2015 COLC Magazine Fall Edition

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he favor of God is the major distinguishing factor in the life of a believer in Christ and a non-believer. In fact, the ability to appropriate or walk in the favor of God is what differentiates a winning believer from a believer that is defeated in life. No human being can win the battles of life successfully, achieve their destinies or maximize their potentials without the unmerited favor of God. Human effort and ingenuity is limited and can be frustrated by satanic schemes but it is God's grace that add His "super" to our natural and causes us to excel and flourish where others have struggled and failed. Friend, it is having the understanding of the favor of God and how to walk in it that will make you live a life of victory and receive God's best. Your life will never lack blessings and miracles when you know how to walk in the favor of God as His beloved child. “For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, nor did their own arms save them; but it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your countenance, because you FAVORED them" Ps.44:3.....those who receive abundance of Grace and the gift of righteousness will REIGN in life through the one, Jesus Christ" Romans 5:17 "And of Naphtali he said: 'O Naphtali, satisfied with

FAVOR, and full of the blessing of the Lord, possess the west and the south" Deut.33:23 WHAT IS THE FAVOR OF GOD? l will like to simply define favor as everything good that we have received from God through Jesus that we do not deserve. Favor is all the free provisions of God that came to us through the finished work of Christ that we can never qualify to receive on our own merits. This includes anything and everything you can think about because there is nothing you have or you will have that can come on your own merit without the provision of Grace or what Christ have done. In order to further understand the favor of God, we In the Spirit (spiritually speaking) man and woman are equal. They have the same position in God and equal in divine ability and grace. However, in the context of marriage, man has received a much demanding task or a higher role or service to make sure the home succeed. It is a serious mandate and he will give account to God that gave him that assignment. Of course, many men have failed in this ministry. The failure starts with ignorance of the call to the ministry of headship in the home, lack of preparation to fulfill this call and frustration from the spouse that will not even receive their ministry because she wants to be the 'head' herself. Can l say this to all the married women reading this article, the

need to know the meaning of the word "favor.� u It is a gift bestowed as a token of goodwill, kind regard or love. u It is something done or granted out of goodwill. u It is excessive kindness, unfair partiality or preferential treatment u It is an approval. It is an advantage The combination of the definitions above also reveals that favor is when God's approval or acceptance is upon a man's life and He thereby showers him with gifts and out of His goodwill treat the man with excessive kindness to give him an advantage in life. So, favor is God's unconditional love extended to the man that does not deserve it. It is divine assistance from God to help the man He loves succeed in every area of life. It is the gift of God's presence to make an ordinary man become extraordinary in the affairs of life. It is an endowment of God's glory on the man he has justified and declare righteous without any personal merits but out of His goodwill. It is the unleashing of the power of God on behalf of a man to meet all his needs, fight his battles and fulfill his destiny. The favor of God is His blessing at work in a man's life producing results without toiling and no sorrow attached. Moreover, when the favor of God is in operation in a man's life he will experience supernatural increase and promotion (Gen. 41:3941). Favor will change or reverse policies, rules and laws for your advantage (Esther 8:4-8); and your petitions will be granted even by ungodly civil authorities (Esther 5:6-8, 7:1). When the favor of God is on your lives, prominence and preferential treatment come right along with it and you will receive recognition even when you are the least likely to be selected (Esther 2:15-18, 1 Sam.16:12). The favor of God is His ability working in you and for you to win in life because of His love for you. The favor of God is the gift of Jesus to you, the presence of Jesus in you and the power of Christ at work in your life. It is God's favor that saved you, healed you,prosper you, granted you access to the throne of grace and qualifies you to be His royal ambassador (Eph.2:8, 2Cor.5:17)

So, anyone that is a believer in Christ, a new creation in Christ, born again believer (John 3:3-16) that have received the life of God then have the favor of God. However, though a believer is surely well positioned in Christ to live a life of favor, the reality of this divine blessing will not be experiential if he does not how to access or appropriate what he has been given by God. So, all believers in Christ have access to the favor of God but only those that have the revelation of this truth will be able to walk in it and experience the blessings of God's favor in their lives. "......Grace (divine favor ) that is TO BE BROUGHT TO YOU at the REVELATION of Jesus Christ" 1Peter 1:13 emphasis mine Jesus is the embodiment of God's favor. He is the revelation of the favor of God. It is in Him that God's favor consists! You cannot have God's favor without Jesus. It is also safe to say that you cannot lose God's favor as long as you remain in Christ. You see, you have to differentiate the manifestation of God's favor in the Old Testament from the new covenant to fully understand what l am explaining in this article. The old covenant saints received God's favor based on their merits of obedience but we believer in Christ got our undeserved favor from Christ's obedience (Rom,5:17). He qualifies us through his blood and made us stand in His righteousness without guilt or shame and made us accepted in Him (1John 3). The gospel is the good news of God's favor. It is the declaration of God's willingness to help man solve his problems or help him overcome the challenges of life that sin has brought upon him. Jesus came to declare or proclaim "THE ACCEPTABLE YEAR OF THE LORD (THE YEAR OF HIS FAVOR)....." Isaiah 61:2 AMP. His messianic assignment is to bring all men back to the love of the father God and QUALIFY us to receive His underserved or unmerited favor through his obedience to the death of the cross. The time of favor for all men came when Jesus paid the price and obtained an inheritance for us to receive God's favor on His merit and not on ours "You will arise and have mercy on Zion: for the time to favor her, Yes, the set time has come" Psalm 102:13.

WHO HAS GOD'S FAVOR? The favor of God and Jesus are inseparable (John 1:14-17). You cannot have one without the other.

