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Subuola Awoleri Bayo Awoleri



Focus on the importance of faith in God and His word.


KINGDOM PARENTING Emphasis on the importance of enforcing positive discipline.

INCREASING CAPACITY Expatiates on the concept of leadership in the coming days

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It is with great joy and honour l present to you another edition of the Reigning in Life magazine to uplift and inspire you to pursue your dreams and to receive God’s best. I am persuaded that the articles in this magazine will arouse in you passion to live in the reality of the supernatural power of God as you get to know the Holy Spirit more intimately. You will also be challenged to increase your capacity for impact, develop a stronger faith for exploits and to become a parent that exerts positive influence on his or her child. I will encourage you to patiently go through this magazine because each of the pages has a message or idea that will provide insight to your next level and empowers you to reign in life. Besides, you will become more acquainted with our ministry outreaches as we share with you some of our past events and information of upcoming meetings as well. My team and l will love to hear from you and to know how the contents of this magazine have blessed you. We will also appreciate your feedbacks on how we can improve and to serve you better. Enjoy your read and may God bless you and perfect all that pertains to you. Blessings

Paor Bayo Aweri

Reigning in Life Magazine is a publication of Center of Life Church. This publication has no subscription fee. It is made available free by the giving of Vision partners of the Ministry. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of Center of Life Church.

Contact: 25 Claireport Crescent, Etobicoke, ON M9W 6P7.

by Pastor Bayo Awoleri

the difference and to positively inuence our society by His power. So, our world needs REAL answers to solve her problems but the people must experience or have encounter with the supernatural to be drawn to the person of Christ and his principles that will change their lives. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses......” Acts 1:8 “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power “1Cor.2:4 “For the earnest expectation of the creature wait for the manifestation of the sons of God” Romans 8:19

I strongly believe that it will take the manifestation of the supernatural for the church of Jesus to fulll her eternal destiny in this end time. The vast majority of the people we want to reach for Christ need more than just a rhetorical gospel but an encounter with God's power for them to believe. We must be proof producers of the reality of the living Jesus that we proclaim, for the world to embrace the glorious gospel that will set them free. “Then said Jesus unto him, except you see sign and wonders, you will not believe “ John 4:48 “And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles” Acts 2:43 As a believer in Christ, this is the time our light must shine brighter than ever to bring change to the darkness in our world but it will take the invasion of the supernatural to achieve this. Our world is in turmoil, being plagued with unresolved problems of diseases that have no cure, economic crisis at personal and national level, continuous rise in violence and immorality, fear of terrorism has paralyzed the peace in our communities and unfortunately the government does not have any answer or a lasting solution to any of these problems and much more. However, the good news is that the believers in Christ and the body of Christ have been empowered by God to make 4 Reigning in life magazine

I will like to also mention that it will take the experience of the authentic supernatural power of God by the unbelievers in the world to know the difference between the true power of God from satanic deception and lies that have held them bound for ages. Many have been led astray by lying wonders from Satan (Acts 8:4-13). Witchcraft, magic, Spiritism, occultism, voodoo etc. all of these operations perpetuated by Satanic powers have confused the people and turned their heart away from the true God who only must be worshipped. Satan's lies must be exposed and the believers are the ones commissioned to silence the devil and his cohorts and also to demonstrate the true supernatural power of the living God through the authority in the name of Jesus. “But there was a certain man called Simon, who previously practiced sorcery in the city and astonished the people of Samaria claiming that he was someone great to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, “This man is the great power of God” And they heeded him because he had astonished them with his sorceries for a long time…………….Then Simon also believed and when he was baptized he continued with Phillip and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which were done”Acts.8:9-13

I will encourage you to take time to read the entire chapter of Acts 8 to fully understand the heart of my message. Simon had deceived the entire city for a very long time until Phillip showed up and the difference became very clear. Satan has no option than to give up when matured sons of God that know who they are, show up and enforce their authority and their anointing in Christ ( 1 John 4:4, Psalm 82:5-7, Psalm 149:5-9, Psalm 62:11, Psalm 66:3). I want to challenge you to seek to know the supernatural life you have received in Christ and the anointing for exploits that resides within you. We are the answer the world is waiting for, we are the world changers and above all we are the ones to manifest the divine power of God because we have become supernatural in the new birth and we have the authority to function like Christ to produce supernatural experiences ( Romans 5:17, John 14:12, 1John 4:17, Acts 3:6).

