AV Application Brochure

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vibration and structural isolation construction/industrial applications

• Regupol® • Regufoam®

General Overview General M&E Plant ACU’s Refrigeration equipment Pumps Lift motors General workshop machinery Generators Boilers

Structural isolation

Presses Guillotines Milling machines

Industrial Inertia plinths Machinery mounting pads/strips Foundation isolation Mass spring systems Machine foundations

Building isolation

Plant rooms

Structural engineering Isolation of steel structures Resilient seatings Stairs and landings Structural bearings


Machine isolation

Road construction Bridge construction Rail and tunnel construction

Construction Building isolation Foundation isolation Structural isolation Floating floors

Industrial application


Vibration Isolation Optimal vibration dampening and isolation of structure and ground borne noise Regupol®, the high-grade rubber product, and Regufoam®, the high-grade polyurethane foam product, complement each other perfectly and guarantee versatile, bespoke solutions for all vibration isolation applications in the civil engineering, construction and industrial sectors.

Product range

Product range

Regupol® RAV100

Regufoam® 150

Regupol® RAV200

Regufoam® 220

Regupol® RAV300

Regufoam® 300

Regupol® RAV400

Regufoam® 400

Regupol® RAV500

Regufoam® 510

Regupol® RAV600

Regufoam® 680


Road, rail and tunnel construction The construction of buildings next to underground railway systems requires, in most cases, a soft, resilient separation layer between the building and the tunnel. Selection of the appropriate isolation material depends on different factors, such as the speed of the trains, condition of the wheels/rails and type and thickness of the tunnel walls. Before determining which isolation material is most appropriate, it is advisable to take vibration measurements within the ground to record the amplitude Kapp Weg Building, Berlin

and frequency to be isolated.

Road Construction

Trackbed Construction


Tunnel Construction

Regupol® RAV200

Potsdamer Platz, Berlin

Road construction For planners and engineers, Regupol® and

Regupol® RAV200 was laid beneath the

Regufoam® provide a safe method of isolating

surface roads and pavements of Potsdamer

roads and car-park decks.

Platz, to prevent the transfer of ground borne noise and vibration into a surrounding commercial development.

Regupol® RAV300

Underground railway

Tunnel construction RAME supplies special rubber tiles for vertical

Regupol® and Regufoam® are also ideal for

isolation between underground railway tunnel

isolating floor slabs in railway or tram tunnels.

walls and new buildings. At the Kapp Weg Building in Berlin, RAV300 was installed to reduce structural noise near to an underground railway.

Regupol® resilient bearing

Tay Road Bridge, Scotland

Bridge construction An example of a simple method of vibration

The image shows a Regupol® resilient bearing

isolation. In this application Regupol® was

beneath a concrete pedestrian walkway over a

bonded to concrete beams.

bridge length of approximately 2.5 kilometres.


Foundation isolation The vibration isolation of buildings is a complex task. There are a range of different solutions, depending on the nature, intensity and source of vibration. When a building is being planned near to a railway line, underground infrastructure or tram line, the ground borne vibration must be measured by a registered acoustic/vibration consultant prior to planning. Based on these measurements and the type of building construction, the isolation system can be designed.

Controlling vibration next to railway lines


Paddington Central Regupol® RAV100 was selected to isolate the concrete foundations of an eight-metre high podium deck from ground borne vibrations at a new business, retail and residential district in central London. To prevent train generated ground borne vibrations from entering into the main building Regupol® RAV100

structure, the acoustic/vibration consultant specified that the podium deck be isolated with a high performing anti-vibration material. This was crucial in order to eliminate structural noise and potential damage to the concrete foundations from trains soon to operate on the new track running directly beneath.

Isolating concrete foundations

Motel One A range of Regupol® materials were laid beneath a motel, to prevent the ground borne noise and vibrations from a neighbouring mainline damaging the building structure. The acoustic/vibration consultant specified that a natural frequency of 12Hz was required. As the building varied in its load Isolated building foundations

distribution, it was necessary to use a combination of Regupol® systems that would ensure uniformity of performance and other technical characteristics, such as deflection and creep. To achieve the specified performance, Regupol® RAV100, Regupol® RAV400 and Regupol® RAV500 were installed beneath the entire area of the building, at a thickness of 34mm, 45mm and 45mm respectively.

Foundations cast onto Regupol®


Structural isolation

Debi Tel Building, Berlin

Isolated floor

In large buildings, there are many sources of noise and vibration, each of which must be assessed individually. Different isolation techniques are required according to where the source is located – the advice will vary depending on the source of the problem, for example, whether it is a boiler on the first floor, or plant equipment located on the roof. Equipment generating dynamic forces must Machine isolation

also be considered very carefully. For mixed use developments, floors should also be treated for impact noise as this will be transmitted in all directions through the entire structure of the building. As there are many factors to consider when attenuating noise and vibration, it is recommended that specialist advice be sought.

Structural isolation


Floating floors In this specialised field, Regupol® or Regufoam® can be installed to reduce impact and structure borne noise in areas such as residential buildings, offices, leisure complexes, cinema auditoria and bowling alleys.

Regupol® RAV100

Technical services and plant rooms Technical service and plant rooms are isolated against structure borne noise with Regupol® or Regufoam® using a simple plinth arrangement or cast foundation block. Such installations should always be designed in co-operation with structural engineers, as A typical example of an isolated plinth

there are often several parameters which can contribute to the success or failure of vibration isolation.

Roof mounted equipment

Mechanical plant isolation


Industrial applications

Early construction of an isolated inertia pit using Regupol®

Completed inertia pit, fully isolated

Isolated inertia pit using Regufoam®

Isolation of a forging hammer

Through its own dynamic forces, mechanical

High performing and with the ability to

equipment generates noise and vibration. This

achieve very low natural frequencies,

can result in discomfort for the operative, and

Regupol® and Regufoam® can be designed for

cause damage to the surrounding structure as

a wide spectrum of applications.

well as the equipment itself. Remedial action post installation can prove costly and time consuming. As such, anti-vibration precautions should be considered early on in a project. Regupol® and Regufoam® anti-vibration products can be utilised to isolate noise and vibration at source and offer specialist and bespoke solutions, whether isolating pumps or lining inertia blocks.


Printing press isolation

Installation of isolation materials

Regupol® RAV300 was used to isolate

RAME provides a free and comprehensive

newspaper printing press foundations at one

technical support service, including the

of the world’s largest and newest print-works.

provision of bespoke solutions. Vibration

Foundation anti-vibration treatment was

control is highly specialist, with every project

required to prevent structural vibration and to

requiring an individual approach. The final

prolong the life of the printing presses.

material selection is dependent on a number of factors, including:

700 linear metres of Regupol® RAV300 was installed around the foundation perimeter.

• Load

This directly isolated five foundation blocks

• Natural frequency

from the surrounding floor slab and supported

• Area

a total of ten newspaper printing presses. • Deflection By reducing the passage of vibration into and

• Creep


out of the press foundations, the Regupol helped to protect the offices and building

structure from excessive structural noise, along with isolating the press machinery from ground borne sources of vibration and shock.


Load Ranges Regupol速 RAV100


















Permanent load in N/mm2

Regufoam速 150












Permanent load in N/mm2

Regupol Acoustics Middle East FZE P.O. Box 125279, Dubai, UAE Phone: +971-4-3233493 Fax: +971-4-3406295 info@regupolacousticsmiddleeast.com BSW and BSW product portfolio certified by DIN EN ISO 9001 DIN EN ISO 14001 OHSAS 18001 Regupol速 and Regufoam速 are official trademarks of BSW


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