Rejoice Essential Magazine May 2021

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20 Pan Fried Spinach & Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken



08 Prosperity In The Desert 12 Your Word 16 Feed Your Pastor

24 The Hope 28 Prayer For Elected Officials 34 Jesus Is Our Lifeline 40 It’s Timeout For Being Religious: God Desires Real Relationship 54 Dr. Kristi Lemley




Kimberly Moses

Tron Moses

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Effingham, SC

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Dr. Candice Smithyman

Pastor Brian Machache

Prophetess Terra Dobson



569 Mkoba 2, Gweru, Zimbabwe

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Writer Orange Park, FL

Keiyia Jackson-George

Shirley Ann Cooper

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Writer And Chief Editor



Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands

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What an exciting time! At sundown on Sunday, April 11th – Tuesday, April 13, we came into the second Hebrew month, Iyar. It’s during this month the Jewish people remember the story of Moses in Exodus 15:2226 (KJV): “So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water. And

when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter: therefore the name of it was called Marah. And the people murmured against Moses, saying, ‘What shall we drink?’ And he cried unto the Lord; and the Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them, And said, ‘If

thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.’” In this passage, God said to Moses, “Listen, this could be a very prosperous time for you. Hold on to the fact


that I am good. My goodness is always there for you. I love you intently. I have led you into this place and I am going to take care of you. I know that you might be afraid after you saw the ten plagues take place. You also saw that I fought for you. I split the Red Sea and I brought you over. Now you have come to a place of despair where there is bitter water, but I’m going to make it sweet.” Isn’t that amazing? The Lord instructed Moses to throw a tree into the waters of Marah, and the bitter waters would be made sweet! From the New Testament perspective, the tree represents the cross that Jesus died upon. Jesus is the Tree of Life. He is the Passover Lamb who shed His blood for you!

sonal relationship with you! I encourage you to know the Lord today. Taste His goodness. Taste the sweetness of a relationship with our Father and spend time in fellowship with Him. He will remove your bitterness of heart and bring a sweetness of soul prosperity when you receive Him as your Saviour. In this passage, we also see the Lord defining Himself as the Healer. We see this when He spoke to Moses and said, “Follow My commandments, hearken to My voice and you will not have any of these plagues, you will not have any sickness or difficulties like these come upon you, because I am the Lord who heals you.”

Galatians 3:13-14 (KJV) reads, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

As Christians, we know Jesus as our Messiah. He fulfilled the Scripture in Isaiah 53 that says, “By His stripes you have been healed.” Some of you have bitter water in your life right now. You have resentment, difficulties, anger, guilt, and condemnation. Because of Jesus, you can now live a sweet life, one that is filled with walking in His commandments and living in a place of prosperity.

Here, God is defining Himself as the Lord. He wanted a personal relationship with Israel and He wants a per-

Take time today to position yourself to live a life of prosperity. 3 John 2 says, “May you prosper and be in

Some of you have bitter water in your life right now. You have resentment, difficulties, anger, guilt, and condemnation. Because of Jesus, you can now live a sweet life, one that is filled with walking in His commandments and living in a place of prosperity.

good health even as your soul prospers.” To prosper is to have fullness, wholeness, completion; nothing is missing and nothing is broken. Jesus made a way for you to live in wholeness and completeness! He will take your bitterness and make it sweet. This is the month on the Hebrew calendar we remember His faithfulness. May you live this life of prosperity and be in good health, both in your soul and your body. May you have increase here on the earth! Hallelujah! The curse has been broken and you have new life!









There has been an eruption, A quickening in the Spirit For that which is written. God, engulf us In Your words And in Your Spirit. Drench us. Cause there to be an utter overflow Of everything You’re igniting and sparking. Jesus, there are roads You have Traveled, Footprints of stories That You have dared to be written. Revelations unfolding,

A new molding of what is to come. Jesus, You have won, And we will write of Your victory! Great triumph And great resurgence. Power in this awakening. Lord, Your remnant is stirred, Crying out to You with Your words. Screams from the ink, Telling of Your great and mighty things. Lord, we just want to serve You. Father, we just want to

serve You. We lay down our swords — Our pens — unto You, And we wait. We wait for Your voice To come and subdue Every hard and rocky place. Lord, Your word is enough — More than enough — And we thank You For entrusting it to us.










The Word of God is clear from both the Old Testament and New Testament that pastors need to be cared for by the church and the believers. LESSONS FROM OBADIAH’S LIFE (1 Kings 18:3-4) 1) Obadiah feared God - He was living around a wicked king, but he still maintained his integrity

2) Obadiah was a governor - People who fear God are needed in key positions. They will represent the church, the pastors, and the work of God at large. 3) Obadiah respected the servants of God - God is still calling and raising prophets and pastors. 4) Obadiah protected the servants of God - The devil is out there to destroy pastors. You can stop him from

doing that. 5) Obadiah was a giver - He fed 100 prophets by himself. 6) Obadiah was responsible - He took it as his responsibility to take care of the servants of God. 7) Obadiah was principled - He worked under those who didn’t value servants of God, but he kept on respecting servants of God.


