Careers with STEM: Science 2024

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TERM 1, 2024


Growing food in a climate crisis p16



Life in the lab p8 Indigenous knowledge creating careers p22

Synchrotron scientist


Our planet needs you now. Equip yourself with the skills to tackle one of the most complex challenges of our times with the new Bachelor of Science (Climate Science). Learn about rising sea level mitigation, local climate adaptation and sustainable resource management, and graduate ready to implement real-world solutions.

TEQSA PRV12079 | CRICOS 00213J | © QUT 2023 25983


a Ha The research that Dr Jessic ternal researchers ex th wi on has collaborated stralian Synchrotron using beamlines at the Au nchrotron that you can is one example. It’s the Sy front cover. see behind Jessica on the reduce, reuse and Jessica explores ways to an instrument recycle mining waste. As experiments that are scientist, she assists with very diverse in nature. alia is protecting Another priority for Austr coast. Amy MacIntosh marine habitats along its ct of contaminants (page 12) studies the impa re on the ocean from offshore infrastructu how Australian marine environment, assessing ty of marine pipeline life responds to the toxici periods of exposure. scale over short and long ns naturally occurring This infrastructure contai radioactive materials.


studying science will open doors to many sectors”

Learning from the first scien tists

Brett Rowling (page 11) is an environmental chemist, a proud Guringa i Awabakal man and descendant of the Abori ginal explorer Bungaree and wife Matora (who liv ed at the same time as Matthew Flinders). An expert in environme ntal contaminants, Brett is combining Indige nous knowledge and Western science. He is als o a Champion of reconciliation at ANSTO and helps us appropriately acknowled ge Country and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language and culture. ANSTO is fully committe d to the principles of reconciliation and has a long history of research confirming Ind igenous cultural heritage. Several of our sci entists have significant expertise in thi s area using radiocarbon and other me thods. I encourage you to explo re ANSTO’s website and read about the fascin ating and relevant science that is happening at ANSTO. Studying science will op en doors to many sectors, where you can fin d the path that inspires you. I am contin uously motivated by the important work of AN STO staff. I hope one day you will consider a ca reer with us. Shaun Jenkinson CEO, ANSTO




ceo, ansto

Managing Director, Invacare

s Solving real-world problem milton (page 10)

shaun jenkinson

Sales Manager, Abbott Laboratories


vironmental hat do an Indigenous en ist and scientist, an ecotoxicolog scientist have a synchrotron instrument rly career in common? They’re all ea stralia’s home of Au professionals at ANSTO, ology. And you can nuclear science and techn sting careers in this read all about their intere EM. issue of Careers with ST le in a variety of STEM op pe ys ANSTO emplo of nuclear science to disciplines, from the use techniques to improve benefit industry, nuclear ies to tackle health, a range of capabilit meet energy needs, , environmental challenges and much more.

Biotechnology, London South Bank University

Find the path that inspires you with a career in science. You never know where it could take you!

Director, Australian Synchrotron

Group Executive, ANSTO Health

Science is everywhere



Double issue Flip over for health science careers

What’s inside?


P6 Consideredn?science communicatio

Get paid to talk about something you love

P8 Life in the lab Uni not for you? Discover vocational education pathways

P10 Amazing s

X= STEM + nc e (STEM) with


Combine scie over your passion (+X) to disc are your dream career. Herearted. some ideas to get you st Science + …

ANSTO career

Meet three nuclear scientists working to make the world a better place

s P24 Next stepth is Inspired? Flick to page to make your own science career to-do list


P14 Agricultutareckling climate

Passionate about ulture change? A science + agric eam job dr career could lead to your

e P18 Earth Sciearnc e helping us to


Why Science?

Earth scientists coexist better understand and us, so with the world around nd? why not give them a ha


cience is for everyone, but esp ecially for people keen to explore the wor ld and ask questions. A career in science allows you to change the world, whether it’s working out P22 better ways to feed our growin g population, educating the public on climate change, helping people live healthier lives or har nessing our natural resources for a sustain able future. Whatever your passion or interest, you might be surprised at the career pathways and opportu nities in science available to you.

P22 First Natiousnsscience

Applying Indigeno s) is (from the first scientist career paths creating promising new

N AT I O N A L S C I E N C E W E E K TEACHER RESOURCE OUT NOW! The outstanding series of National Science Week resource books has been published annually by ASTA with Australian Government support since 1984. This year’s resource book is designed specifically for both teachers of F-10 and all community educators and provides stimulating lessons on sciencew au Species Survival – More than just sustainability, and investigates some of the challenges that affect life on Earth.


10-18 AUGUST 2024




COULD HELP FEED THE WORLD Acute food insecurity currently affects more than 345 million people worldwide, with conflict, economic shocks, climate extremes and soaring fertilizer prices combining to create a food crisis of unprecedented proportions. This means that scientists who can help food producers get more out of their land are in high demand. Macquarie University is the home of ‘hot rice’. This global project identified wild rice genes that are improving tolerance to heat, drought and salinity in the two species of cultivated rice that form the staple diet of nearly five billion people.

