Spring 2016 RBP Curriculum Catalog

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Curriculum and Church Ministry Resource Catalog

Spring 2016

Sunday School curriculum order form inside!

Regular Baptist Press has a new look! See page 3.

Cultivate your children’s spiritual growth with our

Planting & Growing Faith curriculums. See pages 4–6.



What you teach adults will be consistent with the pastor’s preaching when you use RBP curriculum. Our lessons emphasize sound doctrine and Baptist distinctives, teaching such important truths as being born again, believer’s baptism, and Biblical separation.

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New look.

Same Biblical content.

Our logo has changed, but our mission remains to glorify God by providing church educational resources that are true to God’s Word and encourage maturity in Christ.

Building Lives by the Book RegularBaptistPress.org 800.727.4440

Sunday School Curriculum 2s & 3s Ages 2 and 3

Title: God’s Son; God’s House; Samuel in God’s House Bible Truths: Jesus Our Savior (Easter); God’s House (David and Solomon); Helping in God’s House (Samuel) Bible Passages: 1 Samuel; 1, 2 Kings; 2 Chronicles; Matthew—John Course Description: The children will learn about Jesus’ death and resurrection and that church is a special place to hear God’s Word, sing, pray, and help others. They will have opportunities to practice praising God and helping others at church. • Teacher’s Guide - Teacher-friendly lesson format - Fun and engaging learning activities • Teaching Resources Packet (teacher’s guide not included) - Bright teaching pictures - Die-cut flannelgraph figures - Resource CD with patterns, action rhymes, songsheets, PowerPoint, and flannelgraph and teaching picture art - Music CD with vocal and instrumental tracks • Student Handwork Book • Student Take-home Cards (one per week) - Colorful Bible story teaching picture on front - Bible story with questions and verse on back • Attendance Charts and Stickers (1 pkg. for 5 students)

Pre-Primary Ages 4 and 5; 6-year-olds in kindergarten

Title: Jesus; Church; Salvation Bible Truths: Jesus (Easter); Church (the first church, prayer, deacons, missionaries); Salvation Bible Passages: Psalms; Jeremiah; Matthew; John—1 Corinthians; James; 1 John Course Description: Pre-primary children will learn that Jesus is our Savior and that church is an important part of God’s plan. They will be able to identify what sin is, why we need a Savior, and why church is important. • Teacher’s Guide - Teacher-friendly lesson format - Fun and engaging learning activities • Teaching Resources Packet (teacher’s guide not included) - Bible Picture Book - Die-cut flannelgraph figures - Verse patterns - Resource CD with patterns, action rhymes, songsheets, PowerPoint, and flannelgraph and teaching picture art - Music CD with vocal and instrumental tracks • Student Handwork Books - Book 1 for pre-kindergarten students - Book 2 for kindergarten students • Planting Faith at Home Take-home Papers (one per week) - Emphasis on parent involvement - Activities and crafts along with application and Bible stories • Attendance Charts and Stickers (1 pkg. for 5 students)


Bible Content You Can Trust! Primary Grades 1 and 2

Middler Grades 3 and 4

Title: Learning to Believe Bible Truths: Jesus’ Mission (Easter); Believing in Jesus (Jesus teaches about salvation) Bible Passages: Luke—Acts Course Description: Primary students will learn about Bible people who met Jesus and realized He is the Son of God, their Savior. By learning what Jesus taught about salvation, students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of Who Jesus is, what salvation means, and how they can be saved. • Teacher’s Guide - Teacher-friendly lesson format - Fun and engaging learning activities • Teaching Resources Packet (teacher’s guide not included) - Bible Picture Book - Colorful posters - Verse patterns - Easy-to-use die-cut flannelgraph - Resource CD with patterns, songsheets, PowerPoint, and flannelgraph and teaching picture art - Music CD with vocal and instrumental tracks • Student Handwork Books - Book 1 for first-grade students - Book 2 for second-grade students • God’s Explorers Take-home Papers (one per week) - Application stories - Fun activities and crafts - Parent Pointers for Primaries • Attendance Charts with Attendance and Verse Stickers (1 pkg. for 5 students)

Title: Spreading God’s Word Bible Truths: The start and expansion of the church Bible Passage: Acts Course Description: Middler students will learn about the beginning of the church and how the Word of God spread to nations. Students will be encouraged to respond to the gospel and share the message of salvation with others. • • • • •

Teacher’s Guide - Teacher-friendly lesson format - Fun and exciting learning activities Teaching Resources Packet (teacher’s guide not included) - Colorful posters and maps - Bible Picture Book - Verse patterns - Convenient die-cut flannelgraph - Resource CD with patterns, PowerPoint, and flannelgraph and picture art - Bible timeline Student Handwork Book - Lesson and theme-related activities Truth Travelers Take-home Papers (one per week) - Application stories - Activities and crafts - Daily Bible readings - Quarterly verse poster Attendance and Verse Stickers (1 pkg. for 5 students) www.RegularBaptistPress.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004) • 5

Sunday School Curriculum Junior Grades 5 and 6

Title: Helping Others Bible Truths: Realizing the Source of Kindness; Increasing Awareness of Needs; Practicing Kindness Bible Passages: Genesis; Judges; 2 Kings; Matthew—Acts; 1 Timothy; 1 John Course Description: Junior students will understand that kindness and love are from God. They will realize their responsibility to help others, and they will demonstrate God’s kindness and love by helping others. • • • • •

Junior High Grades 7, 8, (9)

Teacher’s Guide - Teacher-friendly lesson format interacts closely with student book - Fun and exciting learning activities Teaching Resources Packet (teacher’s guide not included) - Full-color posters and maps - Teaching pictures - Resource CD with patterns and picture art Student Book - Bible Investigation Files (daily-devotional handouts) - Lesson reinforcement and review sheets Faith Detectives Take-home Papers (one per week) - Application stories - Puzzle activities Recognition Stickers (1 pkg. for 5 students)

