RBP VBS 2017 | Over the Moat: Drawbridge to the King!

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2017 VBS Catalog Regular Baptist Press • Building Lives by the Book

“Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. For God is the King of all the earth” (Ps. 47:6, 7).

When we think of medieval times, we think of castles, knights, and daring deeds. While we no longer wear suits of armor, live in high towers, or walk across drawbridges, they represent what we still need—safety. God is our king, refuge, high tower, and shield. We can run to tell Him about our joys and our fears—and keep on praising Him. By looking at the life of David, students will learn about God, our King—who He is and what He has done. David knew that God was his refuge, strength, shield, and fortress. He continually sang praises to his King.

CONTENTS The Evangelistic VBS!TM . . . . . . . . . 4 Program Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lesson Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Introductory Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Director’s Resources. . . . . . . . . . . 11 Classroom Materials. . . . . . . . . . . 12 Evangelism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Promotions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Crafts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Attendance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Decorations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Puppet Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Teaching Resources . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Games & Snacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Apparel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Gifts, Awards, & More . . . . . . . . . . 36 Missions Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

TO ORDER United States

www.rbpVBS.org 1.800.727.4440 Foreign orders 1.847.843.1600 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Friday (CST) Fax: 1.847.843.3757


www.rbpCanada.com 1.800.366.8004 London area: 519.659.2227


The Evangelistic VBS!


A strong emphasis on the salvation message With RBP VBS, no teacher ever has to be without a copy of the salvation message; it’s a fully integrated, gospel-centered VBS program that weaves the salvation message into each lesson! Our Vacation Bible School programs are built around a solid theological framework and motivated by a desire to teach Bible truths using age-appropriate methods.

Endorsed by the largest evangelistic outreach ministry to children Customers know that we truly are the evangelistic VBS. Even the world’s largest evangelistic outreach ministry to children has recognized this! RBP is the only VBS publisher recommended by CEF®! Find out why at rbpVBS.org/CEFrecommends.


Program Overview Each day, students will head off to the courtyard for a time of worship and singing. They may even get to meet Finnegan Fox and his friends! Throughout the day they’ll explore castle life. Working at the smithy, they’ll forge crafts that will remind them to praise God. They’ll sharpen their skills in the field for royal competitions. And when they get hungry from all the jousting and other games, they’ll return to the castle’s great hall to feast on a banquet of snacks fit for a king! The most important part of every day is that students will learn about David, who loved God with all his heart and wanted to please Him. Students will learn that having a heart pleasing to God begins with trusting Jesus as Savior. They will be challenged to trust God and be courageous, deciding to praise God, our King, in good times and hard times, to praise God in song and prayer, and to tell others about our wonderful King.


Lesson 1 CHOSEN: SAMUEL ANOINTS DAVID Loving God 1 Sam. 16:1–13 Students will understand that having a heart pleasing to God begins with trusting Jesus. MEMORY VERSE 1 Sam. 16:7 TOPIC God is King. Approach Him with love.


Lesson Overview Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

EMPOWERED: DAVID FIGHTS GOLIATH Trusting in God 1 Sam. 17:1–51

PROTECTED: JONATHAN WARNS DAVID Praising God 1 Sam. 18:1–14; 20; 23:14–18

CROWNED: DAVID HONORS GOD Telling others about God 2 Sam. 4:4; 9:1–7

PROMISED: GOD KEEPS HIS WORD Giving thanks to God 2 Chron. 6:1–14

Students will identify tasks for which they can trust God for strength and courage.

Students will discover ways to praise God, even when times are hard.

Students will honor the King by telling others about Him.

Students will praise God in song and in prayer.


MEMORY VERSE Ps. 18:2, 3

MEMORY VERSE 1 Chron. 16:8

MEMORY VERSE Ps. 47:6, 7

TOPIC God is King. Trust Him for strength and courage.

TOPIC God is King. Praise Him, for He is worthy.

TOPIC God is King. Tell others about Him.

TOPIC God is King. Thank Him for His faithfulness.

Over the Moat is adaptable to your schedule. Each daily program is designed to last between two and three hours.


Introduct Only $109.99

(Canada $170.48) KJV RBP31700 (ISBN 978-1-62940-230-7) NKJV RBP31750 (ISBN 978-1-62940-278-9)

Director’s Resources

Director’s Guide Director’s Resource CD Set Thank-You Card Teacher Books (2s & 3s–Youth) Student Activity Sheets (2s & 3s–Junior)

Youth Student Book Adult Bible Study Facing Life's Giants Verse Poster Salvation Poster Gospel Bookmark 5 Salvation Tracts

Classroom Materials


Promotions Missions Poster (see p. 38)


Welcome to the Family! Family Fun Sheet Missions Poster Theme Poster Jumbo Theme Poster Theme Invitation Flyer Theme Bulletin Cover

Gifts, Awards, & More!

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)


tory Kit Theme Postcard Theme Doorknob Hanger Craft Ideas Book Design Your Own Inflatable Sword Leather Bracelet Craft Music CD

Songbook (Download) Registration Card Attendance Chart Nametags Over the Moat Pass & Sticker Sheet Backpack

Pouch Sticky Notepad Iron-On Theme Button Logo Balloon Logo Sticker Bendable Knight




Catalog & DVD

Wall Torch Light Inflatable Sword and Shield Friends of Finnegan Plush Fox Royal Slap Bracelet Armor Pencil Fox Mini Pullback Racer Catalog Promotional DVD

Director’s Resources

Over the Moat Director’s Resource CD Set

Over the Moat Director’s Guide

Two CDs: a Director’s Resource CD and a Decorating CD.

Visit the King this summer! Just go Over the Moat and into the castle! Your director’s guide contains detailed instructions for every stage of your VBS: planning, preparations, and the big event. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned director, you’ll have help with all aspects—from the serious to the fun. The guide covers practical issues, like recruiting volunteers and training staff. It covers creative matters, like publicizing your VBS and decorating. And it covers fun things like games, snacks, and contests the entire castle will enjoy. It even includes a skit with the lovable, laughable knight-wannabe Clyde McClutsen! RBP31701 (ISBN 978-1-62940-231-4) $14.99 (Can. $23.23)

Jester Hat Full-size jester hat in gold, green, and purple, complete with bells. One size fits most. RBP31848 (ISBN 978-1-62940-577-3) $11.99 (Can. $18.58)

RBP31702 (ISBN 978-1-62940-232-1) $24.99 (Can. $38.73)

Director’s Resource CD • Digital copy of Director’s Guide • PowerPoint files to help with teacher training • Templates to print or photocopy information onto

doorknob hangers, invitation flyers, nametags, and postcards • PowerPoint files for the memory verses and songs • Template for Castle Cash • 10 coloring pages • Information on Missions Offering Project—Operation Classroom: Equipping Church Plants to Teach Kids • Catalog and order form links . . . and more!

Decorating CD • Patterns, clip art, mural ideas • Expanded ideas for decorating • Operation Classroom poster and

photos for display

Over the Moat Pouch This best seller is great for leaders and students alike! Appropriate for royalty, the pouch is purple with gold stitching and displays the Over the Moat logo. Includes a clear pocket, hidden zipper pocket, pencil holder, and lanyard with safety breakaway feature. 5" x 6½". Pkg. of 10 RBP31740 (978-1-62940-269-7) $24.99 (Can. $38.73)

Thank-You Cards Use these cards to write appreciation notes to your VBS team or as follow up, thanking parents for letting their children attend VBS. Pkg. of 20 RBP31704 (ISBN 978-1-62940-234-5) $6.99 (Can. $10.83)

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)



Classroom Materials Teacher Books Introduce students to the King of all the earth. Lead them to ask, Will I accept Jesus as my Savior? Teach them to love and trust God and tell others about Him. Let them know, too, that in good times and hard times, God is faithful, and teach them to praise and thank Him for Who He is and what He does! • Comprehensive

preparation plans • Dynamic, clear methods and teaching tips • Decorating ideas • Step-by-step

Use the teacher books to boost teacher effectiveness! • Student

participation in each story of the gospel throughout all the lesson plans • Attention-holding, fun ways to reinforce lessons • Classroom control through motivating desirable behavior • Student application of lessons • Integration

KJV Teacher Books 2s & 3s (includes games, crafts, and guided playtime) RBP31705 (ISBN 978-1-62940-235-2) Pre-Primary (ages 4 & 5; 6-year-olds in kindergarten) RBP31708 (ISBN 978-1-62940-238-3) Primary (ages 6–8 or first and second grades) RBP31710 (ISBN 978-1-62940-240-6) Middler (ages 8–10 or third and fourth grades) RBP31712 (ISBN 978-1-62940-242-0) Junior (ages 10–12 or fifth and sixth grades) RBP31714 (ISBN 978-1-62940-244-4) Youth (ages 12 and older or grades 7 and above) RBP31716 (ISBN 978-1-62940-246-8)