THE DEPTH OF OBADIAH’S SACRIFICE 1) Feeding 100 men is not easy, “especially men.” 2) Going against your boss’s values isn’t easy. 3) Hiding 100 people is not easy. 4) Feeding people who are in hiding means you have to feed them during very odd hours. If one person could feed 100 prophets, why are churches with 100 people failing to feed one pastor? If one person could protect 100 prophets, why are churches with several people failing to protect one pastor? QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF 1) Who is taking care of my pastor? 2) When is the last time I did something for my pastor? 3) Is the support that I am giving my pastor good enough? 4) Am I a burden or a blessing to my pastor? 5) Do I know the needs of my pastor? 6) When I visit my pastor, do I ever think of carrying something with me to bring for my pastor? COMMON MISTAKES 1) Thinking that your pastor has it all and doesn’t need your support 2) Thinking that your pastor

should be helping you and not you helping him 3) Supporting a pastor on TV when you have never supported your own personal pastor 4) Taking your pastor as one of those people out there who are just after gaining from you 5) Thinking that your pastor is a super human being who is not affected by physical needs MORE EXAMPLES 1) Abraham feeding the three men (Genesis 18:8) 2) A widow feeding Elijah (1 Kings 17:9) 3) A woman feeding Elisha (2 Kings 4:8) 4) Jesus told his disciples to carry nothing as they go to preach (Luke 10:7) WHAT THE NEW TESTAMENT SAYS ABOUT SUPPORTING PASTORS 1) You have to support those who teach you the Word of God (Galatians 6:6) 2) Those who preach the gospel must get their living from the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:13-14) 3) It is unfair to ignore the needs of those who minister the gospel (1 Timothy 5:1718) WHY THERE SHOULD ALWAYS BE FOOD AT THE PASTOR’S PLACE 1) It helps the pastor to con-

centrate on ministry work and not trying to survive. 2) Pastors won’t preach out of bitterness when things are in place at home. 3) The pastor’s children must not hate the work of their parents. 4) People who visit the pastor’s place should be given food to eat. 5) When there is an abundance of food at the pastor’s place, the same abundance will be witnessed in the homes of people that they lead. PASTOR’S WELFARE DEPARTMENT Every church should have a department that is responsible for collecting groceries for the pastor. 1) This department will ensure that everyone in the church understands why it is important to support the pastor. 2) Encouraging everyone in the church to support their pastor. 3) Checking with the pastor or pastor’s wife on the things that are needed. ACTION STEP: Prayerfully consider doing something for your pastor this week. Listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit on what you should give.










Tips & Tricks for Pan Fried Chicken Breasts 1. Pan fried chicken is best cooked on medium heat. You don’t want to cook the chicken fast on the outside and then have it raw on the inside. 2. You don’t need to cook the spinach cream cheese filling, you simply have to heat it up. That’s the brilliance of pan frying the butterflied chicken breasts instead of baking them in the oven wrapped in bacon. The filling doesn’t leak out ( as long as you are careful) and you can heat it up slowly and surely. 3. You could also wrap this in bacon at the point after the chicken is cooked and you stuff the cream cheese in. It really doesn’t need it and sometimes bacon is overdone in low carb and keto recipes. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 25 minutes Servings: 4 Calories: 382 Author: Karlynn Johnston INGREDIENTS 4 chicken breasts 1 10-ounce package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry 1/2 cup cream cheese at room temp

1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1-2 tablespoons minced chives or green onions 1/4 teaspoon pepper salt to taste INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place plastic wrap on top of each chicken breast and using a meat mallet, pound them slightly thinner. ( they will fry up faster if you do this step.) 2. To butterfly your chicken breasts, lay them flat on sturdy surface. Place one hand on top to hold it in place and then slice 3/4 of the way through the chicken breast. Do not slice all the way through! 3. Heat up the olive oil in a large skillet. 4. Fry the chicken breast in the frying pan on medium heat, approximately 7 minutes a side, until they start to get golden brown and crispy on the outside and reach a temperature of 165°F. You want the mto be cooked before you stuff them! 5. Combine the spinach, cream cheese, Parmesan cheese, chives and garlic in a bowl and microwave to take the chill off. Make sure it’s nice and warm. ( this is such an easy cheat! I was so excited!)

6. Carefully spoon a quarter of cheese mixture into the middle of the cooked chicken breasts. 7. Turn the heat to low and put a lid on the frying pan. Heat for another 5-7 minutes, until the cream cheese mixture has heated through. 8. Remove and plate. Enjoy! NUTRITION INFORMATION Calories: 382kcal Carbohydrates: 2g Protein: 52g Fat: 17g Saturated Fat: 7g Cholesterol: 180mg Sodium: 453mg Potassium: 875mg Sugar: 1g Vitamin A: 515IU Vitamin C: 3.6mg Calcium: 117mg Iron: 1mg Source: https://www.thekitchenmagpie. com/pan-fried-spinach-cream-cheesestuffed-chicken/




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School of the Prophets Join us for this intense 3 month training program as we cover the basics of prophecy and beyond. You will learn how to flow with the Holy Spirit, gain confidence in your gifts, and receive biblical teaching. Every Thursday! Click here to register.





Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1).

However, we do hold a hope that cannot be found in anyone else!

Some may ask why we, believers, have to endure so many trials?

Being saved for me was a definite breakthrough. I learned, laughed, cried, and got angry!

But the short answer is....... we don’t!

I literally became my worst enemy and Satan knew that!

We don’t suffer the consequences of being saved because (THERE ARE NO) consequences to being saved!

Life after being saved didn’t feel different, but rather it became much more unbearable because I would question every sting.

