Careers with STEM: Cyber Security 2021

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TERM 4, 2021


cyber security


signs you should work in cyber security p4 Meet the cyber crime fighters p8 Protecting our farms from cyber attack p14 cyber security graduate


SEE YOURSELF ON THE FRONTLINE OF CYBER SECURITY Study at Australia’s only International Cyber Security Centre of Excellence. With cyber security threats only increasing, there’s never been a greater need to protect Australian businesses, government and the community from digital crimes. Australia is facing a severe shortage of cyber security workers, with nearly 17,000 more workers needed by 2026*. ECU’s cyber security courses are designed to meet the changing landscape of our cyber security future. Our students learn in world class facilities, including a new multimillion dollar Security Operations Centre. They also receive real world experience through placements, internships and industry projects making them ready to tackle a constantly changing digital world. ECU has the largest academic cyber security and research program in Australia and recently became the first and only university from Australia to be recognised as an International Cyber Security Centre of Excellence.

303ML 11626748 | CRICOS IPC 00279B

For an in-demand career in a fast growing industry, study cyber security at ECU.

Apply Now *Source: AustCyber Sector Competitiveness Plan; Chapter 3.




Diverse paths to cool careers combined her passion for z ale nz Go la ee am Sh A’s CB When found the perfect career people with know-how, she


d, intelligent, hink of what a determine from you. Maybe creative thief could take something else your personal device or y hacked your identity: close to you? What if the t’s published online? every thing about you tha r wider digital The data that is part of ou cious asset and footprint is our most pre allenge. That's why protecting it is a huge ch walks of life, genders, we need people from all passions to be a part brain types and creative se the people we are of cyber security. Becau ve and intelligent. up against are also creati

Shameela Gonzalez executive ad visor

technology and ended up majoring in human resources after I realised subjects like finance and accounting weren't my calling, and rather I found myself increasin gly passionate about people and organisationa l psycholog y. After my degree, movin g into an intern and then graduate program at CBA in the digital space, I soon leveraged my understanding of technology and human behaviour and how the two can intersect. To day, my job is to support the CISO and ou r cyber experts every day and remove their hu rdles so they can continue to do what the y need to do – which is critical to protecting us and our customers.


Find your path

alth Bank of My job at the Commonwe ecutive Advisor Australia (CBA) is the Ex Security Officer to the Chief Information ponsible for the bank ’s (CISO), the executive res urity. While I’ve information and data sec technology from always been intrig ued by ays sure it was the a young age, I wasn’t alw right pathway for me. Australia by a I was born and raised in ted here in her early single mother, who migra rtunities. While she 30s seeking better oppo d independent, she raised me to be strong an lture that wasn’t used was surrounded by a cu gy careers. Despite to girls taking up technolo in supporting me. this, she never hesitated ntally. I did a I found my passion accide and information double degree in business

Skills in cyber security

The skills you need in cy ber security include creativity, cutting-edge thinking and problemsolving. We partner with universities and schools and run cyber ch allenges and hackathons, inspiring stu dents to see the kind of excitement and intera ctions you can have in cyber security to show ho w this can be an area that anyone can leap int o. I’ve learned that there are many different skills that are needed an d valued when you work in technology. There ’s a hugely diverse career base in cyber sec urity. It’s a creative industry with so many op portunities!

the data that is part of our wider digital footprint is our most precious asset”

Shameela Gonzalez Executive Advisor to the CI

Bachelor of Business/ Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney Technical Business Analyst, CBA

Executive Manager, Technology Regulatory Project, CBA



CBA Summer Intern & Graduate Executive Advisor to the CISO, CBA




signs you n i k r o w d l u o h s y t i r u c e s r e cyb u got comms covered? Yep? yo ve Ha er? rn lea t fas a u yo e Ar reer in cyber security You’re on track for a bright ca


yber security is growing fast in the career arena. There are employers all over the world looking to hire people proficient in protecting their data. Working in cyber security means that you’ll be a cyber-bodyg uard – wi th career pathways that include ethical hackers, security architects, engineers and cry ptogra phers (using codes to protect information and communication). You’ll have a desire to learn, be super perceptive, totally inquisitive, have good co mmunication skills and an eye for detail. Want even more signs cyber security could be your job jam? Re ad on...