Title: Follow Me: Jesus in the Gospel of Mark Bible Passage: Mark Course Description: Students will be challenged by Jesus’ example of unselfish service in the book of Mark. Though Jesus had divine power and authority, He humbly met others’ needs and showed love, leaving us the same pattern to follow. • •


Teacher’s Guide - Creative teaching ideas - Interactive learning - Reproducible handouts Living My Faith Student Devotional Book - Daily devotional plan - Emphasis on life application - Timely articles for young teens

Bible Content You Can Trust! Senior High Grades (9), 10, 11, 12

Title: Beyond the Road: A Study in the Book of Romans Bible Passage: Romans Course Description: Senior high students will learn that Romans is much more than a trail of verses that present the gospel. They will learn that Romans teaches about God’s grace, which opens the door for them to be right with God in their thinking and living. • • • •

Teacher’s Guide Teacher’s Resource CD - Reproducible worksheets - Case studies and other teaching aids - Promotional poster - PowerPoint slides - Theme-related memory verse card template - Suggestions for classroom decorations and class activities Student Devotional Book - Daily devotions - Life-application articles PROMOTIONAL - In-class worksheets POSTER Memory Verses Card Pack


Senior High Electives Title: Shattering the Deception of Cults and False Religions Course Description: Recognizing that the Bible warns against false teaching and presents Jesus Christ as the only way to God, this course helps students understand the cults and false religions in our world today.

Title: Reality Check: The Book of James Course Description: The book of James presents steps of spiritual growth; e.g., correct response to trials and temptations; how to practice tongue control; avoiding partiality.

Title: My Bible: Can I Trust It?

Title: Choosing God’s Way

Course Description: This course includes Bible study fundamentals and Bible study methods.

Course Description: The writer of Proverbs challenges today’s students to follow the right path and to make Biblical choices.

Title: God Speaks on Big Issues

Title: Run the Play: Lessons in Joshua

Course Description: This course examines what God’s Word has to say about today’s issues, such as war, homosexuality, postmodernism, substance abuse, the media, and suicide.

Course Description: Principles from the book of Joshua can be applied to living a victorious Christian life; e.g., obey God’s commands; move forward by faith; remember that sin always has a price.

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Adult Sunday School Curriculum Truth for Living

Comprehensive • Trustworthy • Without Compromise

Title: Victorious: Trusting Our Faithful God NEW!

Bible Passage: Joshua Course Description: This study on the book of Joshua presents God’s faithfulness to His people as they conquered the Promised Land. God proved trustworthy and loyal even though His people often fell short in their devotion to Him. The learners will understand the victories and blessings that come from learning to trust and obey God completely. • • • •

Leader’s Guide Bible Study Book - Fosters understanding of Scripture through questions - Challenges learners to consider their lives in light of Bible truth - Designed for small group, classroom, or individual use Resource CD - Ready-to-use PowerPoint presentations for each lesson - Prezi presentations to highlight key points - Flexible-use case studies - Memory verse helps - Visuals, including maps and charts - Ready-to-print promotional poster Horizons (weekly take-home paper)

Truth for Living Electives Title: Genesis: God’s Plan Begins

Course Description: This course follows the accounts of Jesus as presented by Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It focuses on Jesus’ identity, ministry, and mission, with special emphasis on how each writer presented Jesus to communicate particular truths about Him.

Title: Current Culture: A Biblical Understanding and Response

Title: Who I AM: God’s Self-Revelation (Exodus– Deuteronomy)

Course Description: This course addresses cultural issues confronting believers today. The course is designed to help learners think through the issues from a Biblical perspective so they can respond in a Biblical manner and influence their culture for Christ.

Course Description: This course follows God’s introduction of Himself to Moses and to Israel as they learned to follow and trust Him as their God. The lessons will have a special focus on why and how God made Himself known.

Title: Reasons to Believe: Evidence Jesus Is God’s Son

Title: Why Dispensationalism Matters

Course Description: John wrote his Gospel so that we might know that Jesus is the Son of God and that we might have eternal life through Christ. This course presents John’s arguments for the deity of Christ. It then challenges learners to consider how Jesus’ identity should impact their lives. 8

Title: Jesus: Three Portraits, One Story (Synoptic Gospels)

Course Description: This study surveys the book of Genesis. The special focus is on God and His plan of creation and redemption. Learners will take away meaningful applications from the study, and they will grow in their understanding of God’s dealings with people such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.

Course Description: Dispensationalism is far more than simply a way to organize history or a system of belief. Dispensationalism comes from a careful, literal interpretation of Scripture. This course will employ that careful interpretation to help learners understand Israel, the church, Christ’s present ministry and coming kingdom, and other future events.

Adult Sunday School Curriculum Life Design

Intensely Biblical • Intentionally Practical

Life Design Electives Title: The True Story of the New Testament: Responding to Christ and His Commission

Title: Working Together in the Body of Christ: 1 Corinthians

Course Description: This course presents the unity of the New Testament and its message. The learner will better understand how to respond to Christ and His commission to the church, His program for this age.

Course Description: This course provides instructions for the church family who wants to work together for Christ. Paul’s instructions to the Corinthians will challenge learners to mend their fractures and join hands and hearts as one under the leadership of Christ.

Title: Staying on Course: 1, 2 Thessalonians

Title: Genuine Faith: James

Course Description: Through a verse-by-verse study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, learners will be challenged to stay on course by living godly lives in light of Christ’s return. God has more work yet to do in and through believers. This course will help to maximize their usefulness for the Lord.