It is important to mention that God's grace (unmerited favor) has come to all men because is love has been manifested to all men but not all men responded or accepted the gift of God's grace or Contd.

love. Only those that have responded to God's offer of His gift of grace, favor and love, called the believers in Christ, therefore have the favor of God that. "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men" Titus 2:11 “ He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name" John 1:11-12. HOW TO ACCESS DIVINE FAVOR “.....through Him also we have (our) access (entrance, introduction) by faith into this grace (state of God's favor) in which we (firmly and safely) stand......" Rom 5:2 AMP

You see, you will know that your faith is alive when you are expecting results of what you have believed and you are acting consistently in line with the word of God you have believed irrespective of your circumstances. Let me also quickly mention to you also that you must BELIEVE RIGHT to have a healthy faith. Real bible faith is simply your positive response to what God has ALREADY PROVIDED BY GRACE (HIS FAVOR). Faith is not trying to make God do anything that he has not promised. Our fasting, praying, studying, confessing and acting on the word is not to "force' God to do anything for us ......He has already done all things well for us in Christ. However, we should do all the preparation above to help us believe and respond right in order to receive what God always willing to give to us. DIMENSIONS OF FAVOR

It will take FAITH to access or walk in the favor of God. Like anything in the kingdom of God, without faith you can not take possession of what is rightfully yours or see the manifestation of what has been promised by God in your covenant relationship with him (Eph.2:7-9). It is your faith that determines what you receive or can receive in the kingdom of God. So, the focus of a believer should be how to walk in faith in relation to the favor of God. Some believers know how to use their faith to receive healing but do not know how to release their faith to walk in the favor of God. As you know, faith start where the will of God is known, that is, faith starts with the Knowledge of the truth of God's word. For example, If you do not know that God has accepted you and bestowed honor and power on you because of what Jesus did for you and have favored you with His abiding presence and will never forsake you and He is committed to answer all your prayers based on merits of Jesus, you will think you have to make things happen in your strength and you will not be able to release or grow your faith in the favor of God. So your faith in God's favor begins with you acknowledging all that Christ has done for you (that you are forgiven, sanctified, anointed, no more condemned etc) and believe it is true. This will take some time for you to study the word and meditate on the truth of the word especially in the area of favor or grace and start confessing the word of God's favor until your mind is fully renewed to it and you expect the manifestation of it.

"And Jesus INCREASED in wisdom and stature, and in FAVOR with God and men" Luke 2:52 "Grace and peace be MULTIPLIED to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.........But GROW in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...." 2 Peter 1:2, 3:18 There are different levels of the favor of God a child of God can walk in or manifest in his or her life. The bible teaches that we can grow or increase in favor. So, you determine the amount of favor of God you will walk in or manifest in your life. God shows no partiality to any of children (Acts 10:34-35) .You determine the level of this favor through growing in the knowledge ( revelation ) of Jesus ( who He is and what He has done for you) and your growing faith in the grace ( what God has provided for you and covenant promises in Christ). You see the word DIMENSIONS refer to measurement in length, width magnitude, depth and thickness. The bible teaches that we must seek and thirst after "righteousness” and desire the things of the Spirit (Jn.7:37-38, Mt.5:6). The bible clearly teaches that we need our eyes of understanding to be progressively enlightened and continue to develop for us comprehend with other saints what is the width and length and depth and height and to know the love of Christ (Eph.1:17-20, 3:17-19). You see, my friend, this what separate believers Contd.

Reigning in Life God does not determine the measure of your favor but you by your act of obedience, diligence in the Word, believing right, walking in the love of God, kingdom service, nurturing your faith through prayer, meditation, confessing and acting on the integrity of the Word determine the amount of demand you make on the favor of God and how deep you will walk in it. It is time to enjoy the favor of God. This is time to look unto Jesus the source of your favor with God. It is time to focus on what He has done for you not what you are trying to do to qualify yourself to be blessed. You will always fall short! It is time to lean on Him and quit trying to make things happen on your own strength. He did everything for you. You only need to believe it and receive what He has done for you. The favor of the Lord declares "....ALL THINGS ARE YOURS" 1 Cor.3:21 Rev. Bayo Awoleri is the lead Pastor and Visionary of Center of Life Church and Ministries. He is the publisher of Reigning in Life Magazine and host of Reigning in Life Conference.


Reigning in Life


t is amazing to see the positive results of godly parenting in the lives of our children. It brings joy to hearts when our children grow up to be successful, achieving their dreams, making us proud on every levels especially in their walk with and work for God. I believe there is nothing more fulfilling for a Christian parent to see their children living in integrity with moral uprightness, dedicated to God and mission of the kingdom of God. "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it" Pro.22:6 As a trained lawyer and career professional in the market place, l know that good education is very important and must be given to our children but nothing compares to nurturing Christlikeness in them and see them grow up to be a godly men or women with fulfilling career or ministry. I am convinced that leading our children to salvation, training them in the ways of the Lord and developing their God given potential to be a blessing to their world is the greatest influence we can have on our children.


training your children as a single mother. I salute your courage and your discipline to do what is right. God's grace is always greater than the price. You might be another Sonya Carson, the mother of Ben Carson, the celebrated neurosurgeon and a presidential aspirant in the Republican Party primaries in the USA. She prayed to God, as a single mother, on how to deal with her children failing grades. Ben was not always focused and on top of her class but she stood her ground and ensured her son to grew up in healthy faith and developed her potential. I have been inspired by the rules she set for children, Ben and his brother. He turned off Television, only allowed them to watch two programs per week. They have to write two book reports every week. Of course, Ben and his brother were extremely horrified at this initially but Dr. Ben Carson said he found this extremely useful on the long run. We all know the story today, Dr. Ben Carson referred to as 'gifted hands' became the youngest Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery in USA and his brother became a successful engineer. Mothers, you have no excuse irrespective of your circumstances. You have to receive grace from God and influence your children positively. They have a destiny to fulfill and you cannot allow them to live anyhow they want.

"When l call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt FIRST in your GRANDMOTHER Lois and your MOTHER Eunice, and l am persuaded is in you also" 2Tim.1:5 We must set boundaries and not excuse bad behaviour but with gentle love correct, hold them accountable I believe mothers can influence the lives of their and instruct them in doing the right things. Above all, children in a unique way that no other person can. pray over their lives and contend against anything or Mothers, the role you play in nurturing the seed of spirits that want to derail their potentials. greatness in your children is very important. You are the one that spend more time with the children than their "The rod and rebuke give wisdom but a child left to father. So, you are there to observe a lot of the himself brings shame to his mother� behaviours that needs to be tamed and also you have the privilege of time to teach good ethics and moral Considering the success story of Timothy, Paul saw values that will build their future. I am also aware of genuine and dynamic faith and in his life that makes some of you mothers that have to do a double work of him an enviable leader. This faith was first found in his