• Why is God putting me through this? • Why am I dealing with all these problems? • Why do I feel the same as I did before Christ? These questions and more became my check off list as I tried to follow the hope I was promised. As I walked and endured the many trials and persecution in my journey, I


However, we do hold a hope that cannot be found in anyone else!

realized that no matter how many times Christ saved me, I would still go through problems. I would still feel the sting. The only difference between the two is that my new heart carried a Hope that is greater than my worries! Jesus soon became the answer to all my problems. My check list became more of a reminder that no matter what I go through, Jesus stayed the same. He was my Savior, strength, joy, and hope. Without Him, I am nothing! And without Him, I would be going through battlefields like a scared puppy. I wouldn’t be able to maintain the proper balance that is required during war, but instead, I would be fighting a battle too big for me to

handle, no matter how many men stood before me. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, I learned that I would never need an army again. Jesus was and is my army. Unlike Gideon, my army wasn’t cut down small..... it was made more powerful through every storm I weathered. Not because of me, but because of the hope I decided to follow. Today, my fellow Christians, my new believing family, take a good look at your situation and speak out the mighty name of Jesus no matter what that storm brings. Because at the end of the day..... Jesus Christ IS HOPE! Shirley’s notes: we aren’t punished for becoming a Christian, but trials will

Being saved for me was a definite breakthrough. I learned, laughed, cried, and got angry! I literally became my worst enemy and Satan knew come just as before. The only difference is.....we carry a hope that unbelievers don’t. It’s our own cross. We are to stand firm through persecution and the many trials that we may endure. And the one thing we can stand on and have total faith in......IS CHRIST!









• Integrity Our leaders need to walk in integrity so they won’t be corrupt. When a politician is corrupt, they will be swayed for money and won’t stand up and fight for the people that elected them in that office. Also, they will lack character and engage in conduct that is against God and their oath of office. We don’t need another scan-

dal among politicians. It’s shameful and embarrassing for our nation. Proverbs 10:9 (ESV) says, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” Dear Heavenly Father, Bless the leaders of this nation to walk on the straight

and narrow path. If they aren’t saved, bless them with an opportunity for them to give their lives to Jesus Christ. Soften their hard hearts and draw them close to You. Bless them always to do the right thing when no one is looking. Thank You for answering this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen. • Guidance


Some of our politicians are surrounded by bad counsel. They don’t need to be ‘yes’ men who only speak what the politician wants to hear. These council members need to speak the truth so the leader can make sound decisions that are beneficial for all they govern. Our political leaders need counsel from those who are godly yet skilled in their field of expertise. Psalm 32:8 (ESV) says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” Dear Heavenly Father, Allow our political leaders to have an ear to hear Your voice in the counsel around them. Order their steps and send Your servants in their paths to make an impact in their lives. Bless our leaders to seek Your face and acknowledge You in every way so You can direct their paths. • Uniter not a divider In North America, our government is divided into several branches and divisions. However, whoever is elected should unite the nation’s people for the common good, especially during tragic times. A real

leader knows how to lead and become a solutionist. We have witnessed enough name-calling and fingerpointing in the COVID-19 pandemic. Now it’s time to come together and heal. Psalm 133:1 (ESV) says, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” Dear Heavenly Father, You are love and command us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Bless those in leadership to love those who don’t look like them, from different backgrounds, economic class, or political parties. Bless the leader not to stir up hate or racism. Bless the leaders to condemn violence and stand up for righteousness. Thank You for answering this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen. • Salvation/Deliverance God has His people in government so they can do His will in the political system. There are so many demonic laws and decrees being passed. God needs His servants crying aloud and sparing not. Our political leaders need to be saved and delivered by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have witnessed the crime rates and immorality increase in

Our leaders need to walk in integrity so they won’t be corrupt.

this nation as some wicked politicians fought to remove God out of the equation. As a result, perversion is forced upon this generation and school shootings have been a common thing. Romans 10:9 (ESV) says, “Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Dear Heavenly Father, You know how to bring us out of darkness and transform us into the marvelous light of Your dear Son Jesus Christ. You don’t desire for anyone to perish. Bless our politicians to be saved and delivered. Allow them to confess their sins and repent of any wickedness. I pray that they won’t be an enemy to the cross but a friend. I pray they are open to receiving Jesus in their hearts. God send Your power and Word to breakthrough and transform the hardest hearts for Your glory. Thank You for answering this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.






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The definition of a lifeline in Merriam-Webster is a line (such as a rope) used for saving or preserving life. Jesus is our lifeline. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus made the perfect sacrifice for mankind. He gave His life on the old rugged cross, so we wouldn’t have to suffer the sting of death. As a believer, if we die in Christ, we will live again in heaven with Jesus in eternity. We all have the right to the tree of life because of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross.

John 1:1 (KJV) says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Jesus is the Word that has become flesh so He could redeem us back to God by His perfect sacrifice. John 1:14 (KJV) says, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth.” Jesus sacrificed His

spot in heaven for a short time to come to earth to show man that they could live a saved and pure life here on earth. Jesus is the second part of the trinity because you have God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. After resurrecting Jesus went back to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father to intercede for you and me. John 10:30 says, “Jesus states that He and the Father are One.” When


