RegionWeek 6th Edition

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AFRICA Fresh tensions rise between Somalia and Kenya.

MAY 25th 2019

N° 006

Kagame urges Rwandans to trade with DRC amid frosty ties with Uganda.

May, 2019


STARTUP Meet Kaze Delphin, a Burundian entrepreneur, in his fight against Deforestation.

$ 3.50


WILL DRC’S NEW PRIME MINISTER BE ABLE TO TACKLE THE CHALLENGES THE COUNTRY IS FACING? On Monday, May 20, 2019, the president of the Democratic Republic of Congo appointed Mr. Sylvester Ilunga Ilunkamba as the new Prime Minister and as chief of the government. THE BIG PICTURE: The newly appointed PM of the Democratic Republic of Congo may pose a challenge to Felix Tshisekedi since he was picked up from the former president’s camp, Joseph Kabila’s collation known as the Front Commun pour le Congo (FCC). Both Tshisekedi and Kabila struck a power-sharing deal in which Tshisekedi’s ruling camp would be shadowed by members Kabila’s.

P. O7 Semenya, Francine, and Margaret miss Stockholm Diamond League after gender ruling

P. O8 Yvan Muziki among 7 arrested over drug trafficking at Entebbe airport in Uganda

P. 10 Meet Burundibased Youth Agribusiness Incubator, YAIN.




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May, 2019


N° 006

May, 2019

Welcome to RegionWeek, Burundi and East Africa Weekly Briefing! Dear Readers, Allow me once again to introduce you RegionWeek, the platform designed to bring to you updated news and information about opportunities available for you in Africa, especially if you are a young professional. My Team and I started working on this project in 2015 as a Concept. At that time we were bothered by the fact that as young entrepreneurs, starting up in Africa was hard for us to have a platform where we can get up-to-date news and information about opportunities that may help us to take better decisions and position ourselves as key actors in the region. We realized that we were not alone, there were many young people out there who were looking for pieces of information and opportunities. It was in May 2018, that we finally launched RegionWeek in Burundi, as a News Website covering East Africa region and the whole continent in general. My team and I work earnestly on this project day and night and we are having amazing results. I take this opportunity to thank you, and telling you that we will bring to you a daily Morning Edition of RegionWeek (trending topics on our Website) and every Saturday a Weekly Briefing ePaper Edition. We hope you will enjoy our stories, feel free to send your comments, views, and recommendations anytime. Welcome. Fabrice Iranzi Seniro Editor





N° 006


May, 2019

Will DRC’s new Prime

Minister be able to tackle the challenges the country is facing? and its current politics, Felix Tshisekedi is in a situation where he always has to seek a compromise with the former president Joseph Kabila who still has a significant influence and power in the country that he led for 18 years, especially when there is a need to make important decisions.

Will DRC’s new Prime Minister be able to tackle the challenges the country is facing? On Monday, May 20, 2019, the president of the Democratic Republic of Congo appointed Mr. Sylvester Ilunga Ilunkamba as the new Prime Minister and as chief of the government. THE BIG PICTURE: The newly appointed PM of the Democratic Republic of Congo may pose a challenge to Felix Tshisekedi since he was picked up from the former president’s camp, Joseph Kabila’s collation known as the Front Commun pour le Congo (FCC). Both Tshisekedi and Kabila struck a power-sharing deal in which Tshisekedi’s ruling camp would be shadowed by members Kabila’s. It has been four months since the inauguration of the newly elected president Felix Tshisekedi and until today, he is still in negotiations with Kabila’s camp so that he can be able to nominate members of his cabinet. According to specialists of the DRC

