career herself. That’s likely to choose science w up talking science/ not sur prising – if you gro table, it’s almost a sure r law/nursing at the dinne to be on your radar thing those jobs are going ng your career. when it comes to choosi


Make your own way

’t for you? The Facebook But what if that career isn ile parents’ careers study also found that wh was at a pretty low rate inf luenced their kids – it who has a fat her in overa ll. For example, a son re likely to enter the mo the military is five times four sons of a military military, but just one in professiona l does so. car ving out their That leaves lots of people including a large number own career pat hways – first in their family of students who are the ion at all. to go onto ter tiary educat t more than 50% of Researchers estimate tha first in their family the students in Australia are ty road – and these to go down the universi uably face bigger ‘family first’ pioneers arg when they get there, hurdles than their peers ut rate. including a high drop-o or no parental or family le litt ve ha u yo “When endance, or come from histor y of university att ding university is a communit y where atten ts and their families den not the norm, bot h stu ng curve’ upon arriva l experience a steep ‘learni


Top 5 tips for first-in-family engineers Study buddies can help! Ma ke friends and lean on them. Working together wil l be a valuable skill throughout your career any way.

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5

Don’t be afraid to talk to adv isors and lecturers if you have questions or are strugg ling – their job is to help. Consider reducing your stu dy load if things get overwhelming – uni/life bal ance is important. Seek out opportunities for industry exposure, such as internships, to meet other professional engineers. Talk to your family and inc lude them on your journey – you never know, you mig ht be the first engineer or uni student, but not nec essarily the last!


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Electrical, University of Wollongong

PhD Electrical Engineering, University of Wollongong

Building Services Manager, Desert Rose

Uni is not a race. ther e are no extra prizes for fi ni sh in g your degree in exactly four years”

brendan banfield building services manager

at university,” says associ ate professor Sarah O’Shea, an education expert at the University of Wollongong (UOW), wh o has arg ued for additiona l fun ding for first-in-family studen ts.

Family-first trailblazers

Brendan Banfield went to high school in Goulburn, in regional Ne w South Wa les. He was always interested in engineering-related subjects like maths, so Bre ndan decided to enrol in an electrica l en gineering degree at UOW, becoming the firs t person in his family to go to university. Brendan says while he fou nd the first semester quite challengin g – “I wondered what I’d got myself into,” he says – he had a friend back in Goulburn , who was ahead of him in the degree, an d that he cou ld turn to for advice or with any “sticky questions” if he needed.


He also credits his succes s to one of his lecturers who taught him how to take a ‘first principles’ approach to pro blem-solving. “That’s benefitted me eve r since,” he says. Brendan is now working as building ser vices manager on UO W’s innovative sustainable housing pro ject, Deser t Rose, whilst also doing his Ph D on renewable energ y systems in sustai nable buildings. Brendan’s advice for oth er aspiring engineers, especially tho se who are the first in their family to sign up for study, is to take your time and get indust ry experience along the way in whatever int erests you. “Uni is not a race,” he say s. “There are no extra prizes for finishing your degree in exactly four years and jum ping straight into that grad job. Ta ke your time, take as many subjects per semester tha t you feel you can manage and learn as mu ch as you can, not on ly inside the classroom but outside it as well.” – Gemma Chilton



How to think r e e n i g n e n a like

Graduate Process Engineer, Veolia Water

lem-solving, planning and ob pr , ing ink th s m ste sy es Engineering teach l in a huge range of roles efu us e ar at th ills sk – n tio clear communica

Creative solutions to water pollution Linda Nappa process engineer


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical), UNSW


Student Engineer: Caltex Australia / Qenos / Mars / Veolia Water

inda Nappa is a process engineer for Veolia, a global environmental solutions provider. Based in Sydney, Linda supports engineers and technicians across Veolia’s water and wastewater plants around Australia. Linda provides advice on solving problems in existing water treatment plants, helps specify new equipment and develops designs for new treatment plants. This basically means: if there are problems around getting water clean, Linda is the go-to expert. “The best part of my job is helping people find solutions to everyday problems, whether in the form of a small project as part of an operations contract, or a larger business development opportunity,” she says. One of her most challenging roles was also with Veolia, as an operations engineer at the Kenya Water Treatment Plant near Chinchilla in remote Queensland. The plant desalinates coal seam gas-associated water to provide irrigation water to local farms. This helps replace more than 200 million litres of water that’s extracted from the Great Artesian Basin each day to run the coal seam gas mines. Linda was responsible for providing technical and process advice, including around technology used to clean the water. One particular challenge she faced was discovering a build-up of mineral deposits in the water. These had been classed as “impossible to remove” – however, by thinking laterally and creatively, Linda not only came up with a solution but a long-term approach to prevent the problem reoccurring in the future.



Greg Ozolins structural engineer

Systems thinking and project management


reg Ozolins works as a project manager for consultancy company Midson Group, where he oversees construction projects ranging from aged-care facilities, schools and recreational centres to high-density residential developments. As a structural engineer, Greg has worked on projects from the design stage, to working with builders onsite as construction progresses. Greg says he liked maths and science at school and wanted to study something practical to put those skills to use. He enrolled in an engineering degree at the University of Wollongong, specialising in structural engineering. “Structural engineering is all about collaborative problem-solving,” says Greg. “A project manager works with clients from the very beginning.” Visualising and systems thinking are also important skills that let project managers turn ideas into reality. Greg’s job involves communicating with architects, landscape and interior designers, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and structural engineers, quantity surveyors, geologists, builders – and many more. When problems arise in one area, they overlap and impact other areas in complex ways. “Having clear and concise communication with people is essential,” he says. Adapting, improving and creative problem-solving are key engineering skills and Greg admits the trickier the problem, the more he enjoys the work.

Bachelor of Engineeri (Honours), Universityng of Wollongong

Structur al Engineer, MPN Group

Design Engineer, North Consulting Engineersrop

Project Manager, Midson Group

Having clear and concise communication with people is essential”



















Greg Ozolins, structural engineer






A head for engineering


ngineering covers a range of jobs in many industries, but most successful professionals in engineering roles have an ‘engineering mindset’. The y are focused on making things that work, and making things work better. “Engineers think differently from the rest of the world,” says Profess or Bill Lucas, who surveyed engineers and academics to produce the Royal Academ y of Engineering’s 2014 Thinking Like an Eng ineer report. Bill identified aspects of eng ineering thinking that he calls “engine ering habits of mind”. – Fran Molloy