grandmother and then in his mother. This seems to be generational blessings and a life that has been positively impacted. I believe Timothy's future was shaped by the diligence of faith of his mother and grandmother. The above scriptural text also suggests to me that the influence of faith Eunice received from her mother Lois she passed on to her son Timothy and he became a blessing to his world. Mothers, be rest assured that your seeds, l mean your children, will pass the same legacy of faith to their own children and perpetuate the blessing in your family. Your children will influence their own children to the glory of the Lord and you will forever be remembered for your diligence and faithfulness to God. You will be celebrated like the Proverb 31 woman and receive eternal reward. "......Her children rise up and call her blessed. Her husband also and he praises her" Pro.31:27. Parenting is not a small task! In fact, to train up a child to become successful in life is not trivial. It takes courage and the help of the Lord to be a positive influence so that our children can turn out well and fulfill their destinies in life. However, you cannot influence your children if you are opposite of what you want them to be. Our children follow what we do not just what we say. My husband will always say, that you cannot demand from your people what you do not represent. Mothers, are you diligent, do you value honesty and uprightness? How do you spend your time? If you sit in front of television all day, gallivanting around and not diligently pursuing any reasonable vision, how will your children learn hard work and stay focus on a task. Be the example you want them to become and let your conduct inspire your children. Moreover, take your relationship with the Lord very seriously. Let them see that you value the study of the word and prayer. Let them see your Christian service and devotion to the Kingdom of God. Let them see that you honour God with your finances and seek to please the lord in all things. Your children are watching and your faith is transferrable and contagious. Your faith will penetrate their lives and they will gradually learn your values. Do not forget that training our children is like planting a seed and seed does not sprout over night. So, keep training, teaching, praying and exposing them to good conduct until the nature of Christ and right values are fully formed in your children for successful future. You will have the closest and lasting influence in your children's lives. May you succeed in your motherhood calling! Pastor Mrs Subuola Awoleri is a Co-founder and

Associate Pastor at Center of Life Church and visionary of ideal Woman Ministry. Her message of faith and reliance on the Holy Spirit for success has blessed many lives beyond her local church. She presently operate her law office and resides with her husband and three children in the city of Brampton, Canada.

Reigning in Life




esus first mentioned the word “church” in Matt 16:18, it also occurred in Matt 18: 17. In English “church” has only one meaning but two in Hebrews. It appears 114 times in the NT. However, 96 times when it occurred it was referring to the church in Matt 16:18. Matt 16:18 refers to the universal church (everyone from every country, tongue, tribe those who eventually serve Jesus, those who are dead and alive (Christians). It is used in the broadest sense of the word. Matt 18:17 refers to the local expression of the church e.g. Royal House and other local congregations. Ekklesia (Greek)-church (called out ones assembled in a place).

family. 6. Service & Reward- Working in the church has eternal implications anything else doesn't last. There is a difference between worshipping and serving. Those who come on Sunday come for worship. Recognition is based on the fact that you are serving.-1 Tim 4:8;1 Cor 15:58; Heb 6:10; Prov 14:23;Ps 58:11;Prov 11:18.

Seven reasons to protect the church The duty that each worker owes the church is to protect it. Shield it from damage/danger, guard it. We all have an obligation to protect our church. 1.


Six functions of the church (local) 1.

2. 3.



God provided the local church to facilitate our well being. Jer 29:11 (physical, social & financial). Your well being will be compromised if you are not functioning or committed to a local church. Protect us from the arrow that lies by day & night (Zech 2:5;Ps 34:7;Isa 4:5;Ps 135:2;Job 1:10) Grow and mature us- The soil of the local church is the place where you are to be planted and grow. A born again Christian who wants to grow must belong to a church (Ps 92:12-13; Isa 37:31;2 Thess1:3;2 Pet 3:18). Without root there is no food. Healthy Association & Fellowship- This happens because there's order. Healthy associations between members that we can associate with without fear. Enjoy each other's company in a holy way. A place of training and mentoring-Prov 22:6. Church is the place for training for spiritual effectiveness, responsible lifestyle, mentoring, examples of which to emulate of a



5. 6.


God is protecting the church-2 Cor 6:1;1Cor 3:9;Ps 105:14-15;Zech 2:8. God is busy protecting the church and should we. The gates of Hell are against it. The devil is out to bring it down. He wants the doors closed; people to abandon our responsibilities as workers. Eph 4:27. Church is fragile-Churches die and there are things that can make people scatter and leave the church. It's more fragile than you think. Zech 13:7;Matt 14:14,15:32,20:29,21:9. Not everyone loves our church-If we don't protect our church there's no-one who will. Our interest is at stake and welfare will do down. Everyone is protecting their churches. If anything happens to this church everyone will be held accountable. As a watchman, you will not go free. This church is placed in our care, to watch over, preserve and nourish it. If anything happens we'll be affected. The effect of the church being hurt is much deeper than any hurt. Because the church gives us our spiritual identity. Anything happens we'll be affected. The effect of the church being hurt is much deeper than any hurt. Because the church gives us our spiritual identity. A strong church is needed to reach the

Reigning in Life

community. It has to be effective in order to reach the community. We need to protect it because of the function that it will play in the community.

What do we need to protect about this church? 1.


3. 4.




Our unity-Source/strength may not be in numbers but in oneness. Don't allow anything that will make us break ranks and go hither thither-Rom 16:17;John 17:22-23;Eph 4:3,13 Our vision-Gives us fruitfulness, virility, character, accessibility, acceptability, uniqueness, taste and power. Acts 26;19 Our order-Respect our order. Don't disregard or disrespect. 1 Cor 14:40; Titus 1:5; 1 Kings 18:38 Our atmosphere-Speaking vernacular after the church service is wrong. An atmosphere of the presence and power of God is here. Gossip, jealousy, envy & insecurity pollute the atmosphere. Our leader-Allow him to spend time in the word and prayer. Take charge and control you have been put. Our good name-Whatever I have to do, I need to ask myself if I do it how will it affect our good name. Do whatever you have to do, to avoid the name being dragged in the mud. One another-If someone does something wrong, protect that person. We have a common identity.

What do I do in order to protect the church? 1.

2. 3.



Pray-Nothing beats praying for the church e.g. finances, families, Pastor and programmes.1 Thess 5:17;Eph 6:18;1 Tim 2:8;James 5:17;Prov 15:29; Rev 5:8, 8:3-4. Become an ambassador-Live a good life for all to see. 2 Cor 5:20 Don't allow people to hurt the church. Stop talebearers, gossipers, backbiters resist such people. Don't allow people to destroy our legacy. 1 Cor 15:56;Gal 5:9; Lev 19:16; Ps 101:5. Working in the church-Recruit other people. Three things to commit to each year are recommit yourself, bring in other workers and also new souls. Church cannot grow if the workforce remains the same. Give-Pay your tithes. If you're not paying your tithes you're a robber especially in heavenly places. Stop stealing. Mal 3:8; Zech 5:1-3; Ecc 7:12



Helping the Pastor to welcome and celebrate guest ministers and new comers. Leaving what you're doing to attend the programme. Ask for time off from work to attend the programme. Make yourself available.