Course Description: Genuine Faith challenges learners to consider whether their lives show evidence of faith. Genuine believers live out their faith. This study presents the book of James and emphasizes the book’s descriptions of what genuine, practical faith looks like in the life of a believer.

Title: Living in Hostile Territory: 1 Peter

Title: Zealous for the Truth: 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude

Course Description: This study helps learners know how they can handle the trials of life by the grace of God. The course provides help in dealing with the stresses of life that threaten to undo us all.

Title: Assurance: Launch Pad for Righteous Living, 1 John Course Description: This study reinforces the truth that God does indeed give eternal life to all those who trust in Christ as their Savior. It includes teachings on topics such as fellowship, obedience, love, truth, discernment, faith, and confidence. Title: Effective Bible Study Course Description: Take 13 weeks to learn how to study the Bible effectively. This course covers divine revelation and inspiration, as well as the Bible’s inerrancy. Build on this foundation by learning a method of Bible study that will help you throughout life.

Course Description: This course stresses the need for discernment of truth and for a practice of distinctive Christian living during these trouble-filled last days.

Title: Worship, Watch, and Warn: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Revelation Course Description: The Revelation passages about the throne room of God, as well as the accounts of His sovereignty during the Tribulation, will compel learners to worship God. The terrible events of the Tribulation will also cause learners to be active in sharing their faith.

Spanish Adult Sunday School Curriculum! RegularBaptistPress.org/spanish

Find 38 additional elective studies on pages 19–21. www.RegularBaptistPress.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004) • 9


Nursery Resource? The Lil’ Sprouts Club Kit contains everything you need to nurture your lil’ sprouts! • Teacher’s Guide with 12 monthly themes • Director’s Guide with reproducible CD • Music CD • 12 Teaching pictures • Tote bag • Bib, Posters, Iron-ons, Bag tag, Nametags • Birthday cards and envelopes




Wish you could take your students through the Bible in three years?


It’s Grow Time uses a three-year through-the-Bible scope and sequence with younger, older, and combined-group options to fit your church.

It’s Grow Time Jr. Church Kit Kit contents: • Teacher’s Guide with lessons for grades 1–6 • Fully reproducible Resource CD with teaching materials and theme-related clip art • Two Song CDs • Bible Accounts DVD • 13 Teaching Pictures • 1 set of Bible Timeline Collector Cards

Year 1—2066 (978-1-60776-631-5) Genesis–Deuteronomy Year 2—2069 (978-1-60776-674-2) Joshua–Malachi Year 3—2076 (978-1-60776-841-8) New Testament $109.99 (Can $153.99)

Buy the set and save!

2083 2-Year Bundle (Years 2–3) SAVE $33 $186.99 (Can $261.79) 2082 Complete Set (Years 1–3) SAVE $66 $263.99 (Can $369.59)



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Classroom Resources NEW!

Noah’s Ark: Pre-School Activity Book Turn the history of Noah’s ark into a learning adventure. Colors, opposites, shapes, numbers, letters, and more!

King James Outreach Bible

Paper • 98 pages 7253 (ISBN 978-0-89051-832-8) $7.99 (Can $11.19)

Case of 24—That’s $2 a Bible!

The Lord Is My Shepherd Craft Kit

I Am Thankful For . . . Cross Craft Kit

Psalm 23:1. Prepackaged for individual use. Self-adhesive. 7" x 8¼" Foam • Pkg. of 12 8692 $8.99 (Can $12.59)

These black-letter-text paperback Bibles are ideal for outreach events or to use in your church ministries. Paper • 624 Pages 6594 (ISBN 978-1-59856-547-8) $47.99 (Can $67.19)

Use this craft to celebrate Thanksgiving or any time you want to emphasize thankfulness. Prepackaged for individual use. Requires glue. Foam • Pkg. of 12 8691 $7.99 (Can $11.19)

The Easter Story

Patricia A. Pingry. Introduce children to the meaning of Easter and to Christ’s death and resurrection. Bright, colorful illustrations. Ages 2 to 5 • Board book • 26 pages 6121 (ISBN 978-0-82495-531-1) $6.99 (Can $9.79)


Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling (Expanded Edition)

John G. Kruis. An essential tool for Christian counselors, pastors, and laypeople who desire to help others. Spiral • 256 pages 8047 (ISBN 978-0-80101-579-3) $14.99 (Can $20.99)

I Am a New Creation!

Acid free and lignin free. 72 stickers.


8075 (ISBN 978-1-60996-848-9) $2.49 (Can $3.49)

Felt Creation Banner Kit

Includes self-adhesive foam pieces and wooden stick for hanging. Pkg. of 12 • 11" x ½" 8598 $15.99 (Can $22.39)

Bible Brainstorms

Roger Howerton. Puzzles and word games that are serious fun—with Scripture references that lead you back to answers and wisdom from God’s Word! Great for use in your youth or small group. Paper • 144 Pages 7252 (ISBN 978-0-89221-725-0) $9.99 (Can $13.99)

Bible Scene Builders Jonah

Acid and lignin free story-building stickers for learning or review. Six 4½" x 3" sheets per pack. 8063 (ISBN 978-1-60418-749-6) $2.49 (Can $3.49)


Evangelism eBall Soccer

The Board

Use the 5 colors of the Wordless Book to turn sports into fun evangelism and outreach opportunities. Pump included.

The Board DVD tells the story of a man processing the gospel and the decision he must make. The “board members” of his soul—Mind, Memory, Emotion, Heart, Will, and Conscience—all take part. The film introduces unbelievers to God’s standards for humankind, opening the door to discussions about the gospel.

Size 5 ball • Ages 12 and up 8429 $19.99 (Can $27.99)

DVD (31:45) 9059 $9.99 (Can $13.99)

Wordless Flipper Flapper

Flip the flaps to reveal symbols and colors representing the gospel. Keep one in your pocket or purse to share God’s Word at a moment’s notice!