technocrat who will not interfere too much in the struggle for influence between Kabila and Tshisekedi. There are also doubts with regard to the efficiency of the prime minister who is beyond 70 years old and whose tenure at the national railway company did not show concrete and positive results. Indeed, the company is believed to be in ‘Tshisekedi to flip through two decline and it has not been able rival coalitions.’ to pay its employees for more than Kabila’s coalition controls the par200 months. liament and the local government For a county like the DRC where at the provincial level is dominated the major part of the population is by governors presented by the FCC. composed of young people who are The control over the parliament eager to see deep reforms introgives Kabila and his coalition a duced or implemented in almost strong political position that allows every sector, this nomination may him to propose the name of a prime be seen as a disappointment. minister and possibly the names of other high-ranking personalities. ‘The task awaiting the PM’ The new prime minister has had a After his nomination, Mr. Sylvester lengthy political career in governIlunga Ilunkamba said of himself ment and in the Congolese adminthat the mission is not easy, but istration as he served under former promised to do his utmost to acpresident Mobutu in different high complish it. The most difficult task profile positions. Until recently, the of the Prime Minister will definitely newly elected PM was leading the be to tackle persistent insecurity in national railway company as a direc- the eastern part of the country and tor and was teaching economics at the Ebola pandemic in the Norththe University of Kinshasa. eastern provinces. The problem of The appointment of Mr. Sylvester road infrastructures is one of the Ilunga Ilunkamba is therefore conmajor issues the government has sidered a compromise between the promised to tackle. However, the aspirations of Kabila’s coalition FCC dimension of the country and the and those of Tshisekedi’s camp. problems related to a dysfunctional administration plagued by corrup‘A disappointment for DR Congo tion represent some of the serious people?’ challenges that the Prime Minister Many people in the capital Kinshawill need to address hands on. sa and across the country believe One can just hope that the new that the new prime minister is a Prime minister will benefit from the mature politician with a moderate support of all Congolese people stance. However, they also seem in this new journey he has just to be aware that his choice has embarked on. been dictated by the need for a By Patrick Hajayandi Researcher & Political Analyst


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May, 2019


Fresh tensions rise between Somalia and Kenya. Somalia and Kenya are seeing tensions between them mounting over the unilateral decision by Kenya to deny entry to three Somali officials on Monday, Somali news reported.

According to a local Kenya magazine, the officials were part of a government delegation scheduled to attend the launch of a European Union-sponsored cross-border conflict management program on Tuesday.

The entry denial to Somali lawmakers at the Jomo Kenyatta International airport comes amid mounting tensions between Kenya and Somalia over maritime claims, neighborly disputes along the border, etc.

According to the Somali officials, Immigration officials at JKIA told them that they should have obtained visas at the Kenyan embassy in Mogadishu before proceeding.

Radio Dalsan said Somalia’s deputy minister of Water and Energy, Osman Libah, as well as Senators Ilyas Ali Hassan and Zamzam Dahir, had been left stranded at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, JKIA, in Nairobi.

“Dalsan Media has learned that the Somali Embassy in Nairobi unsuccessfully interceded on behalf of the three,” they added. A Voice of America journalist disclosed that all three persons were carrying diplomatic passports by the Kenyan authorities roundly rejected issuing them visas.

Kenya and Somalia are still flexing their muscles over the standoff between them over the maritime claims. Both countries accuse themselves of self-declaring owners of the parts of the sea’s oil and gas. In February this year, Kenya summoned its ambassador to Somalia, saying it was protesting a decision by the Mogadishu government to auction oil and gas exploration blocks at the center of a maritime territorial dispute in the Indian Ocean. Relations have been normalized after a brief exchange between Somalia and Kenya exchange, but the case left in the hands of the International Court of Justice(ICJ) in order to arbitrate on the maritime row between Somalia and Kenya

Kagame urges Rwandans to trade with DRC amid frosty ties with Uganda. As relations with Uganda continue to mount frostily, Rwandan president, Paul Kagame has urged his subjects, Rwandans, to turn to Democratic Republic of Congo in trade in order to ‘fill the gap left by Rwanda- Uganda bitter relations’. “Dalsan Media has learned that the Somali Embassy in Nairobi unsuccessfully interceded on behalf of the three,” they added. A Voice of America journalist disclosed that all three persons were carrying diplomatic passports by the Kenyan authorities roundly rejected issuing them visas.

“I don’t understand how residents go across the border to look for services that we have the potential to provide. I don’t have a problem with the residents but with the leaders who don’t provide these services,” the president said.

The DRC sells mainly minerals and food to Rwanda. In turn, Rwanda sells DRC live animals and some Kagame said: “You have a very big food crops, the Citizen reported. market in DRC, and in towns like In March, Rwanda and the DRC signed a bilateral air Goma. They also have a market here. service agreement to bolster trade and movement You can cross the border and buy of citizens. what you don’t have and they can Related: Rwanda tells its citizens not to cross into also cross to buy what they don’t Burundi for security reasons. have”. WHY IT MATTERS: Rwanda is seeming more to However, as MSN noted, Paul Kagame appeared be isolating itself from some of the EAC member to have discouraged residents on the border with states. Rwanda has forbidden its citizens not to Uganda, urging them not to cross in order to buy cross into Burundi for security reasons, and no it is what they do not have. even forbidding its citizens not to cross into Uganda. Kagame also castigated leaders who do not But, analysts say that, as Rwanda is a landlocked provide the services needed and let Rwandans country, still needs help from its ‘sister and brother cross to Uganda. neighbors’.