Ask if there's anything you can do. Offer to do things. ·Buy materials brought by the guest minister; take a copy home. Become a doer of whatever is taught. Say to yourself that I want what he/she says to make a difference in my life. James 1:22.

Dr. Dayo Adeyemo is the senior Pastor of Royal House, RCCG, St Catharines, Canada. A multicultural church with a prophetic mandate to raise a people of power and purpose with passion for Jesus. He is a civil engineer by training and Pastor by calling. He also holds a doctorate degree in Psychology and Counselling from California state University. His itinerary ministry takes him around the world. He is the author “Walking in Your Prophetic Destiny” and holds an annual revival meeting “God of Wonders” that bless people all across Canada.


In the event of a national catastrophe, much confusion, terror and consternation would reign. What would the Christian do? What should our attitude be? Which way would we turn if the country in which we live were suddenly wrecked and all the props gone? As a whole, our nation does not know what privation is. We do not know what sacrifice is. We do not know what suffering is. Suppose persecution were to come to the church in America, as it has come in other countries. The immunity to persecution that Christians in our country have experienced in the past two or three centuries is unusual. Christ strongly warned Christians that to follow Him would not be popular, and that in most circumstances it would mean cross-bearing and persecution. The Bible says that all who "desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus said that as the time of His return draws nigh, "They will seize you and persecute you" (Luke 21:12). We have no scriptural foundation for believing that we can forever escape being persecuted for Christ's sake. The normal condition for Christians is that we should suffer persecution. Are you willing to face persecution and death for Christ's sake? What Would You Do?

Since we have experienced little religious persecution in this country, it is likely that under pressure many would deny Christ. Those who shout the loudest about their faith may surrender soonest. Many who boast of being courageous would be cowardly. Many who say, "Though all others deny Christ, yet I will never deny Him," would be the first to warm their hands at the campfires of the enemy. Jesus, in speaking of the last times, warned, "Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake" (Matthew 24:9). The Scripture says, "because iniquity will abound, the love of many will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12). The apostle Paul, referring to the coming evil day, said, "Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done all, to stand" (Ephesians 6:13).

Reigning in Life









one who led his people to freedom. Walk with

approaching for Israel. He warned the people to

God as David did as a shepherd boy; when the

prepare to meet God. The word preparedness

time of crisis came, David was prepared to meet

should be a key word for everyone.

it. Daniel and his three young friends walked with

It is strange that we prepare for everything except meeting God. We prepare for marriage. We prepare for a career. We prepare for education.

God in Babylon, and when trouble came, God was beside them—whether it was in the lions' den or in the fiery furnace. However, God does not always deliver His saints

But we do not prepare to meet God. Even though most Americans see the storm clouds gathering on the horizon, by and large we are making few preparations to meet God. This is a time for repentance and faith. It is a time for soulsearching, to see if our anchor holds.

from adversity. God says in Hebrews 11 that others were just as faithful as Abraham, Moses, Daniel or David. They, too, walked with God—but they perished. God has not promised to deliver us from trouble. But He has promised to go with us through the

Have you been to the cross where Christ shed His blood for your sins? Have you had the past forgiven? Have you come by faith, confessing that you are a sinner and receiving Christ as your Savior? I tell you that this cross is the only place of refuge in the midst of the storm of judgment that is fast approaching. Make sure of your relationship with God.

trouble. Stephen was a young man "full of faith and of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 6:5). They stoned him to death, but his was a triumphal entry into heaven. If you are not strengthening the inner man or woman by daily walking with God now, when a crisis comes you will quake with fear and give in, having no strength to stand up for Christ.

3. Assimilate Scripture

2. Walk With God Second,





with God in your d a i l y

l i f e .



with God and was called a friend of God. Walk with God as Moses did on the back side of

Third, we should fortify ourselves with the Word of God. Begin reading, studying and memorizing Scripture as never before. The Bible says, "Stand therefore, having your waist girded with truth" (Ephesians 6:14). The truth is the Word of God. We are to be girded and undergirded with the Word. Read it, assimilate it, feed on it; let it be your staff and strength. It is quick and powerful. It is the bulwark of the soul. Too many Christians today are entangled with the affairs of this world, caught in a net of material interest and diversion. Scripture, to many, is little more than a reference book for biblical facts. It is seldom opened and rarely relished as the spiritual staff of life that it is.

the desert; when the



of fell

Many souls are anemic and starved for the things of God. They are totally unprepared for a time of crisis.


In the event of a national catastrophe, much confusion, terror and consternation would reign. What







Here are five ways to fortify yourself so that you will be able to stand in that day.


attitude be? Which way would we turn if the country in which we live were suddenly wrecked and all the props gone? As a whole, our nation does not know what privation is. We do not know what sacrifice is. We do not know what suffering is. Suppose persecution were to come to the church in America, as it has come in other countries.

1. Make Sure First, make sure of your relationship to God. Amos the prophet saw the Day of Judgment fast approaching for Israel. He warned the people to prepare to meet God. The word preparedness should be a key word for everyone. It is strange that we prepare for everything except

The immunity to persecution that Christians in our country

meeting God. We prepare for marriage. We prepare for

have experienced in the past two or three centuries is

a career. We prepare for education.

unusual. Christ strongly warned Christians that to follow Him would not be popular, and that in most circumstances it

But we do not prepare to meet God. Even though most

would mean cross-bearing and persecution.

Americans see the storm clouds gathering on the

The Bible says that all who "desire to live godly in Christ Jesus

horizon, by and large we are making few preparations

will suffer persecution" (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus said that as

to meet God. This is a time for repentance and faith. It

the time of His return draws nigh, "They will seize you and

is a time for soul-searching, to see if our anchor holds.

persecute you" (Luke 21:12). We have no scriptural foundation for believing that we can forever escape being persecuted for Christ's sake. The normal condition for Christians is that we should suffer persecution. Are you willing to face persecution and death for Christ's sake? What Would You Do? Since we have experienced little religious persecution in this country, it is likely that under pressure many would deny Christ. Those who shout the loudest about their faith may surrender soonest. Many who boast of being courageous would be cowardly. Many who say, "Though all others deny Christ, yet I will never deny Him," would be the first to warm their hands at the campfires of the enemy. Jesus, in speaking of the last times, warned, "Then they will hand you over to be persecuted and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake" (Matthew 24:9). The Scripture says, "because iniquity will abound, the love of many will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12). The apostle Paul, referring to the coming evil day, said, "Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done all, to stand" (Ephesians 6:13).