International research projects like the hot rice initiative have helped the University rank 39th in the world for its contribution towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (THE Impact Rankings 2023). If you are passionate about feeding the world, Macquarie’s Bachelor of Biodiversity and Conservation, Bachelor of Environment and Bachelor of Science will allow you to explore the science behind crop improvements and soil management and help create more drought-resistant crops. Our flexible approach to learning also means that you can even combine two degrees to pursue your passions and prepare yourself for the future – wherever that may take you.


CRICOS Provider 00002J | FSE58355





ce, we’re here to tell you being ien sc e lov u yo d an ing th ur If talking is yo and growing career option al re a is tor ica un mm co ce a scien

communicators out there: one is an astrophysicist and the oth er is a science fiction author. Closer to home, Brett Lewi s is an earth and atmospheric scientist at QU T who studies coral biology and uses vid eography to tell stories. His coral videos ha ve been featured in ABC, PBS and BBC do cumentaries, and a raft of popular U.S. scien ce magazines. To be a science communic ator, you’ll need to dive into difficult topics and ask a lot of questions. Plus, you’ll need to write and communicate clearly so yo u can tell a story that non-scientists will un derstand and find fascinating. – Rachel Willi amson


cience + communication is a job that does exactly what it says on the box: you communicate… science! It’s one of the best jobs going in the STEM field because communicators get to talk to the people making cutting-edge discoveries, and translate that for non-scientists. Your job could be in journalism, public relations, museum and exhibition curation, documentary making, being a scientist who loves TikTok, advising governments… even your teachers are science communicators. Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Ursula Le Guin might be two of the most famous science







What you’ll do

Salary range $77K–$150K

Bachelor of Science (Science Communication), ANU

Jobs include hosting podcasts and radio shows, like Jen Martin, writing books, or teaching other scientists how to communicate.

Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Journalism, The University of Queensland

You might work in the media, or as a writer for professional services firms, public relations agencies, or pharmaceutical companies.

Bachelor of Public Policy / Bachelor of Science, ANU

Jobs include advising government organisations such as the Climate Change Authority, or you could advise state or federal governments.

Bachelor of Science / Master of Teaching, Victoria University

There’s a shor tage of science teachers, and entertainers who can do science with children at parties and in schools are also in demand.


$60K–$120K $90K–$150K


YOUR CAREER YOUR WAY Your career can take a variety of twists and turns, steps and stages. can help you make informed decisions about your learning, training and career development. 7



Life in the lab

r without going to uni! Get an awesome science caree


e still keen on working in f uni isn’t for you but you’r ! There are lots of VET a science lab, you totally can technician, and here’s pathways to becoming a lab what that gig looks like…

What to study There are heaps of great TAFE courses that’ll set you up for life in the lab. These include: • Certificate III in Laboratory Skills • Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques •D iploma in Laboratory Technology, in either Chemistry or Food

Where you could work So many interesting places! If you’re interested in science + education, you could work in a school science lab. Keen on crime and justice? Get a job in forensics . Enjoy being hands-on? You could lan d a gig in manufacturing. Love the idea of a health career? Pharmacolog y could be per fect for you. Top tip: research all your VET study options to see which course will get you to where you want to go.

what you’ll be doing So what does a lab technician actually do? Technicians head up the maintenance of lab tools and equipment, capture and sort data and ensure efficiency and accuracy.

If pathology is your jam, you could also look at: • Certificate III in Pathology Collection • Diploma in Laboratory Technology

Career opportunities By studying a lab tech course through VET, there are so many ways to combine science with your ‘X’ – that’s your passion, hobby or big goal. You could become a:

show me the money

• Biological testing technica l assistant • Laboratory assistant in water quality, food testing or polymer testing • School laborator y technician • Forensic science technician • Medical laborator y technician • Manufacturing testing technical officer • Pathology collector

In 2023, lab technologists earned $65,795 on average.


Be in demand Lab technician jobs will grow by 6.8% by 2026, l according to the Nationa Skills Commission!

vet pathways Find out more about alternative pathways into science by scanning here!



gh one of the elping patients get throu ir life is just most anxious times in the itlan, an part of a day’s work for Ca anaesthetic technician. paring and Her daily tasks include pre r anaesthetic, monitoring patients unde gement, distributing assisting in airway mana nsfers and medication, ambulance tra cts. transfusing blood produ every thing we ing do ’re we y, “Essentiall etist to ensure can to assist the anaesth ring their patients are kept safe du ” she says. But ry, rge anaesthetic and su s completely Caitlan’s initial career wa st in both science different — with an intere s choosing a pathway and English, Caitlan say ficult. after Year 12 was quite dif into university to “Initially I was accepted ly after I realised study journalism but short ssion.” that was no longer my pa marketing and in e gre “I completed a de n’t feel fulfilled, public relations but still did options for studying and eventually looked at and healthcare; things relating to biology the Diploma of that’s where I came across Caitlan says. Anaesthetic Technology,”