Fast starter

When Annabelle Luu isn’t nailing her career ambitions in telecommunications engineering, she’s a car buff, tech fiend and amateur weightlifter

nestly had no idea” what she nnabelle Luu says she “ho d ool. She did know she love wanted to do after high sch for up ed ustry – so she sign cars and the automotive ind at Macquarie University. ring inee a degree in mechanical eng abelle n’t what she’d expected, Ann But when that degree was tions nica mu com her major to tele shif ted gears and changed h. tec s: sion one of her pas to match up with another abelle. “It’s nects the world,” says Ann con ns atio unic “Telecomm o chat s, text, browse the web, vide how we are able to make call doors for new technology and and so much more. It opens ss cars and smartphones.” innovation such as driverle help, Annabelle In 2017, with Macquarie’s degree, and went her of t par interned at Optus as cadetship at the on to secure an engineering s giant – which she is Aussie telecommunication ours thesis. “As doing while finishing her Hon ree at Macquarie, par t of the engineering deg te a cer tain amount you are expected to comple nce,” she explains. of hours of industry experie


us, Annabelle rotates into As a cadet engineer at Opt a variety ans she gets to experience different teams, which me same. the are s day ls – no two of roles and use different skil site ks, tas ring inee eng meetings, “A work day could include g events ndin atte n eve or ple, peo s with visits, creating connection and Nokia,” she says. from vendors such as Cisco ’s learnt ady applying the skills she Annabelle says she is alre more re’s the red she’s also discove at uni in her cadetship, and ring inee eng ring role than just to succeeding in an enginee lly presentation skills have rea and sm nali skills. “Professio s. ,” she say helped me in my current role

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), Macquarie University


She’s still an automotive ent husiast and is a big fan of Japanese cars. “I love goi ng to events such as track days,” Annabelle says. “My curren t car is a Mitsubishi Evo 8 MR which has been a dream of mine ever since I was young.” Fas t cars aren’t Annabelle’s only interest out side of the tech world. She also recently started get ting into weightlifting to stay fit. Her advice? “Follow your own path and do what ma kes you happy. Reach out to people, create connections, challen ge yourself and never be afraid to try something new or pursue something you’re passionate about.” – Gemma Chilton

Engineering cadet, Optus


To get there:

Work hard, play hard

Follow your own path and do what makes you happy”


Jump into a career in intelligence

how he’d be uate, he wasn’t sure surprised ad gr a as IO AS d ine easantly When Jamie jo g skills – but was pl applying his engineerin the ASIO hen Jamie’s application for ate adu Gr t gis olo Future Techn he knew s say he l, sfu ces Program was suc couldn’t turn it was an opportunity he other job down. “Even though I had ting university, opportunities after comple ething unique at the intrigue of doing som epted the offer.” ASIO was the reason I acc ence and sci , Jamie enjoyed maths d went an ool sch design subjects at science at d an ng eri ine on to study eng e time working university. He spent som to Canberra in Sydney before moving l graduate. to join ASIO as a technica h my fellow “I quickly made friends wit settle into to y graduates and it was eas s. say he le,” the Canberra lifesty



The 12-month graduate pro gram included three rotations which Jamie say s exposed him to areas of mechatronics and artific ial intelligence (AI) he wouldn’t have had the cha nce to explore had he no t joined ASIO. “I have also enjoyed the opportunity to apply learnings from my personal hobbies and int erests to solve intelligence proble ms at work,” he says. “As an ASIO officer, I use my science, engineering and programming skills on a daily basis to keep Australians safe. Two yea rs on, I’m still amazed, challenged and rewarded by the variety of technica l work ASIO under takes and the important role I play in that.”

To get there:

ASIO Future Technologists Graduate Program More than you expected… 17



Bank transfer!

. scinating career pathways fa y an m o int d rre fe ns tra Engineering skills can be ing their skills at CBA Meet two graduates apply

Mechatronics engineer Michael Selvadurai Enterprise Services Graduate, Commonwealth Bank of Australia chatronics engineering hen Michael finished his me ay. his forever-job straightaw degree, he didn’t seek out ore il and travelled overseas bef He worked casually in reta the right gig. starting an epic search for nical, electrical “I was searching for mecha s,” he says, role g and mechatronic engineerin scope.” my se rea “but I realised I had to inc big n Michael started hunting dow y engineering companies – not necessaril requiring his michael firms – with graduate gigs Commonwealth broader skill set. And the s the best fit. Bank of Australia (CBA) wa no experience and “I straight up told them I had g on,” he laughs, rkin wo re wasn’t sure what they we re happy to teach me.” “but they told me they we


they’re really supportive, i’m able to ask lots of questions” selvadurai


Learn on the job

blem. d experience wasn’t a pro Michael’s lack of bank-base g erin hael’s specialised engine Instead, CBA invested in Mic ded nee ed him with the knowledge background that had equipp ture tems, troubleshoot big-pic to navigate complex IT sys m. ity of thought to a wider tea problems and provide divers l of hae lly suppor tive,” says Mic “They’ve always been rea ns stio able to ask lots of que his co-workers at CBA. “I’m t are new to me.” and go through concepts tha to go by, being an engineer g If Michael’s gig is any thin g s a little system developin employed by a bank involve ed bas rking on building a cloud(“at the moment we’re wo ing opp k-h fee. And with CBA’s des platform” ) and a lot of cof ver ere wh s are the same. “We sit set-up, literally no two day the time,” he says. we like and move desks all ering ng the bank with his engine When Michael’s not ser vici an but hangs out anywhere skills, he watches Net flix and ox king to land an out-of-the-b loo office. His advice for those ool, sch h hig t! A lot of subjects in engineering role? “Be patien but e tim , seem irrelevant at the such as maths and physics later,” he says. they definitely make sense


Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours), Monash University


enterprise services graduate, Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Chemical engineer

Jennifer Shook

Enterprise Services Commonwealth Bank Graduate, of Australia


ot many families casually discuss chemical engineerin g at the dinner table, but for Jennifer – whose dad and grandad were both engine ers – conversations about process design, biology and constru ction specification were no biggie. “I was exposed to it all from such a young age,” she say s. So, after high school, it wa s straight to Western Austral ia’s Curtin University to enrol in a Bachelor of Chemical Eng ine erin g, where Jennifer undertook internships at law firm Gri ffith Hack and South32’s Worsley Alu mina refiner y. “I worked at South32 for three months before sta rting my final year,” she rec alls . Experience in the field wa s a bonus when it came to job hunting – something that Jennifer decided to prioritis e during her last year of study. She didn’t want to go into her fina l exams with the added stre ss of not having a job at the end of them, even looking for gig s outside of her home state, Western Australia, to open up her options.