The War Within


Pkg. of 5 • 3" x 3" 7815 $3.79 (Can $5.31)

Tragedies transform Michael’s dream life into a nightmare, resulting in a war that wages within his soul. The battle for control affects his relationship with his wife and causes him to doubt God. But in the midst of this spiritual test, he discovers that victory is found in surrender. DVD • Widescreen (Approx. 92 min.) 9060 $14.99 (Can $20.99)


The Good Shepherd

Flip through to share Jesus simply! eCard BIG • 8437 Flat, 8" x 8" • Pkg. of 10 $24.99 (Can $34.99) eCard • 8438 Flat, 2¾" x 2¾" • Pkg. of 5 $4.99 (Can $6.99)


Gary Varvel. How do you explain death? This book helps children understand that death is not the end, but a new beginning for those who know Jesus as their Good Shepherd. As seen in The War Within (above), this book can be used to introduce children to Jesus. Hardcover • 24 pages 9061 (ISBN 978-0-692-31483-8) $14.99 (Can $20.99)



Wow! Guess What Happened to Me! KJV • RBP4063 (ISBN 978-1-60776-835-7) NKJV • RBP4060 (ISBN 978-1-59402-232-6) What God’s Word Teaches about Salvation RBP4005 (ISBN 978-0-87227-255-2) How to Live the Christian Life RBP4006 (ISBN 978-0-87227-254-5) Thank You Tip Tract RBP4003 (ISBN 978-0-87227-345-0) A Gift for You RBP4059 (ISBN 978-0-87227-153-1) Life after Death: Gift or Reward? RBP4021 (ISBN 978-0-87227-344-3) What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? RBP4007 (ISBN 978-0-87227-256-9) Pkg. of 50 $4.99 (Can $6.99)

Gospel Bookmarks

Use this bookmark to share the gospel. VBS 2016 theme on front; plan of salvation on back. Pkg. of 50 RBP31537 (978-1-62940-072-3) $5.99 (Can $8.39)

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Counseling/Discipleship More than Sobriety

Pamela Russell. More than a workbook, this program helps those you counsel conquer addiction and substance abuse with Biblical answers. Each lesson has a section for the counselor and a reproducible handout for the counselee. Includes a helpful initial assessment form and a resource CD.


Addiction: A Family Affair


Pamela Russell. Addiction affects an addict’s loved ones. They can default to responding sinfully, or you can lead them to Biblical answers and help them choose godly responses. This book comes with a counselor’s guide, reproducible worksheets, and a resource CD.

Paper • 128 pages RBP5141 (ISBN 978-1-60776-932-3) $41.99 (Can $58.79)

Paper • 76 pages RBP5142 (ISBN 978-1-60776-933-0) $19.99 (Can $27.99)

Dependence in the Wilderness

Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling

Jeff Newman. Written to lead you to greater faith in God as you experience the ordinary and arid journeys of life. More than that, the book seeks to help you praise God in the midst of your most puzzling and painful experiences. Paper • 200 pages RBP5144 (ISBN 978-1-60776-935-4) $17.99 (Can $25.19)

Basic Bible Truths

Ralph Burns. Great help for new converts. Covers basic doctrines, gives suggestions for Bible study and Scripture memorization, and offers guidance for victorious living. Paper • 32 pages English RBP5003 (ISBN 978-0-87227-007-7) Spanish RBP5351 (ISBN 978-1-59402-348-4)


John G. Kruis. An essential tool for Christian counselors, pastors, and laypeople who desire to be equipped to help others cope and grow through their trials. With pertinent Bible passages at the ready, you will always have just the right words to say—right when they are most needed. Spiral • 256 pages 8047 (ISBN 978-0-80101-579-3) $14.99 (Can $20.99)

Welcome to the Family

Valerie Wilson. This 13-lesson discipleship course may be used by a child, adult and child, or group of children to help each one understand what it means to live as God’s child. Paper • 48 pages RBP5255 (ISBN 978-0-87227-291-0) $2.99 (Can $4.19)

$2.99 each (Can $4.19 each)

From This Day Forward: Preparing Couples for the Journey of a Lifetime

Connecting: Developing Closeness on the Journey of a Lifetime

Couple’s Edition RBP8041 (ISBN 978-1-93628-502-0) $9.99 (Can $13.99)

Couple’s Edition RBP8045 (ISBN 978-1-93628-504-4) $7.99 (Can $11.19)

Counselor’s Edition RBP8040 (ISBN 978-1-93628-501-3) $19.99 (Can $27.99)

Leader’s Edition RBP8044 (ISBN 978-1-93628-503-7) $19.99 (Can $27.99)

Introductory Bundle Includes one Counselor’s Edition and two Couple’s Edition books. RBP8042 (ISBN 978-1-62940-003-7) $29.99 (Can $41.99)

DVD RBP8043 (ISBN 978-1-62940-001-3) $39.99 (Can $55.99)

Michael Peck. Biblical, practical, and realistic resource for premarital counseling.

Michael Peck. Step-by-step directions for experiencing closeness in marriage.

