Summer 2012 RBP Sunday School Curriculum Catalog

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& Church Ministry Resource Catalog

2s & 3s and Pre-Primary Page 4

Primary, Middler, and Junior Pages 5 & 6

Jr. High and Sr. High Pages 6 & 7

Adult Page 7


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Our mission

The mission of Regular Baptist Press is to glorify God by providing church educational resources that are true to God’s Word and encourage maturity in Christ.

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Sunday School Curriculum

Order on page 18

Don’t just plant faith—

Grow it! Biblically sound curriculum that continually cultivates growth through every age group in your Sunday School

Lil’ Sprouts Club Infants & Toddlers (Nursery)

Objectives: (1) Provide instruction on setting up a nursery ministry that ensures competent care for babies and toddlers. (2) Introduce babies and toddlers to God, their creator, and to Jesus, God’s Son. (3) Communicate God’s love for babies and children by meeting their needs. • Teacher’s Guide - Includes 12 monthly themes (12-month cycle) - Provides ideas for helping babies and toddlers develop physically • Director’s Guide - Gives comprehensive instructions on setting up and running a nursery ministry - Includes a reproducible CD - Provides ideas for outreach through the nursery ministry • Music CD - 25 songs related to lessons in the teacher’s guide - Dual tracks for each song—vocal and instrumental • Teaching pictures - 12 bright and eye-catching pictures - One per month (12 months) • Tote bag • Bib • Posters • Iron-ons • Bag tags • Nametags • Birthday cards and envelopes

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Sunday School Curriculum

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2s & 3s Ages 2 and 3

Title: God’s World Bible Truths: God’s World Begins (creation and seasons); People in God’s World (Adam and Eve) Bible Passages: Genesis; Job; Psalms; Song of Solomon Course Description: These two units will help twos and threes learn that God made the world and everything in it. The children will be encouraged to thank God for making the world—and them!

Choice of two distinct curriculum lines: the King James Version or the New King James Version

Pre-Primary Ages 4 and 5; 6-year-olds in kindergarten

• Teacher’s Guide - Teacher-friendly lesson format - Fun and engaging learning activities • Teaching Resources Packet (teacher’s guide not included) - Bright teaching pictures - Die-cut flannelgraph figures - Resource CD with patterns, action rhymes, songsheets, and picture art - Music CD with vocal and instrumental tracks • Student Handwork Book • Student Take-home Cards (one per week) - Emphasis on parent involvement - Activities along with stories • Attendance Charts and Stickers (1 pkg. for 5 students)

Title: Joseph; David; Jonah Bible Truths: Joseph (from new coat to prince of Egypt); David (from shepherd boy to king); Jonah Bible Passages: Genesis; 1, 2 Samuel; 1 Chronicles; Jonah Course Description: Learning about Joseph, David, and Jonah will help preprimary children know how to obey God. They will be encouraged to show love for God by obeying.

Choice of two distinct curriculum lines: the King James Version or the New King James Version 4 •

• Teacher’s Guide - Teacher-friendly lesson format - Fun and engaging learning activities • Teaching Resources Packet (teacher’s guide not included) - Teaching picture book - Die-cut flannelgraph figures - Resource CD with patterns, action rhymes, songsheets, and picture art - Music CD with vocal and instrumental tracks • Student Handwork Books - Book 1 for pre-kindergarten students - Book 2 for kindergarten students • Planting Faith at Home Take-home Papers (one per week) - Emphasis on parent involvement - Activities and crafts along with stories • Attendance Charts and Stickers (1 pkg. for 5 students)

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Bible Content You Can Trust! Primary Grades 1 and 2

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Title: Learning to Serve Bible Truths: Preparing to Serve (the early church begins); People Who Served (Paul’s journeys); Serving Well Bible Passages: Acts Course Description: Primary students will understand what the church is and the meaning of baptism and Communion. They will learn how missionary Paul served the Lord and develop a concept of how they also can live for God and serve Him.

Choice of two distinct curriculum lines: the King James Version or the New King James Version

Middler Grades 3 and 4

• Teacher’s Guide - Teacher-friendly lesson format - Fun and engaging learning activities • Teaching Resources Packet (teacher’s guide not included) - Teaching pictures - Easy-to-use die-cut flannelgraph - Convenient resource CD with patterns and picture art - Music CD with vocal and instrumental tracks • Student Handwork Books - Book 1 for first-grade students - Book 2 for second-grade students • God’s Explorers Take-home Papers (one per week) - Application stories - Fun activities and crafts • Attendance Charts and Stickers (1 pkg. for 5 students)

Title: Preparing for God’s Future—Epistles through Revelation Bible Truths: Letters to the early churches; God’s plans for the future Bible Passage: Epistles; Revelation Course Description: Middler students will learn about living for the Lord in preparation for the return of Christ. Students will be introduced to Biblical prophecy and discover how their faith relates to end times.

Choice of two distinct curriculum lines: the King James Version or the New King James Version 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

• Teacher’s Guide - Teacher-friendly lesson format - Fun and exciting learning activities • Teaching Resources Packet (teacher’s guide not included) - Colorful posters and maps - Bible picture book - Convenient die-cut flannelgraph - Resource CD with patterns and picture art - Bible timeline • Student Handwork Book • Truth Travelers Take-home Papers (one per week) - Application stories - Activities and crafts • Attendance Charts and Stickers (1 pkg. for 5 students) • 5

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Sunday School Curriculum

Junior Grades 5 and 6

Title: Serving God Bible Truths: Recognizing God’s Plan for Service; Learning to Serve; Finding Our Place in the Church Bible Passages: Ecclesiastes; Matthew; John—2 Corinthians; Ephesians; Hebrews; 1 Peter Course Description: Junior students will understand that service is part of God’s plan for their lives. They will identify and seek opportunities to learn how to serve, and they will exercise their spiritual gifts in their local church.