NKJV Teacher Books 2s & 3s (includes games, crafts, and guided playtime) RBP31753 (ISBN 978-1-62940-280-2) Pre-Primary (ages 4 & 5; 6-year-olds in kindergarten) RBP31755 (ISBN 978-1-62940-282-6) Primary (ages 6–8 or first and second grades) RBP31757 (ISBN 978-1-62940-284-0) Middler (ages 8–10 or third and fourth grades) RBP31759 (ISBN 978-1-62940-286-4) Junior (ages 10–12 or fifth and sixth grades) RBP31761 (ISBN 978-1-62940-288-8) Youth (ages 12 and older or grades 7 and above) RBP31763 (ISBN 978-1-62940-290-1) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

13 Student Activity Sheets Personalize student learning

• Reiterate lesson truths with age-appropriate coloring pages, crafts, activities, puzzles, or games • Provide application ideas • Let parents see what their children are learning • One sticker sheet (for 2s & 3s and Pre-Primary) • Two trading cards for each lesson (for Primary, Middler, and Junior) Card 1—memory verse & scene Card 2—lesson summary & Bible lesson picture

KJV Student Activity Sheets and Youth Student Book 2s & 3s RBP31706 (ISBN 978-1-62940-236-9) Pre-Primary RBP31709 (ISBN 978-1-62940-239-0) Primary RBP31711 (ISBN 978-1-62940-241-3) Middler RBP31713 (ISBN 978-1-62940-243-7) Junior RBP31715 (ISBN 978-1-62940-245-1) Youth RBP31717 (ISBN 978-1-62940-247-5) NKJV Student Activity Sheets and Youth Student Book 2s & 3s RBP31754 (ISBN 978-1-62940-281-9) Pre-Primary RBP31756 (ISBN 978-1-62940-283-3) Primary RBP31758 (ISBN 978-1-62940-285-7) Middler RBP31760 (ISBN 978-1-62940-287-1) Junior RBP31762 (ISBN 978-1-62940-289-5) Youth RBP31764 (ISBN 978-1-62940-291-8) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Over the Moat Visual Packet & CD Help students picture the life and times of David— the shepherd boy who became a king and loved God with his whole heart. Order one packet for each classroom (2s & 3s–Junior). 11" x 14". • Five

8-page visual books, one book per lesson available on CD for increased visibility • Theme-related salvation poster included for all-year use! • PowerPoint

RBP31707 (ISBN 978-1-62940-237-6) $17.99 (Can. $27.88)

Adult Bible Study—Facing Life’s Giants: A Study of the Life of David

Over the Moat Family Fun Sheets

Jay Lucas. Life can be difficult. The Bible tells the true-life story of David, a man who knew how it felt to deal with giants—a literal giant and figurative giants—every day. Learners will discover they have more in common with David than they might think. They’ll also learn that the giants they face in life never have to win. Ever.

These take-home sheets reinforce the truths learned at VBS.

KJV RBP31718 (ISBN 978-1-62940-248-2) NKJV RBP31765 (ISBN 978-1-62940-292-5) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

Pkg. of 25 RBP31738 (978-1-62940-267-3) $6.99 (Can. $10.83)



Gospel Bookmarks Use this bookmark to share the gospel. Theme on front; plan of salvation on back. • Encourage

Salvation Poster Colorful gospel presentation • One

poster in each visual packet (p. 13) the plan of salvation • Usable all year long • Valuable as an outreach into the home • Presents

students to share an extra bookmark with a friend • Give one to each parent who attends the closing program Pkg. of 50 RBP31737 (978-1-62940-266-6) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

RBP31736 (978-1-62940-265-9) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Good News Beach Ball Another way to use touch, sight, and hearing to share the gospel! Multipurpose evangelism tool features six panels in the colors of the Wordless Book. Can be used for games, learning activities, prizes, and more. 12" • Pkg. of 5 RBP30133 (978-1-59402-309-5) $12.99 (Can. $20.13)

Over the Moat Family Fun Sheets Send students home with these sheets full of ideas for reinforcing the truths learned at VBS. • Foster

church-home relationships opportunities for family-centered fun! • Do-it-together activities • Includes copy of salvation poster • Provide

Pkg. of 25 RBP31738 (978-1-62940-267-3) $6.99 (Can. $10.83)


eCube Classic

eBall Soccer

Flip through the eCard and simply share Jesus around the block or around the world! The eCard fits easily into your pocket, wallet, Bible, etc.

Presents the gospel. Uses several Bible translations in both English and Spanish.

Use the five colors of the Wordless Book to turn sports into fun evangelism and outreach opportunities. Pump included. Instruction sheet uses several Bible translations in both English and Spanish.

eCard • 8438 Flat, 2¾" x 2¾" • Pkg. of 5 $4.99 (Can. $7.73) eCard BIG • 8437 Flat, 8" x 8" • Pkg. of 10 $24.99 (Can. $38.73)

One Cube • 2¾" x 2¾" 8418 (UPC 4188777777) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)

The BIG Cube Larger version of the eCube classic. Unassembled. 8" x 8" 8421 (UPC 418877770A) $24.99 (Can. $38.73)

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

Size 5 ball 8429 $19.99 (Can. $30.98)

15 Books Learn how to share the gospel with children or to follow up with the kids who make salvation decisions. Welcome to the Family!

Valerie Wilson. This 13-lesson discipleship course may be used by a child, adult and child, or group of children to help each one understand what it means to live as God’s child. 48 pages. RBP5255 (ISBN 978-0-87227-291-0) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Basic Bible Truths

Ralph O. Burns. Designed for discipleship. Covers basic doctrines, Bible study, and memorization. 32 pages. English • RBP5003 (ISBN 978-0-87227-007-7) Spanish • RBP5351 (ISBN 978-1-59402-348-4) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Meet the King!

Tracts Tracts are an inexpensive, effective way to share the gospel and explain how to live the Christian life.

Child Evangelism Fellowship. Learn about Jesus— Who He is and what He has done. 16 pages.

Pkg. of 50 $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

Pkg. of 5 7820 (ISBN 978-1-55976-659-3) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?

How to Lead a Child to Christ

RBP4007 (ISBN 978-0-87227-256-9)

Defines salvation and explains sin, its penalty, its remedy, and the way to assurance of salvation.

Daniel H. Smith. Learn the dos and don’ts of child evangelism. Your staff will be better equipped to fulfill an important goal of VBS—leading children to Jesus! (NASB) 55 pages.

What God’s Word Teaches about Salvation

8469 (ISBN 978-0-8024-4622-0) $6.99 (Can. $10.83)

RBP4005 (ISBN 978-0-87227-255-2)

Explains the plan of salvation and uses supporting Scriptures.

A Gift for You

Uses John 3:16 to explain the plan of salvation. RBP4059 (ISBN 978-0-87227-153-1)

How to Live the Christian Life

Scripture for follow-up with children. RBP4006 (ISBN 978-0-87227-254-5)

Wow! Guess What Happened to Me! Send this home with kids who have made a salvation decision.

KJV • RBP4063 (ISBN 978-1-60776-835-7) NKJV • RBP4060 (ISBN 978-1-59402-232-6)

Read these tracts at rbpVBS.org/tracts.

Outreach Bibles This easy-to-read (8-point type) black-letter-text paperback Bible is ideal for distribution at VBS or to use in any of your church ministries. Less than $2 a Bible! Paper • 81/4" x 5 3/8" • 824 pages • Case of 28 King James Version • 6594 (ISBN 978-0-71801-197-0) New King James Version • 6595 (ISBN 978-0-52912-301-5) $49.99 (Can. $74.99)


Promotions Theme Poster Publicize your Over the Moat adventure with this vibrant poster! 17" x 22". • Write

in your VBS date, time, and location these posters in stores, libraries, schools, and other public places where kids and parents will see them • Display in classrooms, the church foyer, and on bulletin boards • Write in a verse or message and give as a gift or prize • Send one home with each student • Hang

RBP31720 (ISBN 978-1-62940-250-5) $1.99 (Can. $3.08)

Jumbo Theme Poster Don’t have a trumpet or a herald? No problem! Publicize your Over the Moat festivities with this vibrant poster! This eye-catching, easy-to-read poster provides information at a glance. 22" x 34". RBP31721 (ISBN 978-1-62940-251-2) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

Theme Bulletin Covers Enthusiasm for VBS will escalate when you use Over the Moat bulletins: • In

regular church services brochures listing needs and prayer requests • As autograph booklets for knights, lords, ladies, and castle staff • At your VBS closing program • As

Pkg. of 50 RBP31724 (ISBN 978-1-62940-254-3) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

Theme Invitation Flyers VBS is an adventure kids won’t want to miss! Invite them using these printable flyers.

