Rejoice Essential Magazine April 2019

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Table of Contents 36


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John the Baptist: A Prophet Who Settles Between the Old and New Testament Prophetess Deborah Isaiah Micaiah Barnabus




Prophetess Anna




John the Baptist


Baja Fish Tacos




Judith Rapley




The Furry Little Lie


Prophet John the Baptist




Heaven-bound and Horny


Healing Through The Hate


The Rest of the Remnant


Prophetess Kimberly Moses


Prophet Jeremiah















Kimberly Moses Founder And Editor Effingham, SC

Tron Moses Photographer, Marketer, Designer Effingham, SC

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Chief Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands

Taylur Holland Writer Dallas, Texas

Shirley Ann Cooper Writer Kissimmee, Florida









JUDITH RAPLEY Interviewer: Tell me more about yourself and your ministry?

to personal transformation in myself and in others.

Judith Rapley: I am a therapist, coach, mentor, teacher, leader, and minister who passionately shares skills, knowledge, and resources with those in need. As a personal, family and corporate life coach, I have been instrumental in leading and developing initiatives for individuals and recognizable brands. This has brought great change to the lives of thousands of people and will affect communities and generations to come. My love for God and my sincere desire to help where needed has been the essence of my being and the fuel that has ignited my mission and my work. I am bilingual, have lived in four countries and visited four others. I love to travel, love butterflies and adore plants. I am an avid reader with an extensive library. I have been helicopter riding, parasailing, race car driving, and jet skiing. Who knows what’s next?

My clients are busy, successful, overwhelmed men and women who are there for others but on the inside feel alone. They are usually service providers and leaders helping others but living their own personal and intimate lives out of sync. I help people, especially people of faith, eradicate exhaustion and overwhelm and turn their ministries and leadership into well-managed, focused environments through showing them how to have good communication, removing toxic tendencies, putting goals in place, and reaching milestones. I help them build a life that is joyful. I help them feel excited about their lives, create emotional wellness and balance that removes chaos, and build necessary skills to deal with life seasons and transitions. We work together to reach the relationship and life goals they have long procrastinated on and identify the areas that stop them from reaching their best-envisioned life ever.

I am a licensed therapist and certified coach but what I do is provide emotional wellness for leaders and healers. I am an expert in leadership, personal growth, mental and emotional wellness, relationships. At my core I am: • • • •

A leader A teacher A guide A trainer

I love assisting people in achieving emotional health and growth with excellence in their life, career, relationships or organization! I help others grow emotionally, mentally, relationally and spiritually. I am committed

I help people create a sense of true emotional and mental health and enjoy healthy significant relationships Interviewer: Please tell us your journey to salvation? Judith Rapley: I come from a family of Christian believers. I was given back to the Lord at birth. My parents and two of my siblings are pastors in The Salvation Army and my brother and I are ministers and lay leaders within our respective churches. A life with God and believing Him and trusting Him were always part of my foundation. However, at fifteen years old, I recognized that I wanted to be my own god. At that time, I asked Jesus into my





heart and life and made Him the Lord of my life. Soon after, I had many opportunities as a young person to live this out including when I had to leave my family to come to the United States as a student, all on my own. Interviewer: Tell me about your book(s)? What inspired you to write these title(s)? What is the take-home message about your title(s)? Judith Rapley: Imperfectly Perfect is a book for the leader who serves relentlessly with excellence yet neglects their self in the process. Through this book they will practice how to find balance and take care of themselves, accepting who they were created to be while folding in the imperfections that make us into the perfections that we are and are becoming daily. Imperfectly Perfect was not designed to provide you with more information. Most people who are leaders already have a library full of that. I do! It was not designed to tell you to go out and do more. Most of us are already doing too much or, as they say out here, doing the most. This book was designed to guide those who are ready to be transformed by resting in His perfect love and then accepting their imperfections, their completeness, and their wholeness in Him. It also provides strategies and ways to do so! If you recognize that somehow what you are or are doing has overwhelmed who you are or who you are becoming and you want to change that, then this book and a transformational journey is for you. I was the person who needed my book. In the development of it over the past year or two and dealing with some real-life situations, it allowed me to deal with some real stuff while still maintaining my purpose and calling in a real authentic way and I did that from an authentic place that blew even my mind. Here is what I would ask anyone considering purchasing this book: •

Do you feel pressure to be perfect, but

“Dealing with

some real-life situations, it allowed me to deal with some real stuff while still maintaining my purpose and calling in a real authentic way

continually fall short? • Do you secretly or inwardly say things to yourself that you would never allow anyone else to say to you? • Is your life unbalanced and you spend a majority of your time leading but not following your own leadership? Then Imperfectly Perfect is that transfor-


mational 31-day affirmation guide for you, a leader who finds their self rundown and neglected after encouraging and affirming everyone else. It was and has been for me! Get ready to prioritize and take action holistically on your mental, emotional and spiritual health! Get started on your mental-emotional-spiritual journey right now! My book allows you to have a powerful 10-minute power coaching experience which can be a jump-start or a precursor for more intensive coaching work or counseling as needed. I would remind people that with my book, through personal coaching or spending some time with themselves in personal reflection, growth, and development, the work starts with themselves and they have to take care of their own emotional health and emotional health. You are your most important vessel and tool God has given you. With this book, you will push the reset button and learn how to accept your imperfections, care for yourself, set boundaries and find balance in your life to lead and serve in excellence. This was me! This is what I needed. Something that was holistic that took into account who I was mentally, emotionally and spiritually! Interviewer: What is the most challenging thing that you have ever faced and how did you overcome it? Judith Rapley: As immigrants, we came to this country and accepted many situations in the name of stability and progress, whether it is physical, emotional or mental, doing whatever we can to make a better life for ourselves and our loved ones. This should never come at the cost of dignity and respect for yourself. Although I had made compromises along the way, a decisive moment arose where I didn’t want to make those compromises anymore. I was now a strong, proud woman wanting to live authentically every word I had ever advised someone, every affirmation I had ever

given. I was thankful for the many gifts and opportunities given but was also ready to take that and share that more broadly. In 2006, after doing this work for larger organizations and social service agencies, I finally struck out on my own and opened JMR Consulting Services. I felt like it was time to help people with my skills and gifts in the way I wanted and to share the wealth of my experiences with different large and small businesses and entrepreneurs. This determination to surpass man-made limitations, in spite of any and all possible traumas, is what I help people do each day! In looking at my life now, it would seem to some then, or now, that I had a coasting life. I know what it is like to have it look from the outside that your life is on top of the world but on the inside feeling a mess, hurt and alone. I have struggled inwardly at times with a big smile on my face outwardly but never giving up! There is no giving up for what you believe you were born to do. I was born to give people hope and show them how to walk forward and take action on that hope. Does that mean I haven’t had my hopeless moments? Wrong! There were times when I gave hope to others, helped others with their challenges and felt there was no one I could go to with mine. Or maybe it was I didn’t want to burden anyone with mine. I have survived the immigrant journey and the highs and lows of the immigrant dream in the United States, being afraid of not being successful and being afraid of disappointing! God would speak to me through unexpected others or through an event, a show, or a book and I would be encouraged to encourage myself and encourage someone else. Things do get better. And you will get through. And you will make it. You can make it. You can do it! I believe my life purpose as a coach and therapist is to help others. My sensitivities have allowed me to be compassionate to the needs and the issues of others. Besides that, my faith in God. I have been able to survive and thrive




“ The visions

and dreams you have should not go to the grave with you. Existing every day when you want to do something else is also like already being dead.

because of good mentors, coaches, therapists, pastors, and ministers. The good ones. Interviewer: What advice can you give to someone that wants to walk in purpose but doesn’t know how? Judith Rapley: Start! Start walking! Start living! Start sharing! Start being! To accomplish your dreams and have real success, you are going to have to have faith, use everything you have, and take steps even when there seems to be no light ahead of you. Keep walking! In my life, I have used all of me to get to where I am today. My history, my background, my roots, my sensitivities, my spiritual and emotional formation, formal education, empathic skills and every good or bad experience I have ever had. I have just learned how to listen keenly and intentionally to God and then do my best to take action and be obedient. But it has been one of trust, faith, pushing ahead and then letting God have the rest. In my own strength, I am nothing. Yet faith without work is dead! Lastly, at different phases, I have had mentors and coaches, from my Mom and Dad (whom I am aware some people don’t have or can’t count on) to formal personal coaches, counselors, therapist whose services and contributions have not only helped me in my own life but helped me help others. I am eternally grateful to each one. Get the help you need. Sometimes you may even have to sacrifice to get that tailored support or expertise but do it! The visions and dreams you have should not go to the grave with you. Existing every day when you want to do something else is also like already being dead. Pray about it, map it out, get the help you need and start walking even if you can’t see how. I assure you the rest will come and even if you don’t succeed, you will know you tried!


Last but not least, cultivate and maintain good relationships that are a healthy reciprocal and respectful to you, where you not only give but also receive. Interviewer: How do you overcome writer’s block and get creative ideas? Judith Rapley: Again, I would invite people to live. Pay attention to the world around you. Live life. Connect with people. Do things that you enjoy. Write about that. Think about things that worry you. Things that anger you. Write about those too. Then be disciplined in spending time with yourself and with God. Even if it is your purpose, you still have to work at it Join Author and Life Coach Judith Rapley April 12 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM EDT Perfect Lessons- Author Conversation, Workshop & Celebration of “Imperfectly perfect” $125 DESCRIPTION Emotional exhaustion, fatigue, hopelessness, apathy, guilt, and lack of fulfillment are tied to perfectionism and not feeling good enough or worthy. None of this will go away without us doing the work on the inside. My book “Imperfectly Perfect” - A 31-Day Transformative Guide to Healthy Leadership That Begins with You provides strategies, afffirmations and steps for self-care and emotionally healthy leadership. We owe it to ourselves to invest the time to celebrate ourselves and find ways to manage the challenges that come along with this “heart work” as ‘Imperfectly Perfect Leaders”. JMR Coaching and Consulting Services presents Celebration of “Perfect Lessons” by Judith Rapley, Life Coach. An intimate author conversation and 1st book signing tour stop for the book Imperfectly Perfect.

You are our Perfect Guest! Parents, community advocates, professionals, lay leaders, clergy, healthcare professionals and caregivers of all walks. Someone who is always taking care of and impacting others whether two, two hundred or two thousand. Come join us in appreciation of life and have an elegant, lovely evening out of networking, personal development and fun. Come let’s enjoy ourselves together! Partake of fine dining, beautiful location, author discussion & workshop, Q &A, raffle & swag bag. Sponsorship & Vendor Tables available by contacting organizer for details if you want to donate or include art, products or service offers prior to or at the event. A portion of profit will be donated to YouMatter charity for a Youth Development and Mentorship project in Panama. Let’s Meet, Greet & Eat as we share our “Perfect Lessons” from the book at this intimate Author Conversation. Many surprise offerings from the coach at this event. Come celebrate your wholeness and completeness and be reassured of a Perfect Love! Email: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Youtube: JudithRapleyLifeCoach Twitter: LinkedIn: JMRapley Coaching & Consulting Services and Judith Rapley LMSW Telephone: 347-510-9131





When we share our testimonies, our faith increases! We start to believe God for the impossible! We can see the power and the hand of God in any situation. God can turn any test into a testimony! We know if God did it before, he can do it again. Our Testimonies glorify God!