Choice of two distinct curriculum lines: the King James Version or the New King James Version

Junior High Grades 7, 8, (9)

• Teacher’s Guide - Teacher-friendly lesson format - Fun and exciting learning activities • Teaching Resources Packet (teacher’s guide not included) - Full-color posters - Teaching pictures - Convenient resource CD with patterns and picture art • Student Books - Bible Investigation Files (daily-devotional handouts) - Lesson reinforcement and review sheets • Faith Detectives Take-home Papers (one per week) - Application stories - Activities and comic strip • Recognition Stickers (1 pkg. for 5 students)

Title: Growing Spiritually Bible Passages: Selected passages throughout Scripture Course Description: Basic steps, next steps, and growing steps provide the framework for studying fundamental areas of spiritual growth, such as Bible study, church attendance, understanding God’s will, and overcoming temptation. • Teacher’s Guide - Creative teaching ideas - Interactive learning - Reproducible handouts • Living My Faith Student Devotional Book - Daily devotional plan - Emphasis on life application - Timely articles for young teens

Available in the King James Version

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Bible Content You Can Trust! Senior High Grades (9), 10, 11, 12


Available in the King James Version


Title: Outfitted for Life’s Choices Bible Passages: Selected passages throughout Scripture Course Description: Choosing to be selfless, loyal, devoted, and unashamed of Christ is emphasized as teens study Bible characters such as Ruth, Jonathan, Mary, Martha, and Joseph of Arimathea. The consequences of choosing to glorify self, to deceive, and to disobey are examined as we study Nebuchadnezzar, Judas, and Jonah. • Teacher’s Guide • Teacher’s Resource CD - Reproducible worksheets - Case studies and other teaching aids - Promotional poster - PowerPoint slides - Theme-related memory verse card template - Suggestions for classroom decorations and class activities • Student Devotional Book - Daily devotions - Life-application articles - In-class worksheets • Memory Verses Card Pack • Classroom/Promotional Poster

Title: Broken and Building: Becoming a Spiritual Leader

Intensely Biblical, Intentionally Practical


Available in the King James Version

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Bible Passage: Nehemiah Course Description: Learners study the example of Nehemiah as they consider what it means to become a spiritual leader. Nehemiah’s leadership journey began with brokenness before God and continued as he followed God’s direction in rebuilding the walls, and people, of Jerusalem. Learners will see both their need for humility before God and their need to follow His direction for their lives. • Leader’s Guide • Bible Study Book - Inductive Bible study questions - Designed for individual, small group, or classroom use • Resource CD - Adaptable verse cards - Customizable PowerPoint presentations for each lesson - Case studies for in-class review or small group use - Additional teaching resources • Transparency Packet (16 full-color sheets) • Horizons (weekly take-home paper) • Adult Study Promotional Poster • 7

Senior High Electives Title: Shattering the Deception of Cults and False Religions Course Description: Recognizing that the Bible warns against false teaching and presents Jesus Christ as the only way to God, this course helps students understand the cults and false religions in our world today.

Title: My Bible: Can I Trust It? Course Description: This course includes the fundamentals and methods of Bible study.

Title: Choosing God’s Way: Proverbs

Title: Reality Check: The Book of James

Course Description: The writer of Proverbs challenges today’s students to follow the right path and make Biblical choices.

Course Description: The book of James presents steps of spiritual growth; e.g., correct response to trials and temptations; how to practice tongue control; avoiding partiality.

Title: The Spreading of the Church: Acts

Title: God Speaks on Big Issues

Course Description: This study of the book of Acts emphasizes evangelism and missions in the early church and challenges today’s teens to reach their world for Christ.

Course Description: This course examines what God’s Word has to say about today’s issues, such as war, homosexuality, postmodernism, substance abuse, the media, and suicide.

Title: Jesus in the Gospel of John Course Description: To challenge senior high students toward Christlikeness, Jesus in the Gospel of John covers Jesus’ public ministry, His private ministry, and His passion ministry recorded in the book of John.

Title: Beyond the Road: A Study in the Book of Romans Course Description: Senior high students will learn that Romans is much more than a trail of verses that present the gospel. They will learn that Romans teaches about God’s grace, which opens the door for them to be right with God in their thinking and living.

Title: From Bondage to Worship: Exodus

Title: Hot Topics: Biblical Truth about Future Events

Course Description: This course covers events from Israel’s slavery in Egypt, to worship in the tabernacle. The course deals with events and topics that have significance for today’s teens.

Course Description: This study of “last things” gives an overview of Biblical prophecy and then looks in detail at events from the rapture of the church to the Great White Throne Judgment.

Title: Are You Ready? 1, 2 Timothy; Titus

Title: Living Large: Philippians

Course Description: This course presents God’s Word as the teen’s aid in becoming like Christ and fleeing temptation.

Course Description: This verse-by-verse study of the book of Philippians will encourage senior high students to live Christ-centered lives that produce fruit such as joy and unity.

Order these and other elective studies or online at www.RBPstore 8 •

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Adult Electives—New Testament Title: The New Testament Story

Title: One Solitary Life: Synoptic Gospels

Course Description: The learner will gain an understanding of the story of God’s redemption through Jesus Christ and of the birth and work of His church.

Course Description: This course helps learners discover what the synoptic Gospels teach about Christ. The lessons encourage them to follow Christ wholeheartedly and share His message of salvation with the lost.

Title: Everlasting Truths for Everyday Living: The Sermon on the Mount

Title: Growing Belief: John

Course Description: This course helps learners understand how they should interpret the Sermon on the Mount. Learners are challenged to apply principles from the sermon including distinguishing between self-righteousness and true righteousness.

Course Description: Jesus presents Himself as the object of belief as well as growing the belief of His believing disciples.

Title: The Acts of the Apostles

Title: God’s Church: 1 Corinthians

Course Description: God established, designed, and continues to bless His church so it can accomplish His will for this age.

Course Description: Learners will understand the value, place, and practice of God’s church in this present time.

Title: Abounding Grace: 2 Corinthians

Title: Let Freedom Ring: Galatians Course Description: This course teaches that God saves sinners by grace alone based on the sacrifice Christ offered on the cross. It reinforces the truth that those desiring to be saved must depend on Christ alone for salvation. It also encourages believers to live a godly life free of legalistic entanglement.

Course Description: Abounding Grace teaches learners about God’s comfort and grace. It then encourages them to share God’s comfort and grace with others. In addition, the course provides practical instructions on church discipline. Title: Living for Christ in a Fallen World: Ephesians

Title: Rejoice! Philippians

Course Description: This course on Ephesians conveys how blessed believers are in Christ and helps them appreciate salvation by grace. It challenge learners to represent Christ well in every area of life.

Course Description: This course challenges believers to become like Christ in His humility and obedience. As they grow to be like Him, they will realize His joy in their lives. This joy will sustain them through trials and will draw them closer to one another.