Introductory Bundle Includes one DVD, one Counselor’s Edition, and 10 Couple’s Edition books. RBP8046 (ISBN 978-1-62940-002-0) $109.99 (Can $153.99)

Bulk discounts available on any RBP title! See details at RegularBaptistPress.org/bulk. 14

Women’s & Men’s Bible Studies Our Sovereign God: The Book of Ezra


Jeannie Vogel. In a day of ungodly leadership and opposition to Biblical truth, people need hope. Ezra lived in our kind of world. As you study Ezra, commit to being a woman of unshakable faith—unafraid to take action, boldly proclaiming God’s truth, and watching for the mighty acts of God. 6 lessons • Paper RBP5151 (ISBN 978-1-62940-215-4) $8.99 (Can $12.59)

Why Cope When You Can Conquer? Studies in Selected Psalms

Juanita Purcell. The book of Psalms confronts the real-life problems we face today. This study of twelve psalms will help you move from simply coping with life’s problems to being victorious in the midst of them. 12 lessons • Paper • 128 pages RBP5240 (ISBN 978-0-87227-203-3) $8.99 (Can $12.59)

Pearls from Proverbs

Valerie Wilson. Helping you study and apply Proverbs, this book studies ten themes, looks at supporting Scriptures, and considers Biblical role models. The ten pearls include diligence, a happy home, and financial management, as well as other virtues for the “well-dressed” Christian woman. 10 lessons • Paper • 128 pages RBP5246 (ISBN 978-0-87227-208-8) $8.99 (Can $12.59)

Weighed by the Word

Pat Warren. Look at what the Bible teaches about such body issues as beauty, physical limitations, lifestyle, aging, sexuality, suffering, service, and more. With this study you will learn to view your physical body from God’s point of view, to weigh yourself by the scale of His Word. 11 lessons • Paper • 134 pages RBP5391 (ISBN 978-1-59402-992-9) $8.99 (Can $12.59)

Glimpses of God

Debi Pryde. The author takes us on a study of the Old Testament to discover the names of God and what they mean to us today. Expand your understanding of God, your Father and Savior, by broadening your knowledge of His names. You’ll be blessed and encouraged by your new Glimpses of God. 12 lessons • Paper • 144 pages RBP5385 (ISBN 978-1-59402-870-0) $8.99 (Can $12.59)

God’s Gracious Guidance: Lessons from Exodus

Juanita Purcell. Come along on this journey through the book of Exodus and learn about God’s Gracious Guidance for the Israelites, and for you! The events happened centuries ago, but the lessons are timeless! 12 lessons • Paper • 128 pages RBP5302 (ISBN 978-1-59402-049-0) $8.99 (Can $12.59)

“Real Men” Bible Studies Series

A six-book series designed for men. Real Men Are Godly • RBP5253 (ISBN 978-0-87227-211-8) Real Men Are Wise • RBP5260 (ISBN 978-0-87227-292-7) Real Men Lead • RBP5262 (ISBN 978-0-87227-599-7) Real Men Pray • RBP5265 (ISBN 978-0-87227-668-0) Real Men Have Integrity • RBP5272 (ISBN 978-0-87227-746-5) Real Men Overcome • RBP5290 (ISBN 978-0-87227-976-6) $8.99 (Can $12.59) BUY THE SET “Real Men” Series • RBP5310 $39.99 (Can $55.99) AND SAVE!

“Men At” Bible Studies Series


A four-book series designed for men. Men at Church • RBP5300 (ISBN 978-1-59402-029-2) Men at Work • RBP5317 (ISBN 978-1-59402-030-8) Men at Home • RBP5318 (ISBN 978-1-59402-031-5) Men at Play • RBP5319 (ISBN 978-1-59402-032-2) Sale $6.99 $8.99 (Can $9.79)

Additional studies available at RegularBaptistPress.org/BibleStudies. www.RegularBaptistPress.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004) • 15

Recommended Resources These resources are recommended for use with the Spring 2016 Sunday School curriculum. Growing Songs for Children 1

Master Chorus Book, Vol. 1

7827 (ISBN 978-3-90117-105-5) $4.99 (Can $6.99)

Spiral • 112 pages 7828 (ISBN 978-083-419-2485) $10.99 (Can $15.39) Recommended for Primary and Middler

Sixty choruses and songs for children.

Recommended for Middler

Learning and Living God’s Word

Daniel Estes. If you want to study the Bible but just don’t know how to get started, this manual will help you study the Bible and apply it too. Paper • 80 pages RBP5218 (ISBN 978-0-87227-181-4) $6.99 (Can $9.79) Recommended for Adult

Ready Letters

Sturdy, colorful, 3" letters and numbers 0–9. Green • 8509 Recommended for Pre-Primary, Primary, and Junior Blue • 8510 Recommended for 2s & 3s and Middler Red • 8511 Recommended for Pre-Primary Black • 8512 Recommended for Junior Yellow • 8513 Recommended for 2s & 3s $4.99 each (Can $6.99 each)

Children’s Puzzles

Each puzzle has 8 to 10 inlaid pieces. Ages 2 to 5 • 8 3/8" x 10 7/8" • Cardboard Jesus Lives! RBP5603(ISBN 978-0-87227-373-3) Solomon Builds God’s House RBP5618 (ISBN 978-1-59402-428-3) Samuel’s New Coat RBP5605 (ISBN 978-0-87227-357-3)

$3.49 each (Can $4.89 each) Recommended for 2s & 3s


Assorted colors. Pkg. of 25

RBP8599 $4.99 (Can $6.99) Recommended for Pre-Primary, Primary, and Junior

Includes 250 favorite choruses.

