WOW What's On Where May 2010

Page 1

Issue 20

Complimentary Copy (£2.50 where sold)

Music Gig listings

What’s on throughout the midlands

May 2010

Events Days out

and things to do


Grow their own! Healthy food ideas

Not so Short Fashions for summer

Tips for WOW legs!


Shows for all ages Fun for the family


The essential guide to what’s on in the Midlands

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The essential guide to what’s on in the Midlands 2

UP FRONT – latest news from our region.


THEATRE – We look at a few productions coming the stage this April.

7 WOW - The Lotus Evora - page 42

DANCE - World class performance


THEATRE FOR KiDs – show for the young theatre goer


MUsiC – Gigs in the region.


MOViEs – Previews of releases for this month


CiRCUs – Big Top Action

22 COMEDY – Bags of Laughs 24 FAsHiON – Get shorty! 26 HAiR & BEAUTY – Looking good for summer. 26 HEALTH & FiTNEss – Work The Braybrooke Morris Dancers (above) can be seen on saturday 1 May, 6.30 A.M. The square, Market Harborough, to celebrate May Day. if getting up at 6am is not your thing then you can also catch them at these events: Monday 10 May - The swan, Braybrooke. Monday 17 May - Dog & Gun, Walton (with Coventry Morris). Monday 24 May - The star, Geddington. WOW What’s On Where is published by WOW Publishing Limited, 50 st Mary’s Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 7DU. TEL: 01858 439999. FAx: 01858 469008. EMAiL: WEBsiTE:

EDiTORiAL DiRECTOR: Tracy Webber. FEATURE WRiTERs: Leon Gray, Derek Hammond, Elaine Lavender, Matt Bozeat. MOTORiNG EDiTOR: Tim Barnes-Clay MOViEs EDiTOR: Jaz Cox CREATiVE DiRECTOR: Reg Cox. DEsiGNERs: Lissa Reynolds, Tracey Flaxmer, Paul Condie. sALEs DiRECTOR: Paul Calcott. sALEs MANAGER: Roger Holcombe.


WOW Publishing Ltd 2009/10.

PiCTURE CREDiTs: Cover; Andrew Carpenter. pp27; Dreamstime.

that body 30 WOW KiDs – Healthy eating! 32 EATiNG OUT - WOW’s guide to where to eat. 34 ARTs – Creative stuff 36 EVENTs – Things to do in May 42 MOTORiNG – WOW drives the Lotus Evora 45 EDUCATiON - WOW looks at summer schools 46 WiN WiTH WOW – Competitions and reader offers 47 CLAssiFiEDs – Big ones &

This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form in whole or in part without the permission of the publishers. Liability: while every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine, the publishers cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of information herein, or any consequence arising from it.

small ones. 48 sECRET MiDLANDs – Triangular Lodge

A BiG THANKs TO ABBY EAMEs - without you we would never have found our way out of stoke Bruerne!

WOW May 2010


61 '30/5


Beijing Fundraising - latest news 3PCFSU 4NZUI +B[[ #BOE BOE 4PVM 1BUSPM VQEBUF The Robert Smyth School Jazz and Soul Bands were recently chosen to represent the UK at the International Society for Music Education 29th World Conference in Beijing in August, but need to raise the ÂŁ55,000 needed for the trip. Notable dates in their fundraising drive include: 1. Lubenham Jazz Picnic on Sunday, 13th June in the afternoon at Lubenham Village Green in aid of the Beijing Tour and the Village Green (50/50 split). Both the Jazz Band and Soul Patrol will be playing. Free entrance. Bring own picnic. There will be some stalls selling refreshments also.

2. Jazz Band is opening the ‘Jazz on a Summer’s Day’ organised by Market Harborough Jazz Club at Lamport Hall on Sunday,

27th June. We will be on from 1.30 pm – 2.30 pm and after us there’ll be two other jazz groups: Harborough Jazz Combo at 3 pm

and the headlining pro act Simon Spillett Quartet at 4.00 pm. Tickets are ÂŁ20 for adults and ÂŁ10 for children under 16 on the door, or ÂŁ18 and ÂŁ9 in advance from Rob De Barker on 01858 466737. 3. Auction on 3rd July at Robert Smyth School Main Hall, which includes a signed shirt by Leicester Tigers and Formula 1 merchandise donated by Bernie Ecclestone. To find out more or to help with fund raising you can email or check out the school weblink http://www.robertsmyth.leics.

Race for Life $BODFS 3FTFBSDI 6,oT 3BDF GPS -JGF JT UIF MBSHFTU XPNFO POMZ GVOESBJTJOH FWFOU JO UIF 6, THROUGHOUT MAY & JUNE Since 1994, women of all ages and fitness levels across the UK have come together at these inspiring events to walk, jog or run 5k to help beat cancer. Some take part in celebration of surviving a cancer experience. Others take part in memory of a loved one or to give hope to a cancer-free future. But all of them share a common goal: to raise money for Cancer Research UK’s groundbreaking work to beat cancer.

WOW May 010

Becky Thurston outside Fatface, Market Harborough.

Every pound raised in sponsorship or fundraising helps to fund the work of over 4,500 researchers, doctors and nurses dedicated to helping more people beat cancer. So far, an incredible 4.7 million women have raised over £370 million to fund Cancer Research UK’s life-saving work. Race for Life events are taking place across the UK throughout May and June. Well known Market Harbororugh

resident and Fatface manager Becky Thurston will be taking part in Birmingham on 12th May. To find out how you can take part, take a look at the race for life website www.

Enter RAcE FOR LiFE by going onlive to Support Becky by pledging a donation at www.raceforlifesponsorme. org/beckythurston1



A Tolkien Treat &YQFSJFODF UIF JODSFEJCMF NBHJD PG +33 5PMLJFOoT 5IF )PCCJU spiteful Giant Spiders. Finally Bilbo must face the guardian of the treasure, the most feared and deadly dragon of them all, Smaug ‌ The Hobbit is directed by Roy Marsden, now best known for his portrayal of Inspector Dalgleish in the televised versions of the PD James novels. This delightful show, a Vanessa Ford production adapted from the novel by Glyn Robbins, can be appreciated on many levels by adults and children alike. Travel ‘there and back again’ with The Hobbit when it comes to Royal & Derngate. TUES 11 - MON 17 MAY Following three hugely successful national tours and two acclaimed capacity seasons in London’s West End, the incredible magic of JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit will be playing at Royal & Derngate for one week only from Tuesday 11 May. The Derngate stage will be transformed into Middle Earth for this classic adventure of wizards, magic rings and a dragon’s treasure. The Derngate stage will be transformed into Middle Earth for this classic adventure of wizards, magic rings and a dragon’s treasure. JRR Tolkien created a series of literary works set in the fantasy realm of Middle Earth, populated with wonderfully original and

magical characters. These culminated in the trilogy The Lord of the Rings, which had its origins in The Hobbit. A firm favourite with both young and old, The Hobbit has sold over 42 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 26 languages. Bilbo Baggins, a quiet and contented Hobbit, has his life turned upside down when he’s chosen by Gandalf the Sorcerer to join Thorin Oakenshield, exiled King of the Dwarves, on his quest to reclaim their kingdom and treasure. With the aid of magic and illusion, audiences will join Gandalf as he leads Bilbo and his Dwarf companions on a frightening but magical journey, a journey from which they might never return, hunting for the powerful

hidden treasure that simply must be found and given back to its rightful owners. Travel with them through the Misty Mountains, through wind, rain, hail and thunderstorms narrowly escaping hungry Trolls, vicious Goblins, avaricious wolves, and

THE HOBBIT is at the Royal and Derngate, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1DP from Tues 11 May - Mon 17 May. Tickets from ÂŁ9 - ÂŁ25. For tickets call the box office on 01604 624811 or visit:

WOW May 2010


Everything must go




WEDS 5 - SAT 15 MAY Curve, Leicester and Headlong Theatre. By Oscar Wilde. The savage power of ancient myth collides with twentieth century decadence in Wilde’s astonishing verse tragedy. Salome, step-daughter of King Herod agrees to perform the mysterious dance of the seven veils but demands in return, the head of the King’s most infamous prisoner - the head of John the Baptist. Oscar Wilde’s Salome is a dazzling, shocking piece of storytelling. So be sure not to miss Curve’s vivid and contemporary production of this rarely-seen masterpiece. Salome is fragile, savage and shimmeringly beautiful, presented through exquisite poetry and unforgettable theatrical images. Directed by Jamie Lloyd,

one of the most acclaimed young directors in British theatre, directs a vivid, contemporary production of this rarely-seen masterpiece. Jamie’s recent work includes Piaf and Three Days of Rain in the West End. Salome is a Leicester Theatre Trust co-production with the award-winning Headlong Theatre “the country’s most exciting touring company� (Daily Telegraph). Headlong’s most recent productions include the critically acclaimed 6 Characters in Search of an Author and the sell-out success, ENRON. Contains scenes that may offend. SALOME is at The Curve, Leicester from 5 - 15 May . For tickets call the box office on 0116 242 3595 or visit www.

To promote your event in the Midlands’ fastest-growing guide to what’s going on and where to be seen, email sales@wowwhatsonwhere. or call 01858 439 999

WOW May 2010

WED 5 MAY An athletic-puppetic duet between father and daughter. Cinefilm, clowning, puppetry and hurdling are used to explore a father’s life – from dosshouse childhood to dancing on graves. In this meditation on love, loss, memory and play, we see Dad training for the Olympics by day and dragging up by night. With age his money-saving schemes become increasingly elaborate, from the secrets of free water to newspaper-

stealing shoes. But eventually Everything Must Go. Kristen visited The Castle in the Spring season as part of incubator, a scheme run by The Castle which offers artists rehearsal space and time for research and development to solve technical challenges and expand artistic horizons. In her time at The Castle, Kristen worked on this production which she has written and directed. The Castle are looking forward to welcoming her back to perform her final piece.

EVERYTHING MUST GO is at The Castle in Wellingborough on Wednesday 5 May. For tickets call the box office on 01933 270 007 or visit


It all started with a fruitcake‌ "O FYDJUJOH äSTU UJNF BEBQUBUJPO PG (SBIBN (SFFOFoT 5IF .JOJTUSZ PG 'FBS DPNFT UP 3PZBM %FSOHBUF JO B QSPEVDUJPO CZ 5IFBUSF "MJCJ innocent caught up with a nest of German spies bent on smashing Britain. When Arthur guesses the weight of a fruit cake at a garden fĂŞte he finds himself precipitated headlong into a mystery, on the run and way out of his depth. The crumbling of London under the impact of the relentless bombing mirrors the crumbling of Arthur’s own sanity as he becomes a hunted man in a nightmare world of treachery and corruption. Described by The Guardian as “one of Britain’s most inventive companiesâ€? and as “terrific storytellersâ€?, Theatre Alibi have turned this most theatrical of novels into a rich

and compelling piece of theatre, with powerful performances, innovative staging and lighting, and a thrilling live score. A co-production with Exeter Northcott and Oxford Playhouse, The Ministry of Fear was adapted for the stage by Daniel Jamieson, who has created a number of popular productions for Royal & Derngate including Wish Wash and Minibreak. THE MINISTRY OF FEAR is at the Royal and Derngate, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1DP from Tues 18 May - Sat 22 May. Tickets from ÂŁ9.50 - ÂŁ35.50. For tickets call the box office on 01604 624811 or visit:

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TUES 18 - SAT 22 MAY Graham Greene is one the greatest twentieth century novelists, probably best known for Brighton Rock which was made into a classic film noir

starring the young Richard Attenborough. Like Brighton Rock Greene described The Ministry of Fear as one of his “Entertainments�. Entertaining as well as intriguing and thoughtprovoking for a contemporary audience, The Ministry of Fear is also shot through with black comedy and irony. Set in 1942 during the Blitz The Ministry of Fear is a beautifully crafted and gripping spy thriller and love story with more than a whiff of Alfred Hitchcock and echoes of the 1949 film The Third Man, for which Greene wrote the screenplay. The story follows the fortunes of Arthur Rowe, an

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WEDNESDAY 2 MAY Girls Night returns to the UK after sell out runs in the Far East and Off-Broadway, and it’s stopping in Wellingborough as part of its tour! Don’t miss out.