Title: Equipped for Life: Colossians

Title: Staying on Course: 1, 2 Thessalonians

Course Description: Colossians presents the believer’s completeness in Christ. Learners will understand that being in Christ equips them to live for Him; they lack nothing to successfully meet life’s challenges.

Course Description: Through a verse-by-verse study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, learners will be challenged to stay on course by living godly lives in light of Christ’s return. God has more work yet to do in and through believers. This course will help to maximize their usefulness for the Lord.

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Title: Where Is Your Church Going? Essentials of a Quality Church: 1 Timothy Course Description: This study on 1 Timothy covers the basic principles of church ministry. The course gives direction to a church trying to grow according to God’s design into a quality ministry. • 9

Adult Electives—New Testament/Doctrinal Title: From Forgiven to Faithfulness: 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon

Title: A Better Way: Learning to Endure, Hebrews

Course Description: From Forgiven to Faithfulness walks through the Christian life from the first steps of a new believer to the steady, faithful steps of a mature believer.

Course Description: This course presents Christ as the climax of God’s program of salvation. The learners will be challenged to recognize that Christ is supreme and to live with that truth clearly in view.

Title: Genuine Faith: James

Title: Living in Hostile Territory: 1 Peter

Course Description: Genuine Faith challenges learners to consider whether their lives show evidence of faith. A genuine believer will live out their faith. This study presents the book of James and emphasizes the book’s descriptions of what genuine, practical faith looks like in the life of a believer.

Course Description: This study helps learners know how they can handle the trials of life by the grace of God. The course provides help in dealing with the stresses of life that threaten to undo us all.

Title: Assurance: Launch Pad for Righteous Living, 1 John

Title: Zealous for the Truth: 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude

Course Description: This study reinforces the truth that God does indeed give eternal life to all those who trust in Christ as their Savior. It includes teachings on topics such as fellowship, obedience, love, truth, discernment, faith, and confidence.

Course Description: This course stresses the need for discernment of truth and for a practice of distinctive Christian living during these trouble-filled last days.

Title: Worship, Watch, and Warn: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Revelation Course Description: The Revelation passages about the throne room of God, as well as the accounts of His sovereignty during the Tribulation, will compel learners to worship God. The terrible events of the Tribulation will also cause learners to be active in sharing their faith.

Title: What the Bible Teaches (Basic Bible Doctrine) Course Description: Major teachings of Scripture emphasize the character of God, mankind’s need for salvation, and God’s complete provision of redemption through Jesus Christ.

Order these, Old Testament, and topical electives on pages 19–21 or online at

Adult Elective Closeout! - The New Testament Story - Growing Belief: John - The Acts of the Apostles - God’s Church: 1 Corinthians - What the Bible Teaches (Basic Bible Doctrine) - Jesus Christ Our Lord - Salvation: God’s Great and Gracious Gift - The Work of the Church - Our Glorious God Limited quantities are available.

Order on pages 19–21 or online at 10 •

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Classroom Resources Children’s Puzzles

Each puzzle has 8 to 10 inlaid pieces. Ages 2 to 5 • 8 3/8" x 10 7/8" • Cardboard

Jesus Thanks God for Food

RBP5608 (ISBN 978-1-59402-997-4)

Pocket Chart

Six clear plastic pockets. Use for verse visuals, sentence strips, classroom lists, and more! 28" x 28" 8664 (UPC 44222-11429) $19.99 (Can $20.99)

Solomon Builds God’s House

RBP5618 (ISBN 978-1-59402-428-3)

Peter Follows Jesus

RBP5616 (ISBN 978-1-59402-426-9)

Word Strips Jesus in God’s House

RBP5617 (ISBN 978-1-59402-427-6)

Noah Follows God’s Directions

RBP5600 (ISBN 978-0-87227-374-0)

Baby Jesus Is Born

These multicolored word strips with preprinted lines fit perfectly in the pocket chart shown above. Great for use in lesson activities and for teaching Bible verses. Pkg. of 75 8666 (UPC 44222-14287) $3.49 (Can $3.66)

RBP5601 (ISBN 978-0-87227-375-7)

God Cares for Baby Moses

RBP5602 (ISBN 978-0-87227-356-6)

Jesus Lives!

RBP5603(ISBN 978-0-87227-373-3)

God Made Me

Sentence Strips

Long, multicolored strips can be used in the pocket chart shown above. 3" x 24" • Pkg. of 75 8677 (UPC 44222-14283) $5.99 (Can $6.29)

RBP5604 (ISBN 978-0-87227-372-6)

Samuel’s New Coat

RBP5605 (ISBN 978-0-87227-357-3)

David Sings Songs

RBP5606 (ISBN 978-0-87227-371-9)

God Helps a Poor Lady

RBP5607 (ISBN 978-0-87227-358-0) $2.99 each (Can $3.14 each)

buy the set and save! Set of 12 Puzzles • RBP5621 $29.99 (Can $31.49 each)


Green road sign reminds children to go and tell others about Jesus. 7808 • Visualized Song $6.49 (Can $6.81)


Flannelgraph Boards

Plain blue background on sturdy board is ideal for almost every Bible story. Get the most out of your flannelgraph materials! 16" x 24" 6062 (UPC 9849014010) $16.99 (Can $17.84) 26" x 36" • Folding board 6063 (UPC 9849014011) $24.99 (Can $26.24)

Melodee Bells & Music Book Set

Eight colored plastic shells with metal inner bells. Designed to be used with RBP’s Children’s Ministries kits. Songbook includes 35 charts. RBP5309 $31.99 (Can $33.59)

Red stop sign reminds children to stop and witness to others. 7809 • Visualized Song $6.49 (Can $6.81)

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Order on page 21

Evangelism Tracts Wow! Guess What Happened to Me! (NKJV) RBP4060 (ISBN 1-59402-232-1) What God’s Word Teaches about Salvation RBP4005 (ISBN 978-0-87227-255-9) What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? RBP4007 (ISBN 978-0-87227-256-9) A Gift for You! RBP4059 (ISBN 978-0-87227-153-1) Pkg. of 100 $8.99 each (Can $9.44 each)

Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John

Jeannie Vogel. This evangelistic study of John 1—8 can be used one-on-one, in a small group setting, in your home, or at church. Includes reproducible student material, a leader’s guide, and information about leading a friend to Christ. 8½" x 11". Reproducible.

