April Rejoice Essential Magazine 2020

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Table of Contents 30




10 Scriptures To Pray Over Your Daughter In One Sentence


10 Scriptures To Pray Over Your Son In One Sentence


These Are Days That Test Us, But….

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Jevon Bolden




Kimberly Moses Founder And Editor Effingham, SC www.prophetessk.org

Tron Moses Photographer, Marketer, Designer Effingham, SC www.tronmoses.org

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Chief Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands www.rkgconsultinggroup.com www.justmekjg.com

Taylur Holland Writer Dallas, Texas www.thescribesheart.com

Mae Bloom Writer Plantation, FL www.isntlifemore.com

Marcus Johnson Writer Clermont, FL www.fhghministries.org








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NOW Taylur Holland

Even tears are seeds. Prayers sown In grounds and places awaiting breakthrough. The land has opened wide its mouth For the presence of the Lord to fill it — Gulping and gasping for the breath of God. The land bulges itself out to make room and to make ready to receive And to receive again. Your people are crying out. We want to see You move. We want to see Your hand. We want to see Your glory all over the earth, Kingly manifestations of power that will turn hearts back to the remembrance of You. Revival. Our hearts’ desire. Revival. To know You once more, To be carried in the folds of Your garment. Jesus, we don’t want just parts of You. We want the whole of You.

Jesus, sing unto us. Sing over us Your song Which glorifies the Father, The Most High. Beautiful. Enrich us with Your power, And fill us with the fear of You. Sovereign God, we are crying out, Longing to be saved, Longing to adorn You with the jewels of our worship. We honor You. We honor You. We honor You. There is a generation that won’t be quiet about the things of God — A generation that will reverence You, Father, And only do what pleases You. There is a generation, And we are now.






As a mom of three princesses, I can confidently say that they have blessed my prayer life in ways I never thought possible. I can

recall when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I felt so unsure of if I was qualified to be her mom. I remember asking God to show me how


to be a good mom to her and raise her right. Twelve years later, I can say that He has been faithful in leading me.

5. “For this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” - Nehemiah 8:10

Motherhood is indeed one of the toughest hoods you want to be in and there are a plethora of emotions moms go through in each season of their kids’ lives. No matter how you may feel, moms always have a living hope and the word of God to ease our minds and bring peace to our hearts, as we raise Godly children.

I decree and declare that when my daughter goes through rough times, she will lean on you and find the joy of the Lord as her strength.


6. “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” - John 8:31 & 32 I decree and declare that my daughter, _________________, learns how to abide in your Word and your truth will allow her to live a life of freedom.

1. “ ... that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace.” - Psalm 144:12b Lord, bless my daughter to be a young lady of strength and integrity, in Jesus’ name, Amen! 2. “Do not be deceived: evil company corrupts good habits.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33 I decree and declare that my daughter is wise and chooses friends with good character, in Jesus’ name, Amen. 3. “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” - Isaiah 26:3 Father, I pray that my daughter will live in peace as she learns to trust You wholeheartedly. 4. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” - Ephesians 6:1 Lord, I decree and declare that my daughter is not a defiant child; instead, you have given her a spirit of obedience and honor, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

7. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” - 3 John 1:2 & 4 I pray Lord, that in all things, __________________ will walk in truth, prosper and be in good health, in Jesus’ name, Amen. 8. “So we may boldly say:“The Lord is my

When I was pregnant with my first daughter I felt so unsure if I was qualified to be her mom.



helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” - Hebrews 13:6

because you are her helper, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Father, I decree and declare that _____________________ will not allow fear of people to hold her back in any area of life

9. “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance


upon you, and give you peace.” - Numbers 6:24-26 Lord, let your face shine upon __________________. Let your grace rest upon her and all the days of her life and allow her to walk in peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 10. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” - Matthew 5:16

I decree and declare that my daughter, ______________________, will not hide her light, instead she will let her light shine before man for God’s glory, in Jesus’ name, Amen. Decree and declare the Word of God over your daughter each day! God’s Words will not go out and return void!






As I was in the process of writing “10 Scriptures to Pray for Your Daughters,” the Lord very heavily impressed upon my heart to write one for sons too. At first, I was hesitant because I don’t have a son, but the Lord spoke to me and said, “But you know scripture.” That was totally a light bulb moment! I do know scripture and even though I don’t have a son, I do have many nephews. This is dedicated to them. I hope and pray that the Lord will do amazing things in their lives. If you have a son, I believe prayer is the most important thing you can offer him as an inheritance. I believe your prayers will go with him where your feet will never tread and be a driving force behind the man he will soon become. 1. “That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth.” - Psalm 144:12a Thank you, Jesus, for allowing my son to grow up strong and full of your word! 2. “Do not be deceived: evil company corrupts good habits.” - 1 Corinthians 15:33 Father, lead my son to friends with good character, in Jesus’ name, Amen. 3. “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” - Isaiah 26:3 Lord, keep my son, _____________________, in perfect peace as he keeps his mind on you and learns to trust in you each day. 4. “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” - Ephesians 6:1 I decree and declare that ______________________ will have a spirit of obedience and not be a rebellious son, in Jesus’ name, Amen. 5. “Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders”. 1 Peter 5:5

Lord, I thank you that my son is responsible and respectful to his elders. 6. “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” - John 8:31 & 32 Thank you, Lord, for giving my son a passion for your Word. As he abides in your Word, I decree and declare that he shall know the truth and the truth will allow him to live a life of freedom in Jesus’ name, Amen. 7. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”- 3 John 1:2 & 4 Father, I thank you for blessing my son, _____________________, with prosperity and good health.