God needed a redeemer for man in their sinful state, He knew Jesus’s shed blood would wipe the slate clean. Hebrews 10:5 (NLT) says, “That is why, when Christ came into the world, he said to God, “You did not want animal sacrifices of sin offerings. But you have given me a body to offer.” Jesus lived on this earth for 33 ½ years. He went around doing good and doing the will of the Father. The first time He performed a miracle was at the wedding when the host had run out of wine. Jesus prayed over the water in the water pots and the servants served the wine to the guests. The wine was a big hit because the guests realized that the host had saved the best wine for last. But before He could be officially released into the ministry that was on His life, He had to be baptized. So, he traveled to the Jordan River so John the Baptist since he was the forerunner to Christ and he could baptize Him into ministry. Matthew 3:13-15 (NLT) says, “Then Jesus went to Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. 14. But John tried to talk him out of it. “I am the one who needs to be baptized

by you,” he said, “so why are you coming to me? 15. But Jesus said, “It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires. So John agreed to baptize him.” As soon as Jesus was baptized, heaven was opened, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him. The voice of God could be heard, “This is my Son, Whom I love; with Him, I am well pleased.” Then Jesus was then led into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights. He was hungry afterward. So, the enemy tried to come to Jesus when He was in a weakened state. He came to Jesus because He was hungry to tell Him to turn some stones into bread. But Jesus was determined to finish the mission that God had given Him and told the enemy according to the Word of God. The enemy tried to attack His identity, but stated to Him, “If you are the Son of God, turn these stones into bread.” The Word knows He was the Word and He knew the Word. He used the Word against the enemy. He replied to the enemy, “It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”

Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus made the perfect sacrifice for mankind. He gave His life on the old rugged cross, so we wouldn’t have to suffer the sting of death.

The devil came to Jesus several more times to try to tempt Jesus into following his commands. But each time Jesus told the devil, “It is written,” meaning Jesus was using the Word of God to resist the devil. The only way we resist the devil today is with the Word of God. We have to follow the same example that Jesus gave to us. We don’t have to add anything to the Word or take anything from the Word. The Word is true all by itself. All we have to do is speak it and it shall be established. We are to walk in the authority that Jesus has given us because we have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead living on the inside of us. We should be walking heavy in the Spirit. When we get up early in the morning, the enemy should be fearful of




The first time He performed a miracle was at the wedding when the host had run out of wine.

of his hands.

what we are getting ready to do to his kingdom. Jesus’s life here on earth and in heaven is our lifeline. That is why we must read and study the Word of God to know our rights and inheritance. Because of the legacy that Jesus has left for us to follow and pattern our lives by, He is our lifeline. He is the only connection that we have to get to God. We have to go through Jesus to obtain that privilege.

Jesus is our only help for the evil that is going on in this world. He is the only help for all injustices, racial tensions, murders, sicknesses, and diseases. Jesus is our Savior and Lord of our lives. When we call out to Him and surrender our lives over to Him, only then will we be able to live more confident in knowing that God has our backs regardless of what may be coming up against us.

John 10:1 (NLT) says, “I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber.” Jesus is the only way to salvation. Every time we pray, we must be saying in Jesus’s name before God can even acknowledge our prayers. Jesus is the only doorway we have to receive eternal life. Jesus is the only One that was resurrected from the dead. He died for the sins of this world but rose again on the third day with all power in the palm

Having a relationship with Jesus is the greatest move that we could ever make in our lives because the partnership with Him is more than the majority. Jesus is our lifeline and everyone that doesn’t know Him needs to reach out and call out to Him and seek Him while He can be found. There will come a time in your lives that you will miss having that intimate relationship with Him. He loves us and wants a one-on-one relationship with you.

Revelation (AMP) says, “And the Ever-living one (living in and beyond all time and space). I died, but see, I am alive forever more, and I have the keys of (Absolute control and victory over) death and of Hades (the realm of the dead).”

To the lost, lukewarm, stagnant, fence straddlers, and backsliders, it is time to get back into right standing with God. God is calling you back to Him. Do not harden your heart and keep rejecting Jesus. Time is winding down and it is time to take heed and run to God. Make sure that you do not leave this earth without having an intimate relationship with Christ. If so, by happenstance, you leave without knowing Christ that cancels all changes to get closer to Him and get to know Him. It will be too late to get closer to Him if you wait until He comes again to this earth. We do not have any time to waste. Seek Him now while He may be found because there are only two places that we can go when we leave this world. One is heaven but you have to die in Christ to reign with Him there. The other place is a place of eternal damnation where the temperature will be hot daily. There will be torment day in and day out. There will be no type of relief for you. There will be a ongoing sauna with flames coming out of it. Luke 16:22b-24 (KJV) says, “The rich man died, and was buried. 23. “And in hell he lifts up his eyes, being in torments, and seethe Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.”


24. “And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.” Many other Scriptures talk about this place of torment. Jesus has thrown His lifeline to us many times because He does not desire to see anyone lost. It is a choice that we must make to live for God on this earth then die and go to heaven, or live like the world and die and go to the place of forever torment. It is the choice that has to be made. There is no in between. It is either one or the other.

But as long as you have breath in your body, you have a chance to turn your life around for the better and accept the lifeline that Jesus is offering you. Don’t let another day go by without giving your total heart to Jesus. True happiness is found in Jesus alone, not in houses, cars, money, men or women. It is found in the true and living God and His name is Jesus. God loves every one of us and wants us all to make heaven our home, but the choice has to be yours. He is a gentleman and He will not force His will on you. You will have to come to Him willingly. He will accept you and

welcome you into the fold. He will not hold your past against you once you have repented and made Him the captain of your ship(life). He is standing with His arms wide open, beckoning you to come to Him today. He will show you about real love and He will help you learn to love yourself. He will build up your confidence and show you how to walk in the authority He has given you. There is not a love that is greater in the world than the love that God has for each of us. Now is the day of decision. Make the right choice and choose life.