How to Lead a Child to Christ

Daniel H. Smith. Learn the psychological needs and wants of a child and the dos and don’ts of child evangelism. (NASB) Paper • 55 pages 8469 (ISBN 0-8024-4622-1) $6.99 (Can $7.34)

8 lessons • Spiral • 112 pages RBP5261 (ISBN 0-87227-579-5) $14.99 (Can $15.74)

Impact Evangelism Bundle A $64.15 Value for Just $19.99!

Effective ideas for evangelism in your church. Includes 1 notebook with 13 pages of sample promotional ideas, 1 package of postcards, and 3 packages of bookmarks. RBP5570K Sale $19.99 $64.15 (Can $20.99)

Ask Them Why: How to Help Unbelievers Find the Truth

Jay Lucas. This exciting apologetics book is based on the technique of asking people why they believe what they believe and helping them see the problems with their own views. Includes two audio CDs with dramatizations of the encounters. Paper • 272 pages RBP5356 (ISBN 978-1-59402-250-0) $14.99 (Can $15.74)

Wordless Book

Presents the salvation message using 5 colored pages to represent the gospel. Each book comes with a free instruction leaflet. Pkg. of 5 • 3½" x 3" 7810 $7.49 (Can $7.86)

EvangeBall—Size 5

Use the 5 colors of the Wordless Book to turn sports into fun evangelism and outreach opportunities. Size 5 ball • Ages 12 and older 8429 $16.99 (Can $17.84)

12 •

Gospel Flipper Flapper

Flip the flaps to reveal symbols and colors representing the gospel. Keep one in your pocket or purse to share God’s Word at a moment’s notice! Pkg. of 5 • 3" x 3" 7815 $3.79 (Can $3.98)


Seven-picture cube that simply and clearly presents the gospel of Jesus Christ. Instruction sheet uses several Bible translations in both English and Spanish. 2¾" x 2¾" 8418 (UPC 4188777777) $7.99 (Can $8.39)

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Discipleship Gaining Ground with Good Soil

Welcome to the Family

Gil Thomas. An evangelism and discipleship strategy with a cross-cultural missions focus. (NIV)

Valerie Wilson. This 13-lesson discipleship course may be used by a child, adult and child, or group of children to help each one understand what it means to live as God’s child.

Hardcover • 184 pages 8433 (ISBN 978-1-88879-645-2) $14.99 (Can $15.74)

Paper • 48 pages RBP5255 (ISBN 978-0-87227-291-0) $2.99 (Can $3.14)

The Story of Hope

An evangelistic overview of the redemptive story. Designed to allow for several different levels of Bible study. (NKJV) Paper • 40 pages 8432 (ISBN 978-1-88879-637-7) $7.99 (Can $8.39)

Basic Bible Truths

Over Ralph Burns. Great help for new converts. 500,000 Covers basic doctrines, gives suggestions sold! for Bible study and Scripture memorization, and offers guidance for victorious living.

The Way to Joy

Designed to be a tool for leaders to disciple new believers in basic Biblical instruction. (NKJV)

Paper • 32 pages

Paper • 32 pages 8431 (ISBN 978-1-88879-635-3) $7.99 (Can $8.39)

Spanish RBP5351 (ISBN 978-1-59402-348-4)

English RBP5003 (ISBN 978-0-87227-007-7)

$2.99 each (Can $3.14 each)

BuildUP Bible Study Series #1 Set

BuildUP to Spiritual Maturity is an intentional plan to guide believers to grow in Christ in seven distinct areas. 6 lessons • Paper Understanding Salvation • RBP5333 (ISBN 978-1-59402-296-8) Thinking Biblically • RBP5334 (ISBN 978-1-59402-308-8) NKJV Living for God • RBP5335 (ISBN 978-1-59402-315-6) Trusting the Bible • RBP5336 (ISBN 978-1-59402-316-3) Managing Life • RBP5337 (ISBN 978-1-59402-317-0) Helping Others • RBP5338 (ISBN 978-1-59402-318-7) NKJV Serving God • RBP5339 (ISBN 978-1-59402-319-4) $8.99 each (Can $9.44 each)

buy the set Set of seven • RBP5346 (ISBN 978-1-59402-334-7) $55.99 (Can $58.79) and save!

BuildUP Bible Study Series #2 Set

BuildUP to Spiritual Maturity lays the foundation for maturity in Christ. Perfect for individual or group study. 6 lessons • Paper Reach Out and Help • RBP5374 (ISBN 978-1-59402-659-1) The Bible Storyline from Start to Finish • RBP5379 (ISBN 978-1-59402-657-7) Living by the Spirit • RBP5375 (ISBN 978-1-59402-660-7) The Heart of a Servant • RBP5378 (ISBN 978-1-59402-656-0) Showing and Sharing My Faith • RBP5380 (ISBN 978-1-59402-658-4) Facing Life’s Challenges • RBP5376 (ISBN 978-1-59402-661-4) Fighting Spiritual Battles • RBP5377 (ISBN 978-1-59402-662-1) $8.99 each (Can $9.44 each)

buy the set Set of seven • RBP5387 (ISBN 978-1-59402-991-2) $55.99 (Can $58.79) and save!

Bulk discounts available when you purchase multiple copies of any RBP title! See page 15 for details. 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004) • 13

Order on page 22


Women’s Bible Studies Faces of Perseverance

Juanita Purcell. Four Bible characters— Joseph, Ruth, Job, and Esther—resolutely pressed on in spite of loss, opposition, pain, and more. Their stories will encourage your trust in God and help you respond Biblically to trouble. 10 lessons • Paper RBP5117 (978-1-60776-501-1) $8.99 (Can $9.44)

Maintaining Balance in a Stress-filled World

Midge DeSart. This enjoyable Bible study uses genuine examples of real-life stressors, Biblical role models, and Biblical truths. It will help you gain victory and maintain balance—a must in today’s hectic, worrisome world. 10 lessons • Paper • 96 pages RBP5291 (ISBN 0-87227-984-7) $8.99 (Can $9.44)

Glimpses of God

Debi Pryde. Longing to know God better? Gain a fresh understanding of God through the study of His Old Testament names. 12 lessons • Paper • 144 pages RBP5385 (ISBN 978-1-59402-870-0) $8.99 (Can $9.44)

Forgiveness: A Prescription for Peace

Juanita Purcell. Harbored hurts turn into bitterness, and bitterness imprisons us. This book will show you how to accept God’s prescription for forgiveness and know real peace. 12 lessons • Paper • 110 pages RBP 5212 (ISBN 978-1-60776-337-6) $8.99 (Can $9.44)