I believe your “prayers will go

with him where your feet will never tread and be a driving force behind the man he will soon become.




8. “A wise son heeds his father’s instruction.” Proverbs 13:1 I decree and declare that ____________________ is a wise son and heeds the instruction of his parents, teachers and You, Heavenly Father. 9. “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” - Numbers 6:24-26 Lord, bless and keep _________________. Make your face shine upon him, be gracious to him and let him walk in peace all the days of his life, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

10. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” - Matthew 5:16 I decree and declare that my son, __________________, will not walk in a spirit of fear. Instead, he will let his light shine in Jesus’ name, Amen! Decree and declare the Word of God over your son each day! God’s Words will not go out and return void! May God bless you and your son to thrive in every way.







I suppose it is fair to acknowledge that these are, indeed, scary days, but your perspective on how to react is based on your worldview, and/or your God view. As of the date of this writing, 13 March 2020, my wife and I had been discussing the issues over the previous few days, just as I suppose many other couples were doing as well. We despise the regular negative messaging. However, our worldview is not impacted by fears of getting sick, but we are respectful

and vigilant about not wanting to infect others. Do we think that the Corona Virus is real and is impacting people’s lives? Yes, of course. Are we concerned about our health? Not really. Why? Because of our God view - a view based on, and under, the New Covenant; and the fact that my wife is a health food “expert” who has been keeping our house regularly stocked with goodness for several years. A healthy diet will help your immune system; both the Bible and science tells us this.




Though we are not concerned about our health, this does not mean that we aren’t following protocols. Of course we are. But the protocols being espoused by the “experts” are activities we have tended to do anyway; hygiene is standard for us, so our lives have not really changed. If we should happen to get sick, we know where we stand under the cross. While we don’t ignore it, we also don’t fear it. The other day I had posted a verse on Social Media from Leviticus (Lev 15:13) about the washing of hands to preclude the spread of disease. This was a worldview perspective about proper hygiene and medical protocols, yet, some felt that I was neglecting a correct God view, where we acknowledge what we have because of the cross under the New Covenant. While I can see how me sharing the verse might indicate I was failing to accept and receive the healing grace of Jesus Christ, that was not my intent. While I do receive and accept the New Covenant, I do not believe this means that we should stop washing our hands and practicing safe protocols – a worldview. OK, so… the supply chain and economic news is “not cool,” but what can we do about it? Not much, but we can pray – fervently. Is this “chaos” cause for panic? The chaos is manmade. Therefore, in our minds, no. Does this mean that we should not do some things to prepare and plan? Of course we should, and we are. But we also rely on the Lord’s grace and guidance while also operating under confident expectation with our hope placed in Him that we will be taken care of – one way or the other. So…sure, we agree that these might be frightening times, but your reactions to it depend on your worldview and, more importantly, your God view. Therefore, pray! Disney has decided to close ALL theme parks around the world. The US Stock Market has

We are witnessing things that we have never seen before in modern times, but does this mean that we should operate in a state of fear and panic?

suffered its worst losses since the 1980’s. Sports venues are canceling games, tournaments, and events. Restaurants and bars are closing out of fear of adding to the spread of the virus. These are facts that even hard-core Christians cannot dispute. We are witnessing things that we have never seen before in modern times, but does this mean that we should operate in a state of fear and panic? I don’t think so, but this is due to our God view. If you do not have a God view, then you may be operating in a state of panic because you are dominated by your world view. One psychologist notes, “Fear influences how we react to media coverage of health hazards. The most severe levels of contamination fear are found in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Approximately 50% of people with


OCD have a fear of contamination from dirt or disease that causes them to wash and clean compulsively.” In times of anxiety, we tend to pay more attention to threat-related information, impacting our world view, which drives up our anxiety and distress. Therefore, pray! A heightened worldview (which is prioritized over a God view) creates a “bias for threat” – meaning we expect the worse – which can actually intensify our reaction to this disease or any other disease, which then leads to increased panic. Panic “is an irrational fear reaction that, by definition, causes your body’s reaction and adrenaline response to take over from your ability to rationally evaluate the situation.” There is an appropriate response to fear, a response that is vital not just for our psychological wellbeing but for our physical health as well. Therefore, pray! Noted clinicians tell us that stress causes our bodies to produce greater levels of the hormone cortisol, which can cause anxiety and depression that further leads to elevated inflammation that will compromise the immune system. This leads to even more levels of exaggerated stress. Unmanaged stress decreases the body’s white blood cells that help fight infection. The lower your white blood cell (lymphocyte) level, the more you are at risk for viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The main way we relate to information about the world is through “feelings and gut intuitions.” Therefore, it is vital that we maintain a positive God view (spiritual view) while simultaneously paying attention to objective medical advice and practical steps that we can take today. Pray! And it is absolutely paramount that we turn to resources that can provide a level of peace that we cannot otherwise produce ourselves. This is available via a positive and accurate God view…and prayer. Seventy-six percent of doctors say they be-

lieve in God. A God view, an active Christian faith, has been proven to uniquely help in times of crisis such as the current coronavirus pandemic. Your belief system, with heartfelt faith, that Jesus does answer prayers, that we ought to accept His invitation to trust Him with our fears, and that there is power that comes from submitting to the power of God, is indicative of the relevance of the hope that is found in Jesus Christ and the Christian community. Unfortunately, there are some that believe that a God view like this is irrational, that we cannot place faith in Him and must place our faith in science. I would argue that we should choose both. It is a mistake for scientists to discount God’s wisdom, just as it is a mistake for Christians to discount scientific wisdom; God uses physicians in His continued ministry on earth. He calls physicians just as He calls ministers and pastors. He uses the expertise of both to advance His healing ministry in our broken world. Let’s pray for them, encourage them, and follow their guidance. He calls each of us to use our gifts, abilities, resources, and influence in proactive ways as he leads and empowers us. People may be more open to their need for God now than they were a month ago. They may be more aware of their mortality and limitations. They may be more willing to seek help. And they may be more open to our witness and compassion. The coronavirus pandemic is admittedly unique and frightening to many, but it also presents a unique opportunity to take Christ to a frightened culture. There is a worldview, but there is also a God view- the view of a God who wants to redeem this physical threat for eternal spiritual good.