Join five friends as they celebrate the past on an hilarious karaoke night out packed with girlie anthems like Dancing Queen, I Will Survive, It’s Raining Men

and more! From the pen of Where the Heart Is writer, Louise Roche, this thoughtful, brilliantly funny and down to earth musical comedy follows five girlfriends on a riotous, cocktail fuelled karaoke night out. You’ll recognise every one of our ladies; Carol was born to party, Anita says it like it is, Liza has ‘issues’ and Kate, bless her, is boring but very handy for driving! Grab your own girlfriends, sisters and workmates and prepare to laugh, cry and dance in the aisles like never before, as our pals remember the many years of tears, joy

Travels with my Aunt )PME POUP ZPVS IBU GPS B HMPCF USPUUJOH BEWFOUVSF FRI 30 APRIL - SAT 15 MAY Recently retired city gent Henry Pulling loved nothing more than tending his beautiful English garden. That was before he met his long-lost, flamboyant, septuagenarian Aunt Augusta. In need of a travelling companion, she suggests a trip and, before he can plant another Dahlia, they set off on a thrilling, globetrotting adventure. Lured slightly unwittingly into the exciting world of the eccentric aunt, Henry’s old life of banking and botany is turned upside down as he embarks on a new non-stop journey of crime, intrigue and espionage! At lightning pace, four male actors play all twenty five characters in this hilarious new staging of Graham Greene’s light-hearted 1969 novel.

WOW May 2010

Graham Greene is of course well known for titles including Brighton Rock and The Ministry of Fear. Travels With My Aunt was adapted for the stage by Scottish dramatist Giles Havergal, and was first staged at the Citizens’ Theatre, Glasgow, in 1989 and has since been performed in London’s West End and offBroadway in New York, and in San Francisco. For Royal & Derngate, Travels With My Aunt is directed by Gary Sefton. TRAVELS WITH MY AUNT is at the Royal and Derngate, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1DP from Fri 30 April Sat 15 May. Tickets from £11. For tickets call the box office on 01604 624811 or visit:

and hilarious antics they have shared. Girls Night is an unmissable slice of sparkling entertainment for anyone who either has danced through a night of ‘new shoe blisters’ at their favourite nightclub or just really knows how to party!

GIRLS NIGHT is at The Castle Theatre, Castle Way, Wellingborough, NN8 1XA on Weds 16 May at 7.30pm. Tickets cost ÂŁ6 (ÂŁ14). Birthday Party Members 15% off. For tickets call the box office on 01933 270 007 or visit:



Brendan Cole Live and Unjudged!

4USJDUMZ $PNF %BODJOHoT #SFOEBO $PMF -JWF BOE 6OKVEHFE BU /PSUIBNQUPOoT %FSOHBUF THURSDAY 2 MAY This is no sit back-and-relax production. This show is full-on, high energy dance dynamite, up close and personal. It is brilliantly lit, glamorously costumed, with a scorching 14-piece band and Brendan’s surprisingly good singing thrown in the mix. Live and Unjudged is a dance show with a difference. Love or hate him...come and meet the real Brendan Cole. You will undoubtedly enjoy the dance spectacle but don’t be surprised it you become a quiet Brendan fan. If you are already an avid fan then you are in for a feast of music, dance and audience interaction. Joining Brendan are four former Strictly Come Dancing professionals, Nicole Cutler, Izabela Hannah, Andrew Cuerdan, Hanna Haraala, and his brother Scott Cole. Scott is himself a dance pro’ who isn’t afraid of offering some intimate insights into the real Brendan! The audience will see every style of ballroom and Latin dance from Brendan and his

hand-picked championship dancers. From the sensual moves of the tango, rumba and cha cha to the elegance of the foxtrot and quickstep, to a red hot explosion of pasa doble, salsa and jive, Brendan and his guests perform their choice of everyone’s favourite dances. With songs from a variety of music legends, such as Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Whitney Houston, Michael Buble and Michael Jackson, played by an amazing band, this show will give you the ultimate modern take on ballroom dancing. The audience will be hooked and dancing in the aisles for Brendan Cole Live and Unjudged. The summer may or may not bring sizzling weather, but Brendan brings scorching dancing to Royal & Derngate. BREDAN COLE is at the Royal and Derngate, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1DP on Thurs 27 May at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £25/£28/£32. Call the box office on 01604 624811 or go online at

Subscribe to WOW What’s On Where for only £20 a year, and get all the latest news hot off the press. For details see the ad on our classifieds pages.

WOW May 2010


Love and War


WEDNESDAY 12 MAY Performed in-the-round to an eclectic soundtrack which includes Sparklehorse, The White Stripes, Queens of the Stone Age and György Ligeti, this startling new piece of work will plunge the imagination into a raw arena of the otherworld. Time shifts and figures from myth and ritual collide; Gods emerge amongst frenzied cheerleaders, murderous strangers, dogs of war and bedraggled homecoming queens, in a heart-searching dance work of savage beauty. Love and War is the Mark Bruce Company’s latest fulllength production since its critically acclaimed Sea of Bones, which earned reviews like the following “Bruce’s choreography has never looked more inventive, with classically based moves

twisted into ferocious gestures of destruction or strung out into decadent ennui. The dancers are excellent.” The Guardian The Mark Bruce Company was formed in 1991 as a vehicle for the uncompromising dance theatre of Mark Bruce. Its work pushes the boundaries of style and expectations, whilst remaining rooted in a strong choreographic language; it stakes out territory unoccupied by any other English dance company.

tion of Irish dance and culture, presented with sophistication and vibrancy.” The Hollywood Reporter acclaimed, “the sort of spectacle and experience that comes along once in a lifetime.” This series of dates in 2010 represent the final chance for UK Riverdance fans old and new to experience a truly phenomenal piece of theatrical en-

tertainment, back by popular demand. Don’t miss out!

LOVE AND WAR is at The Castle Theatre, Castle Way, Wellingborough, NN8 1XA on Weds 12 May at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £14/£12 (schools £8). Birthday members 15% off. Call the box office on 01933 270 007 or visit:

Riverdance *SJTI %BODF TQFDUBDVMBS IFBET UP /PUUJOHIBN TUES 11 - SUN 16 MAY Live Nation is proud to announce the final dates of the Riverdance Farewell Tour in ten cities across the UK from March 2010 to include Nottingham’s Royal Concert Hall from Tuesday 11 – Sunday16 May. This is the last chance for UK audiences to see the show rightly described by the Irish Times as “The Original...The Best”, there can be no further extension and there are no further dates to be released. “2010 will mark the show’s 15th anniversary and, since 1995, the success of RIVERDANCE in the UK has gone beyond our wildest dreams,” said producer Moya Doherty. “The fact that the show continues to draw and excite audiences is a tribute to every dancer, singer, musician, staff and crew mem-

WOW May 2010

ber who have dedicated themselves to the show. We look forward to this farewell tour of the UK as it was always our intention to end on a high note.” Composed by Bill Whelan, Produced by Moya Doherty and Directed by John McColgan, the full-length show opened in February 1995 in the Point Theatre, Dublin and Riverdance has performed across the UK where it has been experienced by over 2.9 million people in well over 1000 performances in 18 cities and the show has lost none of its magic. The worldwide TV audience for Riverdance is in excess of 2 billion people. Riverdance has received rave reviews across the world but perhaps the simplicity of The Guardian’s verdict sums it up: “Dance does not often get so good.” Riverdance is a celebra-

RIVERDANCE is at the Nottingham Royal Centre, Theatre Square, Nottingham, NG1 5ND. Tickets cost £21-£41 Tues 11 to Sun 16 May. Call the Box Office on 0115 989 5555 or visit: www.


Strictly Come DancingThe Professionals 'FBUVSJOH UIF XPSME DIBNQJPO EBODFST GSPN UIF TNBTI IJU ##$ 57 TFSJFT MON 24 - SAT 2 MAY Starring Flavia Cacace and Vincent Simone, Matthew Cutler, Ola and James Jordan, Kristina Rihanoff, Brian Fortuna and Ian Waite with special guest stars to be announced, this brand new show for 2010 presents the beauty and elegance of Strictly’s dancing professionals within the intimate environment of your local theatre. The stage show will include the breathtaking show dances for which the Professionals have become famous in each of the BBC1 Strictly Come Dancing TV series, to-

gether with never before seen content, leaving audiences stunned and spellbound. Strictly Come Dancing – The Professionals is a celebration of the glitz, glamour and passion of Ballroom and Latin from the world’s dancing elite – a must see for fans of the TV series and dance enthusiasts of all ages! STriCTlY COMe DANCiNg - The PrOfeSSiONAlS is at De Montfort Hall, Granville Road Leicester LE1 7RU Mon 24 to Sat 29 May. For tickets call the box office on 0116 233 3111 or visit

exceptional dance from Brazil $PNQBOIJB EF %BODB %FCPSBI $PMLFS TueS 4 & WeD 5 MAY Founder of one of the most exciting and athletic dance companies in the world, Deborah Colker has always left audiences awe-inspired by the sheer daring and sexiness of her choreography, and her latest piece Cruel lives up to her reputation. Inspired by ordinary stories in people’s lives, that involve love, lovers, and family bonds that bind and unbind, Cruel takes place over four acts, which explore different aspects of the unpleasantness that can take

place within personal relationships. The piece opens as a glamorous study of romantic love, with the dancers sweeping across the stage in beautiful costumes under a huge glowing white globe. Later violence is explored as a 5 metre long table is spun around as knives are thrown on it. The final section features four large, revolving mirrors, with a porthole through which the dancers move, throwing disturbingly surreal images of their bodies

onto the giant glass. The accompanying soundtrack to all this gorgeously danced, daring physicality is a mix of originally composed music, references to classical music and the layering of Brazilian urban beats. Royal and Derngate, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1DP on Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 May. For tickets call the box office on 01604 624811 or go online at www.

WOW May 2010


A 5>

C740CA4 The Gruffalo


FRI 28 - SAT 30 MAY Back by popular demand, Tall Stories’ live adaptation of children’s favourite picture book The Gruffalo takes to the Derngate stage from Friday 28 to Saturday 30 May. Touring nationally and internationally since 2001, this magical musical adaptation of the best selling picture book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler has been performed over 4000 times to over a million people the world over! The award-wining book was recently voted the nation’s number one bedtime story by BBC Radio 2 listeners and even hit the small screens on Christmas Day in a star studded TV adaptation on BBC! Join Mouse on an adventurous journey through the deep dark

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wood... meet a wheelerdealer Fox, an eccentric old owl, a maraca-shaking, party mad snake! Mouse can scare away these hungry animals with tall stories of the terrifying Gruffalo, But what happens when she comes face to face with the very creature she imagined...? The Gruffalo is an ideal introduction to theatre for preand primary school children and their families, with plenty of songs, laughs and fun for children aged 3 to 300. Delve into the magical world of The Gruffalo... THE GRUFFALO is at the Royal and Derngate, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1DP. Tickets from £8. Call the box office on 01604 624811 or visit:

Twinkle Twonkle 3FBDI GPS UIF TUBST SATURDAY 22 MAY The Castle are delighed to welcome back Tall Stories with their latest show for young people, Twinkle Twonkle. This is the perfect introduction to theatre for young children, and will be performed at The Castle on Sat 22 May, 11am & 2pm. Suitable for children aged 4 and over. Stella loves the stars. Every evening she gazes at them through her telescope. But one night her little brother Ryan wishes on a star, extends the telescope all the way


WOW May 2010

and starts climbing up it. Stella follows him. But something is wrong in the night sky. There’s Pegasus the flying horse – but there’s also a cow jumping over the moon. And the Great Bear and the Little Bear have been joined by a medium-sized bear… Tall Stories, the company that brought you The Gruffalo and Room on the Broom, presents its latest show, for everyone aged 4 and up. Inspired by nursery rhymes and the Big Bang – stories, music and the mystery of space lift

TWINKLE TWONKLE is at The Castle Theatre, Castle Way, Wellingborough, NN8 1XA on Sat 22 May at 11am and 2pm. Tickets cost £6/£8 (family of 4 £24). Birthday members 15% off. Call the box office on 01933 270 007 or visit:


Horrible Science 4DJFODF XJUI BMM UIF TRVJTIZ EJTHVTUJOH FYQMPTJWF CJUT MFGU JO TUES 1 - SAT 5 JUNE Birmingham Stage Company, producers of the hugely popular Horrible History shows, have now brought the well-loved Horrible Science books to life. This new production – based on the books that have sold over 10 million copies worldwide – bursts onto Northampton’s Derngate stage from Tuesday 1 to Saturday 5 June. Children of all ages remember the classic that is Horrible Science. The irresistible book has captured the imaginations of young minds for years and this stage production, using actors and amazing 3D Bogglevision, attempts to find the awful answers to such questions as can you fight deadly diseases and beastly bacteria just using orange juice? And why do



we produce 50,000 litres of spit in a lifetime – enough to fill 100 baths? The audience will join Billy Miller, a recalcitrant 10-year-old, as he battles his way through the Horrible Science world, facing dreadful dangers and putrid puns! They’ll encounter fatal forces such as gravity and magnetism and discover the shocking truth about electricity, and how bacteria and microbe monsters inflict their killer diseases. Directed by Phil Clark, director of Royal & Derngate’s recent production of The BFG, Horrible Science captures the infamous wit and humour that has made the book so popular over the years. The show is suitable for all the family aged 6 and upwards,


and covers much of the key stage 2 science curriculum, but deals with these topics in such hilariously disgusting ways it will seem a million miles from the classroom! It will be a hugey fun way to learn important new things. Coming to Royal & Derngate from Tuesday 1 to Satur-

day 5 June, this show will be a fantastic family outing for half term week. HORRIBLE SCIENCE is at the Royal and Derngate, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1DP. Tickets from £11. Call the box office on 01604 624811 or visit:

An Audience with the Chuckle Brothers $FMFCSBUJOH ZFBST PG $IVDLMFWJTJPO SATURDAY 22 MAY Having completed the 21st series of the ever successful series “ChuckleVision” for the BBC. Paul and Barry have decided to interact live with their audience and fans . In this ‘one off’ tour special they will be showing film clips of some of their favourite routines. As well as performing some of your favourite live routines with supporting artistes, the Chucklebrothers will talk about how it all started for them. They will speak about the most memorable “incidents” of their career which changed their lives and turned them in to becoming

one of Britain’s best loved family double acts. Have your questions ready as Mr Noslacking and Mr Getoutofit will be moving through the audience with microphones’ get your questions to put to Paul and Barry. Who knows, you may even be asked on stage to join them. AN AUDIENCE WITH THE CHUCKLE BROTHERS is at the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on 22 May at 2pm. Tickets from £xx. Call the box office on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or visit:

WOW May 2010


<DB82 .64*$


F70C{B >= If you only go to 30 gigs this month… with DJ Fontana Sat 1 MAGGIE BELL & THE BRITISH BLUES QUINTET Wilbarston Hall Market Harborough


Sun 2 THE STONES Cuttle Inn Rugby HAWKWIND ALL DAYER The Assembly Leamington Spa Mon 3 BIFFY CLYRO De Montfort Hall Leicester JASON AND THE SCORCHERS The Musician Leicester CURTIS STIGERS The Stables Milton Keynes Tue 4 AUSTRALIAN PINK FLOYD De Montfort Hall Leicester ROCKET MAN Belgrade Theatre Coventry THE FALL Rock City Nottingham Wed 5 ASH Roadmender Northampton KISS LG Arena Birmingham Fri 7 GLEN CAMPBELL De Montfort Hall Leicester


WOW May 2010

Gordan Giltrap and (inset) Vinny Garbutt THU 13 & FRI 28 MAY Not one but two gentle guitar heroes at The Castle this month, and both of them in dire danger of getting labelled a ‘national treasure’. There’s a lot more to Gordon Giltrap than the BBC Holiday theme ‘Heartsong’: on seven or eight touring guitars he’ll be tripping out thousands of notes

from his latest album, Shining Morn, which combines rock, blues, folk and classical to unique effect. And so to folk hero Vinny Garbutt, variously described as powerful, hugely moving, warm, humane, inspired, funny and gut wrenchingly honest. After 40 years on the road, kindly distributing his humour and poignant song all over the folkie world,

it’s time to get sprinkled with his magic twangy guitar… and whistling. GORDON GILTRAP is on Thurs 13 May. VIN GARBUTT is on Fri 28 May. Both at The Castle Theatre, Castle Way, Wellingborough, NN8 1XA. For tickets call the box office on 01933 270 007 or online at


Big Session Festival










The Big Session Festival grows year on year to provide festivalgoers with a quality, friendly and green event that continues to get better. Bringing you the best in folk music and hosted by the Oysterband, there really is something for everyone at this family-friendly festival. The great thing about the

Big Session is there is always a safe haven to keep dry in our indoor spaces and covered outdoor areas so we do our best to make sure you have a great time and stay as dry as possible! In 2009 and 2008 De Montfort Hall won the Greener Festival Award and were given a special Red Kite Mark for Their efforts to make the festival as

The Proclaimers

Kate Rusby environmentally friendly as possible. Confirmed acts for 2010 include The Proclaimers, Kate Rusby, Oysterband, Cara Dillon, Dreadzone and Stornoway. Friday line-up: THE Proclaimers, Cara Dillon, The Rockingbirds, Chris Wood, Ian King, John Smith, Ray Cooper, Julian Gaskell & The Ragged Trouser Philanthropists, 6 Day Riot. Saturday line-up: Kate Rusby, Dreadzone, Stornoway, Holy Bandits, Chumbawamba, Nancy Elizabeth, Damien O’kane, Whapweasel With Gor-

don Potts, Miles Hunt & Erica Nockalls, Tyde, Moulettes, The Ranelagh Renegades, Raghu Dixit, Blair Dunlop. Sunday line-up: Oysterband, Jackie Oates, Kathryn Roberts And Sean Lakeman, Dervish, Megson, Kerfuffle, Will Pound & Dan Walsh, James Findlay, Moulton Morris. . THE BIG SESSION FESTIVAL is on Fri 18 - Sun 20 June at De Montfort Hall and Gardens, Leicester.. Go to for the latest information.

Lesley Garrett /PSUIBNQUPO BVEJFODFT IBWF UIF DIBODF UP FOKPZ #SJUBJOoT NPTU QPQVMBS TPQSBOP FRIDAY 7 MAY Renowned for her unique talents which cover opera, radio, television, concerts and the West End, Lesley has recently starred in Carousel and The Sound of Music and appeared on television in Strictly Come Dancing, Loose Women and Comic Relief Does Fame Academy. In this concert, Lesley presents a recital evening of songs and arias from well known operas, musicals and popular music. Accompanied by pianist Andrew West and joined by a special guest singer, this sensational

concert will include a selection of pieces from the likes of Mozart, Cole Porter, Noel Coward and Rodgers and Hammerstein, plus many more. Onstage, Lesley has developed a reputation for caring about her audience and establishing an intimate rapport with them, sweeping them off their feet with her down to earth charm and glorious voice, and this concert will be no exception. Don’t miss this opportunity to see the graceful star perform live on the Derngate stage.

LESLEY GARRETT is on Fri 7 May at 7.30pm. Tickets from ÂŁ29. For tickets call the box office on 01604 624 811 or visit:

WOW May 2010



THE ESSENCE OF IRELAND Royal Spa Centre Leamington JANE TAYLOR The Stables MK RIHANNA + PIXIE LOTT LG Arena Birmingham Sat 8 UK PINK FLOYD Queen’s Hall Nuneaton Sat 8 UK PINK FLOYD Queen’s Hall Nuneaton THE HOT CLUB OF COWTOWN The Stables Milton Keynes BLACK EYED PEAS + CHERYL COLE LG Arena Birmingham Sun 9 KATHRYN TICKELL BAND The Stables Milton Keynes Tue 11 SHONEN KNIFE The Musician Leicester Wed 12 NME RADAR TOUR: HURTS + EVERYTHING EVERYTHING + DARWIN DEEZ Roadmender Northampton Thu 13 A ‘60S NIGHT OUT: THE FORTUNES + THE IVY LEAGUE Loughborough Town Hall THE BARRON KNIGHTS Tamworth Assembly Rooms Sun 16 MR HUDSON Roadmender Northampton Sun 16-Mon 17 WHERE WE ARE TOUR: WESTLIFE LG Arena Birmingham Tue 18 BOO HEWERDINE The Musician Leicester ALVIN STARDUST Loughborough Town Hall ERIC CLAPTON + STEVE WINWOOD LG Arena Birmingham Wed 19 DAVID ROVICS + ATTILA THE STOCKBROKER The Criterion Leicester RAY DAVIES The Royal Centre Nottingham


WOW May 2010

Art imitating life $PNFEZ PS QPQ UIF $PODIPSET SPDL MONDAY 10 MAY Tourist to New York taxi driver: “How do you get to Madison Square Garden?” Taxi driver: “Lady, you gotta practice.” Showbiz’s oldest truism – or is it just a joke? – gets a postmodern bashing on this Flight of the Conchords live

tour. No longer do you need to practice to sell out tickets around the Western world – you just need an HBO comedy series about a couple of nohoper Kiwi musicians lost in New York (based on an actual band), and then you can go ahead and play your brilliantly wordy, stripped-down punk

funk to the huge audience it deserves. Hats in the air for the Rhyme Rhinoceros and the Hip-hoppopotamus.

FLIGHT OF THE CONCORDS are at NIA Birmingham on Mon 10 May. For tickets visit:

Pop motherlode (SPPWZ HSPPWFT SFWJTJUFE THU 6, THU 20 & SAT 29 MAY Twenty-five years ago, a bunch of formerly hep cats who hadn’t hit the charts in 20 years embarked on the very first Solid Silver ‘60s Show, a nostalgic celebration of the power of guitars and tunes and simpler times. The assembled cast changes every year according to, ahem, availability, but here’s a line-up to rank with the best ever. Reading like a who’s who of early-to-mid ‘60s multi-hit wonders, we’re talking Dave

Berry (minus his Cruisers, but he won’t forget ‘The Crying Game’, Mike Pender out of the Searchers (‘Needles and Pins’) and Brian Poole of Tremeloes fame (‘Do You Love Me’) – all THE SOLID SILVER ‘60S SHOW is on Thurs 6 May at Royal and Derngate, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1DP. For tickets call the box office on 01604 624811 or visit: Thurs 20 May at De Montfort Hall, Granville Road, LE1 7RU.

backed by Vanity Fayre. Plus! The Swinging Blue Jeans (‘Hippy Hippy Shake’). And the best of the lot: the mighty Troggs, complete with Reg ‘Wild Thing’ Presley. Phew. For tickets call the box office on 0116 233 3111 or visit: Sat 29 May at Nottingham Royal Centre, Theatre Square, Nottingham, NG1 5ND. For tickets call the box office on 0115 989 5555.


Head for the future

*UoT UIF OPX TPVOE PG e SAT 8 & THU 13 MAY There’s no neater showcase of Sunderland’s Futureheads than their own website – you can guess – which slaps the cool new single ‘Heartbeat Song’ right into your lugs with a comedy video to keep your wandering amused. It’s as if XTC had been walking out with The Cure on a happy day and, by some strange miracle, they’d begat four speedy guitar-licking kids with canny North-East accents. Boingy basslines, cheesewire guitars, wit and

clattering thrust. Enough to make you feel nostalgic for Franz Ferdinand, almost. But best steer clear of that website if you’re in the office and singing and bouncing along would be inadvisable‌ THE FUTUREHEADS are on Sat 8 May at Kasbah Coventry. Thurs 13 May at New Roadmender, 1 Lady’s Lane, Northampton, NN1 3AH. For tickets call the box office on 01604 230638 or visit:

Tommy Castro 6 4 #MVFT TUBS DPNFT UP -FJDFTUFS TIJSF PO 6, MFH PG 8PSME 5PVS FRiDAY 14 MAY Born in San Jose, California, Tommy Castro has made a name for himself all over the world, a fact endorsed by winning the 2008 Blues Music Award for Entertainer Of The Year. He’s in the UK for a couple of weeks as part of a tour taking him from California to Warsaw. Straight from performing in Glasgow and before stopping at London’s Jazz CafĂŠ, Tommy will be stopping off at Wilbarston Village Hall on Friday May 14th. Quoted by Carlos Santana as “This is the person who has the voice, the sound, and the intentions, to touch everybody’s

heart.� This is truly a Blues evening not to be missed. TOMMY CASTRO is at Wilbarston Hall, Carlton Road, Leicestershire, LE16 8QD on Friday May 14th Tickets £15 advance For more info, go online to

WOW May 2010



Thu 20 BRITISH SEA POWER Y Theatre Leicester THE COUNTERFEIT STONES The Stables Milton Keynes Fri 21 MOSTLY AUTUMN The Stables Milton Keynes JAMIE CULLUM The Royal Centre Nottingham Sat 22 GRETCHEN PETERS The Stables Milton Keynes

Got the 2010 Blues *UoT UIF CBS SFWPMVUJPOe WED 12 & MON 17 MAY You might think the Blues is kinda old hat, a strictly ‘60s affair with middle-aged white men sitting in the corner pulling faces over their guitar – or maybe you remember the original mid-war explosion

– but either way, there’s a new Blues boom with new faces and new guitars in town. Oli Brown is only 19, but his debut ‘Open Road’ showcased an incredible talent, and pointed the way forward for many other acts.