Big opportunity

Luckily at the time, CBA wa s advertising a bunch of gra duate positions for people with ski lls – but not necessarily backgrounds – similar to Jen nifer’s and she aced the inte rview, showing off the problem-solv ing, critical thinking and ana lytical skills she’d picked up during her engineering studies. “I wa s accepted early in my final year of uni,” she says. “I nev er thought my degree would lead to a job in a bank!” Her role in Digital, Operati ons and Technology (DOT) isn’t exactly your typical eng ineering gig, but her chemic al engineer’s critical and cre ative mind is still put to wo rk. “At the moment I’m applyin g my chemical engineerin g skills when deriving insights from data, and these insights are used in decision-making by leader s in the team,” she says. Jennifer loves the CBA com munity’s suppor tive attitud e, par ticularly towards the les s experienced graduate em plo yees like herself. She has also ma de some real-life mates, han gin g out after work, too. “I’m lea rning and being challenged , but they’re all really suppor tive ,” she says. “I work with rea lly intelligent and amazing peo ple !” – Cassie Steel

I never thought my degree would lead to a job in a bank!” Jennifer Shook

l Engineering bachelor of Chemica University n rti Cu ), (Honours rsley Intern, South32 Wory Alumina refine

Intern, Griffith Hack law firm gr aduate, Enterprise servicesof Austr alia nk Ba h alt we Common




s? t o b o r ? h t l a e H ? n io s What’s your panst? find out how you can combine the environme EM) with your passion (X) here! engineering (ST

ST E EM + X =

Engineering healthier humans


Engine Human Beording&the y STUDY Bachelor

of Engineerin Engineering) g (Hons) RMITBi , RMIT University omedEng Bachelor of Engine Systems), AN ering (Hons) (Biomedic al U iomedEng Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) (Bioin Engineering) formatics , UNSW UNSWBioEng (Biomedical

infrastructure – their Engineers don’t just work on applied to biology as well problem-solving skills can be a space where physics, iomedica l engineering is collide to enable better biolog y and technology was this crossover of hea lth and medicine. It dical lissa Knothe Tate, Biome disciplines that drew Me t jus “I ld. fie the to UNSW, Engineering Professor at s. say she ,” life of ics an mech loved learning about the ing nk thi e Melissa are always Biomedical engineers lik t. ien pat the will eventually reach about how their research can we if l be most impactfu “A discovery is going to ing ” she says. This is someth es, liv ’s help improve people g pin elo dev by y ntl ing to do curre Melissa is currently try y, bod n ma hu the in s ulates tissue a woven textile that em rrently harsh surgical meshes cu the to ve as an alternati textiles plants from these novel used. “We’re ma king im s. of body tissues,” she add to match the mechanics of e tur le of the diverse na And in a perfect examp th wi ng rki , Melissa is also wo biomedical engineering e sam the seatbelts using car companies to design ng from basic physics, imagi e gon s woven textiles. “It’ ort nsp tra d an ie ger rtswear, lin and biolog y, to now spo ” gy! olo hn tec st in the companies showing intere


Engineerin g&th Human B ody JOBeS Biomedical engineer: $5 0K – $87K Biotechnolog y research scientist: $5 0K– $80K Medical devi ce sales representativ e: $50K– $102 K* *Source: sala ries acco to payscale.c rding om


Engineering with heart

nd mathematics to understa Using engineering and . ing biomedical engineer the body is at the core of cher ear res ics urne cell mechan For University of Melbo lly rea s wa “I n. huge revelatio Vijay Rajagopal it was a y and log bio nd sta t I cou ld under attracted to the idea tha s. say he ,” ch roa app eering physiology using an engin nd sta der un to s del mo Now Vijay uses computer tia l level and identify poten ar lul cel the at e eas heart dis l na sio en building a three-dim therapies for patients. By m tea his d rt’s cells, Vijay an computer model of the hea l like cell stiffness and cel s ng thi can “tweak different ter bet l cel the e giv at is going to energ y, and work out wh can del mo ter pu ns. The com performance,” he explai cells tors that inf luence heart fac ent fer dif examine the en, in a lab experiment. “Th in a way that’s impossible d an s ct with pharmacologist we can hopef ully conne an Kh nical treatment.” – Jo doctors to work out a cli


I was really attracted to the idea I could understand bi that and physiology using ology engineering approach an ”




rkdoctor, MaAbkd Rainhimgorigiynaolluy warntmed a to be a g rin Lina red biomedical enginee but then she discove


I realised that the technical and analytical side of biomedical engineering would challenge me more than becoming a doctor”

Student Ambassador , College of Engineeri & Computer Science, ng ANU

Bachelor of Engineeri ng (Honours) / Biomedic al, ANU

Bachelor of Engineeri ng / Mechanical, Universiti Kuala Lum pur

To get there:

n her final years of high school in Malaysia, Lina Abd Rahim was thinking about becoming a doctor like many of her friends. But a gentle nudge from her dad got her thinking about other ways she could combine her interests in biology and physics. “He told me to look up biomedical engineering and it was fascinating,” says Lina. “I realised that the technical and analytical side of biomedical engineering would challenge me more than becoming a doctor.” Lina wants to have an impact on human health by working on the medical devices doctors use. Now in the fourth year of her engineering degree at ANU, she is excited to finish her Honours project – a portable breathalyser for detecting lung cancer. “It’s such a cool project – improving a sensor using nanotechnology so that it can detect really low concentrations of lung cancer biomarkers in someone’s breath,” she says. One of Lina’s goals is to make wearable medical devices accessible to more people, especially for the early detection of diseases. “A device like this in a hospital, or a wearable device, would mean people wouldn’t have to get expensive scans or invasive procedures as often,” she says. Lina also thinks biomedical engineering flies under the radar in the minds of future students. “I want people to know what we do and spark interest in the next generation of engineers.” – Jo Khan

Future-proof yourself

Do you want a degree designed for the future? Our engineering program is the answer. Our unique, interdisciplinary degree is built on a Systems Engineering framework, which means that you will learn how various engineering disciplines work together. This exceptional degree will not only allow you to excel in your career as an engineer, but also make a real difference helping to solve some of the world’s largest problems. 21

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science Enquire and apply at

CRICOS Code 00120C



Special delivery

s has come a long way die bo r ou o int s ug dr er liv The way we de y, medicine and engineering thanks to advances in biolog

Robotic pills

Professor ty of Wollongong, led by Engineers at the Universi ly ‘driven’ ote rem be ping pills that can Gursel Alici, are develo intestina l tro gas at tre d to diagnose an y bod t’s ien pat a gh ou thr s inserting examining the gut mean tract diseases. Currently, erted?). (two guesses where it’s ins a long tube with a camera ng usi sule is wireless and driven their Instead, this ‘robotic’ cap th wi on abling the patient to go to a system of magnets – en d use be o are screened! It cou ld als y ma day while their insides e sul cap the ease at the site. And deliver drugs to treat dis . day e on s) es (tissue sample even be able to take biopsi

Dr Amgad Rezk lead researcher and engineering lecturer


Cancer treatments might one day involve tiny, self-propelled ‘micro-sub marines’ powered by ‘nano-motors’ deliverin g drugs direct ly to affected organs, thanks to new research from chemical and biomedical engineers at UNSW. The engineers developed ‘submarine-like’ micrometre-sized metal lic particles that take advantage of variations in biologica l environments, such as dif ferent levels of acidit y, to automatically navigate inside the body. One ‘capsu le’ swallowed by a patient cou ld contain millions of micro-subm arines, each of which cou ld contain millions of drug molecules. This means the drugs cou ld be delivered straight int o a cell, or the site of a can cer. This is great news for reducing the side effects cancer patients can experience from drugs used in chemotherapy, for example.