If you’re willing, God can take your mistakes and use them for His glory Love the author’s honesty and willingness to share his story and struggles. The book encourages the reader to never give up, to put his/her pride aside, and allow God to change their heart, life and destiny forever. — Cyndi Bryan


From a fellow Desert Storm Vet What an amazing book! Has a former Desert Storm veteran with C Co 3–502nd inf, 101st Air Assault, this book hits home. I highly recommend this read for all. Marcus hits a homerun with his book.— tvallejos









INGREDIENTS 2 quarts whole milk, the fresher the better Âź cup heavy cream (optional) 3 to 4 tablespoons plain whole milk yogurt with live and active cultures

simmer, until bubbles form around the edges, 180 to 200 degrees. Stir the milk occasionally as it heats.


Remove pot from heat and let cool until it feels pleasantly warm when you stick your pinkie in the milk for 10 seconds, 110 to 120 degrees.

Rub an ice cube over the inside bottom of a heavy pot to prevent scorching (or rinse the inside of the pot with cold water). Add milk and cream, if using, and bring to a bare

(If you think you’ll need to use the pot for something else, transfer the milk to a glass or ceramic bowl, or else you can let it sit in the pot.)


If you’re in a hurry, you can fill your sink with ice water and let the pot of milk cool in the ice bath, stirring the milk frequently so it cools evenly. Transfer 1/2 cup of warm milk to a small bowl and whisk in yogurt until smooth. Stir yogurt-milk mixture back into remaining pot of warm milk. Cover pot with a large lid. Keep pot warm by wrapping it in a large towel, or setting it on a heating pad, or moving to a warm place, such as your oven with the oven light turned on. Or just set it on top of your refrigerator, which tends to be both warm and out of the way. Let yogurt sit for 6 to 12 hours, until the yogurt is thick and tangy; the longer it sits, the thicker and tangier it will become. Transfer the pot to the refrigerator and chill for at least another 4 hours; it will continue to thicken as it chills. Recipe by Melissa Clark https://cooking.nytimes.com/ recipes/1017991-creamy-homemade-yogurt

FRUIT BOWLS INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt 1/4 cup blueberries 1/4 cup raspberries 1/2 cup cantaloupe 1/2 Tbsp goji berries 1/2 Tbsp pumpkin seeds 1/2 Tbsp sliced almonds 1/2 Tbsp coconut shavings 1/4 cup granola INSTRUCTIONS Place the yogurt in a bowl. Add the washed fruit. Top with the seeds, nuts, coconut, and granola. Serve and enjoy! https://www.jaroflemons.com/granola-breakfast-bowl/




JEVON BOLDEN Interviewed by Kimberly Moses Interviewer: Thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview with us. I’m excited about it. I have seen you around on social media. I watched a Facebook video that you did and I went to your website. I was blown away and I told the Lord that you were the real deal. How did you get into the literary world, publishing, and becoming a literary agent? Jevon Bolden: I actually have two answers. I became passionate about it when I was in college. However, when I think about it, I started writing when I was very young. I wrote down my thoughts and I kept a diary when I was seven. I remember getting my first Bible. It had my name engraved on it. I picked it out myself. My parents took me to Lifeway Christian Bookstore. It was a red-letter Bible. My diary was a part of how I processed everything, even with my prayers and connection with God. I really didn’t put too much weight on that. I was also reading from a young age. There were a series of books that I really enjoyed. They didn’t have many with Christian black girls. There was a series that I couldn’t get enough of, so going to the library was a huge treat. I don’t know if you remember this: Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High. Interviewer: I don’t remember. (Laughs) Jevon Bolden: (Laughs) Ha! That’s what I used to read. I don’t know if you remember the Baby Sitters Club. Interviewer: Yes. I remember those because I used to read them too.

Jevon Bolden: I also fell in love with Judy Bloom at that age. My favorite book of all times was Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. It was by Judy Bloom. That book read my whole story of this quiet awkward girl coming into her own. My schedule at a young age was reading and going to the bookstore. I love notebooks and journals. I really didn’t put that together of what you could possibly do with your life. It wasn’t until I was in college that I had been on a path to become a neurosurgeon. That was my goal. My whole high school experience was built around that. I had taken advance classes in science and applied to colleges. Even some of the internships that I did in high school was built around that. I had a special internship at NASA during one of the summers. It was an extremely marked experience. It was before STEM was popular. It was built for minority students who were excelling in school. The fact that I was a female was an additional positive because that industry doesn’t have a lot of females and women of color. My experience there was absolutely wonderful. I had a great mentor and the program was extremely beneficial on how to get started in life, how to do a job interview, and how to do resumes. I was taught how to work on the space shuttle main engine software and work in software engineering. Getting into college or starting pre-med classes, such as biology classes, chemistry, calculus, and physics, I said, “I don’t think I want to do this. This is not what I want to do for the rest of my life.” I started to realize the go-between of what you are good at and what you love. I slowed down some, but of course, I was still going to class. There are seasons where