It’s ok to try t until different things ouca reer” you find the right



Anaesthetic Technician, King Edward Memorial Hospital

Now Caitlan is doing a job where she loves the variety, and uses critic al thinking and problem-solving every da y. “I really enjoy that we are often the first to receive a patient for surge ry. We have a short 15-minute window prior to the operating room to learn as much as we can about our patients, not only clinically, but to also build a rapport so they feel safe and at ease for their operation.” Plus, in her hospital, anaes thetic technicians are part of the code blue em ergency response team on call to help durin g times of crisis. “Being a contributing me mber of a team that has helped save someone’s life is a pretty special feeling,” Caitlan say s. She encourages students to explore all their options in high school. “There are so many caree rs out there that you wouldn’t have even heard of or known existed and it’s okay to try different things out until you find the rig ht career that you are passionate about.” — Charis Palmer

Emergency Department Clerical Officer, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children

caitlan noble

anaesthetic technicia n

Diploma of Anaesthetic Technology, North Metropolitan TAFE

d her Caitlan Noble startebut after , ing career in market l training discovering vocationaalthcare, options to work in he won out her love for science

bachelor of communications (marKeting & PR), curtin university

In safe hands



s r e e r a c O T S N A Amazing

O dream STEM careers at ANST ir the ing rsu pu ts tis ien sc ee Meet thr


Lighting the way

Fun fact

The Austral ia n Sy nchroton has been used as a movie set.

Working at the Australian Synchrotron allows Jessica Hamilton to experiment and be creative

Jessica Hamilton beam

nce degree, the hen Jessica first started her scie h: “Do you want geoscience lecturer opened wit osaurs and space?” to learn about volcanoes, din dropped physics in “I was sold,” Jessica says. She works as a beamline favour of geology, and today chrotron in a job that is scientist at the Australian Syn t she says “looks like very varied and in a facility tha something out of a sci-fi film”. ny cool projects in my “I’ve gotten to work on so ma iments, to molten rock, time here, from Antarctic sed more,” she says. nanoparticles, batteries, and is one of many at the rks The beamline Jessica wo on groups of visiting facility, which hosts different scientists every few days. ne and optimise it for “My job is to set up the beamli any issues, and train their experiment, troubleshoot the instruments to the scientists in how to operate Jessica explains. get the most out of their data,” g a process that uses In her research she’s developin sequestration and critical mining waste rock for carbon and cobalt). metal recovery (mainly nickel


line scientist

jessica’s top career tip Follow what you enjoy, not the path that you think you ‘should’ take, and don’t stress if you have no idea where you belong .

What is a Synchrotron ?


“With the explosion of renewable tech and battery storage, we need to make sure the raw materials for these things are produced in more sustainable and ethical ways,” Jessica says. One of the biggest lessons she’s learnt is that research requires a lot of creativity. “The key to doing research is actually to just try something new! That felt very freeing to me – to no longer feel a mountain of existing knowledge looming ahead of me, and to stop worrying about being right or wrong.” – Charis Palmer Bachelor of Science (Geoscience) (Honours), Monash University

The Australian Synchrotron is a circular technology, abou t the size of a football field, that accelerates electrons to alm ost the speed of light. When the electrons go around a circul ar path, they give off energy in the form of incredibly brigh t light. That X-ray and infrared ligh t is directed to ‘beamlines’, wh ere researchers use it to advan ce our knowledge of everyt hing from medical science to agricultu re.

Technical assistant, IPB Petroleum

PhD in environmental mineralogy, Monash University

Intern, Earth Systems Beamline scientist, Australian Synchrotron (ANSTO)


Teaching associate, Monash University


Cool chemist

Fun fact

Brett is also a keen fol lower of the Austral ia n Ba llet!

Brett Rowling was studying to become a teacher when he found out how awesome the ‘S’ in STEM really is! STO, Brett’s days s an analytical chemist at AN soil samples involve analysing air, water and world. The aim? To from Australia and around the natural and man-made understand the movement of mental systems. contaminants through environ he wanted to be w But Brett didn’t always kno chemistry, maths and a scientist. “At school I liked o knew I liked talking engineering studies, and I als ious choice,” he – so teaching seemed an obv teed job at the end explains. “I could see a guaran a scientist did.” and really, I had no idea what olarship and headed to Brett scored a teaching sch ree, he got into the Year uni. Halfway through his deg . “It was a fantastic in Industry program at ANSTO field sampling, position with a great mix of Brett says. laborator y and office work,”


brett rowling analytical chemist

As par t of the program, Bre tt saw lots of interesting science and eng ineering projects. “I also per formed a small research project looking at soils, which was written up and pre sented – all great work skills that set me up for future work within and outside of ANSTO.” During his time at ANSTO, Bre tt (a descendant of Bungoree and Matora) has wo rked on projects such as digitally preser ving hand stencils from a site on his mob’s countr y, and studyi ng giant clam shells from nor thern Australia to rev eal information about past climates. “To me as a blackfella, it’s the recent interest in our culture by the wider Aus tralian community that’s remarkable from a career per spective,” he says. “Our culture already has cus toms, lore, science and engineering which, being Australian-made, is world-leading. We have bee n able to take our oral stories and practical scienc es from countr y, and marry them up with the use of modern techniques.” – Louise Meers Bachelor of Science