Salvation Songs Favorites

Here are 100 choruses from the popular Salvation Songs for Children series. Lower keys accommodate young voices. Paper • 78 pages 7837 (ISBN 978-3-90117-108-6) $4.99 (Can $6.99) Recommended for Pre-Primary, Primary, Middler, and Junior

Borders Jesus Loves Me • 8583 • 36 feet Recommended for Pre-Primary and Primary International Kids • 8533 • 36 feet Recommended for Middler Straight • $3.99 each (Can $5.19) Blue • 8537 • 39 feet Recommended for 2s & 3s and Junior Yellow • 8539 • 39 feet Recommended for 2s & 3s and Junior Green • 8587 • 39 feet Recommended for Primary Rainbow • 8541 • 39 feet Recommended for Middler Scalloped • $2.99 each (Can $4.19 each)

Word Strips

Fit perfectly in the pocket chart shown below. Pkg. of 75 8666 (UPC 044222-14287) $3.49 (Can $4.89) Recommended for Junior

Pocket Chart

Six clear plastic pockets. Use for verse visuals, sentence strips, classroom lists, and more! 28" x 28" 8664 (UPC 44222-11429) $19.99 (Can $27.99) Recommended for Pre-Primary, Primary, Middler, and Junior

Sentence Strips

Can be used in the pocket chart shown above. 3" x 24" • Pkg. of 75 8677 (UPC 44222-14283) $5.99 (Can $8.39) Recommended for Pre-Primary, Primary, Middler, and Junior


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Item Qty. ISBN Unit Total No. Price Price

Lil’ Sprouts Club Nursery Curriculum

Middler—Spreading God’s Word

1012 1013 1021 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1022 1023 1024 1025

King James Version 1475 Teacher’s Guide 1476K Teaching Resources Packet 1477 Student Book 1478 Truth Travelers (take-home paper) 1479 Attendance and Verse Stickers (5 per pkg.) New King James Version 24030 Teacher’s Guide 1476N Teaching Resources Packet 24031 Student Book 24032 Truth Travelers (take-home paper) 1479 Attendance and Verse Stickers (5 per pkg.)

Lil’ Sprouts Club Kit 978-1-60776-341-3 89.99 Lil’ Sprouts Club Director’s Guide with CD 978-1-60776-339-0 59.99 Lil’ Sprouts Club Teacher’s Guide 978-1-60776-352-9 11.99 Lil’ Sprouts Club Bib 978-1-60776-342-0 7.99 Lil’ Sprouts Club Teaching Pictures (12 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-343-7 6.99 Lil’ Sprouts Club Posters (5 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-344-4 4.99 Lil’ Sprouts Club Iron-ons (5 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-345-1 7.99 Birthday Cards and Envelopes (10 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-346-8 5.99 Lil’ Sprouts Club Nametags (10 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-347-5 5.99 Lil’ Sprouts Club Bag Tag 978-1-60776-348-2 2.99 Parenting: Ready or Not! (KJV) 978-1-60776-353-6 9.99 Parenting: Ready or Not! (NKJV) 978-1-60776-363-5 9.99 Lil’ Sprouts Club Music CD 978-1-60776-364-2 6.99 Lil’ Sprouts Club Tote Bag 978-1-60776-371-0 9.99

2s and 3s—God’s Son; God’s House; Samuel in God’s House King James Version 2160 Teacher’s Guide 1111K Teaching Resources Packet 2161 Student Handwork Book 2756 Take-home Cards 1060 Attendance Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.) New King James Version 21010 Teacher’s Guide 1111N Teaching Resources Packet 21011 Student Handwork Book 21012 Take-home Cards 1060 Attendance Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.)

978-1-59402-600-3 6.99 978-1-59402-601-0 17.99 978-1-59402-602-7 3.89 978-1-59402-603-4 3.59 978-59402-604-1 2.99 978-1-59402-605-8 6.99 978-1-59402-606-5 17.99 978-1-59402-607-2 3.89 978-1-59402-608-9 3.59 978-1-59402-604-1 2.99

Pre-Primary—Jesus; Church; Salvation King James Version 2276 Teacher’s Guide 1236K Teaching Resources Packet 2277 Student Book 1 (pre-kindergarten students) 2278 Student Book 2 (kindergarten students) 2760 Planting Faith at Home (parent/child leaflet) 1275 Attendance Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.) New King James Version 22020 Teacher’s Guide 1236N Teaching Resources Packet 22023 Student Book 1 (pre-kindergarten students) 22024 Student Book 2 (kindergarten students) 22025 Planting Faith at Home (parent/child leaflet) 1275 Attendance Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.)

978-1-59402-609-6 6.99 978-1-59402-610-2 17.99 978-1-59402-611-9 3.89 978-1-59402-612-6 3.89 978-1-59402-613-3 3.59 978-1-59402-614-0 2.99 978-1-59402-615-7 6.99 978-1-59402-616-4 17.99 978-1-59402-617-1 3.89 978-1-59402-618-8 3.89 978-1-59402-619-5 3.59 978-1-59402-614-0 2.99

Primary—Learning to Believe King James Version 1385 Teacher’s Guide 1386K Teaching Resources Packet 1387 Student Book 1 (1st-grade students) 1388 Student Book 2 (2nd-grade students) 1389 God’s Explorers (take-home paper) 1307 Attendance Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.) New King James Version 23030 Teacher’s Guide 1386N Teaching Resources Packet 23031 Student Book 1 (1st-grade students) 23032 Student Book 2 (2nd-grade students) 23033 God’s Explorers (take-home paper) 1307 Attendance Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.)


978-1-60776-163-1 6.99 978-1-60776-164-8 17.99 978-1-60776-165-5 3.89 978-1-60776-166-2 3.89 978-1-60776-167-9 3.59 978-1-60776-168-6 2.99 978-1-60776-169-3 6.99 978-1-60776-170-9 17.99 978-1-60776-171-6 3.89 978-1-60776-172-3 3.89 978-1-60776-173-0 3.59 978-1-60776-168-6 2.99

978-1-60776-174-7 6.99 978-1-60776-175-4 17.99 978-1-60776-176-1 3.89 978-1-60776-177-8 3.59 978-1-60776-178-5 1.99 978-1-60776-179-2 6.99 978-1-60776-180-8 17.99 978-1-60776-181-5 3.89 978-1-60776-182-2 3.59 978-1-60776-178-5 1.99

Junior—Helping Others King James Version 1530 Teacher’s Guide 1531K Teaching Resources Packet 1532 Student Book 1533 Faith Detectives (take-home paper) 1534 Recognition Stickers (5 per pkg.) New King James Version 25030 Teacher’s Guide 1531N Teaching Resources Packet 25031 Student Book 25032 Faith Detectives (take-home paper) 1534 Recognition Stickers (5 per pkg.)