you slow down and still yourself to get before the Lord. Even though you are still producing and doing what you are called to do, there is still that spiritual process where you are contemplating what to do next. It was God that led me to my high school experiences. What were the classes or the experiences that I did not want to miss out on? You know when you are in high school, I don’t know if everybody did this, but we all skipped! Interviewer: Oh yeah. (Laughs) Jevon Bolden: We went to someone’s car or Taco Bell, but the one class that I did not want to miss is English class. That meant something to me. I enjoyed being in the room, the discussions, and doing the work. Even though there was one teacher one year who was very hard on me about essay writing. She understood the very important steps of essay writing. If you don’t know how to write a good essay, then sometimes you can’t get into college. There are a lot of good opportunities that come when you know how to write a good essay. I was getting C’s and I was like wait a minute, I always get A’s in English. I learned how to write an essay. Even with that critique or criticism, we can take constructive criticism harshly, that was one of the best experiences that I can look back on. It led me to say, “You know what? I absolutely love this.” I’ve been reading all of my life and I don’t ever want to avoid those kinds of discussions. They are philosophical, even though math and science can be philosophical in some ways. There are lots of room for discussion. There is an oath that doctors take. Interviewer: Hippocratic Oath? Jevon Bolden: Yes. Hippocrates was a philosopher. So, there was philosophy involved, but English was a great open door for me because it was connected to culture and people. It shared our stories, histories, and ways of us connecting with people that we would never connect with. There are experiences we can have in reading other people’s writing that

“ My schedule

at a young age was reading and going to the bookstore. I love notebooks and journals.

we can’t have on our own. We can be mentored by people we will never meet, so you know it was so significant to me and I just switched my major to English without even really knowing what in the world I would do. I did not know what I was going to do with my life. The environment that I was in was a black middle class educated environment. There were highly educated individuals there: scholars, engineers, lawyers, and psychologists, just to name a few. Professors are very educated people who are doing well in life. So you just don’t change your major, being foolish and you know the questions that I was asked: “What are you going to do? Are you going to teach? What are you going to do with that?” We were all on this task to be doctors, dentists, or something. And I was like the one that was like, “Well, I think that I am going to do something else.” It wasn’t probably until toward the end of my college years that I actually figured out what I could do and I went to the library. Everything was at the library, so it wasn’t like I was googling things and this was probably in...(I went to college in 1995 and I graduated in 2002) I don’t remember when Google was started. Interviewer: It was the early 90’s, right? I am





not sure, but I think it was the early 90’s when they started. Jevon Bolden: Ok but I don’t think that it was our thoughts to go online and look up things, so I went to the library and I remember these books that had a list of careers based on college majors and that is where I figured out what I could do with an English degree. I had been working my way through school being a banker at the time and I was doing financial services associates and selling annuities, CDs, money markets and home equity lines of credit. At that point, I wanted to make a big change and was looking forward to really diving into my major once I graduated. Maybe a year or so after graduating, I started looking for jobs in my field and I applied to probably 30 jobs. I had a whole spreadsheet of who I had applied, when, how, and when I expected to hear back and I only heard back from one. I knew how to put together a resume, so I was like, “This must be God.” But when you are in your 20’s, you kind of know everything, so I was like I know I put together a good resume. I just heard God saying that this might be your open door. The one call was from Charisma House in Lake Mary, Florida, and we had a wonderful phone interview. Then we proceeded. I think there was another phone interview, and they invited me to come down and actually interview in person. They are Christian publishers. Within a few weeks or so, I was offered an entry-level position as a Copy Editor for their book group and that was in 2003. So I started December 1, 2003, something like that and stayed there until 2015. I advanced there and I was quickly promoted to a new position within those first few years that I was there. After two years, I was promoted to Developmental Editor and then I became Manager of an Imprint so I was an Imprint Editor. By 2007, I started to do acquisitions and acquiring authors, so I would reach out to authors who were leading in certain issues and topics: ministers, leaders, pastors, and leading women and men who were doing amazing work for the Kingdom of God.

Then I was promoted again to Senior Acquisitions Editor and that was the position that I had when I left there after working there 12 years. It was a rewarding experience, and that was my Boot Camp. I learned everything. I learned the publishing industry from the bottom all the way to the top, and then it came a time when I felt like God was moving me and wanting to expand me some. I felt like it was definitely not any slight to Charisma House, but there were times where I felt that God had a little bit more for me and He wanted to push me even beyond the bar. And that does not mean that their mission where you were or are is not your mission. Their mission is not your mission sometimes and when that starts to separate, then you know that it may be time for you to move on to something else. They remained faithful to what God was calling them to do, and it was my responsibility to remain faithful to what God has called me to do. So I started to look for other positions and opportunities and I landed a position at Scholastics, which is the largest children’s publisher and I was the Senior Editor for them for a couple of years. I did a lot of great work with children’s books, activity kits, stationery, and school supplies

“The one class

that I did not want to miss is English class. That meant something to me.