Brett’s top career tip Look for people who will support and assist in guiding you. You want people who are there for the successes but also there when you need help.

(Geoscience) (Honours ), University of Wollo



Analytical chemist,





Marine animal protector

W hat’s A NSTO?

Oh, just a top ST EM employer! ANSTO is one of Austral ia’s leadi ng scientific institutio ns, employing mo re than 400 scientis ts and hu ndreds of others in nucle ar industry professions. Rese archers from Austral ia and ar ou nd the world come to use its sta te-of-the-art nuclear science facil ities.

Amy MacIntosh’s fascination with the behaviour and anatomy of animals has led her to a science career that’s all about protecting them

earches how s an ecotoxicologist, Amy res e materials from naturally occurring radioactiv impact marine life. abandoned oil and gas pipes with animals. She Amy always wanted to work helor of Science in started her studies with a Bac University of Otago in zoolog y and geography at the then followed that up Aotearoa / New Zealand. She ch projects, and is now with more study and resear mental science at completing a PhD in environ at ANSTO. Macquarie University, based te a database of the The aim of her PhD? To genera toxic metals and naturally accumulation of potentially ial (NORM) in different occurring radioactive mater the key organs of concern Aussie marine animals, and ll), from contaminants (like muscle, liver, gut and she oil and gas pipelines. of decommissioned offshore



amy’s top career tip Nothing is going to go according to plan and failure is a part of learning and knowing you are human.

amy macintosh ecotoxicologist

Fun fact

Amy studied anth ropolog y an d Hebrew as an underg raduate.

Bachelor of Science (Zoology, Geography), University of Otago

International student exchange to University of Exeter (Zoology)

Master of Science (Earth and Environmental Sciences), Macquarie University

Amy says there are lots of coo l things about her job, including travel. “I’m ver y lucky to have travel led all the way to the International Atomic Ene rgy Agency HQ in Vienna, Austria, to be a repres entative for Australia and ANSTO,” she says. And she’s excited to apply her knowledge to emerging jobs in nuclear sci ence, including monitoring opportunities in Australia’s new nuclearpowered submarines progra m. – Louise Meers

Research assistant (CSIRO Environment)


Bachelor of Science (Wildlife Ecology) (Honours), University of Tasmania PhD candidate and ecotoxicologist, Macquarie University / ANSTO

Change lives – choose a career in health Improve Australia’s regional and rural communities and unlock limitless career opportunities.

Health education: it's in our DNA




e r u t u f e h t g n i m Far in science and agriculture l tia ten po ur yo sh lea un : lds From laboratories to vast fie


Did you know?

the he world’s population is on ed ne we s rise, and that mean re to produce more food, mo In e. on sustainably to feed every ce du pro to ve fact, we’ll ha by a massive 51% more food . nd ma de s 2050 to meet thi in Scientists working Australia’s thriving agriculture industry are , tackling the issue head on using cutting-edge technology to help revolutionise farming. Agricultural science is imated a growing field, with an est Australia. in ate du six jobs for every gra , you’ll have wn do go If this is the road you e the future of ap sh plenty of opportunities to whether you’re in sustainable agriculture – nds dirty in the the lab or getting your ha companies, local field, working with private nt agencies. farmers, or even governme ce smarts to You could apply your scien istant crops, or grow help develop drought-res -class Aussie wine, premium grapes for world

Al most ha lf of th e world’s farm in g la nd, wh ere about 40% of al l people on Ea rth live, faces continuous or frequent drought. Th is m akes it much harder to grow cereal crops like wheat and ba rley, wh ich we need to feed the world.

through specialisations such as crop science, plant health and sustainable farming. By combining your scientific skills with tech like artificial int elligence (AI), you could deliver even mo re impact. So, if you’re passionate abo ut tackling climate change and makin g the world more sustainable, a science + agr iculture career could lead to your dream job. The best part? You’ll see yo ur efforts actually making a differen ce in the real world. – Danielle Lucas



Imagine using what you know to help neighbouring countries with big challenges like biosecurity and making sure there’s enough food. You might team up with local communities to help make their farms more productive and sustainable. And the best part? You get to travel the world, make global connections and bring cool new skills and knowledge back to Australia!



take your pick

Bachelor of Agricultural Science, Charles Sturt University

Agricultural scientists

Research soil, plant and animal genetics, pest and disease management, and more, to help with global challenges like feeding the world’s population.

Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Honours), University of Tasmania Bachelor of Science (Regenerative Agriculture), Southern Cross University


Work with businesses to ensure farming systems stay profitable and environmentally sustainable for future generations.

Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology, The University of Adelaide

Food safety consultants

Help reduce food waste and the impact of pathogens due to inappropriate food storage and bacterial contamination.



Are expert grape growers, with a deep knowledge of soil, weather and the essential care needed to cultivate premium grapes used for wine.

According to the McKinsey Global Institute, AI has the potential to improve producti and agricultural performancevity up to 55%. It’s already being by used, with sensors, robotics and data analysis making a , positive impact.

Feed the world

In the 2019 to 2020 season, about $48 billion of Australia’s $61 billion agricultural production was shipped to other countries.

Machine learning

Gathers and analyses data, hel pin to predict crop yields or diseas g e outbreaks, and optimising pla nting and harvest times.

SCIENCE + AGRICULTURE + JOBS Agriculture research scientist $66K–$96K Sustainability consultant $58K–$113K Agronomist $55K–$96K Vineyard operator / manager $50K–$91K* *Salaries according to

AI-powered robots

Handle tasks like planting, weeding, harvesting and even caring for cattle, saving farme rs time and labour.

Computer vision

Is used to monitor crop health identify pests by analysing imaand drones, cameras and satellites ges from .




ld Feeding ghtt-hreesistawntocrr ops, Dr Nipuni Peththa riculture From fungi to drou grow the future of ag Thanthrige is helping and molecular ith a background in genetic feed the world’s biolog y, Nipuni is helping to e of climate change. growing population in the fac food production Globally, we need to increase 2050, and Nipuni says by 50% to meet demand by cial role to play. “By plant scientists will have a cru m more stress improving plants to make the ance crop tolerant and nutritious, we enh says. per formance and quality,” she es sorghum, one Nipuni’s current project involv ps. “We’re aiming to of Australia’s vital cereal cro m, using genetics to improve the quality of sorghu make it more digestible.” hlight of the job. The diversity of tasks is a hig says. “I experiment “Each day is different,” Nipuni d, write academic in the lab, apply that in the fiel s!” – Danielle Lucas articles and teach undergrad



Bachelor of Science (Microbiology) (Honours), University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka Sessional Academic and Lead Tutor, QUT

Dr Nipuni Peththa Thanthrige food researcher

PhD in molecular biology and plant biotechnology, QUT

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Integrative Research, University of Queensland Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Crop Science, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, University of Queensland

Research Assistant, Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy, QUT

Charles Sturt University

ed ir u q e r s e o r e h e r u t l Agricu owing population will take Feeding the world’s grrking in regional areas more than farmers wo



im Pratley, Emeritus Professor in Agriculture at Charles Sturt University, is shouting it from the rooftops: we’re on a mission to feed everyone! Forget what you thought about agriculture being limited to rural and regional areas. Lots of agriculture jobs can be found in cities, working on the entire system of eco-friendly food production. “There is a big demand for people with qualifications, not just in agriculture but also in the management of big data, robotics, drones, electronics, IT, engineering related to agriculture, as well as the specialists across the agricultural production systems,” Prof Pratley says. The planet needs you to join the mission and Charles Sturt is the place to be – agriculture is in its DNA, and it’s ranked #1 in NSW for grads who land jobs. With a Charles Sturt degree in hand, you could be rocking it in agribusiness, biosecurity, or climate adaptation. And hey, Charles Sturt’s 2000 hectare Global Digital Farm has it all – livestock, crops and cool gadgets! It’s basically an agri-paradise with a history dating back 120 years. You can take an interactive virtual tour of the Wagga farm at:

see all the careers in agriculture



Global Leadership Program (completion with merit), Macquarie University

ylan kickstarted his STEM journey by studying a Bachelor of Biodiversity and Conservation at Macquarie University. He loved that this degree had a wide range of subjects and that it was very science based. Awesome electives were a highlight too! “There were quite a lot of elective subjects which meant I could broaden the scope of my degree,” Dylan explains. Fast forward to today and he’s undertaking a graduate role at AgriProve, Australia’s largest carbon soil-tech developer. AgriProve works with farmers to help them improve the carbon in the soil on their farms. Their aim is to help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. “I love being a part of an innovative soil-tech company working to progress our understanding of soil science, food security, and build climate resilience for Australian farmers,” Dylan says. His gig involves undertaking scientific trials and working with farmers on the best way to improve soil for storing carbon. The non-STEM electives Dylan studied at uni have also helped top tip him in his job, giving him a good understanding of Discover and follow your passions, don’t be rushed into how broader ecological picking a career or degree based on anyone else’s opinions or expectations.