Sat 22 - Sun23 May ROD STEWART NIA Birmingham Mon 24 CHRISTY MOORE Warwick Arts Centre Coventry

NEW GENERATION BLUES are on Wed 12 May at The Assembly, Spencer Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 3NF. For tickets call the box office on 01926 523001 or visit: Mon 17 May at The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon, Milton Keynes, MK17 8LU. For tickets call thr box office on 01908 280800 or visit:

Tue 25 - Thu 26 ERIC BIBB + MEGAN HENWOOD The Stables Milton Keynes Thu 27 THE CAVERN BEATLES The Castle Wellingborough Fri 28 GEORGE BENSON + MARTI PELLOW NIA Birmingham Tue 1 Jun BILLY OCEAN The Stables Milton Keynes JAzz & CLASSICAL Fri 7 LESLEY GARRETT RECITAL Derngate Northampton Fri 14 CRAzY LOVE TOUR: MICHAEL BUBLE LG Arena Birmingham Sat 15 THE DUTCH SWING COLLEGE BAND The Stables Milton Keynes Sun 16 JAzz X 3 Y Theatre Leicester Sat 22 FOUR SEASONS: THE ORCHESTRA OF THE SWAN Bedworth Civic Hall Bedworth Thu 27 IAN SHAW The Castle Wellingborough


WOW May 2010

Joanne Shaw Taylor, her blues guitar and her gravelly vocal were discovered by Dave Stewart of the Euryrthmics: hear her ‘White Sugar’. And finally there’s Virgil & The Accelerators, the eponymous guitarist aged 18 and his bro Gabriel on drums just 16. Move over Jimi: you’ve been dead 40 years.

Just champion &DMFDUJD NJY BU 6,oT UPQ WFOVF THU 6, TUE 11 & SAT 22 MAY The fabulous refurbed Art Deco temple known as The Assembly in Leamington has

only gone and won this year’s Music Week’s Best UK Venue Award! Congratulations to Becky and Vas and all involved! It isn’t just the venue, it’s the brilliant booking policy that sets the Assembly apart – as demonstrated by these three eclectic choices from the mustsee schedules. Our Tip of the Month is Brit strummer-siren Thea Gilmore, whose haunting and dramatic works recalls Annie Lennox and Maria McKee at their best. Uncut mag labelled Gilmore “the best British singer-songwriter of the last 10 years – and then some.� Sample the vibe on myspace. Great to hear the Alabama

3 haven’t been buried out in the back country, and are back for a rave-up in our neck of the woods, spilling out more of the fuzzy, acid-house blues that was picked up as the theme to The Sopranos. Ditto punk godfathers The Damned, ever a ferocious, fun-packed prospect live‌ THEA GILMORE is on Thurs 6 May. ALABAMA 3 are on Tues 11 May. THE DAMNED are on Sat 22 May. All at The Assembly, Spencer Street, Leamington Spa, CV31 3NF. For tickets call the box office on 01926 523001 or visit:


WOW May 2010




F70C{B >= Released FRiday 7th a NiGhtMaRe ON elM stReet Freddy Krueger returns in “a Nightmare on elm street,� a contemporary re-imagining of the horror classic. FOUR liONs Four lions tells the story of a group of British jihadists who push their abstract dreams of glory to the breaking point. as the wheels fly off, and their competing ideologies clash, what emerges is an emotionally engaging (and entirely plausible) farce. FURRy VeNGeaNCe led by an incredibly clever raccoon, a band of angry animals stymie the plans ofan ambitious young real estate developer dan sanders, and teach our hero about the environmental consequences of man’s encroachment on nature. GeNtleMeN BRONCOs Benjamin, home-schooled by his eccentric mother, is a loner whose passion for writing leads him on an journey as his story first gets ripped off by the legendary fantasy novelist, Ronald Chevalier, and then is adapted into a disastrous movie by the small town’s most prolific homespun filmmaker.


WOW May 2010

Robin hood "OE IJT NFSSZ NFO SFUVSO HMPSZ UP &OHMBOE PODF BHBJO Release date: May 14 Oscar winner Russell Crowe stars as the legendary figure known by generations as “Robin Hood,� whose exploits have endured in popular mythology and ignited the imagination of those who share his spirit of adventure and righteousness. In 13th century England, Robin and his merry men confront corruption in a local village and lead an uprising against the crown that will forever alter the balance of world power. Either thief or hero, the man from humble beginnings will become an eternal symbol of freedom for his people. The Robin Hood adventure portrays the life of an expert archer, previously interested only in self-preservation, from his service in King Richard’s army against the French.

Upon Richard’s death, Robin travels to Nottingham, a town suffering from the corruption of a despotic sheriff and crippling taxation, where he falls for Lady Marion, a woman skeptical of the identity and motivations of this crusader from the forest. Hoping to earn her hand and save the village, Robin assembles a gang whose lethal mercenary skills are matched only by its appetite for life. Together, they begin preying on the indulgent upper class to correct the injustices under the sheriff. With their country weakened after years of war, the ineffective rule of the new king and vulnerable to insurgencies from within and threats from afar, Robin and his men heed a call to ever greater adventure. This unlikeliest of heroes and his allies set off

to protect their country from slipping into bloody civil war and return glory to England once more.

CeRtiFiCate: PG GeNRe: Action, Adventure, Drama diReCtOR: Ridley Scott Cast: Mark Strong, Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, Kevin Durand, Danny Huston, Matthew Macfadyen, Max von Sydow, William Hurt, Mark Addy, Scott Grimes RUNNiNG tiMe: 148 minutes


The Back-up Plan

THE REBOunD sandy, upon discovering her husband’s infidelity while watching her son’s birthday video, leaves the suburbs and moves into the city where she meets a new man.

8JMM JU BMM UVSO PVU UP CF QPTJUJWF RElEAsE DATE: MAY 7 After years of dating, Zoe has decided waiting for the right one is taking too long. Determined to become a mother, she commits to a plan, makes an appointment and decides to go it alone. On the day of her artificial insemination, Zoe meets Stan – a man with real possibilities. Trying to nurture a budding relationship and hide the early signs of pregnancy becomes a comedy of errors for Zoe and creates confusing signals for Stan. When Zoe nervously reveals the reason for her unpredictable behavior, Stan commits fully and says he’s in. Never before has love seen a courtship where a wild night

of love involves three in a bed – Stan, Zoe and the ever— present massive pregnancy pillow. Or, where “date night” consists of being the “focal point” at a near—stranger’s water birth which does for kiddie pools what “Jaws” did for swimming in the ocean. The real pregnancy test comes when both of them realize they really don’t know each other outside of hormonal chaos and birth preparations. With the nine month clock ticking, both begin to experience cold feet. Anyone can fall in love, get married and have a baby but doing it backwards in hyper— drive could be proof positive that they were made for each other.

s2 Four lions (15) 3pM, 8.15pM

MAY FilM listings Fri 30 s1 ClAsh oF the titAns 3D (12A) 11AM s1 the BlinD siDe (12A) 2pM s2 CeMeterY JunCtion (15) 12pM s2 no greAter love (pg) 2.30pM sAt 1 s1 ClAsh oF the titAns (12A) 12pM, 6pM s1 the BlinD siDe (12A) 3pM, 8.30pM s2 CeMeterY JunCtion (15) 3.15pM, 8pM s2 no greAter love (pg) 12.30pM, 5.45pM sun 2 s1 ClAsh oF the titAns (12A) 3pM, 5.30pM s1 the BlinD siDe (12A) 12.15pM, 8pM s2 CeMeterY JunCtion (15) 2.15pM, 6.45pM s2 no greAter love (pg) 12pM, 4.30pM Mon 3 s1 ClAsh oF the titAns (12A) 12pM s1 the BlinD siDe (12A) 2.30pM, 6pM s2 CeMeterY JunCtion (15) 1pM s2 CitY oF liFe AnD DeAth (15) 3.30pM, 6.15pM tue 4 s1 ClAsh oF the titAns (12A) 6pM s1 the BlinD siDe (12A) 3pM, 8.30pM s2 CeMeterY JunCtion (15) 6.15pM, 8.15pM s2 CitY oF liFe AnD DeAth (15) 3.30pM WeD 5 s1 ClAsh oF the titAns (12A) 3pM, 8.30pM s1 the BlinD siDe (12A) 6pM s2 CeMeterY JunCtion (15) 3.30pM, 8.45pM s2 CitY oF liFe AnD DeAth (15) 6pM thu 6 s1 ClAsh oF the titAns (12A) 6.15pM s1 the BlinD siDe (12A) 3.30pM, 8.45pM s2 CeMeterY JunCtion (15) 3pM, 8.30pM s2 CitY oF liFe AnD DeAth (15) 6pM Fri 7 s1 Four lions (15) 12pM, 3pM, 6pM, 8.15pM s2 lA DAnse: the pAris operA BAllet (pg) 12.30pM, 6.15pM s2 until the light tAkes us (tBC) 4pM, 10pM sAt 8

s1 Four lions (15) 12pM, 3pM, 5.30pM, 8pM s2 perCY JACkson AnD the lightning thieF (pg) 12.30pM s2 lA DAnse: the pAris operA BAllet (pg) 3.15pM s2 until the light tAkes us (tBC) 6.30pM s2 the Big leBoWski (18) 8.30pM sun 9 s1 Four lions (15) 12pM, 2.15pM, 4.30pM, 7pM s2 the skY CrAWlers (12A) 1pM, 7.30pM s2 lA DAnse: the pAris operA BAllet (pg) 4pM Mon 10 s1 Four lions (15) 1pM, 3.30pM, 6.15pM, 8.45pM s2 the skY CrAWlers (12A) 6pM, 8.30pM s2 lA DAnse: the pAris operA BAllet (pg) 2pM tue 11 s1 Four lions (15) 3pM, 6pM, 8.30pM s2 lA DAnse: the pAris operA BAllet (pg) 2.30pM s2 the skY CrAWlers (12A) 5.30pM s2 one night in turin (n/A) 8.45pM WeD 12 s1 Four lions (15) 6pM, 8.15pM s2 lA DAnse: the pAris operA BAllet (pg) 1pM s2 the skY CrAWlers (12A) 4pM thu 13 s1 Four lions (15) 6.15pM, 8.30pM s2 lA DAnse: the pAris operA BAllet (pg) 8pM s2 the skY CrAWlers (12A) 5.30pM Fri 14 s1 vAlhAllA rising (15) 1pM, 4pM s1 spArtACus (pg) 7pM s2 revAnChe (15) 12.30pM, 3.30pM s2 Four lions (15) 6.30pM sAt 15 s1 BeYonD the pole (15) 11.30AM s1 kiCk-Ass (15) 1.20pM, 5.45pM s2 vAlhAllA rising (15) 3.30pM s1 the CABinet oF Dr CAligAri (n/A) 8.30pM s2 revAnChe (15) 1pM, 6pM s2 Four lions (15) 8.30pM sun 16 s1 BeYonD the pole (15) 2.15pM, 6.30pM s1 kiCk-Ass (15) 12pM s1 vAlhAllA rising (15) 4.15pM, 8.30pM s2 revAnChe (15) 12.30pM, 5.30pM

Mon 17 s1 BeYonD the pole (15) 1pM, 8pM s1 vAlhAllA rising (15) 3pM, 6pM s2 revAnChe (15) 3.45pM, 8.30pM s2 Four lions (15) 1.30pM, 6.15pM tue 18 s1 A BoY CAlleD DAD (15) 3pM, 8pM s1 vAlhAllA rising (15) 6pM s2 revAnChe (15) 3.30pM, 6pM s2 Four lions (15) 8.30pM WeD 19 s1 A BoY CAlleD DAD (15) 6pM, 8pM s1 vAlhAllA rising (15) 4pM s2 revAnChe (15) 6.15pM s2 Four lions (15) 3.30pM, 8.45pM thu 20 s1 A BoY CAlleD DAD (15) 6pM s1 vAlhAllA rising (15) 3pM, 8pM s2 revAnChe (15) 3.30pM, 8.30pM s2 Four lions (15) 6.15pM Fri 21 s1 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 1pM, 4pM, 6.30pM s1 heArtless (18) 10pM s2 AMeriCAn: the Bill hiCks storY (15) 1.30pM, 8pM s2 Dogtooth (18) 3.45pM, 6pM sAt 22 s1 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 2.30pM, 6pM, 8.30pM s2 nAnnY MCphee & the Big BAng (u) 12pM s2 AMeriCAn: the Bill hiCks storY (15) 2.15pM s2 Dogtooth (18) 4.30pM s2 purelY Belter (15) 6.30pM s2 heArtless (18) 8.45pM sun 23 s1 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 12.15pM, 2.45pM, 5.30pM, 8pM s2 nAnnY MCphee & the Big BAng (u) 12pM s2 AMeriCAn: the Bill hiCks storY (15) 4.15pM, 8.45pM s2 Dogtooth (18) 2.15pM s2 heArtless (18) 6.30pM s3 hAppiness (18) 3pM, 6pM Mon 24 s1 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 1pM, 3.30pM, 6.15pM, 8.45pM s2 AMeriCAn: the Bill hiCks storY (15) 6pM s2 Dogtooth (18) 12pM, 8.15pM