• Make 8½" x 5½" flyers (2 per page) that fit perfectly in the church bulletin (see Theme Bulletin Covers) • Include in visitors’ packets for Sunday School, church, and weekday clubs before your program begins • Hang in every room in your church • Post on local bulletin boards • Hang in local windows and doors

Pkg. of 50 (Makes 100 flyers) RBP31723 (ISBN 978-1-62940-253-6) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

17 Theme Postcards Raise enthusiasm—mail theme postcards. • Invite

kids from last summer’s VBS and this year’s weekly programs mail to your students—let them know you’re thinking of them • Invite kids and parents to church activities after VBS • Tell parents about the closing program • Remind workers of staff meetings • Use for bulk mailings • Use the template (on Director’s Resource CD) and a laser printer or copier to include your VBS information • Send

Pkg. of 100 cards (25 sheets of four 4¼" x 5½" cards) RBP31725 (ISBN 978-1-62940-255-0) $13.99 (Can. $21.68)

Theme Doorknob Hangers Three perforated doorknob hangers on each 8½" x 11" sheet make it easy to photocopy your VBS date and time onto the back. Leave one on every door in your neighborhood! • Simplify: Use printer or copier template (on Director’s Resource CD) • Reinforce: Tear-off reminder of the dates, time, and place • Canvass: Get each family to invite the kids on their street • Mail in: Have students mail in the registration form

Pkg. of 48 hangers (16 sheets of 3) RBP31726 (ISBN 978-1-62940-256-7) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)

Theme Banner Let your knightly banner blaze! “Fly” this banner on your church lawn or hang it in your great hall to welcome guests! 3' x 6'. • Durable

plastic vents to prevent damage • One sided, with grommets for easy displaying • Room for your own message—dates, times, students’ age range, key verse, welcome message, etc. • Wind

RBP31727 (ISBN 978-1-62940-257-4) $26.99 (Can. $41.83)


Music Over the Moat Songbook Appealing songs help kids learn Bible truths. • NEW!

3 songs written just for Over the Moat popular hymns • 4 choruses • VBS favorite “The Best Place” • 2

Print Version • RBP31729 (ISBN 978-1-62940-259-8) $15.99 (Can. $24.78) Digital Version • RBP31729EB (ISBN 978-1-62940-259-8) $15.99

Listen t o mu rbpVBS sic samples a .org/m usic. t

• Available • For

for purchase online at rbpVBS.org! single-church use; cannot be shared

Song Transparency Packet Colorful transparencies make learning the songs easier! • Lyrics—words

are provided for readers in VBS assemblies, Sunday School, and church services • Flexibility—use

RBP31731 (ISBN 978-1-62940-261-1) $15.99 (Can. $24.78)

Over the Moat Music CD Set • Choose from two accompaniment styles: a piano-only version and an instrumental version • Both versions include vocal tracks for learning words • Listen to samples at www.rbpVBS.org/music • CD can be used in Sunday School, children’s church, or weekday programs before and after VBS

RBP31730 (ISBN 978-1-62940-260-4) $15.99 (Can. $24.78)

Over the Moat Music CD 10-pack 10-pack of music CDs for distribution to teachers and students • Offered

in 2 versions: piano and vocal; instrumental and vocal to VBS workers • Send home as a souvenir • Distribute

Piano with vocals 10-pack RBP31767 (ISBN 978-1-62940-293-2) $24.99 (Can. $38.73) Instrumental with vocals 10-pack RBP31768 (ISBN 978-1-62940-294-9) $24.99 (Can. $38.73)

Due to copyright restrictions, these CDs are NOT reproducible. Please purchase enough copies for your church’s use.

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)


Crafts Over the Moat Craft Ideas Book Creative, theme-related crafts to make at your smithy! • Age-related

craft ideas for Pre-Primary through Youth Departments starters that reinforce theme and Bible lessons • Fun reminders of the great time and lessons learned • Conversation

RBP31728 (ISBN 978-1-62940-258-1) $12.99 (Can. $20.13)

Good News Bracelet Kit Share the Good News everywhere you go! Pkg. of 20 RBP3805 (978-1-59402-046-9) $13.99 (Can. $21.68)

Super Foam Crown Craft Have students make crowns for themselves, and decorate extras for workers and visitors! Adjustable. Jewels provided. Tacky Glue required. 22" x 4¼". Pkg. of 12 RBP31776 (978-1-62940-509-4) $11.99 (Can. $18.58)

Medieval Mosaic Photo Frame Paintbrushes

Includes glittery self-adhesive mosaic shapes. Foam. Not for children under 3. Frame: 6½" x 5". Photo opening: 4" x 2½".

Pkg. of 25 8599 $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

Pkg. of 24 RBP31784 (978-1-62940-517-9) $12.99 (Can. $20.13)

RBP offers 4 “Design Your Own” craft projects (pp. 20–21). The following craft accessories are great add-ons to help your kids design their creations by using more than just markers!

Medieval Stampers Use these stampers for making heraldic flags or regal stationery. Assorted styles. Safe and nontoxic. 1½". Pkg. of 24 RBP31779 (978-1-62940-512-4) $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

Glue Dots • Double-sided

adhesive dots • Approx. ½"


Foam Castle Fun Stickers Use to remind kids of God’s love! Assorted styles. Not for children under 3. 1"–2".

Pkg. of 200 8620 $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

Pkg. of 500 RBP31787 (978-1-62940-520-9) $11.99 (Can. $18.58)

Tacky Glue

Jewel Stickers

One 4 oz. bottle 8629

$2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Create beautiful artwork with these stickers. Paper. Assorted styles. Not for children under 3. 1/2"–7/8". Pkg. of 240 (12 sheets of 20) RBP31788 (978-1-62940-521-6) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

are outlet items. Popular outlet items can sell out quickly, so order O Allnow!crafts All outlet products and prices are subject to change without notice.


CRAFTS CONTINUED We’ve helped plan your adventure! These crafts are recommended on specific days but



Shield of Courage Craft Kids will enjoy making their own shields of courage to be used as a necklace, bracelet, or zipper pull. God wants to be their shield and defender! Prepackaged for individual use. Plastic beads: ¼". Metal shield charm: 1". Nylon cord: 25½". Pkg. of 12 31785 (ISBN 978-1-62940-518-6) $8.99 (Can. $13.93)

Design Your Own Helmet Mask



Create your own armor, starting with this helmet mask. King David didn’t have a mask when he fought Goliath. He had something better— strength from God. Each mask is blank so students can design their own masks. Each mask has an elastic band. 8" x 9". Pkg. of 12 31782 (ISBN 978-1-62940-515-5) $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

Leather Bracelet Craft







www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

Thread together your own medieval leather bracelet! Let them remind you that the Lord wants to be your strength. Trust Him and praise Him, for He is worthy to be praised! Includes 6 brown and 6 black imitation leather pieces. Adjusts to two sizes with snap closures. Prepackaged for individual use. Pkg. of 12 31781 (ISBN 978-1-62940-514-8) $10.99 (Can. $17.03)

Crown Sticker Scene Students add jewel and other accent stickers to paper crowns they can wear! God is King; tell others about Him! Not for children under 3. Each 9½" x 6½" crown includes 210 assorted stickers (½"–1") and an elastic band. Pkg. of 12 31783 (ISBN 978-1-62940-516-2) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)

God Is King Craft This foam craft features the theme verse, Psalm 47:7. Includes satin cording, self-adhesive jewels, and foam pieces. Prepackaged for individual use. Kits include instructions and extra pieces. 6½" x 4¼". Pkg. of 12 31862 (ISBN 978-1-62940-513-1) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)

21 can be done at any time during or after VBS! Design Your Own Jumbo Castle Remind students that when they trust in Jesus as their Savior, they become part of God’s family: they are kids of the King! Every King’s kid can use a castle! Use crayons, colored pencils, washable markers, or permanent markers to decorate this large blank castle cutout. Cardstock. 21" x 30". Pkg. of 12 31778 (ISBN 978-1-62940-511-7) $12.99 (Can. $20.13)

Design Your Own Shield What knight wouldn’t be proud to carry this sturdy wooden shield? Includes hanging hook and patterns to inspire young knights. Remind them to trust God for strength and courage! Not for children under 3. Kit includes blank wooden shield shapes, glue, paint, paintbrushes, and hangers. 4 3/8" x 51/2". Pkg. of 12 31789 (ISBN 978-1-62940-522-3) $31.99 (Can. $49.58)

Design Your Own Inflatable Sword Great for harmless swordplay! This sword can’t really protect you, but God can! Use markers to decorate this blank inflatable sword. Plastic. Accessories not included. Prepackaged for individual use. Permanent markers recommended. 14½". Pkg. of 12 31777 (ISBN 978-1-62940-510-0) $12.99 (Can. $20.13)

King of Kings Crown Have fun making the craft, and then take it home to remind yourself that God is King. Self-adhesive jewel pieces. Prepackaged for individual use. 7". Pkg. of 25 31009 (ISBN 978-1-60776-647-6) $14.99 (Can. $23.23)

Scratch Art Scepters Use these scepters as bookmarks to remind you of God, the King of Kings and the One you can trust for strength and courage. Thank Him for His faithfulness! Includes scratching sticks used to create your own designs on the scepters. 12". Pkg. of 24 31786 (ISBN 978-1-62940-519-3) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)

are outlet items. Popular outlet items can sell out quickly, so order O Allnow!crafts All outlet products and prices are subject to change without notice.