How Do I Experience The Supernatural? Let me rst say that this question in its primitive level has 'nothing' to do with a born again, spirit lled believer because he is already a new creation, a partaker of God's divine nature who has become a supernatural being in Christ. So, in a primary sense, this question will rst be relevant to individuals that do not have eternal life. So the answer to the question is very simple “if you want to be wet, get inside the water”! You cannot have one and not get the other. If you want to experience the supernatural in your life, that is, experience the extraordinary and above the normal life in your health, nances etc. then yoke yourself, embrace, receive and step into something SUPER (the person and the power of Jesus Christ) that will change and elevate your living. When you receive Christ you will experience the supernatural. He will change you so that you can become a change agent. Christ, the anointed one and his anointing, will break all yoke in your life, heal you and set you free from all bondages. Moreover, He will empower you by His spirit to go out to the world and produce the same results and set other people free. “But as many as received him, to them he gave power to BECOME the sons of God….” John 1:12 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION: old things have passed away behold ALL things have become NEW” 1 Corinthians 5:17 “Then he called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over ALL demons and to cure diseases……. And to heal the sick” Luke 19: 1-2

Releasing the Supernatural As l mentioned above, if you are born again the supernatural ability of God is in your life so you have already 'experienced' the supernatural (spiritually speaking) (the legal side of your redemption) but you still need to 'experience' the supernatural in your daily living (the vital side of your redemption) for its physical manifestation. You need to manifest from the spirit

realm or from within you, God's power to meet your daily needs or challenges. So, health, wealth, creative ideas, wisdom, faith and all other spiritual forces in your recreated human spirit, birthed by the Holy Spirit, must be released to meet your needs and the needs of the people around you. You must learn how to release the power of God in you so that you experience in your natural life what you have already in the spirit (Philippians 2:13c, Eph.1:3, Colo.1:27, Eph.3:20, 2Tim.1:7, Rom.8:11). My friend, if you are going to experience the supernatural or release the Zoe life of God from the inside of you to meet your needs and the needs of others in your world, you must rst ACCEPT and BELIEVE you have the POWER of God in you. You must become fully persuaded that you already have the deposit of divine ability in you, if you are born and lled with the Holy Spirit. You must have faith in what God's word has said concerning you as a superman/superwoman in Christ. “That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the ACKNOWLEDGMENT of everything which is in you in Christ Jesus” Philemon 1:6 “Then Peter said……but what l do have l give you…..” Acts 3:6 Therefore, your mind must be renewed to this truth so that your daily confession and actions can line up with your belief. You will know when your mind has been renewed because you will begin to think biblically in line with God's word expecting a different outcome from other people. Where they see sickness you see health. Where they see roadblocks you see open doors. So as you believe the supernatural word of God, meditate and confess and then act on it daily, you will activate the power of God that will produce supernatural experiences. Moreover, praying in the Spirit will energize your faith and also release the spiritual power within you (Jude 1:20). Fasting acts as a catalyst to the release of the power as well from your spirit. So, as you yield to the Holy Spirit, and learn to walk in the truth of God's word and use your authority as the believer, with all necessary spiritual discipline, you will be able to manifest the power of God in your life in different degrees to the glory of God (Rom.1:16-17, 2 Cor.3:18). Let me just close by saying that you cannot have a glorious life or enjoy the abundant life without the supernatural. Neither can you reign in life and dominate your world without experiencing the supernatural. Our world cannot be transformed without it and the church of Jesus cannot make lasting impact without the supernatural. It is time to live supernaturally and go higher to where only the eagles gather.

Bayo Awoleri is the lead Pastor of Center of Life Church, publisher of Reigning in Life Magazine and the visionary of COLC outreaches & ministries. He can be reached at

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HOLY SPIRIT: THE CATALYST FOR CHANGE! by Pastor (Mrs) Subuola Awoleri I believe God is about to bring a positive change in your life. I believe prophetically it is your season of change. Great things are about to happen in your life. New opportunities are springing forth for you and l declare over you that it is a new beginning. God's plan for you is increase, wholeness, wellness, nothing missing or broken in your life. It does not matter your present challenges, the will of God for you is to prosper and be a blessing to your generation. “For l know the plans l have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” JEREMIAH 29:11 NLT I know right now that some circumstances in your life might not look like what the Word of God says about you but by the power of the Holy Spirit and you yielding to Him will change those circumstances for good and you will have a new beginning of great testimonies and breakthroughs. This change does not only refer to material things but also to your daily walk with God and the fulllment of your divine assignment. I believe God wants you to be on re for His kingdom and live your life in view of eternity. I believe God wants to bring a transformation to your kingdom service from a life of indifference to a life of pure dedication to God's kingdom and His purposes. It is time to change the way we live and start afresh to be more kingdom minded and break free from the inuence of the spirit of mammon. “Seek ye rst the kingdom of God and his righteousness and ALL OTHER THINGS shall be ADDED unto you” MATTHEW 6:33 You need to know that the word of God is living and powerful and it will bring about a new life. Your change begins when the word of God is REVEALED to you and you RECEIVE it with gladness (James 1:21-22). To see your circumstances change supernaturally you have to change what you believe and lay aside anything 6 Reigning in life magazine