Have you been to the cross where Christ shed His blood for your sins? Have you had the past forgiven? Have you come by faith, confessing that you are a sinner and receiving Christ as your Savior? I tell you that this cross is the only place of refuge in the midst of the storm of judgment that is fast approaching. Make sure of your relationship with God.

Heaven and Hell are not just a phenomenon of the present But rather a material place of life and death. They are no fiction but solid, stem truth. The loss of Heaven is the greatest pain in Hell The way to Heaven is ascending We must be content to trail upward though it be hard and tiresome. And to the Natural bias of our flesh Better to go to heaven in rag Than to go to hell in embroidery where billows never break nor tempest roar Heaven is a place prepared for those who are prepared. Ponder this,

If there were no Hell no one would bother about Heaven If there be a paradise of virtues There must be a hell of vices No redemption from hell Hell is worse than the depth of the sea For it is a bottomless pit Hell is tormenting Right now you are hanging over the mouth of hell by a single thread And that thread is breaking only a gasp for breath Only a stopping of the heart For a single moment and you will be in an eternal world Without God, without hope, without forgiveness Oh! Can you face it?

Dr. Maurice Rawlings, M.D. Cardiologist and professor of medicine at the University Of Tennessee College Of Medicine in Chattanooga was devout atheist who considered all religion “Hocus-pocus”. To him, death was nothing more than a painless extinction But in 1977, Rawlings was resuscitating a man who came back from the edge of death. The man was terrified and screaming. Rawlings wrote: Each time he regained heartbeat and respiration, the patient screamed, “I am in hell” He was terrified and pleaded with me to help him. I was scared to death. Then l noticed a genuinely alarmed look on his face. He had a terrified look worse than the expression seen in death! This patient had a grotesque grimace expressing sheer horror. His pupils were dilated, and he was perspiring and trembling, he looked as if his hair was on end There are many stories of near death experiences in which people report moving down a peaceful tunnel towards a gentle light, but Dr. Rawlings's research which appeared in Omni magazine, demonstrated that about 50 percent of near – death victims report seeing lakes of fire, devil-like figures, and other sights reflecting the darkness of hell. “Just listening to these patients has changed my whole life”, claims Dr. Rawlings. “There is a life after death and if l don't know where l'm going, it's not safe to die”. Dr Rawlings began studying what the bible had to say about hell and other subjects, and he became a Christian. Two of his books are: Beyond Death's Door and To Hell and Back. To escape hell you need to be born again. You need to accept Jesus as your savior and Lord for you to be a candidate of heaven. Simply pray the following prayer in faith and you shall be saved: Heavenly father, l come to you in the name of Jesus. Your word says “Whosoever shall call on the name of Lord shall be saved” and “If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus; and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved” (Acts 2:21, Rom. 10:9-10). Father, l take you at your word and l confess that Jesus is Lord. And l believe in my heart that you raised Him from the dead. Thank you for coming to my heart, for giving me your Holy Spirit as you have promised, and for being Lord over my life. If you have just prayed this prayer, please write and let us know of your decision. We would like to help you grow in your faith. Welcome to God's family. ( info@colc.ca)

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therapeutic properties and healing power of one of the oldest and most powerful medicines, Laughter and Music. Laughter, through many research studies, has been concluded to have innumerable, physical, mental and emotional health benefits. It plays a key role in reducing stress, boosting immunity and improving health and well-being. Some of most obvious benefits are that strong laughter can relieve physical and emotional stress, balance the autonomic nervous system improve; circulation and heart health, raise HDL “good” cholesterol levels, and reduce blood pressure; stimulate the digestion and metabolism; reduce perceived pain and increase the pain threshold through stimulating endorphin production; and provide mild aerobic exercise. Deep laughter inspires deeper breathing, which increases respiration and supports the health of all the organs. These are all vital contributors to a thriving immune system. Laughter inspires positive thoughts and keeps us in a positive mood, when we maintain this state; stress-bursting neuropeptides are released, naturally boosting immunity. A negative emotional and mental state triggers chemical reactions that increases stress levels and depress immunity.


happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)” A merry/happy heart is a heart filled with joy. Joy is not a feeling, it is a choice. Joy comes from a knowing, knowing who you are in Christ and all He has done for you. “I have told you these things so that My joy and delight may be in you and that your joy may be made full and complete and overflowing”. (John 15:11) Doctors and researchers have, for the past several decades been exploring and studying the

A study published in the Journal of Psychosocial Oncology found that laughter therapy is a useful adjunct for treating cancer. Cancer patients who are encouraged to laugh regularly experience less stress during their treatments, improved quality of life, and tend to have higher recovery and survival rates.The original plan and desire of God for mankind is for us to live in divine health, sickness and disease free and have a sound mind. Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]. (3 John2:2) He sent His Son Jesus to settle that for us on the cross. His mission is to ensure we live a


victorious and prosperous life, but we have an adversary (Satan also referred to as the thief) who is on a mission to make sure believers stay ignorant of the finished work of Grace and lay hold of what is rightfully theirs in Christ Jesus. John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]. If he is able to steal our joy, we have given him access to our blessings, which includes our health. To maintain our joy, it is important wehave a heart of gratitude. “Bless and affectionately praise the LORD, O my soul, and all that is [deep] within me, bless His holy name.”(Psalm 103:1) Joy activates your faith in God and in His Word. It manifests on your knowledge of the Word. Staying connected to the vine Jesus and continually dwelling in His presence, through studying and meditating on the Word of God strengthens our faith and keeps our joy full. Rejoicing brings renewal to your spirit, soul and body. You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11) Music also plays a vital role in providing healing therapy. It is very important to listen to the right kinds of music.Listening to the right kinds of music has been shown to reduce stress, increase positive brain chemical production and release, improve memory, relieve depression, and boost immunity. Praise and thanksgiving brings us into the presence of God; it releases the power of God to move in our lives and situations. “Enter His gates with a song of thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, bless and praise His name.” (Psalm 100:4) Various studies has found that music helps