ave’ d a new type of ‘soundw rsity in Melbourne create ive Un s IT “It’ RM ay. at spr s a ert o int exp In 2016, turn liquid rations, which are used to lead vib ns ate lai cre exp to y r,” ou icit ctr vap o ele using aking it down int bre es, rat vib it so id it in a new inhaler to d liqu use ers have already rch basically ‘yelling’ at the sea Re o zk. Re gad Am cells (which can turn int ng lecturer Dr n be used to inhale stem researcher and engineeri eve ld cou n ve ilto wa Ch nd a sou mm Ge es. The new gs to repair lung tissue. – deliver needle-free vaccin ctions) straight into the lun fun ic cif spe h wit ls cel of different types




Good vibrations

>ENG+UTS< To get there:

g careerr Life-chamendicgalin experiences led to he er Louise Samios’ own and an amazing care study pathway at UTS

of medical technology was exposed to the world rowing up, Louise Samios is and as a teenager nos r sur vived a cancer diag the mo Her st. mo n tha re mo rts injury. truction after a serious spo Louise had a knee recons rted,” she says. “I was sta y medical technolog “This is where my love for ent and solutions to my life developing equipm going to spend the rest of at that job looked like ever, Louise didn’t know wh change people’s lives.” How t a biomedical engineer il she was in year 10 and me or what it was called – unt for a PhD. “That was the ught-controlled wheelchair who was developing a tho eer existed,” she says. first time I realised this car ring degree at UTS. ester of a biomedical enginee sem l fina her in now is ise Lou hip at the Cerebral Palsy pleted a six-month interns com she ree deg her of t par As . After interning Canon Medical Systems ANZ Alliance (CPA) and later at developing with a team at Psykinetic at the CPA , Louise worked people with for s tem sys tion and control eye-controlled communica alyst. d on ABC science show Cat disabilities, which feature ployed em also is ise Lou , studies While she is finishing her ch pany called PolySpine, whi as general manager of a com people s ble suppor t system that ena develops a head and torso es. iviti par ticipate in new act with physical disabilities to Louise. in this career path,” says tine rou “There’s no limit or Chilton ma Gem – es.” hnology advanc “It’s forever changing as tec



Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical), Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice, UTS

Biomedical Innovation Intern, Cerebral Palsy Alliance


Trainee Service Engineer, Canon Medical Systems ANZ

General Manager, PolySpine


50,000 ever


go into landfill

disposable coffee cups

y 30 m

in Australia (source: Planet Ark inutes

Talking trash

, 2017)

waste, Australia – and eto cs sti pla se -u gle sin From lem, and engineers are ob pr ste wa a s ha – rld wo the e way to a solution at the forefront of clearing th

e plastics are the traws and other single-us rld ’s wasteful ways. poster children for the wo billions of single-use e In Australia, we consum ll. most ending up in landfi plastics each year, with . ent nm rming the enviro But it’s not just plastic ha s ne ton n erated 67 millio In 2016-17 Australia gen llion tonnes of mi 17 of waste, including ials and 14 million masonry (building) mater and garden waste). tonnes of organics (food waste is in full swing Than kfu lly, the war on frontline. and engineers are on the



Charlot te Wang Helped to save one computer at a time


Environm ental eng ineer: $48 Mechanic K– $ 99K al engine er: $ 52K– Materials $110K engineer: $ 55K– $10 7K*


Australians dump of clothes every 10 minutes (source: ABC War on Waste) consumption of natural resources, while diverting waste from landfill to create ne w and improved products . Rifat and her colleagues, for example, have had success exposing the shr edded noxious waste lef t behind after vehicles are scrapped (usua lly contai ning a mix of plastics, rubber , glass and metals) to extremely high temper atures, creating new va lue-added mater ials suitable for different applications. She says the goa l of suc h research is helping to provide a liveab le planet for fut ure generations. “Our planet is a confined place, and lan dfill won’t Rifat Farzana resolve the problem,” she says. is a SMaRT researcher Rifat urges students con sidering an engineering career to join the war on waste. “We need your innovative ideas to solve the world’s waste-manage ment problem and create a sus tainable planet by balan cing a framework for people, the planet and profit.” – Jake Dean

Driving change

. Now, ma ke up your family car Consider the parts that car the ce on up d en terials ref lect on where these ma s car n lio bil 1.7 d ate estim dies. Finally, consider the ! ste ds by 2035. What a wa that will be on Earth ’s roa of ste is a key focus Reducing automotive wa at UNSW Sydney’s centre ch Dr Rifat Farzana’s resear T). s & Technologies (SMaR for Sustainable Material in ce en Sci Bachelor of There, Rifat – who has a and a PhD in Materials ing eer gin Mechanica l En r – finds ways to reduce ou Science and Engineering


NG+WAS TE STUD of Environ Y menta

l Engin UNSW bit .ly/BEnvEn eering (Honours), Bachelor gHrUNSW of Engine ering (H University of Adelaid onours) (Environm en e Bachelor ngEnvUniA tal), of Engine d ering (Me (Honours), chanic RMIT Univ ersity al Engineering) /BEngMec hHrRMIT

y into fighting Charlotte Wang’s journe al during her environment ey started at UNSW Sydn y iet soc t den stu , she joined a engineering degree. There for ge an arr puters and project to collect old com to m before donating them the ish urb ref a company to she , on So s. up gro ed antag socioeconomica lly disadv not-for-profit eReuse. un t-r den stu the g was leadin t-development “We focused on the studen ref urbishment process, the by opportunities afforded to dent organisation, Arc, convincing UNSW’s stu i’s un the gh d fund it throu take on the program an e. ott arl Ch s say enities fee,” compu lsory student am 100 n tha more Her work with eReuse saw ll, become donated to dfi lan for ed tin des computers, od ’s Junction Neighbourho groups such as Maroubra e. ntr Ce an Youth Initiatives Centre and Ghana’s Afric at t tan sul a sustainability con Charlotte now works as nd sta der un g manufacturers Edge Environment, helpin environmental impacts. se cau how their products

be recyc in drawers at home that could


broken mobile phon n o li il m 5 t ou ab ve ha s an Australi led

es lying

ing new Something old, someth waste


dropped by 80% when Plastic bag consumption and Woolworths stopped supermarket giants Coles Association) (source: National Retail 18 20 in e fre r fo t ou handing them 24



Y D A E R T O B O R CAREERS of the Engineers are at the controls

automation revolution


UDY ENG+AI+ROBOTICrs)S(MeST chatronic),

nou Bachelor of Engineering (Ho EngMechUniSyd y/B bit.l ney Syd of sity Univer e (Major in Machine enc Sci er put Com of r Bachelo Queensland of sity ver Uni g), Learnin ineUQ ach SciM Com ineering Eng re twa Sof of Bachelor rens University (Artificial Intelligence), Tor


rtificial intelligence (AI), automation and robotics are revolutionising the way we work. Pretty much every industry is being affected, from healthcare to transport, retail to construction, and defence to resources.

Bright future for engineers


A report commissioned by Google called The Automation Advantage says by 2030, machines are likely to take over at least two hours of the most repetitive manual jobs we currently do each week. This will give us more time to do higher-value tasks – but it will also mean the loss of some, more menial jobs. It’s not that machines will replace us, but rather people who use machines will replace those who don’t. Which makes the future bright for engineers. The Australian Centre for Robotic Vision has produced Australia’s first Robotics Roadmap, which says the Australian robotics industry includes more than 1100 companies employing almost 50,000 people and earning an estimated $12 billion a year. The centre was set up by Dr Sue Keay, who is now the research director of CSIRO’s Data61 Cyber Physical Systems program. Data61 partners with government, industry and universities to advance AI technologies.