978-1-60776-183-9 6.99 978-1-60776-184-6 17.99 978-1-60776-185-3 3.89 978-1-60776-186-0 3.59 978-1-60776-187-7 1.99 978-1-60776-188-4 6.99 978-1-60776-189-1 17.99 978-1-60776-190-7 3.89 978-1-60776-191-4 3.59 978-1-60776-187-7 1.99

Junior High—Follow Me: Jesus in the Gospel of Mark 2540 2541

Teacher’s Guide Student Devotional Booklets

9781594020674 9781594020681

7.99 4.49

Senior High—Beyond the Road: A Study in the Book of Romans 2640 2639 2695 2643

Teacher’s Guide Teacher’s Resource CD Student Devotional Book Memory Verses Card Pack

978-1-59402-069-8 7.99 978-1-59402-443-6 15.99 978-1-59402-356-9 4.49 978-1-59402-072-8 1.89

Adult—Victorious: Trusting Our Faithful God, Joshua 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153

Leader’s Guide Transparency Packet Resource CD Bible Study Book Horizons

978-1-62940-218-5 7.99 978-1-62940-219-2 17.99 978-1-62940-220-8 15.99 978-1-62940-221-5 4.49 978-1-62940-222-2 3.59

Recommended Resources­(See recommendations by department on page 16.) 7827 Growing Songs for Children 1 4.99 7837 Salvation Songs Favorites 4.99 7828 Master Chorus Book Vol. 1 10.99 5218 Learning and Living God’s Word 978-0-87227-181-4 6.99 8599 Paintbrushes (25 per pkg.) 4.99 8510 3-inch Ready Letters—Blue 4.99 8511 3-inch Ready Letters—Red 4.99 8509 3-inch Ready Letters—Green 4.99 8512 3-inch Ready Letters—Black 4.99 8513 3-inch Ready Letters—Yellow 4.99 8537 Border—Scalloped Blue 2.99 8539 Border—Scalloped Yellow 2.99 8587 Border—Scalloped Green 2.99 8541 Border—Scalloped Rainbow 2.99 8583 Border—Jesus Loves Me 3.99 8533 Border—International Kids 3.99 5603 Puzzle—Jesus Lives 3.49 5605 Puzzle—Samuel’s New Coat 3.49 5618 Puzzle—Solomon Builds God’s House 3.49 8664 Pocket Chart 19.99 8677 Sentence Strips—Multicolored (75 per pkg.) 5.99 8666 Word Strips–Multicolored (pkg. 75) Total page 18

Item Qty. ISBN Unit Total No. Price Price

Faith Builders Bible Studies for Youth

Senior High Electives In the Beginning: The Book of Genesis 2650 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-558-4 2649 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-445-0 2697 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-358-3 2653 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-1-59402-142-8 Follow the Deliverer: Exodus 2605 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-59402-448-1 2606 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-449-8 2600 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-361-3 2634 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-1-59402-450-4 Run the Play: Lessons in Joshua 2620 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-853-0 2619 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-439-9 2691 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-352-1 2623 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-855-4 Choosing God’s Way: Proverbs 2635 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-59402-021-6 2614 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-430-6 2690 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-351-4 2638 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-1-59402-024-7 Believe in Me: Jesus in the Gospel of John 2660 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-267-5 2659 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-447-4 2699 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-360-6 2663 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-572-0 The Spreading of the Church: Acts 2607 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-59402-454-2 2608 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-455-9 2604 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-365-1 2644 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-1-59402-456-6 Living Large: Reaching Your Potential in Christ, Philippians 2680 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-578-2 2679 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-453-5 2603 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-364-4 2683 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-575-1 Training for Life: 1 & 2 Timothy; Titus 2670 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-419-8 2669 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-451-1 2601 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-362-0 2673 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-416-7 Reality Check: The Book of James 2610 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-618-5 2609 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-429-0 2689 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-350-7 2613 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-616-1 Outfitted for Life’s Choices 2665 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-281-1 2664 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-444-3 2696 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-357-6 2668 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-284-2 Living Beyond Tomorrow: God’s Plans for the Future 2675 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-395-5 2674 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-452-8 2602 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-363-7 2678 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-396-2 God Speaks on Big Issues 2625 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-870-7 2624 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-440-5 2692 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-353-8 2628 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-873-8 My Bible: Can I Trust It? 2630 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-977-3 2629 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-441-2 2693 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-354-5 2633 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-979-7 Shattering the Deception of Cults and False Religions 2615 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-767-0 2684 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-442-9 2694 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-355-2 2618 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-769-4

Item Qty. ISBN Unit Total No. Price Price

7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89 7.99 15.99 4.49 1.89

2819 2818 2817 2816 2815 2814

Apologetics Spiritual Maturity (1 Corinthians) SALE! Worship Ephesians SALE! The Church Prayer

978-0-87227-423-5 9.99 978-0-87227-421-1 9.99 978-0-87227-420-4 7.99 978-1-59402-135-0 9.99 978-1-59402-134-3 7.99 978-1-59402-133-6 9.99