I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, woe unto them who are going through a routine in their relationship with me. Woe unto them who have a form of godliness, but are denying God’s power. The word woe means a

warning or judgment from God. In this era, God is crying out to His people, “Will you genuinely love me? Will you whole-heartedly serve me? Will you have my heart for ministry? Will you love what I love and hate what I hate?” Can I count on you

to be a light in the middle of darkness? We see a lot of mixture in God’s body! God didn’t call us to fit in, settle, and we are not called to conform to the ways of the world. The


Scripture states, “But you are a chosen generation, royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9, KJV).” We will break this Scripture down further, but first, I want to say this: God is calling us to go deeper in Him. Being a follower of Christ is more than just joining a local church. It’s more than going to Bible study on Wednesday night, Sunday school on Sunday morning, and attending a church service Sunday after Sunday. Now, I know we’re not in church regularly due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. Should we do things? The answer is yes. Why? Paul states in Hebrews 10:25, KJV, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” We come together to uplift one another and to gather the strength to persevere during trying times. I pray this was helpful to you. Let’s get back to my original thought. Practicing these

things ritually doesn’t make us in right standing with God. I see so many people merely going through a routine. This is not to put anyone down, but to encourage every one of us to increase our capacity to receive more from God. More of God’s Spirit, more of Who God is, more of understanding the gifts of His Spirit, There is MUCH MORE! We can do all of these things every week, but still miss God. It’s a matter of our heart. This is what God desires to have complete control of… it’s the condition of our hearts that matters to God: Not how well we can preach, teach, play the organ, or how well we can sing in the choir. It’s our hearts! In 2 Timothy 3:5 (NLT), Paul wrote, “They will act religious, but will reject the power that could make them godly.” God doesn’t want us to be religious! God desires for us to have a relationship with Him! He wants us to know Him. He wants us to spend time in one on one fellowship with Him. When we encounter the living God, there’s no way we can remain the same. Our lives must change! Our lives must reflect Jesus’ characteristics. When Apostle Paul had a face-to-face encounter with Jesus on the road to Damas-

We see a lot of mixture in God’s body! God didn’t call us to fit in, settle, and we are not called to conform to the ways of the world.

cus, he couldn’t continue persecuting Christians. Paul couldn’t continue following after the imagination of his own desires. No, Paul was transformed by God’s power! Likewise, the same should happen in our lives, when God reveals Himself to us. We can’t continue lying, cheating, fornicating, gossiping, and committing adultery. God’s presence always brings transformation, deliverance, and restoration. The Holy Spirit won’t allow you to be happy with willingly participating in sin or going through the merry-go-round of religiosity. The Holy Spirit will help you search out the hidden mysteries of God. Please don’t settle! God wants to reveal Himself to you. God doesn’t want you to just know Him based upon what your Pastor tells you on Sunday morning or Wednesday night. Jesus died that you might know Him intimately. Jesus died




for you to have direct access to Him. You don’t have to wait for your Pastor to pray for you. You can talk to God whenever (morning, noon, or night) or where ever ( in the grocery store, at the gas station, or in your home). God is jealous concerning you! There’s things that God desires to share solely with you. He wants you to seek Him so that His Holy Spirit may teach you and guide you into all truth. Let’s conclude by summing up the Scripture in 1 Peter 2:9. As I mentioned earlier, here’s a brief breakdown of this Scripture. NUMBER 1: You are God’s chosen generation. Put your name here …., I was chosen by God before the world was created . I am handpicked by God to be his child. God is giving you the opportunity to know Him and to accept Him. Choose you this day who you will serve. Tomorrow isn’t a guarantee to any of us. NUMBER 2: You are a royal priesthood! You are a joint heir with Jesus! You are a king and priest in Christ Jesus. You are royalty. Why? Your Heavenly Father is the King and ruler of all creation. Hey fellow king’s kid! Lol.

In the Old Testament, the priest conducted the Temple sacrifices and carried out the established sacrifices according to the law. Our priesthood responsibility is the ministry of reconciliation. As a priests, our job is to share the good news of salvation and partner with Holy Spirit to reach those who don’t have a relationship with God. NUMBER 3: A holy nation. The word holy means to be set apart or sacred. God is calling you and He’s calling me to be set apart. We can’t act like the world. God wants us to act like Him. God wants us to be consecrated vessels unto Him that we might shine brighter in darkness. He doesn’t want us not to act spooky or weird, but He wants us to display His glory to those who don’t know him. He wants us to be consecrated because we house His presence. I pray this article increases your hunger and thirst to desire MORE of GOD.

We can’t continue lying, cheating, fornicating, gossiping, and committing adultery. God’s presence always brings transformation, deliverance, and restoration. The Holy Spirit won’t allow you to be happy with willingly participating in sin or going through the merry-go-round of religiosity. The Holy Spirit will help you search out the hidden mysteries of God.






Airs every Tuesday at 5 am EST everywhere you listen to podcasts Prophetic voice, publisher, prolific author, entrepreneur, and intercessor Kimberly Moses shares insight on how to pray effectively when engaging in spiritual warfare. She shares supernatural encounters and strategies that the Lord Jesus gave her as she opens the Bible and pulls out the hidden treasures. Receive impartation and revelation as you apply the word of God with the given tools.