Regular Baptist Press • Building Lives by the Book 3715 North Ventura Drive • Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004-7678

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$200.00 +




Items from other companies may not fully agree with the RBP doctrinal statement.

ITEM QTY. DESCRIPTION ISBN US CANADA NO. Director’s Resources 31700 31750 31701 31702 31848 31740 31704

Introductory Kit (KJV) Introductory Kit (NKJV) Over the Moat Director’s Guide Over the Moat Director’s Resource CD Set Jester Hat Over the Moat Pouch (Pkg. of 10) Thank-you Cards (Pkg. of 20)

$2.00 handling fee

978-1-62940-230-7 978-1-62940-278-9 978-1-62940-231-4 978-1-62940-232-1 978-1-62940-577-3 978-1-62940-269-7 978-1-62940-234-5

109.99 109.99 14.99 24.99 11.99 24.99 6.99


170.48 170.48 23.23 38.73 18.58 38.73 10.83

2s & 3s (ages 2 & 3)­


31705 31753 31706 31754 31707

Teacher Book (KJV) Teacher Book (NKJV) Student Activity Sheets (KJV) Student Activity Sheets (NKJV) Visual Packet & CD (2s & 3s through Junior)

978-1-62940-235-2 978-1-62940-280-2 978-1-62940-236-9 978-1-62940-281-9 978-1-62940-237-6

5.99 9.28 5.99 9.28 2.99 4.63 2.99 4.63 17.99 27.88

ITEM QTY. DESCRIPTION ISBN US CANADA NO. Pre-Primary (ages 4 & 5; 6-year-olds in kindergarten) 31708 31755 31709 31756 31707

Teacher Book (KJV) Teacher Book (NKJV) Student Activity Sheets (KJV) Student Activity Sheets (NKJV) Visual Packet & CD (2s & 3s through Junior)

978-1-62940-238-3 978-1-62940-282-6 978-1-62940-239-0 978-1-62940-283-3 978-1-62940-237-6

5.99 9.28 5.99 9.28 2.99 4.63 2.99 4.63 17.99 27.88

978-1-62940-240-6 978-1-62940-284-0 978-1-62940-241-3 978-1-62940-285-7 978-1-62940-237-6

5.99 9.28 5.99 9.28 2.99 4.63 2.99 4.63 17.99 27.88

978-1-62940-242-0 978-1-62940-286-4 978-1-62940-243-7 978-1-62940-287-1 978-1-62940-237-6

5.99 9.28 5.99 9.28 2.99 4.63 2.99 4.63 17.99 27.88

978-1-62940-244-4 978-1-62940-288-8 978-1-62940-245-1 978-1-62940-289-5 978-1-62940-237-6

5.99 9.28 5.99 9.28 2.99 4.63 2.99 4.63 17.99 27.88


Primary (ages 6–8 or grades 1 & 2) 31710 31757 31711 31758 31707

Teacher Book (KJV) Teacher Book (NKJV) Student Activity Sheets (KJV) Student Activity Sheets (NKJV) Visual Packet & CD (2s & 3s through Junior)

Middler (ages 8–10 or grades 3 & 4) 31712 31759 31713 31760 31707

Teacher Book (KJV) Teacher Book (NKJV) Student Activity Sheets (KJV) Student Activity Sheets (NKJV) Visual Packet & CD (2s & 3s through Junior)

Junior (ages 10–12 or grades 5 & 6) 31714 31761 31715 31762 31707

Teacher Book (KJV) Teacher Book (NKJV) Student Activity Sheets (KJV) Student Activity Sheets (NKJV) Visual Packet & CD (2s & 3s through Junior)

Youth (ages 12 and older or grades 7 and above) 31716 31763 31717 31764

Teacher Book (KJV) Teacher Book (NKJV) Student Book (KJV) Student Book (NKJV)

978-1-62940-246-8 5.99 9.28 978-1-62940-290-1 5.99 9.28 978-1-62940-247-5 2.99 4.63 978-1-62940-291-8 2.99 4.63

Adult Evangelistic Bible Study 31718 31765

Adult Bible Study (KJV) Adult Bible Study (NKJV)

978-1-62940-248-2 5.99 9.28 978-1-62940-292-5 5.99 9.28

Evangelism 31736 31738 31737 30133 8438 8437 8418 8421 8429 5255 5003 5351 7820 8469 6594 6595 3805

Salvation Poster 978-1-62940-265-9 Over the Moat Family Fun Sheets (Pkg. of 25) 978-1-62940-267-3 Gospel Bookmarks (Pkg. of 50) 978-1-62940-266-6 Good News Beach Ball (Pkg. of 5) 978-1-59402-309-5 eCard (Pkg. of 5) eCard BIG (Pkg. of 10) eCube Classic The BIG Cube eBall Soccer (Size 5) Welcome to the Family! 978-0-87227-291-0 Basic Bible Truths 978-0-87227-007-7 Basic Bible Truths (Spanish Edition) 978-1-59402-348-4 Meet the King! (Pkg. of 5) How to Lead a Child to Christ (NASB) Outreach Bibles–KJV (Case of 28) 978-0-71801-197-0 Outreach Bibles–NKJV (Case of 28) 978-0-52912-301-5 Good News Bracelet Kit (Pkg. of 20) 978-1-59402-046-9

2.99 6.99 5.99 12.99 4.99 24.99 7.99 24.99 19.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 6.99 49.99 49.99 13.99

4.63 10.83 9.28 20.13 7.73 38.73 12.38 38.73 30.98 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 10.83 74.99 74.99 21.68

Tracts (Pkg. of 50) 4007 4005 4059 4006 4063 4060

What Shall I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? What God’s Word Teaches about Salvation A Gift for You How to Live the Christian Life Wow! Guess What Happened to Me! (KJV) Wow! Guess What Happened to Me! (NKJV)

978-0-87227-256-9 978-0-87227-255-2 978-0-87227-153-1 978-0-87227-254-5 978-1-60776-835-7 978-1-59402-232-6

4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99

7.73 7.73 7.73 7.73 7.73 7.73

Theme Poster Jumbo Theme Poster Theme Bulletin Covers (Pkg. of 50) Theme Invitation Flyers (Pkg. of 50) Theme Postcards (Pkg. of 100) Theme Doorknob Hangers (Pkg. of 48) Theme Banner

978-1-62940-250-5 978-1-62940-251-2 978-1-62940-254-3 978-1-62940-253-6 978-1-62940-255-0 978-1-62940-256-7 978-1-62940-257-4

1.99 3.99 5.99 5.99 13.99 7.99 26.99

3.08 6.18 9.28 9.28 21.68 12.38 41.83

Song Transparency Packet Over the Moat Music CD Set Piano with Vocals 10-Pack Instrumental with Vocals 10-Pack Over the Moat Songbook (Print version) Over the Moat Songbook (Digital version)

978-1-62940-261-1 15.99 24.78 978-1-62940-260-4 15.99 24.78 978-1-62940-293-2 24.99 38.73 978-1-62940-294-9 24.99 38.73 978-1-62940-259-8 15.99 24.78 Must be purchased online at rbpVBS.org. 978-1-62940-259-8

Promotions 31720 31721 31724 31723 31725 31726 31727

Music 31731 31730 31767 31768 31729 31729EB



ITEM QTY. DESCRIPTION ISBN US CANADA NO. Crafts—OUTLET ITEMS 31728 3805 8599 8620 8629 31779 31787 31788 31776 31784 31785 31778 31782 31789 31781 31777 31783 31009 31862 31786