You <3 puzzles

Rubik’s Cubes without even You play sudoku, complete Not only do you enjoy the trying, and nail crosswords. – you excel at it. Developing challenge of solving puzzles s comes with its own unique security for data and system just a piece of the cyber set of challenges. Coding is h strategies and solving security puzzle; coming up wit . Sound like you? You’ll meet problems are important, too y head-on! the challenges in cyber securit

You want a job straight outta uni

to wing fast and are expected Cyber security careers are gro er rs. Posts for jobs in cyb stay that way in coming yea s, es faster than overall tech job security have risen three tim aight after study is totally so kicking off your career str h income = fab start! doable. Industry choice + hig

You think analyticall and can hold a convo y No matter who you’re dealing with, you find a way to commu nicate and integrate with everyone and you’re abl e to explain your critical thin king and reasoning. Cyber security comms is an essential skill – you’ve gotta be able to convey ideas to people across different dep artments. These can be tec hnical engineers, non-technical bosses, advert isers or high schoolers! Rea d all about it on p12.


You like learning Coding languages are evolvin g all the time, as are tech and industry trends. If you enjoy learning and keeping your ski lls up to date, a gig in cyber sec urity could be for you. The tec h field changes rapidly and cyb er security, in par ticular, em ploys strategies that are constantly modified with cybercrimes. So if you like to learn on the job, you'll be honing your skills for years.

r You’re a detail warrio


kes ay. Your attention to detail ma You can spot a flaw a mile aw us foc to ard of data, with an ability you the per fect cyber-bodygu y, cyber armour. In cyber securit on and strengthen holes in the ed by nerabilities that can be exploit it’s important to uncover vul r how ant to detect risks – no matte breaches. It is equally import t and tes the to eye n m. Put your kee big or small – and squash the le hpo atc n-C rga y a go. – Saskia Ho give a career in cyber securit

Gain a Bachelor and Master’s in four years with a UQ vertical dual degree. Save time and double your opportunities with a vertical dual degree in computer science. UQ’s vertical dual degrees enable students to gain a Bachelor and Master’s degree in four years instead of five. With a Commonwealth Supported Place* throughout the program, students will study the Bachelor of Computer Science before commencing in a Master’s program in Cyber Security or Data Science. Make yourself more employable and ready to launch into an exciting career with skills that are in high demand from some of the world’s biggest technology corporations. *Commonwealth Supported Places are currently only available for domestic students in these programs.

For further information, please visit: CRICOS Provider 00025B






y employers Meet today’s top cyber securit


fastest growing yber security is one of the ’re talking 57% in sectors in the world – we AustCyber. With the last year according to stralian organisations cyber crimes costing Au esses are all about around $3 million, busin ills to protect them. hiring people with the sk ’t just about working A job in cyber security isn nt; there are plenty of for banks or the governme rt, comms and even big opportunities in transpo ple! Roles include cyber brands like Tesla and Ap ultants and security security specialists, cons an economy will need architects. The Australi yees by 2027, so there’s about 18,000 new emplo Here’s proof... no shortage of employers.


Australian Cyber Security Centre Public Administration and Safety FUN FACT: The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) helps around six businesses a day respond to cyber security incidents. The ACSC educates and advises families and businesses on how to protect their information and technology. Their social media pages offer links to articles, and provide bite-sized pieces of information to help people learn to protect themselves. Good communication skills are a must.




FUN FACT: Telstra has ple nty of helpful tips about stayin g safe while using devices on their website, including ho w to detect scams.

TRANSPORT FUN FACT: QANTAS uses work simulations to prepare employees for cyber risks and keep awareness up to date.

Australia’s biggest telco, Tel stra, provides almost 25 million Aus sies with ser vices like the interne t, mobile data and more. Telstr a also sells cyber security sof tware, including antivirus sof tware that provides security for device s across their network. Skills in marke ting, sales and comms will be put to good use working in cyber securit y here.