contrary to the promise of God. In addition, also take hold of the truth of God's word and act on it to see the change you desire. However, God is more interested in you experiencing a change than just changing your circumstances. In fact, from God's perspective, for your circumstances to change, the change starts with you. The core issue is for you to be transformed by the power and the wisdom of God. The degree to which you have been changed inwardly is proportionate to the degree to which you will experience changes in every other area of your life. You cannot deal with lack or poverty with a poverty mentality; neither can you live a victorious Christian life with sin consciousness, condemnation or guilt. As long as you see yourself as a sinner without power to live triumphantly then you will fall and stumble and excuse yourself as being a weak and imperfect person which is untrue according to God's word.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy SOUL prospereth” 3 John 1:2 “Ye are of God, little children and have overcome them: because GREATER is he that is in you than he that is in the world” 1 John 4:4 In order for you and your circumstances to change, you will need the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. He is the catalyst for change. He is the one that will empower the word of God in your life to bring about the intended change you desire (John 6:63). You cannot do without the Holy Spirit. He is the catalyst for the change in you and around you. A catalyst is something that precipitates an event. When you precipitate, you instigate, trigger or cause to happen. It is the Holy Spirit that triggers positive changes to happen and manifest in our lives. The Holy Spirit wants to precipitate the change you need. You need to know Him, receive Him, yield to Him, learn to follow His guidance and learn how to release His power to change your circumstances. He is all that you need!

“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever— The Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive (welcome, take to its heart), because it does not see Him or know and recognize Him. But you know and recognize Him, for He lives with you [constantly] and will be in you”. John 14: 16 - 17 But you are not living the life of the esh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]. But if anyone does not possess the [Holy] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His [he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God]. Romans 8: 9 Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you mightily, and you will show yourself to be a prophet with them; and you will be turned into another man. 1 Samuel 10 : 6 How God anointed and consecrated Jesus of Nazareth with the [Holy] Spirit and with strength and ability and power; how He went about doing good and,[a} in particular, curing all who were harassed and oppressed by [the power of] the devil, for God was with Him. Acts 10:38 This promise of the Holy Spirit's enduement is not just for pastors, Christian leaders or other people you believe are closer to God than you. None of the people God used mightily in the Bible or presently were qualied for the gift of Holy Spirit neither did they merit it. When you give your life to God, the Holy Spirit resides on your inside. When you receive the

free gift of salvation and His anointing and the baptism in the Holy Spirit, He will be your standby and advocate and you can enjoy continuous fellowship with Him. He directs your steps, plans and vision. People's lives have been saved and changed through absolute dependency and continuous reliance on the Holy Spirit. You need to totally depend on Him for everything and He will direct you. Let me encourage you to start seeking to know the Holy Spirit through the scriptures. The written word will reveal His person and His ministry to you. Take your Bible and read scriptures about the Holy Spirit, listen to anointed messages and read inspired books about the Holy Spirit to gain more knowledge of Him and His ways. Develop a hunger to know him and activate that desire through prayer and solitude. He will manifest Himself to you through visions and revelations. Make a quality decision that you will listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit within your recreated human spirit on every issue and begin to practise His presence. You will soon begin to notice changes in you and you will be more conscious of His presence in you. He will convict you in love when you speak inappropriately or act contrary to God's word. I can guarantee you that your behaviour will begin to change effortlessly because the life of God is being released in you as you yield to His word in obedience. He will also help you to make the right decisions and to produce the fruits of the Spirit. ( Gal.5:1922, Phi.2:12). Moreover, as you learn more about the power of God in you and your authority as a believer to use it, your attitude towards what is around you changes and you rule over your circumstances. Your life and your circumstances will begin to change when you engage the person and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He is the change agent of the trinity. He will create the atmosphere for the word to produce in your life and ministry. Make it your priority to know Him and pursue intimacy with Him. You will never remain the same!

Pastor (Mrs) Subuola Awoleri is the visionary of the ldeal Woman Ministry and provide Pastoral oversight along side with her husband at COLC. Reigning in life magazine 7

IDEAL WOMEN MINISTRY CENTER OF LI FE CHURCH Our yearly Women’s prayer rally scheduled for June 9th, 2018 was powerful and mind- blowing. Prophetess Mabel Talabi of Praise Chapel Chicago, USA ministered to us on the theme Supernatural Manifestation.

The reason is simple. We please God by faith, not by anything else. You will notice that the Bible repeatedly say that the just shall live by his or her faith. It is also important to understand that faith in God and His word is that which will make any other promises of God a reality in a believer's life. You can't walk in love, joy, peace, holiness etc without faith. You couldn't even get born again without faith.