Over the Moat Craft Ideas Book 978-1-62940-258-1 Good News Bracelet Kit (Pkg. of 20) 978-1-59402-046-9 Paintbrushes (Pkg. of 25) Glue Dots (Pkg. of 200) Tacky Glue Medieval Stampers (Pkg. of 24) 978-1-62940-512-4 Foam Castle Fun Stickers (Pkg. of 500) 978-1-62940-520-9 Jewel Stickers (Pkg. of 240) 978-1-62940-521-6 Super Foam Crown Craft (Pkg. of 12) 978-1-62940-509-4 Medieval Mosaic Photo Frame (Pkg. of 24) 978-1-62940-517-9 Shield of Courage Craft (Pkg. of 12) 978-1-62940-518-6 Design Your Own Jumbo Castle (Pkg. of 12) 978-1-62940-511-7 Design Your Own Helmet Mask (Pkg. of 12) 978-1-62940-515-5 Design Your Own Shield (Pkg. of 12) 978-1-62940-522-3 Leather Bracelet Craft (Pkg. of 12) 978-1-62940-514-8 Design Your Own Inflatable Sword (Pkg. of 12) 978-1-62940-510-0 Crown Sticker Scene (Pkg. of 12) 978-1-62940-516-2 King of Kings Crown Craft (Pkg. of 25) 978-1-62940-647-6 God Is King Craft (Pkg. of 12) 978-1-62940-513-1 Scratch Art Scepters (Pkg. of 24) 978-1-62940-519-3

12.99 13.99 4.99 4.99 2.99 4.99 11.99 2.99 11.99 12.99 8.99 12.99 4.99 31.99 10.99 12.99 7.99 14.99 7.99 7.99

20.13 21.68 7.73 7.73 4.63 7.73 18.58 4.63 18.58 20.13 13.93 20.13 7.73 49.58 17.03 20.13 12.38 23.23 12.38 12.38

978-1-62940-262-8 978-1-62940-263-5 978-1-62940-264-2 978-1-62940-273-4 978-0-87227-810-3

3.99 5.99 5.99 4.99 3.99

6.18 9.28 9.28 7.73 6.18

978-1-62940-279-6 978-1-62940-252-9 978-1-62940-295-6 978-1-62940-296-3 978-1-62940-233-8 978-1-62940-525-4 978-1-62940-526-1 978-1-62940-532-2 978-1-62940-545-2 978-1-62940-550-6 978-1-62940-251-2 978-1-62940-272-7 978-1-62940-538-4 978-1-62940-544-5 978-1-62940-527-8 978-1-62940-529-2 978-1-62940-528-5 978-1-62940-531-5 978-1-62940-539-1 978-1-62940-535-3 978-1-62940-537-7 978-1-62940-541-4 978-1-62940-542-1 978-1-62940-536-0 978-1-62940-546-9 978-1-62940-547-6 978-1-62940-540-7 978-1-62940-530-8 978-1-62940-548-3 978-1-62940-552-0 978-1-62940-543-8 978-1-62940-524-7

9.99 9.99 39.99 39.99 24.99 18.99 11.99 20.99 3.99 4.99 3.99 5.99 2.99 13.99 8.99 8.99 18.99 7.99 8.99 6.99 4.99 6.99 2.99 3.99 8.99 5.99 .99 2.99 21.99 2.99 3.99 16.99

15.48 15.48 61.98 61.98 38.73 29.43 18.58 32.53 6.18 7.73 6.18 9.28 4.63 21.68 13.93 13.93 29.43 12.38 13.93 10.83 7.73 10.83 4.63 6.18 13.93 9.28 1.53 4.63 34.08 4.63 6.18 26.33

978-1-62940-277-2 978-1-62940-276-5 978-1-62940-297-0 978-1-58302-260-3 978-1-58302-236-8

24.99 17.99 17.99 19.99 24.99

38.73 27.88 27.88 30.98 38.73

Attendance 31732 31733 31734 31744 30208

Attendance Chart Nametags (Pkg. of 48) Over the Moat Passes (Pkg. of 10) Sticker Sheets (Pkg. of 5) Registration Cards (Pkg. of 50)

Decorations—OUTLET ITEMS 31751 31722 31814 31815 31703 31792 31793 31799 31812 31821 31721 31743 31805 31811 31794 31796 31795 31798 31806 31802 31804 31808 31809 31803 31813 31818 31807 31797 31819 31823 31810 31791

Over the Moat Verse Posters (Set of 5) Over the Moat Jumbo Poster Set (Set of 5) Over the Moat Cutouts Over the Moat Theme Setter Theme Backdrop Stone Wall Scene Setter (4' x 30') Top of the Wall Scene Setter (20" x 30') Sky Scene Setter (4' x 30') Medieval Pennant Banner (11" x 12') Medieval Whirls (Pkg. of 12) Jumbo Theme Poster Logo Balloons (Pkg. of 25) Herald Trumpet Cutouts (Pkg. of 2) 6' Jumbo Knight Cutout Castle Door & Window Props Castle Window Insta-View Wall of Knights Props (4' x 30') Jousting Pole Cutouts (Pkg. of 2) Castle Tower Cutout Medieval Banner Cutout Royal Table Runner Royal Table Cover 3-D Shield Centerpiece Medieval Crest Cling Jouster Cutout Set (Set of 3) Helmet Masks (Set of 4) Torch Cutout Scroll Cutout Hanging Torch Light Wall Torch Light Plastic Gems Drawbridge Chain (6')

Puppet Resources 31749 31748 31816 9053 9054

Finnegan Fox the Puppet Puppet Scripts & CD Puppet Scripts & CD (Dialogue only) Puppet Director’s Notebook Puppet Ministry Basics and Beyond DVD

outlet items can sell out quickly, so order now! All O Popular products and prices are subject to change without notice.


ITEM QTY. DESCRIPTION ISBN US CANADA NO. Teaching Resources 8664 31826 8580 8587 8537 8538 8539 8536 8541 8511 8510 8513 8512 7955 8666 8677

Pocket Chart 978-4-42221-142-8 Bulletin Board Border—Moat Water 978-1-62940-555-1 Bulletin Board Border—Scalloped Clouds 978-4-4221-278-4 Bulletin Board Border—Green Bulletin Board Border—Blue Bulletin Board Border—Red Bulletin Board Border—Yellow Bulletin Board Border—Black Bulletin Board Border—Rainbow EZ Letters—Red EZ Letters—Blue EZ Letters—Yellow EZ Letters—Black Reducing the Risk—Quick Start Kit Word Strips (Pkg. of 75) Sentence Strips (Pkg. of 75)

19.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 99.99 3.49 5.99

30.98 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 7.73 7.73 7.73 7.73 154.98 5.41 9.28

Games & Snacks 31851 31801 31824 31830 31829 31828 31860 31853 31857 31855 31859

Inflatable Riding Horse Bullseye Piñata Inflatable Sword and Shield (Set of 2) Pin the Tail on the Fox Fox Mini Pullback Racers (Pkg. of 12) Medieval Sticky Darts (Pkg. of 24) Chocolate Caramel Cannonballs (1 lb.) Castle Plates (Pkg. of 8) Medieval Cups (Pkg. of 8) Medieval Lunch Napkins (Pkg. of 16) Castle Snack Display

978-1-62940-580-3 978-1-62940-534-6 978-1-62940-553-7 978-1-62940-559-9 978-1-62940-558-2 978-1-62940-557-5 978-1-62940-589-6 978-1-62940-582-7 978-1-62940-586-5 978-1-62940-584-1 978-1-62940-588-9

1.99 17.99 3.99 2.99 7.99 4.99 6.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 5.99

3.08 27.88 6.18 4.63 12.38 7.73 10.83 6.18 6.18 6.18 9.28

Adult Royal Purple Robe Child's Royal Robe Plush Royal Crown Jeweled Crown Jeweled Tiara Prism Crowns (Pkg. of 12) Jumbo Jeweled Rings (Pkg. of 12) Flashing Rings (Pkg. of 12) Armor Set Jester Hat

978-1-62940-505-6 978-1-62940-501-8 978-1-62940-502-5 978-1-62940-503-2 978-1-62940-504-9 978-1-62940-508-7 978-1-62940-507-0 978-1-62940-506-3 978-1-62940-533-9 978-1-62940-577-3