Hello Prophetess Kimberly, I would first like to start this testimony by saying you prophesied to me during the praying for husband’s prayer call. You said that my husband would deeply apologize to me. He did but not deeply and sincerely. However, on March 28, he apologized, and it had me in tears. I have been having troubles since the end of the Faith prayer series going into deliverance. I’ve been purging ever since. I’ve experienced the worst attacks to the point that I ended up putting anointing oil in my water which made me purge harder. Every time I would see different spirits of people trying to attack me. I said, “God, please do something because I’ve been dealing with people picking with me just for being present or smiling since

childhood. On March 29, 2019, God answered my prayer. I began shaking extremely hard like never before, and fire began to come over me from head to toe. I said, “Jesus, I will rest in your presence.” I got received a healed heart and deliverance from the fact that I would have to prepare my mind for people to react in a horrible way. Though they do, God just wants me to literally think of it as it doesn’t matter. If I keep my mouth closed and mind my business, I will treat them just like I would anyone else which is kind and loving. This is a forever learning process as I walk with Christ. I’ve learned its better to immediately pray for an enemy and be free and stay free in Jesus’ name. I want to thank you Prophetess for always pouring into souls and I will continue to pray for you and your family. –Shavonda Hello woman of God. The call was fire


today! I thank God that I am connected. About tree weeks ago, I asked for prayer for my chronic yeast infection issue that I had every single day. Tuesday, you asked us to lay hands on ourselves. I am healed. I have not had any symptoms in four days. God is good! It feel good to not have to deal with it every day, making me feel uncomfortable. God bless you! Have a good weekend!—Anonymous I can’t stop humming, “I want to know you.” When you said that God is searching the earth for hearts that are faithful to Him, that took me all the way in to ugly praise and worship. My God! I want to know him. I’m on the phone with the IRS trying to get my taxes released. They said I was randomly picked for review. I’m not working anymore due to school and I was going to use that money to hold us up. Good morning. So, I got everything fixed with the IRS, and I will get $1000 more than before. She told me it would decrease, but it increased. I felt something break in the spirit realm when I was playing and praying your CD yesterday. I had to hold on to my faith. – Lavonda Good morning Prophetess Kim, I’m at the dealership right now. You prayed for me on Monday, that I would receive favor about my car, and I did! I paid to get an engine oil leak fixed two months ago, with another dealership but it either wasn’t fixed, or it wasn’t fixed correctly. I was told that this would cost me $3,000, but I was told that it was going to be written off as a warranty issue so I don’t have to pay anything for this. The only thing I have to pay is $11 for them to look at my car so I’ll take $11 over $3000. Thank you so much for your prayers, I love and appreciate you so much!!— LaShana

Since I connected with this ministry my life has never been the same. I can’t wait to hear Kimberly Moses Ministries. On February 2, 2019, I called the prayer line. God used you to prophesy over my life. It was an awesome word. I was told to write it down and watch it come to pass. I’m working my faith, trusting God on His word. I remember everyone saying, “You’re Next.” I feel my strength coming back. My expectation is in 100% receiving mode. Thanks for reminding me that God will supply all our needs. ---LC I received a 30 day of Faith Supernatural healing! It’s been seven months since I have taken blood pressure medication. On March 11, 2019, my blood pressure was normal at the doctor’s appointment. I dare you to believe God. Take Him at His word. –Leslie Hello Mrs. Kimberly Moses, I enjoy your LIVES on Facebook and the prayer request calls. You deeply touch me when my stomach was feeling pain. You prayed over me. I haven’t felt any sharp pain anymore. My fiancé and I are getting married next month. I want to thank you for what you do. While on the prayer line last Friday morning, God healed my wrist. Giving glory and all praises to my God! He is worthy!! Praise God! Thank you, Prophet! When you spoke fire was upon me! It was so!—Jessie I have a praise report. You prophesied discounts. Well, this conference I am going to cost $60, but one of my leaders at my church contacted me and said that they see my drive for God. I already paid $20, but they said that they would pay the rest.-Kentia













The Son of Man must be delivered over to the cross so that we could see eternal life? What hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third happened to that story? day be raised again.’ (Luke 24:7) We all flock to church, speak about church Colorful eggs filled with candy, Spring flowevents, including Easter egg hunts, games, ers, pink, blue, yellow, and purple marshmal- and kid fun lessons, but what about God’s low chicks, fun shaped chocolates, baskets love for us? A love so great that He gave His filled with toys, and one huge furry little lie only son to die so that we might live? called “the Easter bunny.” What happened to that lesson? Where did Jesus go? Why hasn’t anyone mentioned Jesus and the three days it took to be Our minds are no longer set on a Savior, but raised from death? Three very vital days that more about a furry little lie that refuses to began with being tortured and crucified on a let go of our children. Movies, shows, music,


dances have all become surrounded by this, “furry little lie.” Before the world began, God had us in mind. He built His Kingdom on loving us and eventually died trying to save us from ourselves. We have freedom because of Him. He is our Savior and no one has the right to ever take His place. Especially not a furry little lie! It’s extremely hard to dismiss or ignore the treasures of this life for the sake of doing right for the next, but God teaches us that the life we choose in Heaven holds more treasure than any other life we choose here. Easter isn’t about the Easter bunny, nor is it about the eggs and the candy! It’s all about the Lord and Savior. The God who loved His children so much that His work reaches far beyond the Cross. He chases us and refuses to let go! He pursues us on a daily. His righteous right hand is always protecting us. He is more than a mighty God, but rather a life saver, our only chance to see Salvation. Somewhere in this world and in the dark realm, there are hands that are trying to destroy God’s children, leading them to where God is replaced. The Easter Bunny Santa Claus Halloween Witches and Goblins Fairy Godmothers Magicians Leprechauns ....and so many more things that help in eliminating the One True Hope! Kids today would rather fill their baskets with candy than to fill their hearts with the Holy Spirit. They crawl through endless troubles believing in mythical creatures before they walk to

the Hope that pursues them endlessly. Lost! That’s where our children are. They are lost in a world they helped build and distant from the very place they desperately need to be. Today, as parents, we are all held accountable for our role in our family’s life. That’s where Hope begins. It’s where our children are found in order to carry them to Salvation. While victory was born at Calvary on a wooden cross, hope became real and for all. In that moment we were all given a life that far exceeds the current one. But it is our choice on whether or not we want it all. Pray for our children. Give them the chance we were given. Teach them in the way they should go. Lead them to The Truth. Because that furry little lie is walking them to a place where Hope will never be found! Jesus is that hope!

“ Easter isn’t

about the Easter bunny, nor is it about the eggs and the candy!





Last year I was asked the question of who my favorite prophet was and I chose Moses. This year another prophet stands out to me. His name is John the Baptist which means Jehovah is gracious. John the Baptist was conceived from parents who were barren. The Lord opened up his mother’s womb in her old age. They had been praying for years and the Lord answered their prayers. At those very times when we think God isn’t listening or what we have asked Him isn’t coming to pass, He has the perfect timing and reason for what and how He chooses to release it. The bible says an angel Gabriel came to his

father Zacharias, told him that he would have a son and that his son would prepare the way for the Lord. (Luke 1:5-25) His father did not believe the angel so to keep John’s father from speaking the opposite of what the Lord said, the angel made him mute. He could not speak until John the Baptist was born. John’s name was given to him by God himself. (Luke 1:13) Matthew 11:11 says, “Verily I say unto you, among them that are born of women there hath not arisen a greater than John the Baptist: yet he that is but little in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.”


This season John the Baptist is my favorite prophet because he carried out the plan that God ordained for his life. The Lord has really been highlighting him to me the past couple of months. I can see many traits that he carried in myself. Many may see me timid now but when I was in the world, I was very bold. John the Baptist had this same trait. He didn’t hold his tongue for evil or wrongdoing. When the religious leader came to where he was baptizing those who had confessed their sins, he spoke boldly and called them vipers. (Matthew 3:7) I am very much like John the Baptist. I hate injustice and those that stand around waiting to find a mistake in you. My former bosses used to call me a trouble maker because when the company wasn’t treating the employees right and not operating with integrity, I spoke out. I spoke up for everyone I worked with and I was constantly in the office and being told to not voice the truth. I was even this way as a child. I always defended those who didn’t have a voice or chose not to use it. John wasn’t afraid to call sins out.

always chose to stand up for the truth. John the Baptist pushed pass all the opposition and continued to do as God instructed him to do. He was hated by Herod’s wife and she wanted him dead. John told Herod that it wasn’t right for him to marry her because she was his brother’s wife. (Matthew 14: 3-5) John was bonded and put into prison to be put to death. Herod’s wife got her desire which was to receive John the Baptist head on a platter.

John’s assignment was to prepare the way for Jesus. He was born about six months before Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother’s womb. His life was prophesied by Prophet Isaiah and Malachi in Isaiah 40: 3 and Malachi 3:1; “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God”. He preached repentance, baptism, and turning people back to God. A well-known statement he would always make was “repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. (Matthew 3:2) While John baptized the people, he always highlighted to them that The Lord uses me in this very same way in my there was one greater than him whose sandal family and the people He has connected me he wasn’t worthy to wear. He had the honor to. This is how I know that God always had of baptizing Jesus. This beautiful encounter is the intentions of using my voice to cry out where the spirit of God descended like a dove in the wilderness, just like John the Baptist. on Jesus’ shoulder and Father God said, thou (Matthew 3: 3) I also can relate to John and his art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. life in the wilderness. My entire life has been (Luke 3:22) (Matthew 3:17) a wilderness experience. It has been very dry with many ups and downs. The bible says in John the Baptist lived a secluded life in the Luke 1:80, and the child grew and became wilderness where I believe God prepared him strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderfor the work he had to complete. His ministry ness until he appeared publicly to Israel. The was one that was necessary to prepare the Lord had me in a hiding place and now He is minds of the people to receive Jesus Christ. presenting me publicly. He carried out what he was supposed to do with boldness. Even though his life ended John the Baptist faced opposition from the with him being beheaded, his ministry carried Pharisees and Sadducees because they were out just what God intended: to introduce the most likely threatened by his boldness and Messiah. because John was interrupting their religious practices, similar to Jesus. The opposers did not want the truth to come forth and when you are religious, you tend to do things more traditionally. This even goes back to the oppositions I’ve faced in my life because I




JEREMIAH Zolisha Ware

For many years I would say my favorite prophet was Jeremiah. One reason is because of his compassion and love for the people. The way he wailed for them for God’s mercy always attracted me to him because many times I find compassion on the people of God even in situations where there is sin involved. Although Jeremiah brought judgment to the people still in Judah, he also brought hope because of his compassion and love for the people. I also learned at the end of last year that one of the main reasons I liked him was not something he had done. I mistakenly associated the dry bones with Jeremiah but last year in October 2018 after I received my audible calling directly from God,

I found I was wrong. Many researchers of the bible say that Ezekiel is the younger contemporary of Jeremiah. There are differences and one major difference was the dry bone experience Ezekiel had with God. As I began to look at Ezekiel and the dry bones being brought back to life (Ezekiel 37), these verses became more than words or verses on a page but the blueprint gave to me directly from heaven. I felt so foolish because all this time I thought Jeremiah had that experience. How could I for years get that mixed up? Well, that mistake caused me to dig deep and study them both because I could relate to them both. Then I began to research other prophets like Elisha and Elijah and found that I related to them in one form or fashion as well, but I still found myself


back to both Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Between the two, I would have to say Ezekiel will be my favorite because he would be who God related me to. However, there are still things I love about Jeremiah. The name Ezekiel means “God will Strengthen” or “Strength of God.” He was obedient to all God asked him to do. He had unusual or mystery visions by God that many other prophets didn’t have. Ezekiel saw the creatures like the cherubim and cherub in Ezekiel chapter 10. Ezekiel had may encounters with the glory of God during his visions. God allowed Ezekiel to have access to see creatures of the heavens that still today give us an understanding of the uniqueness of our God. Ezekiel not only saw but also was required to do things within his calling that many viewed as being unusual. Lastly, Ezekiel is my favorite because of the amount of time he spent with the Lord. Imagine spending so much time with the Lord that he has to feed you naturally and put you on your feet. That is awesome, and one could only hope to be granted access with the Lord to the point your body shuts down because of the natural elements needed to sustain life in human form. Not only does this support the fact that the Lord created man but helps us understand natural laws that the Lord put in the earth. It makes me think about the scripture Matthew 4:4: man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. That is what Ezekiel was doing: living off of every word out of the Lord to the point where the Lord had to feed him bread so that his natural body would continue to live. God is God of order. He doesn’t even break his word set in the earth. Ezekiel and the Lord’s relationship displayed this time and time again. I bet you could see the glory on Ezekiel from the time he spent with the Lord. I relate to Ezekiel because he was part of the message I received when called into the office of a prophet. I had never studied him before my calling. I was told that I would bring cor-

rection and judgment to the people and had the power to speak to the dry bone and bring forth life. This wasn’t the only part of my message but this portion stuck out the most to me. When I think about it, even my very first audible voice concerning my calling reminds me of just how Ezekiel was called. I can still remember last January 2018. I was just doing my everyday routine when I heard a voice say, “Come forth.” I was like, “Did I hear that,” and paused. I ignored it and kept going. Then later that week I had a dream I was in my current church’s sanctuary. All of the leadership was surrounding me, and I was in the middle. Then I saw myself moved forward above all the leadership except one person in the ministry. When I woke up, I was like okay so I’m being called to be an elder or something. I had not even thought about being a prophet. At that time, there were no prophets in the