led natural world workspath, and e th w ho th wi n tio A fascina ervation biodiversity and cons Dylan Cronje down ail science to combat climate change! now he’s using so

Inaugural graduate, AgriProve

Solving climate change

concepts tie in with enab ling action from business and govern ment. As for exciting opportunit ies popping up in this area of STEM, Dylan believes carbon off sets and nature-based solution s offer lots of avenues to apply sci entific education to address the biggest, dynamic, real-world issue facing our generation: climate ch ange. “Being a growing scientif ic industry, there exist massi ve career opportunities and signif icant investment into companies developing nature-based offsets, and this creates hu ge opportunities to fund science and innov ative technologies to scale this action globa lly.” — Louise Meers

Check out Macquarie Uni Earth and environmental science study options 17

Bachelor of Biodiversity and Conservation, Macquarie University

graduate soil scientist

Business Development Manager, Cynosure Australia


dylan cronje



Team environment Earth scientists are helping us to better understand and coexist with the world around us, which makes life a whole lot nicer for us and our planet! environmental s and collabs, earth and rce ou res ge, led ow kn ir ith the ble future. towards a more sustaina scientists are leading us Australian at ts m of enviro scientis We caught up with a tea needed to es rol science re some of the different plo ex to D GH y an mp co – Pippa Duffy protect our environment.


meet the team

Pippa Fernandes

Spatial analyst

e (Earth Science, Degree: Bachelor of Scienc Geography) (Honours) lysts existed before Pippa didn’t know spatial ana ps people understand she started uni. Now, she hel projects and what the geographical context of impacts they might have. difference? “I help the How does your job make a ts by setting up a field field team plan their site visi lect the right data.” mapping app so they can col “I create field-data Cool tech you get to use? on their phones, collection tools that teams use work with drones too, which is fun. My team gets to s.” and we also create 3D model


Paul de Mar David Chubb

Technical director, natural resources and bushfire

Australian future energy leader – environment

Degree: Master of Environme

ence Degree: Master of Applied Sci ) ent em nag (Environmental Ma s during his 30 years David has done loads of job es to building in the industry, so when it com jects, he knows teams to work on various pro what he’s talking about. ut your job? What do you love most abo “Kicking off a new project.” GHD team? “The Best part of being on the jects are the same.” people, and that no two pro

ntal Planning Paul helps agencies look at how to control fire risks and set up protections during the design stage of projects. Fave part of your job? “I get to go to some of the most magnificent places in Austra lia. I’ve recently been to Ulu ru and Kakadu working on fire management with First Nation s peoples on their lands.” Cool tech you get to use? “My favourite is the aerial incendiary machine used on aircraf ts and drones to release capsules with a special chemic al, into hard-to-get-to areas, to start low-intensity control bur ns.”



Hands-on learner Claire Orlov was “into everything” at school, but she settled on geology and now, as a researcher studying Mars gets to be creative every day

SCIENCE + EARTH SCIENCE + STUDY Bachelor of Science (Earth Science), QUT Bachelor of Marine Biology and Climate Change, UTS

claire orlov geoscientist

Bachelor of Geoscience, University of New England Bachelor of Environmental Science, Edith Cowan University Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management, TAFE NSW


t school, Claire was into sport, art, design, history and science, among many other things! “For most of my time at school I wanted to be a fashion or costume designer, or maybe an artist, but by my final year I’d really switched gears and I knew I wanted to be a geologist,” Claire says. Now, she studies volcanoes for a living in a job that’s both creative and tech driven. Just goes to show that science careers can combine diverse interest areas. Claire’s research involves trying to map and understand the geology of Mars using high-resolution satellite imagery. “Specifically, I look at faults we can see on the surface to try and understand how and when a huge volcanic area of Mars developed. This is because, unlike Earth, Mars doesn’t have plate tectonics, so other forces like giant volcanoes are responsible for the structures we see,” she says. For Claire, geology is an inherently creative field, but in her role she gets to flex her artistic side even more than normal, making maps and figures. “I love spatial data and I think it’s because I like seeing things in a visual way. Any time I read

Bachelor of Science (Geolo University of NSW gy),

SCIENCE + EARTH SCIENCE + JOBS Environmental scientist $57K–$94K

geology doesn’t have black and white answers” something with data in it, I aut omatically want to see it on a map as that’s where it makes sense to me.” “It’s not something that has black and white answers, which is great and also frustrating, because it’s hard to come to a single truth. But that’s where creative thinkin g is involved.” Claire gets to do fieldwork in amazing places, from outback Australia to the lav a fields of Iceland. Her advice to anyone consid ering a science career is to envisage the lifestyle you want, not the job title. She also says being interested in lots of things is a strength, not a weakness: “Don’t worry if you don’t have a single passion – you don’t have to pick just one thing and stick with it for ever!” – Charis Palmer