QANTAS is Australia’s leading airline. Cybercrimes against the airline could cause data breaches or in-flight interruptions. A career in QANTAS’ cyber security will require preventing hacks and strengthening any weaknesses in the airline’s armour.

deral Police AustraliantrFe ation and Safety Public Adminis

rt Federal Police (AFP) are pa FUN FACT: The Australian that have created the of a group of organisations ucate young and old ThinkUKnow Program to ed their technology. people on being safe with SHUTTERSTOCK

law rupt, respond and enforce the The AFP detect, prevent, dis acks ted. They also investigate att when cybercrimes are commit police. ks, assisting state and local on the government and ban


Boeing Manufacturing

ANZ Bank

FUN FACT: Boeing has rec ently partnered with Microsoft to experiment with their artific iaI intelligence (AI) to improve efficiency in their products .


blocks FUN FACT: The ANZ Bank around 12 million deceitful emails per month.

four big banks The ANZ Bank is one of the bank of New of Australia and the leading e million Zealand. ANZ has around nin g protection din nee ide customers worldw sh-y emails. phi and against cyber crimes

Tesla Manufacturing and Technology FUN FACT: Tesla has over 20,000 electric car chargers around the world and they need cyber protection. Tesla is known for electric cars and for founder Elon Musk’s stake in the space race. Tesla also builds self-driving cars. Because of the threat of hackers taking control of self-driving cars, Tesla issues regular cyber security updates and they need people power to do it.

Known for producing its worldfamous planes, Boeing is an Americ an company that also creates satellites, missiles and telecommunications equipm ent. Cyber security is essential to defend info that’s gathered and spread via the equipment.

Cybernetic GI


FUN FACT: As cyber security experts, Cybernetic GI works with companies around the globe, including operations in Europe, USA and New Zealand. Cybernetic GI is an Australian company based in Brisbane that offers cyber security packages to businesses. Their services include risk assessment, penetration testing, wireless testing and information security awareness.

Apple Technology FUN FACT: In 2017, online recruitment platform, Indeed, ranked Apple first in US companies hiring cyber security professionals. Apple is like the celeb of tech companies, producing smartphones, laptops and other information tech. Protecting user data and sensitive company data through cyber security is crucial for Apple.

Atlassian Technology

FUN FACT: The Atlassian h Foundation was created wit the vision of helping make ng the world better. Partneri , ns tio isa an with other org Atlassian contributes 1% of annual profits, 1% of employee time and 1% of company equity to the foundation, to support s charities and communitie around the world. , Atlassian builds tools like Jira p Confluence and Trello to hel every team unleash their full int, potential. With a global footpr l gra inte is g erin ine Security Eng ing end def to protecting and Atlassian’s infrastructure, products and networks from seen both anticipated and unfore cyber security threats.





ge of FUN FACT: Penten has a ran ld, fie h tec ure partners in the sec a err nb Ca SW including CSIRO, UN . ork tw Ne and Apple’s Consultant

y business Penten is a cyber technolog es sof tware vid pro t based in the ACT tha range of a to ts and hardware produc Australian the h clients. Penten works wit new ate government in order to cre ts. security and defence produc


FUN FACT: Stickman produces a webinar almost every month, with keynote speakers such as an ex-US Homeland Security employee, a health and wellness speaker and the CEO of a company in India. Stickman is a Sydney-based cyber security firm that offers solutions, ser vices and securit y systems to customers lookin g to protect their businesses. The y focus on a five-step model – define, plan, execute, report and monitor – to get it right. – Saskia Horgan-Catchpole




E M I R C G N I T S BU er of warfare, Cyber security is the new fronti emy and cyber criminals are the en

news, or that makes the national or every physical crime owledged , there’s an often unackn headlines on social media crimes ue sitting beside it, full of world of shadow y intrig On any initely more dangerous. inf d an ce tra to r rde ha much report acts stralians and businesses Au ry ina ord 164 y, da given sitive data. at their personal and sen of cybercrime, targeted ition of anything from the acquis Cybercrime can involve s, to ph unications and photogra private passwords, comm d funds. financial information an



cyber+figh ting crime stud y

Bachelor of Cy ber Security an d Behaviour, University of W estern Sydney Bachelor of In formatio Australian Cath n Technology, olic University Bachelor of In form and Cyber Secu ation Technology (Network ing rity), University of South Austra lia

cyber+figh crime jobtsing

Cyber security analyst: $52K–$ 114K Ethical hacker : $101K (average income) Forensic compu ter analyst: $7 1K–$119K* *Source: salaries according to pa

Stand and deliver

A common thread among cybercrimes in recent years is ransomware. Ransomware refers to software or other technical bugs designed for the sole purpose of capturing (and holding hostage) private and sensitive data. The sting comes both from the threat of that information being released and the cash that must be paid to get it back. Ransomware as a criminal tool is most effective when the target of an attack is a larger corporation, a government agency or another organisation that provides an essential service to society.