Growing through Crisis: Help through the Book of Nehemiah

Martha Tyler. Nehemiah faced problems that are common to all of us. He found help as he sought the “God of Heaven” and worked through the difficulties that confronted him. Learn from Nehemiah’s example how to spiritually grow through the crises of life. 12 lessons • Paper • 141 pages RBP5397 (ISBN 978-1-59402-995-0) $8.99 (Can $9.44)

Finding Fulfillment on Life’s Uncertain Seas: The Book of Ephesians

Dorothy Davis. This study of Ephesians covers topics such as rejection, insignificance, and failure—the rocks that snag us and keep us from finding fulfillment. But Ephesians shows how to find fulfillment in Jesus Christ. 10 lessons • Paper • 128 pages RBP5245 (ISBN 978-0-87227-206-4) $8.99 (Can $9.44)

Your Faith on Trial: The Books of 1 and 2 Peter

Dorothy Davis. The world tries to undermine our faith; God wants to purify and strengthen it. These nine Bible studies from the books of 1 and 2 Peter help women examine their faith—first in salvation and then in the Christian life. 9 lessons • Paper • 112 pages RBP5235 (ISBN 978-0-87227-197-5) $8.99 (Can $9.44)

Accepting the Challenge: Leadership Lessons from the Life of Moses

Jeannie Vogel. A great leader is of necessity a great follower. In addition to highlighting Moses’ character and accomplishments, this study showcases God—His greatness, His power, His provision for people, His intervention, and His faithfulness. 10 lessons • Paper • 8½" x 11" • 152 pages RBP5392 (ISBN 978-1-59402-993-6) $13.99 (Can $14.69)

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The Secret of Contentment

Juanita Purcell. This study guides us through the Bible to find how we can be content by faith, in every circumstance and relationship, with who we are, and without worrying. It shows us what to do with the “what ifs,” “if onlys,” and “whys” of life. It shows us how to be content with God’s will. 12 lessons • Paper • 128 pages RBP5353 (ISBN 978-1-59402-425-2) $8.99 (Can $9.44)

Set of Four Women’s Bible Studies

Key Truths for Women; More Key Truths for Women; Trials—Don’t Resent Them as Intruders; Draw Me Closer, Lord. This sampler is the perfect gift for the ladies in your life. Paper RBP5348 Sale $28.99 $31.96 (Can $30.44)

Free package of postcards with the purchase of 10 studies! 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

Order on page 22

Men’s Bible Studies “A Man and His . . .” Bible Studies Series A four-book series designed for men.

A Man and His Money • RBP5341 (ISBN 1-59402-329-8) A Man and His Time • RBP5342 (ISBN 978-1-59402-330-9) A Man and His Country • RBP5343 (ISBN 978-1-59402-331-6) A Man and His Ethics • RBP5344 (ISBN 978-1-59402-332-3) $8.99 (Can $9.44)

buy the set “A Man and His . . .” Series • RBP5364 $29.99 (Can $31.49) and save!

“Real Men” Bible Studies Series

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buy the set “Men At” Series • RBP5349 $29.99 (Can $31.49) and save!

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Recommended Resources These resources are recommended for use with the summer 2012 Sunday School curriculum. Learning and Living God’s Word

Daniel Estes. If you want to study the Bible but just don’t know how to get started, this manual will help you study the Bible and apply it too. Paper • 80 pages RBP5218 (ISBN 0-87227-181-1) $6.99 (Can $7.34) Recommended for Adult

Salvation Songs Favorites

Here are 100 choruses from the popular Salvation Songs for Children series. Lower keys accommodate young voices. Paper • 78 pages 7837 (ISBN 3-90117-108-8) $4.99 (Can $5.24) Recommended for Pre-Primary, Primary, and Middler

Growing Songs for Children #1

Growing Songs for Children #2

64 pages Book • 7827 (ISBN 3-90117-105-3) $4.99 (Can $5.24) Recommended for Pre-Primary, Primary, and Middler

Book • 7829 (ISBN 3-90117-112-6) $4.99 (Can $5.24) Recommended for Primary

Master Chorus Book, Vol. 1

Master Chorus Book, Vol. 2

Spiral • 112 pages 7828 (ISBN 083-419-2489) $10.99 (Can $11.54)

Spiral • 62 pages 7832 (ISBN 083-419-1814) $9.99 (Can $10.49) Recommended for Primary

Sixty choruses and songs for children.

Compiled by Ken Bible. Includes 250 favorite choruses. Arrangements are in four-part hymnal style with chord symbols.

Sixty choruses and songs.

Compiled by Ken Bible. 100 additional choruses.

Recommended for Primary and Middler

Ready Letters

Sturdy, colorful, 3" letters and numbers 0–9. Green • 8509 Recommended for 2s & 3s, Pre-Primary, and Primary Blue • 8510 Recommended for Primary and Middler Red • 8511 Recommended for Middler and Junior Black • 8512 Recommended for 2s & 3s, Pre-Primary, and Junior $3.99 each (Can $4.19 each)

Plush Animal Finger Puppets


International Kids • 8533 • 36 feet Recommended for 2s & 3s Kid Drawn Bugs • 8534 • 36 feet Recommended for 2s & 3s Straight • $3.99 each (Can $4.19) Blue • 8537 • 39 feet Recommended for Pre-Primary and Primary Rainbow • 8541 • 39 feet Recommended for Pre-Primary Green • 8587 • 39 feet Recommended for Pre-Primary, Primary, Middler, and Junior Black • 8536 • 39 feet Recommended for Junior Clouds • 8580 • 39 feet Recommended for Middler Scalloped • $2.99 each (Can $3.14 each)

Children’s Puzzles

Add life to your storytelling! Assorted styles. Set of 12. 3" tall. For ages 3 and up.

Each puzzle has 8 to 10 inlaid pieces.