GOD by Busuyi Aroso

In the book of Luke 18:8b, Jesus said: “… Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he nd faith on the earth?” The background to Jesus' question was the parable he spoke about a widow who was petitioning an unjust judge. After much persistence and steadfastness, the unjust judge granted the woman's request out of his own selshness (“lest by her continual coming she weary me”). In comparing the unjust judge with your loving heavenly Father, the just judge of the universe; the Lord said, how much more would God grant the requests of His elect (that is you and me, praise God). In verse 7 Jesus said, “And shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them?” That means, God is persevering patiently with us. It is not God's elect that are bearing with him but He, God is the one bearing long with us. He wants to grant your wishes and requests more than you want those wishes and requests granted. The most important part of this passage however, as far as our discussions go, is: “Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he nd faith on the earth?” Have you ever considered this question by Jesus? Why was faith so important to him that he saw the need to bemoan not nding faith upon the earth? Why didn't he ask whether he would nd love, joy, peace, miracles, signs and wonders and any other such things upon the earth when he returns? Why faith?

Ephesians 2:8 says: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast”. The point is, you started by faith, you will maintain by faith and nish strong through faith. You live successfully and reign as king upon this earth by faith. The Almighty God and the Lord Jesus have done everything they are ever going to do for mankind. As a believer, all of God's inheritance has been given to you. All things are yours. It is up to you and me to enjoy upon the earth the rich inheritance given to us in Christ and the only way we can do this is by faith. Faith appropriates the blessings provided by God. Faith brings into the physical all the riches of God that are yours in the heavenlies. The Epistles recorded all of God's blessings to a believer in past tense. The reason is because they are already done. Everything is complete – it is nished! It is now up to you and me to enjoy them to the glory of God. We have also been given that mighty name of Jesus with which we can dominate the devil and his works. Not only have we been healed by his stripes, we, through the name of Jesus, can bring healing to others by laying hands on them or simply by speaking the command of faith in His name. The good news is, if you have been born again, you have the God kind of faith on the inside of you in terms of quality and you have the very adequate, needed and t measure according to Romans 12:3 “…but to think soberly, according as God has dealt to every man (that is every man among them in Romans – believers) the measure of faith”. We need to recognize and appreciate and use our faith. Every human being on earth has the capability to have great abs and biceps but a lot will never achieve that because they refuse to exercise. When you don't exercise your muscles, you become overweight. The same is true with faith. We must keep hearing the word of God, believe the word in our heart and speak the word we believe with our mouth and we will grow from faith to faith and glory to glory. Let me also remind you that it doesn't matter how great exploits you may have done with your faith or where you are in your faith walk, there is still more to do for God and in God and more land to possess for the kingdom of God. Let your answer to Jesus' question be a big YES. Say to him, Lord Jesus, I rededicate my life to you and I assure you by the help of your Holy Spirit that when the Son of man returns he will nd faith upon the earth through me. I will demonstrate my strong faith in God and His word. I will believe it with my heart and speak it with my mouth and the will of God will come to pass in my life! Pastor Busuyi Aroso is a dynamic teacher of God's word and the visionary behind Faith Contenders Ministries based in Ontario Reigning in life magazine 9

KINGDOM PARENTING by Pastors Martins & Derin Fatola

Don't ignore rebellion. Rebellion is deadly and destructive! It may start as a small disobedience but will eventually grow to a monster – a monster too hard to defeat. Confront it. Root it out. The moment you notice rebellion; you must not spare it. Don't pretend that it's not there. Cut off its roots when young, otherwise it may become the source of your sorrow tomorrow. That was David's mistake. David was still in charge – in full control – when Absalom set up his own “throne” at the city gate (2 Sam. 15:2). David was in the comfort of his palace watching – ignoring Absalom's rebellion. David wished that Absalom's rebellion would fade away with time. It didn't. It wasn't too long before Absalom “stole the hearts of the men of Israel” and drove his father out of the palace (2 Sam. 15:6-16). When rebellion isn't dealt with on time, just as the number of men with Absalom increased, so shall rebellion grow in strength and inuence. Hold your children accountable. Don't be overprotective of your children to the extent that you are unwilling to correct or discipline them. Ignoring their mistakes and blatant rebellion won't bring them blessing in life but curses. God will hold you to account. 10 Reigning in life magazine

When you ignore your children's rebellion to God's order and WORD, God considers it as you “honouring your children above Him.” God told Eli, “Wherefore kick ye at my sacrice and at mine offering….and honour thy sons above me? (1 Sam. 2:29). In 1 Sam 3, the Lord told Samuel, “In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house…I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not” (verses 12 & 13). That was the failure of Eli – he didn't restrain his children's rebellion. See, God said concerning Eli that his sons were dishonouring and blaspheming Him and “he did not rebuke them” (1 Sam. 3:13 AMP). The end was a disaster. In a day, Eli and his two sons lost their lives (1 Sam. 4:12-18). In enforcing discipline, be rm. As parents/guardians, be united in your decision and judgement. Don't allow the children to cause a rift between you and your spouse. Children have a tendency to try to manipulate their parents. Close all the gaps and make sure that both parents are saying the same thing to the children. Otherwise, your child can take advantage of the “weak parent” to get whatever he or she wants.