Getting started

from the threats of Most of us are kept safe ecialised cyber cybercrime by highly sp t if you’re interested intelligence analysts, bu me prevention, your in cyber security and cri there. Other pathways career options don’t stop or penetration testers include ethical hackers special skills in (pen testers) – peeps with ms can identify breaching security, so tea tch them up. flaws in a system and pa curity Grow th The Australian Cyber Se shortage across Network points to a skills t, the Wall Street digital technologies. In fac e 3.1 million people Journal estimates it’ll tak needs for this worldwide before the job t. growing industry are me

Staying safe

The internet has become integral to our every day and the way we comm unicate with others. While it can all feel interc onnected and we sometimes don’t hesitate to share data, we’ve also gotta remember we ’re essentially broadcasting information to strangers. If our info ends up in the wrong hands, things like identity theft, photoshopping personal pics with expli cit material and other invasions of privacy beco me a real risk. So always be cyber aware! – Hannah Diviney

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) defines cybercrime as:


• Crimes directed at computers or other digital technologies such as hacking • Crimes where digital tech is an integral part of an offence. Think: online fraud

Safety tips! Check out and stay protected online!



The dancing cyber criminologist By day, Kelsy Luengen fights cybercrime. By night, she’s a sequinned superstar of salsa


PhD candidate, UQ

Course Coordinato Research Assistant,r / UQ

ver since she was very young, Kelsy Luengen has always loved to dance. It started with cheerleading in primary school, then Latin classes in high school. By the time she went to uni, Kelsy knew enough to teach. She now owns her own dance company and coaches competitors. In 2020 she made her international teaching debut at a Hawaiian salsa conference, and has won several national championships. But Kelsy started uni with a different dream in mind – she wanted to be a war correspondent. “I wanted to be an embedded journalist,” she says. “I was interested in peace and conflict and trying to understand modern warfare.” After a few years of study, Kelsy realised that her chances of joining the troops on the frontline were pretty small, so she decided to add a criminology major to her arts degree. Kelsy also did an Honours degree on policing truancy (something to think about if you’re tempted to wag school!) and then went to work for Queensland’s Crime

kelsy luengen PHD

Secure study ops! rt in cyber, Criminology gave Kelsy her sta at UQ. Cyber ay thw pa but that’s not the only majors offered as security is one of the five mputer Science. You part of the Bachelor of Co elor with a Master can also combine the bachof UQ’s vertical of Cyber Security as part pathway lets you dual degree program. This r years and gain complete two degrees in fourything cyber. Cool! a deep understanding of eve 9

Director, Stepping in Sequins

and Corruption Commission, where she became interested in cybercrime. “I was learning about trends in organised crim e and the regulations around digital devices,” she says. Encouraged to pursue her new passion, Kelsy's Honours supervisor suggested she tur n it into a PhD. At the time, the University of Queensland (UQ ) was launching a new cyber security course and was als o looking for research studen ts. Kelsy is now halfway throug h her PhD, which looks at how people read and respond to phishing emails. “We’re identif ying whether or not people can recognise a cyber threat. Using eye-tra cking technolog y to see where they look and how long they look for,” Kelsy explains. “Th e technolog y also tracks heart rate and emotional response. ” In the future, Kelsy hopes to build education tools that wil l help people spot scam emails . “It’s all about helping small businesses to be more cyber safe and aware,” she says. She’ll also be spending more time with the other kind of fishing – her par tner runs a crayfish farm where Kelsy hel ps out. And she says she’ll always find time for dance. “It helps keep me sane!” – Chloe Walke r

Bachelor of Arts (Ho no (Criminology), UQ urs)

We’re identifying whether or not peop recognise a cyber thle can reat”

Communications Office r, Queensland Governme nt




Third Party Cyber CBA Incident Responder,

r e b y c n o s t h g Si

rity the growing field of cyber secu o int p ste s ay ew sid a k too s Matt Schilg’s studie