--------------------------------RElEAsED FRIDAY 21sT

CERTIFICATE: PG GEnRE: Comedy, Romance DIRECTOR: Alan Pou CAsT:tor:Alan Poul Cast:Jennifer Lopez, Alex O’Loughlin, Danneel Harris, Eric Christian Olsen, Anthony Anderson, Noureen DeWulf, Jennifer Elise Cox, Melissa McCarthy, Tom Bosley, Linda Lavin RunnInG TIME: 106 mins

HEARTlEss The story follows Jamie, a troubled young man with a birthmark on his face, which has left him feeling isolated and fearful. He lives in the east end of london, an area notorious for its violent, hooded, demon mask wearing gangs. One night, Jamie discovers the terrifying truth: the gangs are not wearing masks. They are real demons.

s2 heArtless (18) 3pM s3 hAppiness (18) 4pM, 6.30pM tue 25 s1 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 3pM, 6pM, 8.45pM s2 liFe During WArtiMe (15) 3.30pM, 8.30pM s2 AMeriCAn: the Bill hiCks storY (15) 6pM WeD 26 s1 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 3.30pM, 6pM, 8.30pM s2 liFe During WArtiMe (15) 6.15pM s2 AMeriCAn: the Bill hiCks storY (15) 3pM, 8.15pM thu 27 s1 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 3.30pM, 6pM, 8.30pM s2 liFe During WArtiMe (15) 4pM, 8.45pM s2 AMeriCAn: the Bill hiCks storY (15) 6.15pM Fri 28 s1 sex AnD the CitY (tBC) 2 2.30pM, 6pM, 8.30pM s1 BAD lieutenAnt (18) 11pM s2 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 3pM s2 Cleo FroM 5 to 7 (pg) 6.15pM, 8.15pM sAt 29 s1 sex AnD the CitY 2 (tBC) 12pM, 2.30pM, 5.30pM, 8pM s2 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 8.15pM s2 Cleo FroM 5 to 7 (pg) 1.30pM, 6pM s2 Whip it (12A) 11AM, 3.30pM sun 30 s1 sex AnD the CitY 2 (tBC) 12pM, 2.30pM, 5pM, 8pM s2 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 3.30pM, 8.15pM s2 Cleo FroM 5 to 7 (pg) 6.15pM s2 Whip it (12A) 12.30pM Mon 31 s1 sex AnD the CitY 2 (tBC) 1pM, 3.30pM, 6pM, 8.30pM s2 the BAD lieutenAnt – port oF CAll: neW orleAns (18) 3.45pM, 8.15pM s2 Cleo FroM 5 to 7 (pg) 1.30pM, 6.15pM

WOW May 2010



PRInCe OF PeRsIa: tHe sands OF tIMe an epic action-adventure set in the mystical lands of Persia. a rogue prince (JaKe GYllenHaal) reluctantly joins forces with a mysterious princess (GeMMa aRteRtOn) and together, they race against dark forces to safeguard an ancient dagger capable of reverseing time and allowing its possessor to rule the world. stReetdanCe 3d While training for the uK streetdance Championships, a streetdance crew are forced to work with Royal ballet dancers in return for rehearsal space. With no common ground and with passions riding high, they realise they need to find a way to join forces to win. Featuring diversity, Flawless, and George sampson. --------------------------------Released FRIdaY 28tH BlaCK deatH With Medieval england having fallen under the shadow of the Black death, a young monk called Osmund (eddie Redmayne) is charged with leading fearsome knight ulric (sean Bean) and his group of mercenaries to a remote marsh. their quest is to hunt down a necromancer — someone able to bring the dead back to life. seX and tHe CItY 2 Carrie, samantha, Charlotte and Miranda take another bite out of the Big apple in the sequel to the 2008 summer blockbuster. tHe tOOtH FaIRY dwayne Johnson returns to family comedy with this film that has the brawny ex-wrestler forced to be a tooth fairy.


WOW May 2010

Vincere " UBMF PG QPXFS MPWF BOE CFUSBZBM Release date: MaY 14 This unusual and offbeat historical drama rests on a little-known conceit. Though rarely discussed in history books, fascist dictator Benito Mussolini conceived an illegitimate son by a woman named Ida Dalser -- a son Mussolini allowed to be born, acknowledged, and then denied for the whole of his life. The tale begins in early 20th century Milan, with Benito working as the socialist editor of a controversial newspaper called Avanti. His dream in life involves leading the Italian masses away from monarchy and toward a “socially emancipated future.” He met the young and wealthy Ida once before, in Trento; then they reencounter one another during Mussolini’s period at Avanti and Ida has fallen deeply in love with Benito; she believes wholeheartedly in his ideals and his future as the leader

of Italy -- to such an extent that she sells everything she has to fuel the development of his newspaper, Popolo d’Italia. While the two become romantically entangled, with Ida completely magnetized by Benito’s charisma and Benito hooked on a lust for power, he quickly switches allegiances overnight, changing from an atheistic socialist to a deeply Catholic fascist -- Catholic, because association with the Vatican will enable him to take control over Italy’s government. Benito and Ida marry and have a son, but the marriage certificate soon conveniently disappears and Ida learns, to her horror, that Benito has married someone else. She unwisely begins to protest the situation -- so loudly and persistently that she’s first forced into house arrest and then shoved permanently into an insane asylum --

raising key questions about the fate and future of her young son.

CeRtIFICate: TBC GenRe: Biography, Drama, History dIReCtOR: Marco Bellocchio Cast: Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Filippo Timi, Corrado Invernizzi, Fausto Russo Alesi, Michela Cescon, Pier Giorgio Bellocchio, Paolo Pierobon, Bruno Cariello, Francesca Picozza, Simona Nobili RunnInG tIMe: 128mins

I am love 5JMEB 4XJOUPO EB[[MFT JO *UBMJBO ESBNB * "N -PWF BU UIF 'PSVN $JOFNB FRI 14 - sun 16 MaY Tilda Swinton plays Emma, a Russian woman married into a wealthy, aristocratic Milanese family. With every possible luxury at hand, Emma finds it hard to accept a growing dissatisfaction with her gilded existence. As the family gather to celebrate a family birthday and discuss the succession, secrets are unearthed and hidden passions ignited,

forcing the family to undergo a profound and irrevocable transformation. Featuring

a mesmerising score form composer John Adams, this sumptuous film enthrals right up to its dramatic climax.

CeRtIFICate: 15 GenRe: Drama dIReCtOR: Luca Guadagnino Cast: Tilda Swinton, Edoardo Gabbriellini, Marisa Berenson RunnInG tIMe: 120mins For screening times, please call 01604 837 007

5)& #*( 501


Gerry Cottle’s Circus





#JH UPQ TIPX FNCPEJFT OBUJPOBM QSJEF 11th 16th mAy Gerry Cottle decided he was going to own Britain’s biggest ever circus the day his parents took him to see Jack Hilton’s circus in Earl’s Court in 1953. It was a Christmas treat and I was just eight years old.” Now a legendary showman, Gerry Cottle achieved his ambition. His life story is the stuff of story-books - the boy who ran away from home at 15 years old to join a travelling circus. Fêted as the man who breathed new life into Big Top entertainment Gerry Cottle now owns one of the Uk’s Biggest All Human Circuses. At its peak Gerry Cottle’s Circus hosted BBC TV’s Seaside Specials on Saturday nights on BBC1, performed UK tours, and indoor Christmas seasons at Wembley. Gerry Cottle’s Circus became the most travelled Circus in the world - a real ‘flying circus’! This year, to celebrate 50 years since he ran away from home, Gerry is bringing back Gerry Cottle’s Circus. The new look show will be a circus for the 21st century aimed at the family au-

dience and starring the finest performers from around the globe, and is coming to your Town. Gerry Cottle’s Circus 2010 features: • From Russia, twice the skill and twice the glamour the BUGROVI SISTERS on the deceptively dangerous Rola-rola • From Ukraine, the high-flying TERSKY BROTHERS, daring gymnasts on the horizontal bars • The TRIO BOKAFI high-flying Springboard acrobats from Hungary • The mystifying illusions of ROSS PRESTO • Elegant and original aerialiste ALINA in the Magic Cube • Hitge, solo trapeze star from Mongolia • PLUS RIB-TICKLING COMEDY with the CIRCUS CLOWNS And lots more besides….

The GERRY COTTLE’s CIRCUS performs at CAMPBELL PARK, MILTON KEYNES every day from 11th to 16th May. Call the box office on 0844 4155 228 Early bookers’ DISCOUNT at www.gerry-cottles-circus.

WOW April 2009




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Big Ass on tour

If you only go to 10 comedy gigs this month… with DJ Fontana

Sat 1 RUTLAND COMEDY NIGHT: JACK WHITEHALL Rutland County Museum Oakham Sun 2 FAKESPEARE: RUSSELL KANE Warwick Arts Centre Coventry ANDI OSHO The Cannon Newport Pagnell Tue 4 WORD! Y Theatre Leicester Thu 6 THE COMEDY CLUB: Guest Comedians Wicksteed Park Kettering I WOULD HAPPILY PUNCH EVERY ONE OF YOU IN THE FACE: FRANKIE BOYLE De Montfort Hall Leicester Sat 8 BOTTLE ROCKET COMEDY CLUB: MILTON JONES, ALUN COCHRANE + Y Theatre Leicester RUBY WAX: LOSING IT? Warwick Arts Centre Coventry Fri 14 CHRIS ADDISON The Castle Wellingborough To advertise your event in the East Midlands’ fastestgrowing guide to what’s going on and where to be seen, email sales@ or call 01858 439 999


WOW May 2010

4IBLF TPNF DPNFEZ BDUJPO XJUI ,BUZ SUN 23 & MON 31 MAY Katy Brand won a lot of friends with her set piece for this year’s Sport Relief, when her virtually step-perfect routine of Beyoncé’s ‘Single Ladies’ only just missed out to Rufus Hound and his take on Cheryl Cole’s ‘Fight For This Love’. So it’s a good time to haul her Big Ass Show off the nether regions of ITV, and out on tour.

If you’ve ever caught the ITV2 show, you’ll be familiar with the East End gangster Her Majesty The Queen giving it 110%, and ‘Jack of all trades’ Lily Allen. If you haven’t seen the show, it’s what Freeview was invented for: like an all-dancing, all-dancing Catherine Tate, except funny. Expect the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Penelope Cruz, Kanye West, Coldplay and Lady Gaga along for the laughs.

KATY BRAND’S BIG ASS TOUR is at on Sun 23 May at Warwick Arts Centre Coventry. For tickets call the box office on 024 7652 4524 or visit: Mon 31 May at Alexandra Theatre Birmingham. For tickets call the box office on 0844 847 2302 or visit:


School of Rock

Subscribe to WOW What’s On Where for only £20 a year For details see the ad on our classifieds pages.