When enforcing discipline, avoid yelling or screaming. According to a report, “Kids whose parents yelled at, hit or shoved them were more likely to drop out of high school or college.”¹ It is believed that harsh treatment leads to over-reliance on peers and more sexual activity and delinquency. Parents/guardians don't need to be harsh but must be rm in decision and discipline. Set the standard, dene your expectation and make it clear to your children. Reward obedience, and discipline the act of disobedience and rebellion after warnings. When you need to discipline and correct, let your children know that they are still loved in spite of their shortcomings. Don't forget, setting rules and standards are great, but they must be followed up with a warm, loving and supportive environment. Without a great supportive environment, setting rules is equally a set up for your children's fall and failure. Taking time to speak to your children and to listen to his or her opinions is possibly the greatest support you can give them. Don't stop talking and listening to them. They may not get it right at the rst attempt but don't give up or lose heart. Also, the other extreme is a permissive parenting where there are no rules and standards. This is bad. It is like a river owing without boundaries. That is a disaster. Balance is the key word. (Excerpt from: “Kingdom and Positive Parenting: Raising the Next Generation of Champions” – Martins & Derin Fatola) About the Authors: Martins and Derin Fatola are the founding pastors of the Cutting Edge Word Ministries International (a.k.a Word Center Church), Canada. They are the authors of “Marriage without Stress” and “Dream Big – You are Created for More.” The Fatolas and their books have been featured on national television and across various media including: The 700 Club, Canada; Carib101radio; Gospel Faith TV; TCN Network and Christian Radio – FAITH FM 94.3.

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Dynamic, Agile, Upwardly-Mobile: These terms in a nutshell describe the numenclature of this young-adults crew of the Center of Life Church. A vision birthed by the leadership of COLC, TEN has taken strides in achieving it's God given tenets of Empowerment; Community & Outreach through its various initiatives which include its Hangouts, Community Events & Special Programs [DNA being one of these].

Also in the coming months T.E.N will be bringing the COLC message of empowerment to campuses across the GTA via its Empowerment Centers. This is already happening at Centennial College Scarborough as well as Humber College North Campus Toronto. Filled with God-fearing, Fun-loving and enigmatic individuals the T.E.N Crew has only begun the good work and hopes to attract more like minded individuals out there to be a part of this move of the Spirit! Continue to remain D.N.A..Destined, Nurtured & Assigned

PICTURE STORY A fun ď€ lled day at the beach where young adults experienced the fellowship of the Brethren. The hangout took place at the Center Island, Toronto Islands.

The Open MIC/Meet Up was a fun event with games, music and much more. Members and Friends of the house were privy to ministrations from great acts as well as great food courtesy of the Gospel Cafe Mississauga.


Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot have access to revelation and your confessions does not have power to sustain it

Your identity outside Jesus is not a threat to Satan.

The Christian life is impossible without the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Ghost Fire is a rener's re that will purge out all impurities.

There is no way a man will not need God in his complete life cycle.

Fear tolerated is Faith contaminated.

The key thing for the supernatural to occur is the Holy Spirit.

“We need to understand the blessing of new creation that repositioned us to God's initial creation.”

The grace of God is God's goodness to mankind which sustains the universe.

all the time, you are not living by Faith

you lose by default.

Anywhere God's word is disrespected, God is disrespected.

personality of satan and his operations, he could take advantage of you.

You cannot praise effectively until it’s in alignment with God’s word.

If the word of God is meaningful and living in you, it will be shut up in your bones.

No man can see the glory of God without rst having an encounter with God's grace.

You can't benet from what God has done for you if you do not know it exists.

If you do not know how to work in love, how to forgive in an instant and never allow anything to attach itself to you, your faith will be paralyzed every moment.

If you are not conversant with the

14 Reigning in life magazine

“Supernatural speaks beyond and above natural.

“Some Christians operate in ethical religion which lacks power, Be supernatural”

When you keep quiet,

Minus the Holy Spirit, our power house, we are powerless and preys to satan.

If you take the Holy Spirit out of the equation, you will function like an ordinary man.

When you are on re for God, you will do what you would not do ordinarily.

Stop going to places to hear a word when you can hear “the Word” from the Holy Spirit.

If you feel condemned


“You won't see God in what is possible but the impossible.” Jesus is grace and truth personied.

Where your faith declines is where Satan thrives.