Interviewer: Thank you so much Dr. Kristi for accepting the invite. Tell us a bit of your salvation journey? When did you get saved and how was that day when you accepted Jesus into your heart. Dr. Kristi Lemley: Well, I grew up in a Christian home, so I feel like I always knew the Lord, but I didn’t always serve Him. So, I rededicated my life to the Lord in 1997 and I remember being at a women’s conference and just hearing them talk and I felt like I was hearing the Word for the first time. Even when I was in high school, I would read and fall asleep with my Bible because I would be so afraid. It was like I knew the Lord, but it was like I really wasn’t living for Him. So, in October 1997, I rededicated my life to the Lord, and I was weeping and it was such a powerful experience. The next day I started telling everybody about Jesus. I rededicated my heart to Him. When I rededicated

my life, I was on fire for the Lord and then He started changing things about me. Instead of Him just being my Savior, I made Him my Lord. I surrendered my life to Him and started saying “Yes” and allowed Him to get some really unhealthy things out of my life. Interviewer: Amen. That is so powerful! Especially that transformation about the deliverance process. Many people say it takes years and for me, I had anxiety for five years. So it took me five years to actually get free. So, could you tell us about your deliverance process? Dr. Kristi Lemley: Yes, it was a process because after I rededicated my life, then it was just a process of different things like I still was the life of the party and I was still drinking. I was still doing that kind of thing, but slowly things like that started to decrease. Up until 2002 was the year that the Lord just took me through deliverance from shame

and guilt. It was an enormous thing. I went through many things in my life. I was sexually abused and then my parents divorced. Then I moved away and then my oldest sister moved out. My middle sister stayed with my dad and I went to live with my mom, so my family broke up. So, the Lord had to deliver me from how I respond to pain. Instead of turning to God to deal with pain, I turned to boys and alcohol. There was a lot of fear there. So, I would actually come to face the time that the Lord actually began to put a stinger on things and He said that “That needs to go, and that needs to go.” Because I am very prophetic, He did it with pictures. I will never forget the day that the Lord showed me what I looked like to Him when I drank alcohol. I was mortified and said, “Okay, I am done with that.” Every day for eight months, I prayed that the Lord would deliver me from guilt. I





forgave others who had harmed me, but I couldn’t forgive myself for how I responded to the pain. So one day, when I was counseling a lady who had been sexually abused, I went home angry. I said, “Lord, what is up with this anger? Why am I angry?” He revealed to me that I had a stronghold of shame and guilt. So for eight months every day, I prayed that the Lord would take it away. Then one day, I was listening to a song and the lyrics said, “Your sins are forgiven as far as the east is from the west.” Then the dam broke and it was like my sins were away from me. They were not attached to me anymore. I started weeping because I felt the shame just lifted off and broke off. Then I just started telling the Lord that I will tell anybody about His Saving Grace. Interviewer: Amen. I love that. What would you tell someone dealing with the pain that is masking it up or running from it? Dr. Kristi Lemley: Yes, I think that I was masking it up. I was so good at wearing a mask. It was like if everything on the outside looked good, nobody would know the mess on the inside. I would say to them that nothing will get better until they face it and surrender

it to the Lord. Because it attacks every area of their lives, I would say to them, look at your relationships and look at your own inner conflict. There might be insecurity or shame in you. Maybe there are feelings that you are not good enough. You are a bad person, or like there is something wrong with you. So there is always this inner conflict, so I would say look at your relationships and look at how you cope with things. I turned to alcohol to numb the conflict that was going on within me. I will tell them you are the only person you can not get away from. You can escape people and run from God, but you can’t ever get away from yourself, so it is easier to deal with it now and surrender it to the Lord and He will walk you through it. Interviewer: Amen. So, how did your ministry “Living In the Light Ministries” come into fruition? Dr. Kristi Lemley: Well, in 2003, somebody was a no-show for a session, so I just started praising the Lord. I had given a donation to a radio program. They sent me the Prayer of Jabez Cd and the Lord was totally setting me up. I grew up in a very conservative denomination regarding the Holy Spirit where we

So, I rededicated my life to the Lord in 1997 and I remember being at a women’s conference and just hearing them talk and I felt like I was hearing the Word for the first time.

never talked about the Holy Spirit. During this song, I had my arms raised and my eyes closed and really seeking the Lord. In 2002 the Lord was just changing how I saw everything and then He delivered me from shame and guilt. So in 2003, I was just worshiping the Lord and watching Christian television and really getting the Word. Because I was going to a church that the people are saved but don’t talk much about the Holy Spirit, I was standing with my arms raised. I heard the audible voice of God and there was only one other time in my life that I had heard His voice before. He said He was calling me into ministry and to the nations to preach. At that moment, I saw my-





Then one day, I was listening to a song and the lyrics said, “Your sins are forgiven as far as the east is from the west.” Then the dam broke and it was like my sins were away from me. self standing on the edge of a cliff and I saw the brown mountain ahead of me. There was nothing green. It was brown. As I went forth in life, the green would follow me as I walked. Then God spoke Isaiah 61:1, which says, “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me and He has anointed me to preach the Good News to heal the broken hearted and to set the captives free and open the doors of those that are in prison.” So, that is how He called me. I actually went to Israel in 2018. The day before we arrived, we were going to Jericho Road. The Lord said, “You are going to see the vision that I gave you now. Draw a line in the sand and step over it. You are now entering your promised land.” Interviewer: Wow. That is

powerful. I always wanted to go to Israel. Hopefully, one day soon after this pandemic. Dr. Kristi Lemley: Yes, after that visit, I went back two years later on a prayer journey. Interviewer: Wow, that is exciting. So I know that you have a heart for revival and you wrote a book. Can you tell us a little bit about that? Dr. Kristi Lemley: Yes, I would love to tell you. I have gotten my doctorate of Ministry at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Springfield, Missouri. It happened to be my dissertation, and I asked the Lord what he wanted me to write about. I went back into my journals. I have been writing and praying for revival since 2007. I said, “Lord, why is the church not walking in Power? Why are we not living like the Book of Acts? In Acts, there were miracles, signs, and wonders? Why are we not seeing that everyday because I know the Lord is the same, So what is different?” He took me to 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves. Pray and seek my face. Turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive

their sin, and heal the land.” So, my whole dissertation centered on 2 Chronicles 7:14, the actual words that the Lord speaks to us in that verse which is humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from your wicked ways. I studied the Bible on that pattern of how we turn our hearts from the Lord and started having difficulties. In Judges, another country would come over and put them into captivity. Then they would cry out to the Lord and He would raise up a judge. Revival would hit and they would defeat their enemies. They would be on fire for the Lord and then slowly, their hearts would wane again. So I studied the Bible of that pattern and the Lord’s best for us is to live as the church did in Acts. That is His best for us. His best is for us to live revived, but because of our humanness and our complacency at times, our passion and vibrantness just slowly wanes. Revival is needed to get the church back focused on Him. Interviewer: Amen. What was the miracle that God has allowed you to see that just made you say, “Wow!” Dr. Kristi Lemley: I was traveling in a healing and deliverance service in 2006.





I will never forget it because I was praying at the altar with a young girl and she had rheumatoid arthritis. Her hand was deformed and I remember the Spirit saying, “Put your hand on hers.” So, I laid my hand on top of her hand. I began to pray and then I heard the Spirit say, “Withdraw your hand,” and when I did, her hand was normal. I was like, “Wow,” because I have seen people healed of cancer. I was in a healing room praying for somebody and the guy came in and said, “I think maybe my unforgiveness with my dad is part of the reason that my cancer came back, and I feel like that the Lord revealed that to me.” So I helped him walk through the forgiveness process of forgiving his dad and then he went back to the doctor and then the tumor was gone. Interviewer: Jesus!! Dr. Kristi Lemley: You know that I saw many of those when I first got initially in ministry. My ministry is more prophetic with healing and deliverance. Somebody told me before I became ordained that you need to go to a different denomination because you already have three strikes against you. You are a woman, an Evangelist, didn’t grow up in our denomination, so you are

going to have to prove yourself. Because of that comment, I allowed that to take root within me. I allowed the enemy to tell me that I had to prove my ministry, so I went through that for probably 5 or 6 years. The Lord still used me but not nearly as He had before. But thank God He revealed to me that I didn’t need man’s confirmation. So, I took the key back and gave it back to the Lord. Interviewer: I appreciate your transparency and I feel like my ministry is similar to yours: the healing, deliverance, and prophetic ministry. I had to learn to like to get delivered from people because someone always has something to say. Seriously, people always have an opinion. You have a really powerful ministry. Dr. Kristi Lemley: What was so powerful is when I went to Thailand to preach at a women’s conference. Some of the women were walking for two days from the country of Laos because it is communist. I thought to myself that God took a nobody from a little town in Illinois halfway around the world to tell these people that God loves them. How powerful and how much love God has that He would send somebody halfway around the world to tell somebody how

loved they are. The night before the conference, the Lord gave me a word. When I got there, I didn’t know that I would be the first to share 10 minutes with the church planters in Thailand. They are Thai people who have planted churches and the Lord gave me a Word and a Scripture for them. I gave it to them, then the Women’s Conference started. After that, we went outside and the church planters were raising money to plant the churches. The Scripture on the front of the church was the Scripture that the Lord had given me to preach to them. I was just like, “Wow, that is God and that is so cool.”

I said, “Lord, why is the church not walking in Power? Why are we not living like the Book of Acts? In Acts, there were miracles, signs, and wonders? Why are we not seeing that everyday because I know the Lord is the same, So what is different?”





Interviewer: Wow, that is amazing! That is exciting to be in sync with Him. That is awesome that people are traveling and walking that far like for a Word. Dr. Kristi Lemley: And it was so humbling because we take for granted going to church. We sometimes say that we don’t feel like going this week, and we take so much for granted because of COVID 19 now. But back then, in 2016, it was like

I was praying at the altar with a young girl and she had rheumatoid arthritis. Her hand was deformed and I remember the Spirit saying, “Put your hand on hers.” So, I laid my hand on top of her hand. I began to pray and then I heard the Spirit say, “Withdraw your hand,” and when I did, her hand was normal.

desperation in those people. It was such a hunger in the people because pretty much without God, they know that they can not make it without Him. That is how dire their lives are and it has put such a passion in me to be all in with the Lord. I was all in before, but now it was like that since I gave the key back to God, now I am all in. Interviewer: Amen. You mentioned the young man had cancer and he had unforgiveness. Then when he forgave, he got healed. How can unforgiveness and things that are in our souls cause disease and illnesses? Dr. Kristi Lemley: Oh, it totally does. There are many times that I am at the altar praying with people. They would want me to pray for this, but I feel a block and I feel like they can’t receive. Then I ask them if they have unforgiveness or shame in their hearts. But a lot of times, there is something that prevents us from receiving. When we allow unforgiveness in our hearts, God can’t forgive us. But there are times when there is a connection between physical illness and unforgiveness in our hearts. When we have unforgiveness, we retain anger, bitterness, and resentment. All of these negative emotions impact us physically. It impacts

our ability to be at peace and rest and let our bodies heal. If we have a cold, unforgiveness decreases our immune systems. I don’t think that people realize that it impacts their physical being when they hold onto unforgiveness and other things. God has created us: spirit, soul, and body. So if we are not operating in purity at a spiritual level, it will impact us physically and emotionally. Interviewer: Amen. You have a book called “Broken and Transformed.” You share how God delivered you from sexual trauma. Can you kind of talk about what has inspired your book? Any pointers for someone that went through what you have gone through? Dr. Kristi Lemley: Yes, I wrote a book “Broken and Transformed.” I am redoing the book. It will come out October 1st and will be called “Transformed Live God’s Best.” It does help people go through the process of recognizing a spirit of trauma and a spirit of rejection. There are different things that we go through. Because I am a counselor, I believe in Sociology which is the study of behavior and the world has kind of turned it into something else. There are spiritual wounds that only the truth of God’s