LD Life Design Curriculum • TFL Truth For Living Curriculum

Adult Electives

Old Testament Courses LD The True Story of the Old Testament 0101 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-836-4 7.99 0102 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-837-1 17.99 0103 Resource CD 978-1-60776-838-8 15.99 0104 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-839-5 4.49 978-1-62940-004-4 7.99 0101E Leader’s Guide (Spanish) 0103E Resource CD (Spanish) 978-1-62940-026-6 15.99 0104E Bible Study Book (Spanish) 978-1-62940-005-1 4.49 TFL Genesis • Genesis: God’s Plan Begins 0116 Leader’s Guide 978-1-62940-010-5 7.99 0117 Transparency Packet 978-1-62940-011-2 17.99 0118 Resource CD 978-1-62940-012-9 15.99 0119 Bible Study Book 978-1-62940-013-6 4.49 TFL Exodus–Deuteronomy • Who I AM: God’s Self-Revelation 0135 Leader’s Guide 978-1-62940-113-3 7.99 0136 Transparency Packet 978-1-62940-114-0 17.99 0137 Resource CD 978-1-62940-115-7 15.99 0138 Bible Study Book 978-1-62940-116-4 4.49 LD Judges and Ruth • Glimmers of Hope in Dark Times 1651 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-244-9 7.99 1652 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-245-6 17.99 1653 Resource CD 978-1-59402-246-3 15.99 1654 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-247-0 4.49 LD 1, 2 Samuel; 1 Kings • Crises and Crowns: Israel—United Kingdom 1661 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-335-4 7.99 1662 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-336-1 17.99 1663 Resource CD 978-1-59402-337-8 15.99 1664 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-338-5 4.49 LD 1, 2 Kings; 2 Chronicles • Glory and Captivity: Israel—Divided Kingdom 1681 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-370-5 7.99 1682 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-371-2 17.99 1683 Resource CD 978-1-59402-372-9 15.99 1684 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-373-6 4.49 LD Ezra and Esther • In Sovereign Hands 1695 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-457-3 7.99 1696 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-458-0 17.99 1697 Resource CD 978-1-59402-459-7 15.99 1698 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-460-3 4.49 LD Nehemiah • Broken and Building: Becoming a Spiritual Leader 0066 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-508-0 7.99 0067 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-509-7 17.99 0068 Resource CD 978-1-60776-510-3 15.99 0069 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-511-0 4.49 LD Job • Big Lessons on Life: Learning to Trust God 0076 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-636-0 7.99 0077 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-637-7 17.99 0078 Resource CD 978-1-60776-638-4 15.99 0079 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-639-1 4.49 LD Psalms • Lyrics for Life: Selected Psalms 1709 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-477-1 7.99 1710 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-478-8 17.99 1711 Resource CD 978-1-59402-479-5 15.99 1712 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-480-1 4.49 Total page 19

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Item Qty. ISBN Unit Total No. Price Price LD Life Design Curriculum • TFL Truth For Living Curriculum LD Proverbs • Walking Wisely in a Foolish World 0091 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-680-3 7.99 0092 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-681-0 17.99 0093 Resource CD 978-1-60776-682-7 15.99 0094 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-683-4 4.49 LD Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon • Under the Sun 1719 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-487-0 7.99 1720 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-488-7 17.99 1721 Resource CD 978-1-59402-489-4 15.99 1722 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-490-0 4.49 LD Isaiah • Messiah, the World’s Only Hope: Christ in Isaiah 1735 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-671-3 7.99 1736 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-672-0 17.99 1737 Resource CD 978-1-59402-673-7 15.99 1738 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-674-4 4.49 LD Jeremiah and Lamentations • Tears for Shattered Lives 0006 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-934-9 7.99 0007 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-935-6 17.99 0008 Resource CD 978-1-59402-936-3 15.99 0009 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-937-0 4.49 LD Ezekiel • Visions of Glory 0016 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-130-3 7.99 0017 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-131-0 17.99 0018 Resource CD 978-1-60776-132-7 15.99 0019 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-133-4 4.49 LD Daniel • Our God Reigns 0026 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-226-3 7.99 0027 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-227-0 17.99 0028 Resource CD 978-1-60776-228-7 15.99 0029 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-229-4 4.49 LD Minor Prophets, Part 1 • Responding to God’s Faithful Intervention 0036 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-332-1 7.99 0037 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-333-8 17.99 0038 Resource CD 978-1-60776-334-5 15.99 0039 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-335-2 4.49 LD Minor Prophets, Part 2 • Responding to God’s Faithful Intervention 0041 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-358-1 7.99 0042 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-359-8 17.99 0043 Resource CD 978-1-60776-360-4 15.99 0044 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-361-1 4.49

New Testament Courses LD The True Story of the New Testament: Responding to Christ and His Commission 0106 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-851-7 7.99 0107 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-852-4 17.99 0108 Resource CD 978-1-60776-853-1 15.99 0109 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-854-8 4.49 0106E Leader’s Guide (Spanish) 978-1-62940-006-8 7.99 0108E Resource CD (Spanish) 978-1-62940-027-3 15.99 0109E Bible Study Book (Spanish) 978-1-62940-007-5 4.49 LD The Sermon on the Mount • Everlasting Truths for Everyday Living 1636 Leader’s Guide 978-0-87227-398-6 7.99 1637 Transparency Packet 978-0-87227-399-3 17.99 1638 Resource CD 978-0-87227-400-6 15.99 1639 Bible Study Book 978-0-87227-401-3 4.49 TFL Matthew, Mark, Luke • Jesus: Three Portraits, One Story 0125 Leader’s Guide 978-1-62940-029-7 7.99 0126 Transparency Packet 978-1-62940-030-3 17.99 0127 Resource CD 978-1-62940-031-0 15.99 0128 Bible Study Book 978-1-62940-032-7 4.49 LD John • Reasons to Believe: Evidence Jesus Is God’s Son 0140 Leader’s Guide 978-1-62940-206-2 7.99 0141 Transparency Packet 978-1-62940-207-9 17.99 0142 Resource CD 978-1-62940-208-6 15.99 0143 Bible Study Book 978-1-62940-209-3 4.49


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