Robotics engineer: $47 K–$102K Automation engineer: $55 124K* K–$ $60 r: Sof tware enginee

The Australian cludes robotics industry inpa nies more than 1100 com50,000 employing almost an people and earning n a year” estimated $12 billio

materials and design engineering backgrounds because we need to understand what materials we should use to build our robots.”

Meet the evolutionary engineer

Part of the job Sue and her team do involves working out how to continuously improve robots, making them better, stronger and more productive. “Humans evolved over millions of years, improving slowly, but with robots we can use machine-learning algorithms to massively speed up the mechanical evolution process,” she says. “We can improve how we design and build them to make them even better at, for example, walking on sand. You can’t really do that without engineers who can apply machine learning. You could call them evolutionary engineers,” says Sue. – Matthew Brace

Tomorrow’s engineers

“We look for software engineers, computer scientists, mechatronic engineers (with both mechanical and electrical skills) and those with aerospace experience,” says Sue. “Increasingly we also need people with


Australia builds t world’s biggest robo



K-based global mining giant Rio Tinto has automated its iron ore trains in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. These trains operate from 16 mines and travel to four ports on the WA coast, where the ore is loaded onto ships for export. The trains are remotely controlled from an operations centre 1500km away in Perth. This project (called AutoHaul) is the world’s biggest robot and the world’s first fully autonomous, heavy-haulage, long-distance rail system.



Walking the walk

d computer engineering an l ica ctr ele d die stu o rd Su Katrina Lo cutting edge of robotics the at job m ea dr r he g din before lan

There are so many opportunities right now”



Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Queensland Systems engineer, Boeing


d hand ling the software an team with other people , on ati the robot – its navig the decision-making for o als is a s like that.” Katrin its perception, and thing ansion of her profession. exp ve ssi witnessing the ma rtunities right now,” she “There are so many oppo eering, focus is electrical engin says. “Even if your study d tware or systems. I studie you can still end up in sof nly degree and could certai machine learning in my that if I’d wanted to. have pursued a career in dream job – working my “Data61 is absolutely cs and seeing this whole on next-generation roboti Matthew Brace industry take shape.” –

Electrical and Computer Engineer, Data61, CSIRO



ots smiling, soft-voiced rob magining and designing do d an k m up to wa lk, tal is one thing but wiring the . x engineering their jobs involves comple l and computer engineer ica ctr ele , Katrina Lo Surdo omous systems group at in the robotics and auton the helping the robots to CSIRO’s Data61, is one of trina Queensland graduate, Ka perform. A University of “dream job” at Data61. says she has landed her on circuit board design “Primarily I’m working the ent,” she says. “These are and hardware developm ica l ctr ele ot’s ensure all the rob embedded systems that ge lar a of rt pa correctly. I am elements are connected


s ic t o b o r in y a w e h t Leading Alex Rassau leads PhD students in ground-breaking research to create the next generation of robots



ngineers are interested in things both big and small. For Alex Rassau, Associate Dean for the School of Engineering at Edith Cowan University (ECU), this meant switching his research focus from a PhD in microelectronics to robotics. When Alex moved from the UK to Western Australia, he saw just how relevant robotics was becoming to the mining and oil and gas industry there, and also around the world. His undergraduate qualification in cybernetics and control engineering gave him a solid foundation in the field, and he now supervises ECU PhD students, researching ways to overcome the current limitations of robotic technology. One of those limitations is giving robots capabilities to analyse and make meaningful decisions about how to interact in their surroundings, by operating without supervision.

SO MANY POSSIBILITIES... Advances in deep learning and a range of sensory and camera-system technologies are enabling major breakthroughs in the decision making capabilities

Bachelor of Science (Cybernetics and Control Engineering), University of Reading

of robots. They will be able to think and act analytically beyond predetermined settings that limit them to specific repetitive tasks. For Alex, being able to push the boundaries of innovation to come up with new and better ways of doing things was a compelling reason to switch to robotics. “There’s always new challenges and opportunities to explore interesting areas – and you get to play with fun tech toys pretty much all the time,” he says. With major companies prepared to invest in these robotic technologies for maintenance and inspection tasks on offshore and remote sites, students with expertise in this area are highly sought after, Alex adds. “I would strongly encourage people to get involved in programming as early as possible, because that’s an absolutely essential life skill in the 21st century,” he says. – Marlena Batchelor

PhD in Microelectronics, University of Reading

Programming is an essential life skill in the 21st century”

To get there:

Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University

Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University


303ML 11159540 | CRICOS IPC 00279B

ECU has been ranked in the 2019 Times Higher Education Top 201-250 universities in the world for Engineering and Technology. With over 20 globally accredited courses to choose from and some of the best equipped labs in Australia, our students graduate world ready and are prepared to take on the challenges of the future. ECU has a proud history of producing graduates that have gone on to succeed in global organisations including BHP, Rio Tinto, AECOM and many more. 27

B ECOM E WORLD READY. .au/e ng i n e e ri ng



Out in force


Technology teamworkeering, Joyce

engin Initia lly hesitant to study lor of Science che Ba a th wi U AN began at of lor Engineering and later added a Bache ent) after trying out an (research and developm g her first semester. engineering course durin have the talent “I always thought I didn’t s. “But I learned to design things,” she say coming up with ways designing is a mixture of technology, as well as to improve your piece of ideas on a different trying out other people’s it works on yours.” technology and seeing if hnology called Single tec Joyce now works on cameras. These Photon Avalanche Diode to undersea drones ed ach att cameras will be



to capture detailed, images of under water objects.

Research Engineer, DST

Bachelor of Engineering (Me chanical) (Hons), UNSW ADFA ADFA Advanced Diploma of Eng ineering – Technical (Mechanical), TAFE NSW Bachelor of Engineering (Ho ns), ANU


ENG+DEFENCE JOBS Electrical enginee

Many engineering degree s and specia lisations are releva nt to defence, including mech anica l and industria l, electrica l and electronic, aerospace, ma rine and software. And engin eers wanting to work for the defence force or defence industrie s have lots of opportunities, wh ichever specia lisation they choose . There’s plenty of employm ent opportunities for engineer s within the Australian Defence Force and the broader defence industry, too. Plu s, trades and TA FE options that can kickstart your defence career. The options are endless. – Claire Harris

Cadet, DST

Defence pathways

r: $49K–$ 83K Marine engineer: $46K–$ 91K Aerospace engineer: $51K–$ 98K*

Joyce Mau Research Engineer

Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Engineering, ANU

Strike Fighter jets uture submarines, Joint icles are just and Hawkei armoured veh ence projects in some of the exciting def d engineers are in high Australia right now – an ppen. demand to ma ke them ha gineer with Joyce Mau, a research en ology (DST) – an hn Defence Science and Tec a’s Department ali str Au organisation within n’t set out to work of Defence – says she did rig ued at her in defence but became int “The technology being university’s career fair. pressive back then and showcased looked so im she says. it is even more so now,” a for technology Defence is a booming are anced threat adv as advances in areas such ar technology, rad d an er detection through las ersecurity, artificial blast-proof materials, cyb onomous vehicles. intelligence (AI) and aut