IT Support Analyst, Griffith University

Enterprise Services Gr aduate, CBA

was figuring out att’s biggest career hurdle l. “I knew I what to do after high schoo k me some time wanted to study but it too I would be happy doing to work out exactly what s. for work full-time,” he say passion for home a th A tech enthusiast wi died interactive and stu automation, Matt initially TAFE. A few years digital media at Wodonga degree in Information later, he began a Bachelor’s iversity majoring in Technology at Griffith Un Networks and Security. nities in STEM are He’s found that the opportu know exactly what so wide that it’s OK not to school is done. “If you you want to do once high u find yourself doing aren’t happy with what yo options that are only there are a thousand other a step to the side,” he says.

matt schilg

cyber incident respon der

ctive & Certificate IV, Interaga TAFE don Wo , dia Me l Digita

tworks & Bachelor of IT (Neith University iff Gr ), jor Ma ity ur Sec

Securing the future

There is always a path to get to the career you want”


Matt’s degree opened his eyes to the increasing need for cyber skills in Australia, and not long after finishing uni he started a grad program at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) in cyber security. “I love all things cyber and to know it’s a growing field just means more opportunities,” he says. Grads at CBA contribute to real projects from day one, and Matt works with a team to respond to cyber incidents and attacks. “The goal is to ensure we keep the bank, our suppliers and most importantly our customers safe from cyber threats as they occur,” he says. One of Matt’s most meaningful projects was participating in the National Missing Persons Hackathon, which assists police to find missing people in Australia. “Basically using your Insta/ Facebook stalking skills (among other things) to find any information you can to help locate real missing people!” Matt’s advice? Keep learning. “Ask questions,” he says. “There is always a path to get to the career or work you want to do.” – Sarah Kellett

The future of virtual crime Daniel Lekic is part of CBA’s cyber team, one of the largest cyber teams in the southern hemisphere


everyone’s responsibility, taying safe online might be ked and don’t even know but what if you’ve been hac of Daniel and his crew it yet? This is where the work of Australia (CBA) comes in. at the Commonwealth Bank y those instances when Together they work to identif ed but isn't aware any thing a customer has been attack res other cyber security measu has happened – along with role n ow His r money safe. that automatically keep you like how the bank can – e is to also think big-pictur security threats they’ll better prepare for the cyber be facing in say, five years. after completing Daniel started at CommBank g in information technolog y a degree in science specialisin log y Sydney, and a year (IT) at the University of Techno pany WiseTech. interning at global tech com duate Program in the He joined CommBank’s Gra g from focusing purely cyber security section, movin a hybrid role where he still on sof tware engineering to elopment. And it doesn’t gets to work in sof tware dev on future-proofing the stop there. Daniel also works urity for the next decade. bank’s approach to cyber sec

ic daniel leatkion cyber innov engineer

Ready for anythingly and creatively – as well

cal It means thinking fast – analyti is different. “Within my day ry eve as using tech skills, so researchers,” he says. “My team we have engineers and lities out and also see what’s role is to build these capabi rship with cyber intelligence, beyond the horizon, in par tne now and what we can do to consider what the threats are ing up in the future.” stop this, but also what’s com next three months “It’s hard to know even in the customers,” says Daniel. how criminals will attack our n tomers directly, so in additio “Criminals will target our cus e cat also need to edu to building in protection, we our customers.”

Customer care Hacks can be surreptitious, says Daniel. Say you download a Word document and, without you even realising, it has some malware included. The malware sits undetected on your computer, gathering info. The next time you open your browser, the malware kicks in, potentially redirecting a payment. “Our job is to best understand and catch the attack as early as possible, and even before money is compromised if we can,” says Daniel. “We can stop the transaction and notify the customer.” “The challenges in my work are new every day though, so I learn a lot on the job,” he says. “It keeps it interesting. I always wanted a job where I would be challenged every day, be able to impact people at scale but also still work to build things myself.” – Heather Catchpole