After I received my audible calling directly from God, I found I was wrong.




ministry I was in. Therefore, I had no one to look to when this happened. I just keep it to myself, but my dreams and visions continued to increase. Then I began to hear God’s voice, and he started showing me supernatural creatures in the earth. I would see all kinds of angels and other angelic creatures. I began to think I was losing my mind — kind of like Ezekiel when God continued to show him the glory of God. I believe God showed Ezekiel these things to help him prepare for what he was called to do. I think God has allowed me to see many of his angelic hosts so that I would maintain my faith as I’m put into the office of prophet he has called me too. I also believe he has shown me so I wouldn’t be scared if I encounter one while on my assignment and I will know that the Lord sent the heavenly creature as support of his glory. Ezekiel faced much opposition. The opposition came directly from Israel due to his prophecies. He was misunderstood and viewed as crazy, but God’s punishment came. Ezekiel warned that not only was the nation responsible for sin, but each was also accountable to God. Leaders despised him. Ezekiel condemned the shepherds who were unfaithful priests and leaders who led the people astray. He also reminded the people that one day the Messiah would lead his people. Ezekiel was not allowed to mourn his wife’s death. That made him look selfish and possible insensitive to the people. Ezekiel’s entire life was symbolic for what the children of Israel had to face due to their lack of disobedience and willingness to change. Ezekiel prophesied to those already exiled in Babylon after the defeat of Jehoiachin. He was among the captives taken. Ezekiel’s assignment included confronting Israel with the symbolic gestures that would reflect the very things that Israel would receive due to their continued disobedience unto the Lord. The blueprint for Ezekiel’s assignment:

MESSAGES OF DOOM (EZEKIEL 1:1-24:27) 1. Ezekiel’s call and commission 2. Visions’ of sin and judgment 3. Punishment is certain Messages Against Foreign Nations (Ezekiel 25:1-32:32) MESSAGES OF HOPE (EZEKIEL 33:1-48:35) 1. 2.

Restoring the people of God Restoring the worship of God

I was told that I would bring correction and judgment to the people and had the power to speak to the dry bone and bring forth life.






Last month in the March edition, we spoke candidly on masturbation. What is masturbation really? How can we overcome masturbation? What are some ways to discuss this matter with children (or adults)? I strongly suggest going back and reading that article first and then come back. Why? Masturbation has to be built, breakdown and then blasted wide open like third grade Lego blocks. We initially blew the leaves off the selfgratification tree and shook the fruit off the self-pleasing tree. Now, we must “take the ax and lay it at the root of the tree that doesn’t produce good fruit” (Matthew 3:10). If we

don’t “cut that tree down and throw it into the fire” (Luke 3:9), the Demon of Perfected Deception begins to invade your thoughts. All of a sudden you get hungry for the “lover” in your dreams, thirsty for the fantasy friend with benefits. This foul, evil demonic spirit is also known as a “Familiar Spirit.” It comes in the form of someone or something that you enjoy and/or are comfortable with so that it can gain power through you to have its way, (but it’s so deceiving that it makes you think you are eating at Burger King and you are having it your way). Guess What? You have just aborted your birthright to be the house of the Heaven-bound connected, rooted and


grounded in Holy Spirit. In simple terms, when you abort your birthright to Heaven, you are now a host of a horny devil that’s hellbound. Our culture and society have made sensual statements like “ooooooh, you horny lil devil” as if that’s a good thing. There is nothing good about the devil. Masturbation is no joke when your soul is at stake. As an activated host for a horny devil, masturbation is a matter of life and death. Let me say that again dear: masturbation is a matter of life or death, YOUR life or YOUR death. People think it’s not a big deal, then why all the secrecy? Why do you feel as if you have to hide it? Deep down your Spirit is telling you “Listen, son, listen, daughter, I have a better way for you to fulfill this desire”. With a Horny devil driving your thoughts, that’s a crash collision course straight to the underground. “Sin is pleasurable for a season” (Hebrews 11:2), but in the end, that’s the pleasure path that will have you walking right off a cliff into a bottomless pit. How can the devil gain such easy access to our thoughts and our bodies? It’s simple, we have natural instincts to feel loved and to be connected to people. We are truly spirits learning how to live in an earthly realm. To L.I.V.E (Live in Victory Everyday) we need to ask The One that gave us a desire for intimacy in the first place. When it comes to having intimacy or being intimate, who do you think of first? Do you think God first? Or is He an after-thought? Or worst is He even a thought at all? We don’t normally think one with God. See, demonic spirits are smart old rascals, and that dragon plays on our instincts to his advantage and to our disadvantage Most of the time we blame the media, we blame divorce, we blame not being satisfied with our spouse, we blame loneliness, and we make excuses for a broken soul and cover it up with pornography, lust, alcohol, abuse, etc. Lack of knowledge is the price you pay for being deceived. Lack of knowledge is the price you pay for destruction. It will “cost you everything” like the many other people who

Lack of knowledge is the price you pay for being deceived. Lack of knowledge is the price you pay for destruction.

testified and shared their stories in the book “It Cost Me Everything” by Prophetess Kimberly Moses.

The enemy of our soul plays on the substance of our original eternal state as a “speaking spirit,” since we were made in God’s image and likeness (Genesis 1:26). Catch this, I’m about to get deep. He knows that because we are actually spirits (not humans), our spirit was designed to always be connected to our Creator. Well, what is the image of God? What does it mean to be created in His likeness? We know that He is not flesh and blood but lives inside of flesh and blood beings. We know that He is not the sun, moon and stars but the creator of them. We know that He is




not in the image of a pot-belly man sitting crossed legged, but He loves him just the same. “Image” comes out of the word imagination. Generally speaking, the image of God is who we imagine God to be in our lives. Our imagination is who we perceive God to be in our mind or our understanding of Him. Since we are Spirits living in this earth realm, in order to be intimate with God and connect with Him, we must “renew the spirit of our mind.” (Ephesians 4:23). You don’t just renew the mind, but it says the “spirit” of the mind must be renewed. This is how the cravings or desires to be intimate increases with your Creator and not the deceptive devil. The more you “hunger and thirst after righteousness” (Matthew 5:6), the more you shall be filled. When you are full, then, within reason, you push the plate back. But when you are hungry and haven’t been equipped with the knowledge of what caused you to hunger and thirst after this rotten egg sprinkled with sugar on top. You will eat anything that the “familiar spirit” knows your soul is connected to because the “mind of your spirit” hasn’t been renewed to make the soul come into proper alignment. Why is this important? Your spirit is General of your soul. The soul is Captain of your body. Your body is a Private, and it obeys and takes orders. This renewing can only be successful through spending time with Him, the same way you spend time with anybody else that you have a connection with. You generally SPEAK to a person and use your words to communicate when getting to know someone, whether it be by email, text, chat, video or traditional phone calls. We “like” them so we are attempting to get connected or be intimate. How come we don’t just make a mating sound like animals to get connected? Because if we are made in His likeness, then we are like God and God speaks. So, General (your spirit after renewing its mind), you must speak to the Private (body) and command it to get it line. It’s important to note that you can’t think a demon away, you have to replace “every thought captive that

tries to exalt itself against the knowledge of God” (2 Cor 10:4-5). See, here we are back to knowledge. Exalt means to be put in a higher place and my friend, there’s nothing higher than a renewed spirit of the mind. That is what brings you into the intimacy of God and it is the lack of spiritual hunger for your Creator that the enemy is banking on to get access to your spirit. Kick that horny devil out of the driver’s seat of your mind. Tell the Holy Spirit to take the wheel and stay on the road of living in the image (spirit) and likeness (speaking) (Genesis 1:26). Contact T.N.Vincent at

As an activated host for a horny devil, masturbation is a matter of life and death.



Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses (Proverbs 10:12) When we think of the first part of this scripture during times of strife, we really can’t understand the second part without turning up our nose at it. It’s almost like saying that hating that one person who hurt you will stir up strife and in turn you saying, ”Who cares.” Then you wonder how will love cover this?” Hating someone is probably the hardest thing to soothe and make better. In reality, we

don’t have a Band-Aid large enough to cover the pain and suffering that some of us have endured to cause that hate. It’s almost like walking the same old road for miles and miles. Same story, same old solution. Can love truly cover all? Can it comfort those who have been left with an amazing amount of hurt and disappointment? If God says that it will, then who are we to deny or question that truth? For many years God has tried to embed into our very souls that “love” covers a multitude of sins. In knowing this, how could that truth escape our




better judgment? How dare we look past His righteousness? Why can’t we just move on? Past the questions? Past the pain? Past every emotion that keeps us almost stranded in a place where we feel the hate just expand a little wider? Whenever I feel that I’ve stood in the mud for far too long, I begin to feel like I’m standing in cement instead. I am stuck in my thoughts as new ones begin to creep in. Then an entirely different emotion adds on to the many different thoughts that I already fight. While I have wrestled with much hate in my days, I can remember one experience that weighs on me heavily. A time where I was not only stranded in the muddy thoughts but stranded in a place where I felt lost and alone. A place where I had to watch my family suffer homelessness. I couldn’t fight my way out of thinking the one thought that would hold me hostage in a dungeon of bitterness, a place of endless, deep hate, always asking the same old question: “Where did everyone go?” That question held a root that manifested through and through; a root that once held the names of family and friends. And again, I asked, “where did everyone go?” Maybe if I had been speaking of a stranger, rather than a family member or friend, then this pain would not have turned so sour. My entire world was shaken from one end to the other, exposing a sad truth that I had always taught my own children: “If we depend on people, we will always be disappointed.” I was brought to the edge and lost all love for the outside faces that stood before me many times. My smile revealed a lie, while it stretched across my face telling others that I was happy, it really wanted to send them to hell. I cursed them inside. I didn’t believe their continuous lie of their love for me. I didn’t want to

hear about their victories or their triumphs. I actually couldn’t care less about their world or their life. They were tiny forms of nonsense to me. I hated every single one. Today, only a few months away from that dreadful time, I am still trying to overcome. While my hurt turned from hate to humbleness, the one place I thought I’d never find. I still struggle with facing people, believing they’re real. Yet, while I still look at these people, or “people in general”, as boxes filled with overflowing flaws, I can’t help but be a little skeptical of their needs, their agenda, and their true intention on being my friend. It’s probably the way my damaged heart is feeling, but I’m certain it’s not the way I need to be thinking. And so, each day becomes a battle that only God can fight. A mattress filled with stains that seem too difficult to ever make pure again. If we sleep with the enemy too long, we will get lost in his lie. I’m happy that God is teaching me how to walk again and how to trust Him alone and not the situation or the people promising a change. Christ has been the only way. He’s made a way for my family and me to move past the hurt while molding that permanent fixture of forgiveness into our hearts. One day I’ll be able to see how far my change has come. But until then, I will not let go of the hand that is creating a new me: a person with many hurts, trying to find healing through the hate.


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Taylur Holland

Yet I have left Me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him. 1 Kings 19:18 KJV God, thank You for resting On Your remnant. Thank You for preparing Your people, This people who are not forgotten, This people who will not be swayed. You, who I have hidden in caves, In the mountains, In the wilderness, I have not forgotten you. I have not forsaken you, But I have been building you up For a time such as this, Preparing you before Time Caught wind of placement and learned to bow Before Eternity. I am He. Glorious. Do not weary in well-doing. Do not tremble before them. Do not fret, But go forth boldly And proclaim My holiness,

My justice, My name. Break free from all that is against you, And depart from all that will bar you From holiness, Purification, And sanctification. I am He That holds you, That knows you, That gives you rest. I am healing the land even now. I have heard you. I have heard your cries. My word runs swiftly, And it shall prevail. It will not tarry, Nor will it be mocked, But it shall be performed. Without hesitation It shall come to pass. All of this that I have been Working out on your behalf – All of it shall come to pass. Go in My strength, And speak in My name. My remnant. I love you, And I have not forgotten you. You are My joy and My delight. My chosen. Hold fast to Me, And you will not be moved out of place. I got you. I have you. You are Mine. God, thank You for resting upon the remnant.





