Interviewer: Thank you guys for accepting my invite for the interview for my magazine Rejoice Essential Magazine. We have been doing the magazine for six years in April, so I just bless God. The Lord has put it on my heart to ask you guys to do an interview today about your ministry, marriage, and anything about love because it will be a Valentine’s Day special. Can you tell me about you guys and your ministry? Shantel Moore: Alright, so we have been together for ten years and married for going on eight years in June of 2021. We have three kids, three boys, and we both work for insurance agencies. I have a business on the side. Stevenson Lamont Moore Jr.: Our ministry started from Marriage from 2 to 1 because we were feeling that some people needed to hear those types of situations of marriage that people don’t really go over and things that we had
learned from our marriage counseling that we did for a whole year before we actually ended up getting married. We wanted to take some of those things and share them with everyone else because they were really helpful to us. Interviewer: That is good. What is your other ministry name? Stevenson Lamont Moore Jr: Our other ministry name is Young in Christ, and that pretty much started around the same time as Marriage from 2 to 1. God laid that on our hearts to do both of them at the same time, and with Young in Christ, people will get the name of it. They take it the wrong way, thinking that you have to be a young person. But when we say Young in Christ, that means like babies in Christ. You are just learning things. You are just coming into God and trying to see what He can do for you. Interviewer: Okay, great. So you mentioned something
about marriage counseling. Now I know many people get married, and they don’t get counseling. So what benefits of getting that counsel have you seen in your marriage? Shantel Moore: For me, I will take that because it has helped a lot. The family was focused on me, so I had to learn the usual things for women. When you come into a relationship, especially if you have strong women in your family, they teach you that you don’t have to take stuff from anybody and that you run the relationship and the man. So I came into the relationship trying to run him and trying to “wear the pants” in the relationship. So a lot of the things that we were taught were the benefits of how to communicate and how to walk away when you are angry. [If you don’t], you will say anything and everything. [It teaches you] how to walk away and to not just spill out all of your feelings, especially women. We have a tendency to say words