32.99 22.99 7.99 2.99 2.99 2.99 12.99 12.99 18.99 11.99

51.13 35.63 12.38 4.63 4.63 4.63 20.13 20.13 29.43 18.58

978-1-62940-268-0 978-1-62940-269-7 978-1-62940-272-7 978-1-62940-271-0 978-1-62940-275-8 978-1-62940-270-3 978-1-62940-274-1 978-1-62940-563-6 978-1-62940-273-4 978-1-62940-568-1 978-1-62940-570-4 978-1-62940-571-1 978-1-62940-564-3 978-1-62940-565-0 978-1-62940-575-9 978-1-62940-581-0 978-1-62940-572-8 978-1-62940-533-9 978-1-62940-562-9 978-1-62940-576-6 978-1-62940-566-7 978-1-62940-547-2 978-1-62940-569-8 978-1-62940-578-0

11.99 24.99 5.99 8.99 7.99 9.99 7.99 4.99 4.99 10.99 5.99 4.99 9.99 29.99 14.99 3.99 17.99 18.99 8.99 22.99 12.99 6.99 3.99 7.99

18.58 38.73 9.28 13.93 12.38 15.48 12.38 7.73 7.73 17.03 9.28 7.73 15.48 46.48 23.23 6.18 27.88 29.43 13.93 35.63 20.13 10.83 6.18 12.38

Apparel 31772 31746 31769 31770 31771 31775 31774 31773 31800 31848

Gifts, Awards, & More!—OUTLET ITEMS 31739 31740 31743 31742 31747 31741 31745 31834 31744 31839 31841 31842 31835 31836 31846 31852 31843 31800 31833 31847 31837 31845 31840 31849

Over the Moat Backpack Over the Moat Pouch (Pkg. of 10) Logo Balloons (Pkg. of 25) Theme Buttons (Pkg. of 20) Theme Stickers (Pkg. of 50) Iron-ons (Pkg. of 10) Sticky Notepads (Pkg. of 10) Armor Pencils (Pkg. of 24) Sticker Sheets (Pkg. of 5) King of Kings Key Chain (Pkg. of 12) Royal Beaded Necklaces (Pkg. of 12) Royal Slap Bracelets (Pkg. of 72) Inflatable Sword (Pkg. of 12) Foam Sword & Shield Sets (Pkg. of 12) Light-Up Expandable Swords (Pkg. of 12) Plastic Sword & Sheath (Pkg. of 12) Glow Stick Scepter (Pkg. of 12) Armor Set Friends of Finnegan Plush Foxes (Pkg. of 12) Royal Goblet (Pkg. of 12) Bendable Knights (Pkg. of 24) Medieval Rubber Duckies (Pkg. of 12) King of Kings Temporary Skin Art (Pkg. of 72) Princess Bubbles (Pkg. of 12) 1. SUBTOTAL ____________


2. TAX

(IL residents add 10%.)



3. SHIPPING & HANDLING (See chart on page 22.)



4. TOTAL ____________




Attendance Attendance Chart Provides space for 30 names and uses mini stickers shown below. 17" x 22". RBP31732 (ISBN 978-1-62940-262-8) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

Nametags • Convenient,

self-adhesive, easily removed enough for long names, additional information, or child-size printing • Easy to print names with printer or copier (template included on Director’s Resource CD) • Eight adhesive nametags per 8½" x 11" sheet • Large

Pkg. of 48 (6 sheets of 8) RBP31733 (ISBN 978-1-62940-263-5) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

Over the Moat Passes Students can add stickers to mark each lesson they’ve completed while Over the Moat.

• Makes 10 passes (10 booklets and 5 sheets of stickers) • Fold sheets into quarters to make booklets. • A completed pass is a great souvenir to put in a scrapbook or memory box at home

Pkg. of 10 RBP31734 (ISBN 978-1-62940-264-2) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

Sticker Sheets Use these theme stickers on Over the Moat Passes or Attendance Chart, give out in Sunday School, or send them home with students to give to their friends. • Large • Mini

stickers for attendance stickers for attendance or recognition

Pkg. of 5 RBP31744 (ISBN 978-1-62940-273-4) $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

Registration Cards Each card includes • Parent’s

or guardian’s name phone number, and e-mail address • Birth date, special needs, spiritual decisions • Allergy and medical information • Space for emergency contact information • Address,

Pkg. of 50 RBP30208 (ISBN 978-0-87227-810-3) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

Decorations Over the Moat Jumbo Poster Set Turn any classroom, bedroom, or playroom into a castle with these scenes from castle life. Each poster has the Over the Moat logo. 22" x 34". Set of 5 RBP31722 (ISBN 978-1-62940-252-9) $9.99 (Can. $15.48)

Over the Moat Verse Posters Help your students identify with the King of Kings by displaying these posters! 22" x 34". • Cut

out and discard the white areas of each poster. attach the tops of the verse posters to a cutout of a banner rod from the Over the Moat Cutouts (p. 28). • Optionally,

Set of 5 RBP31751 (ISBN 978-1-62940-279-6) $9.99 (Can. $15.48)


28 J








DECORATIONS CONTINUED A. Over the Moat Cutouts Cut out the separate pieces and mount on a wall, or back with foam-core to create freestanding pieces. • Cutouts include: Alligator in the moat Anvil Archery target “Do Not Feed the Alligator” sign Chair and musical instrument Credenza with helmet and shield Farm wagon Fox on outcrop Knight’s horse Rods for Over the Moat Verse Posters (p. 27) Swords in barrel, shield, helmet • Ships in three panels totaling 6'8" tall x 14'6" long Paper RBP31814 (ISBN 978-1-62940-295-6) $39.99 (Can. $61.98)

B. Over the Moat Theme Setter Mount the setter onto a wall or freestanding frames. • Three 80" x 58" panels (total size: 6'8" tall x 14'6" long) Paper RBP31815 (ISBN 978-1-62940-296-3) $39.99 (Can. $61.98)

C. Theme Backdrop You’re over the moat and into the castle market! 58" x 80". Paper RBP31703 (ISBN 978-1-62940-233-8) $24.99 (Can. $38.73)

D. Stone Wall Scene Setter 4' x 30'. Plastic RBP31792 (ISBN 978-1-62940-525-4) $18.99 (Can. $29.43)

E. Top of the Wall Scene Setter Stone wall border. 20" x 30'. Plastic RBP31793 (ISBN 978-1-62940-526-1) $11.99 (Can. $18.58)

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)













F. Sky Scene Setter

J. Logo Balloons

Paper. Fadeless designs. 4' x 50'.

Great for prizes and giveaways! Assorted colors.

RBP31799 (ISBN 978-1-62940-532-2) $20.99 (Can. $32.53)

Pkg. of 25 RBP31743 (978-1-62940-272-7) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

G. Medieval Pennant Banner

K. Herald Trumpet Cutouts

Plastic. All weather. 12 pennants per string. 11" x 12'. RBP31812 (ISBN 978-1-62940-545-2) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

H. Medieval Whirls

Printed on 2 sides. 17". Pkg. of 2 RBP31805 (ISBN 978-1-62940-538-4) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Hangs approx. 26".

L. 6' Jumbo Knight Cutout

Paper • Pkg. of 12 RBP31821 (ISBN 978-1-62940-550-6) $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

RBP31811 (ISBN 978-1-62940-544-5) $13.99 (Can. $21.68)

I. Jumbo Theme Poster This eye-catching, easy-to-read poster provides information at a glance. 22" x 34". RBP31721 (ISBN 978-1-62940-251-2) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

Jointed suit of armor cutout. 6'.


All decorations are outlet items. Popular outlet items can sell out quickly, so order now! All outlet products and prices are subject to change without notice.




Castle Door & Window Props

Castle Window Insta-View

Plastic. 16"–5'4"

Plastic. 3'2" x 5'2"

RBP31794 (ISBN 978-1-62940-527-8) $8.99 (Can. $13.93)

RBP31796 (ISBN 978-1-62940-529-2) $8.99 (Can. $13.93)

Jousting Pole Cutouts Jointed jousting poles, 6'. Two 14" flag cutouts included; printed 2 sides with different designs. Two poles per package.

Wall of Knights Props

Pkg. of 2 RBP31798 (ISBN 978-1-62940-531-5) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)

Plastic. 4' x 30' RBP31795 (ISBN 978-1-62940-528-5) $18.99 (Can. $29.43)

Castle Tower Cutout Within the castle walls is the keep, where the king’s family lives. Be sure to add a keep to your castle grounds! Printed on 2 sides. Jointed. 4' tall. RBP31806 (ISBN 978-1-62940-539-1) $8.99 (Can. $13.93)

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

Medieval Banner Cutout 6'. Jointed. Printed on 2 sides. RBP31802 (ISBN 978-1-62940-535-3) $6.99 (Can. $10.83)

31 are outlet items. Popular outlet items can sell out quickly, so O Allorderdecorations now! All outlet products and prices are subject to change without notice.