PROPHETESS KIMBERLY MOSES Dr: Tiffaney Washington Steadman: How do you heal from the pain of ministry all while continuing to go forward in ministry? Prophetess Kimberly Moses: This is a very good question. In ministry, you will get hurt because you deal with people from all walks of life. Some people are broken, lost, demonized, jealous, and have impure motives towards you. You will deal with pain from people turning their backs on you, letting you down, moving to another ministry, or competing against you. You are dealing with people who are hurting with issues that are striving to be like Jesus or getting to know Jesus. Luke 5:31 says, “And Jesus answered and said to them, “It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick…” Sometimes people hold church folks up to a certain standard, but they fail to realize that some of these people are immature spiritually, babes in the faith, or not fully yielded to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, a lot of people get hurt in ministry. I have been backstabbed, rejected, lied on, talked about, shunned from a congregation, and more. Some of the things that I encountered, I didn’t understand at that moment but thankfully I was able to learn from and develop because of it. One of the biggest struggles in ministry as a leader where a lot of people are looking and depending on you is who do I go to for help? Not everyone can handle my vulnerabilities because they aren’t mature enough and some people will try to prey on them. Therefore, accountability is so important and to be submitted underneath someone else’s

covering so you can get help when you need it. You should be able to pick up the phone, send an email, or text so your leader can pour back into you. We all need someone to minister to us from time to time because we are constantly pouring out. Some people put ministers on a pedestal and don’t realize that they are human too. We hurt and cry when we feel pain. Some ministers don’t want to appear weak, so they don’t put their walls down and are afraid to be transparent. I learned that it is best not worry to about what people will say because people will always have their opinions whether you do right or wrong. Some ministers want to stay strong because people are watching. They don’t want to be crying all over the pain, but they want to get a grip on their emotions. When ministers get hurt, they still must sit at the table with Judas or be around that person that betrayed them or caused them pain out of their reverence for God. I had to keep my heart guarded and keep people at a distance. I will still minister and pray for them, but I made sure to set boundaries in place as a safety net so I wouldn’t get hurt by someone that was operating in the wrong spirit. I have people that filter my messages so I don’t see anything that will cause me emotional pain. I have intercessors around me that are praying for me. I asked God for discernment, and I learned to listen to His voice or the unction of the Holy Spirit, so I don’t connect to the wrong people. I prayed and blessed the people who hurt me so my heart could be pleasing in God sight. Some people I had to pray more for than others. As I am praying for them, God put His love in my heart for them, and I can let it go. I pray for wisdom on













leading people, and it has helped me tremendously. I learned to focus on Jesus because there is much work to be done. Dr: Tiffaney Washington Steadman: How do you know when you have truly forgiven those who have hurt you? Are there steps that need to be followed when it comes to forgiveness? Prophetess Kimberly Moses: I know that I have truly forgiven someone when I can look at that person without feeling pain when I think about the offense. Forgiveness is a process. Years ago, my ex-husband hurt me. I had a deep wound in my soul. I hated him and wanted him to die. However, God showed me how scorned I was, and he made me pray for my ex-husband. At first, it was hard because I didn’t want too. I didn’t have the words to speak over him. The Holy Spirit was firm and told me to keep praying. So over six months to a year, I kept praying. Over time, my heart softened, and when I spoke to my ex-husband afterward, I didn’t hate him anymore. I felt the love of God in my heart for him. I wanted him to be blessed and have a happy in life. I had truly forgiven him for everything he did to me. Coretta Kelsey: How do you balance ministry, marriage, family, and your many assignments from the Lord without being distracted? You make it look so easy. Prophetess Kimberly Moses: Thank you. I try my best to stick to a schedule or have set daily goals that I need to do. The biggest obstacle that I learned is not to become overwhelmed when I can’t complete everything that I had set aside that day. I set goals for everything such as my book writing, publishing books, cooking, housework, grocery shopping, reading the Bible, and praying. I tell myself that I will spend one hour doing this and 30 minutes doing that so I can tackle everything to do on my to-do list that day. In ministry, I have a team that is helping me to take the full load off me. It is such a blessing because as the ministry grows, I need people that can treat

my vision like their own. Every day, my husband and I work together. He is my producer, editor, photography, and more. So we work, then take breaks between work. We will eat lunch together or watch a movie at night as we cuddle. In the mornings, after I do my prayer call “Tongues of Fire”, I drop my kids off at school. I learned not to take the ministry calls with me as I drop them off because I need to pay them attention and talk with my children in the morning. I always pray and prophesy over my children as I drive them to school. When I come back home in the mornings, I talk to my husband, and we will read a devotional together. I set boundaries with people, so no one is calling my phone at midnight because that’s inappropriate as a married woman. I turn off my ringer on my phone so that I can write or focus on ministry. I turn off the notifications to my social media networks because they go off all throughout the day. I schedule all my social media statuses weeks ahead so I can have more free time. I disconnect myself from people that just want to take, take, take, and

In ministry, “ you will get

hurt because you deal with people from all walks of life.









“It’s Ordained by God” This book is full of the wisdom of God. It is helping me to understand a lot of things that I’ve experienced in my life and it has brought me FREEDOM indeed — Gigi Love





never give, give, give.

you wish you knew when you began?

Leslie Harvey: When God is elevating you to a new level and your spouse is not there yet even though God is confirming His word and fruit is being produced, what do you do? How do you deal with this because it can be frustrating?

Prophetess Kimberly Moses: I know that people come and go. I have met people that told me how much they loved my Ministry. When the opportunity arose, they turned on me or cut me off. People must be proven. Not everyone deserves to be in my inner circle. Some people just want to pimp my gifting and drain me. If I allow that to happen then I can’t do what I am called to do. I learned not to get caught up in titles but look at fruits. I have met several false prophets and apostles. They grieved the Holy Spirit in me. This one false apostle was cheating on his spouse. I confronted him about it, and he got upset. He tried to bash me on social media. The Lord told me to disconnect and many doors opened for me.

Prophetess Kimberly Moses: As wives, our jobs are to encourage and pray for our husbands. We must speak life over them and prophesy to their potential. Continue to set a great example and pray that God’s will be done in your husband’s life. When your husband sees you changing because you are being elevated then he may not understand it at first but nothing is too hard for God. God will deal with that man but while you wait for your husband to be elevated alongside you, just be patient. Love is patient, and it is kind. Two are better than one. Anstrice Mcmillian Epps: How did you keep your faith in hard times with the vision that God gave to you? Prophetess Kimberly Moses: The more trials I went through, the more my faith was developed because I saw God move for me and fulfill every promise. For instance, since I have history on God then I know He will honor His word because if He did it before, then He can do it again. I must encourage myself with the vision and tell myself, “God said this is going to happen and that settles it.” I reflect on His promises and I know one day, everything that the Lord has spoken will surely come to pass. Jesus didn’t look at what He was going through. He focused on the joy that was set before him, so he was able to endure the cross (Hebrews 12:2). We can learn how to have faith in hard times looking at Jesus. We focus on the promise because something greater is coming. Everything will line up. The money will come. The right connections will happen. The right doors will open. Alicia Mitchell: What do you know now that

When the “ opportunity

arose, they turned on me or cut me off. People must be proven. Not everyone deserves to be in my inner circle.





“Very informative” I really enjoyed reading “Enhancing The Prophetic In You”, it’s engaging, very informative, and gives a fresh perspective of the Prophetic for beginners and seasoned saints. — Felecia Jackson “I recommend this read to novice and advance prophetic practitioners alike” Enhancing the Prophetic is very well written and solid teaching on the prophetic ministry. The book and teaching is backed accurately by scripture. Subjects such as prophetic protocols, and the Dos and Don’ts of the Prophetic Ministry are covered within this book. I recommend this read to novice and advance prophetic practitioners alike.— Apostle DAE









Alicia Mitchell: Who mentored and mentors you? What is that relationship like? Prophetess Kimberly Moses: I have spiritual parents, the Edmonds located in Virginia, because I want a covenant or long-term relationship and our relationship is great. Since I connected to them, my life has been so blessed. The right connections are everything. I was connected to the wrong people in the past and it was a hindrance to me. Alicia Mitchell: Did you ever have issues with other women in ministry? How did you handle it? Do you wish now that you would have done something differently? Prophetess Kimberly Moses: Yes. I faced some jealousy, messiness, and gossip which was very hurtful. I prayed and took it to God, and He fought my battles. I never had to get in my flesh. God moved them out of my life, or they ended up apologizing. I had leaders that were jealous because a guy they liked was interested in me and not in them. What they didn’t know at the time was that I was a broken vessel that had no desire to date but wanted deliverance in my soul. I was going to church to get help because I was so depressed and miserable inside. It was hurtful that this leader that I had in my life didn’t like me because of a man that I wasn’t even attracted to or had no interest in. I looked up to this leader and didn’t understand why this person turned people against me and talked about me. I was always nice to this leader and respected them. I remember crying out to God all night about it. The next day, we had a revival service and this person was so sick they couldn’t even walk into the church. I prayed immediately for their healing and this person got healed that night in service. I don’t do messy because I don’t want to hinder God in my life. I withdraw and isolate myself away from it. I am mindful of my connections because people will try to flatter me with words, but their heart is screaming that they don’t have the

right motives concerning me. David Kalu: What is your greatest challenge since you became a minister? Was there any moment you felt like quitting from the ministry? Prophetess Kimberly Moses: The greatest challenge I faced is starting from nothing. Everything that God has given me came in seed form or an idea. I didn’t have a team, so no one was there, in the beginning, to help me build. Over time as I remained faithful, God sent me a team of people to help me pray, minister, build, and to do other projects.

“ Everything

that God has given me came in seed form or an idea. I didn’t have a team, so no one was there, in the beginning, to help me build.

















I didn’t have the finances when I first started, so I didn’t have the provision initially but as I stepped out the money came then I was able to what God told me. I had to pass many tests. I couldn’t allow the lack of finances to stop me from doing the radio shows, television broadcast, magazine publishing, book ministry, and traveling. God always came through every time. I encountered demonized people who tried to come against me, but God always protected me. I had people questioned me. They didn’t feel like I was qualified. They felt like I didn’t deserve what God had given me. God always backed me up and He validated to silence the spectators. I wanted to quit at times, but the Lord wouldn’t allow it. The presence of God would come into my room and arrest me. His presence and just feeling His fire comforted me. I was strengthened to move forward. I learned to focus on Jesus and not get swayed by the opinions of others. Jessica Boone: What wisdom would you give to someone who has an intercessory calling on their life? Prophetess Kimberly Moses: I would tell them to step out and pray for others. I would tell them to invest in research like books, products, training, or classes. I would also tell them to be around other intercessors to sharpen their gifts and get a mentor for training. The best advice is to continue to seek the Lord and ask Him for assignments. As I seek the Lord, I ask Him, “What do you want me to pray for?” Sometimes, He gives me names or faces. I call these visionary assignments. It’s sort of like practicing at home in private. Whatever you do in private you can do publicly. Practice makes perfect.

God always came through every time. I encountered demonized people who tried to come against me, but God always protected me.










