DEEPENING THE SERVICE EXPERIENCE AT REGIS JESUIT Introducing the Ignatian Immersion & Solidarity Program
ormation through service has long connected Regis Jesuit students to each other, to the community and to God. Now, as is true with so many aspects of a Jesuit education, innovative ideas and new tools are ensuring that the Ignatian vision of service—to create a more just, humane and sustainable world—has even greater impact.
Beginning in fall 2021, a new Ignatian Immersion & Solidarity Program will take all Regis Jesuit students on a four-year journey that will enhance service placements and the Capstone project with the building of specific skills over time. Year one expands students’ understanding of community. Year two explores how to be in authentic relationships with neighbors. Year three begins to teach students about justice and ways to create access and opportunity for vulnerable communities. Year four asks students to apply their skills to help lift up the voices of the ignored and unheard. Using new software, students will record their activity and answer increasingly complex questions that inspire them to reflect on what they learn. “The framework of counting hours—which has long been the norm at high schools and colleges across the country—can be an obstacle to achieving our goals,” said Christina Ortiz, Ignatian Immersion & Solidarity Program Director and theology teacher, who earned her master’s degree in theology from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley. “Service isn’t a one-way transaction,” she said, “so while our students are putting in the time, we also want to be sure we’re teaching active listening skills, empathy, compassion and communication, so they’ll see the larger issues.” Ortiz said this level of formation has always been accessible to students at Regis Jesuit, but they had to discover it, or luck into it with the right mentors. “Now, we’ll make sure every student has this depth of experience. Ultimately, we hope they’ll find a vocational call to help promote justice and help build the kingdom of God on Earth.”