The challenges in my work are new every day” Bachelor Science in IT, University of Technology Sydney

intern, WiseTech global

Security engineer, CommBank


Enterprise services graduate, CommBank

Senior Cyber Innovation Engineer, CommBank




s r e g n a h c r u o i v a The beh

key to stopping cybercrime the be uld co ss ne are aw y rit it Cyber secu l mastermind to get amongst ica hn tec a be to ed ne n’t do – and you

onal Business, Master of Internati rsity ive Un Monash


IT Security Project Scheduler, NAB

agement Cyber Culture andGoEng rnment Lead, Victorian ve


gest risk factor hat do you think is the big walls? Dodgy fire in cyber security? Leaky . The biggest antivirus software? Nope people using it; that’s cyber security risk is the ness training is one why cyber security aware as in the sector. of the fastest growing are w offering Cyber security firms are no ople teaching it pe awareness training, and the tec on hnology (IT) aren’t necessarily informati from a marketing, experts either. They come background. communications or media lture and Daisy Wong is the cyber cu torian Government. engagement lead for the Vic ss after studying She got into cyber awarene studies. ral marketing and behaviou

daisy wong

cyber culture + engagement lead

Staff still believe that cyber security is an I.T. problem” Daisy’s role is to educate pu blic servants on how to best protect themselves and their organisation. “A lot of staff still believe that cyber security is an IT problem,” she says. “We need staff to be accountable, so we provid e them with tools that make it easier to become more cyber safe.” According to the Australi an Cyber Security Centre, only one in four Au stralians feel they have a good understandin g of cyber security risks. When security awareness training can reduce the risk of an attack by 70%, it's time to educate. Plus, Daisy says, changin g people’s behaviour for the better is a great fee ling. “Nothing gives me more joy than when pe ople tell me they’ve changed their passwords to make them more secure.” – Chloe Walker



ations cyber+commduynic stu ns /

d Communicatio Bachelor of Media an iversity ity cur , Macquarie Un Bachelor of Cyber Se mmunication), ication (Strategic Co Bachelor of Commun ty rsi Murdoch Unive Communication), cation (Professional uni mm Co Bachelor of ology hn Tec ty of Queensland Universi

ations cyber+commbusnic Jo

9K–$116K Training manager: $5 : $54K–$97K list cia Communications spe 115K* ent specialist: $60K–$ Learning and developm om ording to payscale.c *Source: salaries acc


Kicking career goals usiast otball and car enth Ahnaf Rahman is a fo to textbooks, and he helps keep who prefers YouTube nk cyber safe Australia’s biggest ba helor of Information hnaf Rahman studied a Bac y of Technolog y Technolog y at the Universit operative scholarship Sydney (UTS) through a coprogram that Ahnaf program. It was through this graduate gig at the was able to land his current tralia (CBA), where he Commonwealth Bank of Aus y test engineer. is employed as a cyber securit standing between “Of ten, I’m the only person a flawless project a crippling sof tware bug and deployment,” he says. hts of his CBA grad Ahnaf says one of the highlig unities available outside role has been all the opport my favourites is his day-to-day work. “One of newsletter created contributing to the monthly ,” he says. by graduates called GradNote ally cyber security – Ahnaf believes tech – especi g space for young people is an exciting and welcomin g a range of skill sets. to build their careers, bringin ks outside the box, has “If you are someone that thin clear vision of the future, a growth mindset and has a Chilton this is your calling.” – Gemma


rative Bachelor of IT Co-,ope Scholarship UTS

Ahnaf Rahman cyber security test engineer

if you think outside the box, this is your calling” urity Gr aduate Cyber Sec Test Engineer, CBA

ng intern, Software engineerioba l WiseTech Gl

Cyber Protector Software engineer Ch ris gone from tinkering antine Vinaviles has mum’s work, to keeping d typing at her customers safe frombanking staff and cyber attacks

Christine Vinaviles software engineer


hristine credits her mum, a senior SAP (systems applications and products) consultant, as the biggest influence on her journey into STEM. The fact she got to visit her mum’s workplace as a little girl and pretend to tap away on the keyboard also helped! Now, Christine says her cyber end-user experience (EUX) role at CBA is “helping reduce malware and cyber attacks” – so all that typing has come in handy. Plus, she gets to practice some sweet skills every day, like “problem-solving to find the balance between mitigating attacks and not disrupting an employee’s ability to complete their work”. Christine also looks at education and communication skills – because “one of the most common cyber attack methods is social engineering, which exploits people psychologically,” she explains. – Jonathan Nalder

One of the most common cyber attack methods is social engineering, which exploits people psychologically” Cisco Mentee, Cisco Mentor Program

Bachelor of ICT Engineering (Software Major) / Diploma in Engineering Practice, UTS