I knew how to put together a resume, so I was like, “This must be God.”

and that was very rewarding for me because I had spent 12 years learning how to reach adults. Then God allowed me to learn how to reach children at one of the biggest and best publishers in the industry. I also experienced what it was like to work in an Abundant Atmosphere, where there were no limitations on what I was allowed to do with as far as a budget. Interviewer: Wow!! Jevon Bolden: I was allowed to travel. I was allowed a lot of professional development. It was a really very rewarding experience and I actually still serve Scholastics at this stage in various capacities, but I don’t work for them anymore. While I was at Scholastics, I got a call one day from John Eckhardt. He and I have worked together for almost 10 years now on books. We have worked on all of his books that are published through Charisma House. We have worked together on a few of his that are self-published as well. There are some that he does on his own, but not many of them. He gave me a call one day while I was at Scholastics and He said, “Jevon, I want to do a writing conference,” and I said, “Great. That is awesome. You should do it.” I said, “Do

it. It sounds great.” He said that he was thinking about having it at Charisma House and he wanted me to help me. And I said, “Ok, sure. I can help you with it. What do you need?” and we spent literally maybe an hour on the phone talking through what a good writer’s conference looks like. He said, “I want you to actually come and lead the Editorial Publishing and Marketing piece of that.” Interviewer: Amen! Jevon Bolden: What! I think that anybody can do anything that they want to do. Yeah, do it! But I am not always thinking about what my part might be, so I was like, “Oh! Okay.” Anyway, God was so good in that process because I was able to pull together something. I have friends who are editors and know marketing people just from working in the industry, and I have a really good networking system. I pulled together some of those individuals and we served the audiences there at the conference. The other word that he said was, “Get ready to be busy.” Interviewer: Amen! Jevon Bolden: And I was like, “What!” And what ended up happening is while I was working at Scholastic, I did get very, very busy. The authors that I had been serving for those 12 years at Charisma House followed me over to Scholastic. They still needed my services for everything and the activities did not ever calm down. I actually came to a point where I was making more on outside work than I was with my salary with Scholastic. But at that point, I had negotiated a really decent salary for an editor and so I just knew that God was telling me to move on and to go ahead and accept the challenge to run my own business. So my response to Apostle telling me that I was getting ready to be busy was starting my LLC. Interviewer: Amen! Jevon Bolden: I didn’t even know what he was





talking about. I didn’t have a picture and I just got the LLC. That was March 17th. We had the Writer’s Conference in April and by September 2017, I was turning my notice into Scholastic. They asked for an 8-week notice, so I worked until November 2 or 3 and then the next day, I launched Bolden Media Group fulltime in November 2017. Interviewer: Amen! Jevon Bolden: So that is how I got to where I am. I am running my own company and as far as literature, I do collaborative writing, sometimes called ghostwriting and still doing some editing but not as much as I use too. I pass editing onto freelancers. I do a lot more coaching and consulting. I do a lot more writing and of course, making sure that we get good authors with great messages and good hearts into the publishing industry. I do support writers of color and some good stuff is coming off the horizon this year.

So my “response to

Apostle telling me that I was getting ready to be busy was starting my LLC.

Interviewer: Amen! God was calling you to entrepreneurship and you didn’t miss that opportunity. So many people miss the chance, but you were able to go with the flow of the Holy Spirit. One thing that you said is that you wanted to be a neurosurgeon and I was like, “Wow!” because I always wanted to be a doctor but the Lord pushed me to ministry, so I actually worked in the hospital for 10 years. It is amazing how the Lord reroutes us to go where He wants us to be. So I know you said that you were very young serving the Lord and you were thinking about God at seven years old. I was amazed by that because I didn’t get saved until I was like 21 and I wasn’t raised in church. So were you raised in church, were your parents in ministry, how did you get started, and when did you accept Jesus into your heart? Jevon Bolden: You know, I really cannot say and I don’t even have words for the path that the Lord has allowed my life to be on but yes, my parents came to the faith when I was four years old and they share their story because we talk a lot. By the time I started school, my Mom had a vision for what she thought God would want for my Dad’s life and it was to be in ministry. So they packed to leave. We were living, at the time, in New London, Connecticut, because that is where I was born. They packed everything up. My Dad resigned from his position at Amtrak and he was making good money at that time. They packed everything up and moved to Huntsville, Alabama, where he went to the Christian Historically Black College. It was Oakwood College at the time, but it is now Oakwood University. So that is the community that we grew up in and by the time I was even old enough to do whatever, they were believers already. They were planning to be in ministry, so he also went to seminary and I accepted Jesus based on what he was doing. I know people don’t do this so much anymore, but they were doing tent revivals and Camp Meetings and all that kind of stuff. I think that I had gone and heard the word under a tent one night in Huntsville, or were we in Texas? I can’t


remember exactly because he had traveled a little during that time supporting others. So anyway, one night, he was preaching and I was just so moved by the sermon that he had preached that I raised my hand to accept Christ. My brother is a couple of years younger than me and he later accepted Christ in a similar way. Yes! So from a very young age, we were already sold out to God and just really connected with Him. Of course, we have made mistakes along the way as we all will, but we are covered by the grace of God and the blood of Jesus. Interviewer: Amen! I love that your parents were an example for you and that you followed their lead. That is a blessing. I know that you write blogs on your site and those are very helpful. Why should authors have blogs? What are the benefits of having one?

through something and prepare it for an audience and then you can see how it is received. I also think that it is another way for writers to break through writer’s block because sometimes we are working on a project that may be sort of long-term, like a book or something, and there are like ideas that pop up. While we are writing the book and we may ask, “Should I put that in the book or do I write another book.” Or it could mean that it is just a blog article. Interviewer: Yes!