Warning! This article will not focus on the prophet that I admire the most. To be honest the prophet that I admire the most is David. We have so much in common. He was a minstrel/worshipper, was rejected by family, short like me, and wanted to do right by God. This article, however, will focus on the prophet that God used to help me recognize my calling as a prophet. I remember in fall 2013, I kept hearing about Jeremiah. Not that I haven’t heard of him prior, but God was trying to tell me something. I remember cleaning out my closet and finding old bible study notebooks. While cleaning, I would go through them, getting distracted from cleaning, and I noticed scriptures from Jeremiah written in

my notebook. The Holy Spirit was trying to get my attention. From that moment I kept on hearing the scriptures from Jeremiah 1:5 everywhere I went; “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” That scripture began to really resonate with me. I began to read the book of Jeremiah. My initial reaction when reading was that this man went through a lot of hardships. All I kept thinking was that he went through a lot of stuff. He was a prophet, and I did not want the path or calling he had. Well lo and behold in December of 2013, on


a cold night in the Bronx, I was attending a bible study. It was the first time we had this bible study. There were other young people like myself that attended. That night the man of God that facilitated the bible study began to pray for some of the young people at the end of the study. I remember the man of God pointing out to one of the young people named Lucky. He called out “Teacher!” He began to prophesy over the young man and tell him the calling God had on his life. The presence of God was definitely in the midst of us. Next thing I knew the man of God yelled out “Prophetess!” He was looking in my direction. I didn’t think he was talking to me. I looked behind me and to my side, trying to see who he was talking to. He yelled out “Prophetess!” again. I pointed to myself, wondering if he was talking to me. “Yes, you! Come here,” said the man of God. I kid you not, my initial reaction was not happiness. I began to say, “No, no, no,” in a low voice as I walked to the front towards the man of God. He began to prophesy over me about what God wanted to do in my life. Funny thing is the very calling I resisted, was the call God had on my life. Now you may wonder what made me not embrace Jeremiah and the calling God had for him. When initially reading the book of Jeremiah, I realized that his voice did not really matter to the masses. He was being obedient and spoke what God placed in his heart, but the people were stiff-necked and resisted Jeremiah’s voice. He was thrown in a broken cistern and sacrifice so much for the call of God. God gave Jeremiah the authority to uproot and plant. He had to give warnings to a people that refused to listen. That can be a bit frustrating. I honestly respect Jeremiah. He was definitely not like the “modern” prophets that have bypassed the process. He wasn’t well favored by the people and Jeremiah did not allow that to keep him from doing the will of God. I’ve learned that in the Christian walk you can’t

please everyone. No matter what you do, you will face opposition. Critics and mockers come in all shapes and sizes. However, the objective in the Christian walk is not aiming to be “liked” or seen, but doing the will of God with a sincere heart. You do well...people will talk. You do bad...people will talk. The objective is to please God. Like Jeremiah and the other true prophets in the bible, that was the focus of their lives. Die to self.

My initial reaction when reading was that this man went through a lot of hardships. All I kept thinking was that he went through a lot of stuff.




MOSES Farah Jackson

I have several individuals that I admire in the Bible, Jesus is one of them. However, the ones that I love most are David and Moses. In this research paper, I will discuss the prophet Moses, Moshe as they say in Hebrew. Moses is one of my favorite persons in the Bible because he endured a very difficult task as the deliverer of the children of Israel and paved the way for what is the assignment of a modern day pastor, a shepherd. Although Moses was raised by Pharaoh, a leader, he had many people subject to him. As a Pharaoh, you have a tyrant dictatorship over the people you rule. Whatever decree you set must be followed or death. In contrast, when the Lord called Moses to lead the people, he was not a tyrant leader like Pharaoh. He was compassionate. Moses was trying to point them to the love of God, not subject them to Moses own laws. Similar to today’s pastoral

role, we are to point the believer to God by faith in Jesus. I admire the heart, commitment and faith Moses had to be the first to lead God’s chosen people through deliverance, baptism (crossing the Red Sea), and to their destiny by faith and obedience in God alone. I relate my walk with Moses because he loved spending time with Lord on Mount Sinai and he had to accomplish his calling solely by steps of faith. Although Moses had a burning bush experience with God, Exodus 3:1-4, his first true encounter with God, who he narrowly heard about while growing up in Egypt, from his slaves. He now had to trust God’s calling for his life without having a blueprint or anything before that. I sometimes feel like I have to walk an unprecedented path because no one in my


family aside from my mother is truly a faithful Christian. The fact that I sensed a call on my life to be more than just a good church-goer, most of my family thinks I am just a religious and zealous. The path Moses had to follow was the first for the Christian faith. During Moses’ journey back to Egypt to deliver the message to Pharaoh, Moses must assume the role of a prophet of God (Exodus 3:14-21). Sometimes delivering a word or message from God is a quest for opposition from everyone including your close family. It takes much effort to convince an unbeliever to hear the word of the Lord. His first opposition came from himself. Moses tries to get out of his assignment due to his speech impediment. We sometimes give God all the excuses as to why we can’t be a vessel for him to use, even after God has chosen us and called us by name, Isaiah 43:1. The second opposition was Pharaoh and his defiant heart toward God. Moses also faced opposition with the people of Israel keeping their faith in God in the desert. The people lack of faithfulness in God caused Moses to spend 40 years in the desert. I believe that built more faith in Moses but the Israelite faith failed. Moses had multiple assignments from the Lord God. His first assignment, as I mentioned before, was to be a prophet for the Lord as a mouthpiece to tell Pharaoh to set God’s people free. The second assignment was to lead the people of God to freedom as a deliverer. This assignment as we know foreshadowed the mission of Jesus Christ. His third assignment was like a modern-day pastor. His mission was to help the people see and know who God was while leading them to their promised land. Throughout the course of Moses’ life and journey with God and the people of Israel, he remained firm, focused, consistent, and faithful and did not weary even though he came a days walk from entering the promised land. Although he saw the promised land, he didn’t get in. This is often the heavy price one pays when we walk with the Lord. The mission you may start and give

your life to may not fully develop before you pass. One man plants, another man waters, another reaps the harvest (1 Corinth 3:8).

“The fact that

I sensed a call on my life to be more than just a good church-goer, most of my family thinks I am just a religious and zealous.




EZEKIEL Latoya Moore

Ezekiel is my favorite prophet because of his unique and meaningful name. Ezekiel means “God Strengthens”. When I see the name of Ezekiel, I instantly believe that God is bringing deliverance, restoration and healing to your broken spirit. God is doing an operation on your lifeless soul to bring it back to life.

me a vision in the Spiritual Realm. God showed me the reason why I was cursed: of my ancestors sinned against him.

I can relate to Ezekiel because God gave Ezekiel a vision and he acted on it. (Ezekiel 8:3)

Ezekiel’s ministry began with condemnation and judgement of the nation of Judah. I remember when God showed me a vision of my family sins. I literally drove to some of my family houses like a mad woman, speeding like I’m in a speed race to condemn and judge them of their sin. I was grieving the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit showed me a vision: the reason why my mom was cursed is

I was showing abnormal behavior by not showing any emotion to my family. God had cast all of his burdens on me. I felt his pain, and I was angry because God was angry. I can relate to Ezekiel because God showed

Leviticus 26:40 says but if they will confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors their unfaithfulness and their hostility toward me.


because her mom abandoned her as a child and it caused her to be a bad mother towards me. I went to my Grandma house and I regretted it, but I cursed her out. God taught me a way to chastised people in an encouraging way and not in a rude mean way. So if I see someone who is doing a sin, I will give them warnings of their sin and the effects of their sin (Galatians 3:10 , and Jeremiah 17:5-8). I will encourage others on why it’s important to live a repentance lifestyle and the prosperity of blessings that comes along with the reward of living righteously. (Deuteronomy 28:1-68) Though Ezekiel would face opposition, the Lord had strengthened Ezekiel’s resolve to teach the rebellious children of Israel. (Ezekiel 3:4-14) The opposition that Ezekiel faced was he would suffer if he failed to warn the people by calling them to repentance. (Ezekiel 3:1821) God had previously assigned Ezekiel to be a watchman for the house of the Lord. (Ezekiel 33:7) The Lord holds us accountable to fulfill the responsibilities he gives us. Ezekiel 3:18 says If I say to the wicked, you shall surely die and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.

“ God taught

me a way to chastised people in an encouraging way and not in a rude mean way.




ELISHA Phyllis Tanks

My favorite prophet is Elisha. The reason he is my favorite prophet is because he worked many wonders and miracles before his death. These miracles occurred in the Book of Kings. One of the miracles in which Prophet Elisha was cleaning the infected waters of Jericho which were considered to be a cause of miscarriages and fatalities. Also another miracle which Prophet Elijah was given credit for is the multiplication of a small cruse of oil which allowed the widow and her son to pay off her debt to her creditor. He was also credited with helping a king to stop drought in the land of Moabite. One of the greatest miracles which Elisha was given credit for was resurrecting the woman of Shunem her only son back to life. I loved when the Woman of Shunem quoted “All is well” to the prophet Elisha. I really wonder if Prophet Elisha knew if her son was dead but the Shunem woman’s great faith in Prophet Elijah resurrected her son back to life. I pray all is well in all in our lives.


JONAH Leslie Harvey

The prophet I choose is Jonah. God instructed Jonah to arise, go to Nineveh, a great city, and cry out against it. Jonah refused and ran away. In 1988 I was told by God to leave Los Angeles, Ca and move to Texas. I was not ready to leave because I was having too much fun. Two years later I had gotten married to my high school boyfriend, had a baby, and life was great. I continued to enjoy the world offered. Jonah got on a boat to travel to the city of Tarshish to escape the presence of the Lord. Jonah was a minor prophet who thought he could escape the instruction of God. After boarding the boat, God sent a great wind. The bible says the wind was so violent, the boat almost broke up. Because I continue to run away, I was involved in a tragic car accident and numerous encounters with the police. In June 2002, a divorcee and single parent of three minor children, I left my hometown of Los Angeles, CA and moved to Houston, TX. I, like Jonah, had been fighting this move for years, running from the call God had on my life. When arriving in Houston, the enemy began to try an convince me that the move was not wise and to return. I began to read, pray and stand on the promises of God. God’s promises begin to manifest. After the move, God put people in my life to assist with bringing the promise that was given. God opened doors. I was able to purchase a home, complete my education and was blessed with my Boaz, my Man of God, my husband.




Thank you, man of God, Tron Moses for doing this and thank you Prophetess Kimberly Moses for sharing your heart to the Father, with the world. The CD is such a blessing; it immediately took my children and me into the presence of God and shifted the atmosphere in my home last night. I felt His supernatural strength come on me. I did not want to go to sleep. I just wanted to stay up in His presence. We rested in His presence. To you be all the Glory Father.-Rhasheeda I listened to the prayer CD three times already since I purchased it yesterday. I will play it in my room at night while we sleep.-Kentia


Quick Beef Ragu Spaghetti with Zucchini and Italian Seasoning Use my unique code to save $40 off your first box. Promo Code: KIMBMOSE Spaghetti with tomato sauce is always a recipe for success. Is there anyone who’d turn down a plate of noodles piled high and dusted with cheese? Surely not, although adding some extra meat and veg certainly makes it all the more crave-able. And that’s exactly what we’re doing in this version: taking a tried-and-true Italian American classic and filling it out with hearty ground beef and bites of tender zucchini.