Technical Support Officer, Studiosity

Cyber security graduate, CBA




: t o p s t f o s r Cybe k r o f o t m r a f m o fr ers es a new battle between hack The peaceful countryside hid ht? als. Do you want to join the fig and cyber security profession


needs to be fed ur increasing population net even further. without damaging the pla one thing: leaning For farmers, this means own as ‘smart ag’ to on digital tech, a trend kn re efficient. help make their farms mo sensors, Big Data, Smart ag uses connected ificial intelligence (AI) cloud computing and art more food without to allow farms to produce . From the fields to the stinting on sustainability alysing data to plan, barnyard, farmers are an ent and take action make systems more effici ts. against unexpected even


cyber+agric ulture stu dy

Bachelor of Sc ience (Cyber Se curity), Edith Co Bachelor of Ag wan University riculture and Te chnology, Melb ourne Polytechn Bachelor of En gineering (Cyb ic Victoria Univers ersecurity Engineering), ity of Wellingto n

cyber+agric ulture job Information se s curity specialis t: $60K–$148K chnician: $55K (Average salary) Penetration te ster: $56K–$12 5K* *Source: salaries according to pa

Agricultural te

Exposed environments wever, hackers see , ho As more tech is adopted

ack. Cyber criminals more opportunities to att farms and their are increasingly targeting For example, in 2020, suppliers and customers. nd ’s wool selling Australia and New Zeala eight days by hackers system was crippled for n ransom. demanding AU$8 millio

Criminals like these – hir ed by competitors, criminal syndicates or ho stile foreign governments – represen t a serious threat to our food supply and security . But this also means more career opportunities for people who want to stop hackers in their tracks.


Secure the land

a cyber security expert,” says Damien Manuel, director of Cyber Security, Research and Innovation Centre at Deakin University.

A job in agriculture secur ity could include being a cyber security speciali st for a large agricultural biz – designing, deployin g and managing the business’ information ne tworks. Or maybe a penetration (pen) tester, where you’d be responsible for things lik e hacking the system yourself to see where vu lnerabilities lie. Similar roles are availab le in the companies and organisations develop ing and producing ag tech. Fun job description s would be things like making meat processing robots unhackable. Not all of the roles are tec hnical though. “You don’t need to be a sof tware developer to be

Teaching tech

“If you have a passion for people you could go into the education side to improve cyber security awareness and make people safer online,” Damien says. It’s a tad more complex than just thinking cows and computers, but like anything tech-related, the ag industry needs protecting and the opportunities are paddock-sized! – Ben Skuse


Eyes on livestock

imals to manage herds of an ch te re cu se ps lo ve Molteno de Data scientist Oliver

helor’s degree hen Oliver completed his Bac University majoring in electronics at the no idea what of Otago, New Zealand, he had y stressed he was going to do. “I was ver was ich wh about trying to find a job s. say relevant to my degree,” he was running Luckily, a local polytechnic m where a summer internship progra companies in students could connect with . “I applied to five-minute speed interviews says Oliver. as many of these as I could,” landed an I , ws rvie “Af ter follow-up inte an NZ-based e, enc internship at Iris Data Sci chine learning ma artificial intelligence (AI) and ng computer usi t business, working on a projec vision to count fruit.”



An eye for the futus re soon working full-time he wa Oliver clearly impressed, as it took a while for him to but , Iris as a data scientist at hen I first started, I felt adapt to life outside uni. “W I definitely had impostor extremely out of my depth – of months,” he says. syndrome for the first couple ship product OmniEye. Oliver now works on their flag es camera images of OmniEye automatically analys (Electronics), Bachelor of Science University of Otago

Top secret biz

There is also an element of cyb er security in Oliver’s role, par ticularly in ensuring farmers’ commercially sensitive data isn’t stolen. Exactly how this works is something he has to keep quiet about. “I can’t go into specifics on how we do cyber security,” he says. “But it has always been a big focus at Iris.” – Ben Skuse


Oliver Molteno data sc

passing dairy cows to check their health. It detects lameness and oth er health conditions early so the anima ls suf fer less and have a better chance of recovery. Oliver’s role is coding and deb ugging various machine learning alg orithms, and integrating them into OmniE ye.