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May, 2019

Meet Kaze Delphin, a Burundian entrepreneur,in his fight against Deforestation. Most young Burundians have in their minds that getting started is difficult or almost impossible in Burundi. Yet some young people do not share the same vision with their peers and remain optimistic. Among these young far-seeing figures is Kaze Delphin, a young Burundian whose environmental protection is his concern. RegionWeek met him and he tells us about his entrepreneurial career. First, we were so curious to really know who is Delphin Kaze. He introduced himself kindly as he is a professed Christian. Who is Kaze Delphin? I am a young Burundian, the child of a Christian family of 9 children, born in the province of Gitega, the current political capital of Burundi. I am an environmentalist and entrepreneur, founder and CEO of KAZE Green Economy (KAGE) Ltd. and a co-founder of My Imperative Actions, a local environmental youth organization. Apart from my professional activities, I am passionate about Christian music. After hearing that he is a CEO of a Company, RegionWeek was so thirsty to discover what KAGE Ltd is. “KAGE is a social enterprise that produces and markets eco-friendly charcoal from corncobs of maize with the trade name KABIOF Charcoal. We work for the protection of the environment especially the promotion of the green economy”, Kaze told RegionWeek. What motivated you to start this business? What is the major problem would you like to solve, and what solution do you bring? Being a student in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, I had the chance to know more about the current situation of our natural resources. So I was alerted by an alarming rate of deforestation generally related to the production of charcoal. So KAGE was created to provide a sustainable solution by innovating eco-friendly charcoal from corncobs of maize, which is a substitute alternative to charcoal. Most young Burundians think that getting started in Entrepreneurship is difficult or almost impossible in Burundi. What strategies did you use to succeed? Yes, to ceate a business is not always easy but it is possible. The first crucial thing was to start and move on with the little means I had. I still face different challenges from the start of the initiative but what keeps me up is my determination.

As we are determined, we keep on moving forward despite challenges. Delphin does not forget to give a secret to the young entrepreneurs who are afraid of getting started. My advice to these young people is to overcome fear and get started immediately because at the very moment they are doubting, there is a multitude of others who are succeeding somewhere to start up their businesses, to build their empires, etc. So why not them? Even though he is moving forward, this young entrepreneur told us some challenges he often encounters. Being a student in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, I had the chance to know more about the current situation of our natural resources. So I was alerted by an alarming rate of deforestation generally related to the production of charcoal. So KAGE was created to provide a sustainable solution by innovating eco-friendly charcoal from corncobs of maize, which is a substitute alternative to charcoal. Most young Burundians think that getting started in Entrepreneurship is difficult or almost impossible in Burundi. What strategies did you use to succeed? Many challenges are related to financial means, which limits our desire to increase production to meet the demand that far exceeds our capacity. What would you ask the Government or other decision-makers for these problems to find a solution? First of all, I thank the State and especially the local administration of the political capital of Gitega for the support we have already received from them. Moreover, it is very important that there may be a firm approach between decision-makers and entrepreneurs so that when decisions are made, we take into account our needs. This will improve the business climate and it is very important for the success of our initiatives and even the economic development of our country.


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May, 2019


Semenya, Francine, and Margaret miss Stockholm Diamond League after gender ruling

South Africa’s double Olympic champion Caster Semenya and Burundi international Francine Niyonsaba will not race at this month’s Diamond League meeting in Stockholm, the organizers told AFP.

The South African, 28, who won gold in Rio in 2016, will not run in the 800m race following the phenomenon of hyperandrogenism.

That leaves world bronze medallist Ajee Wilson from the US as the highest ranked runner in the women’s 800m in Stockholm.

Semenya will miss this race after winning her most recent appearance over the distance in Doha on May 3.

Francine Niyonsaba and Kenya’s Margaret miss the race in Sweden Other athletes concerned by this phenomenon of hyperandrogenism include Burundian Francine Niyonsaba the main competitor of Semenya on the 800 meters test and Kenyan Margaret Nyairera Wambui.