Reigning in Life disabled and stressed children to relax, feel more secure, perform tasks, and respond in more positive ways to their environments and other people. Elderly people feel greater selfesteem and less depression and loneliness when listening to music. In the field of memory and cognition “The Mozart Effect” has been noted, where students' test scores improve after listening to Mozart and other complex musical compositions, perhaps because music processing and memory trigger many of same areas of the brain. This tendency to improve memory and brain function can also help to reduce stress, increase creativity, and support overall mental health. Both laughter and music relieve stress. Chronic stress has reached pandemic proportions in the world; it is destroying the lives of many people. IIt has been found to be debilitating to the body and brain and severely depresses the digestion, metabolism, reproductive system, and immune system. Chronic stress has been implicated as causing or contributing to nearly every major disease, through its negative effects on the nervous system, the way it increases inflammation, and how it decimates the body's ability to heal. Laughter and music reduce the production of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. They stimulate the release of endorphins and dopamine, the brain chemicals that lead to relaxed, contented, and pleasurable feelingstates in the brain and body. We see this in the life of Saul in 1 Samuel 16:23 “So it came about that whenever the [evil] spirit from God was on Saul, David took a harp and played it with his hand; so Saul would be refreshed and be well, and the evil spirit would leave him.” Researchers at the Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine found that people who took part in bimonthly group sessions consisting of



music or laughter exercises experienced an average of a five to six point reduction in systolic blood pressure, a marker for stress levels and heart health. It causes a release of nitric oxide, Improving the functioning of the epithelial layer (the lining of the blood vessels), and causing it to expand by as much as 30 percent. More open blood vessels means greater blood flow, lower blood pressure, and less stress. Both interactive music therapy techniques, such as playing instruments and singing, and receptive music therapy techniques like listening to live or recorded music can decrease stress, anxiety, and pain, and increase relaxation and positivity in oncology patients. The healing benefits of music and laughter are increased when there is also the possibility of connection. Connection with the right group of people increases the production of oxytocin, one of the hormones that relaxes the nervous system and supports fertility and healing. Laughing with other people satisfies the basic human need to connect in positive and pleasurable ways, and dispels the isolation feelings so common in today's world, especially in people living with a disease. To enhance the power of music and laughter with connection, find ways to experience music and laughter in real time with other people. It is important to attend a bible believing church and fellowship with other believers. Praise and worship is a vital part of every service, it is not what just happens before service starts. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is, for brothers to dwell together in unity! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing: life forevermore�. (Psalm 133:1, 3) To live a victorious life, especially in the area of your health, it is important you intentionally spend more time with family, brethren and those who have a positive impact on your emotions, learn

Reigning in Life not to take yourself too serious, be free laugh at yourself. Have a heart of gratitude, most especially rejoicing in God's presence References: The Holy Bible (Amplified version) McDiarmid. R. (May, 2014). STRESS is the KILLER‌ MUSIC AND LAUGHTER ARE THE HEALERS Pastor Olaronke Fabunmi is an assistant Pastor at Center of Life Church and a seasoned minister of the gospel. Her committed life of prayer and integrity of the word of God has challenged her a u d i e n c e t o l i v e a l i f e o f V i c t o r y. She operates her own business in financial services and resides with her family in Milton, Canada.



s a young man growing up among ignorant believers and unbelievers, a key phrase I heard often is “stick may break and hurt you, but words can't.” In other words, words are harmless. So I grew up with this mentality, totally unaware that words are very powerful. The effect of this was that situations and circumstances were reigning over me. My words put me at the mercies of negative situations and circumstances. Satan was lording it over me through my words. Glory to God, many years later, I got born again and started studying God's Word, I began to see the importance of words. It is amazing to discover that words are not harmless, but extremely powerful and in-fact, God created the heavens and the earth through faithfilled words. The Bible declares in Proverbs 18:21 that “death and life are in the power of the tongue ...” Your tongue is the deciding factor in your life. No matter how fierce the storm or how serious the problem, your confession will control your ship in the storm. Friend, there is nothing in this earth so great, so powerful, that cannot be controlled by the tongue. The entire course of nature and the circumstances surrounding every human being are controlled by the person's tongue (see James 3). Jesus emphasized this further in Matthew 12:37, saying that your word will either justify or condemn you (see also Proverbs 6:2).

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manifestation in the miraculous. Without a sound there cannot be signs! Your mouth is an outlet for the rivers of the miraculous! A closed mouth is a closed destiny. Effects of Speaking Right Words: 1. Making the right sound gets God committed to act in your favour (Job 22:28; Mark 16:20). 2. You can silence ALL satanic oppositions with your mouth. A closed mouth is a direct invitation to oppression (Psalm 18:44; Isaiah 54:17). 3. The angels carry out your orders because they are your messengers. They take your utterances as instructions and carry them out to the letter (Hebrews1:14). 4. Whatever you say today is a seed planted with much assurance of a harvest tomorrow. You are made in God's image, therefore, your words are indestructible and equally incorruptible like Gods (Genesis 8:22; Mark 11:23). The key to speaking positive words is Matthew 12:33-37. This passage of Scripture reveals the following: Ø Loading your heart with good words is a major

way of ensuring right speaking. By speaking God's Word, you replace the negative forces at work in your life with the positive forces from the good treasures of your heart. As believers, we are designed to operate in the supernatural realm, in the miraculous. The sound produced by a believer determines his or her

Ø God's Words are right Words and when they

are in your heart in abundance, it flows out through your mouth, creating your desired world. Ø Sickness, poverty, and failure, do not have dominion over you any longer. But until you sound out your victory, it will never be!


angel would go with them. Please note that angel is by no means a small guard to travel with them. ed 185,000 Assyrians in one night2 kg19:35. Yet Moses said if your presence will not go with us, we shall not go further-Exo 33:14-15 established A clear example of the power of words can be seen in the detailed account of the Israelites' spying out the Promised Land in Numbers 13 and 14. Ten of the twelve scouts spoke based on sight, while Caleb and Joshua allowed God's Word to shape the words. Nevertheless, the whole congregation spoke against God, accusing Him of wickedness, loveless-ness, and insincerity. In the final judgment, God said in Numbers 14:28, Say to them, 'As I live,' says the Lord, 'just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you.” Whatever we say and believe will surely happen unto us according to Mark 11:23. Your words set the compass for your life. A wise man said, “if you don't like what you're seeing, change what you're saying”. Don't be ashamed to make your declarations publicly, even in the face of mockery and ridicule of men. God will use the occasion to make you. It's time to speak boldly in the Lord!

Pastor Yemi Ogunsanya, the Lead Pastor at Faith Chapel based in Mississauga, Ontario, is a gifted and dynamic teacher of the word of God. He dissects the scriptures and clearly puts together to bring out the rich meanings of the Words. God has used his teaching to liberate souls and propel saints to their destinies. Pastor Yemi is a compassionate and effective leader, who loves the sheep that God has placed in his care.