PhD candidate, ANU

rs of Australia’s biggest employe of e on is try us ind ce fen de The away from the frontline gy olo hn tec e dg -e ng tti cu engineers – developing

Find out how maths could also land you a military career!

up, up and away Celeste De Mezieres is a Systems Engineer with Boeing Defence Australia


eleste de Mezieres originally enrolled in a Bachelor of Biomedical Science at Griffith University but her passion for problem-solving and design saw her switch to biomedical engineering. Celeste now uses her knowledge of human anatomy and physiology to improve aircraft design. “The diverse range of engineering disciplines can certainly be overwhelming, however the skills obtained in an engineering degree are highly transferable between industries,” she says. A biomedical engineer like Celeste working in the aerospace/defence industry is a prime example of these diverse career opportunities. “Engineering is a truly rewarding career that can even open up opportunities to work overseas,” she says. – Claire Harris


Celeste de Mezieres Systems engineer

Bachelor of Engineeri (Honours), Electronic and Biong medical Engineering, Griffith University


Gr aduate Progr am, Boeing Defence Austr alia


Reach for the stars


Bachelor of Science (Physics) (Hons) / Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Honours), University of Western Australia

Master of Engineering Science (Satellite Systems), UNSW

To get there:

onique is hooked on space. She was always interested in how things work and at high school she was good at maths and phy sics, so decided to explore opportunitie s in science and engineering . Now, as a space systems eng ineer, she works with two satellites – one that was launched in 2017 and one that is still being des igned – as part of the Buccaneer program with Defence Science and Technology (DST). These ‘CubeSats’ are mini-sa tellites that help scientists and engineers, like Monique, understand the space environment, how sate llite s orbit (to avoid collisions) and how to improve radar technology. Monique and her team des ign daily mission plans, che ck the health and performance of the sate llites and conduct maintenan ce on the ground stations, which are located in Canberra and Adelaide. Students who aren’t sure abo ut STEM careers because of stereotypes such as the idea you have to be a “genius” to work in the field , should think again, says Monique. “In reality, STEM fields req uire pas sion and hard work to gain proficiency more than anything,” she say s.“E ngineering is not just about building brid ges !” Monique says her job doesn’t really feel like a job to her because she enjoys it so much, whi ch is pretty cool!

Monique Hollick Space Systems Engineer, DST

Space Systems Engineer, DST

Research and Innovation Graduate, DST

Guarding the future Go with the flow Daniel Butler hydrodynamicist, DST


aniel Butler took his childhood love of Lego, aeroplane models and puzzles and turned it into a career. He’s now a hydrodynamicist working on the Navy’s $90 billion future submarine and frigate programs with DST. Daniel helps design experimental methods and equipment, as well as running computer simulations to analyse the water flow around new submarines and ships. While spending most of his time in DST’s Melbourne office, he also travels regularly to the Australian Maritime College in Launceston to carry out experiments. He says there is a growing demand for STEM skills (particularly engineering skills) in the defence industry, which means a massive opportunity. “There is a skills gap and that means well-paying jobs,” he says. Daniel recommends giving engineering a go to see if you might enjoy it. That could mean doing a free university course online or taking a gap year to do work experience, such as the one offered by the Australian Defence Force. Daniel says he has always been passionate about practical engineering and when he left high school he went into an

apprenticeship as a mainte nance fitter at a Weet-Bix factory. He took night classes at TAFE to earn an engineering diploma, which meant he got to work on inte resting projects designing new fac tory equipment. While he admits he wanted more of a mental challenge, prompting him to go on to university, Daniel tips his hat to TAFE as a way to get practical skills and bro ad experience that will be useful for your career. “For some reason these day s people want to go straight to university but the re are many useful courses available at TAFE to conside r, too,” he says. “Even if you are definitely plan ning on going to uni, doing a practical course at TAFE – such as drafting – could help you secure goo d part-time work in the industry while studying.” – Claire Harris

Engineering Diploma, TAFE (incomplete)

Maintenance fitter and draftsman Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Aerospace) (Hons), University of Queensland


Hydrodynamics Researcher, DST


Hot Career Tip: Check out the Naval Shipbuilding Plan!

“It’s pretty big right now and will continue to be for the rest of my, and your, careers,” says Daniel. “It will employ more than 15,000 personnel in the naval shipbuilding enterprise through a number of continuous-build programs of submarines, frigates, patrol boats and others. There are going to be a lot of great jobs in that, not just for naval architects, but mechanical, electrical and material engineers, as well as countless trade roles and many others.” Find out more:

Meet two engineering graduates driving their defence careers with determination, passion and fun

Did you know?

Defence Science and Technology (DST) – part of Australia’s Department of Defence – is one of Australia’s largest employers of scientists and engineers, with about 2300 staff.





rnet rything we do it’s The Inte ent so renched in eve

The internet is s ented’. While it’s contentiou hard to imagine it being ‘inv d dite cre be can ion sat organi whether any one person or we know it, it’s generally as t rne inte the g ntin with inve by ations network developed accepted that a communic y ntists in the US militar in engineers and computer scie ET (Advanced Research the late 1960s called ARPAN tion was a key technical founda Projects Agency Network) b. We e e the World Wid for what went on to becom



Today, we mostly think of GPS as helpful for finding our wa y around unfamiliar streets and suburbs, or the funny voice in our phone mispronouncing place names. But ‘Global Positioning System’ techno logy has much more serious orig ins – GPS was developed by the US Department of Defence dur ing the Cold War in the 1960s and was originally used by the navy to naviga te ships and to pinpoint enemy ships and sub marines in the ocean. The technology is ofte n credited to American electrical engine er Ivan Getting.

s n o i t n e v n i e c defen y a d y r e v e e s we u

tor r of engineers and an inves ye plo em big a en be g lon s world The defence force ha a second life in the civilian d fin ten of s on ati ov inn eir in new tech – and th

The Black Box Flight Recorder

Australian research scientist David Warren invented the ‘black box’ flight recorder in 1953, while working at the Aeronautical Research Laboratories (ARL) of the Defence Science and Technology Organisation in Melbourne. David – who lost his own father in a plane crash in 1934 – had been investigating aircraft incidents when he conceived the idea for a device that would record flight data for subsequent crash investigations. Australia was the first country to make the virtually indestructible ‘black boxes’ (which are actually bright orange!) compulsory on all aircraft.