A relationship Enrichment & Empowerent outreach Visit the ministry website ( for details of meetings/events Powered by Couple's Connect Ministry of COLC

INCREASING CAPACITY by Olusoji Abiodun Capacity is crucial and central to virtually every perceivable outcome in life. In its simplest form, capacity building is Planned development or increase in knowledge, skill sets and aptitudes required to achieve set goals and objectives. Capacity is growth relative to individual or group goals. Growth is never static or automatic. There are things to do and steps to take for growth to occur. Whenever we have high expectation for any area of our lives but without the requisite input, we end up being frustrated. Thus, our 'potentialmanifestation' is predicative on the deepening of personal capacity. The reach of our personal influence would be determined by the depth and quality of our personal growth and development. A great example of this fact is from the statement of Jethro, the Father-in-Law of Moses the man of God. “Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens.” Exodus 18:21 {ESV}. Our capacity for leadership in life is at the mercy of our growth and development. We can not be trusted with responsibility beyond the reach of our capacity or else we would have problems in positions of influence. Leadership is influence, it is attracting people to follow our inspiration. If we're not growing, we may become irrelevant in the coming seasons of life.

capacities. Probably, one of the most important concepts in our bid to grow and develop is our Information base. We all trade in information, but what determines high fliers in life is the quality of information we have access to and that which we allow to mold and shape our lives. Information is a dual word, i.e in and formation, this means that, it is what we take in as truth, fact and reality that determines our formation in life! The challenge here is thus to be able to sift and filter what we receive as truth and fact amongst the plethora of information that we're bombarded with on a daily basis. Yes, we are in the digital information age and indeed, the rate of information doubles every six months, if we're not careful and selective we may be ensnared by that which is not appropriate to our destinies in the long run.

We therefore need to be intentional and proactive about information. You and I need an information bank of rightful knowledge and resource pool to stay relevant and above the pack in the days ahead. Information is critical to transformation and without the power of transformation people and systems would atrophy. The need to learn and know what others don't know is what rich and influential people capitalize on. While most poor people suffer from the lack of knowledge and information, wealthy people increase and prosper from the mastery of Labouring Under Current Knowledge – LUCK! Thus, to have significant shifts in our situations and long standing circumstances, we must enrol in the school of relevant knowledge and be willing to stretch our minds considerably.

Our world today is primarily driven by two knowledge types; general and specialized knowledge and both kinds of knowledge are acquired through formal and informal learning. General knowledge is what we require to relate with others and to interpret the world around us in the light of wisdom and discretion. Specialized knowledge on the other hand is how we become experts in our areas of calling and endeavours and it aids our generation and accumulation of wealth. To keep advancing and prospering, we must keep developing capacity and acquiring specialized knowledge. It's time to invest in our personal libraries. It is time to buy knowledge and sell it not. It is time to read all the relevant books in our areas of interests and begin to immediately apply what we read and learn. It's time to teach others also what we've learnt and its time to become intentionally accountable to a proven mentor as we seek to deepen knowledge and increase capacity. The concept of leadership in the coming days would be predicative on the finest knowledge available, only those who are at the cutting edge of the information cycle would remain relevant in various fields of endeavour. AbiodunOlusoji has authored eight books to date. He is an international speaker whose calling is to teach the nations to value and redeem time. He is married with three children and makes his home in Ontario.

There are important tools we must employ to grow and deepen our personal

Pastor Abiodun Olusoji

Excellence in creativity can best be epitomized when God breathed life into Adam, and created a woman out of his ribs. Out of nothing (dust) came something tangible (man); from what was not, came what is.


The foregoing is a biblical and eternal proof that our God is a creative God. When the trees; adorned with their colorful leaves, dance to the rhythm of the wind, or when the sounds made by various animals become homogenized into a melody pleasing to the ears, the creative power of God is evident for all to see.

This is a vivid example of how David, through immersing his creativity in divinity, became so useful in the hands of God that he was a blessing to King Saul, even though the latter tried to kill him on multiple occasions. The question is, “how did David get to this height of creative expertise?” The bible says David was a man after God's heart (Acts 13:22), which means his heart was wholly committed to God. The Psalms of David are testament to the fact that he spent time with God a lot, and I believe this helped to keep his head aoat during the trying times like when Saul sought to kill him and when his son rebelled against him. When you immerse yourself in the presence of God, an exchange takes place. You begin to see yourself through the mirror of his word and eventually become like him (But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord – 2 Corinthians 3:18)

In the same vein, by virtue of his breath in us, we are meant to be creative individuals, and this can be expressed through various avenues, based primarily on our natural gifting(s). As Christians, we are meant to mirror the attributes of our heavenly Father, using our creative abilities to bless our world. In 1 Samuel 16:23, the bible states that “whenever the spirit from God came on Saul, David would take up his lyre and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.”

A little digression that is worthy of note here is the fact that Satan is also very creative – in a deceptive manner. Before his rebellion against God and eventual fall, he was the anointed guardian cherub (Ezekiel 28:14). Music is God in heaven. For example, Revelation 5:8 and 15:2 mention harps used in the worship of God. Therefore, Angel Lucifer (now Satan) was linked to music, little wonder his vested interest in the entertainment industry. It is very important that as creative beings and Christians, we should strive to be fortied by the inlling of the power of the Holy Spirit because, the temptation to abandon the narrow way and tread the other is very real. The narrow way leads to a supernatural life, the broad way leads to eternal damnation. Which would you choose?

by Ife Odigwe

Reigning in life magazine 17


The year 2018 is tagged “The year of the Supernatural.” We kick started the year with 12 Days of Glory with each day representing a month in year 2018. It was an explosive and power-packed season of prayer and fasting.