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He holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Degree as well as a Degree in Nursing,, but for Christ he has surrendered all to serve Him as an under- shepherd. Pastor Yemi and his beautiful wife, Pastor Dayo are blessed with a son and a daughter, John and Queen-Esther and are all serving the Lord together in the vineyard. His weekly broadcast, The Voice of Faith, can be found on YouTube @chec faith chapel.




hen life seems stuck and nothing as it were seems to be working; then there is need for a greater power. When there is a thirst to move to higher ground and you can no longer make it happen on your own then there is a need for a greater presence on whose shoulder you can stand. When mountains and hill stands as blockage on the path of progress and advancement, then you need a greater force to pull through. Ps 114 narrate similar events as the children of Israel left the land of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language. The sea saw it and fled, River Jordan turned back, mountains skip like rams, the little hills like lambs and the sea saw and fled. Thequestion is why did all these give way? They saw something; the Presence of the Lord. Though Israel was not fully aware of

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the Presence of the Lord but all these obstacles have eyes and can see, ears and can hear, hence gave way. The anointing is the Presence of God. It is the power of God. The anointing is the burden lifting, yoke destroying power of God. It is the Power of God that makes an ordinary man to do extra ordinary things. The power of God that makes a natural man to do supernatural things. It is the supernatural presence that differentiates one Christian from another Christian. Moses knew the essence of the Presence of God hence did not negotiate to go with an angel. In Exodus 33:1-2, God was angry with the children of Israel hence said He would no longer go with them lest in His anger destroy them however said His Recall that one angel killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night- 2 kg19:35. Yet Moses said if your presence will not go with us, we shall not go further-Exo 33:14-15.


Beloved, as we march forward in this month of March, we need the speed that comes from the anointing. When the anointing comes upon a man it makes the man to go forward and gives him a new nature. 1 Sam 10 reveals that as soon as the anointing came upon Saul, he began to go forward and God gave him a new nature. I have seen people who drank, smoked and addicted to drugs who came in contact with the anointing and immediately dropped these habits. They received a new nature and their taste changed. The anointing protects. Psalm 105:14-15 reveals that God protect his anointed. As long as you are anointed, you are guaranteed of God protection. You cannot die cheaply or anyhow. The anointing protects the anointed. The anointing lift burdens and breaks yokes. Isa 10:27 reveals, in that day burden and yokes are lifted by the anointing. The presence of the anointing lifts burden and destroys. The anointing saves. Psalm 20:6 makes it clear that the Lord saves His anointed. Do you desire to be saved then reach out for the anointing? It saves. If the anointing does all these, then how can a get the anointing in a greater measure. You have to thirst for it. Mat 5:6, says everyone who thirst after righteousness shall be fill. We all must thirst for the anointing. I made up my mind long time ago that I will not be an ordinary pastor; I will not blend in the crowd, hence the need for the anointing and wisdom. I thirsted for it and I am still thirsting for more. Please join me in this thirst. As long as we thirst for it we are sure of receiving it. By asking for the anointing. Mat 7:7 implores us that as many as ask, receives. If you don't ask, you don't receive. Keep asking and keep receiving. You can have the anointing by paying the price for it. Elisha paid the price of followership and received the double portion of the anointing upon Elijah. We have to pay the price; our food, sleep and pleasures of life must pay for it. We cannot afford to be everywhere without being in Hispresence and expect the huge flow of the anointing. We must be much with God to be much for Him. Have the right heart. Act 8:14-21 reveals a young man who wanted to purchase the power of God with money. The Apostle rebuked and rejected him not for desiring the Power of God but for intending to purchase the Power because his heart was not right. Why do you need the

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anointing? To show you have arrived or for money making? If your heart is not right you a not a candidate for the anointing. Service is another major way to acquire the anointing. The more you get into the service of the Kingdom, the more anointed you are. The anointing you have presently, what have you done with it? Are you asking for more then use the one you have presently before you can get more. Friends you need the anointing which is the power of packaged in man. You cannot afford to be ordinary; you need to be extra ordinary. Get the anointing. Shalom!

Lanre Ajanaku is a teacher of the New Testament reality of the Word. Ministering the Word actively in faith for over twenty five years in different cities in Nigeria and Canada. A writer and a columnist in the National dailies. He is the set man for Dominion Voice Christian Outreach. He is sought after to teach and preach the word in Seminars, retreats, outreaches and churches. He is married to Tinuade and blessed with three children.



h e s u c c e s s o f a ny marriage is largely dependent on having a clear understanding of how a marriage relationship is designed to work. Marriage is a creation of the Almighty God and He never created it to cause pain or frustration. As we know from the scriptures, everything God created was not just good but meant to be a blessing to mankind (Gen.1:1-26). Marriage was created and designed by God to meet man’s needs and make his or her life peaceful, joyful and comfortable. However, when this purpose is not achieved in a relationship something definitely has gone wrong. I know many have had their hearts broken in a devastating way while many live with daily struggle and overwhelming stress from contentious or abusive relationships. The institution designed by God to be a blessing have become what is dreadful and avoided by many. Man, in his quest for self-preservation, has tried to create inferior “alternatives” to meet his emotional needs apart from God but instead have created chaos and perversions. Seriously, what could have been the root cause of failures in many marriages or sadness in many homes? I believe one of the main reasons was because we are not following the owner’s manual. We are not doing it as it has been directed or instructed by the inventor, architect and builder of marriage. You see, like any other thing created, there is always a modus of operandi by the manufacturer on how the machine or equipment should work. Failure not to familiarize ourselves with how the equipment functions, can lead to frustration, injury or any other significant consequences. My intention in this article is to share with you one of the ways God has designed marriage relationship to work for it to produce blessing and increase. The concept of male headship in marriage is one of God’s designs to accomplish positive results, produce peace and blissful union in the home. If the headship concept is understood, nurtured and received in any marriage then the relationship will be on its way to success. Let me begin by saying that there are lots of misconceptions about this subject; some men have become tyrants or dictators

