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Watch videos on the Earth’s different climates on the NGScience website. QuickCode: D3A2

Climate Climate describes the typical weather in a region over a long period of time. The equator is an imaginary line that runs through the center of the Earth. The climate in a region depends on its distance from the equator along with other factors such as rainfall, elevation or distance from the ocean. Northern Alaska is far from the equator. The climate is very cold and dry. Most precipitation falls as snow. The Amazon River Basin is close to the equator. It is warm and wet all year round. R Amazon Rive Amazo l wet all w Regaled he equator. The c quator. The on falls as sn falls as sn ucation her in a in a The e equator rough the centegh the ce region depends on depends or along with oth or along with o evation or distan uc educa 70

The climate in different regions can be different in many ways. Scientists often describe a climate by its average temperature and precipitation at different times of the year. The Antarctic region is very far from the equator. It is very cold and dry all year round. The Egyptian desert has a hot and dry climate. Describe the climate in your area. How does the climate change throughout the year? Regal galeducation The Egyptian d he Egyptia educat 71

Tropical Climates Tropical climates are close to the equator. The temperature is warm and does not change much throughout the year. Precipitation is high all year round too. Generally, tropical climates do not have four distinct seasons. Instead, they have a wet season and a dry season. Many of the world’s rainforests are located in tropical climates. Being wet and warm all year round, tropical rainforests are the most diverse land habitats on Earth. A tropical rainforest in Thailand. tro ou an ro la Why don’t tropical climates experience four seasons? Think Deeply What types of precipitation fall in tropical climates? Explain your answer. l A galeducation quator. Th tor. Th ot change hange cipitation is high on is h s do not have fo do not have fo they have a we hey have a w s rainforests are nforests ar Being wet and w ng wet and rainforests are t forests are t on Earth. rth duc du Wh ex


A park in a temperate climate during summer.
A park in a temperate climate during winter.
A temperate climate during fall.
k in a tempera e during winte
Temperate Climates
Temperate climates are located between tropical climates and the Earth’s poles. Temperate climates usually have four seasons – summer, fall, winter and spring. The temperature Did You Know? Compared to tropical ons –perature c can change a lot from day to day and also from and also from climates, the weather in season to season. It is hottest in the summer and ummer and temperate climates can coldest in the winter. Precipitation is lower than in tropical climates, but it may rain throughout the year. How are temperate climates different from tropical climates? al erate pical c epical climat r. vary a lot from day to day. It may be hot and sunny one day, then cloudy and cold the next.


Coastal Climates Coastal climates are located close to the ocean, often between a mountain range and the coast. Differences in air temperature cause wind and rain to move in a pattern between the ocean and the land. This results in a climate that is cool and wet. Continental Climates Continental climates are climates located far from the ocean and usually in temperate areas. The temperature in continental climates follows the seasons. It is often very hot in summer and cold in winter. Precipitation is low and often occurs during summer. During winter, it may get cold enough for precipitation to fall as snow. egal Coa Co often be often Difference Differe rain to m ain and th an and education oastal C astal C cated far ed far mperate areas. rate areas. climates follows tes follows t in summer and summer an often occurs dur en occurs du r, it may get cold may get cold all as snow. s snow.


Alpine Climates

Polar Climates The height of an area above sea level affects its climate. Generally, the higher above sea level, the colder the temperature. Alpine climates, also called mountain climates, are often cold all year round. It is often much colder at night compared to the day. Mountains have little soil and the ground is often covered in ice or snow. Generally, trees cannot survive in alpine climates. Polar climates are cold all year round. There are cool summers and very cold winters. There are few trees and the ground is often covered in ice. Polar regions do not get direct heat and sunlight from the Sun. There are very long days in summer and very short days in winter. Activity 9.9AB Did You Know? The Earth has two poles – the North Pole and the South Pole. The region surrounding the North Pole is called the Arctic. The region surrounding the South Pole is called the Antarctic.egal old all year all yea and very cold w very cold d the ground is often e ground is o ons do not get direc o not get d the Sun. There are v Sun. There a and very short days very short education 75