Jevon Bolden: Just release it because sometimes we will say, “I shouldn’t even be thinking that or I shouldn’t be writing that.” So we stuff it down and don’t release some of the things that are rising up because we think that it is either not tolerable or don’t have a Jevon Bolden: I will start by saying that the place to put it. We actually can end up sufferreason that I have a blog, and I will get to the ing from writer’s block because we don’t pay general question, is that I wanted to express attention to those things. In general, we try myself in a public way that I really wasn’t to figure it out and we stuff it down and then given at that time. I have been doing my blog we start back working on what we were supfor probably 10 years or so. I had actually posed to be working on. But I really think that started with blogger.com years ago, which I blogs will give you a lot of opportunities to think is a place called Blogspot. But blogger. explore your own voice and fine-tune it. You com was a platform that I just really graviget an immediate response from audiences tated to, and it really was by the inspiration and you will know what is working and not of an editor friend of mine, who was also a working; what is engaging and what is not writer-type person and is just very intuitive and where people have questions sometimes. and brilliant, and she had been blogging for a You say, “I am just going to say it like this,” and, while. She said, “Jevon, you should really think “I am going to write it like this because people about blogging because you have a lot of need to hear it like this,” but then you get the things that you want to talk about. And some- feedback from your audience and they ask, times you need an outlet for some of your “What did you mean by that? I want to know ideas.” As for authors or people who are even what you are talking about,” or “Can you tell aspiring, having a blog is a great opportunity me how?” or “This is so great. Thank you so to test your voice. It is a great opportunity to much. I needed to hear this!” Then you kind of see what it is like to release some of the ideas, know that even if you decide to write a book dreams, and thoughts that you have towards on that topic, now you have a gauge on how certain issues or concepts or you want to an audience might receive it. So these are a share a process. Some people have things few reasons why authors should have a blog. that they learn throughout their life experiences. Maybe you are not speaking all the Also, when you are a professional, expert, or a time, or maybe you are, but it just gives you go-to person on a certain topic, issue or field the opportunity to sit down and actually think of study, you have a place for people to con-




nect with you. You can always say, “Why don’t you go check out my blog,” versus spending time sometimes talking through things with people. If you are speaking, you can say, “Oh yeah, go and subscribe to my blog,” and you are building your email list as well, which is great for when you have books coming out or when you have speaking engagements. Blogs are really powerful tools for communication, especially for people who have a lot of words to write. Interviewer: Amen! I never heard it broke down like that. Okay, that is awesome! It makes sense now why a lot of people have those ideas but don’t know what to do with them. They end up not expressing them. There is a blockage there, so you brought that out and then they won’t do anything at all. I love your perspective on it. Jevon Bolden: Yes! And I was just going to add the other part to it. It not only allows you to connect with people, and I mentioned building an email list but beyond that, it also builds your audience. What I mean by that is when you think about having something to offer to people, they sort of need to know who you are and that you have something to offer. So a blog is a great opportunity or way to start to build interest and to build an audience toward whatever you will end up publishing, writing, or speaking of. Interviewer: Amen! I also noticed that you have monthly writing prompts and I thought that was really cool. How do the prompts help the writers? Jevon Bolden: There are people who want to improve their writing craft and want to get in the flow of writing ideas. Writers who are actually writing need to be writing every day. Sometimes we sit down during our writing time and don’t know what to write. We are trying to figure out what to say and where to start. So the writing prompts are just starters. It gets you going. For me, it’s part of a practice called morning pages if you need it. Morning

So from a very young age, we were already sold out to God and just really connected with Him.

pages are where you write three pages every day and you don’t try to figure out what you are writing about or the main topic. You just flow and write about whatever is on your heart. Writing prompts can help with that if you need it. These are two practices that can work hand in hand or independently for the writer who is really looking to improve their writing voice and to get in the practice of writing good topics. The more you write, the better you get. Interviewer: Absolutely. So what inspired your group, pneuma writers? Jevon Bolden: Being on my own has given me a lot of pre-contact. I feel like a pre-agent. When I work for a publisher, my interests were their interests, so there was a limit on how I engaged with people because it had to be about the work I did when it comes to working with writers. Being on my own, over the years, a lot of people have reached out


for coaching. They had questions such as, “How do I start? Where do I start?” Honestly, the Lord gave me ideas to help writers. This was one of them. It’s a place where I can help foster excellence in skilled writers who may be able to publish traditionally; to help them grow in their craft and help them build their audience; to help them gain confidence in who they are as writers and do that in a way where I can reach as many people as possible by putting them in a group. I’m limited by the number of people I can reach coaching wise. By having a group, we all can encourage one another and I can get on by having a workshop where everybody can attend at the same time twice a month versus waiting for the next writers’ conference that happens once a year. It’s about having on-going support. There are months where we focus on certain growth activities. The writing prompts are not just a one-word prompt that you saw on my website but they are accompa-

nied with exercises and challenges that they have to carry out on social media, their blog, podcast, book, or whatever my focus is that month for them. The writing prompts are part of that. It’s just an opportunity to reach as many writers as I can. That container can be filled endlessly instead of me saying, “I can only take eight people at a time.” I can reach as many that need to be reached. Interviewer: Amen. You are more effective that way because you are reaching a bigger audience. What are the benefits of using a literary agent versus self-publishing? Jevon Bolden: A literary agent is specifically for someone who wants to publish traditionally with a publishing house that’s paying an advance and royalties. If you want to self publish, you don’t need a literary agent. Having a literary agent is a benefit because publishers don’t receive unsolicited manuscripts. In order