Sun 16 THE WIFE’S NEW SHOES: BRADLEY WALSH Loughborough Town Hall DIE ROTEN PUNKTE The Stables Milton Keynes Wed 19 SCREAMING BLUE MURDER: ANDREW BIRD & KEVIN DEWSBURY The Stables MK FRIDAY 28 MAY Laura ‘Frisky’ Corcoran and Matthew ‘Mannish’ Jones had an Edinburgh smash on their hands with a self-styled musical reeducation programme based around pop hits such as ‘Come On Eileen’ and ‘Thriller’. The trick lies in their merciless exposition of all things pop as shockingly vacuous, utterly psychotic and/ or bizarrely hilarious. Mannish sure can play his keyboard, and Frisky sure can sing; and for

cheesy goth glamourpusses they’re both highly talented social critics. Hear Meat Loaf feigning the voice of a small child, and die just a little inside. Hear new existential meaning read into Chesney Hawkes’ ‘The One and Only’. Hear Lily Allen take on an entirely different slant when crooned by Noel Coward… and all this hilarious ‘reeducation’ dressed up in stockings, corsets, and heavy

goth eyeshadow. You’ll never think of the Bangles the same way again once you’ve heard them expose themselves as sex stalkers in ‘Eternal Flame’… FRISKY & MANNISH’S SCHOOL OF POP are on Fri 28 May. Castle Theatre, Castle Way, Wellingborough, NN8 1XA. For tickets call the box office on 01933 270 007 or visit:

Mustn’t Grumble News for You’. Expect a feast of low-angle observation. And cricket fans will be delighted to join in person the voice of a million Test Match

Fri 21 HIYA AND HIGHER: MRS BARBARA NICE (JANICE CONNOLLY) Y Theatre Leicester COMEDY & CLUB NIGHT: JUNIOR SIMPSON, NICK REVELL + Famous For Comedy Highlight Leicester Tue 25 PATRICK MONAHAN Kayal Restaurant Leicester

8FMM POMZ JG ZPV JOTJTUe WED 5 & WED 12 MAY Here’s a couple of quintessentially English comic characters, both appearing this month at The Stables – the trick is separating the men on stage from the characters they’ve created. In Andy Hamilton’s case, he’s put words into characters mouths in some of the best comedy TV of the past 30 years – Outnumbered, Drop the Dead Donkey, Shelley, Not The Nine O’Clock News – but is probably best known as the bearded 5’3” Grumpy Old Man on ‘Have I Got

Thu 20 THE COMEDY CLUB: Guest Comedians Wicksteed Park Kettering REGINALD D HUNTER Loughborough Town Hall

Specials. That’s right: Blowers is a real person with real anecdotes – though sometimes it’s hard to believe he isn’t written by Harry Enfield…. BLOWERS: CAUGHT SHORT & GRUMPY: HENRY BLOFELD is on Wed 5 May. HAT OF DOOM: ANDY HAMILTON is on Wed 12 May. Both at The Stables, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon, Milton Keynes MK17 8LU. For tickets call the box office on 01908 280800 or visit:


WOW May 2010



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The WOW team forecast a Summer of sunshine and fun with the seasons predicted trends.



eing forever optimistic, along with the sunshine WOW expects to see plenty of shorts this summer. The long short, the short short, and the skirt short (skort)! So now is a good time to book a pamper and get your legs and feet looking tip top for Summer! If you would prefer an alternative then why not go all out for the WOW factor, with a drop dead gorgeous maxi dress (remember to pay some attention to your tootsies!). With so much variety, the high street has us spoilt for choice.


808 -FHT If you want to feel good about getting your legs out for the Summer, check out the tips from our experts, Kara on p.27 and Nicky on p28. 10

8 5





WOW May 2010

'"4)*0/ 11 1. White ‘Goddess’ one shoulder maxi dress £70, Label Lab at House of Fraser. 2. Striped jersey maxi dress £11, Primark. 3. F&F Couture Stripe Shorts £40, Tesco. 4. Pink shorts, £29.50, Marks & Spencer. 5. Navy/white stripe shorts with buttons £20, M&Co. 6. Peaches for PPQ high waist shorts, £25, Very. 7. Denim Prudence Shorts, £35, Monsoon. 8. Blue Maggie Short £35, Monsoon. 9. Floral skort, £18, 10. Jersey Dress £18, Sandals £25, Dorothy Perkins. 11. Watercolour Wonder Maxi Dress £100, French Connection. 12. Lace back tie front cardi £25, Lace body £16, Court shoes with fan design £35, Jane Norman.







13. Khaki playsuit, £25, A|wear. 14. Floral playsuit, £20, New Look. 15. Denim Shirt £38, Belt £28, Shorts, Warehouse. 16. Lace shorts £9.00, Primark. 17. Sinha Stanic floral playsuit, £60,

)"*3 #&"65:


Great things really do come in small packages

If you have any haircare questions you would like to ask our expert, please write to: Adam @ Vivid Hair, C/O WOW, 50 St Mary’s Road, Market Harborough, LE16 7DU.

"EBN GSPN 7JWJE )BJS UFMMT VT BCPVU NJOJ IBJS QSPEVDUT It’s now the time of year when you start to notice the real change in our wonderful 4 season climate. Beautiful fruit blossom on the trees & vibrant spring flowers taking over in the borders of our gardens. The lawns seem to grow overnight & of course the pub gardens overflow once more. For me though the real


WOW May 2010

change is that it’s the season of the minis. I’m not talking about the iconic small car so lovingly produced on these fair shores, or indeed the equally iconic item of clothing designed to set pulses racing. No dear reader I’m talking about all the wonderful ‘mini’ hair products available to you. We have some great travel hair dryers from

ice diamond they are very handy for that weekend away & when combined with ice diamonds mini straighteners will add a touch of glamour to your suitcase. Both products come in a range of colours, and are priced at £28.99 each. We also have a range of products from Chill & Davines in travel size please come to the salon to see our selection. At Vivid we have launched a new loyalty card scheme

& have just had some great vouchers printed by those wonderful people at Pewter Design. So if you fancy treating yourself of someone you love this spring then Vivid might just have what you are looking for. Adam VIVID HAIR is at 44 St Marys Road, Market Harborough LE16 7DU. To book an appointment telephone 01858 468 394

)"*3 #&"65:

Slim for Summer ,BSB 1PUUFS GSPN 5IF #FBVUZ .BOPS UFMMT VT BMM BCPVU IFS OFX USFBUNFOU 5FDIOJ4QB CZ (VJOPU 4LJODBSF With Summer just upon us, its the time of year when you have to start thinking about feet, waxing, tanning the list can go on and on. One thing that I am really excited about this summer is the launch of my new treatment TechniSpa by Guinot Skincare. TechniSpa is a treatment using a machine that uses three different electrical current- Vacuflux Ionisation and Stimulation.



This treatment involves exfoliation on areas of concern, then using a contouring gel and TechniSpa the benefits of this is it breaks down areas of cellulite, dissolves any toxins or build up of cellulite and firms the skin. After one session; on average 1.5cm loss on waist.

If you have any beauty questions you would like to ask our expert, please write to: Kara @ Beauty Manor, C/O WOW, 50 St Mary’s Road, Market Harborough, LE16 7DU.

After 1 session 0.6cm loss on thighs.

4PPUIJOH -FH 5SFBUNFOU NJO ~ Soothing Legs is ideal for anyone suffering with water retention, decongests the tissues, reboosts the circulation puffiness around the knees and ankles. It drains any excess fluid away leaving your legs feel light and relieved. 9 out of 10 women are affected by heavy, uncomfortable legs. Why? Standing for long periods of time, Heat, Clothing and Diet.

'JSNJOH 5SFBUNFOU NJO ~ The firming treatment uses a stimulation current working on the origin and insertion of the muscles, causing the to contract and tone. Perfect for them areas that can not be

toned up in the gym! Courses are available in all treatments and consultations are FREE. I will be honest, with all the cellulite treatments and products available in the beauty industry I wondered if this one would actually work, but as usual its another amazing treatment by Guinot. I am completely bewildered by the results and am so pleased with

the comments from by clients, this will definitely be a hit for the summer holidays! Kara Beauty ManOr is above Browns Hairdressing, Manor House, High Street, Market Harborough, LE16 7NL. To book an appointment telephone 0844 999 4365

WOW May 2010


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740;C7 58C=4BB WOW looks at making the best of what we’ve got...






questions you would like to

Here comes the summer... #FBDI #PEZ -FHT $PSF #PEZXFJHIU 8PSLPVU It’s that time of year again when your beach holiday is getting closer and the fear of not having your body in shape ready for the beach starts to kick in. Personal Trainer and Fat Los Specialist Nicky Sehgal shows you how you can get your legs and core muscles in great shape ready for the summer season with one of his time friendly body weight workouts Here is a workout we use at our fitness boot camps (www., the workout will help you shape and tone your legs and core muscles as well as giving your body a metabolic boost for up to 4 hours after the workout, this

means you will burn fat for up to 4 hours post workout due to what is called the EPOC effect (Exercise post oxygen consumption) It’s an all in one workout; no need for extra cardio work so is a real time saver. The workout will take you between 10 and 30 minutes depending on your fitness levels and how many circuits you can perform. BOdy Fitness PersOnal training Is at Archway Natural Health Centre 44 Coventry Road Market Harborough, LE16 9BZ Tel: 01858 810420 Mob: 07939 056745

ask our expert, please write to: Nicky at Body Fitness, C/O WOW, 50 St Mary’s Road, Market Harborough, LE16 7DU.


Weekly Workouts 2 3 3 New Program

Circuits 1 round each 2 rounds each 3 rounds each New Program



Work Time

Rest Time

A1 A2

Prisoner Squats Planks Rest Static Lunge Mountain Climbers with Leg Rotation

20 sec 20 sec

10 sec 10 sec 1.00 10 sec 10 sec

B1 B2

20 sec 20 sec

exercise descriptions 1SJTPOFS 4RVBU

Start / Finish


Mid Point



Start / Finish

Mid Point



Start / Finish

Mid Point

The workout is for example purpose only, please get clearance form your GP or a professional fitness coach before participating in any exercise regime.


WOW May 2010

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WOW May 2010


808 ,*%4

6a^f h^da ^f] WOW kids are encouraged to fend for themselves and have fun growing and cooking their own healthy lunch!

5PRcb Cress may be given to pet birds such as budgerigars for a healthy and fresh treat. Garden Cress is added to soups, sandwiches and salads for its tangy flavour. The fresh or dried seed pods can be used as a peppery seasoning


WOW May 2010

808 ,*%4 5P HSPX UIF $SFTT ZPV XJMM OFFE One packet of cress seeds Container/Saucer/Tray Cotton wool/Kitchen towel Water


1. Choose a container, you can grow your cress on a saucer, in an egg tray, or in an eggshell. 2. Put some cotton wool, kitchen towel or tissue, something that will absorb water, into the container and dampen. 3. Scatter cress seeds onto the chosen fabric and water regularly (make sure you check it every day so it doesn’t dry out) and place it on a sunny windowsill to grow for 6-8 days.

3FDJQF *EFB 8PX LJET NBLF B NFBM PG JU XJUI B MJUUMF IFMQ GSPN NVN The perfect sandwich combo, egg and cress.

F>F CX_ Use a tray and write your name in cress seeds and watch it grow.


1. Place the eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. 2. Bring to a simmer then continue to simmer for 7mins.

3. Cool rapidly under a cold running tap for approx 1 min and leave in cold water for a further 2 mins (or until cool enough to handle). 4. Tap the egg gently cracking the shell then peel and rinse to remove any remaining shell.

7^f ^[S Xb h^da TVV. When placed in a glass of water, if your egg sits horizontally it is very fresh; If it lies semihorizontally it is about a week old; and if it’s stale it will float in a vertical position.

WOW May 2010


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Sunday Specials at the Waterfront &UFSOBM GBWPVSJUFT BOE NPSF BEWFOUVSPVT PQUJPOT BU )BSCPSPVHIoT OFX DBOBMTJEF SFTUBVSBOU Who would have thought it would be possible to sit outside and enjoy a pre-Sunday lunch aperatif on the Waterfront’s canalside patio, sun glinting off the water and the bobbing boats – in April? Coming in out of the fresh air, it was then possible to settle down with a large glass of Merlot and enjoy the theatrical bustle of the open-plan kitchen, contrasting with the peaceful vision of the canal. A perfect start to a perfect Sunday lunch. Like its sister restaurant at Foxton Locks, The Waterfront offers a solid foundation of traditional, high-quality dishes with an exciting sprinkling of options for more adventurous tastes. Also, from our point of view, it was great to see a sensibly priced and wholly appealing children’s menu provided. For starters, the smoked


WOW May 2010

salmon, prawn and horseradish fishcake (£4.95) hit the spot perfectly, an explosion of tastes

creeping up out of the fresh seafood and freshly prepared mache leaves and caper berry

mayonnaise. The Waterfront crayfish cocktail was similarly appetising; but Sunday dinner is all about meat, and at this time of week a restaurant can only really be judged on its Scottish sirloin of beef with creamed horseradish and Yorkshire pud. A perfectly pink, expertly sealed and delivered joint, ample in portion and good value at £10.95 – though I did have my head turned by a revisionist Sunday luncher’s slow-cooked, winesoaked pork belly with black pudding and smoked bacon. A new Sunday tradition.