Geoscientist, Geoscience Austr al



Environmental consultant $54K–$100K Marine biologist $46K–$102K Geologist $74K–$143K* *Salaries according to

PhD in planetary geo sc University of Leedsience,



gidyea venner

Putting in k r o w d n u o r g e th

Gr aduate hydrogeologist, AGE

Bachelor of Science (Honours), QUT

graduate hydrogeolo gist

His favourite thing about his job is being in new environments all the time. “Pl us, continuing to operate within the cultural interface between Indigenous and Western knowledge system s whenever I have the opportunity,” he adds. For those who want to follow in his footsteps, Gidyea believes there are exciting opp ortunities in the rapid improvement of groundwater modelling. “It’s becoming much more sophisticated and reliable, and increasing computing power aids this.” And when he’s not working? Gidyea (who’s named after a native tree) is flexing his cre ative talents playing folk and countr y music! – Louise Meers

i operate between indigenous and western knowledge systems”

Study science at QUT. Find out more


Bachelor of Journal / Bachelor of ts (Philosophy), Univeism rsity of QueenslaAr nd


a Bachelor of Science idyea was inspired to study QUT after meeting (Environmental Science) at aphic and Queensland a group of Australian Geogr . his gap year in the Kimberley Herbarium scientists during d fiel the wed him to be in He loved that this degree allo ity about the natural world. ios and that it satiated his cur te hydrogeologist for In his current role as a gradua Environmental (AGE), Australasian Groundwater and drilling efforts for Gidyea is helping to supervise infrastructure project in monitoring wells on a major ising on casing and Queensland. This involves adv pling and monitoring tests. development, and regular sam rogeological honours He’s also just completed a hyd a thesis on mapping the project, where he submitted Artesian Basin; shallow springs of the Great l and hydrogeological a geophysical, hydrochemica dy on Turraburra, a native investigation with a case stu in Queensland. He’s excited title proper ty near Aramac, with the Yambangku about how this par tnership and Tourism Development Aboriginal Cultural Heritage ATDAC) on Turraburra may Aboriginal Corporation (YACH announcement of the new evolve into the future after the dges and Culture at QUT. Faculty of Indigenous Knowle

Bachelor of Science (Environmental Scien ce), QUT

Venner ce at QUT led Gidyea ien sc l ta en nm ro vi en Studying ome groundwater gig! straight into an awes

Geoscientists like t just on Earth but in space too! cutting-edge tech no rocks and a lightbulb ueled by a childhood love of oke always knew moment about geologists, Bro y at uni. she’d end up studying geolog e degree from the enc sci her h Now, armed wit working with University of Adelaide, she’s space tech in g ftin a bunch of brainiacs cra tech onto the sie Adelaide, aiming to sling Aus be this intergalactic? ld Moon! Who knew geolog y cou who are mostly mineral , “My job is to help our clients our product called exploration companies, to use value out of its results ExoSphere and get the most e skills,” Brooke says. through utilising my geoscienc look for new critical metal ExoSphere helps companies s of the subsur face using deposits by producing model ellites. Critical metals are seismic sensors and space sat gs like mobile phones, solar essential for all sor ts of thin panels and electric cars. know what your job will be Brooke says you won’t really important to keep an open like until you’ve started, so it’s at Fleet.”– Charis Palmer mind. “That’s how I ended up


brooke north space geologist

Check out science study options at the University of Adelaide

Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience) (Honours), University of Adelaide Graduate Exploration Geologist, OZ Minerals

Exploration Geologist, OZ Minerals / BHP


To the mBrooookenNortah arnedworkbingawicthk

Student Geologist, OZ Minerals Mineral Exploration Account Specialist, Fleet Space Technologies

Rock solid job opportunities Study Mineral Geoscience

CRICOS 00123M Australian University Provider Number PRV12105





Discover how Indigenous knowledge is shaping contemporary science and creating promising career paths


boriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have developed and passed down vast bodies of knowledge over tens of thousands of years, drawing on their deep connection to the land and its ecosystems. Australian universities are offering a growing number of courses that delve into Indigenous science and knowledge systems. Graduates can work alongside Indigenous communities, in environmental conservation, sustainable agriculture and more. Today, understanding and applying Indigenous science isn’t just about preserving the past; it’s about building a more sustainable future. – Gemma Chilton

A burning question How the ancient practice of cultural burning is informing modern fire management nous For thousands of years, Indige Australians have harnessed the power of fire, using a technique se known as cultural burning. The ity deliberately lit, low-intens , fires clear away dead vegetation ate breathe life back into soils, cre c cifi spe p conditions that hel erse plants thrive, and establish div ity. ers habitats that can boost biodiv Applying cultural burning today high can help us reduce the risk of bon car the intensity bushfires and m. emissions that come with the


Deadly innovation at Monash University

Monash University’s National Indigenous Innovation Challenge connects researchers with Indigenous communities to develop sustainable solutions in areas like land remediation, traditional agriculture and plant conservation. Six Indigenous groups from across the country joined the 2023 initiative, pitching ideas such as ancient agricultural recovery and apps to tackle antisocial behaviour. The challenge merges traditional knowledge with advanced research.