When I first started, I felt extremely out of my depth” Internship, Iris Data Science


Data scientist, Iris Data Science



Lessons in intelligence With qualifications in psycholog y and commerce, Jennifer Medbury’s career in intelligence and security has included roles with defen ce and the police force; now she teaches the next gene ration at ECU


M came out of her ennifer’s first foray into STE tick. She studied a lifelong interest in how people in psycholog y, which Bachelor of Science majoring in commerce and a she followed up with a degree . Masters in Strategic Affairs had jobs in In the workforce, Jennifer has a decade, r ove intelligence and security for Defence the h including time spent with bot We the stern Intelligence Organisation and Australia Police Force. wledge Jennifer now shares her kno as d fiel the with newcomers to security, a lecturer in intelligence and t-year firs as well as a researcher and coordinator at Edith Cowan University (ECU). “I teach university students al about terrorism, internation y, urit sec n atio security, inform ical crit and is intelligence analys s. thinking,” she explain Jennifer is also a PhD candidate, focusing on the emergency ser vices sector and intelligence analysis. found her During her career, Jennifer has g feelings of biggest hurdle was overcomin drome. self-doubt and imposter syn increasing t tha r, She’s learned, howeve

bury jenniferSeMcued rity Cyber Lecturer

diversity in the intelligence community is super important. “We can see problems from more perspectives and therefore more potential for innovative ideas,” she says. If you’re interested in a career in intelligence, the opportunities are boundless, she says. “Although most people see intelligence analysts as primarily working in national security agencies, there are a wide range of opportunities available in other government agencies, the private sector and in the not-for-profit sector." “Intelligence analysts collect information and make assessments to help people make decisions. Those skills are almost limitless,” Jennifer says. – Jonathan Nalder

There are a wide range of opportunities available in other government agencies, the private sector and in the not-for-profit sector” Bachelor of Science (Psychology), Curtin University of Technology Intelligence Analyst, Defence Intelligence Organisation

Bachelor of Commerce (HR Management and Industrial Relations), Curtin University of Technology Senior Intelligence Analyst, WA Police Force


Master of Strategic Affairs, Australian National University

Lecturer, Intelligence and Security, Edith Cowan University



Do any undergra do a postgraduatd,e then degree in cyber secu rity: >> Master of Cyber Securit y, Edi

Option #1:

or science IT g, in er ne gi en y ud St and specialise:

y, Deakin Universit y >> Bachelor of Cyber Securit Universit y ber Securit y), Edith Cowan >> Bachelor of Science (Cy y, Macquarie Universit y >> Bachelor of Cyber Securit nash Universit y ineering (Cyber Securit y), Mo >> Bachelor of Sof tware Eng rsit y of Queensland ence (Cyber Securit y), Unive Sci er put Com of r elo ach B >>

th Cowan Universit y >> Master of Cyber Securit y, Universit y of Adelaide >> Master of Cyber Securit y, Universit y of NSW >> Master of Cyber Securit y, Universit y of Queensland

Option #4:

rity Do a cyber secuse boot-camp cour :,

Option #3:

p (24 weeks) >> Cyber Securit y Boot Cam lia tra Aus ool Sch The Hacking weeks), Monash Universit y (24 p Cam t Boo >> Cyber Securit y ber Professionals >> Cyber Securit y for Non-Cy T (approx 20 hours, online), QU gy (6 weeks), RMIT ate Str and k Ris y >> Cyber Securit p (24 weeks), >> Cyber Securit y Boot Cam tralia Aus rn ste We of Universit y

Study certificate or shorter courses through TAFE or uni:


>> Certificate IV in Cyber Security, TAFE NSW >> Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security and Networks, QUT >> Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security, University of Queensland >> Graduate Certificate of Cyber Security Management, Swinburne University

What can I earn? Cy

ber Security Analys t Cyber Security Engine er Information Security Manager Penetration Tester

*Source: salaries according


AU$52K-$114K AU$66K-$143K AU$79K-$167K AU$56K-$125K*

h it w e n o n o e n o a N I W ! r e k c a h l a n io s s e f a pro ur favourite section of the yo er few or s rd wo 50 in us ll Te uld win a copy of The Cracking co u yo d an y, wh d an e zin ga ma s a one-on-one career Q&A plu , gh Sin on Sim by ok Bo de Co curity expert! session with a real-life cyber se

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