Earlier, on May 13th, the South African Athletics Federation appealed the ruling of the Court of Arbitration for Sport concerning Caster Semenya. A judgment that requires her to take medicines to lower the testosterone levels. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) took a decision on May 1 in Switzerland ahead female athletes with elevated testosterone to take suppressive treatment if they wish to compete as women in certain events. “The onus is on the athletes to ensure they do not agree to attend meetings or put themselves forward for events they are not eligible to compete in,” Stockholm meeting director Jan Kowalski said. “If they do compete in events for which they are not eligible, then – consistent with the approach taken in any case of athlete ineligibility – their results may be disqualified and any medals, points, or prize money forfeited,” Kowalski added.

Burundi’s Francine Niyonsaba and Kenya’s Margaret Nyairera Wambui, who are among the star female athletes affected by the International Association of Athletics Federation’s (IAAF) ruling this month and who completed the Olympic podium in Brazil will also not feature in Sweden. Wambui told AFP on Thursday her future was uncertain due to the IAAF’s decision. Semenya’s case has provoked a furious debate across sport around the globe about gender and “hyperandrogenic” athletes, those with “differences of sexual development” (DSD). South Africa’s government said it would lodge an appeal against the IAAF’s decision.




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May, 2019

Yvan Muziki among 7 arrested over drug trafficking at Entebbe airport in Uganda Burundian artist based in BelgiumBrussels known as Yvan Muziki has been apprehended among 7 suspects over drugs at Entebbe airport in Uganda. Arrested on Tuesday, The 7 suspects issued to have been caught with 16.5kilograms of heroine with different destination across the World including 5 Ugandans, 1 Burundian artist known as Yvan Muziki and another from Sierra Leone who had disguised the drugs in ladies handbags and shoes. According to the Kampala Metropolitan Police Deputy PRO, Luke Owoyesigyire, the suspects were in possession of 16 and a half kilograms of heroin and narcotic drugs recovered in due process. Their identification Kampala Metropolitan Police Deputy Pro confirmed the suspects to hold the following identification: Nansamba Zam Salim (28) a business lady and resident of Kawempe Kulukadde in Kawempe Division, Kampala, Luwemba Andrew Kwagalakwe (32) a clearing agent with Confident Consult Co. Entebbe, Musinguzi Elly (53) who’s also a clearing agent at Answer Agencies Clearing Firm, Matcha Lobato Manbacar, a Burundian National holding a Belgian

travel document among others. The 7 were arrested after Ugandan police received information from Dad Cargo Export saying that there is a consignment of plastic shoes, craft open shoes, craft lady’s handbags, beads, etc. that they suspected to be containing narcotic drugs. According to Uganda local media reports “The consignment was forwarded to the aviation police where it was opened and out of which 30 pairs of craft open shoes were found to contain approximately 6 KGs of suspected heroin as per the preliminary tests conducted,” Kampala Metropolitan Police Deputy PRO, Luke Owoyesigyire noted in a statement. Owoyesigyire said that all exhibits are going to be forwarded to Wandegeya for analysis and the suspects will be charged for unlawful possession of narcotic drugs c/s 4(1) and 2(a) of the narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (Control) act of 2016


Apply to the AAS Affiliates Programme if you are African midcareer scientists Are you African national midcareer scientist, do you want to join a platform for networking and collaborating early and mid-career researchers regionally and globally? If yes, The African Academy of Science (AAS )Affiliates Programme seeks early and midcareer scientists who demonstrate excellence in their development and application of science in Africa. These individuals become Affiliates of The AAS for a period of five years during which they receive individualized professional development support and join a wider community of science leaders on the African continent.’ The benefits of becoming an affiliate After being selected, you will be recognized for your scientific excellence as an Affiliate of The AAS alongside The AAS Fellows; You will receive individualised professional development planning sup-

port; You will be enrolled into The AAS Mentorship Scheme during the five years; You will benefit from a range of career development activities including but not limited to grant writing, publishing, science communication, ethical conduct of research, intellectual property issues, collaborative research, scientific entrepreneurship, etc. You will join a platform for networking and collaborating early and mid-career researchers regionally and globally; You will benefit from other AAS opportunities as they become available

OPPORTUNITY What you will be expected to do The AAS Affiliates live out the Academy’s vision of transformed lives through sciences in their research and leadership excellence. They actively contribute to the programme activities while also motivating other young researchers to pursue scientific excellence. The programme accelerates their transition into independent researchers and enhances their contribution to innovations, policy engagement, mentorship, interdisciplinary collaboration and research management. Consequentially, Affiliates’ professional development contributes to strengthening their institution’s scientific capacity. Eligibility AASS affiliate must be an African national; have obtained their PhD in the last 10 years and have sub-

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May, 2019


stantial postdoctoral research experience. H e must be aged 40 years and below by the 31st December of that year. Individual considerations will be made for female candidates above 40 years who have had career interruptions. S/ He must be residing in or affiliated with an African higher education or research institution. Female candidates and candidates from under-represented disciplines and countries are especially encouraged to apply. Selection criteria Quality of scientific outputs ; Evidence of good academic citizenship; The strength of the applicant’s statement of interest; Applicant’s range of scientific awards and other recognitions; Engagement in other relevant professional activities.