On February 11th, 2018, we had the privilege of hosting Pastor and Pastor Mrs. Abiodun Olusoji of Word Impact Ministry, Canada. They ministered to us during our Family Series Sundays on the theme “Building a healthy relationship”.


COLC Women were celebrated in a grand style on Mother's day, May 13th, 2018. The women made a special song rendition to an amazing God.

In the year of the supernatural, we had Pastor Solomon Aroboto of Christian Community Church, Arklow, Ireland ministered to us on May 25th & 27th, 2018 on the topic Supernatural Open Doors.


Pastor & Pastor Mrs Sam Okoro of The Guiding Light Assembly, Lagos, Nigeria ministered to us on “Relationship and Marriage enrichment� on July 13th & 15th, 2018.

Being a community people who love fellowship and fun, we had an amazing time during our yearly summer picnic at Boyd Conservation Area on July 28, 2018.


What an amazing worship experience with Agboola Shadare from Germany on September 2nd, 2018.

One day, I got back from work and I noticed an electronic tablet was connected to the charger, at rst, I was nervous that the battery would have been overcharged for long hours. I wanted to unplug the charger but realized the charger was not connected to the electricity source and the battery was almost at. Although the charger was connected for 12 hours but because there was no electricity input, the battery ran down. The tab was as good as not connected to the charger. With this practical illustration, the Holy Spirit reminded me of our connection to the source, Jesus. John 14: 1- 4 I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

A branch detached from a tree withers because it has lost its connection from its source of nutrients. We need to be connected to the vine in order to bear fruits and to be more fruitful. Pastor Bayo Awoleri once stated that “There is no time in a man's life cycle that he will not need God.” God is our only source of strength, for we live and have our being in Him. A porter who molds things always has a purpose for the object; likewise God who made us, it is through Him that we nd everything we will ever be and need. A connection to the Father through fellowship and communion to build a better relationship with Him is a necessity. God desires every man to commune with him and acknowledge that He is our source where we can draw strength, power and countless blessings from. There are countless advantages in connecting to God so that we can keep blooming and ourishing. Psalm 1:3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.

by Abigael Akintola

A disconnection from the fountainhead drains us and distances us from the Father. The source is always available to receive us. There is a divine invitation from God for us to be plugged into Him through the nished work of Christ. This is a call to Salvation. Jesus reconciled us back to God through His death and resurrection. He paid the price for our sins and gave us eternal life in God so that we become joint heirs with Christ in the Kingdom of our heavenly Father. In response to this call of salvation, God empowers us to rule and reign in life. All you have to do is believe in what Jesus has done for you and accept Him as the Lord over your life and your Savior. Then He abides with you and you will begin to experience the unspeakable joy and presence of God. Only Jesus can give you victory over sin and satan. Jesus is patiently waiting for you. Would you accept His invitation today? 22 Reigning in life magazine


KING IN YOU by Pastor Bayo Awoleri

“….Is there no king in thee…? “ (Micah 4:9) “And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen” (Rev.1:6) “And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” (Rev.19:16) I still remember vividly just like yesterday how the whole world hailed and celebrated the birth of the British Prince - George Alexander Louis; son of Kate & Will - Duke of Cambridge. The media, without hesitation, started projecting and talking about the day of his coronation, an apparent royal heir, though this will be many years from now (half a century away was the prediction) or might not even happen. However, the whole world knows there is a king in this child. Why? He was born to reign! He was born into royalty. He has in his blood the DNA of a king. His future has nothing to do with what he has done or he will do but it is all about who he is. He only needs to grow up into what he is already - a future king. This is exactly the story of any man that is born again (born from above, a new creation - John 3:3, 2Cor.5:17), born into the family of God - His royal highness - Jehovah Jireh, the King of

kings, the immortal, the invisible, the only wise God (1Timothy 1:17). My friend, you too have the divine royal DNA of the King of kings (1Jn.3:9, 1Pet.1:23) in you if you have been redeemed; so you have a throne to occupy, you have potential for rulership and dominion is your mandate. This experience is as true as the position and privilege of the British royal baby prince. The only difference is that one is physical and the other is spiritual. I believe that our understanding of this foundational truth of identity, self image and self worth is the key to manifesting the kingdom authority and dominating our world. Knowing who you are spiritually, what happened to you when you got born again, understanding your royalty, your joint-heir heritage, partaker of the divine nature etc, gives you the ability to live a life of dignity, prosperity and dominion. You are a child of the King therefore your identication with the King of kings has imparted to you a kingly nature with all its privileges. Heaven see you differently, angels are at your assignment (Heb.1:14), demons are afraid of you and the systems of this world must bow their knees to you – for you are BORN to REIGN (Rom.5:17)! Reigning in life magazine 23

The only question is – DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE? DO YOU KNOW THE HONOUR AND GREATNESS OF YOUR FATHER? DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR IDENTITY AS A KING? ARE YOU READY TO GROW INTO YOUR POSITION AS KING AND DOMINATE YOUR WORLD (Jn.10:30-5, Ps.82:1-7, 1Jn.4:17)? Remember this, it is what you believe that you are going to behave and ultimately become. The way you see yourself is the way others see you and you will never rise beyond your self-portrait (Num.13:33). So look at yourself from the mirror of God's word and you will see that the kingdom is in you, you are an offshoot of the King of kings. You are chosen, a royal priesthood, anointed to enforce the kingdom life with a kingly mandate.