ELIJAH Nikeya Quick

The Prophet Elijah is my favorite prophet in the Bible because he had the power of God on the inside of him and he operated in gifts in a great capacity. He was not afraid to use the tools that the Lord gave him against the enemy and to prove that the Lord was the true and living God. He was bold and courageous although he did have one fearful moment. Elijah is the epitome of what a prophet is. A few years ago, I was in a situation where I needed to hear from the Lord and I could not hear him. I went to church and could not hear him. I would pray and read the word and still could not hear the word of the Lord for my current situation. I decided that I was going to go to this pro-

phetic conference and maybe I would hear the Lord about this. I attended the prophetic conference and still nothing. After a few days, I went into prayer and begin to cry out to the Lord. After prayer, I was about to bow on my knees and I heard the Holy Spirit say, “It was not in the wind!” I immediately looked up the scripture for this. I know I had read this scripture before. I looked up the scripture and it was 1 Kings 19:11-12: “and he said, go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: and after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fires a still small voice.” I


was doing all those things and the Holy Spirit was telling me that the voice of God is still and small. It’s not outrageous, loud, and boisterous all the time. Once I got the revelation, I noticed the voice of the Lord in my life was the still, small, quiet voice. I learned to listen out for that. The Lord began to speak to me more often than I have ever heard Him speak to me prior to the revelation. He even began to speak to me when I would be around people and we would be making plans to hang out or do something and He would tell me no. He would tell me who they were. I would be looking at them in their faces and they looked like perfect people with a good heart and had my best interest at heart. The Lord would be telling me they were a wolf in sheep clothing, Jezebel, and telling me not to cast my pearls to the swine. Elijah was a prophet who was not afraid to use the fire of God and knew that he was a child of God. I admire his ability to trust in the Lord totally in the face of his enemies. I want to have the same faith as Elijah! I am kind of reluctant to ask for that because you have to go through something to have that type of faith. I am actually in a situation where I have to trust in God. I just have not used the fire of God to the same capacity as Elijah. Elijah called on the fire of God in two instances. The first is when he poured water over the altar he made unto our God, “The True and Living God,” and called on the fire of God to consume the altar. The Lord did it and the false prophets of Baal acknowledged that the Lord is the God. This is listed in 1 Kings 18:30-39. I remember when I first studied the scripture and this set my belly on fire. Elijah also was not afraid of using the power of God against the enemy that pursued him to come down off the mountain. He was not playing with the army of the king. They approached him calling him a “Man of God”. He said “If I be a Man of God then I command the fire of God to consume you and

your fifty.” This was the second time he called on the fire of God. I love to teach my children about the bible this one of our family’s favorite Bible story. I am adamant about reiterating to my children that our God is the God who answers by fire and that He is greater than any evil we can face. Hallelujah. I liked the fact that Elijah wasn’t naive in thinking they were going to be nice to him if he came down. He wasn’t afraid to tell them he wasn’t coming down. He also was not afraid to kill who attempted to kill him. He knew that true prophets of God were endangered in that time and that he had to use the fire of God for his protection. When someone says the name “Elijah”, I picture a man of God with a ring of fire all around him for protection. I want that same fire of protection around me. The Lord showed me that I was running like Elijah did after Jezebel made a promise that she would do to him as he did to the prophets of Baal. Elijah ran the wrong way, but the lord was with him. The Lord fed him and allowed him to go the wrong way to show him that He was not in the rocks, the wind, the rain, or the fire, but a still small voice. This is something I have done: ran away from a church because I saw their leader was a Jezebel. This was a hard battle for me because I saw that she was close to the pastors. I left at a moment in my life where I was broken. The Lord brought this scripture to me. I said, “Lord, I can’t go back in there.” He was with me still. He fed and protected me. He even spoke to me, but I traveled the wrong way and had to travel even farther to get back to the right place. Now that I’m replanted, I’m pretty sure I will be tested the same way but I’m more prepared now. I know that I cannot run and I have to stand on the word of God and release the fire of God against the spirit behind it. I know now that being planted is for my benefit. I need to be able to grow up in the Lord and produce much fruit. Amen.




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Try this look to go on date nights, church, or even shopping. It is a fun cute way to not be over-dressed for whatever occassion. A blazer looks fantastic with a nice pair of skinny jeans. Try to find a matching purse that compliments the blazer. Add bracelets, earrings, and a vibrant necklace to make the outfit pop. Wear some heels to elongate your body. Don't forget to wear some reddish pink lipstick to enhance this look. Try adding lipgloss for some added sheen.




JOHN THE BAPTIST A Prophet Who Settles Between the Old and New Testament DeWanda Ann Samuel

About 400 years ago, there was silence between the Old Testament and New Testament when the Word of the Lord was not heard. Suddenly there was a voice crying out in the wilderness, “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matthew 3:2). With every new move of God, there is a new sound. God was moving and John the Baptist was carrying this new sound from heaven: “REPENT.” Coming out of the wilderness eating locust and wild honey, John the Baptist had a divine mandate from heaven to prepare the way for the Messiah. He was unorthodox. He didn’t look like them, he didn’t sound like them, but

the redemptive message he was carrying was going to transform their lives forever. Today many men and women of God are sounding the same call for repentance, the message of baptism, and salvation unto Jesus which is reverberating all across the earth today. PROPHET JOHN THE BAPTIST’S BACKGROUND AND BIRTH Long before the birth of John the Baptist, his existence was prophesied. Malachi 3:1 declares, “Behold I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me;


and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in; behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of host.” Also, the prophet Isaiah prophesied John the Baptist’s arrival in Isaiah 40:3: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God…” (also in Matthew 3:3, Mark 1:2-3, Luke 3:4-6).

John the Baptist came preaching in power a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins (Luke 3:3). Multitudes listened and were baptized by John the Baptist. John preached a hard and challenging message of the Kingdom of God. Due to the passionate repentance and baptism message, it led John to baptize Jesus, our Saviour, in the Jordan river, someone he didn’t feel worthy to untie His sandals (Matthew 3:13-15, Mark 1:7).

Not to mention, God sent His divine messenger, Gabriel, to announced the birth of John the Baptist and give his parents instruction on what to name him John and how to raise him (Luke 1:11-19). He was born to a certain priest name Zacharias and his wife, who was the daughter of Aaron. Her name was Elizabeth. “They were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless” (Luke 1:6). However, initially Zacharias doubted the word of the Lord because they were advanced in age. Because of the unbelief, Zacharias mouth was muted (Luke 1:20) and the next time he was able to speak was eight days after John was born (Luke 1:64). Indeed, John the Baptist’s conception and birth was originated from God and many prophets prophesied his arrival.


PROPHET JOHN THE BAPTIST ASSIGNMENT Zacharias, John the Baptist’s father, prophesied the plan of God to his young child about who he will be and his assignment on earth. In Luke 1:76-79 it says, “and you child, will be called the prophet of the Highest; For you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways. To give knowledge of salvation to His people, by the remission of their sins, through the tender mercy of our God, with which the Dayspring from on high has visited us; To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, To guide our feet into the way of peace.” John the Baptist was a man sent from God to carry out a weighty Heavenly mandate. Truly, God had graced him to fulfill the assignment.

John the Baptist faced great opposition because of the revelation and message of the Kingdom of God (i.e. repentance). He challenged the sinful nature of all those who were in Judea and Jerusalem and those who desired to repent and be baptized (Mark 1:5). After all, Gabriel the angel declared, “and he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God.” He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, “to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord” ( Luke 1:16-17, Malachi 4:5-6). John had the courage and wasn’t afraid of the Sadducees or Pharisees leaders. He had the ability to see past their physical appearance and pierce deeper into their hearts. He told them that they were, “Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore, bear fruit worthy of repentance” (Matthew 3:7-8). John delivered razor-sharp statements to these political and religious leaders which went deep in their hearts saying, “and even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees, therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Matthew 3:10). He had a focused determination and purpose to bring individuals to confession of sin, repentance, baptism, righteousness and prepare them for the Messiah. John went as far as challenging Herod’s decision to marry Herodias, his brother, Philip’s, wife, “It is not lawful for you to have




your brother’s wife” (Mark 6:17-18). Herod in turn had him thrown in prison for his defiance against their immoral, dishonest and greedy ways. John had popularity with the multitudes, but he was a threat to the leaders of his day. They were fearful of John’s popularity, particularly Herod’s wife, Herodias. She wanted the head of John the Baptist on a platter while he was in prison. Also, some in John’s generation thought that he was demon possessed because he didn’t partake in eating and drinking (Matthew 11:18). Many mistakenly thought John was Elijah reincarnated (Mark 9:11-13). However, the clothing of John was of camel’s hair with a leather belt around his waist and it connected him with Elijah ( Matthew 3:4, 2 Kings 1:8). MY FAVORITE PROPHET John the Baptist had a heavenly charge that pointed people to Christ. He understood the call on his life and he pursued it with his whole heart and life. I loved how John lived his life in a sacrificial manner and in total obedience. John did not seek out the multitudes; rather, they were attracted to him. John’s success was solely in the message of repentance and being baptized for the remission of sins. John couldn’t get caught up into what people were saying about him because God chose him to do this great assignment. Like John, I am willing to do the Father’s business and not seek popularity. He was an undeniable walking sermon, going about preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Truly, John the Baptist played a very important role in the divine plan of redemption. Just like John the Baptist, God is depending on His children to spread Jesus throughout the earth. HOW I UNDERSTAND AND CONNECT TO JOHN THE BAPTIST John the Baptist came out of the wilderness preaching a new message in his time. While it was God who ordained the birth of John, He

called him to prepare the way for the Messiah, our Savior. I can relate to how John showed up on the scene. He wasn’t attached to any religious organization but was commissioned by God to deliver a redemptive message. I too wasn’t raised in a church, but I had the love of God burning in my heart. My style is very unorthodox. I didn’t sound like other church folk. My language was different because I was speaking Kingdom language. Also, I am unique and peculiar and I don’t fit in. When John the Baptist showed up on the scene, he did not eat or drink as the people of his day. He had a focused determination to preach the Kingdom of God. With this same determination, I am focused on seeking and pursuing the Kingdom of God and be about my Father’s business. Further, I am able to map many other characteristics of John the Baptist life to my own life. Early on in my faith walk, I identified with his boldness and confidence when he preached. Also, I admired his love and honor for the Saviour Jesus. John spoke and risked his life for a Messiah he did not meet yet, but the love burning in him compelled him to urge the people to turn from their wicked ways and follow after Jesus. Surely John moved in power of the spirit of God. CONCLUSION In essence, the life of John the Baptist was derived from God (Luke 1:13-17). God gave John an important role in His redemptive plan for the world (Matthew 3:2). John’s life was undoubtedly a walking sermon and example for us to follow. He preached repentance and the remission of sins in Jesus name to all nations (Luke 24:47). Even Jesus our Savior commended John as being a man of courage, consecration and greatness (Matthew 11:711). We all as believers should be like John the Baptist, allowing our lives to be a sermon as we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.


PROPHETESS DEBORAH Anstrice Mcmillian Epps

Prophetess Deborah is my favorite prophet. I love the governing authority that God gave her. Deborah was honored by the people in her sphere of influence as someone who heard from God. The people around her entrusted her with their disputes as well. She was able to make Godly decisions about the complaints brought to her. I believe that God trusted her with this position because he knew that she would always remain humble, loyal and faithful to seek God on all matters. I can relate to Deborah because this is a trait that God placed in me. From a very young

age, I always had this willingness to see fairness in disputes. I’m protective over my family, friends and those whom I love. Also, growing up and in my adulthood, I noticed that people would ask for my thoughts on certain things. Not realizing, I would have the knowing or wisdom on how to do things if I didn’t know, I researched for the answer (Holy Spirit). Deborah has this sense of justice and fairness about her; she had this trait to see things done God’s way. She heard clearly from God with sets of directive and instructions to give to the people of God. (Judges 4:4-5) For example, Deborah gave straightforward instructions to Barak. Barak partially followed the direction because he didn’t want to go without the assurance of Deborah. Barak still had some doubt that the instruction came from God, but he still needed to be sure by bringing Deborah with her. (Judges 4:6-9) At that time, no men stepped forward to take the lead in her tribe. It was rare for women in that time to do so, but there wasn’t an objection to it. However, it must have been very trying for Deborah to press through the opposition she must have faced because she was a woman amongst her tribe, men, and peers. Hazor, the commander of Sisera, was coming for the Israelites with nine hundred




chariots. They were a part of the nation of Canaanites who were oppressing the people of God cruelly for twenty years. The opposition of the nine hundred chariots still didn’t shake Deborah’s faith for she knew that God had gone ahead of them all. (Judges 4:14 ) Deborah was assigned to handle the disputes under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill of Ephraim. She dealt with the complaints of the Israelites. When the nine hundred chariots were being sent from Sisera, she was given a clear directive from God to instruct Barak, son of Abinoam, on taking a thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun to lead the way on Mount Tabor for the victory. The Lord gave instructions through Deborah for Barak to receive the success and deliver the enemy into his hands. Deborah’s assignment was slightly changed when Barak asked her to go with him. because she went, the victory was the Lord’s through Deborah, not Barak. ( Judges 4:8-10) Because Deborah was asked to come, there is an entire song called “The Song of Deborah.” This is where Deborah and Barak were acknowledged for the victory that the Lord gave to them over the Canaanites. God honored her because of her obedience in all of her assignments.

“ From a very

young age, I always had this willingness to see fairness in disputes. I’m protective over my family, friends and those whom I love.


ISAIAH LaShana Lloyd

The Book of Isaiah opens the door for the prophetic section in the Old Testament of the Bible. Isaiah (whose name means “Yahweh is salvation”) was a highly educated prophet who lived in Jerusalem, the capital of Judah. He was commissioned by God to be a prophet after hot coal was placed on his lips by an angel while he was in the temple so that he could be purged from his sins. Although the messages Isaiah received from God were for the entire nation of Israel, the majority of his messages were intended for Judah. His prophetic ministry stretched through the reign of four kings: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Christian tradition has it that Isaiah was sawn in half during the reign of an evil king named Manasseh.