9058 $9.99 (Can $10.49) Recommended for 2s & 3s

God Made Me RBP5604 (ISBN 978-0-87227-372-6)

Ages 2 to 5 • 8 3/8" x 10 7/8" • Cardboard $2.99 each (Can $3.14 each)

Recommended for 2s & 3s

Set of 12 Puzzles • RBP5621 $29.99 (Can $31.49 each)

16 •

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Qty. Item ISBN Unit Total No. Price Price

Spring Sunday School Curriculum Lil’ Sprouts Club Nursery Curriculum ____ 1012 Lil’ Sprouts Club Kit 978-1-60776-341-3 ____ 1013 Lil’ Sprouts Club Director’s Guide with CD 978-1-60776-339-0 ____ 1021 Lil’ Sprouts Club Teacher’s Guide 978-1-60776-352-9 ____ 1014 Lil’ Sprouts Club Bib 978-1-60776-342-0 ____ 1015 Lil’ Sprouts Club Teaching Pictures (12 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-343-7 ____ 1016 Lil’ Sprouts Club Posters (5 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-344-4 ____ 1017 Lil’ Sprouts Club Iron-ons (5 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-345-1 ____ 1018 Birthday Cards and Envelopes (10 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-346-8 ____ 1019 Lil’ Sprouts Club Nametags (10 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-347-5 ____ 1020 Lil’ Sprouts Club Bag Tag 978-1-60776-348-2 ____ 1022 Parenting Ready or Not (KJV) 978-1-60776-353-6 ____ 1023 Parenting Ready or Not (NKJV) 978-1-60776-363-5 ____ 1024 Lil’ Sprouts Club Music CD 978-1-60776-364-2 ____ 1025 Lil’ Sprouts Club Tote Bag 978-1-60776-371-0

89.99 _______ 59.99 _______ 11.99 _______ 7.99 _______ 6.99 _______ 4.99 _______ 7.99 _______ 5.99 _______ 5.99 _______ 2.99 _______ 9.99 _______ 9.99 _______ 6.99 _______ 9.99 _______

2s and 3s—God’s World King James Version ____ 2165 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-59402-620-1 6.99 _______ ____ 1112K Teaching Resources Packet 978-1-59402-621-8 17.99 _______ ____ 2166 Student Handwork 978-1-59402-622-5 3.89 _______ ____ 2757 Take-home Cards 978-1-59402-623-2 3.59 _______ ____ 1061 Attendance Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.) 978-1-59402-624-9 2.99 _______ New King James Version ____ 21015 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-59402-625-6 6.99 _______ ____ 1112N Teaching Resources Packet 978-1-59402-626-3 17.99 _______ ____ 21016 Student Handwork 978-1-59402-627-0 3.89 _______ ____ 21017 Take-home Cards 978-1-59402-628-7 3.59 _______ ____ 1061 Attendance Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.) 978-1-59402-624-9 2.99 _______ Recommended Resources for both KJV and NKJV­(See page 16) ____ 5604 Puzzle—God Made Me 2.99 _______ ____ 8533 Border—International Kids 3.99 _______ ____ 8534 Border—Kid-Drawn Bugs 3.99 _______ ____ 9058 Animal Finger Puppets—Assorted (set of 12) 9.99 _______ ____ 8509 Ready Letters—Green 3.99 _______ ____ 8512 Ready Letters—Black 3.99 _______

Pre-Primary—Joseph; David; Jonah King James Version ____ 2279 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-59402-629-4 6.99 _______ ____ 1237K Teaching Resources Packet 978-1-59402-630-0 17.99 _______ ____ 2280 Student Book 1 (pre-kindergarten students) 978-1-59402-631-7 3.89 _______ ____ 2281 Student Book 2 (kindergarten students) 978-1-59402-632-4 3.89 _______ ____ 2761 Planting Faith at Home (parent/child papers) 978-1-59402-633-1 3.59 _______ ____ 1276 Attendance Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.) 978-1-59402-634-8 2.99 _______ New King James Version ____ 22030 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-59402-635-5 6.99 _______ ____ 1237N Teaching Resources Packet 978-1-59402-636-2 17.99 _______ ____ 22033 Student Book 1 (pre-kindergarten students) 978-1-59402-637-9 3.89 _______ ____ 22034 Student Book 2 (kindergarten students) 978-1-59402-638-6 3.89 _______ ____ 22035 Planting Faith at Home (parent/child papers) 978-1-59402-639-3 3.59 _______ ____ 1276 Attendance Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.) 978-1-59402-634-8 2.99 _______ Recommended Resources for both KJV and NKJV (See page 16) ____ 7827 Growing Songs for Children #1 4.99 _______ ____ 7837 Salvation Songs Favorites 4.99 _______ ____ 8509 Ready Letters—Green 3.99 _______ ____ 8512 Ready Letters—Black 3.99 _______ ____ 8537 Border—Scalloped Blue 2.99 _______ ____ 8541 Border—Scalloped Rainbow 2.99 _______ ____ 8587 Border—Scalloped Green 2.99 _______

Primary—Learning to Serve

18 •

978-1-60776-205-8 3.89 _______ ____ 23036 Student Book 1 (1st grade students) ____ 23037 Student Book 2 (2nd grade students) 978-1-60776-206-5 3.89 _______ ____ 23038 God’s Explorers (take-home paper) 978-1-60776-207-2 3.59 _______ ____ 1308 Attendance/Verse Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-202-7 2.99 _______ Recommended Resources for both KJV and NKJV (See page 16) ____ 7827 Growing Songs for Children #1 4.99 _______ ____ 7829 Growing Songs for Children #2 4.99 _______ ____ 7828 Master Chorus Book Vol. 1 10.99 _______ ____ 7832 Master Chorus Book Vol. 2 9.99 _______ ____ 7837 Salvation Songs Favorites 4.99 _______ ____ 8537 Border—Scalloped Blue 2.99 _______ ____ 8587 Border—Scalloped Green 2.99 _______ ____ 8509 Ready Letters—Green 3.99 _______ ____ 8510 Ready Letters—Blue 3.99 _______

Middler—Preparing for God’s Future—Epistles through Revelation King James Version ____ 1480 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-60776-208-9 6.99 _______ ____ 1481K Teaching Resources Packet 978-1-60776-209-6 17.99 _______ ____ 1482 Student Book 978-1-60776-210-2 3.89 _______ ____ 1483 Truth Travelers (take-home paper) 978-1-60776-211-9 3.59 _______ ____ 1484 Attendance and Verse Stickers (5 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-212-6 1.99 _______ New King James Version ____ 24035 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-60776-213-3 6.99 _______ ____ 1481N Teaching Resources Packet 978-1-60776-214-0 17.99 _______ ____ 24036 Student Book 978-1-60776-215-7 3.89 _______ ____ 24037 Truth Travelers (take-home paper) 978-1-60776-216-4 3.59 _______ ____ 1484 Attendance and Verse Stickers (5 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-212-6 1.99 _______ Recommended Resources for both KJV and NKJV (See page 16) ____ 7827 Growing Songs for Children #1 4.99 _______ ____ 7828 Master Chorus Book Vol. 1 10.99 _______ ____ 7837 Salvation Songs Favorites 4.99 _______ ____ 8580 Border—Scalloped Clouds 2.99 _______ ____ 8587 Border—Scalloped Green 2.99 _______ ____ 8510 Ready Letters—Blue 3.99 _______ ____ 8511 Ready Letters—Red 3.99 _______