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or taking undue advantage of their wives because of theirperception or misunderstanding of this concept. Besides, some women have become femin ist , ch a mp io n in g wo men liberation, because they believe the idea of headship in marriage, emphasize male dominance and that it is unfair and suppresses women’s potential. Moreover, most men relish the phrase ‘I am your head or t h e head of this house’ or derive some importance from it, while most women are intimidated by it or feel abused by this ‘title’ all together. The first question to ask is “what is headship all about?” Is it biblical or God’s design for the man to be the head of the home? My aim in this article is to answer this question and to give some understanding to what biblical headship looks like and its concept in the home. The truth is, ‘headship’ is a divine concept and it is biblical (1 Cor.11:3, Eph.5:23-33, Eph.1:22, 4:15, Col.1:18, Col.2:10, 19, 1Pet.2:7). So, headship in the home is a part of divine concept for a godly marriage. It is God ordained and it is a pattern of divine governance and order that releases peace, joy and prosperity if it is done God’s way. “But l would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God” (1Cor.11:3) “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body” (Eph.5:23) Paul gave us insight to this divine truth that anything that exists on earth must have a covering or headship or authority to which he must be responsible. So, Jesus, in his earthly walk as our Messiah, was under the authority or headship of God the father. Jesus receives guidance, vision and every necessary support from His head to fulfil His earthly assignment. It was a loving relationship and partnership that resulted to Jesus’ success and fulfilment of his purpose in life. Jesus also became the head or authority for the church and helps her fulfil her assignment on daily basis. The body of Christ becomes a beneficiary of the commitment of Christ. He became everything to her even continue to intercede for her till date, sent His Holy Spirit with His gifts to abide with the church to make sure she succeeds and be fulfilled (Jn.14:17-20, Eph.4:11-16, Heb.7:25, Jn.17:17-20, Jn.8:28, Jn.10:25, Jn.15:10). Therefore, headship is a ministry and an assignment to help someone become all he or she should be. It is a title with a


function. It is a role or position with a great responsibility. It is a concept of divine coordination that eliminates chaos. Headship by definition speaks of having authority (delegated right) to direct, guide, teach, nourish, protect etc a person or persons to become a success in his or their endeavours. It is a huge task to help someone or people succeed. No one can function as a head and be of this great blessing to anyone without being equipped or prepared to do it. Jesus as the head of the church prepared for this role and well equipped to meet all of the needs of the Church. He gave All to the advantage of the Church. “And for their sake and on their behalf l sanctify (dedicate, consecrate) Myself, that they also may be sanctified (consecrated, dedicated, made holy) in the Truth” {John 17:19 AMP}. So, we can see from Jesus example that headship is first established on covenant relationship. It is about giving not taking. It’s never about control but service. So, in a marriage relationship, since all truths are parallel in the scripture, like Jesus to the church, a man has received the MINISTRY or RESPONSIBILITY of the head in the home. This is an assignment to have divine order and process in the home that will leads to peace, joy, prosperity as God the originator of the institution of marriage has established it if it is obeyed. This role does not make man better than the woman or makes a woman irrelevant or lacks power. In the Spirit (spiritually speaking) man and woman are equal. They have the same position in God and equal in divine ability and grace. However, in the context of marriage, man has received a much demanding task or a higher role or service to make sure the home succeed. It is a serious mandate and he will give account to God that gave him that assignment. Of course, many men have failed in this ministry. The failure starts with ignorance of the call to the ministry of headship in the home, lack of preparation to fulfill this call and frustration from the spouse that will not even receive their ministry because she wants to be the ‘head’ herself. Can l say this to all the married women reading this article, the success of your husband fulfilling his ministry as the head of the house rest so much as well on your ability to see him as called to serve you and you as a recipient of that grace or ministry. I know the frustration is when a woman is yoked to a man that lack understanding of this assignment or ill equipped to function in this role. The purpose of this article is to help such men to grow and develop the ability to walk in their God given mandate in e home. If you have such man as a partner, pray for him, tell him you are ready to receive his ministry and encourage him with all resources, friendships etc that can help him be all God want him to be. The Ministry of The Head t is important for any man that will succeed in his assignment in the home to know the functions of the head or his responsibility as the head. One of the best ways to gain this understanding is to relate it to the functions of the human head.


? VISION & DIRECTION – The eyes as a part of the head makes

vision possible. A blind man has limitation so is a ‘blind’ husband. The first responsibility of the man is to provide vision and direction to greatness for his family. A man must see ahead (opportunity and problem). He must know where

Reigning in Life heading and able to articulate how to get there. He must determine the values that will guard the vision to attainment and anticipates what might constitute a hindrance and avoid such. Vision of being debt free, raising godly children, living a holy life and being a blessing to the world.

? DISCERNMENT &PROTECTION – A man must develop ability to protect his family from any assault physically, emotionally, spiritually etc. The nose helps us naturally to ‘smell’ things that cannot be perceived by the eyes. In dealing with spiritual attack, you must develop discernment to unravel Satan’s work. Many men have destroyed their family fortune by fallen prey to Satan’s deception. The nose also aids breathing and helps sustain life. Man, you suppose to breathe new energy, courage and hope to your home without it your family cannot fulfil her destiny. Your must make sure the atmosphere in the house has fresh breath of grace not condemnation or guilt where everyone is a winner and no one a loser. The ears also give the ability to hear and help with balance and prevent falls. Man, you need to know how to hear from heaven so that your family can have faith, confidence and stability when contrary seasons arise. You must have “thus saith the Lord…” to your household. ? PROVISION & COMMUNICATION - The mouth help to

feed the body to have proper nutrient and to function at higher capacity and wade off decease. Part of your ministry as the head is to bring income and financial resources to the house for the family to enjoy life, live above mediocrity and reproach. It is your call and God has already provided the grace irrespective of where you are now. Even if you are not employed at the moment, this revelation of your calling as provider will birth ideas and produce godly forces that will proper job or opportunity towards you. Thank God for wives that constantly support but it is our ministry to bring the ‘food’ to the house and the Lord prosper anything you do as you move in faith and diligent. Besides, the assignment of the man is to teach, correct and instruct his family in God’s way and principles of success. The best way to teach is by example. Neither can you teach what you don’t know or demand from your family what you do not represent. Communicate ideas, insight and revelation and inspire your family towards excellence.

? MINDSET & TRANSFORMATION: Our personalities are rooted in our brains and seat of our emotions, the sum total of who we are. You are essentially your MIND. The family overall takes after the nature of the Man who determine the behaviours and mindsets of the family. If a man has a legalistic mindset on issues, his family will be led and shaped by that mindset. This same applies to having a renewed and prosperous mind. A man with a transformed mind of wealth, peace and excellence will transmit that influence to his household. My friend, to Understanding Headship in The Home Continued on Page 10


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CENTER OF LIFE CHURCH ... making life worth living

CENTER OF LIFE CHURCH ... making life worth living


Of (Let’s Go Deeper) 2016



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