Duct Tape


The famously useful duct tape was not invented by a military engineer as such, but it does have origins in war. Duct tape was the brainchild of Vesta Stout who, in 1943, had two sons serving in the US navy. Vesta – would have made a great engineer – was working in an ordnance plant during World War II when she saw a flaw in the ammo packaging and suggested sealing the boxes with a waterproof cloth tape. The War Production Board got onto it and the resulting product was the first version of duct tape – which is now used by not only the military, but everyone. All the time! – Gemma Chilton





Drones (or UAVs, unmanned aerial vehicles) have their orig ins in defence-force application s and still have a strong ass ocia tion with the military, but today they’re well and truly infiltra ted in everyday life. Drones are used for peaceful purposes in everything from filming and photography to shipping and delivery, and even in modern agricu lture and conservation scie nce.


Take flight Taylah Griffin hadn’t spent much time on planes before signing up for a degree in aerospace engineering – now she has a seriously cool grad gig testing top-end military aircraft


To get there:

ircraft enthusiasts, prepare yourself for job envy. As a systems engineer at Boeing Defence Australia (BDA), 25-year-old QUT graduate Taylah Griffin gets to spend nine-to-five hanging with top-end military aircrafts. With her week split between a to-do list of desk work at the Brisbane BDA office and platform testing aircraft on-site, the job demands an equal mix of programming and practical skills. “I always liked planes, but because I hadn’t been on many, the concept was always intriguing,” she says about her choice to specialise in aerospace instead of general engineering fields. Taylah relocated from small town Gordonvale – near Cairns in far-north Queensland – to study engineering at QUT in Brisbane. She scored the BDA gig after a summer internship with the company during her final year. As the first member

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Aerospace), QUT

of her family to finish uni, landing the job was a big deal and she still credits the skills she learnt during her studies to her success. “There was an assignment where we had to design an automated drone to a list of requirements,” she says. “The from-the-ground-up systems approach is something I’ve used in my job from day one.” Programming planes aside, the best thing about Taylah’s role is that there are other young, female engineers killing it at Boeing, too. “Engineering is usually very male-dominated, but our floor is really diverse,” she says. When she’s not winning awards – such as a 2018 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Tertiary Student STEM Achievement Award – Taylah teaches first-year engineering subjects back at QUT. Her advice to students tackling such an epic degree: “Just stick it out!” – Cassie Steel

Intern, Boeing Defence Australia

Systems Engineer, Boeing Defence Australia

Engineering for the real world

QUT Engineering 31 CRICOS No. 00213J




in 50 years? What will our cities look like e into the near future These projects are a glimps of a ‘smart cit y’, but here’s no one definition ide Smart Cit y Studio consultancy firm Adela technology and data to describes them as using icient sperous, innovative, eff ma ke our cities more pro cit y is one that’s been and sustainable. A smart net. – and the rest of the pla optimised for residents


AI makeover Construction gets an g a stir in constr uction

sin Tech-driven design is cau ilding Information Bu of right now as the use . It is next-level CA D Modelling (BIM) kicks off ed n) software, with the add (Computer-A ided Desig of on ati ent res ita l rep ability of providing a dig ctions. For instance, fun its as ll we as , a building model of a building, 3D a g instead of just generatin se HVAC (heating, BIM can model and analy electrica l systems. ventilation, aircon) and (AI) capabilities built in With artificial intelligence hitects and engineers can to some BIM software, arc m For example, a design tea also be more hands-off. ns sio en dim its e lik rs, ramete can set the building’s pa re mo will take over – no and load capacity, and BIM doors or columns! lls, manually drawing in wa

4D hospital design

e tal – the biggest hea lthcar The Roya l Adelaide Hospi be to t is also the larges facilit y in the countr y – e hnology in Australia to dat tec BIM delivered using 4D refers to the (FYI: the ‘4th dimension’ le). edu sch e tim construction

Brooke Hendrick Urban Development Engineer, Aura smart city project Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), QUT


Student Engineer, Calibre

Graduate Engineer, Calibre



It’s all about connecting the community through tech and engineering design”

Y ENG+SMART CITIES STl),UD QUT ) (Civi Bachelor of Engineering (Honours ent (Building) Bachelor of Construction Managem (Honours), University of Newcastle ) (Software), of Bachelor Engineering (Honours WUniSyd gHrS /BEn University of Sydney

Brooke Hendrick

the end users – hospital A huge benefit was that precinct with the 3D staff – cou ld visua lise the before building started. designs and have their say the 19 separate sectors, and The precinct consists of of ns pla ion t the constr uct designers used BIM to tes se to avoid clashes once sen l tua each sector in a vir . rea l constr uction began re also able to access all we site on Contractors ngs via rea l-time the 2D installation drawi s on their tablets. lin ks with the 3D model uild) (See more at: Hb

ENG+SMART CITIES JOBS 0K –$13 Civil engineer (infrastructure): $54K –$118K $43K : ager man ct proje ion Construct Systems engineering, infrastructure: $65K–$124K*

Smart bins

t used A major goa l is to better New technology isn’t jus smart of ase integrate the natural an for the planning ph d built s (IoT) environment and encou cities. Internet of Thing rage s, building communit y gat herings capabilities can connect – re to so there’s a big focus on cars and cit y infrastructu p cities kee to s ork tw ne public green spaces. An computer other key aspect is keeping the functioning smoot hly. ich wh s’, bin infrastructure flexible to Case in point: ‘smart cope nitor how with changing usage. It’s include sensors that mo pre dicted The e Aur bag a sma gar rt city orm inf has bee that ride-sharing and sel full they are and designed to make transpo n f-driving be to rt dy by rea e y’r the en cars will eventually red bike easy and safe contractors wh uce individual SW started a tria l car usage, so designated picked up. Last year, UN ‘dr w op-off’ zones ho on cil un Co er have been included aro with Sydney’s Georges Riv und retail areas. lth. hea c bli pu ve pro im can Aura has also been design this smart infrastructure ed to ma ke it as easy an d d don’t look great, so an saf ts e as possible to get aroun pes t rac att s bin Messy d by bike, with cycleways n. cer con l rea a alo are s ng all major roads. “The aim flow-on hea lth effect e is to provide a good me information, so garbag quality of life for the com The bins provide rea l-ti mu nit y,” ily says Brooke. eas re mo d ir routes an collectors can adjust the ld cou a dat is Th ing bins. The skills behind sm prevent seas of overf low art cities cities in in ged na Str ma is uct ura l and civil engineer ste wa change how ing, constr uction and project management years to come. , maths, physics, big dat a, software engineering… these are all skills involv ed in developing smart cities. Future city ure? fut the see to nt wa ... On the Aura project, Bro Speaking of what’s ahead oke works with a divers e team including constr uct elopment in Baringa, on dev ra Au the t ou eck Ch ion managers, civil, al tim op for ed nn pla , ast Co str uct ine ura l, mechanica l, and electr Queensland ’s Sunsh il ica l engineers, . Brooke Hendrick, a civ building contractors an d landscape architects. liveabilit y from the get-go the bes cri des t, jec pro ng on the “Smart cities are the fut engineering grad worki ure of developments, lar create a liveable space”. ge to a an dat d small,” she says. “It’s all ng usi ut abo l plan as “al about connecting of lot ole wh a d an s the communit y through Using global case studie tech and engineering des ign.” includes new-gen ce – spa Larissa Fedunik the ut, inp y nit commu uce red to hts lig eet str D LE infrastructure such as s, communit y displays, light pollution, smart bin to monitor air and water environmental sensors in parks, and electric car quality, Wi-Fi availability ns. and bike charging statio






u! o y r o f i n u d n a e e r g e find the right d



(construction, robotics, tech, smart buildings)