The WaTerfrOnT Union Wharf, Market Harborough Leicestershire LE16 7UW www.restaurantfoxtonlocks. Tel: 01858 434702

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WOW May 2010


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Starry potters 'JOFTU RVBMJUZ DFSBNJD BSU BU %FSOHBUF UNTIL 18 JULy Running throughout May at 78 Derngate’s Gallery Upstairs is a wonderful exhibition of the potter’s art, expertly selected from prestigious national shows such as the Crafts Council’s ‘Origin’ at Somerset House and Ceramic Art London at the RCA. Contemporary Ceramics does exactly what it says on the

pot – showcasing a wide range of work from fine porcelain to rough-hewn earthenware, from functional pieces to decorative flights of fancy. And these creations of the ceramic scene’s stars aren’t just here to admire and delight, but can all be taken home to treasure. Entry to the exhibition is free; but beyond the door you’ll be at the mercy of London-based Chris Keenan’s signature ‘rocking bowls’ in thrown Limoges porcelain; local Northampton potter Wendy Hoare’s sculptural, hand-built forms, and Nottinghamshire artist Sue Disley’s highly refined vases. As a taster, here’s one of Wales-based Sara Moorhouse’s experiments in colour changing form and form affecting colour. Dramatic and different. CONTEMPORARy CERAMICS will be at The Gallery Upstairs 78 Derngate: The Charles Rennie Mackintosh House & Galleries Northampton NNI IUH Open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 4.30pm Tel: 01604 603 407


WOW May 2010


Ideal shoe show 8IBU NBLFT B TIPF nJEFBMo 'JOE PVU BU /PSUIBNQUPO .VTFVN BOE "SU (BMMFSZ UNTIL 13 JUNE The exhibition will explore how different shoes are designed for different purposes, illustrating the difference between a shoe for hot weather and a shoe for cold weather, and how our shoes changes as we grow up and age. The exhibition will look at how shoe designers develop their designs and the different kinds of materials used to make a shoe ideal, how consumers choose their shoes and what makes a shoe ideal for them. Josie Hickin, Northampton Borough Council shoe heritage officer, said: “Some people will choose a pair of expensive heels because it’s important

for them to feel fashionable, whilst for others comfort, functionality and cost are paramount. “We all have a different definition of the ideal shoe depending on our tastes and lifestyles. The exhibition features work boots, school shoes and sports trainers and looks at the design and technology in making them ideal.� ThE IdEaL ShOE ShOW will be showing at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery until 13 June. Opening times are Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday 2pm to 5pm. Admission is free.

distant figures, still lives "SUGVM BOHTU BU +(BMMFSZ

In a striking solo exhibition that brings life and light to the beautiful converted barn space of JGallery, figurative artist Susie Mendelsson summons up images from her past, from her dreams and from places altogether less sweet. Influenced by German expressionism and medieval art, Susie has exhibited nationally

and internationally, though no matter where her work goes on public display, there will always be a cavalcade of onlookers asking the questions Who? and Where? and When? And Why? Though the sources of her imagery are autobiographical, her anxious and sometimes even traumatic visions are always nakedly human, communicating universal concerns and emotions. Take a peek inside Susie’s psyche, and see what you recognise. SUSIE MENdELSSON – INNER LIVES: UNGUaRdEd MOMENTS will be showing at JGallery in Northampton from Fri 7 May-27 June.

WOW May 2010




Transports of delight 'FTUJWBM GVO BT 4OJCTUPO 4UFBNT "IFBEe Sun 16 and MOn 31 May Snibston Discovery Museum’s second annual Transport Festival promises to become one of the county’s biggest events of the year – bigger and better than ever, and starring a steam locomotive called Linda! Steam lovers will be thrilled to take a £1.50 ride on the 1940 Royal Ordnance factory loco, which will be running on


WOW May 2010

George Stephenson’s historic original colliery railway over the whole weekend; however, for just £75, those with a special penchant can buy a hands-on experience to prepare the locomotive for the day’s passenger trains. This includes a driving opportunity whilst shunting prior to the day’s operations. The Transport Festival will have something for all visitors

to the region’s largest interactive science, technology and design museum. The Battle of Britain Lancaster Bomber flyover will be a big draw, there’ll be vintage vehicles from the museum’s collections and local enthusiasts, plus trade stands, artists and music from organ grinders. For the kids, there’ll be a Thomas the Tank Engine bouncy castle, horseshoe painting and pony rides. And, two weeks later, Snibston’s Country Park hosts one of the eight biggest picnics out of thousands set to take place across the UK. The Bank Holiday Monday will be a great time to spend together as a family, enjoying some tradition-

al sports and games including egg-and-spoon and sack races, plus face painting and a bouncy castle for children. Kite making workshops are available before the event: they cost £4.50, and booking is required.

Sun 16 Transport Festival Show Day Mon 31 National Family Week Picnic 12pm - 3pm (Entry free to Country Park, Museum extra: standard charges apply) Snibston Discovery Museum Ashby Road, Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 3LN Tel: 01530 278444


Rushden back in time 5BLF B USJQ UP UIF &EXBSEJBO UPXOe All set to open for its fifth year, Rushden Museum is proud to present an exclusive peek back in time to the Edwardian town. The community museum has recently benefited from £10,000 of Lottery funding, which has enabled the trustees, volunteers, Research Group and Collectors’ Circle involved in its running to invest in an eye-opening new exhibition. Two new timewarp shopfront displays have been made possible – the barber’s and the shoemaker’s – along with improvements in the popular interactive kiosk, where visitors can look up buildings, churches, schools and personalities central to the history of the town,

as well as contribute their own memories, photographs and artefacts. Look out for the Edwardian toys and games, Edwardian cameras and bottles, relics from the local shoe industry of 100 years ago – and keep an eye on the website for details of the Heritage Weekend Edwardian tea to be held at Knuston Hall Rushden MuseuM The Old Stable Block, Hall Avenue, Rushden NN10 9NG Open 2pm-4pm Saturdays and Sundays From Sat 1 May to October rushdenmuseum

WOW May 2010



Babyfest " NJOJ GFTUJWBM GPS NJOJ QFPQMF MONDAY 31 MAY You enjoyed this last year, so we’re doing it again – only bigger and better! Join us with your babies and toddlers for a day of play-centred festivity in the Hall and Gardens. All you need is an open mind and plenty of babywipes! Inside is the Play Garden, where toddlers can get stuck into all kinds of creative play, as well as activities for the newborns and babes in arms. Out in the gardens, there’s a Messy Marquee with paint, jelly and rice-crispy mountains, a Music Marquee and Baby Disco so you can sing and dance all day, storytrails and a soft play area. When it all gets too much, flop in the new improved Chill Out room. With more shopping, food

stalls and a baby tea-room, what more do you need? Toddler heaven!

BABYFEST is at xxxxxxxxxxx on Mon 31 May. From 11am until 4pm.

Blaston Show

Animal farm



SUNDAY 27 JUNE Last year’s new management team, with the support of the Show’s many section chairmen, continue in their roles to organise this year’s Show with the aim of raising money for a variety of local charities, which last year were able to donate over £1,000. The Show’s main ring displays will include tug of war, terrier racing, gymkhanas, driven ponies and show jumping. The many other attractions will include children’s fair rides, trade stands, rural crafts, a licensed bar and food outlets, classic cars, classic and vintage tractors, modern farming display, dog showing, hound showing and sheep and goat showing. This year’s Show also will also feature a cattle exhibit.

SUN 30 & MON 31 MAY At Rookery Open Farm in Stoke Bruerne, there’s always something special to look forward to on the calendar. No matter that the season for lambing may be just past, as the next fun phase of the farmer’s year is looming with a sheep shearing display at the end of May (Sun 30 and Mon 31, weather permitting). At the Open Farm, there’s always a host of animals to get your hands on in a clean and safe environment. Horses. Pigs. Goats. Plus rabbits, guinea pigs, chipmunks‌ And for junior animal spotters with nerves of steel, Thursday 2 June sees the arrival of the ever-popular Reptile Roadshow! Learning about farming, dif-


WOW May 2010

Hoping for an even bigger and better Show this summer, the Blaston Show organisers are planning many new attractions. The Society’s Chairman, Rupert West commented: “Raising as much money as we can for local charities is our ultimate aim, but it is also important that this local rural show offers a great day out for everyone�. The 53rd Show will once again take place on the temporary Blaston Road showground which is located between the villages of Blaston and Slawston in Leicestershire. Bookings for all classes are now taking place. For full information about class bookings and the show, visit:

ferent breeds and animals’ requirements comes as naturally as confidence around the critters as kids are encouraged to feed and stroke their favourites. And then there’s a huge playbarn with an inflatable tractor, together with all the tearoom refreshments you’d expect for mums and dads. An ideal kids party venue, too.

ROOkERY OpEN FARM Admission ÂŁ4.50 adults; ÂŁ4.00 children and senior citizens Open daily 10am-5pm except for Tuesdays Rookery Lane, Stoke Bruerne, Towcester, Northants NN12 7SJ Tel: 01604 864855


Babyfest " NJOJ GFTUJWBM GPS NJOJ QFPQMF MONDAY 31 MAY You enjoyed this last year, so we’re doing it again – only bigger and better! Join us with your babies and toddlers for a day of play-centred festivity in the Hall and Gardens. All you need is an open mind and plenty of babywipes! Inside is the Play Garden, where toddlers can get stuck into all kinds of creative play, as well as activities for the newborns and babes in arms. Out in the gardens, there’s a Messy Marquee with paint, jelly and rice-crispy mountains, a Music Marquee and Baby Disco so you can sing and dance all day, storytrails and a soft play area. When it all gets too much, flop in the new improved Chill Out room. With more shopping, food

stalls and a baby tea-room, what more do you need? Toddler heaven!

BABYFEST is at xxxxxxxxxxx on Mon 31 May. From 11am until 4pm.

Blaston Show

Animal farm



SUNDAY 27 JUNE Last year’s new management team, with the support of the Show’s many section chairmen, continue in their roles to organise this year’s Show with the aim of raising money for a variety of local charities, which last year were able to donate over £1,000. The Show’s main ring displays will include tug of war, terrier racing, gymkhanas, driven ponies and show jumping. The many other attractions will include children’s fair rides, trade stands, rural crafts, a licensed bar and food outlets, classic cars, classic and vintage tractors, modern farming display, dog showing, hound showing and sheep and goat showing. This year’s Show also will also feature a cattle exhibit.

SUN 30 & MON 31 MAY At Rookery Open Farm in Stoke Bruerne, there’s always something special to look forward to on the calendar. No matter that the season for lambing may be just past, as the next fun phase of the farmer’s year is looming with a sheep shearing display at the end of May (Sun 30 and Mon 31, weather permitting). At the Open Farm, there’s always a host of animals to get your hands on in a clean and safe environment. Horses. Pigs. Goats. Plus rabbits, guinea pigs, chipmunks‌ And for junior animal spotters with nerves of steel, Thursday 2 June sees the arrival of the ever-popular Reptile Roadshow! Learning about farming, dif-


WOW May 2010

Hoping for an even bigger and better Show this summer, the Blaston Show organisers are planning many new attractions. The Society’s Chairman, Rupert West commented: “Raising as much money as we can for local charities is our ultimate aim, but it is also important that this local rural show offers a great day out for everyone�. The 53rd Show will once again take place on the temporary Blaston Road showground which is located between the villages of Blaston and Slawston in Leicestershire. Bookings for all classes are now taking place. For full information about class bookings and the show, visit:

ferent breeds and animals’ requirements comes as naturally as confidence around the critters as kids are encouraged to feed and stroke their favourites. And then there’s a huge playbarn with an inflatable tractor, together with all the tearoom refreshments you’d expect for mums and dads. An ideal kids party venue, too.

ROOkERY OpEN FARM Admission ÂŁ4.50 adults; ÂŁ4.00 children and senior citizens Open daily 10am-5pm except for Tuesdays Rookery Lane, Stoke Bruerne, Towcester, Northants NN12 7SJ Tel: 01604 864855


In the Market for art Museums at night 0O /PSUIBNQUPO .BSLFU 4RVBSF ours to modern art, from original jewellery to beautiful corsages, pottery and sculpture. With local musicians, arts workshops for young people, delightful tea and buns from the Nook CafÊ, and other delicious stalls – you can while-away your Sunday morning till the roast is ready! ReLeaSe Date: OCtOBeR 31 Market Square Northampton is gaining a reputation for bringing specialist markets in to the heart of the town, and providing space for the arts community to flourish. The thriving Art Markets provide a great place for artists and art lovers to meet and to sell their work, giving the opportunity to find gifts and items that are really original – from watercol-

MARKET SQUARE Dates for the 2010 Art Markets: May 2nd – June 13th – July 4th – Aug 1st – Sept 5th – Oct 3rd 11am – 3pm For more info or for an application form to trade – contact: 01604 837829 mobile 07824 475606 email: lcarroll-wheat@northampton.