Junior—Serving God

King James Version ____ 1535 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-60776-217-1 6.99 _______ ____ 1536K Teaching Resources Packet 978-1-60776-218-8 17.99 _______ ____ 1537 Student Book 978-1-60776-219-5 3.89 _______ ____ 1538 Faith Detectives (take-home paper) 978-1-60776-220-1 3.59 _______ ____ 1539 Recognition Stickers (5 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-221-8 1.99 _______ New King James Version ____ 25035 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-60776-222-5 6.99 _______ ____ 1536N Teaching Resources Packet 978-1-60776-223-2 17.99 _______ ____ 25036 Student Book 978-1-60776-224-9 3.89 _______ ____ 25037 Faith Detectives (take-home paper) 978-1-60776-225-6 3.59 _______ ____ 1539 Recognition Stickers (5 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-221-8 1.99 _______ Recommended Resources for both KJV and NKJV (See Page 16) ____ 8536 Border— Scalloped Black 2.99 _______ ____ 8587 Border— Scalloped Green 2.99 _______ ____ 8511 Ready Letters—Red 3.49 _______ ____ 8512 Ready Letters—Black 3.49 _______

Junior High—Growing Spiritually (KJV) ____ 2525 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2526 Student Devotional Book

978-0-87227-872-1 978-0-87227-733-5

7.99 _______ 4.49 _______

Senior High—Outfitted for Life’s Choices (KJV)—NEW! ____ 2665 Teacher’s Guide 978-0-87227-281-1 7.99 _______ ____ 2664 Teacher’s Resource CD 978-1-59402-444-3 14.99 _______ ____ 2696 Student Devotional Book 978-1-59402-357-6 4.49 _______ ____ 2668 Memory Verses Card Pack 978-0-87227-284-2 1.89 _______ ____ Senior High Classroom Poster FREE

Adult—Broken and Building: Becoming a Spiritual Leader, Nehemiah

____ 0066 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-508-0 7.99 _______ ____ 0067 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-509-7 14.99 _______ ____ 0068 Resource CD 978-1-60776-510-3 14.99 _______ ____ 0069 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-511-0 4.49 _______ ____ 0070 Horizons 978-1-60776-512-7 3.29 _______ ____ Adult Study Promotional Poster FREE Recommended Resource (See page 16) ____ 5218 Learning and Living God’s Word 0-87227-181-1 6.99 _______ Total page 18 _______

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King James Version ____ 1390 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-60776-197-6 6.99 _______ ____ 1391K Teaching Resources Packet 978-1-60776-198-3 17.99 _______ ____ 1392 Student Book 1 (1st-grade students) 978-1-60776-199-0 3.89 _______ ____ 1393 Student Book 2 (2nd-grade students) 978-1-60776-200-3 3.89 _______ ____ 1394 God’s Explorers (take-home papers) 978-1-60776-201-0 3.59 _______ ____ 1308 Attendance/Verse Charts and Stickers (5 per pkg.) 978-1-60776-202-7 2.99 _______ New King James Version ____ 23035 Teacher’s Guide 978-1-60776-203-4 6.99 _______ ____ 1391N Teaching Resources Packet 978-1-60776-204-1 17.99 _______

Qty. Item ISBN Unit Total No. Price Price

Qty. Item ISBN Unit Total No. Price Price


Senior High Electives Jesus in the Gospel of John ____ 2660 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2659 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2699 Student Devotional Book ____ 2663 Memory Verses Card Pack From Bondage to Worship: Exodus ____ 2605 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2606 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2600 Student Devotional Book ____ 2634 Memory Verses Card Pack Are You Ready? 1, 2 Timothy; Titus ____ 2670 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2669 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2601 Student Devotional Book ____ 2673 Memory Verses Card Pack Hot Topics: Biblical Truths about Future Events ____ 2675 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2674 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2602 Student Devotional Book ____ 2678 Memory Verses Card Pack Living Large: Philippians ____ 2680 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2679 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2603 Student Devotional Book ____ 2683 Memory Verses Card Pack The Spreading of the Church: Acts ____ 2607 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2608 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2604 Student Devotional Book ____ 2644 Memory Verses Card Pack Reality Check: The Book of James ____ 2610 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2609 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2689 Student Devotional Book ____ 2613 Memory Verses Card Pack Choosing God’s Way: Proverbs ____ 2635 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2614 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2690 Student Devotional Book ____ 2638 Memory Verses Card Pack Run the Play: Lessons in Joshua ____ 2620 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2619 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2691 Student Devotional Book ____ 2623 Memory Verses Card Pack God Speaks on Big Issues ____ 2625 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2624 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2692 Student Devotional Book ____ 2628 Memory Verses Card Pack My Bible: Can I Trust It? ____ 2630 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2629 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2693 Student Devotional Book ____ 2633 Memory Verses Card Pack Shattering the Deception of Cults and False Religions ____ 2615 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2684 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2694 Student Devotional Book ____ 2618 Memory Verses Card Pack

978-0-87227-267-5 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-447-4 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-360-6 4.49 _______ 978-0-87227-572-0 1.89 _______ 978-1-59402-448-1 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-449-8 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-361-3 4.49 _______ 978-1-59402-450-4 1.89 _______ 978-0-87227-419-8 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-451-1 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-362-0 4.49 _______ 978-0-87227-416-7 1.89 _______ 978-0-87227-395-5 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-452-8 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-363-7 4.49 _______ 978-0-87227-396-2 1.89 _______ 978-0-87227-578-2 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-453-5 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-364-6 4.49 _______ 978-0-87227-575-1 1.89 _______ 978-1-59402-454-2 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-455-9 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-365-1 4.49 _______ 978-1-59402-456-6 1.89 _______ 978-0-87227-618-5 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-429-0 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-350-7 4.49 _______ 978-0-87227-616-1 1.89 _______ 978-1-59402-021-6 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-430-6 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-351-4 4.49 _______ 978-1-59402-024-7 1.89 _______ 978-0-87227-853-0 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-439-9 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-352-1 4.49 _______ 978-0-87227-855-4 1.89 _______ 978-0-87227-870-7 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-440-5 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-353-8 4.49 _______ 978-0-87227-873-8 1.89 _______ 978-0-87227-977-3 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-441-2 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-354-5 4.49 _______ 978-0-87227-979-7 1.89 _______ 978-0-87227-767-0 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-442-9 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-355-2 4.49 _______ 978-0-87227-769-4 1.89 _______