Australian National University >> Engineering (Biomedical Systems)

CQ University >> Building Design

Flinders University >> Engineering (Biomedical)

Deakin University >> Engineering (Mechatronics)

Macquarie University >> Engineering/Medical Sciences

Edith Cowan University >> Engineering (Civil and Environmental)

Monash University >> Engineering and Pharmaceutical Science

>> Engineering (Electronics and Communications)

QUT >> Engineering (Medical)

La Trobe University >> Engineering (Industrial)

RMIT University >> Biomedical Engineering

Macquarie University >> Engineering (Mechatronic)

University of Adelaide >> Engineering (Chemical Engineering)/Science (Biotechnology)

Monash University

University of Melbourne >> Master of Engineering (Biomedical) >> Master of Engineering (Chemical/Biochemical)



>> Engineering and Architectural Design Murdoch University >> Engineering (Instrumentation and Control) UNSW Sydney >> Engineering (Civil) with Architecture

University of Queensland >> Engineering (Electrical and Biomedical)

University of Adelaide >> Engineering (Civil)

University of Sydney >> Engineering (Chemical and Biomolecular) >> Engineering (Biomedical) >> Engineering/Science (Medical Science)

University of Melbourne >> Design (Civil Systems)

UTS >> Engineering/Medical Science >> Engineering (Biomedical) UNSW Sydney >> Bioinformatics Engineering

University of South Australia >> Engineering (Civil and Project Management) >> Engineering (Civil and Structural)

(automation, machine learning, computer science, mechatronics) Curtin University >> Engineering (Electrical and Electronics)/ Computer Science Edith Cowan University >> Engineering (Computer Systems)/ Computer Science >> Engineering (Mechatronics) Flinders University >> Engineering (Computer Network and Systems) >> Engineering (Robotics) James Cook University >> Engineering (Electronic Systems and Internet of Things) Macquarie University >> Engineering (Software) >> Engineering/Cognitive and Brain Science Monash University >> Engineering (Software) QUT >> Engineering (Computer and Software Systems) >> Engineering (Mechatronics) RMIT >> Engineering (Computer and Network)/ Computer Science Swinburne University of Technology >> Engineering (Robotics and Mechatronics)

University of Sydney >> Engineering/Project Management

University of Adelaide >> Engineering (Electrical and Electronic)

University of Tasmania >> Engineering (Civil)

University of Canberra >> Engineering (Network and Software)

UTS >> Engineering/Creative Intelligence and Innovation >> Engineering (Civil Structures)

University of Newcastle >> Engineering (Software)

Victoria University >> Engineering (Architectural Engineering)

For more study idea s go to Ca reerswithSTEM.c om




University of Tasmania >> Engineering (Electronics and Communications) UTS >> Engineering (Data) >> Engineering (Electronic) Western Sydney University >> Engineering (Robotics and Mechatronics)

ENGINEERING+DEFENCE (mechanical, cybersecurity, aeronautics, space exploration) ANU >> Engineering (Mechatronic Systems) Deakin University >> Engineering (Mechanical) Edith Cowan University >> Engineering (Instrumentation Control and Automation) >> Engineering (Marine and Offshore Engineering) >> Engineering (Mechanical) Flinders University >> Engineering (Maritime) James Cook University >> Engineering (Mechanical) Macquarie University >> Engineering (Mechanical) >> Engineering/Cyber Security) >> Engineering/Astronomy and Astrophysics Monash University >> Engineering (Aerospace) QUT >> Engineering (Electrical and Aerospace) RMIT >> Engineering (Aerospace) Southern Cross University >> Engineering (Mechanical)

Didn’t get the ATAR you were expecti ng? No worries! There are heaps of a lternative pathways. Head to page 7 to fi nd out more ENGINEERING+WASTE REVOLUTION (environment, renewable energy, resources, sustainability)

Australian National University >> Engineering (Renewable Energy Systems)

Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of degree names at the time of publication. This is by no means an exhaustive list; there are plenty of other degrees available. Search degrees in science, tech, engineering and maths at Careers with STEM: Engineering 2019 is a publication of Refraction Media. Copyright © 2019 Refraction Media, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. If you would like to reproduce anything from this magazine, email: This issue went to press on 17 July 2019. Printed in Australia by BlueStar Web.

Cover image: Lauren Trompp Produced and published by: Refraction Media Co-founder, CEO & Publisher: Karen Taylor-Brown Co-founder & Head of Content: Heather Catchpole

CQ University >> Engineering Technology

Content Lead: Gemma Chilton

Edith Cowan University >> Engineering (Electrical and Renewable Energy) >> Engineering (Electrical Power)

Deputy Editor: Pippa Duffy

University of Newcastle >> Engineering (Mechanical)/Engineering (Mechatronics) >> Aerospace Systems Engineering

Macquarie University >> Engineering/Environmental Science

Issue editorial advisors: Aurelien Gaudin, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Francesca Maclean, Arup Group, Kate O’Mara, RDA Hunter

University of Sydney >> Engineering (Aeronautical)

Murdoch University >> Engineering (Environmental)

University of the Sunshine Coast >> Engineering (Mechanical)

QUT >> Engineering (Chemical Process)/Business

UTS >> Engineering (Mechanical)

RMIT >> Environmental Science/Engineering (Environmental) >> Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics)

UNSW Sydney >> Engineering (Aerospace) University of Melbourne >> Design (Mechanical Systems)

University of Queensland >> Engineering (Mechanical and Aerospace)

Engi neers are super g employable! Accordin to a 2016 report from the Grattan Institutees “engi neeri ng graduatin fi nd it easier to obta l a lternative high-skilM work than other STE graduates”

Monash University >> Engineering (Chemical)

University of Melbourne >> Science (Environmental Engineering Systems) University of Southern Queensland >> Engineering (Environmental) UTS >> Engineering (Civil and Environmental)

Digital Assistant: Cassie Steel Art Director: Katherine Power Editorial Assistant: Larissa Fedunik

Writers: Cassie Steel, Claire Harris, Fran Molloy, Gemma Chilton, Gemma Conroy, Heather Catchpole, Jake Dean, Jo Khan, Larissa Fedunik, Marlena Batchelor and Matthew Brace

SUBSCRIBE AND ORDER COPIES: EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: Email: or +612 9188 5459 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 38, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 Sydney, Australia WEB EDITION + MORE: ISSN 2209-1076

University of Wollongong >> Engineering (Environmental) University of Western Australia >> Science (Engineering Science)


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light your future

with Defence Science and Technology Madeleine Burchill keeps the RAAF flying safer and longer She can predict when fighter jets might suffer structural failures so repairs can happen first. Now she’s working on deployment of the new Joint Strike Fighter. Australia needs more scientists like Madeleine. That’s why we’re partnering with universities to support education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.



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