" OBUJPOBM DBNQBJHO FRI 14 - Sun 16 May Northampton Museum & Art Gallery is holding it’s Museums at Night event on Friday 14 May between 5.30pm and 10pm. This free event links with the museum’s new exhibition entitled ‘Victorians’ and the evening includes creative fun and story telling for adults and children. At 5.30pm children can watch a magic lantern show and listen to the stories told by Kevin Varty which are woven around the Victorian images. This show is suitable for children aged under 14. Later they can take part in various free activities. At 7.30pm, Kevin Varty will be giving a second magic lantern show and his stories will be suitable for older children aged twelve years and above. The evening will end with the

Looking Glass Theatre re-enacting spine chilling ghost stories at 8.45pm (suitable for those aged twelve and above). The evening event will have something for all ages and the museum will remain open until 10pm. All exhibition galleries will be open to visitors including the ‘Victorians’ exhibition which looks at life in Victorian Northampton through the eyes of a typical Northampton family. ‘Victorians’ is open for viewing from 5.30pm on Friday May 14th and runs until September 19th at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery. Contact the museum on 01604 838111 for current opening hours. Entry is FREE. Visit uk/museums@night for complete listings around the country.

english Wine Week &OHMJTI 8JOFT IBWF GSVJUZ BQQFBM Sat 29 May – Sun 6 June English wines will take centre stage this month, as local vineyards, wine merchants, farm shops, delicatessens, hotels, pubs and restaurants get involved in English Wine Week, which takes place from Saturday 29th May – Sunday 6th June. Vineyards across the country will be opening their doors to welcome visitors, offering tours, tastings and special offers. Other local and regional outlets will also be supporting English wines by holding in house tastings, special menus and many other events. It has never been a better time to promote English wines. They consistently gain top marks or awards in na-


WOW May 2010

tional and international competitions. Crisp dry to medium dry whites, refreshing rosĂŠs, luscious dessert wines and light fruity reds also enjoy a wide appeal. What better way to enjoy the summer season than with a glass or two of delicious English wine? English wines are perfect partners to the wide range of outstanding English food, from seafood, light meats, to cheese and salads.

All events and participating outlets are listed by region and by date on the English Wine Week Website www., which is constantly updated.





WOW May 2010




A dream come true! 5JN #BSOFT $MBZ UFTU ESJWFT UIF -PUVT &WPSB Every little boy goes through a stage of liking cars and some, like me, simply don’t grow out of it. Much of my car addiction could be down to growing up in Norwich, only a few miles from the Lotus HQ in Hethel where THE Bond car of the seventies – the Lotus Esprit S1 was made. The nearest I ever got to seeing my ‘The Spy Who Loved Me’ dream car was on a sponsored cycle ride around the Lotus test track for the cubs. That seemed enough for me at the time, and I soaked up the atmosphere of that windswept former airfield as though I was somehow connected to Roger Moore and his 1977 Bond car with its ‘underwater’ gadgetry. I was still giddy from excitement a few years later when the new Turbo Esprit featured in the 1981 film, ‘For Your Eyes Only’. Yes, looking back, that is definitely where my addiction to cars came from.

_a^ R^] POSITIVE • Performance • Ride and handling • Looks • Fuel economy NEGATIVE • Rear seats


WOW May 2010

So, you can imagine my reaction when, after months of pestering from me, Lotus rang to see if I’d like to test drive their new Evora 2+2 model. And guess what? The model I was being offered was in white – just like the dream car I’d first clapped eyes on at the Norwich Odeon in 1977. To say I was excited would be an understatement. I was off to

Norfolk in a flash. After being shown around the Lotus factory and witnessing Evoras being skilfully and lovingly put together by local people rather than robots, I was more than itching to get behind the wheel of my 59 plate demo model. I was hooked from the moment I set eyes upon it. Once inside the Lotus Evora 2+2 you soon realise that the

world’s only mid-engined fourseater is just as dramatic as its gratifyingly styled exterior. The front leather seats are very comfortable, and touch sensitive switchgear abound. You’d struggle to get all but the tiniest baby seats to fit the miniscule rear seats, but, fair play to Lotus, the rear bench is a useful storage area and is trimmed in black leather as


standard, which gives the illusion that the car is only a twoseater. The boot is even decent enough to fit in two sets of golf clubs. Brilliant! The first thing I noticed about the Evora is how well it rides. The 3.5-litre V6 lump is tame in town, but it’s hard to mask the rich throaty burble of the power waiting to be unleashed. Hit the open roads and the Toyota-sourced powerplant simply pins you in your seat. The 5.1-second 0-62mph time blows you away, yet the Lotus still feels cool, calm and collected. The car’s brakes took me by surprise – they scrub off speed in a blink of an eye and yet the Evora is totally stable under heavy braking and the mid-engined layout gives the car terrific traction. As well as the ability to turn heads and its sheer driving pleasure the Evora’s combined cycle fuel economy figure of 32.5mpg is also something to be admired. In a day driving

from Norwich via Lincolnshire to Northamptonshire I got about 28 mpg - not bad considering I played about a little on the 100 mile journey home. The Norfolk based company has done an amazing job on this car. It’s utterly exciting to drive, it draws looks wherever it goes, it feels safe and it is an extraordinarily competent allrounder. All in all Group Lotus fulfilled my boyhood dreams by letting me drive this beautiful work of art. It’s something I won’t forget for a long time and nor will anyone else who gets behind the wheel of the stunning new Evora. LOtus EvOra 2+2 Max spEEd: 162 mph 0-62 mph 5.1 seconds COMbinEd MpG: 32.5 EnGinE LayOut: Mid-mounted, V6 petrol, 3456 cc pOWEr: 276 bhp @ 6400 rpm tOrquE: 258 lb-ft @ 4700 rpm CO2: 205 g/km priCE: : £49,875

WOW May 2010



Turtle Wax Wash Centre 4FSWJDF XJUI B TNJMF

With their continued success since the Turtle Wax Wash Centre opened in Market Harborough last November, they have now upgraded and relocated to a prime position in Protheroes Service Station on the Northampton Rd. in Market Harborough. They opened ahead of schedule and offer a service that runs


WOW May 2010

counter to our experience of every other car wash in the country. The team eagerly await delivery of their new uniforms to add to the finishing touches but if your car needs a clean don’t delay! The American car cleaning giant, who have lent their name and products exclusively to their first UK hand car wash should

be proud. The standard of clean and polish is second to none, far superior to any automatic brush job. And while your car is being hand washed, there is a cosy customer waiting room with magazines and newspapers, where you can relax and enjoy a cup of coffee. Look out for the sign of the smiling turtle – a car wash fran-

chise that seems certain to grow with its clear winning formula of trustworthy service, customer care and a superior quality wash and polish. TurTle Wax Wash CenTre Protheroes Service Station, Northampton Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 9HD



Summer School .JY MFBSOJOH XJUI QMFBTVSF BU 6QQJOHIBN 4DIPPM Whether you’re an adult drawn to the escapist ideal of learning new skills in an idyllic, peaceful setting, or a child enthused with sport, drama, music or the arts, you’ll find there’s an inspirational summerschool course for you at Uppingham School. The wide choice of available adult courses ranges from evenings-only wine-tasting and language workshops, through day courses in arts and crafts to playing better bridge and learning machine knitting. What the courses all have in common is the opportunity to learn something useful, or simply to do something you’ve always wanted to do, perfectly mixing achievement with pleasure. Just the same ethic applies to the children’s summerschool courses, where boarding is also an available option. To any child taking

part, a week’s rugby tuition from England Rugby Under21 coach Paul Westgate is a wonderful adventure – likewise learning a part in a play or an instrument under expert tutelage. But beyond the camaraderie of the Harry Potterish dorms and the excitement of working towards an end-of-week performance, real and lasting skills are learned almost effortlessly along the way. Take advantage of the historic school’s state-ofthe-art facilities and beautiful surroundings, which in summer this wonderful old institution has the chance to share with the wider public. For more information about Summer School at Uppingham please call 01572 820800 or visit:

WOW May 2010


8*/ 8*5) 808


8JO 'FTUJWBM 8FFLFOE 5JDLFUT The Big Session Festival is on Fri 18 - Sun 20 June at De Montfort Hall and Gardens, Leicester. (See page 13 for details) De Montfort hall have very kindly given WOW a pair of

8JO $JSDVT 5JDLFUT Gerry Cottle’s Circus Performs At Campbell Park, Milton Keynes Every Day From 11th To 16th May. WOW has been given some tickets to give away. For your chance to win,

weekend tickets to give away. For your chance to win, apply to ‘BIG SESSION’ to the address at the foot of the page. Closing date for entries is Friday 11 June.

)PSSJCMF 4DJFODF end your entries to ‘BIG TOP Competition’ to the address at the foot of the page. Closing date for entries is Friday 7th May. Go to page 21 to find out more

If you happen to be in Northampton in with the kids during the first week of June, why not pop down Guildhall Road and enjoy science with all the squishy bits left in! The Royal & Derngate has kindly Donated a family ticket – 4 seats – for the performance of Horrible

Science on Tues 1 June at 7pm, plus some Horrible Science goodies. For your chance to win apply to ‘Squishy Bits Competition’ to the address at the foot of the page. Closing date for entries is Monday 24 May.

8JO B NPOUI TVCTDSJQUJPO UP 808 8IBUoT 0O 8IFSF WOW What’s On Where has a 12 month subscription worth £20 to give away. Apart from receiving each issue hot of the press, the winner will also have their name entered into all of our

competitions over the length of the subscription. Do you feel lucky? To win, all you need to do is tell us in less than 50 words what you like and/or dislike about WOW.

Please be sure to send us your name, age, address, telephone number, mobile and email address and mark your entries “WOW May Subscription Offer”. Good Luck!

Please state clearly which competition you are entering and send your entries along with your name, address, phone number and email address to WOW What’s On Where, 50 St Mary’s Road, Market Harborough LE16 7DU.


WOW May 2010


2;0BB85843B To advertise in the Midland’s fastest-growing guide to what’s going on and where to be seen in our region, email or call 01858 439 999

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WOW May 2010


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CaXP]Vd[Pa ;^SVT Three Three Three: the Number of the Folly‌


t was back in WOW issue 1 that we visited Lyveden New Bield, Sir Thomas Tresham’s grand Elizabethan summer house on the high plain east of Kettering and Corby. You may remember the haunting image of the roofless,

skeletal mansion that everyone imagines is a ruin, but is in fact a deserted building site. In 1605, when the lavishly rich gentleman farmer Sir Thomas Tresham died after a life of being hounded for his Catholic beliefs, the craftsmen working on the house and pleasure gardens downed tools and left, knowing they would never be paid. At Lyveden, the cruciform mansion, the elaborate ornamental garden and maze, the moats and orchards were all designed in mathematical divisions of three, five, seven and nine to symbolise the Trinity, Christ’s wounds and the Stations of the Cross. Here in the grounds of Sir Thomas’s Rushton Hall home near Desborough, his earlier,

5>;;H 502CB F7> F74A4 F7H. SIR THOMAS TRESHAM A landed politician at the end of the Elizabethan age and the beginning of the Stuart dynasty. Paid a fortune in fines for his Catholic beliefs, and died deep in debt. FRANCIS TRESHAM Inherited his father Sir Thomas’s lands upon his death in 1605, but later that year was involved in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament. Died in prison before he could be executed. RUSHTON HALL The magnificent, 15th-century Tresham family home, where a stone figure of Plenty sits above heavy timber doors flanked by carved armed knights. Now transformed into a luxury hotel and spa. LYVEDEN NEW BIELD In 1832 stonemasons working on Rushton Hall discovered hidden documents relating to the Gunpowder Plot and Sir Thomas’s detailed plans for the Lyveden gardens – now being created on site by the National Trust.


WOW May 2010

more famous Triangular Lodge folly also shouts from the rooftops of its creator’s forbidden Catholicism. “Tres Testimonium Dant,� reads one Biblical inscription: ‘There are three that give witness.� And so there are three walls of 33 feet each for the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Three gables, three floors, and sets of three windows decorated with triangles and trefoils (which figured handily in the Treshams’ coat-of-arms). Looking over the beautifully preserved building today, it’s easy to be drawn into a game of spotting clues and solving

riddles – whole books have been written on the numbers, symbols and Biblical codes – forgetting the deadly nature of the game that was being played out 400 years ago, when to demonstrate one’s Catholic faith was to risk the ultimate penance. Inside the building, the tight triangular rooms leading off hexagonal chambers bring to mind images of Tresham and his friends holding secret Masses in their curious private sanctuary, which must go down in history as the most suspicious rabbit warrener’s lodge ever built.

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