Royal Table Runner

Royal Table Cover

11" x 6'

54" x 9' Plastic.

RBP31804 (ISBN 978-1-62940-537-7) $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

3-D Shield Centerpiece

RBP31808 (ISBN 978-1-62940-541-4) $6.99 (Can. $10.83)

Medieval Crest Cling

11½" tall. Assembly required.

Peel ’N Place can be placed on windows, doors, and most smooth surfaces. 12" x 17".

RBP31809 (ISBN 978-1-62940-542-1) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

RBP31803 (ISBN 978-1-62940-536-0) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

Jouster Cutout Set

Helmet Masks


Decorate walls or bulletin boards. Use to identify fellow knights. Elastic attached to masks. 12".

Set of 3 RBP31813 (ISBN 978-1-62940-546-9) $8.99 (Can. $13.93)

Set of 4 RBP31818 (ISBN 978-1-62940-547-6) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

Torch Cutout

Scroll Cutout

24" Printed on 2 sides.

23" x 18"

RBP31807 (ISBN 978-1-62940-540-7) $.99 (Can. $1.53)

Paper RBP31797 (ISBN 978-1-62940-530-8) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Hanging Torch Light

Wall Torch Light

Plug it in to make any room glow. Includes a 54" electrical cord. Height: 21". Diameter: 8".

7½". Touch fastener strips for hanging included. Requires 2 AA batteries, not included.

RBP31819 (ISBN 978-1-62940-548-3) $21.99 (Can. $34.08)

RBP31823 (ISBN 978-1-62940-552-0) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Plastic Gems

Drawbridge Chain

Assorted sizes, shapes, and colors.

Buy two of these thick, 6'-long chains to create realistic drawbridge chains that are extremely light!

1 oz. RBP31810 (ISBN 978-1-62940-543-8) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

Plastic RBP31791 (ISBN 978-1-62940-524-7) $16.99 (Can. $26.33)


Puppet Resources Finnegan Fox the Puppet Workable mouth. 23". RBP31749 (ISBN 978-1-62940-277-2) $24.99 (Can. $38.73)

Puppet Scripts & CD It’s an exciting time in the kingdom! The best youth in the land will compete in the Tournament of Royal Knights, but only 10 will become knights of the realm. Gwen is determined to be one of the 10, but she needs training. Although minstrels used to sing about Sir Cedric’s bravery as a knight, he is older now and tends the royal horses instead of fighting. Will he agree to train Gwen? With his help and the help of Lester, a young jester, and Luella, a young minstrel, Gwen will learn what it takes to be a knight. Finnegan Fox will be right there, helping them and delivering messages from the castle. Together they will all learn more about trusting and praising God. Script by puppet-ministry professional Todd Liebenow of Creative Ministry Solutions. Puppet Scripts & CD RBP31748 (ISBN 978-1-62940-276-5) $17.99 (Can. $27.88) Puppet Scripts & CD (Dialogue only) RBP31816 (ISBN 978-1-62940-297-0) $17.99 (Can. $27.88)

Listen to puppet audio clips at rbpVBS.org/audio.

Puppet Director’s Notebook

Puppet Ministry Basics and Beyond DVD

Dale VonSeggen and Jim Scott. A resource every puppet director needs! Reproducible forms.

This comprehensive guide to puppet ministry will help new and established puppet teams achieve excellence in performance.

Paper • 128 pages 9053 (ISBN 978-1-58302-260-3) $19.99 (Can. $30.98)

9054 (ISBN 978-1-58302-236-8) $24.99 (Can. $38.73)

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

Teaching Resources Moat Water Border Great for creating the moat on the bottom of your bulletin boards and windows or for complementing charts and class creations. Pair with Scalloped Clouds to create a border scene. 13 strips: 3' x 2¼" each. Total length: 39'. 31826 (ISBN 978-1-62940-555-1) $3.99 each (Can. $6.18)

Pocket Chart Clear pockets are perfect for holding visuals and memory verse cards • Sturdy nylon with grommets makes hanging easy • Folds and closes with a Velcro strip for compact storage •

8664 (ISBN 978-4-42221-142-8) $19.99 (Can. $30.98)

Scalloped Clouds Border Perfect to pair with our Moat Water Border. 13 strips: 3' x 2¼" each. Total length: 39'. 8580 (ISBN 978-4-42221-278-4) $3.99 each (Can. $6.18)

Bulletin Board Borders Think beyond your bulletin board— you can dress up doorways, windows, and walls! • Coordinate with Ready Letters below •

Reducing the Risk—Quick Start Kit Richard Hammar. Keep your VBS safe from sexual abuse by implementing a program like Reducing the Risk. The Quick Start Kit includes everything you need to screen and train 10 staff and volunteer workers: 1 training DVD with 10 video training segments, 1 leader’s guide, 10 trainee workbooks, and 10 screening forms & records files. 7955 $99.99 (Can. $154.98)

39 feet Green 8587 (UPC 44222-11756) Blue 8537 (UPC 44222-11755) Red 8538 (UPC 44222-11759) Yellow 8539 (UPC 44222-11761) Black 8536 (UPC 44222-11754) Rainbow 8541 (UPC 44222-14049) $3.99 each (Can. $6.18)

EZ Letters

Sentence & Word Strips Fit perfectly in the pocket chart above. Assorted colors.

Sentence Strips

Pkg. of 75 8677 (UPC 44222-14283) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

Word Strips

Pkg. of 75 8666 (UPC 044222-14287) $3.49 (Can. $5.41)

• Perfect for bulletin boards, wall art, announcements, and decorating • 52 uppercase letters (largest 5½" x 4¼") • 10 numbers and 14 punctuation symbols

Red Blue Yellow Black

8511 (UPC 0442222-28408) 8510 (UPC 0442222-28422) 8513 (UPC 0442222-28415) 8512 (UPC 0442222-28392)

$4.99 each (Can. $7.73)



Games & Snacks Bullseye Piñata

Inflatable Riding Horse Every knight needs a horse! A great costume accessory for both pint-size and full-grown knights. Vinyl with shades of brown. Inflates to 60".

Kids will love to take aim at this fun target! This pull-string piñata is right on target for your VBS. Fill it, then take turns pulling the ribbons to release royal treats!

RBP31851 (978-1-62940-580-3) $1.99 (Can. $3.08)

RBP31801 (ISBN 978-1-62940-534-6) $17.99 (Can. $27.88)

Pin the Tail on the Fox

Inflatable Sword and Shield

Fun for up to 8 players! 10-piece set includes a paper fox mask blindfold with elastic cord, 8 paper tails, and the fox. Paper. Blindfold: 6" x 3¼". Tails: 6". Fox: 22" x 24".

Set of 2 RBP31824 (ISBN 978-1-62940-553-7) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

RBP31830 (978-1-62940-559-9) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Fox Mini Pullback Racers

Medieval Sticky Darts

See which of Finnegan’s friends is the fastest fox around! Plastic. Not for children under 3. 2" x 17/8".

Assorted colors. 2". Pkg. of 24 RBP31828 (978-1-62940-557-5) $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

Pkg. of 12 RBP31829 (978-1-62940-558-2) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)

Medieval Cups

Castle Plates Serve snacks on these castle plates. Use them to decorate the walls of your castle keep too! 9".

Serve hot or cold beverages in these bright cups made just for your knights in shining armor. 9 oz.

Pkg. of 8 RBP31853 (978-1-62940-582-7) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

Pkg. of 8 RBP31857 (978-1-62940-586-5) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

Medieval Lunch Napkins

Castle Snack Display

Perfect for dabbing the royal lip, wiping dirty hands, or cleaning any spills. 2-ply.

Foam display stand for snacks. Assembly required. 15" x 15". RBP31859 (978-1-62940-588-9) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

Pkg. of 16 RBP31855 (978-1-62940-584-1) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

Chocolate Caramel Cannonballs Individually wrapped. 1 lb. RBP31860 (978-1-62940-589-6) $6.99 (Can. $10.83)

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)


All games, snacks and apparel are outlet items. Popular outlet items can sell out quickly, so order now! All outlet products and prices are subject to change without notice.


Apparel Adult Royal Purple Robe

Child’s Royal Robe

This royal robe is perfect attire for your VBS director and teachers. Accessorize with the Plush Royal Crown (below) to complete the look. 4'4".

Make your students feel like royalty! Recognize a special achievement or good behavior by awarding students with the privilege of wearing this royal robe. 33".