Lambda School Africa Pilot to enhance young African Developers’skills Are you talented in software engineering? Get a world-class full stack developer education at Lambda School, for free, with support from Paystack. Californiabased Lambda School is a 9-month immersive training program that gives you the tools and training you need to launch a new career. The program trains people online to be software engineers at no up-front cost. Instead, students have the option to opt into an Income Share Agreement where they pay a fraction of future income. The expert curriculum is designed and taught by instructors from Google, Apple, Blizzard, and many more of some of the best technology companies on the planet. In many cases, Lambda instructors literally wrote the textbooks others teach from. And if you get stuck at any point, there’s instant, one-onone help whenever you need it. Eligibility This opportunity is open to citizens of Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. They must be above 18 years old and they are currently primarily physically based on the continent of Africa and they must able to commit to a full-time program. Benefits After being selected for the program, this is what you get: An intensive full-time, 9-month full stack software

development training program, at no upfront cost. During the program, Paystack will pay for a membership to a co-work space near you so you have access to reliable electricity and internet. After the program, you’ll have the chance to be hired by Paystack, and you will be to the many Paystack merchants (including some of the best companies in Nigeria) who’re looking for development talent. The Syllabus Lambda School’s Full Stack Web Development course goes deep. You’ll learn to program in several languages (including JavaScript, Python, and C), and will learn to understand computing from its most fundamental levels. What is paystack? Paystack is a technology company powering growth for incredible businesses in Africa. It helps businesses in Africa of all sizes – from startups to government agencies to global brands collect online and offline payments securely, and to provide a modern, delightful payments experience The deadline is May 26th, 2019




N° 006

May, 2019


Meet Burundi-based Youth Agribusiness Incubator, YAIN. The Burundi-based Business Incubator, Youth Agribusiness Incubator(YAIN) is ramping its efforts to go further in business. We invite you to go together with us on the discovery of the Youth Agribusiness Incubator, YAIN. They are young, but all have a common goal: Agribusiness. Motivated to go further, Burundi youth engaged in agribusiness joined together to create “Youth Agribusiness Incubator” YAIN in an acronym, an incubator in agribusiness. Initially, they often met in competitions of entrepreneurial ideas. Then after, young people from several sectors decided to get together.

“We met only in the competitions, but in a bid to join our hands together, we decided to get together to create a business incubator to supervise the other young people, that’s how YAIN was born”,

YAIN is more than a group of young people. To support them once their project is launched, they are guided in particular by seeking for them a market of opportunities.

YAIN is a synergy of young agribusiness leaders. Their vision is to be a stepping stone for the transformation of agriculture in Burundi and a sure solution for creating decent jobs for young people through strong agricultural enterprises. Youth supervised by YAIN face financial worries. So to solve this problem, YAIN has put up a system of “Solidarity Guarantee group”. The young people set up a sum of money that they contribute and in the end, they grant it to one of the members to launch his/her project.

Founded 3 years ago, YAIN has 200 young people working in several sectors including fish farming, pig breeding, chickens, beekeeping, etc.

said Cyriaque Ndayiragije, Vice -president of YAIN.

YAIN’s mission is to assist in the creation and consolidation of start-ups in the agro-pastoral sector through incubation. “YAIN is made up of several young people invested in agribusiness. With their experience, we supervise other young people who want to get started, “said Cyriaque Ndayiragije. He added: “The goal of YAIN is to promote and educate young people in agribusiness through our Business incubator, provide youth with sufficient knowledge in the creation and management of professional enterprises and cooperatives, provide coaching services and mentors for start-ups in agribusiness, network incubated agropastoral enterprises, help mobilize the resources needed to create strong and sustainable businesses. “

RegionWEEK is a Weekly News Briefing about Brurundi and East Africa. Publisher: RegionWeek Ltd Editor in chief: Fabrice Iranzi Head of Africa Bureau: John Nshimirimana 11, Avenue du Gouvernement, Rohero Bujumbura-Burundi Tél: +257 79 43 28 86 P.O Box 6402 Bujumbura

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