1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

Qty. Item ISBN Unit Total No. Price Price Beyond the Road: A Study in the Book of Romans ____ 2640 Teacher’s Guide ____ 2639 Teacher’s Resource CD ____ 2695 Student Devotional Book ____ 2643 Memory Verses Card Pack

978-1-59402-069-8 7.99 _______ 978-1-59402-443-6 14.99 _______ 978-1-59402-356-9 4.49 _______ 978-1-59402-072-8 1.89 _______

Faith Builders Bible Studies for Youth ____ 2819 Apologetics ____ 2818 Spiritual Maturity (1 Corinthians) ____ 2817 Worship ____ 2816 Ephesians ____ 2815 The Church ____ 2814 Prayer

0-87227-423-3 0-87227-421-7 0-87227-420-9 1-59402-135-X 1-59402-134-1 1-59402-133-3

9.99 _______ 9.99 _______ 9.99 _______ 9.99 _______ 9.99 _______ 9.99 _______

Adult Electives Old Testament Courses The Old Testament Story ____ 2045 Teacher’s Guide 0-87227-738-0 ____ 2046 Transparency Packet 0-87227-740-2 ____ 2047 Student Book 0-87227-739-9 LD Genesis • From Eden to Egypt ____ 1631 Leader’s Guide 0-87227-278-8 ____ 1632 Transparency Packet 0-87227-285-0 ____ 1633 Resource CD 978-0-87227-286-6 ____ 1634 Bible Study Book 0-87227-283-4 Exodus—Deuteronomy • Approaching God ____ 1614 Teacher’s Guide 1-59402-025-6 ____ 1615 Transparency Packet 1-59402-026-4 ____ 1616 PowerPoint Presentation (CD) 1-59402-027-2 ____ 1617 Student Book 1-59402-028-0 LD Joshua • Claim the Victory! ____ 1641 Leader’s Guide 0-87227-402-0 ____ 1642 Transparency Packet 0-87227-407-1 ____ 1643 Resource CD 978-0-87227-408-2 ____ 1644 Bible Study Book 0-87227-409-8 LD Judges and Ruth • Glimmers of Hope in Dark Times ____ 1651 Leader’s Guide 1-59402-244-5 ____ 1652 Transparency Packet 1-59402-245-3 ____ 1653 Resource CD 978-1-59402-246-3 ____ 1654 Bible Study Book 1-59402-247-X LD 1, 2 Samuel; 1 Kings • Crises and Crowns: Israel— United Kingdom ____ 1661 Leader’s Guide 1-59402-335-2 ____ 1662 Transparency Packet 1-59402-336-0 ____ 1663 Resource CD 978-1-59402-337-8 ____ 1664 Bible Study Book 1-59402-338-7 LD 1, 2 Kings; 2 Chronicles • Glory and Captivity: Israel—Divided Kingdom ____ 1681 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-370-5 ____ 1682 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-371-2 ____ 1683 Resource CD 978-1-59402-372-9 ____ 1684 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-373-6 LD Ezra and Esther • In Sovereign Hands ____ 1695 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-457-3 ____ 1696 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-458-0 ____ 1697 Resource CD 978-1-59402-459-7 ____ 1698 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-460-3 LD Psalms • Lyrics for Life: Selected Psalms ____ 1709 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-477-1 ____ 1710 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-478-8 ____ 1711 Resource CD 978-1-59402-479-5 ____ 1712 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-480-1

7.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 4.49 _______ 7.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 4.49 _______ 7.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 4.49 _______ 7.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 4.49 _______ 7.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 4.49 _______ 7.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 4.49 _______ 7.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 4.49 _______ 7.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 4.49 _______ 7.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 14.99 _______ 4.49 _______

otal page 19 _______ T LD Life Design Curriculum • 19

Qty. Item ISBN Unit Total No. Price Price

Proverbs • Walking Wisely in a Wacky World ____ 1607 Teacher’s Guide 0-87227-876-X ____ 1608 Transparency Packet 0-87227-878-6 ____ 1609 Student Book 0-87227-877-8 LD Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon • Under the Sun ____ 1719 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-487-0 ____ 1720 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-488-7 ____ 1721 Resource CD 978-1-59402-489-4 ____ 1722 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-490-0 LD Isaiah • Messiah, the World’s Only Hope: Christ in Isaiah ____ 1735 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-671-3 ____ 1736 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-672-0 ____ 1737 Resource CD 978-1-59402-673-7 ____ 1738 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-674-4 LD Jeremiah and Lamentations • Tears for Shattered Lives ____ 0006 Leader’s Guide 978-1-59402-934-9 ____ 0007 Transparency Packet 978-1-59402-935-6 ____ 0008 Resource CD 978-1-59402-936-3 ____ 0009 Bible Study Book 978-1-59402-937-0 LD Ezekiel • Visions of Glory ____ 0016 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-130-3 ____ 0017 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-131-0 ____ 0018 Resource CD 978-1-60776-132-7 ____ 0019 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-133-4 LD Daniel • Our God Reigns ____ 0026 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-226-3 ____ 0027 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-227-0 ____ 0028 Resource CD 978-1-60776-228-7 ____ 0029 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-229-4 LD Minor Prophets, Part 1 • Responding to God’s Faithful Intervention ____ 0036 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-332-1 ____ 0037 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-333-8 ____ 0038 Resource CD 978-1-60776-334-5 ____ 0039 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-335-2 LD Minor Prophets, Part 2 • Responding to God’s Faithful Intervention ____ 0041 Leader’s Guide 978-1-60776-358-1 ____ 0042 Transparency Packet 978-1-60776-359-8 ____ 0043 Resource CD 978-1-60776-360-4 ____ 0044 Bible Study Book 978-1-60776-361-1

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