Cultivating the mind of a King You need to renew your mind to this truth for your royal status in God to become a reality in your life. The renewal of your mind starts with you accepting God's testimony about you in His word. Everything God did for you happened in the spirit, that is, it is spiritual but when you believe what God did for you in Christ and start acting as if it were true, then your confession of faith with corresponding action in line with what you believe, will bring the manifestation of what you have believed. Therefore, to develop the mind of a King is to develop the mind of Christ – the ultimate King, and the good news is that you already possess Jesus' mind in your regenerated spirit (1Cor.2:16). All you need to do is to learn how to allow that mind to dominate your thinking and speaking so that you can release the abundant life in you to reign and rule in life! Moreover, in cultivating the mind of a king, you need to know that the mind of Christ is the mind of the WORD, and to develop the mind of Christ is to cultivate the mind that is only and totally control by God's word. The process of renewing the mind through the Word of God (Rom.12:2) is what make this change a possibility. Please understand this, your mind is not renewed because you read the bible or just listen to a great sermon (if it is just that every Christian will be reigning as kings in life over circumstances and enjoy the honor and privileges of their royalty), however your mind become renewed only BY ACTING ON GOD'S WORD that you have read, heard and believed (Jam.1:21-5). The WORD must become “esh”. As you act repeatedly or consistently on the word of God in any area of your life, your mind becomes renewed (reconstructing new thoughts by eliminating old or damaging beliefs contrary to the truths of God's word, demolishing negative mindsets – 2 Cor.10:5) 24 Reigning in life magazine

in that area and in that realm you have dominion. If you still see yourself as a weak, sick, poor, disadvantaged, less privilege, barren, second class person then your mind is not yet renewed in that area. Until your mind is affected your life cannot be amended! (Pro.23:7). The prosperity of your soul will determine the fruitfulness of your life (3 John 1; 2). You must rst capture the image of your true identity in Christ in your heart, with all its privileges, before you can walk in your inherited authority and God-given anointing.

Live like a King by faith! Everything in the Kingdom of God operates by faith. So to live like a king also has to be by faith (1 John 5:4). I know that you may be thinking (get your mind renewed!) that the house you live or the car you drive or the job you do, whatever may be your position, does not show any resemblance of royalty (most likely the situation was created because you lack the revelation of what l am sharing in this article) but you can change the situation with your faith in God and His Word. Faith believes the impossible and sees the invisible. Faith calls those things which are not as though they were. Faith takes the Word of God as nal authority and takes a hold of what grace has provided. All you need for your faith to begin to work is to have the knowledge of God's will for your life. Get to know your new you (2 Cor.5:17, Joshua.1:8), meditate on the new you, talk like the new you, pray with the spirit of the new you, act like the new you and you will surely see the new you – the king born to reign over the circumstances of life. A man of honor, power and prosperity!

MEN MINISTRY OF COLC Men's Fellowship (The Custodians) What is our vision? We are building kingdom minded men that will impact their community and humanity in general; spiritually sound men, loving husbands, and caring fathers.

Who are we? The Custodian is opened to all men/or brothers, young Adult, matured Single, married. etc.

What do we do? Our goal /vision is to provide support; spiritually, emotionally, and socially to one another so that we can all be strengthened and equipped to fulll our calling as sons, brothers, fathers, husbands and agents of change to the territory and sphere of inuence God has called us to. We strive to establish strong relationship with one another and explore areas in which we can be more helpful to each other as brothers. fullling scriptures "Let brotherly love continues".and Proverb 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpens another". How do we do this? Through our regular monthly meeting, which provide us with opportunity to fellowship together and also encourage one another. We discuss other benecial topics like Finance, Business, Men's health, Career development, family/relationship building etc. We also connect to share fun moments together through sports, camping, and other community involvement. For more info visit We are the Custodians!...and we are able to keep that which God has given us!

COLC Men had a great retreat at Blue Mountains on 7th—9th September , 2018





Victory Celebration Service Every Sunday @10:30am YOUR FEEDBACK We would like to know how well we are serving you and get your suggestions on Improvement and how we can better serve you. Contact us via email:

HELPLINE For enquiries, complaints, counseling, feedbacks and prayers please call the church helplines on 647-761-1090, 416-675-6566



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