Word can heal. We all have an inner child within us. Jesus said that we have to believe like children. When we are wounded or hurt or even as adults, especially in children, it ceases our ability to grow and mature. It hinders our emotional development and our development of relationships, including our heavenly Father. What is so important is that we get to the core of the lie that we had begun to believe when the trauma occurred. For me, it was during my parent’s divorce. What happened that bound me was that my mom couldn’t take me because I was on the dance line team. So she had asked my cousin to take me and my cousin forgot. She didn’t come to get me, so I missed that practice. I will never forget that I was standing in my kitchen and I was so angry. I made a vow that I would never depend on anyone else ever again. I was 14 years old and because of the woundedness of things that I had gone through, I said that I would not need anybody. When you make that inner vow, God was hindered from working in my life to a certain extent because I put up a wall even to Him. So we need to recognize when we have made inner vows. I didn’t even remember be-

ing sexually abused until I went through my sociology classes in college because I had suppressed them so much. So it is so important that we are only as healthy as our worst sickness. What I mean by that is: If we have trauma, rejection, abandonment issues, anything that is left unhealed in our childhood is an open door for the enemy to come through to create a stronghold in our lives. Interviewer: Wow, that is very revelatory! Dr. Kristi Lemley: Yeah, so with things left unhealed, the enemy has an open door to wreak havoc, so it is so important that we find peace with God. We need to recognize that Jesus is Lord and our Savior. He is our Lord. So that innocence of being a child of God, we really have the power and the authority to declare healing to declare freedom over our lives. Then we have to recognize and look at any unforgiveness that we may carry. Then we have to heal the inner child and rage war until we are completely healed and free. Then we still need to continue to wage war against the enemy. Waging war isn’t just against the enemy. Waging war is to bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth.

There are many times that I am at the altar praying with people. They would want me to pray for this, but I feel a block and I feel like they can’t receive. Then I ask them if they have unforgiveness or shame in their hearts.

Interviewer: Absolutely! I believe in counseling. When I was suicidal, I was going to a counselor and just talking to someone helped me not to take my life. Some people in the Body of Christ are against counseling. The scripture says that in a multitude of counselors, there is safety. So, how important is Christian counseling? Dr. Kristi Lemley: Christian Counseling is vital. I wrote the book “Broken and Transformed.” What I hear from so many people is that it is needed. As a church body, we do not hear good or talk very well about mental health issues with depression and anxiety. Interviewer: That is so true!





I didn’t even remember being sexually abused until I went through my sociology classes in college because I had suppressed them so much. So it is so important that we are only as healthy as our worst sickness.

Dr. Kristi Lemley: Especially now, I have six counselors and two assistants that work for me. We are almost maxed out. It is such a need because the church isn’t talking about it and we are not talking a lot about spiritual warfare. Sometimes chemical imbalances happen, especially when trauma is left unhealed. It rewires our brains, so Christian Counseling is vital because sometimes we get trapped in our own thoughts and our own minds. We can’t see beyond the voices of the enemy, our own voice, or the voices of those who have harmed us. Christian counseling helps us get out of our own minds and our own way. We let somebody else in that has the

power of God, the wisdom of God, and sometimes has the words of knowledge to bring freedom. Interviewer: So how can people connect with your ministry and your services? Dr. Kristi Lemley: They can go to www.kristilemley. com and listen to my podcast, which is “Living In The Light. “ where I help people live out their purposes with passion and fire. Every week there is something different that I try to help the listeners with. One week maybe recognizing if there are strongholds in their lives. Another week we are talking about “Abiding in the Lord.” Then another week, we are talking about “Prayers and Spiritual Warfare.” Sometimes I have guests who just talk about their own journey and purpose and how they have persevered. I am a firm believer about inviting other people along the journey with you so you will not walk it alone. That is so important and I think that that is another thing a counselor does that is really important. It allows us to become vulnerable and it invites somebody else in to walk the journey with us. When we are struggling, the enemy wants us to feel isolated and alone. The Father

said, “That we are never alone.” So when you invite someone on that journey with us reminds us that we are never alone. Interviewer: Amen. Do you have any last words for our readers? Dr. Kristi Lemley: I would encourage them to be who God has created them to be and that it is okay to be them. In our society, sometimes we listen to the secular voices more than the voices of our Lord. The voice of our Lord says in Psalm 139:4, “Before I formed you, I knew you in your mother’s womb.” We are not an accident, and we are not an afterthought, but we are ordained and called. We are created. We are fashioned to reflect Him and it is okay to be us. Interviewer: Amen. Thank you so much, Dr. Kristi, for your knowledge, expertise, and the things you have imparted to us today. It was an awesome interview. Dr. Kristi Lemley: Thank You for the opportunity to do this also. I love to connect with likeminded people. Interviewer: Yes. Me too.





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