God sent Isaiah to prophesy because Judah was spiritually barren, and Israel was in worst shape than the Nation of Judah was. God’s chosen people had turned a deaf ear to Him; Isaiah was sent to warn Israel that God’s judgment was going to come upon them if they did not repent, but they did not listen to the prophet. It was also Isaiah who prophesied the judgment that was going to come upon Judah and other surrounding nations through the hand of God. Isaiah prophesied that the Nation of Israel was going to be led into captivity by the Babylonians for 70 years, but he also prophesied that salvation was going to come through the chosen Messiah (Jesus Christ) and that Israel was going to return back to Jerusalem after being in bondage by the Babylonians after 70 years.




Why is Isaiah my favorite prophet? Isaiah is my favorite prophet because he had a heart and a desire to please God. I like Isaiah because he was obedient and did not hold back. Whatever God told Isaiah to say, he said it. Isaiah was also persistent. He worked hard to get Israel to turn their hearts back to God. He wanted this nation to see how their sins were breaking the heart of the Father, and he was grieved when they did not. How do you relate to Isaiah? Through the reading of his book, Isaiah was a humble man. With the position that Isaiah was in, he could have presented himself in a prideful way, but he chose not to. He proved this about himself when he cried out and said that he was a man of unclean lips (Isaiah 6:5); it takes humility to say that about yourself. I can relate to the humility that Isaiah portrayed because I always try to carry myself in a humble manner. I pray to the Father often that He will keep me humble because He resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). There is so much more of Himself that God can give to you, but it takes you being in the right posture (a posture of humility) to receive Him, and Isaiah set this example for me. Also, when Isaiah spoke, the words he released were always directed back to God, not to himself. Whenever I speak, I always make sure that the Father receives His due recognition. I do not take credit for the things that God has done or is doing because I will not allow myself to. It is because of Him I am able to do and say what He tells me to say and do, and I will continue to give Him the glory for that. What opposition did Isaiah face? Isaiah faced major opposition in his prophetic ministry. He was often met with disbelief and

lack of concern whenever he released God’s warnings. He was ridiculed and disrespected because of the messages that he brought forward. People had a bitter heart towards Isaiah because the message that he presented was probably viewed as being harsh. Regardless of how he was treated, Isaiah still had a “Send me, I’ll go” spirit. What was Isaiah’s assignment? Isaiah carried out his assignment by doing what was required of him as a messenger of God. He released the judgment of God upon His people, as well as other nations, when they would not turn from their sinful ways. But not all of the words that Isaiah released came in the form of judgment. He also prophesied about the coming of Jesus Christ. He prophesied about Jesus being the One who will lead the Nation of Israel back to God by Him being born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14) and becoming a “suffering Servant (Isaiah 53)” for the people of God. It is through Jesus the Nation of Israel would be led back to the salvation of God for His glory. The assignment of Isaiah was heavy, but it was an assignment he carried out to the end.

“ I do not take

credit for the things that God has done or is doing because I will not allow myself to.


MICAIAH Yolanda Samuels

Micaiah is my favorite prophet. Micaiah’s name is Hebrew and means “Who is like Yah?” He was the son of Imlah, a prophet. His father’s name is also Hebrew, and his name means “Who God will fill up.” In Kings 22, three years before Syria and Israel went to war with each other, King Jehoshaphat, who was the king of Judah, went to visit the King of Israel, Ahab. King Jehoshaphat asked King Ahab if he would go to war with him so they could overtake Ramoth Gilead. Ahab suggested they inquire of the Lord before they make any moves. Ahab gathered all four hundred of the prophets together and asked them if it was a good idea for him to go to war or if he was to stay put. They all told him to do it because the Lord would give him the land and the victory. Jehoshaphat needed the truth. He asked if there were any real prophets around. Ahab told him there was. His name was Micaiah.

Ahab hated him because he never told him anything good but always prophesied doom to him. A messenger was sent to bring Micaiah and the saga began. Micaiah feared God more than man. He could have lied to the kings to make them feel good. This was not in his heart to do. All the other prophets had a lying spirit, which is why they prophesied lies. Micaiah started off making them think he was going along with the crowd. We have to be willing to “go against the grain.” It is impossible to be a prophet and you have no fresh revelation to share. These prophets did not hear from God and all had a lying spirit. This shows how false prophets tell lies. Proverbs 12:22 says, “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those act faithfully are his delight.”




How do I relate to him? Some years ago, I had a family member who was going through marriage issues. One of her friends convinced her that since her husband cheated on her, she should do the same. She did what the young lady told her to do. She has children and ended up getting stranded in another state. This same guy slept with her friend prior. She called me and told me about what was going on. I was so angry. I told her the truth. My voice raised and I was so mad at her. Not only was she married, but she also had two young children at the time. I can relate to Micaiah because you pay a price when you follow the truth. She was mad at me, but she later knew I was telling her the truth for her own good. They both had other children, outside the marriage, and then eventually got divorced. What opposition did they face? When the messenger went to get Micaiah, he basically told him to say the same thing everyone else was saying. This prophet wasn’t having it. He said in 1 Kings 22:14, “As long as the Lord lives, whatever the Lord says to me, that I will speak.” When the kings asked him, at first he told them what they wanted to hear, but the king knew he wasn’t being honest. He told Ahab his people would be scattered and he would not live beyond the battle. He had to deliver the real word of the Lord and it was not received well. He was hit and then thrown into prison with only bread and water to eat until the king returned. We do not know how long he was in prison for, but King Ahab died in the battle. What was their assignment? To say what thus saith the Lord. In Kings 22: 19-23, He revealed the heavenly conversation between the Lord and the host of heaven. The Lord needed Ahab to be persuaded to go to war at Ramoth Gilead. A spirit volunteered to persuade him by being a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. Micaiah told King Ahab he was lied to and God set it up that way. He told him his days were numbered. The prophet assured him that if he is a prophet of God, he will not

return, and he did not. Micaiah risked his life to tell the truth in spite of the consequences.

She called me and told me about what was going on. I was so angry. I told her the truth.


BARNABAS Coretta Kelsey

My favorite prophet is Barnabas. Barnabas is introduced to us in the book of Acts. He, in my opinion, was a man that had a genuine and sincere heart for God and His people. He accepted people from all walks of life, no matter what their past was. I know that’s how God would like for us all to be. Barnabas didn’t let your past determine who you were to him. When Apostle Paul came around, the disciples didn’t want any dealings with him. They were afraid of him because of his past. They did not believe that he was now a disciple. Barnabas spoke up for him and told how he had spoken out boldly in the name of Jesus. Can you imagine how it must have made Apostle Paul feel when no one except Barnabas would welcome him with open arms?

Barnabas showed him love and kindness. That is really what most are seeking once they come to Christ. Barnabas did not care about what the other Apostles thought of him becoming close friends with Apostle Paul. He wanted him to know God. Barnabas didn’t perform miracles supernaturally but I can see the miracle of love and understanding that he portrayed. If only all disciples could show that, then and now, the world would be a much better place. In my opinion more people would be saved and make the necessary changes in their life to walk with God and follow after him. Barnabas also sold some of his land and went and laid the money at the Apostles feet and told them to do with it what they liked to help the people.




I relate to Barnabas on so many levels. I remember driving in my car one day a few years back. This was a very trying time in my life. I was going through so much opposition at that time. As I drove and was deep in thought, the Lord dropped the name Barnabas in my Spirit. I began repeating the name over and over because I knew very little about Barnabas. I believe that God was telling me that I was like Barnabas. The Lord was sending person after person to me to counsel and witness to. I had to make sacrifices to answer my phone no matter what time of day or night that it was. These people were hurting and needed someone to talk to because they were facing divorces and here it was I wasn’t over my separation with my husband. I had to put aside my own thoughts and feelings and try to get these people to know how amazing God is and that they needed to build a relationship with him and trust that everything was going to be ok. God had placed them in my life for me to encourage them. Barnabas was given the name “Son of Encouragement.” God wants each and every one of us to be saved no matter what our past looks like. The numerous conversations with these people were very draining but I never gave up on them. God never gave up on me so why would I give up on them? God is still sending people to me that feel left out and discouraged. I know it’s His way of helping them but it also helps me to be used for His Glory! Barnabas was also known as a peacemaker. People have come to me personally to ask if I would talk to others to resolve issues. They tell me that I know how to deliver ideas in a peaceful way to resolve certain problems. Barnabus faced many oppositions by accepting people that others would never have anything to do with. His main purpose was to lead them to God. As close as he had become with Apostle Paul, he disagreed with Apostle Paul about not allowing Mark to tag along with them on one of their missionary trips. This is what ended their ministry together. He also faced opposition from the Hostile Jews and Gentiles trying to convince them to fol-

low Christ. Acts 13:1-3 Barnabas was a Prophet and Teacher. He also went on mission trips. Acts 11: 23-24 Barnabas was sent to Antioch to tell the people to cleave to God. He was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and many people were added unto the Lord. Acts 15:35 Paul and Barnabas continued in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.

These people “were hurting and needed someone to talk to because they were facing divorces and here it was I wasn’t over my separation with my husband.


DANIEL Sharene Davis

Who is my favorite Prophet in the Bible? My favorite prophet in the Bible is Daniel. I have several prophets that I can relate to in some form or fashion. However, the prophet that I will discuss will be Daniel. Like many prophets, Daniel was trained to minister to kings. Daniel was a Jewish boy that was chosen to be taken to Babylon and trained to be a service to the king’s court. God greatly favored Daniel for his righteousness and his spiritual sensitivity of the prompting of the Spirit. He was gifted with the gift of interpreting dreams and visions which brings me to how I can relate to Daniel. How can you relate to the prophet discussed? I can relate to the prophet Daniel because at the beginning of my prophetic journey I too would get a lot of dreams and visions and be able to interpret. Or the Holy spirit would instruct me to tell my leader a dream and that particular leader would interpret the dream.

There have also been times that I faced leaders trying to confuse what the Lord was conveying to me by attempting to change the details of the dream to minimize the judgment. This particular leader intimidated me to convey and interpret the dream as he wanted me to, but I would not. I wasn’t really sure in my prophetic walk in terms of my prophetic accuracy. However, I trusted that God was with me and we would never leave or forsake me (Deut 31:6). What challenges did they face if any? Daniel had a few challenges in his life journey. The first I believe is when he was faced with the choice to eat the king’s meat or continue his healthy eating patterns and perhaps routine fasting. He stood his ground by adhering to what he felt was beneficial to him spiritually. The decision to not eat the King’s meat did proceed another challenge, and that was the request for him and his friends to worship




the King’s image. This was very detrimental to Daniel because the decision to not worship the King’s image could ultimately cost him his life within the hot mouth of a fiery furnace. Of course, the Lord prevailed and delivered Daniel and his friends from being consumed by the fire. Of course, we can’t forget the Lion’s Den, which Daniel was an overcomer in all his challenges. He believed that God was his deliverer and God was his deliverer. What can you learn from studying this prophet? I have learned the true meaning of the scripture, Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Daniel put all his trust in the Lord within all his challenges, however, to be specific, no matter how hot the temperature rose and the flames were so scary around him the Bible never depicted Daniel of having doubt, lack of faith and or fearing the situation he was in. Instead, the character of Daniel was a man of courage, faith, patience and trust in God. What was his assignment? His assignment was to be trained in the Kings court for service to the King. Upon my research, Daniel means “God is my Judge, “ or Judge of God,” in Hebrew. However, the Babylonians who captured him wanted to wipe out any history of his past so they renamed him Belteshazzar which means “may God protect his life.” His mission was to be an advisor to the king He could interpret visions and dreams and explaining dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar with wisdom and precision.

At the “beginning of

my prophetic journey I too would get a lot of dreams and visions and be able to interpret.


PROPHETESS ANNA Maudia Washington

Prophetess Anna is one of the most underrepresented prophets and women ministers in the Bible. Prophetess Anna story begins in Luke 2:36-38. Luke mentions Anna but does not go into grave details concerning her life. Luke 2:36-38 mentions key details about the Prophetess. She is a widow, was married only for seven years, she was widowed for 84 years, she is a prophetess, she stays in the temple and constantly prays and fasts. She was at the Temple with Simeon after Jesus purification. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple to present him to God. From the few details presented, we can tell that she has a very close relationship with God and was anointed. Her life is summed up in a paragraph or two, but the information provided is key information. This research paper will assist to dissect her life.