START YOUR CAREER HERE SCIENCE + FIRST NATIONS + STUDY Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours) (Indigenous Science and Knowledges), Australian National University

Insect enthusiast

Kinjia Munkara-Murray Aquatic ecologist

ay transformed Kinjia Munkara-Murr essful science career self-doubt into a succ


aised in Garramilla (Darwin), Kinjia is a proud Tiwi and Rembarrnga woman who spent her childhood exploring the lush tropical undergrowth of Darwin and the Tiwi Islands. “If you couldn’t find me outside in nature, I was probably inside raising caterpillars into butterflies or feeding mushy bananas to rhinoceros beetles,” she says. Given this early enthusiasm, you might think a study and career path into science would’ve been a given – but Kinjia’s journey was far from straightforward.

Bachelor of Environmental Science – Wildlife and Conservation Biology (Indigenous Studies), Deakin University Bachelor of Applied Science (Indigenous Professional Practices), Curtin University Graduate Certificate in Education (Indigenous Education), QUT Online

Discovering science Kinjia held back from pursuing her interest in science because she didn’t believe she was “smart enough”. Thankfully, conversations with mentors eventually inspired her to enrol in a Bachelor of Science Extended course. Kinjia soon landed a summer internship at engineering consultancy GHD. “The first thing they did was sit me down in front of a microscope and teach me all about aquatic insects!” she says. In her final year of uni, Kinjia came across a paper that described the Tiwi Islands as a ‘biodiversity hotspot’. Inspired, she contacted the author of the paper – who went on to become the supervisor of her own Master of Bioscience research project! “That was my highlight at university,” Kinjia says. A long way from the high school student who thought she wasn’t cut out for science, Kinjia graduated from her Master’s degree with Distinction.

studying insects is my passion, and i get to work with them daily” Shifting perspectives

Bachelor of science (Zoology, University of melboanimal biology) urne intern, ghd

Kinjia is now a full-time gradua te aquatic ecologist at GHD, and gets to monitor ‘ma croinvertebrates’ – aquatic lifeforms including ins ects and crustaceans –in Victorian water ways. “Studying insects is my pas sion, and being able to work with them on a daily bas is is the absolute best.” Reflecting on her path, Kinjia highlights the importance of ensuring Indige nous people are represented in STEM. “Havin g more Indigenous role models would’ve helped elim inate my feelings of ‘not being smart enough’ to study science,” she says.

SCIENCE + FIRST NATIONS + JOBS Ecologist $55K–$82K Healthcare consultant $56K–$114K Park ranger $38K–$99K* *Salaries according to

master of science (bi oscience), university of Melbo urne

gr aduate scientist,





Start your e r e h h t a p e c n e sci What’s that STEM job?

Hatch your study + career plan on this page. Good luck, future scientist!

Did you know you can download our free, eight-page Careers with STEM job kits for a full low-down on specific STEM jobs? Get them at CareerswithSTEM. com/jobkits


What science career is for you? If you need more inspo, take our ‘What science career is for you?’ quiz at


Which ‘X’ (passion, hobby, interest or other area) is your favourite?

 Agriculture

 Earth

 Creativity

 Health

Careers with STEM: Science 2024 is a publication and trademark of Refraction Media. Copyright © 2024 Refraction Media, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. If you would like to reproduce anything from this magazine, email:

 First Nations

 Something else: __________

3 4

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

Can’t decide? Scan the QR code to take our fun ‘What’s your STEM + X’ quiz! Where would you like to study science?

This issue went to press on 23 January 2024.

 Charles Sturt University

 Macquarie University


 The University of Adelaide

 Through VET

 Somewhere else: _____________

Printed in Australia by IVE.

Cover image: Tina Smigielski Produced and published by: Refraction Media


Co-founder, CEO & Publisher: Karen Taylor-Brown

Which ANSTO scientist had the coolest job?

Co-founder, CEO & Head of Content: Heather Catchpole Managing Editor: Charis Palmer

To-do list

Digital Content Strategist: Louise Meers

Make notes about what you can do next to further your future science career. You might want to have a chat with your careers advisor, explore TAFE and uni options, find a mentor, or head to to check out more options.

Sub Editor: Amelia Caddy Art Director: Katherine Power Writers: Gemma Chilton, Pippa Duffy, Danielle Lucas, Louise Meers, Charis Palmer, Rachel Williamson

1. 2.





POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 154, Oyster Bay, NSW 2225, Australia

5. ISSN 2209-1076

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Want to find out more about specific science careers? Check out our growing stack of Careers with STEM job kits: our eight-page e-mags introducing individual STEM jobs. Visit


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