words, if they are not asking for your manuscript or it’s not represented by an agent, they usually don’t want to see it. They don’t want to see your manuscript or book proposal. Part of the gatekeeping process of the publishing process is an author or writer that has been acquired by a literary agent who has certain standards and certain contacts or specialization within the book publishing industry. In other words, an agent who works with science fiction or who has a special preference for those kinds of books or genre specifically. That means they can help the author who is writing in that genre by really making their book concept stand out. Publishers are looking for that. They know that if they are going through an agent, at least some of their stuff has been crossed off. “This author must have a platform. This author’s idea may be decent enough.” So when the editors are looking at that, then they know that they are looking at something of high quality to some degree. That’s kind of the role of a literary agent. Agents don’t accept anyone. They have to discern and have to be as particular as an acquisition editor. Sometimes literary agents have served as an acquisition editor in a publishing house. Like me, I have an idea already of what publishers are looking for and I make sure that they get what they are looking for. Interviewer: Amen. Do you have to have a query letter for a literary agent? Jevon Bolden: Yes. I request a query letter or that you fill out my literary representation request form. With some agents, you have to have a really awesome query letter. I actually created my own form because I know what I’m looking for every time. If you are pitching to a lot of literary agents, then you need that query letter because almost all agents need that at least. Interviewer: Amen. What has been the most challenging thing that you have faced in your field and how did you overcome it? Jevon Bolden: When you think about creative

processes, there are lots of challenges to it and you sort of get used to it. Sometimes the challenges are fun in a weird way. There is always a breaking through phrase. I don’t know really what to say to people who think that there aren’t going to be challenges. There are always challenges as far as I see it. I can name trying to meet an impossible deadline. How in the world do you do that? Well, I worked crazy hours. I worked 60 to 80 hours a week. I edited very difficult manuscripts where the author is not very great at communicating their point but their platform is such that the book must absolutely come out. That’s how my book, Pray Here. Write Here, came about because there were a lot of times the author was not well written but their message was incredibly important. I would get a lot of those projects to edit and it was very challenging. My book was an opportunity because it was one of those impossible challenges. We call it impossible but it’s an opportunity for God to intervene to make Himself known to you and the people that you are

Blogs are really powerful tools for communication, especially for people who have a lot of words to write.


serving and working with. There were many times where I prayed and fasted as I was trying to figure out what the author was trying to say and how I could support them through editing and writing so it can reach the people and do well or reach as many people as possible. That’s what came out of that. That was one of my greater challenges. I’m not dealing with challenges quite like that now at this phrase. When I was coming into development editing and acquisitions, those were really hard times because I also had a deadline to reach and sometimes I couldn’t pull it off like the team wanted me too. So there was pressure with that. Now as a business owner, there are new and different challenges. I’ve been working with books now for about sixteen years. At that point, I feel like I kind of understand what that’s about. There are certain parts of it that you feel good about and know what to do. When I get a manuscript now, I know exactly what to do with it. People are surprised that I don’t have a lot to say about manuscripts. I edited around 400 books. So I kind of know which way to go. I reviewed thousands of manuscripts from people who wanted to be published. So after a certain point, there are certain things that I feel like I have a good handle on. There are many challenges of a business owner such as finding good help, being able to keep a certain cash flow, setting up my financial future, planning, and building the right team. You are looking towards the future to make sure that your children will do well and that they have what they need for college. If you are working for someone, your taxes are super easy to do. They have a 401K and you got your insurance covered. Even marketing and social media, who’s going to do it? I have to do it! Who’s going to do payroll? I have to do it. These are new challenges that God has given me direction for. Basically, my process is the same as far as praying and hearing from Him and doing what He says. Interviewer: Wow. Amen. I feel the same way. I am praying, doing the taxes, and paying

people. Jevon Bolden: Yeah. He gives good wisdom and it’s coming along. It’s been two years and I’m alive. I have food and a car to drive. My kids have everything that they need. One has private saxophone lessons that I can pay for. Sometimes you feel like you will crash and burn, but you won’t. Other times, you will feel like you won’t make it, but you will. You can do it. You just have to learn with God about how to pace out your emotional load and the expectations. Interviewer: Amen. I know you are a mother. You have a business and family. How do you find the time to write and be disciplined in that area? Jevon Bolden: I really don’t know what to say for that because I have always just done it and it has been literally a part of my life. So it could mean that I wake up at 5:00 AM and as soon as I wake up, I open my MacBook. I have a MacBook that literally goes everywhere in the house with me and I have a journal that stays in my bed. I have my phone, iPad and things. I have things like Evernotes on them and Notes to script on them. I am just going to say that I always have access to writing tools, so if there is anything that pops up, I honor that popup and I capture it in some way. I kinda talk about this on my Facebook pages sometimes that even in worship or even during a sermon, people could be all up in arms. They could be running around the church. They could be praising God. The atmosphere is absolutely high and if God gives me a word, I am going to faithfully sit down and write it. So I try to just honor that. It is just who I am. Some time is carved out, and it could be early in the morning for the most part. It’s my own time until about 2:00 PM. I capitalize on that. After 2:00 PM, things are different. My kids are coming home and dinner is about to get started, so I have to shift my mind toward dinner. I try to just have in my head blocks of time. Sometimes I more successful at it than others. I just kind of go




Now as a business owner, there are new and different challenges.

with that, blocking out times for what I call deep work.

There is a book about deep work by Cal Newport and it is Called Rules for Focusing on Success in a Distracted World and it is one of the best books that I have read about deep works and the benefit of really blocking out the time that you need. A lot of people who we find to be successful in our world start very early in their day, around 4:30 AM. The hours between 5:00 AM and 7:00 AM are some of the most precious hours for people who are creative, for people who want to do well and are high achievers. Writers are really valuing that quiet time and getting used to that and a lot of people don’t respect that. A lot of people can be afraid of silence. And one thing that God has helped me understand is the value of silence and of focus, so I actually don’t even watch TV and I don’t have cable. I don’t have music going all the time. I sort of allow my thoughts to kind of be my white noise. I have never really thought about it like that, but I don’t have a lot going on mentally to accept the things that God wants me to create. I give loads of room for the exchange between Him and I, and I think that people, especially writers, should really embrace silence and solitude. A lot of people get that early in the morning between 5 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. before going to work, cooking breakfast, and getting coffee. We have to honor that and I guess that is where my times come from