RBP31772 (ISBN 978-1-62940-505-6) $32.99 (Can. $51.13)

RBP31746 (ISBN 978-1-62940-501-8) $22.99 (Can. $35.63)

Plush Royal Crown

Jeweled Crown

Purple. Adjustable.

Gold. Plastic. Adjustable.

RBP31769 (ISBN 978-1-62940-502-5) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)

RBP31770 (ISBN 978-1-62940-503-2) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Jeweled Tiara

Prism Crowns

Silver. Plastic. Adjustable.

Make your guests feel royal with these cardboard crowns. Assorted colors. Adjustable. 28”.

RBP31771 (ISBN 978-1-62940-504-9) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Pkg. of 12 RBP31775 (ISBN 978-1-62940-508-7) $2.99 (Can. $4.63)

Jumbo Jeweled Rings

Flashing Rings

Assorted colors and cuts (round, oval, square, rectangular). Adjustable metal band. 1” jewel.

Just press these rings to make them light up, sparkle, and shine. Assorted. Includes batteries. Not for children under 3. 1½".

Pkg. of 12 RBP31774 (ISBN 978-1-62940-507-0) $12.99 (Can. $20.13)

Over the Moat Logo & Print License Need to professionally print the VBS logo on T-shirts? Acquire a license and print-ready PDF file at RBPstore.org. Details at RBPstore.org/printlicense. RBP31753EB $29.99

Pkg. of 12 RBP31773 (ISBN 978-1-62940-506-3) $12.99 (Can. $20.13)

Jester Hat Full-size jester hat in gold, green, and purple, complete with bells. One size fits most. RBP31848 (ISBN 978-1-62940-577-3) $11.99 (Can. $18.58)


Gifts, Awards, & More Over the Moat Backpack

Over the Moat Pouch

Every teacher, director, coordinator, and worker should have one! Brown with purple trim. Shoulder straps. Button and elastic closure. 15" x 11½".

Royal purple with the theme logo. Clear pocket, hidden zipper pocket, pencil holder, and lanyard with safety breakaway feature. 5" x 6½".

RBP31739 (978-1-62940-268-0) $11.99 (Can. $18.58)


Pkg. of 10 RBP31740 (978-1-62940-269-7) $24.99 (Can. $38.73)

Logo Balloons

Logo Buttons

Great for prizes and giveaways! Assorted colors.

Get one for each person who crosses Over the Moat! A great souvenir! 2".

Pkg. of 25 RBP31743 (978-1-62940-272-7) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

Pkg. of 20 RBP31742 (978-1-62940-271-0) $8.99 (Can. $13.93)

Theme Stickers


Use to spruce up decorations or give as an award. 3".

Official theme logo for hats, jackets, shirts, or book bags. 9" x 8".

Pkg. of 50 RBP31747 (978-1-62940-275-8) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)

Pkg. of 10 RBP31741 (978-1-62940-270-3) $9.99 (Can. $15.48)

Sticky Notepads

Armor Pencils

Award as a prize, sell in your VBS store, and give to each volunteer.

#2 lead. Assortment. 7½".

Pkg. of 10 RBP31745 (978-1-62940-274-1) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)

Pkg. of 24 RBP31834 (ISBN 978-1-62940-563-6) $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

Sticker Sheets

King of Kings Key Chains

Use on attendance chart (p. 26), give to students in Sunday School, or use as awards.

This gold-tone crown features colorful gems and a red cross. Metal. 2" x 1½".

Pkg. of 5 RBP31744 (978-1-62940-273-4) $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

Pkg. of 12 RBP31839 (ISBN 978-1-62940-568-1) $10.99 (Can. $17.03)

Royal Beaded Necklaces

Royal Slap Bracelets

Fit for princesses and female knights. Assorted: pink, purple, and iridescent white. Beads: 5mm. Necklace: 32".

Assorted colors. Not for children under 3. 9".

Pkg. of 12 RBP31841 (ISBN 978-1-62940-570-4) $5.99 (Can. $9.28)

www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)

Pkg. of 12 RBP31842 (ISBN 978-1-62940-571-1) $4.99 (Can. $7.73)

37 Gifts, Awards, & More are outlet items. Popular outlet items can sell out quickly, O Allso order now! All outlet products and prices are subject to change without notice.

Inflatable Sword

Foam Sword & Shield Sets

Vinyl. Multicolor. Inflates to 25".

Perfect for games, Bible story reenactments, prizes, and awards. Foam. Multicolor. Six swords: 13½"–14". Six shields: 8½" x 12".

Pkg. of 12 RBP31835 (ISBN 978-1-62940-564-3) $9.99 (Can. $15.48)

Pkg. of 12 RBP31836 (ISBN 978-1-62940-565-0) $29.99 (Can. $46.48)

Light-Up Expandable Swords

Plastic Sword & Sheath

Plastic. Assorted colors. Each requires two AA batteries (not included). Not for children under 3. Expands to 14".

Remove this silver crusader sword from its sheath to defend the kingdom. Plastic. Ages 3+. 30".

Pkg. of 12 RBP31846 (ISBN 978-1-62940-575-9) $14.99 (Can. $23.23)

Pkg. of 12 RBP31852 (ISBN 978-1-62940-581-0) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

Glow Stick Scepter

Armor Set

Plastic. Assembly required: slip the star topper onto the glow stick. Glows up to 8 hours. Glow stick: 8½". Star topper: 3".

Adjustable nylon straps on the breastplate. Plastic. Child-size helmet. Breastplate: 14" x 15". Shield: 10¼" x 16". Sword: 23".

Pkg. of 12 RBP31843 (ISBN 978-1-62940-572-8) $17.99 (Can. $27.88)

RBP31800 (ISBN 978-1-62940-533-9) $18.99 (Can. $29.43)

Friends of Finnegan Plush Foxes

Royal Goblet

Use as juggling balls, give as prizes, or sell in your VBS store for Castle Cash. 4".

Make snack time truly royal and special. Each goblet holds 8 ounces. Plastic. Gold with faux gems. 7" high.

Pkg. of 12 RBP31833 (ISBN 978-1-62940-562-9) $8.99 (Can. $13.93)

Pkg. of 12 RBP31847 (ISBN 978-1-62940-576-6) $22.99 (Can. $35.63)

Bendable Knights

Medieval Rubber Duckies

These vinyl knights are ready for action! 4".

These duckies don’t float—but consider these uses: Tic-Tac-Toe markers, decorations, or prizes. 2½".

Pkg. of 24 RBP31837 (ISBN 978-1-62940-566-7) $12.99 (Can. $20.13)

King of Kings Temporary Skin Art Assorted. Easy to apply and remove. Safe and nontoxic. 1½". Pkg. of 72 RBP31840 (ISBN 978-1-62940-569-8) $3.99 (Can. $6.18)

Pkg. of 12 RBP31845 (ISBN 978-1-62940-574-2) $6.99 (Can. $10.83)

Princess Bubbles Plastic. Assorted sticker colors. Not for children under 3. Tiara: 3¼" x 2½". Necklace: approx. 24". Pkg. of 12 RBP31849 (ISBN 978-1-62940-578-0) $7.99 (Can. $12.38)


The United States is now the third-largest mission field in the world! People need to hear about Jesus, but many don’t have good churches near them. So all across America, people are planting new churches. In these new churches, kids can learn about God and make friends in a safe and happy place. When a church is just getting started, it is called a church plant. New churches may not have things like Sunday School and VBS books, toys, craft supplies, tables, and chairs. They may not even have their own building. But they are teaching boys and girls about Jesus and how to be more like Him! You can be part of that. You can help a church plant get everything it needs to teach kids: HOL Y BIB LE

Classroom supplies, like glue, crayons, markers, and scissors • Toys to help teach lessons • Lesson books • Signs for check-in • Nursery supplies • Tables and chairs • So much more! •

Help kids across America have a safe and happy place to learn about Jesus! PLEASE SEND YOUR OFFERING TO:

RB Church Planting | Operation Classroom | 3715 N. Ventura Drive | Arlington Heights, IL 60004-7678 You may also give online at www.RegularBaptistPress.org/donate. Select VBS17 Missions Project. www.rbpVBS.org l 1.800.727.4440 (Canada 1.800.366.8004)


What is Kids4Truth Clubs?

Find out at RegularBaptistPress.org/kids4truth


Regular Baptist Press


3715 North Ventura Drive Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004-7678 A ministry of the Regular Baptist Churches

rbpVBS.org • rbpVBScommunity.org facebook.com/rbpvbs



Encourage your community to cross the drawbridge to the King! TheEvangelisticVBS.com 800.727.4440

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