Luke 2:36-38 New International Version (NIV) says, “There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four.[a] She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.� I.

Married for Seven Years

The average years married before divorce in the United States is eight years. Seven is the year of perfection. Seven is a holy number.




She was married until death separated her from her husband. Prophetess Anna was a noblewoman as she did not remarry. Instead of taking another husband, she chooses God as her husband. Anna was an older woman. With age comes wisdom. Anna knew that God was the ruler and focused on him. II.

Her Father Name was Penuel

From the little information available about Anna is profound. The Bible mentions that she is the daughter of Penuel. Penuel was where Jacob fought with the Angel. The place where Jacob fought was named “Face of God.”Anna names mean Grace. III.

Constant Prayer and Fasting

Prophetess Anna never left the Temple. She prayed day and night and fasted day and night. That is a lot of self-discipline and dedication to God. What a great sacrifice. She lived at the Temple, and from the limited information that is provided, she was an intercessor for others who visited the Temple. She is a woman who is mentioned in the Bible. She had to give wise counsel and provided prophecy to others who visited the Temple. She was highly respected. She also told everyone that their redemption is near, she foretold the further. IV. Prophetess Anna was a Prophetess. A Prophetess is a female Prophet. The Bible does not mention a lot of female Prophet. As a Prophetess, she had a word from God that Jesus would be born to redeem the people. Her predictions came true, and she knew that Mary and Joseph would bring Jesus to the Temple to be presented to God. (1) Why is Prophetess Anna My Favorite Prophet? This is an interesting question. Prophetess Anna is not necessarily my favorite Prophet,

but several individuals stated I reminded them of the Prophetess Anna. I conducted this research on her to get a deeper understanding of her life and gift. Since there is not a lot of Bible reference concerning her, I had to dissect as much as possible. She is a profound woman, and more churches need to teach about her. (2)

How Do I Relate to Her?

I relate to Prophetess Anna because I am a worshipper. I have always been since a child. In elementary school, I loved reading the Bible. I loved speaking with God. My sibling thought I was insane, but even at a young age, I knew the importance of building a relationship with him. God will never leave us or forsake us. Once I became an adult, I knew that I could always depend on him to supply all my needs and did not have to depend on man. I can also relate to Prophetess Anna as I pray and speak with God throughout the day daily. Even when driving, I have out loud conversations with God and the Holy Spirit. I have several alarms set during the day, my “prayer alarms,” when they go off, I must stop everything I’m doing to pray. (3)

What opposition did she face?

She was a woman. Outsiders may not have received her. There are few women Prophetess as well as women Ministers in the Bible. Even in today’s time, women Prophetess and Ministers may not be well received. (4)

What was her assignment?

Her primary assignment was to identify Jesus when he came to the temple to be presented to God. In addition, to worship God and provide Godly counsel to individuals visiting the Temple.


JESUS Rhasheeda Hague

When I think of that definition, I immediately think about Jesus. Jesus would have to be my favorite.

Jesus ministered to her. He told her about her whole life in love and truth. He definitely was operating in the word of knowledge, not in embarrassment or for show and because of that, she was healed, delivered, and set free. His prophetic ministry so blessed her that she ran and told others about the good news. She immediately became a witness for Jesus Christ, telling others about Him, they were saved, and God was glorified.

Jesus is my favorite prophet because He is The Prophet of all prophets. He is the greatest example of a prophet. Everything He did was motivated by love, which brought about salvation and deliverance (John 4), healing, and restoration (Matthew 9). When I started thinking about Jesus, my mind went to the woman at the well (John 4:4-42) and how

I can relate to Jesus because He loves the Father, loves all mankind and desires that all man be saved. Also, when Jesus became overwhelmed, He continued to surrender to the Father. As He awaited His impending suffering and death, he stepped aside in isolation to pray. Opposition caused Jesus to feel sorrowful and troubled, overwhelming His

The question was, who is your favorite prophet? I said to myself, “I don’t have a favorite prophet.” So I looked up the word favorite. Favorite: one that is treated or regarded with special favor or liking.




soul to the point of death (Matthew 26:36-38). Jesus, fully God yet fully man, still needed His Father. Three times in Gethsemane, Matthew says He “fell with His face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” (verse 39, 42,44). I shared all of that to say, that when I start to feel overwhelmed, troubled, sorrowful and sharing in His suffering, I to can go to the Father and say, not my will, but thine will be done and receive His supernatural strength and grace. God has and is still delivering me, and I love to see His love on others that brings liberty to them as well. Some opposition that Jesus faced was character assassination, false accusation (Matthew 26), religious spirits( Mark 3), and the enemy tempting Him (Luke 4). Can you imagine the results, had Jesus responded differently under opposition? Lives wouldn’t have been changed, and hearts wouldn’t have been transformed. That’s why it is so important to allow the Holy Spirit to help us to respond. Yes, it’s easy to respond in the flesh, give someone the side eye, to say, baby bye, to even want to bust they head down to the white meat, lol! If we do that, then souls would not be saved, healed, delivered, transformed and God would not get the glory. Jesus’s assignment was to seek and to save that which was lost(Luke 19:1-11). Jesus said, “Today is salvation day in this home! Here he is: Zacchaeus, son of Abraham! For the Son of Man came to find and restore the lost.” He also came to fulfill the scriptures(Matthew 5:17-20). “Don’t suppose for a minute that I have come to demolish the Scriptures—either God’s Law or the Prophets. I’m not here to demolish but to complete. I am going to put it all together, pull it all together in a vast panorama. God’s Law is more real and lasting than the stars in the sky and the ground at your feet. Long after stars burn out and earth wears out, God’s Law will be alive and working. “Trivialize even the smallest item in God’s Law, and you will only have trivialized yourself. But take it seriously, show the

way for others, and you will find honor in the kingdom. Unless you do far better than the Pharisees in the matters of right living, you won’t know the first thing about entering the kingdom.

“ Also, when

Jesus became overwhelmed, He continued to surrender to the Father.


JOHN THE BAPTIST Kentia Middleton

In this season of my life, John the Baptist is my favorite prophet. God has been highlighting him to me over the last couple of months. John the Baptist was known as the greatest prophet and was conceived by parents in their old age. His mother was unable to conceive, but God answered their prayers. An angel, Gabriel came to his father, told him that he would have a son and that he would prepare the way for the Lord. (Luke 1:5-25) John the Baptist is my favorite prophet because he was used by God to prepare the way for Jesus, the Messiah. This word was prophesied in Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1, “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” I love the fact that his mandate was to bring the people back to God. This is why I can relate to him. I also can relate to him because while in my wilderness season, I was told to eat a certain

diet. John the Baptist only ate locust and wild honey. (Matthew 3:4) I love that John the Baptist got to baptize Jesus. He knew he wasn’t worthy, but for him, it must have been an honor to be chosen to do such a thing. When he baptized Jesus, a dove came down on Jesus’ shoulder, and the Father said, thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. (Luke 3:22) John baptized many people who had repented for their sins. His main message was “repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2) John also had disciples who became disciples of Jesus. John the Baptist life ended pretty tragically. He was put into prison because Herod’s wife hated him and wanted him dead. She did end up getting her wish. John the Baptist was beheaded in prison. (Matthew 14:1-12) Even though his life ended this way, his ministry carried out just what God intended; to introduce the Messiah.





SERVINGS: 4 TOTAL TIME: 40 Minutes INGREDIENTS FOR THE CABBAGE SLAW 5 cups (or one 10-ounce bag) shredded red cabbage 3 tablespoons minced red onion 1/2 cup fresh chopped cilantro 3 tablespoons cider vinegar 1-1/2 teaspoons vegetable oil 1/2 teaspoon salt For the Chipotle Sauce 3/4 cup mayonnaise, best quality such as Hellmann’s 2 tablespoons lime juice, from one lime


2-3 chipotle chiles in adobo sauce (canned), roughly chopped, plus 1-2 teaspoons sauce (see note below) 1 large garlic clove, roughly chopped For the Beer Batter 1 cup all purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 cup beer FOR THE FISH AND TORTILLAS 1-1/2 pounds skinless cod, cut into 1-inch wide x 4-inch long strips Vegetable oil, for frying 12 (6-inch) soft corn tortillas, warmed Lime wedges, for serving INSTRUCTIONS Toss the cabbage, red onion, cilantro, vinegar, oil and salt together in a medium bowl and set aside. Combine the mayonnaise, lime juice, chipotle chiles with sauce and garlic in a blender or mini food processor and blend until smooth. Set aside. Mix the flour, salt and pepper together in a medium bowl. Gradually add the beer, whisking until the batter is smooth with no lumps. Set aside. In a medium skillet, over medium heat, add enough oil to reach a depth of 1/2-inch. Heat the oil until a deep-fry thermometer registers 350 degrees F, or when the end of a wooden spoon sizzles when dipped into the oil. Working in batches so as not to crowd the pan, dip the fish strips in the beer batter and coat on both sides. Let the excess batter drip off, then fry the fish in the hot oil until golden brown and cooked through, about 2 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towels to drain. Smear each tortilla with a generous amount of the chipotle sauce, then top with the cabbage slaw. Lay one piece of fish inside each tortilla and serve with lime wedges. NOTE: 3 chipotle peppers and 2 teaspoons sauce will give you a spicy sauce. Use less for a milder sauce. You can freeze any leftover chipotle peppers from the can. Recipe From




SAMUEL Tijuana Killian

As I began to ponder the assignment, wondering what direction I would go in or even if I had a favorite prophet, I remembered Hannah. I thanked God for refreshing my memory. I am a Hannah type. I bet Samuel was her favorite prophet just like he’s mine. In this paper, I will share why Samuel is my favorite prophet, relate my life to his and tell of his opposition and assignment. A prophet by definition is a person who speaks for God or a deity or by divine inspiration. Samuel was a prophet who spoke for God. The Bible states that the Lord was with Samuel as he grew up; He did not let any of Samuel’s messages fail to come true (1 Samuel 3:19). Even as Samuel became a man, he gained the respect [honor] of people because

everything he said came true (1 Samuel 9:6). Samuel didn’t just have an accurate prophetic voice but a reputation of godly character. He was known for making sacrifices in the place of worship, and the people wouldn’t eat until he blessed the food (1 Samuel 9: 12-13). I would assume his godly character came out of his close relationship with God. God shared with Samuel that He regretted making Saul king because of Saul’s disobedience (1 Samuel 15:10). A significant ingredient to having a relationship with God is obedience. The Bible tells us that Samuel did what the Lord told him to do (1 Samuel 16:4). In the beginning, I mentioned Hannah. Just like Hannah, I was married and childless for years! I had emotional sadness, disappoint-


ment, and distress like her as well. I prayed the exact prayer she prayed. Just as God gave her Samuel, he gave me a son (1 Samuel 10: 1:10,11,19). Like Samuel, I began to serve the Lord at a young age. I was 21 years of age when I got saved. I say that age is young because I was immature in every area of my life. I was a kid, living with my mom. But when the Lord saved me, holiness and obedience were important to me, just as Samuel (1 Samuel 2:18). In Samuel’s adulthood, he interceded for the Israelites after they turned their hearts back to God and stopped their idol worshiping (1 Samuel 7:4-5). Intercession is one way God uses me to serve. When Samuel was old, he appointed his two sons Joel and Abijah judges over Israel. His sons weren’t as honest and righteous as Samuel. They used their position for selfish ends, perverting justice and taking bribes (1 Samuel 8:1-3). Because of his old age and his sons not following his ways, Israel rejected him for a king to judge over them like all the other nations (1 Samuel 8:4). Although this was opposition, Samuel prayed to the Lord, and the Lord granted them their king (Saul), reassuring Samuel that the Israelites didn’t reject him, they rejected the Lord. The prophet Samuel was strategically placed in position by God during a time when spirituality was at its lowest. God called Samuel by name and introduced his prophetic ministry to the people of Israel. This was the beginning of the rebuilding of a nation to return to their God.

I was married and childless for years! I had emotional sadness, disappointment, and distress like her as well.






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