because I don’t spend a lot of time on other things. Interviewer: Amen! I like that because when I listen to you, you are always prepared. During worship or in a service, if I hear from God, I will write it down because I don’t want to miss my next level. I don’t want to miss the idea. I love solitude and silence. I love how you said that you don’t even watch TV and other stuff because it could be a big distraction to writers. Jevon Bolden: Actors and other people are really living their dreams and making their millions, you know what I mean. I am not about to watch them while I can be doing that too. Interviewer: Exactly! Jevon Bolden: I thought about it and know that it is wonderful because I watch movies and participate with my kids in certain things. But I think that when you are called to something, that is your focus. That’s your destiny. That is your purpose and it deserves every bit of your energy and attention. I think that is a part of our worshipful exchange with God. I don’t worry about what people are thinking when God has given me a word, even in public places, like in church or something. I know that God has called me to produce a high amount of quality kingdom-minded content for the world that needs hope, life, direction, guidance, and wisdom. If God is going to drop a word on me in worship, I am going to sit down and write it down. So to me, if this is your call, you know what you’re doing and focusing on. Forget about what other people are thinking. Just worry about what God is thinking and what He is trying to communicate to you - the things that are so invaluable. And yes, to me, worship is the time that He is going to communicate with you. The portals of heaven are open, so you never know what might happen. My religious background is a little different from the Charismatic people that I am connected with now. Some people do look to layout and soak in the presence of





God or they look to having that high experience but that is also a moment to capture the word of the Lord. Interviewer: Yes. Jevon Bolden: Sometimes, we are looking for other people to prophecy over us or seek God, but God can speak directly to us. Interviewer: I know that is right! Jevon Bolden: You know that we don’t have to wait for somebody to do that. And to me, I think that at the highest points of worship, heaven is open. Angels are ascending and descending with the word of the Lord and that’s a great time, I think a wonderful time, to hear God speak to you. For one example, because God can speak anytime, I was just thinking about the idea of just looking for that opportunity at any and every turn and having your writing tools or whatever it is ready to receive the word. Interviewer: Amen! Those are good answers. How can we connect with you? Jevon Bolden: I do have a website www. jevonbolden.com. I am on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter - @JevonBolden Interviewer: One last question, how many books have you written? Jevon Bolden: I have written four books, but I have four other people with my own name on their books. Interviewer: Wow! Awesome! That concludes our interview. Jevon Bolden: Amen, thank you!













“The Making of A Prophet: Women Walking In Prophetic Destiny” is a must read! When I started reading the first declaration, I could feel the fire of God, so I knew this book was anointed. Some of the declarations in this book are declarations that I either already speak or have spoken over myself, and there are other declarations in this book I felt were for me. I also appreciate Prophetess Kim’s testimonies in this book. The transparency she displays is encouraging because just like so many others (including myself ), Prophetess Kim did not see herself as being worthy enough to used by God, especially as a prophet. When God called Prophetess Kim to the office of a prophet, she felt that she was in a terrible state in her life, but being in that state was how she was able to trust and rely on God. When Prophetess Kim finally surrendered to God, He was able to use her more for His glory. “The Making of A Prophet: Women Walking In Prophetic Destiny” is truly a blessing for me because it gives me the encouragement and boldness that I need to move in the prophetic without focusing on the distractions or objections from others who disagree with women operating in their God-given assignment. People will try to put limits on you, but when it comes to God, there are no limitations; Prophetess Kim makes that clear in this book. She challenges and breaks the barriers some people try to use against women operating in church, ministry, five-fold offices, etc. “The Making of A Prophet: Women Walking In Prophetic Destiny” will inspire you to move forward in your assignment with the confidence in knowing that God has you, He is with you, and you have what it takes to carry out His purpose for your life, with or without the approval of others. Thank you, Prophetess Kim, for allowing God to use you to bring this much-needed book forward, blessings to you always! —LaShana Lloyd *** This book is very necessary! Women are misunderstood not only throughout the world as far as equality, but they are also misunderstood when it comes to God’s purpose in their lives. God mandated everyone, male or female, with a purpose. I’m so glad that this book described Biblical women that God uses continually throughout the Word of God as well as powerful testimonies from the writer, Prophetess Kimberly Moses. Being a student of the School of Prophets, Prophetess Kimberly imparts to her students, and we began to flow in dreams, visions, Word of knowledge, Word of Wisdom and increase of discerning of spirits. Her Love for people and God shows and is all in the fruit God does through Prophetess Kimberly. This book will bless you! — Anstrice Mcmillian Epps *** I enjoy reading books by Prophetess Kimberly Moses. She’s an amazing teacher of the Prophetic Ministry and an asset to the Body of Christ. This book will enlighten your understanding of the Women Prophets in Biblical times and help you to understand what women Prophets of today are dealing with. It will bring clarity of your own identity as a Prophet of God. I used to feel left out and different from the rest, until I found people that were just like myself. Her books are filled with wisdom; the knowledge you obtain from her books will stick with you. I had the pleasure of taking her course “School of the Prophets,” which was life-changing for me. I encourage anyone looking to fulfill the prophetic call on your life to take her course. You will never be the same. — Felecia Jackson





This is an excellent daily devotion. It blessed me tremendously to get in the Word and to stay in the Word. I absolutely love the Declarations. —Mesha






Written from the heart This book gives her personal experiences and Gods word as the foundation of what she shares. You can feel her heart as you read about her personal experiences. She helps you believe that her victories will be your victories also — Pastor Kevin Brewer


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